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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1889)
CVr.U!i3 TO CAUFG -.VIA-. Paci33 Company's Una. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. TVns SotvM Albfy ' s Frsnolesi, M hour oiumoii Straus mm Kin tt. BImi rrll4 aaa aa Praaeleea, - j "Sort .'Ni r. a, I to Km I It its i a Ar rVrUuui Alftinv mn F Hirl, Ar, 10 4 a L J f. 4 a be T.ou r a LJ'i.rvJ41JT4l BllUf ,!U'HH 4llilv) ! I i. i t l r a l. I 1.1 r a I Ar Allwl K.uewne Ar l isrn L i a ),r a issjtsot satcM. 8 o r a I i.v l oft r a Ar K Jim L IM fa Ar AilMiiy lMiwn Allnjr Lelwnon a.- can a I,t I s-.isa a r Msrn L t iura FULLMAh EUfFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, r l eaa4tia i'u. raea gee. altaes4 r ' The H. P. Co'e frr miMM.iwUnn wla all e iiiJtAini III. lUat Bide Wleto" " h"" f a tract, nlMHU STWtK eVl Bid sVlvUls tUkVALLI. Hub ttAU(eUtnuasy.). H it tu Ar OwV.lliS Ar I fc. r a Lei 1:30 r linn wak Kilt (Kmp laadajr. I Mr a lioora Ar rrUwl lUlnneule Ar I.T t oo a a l. A a rrUroiiKl Ticlcota To all' pom OOT7TIX AND BABT VIA CALIFORNIA. r ,n inrnratul-M rrvlln r.le aura, . all a Cmr" Atrn a. -"j. a antuLJtlL. P Mnaaer P.OOKKS. A a r. a4 r. a RWA.COSS If, W am as. at at a -e. s w a r at XIX Itmetes vi tl Is f lttStt . Sprain, Strains, Brnltea, Wound TsCha.A.Vo,tlres.oaiul. for (ure op IT . rrHnUTKrrtiRH dfPahI. TkiekJtsAYccEUR.Gfl-Bwu-Ma- DI.. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Oittoo-oof, First Kna Tmrry tttrveu, ALBANY- OHEQON THE YAQULNA ROUTE, Oregon Pacific Railroad, ihlpUu. 225 MILES SJIOatEP. 20 HOURS LESS TIF.1E irat-ol Himuilii pMa(PM' 1 lahl line from lrtland and all pttU uciaoo, Cal. aiamBtts BlYar Lina ot Steamers. Th, -Win. M. Hot" To 8. Rf' wioCorTlllnd Portland and lnar adUta poiuU. Wn Company V wharf, wharf. No. 5W0 and 0,1 land, thwa time a Wbck aa follow t DR.CaVATS0?HmST0?l Phyuiciaa and Surgeoxi Oltloa opkM tUa rxmoora'.. j.K. "WEATHEHrOED, tS0TAT PCUUC.J iTTOUNEY AT LAW, ALBANT, OKKS. I1MI.L PBACTIC1 IS ALL THE COURTS OP TUB U tiaU. 8paoialaiuuaianwwiii . FORTH BOUXO. hi. u u. u. wlaaln anl .1- T:,wariatrte. r..irUjr auU a.iar- Ua.u. Arrta INkUmU .J . av aoui'H ooc.u. u.,. pjrtU.J tt-uaa, v.aiM Uoata niaka clo oonnoHoa at AJuaa rifctt UAia or vUa Oregon Parllio ttailroad TIM laOIIKDVI.R (othih indya) i.t Al iy r. a. L t:tr. a. Vmr v4 ,U) ia Yaattin. C.ii .a LT .mIUfcl-' A.M. I . ;!. '.vf -.i?. i .Vlomr N)rrallU Th-i aoov train oau.l Yaa-.Ua .l iaa O.-oiroa lvei'pmnt Couipauy'4 Uaoof HUaiij1Ihi taonltia an J "Sail Fran.W. raua fii. WdUmMta VaUy, THonUy, Umj tmL da DatttK, Jaua 1. k 8unay, Jona . a . liuuna, WiUaawUa Va)Ijt. 8ub.1j, My l'X. ao TuMlajr. r " 4a Wwlni lay. Jaw fch. J. WHITNEY. 4t.t.nrr.P infl ronnsBlloP - At LaT NI- PubltCa OREGON, ftotnr A13A- ,ViU atxV. I .hlnsuta. AMb. a ii r tha Ooorta ! lntratad to l1lllf m v r f 1 1 jlilulnb tin W lf ITT OUSIT ana FARMKltKi yt Til EI It TWINS TtltHT. Tha Nw Yark HVU In lt Intattlga- til ba promptly aUanded to. D. . H. BUACKOAM. Oao, W. WKIWHr. BLACKDUBfl & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Wni praetlca l all tba Conrta of the SUta. Vronapt attaution ritoo io an nks euiruatad to onreara Ofllca Odd Follow Tmpla, Aibny,r. T. J. STITES. ATTORN KY AT Notary Public A '.3 AM, OSQ3M. ATTOIINEY AT LAW And Solicitor- in (haacerjt ALBiilT. OIIEGUBX. Oolle-JHon- rjiu.liy mala on ai pJa tVoananaiiotiAMtion bwmBMnroii Pooitt Wanted.. . All kln.Uof i'aUry, aUv aa ttvrt. aAUieilaltba v'i!Uin"iui t' Kn pany'a Storn. Aibtoy, Urota. Tha Com pan 7 mtrrem .ha right to ihanea aaiUni daUa without notice. N. it. Pav-Mnzorn fron Piianu and (VUUinoUa Vailoy poinu uan inaka cloaa onnactlMi with the tralna tf tha Yaqclna ruuta at Atixi'iy or Corvailla, and ik du Unad Ui Mn r'rao-jiajo abould arrauv to trrira at Vaulta tha eranlnx br rc t'ata cfsailiui(. aaaar aa4 r.rUht Bale ail? taa LawvU. for loturmulo-i c-.Jf to O J Stoart. rraihl aixl t-!it Ant, Aliuiw. a In U llliuoell, Jr., U. P. A P. Aft., Orugoa lvI.PiiatvV Co., M.iaWoMr; awi icictj, cut. e. v. aauii.. V.' P. vi IP f.dt. Of , Pu U a 4 0. O-irrli. BREEDERS, ATTENTION. Tbo Import Franch Coach Kla'llon, Yin aw-tat-ir, will maka tha aaon of I860 at tB4 f llowini; place s Brownavllle, Mondays and I'uavt) ; Halaey, Wad ody and Thoredaya ; Lebanon, Fri Uaya aad .-aturdaya, Hri U an o;-por lunity ftr the fni'r of Linn eonnty to gat tha aervloa of th only French coaeb horaa a-r brouif ht t Vrrna. Ha waa importal from Franca by Theo. Sklilaiao andbybitn trouiit to :'it Tba French cuanh borw ai "ihi p'traHing rret artttnlioo tlirouiK.iu. tba 2uru htatea tha pad f'w yean ati-i aro helnR mp.irtd from France Id great uuml-n. Vlndtottor l.afln rpraanlMlve oftliia facnoaa hrert of boraa aaodini 17 ii band blxh and welii.Dg 1500 lb. lit baa taken premliir. over CleaTland bay herever ah wo. ihirauWIon repreaenl the gODral pur,-KM, n w ao macli nevded bare. Ho will ba allowed mrs a: 2i to ioauie a mare in foal. Kavp your eye onTiia datca. HcKaiOHT Bmo lr p'-. W. C. WXTL4SK,Ai(eot. Palace Meal Markri. J. v. pips, paoPEiiToa. mZX ST. AlflAMT, nil Will keep iio:iaii:r ,u mhI Iji, mutton, po. k, vi, huuki, i t'ja I meat and Jireat vri iy r, I tie rlty. Ca!i oald for all Isiu N.f r km-k. a. SCXBERS a AM Ma 1, MAY k SMN'DEB.S. flaalers in General srcnafi&se. HAHR333UI.C - - - ORECOIi U'ill buy Grain, Wool and all kinds D3. a. oayn, it5 'I31.U u.i attirn i 1 tritiin' Blook. May be fjuad at M ny an night. OH. C. U. CHHM3E3LI Homeopathic Physic! .a and Uvgm Special attention o diseases of the eye. fi"Hihc corner of Th id sa 1 I.yoo Kt ALBAHTf, 0SEC3.1. First National Bank Ai,Bt,l, ttttr.UO.Y. OF Pfi!diit...., Vice PrJjl Cuhi0r,..M inl Cbir... u. fi.lNj ... 8, K, VOtiKii ...K. W. I.A.KulioN. ,.JA6. '. FOWKLL TRANiiACTa A OfcN'KItA L ban'kuiK bu.luoaa. AOUCUNTS KllPr iubjwt to k. BiailT 5(:nAN0g M r,,l,l tm,, w, u M-w Vork, w Prtbco, ,!uj asi.l P. ' lin. COLLECTlOrfa MADEou Uturabl tru. BiaaoTOM Witn K 1'vakLi, RedCrownMills iw pRof.-rHuraaCPUtoa po uwim A(n RAXeiLa una. BEST sT0!l.VG' vWLmES." Highest Tfic in Cash fo STOCKMEN'ANO FARMERS a hereby certify that Dr. I.T. Woodfw baa ancoaaafallv operauxl on my riddling; tone, ISAAC HAYS. For further rtfmmw li regard to ridg ing Inquire of T"m. PeMraon, Day fa taraon, Lebannai t John Hardntan, alfredl Wolverton. Alrmur : Sam Oaiooa, "lo: Wra. Fotr. Frin" It I-.. I practice vler Inary medioln lo MlMiy vi I country arroonding. f TWaud riJrce corner Vh and Wakhlrp n Sts. X.N WOOl'lV, fHnarT KurirK'P. 1. T nn ACiE I'M acrr- ol flaa I ' il n o f fitill land, 4 lullra wait' AlLauy. ftrootv !A an acra. Wl; I ! 