uiic d emocrat I h present number of enlisted a en in the nay 118500, CommoJurt Schley thinks thM 700a additions! will 1 rjulreJ to equip the vesscli slrrsdjr suthori'H t.y congress. A larger combtnstuHt of sttel manufacturers than h ever before been known hat been formed la Chicago. Of roitrse it will want to be well "protected." . The considerate farmer voted sgsinst Cleve land an I fire juic, and for Harrison and a so per cent, nrototive duly, behind which th trust army itself. l-l -ggg The feeling among the pejl that Is being provoked by thus and other exaiperating ring is likeiy to finally resuit in something more summarily efficient than the spasmodic boycotts projected by the farmers and planters for the time being. The fat-ftying business goes right along, last year it was the protected manufacturer who was held over the fir till he exuded fat into tbc contribution plate of Brother Wana. maker. This spring it is the protected laborer who is over the coals. The real southern question is how the negro can make an honeat living and get an educa tion! and this, as every sensible person knows, is no question at all at least, it is a question that is rapidly settling it self without the aid of politics and politicians. It is said that the Lord loveth a liberal gver His servant. Colonel Clarkson, is giving the elect an average of aoo fourth class postmasters per day, am letting as many rascals' go to make room for them. Texas has by far the greatest educational re sources of any state in the Union. The inter, est bearing funds of the common schools and the University of Texas amount to over $KV 000,000, and the 80,000,000 acres of unsold land will, within the next two decades swell aVis amount to $100,000,000. Indiana miners have been luxuriating upon the sweets of protection (half-time tor several weeks,)and by way of change will inaugurate a strike next Tuesday, in which S,ooo persons are expected to engage. This step will be taken in opposition to a reduction of 10 per cent. Let's see. Wasn't it the miners who last fall carried that long streamer on which was inac-ib-ed: "Harrison and Morton; Protection to Amerian Labot?" One of the most remarkable buildings in the country is the new Auditorium in Chicago. The main audience room con tains five thousand seats, the tier of galler ies reaching up to the seventh story of the building. The organ for this room is said to have cost fifty thousand dollars. The main building is ten stories high and the tower two hundred and forty feet In nelgSt The hotel connected with the building will contain four hundred rooms. Besides this there are nine floors of rooms for business offices. Built as It Is of gran ite, the entire structure presents a most Impressive aspect, fit for the parliament of n empire. 1 he Ortgoman is consistent and persistent in one thing, if in nothing else, and that is in its deep-seated purpose to slander every promin ent democrat after his death. Ghoul like iu editor watches the field of the living until the reaper, death, cuts down some prominent dem ocrat when he smacks his lips and chuckles with demoniac glee as if to say here is food to satiate my desire to slander and abuse. When the defenseless dead is placed under the sod, then it is that this ghoul begins his work, Happily most neople know him as a man with a very nasty, dirty tongue. His recent attack only lowers him in the estimation of all decent on Samuel J Tilden truthful people. Y-l - ok enormous proportions to wbicn Uie in suraoce has grown receive a stiiking illustration in tne figures given by D radii rttf t. from the report of the New York state surperintendent of insurance for the last year. These figures show increases in the surplus of the life insur ance companies and in the amount of insurance in farce. The assets of the 29 life insurance compaaies amounted to $641,747,870 in 18S8, as agsinst $395,689,478- Their liabilities amounted to $562,390,843 w 188S, as against 53.a5'.8ta in the preceding year. Their surplus amounted to $97,357,028 in 1888, against $72,427,666 in the preceding yea', and the insurance in farce amounted to $2,861,577- 128, as against $2,474,507,120. 