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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1889)
1 hit IlLib.i U the ( , Advrlisiiijf tTJCilintn In the Ctptral W Ilium' U-t- V .-'tv. TO CEKCSKAT, C2 IN ADVANCE; $2 53 CfttAH. A1 CN i Issu.J every Kr:dy by BTITES & UTTIN Q Advertising rate mad.i known on p ALBANY.-OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1889. VOL. XXIV. Si) 45 wist 111 a re ir il il t! II hi I 11 I JfMl cry r 1 V H ! f .P. Sox Pr Albany . IRON-WORKS Mnu foot u iv rttf Jim mm c..isr am saw Mill MACHINERY IK jM FRONTS AMO ALL KIXD3 OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AMD BRASS CASTINCS. Poll ettanllm psl) o rerVrlny ill mut ot montnr- Patterns Made on Short Notfcer Conrad Mever. , -ntoPHiKri ok -rasr Braililbia aiT first Sts., -I)KALKtt IV bio4 Fet. ll:xswar, fle-l Frntl. Tebaee, , 'iter, Kte .?,nn rtM, Ve-jekb'e, Join . T. Id f"t rrtMnt t;s ' kpt raj TriMy ant mronar.- atnra. tllm n rket pricn paid for Al1. KINDS OF PRODUCE. 1107 TO GO EST. OiKin vis Mna Sr,-. 1! in. Nc i .itimtta kI innnr at all tin nf tht year. '""VW Mount Sht. Saoramanto. 0-.lpn, Salt Lake, Danver. Fioaat eoond-cU cr r made are ran daily. Bar your tiokats tit tne ftbl ssve voor fare to Portland. I m th only proo in Albany thst on Mil yon . a tiok.t frma Albany dirnet to an oiot in tha Uoitad Stata. Call m for raVa. W. I Jrcr, Owong Wa Gee Co. MRS. JIM WESTFALL. ksa jail opened, next d kit to C II. Spcn rs, and .legaot Hot of JAPANESE GOODS " I tars arety and'mviy design. Alto a X aoparior line of teat. DR. C. U. CUAMBERLlfl. EomeonatMc PiTsiciaa and Surseon J Special attention o diseases of the eyo. t -offloe'oorner of Th:id and Lyon St. ALBANY, OSECON. JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. Hla atock baa bean enlarged mo that I; ajuaW any oo llii C W, and ooiiilxte ot Roger Bros. Silverware, Preach Ohio?, and Orys f talware, Boys' Wagon 3, D oil Oa-riager, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Orockroy anrl Toys. He boye direct and carrier th Unrw itock In the WitU ,ix:tM Valley, to wtol l" . baa been addod a eomplota Use of FAMILY GROCERIES I Agent tor lnnran eimpanla with a napiitt afrx almt 75,000,0CC . $trck on perle Franoaia. Hh?r wird dontoh ifprvben.-a 7 Lookout For low Prices. FURNITURE, I tut tow retat.tpg frni'nre at tny factor; at coat. People viliiii furni f"p can do well to look l.ere for bt.'i,-ioN,a- 1 am going to all at coat during the ixxt 30 days. GVme ai.d ixioiiie o ((!-' t rlorn. . f:ich air; flae berev Factory at lh- livVr fi (1 l fi ft' t. C. J. DILLON.-' FURNITURE. M" ' .... f 03 want the beat and moat durable furotur.iimi. i iti-uiufav.ur4 I i-i t H('ityo Thomas Brink. - - - - - - -r- ':5fc? DC- (The) Tdachen i vrho adrtsod her ironll to atmnrftiian v no aurtsou net pupil to itrerigtban their rutnda ty ttio tua ot Aycr'a ftar. aparuin, appreciated tua truth that bodily health la ewrntlol to rnontal visor. For periona ot dollcato and feebla conatitutlon, whether young or old, thla medicine la remarkably beneflrtul. Ba aure you get Ayer'e Saraaparlll. Every apring and fall I take it num ber of lxtli-a ot Ayer'a Sarnaiiarllla, and ra Rtitly lienellted." Mra. Jautca II. Kuatuian, Stonuliam, MaM. "I liara taken Ayer'a tUraapArina, With frrent beurtlt to my general health." Miaa XUlria, L. Crorar, l'uluijra. Md. My daughter, twelve yeara ot nge, baa u Herod tor the paat year truiu General Debility. X few ireeka aluoe, wo liegun to (jtr her Ayer'a Baraapnrllla. Urr healihhaa orreatly improved." Mr. Harriet II. liAttlva, South Chelmsford, Mats. "AhontnyearagoIhepnnaMiiff ATer'a Fnrumrlllu M remedy for del'illltr anil ueuralela reiulting from malarial ex insure in tho army. . I -aa In m very bad condition, but aix bottlea ot the 8ar anparilltt. with oooanlonal doaea of Ayer'a 1'ilU. have greatly improved my health. I am now able to work, and feel that I ranuot aav too much fur your excellent retncdlea. K. A. lHukham, South Moluucua, Mo. " My daughter, alxteen yeara old, la ttalno Ayer'a bursnparilla with good ef- Itev. . J. tJralmm, United Brethren Church, Uuckhauuon,W.Va. ",I aufferad from ... . :;.-v- ! Nervous Prostration, with lame back and headache, and bara been much benefited by the uae of Ayer'a Bursa parllla. I am now e yeara of age, and am aatiafled that my preaent hcaUU ami prolonged life are dun to the uae ot Ayer'a SaraaparUU." Lucy Moftttt, Xillincly, Conu. Mra. Ann n. Farnxworth. a lady 79 yeara old. So. Woodstock. V't., writea t "After aeveral weeks' auffering from liervoua prostration, I procureil a hottla of Ayera Sarsaparilla, and before I bad taken bait ol It my usual health returned." a Ayer's Sarsaparilla, raxranco by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mata. Price J; aUbouiesfi. Worth as a botUa. PIANOS. Thoi wlibioir a firstwla Inatromant aboutd call at Mrt. B. E, Hyman'a auJ aea on of ihoao Caieorate l lleinma Lons ptanoaa. exeei.ent rlcb tone. Ea- peiialiy made and ad d to itanf tba ell mata on th Pacido C'oaat. EerT niana fully a-uataiiteed for & vear-. The (cleat heot-wnaio for alu. Muilu and nalotlnir laaaona clven there. Alao fie plana to get your new S6winir Mavlilna. Fanor work and dree Diaktnx tlona to order. Klrat oor eat of uuue'a old atand. Albao v. Oregon. WILL BROS, leaini in aililw it(.t loiprova I Puaja Ortfa, Swlu MmiiiiAv, Uuna. Alio afiitllinanf warrants I Kaxora, Hulcber and rocket Kiavwv. Tba bot kind ol mwIui( laaohina oil, noexlle and axtraa, tor ail machine All iq V-ring neatly end reaaanahl? dnua. DR. Gn WATSON f.lASTOf- Phyuician and Sargeon. orhcaoppottitotlia Democrat. - - . '.J'i'i-' TO MAKE -A- G&liclous Siscult K !t your Gtcr.LX for COW BRAND ' fsODAatSALERATUS." !aaiar-" i. record. - . ... .. .u. A Gooti RNTlftTAiNMKNT.