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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1889)
n . 1 iiii kiwi 1. , li the f ff Advorlrslrifr neJium In flip Central WIMnrr.PltR.V! C2 IN ADYAKCE ; S2 53 AT KD . CF YEAS. Iuuil every Fri Jay by Wao STITE3 6s 2M UTTINO. Advertising rat mad known on apj "VOI ' NkCIV ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY ,2 1889 SL3 .. . TO D EMCCRAT. 11 j1 Hit s rs v- Xjr .er -s - - O t -tr;.vtr Albany ON:WOfiKS. . MsjiufA-ittir.-ri cf - 4fTT:Nss cwr m saw mill mct, Ear imummR7 . AND ALL KIND 5 OF HE4YY ANO LIGHT WOKK, IM IRON ANO BHASS -CASTING. poll tt ittiTpl't i rainlrlng) ill I imai or mvtninr. Patterns Mad on Short Notice, -PROHHIKTU OK. STAR nAKKRT Cnrasp BmoiilMa aal First S&,. PKAf.KK IN.. font. llrtre, Mr. Frail. rii, . CtB. Kte itir-e-a4wirc. Vgetb4j, ftttlei Tsi. Ctr., la fr vrythln th. U kpt v 4 (n rJ variety and aroowrr inr. High! I oa rkt prlo pIJ for ALL KlfiDS OF PRODUCE. HO? TO CO EAST. UiKiitut Mmi St. R mU. Nic alimst t wl sivwrr - Ml tun f the year, ft M.vint ShssU. 8-rmnt-. Cr-lm, Salt IA, ujov.r. hwt sj-n1-clf Mr mad. ar run daily. Bar yr ticket of m Mil um yoar far to Portland. I era tht only person la Albany that oan U you a ...... n.vw.aj Mimit W M, OIOI Q tb United iUtot. Call on m for raw. -" W. L Jtrrsii. " ' An SP PIANOS. Thos wUhlmr fWol4 Inatrornent hoald call at Mr, a E. Hr.nan'a and on of thorn C!oratt.t' lUinm et Look planoa, xoi.Tit rich ton. Ea pocUlly rovi and adi tad to Kane! tb ell mat on tb Paclflo Coast, Efry piano fully guaranteed for ft veam. Th li teat aheet-inoate for Ml. Mu-lo and paintlnic loaaoo glvan thai. Alao Vtn tlao to gt yoar new Sewlat; McUln. Fnar work and draaa mklojt don t onlor. Urat door ut of Yoong'a ol J atanJ, Albany, Oregoo. WILL mio Doalors lo all th itU 4 lnpr.-rt .n jm Onraai. Htwlnif Manlja-t, Duo. Alao a full lina of warranto I Kt2ira, Huusbor and rocket Knir. Tli b kind ol aewing ntaohin ol!, oaedlo and axtraa, for ail manhine. Ail tirx'rtog neatly and roamtnablr dona. K- F. S I'm JULBE GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His atoclc baa b iulv I o that It auala any on tb C., and ooiiktitt f R:ger Bros. Silverware, Preach China and Crys talware, Boys' Wagon3, Doll Cariager, Fancy Goods', and a general assortment of Crocktey " ' : u and Toys. H boy direct aod orrlo, U, larirw t clt In tha WHU-nyU Valley, in w!ii I baa been addod a oomplete lln of . FAMILY GROCERIES. Te Agent for inaorant 'cooapaniaa wllh a capital rfrViu j ITj.OOO.OTf . on pari FranoaU. Hlr wird deotcb grrtprocben.-i Lookout For Low prices. FURNITURE, l am bow retailing iHrnUoreat my factoiy at coit. Pe-,lr iLiit:: far.i turt can do well to look hern for bargain,- 1 am jj-iipr to a!l tl oust ilmio tha next 30 daya. Co mo aud rx.miiie v lri pmchaii ;!- where- Factory at the rivt-r nod of Lyon Strw t.' C Ja DILLON. FURNITURE. You want th bet and moat durable farmarethat i intimraotarod iatbejnltyfo Thomas Brink. ft . alkAl,r- 1 - ' i ; . ,' '''yr'y:i',y':y DslisIsarEissBlt " . ' ' ? vfVjr Ak your Oroew for r . - cow C Fl AN o Al ' ' rFSOpAKSALERATUS. (Constipation wuiwua prumpi treatment, xuo ra. ulu of neglect may ba aerluua. Arold u nana anaaruuo purgaUvea, tba tendency of wkloh la tn .1.. bow Th beat remedy la Ayer'a rilla, Uolng purely regotoble, their cUon U prompt and their affect alwaya oeneflclaL Thar n B.ln.ii,i - nwtu urer and AXtor-dlnnor pill, andrery KowwcuuunouoyukaproiOMJOB, 4 ..n'f rU,s r fc'Jy and unlw. ally aiioken of by tii people about aere. I mako dally use of thetn in my PracUoe." lr. I. IB. irnimi' Jort,Conn. ' ' "I ran recommend Ayer'a Mia above , vmK ini,i uieir . ")? S , tlrUo lor uyaalf and fajuUy." J, T. Hum, Lelthavlllo, Ta. JJcnuaedlttinyfaiaUy. WafludUiem aa . -- . - . Effective Remedy ior ronwipation and Indlffnatlon, and aro nav itKnti i . 1. Moaea Qrouior, Lowell, Maaa. "i naranaed Ayer'a nil, for llrcr trouble and Indignation, during mnur reara. ami K.k, .....,.7 prompt and eiMHent In their action." Tanffered from onnattrln vtv. aaaunied auch an obaUnat furtu that I J wmuu cauae m atopiiag ol tho l'"- v iut.f MCO, JUOe .-i , n T ik Kfi , I br umk! Ajer'i Tilii for Urn pat tlilrtV Tftavra anil MAnal.L - j YmluabU fiimily mtMllclu. 1 know of letter nuiMij ior Jirr uoublM. ftBd fAVe klrv fAnH.I . Z 4Ttirtt filt dMrMiula T.m.. fl,.l. fua Kiddle at, llaxtlurd, Conn. "Oaring oeen troubled with roaUve- II Mia. Wllloh ualru lnlt.l.l. - 1 imviiwimo VtlbU wr aona of aodentary habita, I have trim! HviuiK xciici. a am slad to aay that Uiry liar anrred mo liMttAP than anv aiIiaw a. 1 1 ..t.. v , - J " " HIVUIblUn! a arrira at thla conclualon only after a faithful trial of tblr merit." Samuel X. J once, Oak at, Bo tun, Maaa U Ayer.'slRills, SiAS axAJtx ar H3iA .. Dr. J. C. Avar k Co- Lowell. Mats. hM by all Dwdma to Medlcta. Stare I'M Muck of 2nd Xff bikmIh In tha V 15 . tha ndt r4n4blo prloon, both icv'tvln(!ii lbt' oa baud I aiaoa oi FJSNITU2E, STOVES. flXWABE, CLOCKS. CROCKERY, ETC i ETC. Oiedo tr.weatof-s. K. YjtinU old alor L. GOTTLIEB, 13 Kir.r Mimit, Albany. Or. WIOTOSVILLE. 0. P. C0SH0V7 & SCHS, Heal Eatii-j ai Insaranca Agoats. Real tat a ud au 1 Colleotioaa aud NotarUlfbunluei attaofled lu. C'iT ff 't r'i' Y TO MAK LOCAL 'RECORD. CovAt.Lt. A amal man with a young family can make an eay living here with le Ihnn Imlf ol $4000. He could tlart dairy to good fktvnitUc, for our ctllxco offci a an Inducement tit auch an enter prUe frre pnturge within the curjwrale llmlu, and wlih a vtry little peinuaolon, we beileve the city council could be pre vailed upon to do the milking. ...Rev J M Dick end family arrived In Corvalli ial week, and have taken up itiuir rcii dence here. The reverend fcentlenun cornea to lake charge of the Evangelical church In thU city, a per appoint ment of the late conference. 