The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 31, 1889, Image 3

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    GIic Qmcrrat.
FRIDAY .MAY 81, 1889.
Belter aaa fraartMar.
ijnia. iii n gr iggiii n m ; Lm
Tm 1a. Following from Cpt, J. J
WInant, matter ot thetteamer "Mischief,"
te the Yaqulna Jtrfmk'Jcn, Is particularly
reliable at Capt. Winant It an old resident
of the Bay and knowt what he h convert
Ing about. Portland papers thou I J digest
It : "You can safe! say there It twenty-
four 0 twenty-five feet ot water on Ya.
quia bar at ordlnajr high water at the pre
ent time, and eighteen feet at low water.
Thlt It getting to near the depth of the
Columbia river bar that the difference It
hardly worth mentioning. And one thing
It proven beyond dispute, and that It that
the government Improvements retult In
obtaining thlt. Now the only question Is,
can the channel be maintained. A long
step hat been taken towards solving the
problem and an Important doubt at last hat
been nut to rest. Let thote who have as
serted positively that this depth would
never be obtained now pause a little before
inev declare that permanency is Impossi
ble, -
That Bask Ball Gamc The game of
base ball between the Albany and Mon
mouth nine closed about 5 o'clock Satur
day with a score ot 46 to aj in favor of
Monmouth, the score being quite an old
fashioned one. While It wacalled a col
lege contest the Monmouth nine was pick
ed up generally.and had the Albany bovs
ent oft for players the result would not
have been so one sided. The Albaify nine
at the close wat composed of Will Breck
enridge, Ed Blodgett, Samuel Ouisr .Oscar
Marshal, Mr Nile, Mr Parker, Fercey
Young, Anderson Canon and Lowell Jones,
with Parker and Breckenrldg aa the bat
tery. E Kyie, 1! Fenton, E Smith.M Fen
ton, C Cochrane, S Cattron, Lake Tatom
and C Hawley constituted the Monmouth
nine. There It talk ot another game.
Astonished. A Portland gentleman
aenda a private letter to the Dkmockat
office In reference to an ninch straw
berry located in Albany ,ustng some aston
ishing language.and signing himself Quien
Sabe. The Democrat knows nothing
about such a berry and does not believe at
large a one hat ever been teen here or any
where elte In Oregon, though Brownsville
dees claim to have had one measuring over
ten Inches In circumference. The largest
strawberry the Democrai has seen meat
tired here wat about 8Ji inchea in circum
ference and that Is an enormous siae for
anhoncstly measured berry.
With His High Stepper Mr Bal O
Fellows, of Chicken Bristle in I Jnn county,
was here Saturday and Sunday with hla
bigh stepper. Bal is a weii-known and
witty newspaper correspondent of the Al
bany papers and takes commendable pride
la hie fine horse. We acknowledge an in
vitation to ride behind him, which shows
that our judgment of horse flesh has gone
abroad In the land, even to far away Unn.
A fine horse is a thing ot beauty and a joy
forever. Benton Leader. Mr Fellows Is
the Democrat's famous correspondent, un
der the nom de plume, Brick Dust.
Crook County. Resident sheep own
era are rushing to the mountaina with their
flocks, and will probably head off the Was
o and Sherman county marauders In get
ting to the mountains first. . . .Sheep shear
will be finished in this county in about ten
days, the great bulk ot the work having al
ready been done.... Married, at the resi
dence of Judge Sumner, In Prinevllle, on
Monday, May to, Mr Richard Turpin to
Miss Kate Rodman.... W L Coshow hat
been appointed deputy sheriff of thlt coun
ty. Prinevllle papers.
New Druq 8torc Mr Sullivan, a resi
dent of Albany, for several montht, form
erly of Seattle, la making arrangement! to
open a drug store in the Harper Cranor
block. Sullivan was originally from riong
Kong or some other celestial city, and baa
been in the gambling business for many
years, but preferring the pleasures of a le
gitimate business has concluded to go into
the one moat likely to bring him wealth.
A Chinese drug store will be a novelty in
The Difference. Aman in the city
-a few days ago was kicking lustily because
while Im a certain locality in Minnesota
land could be' bought for $12.50 an acre.
here it costs from $30 to $40 an acre for
farming purposes. Subtract the Minne
sota blizzard from their land and add our
climate to ours and it Is easy to make the
figures consistent.
8evex Mills. The City Board of
Equalization met at the Council Chamber
last Tuesday, and besides equalizing dif
ferent assessments, placed the levy at 7
mills. The total assessment foots up to
about $1,164,000 increase of about $135,
000 over last year, which speaks for the
growing wealth of Albany.
A Prophet. Wheat haa gone down to
58 cents here, says th Benton Leader.
Now Is the time to buy. There is money
for somebody In buying the rest of the
crop at that price. It will be 90 cents be
fore the neat crop is harvested. Nothing
charged for this information.
A ixtttery. A Seattle man has been
Okkoon's Finr Horses. While ad-
mlrina the graceful proportions of Mr Mc
Knight's fine ttalllon, Onece, at he pasted
up on Tuesday's boat bound tor Albany.we
entered Into conversation with wr mc
Knlffht regarding the future ot Oregon In
his llne.and he expressed the opinion that
this coast would soon lead the world la
speed records, "In fact, the recent victory
of Spokane, at Louisville," says Mr Mc
Knight, "It but one ot our vlctorlet. Bogus
hat the bett record for a haft mile trot.and
Blue Mountain Bell hat the bett record for
a thrce-eluluh dath. besides which the
two-venr-old Oregon beats the record on
a half mile heat.of Ms class. Atiu Besides
thts.the number of horses that can trot un
der a : In Oregon exceeds any state in
tha Union for the population, and thlt hat
all been accomplished within ten yeart,
The fine blooded horses now In Oregon
will soon begin to tell in the speeds to be
attained. Oregon will soon be noted for
Its best horses."- II nl SU.
School Report. Following tsa month
ly report of school District N0.1S, Albany,
beginning April 19th, clolng May 34th :
No scholars enrolled, 391 average ntten
dance, 36 ; No limes tardy, 5. Thvse who
have attended regular arc : Anna Cox,
Paulina ZuliUJoif, AtnvlgU ZuhUdorf,
Frlta Zulilsdorf, Mamie Proptt, Mary Par
rlsh, Edith Jlcm, Robert Clem, Richard
Clem, Winnie Wilds, Janet Mckechnle,
Ralph Mckechnle, lllrtie Jordan, Tom and
lack Freeman, Rosa and Tabltha Me-
uueen. iso visitors during montn are, tur
F Trite. Mil Vllds.1 Clem, Mla Ver.
non, Lena Lr is Mr Edward Parrlsh,
Anna Wild. Nora Clem, Mrs luhltdori.
