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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1889)
lie Scjitcaat. (j Man men P" J dollar to sse ten cenlsj they wear out a nickle's worth of (hot leather in jetting a gift of twocenta wortl of grindstone from a neighbor. . The war governor of Pennsylvania, Curt in who recently celebrated hla 74th birthdaT.U at straight aa an arrow, and hit eyes are at bright and hit mind aa active at of yore. The Queen of England acldom drinks more than one small glsas of wint at dinner and nfterwarda takes a few drops of good Scotch VhUky. There are at preaent 67 American students (tudying for the priesthood in the American college, Rome, Some of them will be ordained next month. An electric fire-engine ia a new invention. It can be itarted at full apced, ia much lighter than theateam fire engine and possesses vario u other advantages. An American aea captain thinks he has found a guage of the ncarneis of an ice-berg by the use of a foghorn, and the consequent echo. If so, it will prove very valuable discovery, Gen. Greenback Weaver of Iowa and the potato bug have already appeared in Okl noma. The viciaiitudee of civilisation t re keeping right up with the procession in the new terrl tory. Wm. 1'. GlaJstone considers te Prince of Wales a shrewd, clever man, who keeps himself well informed regarding the topics f the day. He seldom opens book, but glesns a great deal from conversation. Mr. Gladstone thinks the Prince a success as a public man. "What idiots they have on the newspapers nowadays! exclaimed Blowhorner. "There was a reporter in here yesterday, and I told him about the big improvements I have been making down our way. Of course I told him not to mention my name in his paper, and the blame fool didn't.' The Union ateel workers at Pittsburg, who Struck againat reduction ia wages, have abandoned the fight, their places having been taken by cheap non-unionist. Another tllustra tiea of the protection afforded labor by the tariff. While wages are being generally reduced in this country, iinmigratkm from Europe increas es. There ia a high tariff for the protection of capital but none to save labor from the "pauper competition" about which we heard so much kat year. According to the doctrine of metempsychosis the souls of those who die continue their exist ence in other bodies. Is it not poaaiMs that De capitate Clarkaoa is ia reality the spirit of Robespierre in modern guise. Protection to American labor? Ah! yes, you bet! The Clark thread company is importing yarn from Scotland to use instead of the product of American spinners, who are striking against reduction. Clark E Carr of Illinois ia to be minister to Denmark, and the explanation of his appoint ment is given in the single line stating that "he was prominent in the last campaign,' .That settles it with President Harrison every time The Introduction of high license in Bos ton has closed out 1700 liquor saloons, rurnisliings to '.he value of $2,000,000 are a the marketed over two thousand Idle bar tenders are ready for professional en gagement In other cities. When a United States Supreme Courfnade up of five Republicans snd only three Demo crats, decides that the depred.tians of a Con federate raid were acta "of legitimate warfare nd not of rebellion, it ia time for Joel Benton Foraker, of Ohio, to solemnly inquire if he has lived and howled in vain. The master of the state Grange in his annual address, oa Tuesday severely criticised Harri son for appointing Es governor Rusk of Wis. con sin commissioner of agriculture, on the ground that he ia a mere politicion and lawyer. It should be borne ia mind that Harrison's sympathies are with corporation lawyers and