1J4 THERE A TWIXK TRrsT t For the last three months the news papers of the country ,(rom north to south, from east to west, have been talking about a "twine trust." No one seemed to have any djuhts that such a trust existed. No one arose up to deny it. Prices of twine arose higher than ever before. At length the farmers of the Northwest, farmers alliances, granges and other organizations of that class who are most Injuriously Af fected bjr the "trust," began to hold public meetings to discuss retaliatory measures. Many of these bodies resolved not to buy twine of the "trust," but, if necessary, they would go back to the old way ot harvest ing, in order to break the' "trust." The "twine trust" became alarmed and began to fear that they' had an elephant on their hands.and that something should be done to allay the Indignation ot the farmers. To that end they get up and asseverate In the most solemn manner that there Is no twine trust that the advance in price is owing to Increase in demand, shortage in supply, the existence ot a heavy tariff duty both upon twine and the raw material out ot which it is used, etc. Two facts seem well settled first, that there is twine trust and that they are alarmsdat the attitude ot farmer In Minnesota, WIscenidn.Dake ta and the Northwest generally. The Na tional Cordage Company began a early as last October to buy up all the twine as wel as raw material that they could get hold of claiming that they were moving In the in terest ot cheap twine. The present high prices show in how good faith they were acting. As bearing upon this point it is proper again to refer to the inst'ei ol put tlngmanila and sisal hemp on the free list, upon the former et which Is duty ot $15 per ton and upon the latter a duty of $1$ per tonu These two grasses are the raw material out of which twine Is made. The removal ot the duty from tbese two arti cles does not involve the question of "pro tection" to which some men are wedded, for neither Is grown In this country, hence there Is no home Industry as to these pro ducts to protect. Neither need the tarlft- for-revenue man be alarmed aa the treasury L already overflowing with revenue. There la no more good sense in having a duty on these articles than there Is on coffee and tea, neither ot which Is a proiuct of the United States. The duty on twine and the grasses from which it is made is a tax, pure, simple and Inexcusable upon the farmer without any beneficial return what ever. If these high duties were removed Russia hemp twine could be Imported, which would make a competition In trade that would at once break down the "twine trust," Farmer in their meetings every where should make a loud demand for legislation by Congress putting twine and the grasses out of which It is made on the tree list. Tkty tkemithn cm biamablt lit burd'.n thi trust it a imfefimf am tktm. The American Newspaper Reporter for 1889, just published, states that there are no less than 17,707 periodicals In the Unl ted States and Canada with a single issue circulation of 34,799,500 copies, which amounts to an annual circulation ot dailies, weeklies and monthlies ot 2,959,556,500 copies. General Clinton B Flsk, the late prohi bition candidate (or PrcslJent.emphalically denies the rumor that lie intend to leave the prohibitionists and join the republican party. He claims that the prohibition party was never in belter condition than now. 1 be king of Siam is supposed to own the people, and each man in the realm has to serve for three, six or nine months as a servant of the government. At a certain time of the year the entire population is marked off to particular noblemen or government masters. These masters are required to furnish workmen for the government and the men under them must obey. All kinds of work are demanded. Some men are required to give all their time to the govern ment, and ia this case they get nominal salar. ies. Those who give half their time work for the king 15 days and then have 15 dsys off. The three months subjects get no pay,and dur fag the time tliey are in Bangkok they have to find themselves food and lodging. This work practically enslaves the whole population of males and slavery is common in Siam. CUB RENT COMMENT. It begins to appear, however.tbat while each sneml er of the "protected ' class earnestly de sires that part of the tariff maintained which protects him, each quite as earnestly wishes to secure all the free trade be can possibly get in those things which ht imports. Mr. Wanamak tf, whose Zeal for protection in general was as fervid as is his devotion to what he calls "our