-A largt and refined audience fathered at the opera houie latThurdar,'Whe occa.lon ot the W R C'a decoration da tnterlalnment. A choice program wa rendered. It wat opened by a well aounded bugla call by Mr Link. Carlton Sox declaimed "Hail to tht Veteran" In a scholarly manner. A aong by a quartet, consisting of Mer Scart and Fortinlller and Mra Lee and Mite Gil bert, wai her r illy applauded. MUa Vetla Masan read "The Soldttr a Addre.H with good enunciation, and MUt Velle Irving made the drum rattle In a nice recital of The Reveille. Part aecond m opened by a aolo by MUt Minnie Vanllom, The Vacant Chair," which waa enthualaatkly ei.cored. MUa Van Horn hat a very tweet voice well at a charming appearance and dellsht whenever the alnga MUt Lora Vance recited ' Cover them over with Flower," In a manner to how excellent training. The quartet tang "Columbia" and the old soldier "Marching Through Georgia." The general effect wat Hurt ling, resulting In a ttampeded encore, an twered behind the scene. During the tong a beautiful tableaux wat revealed. A remarkably prettv part wat the memorial of flower by fortv-three little girl andbovt under the superior training of Mitt Llllie Robertson. Kepretenllng the ttatct, they offered their garlandt and bouquet, which were received on a monument. While tinging with bended kneet a beautiful tab leaux aa presented with a beautiful young lady a the center of the tcene. This doted the entertainment. Cap. II. The following from the Pen dleton E. O. glvee Cap. Humphrey tuch a good tend off on hit new appointment that we give It, though I, handlet Ben Simpson rather roughly: M,Gen. Ilen Simpson late ot Oregon,' John II Shupe, of Oak laud, Or, and Capt. N. B- Humphrey, ol o Albany, Or, have been appolned acorn mlttlon to treat with ths Corur d'Alene Indiana, an all summer job at leat, with eight dollar a day pay. Simpson Is a na toriout rascal, Shupe I decent and Intel llgent gentleman, and Op' nearly every, body in Pendleton know "Cap Humphrey will be oneot the moat entertaining Id lowt the IndUnt ever dealt with. II Simpson bad hall the honesty or manllne that 'Cap hat, the commission would be very creditable under this administra tion." Two PicTvmt. ThU morning C E fVolvcrton, Esq, received by exprese from Mr F L Such, at San Francisco, two pic tures. One is a plain scene of the river without any bridge, ttyled "At it It Sow." The other U a large, nicely framed tcene In colon, a beautiful b'ldge tpannlng the river from BroadalMn Street.a river steam er passing under It and numerous learnt and hortet over It, and ttyled, "At It will be in the Future." We understand that on Mr Such't return to Albany he will make tuch a bridge an Issue, and that he propose to have one running Irom" Albany over the Willamette to ttoveruaie," u ne builds it himself. Bio HtADKD. The Albai.y papers. In their big beadednest, talk at though they can compel the Eugene tnllltla company ta go there en the 4th. They evidently want the world and think all that It necessary it ta ask for It and It will be given them, Eugene (J tut r J. Not so fast. Lattyear the several companies were compelled to go to CorvallU under a general order from the department Commander, and the tame thing might passiblv happen this year The Albany paper don't pretend to be at high at that, but Col Smith la. At far at the world it concerned we are getting aur share fast enough. Don't Pi blisii It. Like other papers the DMocAT nearly every day bat some one whisper in Its ear, "Don't publUh It" If the local papers were to follow all of such advice some of the livest Items would never appear, and do not from that reason, and ae agree with a contemporary that a good rule is ta publish the news rcgardlett ot "Don't publish It," that it, where It Isof public nature. U.vx Moody. Faur years ago one lr 1 1 L Mooe'y pasted a forged check for $ too on the First National Bank, of this city and skipped out. $50 wat recovered, but not Moody. The dltp.tcbet to-day tell of bit further experience in the East at Wash. Ington, I). C, and he hat iutt been captur ed for forging a check to the coat of Gen M Harrison, postal money order inspector nd a friend ot Moody, whom he first met in laittornia. Goxc. Left A than v, on Wednesday May 29th, 1889, a young girl, about fifteen yeara of age, 5 feet 3 inchet tall, flushed complexion, pouting llp,well dressed ; wat seen on the Portland train and to cross the ferry at that city same day. It It thought the went on to Seattle. Antwera to the name of Minnie Cheadle. Return to Ai bany. Peculiar Suit, Advil tuit,W A Cu- Ick vt S C HardenbrookJ being heard this afternoon before Justice Goodeli. The ac tlon U a suit for a $10 surgical fee. liar denbrook It the young man whose car was cut nearly oil by a bolt at the saw mill a lew days ago, and the 10 0111 it lor tewing It on. A verdict of So wt rendered in favor of plaintiff. Journal. Not So Much 1 1 tax. "It I said that several hundred dollars are Invested in the Louisiana lottery every month by residents of Eugene. It is very foolish business and lots of money 4 wasted. The business I conducted very quietly Iltgitler. It el ways has been quite quiet in Albany until . t (J . . ! -. ..I. . V. . 