The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 10, 1889, Image 3

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FRIDAY MAY 3, 1869.
MIUm aad rrearleUr.
Sl-iaV".1! X-1 1.1 ... J.- J 1 XI. IL - ... .in .1
TiiiaTY-ON Day Without Food.
Tho condition oi Rev J V Harris contln
we virtually unchanged, tve thnt he I
growing weaker from day today. It I now
thirty-one day since lie hat partaken ef
food, and then he ate but two ounce of
oral light diet. Until two weekt ngo, he
took a little co flee each day, but lnce that
time hi onlv (ustcnance ha been warm
water, lit li eonaclou of hi condition
and reallac that a the days aucceed each
othet, hlaenJ it approaching. Salem Jcrnr
A letter from Mr MarrU t Mr Hurtt
tart that her husband, Rev J VV llarrlt. It
till livinsr though very weak. It hat
been two week since he ha taken any
thing but water and hit medicine. Ill
mind U ttlll clear but hi voice I o weak
that it U difficult to underttand him. It
wa 31 dav yesterday tince he wat takrn
down and that length of time practically
tince he hat taken food. He it till1 able
to turn himtelf In bed.
A rmscitLT Ca. Or Seward Webb,
president of the Wagner Car Co, paed
through Albany Sunday morning In hit
platlal car, 'Elsmcre,H lighting up the heav.
en, at It were, with the grandeur and gilt
ter of It make up. Such a manglfu-ent af
fair never before reflected It beauty on the
nroitresslve city of Albany. The cr itself
cott $35,000, and the doctor and hl retinue
re waited on bv twelve uniformed porter,
who also act a hi bodv guard, each hav
Inaarllle that shouts less than a million
time apiece. The car it named after Mr
llumplircv Ward' great novel, and per
hap the Joctor gave it that name becaute
hi wile furnished all the 'rock while
EUmeie't wife postessed all the "sand" of
the couple. The t'nited State doesn't
have prince In name; but it tin some
more o In action. On account of the ear
ly hour very few aw thlt magnificent car.
DtscRirrtvK Pamfiilbt. Mr ! F Al
ley U tteadily pushing forward to comple
tion hit pamphlet descriptive of Albany and
Linn coun'y and Itt town. Wc have been
permitted to examine several chapter (
the work andean ay that it is well written
nd gives a fair description of the advan
tage of Albany a a place for the invest
ment of capital, and it superior Induce
ment a a place for Incoming Immigrant
to make home. The book place before
the reader In the most attractive way the
many advantage that Linn county offer
to farmers, fruit raisers and other occupa
tion. The advantages of the several town
of the count v are written up true t fact
In Mr Alley4 pleasing ttyle. The little
book will be potent In spreading informs
tion about Albany and Linn county.
Another Mink. Charle Haves who
live upon Cow creek In Lane county I In
the city to-day says the Salem Journal and
tram htm It I learned of a rich discovery
f geld mine upon the Cow creek. These
mine premise to yield In paying quanti
ties. The mine lie about 84 mile south
of Eugene, and the people of tiat section
of the country are said to be wild over the
discovery. He ha at present about 2S
ton of ore on the dump and ha reached .
depth of 3S feet in the shaft up to the pres
ent, Comin'o to Stat. Mr Barker, the bag
gage agent of the S P at this city, is author
ity on the amount of immigration to this
-city. He reports It quite large, and of a
class that have come to stay, as majority
of those stopping off here do not again
leave the city and the baggage check con
sequently are accumulating. Farmer,
mechanic, merchant, etc, are settling
here In a quiet, steady w.y. Linn county
farm are being divided,' and then have
several are settling down to one. The in
crease in population In this county Is now
rapid and sure. Such facts a the one
given are a sure sign.
Didn't Rex. A writer In S. XkM,n
fr March brine evidence to prove inxt
Washington waa great athlete. He threw
the champion wrettlerof hi neighborhood
when a young man, and was the best horse,
man and the best runner of his time He
didn't like to practice the latter accomplish
ment, hoa-ever, after he btcame a soldier
The British often tried to make him run,
but they neve did. Conn Bros., the popu
lar grocer,never budge cither. They meet
competition, propese,like Washington,
to face the music. Save money by getting
your groceries of them.
Stkawberrics, &c On Friday, May
17th, at the W CTU Hall from 5 to 9
o'clock p. m. the ladies of the U P Church
will give a floral and strawbtrry social and
lunch, which promise to be a nice affair.
Beside strawberries and cream will be a
variety of meats, Including chlcken.breads
biscuit, salad, cake, etc. The proceed
will go to the building fund of the church.
Crack It. The following from a Cor
valli paper I not much of an item.but we
give it just for the f un,to see if any one in
Albany can crack the nut : "A gentle
man came and asked u for ome copie of
the Leader to tend to a person back east
who had written for a local paper. Wc
gave them to him."
A Feathery Item. The
have been flying norf. ward.
Will Have Salooxs. At the election
la Silverton Monday the issue was license
-or no llcense.the former winning by a vote
57 te 36, thu reverting the action of last
vear. Several saloons will now be opened.
Evidently they think a little more whisky
will help immigration.
The Alumni. At a meeting ot the
Alumni of the Albany College held last
Monday it was decided not to hold a public
titertalnrrint at Commencement as here
tofore announced.but instead to rive a pri
vats supper at the St Charles Hotel.with a
short program In the parlor.
A Cow Town. At Corvallis Monday
Dr T B Lee was elected President, Z II
Davis, T C Taylor and M 8 Neugass, Al
dermen : Recorder.Tohnwn Porter ; Mar
shal Tas Dunn : Treasurer, Ed Bier. On
the cow cue tion the rote wa : For cow
running at laree. 171 : against. 130. Ma
jerity for cow, 41.- Poor Corvalli.
A Bio Raft. A big raft is to be
from the Puget Sound to San Francisco
this year. It will have about 5000 log, at
against the a 5,000 in the big Jogglns raft
of last year on the A tlantic, but none will
be le( than too feet long, and the great
ize of the (tick, it I thought, will bring
the amount of the lumber up to the amount
of the eastern raft.
P. of H. Saturday, at Jordan Valley
Grange hall, wa held a big meeting of
Granger from all part of the county.
Hon R A Irvine, who attended from thi
city, reports a large gathering and a fine
time. The next meeting will be held the
second Saturday in June at Sand Ridge.
Sell Them, Our Albany merchant
are advised to sell their wire bustles before
Mis Jenne Miller get here. She re
duced the price In Portland by her lecture
irom thirty-five to ten cent.
Thb Riaiok. We now know why the
Albany company wa treated so well,
f hv were entertained by Co D, of Al-
bina, whose captain i named Vinegar
something, we forget the last part.
rw May 1. 1880, In Albany, to
wife of George Anderson a girl.
An Offer. A unique and hitherto tin
excelled o tier ha lust been made by the
Or (ohm Publishing Company. They
announce they will give away a reward
far ubtcrlber to their weekly iue prem
turns amounting to hundred of dollar,
The detail of thl offer are too extensive
to be given here, occupying two whole
page in the Weekly Oregonian but here I
a list of the principal premiums t Mlnne
iota Chief threshing machine, price $700
Studebaker end-spring top buggy, price
Jtj j a tell binding harvester, price $175
Culver' Iron drag taw, price $150 Cort
land tprlng wagon, price $tjo 1 a Mitch
ell waeon, price $tao : an I X L wind mill,
price $90 1 a "Triumph" teem generator,
price. $60 1 Dick turnout iced cutter
price $35 1 bandy s patent entile thresher
beit, price $05 ; a barrel ot lubricating
washing machines and catden plow nt
price respectively. $15 and $6. Betide
these there are nun, watches, book and
j.ick. knives In number a great a the de
mand which may be made for them, Evcry
one can obtain one of these premium
Everyone of the article named will be ab
olutely given away durtog the next three
months. The value of the premium a per
son may get will depend wholly upon him
self or herself.