JVLIA LKWia, teacher,
The O. P. We mentioned Monday
that work on the Oregon Pacific had been
ordered ito;pcd temporarily. The fol
lowing from the Benton LethU-r explains
It satit'actorlly ; ' H hat been announced
that work would be begun on the eastward
extension of the Oregon Pacific Immediate
ly. We understand that the work which
would have been begun Wednesday, will
be delaved a siiort lime fur the measure
ment ct the uncompleted work on the un
finished contract ot former contractors. It
It expected that a large foice of men will
be employed on the road during the sum
mer." It also says : "It wilt resume work
and finish the connection with Boise City
by January 1, 1890."
School Report. The following is a
report of the Public school, In district No.
7, Linn county, Oregon, for the n.onth
commencing April J and ending May 17:
No of days presence, 457 ; No ot day a ab
sence, a3 ; No ot cases ot tardlncs, a j
whole No of pupils enrolled, 26; average
dally attendance, 33. Hie names of thote
who have been nel'her absent nor tardy
during the month are, Wilber Acheson,
Mack Acheson, John Acheson, tdward
Bam lord, Arthur llover.Lester Milter, Al
bert Underwood,Harry Under ood,OU ver
Underwood. lorace McB.lde.Bcrtha Ache
son, Estetla Miller, Augusta Underwood.
Jean McliAXtEL, teacher.
Oscclatorv Scenes. One meets with
many highly Interesting scenes during his
progress through life, but David Burkhait
declares upon the honor of a man that he
never witnessed a more interesting tight
than that of a young man of Albany Sun
day evenlng.who had been out riding with
his best girl. As the party were returning
home thev came to what appeared to them
a secluded spot In the road,when the oscu-
story process wat Instituted and uariu.
ho has a "high like a neagle, dec.ares ne
never saw kissing more heartily done in
all Hhis born days."
i o, a, 1
Tuesday evening, May aS, iSSyr
PresentMayor, recorder, marshal and
Councllmen Gradwoht, Burkhart, Tabler,
Deyoe, French and Parker,
Ths following bills were ordered paldi
A W McClaln, $95 J5; F E Alln,' $6.aj
N J Henton, $171 I D Paraena, $91 I F
Hadley, $47 401 Albany Iron Works, $71
cott bl'.ls, $47.15.
Bills of J N Hoffman and W B Barr were
referred back to council.
Mr Gradwahl, chairman of committee
on ways and means, recommended that a
sewer be built through middle ot blocks 34
and 33. On motion adopted.
Ordinance 194, providing for the preven
tion ot cattle running at large wat read
twice. On motion of French vote wat
taken on third reading. Aye, Gradwohl,
Burkhart, Tabler, Deyoe and French'
No, Parker. Bill thus went over until next
meeting, lacking unanimous vote. .
Bill ot W B Barr referred. ,
Bill o'JN Hoffman on motion ot Grad
wohl wat allowed, after a dltcusslon of an
Item of 6 dayt as street commissioner, $i3.
Licenses to ten liquor were granted Hale
Backensto, R FWIneman and M W Park
Petition of J P Galbrallh add others for
the prlvalege ot connecting with Callpoola
tewer wat granted.
Matter ot petition of Leedy and othert
for opening 4th ttreet wat brought up and
on vote lost.
Councilman litirkhnrt moved that $co a
month be paid the Street Commissioner.
amended by French Interring S40 In place
ot $50. Amendment and motion lost. Thlt
had nothing to do with the feet of Marshal.
I A Warner wat elertd cltv surveyor
during the absence ot Mr Barr,
On motion ot French a committee was
appointed to confer with the board ot fire
delegates In reference to forming a new
company fot old hand engine.
Bldt for bulldtnir aewert acrott Lton
and Ellsworth streets were opened and
read at follows: Jas Laurent, 49 cents for
both tewert; W A McClaln, Lyon 80c.
Ellsworth sac: Sloan St East, Lyon 70c
Ellsworth 50c; Nlcholt St Martin, $1x9.
Irattion engine and peanut roasters
were discussed, and ordinance ordered
A suitable location for a p.uud was or
dered Investigated, by committee on streets
and public propeity.
Hills ct John Jones, $70, and W N Mil
ler, $70, allowed.
Santui Mines. A writer in the Ort-
gtmian In speaking of the Santlain mines
mentions several owned by Albany gen
tlemen as follows : "The Captain mine,
owned by Read St Co., of Albany has a
ledge eight feet wide of concentrating ore r. Yaqulna City T J Uulord
assay, from $1 2 to $40 per ton in silver
trace of gold. The G & B ledge, owned by
Messrs Barker St Glddings, of Albany .hat
a targe body ot ore In tight (roue quartz).
Contains to ledges in solid walls not vet
developed, but assay well on top. The
Monarch mine, owned uy Messrs iJtimay
St McChesney, ot Albany, hat a fine lode
Some work done eighteen years ago.shows
$40 In gold on top."
Gets a Bite. Capt N B Humphrey, of
this city, has just been appointed a mem.
ber of the board of Indian commissioners,
to watch over the Interests of the Coer
D'Alenc Indians The other members of
the board are the famous Ben Simpson,
now of Alabama, and J II Shupe, of Oak
land, Or. The position will be permanent
during the piesent admlnlstra'Jon and Is
worth about $5000 a year. Cap. has
earned the position, at least politically.
Will Go Now. The Oregon Pacific is
now an assured fact, and us for that al
ways has been in the minds of Albany.
The $5,000,000 bonds just issued is the re
mainder of the $15,000,000 for which there
is now a mortgage in this and cither coun
ties along the line of the road and was all
taken up Saturday. As it wiil only be Iss
ued as the work progresses, It means busi
ness from the start and should be sufficient
to complete the road 10 Boise City. Our
citizens generally feel jubilant over the
FV Committees. At a meeting of
F. Co. last evening the following 4th of
July commltteej were appointed : On en.
tertainment T J Overman.M t Brink, A
E Ketchum, Geo H Keney,L Power.Wm
Fortmlller. On transportation Lieut (Jeo
E ChamberlaH.LIeut E D Cutick. On ball
Some of the members ot the 4th of July
committees met last Monday and reported
to the executive commltteee In reference
to arrangements being made tor the cel
ebration, which indicate one of the biggest
celebrations In the history ot Albany.
Burr Sloan, Walter East and George
Weatfail were added to the committee on
on decoration. A letter waa read from
Hon M C George, In which he accepted the
invitation to deliver the oration at thlt
The following officers of the day were
President of the dav Mayor I L
Albany D R N Blackburn.
Salem Capt J C Loveti.
Corvallls C C Hogue.
Sclo Ed Coin.
Lebanon C B Montague.
Sodavllle W W Parrtsh.
Waterloo J G Gross.
Sweet Home Ino (illllland.
Rock Creek Don Smith.
Mill Citv-W II Hobtm.
Mehama-W II Terrell.
Independence J C Cooper.
Turner E E McKinney.
Stayton A lexander Downing.
Harrisburg Ham May.
llalsey T J Black.
Brownsville K N Thompson.
Newport R A Bensall.
Tangent J J Beard.
Millers L C Stratton.
Jefferson C B Roland.
Shedd- Geo Davis.
Lyonsville Henry Lyons.
Reader of declaration E B McElroy.
Chaplaln-II P Webb.