60acrea ii'!iirJ. If!y locitot ;al cn Coop-r Turner n Corral 'a r-M Uon of Ihe twine trut that tho "ra publican farmer of th wwt and North- wct who lat fall thought that truU ara prlvsto a(talr,"and voted wllhtnUiuUm to double the tax on the raw material and to liicrc.e the July on lal Iwlncnre now up In armtagalntttlia twln truil.and hnye perfected tUte organUalbna In lllliiol, lowa,Mlnniot,Nebrakaand okher atalea to fight It. Their battle I plready lott. Their turrender mutt ba unconditional. "Korrteclnir thlt advance tn price, tha MUU Mil put alaat gra i on the free 11. t and reduced Ihe tariff an lUal twine to as pr cent. If It had bcco.n a law uie iru would have been poctlble, but It would have been a 15 per cent truttlmtead oi the 35 per cent truit 1 and with free raw ma terial there would have been'no kcum for It The price of twlno could not have been put at mure than 35 per cent beyond the cott.lo Import the foreign. "During tiie pa.t three year there h beeq an actual decline In the amount ot '. grata Imported from Yucatan, In the face ot a largely tucreatlng demand for twlnr. The price abroad of the raw mate rial advanced from $65 per ton In 1SS6 lo Siat In 1888. and all .lock on hand hat been uod up. The advance In price general all over tha world.and U cauied by the tcarclty ot raw material. "Why are the cordage companies "pro tectcd" by a duty ot 35 per cent on foreign twine it It it no: levied tolrly to enable them lo form trtut and charge the repub lican former 35 per cent more than the foreign twine would coat to Import t They are only doing now what they have al way done and what thew republican farmer have alway approved of. "Why did thee republican farmer vole in favar ot liutt and a 40 per cent Senate Bill duly on twine.if Ihey did not deaire to nav 3 or a ocr cent more than It wa worth t The advance abroad ha only been met by a corresponding advance here.The truit ha not ciceeded the 35 per cent "gouge," In which It I protected by law. "The farmer of the North wet cannot aftard to fight the twin tru.t. To harvest by hand thi teaaou wilt be to harveat at a lot and to ruin many a amall farmer. It will not affect the tru.t. All the boycot ting poaible will not reduce the price of twine. The farmer delivered thcintctvc lt November into the hand ot th trut,b and hand and foot, and favor now tha alill fur ther addition to the price of twine which the Senate Tariff bill will make nt De cember. Their objection to the precnt lncreae, after voting tor Illogical and abiurd. They rejected the relict o fir red by the democrat in the lt Congre and can hardly opect ympathy if what they atked for and received U not what they wanted. MDut il I no, on aiaal twine alone they will be robbed ilhuut mercy by a trual. It 1 the tIne tru.t to-dv, but to-morrow it will be the aalt tru.t, the r.est day ihm Sumbrr truat, the ui:r truit, and o on through the whole Hit of truM made poa ible onlv by protection, wfilch th demo cralic party vainly aikcd them todeatroy TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Tt rimt Wkat. San Fbancisco, May 14. A cailotd of thi year' wheat arrivt d to-duy from Redley, Freinocounty. tt wbi purchaied at fl 37,'i per cental. Lait Vear the firat conii;timcnt received he- June I S.and braughtfi 3lj per cental. Never iMlor h wheat heen re ceived at thi port In May and Indication. therefor point to an early hurvent. Th itock of old wheat In thi itai will b taken tune I, it inuugni incra win pa lima naw wucui wi fered before July, Jury iMnajrrpd. Walla, M y 4, -Thtjury in the c of Jamet Gordon Cooper, charged with th inn nlr of Thomm Davii, lait November below Ihe city, w unable lo neree, end were ditcharced Ihit nmininc frmir ucins for ind li!lit agninit conviction, 1 he entlment 01 th community it lavorable to the piitonr. Moving Nnrthwpat. IttLKNA, Mont., Mty 94. During the lait f ji t night a contiderable number of emigrant htvebfcn patting through Montana, cn route to th Ihitith poiuettloni, titvelinc by waeon. It ha been rertined that they ar Moimont fiom Utah and Idaho.and lhat titer dlttinaiion li th country through which the Cult rnlwy paac. Kamon Woman bead. BotTON, My 4. Ijur llihlgmnn, deaf, dumb and blind from two year of agr, nu d idely faniou by Churlct Dicken in hit "Ameiican note, and alto by many public reference to her wonderful inltlllireiH e, died today tt th South Uotton atylum, where the had long dwell, aged 60 year, , A Clr, CittCACiO, My 84. It w ',lernd to-day that the police had it ruck quite an important clue in the Cronin myttcry. It teemt beyond doubt that they have ditcovcred th plar where cronin wat murtiercii, a vacant cotlng in takevicw. Mrarasna Canal. Nrw York, May 14. The Nlcaragu Canal Company ha announced that the tleam thin Alvena. lo tail for Grevtown. Nlcaroi-u at noon May a$ will carry about lifly men and a quantity of implement and More for the Nicaragua Canal Conttruciion Cotnpny,hcing lite pioneer etpeditlon lor the commencement of the woik of building ;tlte Nicaragua inter oceanic canal, Mmtlar conugnmenit al men and materiala Ibr the pratecuiion of work will ollow one another at thort interval. TUBMAN ABOl'T TOWN. . The Man About Town nolicet thnt the tick mnn at the St. Chnrlet hat been re celvlng all the chiitllan klndnen anyone could Mk, psrllcularly fiotn the nccomino. dating ho.t and hoittctt, We do not bf llcve the tick and afflicted In Albany ever go tin' attended If the cate It brought to the atten tion of even a tmalt pnrtof the public, nnd Clio, when trantlaled prounoiy menn growler." A largo number of our prominent till- ten took a rlqo yettcruay in. jonnny Schmccr' line hack Jut received by Itltn, a Utile tiie tonlcft load being two local edi tor wlllt Ink ttnlitt on their face, a pain, pteteer, and the head of Ihe city govern ment. The Man About Town tin cen Ui factory where the hack wa manufactured over three thousand -time and can vouch for llio fact that the manufacturer have no uperlor anywhere. At for eate, ll beat a ipilng mntlreit. When the runaway ienm yetlerday wat tearing down awning pott proiiiltcuoutly tome one uggcoted that It would be a good Ihhtu If they would wine out nil the awn. ingt on III tirrri, I ncy arc ;ennrr.t K growing city like Albany. Tlilr llmo the Oregon I'aciiic will go right tdrnigltl through without stopping for winter wenmer, anu wen, a n w. Cheetc i mentioned by about 350 EC. It b (apposed that cbeetemaking was in troduced into England about the beginning of the Christian era, taring been hrametl from the Romans, It is hinted thai hi'.l wilt be introduced in the nest congress lo jnion all rebel soldier in the south who will vote tbe republican ticket Thi i for the Uudal le purtose of breaking op the solid soatk.' Revere House: ALBANY, - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFEfJ !'ftOPRlETOI. Fitte l no In firat-cl&M a'.yln. Tabtoi auppliM) with tiia-'xx lit tha tntrkft. Nl leplna;p'-int. Hnmplo room Tor oomtuercial tive!rr. HTPr f U aul f,n m''lirl.'l lils ( iuMgivea unlrcr- fuisracrlua la Ib9 1,1". -y. cir. 1 uonurruota aoa 1,c -Jit. 1 prescribe liaai reecimmsnd all safferer. kumu, H.D.. nrmur III. ,i rurcx.ei.oo. lUrtU 8la by DraaalsU. 