Bethany life," even invoked the aid of the courts to enable hiin to import silk ribbons, not as "manufactures of silk" under a high duty, but as "hat trimmings", under a low duty,. a thing which all the silk manufacturers declarc to be as destructive to their industry as the rankest free trade could be. And now certain woollen manufacturers who helped to raise the cry of "free trade" when it was pro posed to put wool upon the free list by way of Stimulating wolltn manufacturers in this county, and freeing the people from taxes upon their clothes, are trying by surreptitious "rulings" to get a considerable measure of free trade in raw materials for their own benefit. Bl'SY MANHATTAN ISLAND. It Is doubtful If there is a busier spot in the world of the same size than Manhattan Island. With the year ending with 8ep tern ber the elevated railroads of New York city carried more than 170,800,000 passen ger. And that is a passenger traflic only four and a half million less than the whole traffic of the German empire for ihc same time, with its 18,000 mile of roads t In Frinc?, where there is more travel, the record 18205,273,340 passenger carried over her 20,144 mile of road, which is about 15 per cent more than wen, up and down In New York and wandered to and fro In it during the same time. In this country during the same time there were carried 438,335,513 passengers over the 149.91 J miles of road ; but In tbj were in eluded the 170,000200 of New York's in tramural record. So it appears that this traffic was about 40 per cent of the traffic of the whole country ,and it was carried en 33, miles of track. The announcement I made that Senator Payne, of Ohio, will not be a candidate for re-election. He told a Washington corre pondent the other day that he wns eighty year of age and had no desire to remain longer in public service. Is not Mr Payne setting a bad example to Ohio met gener ally t It st. ikes us that he Is somewliat premature. Or C E Simmons, who is trying to se cure $143,350 from the executor for med ical advice to the late Samuel J Tilden, figures up the sum by charging $50 a vUlt for 2200 visits and $50 a day for holding himself in readiness to devote hi exclu sive attention to Mr Tilden. It Is a mag. nificentbill of Its kind. The most influential American at the Japanese court.it is asserted.ls Henry Den- nison, a young New Englander of about 35, who acts as the foreign adviser of the state department at Tokio, and to whom the "-i'tado ha given a fine house and COur. isnk. A 3 :-Tk. : Waixa Wai.i a, V T,, May o. o. w. Hunt h about to subuiil tl,e Mlowiug piuposi tionsi Return all the sui-si.ly heietefor advan ced by the people of this county, and then bond the county in the sum of Ijmj.ooo for thirty years, for which he will build a road from Here to the Grand Roiule valley direct. Also the contemplated lines to Waitsburg and Dayton. Also on from I'rescott, The proposition meets the hearty approval of prominent and wealthy dtir.ens throughout the county. A meeting will b held to-night in tht interest of the new proposition. A flad t Callfiirnlu, SHAWNKK,,Wi., May 6. The slne conch betwecu Pulsifer and Linwood w,i hel l up by a masked msn Saturday afternoon, and tit mail pouches were carried off una rilled. They contained but UUIp. The two passengers were terrified and dared not interfere. Similar at tempts a few weeks ago failwl. A I'rotulumt Mmi. McMiNNvat.lt, Or., My 6. Asa II Hod ton, a prominent hard am ucaLr af thi city, died suddenly In his store thi afternoon of heart disesse, while wailing on & customer. On to U C. Seatth, WT May' 6. The represent, lives of the Eeastcm syndicates, who have been examining the Bellinghtm Bay railroad, have reported favorably on the road and it manage ment. This insures the loan of $335,000, which will complete the rosd from Seattle to New Westminister, a distance of 148 miles. This will give Seattle connection with the Canadian i'acilic as soon ss the road can be built. It is thought it will U finished in a little more than a year. Crops Injured San Francisco, My 6. heavy rain, fall of the last few dsys is a nuuer ofcongrstu. lation in some parts of ti e stmc, but consider able damage has been done to the grain and fruit crops. In the Sacrsnwu; vulley a con siderahle Quantity of seed grv i: been injured and what has been cut has twr n u.tcrly det troy cd. Samoa. Loniion, My 