The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 24, 1889, Image 3

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    FRIDAY MAY 24, 18S9.
BriT3 Irorinro.
Keicars aa Prarltr.
Albany's 4T11 A formal acceptance ot
th Invitation to come to AVjany on Juljr
a haa been received from the Whlteaker
company, of Marlon county ; Capt Rm
of E Co, of Corvallis, hai given our com
pany assurances that that companjr will be
here, though the. Invitation haa not been
formally accepted yet, and ai well a large
congregation ot people will nock from that
city and rclurri the compliment of last
year, a special train running for the pur
pose, arrangement for which have been
completed. The Eugene company will
probably come and we predict aWo the
aaiem ana wacieay companies, rne re
sult will be the biggest celebration In the
history of Albany. Halt fare rate have
been aecured or will be on all the road.
Crook County. On Thursday Judge
Bird tentenced Ed Harbin, convicted on
two Indictment of horsestealing, and with
yet two Indictment on which he had not
been tried, to only five tear In the peni
tentiary two and one-half year on each
charge.... Rain began falling about 9
o'clock Tuesday evening and contlnueJ to
pour down steadily for 14 hour. The rain
1 supposed to have been general all over
the county, and It to, ha been of Ineattma
ble value to the country .... After being out
about 30 hour the jury in the cae ot the
State against Curl wa unable to agree and
wa diicharged, the cate being continued
until next term. Ochoco AVtWw.
A Craiova Stoxk During a recent
vltlt to Newport we obtained a great a
curiosity aa as ever picked up on the
beach there. It I an oval (tone about three
and a halt Inche long and hat the appear,
a nee of being beautifully inlaid with porce
lain ot different thai, tome of which are
curved equal to Hogarth a "line ot beauty."
Star are represented, a well. a other de
eigns, all beautifully regular. Walla
Walla Statesman.
Don It Fit? The Oregon! say
every local paper ha a natural duty toper,
form to aavocate the interetta of it own
locality; but it forget that thl it alto sauce
for the gander. The Ortfonut la a ttate
paper and get it support from the whole
state, therefore it i its natural duty to ad
vocate the Interest ot the whole state; but
Instead. It take let of money for it. The
Oregfnian't proposition, though, I to a ce r
Uin extent correct, and ia certainly prac
ticed by the pre of the state.
Attractions, Among other feature
on 4 J will be hoe race and bicycle
nice Two tea.ns will be entered In the
former from Albany, one from Lebanon, a
letter having been recleved yesterday to
that effect, and probably one from Corral
lit. A meeting of bicyclist will be held
to-night to arrange for contest. It Is pro
posed to get a quarter mile track if possible
and have the race hub and hub. Betide
several general races there will be a safety
bicycle race.
Reprimanded Thkm. During Circuit
Court at Dallas last week and when a
change of renue was asked in the Beards
ley cate. Judge Boise sternly reprimanded
those who had algned a petition soliciting
the resignation of Justice of the Peace,
Frink, before whom the preliminaiy ex
amination ot Beardsley had been conduct
ed. He said ch action on their part dis
qualified each signer for serving on the
jury in the cate. It caused a slight testa
tion, At Ashland. Chat Mueller, of Al
bany, one of the proprietors of the .f lllam
ette Packing and Canning Co., at that place
haa been in Ashland during the past week
Investigating the cannery prospect. . .The
Board of Trade haa a nronniltion to consid
er from a gentleman from Albany who
wants to go into the canning business in
Aehlaad, and A F Sbullx, of this place,
who is thinking of undertaking the busi.
nets, is now lb Portland looking up the
cost of a plant. Tiding.
Fashionable. Yesterday Gaines Flh
er had imported from the HcKnight stock
farm in Linn county, perhaps the most
fashionably bred and handsomest filly that
has ever been imported to this city. The
filly's arrival wa duly celebrated and she
was christened Carrie Fisher, To show
her fashionable breeding the pedigree in
part is given, that her many admirers may
know her good qualities. Carrie Fisher
was sired by Oneco, record 3 :29,V, etc.
Look out for IIkr. Thore 1 a worn
bilking the cities and small town of this
valley In ereat shape. She I a dick one
She wa here about a week aso and sue
ceeded In enllstln the sympathies of the
Ladles' Aid Society ot the Pretbyterliin
Church for money and a ticket to Port
land. She gave her name a Jackton, aatd
her hutband had left her and she wanted
to rait money enough to get back to Chi
cago, where her friend lived. Instead of
going to Portland, the dropped off at tier.
valt, went to St. Loult, there gave her name
at MCManon.piayedeii a a pious Catholic
and raised about St. (to $jo. Reunion and
tear are her strong point. She Is prolific
in com ana tuns the religion to the crowd.
She is 35 to 4a years and a wholesale fraud.
Give her the bounce, Smiesma.
Bhiunt II rn, Stanley ' Seaside chick
en ranch I unique in many respects. It'
not the slue ot It (he feed J.Joo chicken)
to much at It location and the quality of
the egg. It It bounded on three side by
the ocean, and the chickens know It For
omellme Stanley uted to cut the tide table
ut ot the Asorian and put It where the
chicken could tee It, but that Is no longer
necettary. The chicken watch the tide
themtelvet now, and at low tide when the
beach I bare they go down and eat of the
marine food brouuhl In by the tide. When
the tide it out the table I set, and the
chicken partake thereof. The rssutt of
uch food it an egg that I recommended
by doctor a a tpecltlc for rheumatltm.
dyspepsia and general debility, Aflariiin.
Tut Fvit Pests. Hon J D Whitman,
of Mcdtord, member ot the Stnto lloitl
cultual Board, created by act ot the late
legislature, a In the city Monday on hi
way to Salem, where the board meets to
morrow. He report me son J one "scale
at tpreading among the fruit trees In Jack
ton countv. He savs every effort will be
uted to exterminate them. He say the
codlln moth ha come to stay, and that we
will nevtr be able to get entirely rid of
them, out that bv pioper spraying and
other appliances seventy five per cent, ot
the fruit mav be saved In a sound condition.
He says spraying will be the great remedy.
Returned Home. Mr Jason Wheeler
and MrCanterberry arrived home Sun
day fro ri their trip acrota the mountains,
after a very enjoyable time and plenty ot
experience Mr Canterbeny caught a
many a forty-eight trout in a dsr, and be
ing a new experience to him, wa highly
elated over the retult. Had he been an
old nimrod here, the number would have
!!v tl.Afl M. t.
Headquarters McTheraon Post. S1'1 t
D p't tsf Oregon, (i A R. )
In accordance with our usual custom and
In compliance with recommendation con
tained In General Orders, 3rd Dep't Head
quarters, union memorial services will be
held In the Opera House on Sunday even
lie. My 6th, at 7:54, Rev E R Prlch-
ard conducting the service, atsltted by
other mlnltter of the city. A cordial In
vitation It extended to all to attend.
Member ot the Putt and Corps are re
queued to meet at O A R Hall at 7:30 and
proceed In a body to the place ot worship.
Thursday, May 30th being set apart as a
legal holiday, will be observed by the mem
bers ot the Post and Corps In the beautltul
custom ot decorating with flower the
grave of our late comrades and friends,
and other appropriate services to which we
mott cordially and respectfully invite all
military and civic societies, tnlhtetwa,
church organisations, Sabbath and public
schools, and all who have friends Interred
In the different cemeteries to join vilih u
in thl maik o! respect to our dead. All
who with to unite with ut will meet at G
A R Hall at 8:30 a. m., where the process
Ion will form. Contributions ot flower
tollclated tube left at G A R Hall any time
during the 39th.
r. r , sox",
B, F, Tabler," Pott Commander.