Marshal of the day T L Wallace.
Another meeting will be held on next
Monday evening.
Twt Snows. II any doubt exists re
garding the truth of the rumor tuat two
shows Intend visiting Albany this year, It
mutt give way now, Bells Brothers' en
ormous hippodrome, three ring circus,
elevated stage and five continent menage
rie, than which no finer exists, will posi
tively visit here on Wednesday, June 19th.
S. II. Barrett's World's Fair, an unexcell
ed congress of circus celebrities, museum
marvels, menagsrie excerpts and racing
carnival will slso pitch Its city of snow white
tents here on the same date. These two
shows have visited here before separately
in different seasons, and this year they
come atone giving two parades the tame
day, and two complete shows for but one
price of admission. This will Insure tre
mendous crowds. Wc know them both to
be m-ritorlous, and how on earth two such
shows can pay consolidated Is past our
comprehension. Either one heretofore
wat at large as any that ever visited us,
and the two combined will make tuch an
exhibition at it seen but once in a lifetime.
1 he combined parades will be a novelty.
They are divided into four divisions, each
division preceded by a brass band. The
cases and chariots of one show are dissim
ilar to those ot the other, ihe color 01
tke cages and wardrobe Is entirely differ
ent. so that the distinguishing characters
For week ending May 25th, 18S9, Oregon
State weather Bureau, co operating with V
S Signal Service, central office, Portland,
Tht rainfall has been below the average,
the temperature has been about or slightly
above the average and the amount ot tun-
thine hat been very much above the aver
age. The effects of these conditions have
been exceedingly favorable to crops ot all
descriptions Better weather could not have
prevailed for the benefit ot the growing
crops. The recent ralnt which were tome
wnat celt, had a tendency to retard the
maturity of ttrawberrlet and cherries and
to caute the wheat to lodtie and bo to too
much straw,
The warmth and tun-thtne of the past
week matured rapidly the ttrawberrlet and
cheirlet and visibly affected the wheat and
other cropt favorably. Had the ' weather
turned suddenly hot after the rainy apell
the result would have been detrimental.
However, the weather wat tempered just
right to harden the stock and leal and to
gradually prepare them for lite more fer
vent heat yet to come.
Reports fiom all parts ot the State are
of a most encouraging nature. Wheat Is
from 36 to 40 Inches high, the heads about
four inches long which are well formed, In-
dlcatlng a 40 bushel yield atl over the State.
in Eastern Oreson the cereals are In an ex
cellent condition, most ot the barley and
wheat have headed out. 1 hi fruit It of
fine quality and promises to yield abund
antly. In Western and Southern Oregon
the conditions are all that could be asked
for. Tne yield wilt be ureater than ever
before. Strawberries are being picked and
thlppjd by the ton, it it especially noticed
that they are so large.many of them meas
uring from 7 to 9 Inches In circumference.
Cherries are rapidly maturing, but the pre
vlout cool, rainy weather caused them to
blight somewhat. Pears are tettlnic more
fully than for years. The cool, rainy apel
retarded cpples slightly. The prune and
plum crop will yield excessively. Peaches
are greatly troubled with curl leaf, which
prevails In most section. All daiger from
frost It passed and with the present damp
nets ot the toll and the state of the weather
the prospects for alt crops are exceedingly
favo'able. A continuation ot fair weather
and a moderate temperature will prove of
benefit and value to atl crops. In sections
where the toll hat a tendency ts bake a few
thowers would prove of benefit. The week
was marked tor its excellent growing and
maturing weather.
It. S. I'AOlK,
Observer U S Slgeal Service.
The attention of the teachers of Linn
county It called to the following program
f the local Institute to be held at llalsey,
commencing Friday, June 14, 1889, at 8 p.
m. The more the subject ot public school
education Is considered in conference by
the teachers and school officers ot our
state the gt eater does Its Importance be
come. It remains for the teachers to car
ry forward and develop this Important
work to higher degrees of excellence, and,
In order that we may be able to secure for
our public schools that addition and aid
which their Importance demands, all are
earnestly and cordially invited to attend
and co-operate in thlt great work of edu
cation. FRIDAY
Recitation, The Editor's Guests, by Flor
ence Pearl.
Music -
History, Prof tewett, HarrUburg.
Penmanship, James Van Winkle, Hal
sey. afternoon session, 1.30 r. M.
Language, ilarvey Bond, llalsey.
Menial arithmetic, Prof J M Williams,
of Eugene Public Schools.
Physiology, G F Russell, llalsey.
Musk, song.
Address, Prof I D Boycr, Brownsville.
Addiess, Prof L L Say, Peoria Public
the city advertising the Original Little j,pt M II Ellit.C B Winn, Wm Wright, of each thow It retained, the better to al
,eulsiana Co's lottery, of Seattle, L. B
Mod St Co- proprietors. Attention is call
ed to Sections 1881 to 1887, inclusive of
Hill's Annotated Laws of Oregon, particu
larly Sec. 1883.
Am Oratorv Col L F Copeland, the
eminent oratof, who was In Albany last
vear. has bcea encaged for two or three
ale-hit next week,partlcularaof which can
not yet be given. One of the finest orators
ever In Oregon he will be given good
The 4TH. The Corvallls company has
decided to come to Albany on the 4th in a
formal manner. The proper thing now Is
to secure a general order bringing Eugene
Into line. To-night at 5 o clock the sub
committees will make a general report to
the executive committee at the council
Building. Seveial nice residences, or
naments to the city, are just being com
pleted In different parts of our thriving
town. Among others those of George W
Hochstedler. W 3 Thompson, L H Mon-
tanye, I Beam, John Jones, I N Smith,
Shultz Bros and Mr Black. -
Decoration Services. The decora
tion services at the opera house last Sun
day were carried out as given In the pub
llshei nroeram. The sermon was deliv
ered by Rev Prlchard, and wat an able ef
fort, lull Ot patriotic apinw
Disappeared. J. W. Hunter left Seat
tle In Tanuarv with $2000, bound for Sa
lem. He wat seen at a hotel In San Fran
Cisco with a ticket for Indiina, and that
was the last heard of him. His wife in
R.ttL thinks he has been murdered for
his money.
Representatives, At the regular
meeting of Safety Lodge, No 13, A O U
V, held Monday evening, W E Kelly and
T 1 Stitea were elected representatives to
ki fir.nd Lodire of that order that con
venes In Portland Wednesdayjuly 10th
Boas. On Saturday, May 25th, 1889,10
the wife ot S S Mc aaaen a ooy.
On ammunition Capt OH Irvine,
French, Lieut O A Archibald.
low of a comparison of the merits of the
respective shows
State Grangb. The annual meeting
of the Bute Grange began in Salem Wed
nesday. Mr and Mrs J II 8cott, Mr and
Mrs N P Payne, Mr and Mrs M II Wilds
and Mr and Mrs F M Kizer are present as
delegates from Linn county. F M Klzer
wat appointed chairman of Ihe committee
on order of business. N P Payne on divi
sion of labor and legislation, Hon Wm Cy
rus also is on one of the committees.