6. It ls;s: ' thst'Oermany will consent that Mulictoa ? .ilnstnted as kingof.Samos, provided tl.c united States government purchsse the Grim plantations or guarantees payment IftheS-Muonns purchase them. Germany will fuither yive her de mand for the punishment of MuUafa, if the re latives of the Germans who were slaiu arc amply compensated. Gcrmsny will nut claim political preponderance. . A Hampls. Chicago, May 5. William Tansor, in a fit of insane frenzy, jumped out of bed this ruo.n ing, brained his six month old bby, attenpted to murder hi wife and then cut hi own throat with a table Itnie, The wife h-t iumjxd irora the bed when her husband atoc, and, diviuing his purpose, sh tried to save tU infant, but he caught it up and beat out its hr-tins against the wait. Then seising a knife tHe maniac drove the woman fiom the house. The police, when summoned, found him in the room pacing up and down and singing a lullaby to the corpse of the infant which he held in his arm. A WakhlagtoN flnb, ' Nv Yot K.May 5. A new national patrio ic club was organised last night. It is to be known as the George Washington Club, and it constitution provides: Every msn, woman and child who subscribes to the doctrine of patriotism may become member." letter of encouragement were received from ex -President Cleveland, Senator Evarts, Senator Ulair, John G Whittler, George William Curts and others, tiro ward. San Fancisco, May 5. Charle I) Mc- nenry, assist sn! manager of Roll U Watt's insurance agency, this city, was drowned estly this morning. While going on Iiosrd the stesnt er South Coast with the captain of the steamer Mclienry's hat blew off. In attempting to re cover it be fell into the watei wnd drowned before assistance couid wS Sun. He wss 32 year of sge and leaves d i. .Iicr.mother and sister ia Orange, Lo Angclc county. ttoia la California. San FeANCt!ico, May 5. nin wss ciuite general throughout the stale t-uy. Reports received here to night indicate that in genera the rain has been much bentH to grain, esperi atlv to that which was sown late. The rain may cause some early gram to 'jje, and will be injurious to hay that is now in the held. A Snow t4r4i. Tai'CKEE, CsL, May 5. It hnsbeen snow ing constantly since yesterday afctneou. Two feet has fallen at Trucked on J three st the Summit. a-.Vv .. -r" "y- i . GimS.II.DQDDj mm en - 1 Wl 3 iTUulj tuSl 8 Liu VIED BiruElS, I PORTLAND. - OREGON. WHOLtSALK DCALCRA IN Hardware, Mill, Steel aM Farm laclery. SOLE ACCNTS FOR WASHIHCTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Toes Machines are too well knows to netd eommsnt. Thousand of farmer have used thsm and epoak of them with praise. They are tho only Harvesting Machines that will give IHTmB BATISFACriON to the purchaser. , MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, The most EiTsotlv and Cuoeossfui Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever constructed. buckeye mn mm twine-binders. HH r.sturs that tt.tluxiit.hrs this Twin Hinder I lit I.UfhtmxM at tXralt, ramhlnnl with ill CstntinUuary Ntrantth and txitml.Mltr. Th Hinder Is ot tha Al.i.l. hy inUWrn, tli only wily snnnwlul on. yl known. V hsv. two stvl!), Ih Kl.vatur lllmlur and lit. rtntlurui Inixlcr both tsmllwit - IkiIIi tveomUMHidnl by humlrwU iA psmra. Deero Plows. Doer Sulky Plows, I Carriages, Photons, Top Buggios, SBHUTTLER PARI WAGONS DUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRINQ MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCWE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, CORBIN DISC HARROWS. HODQES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE. ""SEND FOR CIRCULARS. IS. 'lhrivlljIVIivrmiyiM .A-lbtiny, Or. BROWNSVILLE. 0. p. cosiiow & sons, Real Estate and Insaranca Agents. Heal eat ate mi l Olleallon and NnUrUI bualawsHltemltd to. City Heat Market. SEILTZ EROS,, Proprietors. Keep n full I loa of .neat t( all kinds, lit a cool ln, (juinplaUly pro tected; anil sUway freorj. Also hay eonstantlr rn banJ anliitou and othrr llh. l'ur ltiuwn Inborn eccs at t'l ptr Mti tM. 'f tie Letthors ara tne nrvs rgg producers tii.ar raised, Ail!rr, K. C. Ifcffman, I". W. box .T7H. AJUany. Vt.. or call at rrsuUac on rd Strvet betwsen ilont -mtry snd luilroad Sirst. 