Headquarters McPhcrson Pott 5th )
lep't of Oregon, U A Id y
Ut. In accordance with our rules and
regulations and In compliance with General
OrdersNo.3 Dep't lleadquartertThursdsy, j
May 30th, will be observed a memorial
day, and should bo kept sacred to the mem- i
ory of our heroic dead. Our comrade
sleep well. Mo tear can disturb their pro
found slumber. No perfume of flowers
make their rest more sweet, but while we
strew with the choicest flowers the grave
of our dead, let us not forget to cherish the
memory of those who lie In unknown and
unmarked graves.
and. I he members of Mcrherson Post
and Corps will meet at G A R Hall at 8
o'clock, a.m. Procession will form and
march at 9 o clock to the city cemetery
where the ritualistic services will be held
at the grave of Comrade Mueller. The
graves in both cemeteries will them be dec
orated by details from Post and Corps, re
turning to the upera house at 10:30 where
A t
been given as jutt 33. They saw some the folTowlne order of exercises will be on
... . 1 , , . . ,, 1 .
snow on ine irip oacs; uui traveling was l serve t
pretty fair.
Doidlr Runaway Last Tuesday the
real estate horse of Chat Metzger, while
ttandlng in front of hia retidencc In the
Flrtt Ward, rubbed hi halter off and came
down street alone at a Spokane ipeed.
Turning Ferry at Flrtt he ran into George
Savage's dray horse, which joined In the
chase ; but stopped of over work at Sen
ders stables, Metxger's hone ilzxagged
around several streets and returned home.
It is hot true that he was frightened at
Allen's electric light which it it claimed he
had seen last evening.
Betterthan Real Estate, The One
co filly sold to Mr. Gaines Fisher, of Sa
lem, heretofore mentioned, was owned by
Mr Am. Powell and the price recelyed was
$150. Two days afterward Mr Fither re
fused $500 for the animal, only a two year
Old, and only halter broke. It is a perfec
fill r and promites to be the coming horte
ot Oregon. Mr Fisher would hardly take
a thousand do.lart for his "Carrie Fisher."
Not a Service. Judge Deady has al
lowed a motion In the cate of Searle &
Dean against the Oregon Pacific railroad
company setting aside Ihe service ot the
summons, because it was served on Mr C
C Hogue, the auditor and freight and pas
senger agent, who Is not a person upon
whom a sum mons can be effectively served.
There will now be another service.
Indicted, Last Friday at Walla Walla
the grand jury indicted Gordon Cooper, a
former resident of this county, for, murder
in the first degree, for killing Thomas
Davis laat November in the railroad cut
near Walla Walla. He wilt probably not
be tried until the next term of the Circuit
Twelve in a Box. Mr William Pea
cock last Monday illuminated our sane
turn with a box of large stiawber-
tles. It was hesping full, and yet contained
only twelve berries, large, plump fellows,
not flounders. All were six inches or over
in circumference, the largest being i
inches around, honest, not Salem measure
ment Will tome one come to the front
and surtvwa this.
Leo Broken. Lut Monday Willie
Scholcs a Utile boy about ten years of age
was playing on the school grounds, five
miles west of Albany, on the Benton coun
ty side, when he fell and another boy
stepped on his right leg, the two together
breaking both bones about half way be
tween the knee and ankle. He was brought
to this city and Dr Ellis set the bones
Horticultural Board. The new Hor
ticultural Board convened in Salem Tu
esday. J ft Taldwetl, of Portland, Is
President ant commissioner of the state
at large ; E W Allen, of Portland, Secre
tarr and R S Wallace, of Salem,Treaurer,
Marion, Poll', Linn, Benton and Lane
counties cor ftute the and of five district!,
and R S W ace is Commistloner of the
A Drunken Blind Man. A blind man
led by a big man not blind, were In the city
begging. The former got giorlouily drunk
Saturday evening, and then it was learned
that he was not completely blind, but only
partly, and did not need any one to lead
nim. He and his chaperon dissolved oart
aershlo and are new going it alone. Alas,
most beggars are humbugs.
Committed Suicide. Richard Garvais
committed suicide at St Paul, Marion coun
ty, last Saturday. He performed the deli
cate operation by placing an old Spring
field musket at his head while reclining in
the corner of a rail fence and pi essing on
the trigger. The reason for his thus put
ting a quietus to his life was that he wa
disgusted with himself and the world gen
Hunting Strawberries. The Drain
&ttell the following story about an A
tori fisherman who has been stopping at
Drain for awhile: "Th man has been
decidedly unsuccessful in his searches for tnere , , market here for his wares,
:i?w "ri "I V. ExcuRsioxs.-The Oregon Pacific and
U1C UK, (WU.U HUH .,iij B I -
among the branches of the trees and bushes Southern Pacific have completed arran gc
for the blushing fruit." Intents for regular summer excursions from
ftALKM Accidents. Monday's Salem Potl land to Yaquina Bay and return
, . . . . I Round trip tickets will be $ to 6. The
g.T . v K. -i West Side road will be uted, so that Al
lows I J SH ivogert, inrown irum m uugg ,
little daughter of MrsMacey,stumbled and
Singing, "America,"
Roil call.
Singing, "Cover Them Over with Beau.
tlful Flowers."
Memorial address bv Hon E B McElrov
Dep t Commander and short remak by
All ex-soldier and sojourning comrades
are cord la' ly Invited and expected to join
with ut in services of the day. By order.
E. F. Sox.
B. F. Tabler, P. C
The Narrow Escate. Considerable
fun has been occasioned by an article In
the Examiner, of San Francisco, about a
trip on the Narrow Gauge. . The writer
tell of g route and pheat.-.nt hunting while
riding, of trying to catch up with hogs,
and among other things the following : "It
you ever go up to Oregon," said Col Senter
at the Baldwin "you don't want to miss a
trip over the Narrow Escape railway that
runs from an Indefinite point outtlde of
Portland to wherever night overtakes the
train. A man who likes excitement and
adventure would enjoy the ride. The
road has been in the hands of a receiver
tor some time , and has fallen Into a state
of picturesque decay. No two rails on the
entire system are on the same level, and
there is an absence of straight lines and
regularity that gives a charming variety
and wavlness to the perspective of the
tiack. The coldly practical theory that
the rails shoulJ be supported by the tie
doe not find favor with the section men
on the narrow escape line. The ties hang
from the rails by the tplEc-heads, but for
the sake of variety an occasional tie Is per
mltted to touch the road bed.which is large
ly composed of loose cobbles. I he line is
about fer.y miles long counting the twists
In the riix and the trains that leave the
lower end early in the morning generally
get up to one of the other ends by night. 1
don't know as you had better go up there
rfuhtaway to hunt on the train. When I
kit the Narrow Escape system wattled up
by a strike. 'The engineer hsan t got any
nay for two years and he started a kick,
The receiver received well enough, but he
didn't seem to give up quite so well out.
perhaps, that was because there wasn i
much to give up. The section men didn't
mind, because they could pick up a hand
car load of old ties most any time and run
down to old man Fair crate s place and
trade them off for beer."