1m Kevj L ncrii tier ha been removed to Alblna... ."Lit tle Shorty" Uutterlicli U nerving a thirty day.' aenlence In Portland for vagrancy. The boy I to be pitied rather than ccn- ured (or lit uutoi tuitate maiion in tiie.- Timet. For tii Si.iia'a IIomk.' Major Jonea,ot thla city, ha ju.t iccelved lili mi per, appointitig htm to a place in tht new aoKHcra' home fifteen mile from Lo Anirelea, and will leave Aib.tny lor that place about June 5, theic to pna the re malmlcr 01 hi lite In that ret and peace he to rich I v deerve. The Major hai made on Iv Mend in Albany. Ill life here ha been a apotlcM one, and white we ha!) rvgrctvcctng him leave Albany, we thall lejolce to know that In will have a good home where he can rclicar.c with hi companion In blue the evei)tof event ful live. A CciN'DN'oui'M The following conun drum from an Oregon Cltv: paper will plcM a few Linn county farmrc and hence we glvo it : "Mr. Wlntton of Dam- acu propound a peculiar problem. 'Dur ing the iSyear I have lived on my place,' he y, 'the county oeror, and achool clerk have aeed It all the way from $iSoo to fAooo, I offer to tell my farm but cannot get even a bid on it What I It cah value ?' Thi may be anwered left handedlv by aklng Mr'Wlna'on .o explain thltpuzzleof Elder Kennedy. If you pen thiee hog In a row, and by feeding with corn the foremott one only you fatten the the three, how much doe It coat to fatten he third f Statk ArroiXTMastT. Governor Pen- aoyey Thurtday made the appointment ol the date medical board, which w created by the late IcgUlature. Thi board I known a the board of examiner for the ttate of Oregon. The following were ap pointed: J Dixon for one year, O P Plumner, two year and lame Drown, three year. The gentlemen are all real- dent of Portland, and. It It understood, are ail l the clpathic chool. The dental board waalo appointed a follow: (j Clark and S I Barber, both of Portland. Dr K C Mile, of Yaquina, wa apfointed health officer for Yaquina Day. A K.1L'EM Rikawav. Jut utter ih c DtMoCR at had gone to ptct Friday Flt treet w the crne of a very lively runaway. Thsteajiot Unk Sclglcr be came frightened at an engine on the S P witch and ran weit along First street, first on one side and then on the other side of the street. At Bardue Si Robertson' corner, the favorate corner for the purpow, the team took the side walk and mowed down four or five awning post and the Albany Furniture Company a lgn, atop ping a short distance beyond. Another team becoming frightened called on F II I'fclffer for some confectionary, doing sev eral dollars damage. EvcRVWiitaa. "Late discoveries of gold and silver mine have been made In Lane county ; gold and natural ga have been found in Linn; coal and gold In Marlon, while in Benton county, gold ha been discovered, and a company ha been organized In Corvalli to prospect for coal and natural ga. The future ol thi section of Oregon brighten a our natural re sources are developed. Undoubtedly the hills and mountain on either tide of the Willamette valley are rich In mineral." Astoria I'wnetr, Will Crt-ruaATX at Evckkk. "At their meeting Thursday evening C Co, of the ONC, voted to take part in the cele brallon of the Fourth of July at Eugene The boy are well drilled and will be a prominent 'eature of the procession. The Albany paper will please note this, and pull down their claim that C C will go to Albany on the rourth bugen umard. We do as requested; but if C company should happen to receive a general order from headquarter It will be apt to change It tune. A Struck. The hand on the West Side Nriw Gauge have ttopped their train at Monmouth and refuted to allow It to proceed until they are paid. The road owe It men all the war from $100 up to $4000, the latter turn, it U said being due one of the employee of the road. It I thought the strike will strike the East Side lines, and train generally be atopped on the ISarrow bscape until there I aome liquidating done; but where la the money to come from. Human Kindmess. Recent1ythl office was made the recipient of a beautiful bou quet from the hand f the Misses Allie and Loura Burkhart, young daughert of the late Raymond Burkhart, a atestimpn ial of their appreciation of the Drmocrat a a newspaper. Such mark of approval will remain green In our memories a long a we plod our way on thi numdane ftphcrc. By the way the Democrat ha been aent nearly twenty-fire year to the Burkhart family, which enable them t peak advisedly a to It merit n a new paper, Gettixo Insahe. There are 549 pa tlent In the state Insane asylum. Y 1th nearly as many in the penitentiary and big attendance at the Indian school, Salem will have quite a population when thecen sus taker come around. Everybody seem to be going insane ior the take of moving there, and the city I really grow ing rapidly outside of the atlyum. Rivalry. Salem and Albany are rival towntln nearly everything. ' Whatever one undertake the other tiie to outdo. At present they are trying to excel , each other In raising fund for the celebration of the Fourth of July, Each i trying to get the sud Regiment O N G to join them, with even chance. Hatred teem 'o gen erate patriotism. 