The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 17, 1889, Image 1

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    SI' 3
fur p " t r f, '
lilL litLiUlL .
Ii the .cA
AtlviUf Irj:
In H i C rlrr,l
Milimftie Vi
Isiued every Kri.lsy l.y
Advertising rale mad kuown on up
vol. xxiv.
'0 43
jC V 7 i. y A
i 'T i i n)
JCy i I i J S I i ,
2nd LTr1 S!o(i
I'M stock of 2..l (1,1) In Mm V ...
tot, n I t ii n nr. ri t i irl i-.., b.Hli
In w ivl I t 1 1 4 t'l I ' 'M'l . ll,Ht
II of
mm, 0)3X5. PWTinEs,
Oia dar west of . R Youri' old aloro
133 First Sua-it. Alnnny. r
Dadom lit all tin uu .tliuprival ."Ln.i
urp4ii, oiwn iti;, uuns Also
a full line of v.rri ,:e t (Ultra, Hutehet
ii'l KiiiKi. T.u t bin I .i
MWln IB -till. O , Uu'le n esirs.,
inr l inann n.n in , - nnjf neatly
iii I r.anbi v ii w.
J P. HAil, Albmy igent,
for Columbia Wovele Tricycle ami
Safety. Also Hlval. into ml National
lilcyele and Crmnl nd Junior Safety,
worth from f.'iO to t!U. Snul for prloo fiat
ofoewand second-hand bat-la now Id
A New Grocery Discovered
Strong' old corner," opp ulto KiowsrtA
"., Kirs; i.rn-., v
k full Una of
"Qalok sales J mm x'. dimA's," IJt
and let liva' la onr moCfk Plea call
and examine our k t. a:i I price,
f MJelacUon guarauteed.
Produce Taken in Exchange,
Vary Heaped fully,
Palace Meat Markei.
Will keep eona autly ou hand beai
mutton, pork, veal, aua t,.. tha be
toaata and largest variwey in tii rJty
Cah Dald (brail klaNnf fa' stoca.
Golden Rule Bazaar.
j r
Ills atfjck has boa enUrl i thu I: any liq jTH C 4, and oonsiat of
Roger Bro3. Silyarw-are, Praach Ohla and Crys
talware, : Bays' Wa3ai, -Doll ' Oa-ria?33,
Fancy Goods, and a general
assortment of Crockrey
and Toys.
II- buy direct td atrrU the Urg t wV in th Will nfU Valley, to wbl I
has been a I lad eo:np'4 llae of
la Agent for Io-ir"eo:np4nl m wl'h i c4p!tl i(rii'x fTS.iyW.'w'
"Iol on pari FrancaW. Hier win! detitcli gprKshen.m
I am now retai ii f r.!-or at toy fictmr hi ciw. Ph j I fnri i
tur can rti well t., I km here for '"l ra j it, o . I t Ht .luiin
the next 33 Jny. Cmi and n mov, -tne lMticha'tog !
v bern
Fctot t th.-tiver er:d of Lvr, Stmt.
"Xo'i want tha best anJ mot-t durable furnturethst i in t'liifasturai In tbeicItyV
Thomas Brink.
; i J ctv
Rich and Poor,
rrlnca and Feasant, tha Millionaire and
Day Laborer, by their common naa of
thla remedy, attest tha world-wide rep
tttatlon of Ayar'a rill. LeaCng phy.
aidant recommend theao pill for
Stomach and 14 vr Trouble, Coatlv.
noaa, IUUounea, and Sick Headache
also, for Rheumatism, Jaundloa, and
Neuralgia. They ara ausarooatad eon.
tain no calomel ; ara prompt, but mild.
In operation i and, therefore, tha Try
beat medlolna for fatuity Uuo, aa well h
lor Traveler and Tourista. "
. " I hava derlml great relief from
Ayera rills. Five yean ago I waa
taken so 111 with ,
that I waa unable to do any wmk. I
took three boxes of Ayar'a Pills and
was entirely cured. Plnoe that time I
am never without a box of tha pUla.,
leter Chrlatenaen, Sherwootl, Wis. j
"Ayar'a rills have been In use In my
family upwards of twenty rears anil
have completely verified all that la
claimed tor them. In attacks of piles,
from which I suffered many years, they
afford greater relief than any other
medicine I ever tried." T. IT. Adauia,
llolly bprlugs, Texas.
"I have asod Ayra Mil for a num
ber of years, and have never found any
thing equal to them for giving ma an
appetite and imparting energy and
aurangth to the extern. X alwaya keep
them in the house." H. 1). Jacksou.
AVIlmlngton, Del. '
u Two boxes of Ayer'a rill cured ma
of sever
from which I was long a sufferer."
Kuima Keyes, llubbardaton, Mass.
"Whenever I ara troubled with con.
atlpation, or suffer from loss of appeUte,
Ayer's 1'UU set me rlu'lit again." A. J.
KUer, Jr., ltock House, Va
"Ayer's rills ara In general demand
among our customers. Our Sales of
them exceed those of all other pills com.
bined. We bar never known them
fall to give entire satisfaction."
nright & llannelly, Han Diego, Texas.
AyerVPills, i
raarxaxD bt "V 1
Dr. J. C. Ayar k Co, Lowatl, Mui.
8old by aa Dealer bt Ucdiclaa,
Tba ImDorU.t Frennh Pnuh Rtattlnn
Vlndlctator, will make the aeaaoo of 1889
a ma roiiowing place r Krowaavllla,
Moudays and rudaya ; Halaey, Wad
neadsya and Thuradava ; Lebanon, JFrL
Uaya and taturdaya. lleie lean oppor
tunity for the farwara of Linn county to
get the service of lb only French ooacb
bora vr brought U Oregon. II was
imiorted from Krsnc by 1 bo.b'klllnian
and by bin. trouubt to this SUIa, Tba
K ranch euach hnna h non ailmiln.
preet attention througboct to Eastern
.sutea tba pait few year and ar being
rMrVm)Ui rmbc-e in aire numnera.