1 oT. Ve.ira t . feuirafeln BiZ'T'? XI.I.I t Irtai Cimlxidi. ; , UT1 a v , fees . o nu tOAAln. if U?2 Connlv IJank, vosan, Ita'intoa & ChamoerlaiiJ, H. F. r1E3SlLL. BANKER, ALBANY, - - - OREC0H. Ml asaiy mj N Turk, tw Praaeisa tttd PerUaad. Bay anU. HMa, e-anty a-wl ety wsrraa. IU endarMtteuajactUxiMca. latere ailvwad tm Umm autta. CuUectiooa M reel priMtpaUnlja. OorreapoiKteata talleilad. Fire and Atarai laaunaM opaaiea. Alao Uralagvnt at Lombani laveataat.Cuearaar. Loass ss4 aa twea prufiarty. " Sottcs "for "FaBilcatiOTi. rjn!td Stat Lau: omco.Oragon Clty.Ur. . April 22od, Itw. Notice ia hereby (clvan that In compli ance with tba relalone or tba not of Co) gre 0 JoanSrd. 1H7U ootllled "An a lor th aal t,( tlotbr land In lb Mai of Callfotnia. OreD, 'rfarada and Waab in ton Territory." Loander Dr.wtl a Suyton. '-ouiity or Mariod, Htat mt gn, kuaa thin day filed In Ibia ffloa bm awratatUoP . , for tbo porcbaa of tbo N K U of 8-4b,o :"?o. , In Town abln Mo. 10 Noutb, Foro 8 and wilt tyger prorf f xhow that tba land koagbl bt winro luab!o 1-rr lia timber or atottatbitif for avrrtcnltorat porpoaea and te4ablum hU' lsIni in (aid land before Iba-Ueguitar n Wl Yr of thi ot&ra ar -Hgon City, rrgon, 6a Friday, tba Itttb dayefJulv. f-83. ho nnnieaaa wltneaaua ; KUhaw, l;i,.L3k and vv, Uoay. all of Milt City. Marion county, and i- K. lisown, of Albany, J.ltto county, all of Oregon. Any ami nil persona cbtiir Jug adjarsely thaao.v d criwd land- ara requeatect lo rlio ihir -lvini In thbt cfll'-o on or Utore uia )0tU .'ay or July, Jn- W. T.VuKr, . Kegisur. Fort t'aaby. Vamcovvkk, W T., My 33. Order have been issued fiom the department headquarter reestablishing Fort Csnby, which w aban- doned in Decemlier, 1887. Maynrjohn Fgsn of the First artillery, will command the post, which i to be garrisoned Iry a battery of still- lery urm in rrcsniio of han rrtnetsco. Foar Animal t belPrateeted. Wasiiinotom, My .3. .Secretary Windcm to-day signed the tailing order of the revenue steamer Rush, directing that she shall tail im mediately upon the receipt of her instruction to Ounalaska, and then cruise diligently in liehring sea for the purpose of warning ell per son against entering such water for th pur pose of viJsting tec 1 too 1956 of th revised statutes, and arresting all person and selling all vessel found to be, or to have been, tmgsg ed in any violation of the la of the Untied Males therein. Iltat lion. . Spokan Falls, May 23 The press cor respondent at Helens having telegraphed a statement that the hot Spoktne was not christened in honor of tbe ntetroplit of Ist-in ashington, but lor a Montana vilbg., it is proper to state that there is no village or tuti office in Montana bearing that name. Th word isof Indian origin a-d was applied to the powerful trihe inhabiting this region. From thit the swiftest and moat beautiful river on the American continent look itt name. Naturally the majestic city located at it greatest LIU ass called Spoksnc, and wtt for a time Ihe home of the racer. Naturally, also, ot W of thi city are prouo 01 in king of tbe tutf, who to nobly bears' Ihe magic name, and resolved to decorate him, Mr. Armstrong aim owns hotse named Seattle, T scorn and Oiympia, all pro- gmstve elites 01 watmngtoa. Will a Aeejaitled. IlKLEKA, Mont , May 23. David Collard a saloon-keeper charge I with the tnutdcr of Charles Campbell, wa arrested yesterday by Sheriff lteyfron, at Xoxon, Missoula county. About 3 o'clock yesterday morning he heaH a noise in the chicken coop and gat up,ojend the door, and saw a man near the chicken house, He got out hi. revolver and fired two tbott forth purpose of ft ightening th man away, collar l sys Iltat he tltdn I intend to kill anyboily. The night was very dark and be coulda I tee any one wbea he ttrel. Two of the chicken were found with their necks wrung the nest moraine. Tbe ccused is confident that be will be ex onerated. The murdered man bad been teen around the chicken coop on two or three occa sion during the past few day. Kick W M Ladd. Sam FaAKCisco.May 22. Cfforti are being aside in the Fast to raise funds for the further endowment of the Presbyterian Theological seminary in thit city. From Rev. I. M Schoftcld it is learned that W S Ladd, of Portland Or., had contributed 50,000 towards ihe endowment of tbe semi nary. Dr. Croaiaa Uody Fenad. ClilCAUO, May 23. The dead body of Dr. Cronin, tbe Iriah-Americaft who strangely dis appeared from hit home in Chicago two week go, wat found thi evening some distance north 1 ine city, in a sewer on i.vanston avenue. A bloody towel wat wrapped about the head, t ul the body wat stark naked. A Catholic emblem which the doctor alway wore next bis skin, suspended about tbe neck, was untouched. In "e head were a dozen cuts, which had severed tbe aclap and indented the skull. A aether Spkan HELENA, Mont., May aa. Spokane Fall Il Uke the small boy to t itlow cram. The Albany youth ha wnrbVa bad and, so great I Ihe contagion that group may be seen at late as 9 o'clock at night under the electric llghts.nipplng the Utile sphei e and frying "dubs," itlng various other un clvllUvd rnpresalon. In a week or two tltev will need to sell tltclr stock of keeps, and perhaps eyen taw to go to the circus. . The Man About Town observes Hint a large number of Albany young people are on the rui-cd edge of matrimony, and hence believes they w III be Interested In tbe following definition of a kUt ulvcn by Dr (ilbboiis of San Francisco : "The anatoin leal juxtaposition ot two orblculars orl muscle In a state of contraction." II03IK AND ARftOAtl THURSDAf, i Pudding tiyer is bring stoekeV, with cat flab. , , . Alliuny ii Icing iii(td ud l)f i,il Pum' oiiciis agsnt. Thre bnxas of strswLerrie for twuty Hve cent. "Hriok Dust" mado llii r lfi a frieudly call to day. (Ml aciu in nmr than on way. Mr Hiram Ksntou UH for Ysquiua Bay to olund to hi famous polish mstMiisi interests tlisr. Disoovarlea of aist ar ttniug 111 sd a all round. It it about tinm mnn of it Went got to out. 1 1'iof Moi:ir.y wtmt tiutli!lo Asbland last venlng. ami will deliver aa eddustlnnal ko- tttratlmra to-rilht. The nollfiua boy are prsctii ititf daily fur thalr tilt with Monmouth. A tetter has bean reoivd that the latter will be It ara, wathr permitting. Mr Edward Zy Its dcoltlad to local lu Manilla and will leave for that oily tern or row. ii expect ro m engKd la tit lum bar and idsnlnx mill business Mr Znyt and eliildrvn ail" follow 11 a wvk ortwe. pniAV. HtrawUriiu ar liv ceiitt a boa In 8slm. Ihtpanslon of Mr Jtititi Morrison, .f thi oity, ho