1. s. iiiitu. l. c, jos0M, j. mstcss, a. sirx.tns WIHQSLL, J0H5S03 & CO,, REAL ESTATE DEALERS AND MONEY BROKERS. ant ail STo'.arlal xrork KeaUte, Wahlngin. rfitiveranolni( promptly done. T, U. hot, UO. Executrix Notico, Noilr I heteby lilven tiiat the c Bder algntwi I hnon by ibe County Vcvjl tor Dr. M. H. ElJii All any, Oregon, eountrr. f'!l Br' ..d ie ruri.-ei-n iltv 1.1 A Hew Groceiy Discovered AT Kiiwr t A , 1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Taran- Klcrtion. Tacoma, May 7. The city election came off to day, and the dewK-rats hsve elected S A Wheel wright mayor Ly about 150 majority. The cou--ts in tltc Kcood and Third wards are ! progressing very slowly, but so far indicate the I election of Charles T Ublman, rep., for coun cilman over Louis E Post, democrat, by a good majority in the second ws.d. In the third ward M Doagon, democrat, is elected over I B Cromwell.republican, by a considerable major ity. In tbc first ward there is a tie for coua- ctlnaan, between Conway, republican, and John vr t- . - , . . i. r uuer, ex cnici police, democrat. John Horsfall, democrat, is re-elected by a Lsrse majority for councilman ever Baker, republi can. So far the count indicate the election of the remainder of the republican ticket: W II Snell, city attorney; T C Armstrong, treasurer; C O Bean, surveyor, snd J P Hodgins, street commissioner. XomlaalioBs. Washington, May 7. The president made the following appointments to-day. A L Thomas, of Salt Lake City, coventor of Utah. Ellsworth Daggctt.of Utah, surveyor general. Perrv Tohnson. of Idaho. repistM- of .a hn,l office t Blackfoot, Idaho. - William 11 Danietson, Idaho, reccivr of moneys at Blackfoot, Idaho. Joseph F Bennett, of New Mexico, scent for the Indians of the Mcscalero agency,New Mexi co. The president this evening appointed Frank W Palmer, of Illinois, to be pulilic printer, and Theodore Roosevelt, of New York, and Hugh S Thompson, of Soudi Carolina, to be civil service commissioaers. , ' 1W Wr atl-rr. Sam FaANCisco, May "7. Trouble from landslides is feared by the Soutliern Pacific Company along the Shasta division, where rain was falling heavily to day. Some small slides occurred, and the loosening of the ground ha been so general in tlie cuts that much damage is threatened. Snow has fallen to a depth of two feet on the Siskiyou range. The Southern I'acilic reported to day that four and a half feet of snow hsd fallen at the sttmmit of the Central Pacific railroad, and that it wns still snowing. A Big Storm. St. Paul, Msy 7 It had been blowing hard all day yesterday and last night in the Northwest, The wind to-day increased to 1 gale snd considerable damage was done. At Fargo, Dak., some buildings were blown down. Reports are coming in from the coun try of dsmage lo building and crops. At Buffalo, in this county, the storm reached i's greatest severity, wbest in many places being blown out of the ground by the wind. In other places it v buried so deep that it will never come up. Take roosoMilos, New Orleans, May 7. The Timet Demo, craft Lafayette special says; Four hundred armed men, under General Alexander Declautte of St. Martin's parish, rode into Lafayette this morning, took possession of the town, and de manded the resignation of a negro justice of the peace and negro contstables. The latter had disappeared, but .he former complied with their demand. Strong's ot'l corner. st. f,'s. . full lit... J' FRESH CROCEfS, CAftKED UJGDS, DRIED FRUITS, ETC. Quiok aale an I amall i.rirtt." "Live sua let live," Is oar motvi, l".ta rati ant dxsmlna r.ur f u.l t -t price, 4 'tisfsctlon guaiatiteod. Produce Taken In Exchange, Very llcii5ifully, BARDUE & UNDERWOOD. FRESH Grass and Garden SOX Mini county. Oration, ouly ;iMnll l--x.-tiirU oflhs, Ihsl v. l. and iManiitit oriionry "uiaod. i!ersis, Ia( or I.lnn ooiiuty, UrrRou. All erona h tvtnic claim. Hgaiunt al l tnt(.ro hrel ty no tiflod to pivixnt tUm duly verlitml fotho i-jtecutrlx at llaiy, (irsKr.n. duly erl Owl wlihin mi month from thi d-l 0. Thle 17i day tvf April JKh!. M. J. I'rsi.Aii!, Exerutria oftbs iat wUf of Henry P.olaod, le'J w. , BSTIIKarORD, All y. a33ZS2E3ZZ2S all kludsat ... STEWAE.T& Palace Meat Market. J. T. HPi, PBOPEHTOR. FIRST ST. - ALBANY, OR Will koop cons a'Uly on ho. beat rauUoo, pork, ye I, 11. via, eta., t ie bet tneata anl largeet variety in the r.lty. Cash ohl Car alt kin.iaitf far tooK. idminiBtrator'H Holier Notice ia hereby t-iven that the unds rsla- ed have !u -v th County Cuurs of Lion ouonty, 8ut of Oregon, duly appuiut! A1 minis tr