Vindicator Uaflne representative of thla
famous breed ol bore., atandlng 17H
bands hluh ml nlh n tmvt ik. n.
naa taken nremltirr.. nv.r riu.Uml !,...
wherever shown. Thle stall loo reprewents
the general purpo now ao much needed
Din Ha Will lrfiallnaal .Oil
tolnauta a m. In r.v.1 VUK
on his date.
McKsiobt Bro., Prop.
W. C. Wkstlabb, Agent
mm briccs,
Pofcia a FrtciAtTr.
Cemetery lotv planted and attended f.
'K' '-.'''''. '
Dsiislous Biscuit
Asi your Cncnr for
Mcaks AtnANVJ. W. Caser, travel
lug agent ot the C. M. & St. Paul railroad,
was In Astoria the other diy,and was Inter
viewed by the l'ionrtr. He said that there
was no doubt Astoria would soon have
railroad connecting with one of the trans
continental roads. That there Is an Im
mense western bound passenger list, the
largest ever known and the most of thcin
are going to the Sound. "What road uo
you think wilt be most likely to come to
Astoria ?' "Well, the Chicago & North
western are oushlng for a terminus at (he
sea where they can find a good harbor, and
Astoria has a spienaia naroor ami i ie
Ueve they Intend to connect with the Ore-
r on racittc anu pusn uown tn nciiai!in
Valle to Astoria." If the Chicago ami
Northwestern goes to Astoilu It wilt of
rourte do so from Albany.
pRoioR to StB SoMitaooY. Dr Glen,
of Salem,' was In the cllr Friday for the
purpose of bringing a suit against someone,
The doctor w ill he remembered as the gen
tleman who broke his leg during the horse
show at the corner ol Second and Wash
Ington street. The accident happened
from a defective board, It Is claimed, on
the walk running past the property belong
ing to the Montetth estate, and It is prob
able, If the suit is brought, that estate will
be made the defendant.
Boot and Shob FAcroav. Mr B F
Durphy was In Albany looking overbite
ground with a view to establishing a boot
and shoe factory. II ha been connected
with a large factory In Chicago and con
templates locating somewhere In the val
ley. Mr Durphy was very favorably Im
pressed with Albany, Its water power, fine
surroundings and particularly transports
lion advantages. As balem also has the
gentleman n the string It will take some
rust'lng to get him here; but the Institution
Is exacttv the kind needed here. Why
not fish or It.
That Dictionary . Found Several
week ago a fine unabridged dictionary dis
appeared from the office ot Dr J L I lilt, of
this city. Yesterday the Doctor came Into
possession of It Ilk this. One day a tramp
appeared at the store of George DcVaney
at Jeflerson with an unabridged dictionary
which he had taken from Urmer.he said
for work, at $3 ; but would sell It to him
farmland a plug of tobacco. Mr De-
Vane r learning that the Doctor had lost a
dictionary communicated with him and as
certalned that this was the on lost, when
It was returned to its lawful owner, who
paid the $3 and for the plug of tobacco.
Strawberry Itkm. You can talk
about your large eggs and such things, but
when it comes to strawberries this office Is
In receipt of some fine ones brought In by
C W. Powell Monday that beat anything
on record. One of them measures 4 V 'n
chesln drumlerence and the other 4 H in
ches. If you have got any thii will beat
them bring them In. We want them.
Eugene Krrtiitr. That may be big In Eu
gene ; but here it Is nothing. We never
notice a big strawberry under six Inches In
circumference. Fact.
Onb Vikw. Here is th way the Ben
ton Ltader look at It : "Albany is ralslr.g
$1000 to advertise that city In the eut. If
be will spend about one hundred dotlaia
In putting a small advertisement In the
principal weekly papers of the western
states for a few weeks, and give her local
papers tn balance 01 the thousand dollar
she will be putting her money where It will
do the must good." The leader often
takes a funny view of things.
Bridcks This bridge matter now
stands about as follows: Marlon county
want a bridge t Jefferson because It will
be of the greatest benefit to that county
and Linn county would like to have one
at Stayton because It would be of the great
est benefit to this county, and tha tesult Is
that neither place will probably get a
bridge this year; but Waterloo does, and
we expect to hear 01 an immense mass
meeting at the latter place.
F11.MM0 Up. Farmer from different
parts of the county tell of large numbers of
new comer among them. Linn county
generally I rapidly increasing In popula
tion, and the new comer generally seem
to be a well to-do reliable clas of people.
who have come here with moderate ex
pectations, willing to wait results and grow
wnn me county. 1 nose expecting t nnd
twenty dollar piece in the furrow had
better return east. ...
New Business. By reference to our adver
tising columns it will be seen that F Wise &
Co. have started a branch of their large Port
land businesa establishment in this city, with
Cbas Goodman a manager, and will open
their house to the general public on Saturday.
Mr uooumaa comes recommended to us as aa
enterprising, energetic reliable business man
and comes to stay among us. He solicits a
fair share of the pstronage of the public and
cordially invites cwsry body to call and learn
hi price a he feci that he can safety
challenge rompetitMin.
Kicked in tub Face. Last evening
the ten year old son of Mrs Farrcll was
playing around the barn of Mike Cowan
when a horse deliberately kicked him In
th face, his hoof going through the flesh.
one tooth being torn out of his jaws. Dr
tilil attended him, and like most boys, ie
tit soon overcome such a trilling accl
dent. He has already had seve'al other
little experiences about as bad.