7VW. Boy Drowned, A sad case of .drown ing occurred last Saturday in the mill race a short distance above the University at Eugene. The victim was the ton of Mr T M Hamilton, a lad about 1) year of age. When last seen he was playing with a toy tail boat in the race near his home, wilch i a few rod above the University. Hit body wat found the next day lodged against a ttump. 1 Reciprocity. Mr A B Hudleton vtt turned out of the office of Postmaster at Jefferson and C B Roland appointed. Now Mr Roland hat resigned a. Mayor of the city and Mr Hudleton hat been elected. Unfortunately - for the latter though the other office la the, one that pay t. Upset. A fewr days ago Artie Gultt, nine year old son of Dr. Guise, wat riding In ft rickety boat in a pond near Albany, when the boat upset and he would have been drewned but for the astiitance of an older companion, who twam to him and got him lo thore tafe. . . Children Cry fori . The Circuk. The combined Sell Brother and Barrett circus and menagerie opened on Friday at Central Park o a big house, or rather tent, and the audlcncat have been on the Increase ever since, Lat evening every tent was filled, and there must have been fully 7000 peopla present to enjoy the excellent performance. The Sow I even better than when it was here before, and one get full value for the money charged for entrance. There were two ring and an elevated stii;e, In and up on which vailed and entertaining a:t were performed without Interruption, tho pro gram Including twenty-two distinct acts and tvc'vtj races. Among the principal features were balancing, unht-roua danc ing, tumbling, vaulting, all kliul of tin tie and horixonlal-hnr woi k.juggllng, hip. podrmne racing, trulnrd mules and ele phants, the splendid bareback tiding ol Sells, and many other clever performance1., making an entertainment well calculated to please all classes. Attn, Oil,, April They Ui'akrkl. Clark liraden, the Christian, and C II Reynold, the Infidel have been quarrelling up at Walla Wnllu and the Vuwn tell about It a follown "Saturday night a large ctowd assembled at the opera house, to listen to the fifth dl' cusnlon between Clark Draden and ex-Rev J B Reynold. Mr tlradcn, lunllirtnallon, poke half an hour, and vtti replied to by Mr RvnoliU. On Mr Rrnden Inking the floor for his sec-- nd speech, hU low opening sentence angered Mr Uosencw, moderator for Mr Reynolds, and he arose and stated that he hod suffered nlivnc and Insult at the hands of the speaker long enough, and would withdraw from the meeting. Mr Reynold also staled that he felt he had oeen vllllfied sulllclrnitv, and would leave the hall. Mr liraden would have con tinued hi address, but the audience broke into an uproar, the speaker being assailed ilh loud hisses and cat call. hen order htd been restored, alter much diffi culty, Braden delivered an Inllatnatory speech, the audience filing out at the door the while. The City or Grant' Pash Ihecoun ty teat of Josephine county situated In the lowei Rogue River Valley, 310 tnllet south of Portland, on the line of the Southern Pacific railroad, at a point where the happy union of Oregon soli and Cali fornia climate take place. Tht town Is lest than tlx years of age, has a population f 1500, and can truthfully claim to have more handsome dwelling and more tub stantlal industrial enterprise In operation than any city of it age in Oreuon or Wash ington, urant t'ass, lit aduiiion to hav ng the most picturesque town ltetii Ore gon, occupies a most commanding position with reference to the trade of the surround- ng country, and will always remain with out a rival. Itt resource consist of mag nificent forest of a merchantable character, rlgh gold and sliver mines, a vast agricult ural and stock country, and thousands of acre of the most productive teml tropical fruit land on the Pacific coast. What more la needed to make a treat city? Pamphlet, A Bi'i CoOoar. Geo M Clark, of the foot hills, came to the city Thursday with a cougar and a wild cat scalp. Tiie $5 re ceived for the cougar was on'.y a small recompenMf for the f3 damage done. One evening the cougar appeared on Mr Clark' place and wa killing a sheep when attacked by Mr Clark' fn!tnful shepherd dog, for which he had been offered $1$, and which had a record of assisting in kill ing sit bear, thirteen covotet and several cougar and wildcat. The cougar turned. killed the dog. a:id soon broke the necks ol nineteen sheep, worth Si a head. Two days afterward Mr Clark and his biother suc ceeded in treeing him and bringing him down. He had eight bullet In him when scalped, and was S feet a Inches long. The Clark boy areaUath on cougars; but they never killed one with more satisfaction than thev did thi big fellow. rrogrrrM. It Uvry Important in this ago of vast material rraftreaa that a raiuedy b pi Iiik to th laie and to tho eye. easily taken, sepiabl. to tho stomach and helatby In lu natur and efloola. Poa lng the qualities, yrup of FIr la th on pr feet laxative and most genii diuretic known. t'adeaerved Leaglied A I Tb unthinking are pron to make gam of Drrouan-. Yet thla I a vary ral and aerlou aftlictlan, In harassing symptom of which are rendered all lb roor poignant by ridicn. 