Crook Coimtv. Ed Schmecr returned
yesterday from Albany, at which place he
spent the past month. He tay hi first
day' work In Albany wa to tide a wild
horse In the streets, bunchgras fashion,
which so excited the quiet denlxen of that
city that he was called on to donate $15 to
the siJcwalk fund. Ed tell u he will Im
mediately begin gathering hi horse and
will dilvc them l Linn county during the
summer.... Last Sunday A Hackleman
arrived here with three fine stallion two
draft horse and one trotter- -which com
bined are a line a stable ot horses as ever
were brought to the county.... Win Van-
tls, ot Shc.M'v I. inn county, made us a
pleasant call l.vt Tuesd tv. Mr Yantl I
here vUitlnt; hi brother-in-law, Judge
Humner. , . . KA Curl arrived here on Tues
day's stage from Anaconda, Montana, In
charge of Deputy Sheriff Helm. Mr Curl
I accused 01 having stolen a horse from
I Ion J N Williamson.... J N Duncan and
family contemplate removing from Prlne
vllle sometime this summer or fall. We
much reirre toinir Mr and Mr Duncan
from our business and social circles. A'
Takinu Well. The Chicago Comedy
Co rendered the rousing drama, "Facing
the Enemy," at the opera house yesterday
evening, Ic a sty la which demonstrated the
fact that Salem' Inhabitants fully appre
ciate a good diania, and know one when
they ee It. Everyone wn well pleased
1th the evenlnu ' performance, and made
known the fact In a hearty applause and
almost constant ripple of laughter. Stars
Three Dxvnks, A man with too im-ch
essence of tarantula on board wa navigat
ing First Street last Tuesday, taking the
whole ddewalk, when he wa taken in tow
by Policeman Miller and piloted after a
desperate, but rather gooj natured resis
tance Into the callboose. He looks like the
kind of a man who isatl right when sober;
but whiskey completely muddle hi brain.
Two other of a like calibre soon followed
him, as drunk as lords, but full of fight.
Wext to Salfm. Monday, 1) P Ma.
son, Geo Irumphrey, W B Barr.C E Wol-
verton, L C Marshal, W R Bilyeu, G W
Maston, Geo W Smith, J L Cowan, Cha
Calen.Mr Farrc'.l, il Bryant, Geo E Cham-
berlaln, H P Webb, E R Prlchard, of the
Knight IcmpLr Can.mandery of this city
weat to Salem to attend the funeral of M
N Chapman, who died a, that citv Satur. !
day evening. Mr Chapman was a member
of the Albany Coinmandery, and wa a
man highly esteemed by all who knew
him. The funeral services were to be con
ducted during thl afternoon under the aus
pice ot the Coinmandery.
State Capitals. SJem is getting a
grain of comfort from tVc fact that Boston
I 6 times, Providence 5 time, Denver 3
times, Richmond 3 times Utile Rock 3
time, Indianapolis 3 Omen and Wheeling 3
time a large a any other cille in their
respective tate; and Xe Haven, Atlanta,
Toprka, De Moine and Nashville are fa.-
head of any otlicr cities in their respective
states bile in Alabama, Minnesota, Ne
braska. N Itiiinpklilre.Oregonand South
l.'aroiina the capitals rank second. Wh:it
abaut the c;pitU in th other twenty-four
si Me.
What's ts a Name. A man by the
name of Apple ii justice of the peace up
In,Unton county, and all the paper have
been trylng-to work up cute little play on
hi name, such as to wonder whether he
was sounu, or meiiow, green or sour, or
rotten, and how he could be square and
yet round, etc. If Mr Apple I of a ena
tive, retired nature all thi utaucenafter hie
name must be very nauseating. None of
u can brag about cur name.
The 4TI1. At a meeting of "F" Com
pany last Tuesday the matter of a 4th of
uly celebration wa discussed. The Com
pany propose to celebrate In a body and if
Albany want them It should bcglrrmak-
Ing arrunr err.cnts at once. The eeneral
entiment it in favor of a celebration, and
no greater attraction could be secured than
military dlsplav, either in prize drill.
ham battle or otherwise.
Consider It. 75,000 bushel? of wheat
In the Albany Farmer' Co' warehouses
alone which might have been sold at 78
cent Is now be In' kept at CVA cents a
uthel. Thi Is keeinz an Immense amount
of money out of circulation. ,11 cold the
wheat money would probably pay half a
million dollar of debt. Consider the fact
A Careless Hunter. Wll.iam Dow
wa out hunting Sunday. While leaning
up agalnct a fence, hi gun rested on the
lower board with the barrel pointing up
ward and his right hand over the muzzle.
The gun slipped, the hammer struck the
fence and off went hi hand Corvalll
Decoration Day. Commander Mc-
Elroy will deliver the decoration day ad
dress at thU city for McPherson Pott. Al
bany It fortunate in tecuring hi services
for that occasion, as Prof McEIroy has
been solicited by nearly every Post in the
state to aeiiver tne address.
Over Double Mr Strauder Foman
has sold his residence property at the corn
er of Lyon and Ninth Street to Mr Geo
Pfau, of the Star Brewery: Consideration
$2200. Mr Froman paid $1050 fer the
property about two years ago.
Some Fine Butter. Conn Bros have
made a yearly contract with z firt-cla
butter maker a few mile trom Lebanon
for a large quantity every week, a'jd will
make contract with their customer at
yearly rate. Call and see tome of It.
For Tiiiety Days. All good bought
at Ida M Brush win ne discounted at 10
per cent- She ha an Immense stock and
all the latest Parisian styles. Special bar
ains. Call earl while stock is complete.
Elected At the meeting ef Albany
Engine 'o No 1 held last evening A
Ketchum, Walter Parrer and W H War
ner were elected member ef the board of
fire delegates, and P C Anderson, U
Hale and M t, Brink from No a s
A splendid stock of watches, jew
elry, clock, etc., at Will & Stark,
many new things being just received.
AIk a line line of gold headed cane. Call
on them for bargains. . . -
Babies. The finest line of baby carri
ages In the Valley just rr eclved at Stewart
& Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con
sidering the superior quality of the carri
age. Fine lino of Guns and
good stock of Ammuni
tion at Deyoe and Rob
son's special bargains
Thl is the scKsott of the year, when for
years and year for a short period there Is
either two much ram or not enough, and
everything I going to the dog cross lot
but the harvest ha always come In good
thane with hardly an exception. Some
time the wheat get too big and become
lodged, sometimes the sums get yeiiow a
little, and so forth, but along in the fall there
I alwav a big demand tor thresher.
Keep cool, the weather I not tent to order,
nd it take just about o much rain during
the 305 day to keep thing running.
ffatin thoct, sayt an eastern paper, are
not worn out. Albany merchants should
immediately order a stock that I the
kind we have been hunting for. Common
calf ar.d crocodile and kangaroo and dog
tklit shoes vanish altogether too inpiuiy
for flat pocket book,
The Earl ot Chesterfield wa recently in
Portland. Chesterfield, ah, the chap who
wrote those elegant letter to hi ton about
aood manner. V e would like to tee ome
Cheiterlleld write to a thoroughbred Pi
elite coast hoodlum on the subject
A Portland meat market adveitlsjt
pou ml gi)d round steak for 35 cents, 1 tlr-
loin ttcak 10 cents, t tenderloin 4 i)i centt,
prime roat tit centt per pound. Thl It
nut down a a big cut in price. People
like to see meal cut well, hence the Item I
ot lnteret.
Some et our eastern exchange are pub
llshing an Item like this: "Parnell I ahead
of the Time " The writer remembers
hearing him speak once on a time just
front common carriage It the middle of
the street, and now he I a great man, hi
name sounding along every wire and he
ha a morstrout slander tuit on hi hands.
It Is thus that merit eventually obtains Itt
just reward. Really thre It lots of fine
material In this man t'arnelt, none greater
among Irishmen since O'Connell.
(D. R. X. nisukbnrn, Jutl ; B. W. Coor and 0.
W. rbllltpt, CommMonsr.)
Mr Frank Miller reported that the cost
ot the proposed bridge at JcfTeisen would
be about $15,000, and he wa directed by
the court to confer with the Marlon coun
ty commissioner In reference to the mat
ter. Application of V room Bro and other
for road to Cedar Flat granted and P M
Smith, Wm Ray and John llcnrd were ap
pointed viewer.