L. W. Clark, Ihe photogritpher.who run
a gallery in this city a year and half .and
then sold hi business to MrGreenwood,
wummmeu tuicwe in lenmna ouuuuji
shooting himself In the head. About three
month ago he wa married to Mr. D, C
Moore, with whom he had lived happily.
Mr. Clark and the children went to church
In the morning leaving Mr. Clark alone.
On their return he wa found dead In hi
bedroom, a revolver by his tide. He left
the following note which show tbnt he hud
contemplated suicide for some time, and
give hi motive, and our citizens on read
ing It will appreclnte,the situation t
3- 7-Sy.
T Ah W Wih. MM i Oh I what
shall I say to you In excuse for all the trou
ble I have been or shell make you. If I
could only go out ot your life without leav.
mg an unpleasant recollection l should be
so glad. The act which I am about to
commit Is one which I have, a you know,
contemplated at Intervals for years, and I
am so certain that I shall sometime die by
own hand that I feel the sooner it U over
the better for both, for, dear Mollle, I am
not worthy of you and you shall not have
to live with a man who cannot mako you
happy the rest of your life.
I have made such a bad failure 'it man
agement for the last two mouths that I am
dlthearter.ed. Were It not for this horrible
dread ot the future I could be so hnppy
with you, for you are to patient with my
variauie moods, i he thought ot the shock
I shall give vou and the trouble and dis
grace I shall have brought to you, almost
turns me fiom my purpose, and I do not
even feel as though 1 were going to leave
you in so cowardly a way. but when I con
template Ihe future I think It will be the
least cruet to rid you of such an Incum
brance as myself without any further delay.
I cannot even ask you to forgive me for
this last and most cowardly act of my life.
Please write to my mother a soon a
you can do so and tell her that my only
regret In leaving thl life I the palit that I
thall give to those who love me, and lay
that my neglect to write wat not becaute
did not think of them, but because I did
not feet capable to write to any one but
1 cannot undertake to nuke any ill "posi
tion of my earnlngt.what are left or prop-
ny a it I mottiy disposed of now. I feel
sure that that matter wilt be In better hand
than my own. I only wish 'o tay that what
little benelit accrue from my death. I
hould like to have applied to
motner, ana sister name, lor I wish to be
more just to them than I have been.
Mow, dear, my usual Indecision control
me,and I don't know whether you will ever
see this or not.but It I never see you again,
Unworthily yours.
Mr. Clark was a member ot F. Co., of
this city, in good standing. He had been
working for Eastman, the photographer,
until a week before the suicide, and had
about $400 in the bank.
Peudlotoo Is talking about a stress roil
Iliagsr rUrniaan is to deliver the 4th ot
July oration at Ashland,
"Robert Elsinsr" is in bs dtsmstiaod,
thotiuh, it is not vory tnnoh suited for the
Tbe poor of Marion county oust the tax
payer about 810,000 a yssr. Thsy have a
poor farm of thnlr owe, you i e. '
That little niiL-or ringsr ring found it
owner this morning, it having been lost Ly
a dsngber of Mr C J Httwars, ot the Oregon
t acilio, '
Tb Chioso Comedy Co. was very muoh
pleased with their stay in Albsiiy.sud propose
retiirmnu in tares or lour montns. when
tbny may be assured of good houses again,
Editors particularly were quit anxious
tola ilelvuste to the Constitutional Con-
vntlon that will set afloat the tUt ut U.
W., but only a fsw war honored in thl rs-
The miUio soliovl Is Hearing it close. Tbs
past term hss bsan one ot ntir sstiafsotinn
to all. l'rof 11 M Strtn, hat Un snsged
at an dvin:tl salary th ensuing term.
Union import
No arrangement lis yo', been made forth
N W tournament, ml it is liable to go by
the boards. Secretary J'arker, of Astoria,
hss beau trying to get a meeting rf the di
rsotors let without snoot-w.
The senatorial oommittee on Canadian re
lation passed through Albany Ssturdsr
eveulng on a special train, lioai, of Mossa
ohustts, Oregon'a owo Dolph, Allison and
other formed the oompsny.
At tbe Opera house Saturday eveulng a
tamp fell behind the scone and exploded,
Tbe assistant foreman of the H & L Co, as
sisted by the trrup, extltiquithed the name
before I he crowd knew of the oootdtot.
Twenty-flvo hundred votes oast in Seat
tle lost week proves about twelve thousand
- ir itr
19 eent hvt0g at Viereck's.
8 tlektts for 1 at Vlnrwk'i .
New dress good at Moll waiu'a.
8alrt bat orgsoiasd a decorative nuiou.
Four new members ware taken into F Co.
last evening, .
New eream ehesse just teoslvsd st Com a I
For sale, ehean. aeooud hand oraaa. Mrs.
. . . '
3 chair running sUtad v at Viereob's sliav.
mg parlors.
Btst roast eoffee in the city at Conrad
Tbe fsw maauolia traaa of tba eltv ara now
t , , -
tegular drill ot Albany ICnsilue Co. No. 1
ooours at 8 o'olook.
Hide laddies and ladies rldinir uuroinulaa it
Ibnmpson tt Overman's.
Thompson k suaiits for tha ffr.t
Dynamite buggy whip. ,
The Ohl.ltlMt line Ot tal.Ii, lutarUm MH It
found at Browuell & BUusrd's.
If yOll WSIlt a Sood kilvarst.lM!vtha.ff.,tt
in tbs mtrkst, go to Stewart Si Sox's.
They are talking about a national (In.
By all means it should be the rose.
Mslietot, tbe depose Bemoan kins, is to be
again plaosd on the throne. Correct,
A Hue lin of buggy dusters smlHy note at
Thompson k Overman's, the leading harness
On May 31 an excursion tralu will ha ran
fion Portland to Grant's l'aa. Round trio
only $7,00.
Mr F M Red Raid hss of the most re.
markshle three yrsr old oottt In the United
Mollwslu can a We yon the bett flttinu
snit you ever wore, at prioss to suit eso'n and
every one.
An eleesnt lies of tabla ai.raaila. in
Ave hundred inhabitant in that thriving besutiful diga,fjut tsoeived at Kurtmiller
uhi inateaii ot ini twvitfcj ino'iiaau nmj h.itih,,
will claim to strnur, Nothing shames
the boakt of population so muoh a toe di
uiniahing t flout of an election.
Beveral citixsns bsve subscribed to a perse
for a quarter pso ad. in one issue of the Ora
1omi'iim with a "write up" for the sum of 873.
it will cost t7.fi0t electrotype the ad. and
thersafter it will be inserted at f:i7.50 an is
sue. The "write up" i uow being prepared.
Ashlaad Retort.
There are about four thousaod Building
and Loan Association in this
are greatly responsible for tli
of comfortable homes owned by the working
people. The aKtireateJannost dues of these
associations rach the accumulated saving
amount of 8300,000.000.
Mr Stewart, of Albany, ia ia Roseburg
this week in the interest of an eleotrie light
system to be eatablianed hare. JJotb are sod
iueondeaceet lights wilt be furnished and
eyeiy thing pertaining to a oomplete eleotrie
light plant put in. One halt cf tbe stock bss
slrssclr been taken and our eitisen should
see that this enterprise does not falter for
lack of support, Aeweie.