Ixau r-istnvd. The aaotirtinti rate front I'ot t'.aud to Y quius. Day and return will U placed at $3 John Max a-eh' team took a lively run yes terday evening. The wagon wa pretty well stnssieu op. 1'ha CorvrllM Uuutt publishni a odumnof stiawbr-rry buaniiiK from the Albany and lent tapr. At tu time wa hardly reai TIIK OUF.UON PACtriC. The statement made several days ago by Ihe i)kMH'nr that work wat tr be re sumed at once by Ihe Oregon Pacific I confirmed by Ilia dUpatches One from Corvalll dated yesterday read: ' I rut rue lion were received to day by 8c-oiid Vice President Nash, nf the Oregon Pacific of flee here, direct from the New York head quarters, to push the work on the Oregon t'acltic eatard extension energetically Itt expected tlmt operation wl.l be re sumed as soon a men and tt.alcrial can be got lo lite trout," And one from N York of same datei -SoUcrlptlon books for an Usue of $5,000,01 x first mortgage ter cent. Oregon Pacific railroad bono were opened ibis tntirnini? In this city and Philadelphia. These mean an early tor wrd movement towards I loin- City and steady one un'.ll a onion with '.he V Ac N w. How Honey I Kared or ImA. Takcint, May ait, tSSo. Very few people ttndcrttattd the orl of saving irtottry. Manv know how to trade and how tn make money, but the people .11 Albany Market. heat C2v', ' atao-Son. J utter K-o per lb. I y -P.IK'. , otb"iei ''is ote par bmlinl o,( in foot. il't" ,,plM-7.'ofit pr (mi. Porlt 6Sn ptr H iiefcl rt vri li'i:, bouliittrs, H'. - Mills lOo. "lour 4.'A pnr bbl. hlcketm-8 iKiMir iio,. Ibl Fwl-bran. M."ri' short. liJ. v mli lii'ix-. 21 Cl.Of "! -- - iaml tbat wa were dmag so muoh 1 luwtng ,r 1 . 1 . 1 . . uiiutirr.stui insc irifl rfltf t wtltlt tilt mantlliiu tha Yorintua Usy, have ordor from Mr Wtutalaw (o blow tha hull to pleoea a 000 lathty gnt all the msohioery, te that osn os ssvcu, The etarie of gubbslb tichoolsthrouiib out th county ar rratuvtml to rid auoual reporU to Dr O W(lry In or.b r to make up a btsta rrjrt f"T tbe loter national Assoola- tion Tha tiit'L'i.kt raia of tha in.m full .i. Tnm day night and Wdndy of this wk. It wa a genuine foawor, laiiti( tlottt twenty '"' nure, anu 11 wortn to thi county jus $97.e43.ll.-Prin.vilU 2VW. A wsiioit from tit warebousa of M1l. l1 k Uwii Co. insy bo iIhih tided on for eood serviae. Their butfuio and ohaotona ara tha very beat, and refnomhar that they mana factura tltttir own goods they ear give Lot torn prioes. An Albany preacher reoauOv mada ao tlaltorat deola-atioa of fstth, lit which Urn sid, "I bliv titer are soma nur.tiou. which vaauot b nswrl by any lhoolouian in tha world; notevau trie ound." iln burg ilrtitui Th trrival of a Chic laundrvtnaa at Albany, ., hs eaurad tha greatest of e- otUmeiit amorig th eolorsd naoidr. who hrtii to eat short but life if he do not aM.rviU ht Uy in th place. Albany, Uragou. never treats tkstn that way . Th co. rod people br dn t car. Mr John g-dimmr to day reoaived bv tha Occident tbe finest Itsck in Albany, if tot io tb vi;ty. It is new and not Mooud htod- wl, and is fr.nn th laetory of tha eleratd L.eutiinjhsm AC 2xas, of Itoebtr. S Y. Tb ( wa f 1 100 and a bsndsoma .30li Usm hue baan purchased to draw it. Mod ro in all its improvement it wilt ba an or aamant to tha uily. Hon R C Miller, ef Ialnen. la doing tha eij. O0 to I lie oucial at lbs Congregational Cbureb to-tiieht. A good time ia promised. T E Allen and family, and A B Mcllwain and wife, wara resist, red at tb Portland boioia yeaUriisy. Ovorg Plpr. rewcotiy of litis ciiv.-fca ae- eepted a position reporter on tha I'oM a ttUigtmerr, of Heart It. O V Staphaoe, euparintendetit of ooattrno li lew Grocery Oiscovered -AT-- Slroug' old O'lrner, oppidi MitwrtA iit, riri- i.f t. .! )u .', 't -.Aull Una of - FPESE1 CPaOCERlES.. CAflf.EO liOOOS, mm yiaUJTs, etc. ' Uiiiitk aalH an I sioull trojlle," Live and lt liva,"' la o;ie mm-. PioAHi call and examlna our ki U at 1 "l prlc4ia. H Ulafaotion guaratitetMl, Produce Taken in Exchange, Very lbr.- !fHy, BARDUf & ROEERTSON. V&lrxSSi) U IjU Lin J ) -Willi 111' m ViT ' n,,, , . , ,...,,;....-i i-iin , -,. for Infants and Children. "Caatorla I ao weO adapted to ebDdrea tbat CawtOTte eime Colter, Cont!patlon, I rworntnend Its nprtor to any proscripOoa I gf"" PJomaoh, Jhaerrwsa, - . oaowntorr-.- if! Aaimsa. M. D., I J 4rp' ramAt di IiJBo.OztofdSt,ErootlD,H,T, Wliiout io jurtow taadicaUoa. Til CeifT4Ca Compapp, 77 Murray Street, K. T. f Attvlrn to Mot Iter. Mr, Win-low' Koolblni? Hyrup, for pliililrcitt torthliitr, U lite prosorliivloii of ouo of tbo Iwat fi-inale rttirs aoa pbyal claim in tbo United Wat, arid baa txten Hand fr forty irrr with nover falling tiwa t'.y ttiilliona of mother for tholr rhlldrn. During tbo prowm of loplhlne; lla vnlttit Im IricnlciiRblo. It relravaa tbo child from pain corr. lypnlry and dlar rbor-a, frrli InjT In tlt howoU, and wind colic, iiy ulving hr.n'tb lo lit fbild U rent Ujo mother, Prlco Vxs. a bottla. OitattOB, , 0 Ihf, HUUt ot Ortftm, In tin County Court for I.i,m Vo'ititi. City Meal Market. SHULT2 BB.03,, Propiistors. Koap a full linn of ,-neU of all kiwi, tu a cool plarv, oorripl4-ly pro-let-tad; and Alway fro!j. Also l)vaconUntly on "hfti i aslmr n ani other llsh. FOSMAY i MASON. U racists aud lioukiief - A Kit ola for olio U. Al'lau' publtctuioitK, uhlcb wo anil a' nuMlbot'a r-r' Jti 0lald.vl. ALBANY. OlltJttOS, MaasPaV- s FItANCIS 1'FKII'i'Bl! PROI'KIKTOK OK - Albany J?od.i Works rtnd Marjefataurore of 0H0I0S COHFEuTIOHEIlT, VVo ari ov prpird to "tl al w'miIi ulwaya froaii iti I puro at portU nd ra to dcaiwra. Wa s'oo kp a ft.ll :tf fiuts and Tropical fruits, JQARS AND TO3AC0O Combinea the Julca of the Blae Tip of California, to laxative And nntritioas, with the medicinal virtue of pbwt known to be most beneficial t th hnman system, forming; tbe ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIBEYS, LimAHD BOWELS Cleanse tin STlBin Effectually, somar PURE BLOOD, HEFBESHINO SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one U nsing it and all are delighted with it. Aakyoar druggist for SYkUP OF PICS. Man factored only by tha CALIFORNIA FIG SYKUP CO. 6am Fsacico, Cau Levnj.a.ltr. . JJwYob,. H IBS3 jiaiasi 5 '"fjim t f -e.j V SJaVtllk atr a fits t bfltv tt Meat a Wfaitll Unttt iVi,nri, fa . . ,11m i...,fci j!sioqofthOrKOr, PaoiHe, aad A Kiosella. ho care fo. a dime It the usual query of ot thm Hrm ( Kits.Ua A MJ- .. 1 .wigv imiiiwr ui icion wnu arc oilier- wise very comprint business men, yet these little dime are mlghtv factors lo the problem of money accumulation. Sup pose a man spend on? dollar a week, Ike amount Is very smalt, a fraction more than fourteen rent per day only, and yet If the amount w a saved and put at Interest at even per cent co-rtpounded semi-annually the lncrrae la quite atonlhlng,aa the fal lowing table will Illustrate. It will be seen that the dollar a weea saved and put at in terest as above wilt amount at the end ot S years.. 