It Freerksen wa granted 14,000 teet of
lumber for DUt 17.
E A Hester resigned a supervisor of
Dlst 4 and W J Turnidge wa appointed.
Application for road at Gatevl11e wa
granted and S M McLane and B Butler
were appointed viewer.
f L Dugger, upervsor, wa granted
$15 toward road In District iS, on execu
tion of deed by Robert Foster of land for
The following Lilts were ordered paid :
L M Cui I, salary $53 00
Allea & Goff, electric light 35 00
Lydia lone, gravel 025
onn uryant, aid poor.. 300
E E Montague, feet aS( 00
A Crawford, water rent..., 1500
ohn Leedv, lumber. 4 1707
Siite Nutting, printing 15 00
E E Montague, poUce b ot
Wm Burge. covote scalp too
SM Harris, cougar scalp 5 00
Wm Fields, wildcat scalp I 00
Jacob Newman, wildcat alp t oo
"Hurkhart.V Rovce, printing 17 5$
State agt John Wilson n 00
State agt W B Morgan 28 3
btae agt James C ain 4 50
At Hamilton, aid poor...... 1000
l)r L Foley, medical aid l 00
Foshav A-'.Mason, mdc 36 93
I'hilliD Cohen, mdse 3 43
J B Mlwater, keeping poor loui
Jam: B Keeney .aid poor.... s.... 15 00
r M MTIer, aid poor IO 00
Mr I Ssltuursh, aid poor 1 5 00
11 Farwell, salary 83 33
Dr J r WalUce, medical aid 35 00
John Smallmon.fec oS.54
John L slier, janitor 8 50
j J Davis, kteping poor 66 00
U Crawlrd,aid poor o 00
foshay & Mason, mdse S Ot
Train '& Whitney, printing 1500
CinyKiDALR, Benton Co May 2nd.
lltvlng purchased of Mr, Aahby Pearc
hi entire farm In lientop county. Oregon,
tha pnblla 1 notified and forbidden from
taking or removing therefrom any gravel,
sand ot loam front said premise,
F. L. Such.
Clovikdalk, Benton Co., May 2nd.
I am Inst'uoUd br Mr. F. L. Such to
prcrttciita any and all person depositing
aeaa anunsw upon dm lanaa in mnian
county. Oregon, formerly owned by Mr.
Aaliriy renrcn.
Linn, k, wolvertow.
Attorney at law.
Boath Altraay
A most desirable and beautiful location
for suburban residences, owing to It nat
ural advantage and nearness to the center
of busine.s. Compare the tlze, location.
view and access to and from these lot,and
you will be convinced of their merits Call
earl v and secure a home before the advance
in price. Apply to
Twekoale Ac Redfikld, Agent,
First door south of Post Ollicc.
Some Bargain.
60 fret on First ttreet with one brick and
one frame store building, $7so. Or 35
feet with the frame for $3500, and 35 feet
with the brick for S4000.
a lots with large house an4 barn on Elm
ttreet, $1,300.
45 feet on Broadalbin ttreet near and St.
225 feet with good houte and barn on
Depot street,
1 lot, 71 xi to, good 5 room house, barn,
etc., corner Railroad, $1,600.
Willamette Valley Land Agent.
Sciivltz Si Henderson.
Caalnes Change,
Notice i hereby given that tho co-psrt-
nenbtp heretofore enstinj between a W
Smith aad Edward Washburn, under tbe
firm name of Smith ft Washburn, baa been
dissolved by mutual consent, Mr A B Math
ewa having purchased tha interest of Mr.
Smith. The tirm will nerratter be Mathews
Ii Waabburn. Tha new firm will assume all
the'iodebtedue of tke late firm aod will col
lect all aooonot due tbe same. A conciou
anoo of tbe liberal patronage of the poblij is
respectfully oliciteu.
Albany. May 3rd, 1889.
S. W. Smith,
Edwabu Washbpbn
Teachers' Examination.
Notice l hereby given that the regular
public quarterly examination of teachers
for Linn county, will take place at the
Court House, In Albany, commencing at
noon, Wednesday, May 39th, 1889. All
teachers desiring examination wilt please
be presentat the beginning.
1. M. Curl,
Co. School Sup't,
Elected. 6000 rolls of wall paper In an
Immense number of pattern at Fortmiller
&Irving', the finest , line In the central
Willamette Valley, it i an art gallery to
Tubb'& Co's pur Manilla twioe,
quality, at Stewart & Sox'.
t I
Ai recorded In the Recorder's ofllce fer
Llnn county, Oregon:
John Charle to E W Langdon, lot
7 and 8, blk 37, and lot t and 2,
blk 28, als the S E quarter of
blk ai, ll' and A.... $ 4
Nellie J Uryan to ft L. uryan, 40
acre, Sec 7, Tp 11, R ,tw
J G Powell to R A Irvine. 158
acre In D L 0 of Alfred Pow
ell ,,
Joseph 8 Ames to C W Simons, 4
acres in D L C ot J T Amei.
Pari Wheatley to Wm W Weltner,
50 acre In D L C of Richmond
t-ebanon Lodge, A F & A M to
Jonathan Waitom, lot 54, Ma.
onlc cemetery, Lebanon $
Thomat Alford to HarrUburg
Grange, three quarter ! acre,
I N Woodle to W C Ccll, 10 acre
near Albany (bond for a deed)
Wm I Henderson to Win Ralston,
lot 1 and 2, blk 24,11' and A..
Loul Vlereck to "A W Reed, lot a
3. blk 6. V 8 Albany A... ..
Louis Vlereck to Mr M L Cornwall,
lot 3, 6 and 7, blk 5, V S Al
bany. A
LouU Vlereck to Mr W Y Jewclt,
lot a. blk .V'S Albany. A...
David Rice to II Iram Skinner, 6n
acre of the 1'hliUtcr Lee' D L C
Andrew I lite to M D llogan,joacre
in Tp u, MR 4 W $
S Froman to Geo Pfau, S W qr Mk
a 100
11, In Albany
James Ellison to Mr E A Merrill, S
& qr blk 91, In Albany..
Wlliamettf Real Estate Co, toLF
Smith, lot 4 and 5,blk 3,1 n 111
ev '
Edward Golns to Ci W Phllllp,E halt
claim 51, In I p io,S K a vv, 115
acre ,
Wm A Paul to James M Elliott, C
acre. ULtoITT Thoma,. .
Geo W Wcldler to Richard Kochter,
quit claim to various lot and
block. Albany '
S I Hhore to G C Wilson, bond tot
a deed, 1 K acre
United State to Arthur Saltmarsli patent
United Stalest 3 Benjamin A Crouch patent
Total . ,
H. H. t'aavratina.
Portland, Or., May 3 8Sy.
The Fourth Annual Convention of the
Oregon State Sunday School Association
will be held In the Presbyterian Church,
Corvallis commencing at a o'clock p. m.
on Tuesday, June 4th,and closing at 12 m.
on Thursday, June 6, itiK;. While thi I
a ma cenve nilon.and alt Interested In the
work are most earnestly and cordially In
vited to be present, yet, to insure represen
tation, all Sunday School in the state are
requested to (elect two or more person
pledged to attend. Word come to utfrom
Corvalll that the friend of the work there
will open their home and heart and take
care of all who may attend the Conven
tion. That they may know who are to be
entertained, all those expecting to be pres
ent will confer favor by tending their
names to Prof W E Yates, Corvalll, that
places may be ass'gned them. Arrange
ment have been mii'e with the line of
the Southern Pacific Railroad In Oregon
and the Oregon Pacific Railroad to return
at one-fifth (are all those In attendance who
have paid full fare In going to the Conven-:
tion over these line. Prof Henry Sheak,
of Philomath, Oregon, I the Ktatistlcal
Secretary of the Association.and he desire
to secure a report from every Sunday
School In Oregon. Will the proper officer
ot each school see that such a report U
tent him In time for the convention t Pa
tor. Sunday School Superintendent and
alt interested in tht work are requested to
give this notice a wide publicity a possi
ble. E. W. Ali r-v,
Tae Weather,
Signal Service U. S. Arrry, Division of the
Pacific, San Francisco, May 1st, iSS
The month hat been marked My the ab
sence of stcrm accompanied by dangcr-
ou wind. Coplou shower hare fallen
during the month In Oregon, Washington
Territory ar.d Northern California and
light showers In Southern California. The
temperature ha been much higher than
usual in all district.
