The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 10, 1889, Image 1

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as. ..I
I I I f. I i O V U ' I i
U t!ie best
Advertfaieg medium
la lh CVntrel
. Wlilsfneito V
Issued .very Ftily by
Advertising; ruin madu kuwn on ap
SO 41
'l TVl
1 J '
' ri
O. it tfrswutr, 55o
Nfaoufaoturer cf-
mm tnm cusr am saw
tpoolal aUUI utMM n romlrinij ill
ktndi or ra mnmnry.
Patterns Made on Short Notice.Q
J P. EliL, ilftany Agent,
for Colnmbis nicycle Tricvctes and
Hafetve. lino Klval. otto and National
Bicyeloa and Crownt and Junior Sfotv
worth from t50 i fxtt. Jend for rrlt 1M
of now and ooe'id-i:rd nbefla now In
1.T nit man esJI on
Pane, Brothers.
Sucttssort to fcV W, vkJ
-Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc.
Their goode arc the beat and thstrjprice
8- P. Sox ft .
Golden Rule Bazaar..
Ills stock ha bwi onUrgel no thai U ojuils any on tbi C ait, and oonslxfaof
Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohlnr and Crys
talware, Boys' WAori3, Doll Oa-.-riage3,
Fancy Qood3, and a general
assortment of Orockiey
anrt Toys.
Ho buysdiront and oarrioi the largK t ick iti th WiUiru Valley, to wbM
baa been addod a eouipielo llos of
To Agent fr Insir in, onpiil s a m -t l ;rtxMi t 57,IOO,OCf .
4TIci on carlo Francaln. Filer wird deut'b goproclen.i&at
mmm 11 mm mm m., jwwwmpmw. mvMa.
nr it i"iislsmMssssisirlaaMi Ji rt, ' . is.
Yon want tbo boot and roost durable furnuirethir U tn i-iufA-itur.) I iii.ihJ'sity
Thomas Brink.
mm &
- -
Blood Diseases are cured by
the persevering use of Ayer'a
This medicine Is an Alterative, and
causes a radical change in tba system.
The process, In soma cases, may not bo
quite ao rapid aa in others but, with
peralatence, the reault la certain.
Head these testimonial t
"For two year I suffered from a sa
ver, pain in my right sido, and had
other troubles caused bv a turnld liver
and dyspepsia. After elvlnji several
medlcliies a fair trial wl
without l
i a cure. I
txwtan to take Aver'i Karsanarllla. I
van prcatly benollted by the first bottlo,
and after taking live tottlia I was com
pletely cured. -John V. Douson, 70
Lawrence at., I.owelI, Mtiac
Last May a large carhunclo broke out
on my arm. The usual rviitodles had no
effnot and I was con lined to my bed for
eluht weeks. A friend induced me to try
Aver's 8urparilla, Lena than three
Kittles healed the sore. In all my expo
rlcnce with medicine, I never saw mora
Wonderful Results.
Another marked effect of the use ot this
medicine was tbo strengthening of my
night." Mrs. Carrie Adams, Jtolly
Bprinpi, Texas.
"X had a dry scaly hnmor for years,
and suffered terribly : and. aa my broth
er and sinter were similarly allfleted, I
presume tho nialndy is hereditary. lMt
winter, Dr. Tyron, (of J'eruandina,
Fhw, ) recommended me to take Ayer'a
8armiarl!la, and continue It for a year.
For ttve months I took It dafly. I "have
not had a blimiiith upon tuy body for tho
last three months." T. E. Wiley, ltd
Chambers St., Kew York City,
Last full and winter I waa troubled
with a dull, heavy pain in my side. I
did not notice it much at first, but it
gradually crew worse until It became
almost unbearable. During the latter
part of this time, disorders ot the stom
ach and liver increased my troubles. I
began taking Avers Sarsapnrilla, and,
after faithfully continuing tho use of
this medicine for some months, the pain
disappeared and I was completely
""K'.Tr.1."1' A,,sut a. Furbush,
Haverhill, Muss. .
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rajtrARKD st
Dr. J. C Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mass.
rrlce SI ; ali bottlm, tl. Worta Si a bettte.
Conrad Mever.
Cnraer Bro.iialt)ia and First Sts.,
DKtl.KK IS ..
Cstaaed rraiU. Cnuit Jec,
ISMWrr. aeeattstr(
Dried rruil-s, Kthll.
Tboe, C'ljetsj,
Ssisr, Hp let a,
Vttff. Teaw
Gte.. Cte
In f"t evtryt'iln t!i. U kept In a sea
ml variety and groenry atoro. Ulgbot
in rket price psld fur
Y V' t n-i-'X TO MAKE
-i ht : 'i'rY Ballclons Biscuit
1 " Ji '' 'i . Ask your Grocer for
' 1- r t ct n a r j it
IbulntHv Fan.
-' II
Fashiom Notes. Fashion Horns from
osstern journals are now quit. Interesting,
Hero are some samples. It takes an in
terpreter for some men readers, (hough i
The new cloth dresses aro trimmed with
wide o-old ar Conner braid or heavy f ulUe
and moire ribbons, which are applied In
many odd ways, sometimes Riving the
wearer tho appearance of being bound and
strapped In ribbon fetters.... Tho favorite
brldctnsU's costume (or spring weddings
Iso! white mousse'ilue do solo over white
pnle rose, green, blue or yellow sl'ks, with
short, full skirts and Lmplie bodices....