Mr Reeves who visited the Sound eoaetry
last wk, says people are arriving on tbe
Sound in iarge numbers. Some of tbern stay.
while hundreds lesye for Oragoa or return
home. Thsy expset to II nd a fine farming
country on the Sound bat were disappointed.
Thev would do better to took at the Willam
ette Valley before returning East instead fcf
Mrs R H Coihow is visiting relative
The number of strange faces to be seen
on our streets li dally Increasing.
W F Bvers returned Saturday from
journey to the Blue river and Callpooia
mines, where he took Messrs Adams and
Van Hagan.
Four colored men. calling themselves
"ina ma-j. Minstrels." trave us a minstrel
show Monday that wat well patronized and
roucn enjoyed.
A neat pamphlet, descriptive of Portland
and her business houses, is at hand and
causes us to lone- for Cot Alley's pamphlet
. . . . - '
01 mi county.
Mr Sylvester Cochran ha sold his farm
near Crawf ardsvllie to MrAbrams, lute ot
micnsburg, WT.
Messrs W T Cochran and F I Rice left
Saturday morning for Willow creek. Mr
Cochran will bring some horses back with
Arrangements have been completed for
ihe establishment of a newspaper at this
place by Messrs McDonald and Cavender.
of Woodburn. Our town Is to be congrat
ulated on thl addition and In securing two
young men who are possessed with energy
and enterprise and bear good reputations.
Mrs Hugh Fields, who has been confined
most of the time since last fall, died last
rriday morning. Her death was unex
pected as her health had been up to two or
three days before her demUe than It had
been through the wintei. Mr Fields is in
Eastern Oregon, but was telegraped for.
The funeral occurred Sunday. A large
number of people followed the remains to
their last resting place. Rev J R Kirk'
patrlck officiated at the funeral.
Soma two weeks ago Mr Mover sold to
Finley McReafor$ijo the piece of land
Just south of the Callpooia bridge and cast
of the sidewalk, containing f'A acres.
Mr McRea now has a standing offer of
$700 for this same piece of property. This
hat the appearance somewhat of our town
being dead and all moving to Albany.
Strangers are seen here ever day inquiring
for homes and none come but what are
pleased with our location and prospects.
Verily we soon will boom.
Friday evening the ladies of the M E
S esns Ooldaa Star tomstoei for CO
at 0 Mayers, and all other osnned
cheap for omIi.
Mr Coll Van Cleye is in the city. He
peels to begio tbe tiublioation of tb
i'rtu within a couple week.
Money ean t buy Letter Louts and shoes church gave a strawberry and Ice cream
man nciiwstn is selling, beesuse better festival at tbe city hall. The berries were
goods are not manufactured. I wild and were gathered the day before on
Tbe fioast selection of window li.1 in the adjoining I iocs, and a more luscious re-
' ".- .I" . h oily, lust received at the Alhaov Knrni- fwhrnrnt could not have been served.
. T..". .... I " ture Company, corner First and Ferry Sta. Quite a large number were waited upon
7 A., i. ..1 ..and several dollars were reallxed which
l. .li .rili Z.niZ.Zi:"" lll be ud In Improving the M E church.
large to eoov.y both 'passeogere and freight. V lertl"eit pf singing, declamations,
Ths constitutional convention of Wsabine
ton territory will bsve 40 republicans, 32
democrats, 2 independent and 1 labor mam-
Go to Roves k liiblar'a for vonr iah nrint.
log. They do any and all kinds ot work in
tbe publishing and job prlutiog line. Quick
work and low prices. s
J S Froroao, of Albany, L C Ilioe, of
Browneyille, and W R Power, of llalsey,
have been drawn as U 8 Jurymen to meet in
V. ' . '.,.,, . . haw, committee on grounds and music.
. 'r1. Portland or The 3d,4th and Slhof july were selected
boring towns for orchestra music, whn w for the time for the anuual reunion.
nave an orebeatra of six Piooee with David
etc , was rendered during the evening.
Our churches seem imbued with the spirit
of progres and Improvement that I now
pushing all part of our valley right along,
Mr Mare Zeiner and her two little girls
retumca nome 1 uesday.
Tbe executive committee of the Linn
County Pioneer Association met at the
parlor of the bank of Brownsville and
among other business, appointed Presl
Caleb Gray a committee for procuring
speakers, and Messrs Kirk, Moyer and Co-
Uok asmasieal director.
Partiee desiring stand privileges
Fello-log U the Crop W eathcr Bulletin, jo 0J h Sostod ooantrya.l- J0? 'r be " ', " jt
ion, for the week ending May 1 i88, verton . bV? ?? 00 '7-WTl?
Away From Home. An Iroquois Indi
an is in the city selling beaded goods. He
1 '
presents a familial appearance to Eastern
people ; but ft seems like taking coal to
Newcastle for an Indian to come West
yet the Pacific Coast red man is a manu
facturer of little besides baskets, so that
The Alaska . Crew. Tuesday
special train arrived train Yaquina Bay
with E A Calson, M McLean, Jas Murray
Ed Winsel, M Kelcher, Geo II Ross,
Burns, Jss Hewtey and Ed Sharpies, sur
vive of the wrecked Alaskan. After
being rescued at Florence with two others
they were taken to the Bay on the Ml
chief by Capt Winant and thence to this
city, from where they went on the noon
train to Portland. During their stay here
they put up at the Russ House. There
were forty-seven on baard at the time of
the wreck ; the bodies of several have been
found, but eighteen shipped in one of the
life boats remain unaccounted for, and it Is
thought they have been drow.ted by this
time. The men give graphic accounts of
their trio of three days In the life boat with
nothing to eat but nine cans 01 pcacnes anu
salt water to drink.
reported by the Oregon State Weather
Bureau co operating with U S Signal Ser
vice, central office, Portland, Oregon.
The past week has been one of rain, lit
tle sunshine and about an average temper
ature. The notable feature ot the week
was the storm on the 13th, which found
ered the steamer AUukan off the Oregon
coast, and gave to the ttate heavy rains,
thunder and hall. The first report of the
thunder storm Is from Lane county, where
rain fell In torrent and hall fell to a depth
of from 6 to 1 3 Inches, The thunder storm
moved njrth principally on the west side
ot the Willamette river, reaching Portland
at 3:3s P. m. A portion of the storm
moved north to Tacoma, doing dama;;c
and fatally Injuring some persons, another
portion -moved eastward giving copious
rains through Wasco, Morrow ard Uma
tilla counties, causing the rivers and
streams to rapidly rise, and doing slight
damage. While wet ot the Cascade re
ports indicate that the wet weather has
been ot Injury to winter wheat, in Eastern
Oregon reports show that the late rains
have been of great bene nr. Ttever before
has there been such u.ii.'orm and (tattering
reports in regard to the prospects of crop
as now come In from Oregon as a whole
and Eastern Oregon in particular. In
western Oregon, while the rains have not
been beneficial to winter wheat, to the
spring wheat It has given it strength, and
it shows premlaes of more than an average
yield. Warm sunshine Is needed now to
mature more rapidly the strawberries ami
cherries, which have been greatly retailed
by the ciouoy, wet weather.
in me i mpqua vauey me strawberry
pickers have been wearing gum clothes
while picking the fruit. In the Willam
ette valley there Is danger ot the winter
wheat going Into tjo much straw and to
fall, clover in section have a tendency to
The rainfall for the week has been above
the average, the sunshine below the aver
age and the temperature about normal.