An Honest Darkey, The other even-
In the Bhra's gave an entertainment on
First Street, and of course took up a col
lection. A grocer by mistake put a $5
crold niece In the hat for a nickel. One of
the darkeys noticed the piece,and,recogniz-
ing immediately that there had been a mis
take made, returned the money to its own
erhonest fellow ; and vei the story is
circulated that negroes In some localities
steal chickens.
Will Not Celelrate. Salem very I Cheap, No tuch cheap excurtlon
good naturedly has decided not to celebrate that to Grant's Pass on next Friday will be
After Runs There Is some sense In
the following from the Daily Times Mn
laineer, ol The Dalles s "They play ball
down the country. As the Democrat
went to press Saturday, a game at that city
stood en the sixth Inning, Albany, 18
Monmouth. 31. That's the kind of games
we like to read about. Those "big games"
reported where the score Is 1 to 0. don't
show much playing. The object of the
game is to make runs, and that Is the rea
son we have always contended that ama
teurs are ahead ot professionals in case
ball." 1
Most Prosperous, A . Democrat
man heard a commercial man wno nas
been through the valley for several years
remark that Albany during the past two
yeart had Improved the most of any city in
the valley, and it now mucn ine iivnew,
the 4th this year, Albany having gotten
the Jrst chance at the Military Companies
lor the occasion. While we know of no
promises yet it will be the proper thing for
Albany a year nence w icij)ri.i aic
our sitter city down the Willamette,
Next Week. Get your seats reserved
for the Chicago Comeay company's en
tertalnmentt Monday, fuetday and Wed
nesday next. The company will appear
in entirely new play t and will give our
citizens some acting mai wm picc
satisfy. Big and elated houses are report
ed al torvamt.
Lotteries, The general experience Is
hat mnnev Inverted in me ixuisana
and other lotteries is thrown away
Thousands of dollars have been sent from
Albany without a return o: any conse
quence. ' 11 It a poor wsy w invwi muiic,
Struck Oil At S1.25 per eallon can
hit Standard r"' oil, at Ihe Willamette
Packing Co.'s store. .
f Monday.
Eastward goes the Oregon PaoifieT
Four boats of strawberries for 29 esnta to
Ad Albany bsrbftr olslint a rtoord of 106
thavss in a day. -
A bill hat ba pitted granting the right
01 way 10 tne nswpon w luna Valley rail
road company through (he Silata reserva
tion, .
The members ot tht Chlatgo Comedy Co.
spent yesterday and this forenoon in the oity
on thslr way to Corvallii, whtrt they will
exhibit this week. They deserve full bouses.
Dr O W Maston is making of the Hum
bauah property one of the most imposing and
hsmttume rcsldsoos property In the city.
Whatever the dootor touobot has to bloom.
bomshmlyt team ran away last eveolag,
ttarting from ths ostium sulmrht and run
ning into the country. The latt ifa r,f it
It was running st a rspld rate past Mr Jiugb
Nkiksrton'a residence,
The mention mad of the pubtloatltn of a
paper by Bov D 11 Cninann wat a little pre
mature. The publication oi a elinroh paper
for ths Columbia 0011 f ratios. M K ohorab
South, has bean uttdar untidsratioa and tfte
matter will be determined at the next eee
slun of thsir oonfarsnoe, whioh meets at Dal
las the 2th day of Aogn. t
At a mooting of its city oouoall of Los An.
gelfs recently, an ordinauos was patted pro
viding lor the immediate building of a aewer
to ths nevan at a onst ot over one million dol
lars. Tslkiug of ntorptisa, that aurpaases
the rtoord ou the 1'soillo oottt, and by in.,
pitted oollapard oily too.
DrG'lHll, of Sodsvillo. it iu the city.
Mrs S K Young and Mrs W S Mill.r I. ft
Iowa thlt morning for Albany,
Thus Kav. ths Halem W M man. Is kom st
Leeds, Etiiilsml. afd-ran absence of tw.btv.
sis years.
Mr Arch Hammer, reoentlv inlurad b s
fall, is on the streets stain, fully rtoovered
from the efftcte ot the aeeldent.
Mr I) w Crotaen and ana John. ifs Al.
kaoy a few days auo for Alsskt. on a nros.
ptoting tour, and with a view of locating.
Ills isdite of the M issionsv-v s 'inlet v of ths
Presbyterian ohuroh. irave a vrv nias tsa st
the residence of Mr J M Irving; Saturday
Conductor Curtis, of tha frataht on ths
Oregon Pscllto. is running the psareoger
train wtiita Conduotur Uka a
dewu the Coast.
Mr R B Milrov. of North Yakima. W T.
oos of tbs rising young Attornsvs of that
country, ta in the oity, and ia W.daeeday
will be united in marrias. ta Mi's Lena
Wbitson, ot this eennty.
II Bryant, so.. f tha Alha,. W a
brother of T W BrvsuL haa bum vldtinv
the latter dnrlna tbs oast weak. lohn
Keroa, of Marlon county, arrived with bim
for a visit with bit son, Go Ksrus. Ash
wad J uimg$.
Mr Wallace Mannar, one of the proprie
tor of the Unit Hut,l and Commercial Ad
erlirr, of Portland, was Batted in marriage
last Wtdorsdsy evenimi to Miss K Key. Mr
MauMT at oos time was a Journalistic reel-
osnt 01 Ainsoy
eity from ( Wills, Cel. and located at tbe
urecrn 1aoI Co s offloe, wbsr be is pre
psisd to receive orders for work. Mr Me
Caastlsnd proposes to tnsk this bit perms
neat borne. See bis card elsewhere.
Mi E J McCaiutland, an exprie4 civil
txn'naer and eorveynr, has moved to thlt
City Council to-night.
The state Gran ooavitc at Salem to
day. Frank Wheeler and family,! Camp Pelk,
Crook cooaty, are in tbe eity.
"Royal Amarifla,- recently of Corvallia, la
in tbe city ou a boots.
Eloctra Stius let t tbia nooo 00 a vinit to
k tr brothers io Polk county.
Strswbet ries to-day are f 123 too la Al
bany. Mrs George Ladermso, of The Dalle,
went through the city U Corvsllis to dsy,
Tbe Chiisiro Comedy Company played to
a big and entbusiastio bouse at Corvallia yesterday.
This warm dsy the ltter published els. Harney Valley. The best crops we have
where from Mr Uoo W II situ will ha nuit teen are saee brush, juniper trees and
Bannoa haa bean heard (rotn. He it sick
in a hospital at Lot Aoselst. lie It the Sal
em wagon maker who suddenly disappeared
several wacaa sgj,
Tuesday svenlng a deck hand nemad Sims
bsd bis band badly mashed by a self binder.
while assisting in unloading oue from the
Hoagat Wheatjand. . ,
tr . a aa as a 1.1 a
r rana wood sbsw steam Arm is bow
working like a charm and will anon be put to
wort in nit quarry, xetierdey it drilled a
toot bole ia oue and a half minutes.