Want to Comb The proprietor of
the Kankakee, (III) Woolen Mill Co, whose
letter the Democrat published several
weeks ago, have written Redfield &Twee
dale 'hat they will bring their woolen mill
here tor a bonus ol $20,000 or a large sub
scrlptlon of capital stock. The more the
merrier. Their earning, though, I a very
aououui anair.
NrwspApe.a at Scio Mr. Coll Van
Cleve, the veteran journalist, ha been in
Scio making arrangement to start a week
Ir newspaper at that city. He offers to
establish a paper there for abonuc "t $600,
which a committee ot citizens Is raising,
A Wholesale Liquor IIovse. Mr
Wineman, formerly of San Francisco, has
rented the store just east of the old Young
store, and will open a wholesale, and re
tail liquor store, representing a large Call
fornia house In tit wholesale business.
A Costly Horse. Jackson county
court have a horse case which has been
tried twice, and will have to be tried again
because eleven men of the Jury were obstl
nate. The horse was worth $40, and the
litigation has already cost the purtle over
No Buggies A Linn county farmer
Inform u that he went to Corvalli some
days ago to purchase a buggy and could
find but one in the whole town. Hi ex
perirnce In Albany was different. . He
found nearly sixty not including carts and
Appropriate.-In one of their show
window Wallace, Thompson & Co have
picture of Mr Cleveland surrounded by
white sugar and labeled In spice, "as sweet
...... u.kli.k 1. nu..t.
Ar Portland. Registered at the ho
tel Thursday, May 9, a from Albany
Cole and wife, W J Simonds, E Laforest
and wife, II Scribner and wife. John Isom
A Nice Social. Lat Friday a large
number of yjung peopl met at the V". C.
T. U. Hall, on the occasion of the Y's
Mysterious social, and gave one ot the
nicest social In their history, A unique
program w presented. First was an ex
hibition of pudding and pictures
executed by local tulcnt. Those not pres
ent will be' Interested In working out their
make up from their name t Paradise.
Hung forGullt.TheSplnncrs.Long Branch
at Night, Our Nlghtwatch, Dem Golden
Slipper, All on Board, The Unopened
Letter, New York on a Small Scale, After
Lent, Cant be Bent ai.d the Straw that
llioke the Camel's Back. A quadrille
march conducted by Sergeant Overman
elicited much amusement on account of
the contrary character of hi company, a
mum social' ot five minutes duration proved
as contrary an affair as the march. Games
were played 01 a miscellaneous nature nnu
all the sociability Indulged In possible.
While Albany Is worklmr for Immigrants
it Is soclahle.'like these that make the new
comer feel at home, and extra effoits
should alwavs he made to make attendants
acquainted with each other.
Tub Woolen Mii.lh. The following
rather contemptible and unkind remark
comes from' the Biilum Sitirmtnn, and only
confirms what the Democrat ha hereto
fore said of that city' Jealousy of Albany i
"Not being able to rub Brownsville of her
woolen mills Albany ha cast about for
other prospect, And now proposes to lm
po:ta woolen will from the Fast. It 1
understood the Kankakee Wcolcn Milt Co.
ot Kankakee, Illinois, has been enquiring
In regard to the Inducements offered tor
the removal of their plant to that place.
If Albany I not careful she will be
over run with woolen mills, there already
being one at that place almost ready to
commence operations " Albany never tried
to rob Brownsville ot Its woolen mill. The
proprietors of It wished to locate at Albany
and our cltlxcns were glad to offer them
inducements to do so. No robbery In that,
any more than there was when Salem got
Mr Kay away from Brownsville, Keep the
handle on your jug.
A CoMvoHmoN. Following Is a HaUey
roy's composition on a clam. It I to the
point t
The clam it a bulbous plant and resides
on the underside ot the water. He la born
a the bird are, but don't cum out of hi
shell. He Is deserted by hi parent at a
young and tender age, but don't bckum
clamerou on this akount, but sits still and
watches with hu mouth, fur sumthlng to
cum along.
Thear is nothln more docile than the
clam, and allho they sometimes get into a
stew, they ar a easy to lav vour hand on
and kech, a a stun but they are like an
injun, not very lamy.
Clam were fust dlkovercd,x the meas
les wax, by being caut. How long a clam
an live I don t belts! they kan tell them
selves ; probably c thousand vcais. hut a
large part ov this time I wasted 1 a klam's
time alnt worth much.ooly to grow tuf In ;
It i just so with some other lol'.s I noov.
The N. G. On Sunday last W Mackay ,
the official representative ot the Scutch
liquidator of the Oregonian (narrow
gauge) rallroad.wss In Newport and made
thorough examination ot the government
works and th charts of Yaqulna Bay and
bar. It will be remembered that this har
bor I one ot the terminal point specified
In the charter of th Oregonian railway.
W understand that the gentlemen who
now have control of th affiilrs of this cor
poration have under consideration the
building of a line from Kay's landing,
through Clackamas county, to East Port
land, about 35 miles In length and the ex
tension of the west side road from Arlleto
Newport Yaqulna Ittfmt4ien.
A Rekobt.-Twelve miles from Brelten-
bush, In Marlon Co, are three hot springs,
located near Waldo lake, one of the finest
fishing ground In the world. Right there
It is anticipated will grow up one of the
greatest summer resorts in Oregon. Hot
prlng are always popular, and these par
ticularly ar said to be fine ones, having
aluable medical qualities, Dr Whitney.of
this city, has investigated them and pro
nounces them hue spilngs for Invalids.