11- iiiv oc 1 11 v; ihiiii inuk nits wnii. doesn't do business thut way. . A Sharp Point. It is 4 little peculiar that such fear is expressed that criticism by the local paper of the bad condition ol the ttreett v. ill hurt the town and prevent people from coming here.whcri It It at the same time'clalmed that advertisements in the same papers of the merit of the town wit) do no good. lienton ltadtr, j K. or P. At their meeting last Th urs ine member of Laurel Lodge, No 7, K.of P., elected the following officer: DVS Reld, P C; Geo C Will, C C; II E bert, V C; W A McClaln, P; Walter M Parker, MAT. -- -i :- 18 To 16, Thursday afternoon an ex citing game of bate ball waa played on the college ground between the college and Knox Butte nines, with the result men tloned, In favor of the college nine. Five innings were played. The game was hat tlly arranged. . TitRXK MEN-Last Thursday about ten o'clock three men attempted to enter the O R&N office, and were teen climbing a ladder to the window when Marnhal Hoff man wat notified, and, with Nlghlwatch Jonet, made a raid on them; but they di- appearea in me uarxnett ana could not be found, f ... . Wood Waited Let all those who de- tire to furotih thlt office with wood 00 subscription, bring It in at once, VWood taken on new subscriptions.- Do not wait till fall. We may not need wood then Naw Post. "Stept are being taken to OiganSze a post of the G A R at Jefferson, - ,unty. There are many of the r ivtr in that vicin: fit i-v " ,n ulal vicinity wno arc anX' If O ' associated together in a post' ' v v Children Ory fpr. , . 1 Stat Granuc At a meeting of th State Grange a reoltiiloi was passed ! vorlng the Australian i.yttem of voting, and resolution relative to a change lit the law In regard to exemption of property, regarding the election of United Slate Senators, and salary otthe lecturer were considered" and referred. The subject of atsetsment and taxation was alo tllscut edUnd referred to the subordinate grange. A resolution asking that one or more wo men be appointed upon the Iloard of Reg- ntt ofllte Agricultural Collcgc,wt adopt ed. The committee on Agricultural Col lege, recommending the change in the law so that a majority of the rents must be practical farmers, and that the currlcul mn ot studies shall he onlv practical stud ies which will specially aid the work af gricuiture and practical mccnamc. Lkdasov. A R Cyrut Si Co. told to a. Coffet this week aoo aoret of land near Brownsville belonging to the Scotch Co., In consideration of Sjooo.... There v. a a match game of base ball here last Saturday between tho boy and jrmrrled men, In which the boys came out ahead . . . . t last Wednesdey little Hugh, so. of Z T Hrys nt, w aeclilcntlv cut nn tne icg just above the ankle. The cut U not serious, ut la verv mdnful the little fellow . . . Our hose' team hat decided to run In Al bany on the Fourth, and have bguit to make all necessary arrangement. The hose team have made arrangement with Mr Odell to train them for the l ourlh.-- Our SrHKCTCARH. I.ait Friday the Albany Street R R Co let the contract fur building two street cars to A J Anslyn, el this city, at $950 a car. The cars will be S feet long, with 11 feet standing room, and wilt be built in the most improved fashion, with as fine finish as any of east ern manufacture. When linunea thry will speak for Albany in loud term, and the letting of such an Important contract loan Albany firm shows that our tltlrn propose to support home industries, a lact that goes a long ways toward building tip a community. Mr Anslvn has had epcr lence In thlt line ol work and understand the bualnet thotoughly. The car will be a goodly any In Oregon. Th Miiinu Boat. "Harrison Brit- tow returned from a trip to rlnrcnce Wednesday. He reports that a life boat ,f the wrecked steamer Alaskan wat found on the beach, south of I'Uircnce, with three holet ttove in her. It U probably the mlts- ng boat, at the current would have carried the boat that wat abandoned at Cape Per petua north Instead of south. Hit proves ta be the missing boat, the seamen who ltd the Alaskan In her have found a watery grave. Wreckage wa coming ashore near Florence. One party ticked up a bu reau intact, and several doors had been se cured'." Eugene titimrd. Is Astoria. I) II Monteitlt, of Al. bany, and E Ford and C Kennedy, ot the Oregon PacISc railroad, were in the city yesterday -estlng In real estate. These gentlemen are very much pleased with As toria and are ot the opinion that Astoria will have not only ooe, but two or three railroad within the next two years. Mr Kennedy stated to a reporter, in answer to the question a to the terminus of the Chicago & Northwestern, that In hb pinion the road was pushing toward As toria. He has so much confidence In the belief that the road wtll cone to Astoria that he Invested In considerable proper tv vesterdav. He further slated that a num ber of Allian v and Corvalli capitalist were coming to Astoria to invest. provUUng real estate wa not loo high. 