tors ef the estatt f Euorh 1 lunit, deosassd, Uts cf (aid county and Ktat. Alt persons bavicg claims aaalust said eats le ar rsiotrd to 1-m.ent them properly yorifWJ to sue ondenitiea at ifarnsbirir, Ulou eotrntv Urenon, wtihin ix nntths frum this d t. This 4tb day of April, ISM. W. K. Mmusnuai.L. 8am May. J. K. WsUTUCRrotto, Administrators.. Atv'y for Adm'r. Notice for Publication. United Btates Land Offloe at OrKon Clly, nr., March sziki, ' i. Notlr-ela hereby crlvsn that in coiipl aticewlth the provisions of ten stt of Cengreae cf Jnoe 3rd, ISC, entitle "An art for the tut of Umber land Its. the Ntalae of California, Oresnn, Nevad and WaablnKton Territory," Ueory W Hievti, 01 Aioany, rouniy or i.lnn, Mate or r gon. ba tbU day filed in till. ofBsi hi sworn statement No. 497. f'tr the not chase tftheN AotH Vf l ami N of8 of o. at, in lovvn.iiip iso. louth, nsrigti no. er, ana win erxr pro r t abow that tbe Inad sought la inoie" ealu abio for lie timber or ton thai for a;rl. cultural purpose, and to cUbllb ht. claim to said land tfore the Ke (Inter and receiver crtbUcfflce at Uregon City, Tkstrsstay Iheleih star tJam. Ha namna wiitmuaa , st ft tv,t.i - r., . & M. ArmMtroiiir. A B Woodlo and RU itiard t'oz, an or AiPony, una county, () rgott. Any and all persons clalmlncr advi a-Mtlt- the above described land are requ esu d to fl their claim la thin office 1 m or before said 20tb cay of June, Ihhq, W,T. Br-R r, . ' Itenlster. iiho-.t Health, so t I ttljl,) CI . USE JOHN 0B3CGS, AL3ASY QUO I?08KH A SfKC;UT I v, Cneu,ry kiti pis , t-l Hxid, te. West, the old and relleblo .byiic;i, ha locate. eJ permanently at 10(1 Hum WkIIi ntreet whre be J prepared to tr.-t all kind ol disfaw In a Cfrcfnl nianncr Ho readily LOCATES A DJsSEASE, and jjlvea K name and otiln - ttm Intnif tlx plic- on the br-i.t and two under the rbonlds-r b!d He roano factnren hi own mediclveii and' ulve oon.'i nation end Infurmnsioo frf. Call 011 faim for txprfciieed tuairrrnt. Owong 'Wa.Gee Co. , MRS. JIM WE8TFALL, hu j'rtat opened, nest door ti, C ' II. Spn. crs, and elegant line of JAPANESE GSODS of a large variety and many ci r.'ut. Also 8 superior line ef teas. . WEALTH1";! JJEALT.V ftESTORZar.. v35sf .is. use IT. II istliel.est l-.cljicr lo ll nlili ruJ i;( ..iiicksii enrei Linii, I - ;t in ; -.i-.-(ur ll iiiscs' lite .St..!.ii,.h. l-.,-.r. 4 md bkm. I' cures K'uyiii; s;i t. K.,li.iin, Co-iied rtiuguai and Hcu'!;uht-, rctnc 1. (.nulipalion, llllior.s. isi 1 and !ih..su, dr;v 3 linjnir'iles out or. JiiDlood anil dries up oMr'.uits. 'i lie JSiikSnes mn buy It. Hie Workiiiirtiicn use It, the Ladies tut I', the Children rry lor it and IIik farmers. sv I is their best health ci-tservrr. Sot i tvsrywhete, $ i.l m Luillc; six for Sv ;Hotice"for PaWicatlon. ' Land OUioo at On-gon City, Oreou, :' March 23th, 188'J. . Notice is hereby (tireu that James CraWrsss of Linn couotr, Oieou. Guardian of tha, minor heir of Joah I'ownll, deceased, who. made Homestead Entry No. 4S03, for Ihe N h of N K snd 8 K i of N E i of 8eo. 20", Tp. 11 8., K 1 w., hsseiveo notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of saiuV claim for the heirs at law of said Juab Pow ell, deceased, snd that .aid proof will be made before the County Judge, or in hist U enoe, before the County Clerk ot Linn coun ty, at Albany, Oregon, ou Friday, May 4tb, IK8. j . He name the following witnesses to prove said Josb Powell's continuous rcridenceepou and cultivation of, said laud, vis ; J A Crockeu, Thorn Crockett, A J Fit:twter nd F It Powell, all of Lebauon, Ltun coun ty, Oregon. Any person who desire to protest gainst; tli allowance of soch prcof, or who know of any substautial reason, under the la w ad tho regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, wilt bo given an opportunity at the above me itkined time and place to cross-examine the witness es of said claimant, and to odor evidence i rebuttal of that so omitted by claimaut. . . W.T.Bi'BHBrr, ' ' - ,"' v v.; - Ksgister. Hntico for Publication. Laud OlTioe at Oregon City, Oregon, Meich 25tb, 180. Notice is lictcby given thattb followina Dmel lelilur h filad notice of hi intention to make llu.l proof in support of hi claim, and that said itroof will b mads bsfor the Cuiinty Jud)(a, or in hi abssnc, bsfor tb tUmuty Clntk ef Uun county, at Albany, tiiygon, Frlway, May (lib. 19, via t San 1'et.r Johnson, Home lead F.otry Na. C4U5. for tl.a N f) ef S K i and t 4 of N i; I uf Mee, IS, Tp. 12. i It 1 K. II name the following witue.se to proy hi contin uous resident! upon and cultivation of, id land, vis 1 Hainurl Simons, Fraok ImII1. Urant Mndlny and John Hieon, all ef ib anon, I.tuo couuty, Oregon. Any je.