The following table (how the distribu
tion of the rainfall for the month and sea.
ton tip to May lit, iS8o :
Statioes, Nuvmsl
Total Arm-
relnfsll rslalsJI
3 So 1. bit 52.93
Walla Walla,
Red Bluff,
Santa Rosa,
San Francisco,
San Jose,
San Mateo,
Santa Crux,
Lo Angeles,
San Diego,
1.61 1.51 14.18
34J M 4685
3- 3' 55
1.16 006 7 41
a. 03 t.01 33.10
32H 0.24 30.55
3.38 0.97 339
i&i 0.79 a 1.33
J.19 o.&t 17.97
347 8 i9
3.15 052 958
2.17 024 17.01
ii 0,15 9.31
0.1 1 2.65
Wm. Bell,
Sergt. Sig. Corp, Roseburg,
Evangelirat Coofereaee,
I'lic Evangelical Conference closed at
Corvalll Saturday evening. A strong reso
lution was passtd on Sabbath desecration
and the following on temperance :
RftelvrJ. That we will endeavor, by all
fair and available method, to secure stat-
torv provisions declaring It a misdemean
or to either drink or furnlnh to others In-
toxicating beverages In anyway whatever.
The next conference wlil be held at Al
The member of tho conference were
tatloned at follows for the coming year :
Oregon district C C Polling, P E ; Eatt
Portland, L S FUher 5 Alblna, J L licrsh
ner ; St John and Lacama, II L Pratt ;
Newberg, to De uppueo uayton, j m
Beauchamn t Salem E S Bollinger : In
dependence, to be aupplled s Suvar, 0
Plowman : Kings valley, o wicciroy 5
Corvalll, T M Dick ; Albany, I B FUher;
Columbia, M Burllngame ; Nehalem.J A
Ray itsweet Home, 1 ho A Yot ; L.atay-
ette, F L Locke. Washington '.territory
district J Bowersox, P E ; Brook, J Bow
ertox t Portland, II Schuknecht ; E Port
land, G F R, to be lupplled ; Milwaukee,
11 ltittner : Sea' tie. to be aupplled : Ta-
coma, to be pplled 5 Sprague, A R John-
on ; Spokane f an, tl 1 liouner ; k.oce
ford, to be sttppited.
Nervou lUsorder.
Dr. Flint's Remedy mutt be taken
when excessive or continuous muaoulai
exertion, exciting paaslons, or over
indulgence, atimuiaung iooa or onnic, or
nTvoodlkOrdera bave long continued,
rieecrtntlve treatiie wlib earn Dome tor
address Mack Drug Co. N. Y. '
' . "
Do not wait until to-morrow,, when yoa
feel sick, but take immediately a doe of
Plunder' Oregon Blood -Puriflnr and prevent
a serious attica of sick nest. Iti the best
liver regulator and blood oleanter in exU-
tence. Try it. x..
' Don't fat t examine Mcllwsiu's csrpct
You will fi them from 10 to 15 per eeot
oheaper tha any other place iu town, taking
in consider on tbe quality. '
It jou bave auy job wtrk t A call on O
W. Smith who is urena to do it with
neatnen aod ditpat nd as clieip as any
List your lands snd oity property for sal
at the Willamette Valley Land Aeenoiea Of
floe, io St. Cbarlet Hotel block, Albany, Or.
Sccltz, SouaLTzSt issoanj-r.
Ths WW Lttro) l troup play at The
Dsllo to-night,
Mr B F Tabltr ha gooe into the ral ettate
battueti in this city.
It ii thought wool will start la this season
at 18 to SO osat a pound.
10 tbksts for 25 eeats and double teams 10
oents, are now the rates toreroming tb Port'
land bridge and fsmes.
The Ewnlnf Trmterint U here. It is Re
publioan flstfooted. Tb other dalllei in
A toils are simply indeptndent.
1.. . ri . . .. l .. r ( t. 1 . V, i ,
jkt-KQBncj'viara. m n vnapinao, wil
known to Albany, died at Hlm Saturday
nigui 01 Drignt' aiieste at tne ags 01 Mrty
two ytr.
At the last treating of the II & L Co.. E
D Cusick, K V Wyatt and J U Ouls. wars
elected member of tho Board of Fire !)!-
gates. No. 1 1 and S will lot number
to blrfht.
Ry 8 E Snydrr, of llsUna. Moo.. v
that Mr. Lilll Wait, shot Mr Owsn, who
hat been lecturing ineylit Vsll. I a fraud
6b hab'i ba br yet.
Elsvo ears ofllsnd wvr liunukt near Al
tiny roiuliy ror J.1W mi acre, 1350 mors
thau waa imld for it a nmutli aao. Just ae
our Utr eity boom I Saloro Journal,
Sturm 1 preparing lur a prallmluarv ur-
vy of a mad to Astoria. Tui show outer
prise, ml I tbo proper thing for that olty to
co. vv no a roao ron Astoria irora tb
Valley, though, it will start from Alhaay.
lUin or tniishlu a good boggy i nssdsd
in a sity liko Albany, Titos tarried by tb
wituneii L4WIHO., navoLO superior, and
the price 1 the bottom ouo.jlieosuto thor aro
uo middle men.
Mr MuLtughliu. that tailor, is tnsklaa ar
rangement to leave Aittroy. aod will utob
ably go to tb loo, Csl., to looato. la the
meantime, we understand. Mr W It Graham
mntcmtilatc agsin owning a shoo in tha
The North wot Mining Co. was oreaniaed
at Corvallis Saturday by tb election of di
rector. 1 he object I 10 mine the Wystt
frm near that oity fr coal, ess or oil. or
auytblug ! thwy can Hud. A leudtbl pur
pose eeriaioiy.
Tb despatches tc.Uv tell of Ike drown ¬
ing of Cha U Molisory at Sao FraooUoo.
Moiloory wa in the ioiuranoe business, and
wa wll known in Albany, where be has
been in the interest of the North British In-
uranoa Co, great miny tlm. His father
wa a u r minuter.
W B Socti. of Lane oouatv.
I doing tb
it W Mo, CrAfordsvilU'a Kaaeby, fa
n Albany twlsy
Mrs Dr W II Davi returned from llarric
burg yeeUidty morniug.
Kd Ooio aod Fete Smith, two of Solo'a
olid citisenisr doing Albany to-dy.
Tt K W ItMsiter ,n.l wife, of Halem. are
in the eity visiting Dr ltoitor, of Albany.
Mr II H Coahaw, of Joseph, Has Urn Or,
eo, I to th eity th eut of JuJk Claok-
Mr Adam, of Ila'eev. U in tbe citv mak
ing irrii yemcut to open a hraooh agricul
tural implemeat bojse bore f r a l'ortlaod
A private letter from "Jim" Foster show
him to be ronuiiiB- a tare aaae of mn on th
C F It K between Sacramento and Trockee,
potting down new steel rail, lit htd)ar
ter areAabnra, Cal.
Tb value of a remedy sboold be estuna-
d by it enrattve properties. Aeeori eg to
to this standard. Ayes' tUrsanarill is lb
beet and most economical blood msdioiu in
th market, becaose th most par and 00 o
oeotraUd. i'rir$l. Worth ti a bottle.
T S'.ato Urang-e meets Ic Salem on the
28th instant.