not with Cirm-rs. Niagara Falls as a water power his always excited some banter, but it is doubtful whethe anyone ever dreamed that the proposition could be seriously entertained. It is a faet.however, that apCansas concern with a Virginia charter has brought into the New V'ork Legislature a bill autbortfina it so to deflect the current as to render it etjlizable fur machinery and the generation of electric and other pwer. Isn't it possible to carry our utilitarian ideas too far? According to the AUmqutrqni Democrat New Mexico covers a vast lake, and as wells are being sunk in different parts of te Terri tory this fact is becoming more apparent, A well sunk at Gallop has penetrated a body o water 6o feet in depth, and wherever a hole is sunk to the water it is found to exist in inei hauitible quantities. It is a very small, mean business for minister of the gospel to indulge, publicly, In peddling the dirty story ,so often refuted, that Daniel W Voorhees called Union sol diers, during the rebellion. "Lincoln's dogs," and yet this was done by one Rev C. E. C ine, of Fort'and, last Sunday even ing. Fate is hardly surer than that a min ister of the gospel, when soaring in ths fields of the politician. Ill open his mouth wide enough to put his foot Into It, and Ciine U no e4ception to the rule. It may not be remembered generally rbst the late William If Birnum was the means of ex tinguishing the political ambition of his name sake, Phiness T Barnum. 1 he great show man aspired to a seat in Congress, and was nominated for it in a strong Republican district of Connecticut. His election was deemed to be certsin. William II. Itanium entered the field against him, revolutionised the district Snd took the sest for himself. There was curiosity as to the kind of Congressman the other Barnum would mike which wss never gratified. NOT!CK;TO THK PUBLIC. ClovckDALM, Benton Co , May 2nd. Hiving purcbaiwdof Mr. AsMry I'eaice hla entire larm in Kentp riunty. OreijoD, the public it notified and frtiid)en frcm taking or reroo? iDgllitrefrom any gravel, ani or loeut trout sid j.rtnibrs K. L. Such. CbovaoosLR, U nt(.n Co , May 2nd. Iain IiiMtruuUd hy Mr. K. Ij. Hurh to pro'Miute any and all ptroris depoautlug deed anl'iiaU.npon bli lands in Benton county, Oregon, formerly owned by lit. Ash by IVsice. ChiS, E, Wolvbrtoh, Attorney at law. South Albany A moht desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, ow ing lo Its nat ural advantages and neurness to the center ol business Compare the size, location, view and access to and from thee lots, and you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home before the advance In price. Apply to TWEKDAI.K & ReDFIELD.Agentd. first door south of Post Office. AM ATTACK ON JUDICIAL INTEGRITY. While it sometimes occurs that persons holding official stations yield to Improper influences In determining their actions the people are to be congratulated that this does not often occur with judicial officers. A, test of judicial Integrity in our own state haa juit come t Ilk-lit that adds another proof that our touits are the surest pall' dlum of the rights and security ot the peo ple, and demonstrates the necessity of the most vigilant care in the selection of per sons to hold judicial positions. Some time ago an equity case w is decided In Denten county, In which the parties were A Wood vs. S Ray burn. It was decided Id favor of Rayburn. J W Rtjbur n.son of the de fsndant, appeared as counsel forthls father. Plaintiff appealed the case to the Supreme Court where It was argued end submitted. Judge Strahan had been selected to render the opinion of the court. Some time after the case was argued and before the decision was rendered Judge