10 ear . 15 year. . ao year., 1$ year.. 30 year., 3 year., 4' jear.. I yn 4 s 715 S So year .. 1.31 97 5$ .. a.vJ94 ' 3"9 37 65 .. 5,168,5670 .. 7.5110075 ..10,900.07 So $ 15.6S0 59 . a3rta39 . 31.930,19 years.. 45,34 11 year.. 64.3811 yean.. ovSo.j year. .113,614.31 years.. 181,773. 1 3 XV. HILL CITY. ho been claiming tbe honor of havine eiven itt name to the winner of the Kentucky Derby and li th' ,,0,"'e br V.r the CUrk staket, and ia the exuberance of it ?;r Tbomne In t rank I fob TKAXSACT3 arvTK-rnt nktnit btiiauees HHt VHl-.M! WUVfT.,,1 K Y-rrk. s-tj-d l,Trt-i'5. i-.-3tr-,. !.'.:l l!0Vii si'i'inret ,-jMrltjr tlfif KIVgdVdoei'.e,iirj4et chrtk. I. I. MtSTimr.e, l'r i. t-'lihAt, VlJ! 'f. , B n C'a, A e. 11. Lm not foS Notice for Pulilicatlon. Load Orlke at Oregon City, 0 .. ) Aprit fiti, 188'J. i Notio ia buratjy :ea liitc tha folk ainir nsiitefl settler ha (iid uolioe tf In lot dM so maka final proof ia upMrt of hi laitM, und that aidrroot will b mad lefr tket Conoty Cleric of Liuti coooty, i Alktaay, Oregoo, on Tuesday, Jaaei itb, isa. rixt John H. Myeis, lloinestisd Entry JTir. 7161, for th S VV A 01 Sac. Tp. ft, S. 4K. He Damn tb totlowir, witnearre m prove liLocoatmnoa il upon ! stsi- tivattoo ot, eatd lanii, wicu a vie pride hat given the victor a handsome trophy. But it it a mistake. Stiokane was tint nnmt after tha city by the waterfall, but after the vdlage of Spokane in Lewis and Clarke county. A Flgbt. San Francisco, Moy aa.- A fight to a finish between Joe McAultffc, of San Francisco and Tom I.ce, ex-champion of Australia, for a , purse of $1350, took place to-night under the auejiiccs oi tne women uate Athletic Club. Lies was knocked out in eight round. Insert Praia, Salem, May aa. The state board of horti culture finished il session here this afternoon. The several commissioner have discovered that the work of combatting the fruit pestt wa in augurated none too ton. Uesidet the green apnts amt codltn moth they find the 'Sn Jose gMiiiig a usngerout loouioid in the .;,t ..t,i.;iji,..i,ii lunnmt. mmA-r l ly nipped by the frost lost niirhr v.k.iu iu uiic-ijuui tcr ot on men Jim Doyle who went to San Francisco about a montli ago returned last Wednes day. He reports time very dull down there. Ills many friend are very glad he has returned. Mr IIon bad his gang down st Kip hat' bluff a few day last week, clearing a tide oft the track, whl It wa caused by the much rain we have had. Mr and Mr R 8 f- icr went to Albany last Wednesday and spent a fe day there with friends. Frank Hertz, one ot tfle Sanllam L Co' logger while chopping a tree cut ait ugly gah In hi foot. He went to hi place a't Crawfordsville last Vcdnesday where he will remain until hi foot gets well. A dance wa hclJ nt Mr Oak Wall' lust Thursday evening, for J W llrowu's mill boy. Tbe rainy weather caused the crowd to be rather small. Mr Titos Badger, and Mr C E Thoma both of Albany moved their families to thi place lost Friday. Mr Badger moved W llcox and an a douse 1 Mr Badger intend building a hotel tn the near future. Tal went to Corvalll taut Friday where he will stay awhile. Twenty.five Chinamen came to Mill City yesterday, wiTo are buriiy engaged In removing the slide from off the railroad about luiif mile east of here. Four I v.:tdrcd sucks of w dust were shipped from here for the Albany ice worki. u - cents quite a distance to shin sawdust i 1 such a Heavy limbered country. Mr McUuid, of the O P and Mr Lvons. ot Lyons, spent lust Sunday at Milt 'City, come ngairt gentlemen, UKAb KafAlr. 8AbES. Ellzabet Cunningham, ct nl.toW 11 Phillips, 57flcrc, Tpo S It- Rogue river valley, and tha wooly nnhis fa L. 3 9 Western Orecon. oiaic Ol Uregon to n 1 tills, 00 I t a Ml t Tl - ... a ru w iiurm, JUisoiU w , W " Srntt- A nrr.or.rt (A.Tnnrt It Wh. ), . vj;un,uw 11 o ui ine 1 zoo acre, jpicaiv i w , interior 01 tne stale indicate that garden truck J i-yon to Henry l.yons, a num 600 250 250 and the tender shoots of early corn were severe- Ice from one in thickness Or-jri..! f.r tji. 111 t.1. -,f h.ivi..iC mil mrAr.i- inl L Mw. m ItK W U B HiifWatt. fiearr,, d Waif , iwi-.tio Vil e hi ail 4 the ij ftnisQ, Wm Uaik ni.d 1C 8 Kaister, aU of j formed. There are fear that the straw EsU-rn sio oi airrt.h iaie iMckere u'bu il iwn rtteV.lkiy, and li nu ircii'oiu ad '.h nrtiMilil town erf aUriuii. Pott,, tli.a, bxit.)f. Clscltsmas ait m owaiIce of aUCb proof, op who know of Vsinhlll eouiilM tos.d In tv!iu.l'iu: tinmlirrsitte. t 1. . .. 1 . . .. 1 ..u. i.w J iuh.s. in it., i.t-!!,:!,::.. ..7i..J ,. I av ubtsntiol rensoii. uniisetnn law and JlockCteek. Liau county, Or, Aay parson who desirea 10 protest agaiaat art d, box's. i tbe regulArioo ot the Iotariur J. sjatt tment, wtiy ach pmor al oain col Co alio ven.wiit rx da tn opt orienity at the above mentioned titneaod pluM to rro extmin tbe witbt eiaerf idolaina,ti, ato to tiifer videnoe in yabwttsl of thutt tiOtniltd Iv el tiotant. W.'T. liVEKET, , , Kctica for Publication. . UnltoJ Hutc Laial Offico, t Oregon City, Or., Marcb il, j Kolico ia brnv givn tbat it coiopli auce with the prov.einna of tbo act of Coner of Jut, r 3rd. 1878, entitled "An v u-9i.i iiuiiH-x janno in mat; Ulalu.i.f fMIK,..,.!,. , XJ . J ' Waabingtrm Tflrrliory," Wiliiatn W. R Jn tf?ounlg Court or ft State ot OrtgnJ ht'uu'iiu.of Dio, ruwrvty of Linn, Slater County. of Oiegoit, ba-4 Ibis day liled In tbla office ' ... .. ,.L r bta aworn atatotnent No. 47. tor tha nur. I In tk matttr of tho estate of . Coo. W, chae of tbo & K ot H K Vi of Hcoilon u -MciWiW, decead, Administrator'e JTotice, I. a ruix. liAUY AT . . HTKWAHT t SOX bo, tu 1 jwtnaip no. ju Moutn. raonet No, 1 wet, and ill offv-r proof to tbosr tbsi tbo laud aouglvt. I worn valuable for ItH or atot'.ei tbo for ngrwultura. purposes, and to OHUbliuh Jus claim to said land Itiifora ihe holster and fit-eel va-' oftbiriu est Oregon C'ly, regon, nal rtilap, Ike lia dap or Jane, Iggfl. H namti 11 witness: AM Luoasr. W C Mil er, II MMer and J W Cornpt, at of Holo, Ltntt vut,ty, elrrgnn. Any arid nil puraorta ;Ieitiiin adveraety tbe abovo dnv ribel lenda at requea'f to fjlo thalr claim In tbla ofllce on cp-ba-ore aatd 7'-h dty of Juto,, ihhu. W. T, BURNEV. Regiatev. Notica U brtrehy givan that tht uudersicn et Administrator of laid estar hafilrdhi final account tharein with th Clerk cf aid Court acd 'hat tb lloort ha appobited naiBrday, ise Mt, ihm, at oue oVock ia the afUrnooo for tba hear ing of objection to said accoon; mid for th rettlemorit theteof. PuLlisired by order f D. K. Biae)cbiru, County Jaltre. Albany, May 6th, 1839. . Jf, A. McBbidp., J. C, Powell, Administrator. , Attorno; . Children Cry for' berry crop in St. Croix and Price counties 1. 