'wavr. Plain Talk. The following from the Astoria TrKri4 is pretty plain talk for home paper: "Astoria 1 getting qul'.e a name, In fact it hat got out that she I hav ing a boom, and a great many poor men teeklng employment are turning their face thlt way, and when they arrive they find themselves In a sad plight. If the property owner havn'l energy and push enouk-h about them to start op some kind of an enterprise to give work lo at least their own home mechanics thev must not find fault." To CaAMT' Pas. J T Flynn V Co' (pedal train for (.'mil' Pt passed through Albasy Friday at 10:45. a. m. It consisted of six coachc and had over two hundred on board, most being from Port land, a few gc'tlng on at Oregon City and about a dozen at Sale. 11. The following oined the party at this city : C G Uurk hait, F M Rcdflcld, I) II Mor.lclth, J Do brulllc. S Shupp. C W Watt.W W Crow- der, M Ame. E E Lange, C C Bunnell, A Klein, A R Cyrus and C D Winn. A Good Section. "Immigrants and homeseekers, who come to Albany and other thoroughfare on the main line are notlntormed of the wonderful retourcet along the Callpoota, Sanliam and Hamil ton creek, or else they would crowd in and take advantage of these golden opportun itlet before they pasa away torever, tayt a correspondent of the Lebanon paper. New as a matter of fact our real cstae men work for all sections ot the county wher ever thev have farms for sale. Certainly no part of the county Jeserve more con tideratlon than that mentioned, Payito The Southern Pacific railroad company hat for more than a week had a boy at the I.alona landing twice a day to count the number of passcngert that ar rive on her from Portland or depart. The boy it provided with blanks by the rail road company, and will purrue hi avoca tion for 30 dayt at $1 a day. The object In view is to calculate whether the travel by steamer is sufficiently numerous to war rant the expense of ft train. Ore. gon City Corn ier. ' An Insane Linguist "J S White, ho wa brought up from Portland and committed to the asylum fur insane yes terday, ha command of seven or tight lan guages, and is ths author of a work on stenography and is otherwise a highly ed ucated man. it is supposed mat m ii ease wat brouahtabcut from a fall on his head -he once had in nan i ranclsco." Salem Journal. , v A MAN KILLED luesdav evening ns the north bound freight was about to leave Drain a min wearing a ve.y fair tuil of clothes asked the conductor to let him ride, offering to help wood up whenever ncce taiy. The conductor of course refused to do so. The man was not seen again but when the south bound freight was nraring Drain about two hour later his mangled remains were found upon the track. Roseburg Jleview. , , LoabofWool. MrR G Smith arrived In the city last Friday with 1500 pottnds of wool from Dr J L Hill's ranch nt Sis tert, Crook county. Five double teamt will follow In a fsw day i. He reported good traveling. While only 1 5 centt It paid lor wool at The Uaiies is to 10 cents is paid here. Our superior market will be great thing for Crook county when the O t t completed. A Shootiso Match. The shooting match between G W Smith and Zeph Job on the flat near the bridge yesterday re tulted in a victory for the former by two birds. The score stood, Smith sixteen and Tob fourteen ut of twenty.' This contest wa for a silver cup.- Corvallit Gazette. 7 Oik cure rheumatism, neurtlcia and toothache, Foshay & Mason Agent. Fltcher's Castorla. PECOUATION DAY. Decoration day is now annus'ly ob served in Albany a well at generally through the United State, flttlng tribute to the memory of btave men who II burled in graves scattered over thlt Ur'g nation. In this city the day wat observed In an appropriate manner, under the ut plcet ot McPherson Pot,(J A R, and the WRC. At 9 o'clock the -icccinn formed In front ot the OAR ball, and with fiagt and flower marched t the city cemetery, where halt wat al the grave of Comrade Fred Muellei, the latt on the roll to pas away. Here the ceremony pecu llni to the order wut carried out, the fol lowing graves being decorated with a pro fusion of flowers, now In their glory, by de. Uchmente from the GAR mid WRC assisted by the school children of the pub lic school. Fred Mueller', Martin Ilrf--fron's, Capt Arch Montelth's, W II Crow's J M Burrow's and Robert Carter's, in the city cemetery, and General Mart V Brown's and Capt MUhwa n the Masonic cemetery. Alter this nicely carried out floral tilbute, the procession returned to the city and wild many others filled the opera house, when iho e'crclcs of the day were listened to. The exercise were onened bv nraver. Then followed the singing ot America" Ir. a ringing manner, roll call, another song, "Cover then, over with Beautiful Flow er," and the address of the day by Com mander E B McElroy, state superintend ent ol public schools. It was replete with patriotic sentiment and did honor to the occasion. The speaker ha happy (acui ty cl reaching hi hearers and old so on this occasion lit a marked manner. vYe re gret the Uck of space to give It in full THE MAN AlltlfT TOWN. There is nothing like competition in this world, lie has been working In the pic ture line In this city, and now Sj will get you a cabinet photo. That beats anything hack East the new comer alwayt beast about, and even the old maid of the city who have been afraid ot breaking the camera should step to the front and have their shadow captured In black and white, The Albany hose team are hereby warn, ed by