Strahan received the following letter signed by J W Rayburn, the attorney for defendant t . Cokvallis, Or., April 15, My Der Simian ;l to da mailed to Judge Thayer an additional brief In Wood vs. Rayburn. It is not entliely what would have liked to hare sent joe for the reason that I have been alck since I waa at Salem and confined to my room for two days with a scveie cold. ThU brief I pre pared yesterday. I am Intensely Intorest ed In this case for a reversal takes from my futher his home and cssts retlcettons on me, w.ille an affirmance assures my father In the possession ot his property and vindicates me. I feel conscious of not hsvlns wronged anv one in the leant In this whole transaction. No man ever act ed with better motives than niy futher has throughout this whole business and not a single expression can be cast on hint I am sure. You know my father very well.and you will say, I know, that he Is consclen tlous In all he does. Judge, you knew me as well as any man In Oregon. Did you ever know me to Intentionally wrong any ne i There Is no one I have wronged that I will not make amends to It In my power I want to do right In all things. Above all I want the respect and confljrrce of our courts. Intentionally I'd do nothln to lose that. I have reason to believe that I am out ( favor with one ot your asso ciate, for what reason I do not know he la displeased with me lor any reason right me In his estimation It you can. Let me say one word about this case. Before you revise fudge Bean's decision be very sure you are right for you may never know It, but I know it that the equities are with the respondent. If you will look Into every nook and corner of this case vou will certainly affirm the decree appealed from I do not ask you to do any wrong, but I do ask you to thoroughly examine thia case from one end to the other ai.d when you have done this I am verv sure you will not consent to any change in this decree. I have a surprise In store for you before long Come and see me w hen next you are here You be certain you are always welcome. Your friend, W Raybi as. Nothing could be more embarrassing than to receive such a letter white having the writer'a case under advisement, and Judge Strahan did not hesitate long as to the profer courte to pursue In the premis es. He at once sent the letter with a sup plemental brief in the case to the attsrneys for the other side of the case, evidently acting upon tha t practical view of the mat ter that all that was said to the court abeut the case should be known to both sides, th's being the usual practice of the couitln ail cases where any matter happens to be submitted In relation to any pending case One thing is certain now, that the writer of the letter Is not only "out of favor" with one, but all three members of the court. The people arc to be congratulated that the integrity of our Supreme Court Is proof against such personal appeals as the above. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Peadletoa P O. Pksldeton, Or,. May aS. Postal Inspec tor Cniver is in the city, inquiring in to the charger against Postmaster Clopton. lie is charged with assaulting T. McBreen through the delivery window, with betting oa the Nov ember election, with collecting rent for the postoffice, from business houses of Main street, also from lh government, and trusting the busi ness of the oltice to incompetent' subordinstes. -A Cyeluae. Kansas Citv, May a8. A Timet specie from Emporia, Kan., says: A disastrous cylone j-j - .-.! over Clements, Chase county, this alter u . Captain Vrown snd his daughter were kil. . tn .i bis wife had her leg almost torn off and . tun had a leg and an arm broken. It is reported that six or seven other persons were killed, but the wires are all down, and no reliable information can be obtained. 