1 ho stomach la uanally responsible for thwo aytnptoma ita weak neaa and diaordtir find, rallex In th brain, which U the beadquarteta of th nerviou system. A a nerve tonlo and tranquilizer, we bellev that not no can bs pointed out o efTottlv aa lios uudi'k pinrnan itinera, in renewing vliroton dlgaatlon, It atrfkoa the bey note or" recovery of alrengtb and qulatoda by the nerve. Headache, tremor In qulot leap, abnormal Miqaitire&a to unex pected nouses an tnoa inodiry and ulti mately diaapnear aa tho vyptera ealna strength from lb .ai tonlo. Dyapopala. btllouane, rhenmaiism, oonsupatianana kidney complaints are subdued by tbe Bitter. XOTICriTO THE rCRMC. CLovEhDALB, Benton Co , May 2nd. UavlrjK nurebaaedof Mr, Aabby I'earn hlaantlr iarm In Hntitop eountT. Oreeon. tb Dubllo I notified and forbidden from taking or retnovlng therefrom any gravel, aud or loam rrom io prtnusra r . Ij. cticH. CLOVKkDAL., Ilentr.n Co., May 2nd. I am InatrnoUd ty Mr, F. I Much to prosecute any and ail prona depositing dead anlrnal upon bia land In Benton county, Oregon, formerly owned by Mr. Ashhy Pear co. Chr. K, Wolvkrtow, Attorney at law. - KEEPPOSTKD. Naw goods at W F Read's. F. M.French ke-p rail rosd time. Bargains iu boots and shoes at Read's. A fall line Children' bathtubs atO.W Smith's. , J. P. Wallaea, T'liysioian rad Surgeon, Al bany, OrJ For a Starling or Emerson piauo call on G It ulaokmaD. ... O. W. 8mith has tho IargetstocUof sagar kettles in Albany. O L Black man is agant for tho Weber piano. Non Letter. . Six shaves fur a dollar and a clean towel to very customer, at Tho. Jones, O. W. Smith gives the whit enameled iron war with his tins 000k stoves. A loll assortment of bross kettles from one to eighteen gallon at G. W. Smith's, B ly yoar tioksts through to tha East of W li Jester and save fare to Portland. I have reduoed prieea on all heavy wear in . boots ana suoee. Uall early at w Read's. V . Tb Westeru Cottage and Paohard are two of tho best organs madii. G LBlack'nsa tells thni. Call an (Jr. W. SmiHr and get one ofjthose Minoari Steam Washers warrantod to'do as rsooromended. . . . . A fine lina of all kinds ut fnmhure, plain sod nsbolstered, bes stock in tbis part of Oregon at Fortmtller & Irving s. If yon want a clean and fin smoke auk for J. Joseph's horn mad white labor cigar For sale by most cigar dealers and at his Jooepbs factory. J A Arohihil.l, a (aa1; - Singer Manafaotur inz (Jo., opponte Ui t Fuiiows iemula, Al Dr Wriuhtsman's Sovereign Palm of Life. fer diaeawes ptoullar to women, at Deyoe Si jtobtoD sad Urownell btanara , I1 Baltimore; agent f Pitcher's Castorla. ' WTATK W.C.T.lf. The State W.C. T. U. convened In lem yesterday with Mr A R Rlggt In the choir, The following committee! were appointed i ' ' Credential Mrs Rankin, Mr Spangler, CorvallU, and Mrt Woodward, Newberg, Plan ol Work-Mr N W Klnaey, Astoria Mrt M E Edwards, Newberg and Mr L E Blttln, Albany. Courtesies Mia Hale, Albany, Mrt 8'ecvetsnd Mrt Lou Il.tcht Salem. Resolutions Mr Sox, Albany, Mrs Marks, Wasco, Mi. M E Kinney, A torla. Finance -Mrt Kearsay, Portland, Mrs SMplcy, Mr Vllyeu, Eugene, Mrs Mc Allster, Albany.. Other minor appointments were, Remarks were made by Mr White Kin ney and others. Mrt Brown, Correspond ing Secretary rendered her annual report, embracing the reports from 41 Unlont. A membership ol 700 i shown, with 369 hon orary member, nnd J03 member of the YVf CTU. Roll call of officers culled out responses trm Jir A k Kigg,rre t Mr Edwards, f res 3rd out 1 Mr L, K jjiain, Pre and l)l.t;Mrt Henrietta Brown, Or Sec ;MIs Lib Irvine, Tie. Very few Superinten dent of department responded to roll call. Comtalttce was appointed to prepare a memorial service for the member who have been laid to rest during the past year. After noontide praver the convention ad journed to the haremrnl of the church where a bountiful lunclijwas spread by the hospitable ladles ol Salem for our coin lrt. - The afternoon vat spent in hearing re port from the Superintendent. A moth er meeting wa conducted by Mr Rev Round, of McMlnnville, formerly of Al bany. The report ot District President was called for. Mrs Hosier ol th? tst dlst was nt present and her report was read by the Sec Her dlst for most par. I flourishing, but on account of sickness In her family she wa necessarily compelled to neglect some parts ol It. Mr Blaln of the and dlst. reported encouragingly, also that one dlst, convention had been held which was very successful. Mr Edwards ot the 3rd out read a full report, her district I the mast thoroughly orgtnUcd of any In tha State. She reports, N Union 8, No members, 4. JSo a, JSo member 3&-. The other district are not reported. Mrs Hatch Supt ot Parlor meeting re ported her drpa-tmenl as meeting with fpeclal favor. Mr llattle Bushnell. Supt f Flower Mission, read a beautiful report breathing a fragrance and perfume befit ting the hiving hearts and active hanti ol the worker In thi most beautiful .1 all our dcpar.mentt. Committee on credential reported 49 deleuate. Ailjourn-d. Th evening session opened bv congre gational singing under the direction ol Prof Parvln. Mrs Spangler, of Corvalli lead he devotional exercise, reading the out Psalm. A beautiful duet. '-No Heie Be- ond." wa rendered bv Prof Parvln and MrEpley. Mr. A. K. Rlgg. the able President. delivered her annual ddress,an encourag ing effort, full of good rheer. ink wnsn slit sni exhaustive Docu ment. She give a two chief rue of (allure in local union, the lack of proper material and tack of study of methods, (the suggested that theHYV take up the kin dergarten work a a State work. She made a strong plea for the organizing of Loyal Legions throughout he wtate. Also for