1011 lot. , . Kel. IllnM-b. WASHINOTON, May 33. Solomon Hirich, Ce new miniiter to Turkey, tent a cablegram e-tUy to Senator Mifchell.returnincbit ihsnki far the appointment, and the senator presented 11 tne president ana Secretary Blaise. liirtch at Carlsbad, Germany. Hit com mission and paper will be tent to Minister Crant at Vienna, and the latter will administer tne oath of office, after which Hirtch will pro- ! yyl v.oniaiinopie wimoui re turning to this conntry. bcr of small Iracli near Lve-nt. .S I John II Whitley to W T Forfeit, 300 acres, 15 w 1 , ajo II J Ellis to W T Forrest, 200 acres 15 wi... 2S Mllct Cary to T A Morris, 160 acres in Sect ac and sS.tD ta.S R 1 W. ooo J B Cox to Nancv J Cary.lot t, a, 7 and 8,1 n bl 1, Glaus A to Craw- fordill!i- R Davit to J Davit, 330 acre in tec 18 and 19,'p 13, S R 3 W Wm 1'e.tcock to Loui BElchlcr, lot f,bl i4,tia,nion A to Sodaville.. J E Sorbin to Sarah E Smitli.sec 36. p 9, S R a E 700 3d too Wiigiit' Syrop Tar scd Wild Cherry Try in and yon will ui nothing fo, eougqs, cold aud all affection ot the threat and Inngi, Sold by Fothay & Mteou. -j-9m- ,. Wright' ion.pcnnd ayrtip of Sarsaparill cso be ruliia npitn fur nii biooil ditrasei, ikin atfeotiou. etc. Sold by Fothay &, Meson. - " -eBaa e(BaMM CUBE FOR SICK If fcC ACIiK. Do you want a remedy for B'lloasotss, Plmiilee on the fsor, n il a mire cure lor sick headache, ssk Dr. Oti'ss sud an. the Druffgistr, for lir.Oei,nl's Lira PIHs, try a doe , m amice free lull box U sent, j Wright' Myrth tooth to p. FragraDt, ceoliug tnd mfreshin. He,l nro gnma and preserve the teeth. Sold by Fothiy & Mason. . Pitcher's' Castorla. ' A dty, liackinj2couBli ke the b.ymchu 1 tube in a tst of eonstant irritation, which, If not speedily removed, may load to luon ehitis. No prompter trtnrdy can be hnd than Ayer's Cherry Ptcioral, which ;s botit n nodyuo and expectorant. Our Hon of choice 'teas and coffees in 111 equaled iu town, . Erowhkll & Stan a no. tbrouwh tb city tn-da on tkatr wa la Car vallts to make srrsngrmcuta toupea np wrk ao tb raad. Joa Wahbar. Jr77 formerly of tbi city ba ba promoud to tbe poattioa of Weoersl Ant of tb Comtnereuil of California and Hartford lnsaraooe Companies for th North east. Joa u en r f th best insursocs men on th Coast. , Mr J T Flyan. Portland' rostling rwal eatat man, Is ia th city booming a buj ea eurston to Cram's Pas. Th round trio far will b only $7 JO. (Irani Pans ia da- toied to baooma one of tha largaat 01 tie ia aouiiicro uragon. sod Mr Fly an prap-joe tjaavvnta itaauvanugw. ATCAOAV. A big picuto off at Turner to-dsy. Dropping strawberrisa for awhile, a fUsa burg ppr boasta of a roe moriog 61 io- che in disin.ier. ' Tb fk Band i aoa tM agsio. It i get ting dat.grroaty tmsr tbe 4tn, and Albany will aad a band lor tbe occasion. In tba ttatioual gsm of base ball Boston jd Pbllsdelptti ar tinhting bard for tirrt place. I, ia tha tatters torn to carry tb petitiant Han Ceo il William it delivericg bis leo tur 00 th "Diviuitv cf Chrutt" generally through tb State. It i in ordtr fur Albany togetbim. A woman in Southern Oregon give notice to the pnblio that a brhubaud Ua drank aid. gambler, and uo good geearally, tb will no longer ba responsible for hia debts. ' Bnrkkart Si Keouey have tented the rooms recently vacated by T. Jooc in tb Straban block, and ara titling tbora up la line style for tkeir real eatate office. IUv Comano, the popular pastor of tb M E Church Sonlh it making arranuemcots to issue a religion weekly. lUy Comsao i a fluaut writer and will no doabt puolish aa able journal. About tbitty year ago Sol and Ed Hirtch old good ia Datl, and sine tbeo both have Ik coma prjmiaent polttioally. Ed wa Suiu Treasurer for aeyeral years, and now Sol ha boeu sppmntea United State mini ter to turkey. jlemtxr, Uon Ceo E CharabarUin, of thi city, ba tent to ih Orrjotiinn a copy of a letter r eeieed by hi aocastar, lion Cliss Thompson, from Tbo JeffiroD, showing that Jefferson wa a Christian and not an infidel a com monly he ha the repntaliou of bavtLg bo, Undei an endorsement ot ex-Rev C II liny ni,l.i by the Liberal club, the Walla Walla oitrnaf also publishes a series of resolution odnrtiog Clark I'.radsn frrtii mambera of tbe M K Church, ahowiug tbat both have Hands if ft afu-i tlimr Ut dtsgrseefut wordy sUali hi in a Walla Waila pulpit Pendletot, Ji.O. Wonder it bociU u as reallj intended. The Albany Water Work two new pump riivnl tbi morning, aud will be placed in poeitiou a fatt a possible. They are of the Dow Make, have a capacity of a million gul ton a day csch, and are large, solid pieces of machinery, requiring two ear to bring them here. The power of th work will ba lu cres svd three fold by tbi machinery. "A ttu'.tetii'gman in Philadelphia wat hit in the itii.uih by a bue bill. When ho got well the in.pedimsut in hia apeech had dta appeand." Tbi will be an excellent excuse for every stuttering man in the country tone lilect hi family this tetsoa and attend every base ball game going. G J Dilloo went over to tk Bay to-day. Mr U Lltudd and on of reoria, have been iu the oity to-day. Mr Piatt Elderkin is acting st O Ii & N nsent during th two weeks absenoeof Agent IUwliuc. The W B U will give an entertainment on Tnursday, May 30ili. Fatther aunouaoe ment will b given. E H MeAlister, ot this city, i the present editor of the Lauroan Souioty ' ooluino in tbe Eugene Journal. Mr Georjo Ilumphrey, Esq, left this noon on a lev-oral day' trip to-Yaquiu Buy after fa brveses and rock oysters, Ol Frank Tarker, editor of the Walla WmlUSUiitssmttn, is id the oity, cn hi way horue from Vsquioa B.y, where he own considerable property. , 1 ,i The Coogreaatioual social last eyeniog wa a very nie affair, greatly enjoyed by tb company ttf young sud old popl presebt. Numerous tnewer indulged 111 snd very palatabio iuriCHiervta vTdmi I y Cms I do rmt m; o merely to tap them tor 1.10 tii-n ro turn aeata. I nms A kAtlCAA CI li- 1 bate made toe diacas of CTT3, EPIT.T.PSir or FAXLTKO SICIHsXS3, A life-long etndy. I waen tsr my remedy to (,T?na Uie worst e. lu-eaoso others Lav tsds4 1. no reason l"r not i re- acuta, tend atoK f ur a treat, and a r ate l'-ffiTi B ef toy I vr .t u BUi baa eot. lie t.rrr aud Po t OCira. H wu joo ..i.Ui5 f'ir a trwd. sail II will Cur yon. AdUro I "2 a. i" k "''' A ipj it rHi, e The) BUT BBS OTXIDE I tasuadl Uareb snd Bepi iaaeii year. It 1 an esoy olopodia of useful Infer nation for all to pur. chase tbo luxorio or t r-i neooaatuea of Ufa. Wo aa eiotba you and tttrnish you ni'M all tba oaoeaaary and utns- appliance to rido.wslk, tlacco, tlccp, at. Sah. hunt, work. CO to,. or stay at bo ma. and in vano'i--. r,Utt, atyle and quantities. Junt it; us e out what 1 required to do aU the 3 i:.;r.