Tho preferred ttlmmlng for bridal gowns
lust now Is old lace which has been worn
by some other member of tho bride's fam
ily upon a slmlUr occasion.... lrtty
morning drssses for both house or street
wear the coming summer are being made
of white flannel with blue, red or brown
silk snipe Tiiey nave he gathered
French waists which show no darts or side
forms, sllghtlv draped skirts, and the trim
mings are facings of heavily twilled sarah
Lkavrs It is Track. Tho fresh young
man who worked Salem and Astoria for
about $400 each In hit MrtHliU Jtrvitw
a few weeks ago, was kicked out o( Pen
dleton In an attempt to repeat the same
performance. E. O, This same young
man worked The Dal'es tor a sleek couple
of hundred and contracted with the 7'tmrt
MiMintaiiurr for his Pendleton worU. as
the work never came, t. cither any word
from tald young man, the above perhaps
explains It. ,VnmW. He also worked
Eugene for a nice tittle sum and disappear
ed as quickly as possible after collecting
i money. iffifwfr,
fellow, named Prcscott, tried both Albany
and Corvatlis In December, and failed to
get a nibble. There are plenty at other
fishermen around the stste though.
Lost Time. Tho following from the
Puntter Is a good illustration of life at the
mouth of the Columbia: "'Mickey Fat,'
who went to sleep In Astoria oni evening
a few years ago and awoke up the next
morning on a British ship several miles off
the Columbia bar, Is In the city on his re
turn from trip around the world. Time
has not dealt kindly with Mickey. To be
sure ho retains the same regalia he wore
when he left us but there Is a sorrowful
sir about him as though ho regretted the
time he lost at sea, which he might huve
put In at drinking whiskey."
Scllixu tukir Lasiw. "The road
company are selling their lands along their 1
line those that hsve been recently sur
veyed and listed. More work of re-surveying
and valuing is to be done this season,
and then the company will be prepared to
sell or lease any of their ?ands. Part of
their lands near the base of the Cascsdcs,
snd a few sections tn this vicinity hsve not
yet been put upon the market, but It Is un
derstood that this will be done as soon as
the company can get around to It. Prlnc-
ville A net.
WaoMtsic.-ror a lew moments Frl
day Albany was a wild mountain scenery, j
Two Italians with ar. Italian has nine and I
n liatt... fl..t. . f..rf.,i.tin . ... it,-1
noise was an Interesting one and contained
- I
some music. Their rendition of ' "Climb
ing up the Golden Stairs" particularly was
touchlng,sn J l kept up long enough would
no doubt be appropriate. Thev were not
very good collectors. Like country editors
they would take most anything, even corn
Tub Cowi Kick iso. The question now
seems to be, not whether we shall have an
ordinance against the cows, but whether
the cows shall have an ordinance against
us. F or they have a Common Councll.too
and one of their ordinances Is that nn per-1
son shall be allowed to walk on the side- I
warns, a female marshal of a cow the I
other day kicked lady oft the sidewalk
Who would dare to kick a cow off the side
walk f And they are talkllng of starting a
cresi.nery. LtaJtr,
A Bio Fri.Low.W It II Grant, an In
surance man, assaulted W D Pape, Frldsy
evening In East Portland and knocked him
down. The trouble grew out of com
plaint that was filed by Grant In the Tort-
land insurance compact, charging Pape
with violating certain rules ot the compact.
Pape had Grant arrested and taken before
the recorder, charging him wlihselicitlng
Insurance without taking out a license,
Grant plead guilty and was fined $10.
Grant is well known in Albany.
Evancrlical CoxrERexcR. The con
ference of the evangelical church con
vened In Corvallls Thursday with Bishop
Esher, of Chicago, in the choir. Rey
Ilershner was elected secretary and Revs
Blttner and Bellinger, assistants. T Tl
Vincent and Geo MtElroy were licensed
R , ".-. a 1
to preach. Spokane
rte falls was selected as
the next place for the meeting of the con
Bumps. A young man has been lectur
ing In Benton county, across the river,- at
the school house,on phrenology. In exam
ining some of the heads he refused to tell
everything, saving it wouldn't do to make
some 01 the bumps public. Some day, we
predict he will become a great man like
rrot morris.
Boom at Orkgox Citv. "One of our
prominent citizens, while engaged in an
evening game of cards at one of the sa
loons, thought he was being cheated. In
a sudden rage he shouted, 'Gl'me liberty
or gl'me soup!' and fired a bullet from his
revolver. JLucklly the chap he aimed at
ducked ins noddle ami the slug went cram-
tng through me door casings. So arrests
We are In the midst of wild and woolly
boom, fo' suh." Courier
Tub Difference. An interesting' fact
as showing the difference In value between
sUndard bred horses and those not en-
titled bv breedine- to that name. (. srn.hered
from the report of one of the large sales
recently held In Lexlnirton. Tltere were
two hundred and sixty-three standard bred
horses sold for $266,630, an average of
J1010 ; fifty non-standard bred horses
brought $030, an average of only S100 60.
"n" c' men w.11 00 wcu 10 cons.ucr
1 A... --Ml J II f I
tn. i.rri
these facts,
A Celebrated Man. Lord Lonsdale
passed through Albany Tuesday morning,
and we intended to be 011 hand to meet the
celebrated gentleman, tut failed to do so.