(B. S. Paoue,
Observes, Signal Service.
Notice is hereby given that the oadereiVo
d has baeo by tbe Coonty Coort of Lien
county, rtute uf Oregon, duly appointed Ad
ministrator de bnon nou of the estate cf
Jamas Jer.kio, deceased, late of said ouanty
8 W I'ai!ev and 1 It Miwkae mr in Ka-1 od .State. Alt pettix, having claims acsinst
lent yeatetdsy looking at the sibi I tthat j " required to present them prop
great citv. I r'y verified to V K Bilyeu st Albany. Lino
A DtrU of eollee-a atmlant. !..t ..;,, K""- ithin.iE months from tbia Itlnot eav t. lh 1 Wmrm Atlfc Wia. ts.r .(? Vettaoa.. I avMi e, W 1 U
' organ and faoettoo of l'rof Caodil'a fins icUaoope.
J L Cowan to Andre y Cowan, 40
arret near Lebanon
Chas B Montague to Elsie Arn.part
of blk 3. Lebanon
E T Rlchardsoo, ct al to Eliza E Pen-
land et al, V L C ot Lewis C
Rlchardton, 310 scres.qult claim
I Shore to George C Wilton, 30
acres. Ten, 8 R 1 w
Wm Peebler to Tavlur Evens, 10
acres adjoining li LO of Jas
ane Fanning to Wm J Obermecr,
nail 01 v u j 01 xevi 'm
nlng. 160 acres
M Wilkin to Samuel Meek, 80 acres
in Sec t.TD K S R 3 w.
B W Cooper to Sarah E Cooper, lot
3 and N half lots 5 and o, biK 3,
E A, .Ubany .
cut knee ; George Alhngham, broke an
arm by trying to see how high a board he
could jump over 5 John Holman, thrown
from cart, scalp wound ; Charley Winter
in jumping off dray, was caught on hook.
Focused. Crawford ' & Paxton's new
Columbia river and other scenery, recent
ly taken by Mr Crawford contains some of
the finest views ever presented in the
Northwest For rugged, picturesque scen
ery the Northwest is not surpassed, and
this firm have a faculty for getting their
camera on most of it, and certainly the
Bask Ball, The game of base ball to
have been played last Saturday between
the college nines of Albany and Monmouth
n account o! poor weather was not
I layed ; but will be played next 8aturday if
the Monmouth boys put In an appearance.
The Albany nine are practicing for the oc
casion, AHintto Housekeepers. To extract
Ink from wood, scour with sand wet with
water and ammonla,then rinse with strong
saleratus water. Get your saleratus and
groceries generally, as well as crockery ,of
Coan Bros, who carry a first class stock
f everything in their line.
Two Darkkys. A few evenings since
a couple of very dilapidated looking darkey
tramps appeared at the gallery of Craw
ford &C Faxten about 9 o'clock and had their
pictures taken by flash light If you would
see a specimen of broken down trampdom
Inspect one of these pictures, but not too
closely. -
bany will get no Immediate benefit.
Removed. Last Monday Dr Mas ton,
assisted by Dr Hyde, of Sclo, removed the
entire bone from the little toe of Glen
Btown.a young man from Scio. The toe
was much deformed, in consequence of a
severe? burn received when Mr Brown was
a child.
A Bio Clip. A letter from Dr J L Hill's
herdsman in Crook county says that he has
taken the fleeces from the Dr's sheep and
that he would start the 20th intt with six
four-horse teams to bring the wool to this
place. There are 13.000 pounds of It, It
will be brought over the W V & C M wa
gon road.
Teachers' Examination,
Will Push Mati ers. A meeting of
the directors of the Albany Mining and
Milling Company was held last Tuesday
when Mr Calhoun, an experienced miner,
wa appointed Superintendent and - em
ployed to take charge of and develope the
Company's Santlam mines. An outfit is be
Ing purchsted,and Mr Calhom, with a force
of men, will begin operations, and work in
to a oaving ledge If possible. At least it is
erenosed to know what tnere is in me
mines. Several of the stockholders, already
mentioned, have started for the mines to
assist In the arrangements for the sum
mere campaign, and now look out for gold
and silver dust.
At Jefferson Decoration day will be
celebrated at Jefferson lo a becoming
snannox, Mr D B Allen, representing the
old soldiers of the city, has charge of the
matter and will make It a success. The
Turner band has been secured and Hon
ri Montanye of this city will deliver the
Notice Is hereby given that the regular
public quarterly examination of teachers
for Linn county, will take place at the
Court House, in Albany, commencing at
Wednesday. May 2Qtb. 1889. All
.. , 1 .; . nt't
teachers desiring examination win picase
be present at the beginning.
, Co. School Sup't,
Tin not wait nntil to-morrow, when yon
feel tick, but take immediately a does of
Pfnnder'a Oreeon Blood Purifier and prsvent
a serious atttcK of sickness. It ia the best
liver romilator and blood cleanser ia exis
eoce. J ry it.
Farmers, if vou went the best harness 1
hand made, call on&L. to Dem
ert onioe.
Fine line of Guns and
good stock of Ammuni
tion at Deyoo and Rob
g on' special bargain
: 2C0
Nervous Disorders.
Dr. Flint's Remedy must bo taken
wben exoesslve or continuous ruusnulsi
exertion, .exciting patons, or over
Indulgence, etlmalating rood or cmnic, or
nervona disorders have lone; continued.
Descriptive treatise with ah bottle 5 or
address Mack Drug Co. N. Y.
Mrs Ktta B Vasal!ois visiting Bsreuat
Mis K II Henderson, at Oak I sod.
Mr Kugoue Ijs Forest wa taken sod leo
ly ill Friday evening sod is ropoitel in a
eritical condition to-day.
Misses Carria and Pfeiffer loft on
tbe non train for Ashlaud. where they will
spend several daye roatieatiag.
h Csrford. J 11 Jamison. L F Msysrs and
T Wyman, of Albany, were registered at
the Portland hotels yoaterday.
Tbe Vinysid Laborers, ef the Baptist
eba'cU, gave very aejoyable social at tbe
rMtdnnee f lUy L J Tiomtmll last Friday
Mr Lake iMris hss returned from Port
land to tnis city, We dowbttd if Ltkeeould
ramsio sway from this Usuttfal city many
MrsC P lUdei aad children Usye to-morrow
for Pot tlsnd, wh'ie Mr Coder woot
oia.timoseo. and that aill bo thtlr fotere
Woita. Mrltador has a pcliion with lloney
mao lirotbtra,
Mr A B M.'bows haa returned to tbe eity
from bis lt ilru.nining expedition for Htb
bard, Bsrllrtt, Kpenoat k Co., and will be
gin huitmi stuns with Mr Vshburee in
the stove and hardware busincse.
Dspepsia euses
o tiu. a!.cs evtrv
tbe bodv. A a remedy for tboso trouble.
n otbiog can approtch Ajer's SarssnanlU. It
yiultsa tbe lined, strengthens tbe stomach,
ed eurrct all disorders ef the liver and
Ntvar had a preparation more appropri
ate name than Ajer's Hair Vigor. When tbs
or ptllary gland beoomeenfeeblcd by disease,
ag. or neglect, this drwaiog itnparta renew
ed life to tbe scalp, so that the hair assumes
munb of its youthful fullness and beauty.