It Cocrsb. Col F.ckeUon, who has
charge of the O. P. survey, over Iter?, was
In town a day or two this week. The sur
veying party Is in the neighborhood o f
Bear Creek Buttes. The line will run some
six miles north of these buttes, near the
old river bed. They have a pretty straight
ne from there to the Hartley country.
where they will cross a few mile north
of Harney Lake. PrincvitJe A'tr.
Our County Poor. Mr. P.k', the
ecturer, is In the city. Even po-ir men
have rights : but they cannot expect to
have quail on toat or sleep on dwn Be
sides lecturing, we understand Mr. Biggs
proposes appealing to tht next grand jury.
We know nothing about too iustlce ot his
complaints, which he seems to be making
an issue : out we anticipate tht Linn
county's poor are as well taken care of a
those In most counties.
Correct, J. L. Fuller.represeutlng the
London, Lancashire & Union Insurance
Companies, is In town. I le arrived in town,
accompanied by Dave McDannald.of Mud
creek fame, and, judging from the com
pany he keeps, is a right good leliow.
Pendleton it. 0. , . '
A Runaway. A horsu belonging to
Pete Riley being driven by two of his
boys In a small tig ran away Saturday ;
the oldest bov he'd on like a piUc fighter,
until the horse was stopped by some one
standing near One u heel was broken off
and the cart generally mashed up.
The business being done by the leading
store of a city is a good indication of the
prosperity of a city, and I more valuable
to a city than the reputation of a boom that
I full of un:ertaintics. Albany's present
growth is just such as suits the- bent cle
ment of It business men. It Is reliable
without excitement. Too much boom is
like a game of poker and injures more than
it helps the buslnss of merchants. A Dem
ocrat man has talked with a number of
the merchants of Albany, and they gener
ally pronounce trade a on a rapid in
crease. One says his sale show a decided
Increase over last year.another fifty percent
larger, both o!d merchants with large lists
of customersanother, three times as large
as lait year and other a flatter loir train
One man tell us that he ha not lost $25
from bad debts since in business ,and many
state that cash sales are - good and credit
growing lets. The business outlook in Al
bany was never as good, and the fact speaks
louder than bluster for the city, Beside
the mercantile business, the 'hotels are
crowded, the restaurant have full tables,
the drays and delivery wagons are pushed,
It may not be pleasant to contemplate but
the saloon are making money, etc. Bet
ter still the churches are fuller and the
pastor better supported than formerly
Albany Is becoming more of a city In many
respects. , -
Portland, Or., Jan. 12ih.Y
- Uavinif a severe bsek sche Isst summer.
tried the Oregon Kidney 'lea, I used oris can
which elTV.cted a radical cure. 1 would rec
otnmeod it to all who are sfilioted as an no
failing remedy- Julius Aqi
Sold by Fosbay & Mason. , ,- -,
A dry, hacking eough keeps th bronchial
tubes In a stats of coustaut irritation, which
If not sneedilv removed, may lead to bron
chitis. No prompter lemedy of n be hsd than
Avsr's Cherry Pectoral, which . both an
Most everyone Is complaining because ot
the too copious rains. f ,
Mr Geo C Stanardand Mis Kate Co
show went to Albany Tuesday.
Mis Lenore Ksy started front here
Tuesday to visit friend In Portland and
Andy Gr an old time resident of thla
place 1 but now of C'cnleryllle paid his
many friend short ylslt her last week,
Col 11 F Alley, of Albany, wat here a
couple ot day Inst week gathering stalls
lies and soliciting subscription for the
free pamphlet of Lin t county and her
towns soon to be Issu J.
Messrs. Wm Bern and Jack Rice, of
Portland, were seen on our streets this
R II Grover is confined to his bed by
h I s u I f , M n ds 1,1 I WUCr b
a,. . .-. .. ..... .
ti. hsstu.. ..., ....
ofien now bringing Into town their dinner
palls well filled Willi the palatable wild
J, C. Holll.tcr our accommodating rail
roaj agent im purchased the lull proper.
j 01 j v enner.
Dr R If Curl and family are now vUlt
Ing with the Doctor father at Uulledge,
111 i.nsicru uregon.
Dr. Dlveu, of Pennsylvania Is tupping
with his frlsnd, Mr Long, Pear here. The
Doctor has come to Oregon to live and
will look all over the Valley before perm
anently locating.
Rev Moody, ot Scio, filled the pulpit In
theCumherlfn Prcbrterlan Church Sun
day for Rev K'.rkpalilck.
Last Wednesday Mr. Wm Was!, burn
sold off a large portion of his cattle, and
on I liqrsday, the 6ih of nest month, Mr.
Kay's stock are advertised for sa'e.
One t f the latest Improvements to our
towr, is the wire bd factory of 8 P larger.
The mattress now being manufactured
her I certainly an Improvement over
tno.e shipped here. We need more of such
Mr. Ribelln, of McKcnxie was here last
week representing Mr. Scnwdcn, the geo-
tleman that ha been bonding the mining
claim In the McKeorle district Mr. I
Ribelln bonded the claim ot Mr. lohn 1
er Mr 8cowdehs. Wd mine. .k.
"4vi tvi wiiss 17 as. 1 iui jiuur r. 1 iuu ? 1 ri
extent of a 10.000 It is thought Mr. I
Scowden is representing a California svn-1
ll,-.i vv- 1 7 . .1. ... 1 : I
the Mrfun,!. il lit... Ol... .11.,. l-i. A. I
- " iww ,11'i'c iu kd me ininc. in 1
FH.1 . 1..1 j
Baptl.t Church uave a'verv successful
vsteu kiss f saw w iiicuiusra ui a lit? i
'com" sociable and entertainment at the I
Illy Hall, Clulte a lartf number oartook I
dslCOAnndu?e ''P.!n mSn
dishes. An Interesting program of music
and recitation was rendered alter sooner
making a very pleasant evening for all
wno attended. About Sl6 was netted I
itt i .... i- J , l
to uicu in improving in
Mr Smith, of Tennessee. Is vlslttn with
hi bro-her, W O Smith, who live near
County School Sup't. L M CurJ visited
our school Tuesday. 1 arrived too late
tor the school on the south side which
closed Saturday, with appropriate exercis
es. Mr. Mover has taught hi patron an
excellent scnooi.