They call him the amateur north pole
nunter. lie recently did Alaska high up
and Is now on his way East.
Struck a Snag, The steamer "Occi
dent" struck a snag near tho SantlamTu
etday, and will be laid up at Portland for
repairs. She had on board 140
tons of
freight. As the accident happened In
shallow water the freight was unintured.
Another boat will probably be put on until
the Occident comes out of the boneyard.
Iw Portland. There weie registered
at the Portland hotels the, following from
this cltv: 6 A Archibald, J A Hill. 1
Callen, T L Wallace. W H Raymond and
wife, E L Power, T F McCourt, A Flenv
ing and Geo Flekum.
It I .very Important In this ago of vast
material progress that a remedy bo plesa
la to the taste and to the oye, eaaity
taken, acceptable to tbo stomach and
bolathy in its nature and effects. Poss
essing Iheso qnslitieg, Syrup of Figs Is
the one perfect laxative and moat gentle
diaretlo known,
In Favor or Black nt'tts
Too ooutity Judge eontest between Judges
Whitney and Blsekburn wss decided jester
dy, In the suprenwi lOuit, Julj?e lrd deliv
ring the opinion in favor ot the preent in-
oantbaut, Judge Dlsokhurn.
The grounds of the decision were that
there had not been a sufficient notice of
contest served, the notice being served on
a legal holiday the 4th of July, which was
the thirtieth dav. The 6th point ot the
syllabus reads 1 "While It Is the duty of
the court to disregard mere technical rules
or dvfecrs, and to liberally construe the
statute ot contested clcctloni.that the rights
ot the people may be preserved.and that no
protection may be aiioroed to iraua.yei ne
who undertakes to contest 'he right of nn-
other to an olUee to which such other has
been declared a tribunal author
ised bv the people, ought to have some weil
denned "cause," ami to be able to state u
w th sufflc ent certainty as io notify and
Inform the other nartv ot ths substance of
the facts upon which he relics to defeat his
title, and to authorise the court to make
the Inquiry J'
Will IIk Aovrrthkh A meeting oj
the board ot trade was held last Friday at
the O A K halt, several members being
present, and the matter of raising funds for
advertising Albany and Linn county at
the grand encampment of tho G A K at
Milwaukee was considered. On motion of
D B Montctth a committee of three, con
sisting of J W Cuslck, K J Lannlng and J
O Wrltsman was appointed to raise an ad
vertising fund. It Is Intended to print ten
to twenty thousand pamphlets a.ui senl a
man east with them besides collecting er
cats and fruits to be exhibited at the Ore
gon head quarters. The secretary was In
structed to corres iond with the Portland
board of trade In order to secure different
kinds of printed matter as samples, and the
old advertising committee, C E Wolverton,
T J Slltes and C W Watts were reappoint
ed to prepare a pamphlet for the occasion.
uur cltuens should support me enterprise.
Albany must ot sleep now.
T11 kir VKRiifcT. The coroner's jury
over the body ot F II Salem.found
that "the deceased was named F II Ogle,
was a native ot Adams county, Illlnols,was
sbout 30 years old 1 that he came to his
death on the and day of May, 1SS9, at u
o'clock m.,by a gunshot in the hands ot W
C IIawklns,and we further find that death
was occasioned by gunshot wound, shot
on May 1st, 1&S9, between the hours ot 9
snd 10 p. m., and that a crime has been
committed thereby by the said w l. Haw
kins." Hawkins was' to be given his pre
llmlnary examination beginning at a o'clock
to day.
A Startling Item.--After hunting in
vain for something that would startle the
public, we have just run across the follow
ing, which If true. Is a remarkable little
Item of no account. We suggest that some
one whose hens run over other people's
gardens verify the matter : "An Ohio
poultry raiser has made a curious discov
ery, lie says that It you go out to feed a
ftvb tt i-KliVtna aiuf mill rttutt them t
,h .,, ,..r,hlv. as thev er.wd
about you, begin a circuit about you from
ritht to Ictt in front, and continue this rev.
otution ss long as vou stjrd there. No
n A 1 . , . I lnlp...rtlli.H A. m.niii,.rit4
amout ot Interruption or maneuvering can
confuse them or compel them to take con
trary direction at any time.
A Famovs Rt'SNKR. Stopping at Soda-
vllle now Is one of the fastest runners in
tho world, some claim 1dm to be the fast
est. II. II. O'Delt is his name, and he Is
a brother of Sodavllle's popular physician,
Dr. W. II. O Dcll. Mr. O'Dell has been
In Australia, In fact all around the world,
and has met few equals, lie was recently
pictured In the Police Gazette and a his-
torr nl hli remarkahle running career civ
en. lie U one of those who run on the
square and is not of the Bcrthune calibre.
unoersianu n prupow. mm.n an
tlrely from the business. Mr. O'Dell has
been waiting on the doctor, who ha been
I Ill for several weeks.
Kickro Oct. A few night ago a man
was kicked from a certain saloon In AI
bany, his face well banged up, showing un
mistakable signs of a struggle. He claim
ed that he had been robbed of $65 nod
( (hrust Into the street. Having had consid
I erabte money before, his story wss prob-
klv r, A H Kiift tn nn a im his
, .. r- .