careful attention to f clentific Instruction In our schools, ttatin that In that depart ment we had the hearty co-operation of the late Superintendent of common - schools. Prof McElroy' evancetlstlc work ' wa specialty emphasized and pressed uponth I nlan. Other department werecarefullt discussed. After a solo by P10I Parvln, Save the Boy the aessior. closed. Following wa the program thi fore noon : Devotional exercise. Hvclenlc Reform and Heredity by Mr Dr Adair, of Astoria. Narctica Mr Nellie Rots, of Astoria. Sabbath Desecration by Mr W A S wick, of Roseburg. t ork in Sabbath School. Mr Nora Wir.lam. ol Monroe Report of Refuge !!me Mr I It Town send, of Portland, and general discussion Thursday morning session. Devotlona exercise conducted by Mrs. Edward. Mr. Kinney, of Astoria, superintendent of scientific temperance Instruction, present ed ainost interesting report, aud five min ute were given to the discussion of this department. Mr. Kinney urged the local superintendents lo visit the schools and. use their Influence In securing thorough teaching l.i this branch. The law on thi branch of Instruction I defective in Oie- gon, and it Is to be hoped that it will be strengthened In the future. Mr. Grand!, of Astoria, read the rtport ol the Supt of Legislation. The report said that through the efforts of Mr. Rigg an appropriation of $1500 annually for the establislilrg of a Refuge Home In Tort. land had been secured. Little has been done In circulating general petition, the plan of writing letter to Influential per tons In behalf of desired measures having been pursued, The Superintendent of the Baby Home of East Portland, Mr. Harbin, reported that the Home is now firmly established. Number of children cared lor in the Home rlnce instituted 1.3 c Number ol adults tcmporartally cared Ior 13. Number of men, boys and women pro- vldcd employment, 49. Chlldi en adopted lo permanent homes, 4- ' Number placed In tempotary homes, 13. Number of deaths 1 1. - Number ol children now In charere. aa Miss Weeden reported her work for the Temperance Temple in her characteristic style and urged the Unions to contribute to tuts tuna. . Mrs. Narclssa White Kinney made an earnest eulogisilc talk on Mis Wlllard' new book, "Gllmpes ol Fifty Years." Said she was glad that our National Pre ident was setting the fashion for women to tell their ages. She urged the Press Superintendents to bring the book befre the public. Mrs. Shane, Supt. ( Music lamented the lack ol enthuaiam in her department Mist Earny. ol Portland, Supt. ol Kin. dergarten repent the ichool tucceistul, more to than last year. Thlt work It a most humane one. The "mothers ol children who co out for the day t work brine their children there and leave them for the day. They are carefully cared far and taught and returned fn the evening this is certainly a benovljnt work. ; Ad Tourned after noontide prayer. Afternoon session Mrs. Round led the devotional exercises. Prof. Van Scoy, ol the Willamette Uni versity, extended an Invitation to the Con vention to visit the University, and that some lady be designated to address the students. A vote of thanks was returned. , Mrs, Thoma, Supt. ol Juvenile work read a favorable report, out finds the work neglected in many localities. Five mln utes discnsslon wa Granted on this depart inent. One lady stated that if we could get hold oi the mothers we would soon have the children. Committee on Plan ol Work repotted the following: plan c work. As thorough, systematic organization it under God the very foundation and strength ol our work and as the existence of only forty-three in this great state shows plainly that the crying need of th state is more extensive and complete organization. therefore,' . , 1st. Weetrnestly recommend that organ Izatlon shall for the coming year, be made the chief line ol work. and. In the interest oi such organization we recommend that the state ollicers by solicitation shall secure a special fund.lo be known as HI its Organization Fund, Thlt fund to be kept separata from all other state moneys and to be used solely and ? far organization purposes, , 3rd, That on or more oigaxj.eis be employed, by the week or month, by the state officers, the duties of said organizers Being 10 visit unorganized district and weak Unions, holding public meetings, ef fecting and renewing Unions, and where ever there are on or more active Unions in a county effect also a count v ortanlza tlon. The said organizer t take up a col lection In the name of the state Union for the organixatlan fund, and wherever these collection are not sufficient to cover the expense of organization the deficiency lo oe supplied out 01 me original slate organ Izatlon fund. 4th. Be'lcvlna? that too much marhlnars isonty a burden Alld ftfOafflxsaf laVM raffllfl. mend the abolition of district officer and , - - - 1 - that the county officers be held responsible noi oniy ior u.e general care and properl ty of the local unions In their rcsoectlve countlct, but also for tha further organlza- iiwii hi sain couniie, cth. We recommend that In all ortranlz. ed counties reports Iroin local unions of that county be sent to the respective coun ty omcer,and that coun'y general officers and superintendent In their turn rennet direct to the stale officer and superlnten- U1.-111, Respectfully submitted, , Narcissa White Kinney, Mary M Blain, . Mary E K Howard. 