1 ke Marderers.. CHlCAGO,May l8. Detective Ianiel Cough lin, Patrick Sullivan, the ke man, and Frank J Black, alias Woodruff, were indicted by , the grand jury this evening for the murder of Dr. Cronin. Tnis result was resetted after an in vestigation which began at noon and lasted for seven hours, during which two dozen witnesses were examined and a mass of evidence was con sidered. A Baker Const y Harder. Bakes City, Or., May a 8. A man named Pennington shot and kilted another mm named Bakom, near Kye valley in this county,to-day. Particulars hare not Ven ascertained. The coroner has gone to the scene of the homicide to investigate. , , A Thef Captured. Independence, Or., May 28. Thomas Ilogan, who lately came here from San Fran cisco, last night, broke into Alex Davis's room at the City hotel and stole therefrom one suit of clothes and a revolver, all value J at $25. lie immediately skipped but was caught at Eo'a to-day by Marshal Wayne Williams snd was brought back and lodged in jail here. He was given an examination this afternoon before Justice butler and was bound over to appear before the grand jury in the sum of $800. Militia Called Out. Chicago, Aj 27. A special dispatch from Braidwood, Ills., the scene of the trouble with the striking coal miners, says: In response to an appeal by the sheriff of Will rounty for srmed reinfbrcements,Governor Fifer has auth orized the Illinois National Guard to protect the property and persons endangered by the riot at Braidwood, Adjutant General Vance has ordered a regiment of men to aid the sheriff, , WlUUoto Aluska. New York, May 27. Ex-Sena'or Thomas C riatt and General Russell A Alger have de cided to spend the summer in Alaska. They leave this city June 20 in Genersl Alger's private car, Michigan, They will journey by rail to Tacoma, where they will take a steamer to Alaska. Piatt will be Alger's guest on the trip. They expect to be 1 way two months or moie. Various reasons are assigned fur the contemplated journey. Got 50 rente . Dayton, May 27. Group Bros, safe wss burglarized Saturday night. A hole was bored in the Hall safe, and the door blown off, and $o cents was stolen. A number of suspicious characters are in town, snd the committee of safety is on the lookout. ' - Should Die. New York, May 27. Dr. Tanner, the famous faster.exr ects to have all arrangements perfected in a few days whereby he' will be buried alive, and at the end of four weeks taken Up and resuscitated, s Doeturn ArreNted. Helena, M. T., May 28. Doctois Weyer horst, Harding and Schultz, of Butte, were in. dieted yesterday for practicing medicine with out a certificate from the medical board, as pro vided by the act of the last legislature. New Api'uiiiS'Mriitfi Washington, J.i.-jf 27. -1 he president this evening made the following si'pointmentst Hiram Smith, jr.fbf Cameron, Mo., lo be first deputy commissioner of pensions, Benjsmin M Thomas, of Santa r, to be secretary of New Mexico. Robert f, Anderson, oi Jiaker Cily, Or., to be commissioner in and lor the district of Alaska to reside at Ounalaska. Hale J Cole, of Spokane Falls, W T., to be tent lor the Indians of the Col vi lie soency in Washington territory; To be register of the land office t John An person, of Oregon City, Oregon, at Oregon City. Herbert Brown, of Arizona, at Tucson, Aril. To be receiver of public mo neys, John V. Scott, of California, at Shasta Cats. A Big Fire. Reno, Nev., May a6. This afternoon ' fire broke out In the old theater I uilding opposite the Depot Hotel, and in less than five minutes it was a roaring mass of flames. Soon the heat was so intense that the domeol