Tbat big train of thrsahir hts reiohcd Al
baoy, a oouple threshers arriyiog to
day for Stewart St Sot. 1
Th lewoat bid no a brio's block to be built
at the corner of Commercial aud Chrmeket
sUec-'s in Kalora waa $34,193
T) I jin county poor farm, oonsittiog of
160 acrv. Ltcated near Kai;ne i to be old
at aootijn jo Thursday,
Several Je(fria men are ia tbe city with
a petitioa for a hnde at Jofforsoo, which
will be prentMl to tb Coooty Com I to
morrow. Col KoUtoa, ebief eotneer of tbo O P
railroad, I v etiaaged in building a
briJh-e cr" toe Iteecbnte river Hitrmty
. Ilarriabarx Is reoriyinK tbo boom tnt is
affecting the Valley yeoeraliy. Tlsree or fonr
new familir have jott looated there, aod a
number new residence are going op.
To day lion R A Irvine peiebaeed of Mr.
Job Fowell hi farm, consisting rf 160 atee,
even mil from thi city, payiag f 04UO for
toe same, or v-to sn sere.
A lars number of U hav been rerv
el for "Diamond Mystery" to be preaeoud
Monday by tho Chioaa-o Comedy Company
1 loose. There will be an imroens house.
Mr Shannon brought in bis first straw
berries to-dy and left them at lirownall ft
Stan ada. F10 looking berrief, aad only 23
cent a box, and cheap at tbat on th start.
Tbe Chicago Comedy Co scored a great
nocee at tb opera bona last vning. Tb
boose was pscked to the door. Tb play
wm "Tbe IMmond Myitery," a straight cot
oomedy Sslcra Xtotmmnm.
"Take the dvrtimnt out, have sold
the animal," ssys an advertiser, an ole aob
eriber having aeon the adv. and anwrd it.
Tb Democrat nearly alwaye atrik tb
oenter aa aa advrtiing mdiam.
The eitmlottioo of W E Hawkins at
Salem for themnrderof J II Ul waa com
pleted yesterday evening. Hawk in wa
hald to await th action of tb grand jury
without bail.
lUoently Ui young ladis of Dnona Vista
formed a hammer brigade, aod repaired th
sidewalks. lo Albany tb young ladi stub
their too gaint naila and well.tber are
not nearly a many nails op as there used to
The Koseborg post flic is the largest dis
tributing otlieelu thaitato. Tbia may aeem
a bold tatement but it ia true nvrtbel.
Tbi oltioe distribute to 33 d liferent office
in the taU, making a large amount of ear
ana wore neonssarv to keen evrrvthina in
wuh. srace,
... ...
lono vooroy. aaea iz. waaataoaiua at me
blaokboard, copj ing figure from it on hi
atlalaa at atrKw.I see Wl..a..l..k I.e. Tkaasdau
"" ,M
wiivi. ihuuhit ioua rvri wm oMra. oa
.x. .. j.-i. . . a a a. i a
of th room, white f ragmeot of hi lat flew
ataa va aa rvw m iiHKSri J1 III wiuoiwu wane
at,on th room, (tnaiog a number of the
obolar. Yonng Conroy waa thrown to tb
floor and the blood purtd in stream from
uu. a pwwvuu.
cap en me ena oi a date pencil aia it.
Mr Risg. Preetdent ef tbe State WOT
U went South to-day.
Mr S W Boies, of San Fraooitoo, i ia tha
oity, tb guest of bi former EasUrn iriand,
rrot j.
MrB r Barcor. of tb BrownivllJ forcl
tare (tore i in th oity end raport Browns-
vine on we upgraae. ,i
Mr John Ueiiandorfer baa iutt returned
from Washington Territory in tbe interest I ball. A fine lunch waa served and a splnn
of the Albany F. & M. Iaiarano Co. did time bad generally. Mr Gillet ha been
In Portland. Th followioe Albany wo-
pie lettered at the Portland hotel en
aay ; ivsiusy, , "eemenoru.
Mr W B Rice left with her little children
Tuesday evening for Qlesdale, and will visit
friends at Halem, Albany, cuaeae and Fort-
land before returniug to Ashland. Tidings.
A farewell party wa given last evenine-
the' residenaa of Mr Hand, ia honor of W
Gillet, wbo leaves in a few days for Sitka,
Alaska, wbiob be propotea making bi home,
Mr Gillet will leave many warm friend be-
hind him in Albany.
Mr MoLanehlin, the tailor, who intend
leaving Albany for Cbioo. Ual.. in'orm
that be resided there once before, and so
does not go among stranger. Maok u a good
ailor, a genial, steady man, -aod Has mad
aaateaas) f i net ai in A IKanO (avIlA tMlilt MtmaktV Maaaa.
ing him leave.
W H Brunk, who has been superintendent gove oranded Uur Uwn. This is a genu
of ths Indian school at the Warm Spring " kd glove. I buy direct from importer
Agenoy for the lat four years, ha coma
Ashland, with his family, with ths intention
of making his home here, he being interested
with H a J-van in tho paint and oil bonnes.
Mr M B Stanford, of Minueapoiii, is
tne city tor me purpose ui orL'auiaiugauuua'
ing and loan association. lie will call
opoo I
onr busiresi and profoisional men to
stock in tbe Guaranty UtL Association
that oity. It working are good, and a
investment few things turpats it.
Albany should oolo'orate the 4lh.
rVbeat, C2oent.
13 eeot thaviug at Vlereck'.
8 tloksti for f 1 at Vierok'i .
Nw dret good at Mollwaiu's.
County Court it In tension thl afwraoau
Coooratlon day will be observed in thi
A toondhnii organ for (! okeai at Mrs
Deputy Atstasor Burk hart I at work at
aessiog tnioity,
S chairs running steady at Visreok's thav
log parlors.
Sid (addle and ladiM riding uuroltigles at
1 nompson Overman . .
Thomtwon t Orsroisa. aasnts fur the great
Dynamite boggy whip.
fickle. 00 oonta a kg at Coon Bro.. an
til the present ajlook is sold.
If you want a good ilvrtl (oytbe.floest
in tb markt, go to Stewart St Sox'.
Both the barometer and white flag r up
to-day aud a oletr up I antloipUd
A floe lint of buggy d us tor and fly nota at
luomptoo c Uvermau s, tb leading names
Mollwaln oan give you the let flttio
ult yon vr wore, at prioe totuit toh am
every one.
An eleatnt line of thk table stiresd. in
nesutiful dtiuu. iutt leoeived at Fortmiller
irviog a.
Mr Jas Conner, so old aod rent oted olti-
can, died in Saottam preoinot a few days ago
at w year of ago.
'Jne real estate tales in Llnn county so far
tbis y rsr have been doub'e tboie for tho cor
responding period of last year.
Money oan't buy bettor boot aud ahoea
than Mollwaln 1 sol line, baoauve bettor
good are not manufactured.
Il will be worth firmer' time to com
around and ace C H Dodd St Co' twine,
while tbjr are looking for twin.
The Ormonlan rather set down on State
Militiss.snd think they would only be nine
ty day mon if it earns t lighting. j
Fir oiar generally tay that thsr L been
-nough rain. No material damage bis yet
been done though, exoept in low place.
Tb vsrietv of 23 eeot hat are going at
10 per eent disoouot at E. ft C, ffnward's as
wll a their othtr milliotry goods.
Th Dynamite boggy wniu Is oolakin liot d
and gut enter loon and warranted to give
eatiefaotiou. Fur aat by Thompson St Oyer
Tbe tin seleotion of window shades in
th eity, jut rteeived at the Albany Furni
toi Company, ooroer Ktrt and Ferry (trset.
Coancilinan Gradwohl waro all tcsm-
ster that there i danger in trvliog on
Lynn street, itii becoud nd Kigbth, on
accotutof er.iw walk being out of repair.
Tb tlirvo nmn who made Bom host I for
awbil )t i-Uy afternoon, paid their fine
this mornibg, Kigbt here it may he re
marked that a man never make an j thing by
resisting a policeman.
A mis is coming thi way IUng th wire
puule already iuuodoeed bre. The tiiok i
to get two bnt wires pit, Tbuy cost
abuat a dollar or two a bushel aud sell for
liveceat a piece.
Tb advsitialug oommitte appointed
by tbe board of trad t meeting
with uoc. About f-"iO0 bv atretdy been
raised, and the amount will probably be
willed to $1000.