the Man About Town that on the tth they will have a lire competitor In the Lebanon hose team. II II O'dell, one ol the Cecils t runners in the world, will train the team and make it an efficient one. Corvalli will also have a lightning chaser, so that tne re race alone will be an at traction worth coining seventy seven mile IO Wltl;CS. Die principal mission ot the average Albany boy evening l to see how many cherries he caa steal, and he follow the avocation with an assurance Ilia It apel- llng. When it come loeherrlet the Albtny ouiii ia genuine annlhliist. i The market price ot wheal It now twen ty ccntt less than In October and Novem. ber, and It there It anyone who should be kicking himself It it the mtn who didn't sell, and yet It it always thus. There are men who would wait tor rive cenit more If heat got up to two dollars a bushel. ssaaBHfsjaHN(BHMat a UAI.I,. "Albany ioe not lack gall, say the tiiirJa Gneene. 3he I analou to secure the attendance of the Eugene mili tary company at her Fourth of July cele. bratton, and one ot the Albany paper tug gest that an order from the commander of the d regiment would compel them to at tend. A tew months c( a boom hat made the average Altanr resident think there is no other place, Kticene Is used to pros. parity, and does not Insist on having but her share ol the regiment, and that at least conU' of her home company." KhIUIotest KI4 Unvn! !. I have just received a futl line of kid colvet branded Our Own. Thlt fat a genu. Ine kid glove. I buy direct from Importer in -ew t oik and consider them the best value of any glove I ever sold for thl price, s button, 3 row of st'tchlng, $1.50 per pair. S. E.Younj. Not oii persoi in fifty arrivsa at tb age of forty, who it not trcabltd with kidney or urinary complaint in son. form. To that (Mictwl with pain in the btck, nea rttaatioa of nrmr, nervous debility, psinful or tep pr.sivd maitttruatioa, we eao eff.r a ramady that bss been in constant nsa oy.r twenty tsar. Ortgon Kidnty Tea. Tht preparatiea hat dona mar far saffsring hamseity than any other medicine in the market. Sold by r txnay n Aiasaii. a srmicmsn wno nan sniierra sicaiaano. 1HM .nil nsifl. frAHi k.rliM it,l aiul uln ljt been treated by tb best physu"o, without relief, sayt that two botlUa ot Dutard't .SrKtiHe enrrd hint aod left his faea perfectly smocth, will oot a cr. It nav.r falls in skin dottsta. Sold by Foshay k Mason. run iMi.Kt. !U-lii i-r I' i n 'j kian h, nil. ir,l llkata- pro burnt vary lrr'il llaliinf ftir inr wsrni. ThlU: a at wsll at Blind, BlMdln; .rvioiuinv it.t . t ono w in. a(.pucst 4 r. Iloranko r reinnly. w.iloh anla direct I Ui pis .7 Urbiiiir Ih. tmnors, ana Ifitsns. Itcn snil ffrtlns- a Mrnsurl e'U oaU. Adlnlti. Or Hisnk) VCein Co., O. tv.M t Or, C -its sn d Hon. If vou ire uetvousnr irriUUe.feel Isncuid. ilispuited, or 11 yon have tick hesdsohe, tal low onmplcxtmv.rclTensive hr.alh.tben ynr livr 1 our t.f irilr ami i-eent routMc. W. Hi-nlf v'a DemMi.'n Toi io restores Ilia livar to henlthv action nnl tmtisuptha eniiie sys ni. Sxiil ny roh'. vV Mason. Wiitfht'a Sytoc Tsr mid Wild Choiry 1 ry U !! yon will u. nothing else fo. 01 iist'i. colli, aud all allectiont of the threat -nd lungs. Sjld by rosfcay & Mason. Viieht'a Comm. mid trun of Sarsaparilla can I.p relied upon for ail blood disrate, skin ailrCliotiK, etc. Hold by trosliay n Alston. t'ltt: FOR NICK HE OA I'll E, (Hirnn want remdv for R'llousnea. PlmnlM on ths fscr, Ida sure eur lor lck hmdsch., uk Dr, (lulu and 81, i,e DruifilL, for' Un I'llls, try a do , tanipU Irca 'ull box is cml.Q Wright Myrth tooth soap. Fragrant, cooling and refreshing. Heal tore gam tnd preserves the teeth. Sold by Foshay ft Mason, - A dry. hackino'couah keeps th. bronchial tube iu a atsta of constaut irritation, which, If not tpcodily removed, may lead to bron chilis. No prompter lemedy ean be had than Ayer f Cherry Pectoral, winch i botb an nodvne and rxpectoront. . Writtbt's Arabian Horse Liniment, to in Valuable remedy for sprains, bruises, lame ness and all affection of tht skin, mutolesand joints, to which hortet and oattle art tab- jeot. bold by Foshay & Mason. CGSGU.'EjOTO: SfJEKL's C17RE2. To Trta Fihtou I'loaso inform ymir read er.t Hint i liuvu u iodiiri!teiuiy tor tiieahova named Uiseuae. liy Uh timely ime lliouunds ot hupelect cases Imvu len peiiniuiently cured. I sliiill he Kliul to send two bottle of my reme dy puke to any of your reader.who liave eon suiiiHloii if Uicy will send me tbt-lr express mid post oftliw nddresH. KespecUully, T. A.SI.0CUM. M.C. ISU'earl t.,New ITork. BABY V carriages , AT : ARB WK A NAT10 OF BKU0AB4 t The regularity with which the great mo nepolles and highly protected Interests bob up to greet the various senatorial commit teet that during the vacation season are perambulating the country seeking after Information and the unanlmout cry for more protection, higher duttet and subsl die, I attracting the attention of all ob tervant men. This feature It til the more striking at It brlngt out in strong contrast the activity at the tariff fed industries as compared with Hie comatose stale of tnr consumer, and commo.i people who must of necessity tiiffer if the demands are granted. The result ot Ihefrgonhullnn of capital It apparent, for the try i a uniform one to the extent that more tax I desired upon foreign article that thry may ite ex cluded and