"ou,d "ot mount t0 much ,0 Court
of Justice, and nothing was done.snd never
or rarely can be in such esses. The man
had been in most of the other saloons in
Albany ; but they took nothing but what
the law gives them a right to take, money
for whiskey. This particular place, though,
according to at least the reputation It is get
ting, wnnts everything a customer hss.par-
tlcuiariy if he ts a little tipsy and ot me
green order. A great many complaints are
r . .
being made, and It Is to be hoped some day
they will assume a tangible form.
Cloverdale F. L. Such.of San Fran
clsco, has purchased of Ashby Pcarce, his
large farm across the river, consisting of
536 acres, paying for the same about a
000. lie has named tne piace uioveraaie
Mr. Such notifies the public not to steal his
gravel, and also to keep dead animals off
his place. 1 hi property win some oay oc
very vaiuao:e.
Cloverdale derives Its name from the
fact that it has been extensively sown to
clover already by Mr Such, who has had
possession of tne property some time. 11
would make a fine place for a large dairy,
and we would not be surprised at all to see
it utilized for that purpose and milk wag
onsbe crossing the rlvr, as the present
owner has Had considerable experience tn
that line. This, though, Is merely specu
lat'on on our part.
Will Facb the Music Our readers
remember that Wm. Page, says th
Ins s. s. ... J . S .A
s-nnes-tiie Jvews, wn was wanieo m ran,
I a . m t m -t sni Vt
county last Minor me K.inngoiuni urown
suddenly disappeared from his customary
naunis, ana isucu w nr ..-...
'! wouId- 1Ie hl recently been heard
of, and writes to Atf'y Geo. Barnes that he
I WU be In Canyon Cltv reaoy to face the
b o( Mce at thc n'ixt term o Court. It
1 1' ,.m.mK,i ,ua, . m. riimln-
I VISliSISBF. . tw sw I
examination before the Justice of the
I . - . ... . - t . .
fesce, ne was aiscnargeo, out at tne next
sltiine of the crand jury he was indicted
He anticipated the inctctment and lett in
Mecsexoer Boys, The Western Union
Telegraph Company has hit upon a. plan
by which its messenger boys will lose In
tercet In shop window attractions and at the
same time put a little speed In their heels.
The company will offer three prizes of
$1.75 and 50 cents, which will be given
wecktr to the boys distributing the largest,
I second largest and third largest number of
messages during the ween. uregoman.
The Albany boys don't deed any rewards.
They are already streaked lighting. , Fact.
Beware. The "hay fork" swindle Is
the latest. '"A farmer is solicited to pur
chase or act as agent for a cheap hay fork.
He Is deluded into signing a long docu
ment "just as matter of form," and gets
himself in debt for $200 or $300. The
bland swindler gets what he fixes into a
very nice negotiable note, and sells it for
cash, while the deluded farmer can do
nothing but groan. jE.
In Portland. On May 3rd there were
registered at the Portland hotels the follow
Ing Albany peo'plo : W Hendrlcson, A S
Powell, R S Str&han and George Piper.
Children Cry foit
A Banij. List Friday the old members
and some new ones ot the Juvenllo Band
met and organised with the following
members t O Link, solo Bu cornet and
leader Rich Wheeler, Eb cornet $ Elmer
Uenhum, 1st Bb cornet J A.bert Stcrnburg,
solo alto 1 )as Blackburn, Jtt alto t Will
Campbell, and alto Geo Curtis, lit Bb
tenor j Clair Vunk, harlune j Will SUtei,
Ebluba 1 raul CosteJIo.snaro drum ( Will
Davidson, bass diuin ( Fsed Rots.cymbala.
The ofllcers will be 1 Link, President
Olalr Vunk. Hecretnrv Rich Wheeler,
jressurer 1 win atu. s, Dullness msnaaer
Mr Link, recently of v'orvallknow Krausa
.., .. P"'nceo
teacher and agoodootuciUt.aml 1 make
a good band
v.-..!- mssiimi AssK-iATio!.-Atamp
""oc,Bl,on wRe"nee in tniscity
Friday by the palters of the M E church
In the Eugene district, by the election of
the following offlcerst" Rev S p- Wllson
president; Kcv Sommervllle, of Halsey
1st vice president; Rev Calder, of Turner
3d vice president; Rev Webb, of AlbanyM
wvrciaryj 1 v,ougiii, 01 Aiusny, treasur-
J II Couglll, of Albany, executive com-
. , wwuiw.w, mm. MWi nor .t cud .nn I
mlltce. A suitable Place for a-rounds was I
cimiiuica across me river ana selected for I
m uur nose u satisfactory arrangements
sre tnadi. A. it aIll tL-. . . .
put the grounds In condition ur- chli.s
will be solicited to contribute for the pur I
Ostv am Animal'. Last Saturday a
gentleman while tramping through Ilack
leman's 4th addition run across a susplcous
looking place that looked as If a human be
ing might have been burled there, near the
surface, and dogs or other animals partially
dug It up. Some hair on the ground very
much resembled the gray beard of an old
gentleman. There was the foundation for
a good live Item, full of mystery. Report
Ing the matter to the Marshal the place was I
duly examined and the bone,tho.e ot some
be result Is no doubt the nranrr on.. I
11 - -
Wrrb Ttrateo Well The Corvallls
Macleay and several other companies ate
kicking lustily at the manner in which
they were treaU.I at Portland. The
Macleay boys claim that they "had to pay I
for every meal they recelved,an exorbitant I
price considering the quality, and the only I
lodging with which they were provided
were old, dirty wool sacks at the armory,
herd as the lava beds and no covering."