ThaOaeaa'a lubileo takes D-aoe on tbe
24 tb io.lai.t.
n A Johnson, of Soto has porebssed thirty
five teres near Salem tor tli an acre.
The Athanteao PrtM is whst it is called
bow , The Pvulolliae oontinnos lo be Csn
terviSle, tVoogh.
A yonng man riding a backing horse this
sfleruoon drew a crowd of 230 and eansed
tome amassment for a few momenta.
A Chioatnaa up in Umatilla coonty haa
j est been arrstUd for selling liqaor to In
dians. Aed tbey hate each other too.
Mr Such, who kit for Sao Franuisoo yes
terday intends returning to Albany and in
Vesting largely in pruperty here. lie haa
considerable eanlideoce in tbe luture 01 me
city. .
F II rfe!ffor's peaaut rfjaster esnght on
lire last evening from the fuel iiul la end at
least drew a ctowd for a moment or two.
Damage about f20.
Eli Perkins is to deliver one of his leo'ares
at Corvallit on June 4th. Aa Eli is danger
ously near we have nothing to says as he
might lie about as to get even.
Hon R S Strshtn is on the sick list in his
rooms at the Golden Rule, aud wat uaabls
to attend to his da ties at tbe session of the
Supreme Court to dsy.--Pendletuo JS. 0-
A big Sunday school jnenio will be given
at Marion on June 14th. It will be partioi
pated in by the Prashyterisn school of this
eity. and tbnae of Salem, Ibanon and other
Tbe Coroner's Jury over the body of L W
Clark fonnd that he came to bU death by hia
own hand while temporarily deraaged. It
seems thst Clark's father alto eommittid
A new tbeorv alx.ot Bannon, the tsoaped
prisoner, is thst he is in the vicinity ot Leh-
to make certain parties mere
on tbe
mittae, that Curran, Coo F Simpson and A
Ilsekbunaa. -
J C Lackey bse been appointed lodiaa
Agent at Warm Springs, fie was tbe ehie
ef Crook county people quite generally. Tbe
appointment shows that the statement made
that no appointments would be made from
near tbe Agency will not be earried 01 1.
Rev Father Metayer was in Salem je tir
Jamas Kestos list returned from a trip to
Mr A W Thompson is home from a life in
surance trip north.
MataaJo K rWslichi. champion tniJdle
weight wrestler of tbe world, is in I'oatland.
DrOrsv bta retumod from Wsilaburg, sad
repnru nis sun Um'la oooaulerabiy improved
in nsoitn,
C O Rawlioee, aveut for the O R ft N O.
laavee tomorrow 00 a too weeks run to
lieker City.
RememW ti e aneial at the t'oueresattonal
charoh Friday eyer,iuir, A uico time ia
for the time for the anuual reunion.
Our citizens held a meeting, pursuant to
the call of Mayor E P Rotey, Wednesday
evening, when the proper committee was
appointed for making complete arrange
ments for holding a grand celebration here
the Fourth of luly. With the assistance
of the worthy Pioneers of this county we
anticipate a stirring time here the rourtn.
Our board of school directors met Mon
day and chose the site and plans for our
new school house, work will be com
menced on this building soon. This Is the
kind of improvements it does us good to
publish. Our new building will be a credit
to any city, and will be centrally located.
Here we wish to mention that Mr Mover
has donated a strip of land ten feet In width
through his land for a side walk direct to
the school house. Tissued liberal spirits
that cause towns such as ours to keep in
the van of civilisation. Our directors too
have shown excellent taste In the selection
of the particular site for the building.
Administrator' Notice,
Absolutely Pure.
Tblsnowdnr nnvar varies. A inarm
of purity, atrongl.t sod wholsomen.
More evonotnh'al than the ordinary kinds
and cannot bo no A In competition with
Biullltndnor low text, short welifbt slum
or piiospbate powdVrs. Hold ooly in mn
rvoysi ianina r'owder Co.. 100 Wall Ht.,
1, Y. I), W. CiowLST fc Co., Agents,
Portland, Oregon
DAM, AC- !i-o,-.i,
tj Sex in H grMol t. 1,; f!r j
F L. fr'urb in I i ( t tt v ;t,
i kU J,r ll.e -n c :t 1 t ill
fofriV I Nclr, Alt .i t, . 1 f 5. r 1-.
t mac. K. V f 1 i-
m in
JOKHALKA tbflt .'. A RrmV.
Wntbe: tc-p, fro"- Cff i l l
ip. Jurioirntt if,. f .tr.Uh.
UfANTED-A uoI trlrl lo rio s" 1 (
TV bou work in a usll fxrni!
1'crrrsnect 1 ir.w,
" it
(all a: 1
ITTWCK, V.V.XCK.-1 bntin-lersisniil ;
1 9 mtr pi pared lo supply n,l v.,
brk-b of lbi fir-rt jnlity srid iu small
large qiintU'e! evil -arly.
s Mol'iAf Hii bt,
' -Albany., ('
GU4 WANIKD.I wart 40 ?-,
Clilno'o bessMUt fusrt to s.enri Js
li.ey iiiiiw to rf li, n-,t liHVii tf I it '
on. V, ill y.y I2.J.0 per ii-Ken.
, J. 11, 1: rut: haw
City Meat J
SHULTZ BROS,.' Proprietors.
Keep a full lino of aitmlu of sit kind?,
in cool plan", completely j;rt.
tectcd; and always fresh.
Also have constantly on 'hanri salmo-i
and other flb ,
Albany and Vicinity.
W cordfaMy luyiie you all to vWt our
and we will convince ; on tbat onr juices I ea U H. Yea csnoct
afford to do your purcaj-bicg before yr-n sitit r.t.r Jnce. As we
Havo a largo eatablisbroont in Portland w bsvo tinmeU it
The Portland Branch.
Wo claim ti be thec'.o;est hnyers in the market d.1 s aio cloiin
to nndem-H ail withvut rxceptio .
F. WISE & Co,,
S. E. Y01 n' Old Sta jd.
si 1 as a
Mictheii & Lewis
Agricultural loipiements
Miss Hettie Miller want to Portland to
day, wbsre she will be tbe guest of Mr D
w wakentia for a ceo pie weeds.
W Y Tbornburr . A 8 Powell. R 8 Strabao
and S W Paisley, of this eity, warn regis-'
versa at me rortiaoa Douu yea'erosy.
Mr lAks Dorrii bss accented a position
witn woodcock At eimpeon, of Uorva.lis,
ant will begin bis duties wtbm a few days,
D P Mssoo sad lion Geo K Chamberlain
Istl this noon for Eugene where they will tbia
evening attend a tneetiogof tbe Commandsry
01 ivnignts Templars.
Mrs E P Box, Mrs Rev, Miss Kboda
llai, Mrs KevAebeson, Mrs Usoree ueisen-
dorfer, Miss Chambers and others left for
Sslsm to-ds7 to atUnd tbs State WOTU
which convenes there tbie afternoon.
"Your attention please" while I tell you
who got ICIL
John Leedy went to Portland on bust'
ness last week.
John Miller, ot The Dalies, is visiting his
sister, Mrs j w ucii
The rains have caused some wheat in
this vicinity to fall down.
Misses flattie and Adda Simpson went
to Portland last Saturday,
Ball & Dobklns are getting their steam
saw neany ready to cut wood 1 hey ex
pect 10 commence this week.