One of the most complete stove and tin
war stores la the valley ia that of G. W.
Smith, of Albany, Nicely arranged, with a
nig steed or arat-oiata goods Air Smith is
prepared to meet ttietiemaods of a rushing
community. : ;
Tbe prevalence of scrofuloas taint in tbs
blood it much more universal than many are
aware. Indeed, but few persons are free
from it. Fortunately, however, w bava in
Aytr'a Sarsaparilla. the most potent rented
tvtr discovered for this terrible aflliction.
The euterlaa wedae of a oooinlsint that
may prove fatal is often a slieht cold, which
dose or two of Aysr'a Cherry Pectoral
oiigni nsvs cured at the commencement. It
would be wail, therefore, to keen this ram
edy witbiu resjh at all times. ,
Q W Smith and Zeph Job are booked for
a shooting 000 test to com off next Thursday
afternoon, to decide tbe elianitlnibiD of tha
club, and to whom ia entitled tb silver cup.
I'U... 111 - L . mn r
win snoot as uv lions oisokuirus a
ineoo. Oorrtllis 2fW,
An Albany man in tbe ForLt of th Santl
ain Wednesday stopped for awhile at th
risideoo of rather a yooag oouol to be
baopina house all alone. On was oulv 84
and th other 82. Tbe young busbsnd waa
tumbling arouud on th gf a with corns
neighbor children ia quit a boyish fashion.
It wss Unci Johnny Crabtre and wife, wbo
hav breu married longer than most people
live. Unci Johnny tat cm th lirst jury syeri
held in Liua county, st th present tit of
Albany. He bad to tab bis horses to K box I
Mutt ta order to Et vtuitabl clsoe to keep
tbem, Knox bull beiog much ahead of
Albany then. j
J M Kslttoo, of Lebanon, came down this
Pap Stroud baa bcea in tbe oity on an in
specting tour.
Uoa J J Paly, of Dallas, has beta in tb
oity oa bnsines.
EJitor Kly, of tb CowliU AJvotale, baa
been la theotty.
Mrs. itrown, of Walla Walla la visiting
br brotbr, Dr W II Davia, ia this city.
J II TowBsend, special agent of the Pa
oillo Iissurano Co, of Portland, is in th eity
Mrs. C. L. Urush sod child, of Portland,
ar ia tb city the gaestt of Mr A B Psxton.
Dr Joseph Smith, agraduaUof th medi
cal department of tbe university of Iowa baa
located at Jeffersoa. Th Doctor, we coder
lUod, is a brother of Mr I N Smith, of this
I .ice's Ranch, 66 miles south of Prinevllle
Thinking a few lines from this part ol
Oregon, might Interest a few of your read
ers, 1 wiil send you the following. We left
Albsny, Msy 7th, over the W. V. k C.
wagon road, which we found much better
than w expected, arriving at Prinevllle,
May 13th, 1889, covered with dust. We
pitched tent on the 13th, ia miles south of
Prinevllle en the desert, where It rained
upon us for several hours. On May 14th
it rained and snowed, about 6 o'clock the
sun shone out bright and warm ; but about
10 o'clock, p. m. ot the 14th It commenced
to snow and up to this time 5:30 p. m. the
1 5th It Is still snowing and blowing the
worst I have ever seen In Oregon. You
could not drive a team against the storm.
We have only made about H miles an
hour and had to go into camp at 1 1 130 a .
m, this place, as nearly frozen as I have
ever been during the 1 1 years I have been
In Oregon. We have been traveling to
ward Harney City, which la almost direct
south ot Prinevllle, traveling the desert
road and will continue 3$ mile and stop
lor a few days and then proceed on to
L Dobson returned from Yaqulna Frl
day. .
A new platform has been added to the
depot here.
' The Inevitable tramp in making his ap
pearance among us. j.
Died, Saturday, the i8lh, the infant ton
01 c m and Maggie v. harton. .
Mrs Caplet, of Columbia City, Is visiting
her dfluehter. Mrs E M Wharton, at thii
LMcCruder. of Quarzvllle. snent Thurs
day and Friday at this place, and bring
fiattei ing reports from the Rantlam alnes.
The base bull contest at Mill Cltv Sun'
day between the Mill City and Mehama
mines, resulted In a victory for the latter
by a score of 91 to 9, ,
In our last we noted the appeal to the
circuit court from the justice court, In the
case of Butler vt Shepherd, since which
time tho appeal ha been withdrawn by
Shepherd paying fine and cott.
Wilkin sold a number of fat cattle
the Eugene butchert thlt week.
Mr and Mrs Blllmlre. formerly of this
locality, but now from the country east of
Eugene, were visiting their daughters here
last Saturday and Sunday.
MrJ C Bramwcl! and family, of Lake
creek, were In thlt vicinity the first of the
Mrs Terr v Horn, of Euirene. it visiting
ber parents, brothers and sisters here thlt
week, and yesterday she came near meet
ing with a serious accident. In attempting
to jump from a hack her dress caught and
gave her a severe fall. Fortunately for
her the dress was torn to pieces or the af
fair would hav been more serious.
Mrs Coldron Is quite sick, also Miss
Clara Tllton and a little child of Mr Van
derwalker's. A messenger was sent to the
0KRnC camp on the McKenzie yesterday
morning to summons . Mr Vanderwalker
Our nclithborhood can boast of a base
ball club that can just take the shine off of
any nine that cannot beat them.
Quite a large company assembled at the
home of Ml Mary Ward one evening last
week for a surprise party, and a merry
evening was enjoyed by all.
G, W.
"Supcpior," "Argand," "Garlimc
Pite Backs.
Warraii Led.
!'' for " .V "A
15 years, A11"J
sizes and -
styles, ,
rv 'n
VAX.- r. wy'jsstss.
The World
be3t. Mr, 1
than hir.
dred 7 Irnn
died diffti
e nt 'style
cooks an
Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing,
Eave Trough. Range Boilers,
Conductor Pumps. ;
The Linn County Horticulture Society
at Ita last meeting wat favored with an
able address on "Planting and Caring for
the Orchard" by E. Albright. At the neat
meeting, (June ath) the question, "Resolv
ed that general farming is more profitable
than fruit raising, will be opened by A.
Y. Smith on the affirmative and W. A,
Crawford on the negative.
There have been three houses put up In
the last month, Herman Holstien of this
place being the architect.
Mr. R. A. Bamford is building a large
barn, Messrs. I. N. andj. T. Smith, of Al
bany, contractors and builder.
The Mongolian pheasant Is protected by
the laws of the Slate, and the citizens of
Oakvllle have treated them accordingly ;
but the hunters of Albany and Corrallis
come here and kill them with impunity
and shot guns. Is this riht t The farm
ers feed these birds and the law imposes a
line ol $50 lor eyery one he kills ; but the
average city bummer Is privileged to kill
all he wants, and besides he can run all
ever the growing crops with his dog to
nuntnisgame. mis is not right nor justice.
To New Comcbs. We would say that
we have no balls to give you, but we do
guarantee good values for your money,
and we kindly solicit your patronage.