Perhaps the Albany bovs are better look-1
Ing than the members of other companies, I
for they claim to have been treated well.
I lad plenty to eat. good beds to sleen In and I
all the well, scda water, they could drink I
tree, CIC,
LkOASo. There was a young boarder
called at Mr. and Mrs. C C lisckleman's
on last Friday. We congratulate the little
fellow in finding such a nice home In Leb
anon... .Died, Reason Andrew Wirt, son
of Mrs Ella Wlrt.on Hamilton Creek.Mon
dsy, April 30, ot consumption, aged 14
ears.... Mr Dennis Klum's little child
R. R. Si'aoroMO. The Southern Pacific
R R Company has appointed the following
surgeon In Oregon to attend to employes
ot the road In case of accident or sickness,
they being paid from a regular fund raised
for the purpose s Or lievaa and Macken
sie.Portland ; I)r C E Beebe. Ashland : Dr
i R Farra.Corvallls tDrll FMcCornsck.
Rugene ; Dr D M Brown. Rosebure : Dr
W Ms. ton, Albany s Dr Oolbr.atli and
Goucher, McMiunvilie.
Turn Orricrss. The directors ot the
Albany Mlnlr.g and Milling Co, met last
Friday at the vftke of Hon L It Montanye
and elected the following officers t J L
Cowan, President ; N II Allen, Vice Presl
dent j L H Montanve, Secretary : Dr G
W Maston, Treasurer. The company pro
pose to develope their Santtam mines the
coming summer, and will emnlov a Snoer.
Intemicnt for the purpose.
A Idas Coaaly Mao Khat,
Wednesday evening at Sale n M about
:3a, Mr. J. II. Ogte, ot Lebanon pi eel net,
former resident of Marion county, was
short by W. E. Hawkins, a man who had
once worked for him, and with whom he
had some trouble about the pay for the
same, The Statemant says that "J. II Mc-
Nary, deputy county recorder, and Ogle
were coming down Commercial street at
the hour named, and were walking on the
street car track, as the sidewalk on the
west side of that street Is alt blockaded
with the apparatus of the new cement
walk. When in front cf G. W. -fnhnson's
lothlmr store, thev were met bv Hawkini.
...!. L.A t- J lj OJ- I
wno Hi'jiipatticu uicm ana saiu .0 wgic,
wen 1 near you have been telling damn
ties about me again,' and In a moment the
firing began. McNarv says he ran for a
safe place to get out of the way, until the
shooting ceased, where he turned aiound
only to see Ogle staggering across the
street supported by liugn ihompson and
store''' Ocle'dled at lam. this "noon his
Wm 1 I i.rl. w. V. Iiub film in lh. .1 r.l r
wife being with him at the time.
Wright's Arsbisn Horse Liniment, an in
valuable remedy for sprains, braises, Isme
nss and all sfTeotion of the skin, muscles snd
tints, to which horse and esttle aro sob-
jeet. Sold by Foshay k Mason.
Struck Oil At $i.3( per c gallon can
best Standard oil, at the Willamette
Packing Co. a store.
Wriaht's Syron Tsr snd Wild Cheiy
Try it and you will use nothina tlss fo.
iil'u.. colds and sll affrctior s of the throat
snd lung. Said by Fosbay & Msson.
Wrinld's Comiiound svrup of Sarsspsrilla
can be rt-lied upon tor ail blood diseasea, skin
nlltuUnn, etc. Bold by f nsliaj; Mtsoe.
Many young ladies are ruiuing their 00m
plexion by the continued use ot poisonous
osmetics and so called fsc. washes. Tho
greater norr her of these preparationo contain
mineral prisons, tbst iu time, shrivel np the
skin snd sive tho appearance of dissipation
and old sg. Dotard's Speoiflo is not a paint
but a great besutifier, in as much ss ic re
moves all blemishes from th. skin, instead of
covering them. It cures cbspped hands witb
one application. 8old by Foshay at Mason
jrn ertrhsve pains in the back snd
If j u do. sttccd totbtm now, don't
rVs)S te dstigtrctts,
Nip ths dieesis
I rd st d isvs your health snd doetrr's
. j. . ni ..... .... :-,.'- j:.
V1" u"'" 7 Vi
....... j rmf-
; Sold by Foshay k Msson.
Wriuht's Mvrth tooth sosp. Fragrant,
nonling and refreshing. unals snre, gams
und preserves the teeth. Sold by Foihiy k
Mason. .
Advice to JHothers,
Mrs. Wlnalow'a 'Sootblns Svruo. for
children teething, ;is tbo presorlpUon of
one of tbo best female nurses and physi
cians in the United States, and has bean
used for forty yoara wltb never-railing
success by millions of. mothers for their
children. During tbo process of tootbine
its value ia inoalouablo. It releases tbo
child from pain cures dysentery and dlar
rboea, eiipins; in the oo
in the bowels, and wind
collo. By giving health
aa health to tho ohtld It
rests the mother. Prloo 25a. a bottlo.