1 " Committee. ThU report w adopted by Hem. Mrs Nash, Slate Press Supt, read one ol the moat pointed and sensible reports heard during the convention. - After thi came the report of the Supt of Literature. This wa meager, the unions eem to have exhausted themselves dur ing the amendment campaign In this work, and but little was reported. This report finished the business of the afternoon. , KVtNlNO ttlMlCW. Devotional exercise were led by Mrs Edward, ol Newberg. Prof Parvln lead lug the ciingregatkm In singing. Mr Nar.l.s Whit Klnnev was Intro duced in a few brlaht compllmentarr re mark, as tna ocaker of the evenlnsr. Mv pen I too feeble to attempt taglva even a synopsis of her addres. It Is sufficient to say she did herelf credited that I saying much. The evenlne closed with a male ouartttte under tha leadership of Prof Parvln. B FRIDAY MORS IXO SKSSION. Devotional meeting led by Mrs Sangler. olCorvalils, after which Mrs Edwardt opened the ron vention with prayer. After the reading of minutes the convention pro ceeded to the election ol officer, which re sulted as fallow President, Mrs A R Rlggt, of Portland ; Cor Sec, Mrs Henri etta Brown, ot Albany 5 Treat, Mr Mar garet I Bllyeu, ol Eugene. Telegrams ol sympathy, were sent to Mrs UK Illnes the former President, to Mrs .tilth French and Mrt M E tloxter, these person are under affliction, by dangerous illnes In their families. The following report were read In their order. Ui Signal, Lecture Bureau.White Cross work, Evangelistic work, Jail and Prison work. These report show a steady pushing of tha work, slowly but eurely gaining ground. Thi ended the morning session. APTKfcNOO akSMOM. Devotional exercise led by Mrs Spark- lln, ol Independence. The Supt ol work at fair, reported that 1 50,000 pages of litera ture had been distributed at the Slate fair. Mrs Condon urged for her department Edecational that Mr Narc: wa White Kinney be secured. If possible to visit the schools, College and Universities In the State and present t them that part of our w-rk. Thi would be a move In th right direction. Mr White Kinney, waappointed a del egate to Con. The general officers are dele gates by virtue of office. Mr Edwarda,Mrs Condon and Mrs Casio, alternates. Report of Committee on Resolutions wa read and adopted, thi report will be given later. A general resolution wa lie red expressive of the appreciation of the dele gate tr the admirable entertainment fu.-nlthed by the member ot the Salem Union In lunches spread at noon each day In the basement of fie church, they both toothsome and elegant. By mutton the next annual convention will be held In Portland next year. After a general taking up of scattered threads an broken bits left in the hurry ot business, the Seventh Annnal Convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union ol Oregon, closed by singing "Blest be the tie that Binds" and a short prayer by the President- t tue reception. Immediately after the convention ad journed the delegation repaired to tha ele gant residence of Mr R & Wallace, tn re sponse to an invitation extended to the conven'Jon to attend a reception. The house ol Mr Wallace has just been cam- I leted. It Is an elaborate style ot architec tureaad beautifully located. The rooms are richly and tastefully lurnisnetf, ana in all the'.r appointments displacing the cul ture an. refinement of the home maner, An elaborate lunch was spread In the din ing room. In the middle ol the table wa hung a large globe, encircled by a mast ol flower. The globe was oeiiea or a wnite ribbon, on which were the letters' W. C T. U. made ol red and white daises. The cordial hospitality extended by Mr and Mr Wallace to the delegate ol the con vention will long be remembered. The evening entertainment given by the Y e we will report later. u K. BO-HAK-KO in hit uw discovary for Cocn mptioo, sue edd in prodnoing a mad join, w&loh it ae Enowieosea oy ail so oe simpiy nwTuona It ia xoadioKly plaaaant to th taet., per factlv harmless, and does not sickan. In al eases of otsaa of Consumption. Cong hi, Colds WhooDloB Couch. Croup, jlroacbius, and Pains 10 the Cheat, it has given universal satisfaction. Dr Bnaanka'a Cough and Lung Syrup is sold at SO can ta by Dr uniti fit Hon Portland. Or.. Jan. 12th. Havintr a sever baok ache last summer, I tried th Oregon Kidney Tea, I nsd on ear. which effected a radical ear. I would rev ommend it to all who ar afflicted as an on failing ramed. JtiLica Acix. Sold by Fosbayw Mason, C03SU3LFT10X SURELY CURED. To th. Editor Please Inform your read ers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease, by Its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my reme dy vrer to aay of your readers who have con sumption It they will send me their express nnd post oITIca address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM. 11. (.'.. 