great subsidies required to tup port foreign trade. Thut.ln San Francisco, the senate committee i informed that Mexico and British Columbia wilt destroy us unless we shut them out entirely, while the rommlttcorlhat i considering the way to head off the Canadian Pacific railway and its enterprise learn ot the dang.' that confront tis from other coun tries. Thl wall calls forth an Indignant protest from many sources but nowhere have we teen a more pertinent one than appeara in a recent number of the Alia CutitnL, which says 1 "The spectae'e It calculated to humble American pride. We are afraid to deal with other people on the batlt of exchange of products and Insist upon being paid in cash for what they get nf us. We bite every coin for fear it may be cour.terfcit and til and snivel over the results of enterprise In olher countries and ask our government to give ut money to stop our crying and compltlnts. Next 4th of July, Instead of sewing red ttrlpetdown our trousers iegt and straddling holiday car horses and be-gushing at all mankind, let ut meet and pass resolutions that we are equal lo none and excelled by all and will go to the poorhause unless we arc pro tccted and subsidised. Let us take the goddett of liberty off the shield and great teal and put Oliver Twist there with bowl and spoon asking Uncle Sam for 'more.' " The picture thus presented give ut a unique representation of our position, but U It not deserved f Our orator tell ut that there U no land like ours, that no other country ha tuch a wealth of fertile plaint and valley t, tuclv store of prrctou metals, tuch magnificent rivers.bcautlful take and lofty mountain ; our ciiixen are the most Ingenlout and patriotic ; our government the pride ot liberty loving people ail aver the world and our flag float over a nat'on the grandest on the face of the glebe ; yet we appear by the records of the senate committee a a nation of beggart and coward, praying for governmental aid and protection, Mrald of our own shadows and trembling at every spook that paity neces sity raises.' It is time that the common peeple of the country rose and repudiated such attemptt to degrade the standard of American manhood, since they come only from sources that would build themselves up at the expense of the great whole. Let the rank and Cle declare the continued force and power of the country, regardless of those who would even drag the dignity of a great people down If thereby they can reap the re aards. But not only the dig nlty but the true prosperity of the people is assailed. Everything that lead to the bul.'dlng up of classes tends to destroy the Interest ot the people a a whale and turn the government from It proper course. VITAL STATISTIC?. The attention of the medical profession I called to the following circular letter irom the tuperintenaeni or the census. Upon the profession will depend the com pleteness of the ccntu ot vwa! statistics. Let all assist in the work : AiiixiTOK, P. C, May t, 18S9. T tk MtJieal Ptofttsion ; The various medical association aud the medical profession will be glad to learn that Dr John S Billings, Surgeon U S Army, ha consented to take charge of the report on the MoiUlity and Vital Statistic of the United State at returned by the Eleventh Census. At the United Stalet hat no system ot registration of vital statistics, tuch at it to lled upon by other civilized natlont tor the purpose of ascertaining the actual move- ment of population, our census affords the only opportunity of obtaining near an ap- oroxlmate estimate of the birth and death 1 , ....u 1 , ,u- I I " CTB,,7 M"r"""u" " any tatUfactery ytem af tntc and municipal registration In view of this, the Census Ofllce.durlng the month of May thl year, will Issue to the medical profession throuehout the country "Physlclan'a Registers' - for the purpose of obtaining more accurate re turns of deaths than it I possible for the enumerators to make. It It earnestly hop ed that physicians '1. cverv part of the country will co-operate with the Census Office In this Important work. The record should be kept from June 1, JSS9, to May 31, 1890, Nearly 26,000 of these registra tion book were filled up and returned lo the office In 1S80, nnd nearly all of thtm used for statistical purposes. It Is hoped that double thi number w ill be obtained for the Eleventh Census. Phy!clant not receiving registers can obtain them by rending their names and addresset to Ihc Office.nnd.wilh the Register, an oftidai envelope which rc- qulret no slamji will bs provided for their return to Washington. If all medical and aurglcal practitioners throughout the country will lend their au, the mortality and vital statistic of the Eleventh Census will be mere comprehen sive' and, comple'e than they have t?vcr been. Every physician should take n per sonal pride in having thla report a full. and accurate 1 it It possible to make it. It I hereby promised that nil informa tion obtained through thi source shall be held strictly confidential. 