Link Couey has gons into the poultry
business. Any one having chickens to
sen win 00 wen to see mm.
A series of meetings conducted by Rev
I P Martin and others closed last evening.
It resulted In two conversions and six ad
ditions to the church.
We have always heard to be successful
In courtship one must agree with the father
in politics, the mother in religion and the
young lady herself In the fashion It's not
that way at Spicer. To meet with the
greatest success here one must have a good
team ana nuggy.
A few days ago a tramp was seen wan,
dering around here In a bewildered sort of
way, aa If he had tost something and was
looking forit. On being asked what it was,
he said he had heard that the Narrow
Uauge railroad ran near this place, but so
lie was
told that If he would look where the grass
This 23rd day of Msy, 188A.
v. K.jrse.1,
W. It. rSuviX, Administrator.
Att'y for Adsa'r. "
ia berby given that ai tha neit regu
lar term of the Coonty Commissioner
Court for Linn county, Oregon, to be bold
at too t'onrt uouos in tba city or AJDsny
on Wednesday tbe&tn day of Juno. A. D.
sealed plans, a permeations, strains,
diagram and bids will bo received lor
building a brides across tbe South santl
am at Walerl Ki said L-ridga to be about
10 feet long and sax teen feet wid in the
clear. Also forth building of a bridg
acroos Crsbtree Creek where the County
Road croase aatd crek near th saw mill
of Doaklna Bros, and J. K, Cyrus ; said
bridge to be about 100 feet long and IS
font wid in tbe oloar. Also tor th build
ing of a bridge acroa Muddy C,ok at tb
plao known as tbe Wilson ford. Bidders
to submit eat 1 mates on tbia bridge for
construction of earn at Waterloo ford and
atao wber the old brides washed out
said b rid ire to be about 80 foot Iobk and
sixteen loot wiue la th clear. All of said
bridge to b covered. All bid most M
filed with tb Clerk on or before 1 o'olook
p. m. of tb above mentioned day. All
bids must b arc m nanied by deposits of
a per oent of bid. Tb Court reserves tb
risht lo re toe t anr and all bids.
Done by order of the Court this 9th day
or May. a. u, it.
(It. ,) B. . mOHTAOTJB,
County Clerk,
A fall Itn
and Vehicles
carried at cor lnu.C 0r 2 id an I S
. . .. . - - ORECmi.
ONECO, 846k RECORD, 2:29 34;
El'kcted. On Wednesday evening the
following officers were elected for the en
suing term by Albany Lodge,,Na4, IOU
C. C, Rawlinirs. NO: TO Cherry. V
GiWF Hammer.R S ; E A Parker, P 5 ;
Gradwohl, Treas. -
Yt'M, Yum. Another quart box of
strawberries from the fine, gardens of Mr
William Peacock contains just twelve, all
round, plump, clean berries, solid to the
cor and full of itt .wberry essence. They
are the kind that jpeak tor Albany as
strawberry market.
pay him for tbe time ne spent in try log w f,r he hadbeen unable lo finj ,
!WU fcUV sUVUeftUim UslUI. 1W IIIVIU as
. al VI : .LI. ... .ie aa.s .
Another Implement House. Mr J E I tAiommL m.v u doubted.
Knox has charge of Z T Wright s branch thoegh, if be ia within several hundred milee
house at this city, and is located at the of Lebanon. -
Mr and Mr r L Snob lelt last eveoiog lor
S in Franeiaoo.
Mrs L E Oray is lying seriously ill at hsr
heme in this city. -
Geo Fish and Lake Dorris went to Cor
vallia this noon on business.
Mr Henry Bsoksnstoand wife, ot Seattle,
arrivod in the city this noon on their wedding
W II Welgins, 3 Riley, Miss Forest sod
M Forest, of Albany, were registered at tbe
Portland hotels yesterdsy.
Mr Walter Holman passsd through the
I ia hereby Riven tbat the common
Council of tba eity of Albany, Linn coon
tr; Oregon, will ait aa a Board of Equalisa
tion; at tb Council Chambers 01 tno eity
ef Albany. Tnssdsy. the 28th day of Msy
I8tw, at in nooroi i:sv oxiocic in in
afternoon of aaid day, for th pnrpoao of
equalising and correcting lb aaaeaament
roil or said city, for me year .insu.
ny order or tb council made May imh.
Dated at Albany: Oreson. tbia loth day
of May, A. P., 1889
f. 4, aiiressi
Recorder of tb City of Albany.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ut CireuU Court of the StaUpf Oregon for
the County of xi t
W C Nioholsop, Plsintil.
- TS. '
Oregon's Greate st and ttaincst Racehorse, iith
Record of 2:29 3-4 first season after four
yeas retirement, a performance never
"before equalled by any horse on
the North Pacific Coast,
wm bo at Albanv.Tnesdaya and Thursday; at tbs MoKnfeht fnn,Wejn9AV:
8:m, FrltUy .Saturday and Mouday.golng by way olJefferson Mf". :
and allowed to aory a llmltod number ot marea. Onscn w J ,b?AJ'a;
wagon road, 2:26 InWh he. Dam, Belbj JETtoe by 2 y rw
2:40k, fnatost ti th world for 4 years) son of Ericsson, ) 4 year old record ia
S inhTw7rld for 14 years), the grandeur of Onoco'a PerfneM th8 p-t ...
ann of broaktnt and deleaUnn the moat determined combinations which d n
and abl manipulators with fast hor-.os devlred to defeat him, sres iilfresj a,
memory of allhorsomen ; but would remind them again ths.t ho wm mdbbU
trotter boui m a z toa oyeaToia ownun m w "j; . r V 7.
tr t"pri! purnl of JuVentle Kinn of the Northwest HU bull dog fcwrtM
ami nnW tb most adverse clroumstanosH,
Tbro of tb were trained at two yerr o.a.
nirTOUraKO,indomlUbl wlll,and high strung temperament will not brook ce
hia pr record ia at yot no moaauro of his apoad a, 'twas made in tho. ...
" ' ALT!: "LT. a i w.,, m inrM. At three rev old bo sired 6 celts m i
At th end of
6a days work, br.-
and training, ani-of them could Uo a S mlnuta gaiU Forfult was pild to in.
In match raoes at Albany, and later on one proved too winasr 01 r .
.7.v .Thrn.n fo, Tar olds, and the fallowing season won tha 3 yer
no at SeaUla. Theso are all that nave ooon Droaen ana 'u? -
bogbttn ram , c4 82000. A K!a.,co at Onaoo'a pediero, w . with . fair-aon de,
lion .f his performances cnviiwo the mt prejuiiiw;! t-i-st h will transmit
ho inherit his great speed and unlllnohiig gwenes. Terms
ALTao.-3 yeata old recoid J:42. by AlUmwt, Dun, M! Arnold S:
will bo kept at CorvatlU and Itxdaam i?rin,, e j w -
. TJ K o Ka I AiX llOl Irt IV I LI V ill LI LA - IITUitU aslt, "in . , . .
r.uwARU EV a er s A - a? ansa ws-sw , . . . , , ... -
Onoeo, terms $15.00 to Injure. N liabilities mmou for aaotlani. W . It p..
urolnahowingtbohoraoaany day. oxcopt 8andar. For exteadod pre. .a..-a.
farther particulars aaaresa.