thsUepot hotel was on ftre.and the flames spread lapidly until tnat immense structure was a burning sheet, and several blocks were soon burned. It is impossible to get a correct list of the losses to nii'ht.but it is safe to say they will resch Sato- 000 or . Three New Vessels. Wasainqton, May 26, The navy depart ment has istued proposals for the construction of three new cruisers fur the navy under author ity 01 the act or congress or September 7,t53. urns win oe opened August 1, 1009, These vessels are to be of aooo tons dis placement, and are to exhibit a maximum speed of at least eighteen knots an hour for four consecutive hours. They are to be finish ed within two years from the date of contract and payments will he made in twenty equal installments, as the woik progresses. , Aa Aeeldeat, Oskcon Ctrv, Msy 26 Last night George Ely was driving up the depot hill with a one horse rig, when the horse became frightened and unmanageable, and plunged over the aide of an emlnnkincnl. The hoise, waron and driver rolled down forty feet, cutting Mr. Ely's bead severely. Except from concussion, his wounds are not dangerous. w'aat a Treaties; . SroKAKK Falls, May 36. Between mid night and daylight this morning a force of fifty men put in the crossing of the cable road ever the tracks of the Seattle, Lake Shore k East ern, on the shore of the northern side, which the latter company had refused to permit them iv w. 1 uo tmiuc, x-aati auwv easier people then applied to the court and obtained a temporary restraining order to prevent tress pass on their property or interference with the operation of their road, whereupon they sent out a force and tore up the cable road crossing 1.:.. t'- . 1 ''- - 1 1 utiici niu is aniKipaieii. NEW ADVERTISE MEN 1 8. IHL WANTED.-Todo general haute fl work in city. Call at Dimochat uf- tic. OTIPK TO CONTKACTORH AND RUILDKH-S.-Notloo I berth arte en that wilt bo reoMred until Neier- aay. juue i, msn. at mo aaur or one oVIock p. w., for the instruction two story brick bulldtiffon thereat properly owned by I be Maeonlo BoUdtna? Aaaoeta- uoo isi a i ban r. "regon, Inacoetdeaeewltb plaoaand penlfioaimn now oa 11a la the office of Charles K Wolvertoss. accretarT The light Is re.erveJ to relee aay and all ii a. LWixi May SI, 1S80. By order, L Rwitnaaa. U. V. eSiatraox, U, W. Macro if. Committee OANO. AC Persona dealrloe- earn! O loisnj or Kravel the proioUosof K. L. e)utth to Mootoo county, ran procore sivarve ror ine same as my onioe, crew ioro mock, AiiMoy, uregon. Case. IC WeiVBBToy. I .toil (4 A LB. A pbaetoo. A grade, full leathe: top, goo ew For ssvle cheap. Inquire of M, J. Monleha. UTANTED.A rorwd tlrl lodoieneral V T bouaowork in a email family In the country. Permanent place, Call at I hie cm. 1iHy-isnv.-iuoaa)eor'iV ere gone and a new era hae sets We ruusl keep up with! be train and henno note the if real reduction In prim at the Albany Haih and Kbavlng Parlors, fchevinir 1ft cents lUlbe 25 cents or 6 llthsl for II Chlldren'e hair rut, 13 cent. H sir cut -tlnti ti cent Hair or whlaket dyeing- a specialty. Hair oil ar.l Ma foam lor sale. Kaxoi a honed fur ' cent Joa. W 1 nana, Proprietor, TOTICETO CONTRACTORS. - Notice iy tm her by given thai at the nett regu lar term of the County Commtaalonere Court for Lion count, Onegon, lobe held at the Court House In the oily of Albany on Wednesday tbe&lb day ef June, A. D. 189, aeaiesl plans, spacinoatiosM, strains, diagrams enJ bide will bo received fer bulldlnc a bridge acrnee the Sleuth Santi am at Waterl k ( eald Lridge le be about Ino feet long aad eUteen foot wide in the etear. Also for tbe bntldlagofa bridge aeroae Crabtree Creek where she Connie Boad croeaee said creek neer the saw mill ef