1 ' Robert T, Porter, ' Supt. of Census. The pension appropriation of $8t,750,ooo for the fiscal year 1889 Tiat already been exhausted, although the fiscal year has nearly two months yet to run. Thlt waa among the largest ot appropriations. Larger have been made, but have not been. expended until thlt one. , The dispute between Jefferson Davis and General Wolsely amounts to about this : Woliely ay that Bavis it an in competent third rate man. Davit says Wolsely It a venomous fraud. .They were good friends once and well acquainted with each other and both ought to be be lieved; The member of the Harrison family that has not got an office is named John. He i a Dem The father of Iloug Moltram Brooks, alias! Maxwell, who wst hanged at fit. Louis last I summer for the murder of Charle Arthur Prel ler, clings with pitiful persistence to tht belief that his boy was innwent. The foreman of the jury that convicted Brooks recenily received a letter from the old genileman, who live in 1 ..,,.. ... tngiami, wmcn is lull or biUerntss ORaintt those whom he stylos the murderer ol hi on. It is not Blond for the young that milk Is tieallhful.lliough its nutritive characteristic es pecially adapt It to promote boclly growth. It is tlmosl equally a specific for brain esliausfion, tnd (lie student or writer who is agel out will find a class of waime I milk lo relieve him better than a stimulant, fce-colJ milk, a in iicru nit com oriiixn, suo'Uii be r.vjMcil, as . II I . fl ill. ii, . . . they are veiy injuiiou to digestion. 1 he tvl-J rroo of Florida oianges for the season jutt ea.lcil was , 200,000 hoses. Oil this number 1,700,000 Luxe were shipped out of (he Slate an increase of about ibhiy-five per cent, over the prviu season, an t the re maining 300,000, it was estimated, aete com- oed of I he Floiiila consumption, Hie fruit that dropped fiom the fees, better oranr;-, etc. 1 he lust paper mill in America was built at Kusltotough, near Philadelphia, in ibjo, ami the fust paper maker was William Kittenltouse, Steps are ling taken toward the celebration of hit bi-ceutennial, and a gathering of jh per makers tnd prime. is urged Horatio Gale Jones has sent circulars lo those interested, calling (ut cspression of opinion relative to the ths meter of the observation. i ne commercial associations in the gram trade in Ixin-lon are considering the measures to be taken for diminishing the impurities in Etst India wheats exported to Great Britain. Tint dirt sometimes amount to between eight and nine per cent.of the total weight, France and Italy refuse to import tuch ditty whett, giving preference to American and wheals. dataware cracks when placed in hot water because, being a poor conductor of beat, the outside becomes hot, and expands, while the ntcrior is stilt cool. The triu resulting from hit unequal espenston cause the fiacture. For this reason, llii glass, whkh is quickly heated through, it lest likely to break than ibe I thick, heavy varieties. opium u6ot by cutting the capuie of the ippy flower with a notched iron instrument at I por sunrise, tad by the next morning a drop of tiie juice hat 00 ea out. 1 his is scraped on and I wved by the grower, and after be has a vcsstl j full of it it it stained and dried. It take al great ms-y poj.pic to make a pound of opium, and it gae through a number of procewe be fore it i ready for market. A man supposed to be a tramp wat found dead in a wood out West. A jury inquired into the cause ol ins death, and retorted as I (olio: "The jury doc not find that the dead man has been foully dealt with, and is of the ojnnion that he died simply because his time had come, and there was no getting out of it." About 10,000 Democrats have been removed by Harrison's headsmen since March 4. As Democratic administration wa about 8000 be hind thi record in the tame length of lime, we suppose this demonstrate the truth of the alle gation that civil service is only safe in Republi can ha-)!. Aa extensive deposit of mincial wat that bat been lor a long time overlooked w st discovered in Utah three years ago, oa the line of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad. Over 1000 ton a year are secured. It resemble beeswax and may be used (at the same purpose. It is bard lor a haughty man ever lo forgive I one that has caught him in a fault, and whom be know bat reaien to complain of him; his I resentment never subside till be bat lost, and round mean to make the oilier do him cjual wrong. In the first teventy-Gvedays of its existence the Harrison Administration hot turned nearly ten thousand Democrats out of office and re placed them w Uh Republicans. That is practi col politics for you. The young German emperor i to visit E ng- irm land, and it 1 arraneed that he shall review 40,000 men of the British amy at Aldershot. He will look upon army of bt grand mother with a smile. When compared wilb bit million of soldiers it will appear small. Mr John F Ilummer, of New York.appoint-1 ed Governor Director of the Union Pacific j Railroad, it said to be the man bo gsve Mr, Harrison the cloth for hit inaugural tuit. It it rumored that in the recent raid made I upon the London gambling clubs, Sir Charles Russell, the eminent cross-examiner, bad a narrow escape frcm capture. He is font ofl cards and horses and lost the collection of I chips in which he bad investei at the Field club, and departed just twenty minutes before the police arrived. , Against foreign competition the thorough. bred Protectionist defends himself by high tariff. Against home competition he fortifies klmuirKv Uu. w.nt Vnr IrnVmcr i-r rc of himself he is altogether lovely. A writer nays anything can ' be expressed better in short than in Ion word. As a rule yet; but in speaking of