Si'mmkr Wasrs. -Novelties In beaded
and stockinet jacket just received.
Brow nsville, May 27th, 1869.
The following preamble and resolutions
were unanimously adopted by Caltapooia
Lodge, No 43, 1 O O F, at Ita last regutsr
meeting held at Brownsville, May 25th,
Whexeas, It has pleased an Allwlse
Providence to remove from our midst, our
well beloved Brother, Julius Zelncr, it is
but just and filling that we recognize Ids
many virtues, therefore be It
Rtteivtd, Thst it Is right and proper that
we pay a tribute to the memory ol our de
parted Brother, at one ho was in every
way worthy ol our respect ana conmlence,
and one w ho wat ready to aid the suffering
whenever lound needy, and an upright and
honorable man in al! his dealing both with
the Order and the world at large, and that
in his death, this Lodge has lost a true Udd
Fellow, and whose untimely end has made
many hearts sad.
litulvtd. That we sincerely sympathize
with the famllyof our decessed Brother in
this their hour of deep affliction and trust
and hope that they may become reconciled
to this sad dispensation 01 Divine Provi
dence which has so suddenly deprived them
of a kind husband and father.
Jfetolved, That copies of this brief test!
monial of our sympathy and aorrow be
sent to the family of our late brother, and
be spread upon the records of this Lodge,
and sent '.o Hie papers to. publication.
Geo. A. Dysoj,
I. D. Hover,
N. B. Stanoish,
Of the eoov l io the pcuiUmlkry at
Salem ail um to'iscco, smoking snd cbwing,
but two.
A Becker, I Vaiilluro, W I. Job and C
William, of Albany, wer ret,lWr4 at th
Portland hotel ysUrdy
Mr John Morrison, if this oil? ha just
bad bis plosion inuruaej U '12 a month
sod allowed S0 back pension.
YUrday, Mr J O WriUman bought ot
Ml A tioell bia fin farm acrews tb river,
ooosistiog of SUO acre, payiog t33 aa acre
tor tb asm. It 1 all under cultivation.
District eoofersocs of the M E church
Konth will convene at the camp'gronad sear
MoMloavillaoatba 5th of Jan. Opening
sermoo on Wdoedsy tfc fitb.
Tb member of tb d.o.i mond. wbo
while iot9xicatd SabbatH venteg, raa
through th street ia a chimes and took a
eat on th front steps ul Uichard Foa ' r
idance, waa srreaUd and fined f 10 and coat
fur disorderly cooduot.
On the person of Sullibanrer, fouod dead
as tiapinuia, wasiiuuin corn sad a revolver, Nervosa uttwrder.
ant It IS said tha eanliot fit tha eoraaar'a lore I
Waa that k b fined &100 for carrvlnff oaa. Dr. Flint' Rmdy mutt bo taken
octlcd weanuu ami th costs be taisd op to WDn soeaalvo er continuous tnueculai
coaniy. t mu-NtmnUuwftr.
snow, my spectacles are nt strong enough
to see the grain. Tht re it better grain on
this ranch than we have seen since we tell
old Linn county, so hurrah for Linn. Wc
left Bruce I'rlce ranch at 7 o clock. May
i6th the weather being clear and the
ground being froxen a Utile, the snow hav
ing nearly ail melted, we had no snow to
go through to speak of until we reached
Buck Mountain a spur ot mountains that
divides the desert from Silver Creek Val
ley. We camped at noon at the foot of thlt
mountain and started up the mountain at
1 :i$ o'clock, and soon struck thr suow.the
beautiful snow, 6 inches deep. It contin
ued to get deeper a we proceeded to the
top, which wat about 7 miles to the sum
mit. We found 3 feet of snow for about
1 miles and some drifts were so deep that
we had to drive around them. At Nichols
ranch where the writer and other members
of the gang are camped, we found no snow
but it has been raining all day and we will
not leave here for Harney City until Sun
day, the 13th.
G. W. Harris.
Removed. T Jones barber shop to Cu-
sick Ulock Old and new customer shav
ed for 15 cents. Hair culling, 35 cents.
Tobb's 5i Co's pore Manilla twine, beat
quality, at Stewart St Sox's.
Our lie of cbotc teas and coffee is 00
t'laslsti ia town.
Bkowkeu. St Stasaro.
Choice Candy, Nats, Fruit, etc.
Micthell & Lewis
Agricultural - Implements
V. -- ..
Dr. M. II. Ellis, physician and surgeon
Albany, Oregon. Call road it eity oi
Babies. The finest line of baby carr'
aget in the Valley just n celved at Stewart
Si Sox's. Prices are remarkablr cheap con
sidering the aupeiior quality ol the carriages.
an'! Vehicles
A full lim carried at enr branch house C r. 2 ad and Eliawortb, S;s.
Albany. - - - - onscon,
OMD.8461. Record, 2:29 34
eerafcj? ""f-
IS 00 1 shaving at Viereck 's.
8 tiokstt for 1 at Vicrsck l.
Ji'ew dross goods st Mcltwaiu'a.
Mason froit jars at F L Keo ton's.
New cream alisos just icoeivsd at Cirad
Fresh strawberries aval v morning at V L
fkvuwu e.
xertlon. exelUnir rasaion. or over
Indulgence, atlmulatlng food or drink, or
nervous disorder have long- continued.
Peoorlptlv treaiia with eah boUls ; or
address Mack Drug Co. M. Y.
If yon hav any j ib wirk t I oall oa G
W. Smith who ia int .4 ta do it with
oeatnasa and diapat h sod as'ohejp as any-on.
H. Lsod Office, Oresen City,
Complaiat baviog hn nterd attbit of-
crothenfor aUDdooiog bi uoMta Ko. OrGSTon's Greato3t and tjamest Racehorse, wiiu a
Na. tfs3 rtalaji Anril 13th IRK?, nnnn I O
th 8 1 of N E 1 and S i of N W V. Section
14, Township 12, S K 1 E, iu Lion county,
Oregon, with a view to tb canoaliation ol
! at id entry, th said parti ar hereby anas-
moo! to appear at Lebanon, tana cooaty.
I Oregon, btfor A, It. Cyras, Notary Public,
on ,
Ik ItiM tfayolJalr, IMS,
at 10 o'clock a. a., to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment, and on the testimony than submitted
a bearing will b had at tbia o(Bo on Angost
IZih, loss, at 10 o clock a. m.
W. T. Bcajf BY,
Kepis tar.
Record of 2:29 3-4 first season after four
yea retirerent, 8 performance never
before equalled by any horse on
the North Pacific Coast,
offered thlt rear. Only $7-SO for a 600
mile ride, lhinic ot mat. xnrouen
magnificent country, It will be a trip our
cltlzent should take advantage of.
Elected. 6000 rolls of wall paper In an
Immense number of patterns at Fortmlller
& Irving; the finest line in the central
Willamette Valley. it is an art gallery to
see it all.