IVIU oil, 14 11V WUUIta lUUk yTMCIC hllC Al I U I , . . , , g, , .
and weeds grew the tallest and thickest he U ? Spooling and Martha R Sohoolmg. his
Albany or Corvallis.
corner of Flrtt and Baker Streets. He wllj
sell the Advance threshers and engines,
and a first-class mower.
ArraNTiosf, Ladies. A new invention
for dress-cutting taught In half hour for
$S. Including scale. The agent for inslruc-
tlon of this system invites the ladles of Al
bany and vicinity to call and get a perfect
fit Mrs. 8. W. Gilbert, oyer Golden Rule
Bazaar, Albany, Ur.
might be more successful in his search.
lie was then seen looking as he had been
directed, and after a close examination
found the object of his search way down In
the grass and weeds and went en his way
reioiclnc, saying as he went that the com
pany had better get a few thousand sheep
to summer fallow the road if they still
wished him to patronize it.
Elected. 6000 rolls of wall paper in an
Immense number of patterns at Fortmiller
ft Irvinff's. the finest line In the central
Willamette Valley. It Is an art gallery to
see Hall. . "
Babies The finest line of baby carr
ages In the Valley just rr celved at Stewart 0ty for Corvallis where he will work for the aunt, Mrs Toner,
new eiejtno ngns company.
Mr Ralph Fiaher, City Treasurer and Post
master, of Sodaville, has moved to Albany,
for the piesent, but has not yet deoided
whereto locate.
Bud Thompson, well-know here, as well
as over the State gnnerally on aoooant of
several shooting soraps,is said to be rapidly
failing in health at his bom in Jrook coun
ty. Mrs Henrietta Brown, Mrs LE Blsin and
Miss Lib Irvine went to Salem this noon to
attend a meeting of the Executive Committee
of tbe State WOTU this afternoon. Ths
regular sesstocs will begin to morrow.
Judge Strahan returned to-day from Pen
dleton, where the Supreme Court has been
in session for ssveral weens, closing Satur
day. - The Judge has been qaite unwell aev
eisl days. '
Miss Llszie Bryan returned home the
other day from Walla Walla,where she has
been engaged for several months teaching
music, she was accompanied by hr
& Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con
sldering the superior quality of the earn
To New Comers. We would sy that
we have no baits to give you, but we do
guarantee good values for your money,
and we kindly solicit your patronage.
A Festival. Samaritan Lodge No, 316 I.
O. G. T . will give a strawberry and ice cream
festival at Smiths Hall in Harrisburg on June
1880. Mrs Nettie nenaee. v.iara ajhskq
There have been several land buyers- In
our town in the Inst tea' days. And lnsur
ance agents and tramps to numerous to
mention. . ,
We are glad to learn that the sick folks
at E L Bryan's are convalescing.
Chas. Ilouck, Committee.
Dr. M. H. Ellis, physieian and
Albany, Oregon. Calls made in
eonntry, '
city 01
't)EGE a R0B0
dence of the bride's parents,May 15,1889
at 3 p. mnby Rev Hulbert,of Stayton, Mr
Joseph O Turnidgc, of Rock Creek, and
Miss Mary C Coates, of Fox Valley. They
left Thursday for Rock Creek, where they
Intend making their future home. Their
many friends extend their heartiest con
gratulations. u , "
wifo. R A Ramny. as assignee in insolvency
of J P Sohooling, J F Miilsr and Jerry Hay
andRF Asbby. partners under the firm
asms and style of Hay and Atbby, ueten
NOTICE is hereby siven that by virtue of
an avaontion and order of Sale issued eat of
th aboye named Court in the above entitled
snit, 1 will en
katarday, the tend day sf Jane, last,
at tha Court House door in the city of Al
bany, Linn county, Orsgoo, st the hoar of
1 o olook, p. m. ot said day sell at puDiio ane
tion for cash in hand to the biehest bidder
tha mat nrooertv described in said execution
and order of sale as fellows, to-wit ! Lots
ono.two, three, foer and five, in block two
Also lots one aud two in block five, all situ
td in Mav anil Nixon's addition to the town
nl Harriaburir. iu Linn county. Ore iron. Also
sn undivided three fourths interest in end to
fractional river lot, No. seven. Also lot
No. twelve to block No, one, all lying ant
rutins in tbe town of Hamsbnrs. Luin conn
ty. Oregon. I will also on the said 22nd day
of Jane, 1889, in the eity oiuarrtseurg.unn
oonntv. Oreeon. at the boar ot 9 o'olook, a.
m. of said day aeli according to tenna ana in
th manner heretofore expressed, the person
al propel ty described in said execution ana
order of srle as follows, to-wit 1 Uae steam
anffina and boiler now contained in tbe build
. a .. . , ,.1 . 1 t .it a a ,L.
log situated on tot tnree m diook two id mo
town of Harrisburg, Lian county, Oregon
The proceeds arising from the sale of aaid
premises and personal property, to be ap
plied : First, to the payment ot the costs
and disbursements of suit taxed at 4Z.t3,
The Standard Bred Trotting
300DS AT
a - af...M sTm.J.ha TIT-f1trriT'! fst.
rUl DG our wiiu muuua)P punosunjn uu ws t - ;
lie, TUCfoays , rr nnius " "?7r7 T. Ia a brlirU
1 at Johnson's
stable, C !
o; , iltimnnt WSfffin
aUr ana tiiacK points, is good sue ana siyiisu. " ,7," "i i
2;26,Blrof Almonette, 2:2! ; Oceco. z vvt ; Ay; prw. j
was foaled July 20th, 1SS!, bred by Jay BeaoU
Stpleon, l'fv: -T--i'3 9-KaT:Vitaco.2:t2 ; Ben
a ..11 0.10 a .v.-nih.r Ti-iir of coit raefls.
oj aiiui" ' 0.00 iUi ' n..i.h9S 110 with re
mont, KlYt ; Aiaina. ivt mua soosnor. m ."o " " ""If Mattn
bolow S:00 minutes no naa 83 boos inai navo torau u, , , j . Knio'
dam ia Bell Price the dam of 'Oneoo iJJSi
5u!i7 1 Jrrioemoni naa me iastett o your oiu iwoiu " v; . . r.
aooonds; Bell Price by Doble, 6 year
2:30V., h sired Rarely. 2:24)4 Doble,
'.-t 'V. I LIUIH . Ai..a B 11 tl WOU ... .1J k.wuw . .
1 A I .'r " ,'. , i l e 11 t ll.mAnl'n IMltJl AS D6lu
anaaoerntng costs vm iow .n,omeya iw. atallions, ataitnoman was boibuiou irum ' "?-1r, " .ifiiiVini o"
Second to the oavment to th Plaintiff. W. the tiro, the most orltical can not find a fault with, hia pedigree or
a NlohoUoB th sum of f 1689.30 with eocru. He will make a very handsome horse and a trotter V. inVumns
ing interest tnereon as tue rase 01 ir inu sakuuou puijiwi mu.v. ,v .. -.
oent per annum, and the aurplus, if any be - ' k T ATS7! T1Ff'C1
nsidastbauourtmay nereatter aaoree. . - lala Biilltf . -i 1.3 E,S.SA;
. , ., . .,. loon . - MiaMWv mm
itmr.n inn -.:ticn ut k miv. laov. I . . '
- A' I - .
johs aamHWr ., . i .v - , , , , ' Sltedds, Linn cotinty, urr
Sneriu Ot A.iuu uouuiy, vrvuu,