beaklne Broe. and J. C. Cyme ; eald bridge to be a boot 100 feet long and 14 feet wide in tbe clear. Also tor ike build ing of a bridge aoreee Mndde C.eek at tbe place known astbe Wilson ford. Bidder lo submit estimates on tbla bridge fer construction of same at Waterloo ford and also where tbe old bridge washed out eald bridge to ae about 80 feet long and sixteen feet wide la tbe clear. All of eald bridge to be covered. All bide must bo filed wltb tbe Clerk on or Lefare 1 o'olook p.m. of the above mentioned day. All bids must be accompanied by deposit of A per cent of bid. 1 ho Court rvserv. tbe right to reject any ami all bids. Done by order of tbe Court this 0th day of May, A. D, 1W9 (L. ,) . R. H. MoNTAOUst, bounty Clerk, E. J. FslcCAUSTLANOa CiTil Engineer and Surveyor, DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS, Office with Oregon La-d Co. Albany, Or. Sewerage System and W.ter Buppllee m nuvirmnj, r.nasoe OUDOITlue made or Copied on ebort uotlce. Map final Settlement. Me County Court of Linn eounly, Orrgon. In the Batter of the esU'e of John W, Itoaartb, deceased. Notice le hereby given that the under signed Administrator of eald estste baa filed bi final account therein wltb tbe Clerk ot aald Coart, and that the Court ba appointed Hadar, the 1st day ef Jaly, A , IS, at 9 o'clock In the foienoon for tbe hear lngT objection to said account and for tbe afttleunent thereof. Albany, May 27ib. 1880, " - , rStAUK Mr'WD, J J. W hitwict. Administrator, 'Attorney. rrpewr.ii.i-, Penirtnrishlp, Corrcftponrienec, Btist a anil legal Kerns practically taught al the ' Portland Business College. The thorough work I'd-i- In ench of our several l-iiurtnii'iits litis (ftven tills Ins Itimon arrputa kn audi nx but fi'W sr-l.ools attnln, erurlite to tuiulrfils I our en:ti:.ilfs nrnfitribln employ- neut, Iki It im hoik-ie:'s kmi Hpiioxraplieis, ' A. P. AgHSTOMJ. I'tiiielrtl. I c M Hiugue tree. fortlaad. Or. J f -..r.r... ...2 - WS HEALTH RESTORER, yree? useiti It Is tlie best helper to tiosltli snd the quickest cure on Kanh, Use it in limi for all diseases o the Stomach, I.lvtr, Kiilntys and btcin. cures Khcuiiu tism, Malaria, Coaled Tongue andHeadacI . rchevn Conatipa'.ion, llihuus less and Dys.i'psia, drivts all inipuritltrs out ol h flood ami dn-s up old Soics. The business men buy It, the Vori.iiu:nin us if-llie Ladies ta':e i l! c Children irv I r It fcrri I lie larnifrs sav 1 s I h ir beet l:.nli'i t r-v i r. bo. i evtrvwiitre. i.u -l.otil : six fr r ft, JOHN BS1ICCS, r LB ANY - OREO BOBEH A FeECIAtTV. - Cnruetery loti pi into 1 aad attended WILL EX11S1T IN Albany, Wednesday , June 1 9th. TWO rilllFOlttllANCES 2 AND 8 I. M. - E1TORMOTJQ UNITED SHOWS Tlme-tiug CiietiK, Hnyal Roman Ifippodrouif, Elovsto'A Blag nd A-UtUt.lnent Mengr e, uo iu iiornuneat union with H. S, BARRETTS Monster Consolidated Shows, Univrkl Meonftnrii, twu-riu.; oirous, racing osrnivaj and Great ; Voie Fair I . The Heignitig Autocrat of Hie Amusement World, Spreading huger clouds of caovaa, reijuiritii tnotn earn, ooarLte and looomotives to move it, nore dene, csgra and Uirs for itn animate, an 1 aging twice the nuniHor of peforaiern and working toiile, thsn any other two shows on th eontineot, SPORTS OF THE n; Larscr Wild VNLTn FicerCircus4't, grander Ilippodtomalio Spectacles, richer Street Fa gnut more and better Museum Feat urea, and bigger lodnce-tneota for patroasge, than aver hefora offertd to the public. The Towering Amusement of the Century. Tr'umpbsntN travelint? throughout the I r isd contioect of Amerio, nd everywhere exhibiting to the rooet enoimons snd moat ppreci tie audiences ever congregated under cans. Universalis- rectr- stxrdaatbs meet noted and eoneucarnsto INIMITAf