A meeting of clilxcns was held at the of
fice of Curran&Montelth last Thursday to
make arrangement for celebrating the sth
of July. T L Wallece called the meeting
to order, and Hon R A Irvine was placed
in tlie chatr, with C W Watt a secretary.
The matter of celebrating wa tlioroughly
discussed, and on motion ot Mr Wahace it
was unanimously voted to celebrate.
Mr ttlum moved that a commltte ot five
be appointed to select a general committee
of arrangements, to consist of such a num
ber a they deemed best. I B!um, Capt E
I Lannlng, C II Kicwart, T L Walbce, L
Vtereck, Chas Pfclffer and the chairman
and secretary were appointed, th chair
man being made chairman of the commit
On motion of C II Stewa-t the meeting
adjourned until night to hear the re
pert of the. co.nmittre. which met at 3
o'clock at the office of Curran V Montclth
and appointed the following committee:
Chas Pfeiffcr. 0 II Stewart. L Vlereck.
K W Jjingdon, T L Wallace. O W Watts
and I Mum.
Last Friday the 4thof July committee on
general arrangements, consisting ot Cha
Pfclffer, T L Wallace, L Vlereck, I Blum
C W Watts, E W Lang Jon, and C H Stew
art met at the office of Curran & Mon
tclth and were confirmed as such commit
tee by a citizen meeting. Cha Pfclffer
a elected chairman, C W Watts secre
tary, and E W LangJon, treasurer. The
fciib-committees wcr appointed and the
meeting adjourned until next Friday night
to hear report from the tame:
Finance committee Jay W Bla'n. T L
Wallace, J W Cuslck, D 11 Montclth and
eo Humphrey.
On grounds Cha Curran, ueol- Simp
son, A Hackleman.
On music -J U Whitney, Geo L Black
man and C B Winn.
On printing A Klein, J J Dubruilte,
ohn Mullen.
On military affulr- The officers of I Co,
.On literary exercise Prof G A walker,
Prof W II Lce.Ji F Sox, Rev E R Pilch-
ard. DrOC Awbrev.
On firework I, W Deioe.C W Watts,
W B Bnrr.
On Invitation Geo E Chamberlain, G
W Wright. A B Sea', W F Read, EJ Lan-
Reception committee I ucowan, 1 iv
Wealherford. D R N Blackburn.
On fire department The chlcl engineer
and foremen of Albany fire companies
Wn carriage r.r Kace, jonn mmin,
D P Mason.
On decoratlonW II Warner, Leo Cohen,
On liberty car Iiaac Conn, I Schmeer,
Mr Mart V Brown, Mrs S S Train, Mr A
IS Woodln.
Some Fine Butter. Conn Bro have
made a yearly contract with - first-class
butter maker a few mile trom Lebanon
for a large quantity every week, a-id will
make contract with their customer at
yearly rate. Cal; and ee wine of it.
If jn haveaoyj ib wtrkti? call 00 Q
W.S-nith whoiaprua.- to do it with
neatmwa and dispatch nd a cheap aa any-
one "
If you ro nervous or irritaue.ieM languid,
disunited, or if you have sick hesdacbe, sal
low eotnplexion,or offensive hrtath.then your
liver is out of order and need rousing. Dr.
Ilenlev'a Dauilullon Tonio restores tt: liver
to healthy action and tones up th entuc sys
tem!. Sold by rosnsy x mason.
. . 1 e
in his new discovery for Consumption, sua
ceodod in producing a medicins which ii ao
knowledged by all to be simply marvelous
It is exouediugly pleasant to tho tsete, per
fentlv liarmUsf, and doe not sicken. In al
eases of cares of Consumption. Couth. Cold
nn 1 n....k .n4
TV ntlQUtUK uunH, .vivHf, w mv. u nr , auu
Pain iu tL Chest, it has given ui 1 versa!
satisfaction. Drlio.anko's Cough ai d Lung
Syrup is sold at 50 eenta by Dr.Ouisi 61 Son.
Kid Glove 1 Kid Ulove 1 1
I have just received a full line of kid
calves branded Our Own. This is a eenu
Fne kid clove. I buy direct from importers!
in New York and consider them the best
value of any c ove I ever eold for thi
price. 5 button, 3 row of st'tching, $1.50
If there Is one thing more certain than
another, It I the fact that there Is a large
nu mbcr of republican leader who are pre
paring to desert the negro, and break the
relationship of paternal care which that
party has so long protested to entertain
for that class, The at'ltude of President
Harrison hi refusing to appoint any ol th
leaders of that race to office shows the
feelings that Is taking posse-Ion of that
party, But now come ex-Governor Al
corn of Mississippi, a republican ot long
standing, and speaking of the President's
efforts and scheme to build up a w hite re
publican party In the South, says t "I
wish him success, but he will not be able to
build un a white party In the South. . It Is
born and bred essentlnllv deniocralic. and
1 1
Cftnn0t U t,,a"8cJ ti0m ltl,0t'
publican party missed It opportunity at
cl01 of t,,e wr anA '""ceding
years. If It had chosen a wise policy
then It would l ave divided the South, if
Gran t had sustained me at the time of my
election there would have been a white
republican parly which would have held
the state. The Southern people will not
have negro rule. The negro is not a white
man wit i a black sklu. He Is a different
race, He Is a barbarian, and barbarian
cannot rule a civilised people. Ills head
Is covered with wool. He Is a shei, the
white man has straight hair like a Hon.