Pitcher's Castorla. '
At ro period in the history of our gov
efnment has there been such a large per
centage of the people , scrambling and
scheming for federal appointments as un
oer this administration, rour years ago
It was a favorite pastime among republi
cans to tsun. democrats about the great
greed for office among democrats under
Cleveland, and while the scramble then
was a great and a-t unseemly one, lis pro
portions bora no comparison to the greed
that exists among renub.lcans ta-dsv. The
,igniflcant, but humorous feature ot the
I ' , ..... ,
I whole matter Is, that those repubtlfsn pa-
I pers that moralised upon the great evils of
oftlce seeking then have not a word to say
now, tcept t be a word of opprovslof the
removal of the democrats. Whnt must be
very disgusting and very humiliating to
all decent republicans In Oregon Is.that dis
reputable and unfit men find It as easy a
matter to secure endorsements from our
senators and representatives for Important
" ' '" repuoiirans all
. . .... ...
the state mat dozens ot men have
been endorsed by Mitchell, IJolpli and
C9unt 01 lac character to nil any post
tlon, and it Is very creditable to some . of
these lesders that they are sending on
Indignant protests to Washington against
the appointment of thse scalawags, not
withstanding their endorsement by our
senators and representatives. This fs a
good work and should be kept up until
senators learn that decency and 'compe
tency are essentlst to secure an appoint
ment, while lack of honesty, corrupt prac
tlces and general unfaithfulness should
under all circumstances be the sure means
of rejection. No man who ever accepted
or offered a bribe, or who sold his political
" I
appointed to any office of trust or profit.
stale or federal.
The Board of Naval Officers have agreed
upon plans for tho construction ot eight
new warships as follows s There are to
be built three aooo-ton gun boats,known in
the Navy Department as cruisers No. 9, to
and if. at a cost of $700.000 each, and are
. ... . ' . . , ...
ri IU ,wo mtcJ schooner with an
Indicated horse power of 5000. There are
to be built two jooo-ton vessels, knows as
ltrutsra Kn i.J II In m.t ti imnm
- ' I , www, T.llwp-w
each, exclusive of armament, maximum
speed 19 knots per hour, and to be entirely
of steel. Tho armament of the cruisers
No. 9, toandti will consist of a 6 inch
breech loading rifles and 6 a6 pounders,
with a secondary battery of 8 Hotchkiss
and revolving cannon. The batteries of
Va j mnA ft wilt A, tt W 1 -K r. .1 .
w j ti-to it's j vi e. stss-B .rsottssf few shssm
revolving cannon. There Is to be a 7,500
ton cruiser, guarantied speed ai knots, a
5,3co-ton cruiser with a speed of ao knots
aod a steel cruiser of Soo ton,to cost $ j6,
000. In Wellington, New Zealand, a diver
who had gone down some thirty feet to
place some blocks for a pier foundation,
was attacked by a devil fish that succeeded
in fastening on him, and, in spite of all his
struggles, pinned him to one of the piles
of a retaining wall. The diver, however,
had the good sense to remain quiet,and the
devil fWh, whose arms measured quite nine
feet, quitting his hold ot the pile, was
brought to the surface on the back of the
diver and killed, t hee monsters are re
ported to be very numerous in Wellington
The Oregon de'egation recommended
W H O'Dell ot Salem as special postal In
spector at Portlandnd when Dolph asked
that he be appointed the senator was In
formed that the office comes under the civ
il service rules and as O'Dell had not been
examined be could not be appointed. We'll
wager a nickel O'Dell can not pass the
examination, and he Is not fit tor the place
if he can. Ills endorsement reflects no
credit on the Oregon delegation.
The farmeis of Minnesota are threatened
with another grasshopper pestilence. The
scourge has appeared In Otter county, and
the state authorities have set about wiping
It out as was done last year. The first
thing done wld be to plow tho land wher
ever the ckks are found. It is estimated
Iik.t u,.n, ...
ham prairie which will require this treat
ment. ; '
Mr John W Mason has demonstrated
that he is a capable office holder from tho
republican point of view. He has been
rn .1 1.1....1 u :...
I '
l"1 fi weeks.but in that time has man
aged to remove every democrat In hi
bureau, from Chief of the Division down
to laborer.
Farmers are now demanding that twine be
put on the "free list." That is an approval of
the BUde's position and teaching, viz: When a
combination is formed to put up prices on any
protected article, by operation of law the tariff
shall cease from that moment. Carry this to
the election of congressmen and it will soon be
accomplished.- Concordia Blade (Rep.)
Mrs Cleveland had two very bos utlful
orange and lemon trees while in the White
House, and courteously left them to Mrs
Harrison on her departure These are now
in all the full glory of their golden fruit
and an object of Interest to visitors.
Florida has nineteen rivers navigable to
a distance of 1,000 miles; produces half
the sea island cotton grown in the South,
I ad practically all the oranges,and for veg-
etables will In a few yftars excel the world.
Oklahoma, it is said, will furnish within
three 'months ,100 new fourth-class post
I offices. This will relie ve I he strain 011 the
administration in a slight degree. , ':, V
Gen. John E Ross, one of the : bravest
I and best pioneers with which Oregon has
I been blest, is lying at the point of death at
t - , . . '
l)la home near Jacksonville,
Deran semen t of the liver oovers multi
tndo of ailments. Xuall eases where t bo func
tions of tho liver are interrupted or dissarb.
d. and ths bile, ita constituent seoietion.