IE SPORTS OF THE CIRCUS Deiiug Ti spire Vetloroiere, sypert Biovolo Rider, Woti(t-iinl Ruaristt Sketet', suie rmtneiit ad Uuiel orow ti ed uiele and feitialt l' Ar'iats, 'btiiiiiu nal itarrl-acki liu'rlieemt JIn riderr, Aetitl Msistda. Acrul-atio wnudiie, mat Vfiuu Vsnltrr eel Joliy Clown. - SO TDUllXa CAGES SO Filled wltb all lbt i raro snd wonderful in brute creation. Toentr Laiaof beaata perfotmed en!y by int tepid traiuer on tbe public aret. The largest and beet bnrd of Kiephaota with any exbibitioo- l (rgtitv.IiAo. THE FINEST PARADE ON THE CONTINENT, TJnqnrMiinnaU tbe roost elaborate, wnai- and umptuonieotcolar Qurteea that ever moved through tho nl.I'o etreers, intredocirg ae en aecrpUblo episode the Children's U renin of Fairyland: EXCLUSIVELY SPECIAL FEATURES X Ike Leoomeol mnd oowbeio jirecedentd of ), asm a s t i TT I inning ana urmng Tiiiriy-iiT8 mi cs i II) fcinitiw Kqoeetrian. To My that one mi 1 ride, d ives, and (jeciii s iht-'y-tivn spirited horo will be l.i rfnd Upon lioiion, yi. ir. C4ii t; esd u our vm', IIpodroiiit 1 e'c eaob diir t il 't-i -ig. Al exldbii (u KuHiie Oily, M i Uy, Jucn 17ib. H.Un, Ju.-18 I. C rvellis, Jui- 20tk ' TO THE FARMERS AND WORKI 13 3ME(! .... OF -d'",. , : 4 - : Albany and - Vicinity. . We cordially fnyile you all to visit our WM AND SE0ND IS AND STORKS, s. ' e i i d we will c iiii c jt u '1st our piicen I taU all. Yea cannot rffd It, on yt.r pi t'ieiiii Vyifure yrti visit oor -plsce. As wo tin ve a Urge s-atubiit hment in Portland wo bave' rian ed it The Portland Branch V claim to le theciotixt liiyem to uniJ.iKill all I. a. WIXBILL, I. C, JOIIKSOI, t. KSTSSS, B. SHILTOir. , WIHDELL, JOHSSOU & CO,, REAL ESTATE DEALERS AND MONEY .BROKERS."" . Conveyancing cM ail Notarial work promptly done. P, O, box, 800. Seattle, Washington, JMllM a HIPPODROME lls-olittfo tl v lei rodncing ibo C'sssica J Atb etio end Uladutorial rant no of tbe Ui ot V etr anil 111 i Ins. Clisi-. iot llsce, . Lilie, t n.cee, BUnding l(ace, Flat iUcee, K'ei baM Hate, Jockey Kci-c. CViuel Iteee, Oatricb Itaets, Hack IUcee, Wheelliaitow Race, Qbststlo il'cp tl stic Ir t liikta. Itcast Exhibits! tnnKe'il triumph of anj ag tor ere. Ami perteuting cr-.intltiti chetige nj trtikf rnalione, inouatroua trocpof c psrieoiied and- hoii'b bearing warile 1 hanU, prand cavalcade of cavalier and dsroeM, Wrtrd glimpse flh Fiiit-', iu clnditiK suggeslivM tableaux of Liuli Red A dinn-hood, ll!uebsrd, SinbaJ, tho asi'oi. Mother Goose, Sleeping beau ty, snd Kobiuaon Croeo ; Monkey Tillj bo Cs rsli moll It oy paeaengoni, im. n ifey not tiuup, monkey footman, u.ouey guard and tnouitey jiowtiliot). in the mirk t an i hk-ut excfption. F. WISE & Co,, S. E. Young' Old Stajd. G. L. OLACKftlAfi, Succefor to E. W. Lanedon, Di'ALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, CRUSHES SOP3 COMCS ETC. . SPECIALTIES. r.ahlonaSte and Biylitdi SuiU, B'iflnn Butt, Debt weight R,tmmr Buitn. Boye, youtL' nd cblW W nH. Furnishing Goods. line line of KcH weiRbt nndeiwettr balbHgKfcn an.l troolr-u ; ouilry, hUi neckwear, linn wlrn auapendere, goatanlwi for two yearn, in alt tbo latest BOOTS AND SHOES. A largo lio in this department HATS Staple and F.bion.bI-lne., among tb n .took of tb 1 Joba D. BtoUon baU. : Tailoring M,rcbottiloMg under .Xpert Uilor. Huita road, to order floe at remarkable low flgares. Mom good tn.o.J out than e-or Wf .re. Itick a in tbe fot tbst I am offering better bargain than any one else io Aiban Bongbt at bankrupt sale I esn sll First-Glass Goods at(or belowCOST. FOR Genersl merobendtse ol all kind oll on ni. Particular bargains in saro, ofiboe. teh for Goods or Country prdtifc Or W. SIMPSON FOR THE BEST FURNITURE e-Gkl.X ON TOE Albany Furniture Company OPPOSIT