-son jii dciies to protest against the allowance uf such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the lew and the regulation 01 tbe Interior Ilepartmcnt. wb ucb proof should not be allowed, will be given a opportunity at tbe above mentioned time and placo to eruas esainine tbe witness es of said claimant, aud to elcr evUlsnce in rsbutul of that submitted by olsimsut. W. T. liVKHKRV. lUgistcr. SPECIALTIES. dm e FashlonaUe anJ Styliah Suit, BaiiiM Suits, Light weight Simnacr Suits. Boy, youth' end ehUd W uit. Furnishing Goods. Finn Una of light weight util-iircr -bal brings n and eoolrn ; foiety, il'ttti tickvrar, Cri irs nit.iridcrr, gnaranlofrf for two ,, in all the Utet novdfte. I00TS AND SHOES. A Istgf tit, in tlttH di mioiftit of tht. In at in tlin rur..nu 1889. SPRING AND SURLIER 180! SUPS OX12,3?si:2a s. Y- LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMIHGS, Tb WgMt uk ar..l V' r,etr m prio aod ,'.b1 h""! c.rrW,dag.l . ef "ffered ta the cltM of h may. HATS i anil Faahioneble Vun, atocng oiler a Hoe flock of tbe John 11. Htctsoo bat. Tailoring MetcbantlisiloMug under rXpert tailor. 8 iu nd ta order under short nolle et rtwatksbU lo ftme. More good turned oit than ever bcf ire. L. E. BlAffl. Kotics for Publication. Unit J Ktate Land Oftloe, Oreeon City. Or.. MaroU 11. lss. I Nolle) t bereoy Riven that lo compli ance with it prov.slons of tbe aot ef Conir,ef June3id. ?8, enUllod "An aot for the sale of timber land In tb Male. of California, ureifoo, Nevada and Waablnvion Trrritorv." WlUiarti W tUchardvott, of W lo, county of Linn, Slate ofOieKOii, baslhUdty Ai4 IntbUofUo bin wi.ro atatoinent No. 47, for tbe por rbassi of the N K X of 8 K V of feotloa Sto, Sim in T.iwi.sulp o. )0 eotttb, rang o, i wsMt, and wilt on.r proor to snow tiiai the laud sou til I. tnoia valuable for lie tlinbyr or isiuiie llian for agfcuUo'a purposoa. anl lo esusbllati bis claim to aid land before tbe iw.rlrter and Kocoiver of tbiHrlUreat CrrgonCliy, Oregon, on rriday, the tits stay ml Jane, I, " Jtonamiaa witneeat AM Luoaa, W V Mll er. H Miller and i W Coiapton, all of tsolo, Lion couuly, tiregon. Any and all eron ciaituing adversely tbe abovedeorlbed land are requeatl to C!o tbeir elaitne In ibis ofllo on or be fwre ud "lb dy of Jun, lss'J. w. T, Bl'HiCKV, Itegtater. b m ft Special Bargains In Cashmere,- U. I H-.ll ''' 'Whin f .rtb-. to -y lr. BMimOIDBRlES, SKIRTING ' nibited iu tbi cUf. nr,d at greyly redact prices Y Piques, Lawns, India Linens, Naoioeteln wlitr, srn and color, H t prca wr toocb cbcajjef thro over lfore cflrel in thw city. TABLE LINEN, In btown aod Wescbed. Tbi .lock I bought in New Yctk at ! tban importer' price, and am aWe to give gocd bar.in. 58 Iccli ail linen bleecbed at 50 rote .er yard and otbera in proportion. TOWELINGS, CRASHES, ETC. All IU good I baj direot from importeri by tbe rml, and cn 11 tbem much cheap than if bought of jobber towela I bay in qan titiea in N w York, and am offering tbem at prica tiat atn aaro to sell the good. The LEADING Grocery Store Kotics for Putlication. Und Odle st Orngun Citv, Or., 1 April llJud, j Notice is bsraby gives that tbe following usmrd swiiler lias bld notice cf bis intention to nusko llusi proof to support of bis claim, and that .aid prout will t made I furs tbe County Jletkof Lian county, at Albany, Oregon, o - Taca4ay, Jan Silfc, IBS. . wt i John S, My or a. Mtiinsstead Kntry Xso. 7ilil. f r tb 8W!;' See. 23. Tp. II. S. H 4 av. fie names tbe lullowir.g witnesses to prov bis eontmuoas rusulence upon and cal uvatiou of, tid lod, witb a view to coin- mutina said eetry vitb cssb pym n', nade Me. 2301, It S t W II B Huwart, Henry Hewmn. Wm Clark aud K 8 Isarsar, all of Hook Cisck, Linn oouoty. Dr. Aey peison who dair to protett srsltut the aiiuwsoceof auob proof, or wbo knows of any substantial reason, under the taw and tbe reguUtiona of tbs Interior Department, wby esiob proof should not be allowed, will be fclven su onportooity at tbe above meutiooed line aud place to era examine the wituet of id claimant, and to offer evidaoeo in rebuttal of that submitted by