The negro Is an Infant.nnd It will take cen
turies of development to thoroughly fit
him for civilization," Such sentiment ex
pressed by a democrut would at once sub
ject htm to the charge of being a secession
Ut and rebel.
It Is a matter observed by nearly every
body that the protected wool maitufactur
ers are not rushing over and trampling
each other down In their mad rush to se
cure a chance to give a better price for
woel thfl ,hal ,,,ch r,1d ,t year.when
Cleveland's tariff reform messace w& said
1.. it. ....... .
. . .....
,n " . W trust that democrat.
who had wool in their teeth over lltelr
eves last vesr wilt be "restated to ll ht and
nna now u is sbiu mat -oro ucn, as
. ...
familiarly call the presiding ha
relented and called upon th latter to come
and liim st the Whit. tlnu Tt.1.
PJlev 1. the bribe-giver and originator
I . .,.... . . . r
" - scueme y wmcn
Harrison wa elected, and if Is to be con-
.ulie.t a. in tt n,lt-v tu .,ln.o.l l- .j
' r
ministering this government for sixty mil
lion of people. Think rA thU.vou who are
so A-ont to extol the v'rtuc and dignity o
the present powers that be.
The state grange meet on May 30th at
Salem. The Master says : -It is well
known to the people of the stite that we,
th agriculturists, are capable of attending
to affair pertaining to our interest, and
that we demand representation and are
going t see that we are represented In
the council t the state and nation In a
ratio commensurate wlthtne Interests we
Casual notice of the timber land filings
In variou papers, says the Arfortun, shows
that a srge portion of the application to
purcha limber land are made by women
A woman, married or slngle.over eighteen
year of age.ha the same rights In the mat
ter that a man has, and can make applies
Hon and secure ita acre tat same as a
man. The only provision Is that It muit
be with her own money. But that can be
easily arranged.
At the civil service examination held In
Roseburg thla week there were but three
applicant examined, II V $mkh,of Doug
la,and T J Wilson.of Lane.were examined
for places as mall agents on the railroads.
and C Ilerman.ot Coos count v,f or a treas
ury clerkship. -
President Harrison has appointed his
brother, Carter B. Harrison, to be U. S
Marshal, for the middle district of Tenne
see. This Is said to be the first time a
president ever appointed a brother to an
office. There i much I es dignity In coun
scling with a bribe-giver like Dudley than
this appointment of hi brother.
The hlalne have been having a hard
time of late. Some month ago Walker
Blaine broke hi leg. Then hi father'
attack of lumbago came on,and now Jame
G Blaine, jr., t at the Nortnandle, Wash
ington, suffering from an abscess under the
Our farmer are beginning to be dis
tressed about granary and storage room for
j the phenomena', crop now coming on. The
yield of whtat bid fair to be fully $u per
cent greater than ever befoie known, for
the favorable farming weather last January
and February tempted farmer to put In
every available bit of ground, and the crop
Is now looking unusually well Ex.
Man Is the universal animal. It is est!
mated that there Is 1 ,250,000,000 of him on
the globe. The sheep rank next with
500.000,000 ; 300,000,000 cattle, too,oco,ooo
hogs, (the four-footed vailely,)and,
000 horses continue the list.
The custom o( tolling the bell of steam
boat while passing Grant' grave on the
Hudson River has been adopted by a few
boat. In imitation of the custom among
steamboat men on the Potomac when pass
Ing Washington's grave at Mount Vernon
The packing of hogs at the leading
Western point from March I to April 24
wa a follow ! Chicago, 435,000 j Kan
a City." 231.O0O; umaua, 102,700: at
T a. ws TnrllfinanAlla V Wt firt
I . X.,,......L. ..oo-.. n....-
-,4.v' ""oa
land, 36, 100.
1 11 it 10 oe nopeu mai me suue nuwioi iocs
1 ....... .. .... . . I.!
of Louisiana will vigorously punish the
mob that rode into a town in that state and
prevented the ncgroe from voting nt a
municipal election. .. ;
The Texas umbrella tree is becoming a favor
ite for hade and ornament purposes in Califor
nia. It is a large and beautiful tree, raemb
ling an umbrella In the spread of its foliage,
which is so dense that it affords perfect protec
tion from either rain or sun.
It Is estimated that between 40,000,000
and 50,000,000 pounds of maple sugar, or
it equivalent In syrup, Is made In the
United States each year.
Twenty thousand people live in Alexan
dria, Va., yet during the month of March
not a wedding occurred. -v
Wright Syiup Tar and Wild Cheiry
I Trv it and you will use nothing else fo,
1 oouuus, cold and sll affection of the threat
land lung. Sold by Foshay & Mason
(Fur ths Csaotsst,)
BPltlNfl. "
How lovely are the flower In spring,
How sweet the balmy air i
The time for snakes to shed their skin
And cows their winter hair.
We lay the plug hat In the shade,
And take a crown of straw;
The girls Increase their chewing gum
And stroke and speed of jtw.
We need not go with rapid stride
To flee the rain ; 'tis lair.
Now lover walk so very slow
Seem Ilk they can't "get there."
Now geese and tramps are going north,
nnu enow nirus uisappear ;
The pigeon and the blucjay sing
And crows give songs of cheer.
The swarming file wlih gentle tiuch
Draw near with lover trt
And tickle wlihsuth energy
They nearly break your heart.
Spring bring It merry picnic loo
Such glorlou time fur me,
When I ran get a tasty meal
And all the girls caiidee.