STEWART A SOX'S, Who EavB in Stock a Completa Line of BED ROOM SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS, WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., ETC., ETC. IIA.TVIdrVS & FARRELL. WHOLESALE DEALERS) IN Harflware, Iron, Steel ana Farm Maclery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOB THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Tassa Maohlnes ars too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmer hare assd thsm aad spsak of tbsm with praise. Ttsy ars tlx only Xarrestlns Maohlnss that will Eire EKTIKS SATISFACTION to the pnronaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, Tne most Effective and Bnocsssfal Combination for Threshiaj and Cleanlcg Grain ever constructed. BUCKEYE STEELjRAMf TWIN E-BIN DERS. 3TT1. rssturs i that distinguishes this Tuine-Blnder U ths llKhtness o Pratt, combined with Its Exlraortllnary fatmngth and Dnmbllity. The Binder Is ol ths Appleby pattern, tha only really one j ot known. We hsve two styles, ths Elevator Binder aod th Platform Iliaderboth .xuiUeut-botlt roooaimenuea by hundreds of patrons. SE0UITLER FM WABflNS, SSraSr M BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRING Jrrgpk& MOUNTAIN WAGONS, d& sT" r -f BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS ?F .' VvIAH AND SEEDERS. "S,i" 0 P3 CORBIN DISC HARROWS.- HODGES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE. 'SEND FOR CIRCULARS. E; ThraJijManager, Albany, Or. mm noveltir. of the Uet to the warUi. L. E. BLAE Pin CIS. II. DID St Frnii.t First anrl Vitir Rtmnta. ................. - , PORTLAND. - OREGON. 1 1889 SPRIHG A!1D SUP J3 grtf LADIES' DRESS GOODS The iargfcet a lock and gios est variety in pric aua 0 1 Lave evei carried, and ae good value as ever otlcrxi t tb oiiizene of Lion county. Special Bargains In clt'is nod blsckn. Seersuckers, gbgbama, cbsrobieys, Frincfc print end wash ftibfic-. A'i I be DOTtliie of tbesessoii in tJsck and ojlur. I will bare souiKbiod fuitbei to sjr about tboe e fr UM. :embiioideries, skirtings Floaociogs, and all overs en eambrtM, Sii and Indie Liaen. I bave jot opeaed tbe largest ioroioe of novelties In this line ever ex blbited in this city, and at gretly reduced prices. Piques, Lawns, India Linens, Nanaooks io white, ecru and color, all at price very much cbepr ttren ever before offered i tbi city. TABLE In brown and bleached. Tbia stock I bought in New York at lee (ban importers' price, anJ am able to give gocd bargains. 58 inch all linen bleached at 60 e.'tts per yard and o'.bera io f roKrtion. TO WBLINGS, CRASHES, ETC. AH tbswe good I boy direct from importers by . tbe Kale, and csn sell them much cheeper than if hoogbt of jobbers towel I hnr in quan tities ia Nrsr York, aod am offerioa; them at prior tlt sre sore tr sell tbe goods. Ladies Cotton Hose-. Ate diaper tbi year than eer tef.fe. I beve encceeded in g't ting mane good bargains, all of wbicb J sui ffeiir.g 10 oy cnstooiera be same in MISSES AND CHILDREN'S, Ti e above ia n outline of tbe j-iMcj I am guing to do businee. snd will endeavor to do mj pari toward ascuricg tbe trade is Li acd H joining oovnties to Albany, aod to ksep np a-itb the proceeeio r( the lirelj andfrrowingcitj f AlbaoT. I will bees something oa See atttt Carpets, Boots and Shoes, GrocerieSj And SAMUEL E. YOUNG nan Tne LEADING Grocery Store Wallace, Thompson & Cs. 03Il-sf.gaPgS (E-OOllDS IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE lA0. Tlnlr Stockof GROCERIES' and PRODUCE ic3 always Complete- n n . n. n n n n n h a.& t'i L L..i L.2 FOB Orngs, Paints, ils, Brushes, Alabas itne, Artists5 IJatejials, Etc., a-o CITY DRUG STORE Guiss 3 Son. SUMMER 1080 iTe.if'H's AND TRIMMINGS, In Caslimercs, LINEN, Y Y o ' to