elstniaut. W, T. UfRHEV, Kegiater, -18- Wallace, Thompson & Cs, 13 mica- S-.XIE3a3. TEaO"? Notico for Publication, United Kale I .and OfUoe.Oregon Clty.Or April zuoa, issi. Notice I hereby irlven that In com pi 1 anbe with tha nrovinlnna oftbn aot of Con Krei-e of iuue 5rd. 1878, entitled "An aot tor the sle of timber land in the tstatea of CsllfniHla, Oreiron, Nevada and Wash inaton r rrltory." Leander Brown, o Nuytou. n atity of Marlon, Ktateof Ote K'i, us m s usy tiled in tbi omoe ma -wuruKi. ,,nt No. ids, for tbe purchase oi ids n . ot neoiion iso n, iu -sown ahlp No. id south, Uanga No, 3, east, and will offer prccf to show that tbe land aotith la mora valuable for Us timber oi etone tban tor aurioultural purpoeea. and i tmtabllsb hi claim to said land before the lit-glnier and Heoelyer of tbla ottice at urcaon I'll v. lirccon. on K rlda-p. tha lUlti day of July, lBhD, Ha nauitsa wltrienwue: H. Shaw.iT. 81 and W. lloey. all of win city, Marlon county, and J. 25, Browu. of Albany. Linn county, all of Orsgon. Any am all peronso)Hlrrlng adyersely ha above described lauda are ivuueated n i . . . . . . ... iu mo iuf,r cisinns in tin ontoe on or berora said lUtb day of July, Jtsef. - W. T. BuanitT, HeglsUr. Administrator's Notico In the County Court of the Statt o' Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the estate of Geo. W, MoBride. deceased. Notics i hereby Rivoo that the ondnrign ed Administrator of said estste has tih -t li s final account therein with the Clerk of id Court and that the Court has appointed ' Bnlurduy, Jane 8tb. 1889, at on o'clock in the afternoon far th hsr inj of objections to said sccount and for the settlement thereof. " ' Publisheil by order cf D. R. N. Blackburn, County Judge. Aibsoy, May Cth, 188D. ' , A. McDbidk, . J 0. .Powkli., " Administrator. - Vttornoy. " ; IS WHAT KEEPS IHEU IN THE LEAD. Tlnlr Stock of GROCERIES and PRODUCE in alwayn Complete. Ladies Cotton Hose Are cbtapt-r tbut year tban ever before. I bv ei ccee'ed in t tiog some good Urgeir,, all ol wbich I s.m effcrirsr 'o my costciueisi hessaieio 3IISSES AND CHILDREN'S, Tl.e above is an outline i f (ie fWcj I am gon g ld .n-ine on and will eudeavor to do my ari towatda scuiitfc lie tros. iB Li,.n and adjoioiog cowntiea to AH-anv. and to k-e-p op ib tbe j,rr-c-r. of tbe lively and (rowing city of AU-uy. I wi;! bis r ,:h-k aaj about - Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Gn cciies. SAMUEL' E. YOUNG f eV wstr Requircmsntsof aStenog 'apherr . 9 rfj Succeed ns a stenographer, one muse lc ho U uniU in KliortUand, skilled lit tyia hticIii. is ock1 pflTiiiiMn, is rjOiuMteiiit cor nsmmioiiU In the Sliorthnnd IJepnrimiinlol ihe 1 PORTION D BUSINES3 COLLEGE HonouoH tsaohinu in shorthand, oailv praotio type-wriiing, cabefuu insthuotion iu penman, tup and abundant pmtL in correspondence sioply qualify students lor positions always open to tuora iuily prepared to fill them. Send lor catalogue. A. P. Armstrno, Trin., - Portland, Or egon WE ARE NOW It) THE FIELP FOR BUSINESS for 1889 and respectfully call attention to our stock of Groceries, Confectionery, Etc. We &hall endeavor at all times to serve our cus tomers in the best possible manner. We always aim to purchase goods of the best quality and to sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to our grocery ousmess wo iautuvu Buusscripuons or-all the leading newspapers and magazines. Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps, seals, etc. We cordially invite all who have not done so to favor us with their patronage. We hope fcy fair dealing and careful attention to business to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, , . Very Respectfully, F. L. KENTON. in tbe fact tbat I tn offerinft better bargains than any one eJse in Aibny Koogbt at bankrupt sales I can stll - First-Glass Goods at or below COST. FOR General merchandise ot all kiuda oe.ll an me. .,Pariiculaibargins in earn, of shoes. Cash for Goods or Conatry prditfc 6, W. SIMPSON" AlbKQ;, Orgc.. FOE Drags, Paints, Oils, Brashes, Alabas- tine, Artists' Materials, Etc., GO TO OITY DRUG STORE , Guiss & Son. Lookout for Low Prices FURNITURE, I ata bow reuitiog trni.ure at mr 'factorr M cont. Pe.-lf,le wiahine furni t...r can Jn i to look here for Ur?ftu,8- i n!n Rll,a3U,BU ak M .iuri., -the next 3l dajs. . Coojo and fxsmine my iforn nnrchasins p!,- Facsory at tbe river eod of Lyon Strei-fc. O- J. DILLON.