W K and E L McKlnnon to S T
Ames, one fourth acre in To 1
RiE , $ 85
O Tomason to Jamet blklnt, lot 5,
blk 78, Montcith a Southern Ad 300
John T Amrt to W Btalker, no
acret, Tp ia, S R aw 3700
H V Klum to Uriah Terhune, small
tract in Sodavllle.... 825
3 W Paisley to Martha E Warren,
parcel In Albany 500
Camantha E Coffett to Chat Course,
200 In Tp It, S K I w 3500
State to U II Peterson, 104 acres in
Tp I1SKI w 130
Martha J Penland to Fannie E Starr,
115 acret in ip 13 s k 3 w.... 1
Ellas 13 Penland to Martha J Pen-
land, 200 acret in Tp 13, S R 3
H.Ewert, praoiical
watchmaker and
Utter List.
FoUosriuf la th list ot totters remaining In tbe Poet
Office, Albsny, Linn county, Oregon, Hsr 29, 1389,
PenonaysJIlng lor these letten must give the date on
which ther were advertised :
Cornlne. Henry
linn, yv r
Brush, Plstt .
McCarthy, James
Kern, K A
MoTkmmomls, His Alius
Hichsnssn, l
Schwsrs, Oonrsa .
Tsulby.W O
Fesse, J
Hwrtllng.J W
Wilson, Joe.
DEYOE & R0B30N ARE AGENT Fine line of Guns and
FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS 20od stock 0f Ammuni-
VERTICAL-!! Kriu nu ma m onatDevoe and Rob-
sViopT sons special bargains
Samuel Maley to Lydla Maley,
acret in u L L 01 w Maley,
This Trade Mark on a ttove
means it is the best that ex
perience nnd skill can con
trive. Sold only by G. W
For Thirty Days All good bought
at Ida At Brush's will be discounted at 10
per cent. She hat an immense ttock and
all the latest Parisian ttylet. Speciaf bar
gains. Call earl while stock Is complete.
For sale, clisso. second hsud orasa. Mrs.
3 ebsirs tuouitf stoadv at Viernok' ahav
iog partora.
Beat roast eoffe in th eity at Conrad
Ther ar 29 tesoberi attaudias nublia S-
eratnatiou thit work.
Side saddle send ladiea ridins uurcinalaa at
Thompson & Overman's .
TllOIDIISOn k Uifortnsn. aui.t fur tha oraai
tynsmit buggy whip.
Tha chdlcett lin of UbI luxuries canb
found at Iirownall Si SUnard'.
Tbia it probably th irreatest strswberry
spring in ths history uf Oregon.
If you want a sood silver steel scvth,nut
in th market, ko to Stewart at Sox .
Decoration day to-1001 row. Tb program
aa heretofore published will be earned oat.
Soentaabox for ttrawberriet at Brownell
St S canard 'a. Leave order for canning.
Mollwain rosa giv yoa tb bit fitting
utt yoa ver wore, at prices to suit eson and
svery on.
Hardu x lioberuoo nsv lust received a
crate of Oregon oabbagea and a large line ol
fruit jar.
Shalix ft Henderson ar moving their rssl
tat ouio into tu new asnder iilock on
Ferry street.
The Albsny hots team of No l't besan
training lst evening for the coming eontetta
ontn4:bot juiy.
Money can't buy better boot and ahoea
than . Mcllwsin ta selling, becs&s better
good are not manufaetured.
Some floe California eheeae. a barrel ot
golden drip syrup and some tine oomb hooey
last received at orownci: stanard a.
Tbe C k K W Photo Co are making eabi
net photos lor ou a dozen aad will oon
tinue at that rat uutiljune 14 ouly..
Supt Curl roeivd a teleatam tbia morn
ing from San Fianoitoo announcing th sud
den aeam ot nisswier at tnat piao.
D D Uackleman has just purohased of
Stewart & Sox one of Itussnll & Co' thiesh-
er and eogine with a complete cooking at
tacbmout, a nn arrangement.
Go to Royo Jt Hiuler'sfor jour job print
ing. They do any snd all kiuUs of work iu
tb publishing and job priuting line. Qaiok
work, aud low price.
Mathews k Washburn hav aecured th
aervioesof Mr Martin Lodwig wbo it a fliat e
olats plumber and are prepared to do all kinds
of work.
Don't fat o(tniot M ill soil's oirpoU
You will fi them from 10 to 15 pr osnt
ohssper tha any other plan in towo.takiug
ia consider on tb quality.
wm h. at aihan Tiiaslin and ThnradaTE atth6 McKnizht farm.We-Inssdays: at
Saturn, Friday .Saturday and Mouday.goiug by way ol Jefferson and Turners Station,
and allowed to serve a limited number of mares," W,M "'T?.0' Altamont,
wagon road, 226 In Mn near. Dtm, Bono moo oy wv, s ly,
0.40H, fajstost it tho world for 4 years) son of Sricson, ) 4 yer old record 2:304, last
at In tho world for 14 years). The grandeur of Oneoo'a porformsnoos the past ne
son of breaking and defeating th moat determined oomblnaUoaa which shrewd men
. . . . . . . a 1 . 1 aS.ubSV 1 1 m ekk av 111 fsaah ! Ilia
AAii4..'.. K?4-i. and ablo manipulators wun last norso aeyjiwa so umw " '" "
aminiStraT Of ti XNOLlCe, memory of all horsemen ; but would remind them ag&ia tbat he was tha sensational
trotter both aa a 2 and 3 year 01a, lowering in wra iwu "w7 ?uu"".
tbe Imperial purple of Juvenile King of the Northwest. His bull dog tenacity, never
Farmer, if yna want th beat harness al
band mad, eH on& L. Power.nest to Dem
ort offloe,
Tu lessen oar stock of canned goods we
wiil sell anything in that line at remarkably
low price. . .
Do not wait nutil to-morrow, when yon
feel aiok, but take immediately a does of
Plunders Oregon Blood runner and prevent
a serious attsea of sickness. It it th best
liver regulator aad blood cleanser in xiJ
ence Try it.
Kid GloveaT Kid Glove 1 ! -I
have just received a full line, of kid
colvet branded Our Own. Tbia ia a genu
ine kid glove. I buy direct from Importere
In Mew York, and consider them tne oett
value of any gloye I ever told for this
price. 5 button, 3 rows of st'tchlng, $1.50
per pair.
s. c. XOUNQ.
Nollj ia hereby given that the uodersipn-
ed baa been by tbs County Court of Line,
count v. State ot Oregon, duly appointed Ad
ministrator d boon noo of tbe estate of
James Junkin, deceased, late of said county
and Stat. All persons having claims against
said estate are required to present them prop
erly verified to W H Bilyeu at Albany, Linn
eouaty, Oregon, within six month from thia
This 23rd day of May, 18S9.
D. E. Jvkcix,
W. R. Kilyeu. Administrator.
Att'y for Adm'r.
Sheriff's Sale,
J fA Circuit Court of tht State 0 Ortfo for
IM Count) of Lnn :
W C Nicholsor, PlaiotilT.