181 fearl St., New Vork. Wbsn Baby was sick, w gava her Castorla, . Whsn sba was a Child, she oriod for Castorla, ; When ah baoam at las, aha elung to Castorla, Wen sh had Children, th. gav tiwm Castorla, For 1 and madabarnesa goto E. L. Power ' for piVes. ; Itehiuir Pilsi xn k io r 1 br m iUt.irj);iis! n.' . !ou. pnxiuamr sysry llsireoll ttohln attir ike warm, 'mis ior m as wan as uiinu, ui.suii'ir Sxitrudtnir rues t w st once to tne anpiiusa . r. Bossnko.usnmsdy, w.iloa acta direotly ths psrts stsoted, abaarbinc Ut. tumor, ana -4. . intent. Itosln and eSsetlng a psnnsusnt a'" can w. Address The Dr Bossnko WxUoin. Oo.,r ' O. Bold by Dr, Cuias n a son. 1 If von ir nervous or irritaLl.feel lansmid. disoirited. or if vou have sick headache, fal low ooraplexioD,or offensive brsath.tben your liver is out of order and needs rouiiutr. Dr. Henley's Dandoliou Tonio restores tb liver to healthy action and tones op the eatii a sys tem, bold by coshay S uosop. General Bailer hat had a chip oa his shoulder about all of tht llmt sines the election of liar. rlson. , - Mr. Phelps, late minister to England, hat resumed liis old position as professor in as Yale law school. . Ex-Senalor Riddleberger called on the ttfsil dent Wednesday. It is not stated whether fc was drunk or sober. About this time of yesr the family woodpile becomes to distasteful lo th small boy that be thinks seriously of shipping as a pirate prefer. ring the sea to the saw. m Wanamnler'! daily list of new postmasters vie in leng!'., v. itli Coriwal Tanaer's list of new pensioner. Ia Use long run, looks at if the Cm. oft would get ahead. Soot falls down the chimney before a stotm. because the air st that time contains mora moisture. Root it hygtoseopic, that is, it ab sorbs the moisture from the air, and, I scorning heavier, detaches itself from the aider of the chimney. Tbe Cherokee Indians are no W.. The rush tor Oklahoma tanght them that land was get ling scarce. They were once willing to sell 6,000,000 acres comprising the Cherokee strip lor 91.75 " acre. ' Sine the rapid they want bom K4 to 96 an acre for it. 11,-r-:M 1--:- - - 1 ; . 1 . niivHwiRii m sicaaisaiu mat na broken the record, it owned by Americans, is the resultf American enterprise and the fast- est boat In the world. Yet w are not happy. She does not cany the American flsg. Will the defenders of our 'American system" tell us why? The United Kingdom fisheries employ 250,1 1 000 persons. The money value of fish landed la a year is nearly eight millions sterling. At I the annual conference of the National Sea Fish ery Protective Aasoaatian for this year, the I statement wts rusde that soles, turbot, plaice and all other flat fish once plenty in tbe North Sea are diminishing in numbers. On June 1 8th the voter of Pennsylvania will vote on tb question of cotutitutionat prohibi tion. The leaders of the prohibition movement have so loaded il down with their own eccen- tive notions thst it is safe to predict that the voters of that ttate will decide adversely to their cause by an overwhelmoing majority. Their position in favor of removing tbe internal revenue tax from liquors imposed by the gener al government, and opposition to all kinds of license, even where they are unable tosubsti tuts prohibition,!! disgusted a very large class of voters whose sympathises tbey have hereto fore bad. 1 tie tides of the ocean exert an enormous I power which for all practical purposes is wasted. Some time in the future people living near the j seacoast wilt have the advantage of a cheaper power than people anywhere else can hope for. Since tbe world hat learned bow to store elec trical power, it is only a step to changing 'the force of tides of windmills and of water power into electrical energy, when it can be held and made at any time available. This ability to I stare electricit "obviates one of the chief objec tions to the feasibility of utilizing tides and vari able winds. It was Emerson who advised nsen to hitch their wagon lo a star. If the tide sever largely use!, as it doubtless will be, vehicle propelled by it may be fairly said to be hitched to the moon, which cautet tbe tide. BE BEAD I Uit Till INSECT PESTi. Fruit culture requires intelligence and vigilance, eternal vigilance. There are many Insects continually preying upon fruils.that It Is only by vigilance that It can be vnde profitable. II the Insects that fat ten upon your fruits can be destroyed and the fruit remain Intact, It pays. One al tha wont enemies to fruit growing is the borer. but it Is easily kept in check, if you take It In time. Take a long, sharp pointed wire, and push it into the orifice where he is im bedded, and it will wind him up. The next is the old fashioned caterpillar, and I have tound that th best and cheapest way I to destroy him Is to give him a dose of Pari green or London purple. Just spray that on your trees, and when the caterpil lar take hi breakfast, he get tha poison and I gone. The next I the canker worm; this la the worm that defoliates your trees, j making them look as though scorched Paris green or London purple la tha rente dy. Next, the codlin moth Is a terrible enemy to fruit, but we have a remedy. Put shocp or hogs In your orchards where they eat up the little apples that contain the j embryo worm or spray the tree with Lon don purple or Paris green. It is a demon strated lact that the use ot these will save over ou per cent o! the fruit : but there should be some concert oi action among ! fruit growers to make this a perfect suc cess. Seth Fennerln New England Itmt- tieaJ. Attention, Ladies. A new invention Ior dress-cutting taught In half hour tor $5, Including scale. The agent for instruc-1 tlon oi this system Invites the ladles oi Al bany and vicinity to call and get a perfect nt. Air, m. vv. otioert, oyer ooiuen Kuie Bazaar, Albany, Ur. Bork. On Saturday. Mav 35th. i8So.tol the wife of a a Met adden a boy. U.Ewert, practical watchmaker and tar. - S92S REPORT OF THE COSDITIOX OP THI FIRfiT NATIONAL BANK AT ALBANY, IN THK BTATK Or OBEOON At th doss at business, May 13th 1889. eaanrees t Loans and dlsoountj.. ............. ..........U9,VI,7T OrardrsMs. tseursd and unsecurad. SM.01 U. tt. Bonds to seour. droulatlon SO0O0.00 Othsr stocks, bonds, and morteara S.044.85 Do from annrorod ressrr. smnt S.