one's future home two syllable are perfcrable lo the necessity of ex- pressing it in one. ' HINTS T IIIIl'SEKKripKr.! To remove sta:ns from cup and saucers, tvour with powdered bath brick and tuap. , Wash the hnir in cold nge tea; it "will keep the hair from fulling out. Tea or coffoe stains will come out nt once if thev are taken immediately and held over a pail whi! boiling water is poured upon them, If so unfoitunate as to scorch the liosom ol a hirt while ironinz it, bang in thi su 1, and it will I e draw out in a few hours. Carpet will look much brighter after sweep ing if wiped off with a damp colth. Oilcloth should never be washed in hot toap- suds: thev should fust be washed clean with cold water, then rubbed dry with a cloth wet in milk. The tame treatment applies to a ttone or slate hearth. A few drops of ammonia "in a cup ol warm rain water, carefully applied with a wet sponge will remove the snots from paintings and chromos. ... ' Tnbb's & Co' pur Manilla twine, beat quality, at Stawart & Sox'a. Poultry Wanted. "' All kinds of poultry, alivo or dresod, wtutad at the Willamette P icking Com pany's Store, Albauy, Oregon. 9 "1TANTED.-A good sirl to do general I If bouaawork in a small family la the - 1 country. I'errcanent place, Call at l hi 4 . iibirfLz ; U pJMmftftr ffiy in da f NOTHING , men j ! ftftfnfttwadiDK Mia i ! iTlUflh Li Hi MfMMM fend 1 OKI IT tht inriiBUt liuenlvf. rr '-u s,,, 1. i,. It .LaI, . vw a,ftv m t i;um, AlstASaaaatl InfKcs St.fa.t t-m t .tbey b ftdvDca will pruva poteatcar 111 8Mi(ll3fl(IltlIt It takes lhn nlru-j nr . . . doctor and costly rr. ' tcrlpMoris. All who l.-isd IfOfl WHOSt sd.utry lives will Dud i.rsirr,f , It the lt prnvnnllvo of fawari t. an4 eitra lor Iadisilon, -'' CrMUrHstion, llalach, Ttlllonsnos. J'tlas and Mrotal Japresaln. fin Umt of tlm, no ni!rferanw with bnslnm .whlla tuklnif. For eluidron it Is most In x.iit nod harmless. No dnnmr o-. exposure n-r taking-. Cora tlle, I1-arrho-a, Itowel Complaints, rcvarish- suit Knerih Cold, invalids and lllrtit psrson. will find it tho tnllrtwii Aperient and Tontotbey can a so, A Itltlo taken Bt nlvht Insurxs rcfrnshlnir lu.n und n natural evacuation of the bowel. A lltllo laknis In tlx, moraine sharpen the appntite, cleanse tba stomach and sweclcus the breath. I', a rnYNiciAN'B orrxiojr. f twenty yn nd bt nref bca aU. la I P P eau compfBind ihsl would. J mod si die sams time sid (instead of sk- ;..wnmg, vtw oignsuv. six assiaulauva i'r tKrw'rt of th. sysuta." j ! L. M, HotTOM, u.v., Washington, Ark. Mirllt sf OssnlsniMu Tradx-Mark on front of VVrni.iN-r, and th tval and Mlgntur! of J, tl.'MHo Co., In rto, ou tuo slue. Take no other, - , I have Dought the largest.and best stock of DRY GOOD! ever brought " to Albany, nvits every one to call St.DCiC. DON'T FORGET wecarry a full line of O, M, Henderson & Uo s BOOTS AND SHOES The Bed School House Shoes are the best in the -world. :-!);vV'' . I"? "5. 1 xfePwwrr: I a W -- .v r nr iS-itn" Look out for in the next . . "cwtt tin ' The Leadirig asli AfiY oriE C AH DYE A Dress, or a Coaf, ) finy Color n moons, reamers, r FOR Yarns, Bags. etc. I ten cents and la many other ways SAVB Money, andnisks thinss look Hka NEW, by usine DIAMOND DYES. Th. work is ay, simple, quick: th. cnlort th. BEST and FASTEST known. Ask far DIAMOND DYES and take no other. F Gilding or Bronrlng Fancy Article USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bran a. Copper. Only to Cat. Baby Portraits. turea from life, printed oa On plate paper oy pem iiuohj process, sent free to Mother of any oauy whm w j. Vvr Mother wanu tneea l pictures i send at once. . Uiv ( Knhv's name and aeo. WELLS, RICHARDSON tV CO usunsrvs, r SMOKE .THE CIGARS Manufactured by Julius "Joseph, -ALSO IMPORTED AND Plug and smoking tobacooi, Meerschaum and smokes nrthlos generally. Also always a.nioe line of California and THE PLACE PctKe. Brotheis, Suae H 'e 't1 J?,s, yni Grocer Ks, Produce, Bake J Ceoas, lis. Ftr. Th4jlrff?vMaTrft ib r.d ltir r.rl reiionahs. -t.t Esd CrownMills S031, LAXSIKO 4 C')., PR0P3. w frock ruca ihii'khioii ion, w rwi Ao bakcu t;n. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Hlyheat Prfo in Cash . Physician and Surgeon, 0:Hoo cor. First and Farry Street, ALBANY- OREGON and I would respectfully and look throunh my ti its -. wisiia m --------- - s- l,inT - iasTHii - Arafja - '-S.- Bargain: 30 dayrv m in 7 A tS.' ; .' - - '. V-" Dry Goods Store. Cleanse the System with mat most reli.vp medicine Palno's o..ery Compound. ItpurUiesCie blood, cures Constipation, and regulates the liver and the system of all wasta and dead matters. , Paine's (Celery Compound eomblneg tnie nervo tonic aud strencrtlilas qualiues, reviving the energies aud spirits. a I have been troubled foe some years with a complication ot difllcultles. After trylnjr va rious remedies, and not finding relief. I tried Polne's Celery Compound. Before taking- one full bottle tba long troublesome symptoms be gan to subside, and I can truly say now, t hat I feel like a new man. Pljrestlon has Improved, and I have gained ten pounds in weight since I aave commenced taking the Compound. " Honest oa Stearns, FelchvUle, Tt J1.00. Six for $5.00. AtDrugfflsts. Wilis, Kichaodsom Co., BurUnetoa. Vt, E2ALER IN- KEY WEST CIGAR! briar pipes and has on band Tropical Fruits, 1 a MO 11 liy CHlCAKi. DO i MOW STEWART & SOX ocrat. fflc. i