Wnen th two men with a bagpipe and
flute resched Sslein tbey were immediately
lobbed fikee. All tb asms yon know whit
yon are paying for when yon drop a oickel
in tbsir bat.
Mr Joba Sebmeer la contemplating th
erectioo of a two story brick just east of hi
stable tbis year. It will occupy tbe plaoe on
wbicb a enople Chinese bouse are now loeat
ed aod wilt oontala two store.
Yotir are cordially iavited to eall and ex
amine oar stock tf wall piper and border, j
We bave a ootnplvte assortment aod would j
be glad to bo w our good. Albany Foruilur
Company, eorner First aad Ferry street.
Tbe regular muntbl) liusin meottisg of
th Y1IUA will be hold in tbe FrebU
nan ebureb chapel, Fiiday evening, May 10,
at 8 a'ol. ex. I. will be to year tuwnst to be
prssent. C D Wood worth, See,
Harry Rcrthooe, ebautpion of the United
Stat, ar.d Frsk I oris, formerly of CVr
vallia, are t run a 73 vard fo-it r-i at 4e
atUe, on May Sfltb. t'iW aside. We'll wa
ger it is a eback affair.
Martin St Co have been woikiog four or
nv teams on the street rsilwsy grade, bo
ginning at tb sooth end of L)an streef,
where the street diverge toward tb depot
It wm b pushed a radidly a poaibl.
Farmer desiring a tin line of plows, har
row, mower aod agricultural implement
geeeiaMy, to lct from, thoold eall 00 the
Mitchell Si Lewi Co, oppoeii Scliaieer's
Uble. They carry 4 fine stock.
Tb Arlington Town Talk U dead died a
naiuraioHia. it wa a iiyaiy, spicy imie
sheet dnnng it oareer aad w bop to see it
reemetlatsd Delor long Kx. The town
didn't talk in th right way probably,
through iU big pocket.
Ex -Sheriff J K Charlton, of SanlUm pre
eioot made tbi offio a eall to-day . "Uncle
Jim believe in opporting tb Democrat,
aod bono otdered it sect to on ot tbe
friend of hi boyhood in Uroeobner county,
W. V.
A new land baa been organized In Albany
with Dave Link, an old Corvalll boy, o!o
tin ooraei ana leader. Uv la a thoreogu
musioian aod will give some of the bov in
our (titer eity some valuable pointer about
toouog a Horn coryalli Times,
An mploye id tb inaane aaylnm waa in
th eity to day looking after patient by
tbe name of Dearborn who escaped last night.
tie waa nearly restored to reason aod waa a!
lowed some libertio.
Dr Dunniog, a member of tbe Internatonal
S S committee, of Boston, will ipeak at th
Congregational church in tfaisoitv on Wednes
day afternoon and evening. May 15, 00 Sun-
day school work. Tbe publio uoordially in
vited to be present,
Advertisement r new. They tell th
reader what i for eale, tbe price, also where
puronaae saooid m made, lne editor aod
eorreapoedanU and telegraph reporter do not
inrnun an tnai I interesting. The tKUllol
adyrtUr, by bi wiy of putting thing and
llin ..:,.-- 1.:. 1. j
nsttl Bsvtiunsr ni a siul inlarMlinit
I a-
Mr Mtbw, aCorvallu man, wbippd bi
1 B B ate... I, .1
i wsi tC4.uie m didn t hr dtnnr rftuv.
i . . . . . sr t
Sb had been tnpportiog tht family by doing
I VaUIlin All IHA faVtMlf fnf ill hasf taArfl Atlil
jUit ot mtlgd to har own- SU(, htA
aim art eud and he waa fined t25. Tb oon.
tamntabU tt. an.u k. hnnnHt f tt..
0jty. Tbr are ioo many men like tbi
i sasinaw arouna.
It Q Smith, of Sisters, left for home to dsv
across in mountains. , -
. . '
O L Blackman went to Halt- to-day
with a couple Hoe organ which be ha old
to partiea mere.
Mr Jama i. k. ;f ...
- I vassintf for "KiaDith' .Iliitorv -of the
I World, a One work.
IUbeoca Dearee. I 0 0 F. save Mr W E
Gillet latt evenins a nublia reaerjtion at th
mMUr 01 ,0o-
- Vr S T Davi arrived ia the citv latt even
log from New York C it. where he haa been
extending a medical eobege, and i tb guest
joiner, ut vy a Uavia. U eontem
k"1"" wauog somewnere iu tn valley.
Ex Sheriff J K Charlton, of Santiam pro
at oiaot,ia In the city. Hi aon, Jsmes, who t
R attending Prince ton. has iut been annointad
0D ot four to deliver orations at the June
emnmwoemenc, tn Highest Honor of the
I Thompson 4 Overmanlkeep the best har-
us nemos,
Kid Glove I Kid ttioves 1 1
j have Jul received a full line of . kid
to ln or na consider thein the
ybiub oi any gioya x ever sola ior tins
price, s button, 3 row of tt'tchlng, $1.50
per pair,
S. E. Young.
iu I
For rand madeharnec goto E. 1. Power
Farmer, if you want the best barneta
hand made, eall onlCL. to
orat omoe. . -
. Golden City, Or May 3, 18S9.
Editor Democrat t
Several of your reader have no doubt
heard of the Burkhatt ledge. It ha been
called up here tha lost ledge, a several par
tie have oent a long time looking for it,
nd have failed to find it and it wa thought
by tome a tnith. Lloyd Magruder, pros
pector, while out hunting last October
came upon a drill and pade leaning
up against a tree and began to Investigate
to see why It wa placed there, when he
cam upon a ledge and supposing tame
lost miner had turned up hi toe or ome
cougar had devoured him, bones and all,
left drill and shovel a a monument for
the unknown. We were talking to him
one day and wanted to know if in hi ram
ble he had ever run aero a drill and
hovel, and how to find It. And the 38th
day of April We left camp just a the sun
wa coming over the mountain, to look
for the lost ledge. We started up what I
known a Dry Gulch, a deep and narrow
canyon for two mile until we reached the
ummlt of a hlgH mountain which divide
Canal creek and the north fork of the
South Santlam. We then took the fall
that lead to the meadow, following that
along the summit for about four mile,
climbing over log and fighting our way
tnrough bushet until we were completely
worn outj but hope (purred u( on and by
ii o'clock found ut In what wa supposed
to be the locality of thl wonderful ledge.
The firt object that we beheld wat a moun
tain of quarts and granite hundreds of feet
high, My partner, after looking around at
the Immense pile, remarked s-inethlng
about lunch, and never wa bread and but
ter and bacon more relished than at that
particular time. The huntrrv do., ih.t
stood begging me for come of my lunch
got nothing but crumb.
We Imagined ourselves Goulds an. 1 1,...
after would ride in private car.. Afr
unch we commenced cllmblmr down th
mountain. One need up here a buckskin
pair of pants etuffed and plated with tccl
plate to Insure softness In going down
some of these canyons. We found the place
without much trouble and when my part
ner sighted the rich yellow carbonite he
shouted that It was King Solomon's mines.
11 looks ! ie a regular bonanza. The vein
I about five feet wide and is called bv Ma.
grudcr yellow carbonatlc, the richest and
nignew silver ore to be found.
There I tome talk of a ouarit milt tulnr
put In here thl summer, and there are sev
eral Portland capitalist Interested in the
mine here, and no doubt but It will be
done . There will be several Portland men
up here just a soon a the weather settlet
to ee about it. Smith will
placing the toll road in order right away so
teams can get In here. There is at good
protpect here for mlnr a there I In the
country. Lloyd Magruder ha commenced
work on several of hi ledge and just a
soon as the weather wilt nermlt numU
f men wl!l be placed upon hi different
location. i,ioyo uogruder ha just re
turned from Portland wnere he took down
ome ore, and ore from hi Golden Fleece
mine shows a surface rock efoht and a half
dollar, and down five feet In the ledge five
hundred and thlrtv-flve doltara, to the ton,
the ledge I eight feet wide and the vein is
two and one-half feet.
And now we are to have a iir i.nV at
thi place.