(W.89 Dustrura 01W National Banks.... ............ ,4ia,78 Due from Btsta Banka and banker...... KsallosUta, f urnituia, and flxtures . . . . 15,000.00 Currant axrnnsa sul taxes nsid ... S.SM.7S Premiums paid S83X.60 Chseka and athsr eaah 1 turns .. 67.40 Bills ot other Banks , - 10SU.00 Kraotional paoar currency, nieklesandoents " 7.40 Sped. . .......... . . 84888 SO hegU tender note.... ...... x,uuu.w BjuempUon fuud with U. a Treasurer (five per cent oi circuisuou.1 w.w Total . ..-.,..t2aa,4O0.xS Liabilities! Capital stock paid in. .....6OO0.OS ..,., 8060 00 19(189.65 1700.60 ....1S7.186.77 surplus runa Undivided pronts. ...., uun Nsuonsl nans notes outanainr..,.. Individual dopnsila snhjeet to ehwk... Demand osrttfloates ol tioposlt..... 471176.48 00.00 11S7.SX Due to ether N stional ruuiss.. ....... Dus to State Banks and hanker...... Total....- i.4ri66,469,2x Siat or Okssok, Cotmw bum,: - . I, E. W. Lai,edi, Cashier of th above nam ed bank da solemnly swsar that the sbovs atatement it tru to th beat ot my knosrledg-e and bellel t K. W -LANGDOST. Cashier. Subscribed and swera to before me this 23rd day ot May, 1889. . H. BRYANT, - (u a) . NotaryJPublle. CoaaacT Attest I L.FUNN, ) - b. V,. BLAIN, VDIrecton. 8AMVELE. YOUNPJ DYSPEPSIA. 8 frlmWI when w od-'r """'"war tliatw posae. liZ,ZUi "VM,h 'li!'8 wY"f from wlilh and any t,m ,t. with It lsmK.n felt throuKliI out tlm wliolo nystprm. Among ainea ypMlra no two will hav U.eaum. pr dom Inantaymptoma. tyHmtfitmrtZdlve mental power ood ft bllllmafciii," r ubje to Sir Ilaadaolw, tlVmm flwhy and phlewmotle have Con.tipsvUon,' while t he thin mid iiftrvounare abandoned togioomi ' forolMMllns. rW,in-dytH.1Uns r wonilerftilly forgetful: others Lava grwtt Irritability of tamper! Whatever an-m Dyspepsia, may take. OD thing ia certain, ' Tht un&erlytntr taunt it , in tht JLlVEil, and Ann thing mora Is antral! y eertaln im o will remain trwtwZhowtli' I Wilt SWNct' Acidity of tb J aHosnacb. xpirralga4M, Allay IrHUtioa, Assist Dlgestioa, and, at th same Urn Start tht IAvtr to working: tehtn at I other trouble toon axtappear. ttirsa yssrs aaa by Mm sdvkx ti itt. ftuiMr.of "'. sl wssWucd 10 try Siarnim Urtr T""?" ." rMui tot in rclier It has ,'4 mr " rMt ihis ss4 ara i, u -Simmon. 1 1 w Kegulstor and 1 fed bs adried."-Wn. ti. kaasw, Fort Vslley. Ca. Bet that you set tht Genuine,' with red an front of Wrappsr, J. H. ZETLIN it CU i'kiladclDhJa. Fa. f, I have oought the largest and best stock of BUY GOOD! ever brought to Albany, nvit9 every one to call stock. DON'T FORGET - we'earry a full line of 0. M, Henderson & Uos BOOTS AND SHOES. The Red School House Shoes are the best in the world. ymk i4W-' - - 1 1 in- - &'rni1ti-l . -- -'V-.-.- -U Look out for Bargai ns in the next SO day W. F. The Lending Cash THE SPUING MEDICU1E YOU WANT aine's Celery Compound - Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, ; ; ' Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, : Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing like it. laat Bprtnp. being very much run down and fleblUUited. 1 procured sx.meot Pidno s Celery sjomuound. Tho use of twolttle3 made me feel ltke a new man. Asa cmwral tonto and Wing medicine, I Co not iuow 1W equal. " ISrtcadter (nerai V. N. O., BurUngton, t. l.00. Btx tor fs.08. At Urugslsta. 1 I DliMOSD DYES IMM .1 I I i j 3 BatwfeetMri OVB TRADE MARS wwrsner It is impor tant that tha Soda or Baleralu you use should twWhiteandPure asm a all almilsranbstnneoa vsed for food. Xo insure obtaining only the 'Arm 4fe Hsramor" brand Soda or HalerattS, bay it in poand or ha'f pound" arteons. which bear our - name and trade-mark, as Inferior goodjara som aimessubstituUid fart'aa Arm & Hmmtr" braai -when bought la balk. 3srtias uiius? Bikiiig Powder should remem ber that Its sole rising property oonsist of hi arbonate of Boris. On -tesspooafnl of the "Arm A Hammer" brand of Soda or Saleratus mixed i I 1 OH EYEBT PACKAGE. -with sour mux equals Packed in Card Board Knterod a th P.-sst O.Uneat Alban ! aa uPotid-clani inall matter, I tV til i':h cilt fa PafKe. Brothers Groceries Prodnca'EalB'il Tliolr K0o-i! ara tha lc t id t'jf St r. taaaonablo. Owong Wa Gee Co. MRS. JIM WE3TFAL SS jast OjMrncJ. nr-ti 6jot h C, if. S; cers, and ticysnt Iui4 cf . JAPANESE GOODS of a Urg var;ety iiiany dwsignr. Al scperior lit e cf tea. and I would respectful!;? and look! throueh nr ? BTJsr CM. II EN DERSO.N&COS A BLB8AIE0 BCCTS & SliCZS CHICAGO. BEAD, Dry Goods Stove, Use It Now! Bavins used your rtno3Vtery thla siiriu?. lean oalety l-comweu It as thu ammS nowertul and at the ku;w time nift i mntle rwilator. It ts a splonuid n-i-o tonic. tud since taking tt I have ton like a i;. KKKnouk, Watertown, Da wit a. W'kllb. Richakdsos Co. ITop3. BurUr.gton.Yt. 'J22XlUCTATED FOOD S$Z it W.U iocr teis-jwonfuls of tho tcat:5skli:gPoivder,sftT- , lag twenty times its coot, bnidfa bcic much hcaithier, because itdo-.3ot contain any Lviali-us subeuoiccs, suchartim. trrsalba etc., of wlikh many l:t- icjt iovsiirj are made. I:rTiii!-a and Farmers Bhcr-ulUxineonly the-Arm A: Ilsmiaer" brand for rlfttnicg and kpiB! Milk Ions Swctst and Clisan. Cxrmos. S?e thst every pound pack&pe of "Aria aulltaiamer. Brand" contains full ia ounces ni-t, aid tTxe sj pound iae&ijieyb:i li mim-s i!t, bad a or baleratus eamo aa speci fied on each p&cka&e. Boxes. Always keeps Soft s V