IWUng oourage, indomitable will,and high strung temperament will not brook defeat
hi. nwJTt mvfH ta a. nt no msunm of his sosed a twaa made in the mtn'
and under tte most adverse circumaunoes. At three year old be sired 6 colw in iaii.
Three of these were trained at two yetro'd. At the end of 60 days work, breaking
and training, any or them could enow as minuw gait, ronm w tiw i
In matoh races at Albany, and later on one proved tbe winusr of Inland empire
aUke at Tho Dalle for 2 year olds, and the following season won the 3 year otd.
race at Seattle. These are an mat nave oeen oro.ea ru cuu!tm muu "
h,.crhf tha anm nt 'noO. A srlanos at uneco'a oeaiKree win wua isir bobsiub
tion .f hH performances convince tne moat prejuaioea sas no win
he inherits his great speed and unmncmng gameness. pernio, aou.
transmit i
Arnold, 2:5i,
old reootd 1:12. bT AlUmont, 2:20. Dn, Mesia
will ha knt at Corvalllj and Indooendenoe, Terms, 3j.00 to injure
' r-. 1 . tr:., r ln m. . f .1 O.J 1 u-ftl ummnanv
CDWiU tfiVKBSTT. IUI1 uroiuer Ml xw.t uiuu. v. "'-""I J
Oneeo, terms 115.00 to Insure. Nu liabilities a wuinad Tor aoci Jnnts. YUl ta ia pleas
ure In showing tbe horses any day, except Sunday. For extended predigree or
farther particulars address,
Albany or Corvallia.
300DS AT
day morning, May 29th, 18S9, at the resi
dence ot Mr. John Blevlns, near Tangent,
Mr R B Milroy, Esq., of North Yakima,
W.T.and Mitt Lena Whit son, of Linn
county. . The happy couple left on the
noun train tortneir tuture nome.
MUNKERS Martha, wife of I. A.
Munkers, died at the home of her father,!.
N. Griffin, near Sclo, on the 34th day of
May, 1889, with the dreaded disease, con
sumption. She wat a loving daughter, an
affectionate wife and kind mother. She
confessed her Savior and joined the Christ
ian church about three years ago. She
leavet a husband and five small children
to mourn her lest. The grief stricken
faintly have the heartfelt sympathy of their
many friends. .
Shed not for her the bitter tear,
' Nor give the heirt to vain regret ;
Tit but the casket that lies here,
The gem that filled It tparklet yet.
.Mr. and Mrs. John Smat.lmox.
J P Schooling and Martha R Schooling, bia
wife. It A Kampy, aa assignee in insolvency
of J r Schooling, J F Millar and Jerry Hsy
sod R F Ashby, psrtners under tb firm
asm aad styl ol Hsy and Atbby, ueten-
NOTICE ia berjby eiven that by virtue ot
an execution and order of Sal issued oat ot
the aboye namsd Court ia th abov entitled
uit, 1 will oa
aiardayi th nth day f Jane, 1889,
at th Court House door in the city ot Al
bany, linn oouDty. Orgon, at th hour ot
r . . . . r 11
1 o clock, d. m. 01 saia aay sea at duojio auo
tioa for, cash in hand to the highest bidder
th real property deecjtned in said execution
and order of tale aa felh, to-wit t Lot
on, two. three, four and five, in block two.
Alto lot on and two in diocs. nve, an titu
ated in Msy and Nixon't additisn to th town
of Harriaburg, in Linn county, Oregon. Alto
au undivided three fourth interest in and to
fractional rivr lot, No. sight, and s'so
frsatisual river lot. No. teven. Alto lot
No. twelve in block No. one, all lying and
hairier in tne town ot Harrisburs. JLinn coun
ty, Oregon. I wul alto on th taid SUth day jj Tuet.days ; Fridays and Saturdays at Ans. Marshall's staD:e,AioaDy. xuuudoiu
ot June, loaa, 10 wi oy 01 narrisourg,Lnun 1 foaled July autn , lssu, urea Dy jay roauu, im"iwi - -
. ...L.. .tn,.u...fii.'.Vii, . w ii.w !.L 1. ..1 .nri .ii!ih Sired hv Altamont waaoii ro
OUU U b V , Vi.u i, - v. v v 1 vrQ Blnr KUU ui.v. niiuw, .a wu .""l J
The Standard Bred TrottiBg Stallio
will be at our faim Mondays,Wednesdays and Thursdays; at Johnson's sUble.Cwval
, .K.U 1 I.. j . . a .. n. A lhanv. Multnom
0EV0Ft& nooo
PaVCjrrs, 0103 and
4 U0BS0Nb
. . . . 1 1 .1 : :
m. Ot laid uay ten sooorumg to veruis auo, iu
tha manner hereUfor impressed, tk person.
si propeity desoiibedia said exeeution and
order of aisle ,t follows, to-wit Ons steam
ncrine and boiler now contained in ths baud
ins situated nu lot three in block two in ths
- - .1 . V
town ot llarnauurj, jina oounty, uregoa.
Tb proceeds at itiug from the sale of said
premises and norsouai property, to oa ap
plied : First, to tb payment ot the costs
and disbursements of suit taxed at 112.65,
and accruing costs snd $150 Attorneys fees.
Second to the payment to tbe Vlsintiff, W.
0. NioholsoB the sum of S1683.30 with aoeru.
ing interest thereon at the rats of 10 per
eent per annum, and th surplus, it any bs
paid as the Court may hereafter decree.
Dated thia 20th day of May, 1889.
John Smallmox,
Sheriff of Linn county, 0w gonj
Sired dt Altamont wagon ro
record 2:26M, aire of Almonette, 2:29?, ; Oneoo. 2:29 ; A.teua - years oia,
CiiIaN WXVW ITiA. X.'I v. lAflV nrWCU. i.iJ i A-xa. eMvws 9 --"w-w
.ra old. 2:35 . Zelophone. 2:37 1 Cosneta, 4 year old, 2:39J Altago,
L 1., d.avw . a it 9. iraav rfA 9-k3. anrl man V ot her 1
2:13 ; .Benlah
wlner i 01 con races. Aiiomo
by Almont, sire'of Westmoat, 2:13 J Puritan, 2:18 ; Fanny Wi-hersp. on, : 2:16 ; Rid
mont, 2:171 V Aldina, 2:19J and SOothers in the 2:30 list. Healso has 110 with record
htttnw h:ihi mmuies uis uaa nun iu ip w i v
j to Roil Pri. ihB Anm nt OnAo 2.29M : Prieemount, 3 yeara old f.:35 : eioptioii"
2:27 Prioemont has the fastest 3 year old record for an Oregon bred stallion by M
seconds: Bell Price by Doble, 5 year old record 2:28, son Ereosson 4years o d reconl,.
ffi?h; aired Karely.i Lbje, tttlj.
BtsUions, Multnomah waa selected from all of Altamont's colts as being the bes.
the time, the most critical can not find a fault with his pedigree or indlviunl quan
He will make a very handsome horse and a trotter certain. For further lufurm
and extended pedigree, address tbe owner. Terms t Seasons $30; insurance, $
Ehedds, Lina county Oregon.