Mr LeBare. of Mehama. has antd tU
farm and will purchase on the Linn Co
ldc, so we learn.
lack Canficld. formerly with SrarU A-
Deane, passed un the road Prlda in ik
front. '
R Burtch, one of the Narrow Gaurre
narrow escape I conductors, has keen rus
ticating at Mill City for the last few day.
A pecui, wlih Walil Nah and Supt
Bowen. went a far a Mill City Thursday,
iiuiiuiij; 1 rum mere.
Bv coming in contact with another
man face, one of our resident now car
rlc hi hand with a few broken bone in a
The aw mill of Meyer & Biatt, one and
a half miles east of here started up Mon
day last. Lumber shipments will soon be
gin to Albany, Munkrrs and other place.
For a man with tbe smallest principle, or
none at all, we think thi section takes the
cake, but just who It is we are unable to
ay. Last Tucday night after the picnic,
the party went to the ground and cut the
awinjr rope ane carried them away. .A. lit
tic ur should be presented to such individ
Tangent tt not suite dead yet. there
not an empty aouse in town.
Albert Bryan told hit farm at Taneent
for $50 per acre and paid $4c, per acre for
100 acre aouut IJ4 mile from thi place,
We have a rood school here taught li
Prof Rob.
Warren Hulburt Is doing well In the
meat market. lie la alto running a beef
wagon betides.
Tangent was well sunnlled with tramna
Latt f rlday night there wat net lets than
seven in an empty box car waiting for the
night train. They aay they can't make a
living in Oregon ; but it Is their own fault,
for I know of plenty of men that started
with nothing, but a good honest resolution
and a determination to let whiskey alone.
Here 1 Johnny Canavan : been amour ua
or year, ana na saved money enough to
auy a larm ot 115 acre, paying nearly
$4,000 for It, besides being at death door
at limea with breaka and bruises that coat
him a large amount of money- and lott
time ; but pent no manev for whiskev.
I He has tone on a now to his old home
1. v- vr . , -
I -linjn l .V.. . ji i
.......... , ....p, . .wmiiE nti,
ha vcubsrk. well, th riri that i.h
Johnny on her hook ha caught methlng
a 1 a 0
1 worm ner wnue
Mr, Bmc U
thlpping considerable
wheat from Tangent warehouse,
Prof Slbblttt hat not moved
away yet
and we hope he hat given up
mo vlng
Sheriff's Sale.
a tit Circuit Court 0 fA Slate 0 Oregon
or iam uoutujf.
Lucy M. Ruiisll, Plaiotift
A. S. Eaasett and Mary E. Deaaett, bi
wife, M. A. Porter and Gee. A. Hill. De
fendant. ,
NOTICE ia hereby given tbat by virtue of
aa execution and order of aal inued out of
the aboye named Court in the above entitledf
ult, I will on
latarday the llth day ef May, ISSt,
tt the Court House door ia the oity of Al
bany. Linn county. Oregon, ai tbe hour ot
one o'oock p. m. of said day, sell at publio
tnotionfnroa i ban to tb btgbeas bid
der b real progeny described ia laid x
cutlon and order of aal aa follows, to-wit
Becinnino one and on half (li) redi loath ol
the northwest eornor of Section thirty-one
131) in Township thirteen (13) onth rang
three (3), west of the Willamette meridian,
rannins thence south seventy-eight and one-
half (784) rods; thence east-thirty-thre and
one half (33J1 rod ! thence north seventy
oht and one-ball US) roaai tnence
wett thirty three and one-half (33 J) rod to
the place or beginning, ooo seining tums sun
72.inft tlfi 72-1001 acres, more or lee and
itneteA in Linn oouoty. State of Oregon.
The nrooeeda anting from the aate of
premise, to 0 appiiea: xirss ro ut payment witn ttar Mx black points.
Of tlieoollS ana auuuneaienu 01 suit sun
J27.35 and acorning coat, beoond to the pay
ment to the I'laintin, jjucy 01. .unseen, me
sum of $412.20, with too ruins interest there
on from the 12th day of March, 18S9. Third,
the oyorplna if any remain, to be paid to the
Defendant, A. S. Uaatett.
Pated tbi 9th day of April, 1869.
John Smallmoh, '
- Sheriffs
Nw good at W f Read'.
F. M. French fcep nilrnait tmjp.
Brio In boot and shoe at JLc,ii
Frb garJ;n aodraseedt Sr rl A
00a - - ,
A full l:r.V ChiiJrMi' bath tnhn at 0. W
o nuio . '
e r. wailc, nlcf wl Snrte-i. A!
osuy, wrj
For a Stsrlinir or K;nmnn ti .
L Black man.
O. W. Smith has the largset tockfcf or
kttle in Albany. , 8
0 L Black man is agent f&r the Weber
piano. , a one better.
Six have for a dfFllar and a clean towel to
very rnwonvsr, at Tuo. Jonen.
y. ... . . .
i, vv, smith ffiva th .t.;i ...... ,1.4
iron ware win. -ta ud ceoU ttovra.
, - U.KIV'.U
A (Oil SlSUI t.'llSlit of br&M bntt.taa
o igcteen gwijita at . av . Smith'.
, . ? yoor t,cM, throag!i ti th East of
w 1. cor aod av Ure to r.irtland.
I have reduced price on all heavy wear
in booU aod hcc. Call early at W V
nean a.
Th Weatorn Cottage and Packard are two
Jtb''et organ made.. O h Blaek nan
ii tnm,
Call en O. W. Smith and get oo offtho
Missouri Btcsro Washer warrar.twl to do a
reooromeuiWd. - '
A (Id line of all kind of forfeiture, plain
and upholrtercd, be itock in tbi tart of
wiiM, et 1 living.
If you went a oUsau and fine tmoke k for
J. Jowpb'e home msrfe hiter labor cigar
For sale bv most cigar dealer and at bis
tfoaepiis lactory.
J A ArolUbiU, mhS Sin-jr Maaufaetur
ingOo., opi.ii Oil FsIo v Tainnle. Al
Dr Wrixbttman'e Sovereign Balm oi Life,
for diseases ptcullar to women, at Deyoe Si
Itobeoo' nd Brow cell at SUoard'i, P J
Bsltimor, agent.
WAMTJSU. A girl want n p'aoe 1 1 a
Private family to work. Address
C. B. Dkmo:at tifflce.
WANTED.-A good girl to do general
housework in a small family In tt
rermanent piac, Call a'.tb
T RICK, BUICIC Tbe onderslgned are
IJ uow prepared to aupplv air with
brick of the, fint. onalllv m,.A l ,,.11 r.m
large quantities. Call early.
MOHOtJt at 1-1 IS ST,
Albany, Or.
70i8 WANTEDS want 49 doieo
m J mines Kbeaaant egg to and Kaet.
1 tey muat bo reeb, out bavins; beoo set
on. W ill pay f 20 per dozen.
J. 11, BCkEKART.
NOTICEL Where, my wile, Lydia
K MeKlnney, ha loft my tod end
board without just cause or provocation,
tbla Is to warn the pcblie against trowing
bar on my aoconnt a 1 shall pay do
debt of ber oontractlne.
. .. V. MoSiRssr.
yOre-gon. April 2nd,
A. a J v T 1. Wlllii 1 w JJ v f vawJt"-
Micthell & Lewis Co.,
-Dealers in
Agricaltaral Impiements
1 n . k v 4r ,r "sv '
anS Vehicles
A full Iiaic4iT!l at n biansh houw Cr. 2nd aod Eliawoxth, S a.
I ONECO, 8461. RECORD, 2:29"34. flnnt- tf onrl
uicguu a uicat' jv cuu,
Record of 250 3-4 first season after four
y eas retirement, s performance never
before equalled by any horse on
the North Pacific Coast,
Will bo at Albany.Tuesday and Tburadaym at the McKnlM fArm.WednMaays: at
Saturn, FridayHaturday and ilonday.gomg
nd allowed to nerve a limited number of
Z'IT TeilA son
, wva.l ww in nth liner. I lam.