The children can get out to pli.y,
Like chicken roil in dlit j '
In all the year we cannot fin J
So good a time to flirt.
-j.n. h.
Mote than 1 6,000 horses are lauehieredu for
food in Pari every year.
L. J.. J
The totat school population of the United
Klstes is 17,783,17a.
England has 7,000 flour mills which can
make 51,000,000 barrels of floor a year.
The largest psper maker in lint-land have
formed a Tiust, with a capilrl of S 10,000,000.
There are 623 newspaper and periodical
published in foreign language in this republic.
A pring of natural cologne, with the per
fume of patchouli, ha Wen discovered In Al
The Mexican government propose to inter
diet the importation of American lard.
The Salt Trust to be established in thiscoua
try will have a capital of 2 $,000,000.
The total la-lUo population of the United
States In 18S6 wa 247,761, and the Indian
had 2 1 2,466 square mile of territory reserved
for their use.
American women pay $62,000,000 s year for
cosmetics, of which f 25,000,00 is reinvested
in advef istng and the remainder, f t $,000,000
i clear profit.
Postmaster General Want maker broke the
record Ust week in rapid changing of post roas
ters. The total number of Republican who
received post office last week wa 1 ,016.
Next to England, little Holland i the great
est colonial power in the world. She ha 800
000 square mile of colonial possessions some
ol them the richest in the world. This gives
her wonderful commerciaHiower,
A nun worth 82,000,000 died in Chicago lost
week and up to date only one wife ha come
forward with her claim to the property. The
incident is looked u;-on a singular, to say the
It is said that the machine i to be set at
woik upon United Slate consuls at once, and
about 200 of these officials will be selected from
the 2500 Republican applicants. This means
2300 diguted seeker.
Official tiatistics continue to show a decrease
in immigration tnto the united States, the
arrival for nine mouths of the current fiscal
year numbering 255,707, as compared with
293,231 during the same period of last year.and
260,961 during the nine months of the year
To prevent belt conveying power from slip
ping on pulleys, it is proposed to cover the
pulley with perforated sheet iron one-sixteenth
of an inch thick, riveting tin tn the pulley; the
tension on the belt cause it to slightly grip the
hole, and thu slippling is avoided, while at
the same time the pulley is strengthened.
We cannot afford to bind 75 cent wheat with
20 cent twine, say the Rural World. The
formation of trusts can be made unprofitable if
the people organize and co-otcrate for self pro
tection. Without uch organization, "Tnut"
and "Combines" w ill fatten and grow strong
on the helplessness and ever increasing proverty
of those who refuse to help each other. "Secure
for wife and home a fair share of whit the
harvest yields."
The Pittsburg Pest say; President Harrison
is having the guillotine worked as it never bat
been by any of his predecessors. Some qualm
are reixirted, but they are fictitious. Twelve
hundred removals and appointment k week by
Clrkou tell the story of the postal service,
while Democratic Union veteran are being re
moved in crowd from the Pension Office. Nor
is this all. the example at Washington is
reviving come of the worst abuses of Grant ism
Offices are in the market since the President
announced he would permit Republican Con
gressmen or Republican candidates for Congress
to control the patronage in their respective
; ODD l l l.b&WSMl'.sT'l'AY.
A decision of much interest to Odd Fellows
has been rendered by Judge Crabtrec at Rock
ford 111. G II Platner, a member of the Winn
ebag oLodge, has been in bad health for years
and claimed to be entitled to the benefits of the
order, owing to hi inability to work, The
amount was nearly one thousand 'dollars, and
the lodge refused to pay.on the ground that his
sickness did not come .within the requirements
and that he was engaged in no business, and
would not have been employed even if he were
well. The case wa trieo. by a court of the
society and decided against riatner.
Judge Crabtree decided that they must pay
the um sued for and Costs; th t no society
could act as a court in property matters, pro
hibiting anv member from further -appeal to
civil courts of proper jurisdiction. -
The Inst legislature of Kansas passed a bill
providing for a bounty of two cent a pound on
sorghum sugar manufactured in the itate. Last
year 700,000 pound were made, which took
$14,000 of the 1 5,000 appropriated for subsidiz
ing. There is a bill now pending before the
legislature to put no limit on the bonus, which
will probably require twice the sum this year
that it did last. Now let Kansas farmers kick
for bounties on wheat, corn, hogs, etc. , and
ihey may be happy yet. So says Farm, Stock
and Home, but in doing so it seems to forget
the "infant industry" part'of its early educa-
tiTi. . Have not wheat, corn, hogs, etc, about
outgrown the age of infancy and reached that
of maturity and of self-support? We always
loved the babies, and to nurse and train them,
but when thev tret to be men we iust hate to
see them, act as nursing infants.
1"? mliiery experL-nwd when wesnd
Ji.i'r 1""" wre that, we inwm,
i ne t Mnntli ls,n nwirvi. r from whli l.
very (U,r, fttl,J ,n ,,, ut tin n ''tirlMliefl
out tlirt Wlif.l,, .yrtfiii, Aliioiiir n Sn
rtvm " two will hava tl .Hme T
doui lVpni.tea"diieily
menial iwweniufl a MWih,MKmt
, VY . . ' Mf-swinci,,,, tM'Mtt.
lilfdlVftlK iihli rrr., I ... .7 ",""'
grfat IrrlliiWlIt y of femwr
.-',tflV,:,' l"rm dyspepsia may take
oao tulug 1 certain, ' '
TIte ynderlylnz eauae U
in tlit JLtfElt.,
It will correct
Aridity ot th ,
Expel foul gases,
Allay Irritation,
Assist Digestion,
and, at the nam
' tltttA
Start th WAver to working,
when oil other trouble?
toon disappear
4"Jf confirm! dypi,ttc. fkmi
"'"'. sb- ws. Induct to lry Wmn. lJ;2
Wis., use himnu, ljv,, UrfptUtot and I UA
h"l-h will be rZl ,11 wri m
U sdvd.-'-Wii. tt. Ksmm, ton VWy, d.