)ft etreulatina u the blood, somo aisoraer
will follow, Dr Henley's Dandelion Tonio
will, restore the liver to its natural duties
and Dromote tho secretion oi bile, thereby
nreventing iaundioe, dyspepsia, biliii'Qsness
and other ailments. Sold by Foshay & Ma
son . .
H.Uwert,praotioai watohmaker and
olei. ' -
Do you wsit a reme dr f or B'Housness, Pimples en
tne taot, ana a sur mm iot aiux nNuiwn., hk
1 uqial ana a' , sna vniKiriBi, wr vr. vrwuis, m.w
! Pills, try s do , samples ires iuu oox m csni.
Children Cry for
The rush of emigrants from the southwest o
Ireland is causing alarm, as the country Is be
ing rapidly depopulated.
A colored womsn In Atlanta, Gs., is the
youngest of thirty-seven children, and although
not yet thlrty.elght years old, is herself the
mother of twenty-seven children.
j. Five prominent Louisiana newspapers are
owned and edited by women. The emVf of
them is the New Orleans Plcayuw, which
controlled by Mrs. E J Nicholson.
The most wholesome way to drink milk is lo
sip it by mouthful at sliort intervals. It Is
necessary for easy digestion lo present it slowly
to the gitstrio mucous surface.
President Harrison is very fond of base ball I
and expects to attend many game this year, j
He recently remarked that be had more sym
pathy for the umpire af present than he used to
have. .
More than ft, 000,000 worth of seals have
been captured by the Hal hunters at St. Johns
N P., within the psst six weeks, It is thought
that fully 500,000 seals will be caught during
(he season.
ct. h,..,i.. ,. u t 1 .t.:
ped to Dskots, where they are in great demand
for destroying tne mice which swarm by thous
ands around the corn and wheat bins, doing
great damage.
Mr, John Wanamaker is getting touchy.
whk't is not commendable for a Sunday school
superintendent who is very rich and has the
reputation of being the most gifted boodle raiser j
in the county.
Miss Ma Prim, she handsome and accomp
lished daughter of Judge snd Mrs. P P Prim.of I
Jscksooville, is to be married to M J Canning,
a Portland gentleman engsged in the drug busi
ness, 00 May 1 5th.
A scheme b on foot In the Canadian carlia
ment to subsidize a fast steamslup line to Chins
and Japan. The animus of the whole thing is
shown in the fact that the government will pay
no suUidies to vessels touching at ports in the
Lotted Stales.
L .... ; I
Hon, A C Jones, receiver of the land office
at Roseburg, is very sick, and Mr. C W John
l on, register, at Mr. Jones request, has tele
graphed bis inability to attend to business to
Washington, and asks for advice as to the busi
ness of the office.
It is only sixty years ago that the first sUge
carrying the United States mail westward pass
od over the Allegheny Mountains. The road
taken by the stsge wss from Cumberland, MJ.,
to Wheeling, a distance of f JO miles.
Some railroads in Connccticst hsve built
only wire fences to protect their tracks from
intrusion over certain private crossings, chiefly
thoe of farmers. They know that such fences
did not fulfill the requirements of law: but a
manager explained that the farmers aggrieved
were "two poor to carry their cases through the
courts." The St-te Legislature has before it
a bill requiring the railroad coa.mission to com-1
meocc suit in such eases in the name of the I
Stste. That will probably bring the offending
railroads to some sense of their public duties.
When setting the hens, sprinkle flour of
sulphur in the nests to keep down the ike.
This Is one of the best months for mak
ing a good profit from the eggs that can be
secured. if
Tr 1. ...!. I t.t tUm ,.. m- I M
terials that can be supplied to the poultry
in which to make or take a bath.
The nests should be sufficiently large to
allow the bens to get on their nests and net
be obliged to tramp oyer the eggs In order
to get fixed comfortably.
Cut clover hay should not be expected
to take the place of grain. It Is a good
feed for some purposes, but should always
be fed In connection with grain in order to
secure tho best results.
Chauncey M Dcpew is some respects is Use I
greatest republican in hi tparty. In bisontkm I
in New York on centennial day he paid the
foltowine tribute to the ereatest statesman of
revolutionary times:
nVlnMiMftii ftin ... tfalMm.B of the I
period did Thomas Jefferson, grasp and
divine the possibilities ol popular government,
He caught aod crystalized the spint 01 tree in
stitutions. His philosophical mind was singu
larly free from the prower of precedents or the
chains of prejudice. He had an unquestioning
and abiding faith to. the people, which wss ac
cepted by but few of bis compatriots. ' Upon
nil famous axiom, as uw cm"j
before the law. he constructed bis system. Ill
wss the trip hammer essential lor the emargen-
rv to break the links bindint? the colonies to I
imnerial authority, and to nulverute the privi-
. .' i i ",.! . .1.-1
Wfiirea oi caaxc. ii uutHmi uiui tu wv 1
Declaration of Independence, and pursuaueu
him to doubt the wisdom of the powers concen
t rated in the constitution. .
' Tepid water acts promptly as an emetic
Fresh milk boiled with cut sugar will soothe
a cough when other things fail.
SnrinWle cavenne oenner in the resorts of
1 .
rats, and they will leave the premises.
Horseradish, as a poultice, is recommended
for rheumatism.
Kid gloves can be kept soft and free fron
cracks by ml bing them once a week with pure
glycerine or castor oil.