1 - . ,'.,- 1 r. n tha mnte of Oneco'a performmco tho past twa-
r"L - a .r.ttn ih. .t
memory of all horsemen ; but would remind them again that ho waa tho esDsationa!
imii.r ivntn aa a 2 and S Tear old. lowering
th ltnrarlal nnroleof Juvenile King of
t . ... r ' , ! j u.1.1. ..j kuk
failing courage, indomitable willnd high
. . . . . . . .
and nia present recora as y no ou -t i- ,,-
and under tco moat adyewe clroum stance. At three year old he sired 6 celts ia all.
Throe ortboao were trained at two year old. At the end of 60 days work, brpabm
and training, any of thorn could shoyaS minute gait. Forfeit was paid 2 of them
la match raosa ai Albany, and later on one proved tbo winnsr of Inland x.rapiro
,Ukes at Tha Dallea for 2 year old, and th following won the 3 year ol I
raoa at Soatt 8. These aro ait tnat nave oeon btos . yT 1 j "
fh. .nm t i-vton. a ctlanoa at Oneoo'a pedigree wlil with a fair considers
,te "of hu performanoea eunvlnoe tho
at I he inherits hU great opood and unaiaching
old roootd 1:12. by Altamont, 2:28. Dtra, Meglo
m k t . rn.miii ni Tnitanandanne. Txrms. 133.00 to insure.
toWaBDEvBRKTr.-Full brother to Kitty Won, record 2:41 win accompany
nrL inrm. tl-LOOtolniure. No llabttitlea assamed for aoclde-nU, Wul take pleaa-
ure In showing tbo homes any day, except Sunday. For extended predigrw
farther particular address.
. Albany or Corvallis.
IITMAH, 10369,
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
will bo at our ai m Mondaya.Wednesdaya and Tbuwdayg; at Johnson's 8t?W?0"',
Us, Tuesdays ; Fridays and Satnrdays at Ans. Marshall's bJe.A bany.MunomR .t
v;VloAliu.y20th.9,brod bv-.y Beaoh. Vanoouyer T. U .
with atar ana biacat points, is good size ana siy usu. " f "'7 " ri .
roord2;26,elroof'Almonette, 2:293i ; Oneoo. 2:29 ;
Slpleon, 2:32KS Alts, ; Lady Beaoh, 2:33 j fc'ilul-h
years old, 2:35 , Zelophone, S!??! ?3 Vau' S
year old, KilXi A ta, a year oia, jbo
br Almont, sire or weBtraouc, z:is ; runmn, s:iu, U"J "'l"Di'w"'ft-;,;v: , w
vy """", "vy" ,., ',u...i.ih. o-m TJ also haa 110 with record
mont,ffiw , aia.aa,
below 8.00 minutes ne B88 s sons mas uavoBjroi. "7j "., 7lnnhnn.,
dam Is Bell Prion tho dam of Oneoo 2.29K ; Pncemount, 3 years lV,
2:27 3 Prloemont baa the fastest 3 year old record for an Oregon bd stallion by . ,
aemndsi Bell Price by Doble, 6 year old roconl 2:28, son Krecsson 4 years lold .recora,
ffifbo sfredFBTrel&; Lblo, 2:28 lielle,' 281 i Krio . U;
2:28; LulaF, SS9 and also rtred tho grand dim of Fhallas, 2:13, tto king or si
stSllous, Multnomah was selected from all cf Altamont's colta as being the best ; a 1
tho Ume, tho most critical can not find a fault with, his pedigree or indivwul quah.
He will make a very handsome horse and a trotter certain. For further iua
and oxtenood pedigree, address tho owner. Terms: Seasons f 30; insurance, .
. ' Shodds, Linn ootiuty, Oregon.
raio KXi !U. no k.- a v. .
M. A fcoti )iiHiiii, )r'.'-n 1.1
luontha. in firitr.lam Wiii'i.voii.
l-od for five y"r-, wliKi (. v 1
tliacKO fr l'it or li,t.i in n ,.:.
fjnlm lit the rei'tenco of It. vv. t
Mr.s, a. 15. Math-
1849.--1 S8-Tbo diiy o f ' i.) fir,
nod a new era ha wn, '',' :
ktep up with tlm train and hf:ni n
nrwtt reduction in prices at the A;
halli and "Jbavlnn Parlnrw. Kbavinj? i
or 8 ttckftl for tl. Bitha 25 eta, or 5 i
rls for $1. Children' hair cut, 13 i
llalrcuulDg K cnta Hair or wbi
riyeing a specialty, Ttair oil nr.ij '
cam lor aalo. Haitora hnued for 25 en
Jon, W gBfsr.s;,
I- 08T.ln tbla city, a largo
J velop ooniaioJng lict of
name 0
well worn lumber bill.
Suitable rev.
for return to thl office ,
W.XTED.afiO eorda of maple timij
to b ned for mannfstnririst eh-'
For particulars Inaniro ofO. A, Arohiln f
at nllio 01 tho Faridsrs)' Warehouse, A s
bany, Uregvu. t
. ; t
IJlO1. Sme f:n Jery Roil forn-
atllanloce Flnert olai In mrX-i
Call 01 or a J lies M ; J jnics, a-. Ti 1 i
iat, Or., and gt the bjt 10 ba h4, j
IOOOHSI ACRE4. 100 ver of fi
tanning or fruft land. 4 tnih went ,
Albany, for only t&" an acre. Wl ) I
SOacrcaifdftairoJ, Mne!y lofljlo;! ( j
cn Coor Turner on Corvalll ro3 !,' j
MOXUrr TO LOAN.-Jd acms to sr!
on Improved mty or conntrr r r(
"T a row ran. m loioreat, nor lurtij-
information aiJdres.
K O. Kortox A Co.,
Eeat Portland, Ot.
certify tbat tbe copartnership br
lofure esixling between Cbaa. Metrr a:,
J, J. Dorrls, doing hmdnea under tl
nrm, naire and style of Ch i. Mtz;vr ,
Co, U diolvfl by matual cor.
"lit, J.J, Dorn retiring from tbo Lie
ncni. ChM.MeizgerwiU collect all tnor.r
due the firm and pay all debta of t;
Dated at Allany tbla 2nd day of it?
1880. Cha. M77jEf,
J, J. Dobejs.
The inn port rl Froncb Cnwb Stailiort
V'iodU-tator, will uaka thoevou cf
at th tollowioff place: Brownsville i
Mondays and J cendaya ; Ha!ay, I
nelaya and Thnreuay Lebanon, I t
day and fatardaya. Here lean oi-fo
tunity fortbo farmer of Llnn county i
get tha service of tho only French coa
borve evt-r bronabt t Orepon, V.o v?a
imtrted from Franc by Tbeo. ekillnuti
and by biin brought to tbla fetale, Tb
French costch norso has Men tttrstSn
great attention tt.rotitrboct the Atr;i
MUtoa tbe nsustfxw year and ore beiuH
Imported from France in great nomb""- j
Vindicitor la a fine repreaentatlyn cf thi
famous breed of bora, n'.anding I' I a
hand high and 1600 lb. H--t
baa taken premtunr.i over Cleayland h?
wherever shown. Thle stallion repremri(4
tbe general purpose now no mocti neeWl
barn lie will be allowed mare oi f
to insure a mare in foal. Keep your ty ;
on'hU dates. i
Mcksiobt Baor Frop'e.
W. C. WKeTLiKK, Agent. I
Unmpct. P.nfn'hnr5P TTl&ll
ny way oiwsuarwo .
mare. Oneco ww siredby AlUmoc;,
nfriia rnw uv uuito,hijj.h ivn j
of Erieaon. i 4 year old record 2:30!,', fttat-
Hatorminad combinations which shrewd me:
il tn defeat him. are still fre?h in ii .-
in turn Dotn racoraa ana sous assuming
the Northwest, Hi bull. dog tenacity, new
.,, . , ,
strung temperament will not brook defeat,
-.r Kin ' . U IM1A In tnA fll ! 1
most prejudioart that h win transmit a
gamene. ;i erms, do.
Arnold, 2:35,
ana "" r' Vifiv . Kid""
:Z"r'ao.itnT.,r. Multnoin'ti