Bee that you get the Genuine,
will, red 2 e ttm of Wrapper,
. w" " otr rr
i. n. ZKILI.M to., l lilladclphia, Pa.
oumtlilri i.iid nnrvooor'i,l))u,i,mwf
IK.,,, foreboding.. Kmied vspentin
wonderfully fr..r..i. ..,U"1F:
, r - - U...lljl ...T. .
1 v..v, . u.fv
2 r"rrir 3j&. ,a-s?
I havejoought tho largest and best stock of
ever brought to Albany, and I would respectfully
nvits every one to call and look' throuffh my
re carry a full line of 0t Mf Henderson & Co s
Tho Red School House Shoes are the best
in the world.
CKJUHAiio bjots 5111.,
gX-"" :'-J"" 1 -iAlc r SV f-s -
Vi-TTT-iii 11 in I W'inriiiwm 'vy-nhi Astr. tl V r S iV lmi4 V ntnfd T-f .r. . rrw,-'-...r'ra - Xzr,
Look out for
in the next 30 dayfv
W. F.
The Leading Cash
These twin diseases cause untold suffering.
Doctors admit that they are difficult to euro
so do their patients, roue's
Celery Compound has per
manently cured the worst
cases ot rheumatism and
nouralgla so say thoao tvho
have used tt.
"Ilavtng keen troubled
with rheumat Ism at the knee
and foot (or live years, I was
almost una Die 10 frei arouna.
and was very often confined
to mv bed for weeks at a
time. 1 used only one bot
tle of raiue's celery t.xm
pound, aud was perfectly
cured. I can now tumu
around, and feel as lively as
a ooy." .tbans uiou,
Kureka, Nevada.
ti.00. six for Drugsista '
Mammoth testimonial paper free.
Wtus. Eiouardson ft Co. .Props. , Burl Ington, Vt.
nuunvn nvro Oivt fhtUer and
vintavnu mt.t tWors than
any other jjya.
-It is imi
JViriwersv-ltls impor
tant that the Sods or
Baleratus you rue should
be Whi te and Pure same
aa sll similar sub.tnos
used for food. 1'oinsuro
obtaining only the'-Arra
A Hammer' brand Soda
or Hslerat -s, bay It in
"pound or half pound"
- cartoons. whichbearour
same and trade-mark, u
inferior Roodiara 1,0m
Simu substituted f or th
Arm c Haul mar" bran.l
When bought in hulk.
Psrtias usiiiit XUkUig
Powder should remem
ber that its sole rising
property consists of bi-
. carbonate of soda. One
A Hammer" brand of
Bods or Saloratus mixed
with sour milk equal
Packed in Card Board
Kawrla fn l'.D Use at Albany
an wcond-cla-w mall matU;r.
suoiCRirnox rates
Oallrererl by emiUr par week.,,,
ym m, per m m h .,...w.,. ,
year, u, se... ..,,..,
ntf ,,rr, 1 fmt. ........ m
a m'jittbs in svlvsiwe,,.,,. ' .
E F. Sox tfJ
C, ILTrewARr,
4itAJV! t?uiHt mm kin ' SA ft? i
4W a at '
qiiiMACiiitiEar ihdhfrs:,
tsoil alUiLltn o.!l
o romiririjf .If
ktndio? mv'HInsry,
Pauerns Made on Short Nolle,
Dry Goods Store.
- Pafne'a Celery Comrjound has been a God-!
send to me. For the past two years I have suf
fered wli h neuralgia ot the heart, doctor after
doctor falllni; to cure me. I have now taken-
nearly tour ootues of the compouno, ana am
tree from the complaint. I feel very graceful
to you." Cius.lL Lit wis, Central VUlase, ct.
Celery Compound ,
"I have been frreatty aftllcted with acute
rheumatism, and could find no relief until I
used Paine's Celery Compound, After uslne
six bottles of this medicine I am bow cured of
rnouinnllo troubles."
BiMcau Hutchinson, So. Cornish. N. n.
Effects Lasting Cures.
Palne'sCelory Compound has performed many
other cures us marvelous as these, copies of .
letters sent to any address. Pleasant to take,
does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entire
ly vegetable ; a child can take It. What's tha
use of Buttering longer with rheumatism or
neuralgia t
OAOlLb Aappy, Hearty. It it Vnoptakd.
fosr teaspoonfulj ef tha
1 -otEitlchi-powder.sav-liij!
twtialy times its
coit, birfidra being'
much jKEnlhier, becauso
it n&t outaia any
Ui3 Tioa substanecE.
evi l! hs ulaci, torra albi-.
eta., m'wMchmaiiyCaax
lug Pjnrdars are made,
l'a TjtDcei and Partners
Khnuld use only the'-Ana
i: iaTumer" brand for
l .A 1 cWnic? and keeping
. ' 3mJe ions Sweet SEd
Cacthis. Bee that
every pound package of
"Arm ar- X Hammer
Brand" cuaiaina full
1(1 onne!Hi net. and the
V pound paeif;e 8 tt I
li outMt cut, hjda or
fbaleratua same as spcci
ed on each pickau.
Boxes. Always keeps Soft.
l c l ,r s e yovno. i Children Cry for.
J O era Artord, L,1 L-namDers.
anodyne and expectorant.
I il f 1 1111 irf 'i iffUm - -ii ..TmJsm, .ll I III!