A little saltpetre or carbonate of soda mixed
ith the water in which flowers are place will
keep tlit-ra fresh for two weeks.
Oil of peppermint is a strong disinfectant and
germicide; and it is said that one part in a hun
dred thousand of water kills roaches.
When papering a room a small apartment
can be made to appear large by being covered
with a paper of subdued color without any par
ticular design.
If you want poadicd eggs to look particularly
nice, cook each egg in a muffin ring placed in
the bottom of a saucepan of boiling water.
The fresh eggs are the heaviest, and when
placed in water will sink to the bottom at once ;
older eggs will sink partly to the bottom, while
stale eggs float on top. Try it on the fresh
store eggs, . . ,
The best preparation for restoring furniture
to its original freshness is a mixture of three
parts of linseed oil and one part of turpentine.
Dust the articles to which it is to no appuea,
rub it on w.'th a woolen cloth, and afterward
rolish with iiBamoIs. If you X wish to varnish
stained wood, you will find the following ex
wllent: Dissolve four ounces ofsandarac,
ounce of green mastic and four ounces oi shellac j
in one pound of alcohol, and add two ounces)
oil otwrpenline.
Feed onions, raw, boiled or baked, to
children, three or four times . a week,
they'll grow up healthy and strong. No worms,
no scarlatina,no diphtheria, where children
plenty of onions every day. -
Pitcher's Castorla.
Absolutely Pure.
Tbla nowdar nnver !.. a
of purity, atrengbi and wboleaoioei,.
More economical than tho ordinary kinds
and cannot be o,d In competition with
multllnd. 1..- ..... . 1. . . .
:.7.?. p"V" ww
powuor. boio only in cans
HOVal Kaklni. Pnmila. ita tii.ii .,.
I, Y. V, W. Ckowlkv A Co.. AkdI.
Portland, ttogou
H. F
I haveought tho largest andjbest stock of
ever brought to Albany,
nvlta 67617 tO Call
vre carry a full line of 0e M, Henderson & Uo s
The Bed School House Shoes aro the best '
in the world.
wm J- - As arr-TB - -saw- . .. -l:nL , LMJAKA Llf fTdU 3 Ol ILKJ -..
$Ffl ?M h 111 Hvj..:r-'- i
I T SS lr 1 t Ti'iY5
i f i J yj XV. Vy st- U A V-r a-
in the next
W. F.
The Leading Jash
SDrihK Disorder
BW .
Shattered nerves, tired
- .brain. Impure blood,
' .debilitated syatem, all
aro the natural out
come in the Spring. A
medicine must be used,
and nothing1 equals
p&tne's Celery Com
pound. Wo kit others
praise us you cannot
Help believing a disin
terested party. !k
Brlirftdler-Cieneral w. I, oreeniear. Burnnir--St
. writni- "I tiavo usfd Palue's Celery
Compound on several occasions, and always
wit.h IwnHflr. Last SDruur. oeiui very uiuvu i u
rfn.r. -n itphiitrAtiid.' l commenced taking it-
Two bottles miulo me feel like a new man. Aa
a general tenia and spring medicine 1 do not
- Enow oi ua sviwu.
CWar Anything any CWor.
Emplt,lhtratit, i
Pl and smokiag tobaccos, MeerBubaum and briar pipes and
amokes articles, generally. . AJoo always has on hand
. a nice lino of 1
California and
Bi'orod a tbo Pwt 0:Br- at Albany
as jocond-class mall matter.
0llvrr94 by rir pof wtfk.. ... .
&t mail, pr ynir...,..,,,,.
ymui, per rahxi ii.. .......,..,. .
asyjsr, a,
M of year...
in Avmv:s...
at y,iia
a months
Ynt atock of 2nd ar trneulu In i!i v u
lOT.anl tia m-4. MlnniW.! rlwi !.r.h
lrjtbii7iKtidNlll i. f am oi Ji ,.r4
11 Kinit 01
mmmi, stoves. mmi,
mm, B33XS, Pimm,
0i9 doir w-i off,. K. Young's old Mro
123 First Strett Albany. t)r
Dtern in l I th-ilatt H Improved Pi -
Orgsnr, Siwiu- Manning Ouns. A!-
full lin of warranto ! Razor, fj-jtrrt..
and rocKirt Kniyos, Tho lxst khi I 1
lug i4.i'hi(io oil, nwi V tA fix'r
for r' .:! "". A'! "f -
and I would respectfully
and look tllTOUffh EV
ml m
i ? It a
Dry Goods Store.
... . fejtiAa tt Ttr TAlnil
N,w mmnoimd. and It, has Riven entire . sat
isfaction aa an appetizer snd blood purui
. t. L. BBWiKR, "Watertowu, Da
Celery Compound
la preacrtbed fcy physicians, recommendrd t7
drulrglsia. endorsed by ministers, pral-d l.y
users, and guaranteed ny uie niauuiw -iiu ri
asa spring medicine which will do all that in
clatmed tor it. L'se It Uils sprlug, and see Uow
quietly n tones you uji.
r Purifies the DIood.
FuH accounts of wonderful eres ml by
Palne's Celery compound after other niedlolnt
and the best physicians bad failed, seut Irtu,
There's nouilng like it.
H.oo. 8lx tor $5.00. Druggists,
twsixa, Richardson & Co., Burlington. Vt.
by Julius Joseph,
Tropical Fruits.