-i COMf 0RT1BLT. and yon eon. msS.? a ir .r esttmal of tbo volu of the EU VXlia' GUIDE, which wlU bo seat unca receipt of 10 oente to psy poj-.r-Kj, MONTGOMERY WARD &. CO. 1U-U4 Xlobigaa Avenue, Chicago, 111. r p f ' -B 1.1 wiir Hit -1 1 1 1 him nmri a. ' Ie the matter of the ete of 01y uoyer, a minor. To A. C. Cnvat. tho neat ot kin, and all pernona iatereswd io the estate d lb sbove uoircil n.lnor. oreelmg I tbo name of tit Ktate of Oreijoit, yoa r h!fe! y cited and directed to sppear ia tbe Con- y Cooit of tbe S'at of Oregnr, for tbe y ol Lien, st tl;t court room thereof, ' t Aibf t , in tbecouiity of Lion, 00 Jlnttdat, the 11 4a fcf Jalr, .t 10 oVloek lo tb f-n.-ooi-u of that day, '.lien ,d there to tow cstin 11 ar.y thereli r.v a li ierts!i- ii!d ut I gr-i:l"i to A C Coyer, tbe gr)rdii-. of !! niio r, for lb sale of .be ietS eit- f said ward aa describ ed in the ptt!t'u of tho prnsrdwi of toid ... . . 1 . t . T 1 1 ward now 00 tiie witn ire t,irn in awjy named CVor t which id r-fcl property is des cribed a follow tn-wtt s Ao ac!ided one-- tinlh of tba .tb half of tne r.ortoa f.,nrLti.eiiH tha i.orthwett foerth I Ihe toota east footth of secto t, cd the southwest "V north of Ihe nr.rlhaest fuorrboflitrtlOncn, in township eleven oath of raocf one west of Ihe Vi;iantt memtus iat.u o 001101.7, Oregon, eoiitaii i'ig tfiO rerea. ire rr lur. Witn-e. U t Hon. I. K. it- ntmrunmu. aoa of th County Co-?. of the Mat ol Ure(in, lor ILe 01 UW v n n an. of id Court li;eJ, thi 13ti ny oi y, a. d., mo. . Altsel : E. V.. MOSTAOCB, CUrk. (ua.) - : Citation. . 1 the Couutif Court oj the Mai of Ort'jon for Im Count; of Lin : In fho matter of tbeaut'i o Aloxoa R Daniel, a minor. To F. M. D&oicl. tb- nexl of km and all j potaon lotirM!ti in th fcsUte r.f aboa named minor. Grouting : i TN bo name of Uo Siato of Oregon; you 1 era herebr. cited and directoil to ap pear la tha Conniy Court cf iba Si of uregon, for tbe ounty 01 Uo tt tbe court room thereof, at Alt aay, in ine rouoiy ni Linn on Maaday, tbe 11 day af Jlalp. at iO o'clock in tbo forenoon of tbat day, then and there to t.bow causa if say tbere- be why a licenee sb -uid tt to graotod 10 V. 11. Iianlfl euardiao of ssid minor far tae aala of tb rea-l o.tsta or aatd ward a daaoiibed In tbe pot'Uon of tbe guardian of aald ward on nie wita is viors of tba above uan:;l tiiort, wbicb eaid real etta 1 dt-orll.l a follow, to wit t An undivided two-n!ittbnt the aeulb half olthe nrtbwaal fiurtb.and tbe northwea; or cuon two and tha aoc.tba eat fourth of tbe north west foortii ef amrtioa one. townanip oleven Hooth of rant;e n we of the Willaoieuo tnr-.aiii in Lion couotj-, Oregon, eor.Uiato H acroa inoro or lea-i. llDa 10 U'lU. K. li. I.IMHUU1U, Jndsrerf tbo Couoiy Couitof ib Stato of Oregon, for tbo county of Lion, with tba eeai of ata conn :uxrd, tais iwt uay m May, A. I). Iftfc9, AUnai: r. ... Jiosr.ui.i - ' Clerk, "(-.) 1 5 KUK KALB BT FCWHAY WASOJI Notice for Publication. United Slate Laud Cffloa at un-to Ci:j , ur March 22ud. lh!i. Kotlra la barebv Hvan tbat !n ciuipll- aboa with tha orovialona cl too art of Canaraa of June 3rd. la.S. tr.iittn: "An act for tha ami of limber limit in tbe Hiatoa of California. Oreaon. Nevada and WaablogtonTerritorT." Ueniy W p.cevoa, of Albany, county of Lien, Male of Ore gon, baa tbla day Died in tbla ofUcj lit aworn statement No. 497, for tho purchase cf tb N X of M W M and N ! tfHKJcf Section Ho, 34, In Townhip No. 9 aouth Range So. 4 east, and witt offer proof t abow that tbe land sought i more vain able for It timber or etotto than for agrl cultural purposes, and lo eetabllab but claim to said land before the Keglttei aad receiver of tbi ofllce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tkarsdap Iketedi stay fjnsr. la. He name aa wiineaaea : li F Tabler. M. Armstrong. A b vYoodln and P.icbard Fox, all of Albany, Lisa county, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely tha above described land are request d to file tholr claim in thia oQloe on or before aald 20: b Cay or J anci, ISM). Register. VflBaSAS. COLD i kV I I L I U V f t-4 ai- fVlilaAy Try t!i9 Cure j x e HiiL, Atay Agent, A splendid stock o vatches, lew. elry .clockt, etc., at Will & Starke, many new thincrsbelneriust received. Also a tine line of cold headed canes. Call on them for bargains. ' Wiifjht's ArobiRn Horse Liniment, at in valuable remedy for apraine, bruieei, lamo neti snd si! sffoctiou of tbeikin, mntcljianel joints, to which horse nd cattle are iub jt ct. Sold by Fosbay & Mason, Children Cry for ;. Not ou person in fifty arrive st tbe sp of forty; who i uatirouMcd with kidney or urinary corhpltiinia in tome form. To those t Alio ted with psiu in tbo back, nou retention of urine, nervoua debility, painful- or tuo- pressed menstruation, we ean offer remedy thit ba been in cocstant nie oyer twonty yeoct, Oregon Kidney Tea. Thi preparation ha done more for tutfering humanity than any other medicine in the markt. Bold by roshay Mason. , FItcher's Castorla for Columbia Bicvclea. Tricycle aad Safetva. Also hival. Otto and National Blcvclo and Crotccnt and Junior Kafetv, worth from t'0 to t0. end for prio list of nw and eoid-ban.t wl-ee-U now la lock. ;; '-djiUrica. Qartr-rv "- - - Notice for Publication. Land Ofttoti at Oresron City, Or. 1 May7lh. 1SS0. J Notice la beret.y Riven thut tbe follow ing named autUer ha fllod nntjco of hi intention to niako nnal prour 111 support of bta elalru, and iba: aald proof will be made before the Ccnnty Jnrte, or in bl abaenoe, belore tbo County Clork of Lion county, at Albany, Orerjou, cm HadaT, Jaly 8lh, 1KH, via : W. EC. Klccolson, Homeelead Knlrvv Ko.5401. for tho S H of S W X and 8 V? X 01 Kit olSecUon S2,Tp.,S,KS 14 He namo the following wltnoaaoa to pi ova bit! ecn tinuou reaidenco upon acd cultivation ot m lnna, viz : u u uouuy, jon iwnti, Richard Myo and J w irury, an of Rock Creek, Lion county, OreKou. Any THtraon who c'oaite to protest apcaluat tba allowance of eucb proof, or who knows of any aubsiaultal rc"ou. under tbe law aud Ibe rrgulntioiis of tbe 1 . 1 y 1 . . B....i. r hould not be allowed, will be given nrt-l opportunity nt tbe above mentioned time aud place to cross-examine the witneettoa of aeid olaloeant, and to ofTer evideuoe in rebuttal of tbat submitted by claimant. W. li. Buiimjy, . Register. & (tving. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS - Prompt Attention-First-class Eearsa fill So li tttlsnnlatea tb torpid liver, atrentrth n ihatllaroatlvaorarana, regnlatea Itio MiwaLs, ausA wra u 11 equal od wt su IHTMIUQU3 1 f.!DIOEHEi ffn matartal district their virtue r Wldal y raeoa;iitael, Bstbey poaaea pec-, ilisirpropartiea la freeing theaya tent front tbat polaon. Jtlejf aaaaor ;eotad. Aoa A'jrteai'vaeta. ; Sold Everywhere. Odce, 44 Hurray St., New York, The treatment of many thousand of ef thosa ohroulo weaknessc and Oixtreeainv allmonta peculiar to fcumlwi. at the In rail da1 Hotel and tJurfrioal Institute, Buffalo, N. Tn ha afforded a vast experience tn nicely adapt bis; and thoroughly testing" remcdica for the cure ot woman 'a peculiar maladies. Dr. fierce' Favorite Ireertptlo ia the outjrrowtn, or remit, of tbi great ana valuable experience. Thousand or testimo nials, rcoeived from patient and from pbysi clans who have tested it in tha mora ao-ffra-vated and obstinate cose which bad battled tboir akilt, prove It to ba tha moat wonderful remedy ever devised for tha relief and cure of eufferuur women. It ia not recommended as a Houre-aII," but oa a most perfect bpectao for woman's peculiar ailment. Aa a powerful, iuvlaroratlne tonic tt Imparts strength, to the wholo system, and to tbe womb aud It appendage in particular. For overworked, "'worn-out," u run-down," debilitated teachers, milliner, dressmakers, aeamstresace, "sliop-trirls," bouso- , ana iveote women avorite Preecriouon boon, beliio- xinvaiialod a an appotixlnir cordial and restorative tnnia. Aa a ootliluar mid atrengihouing nervine. "Favorite Freecrlptlou " 1 uao- Sualed aud Is Invaluable In alluring- and sub uine nervoua excitability, irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, epnsma and other distressing, nervoua symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and or-fraolo disease of the womb. It induce refresuin olecp and relieves mental anxiety and do pondenoy. . Dr. Fleree Favorite Prescription la m lecUlmato medicine, curefttlly compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman' delicate organization. It ia purely vegetable in It composition and perfectly harmless in it effect in any condition of tbe system. For morning- aiokne, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys- Sepsla and kindred symptoms, iu use, la amall ottos, will prove very bonofiniaL, "Favorite Prescription "ie a poeU ttve euro for the most complicated and ob stinate ease of loucorrbea, exocssiv flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or fulling of tbe womb, weak baok, foimU weakness, antaversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, cbroitio congeatlon. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb, In flammation, pain and tenderness la ovariue, accompanied with "internal heat." Aa a regulator and promoter of f 11 no tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pro scription " is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can prod 1109 only good result. It ta equally emcaoiou and volunble In its effect when taken for those disorder and derange ment inoident to that Inter and moot critical period, known as "The Change of Life." "Favorite Prescription," when taken In connection with the use of Dr. Pierce Golden Medical Discovery, and email laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purentiv Pellets .Uttle Liver Fills), cure Liver, Kidney and Bladder disease. Their combined use also remove blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and Scrofulous humors from the system, "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by drug-gists, under a positive cnarantee, from the manu facturers, that it will give- satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. Thia guaran tee bas been printed ou the bottio-wrappor, and faithfully carried out for many years. Xarare bottle (100 doses) 1.00, or six bottle tor $5.00. - - For law. Illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (MO pngoo, paper-covered), (cud tea cents la stamp. Address, farli's Ci:psns:rj EeScsl Isssciaiicn, 4 603 rialll St, BtTFALO, N.T. Ely's Cream Ba! m Cles nsaa the Uasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Heals tne Sores. BesWes tbe Senses of Taste, Bmoll and Hearing. A parthJa 1 aptdted lata aeteb aaan n J beuriweeuiln. Prir. ftOc at IraMa r by saeul. Ki,y BitOTgEBSo WatreabCjiew Yorjfc PATENTS b laiaed, and all other boalaes la the V. S. Fataa IBo aUerwleded to lor sooderate leea. OwrorHreteopnnrit the U.S. Patent Ofllce, and wa eaa obtain Pataol leas time tbaa Uwa remote rem Weatiingtoa. Kend modi or drawing. We s?- to psteat sbiiityfrueof dutrg ;aod ere make o chary unless w obtain patent. Wa retir bcra. to tba Poslanester. th Btrr. al I ooey Order Iit. aid to oflici.le 4 Ihe U. S. Patent Ofllce. Fordrcalar, advtco, term, aad afereuees osctual eiieut ia your own State or county, widrecs Co A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Fatarit OfBe. Waahiiiftaa, D . EQBLSieD OFPOEECOOUVEflOIL &B IIYPOPEOSPHITSS AImc3t as Palatable as Milk. So tfisgmlead tba tt eatt ba takaa, algesttea, aad aaataaUataeJ by the asawt mbiIUts etonaaaa, vraaa tb platat U eavuaet ba telarevtedf aad fey tba Mae? btaation of Uta oil wit a tba bypepaea paltaa la math store cQteaeioa. Eescrkoble u a-fesa prbiieer. rentott gala rspldly wWla ttklRS tt SCOTTS EiTULSION is acknowledged by rbvsieiaas io be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world f oi the relief and core of CONSUMPTION, CCROPULA. CCNERAL OCBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLD 3 and CNRONIO COUGHS. Tk jrrsaf remedy for Cowmptim, and rfoifino in ChUOrtn. Sdi by all Druggist Summons. In tk Ortnil Court of tie State cf Ore gon, far Linn County. O. W. Pttgb, riaiotiff. -.; ' r. -' MelUsaJ. Pugh, Charles Wgner,Dofendants. To Melissa J. Vanh, tb above named De fends ot j . In the name of th Stale of Orecon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer ' the compliant of the above Plaintiff in the above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk of ssid Court, within ten day from the date cf the aery ion if thi Summon upon yon, if served in Lino county.Oregon, but if served in any other county in the State of Oregon, tbon within twenty days from the date of the erytoe of this Summons upon you then by the first day of the next tern, of this Court to-wit : on the Mth day of June, 18S9, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, aa here by required, the PlaiutiflVill apply to tbe Court for the relief demanded in hia com plaint filed herein, to-wit : for a dissolution of the bonds ol matrimony now existing be tween Plaintiff and Defoudaot and for the care, custody and control of Clara Tuph, George Pu jh, Maggie Pnj-h and Jessie B. Pugh, their minor childten, and for a decree declaring the oontract irnoed aud signed by the Defendant, Charles Wagner, the prop erty of the Plaintiff, and for the coat aud riiMHinsemenU of this anit to bo taxed. This Surjitoona is served by publication by order of ths Uon, R. P. Boise, Judge, of said Court, made the 27th dav of April, 1S89, at Chambers n tba city of Salem, Oregon, J. K. Wkatherpord, Attorney for Plaintiff, "-.