out Dmarrat. fRlDAV.., .APRIL 19, 1889. LJl 111 L STITE3 A F.dilers ae.4 nutting. freprlrloM. LOCAL RECORD. Anotiicr Onk.IIow those Astotia paper do tore to pick At Yaqulne bay TKejr almost turn night Into day hatching up unit new hit at the Oregon Pacific's harbor. Here It a lata on from the Asier. Am: "Captains are thick In Astoria. You can't throw a stene on the street without being likely to hit a captain. Talking to a captain yesterday, he yt 'I ice there't another wreck at Yaqutita. Yaqulna al- way n the turmiest piece lor wreck. Fourteen rear ago I spent $160 and three month' time, I and my partner, down there, putting up aauer kraut. We put up 300 barrel and shipped It from Yaqulna, but the vessel that we hlptd It l i wa wrecked and the whole caboodle, 300 bar rel mighty fine tauer kraut, wa treed along the beach, and I and my partner were out all that money and work. " Saxtiam minks. "t, L. Wheeler ar rived in the city yesterday from Rock Creek, Linn county. He give very en couraging report of the development being made in the silver mine in that cectlon lie ay that the CUrren Rros, of the re duction wcik at Portland, are pushing the work In the Galena tunnel, having naw reached 173 teet.and are now running three Mitt, and that they are alo at work on the Brlithtenbuth mine, In Marlon county He alio tate hat the Canal Koik Mining company, of Portland, will aoon reume work In the Canal Fork i.tlnc.ln the White Bull district, tn which thev have already Invested about 50.00a' 'Aintrsmrn. Crayon Portraits It might not be out of place to suggest that parlies who contemplate having crayon portiaits made await Mrs Blum's arrival. Account, aree that the lady Ua plnt:ikitv and sifted ar lit. and It I the more grMtHvtng to our vanity to rejoice in the fact that Albany wilt be her home and that her Interests and our will be Identical. Though she come primarily to join her husband, the presumption is that she will not forsake the art she lias so successfully followed in San Francisco but will continue the same here to the extent that Albany may afford her Committed Siicidr. A German pro fettor In a Western city, of the name of Gottgetegnet Pumpern!oke!,ha commut ed suicide, leaving a note giving as his rea son for the rash act that he wa weary of having people make fun of hi name. Peo pie who trade with Conn Brothei-e,thc popu lar grocer, of thl city, never get weary of their name. Pig bargain overcome such little things, and Gotigesegnet Pumper nickel would now be living if he had bought hi groceries and crockery ware of Conn Bros. Elevator Fill on Him. Last Tues day, while running the basement elevator in the tore of G. W. Smith, Mr. Frank Bastings slipped and fell under the elevator, the rope tripped and the elevator, loaded with nearly a thousand pound of tovea, botes, etc, fell on his back, knocking him to the floor and wrenching hi back and bruising him seriously, lie will probably be laid up for sometime. Mr Hastings i a member of the G. A. R. and a hsrd work ing, Industrious cllUen. ' Concert. There will be an Easter Sun day concert gKen at HarrUburg Sunday evening, April aist, under the auspice of the Young People' Methodist Alliance, for the purpose of raising funds for the building cf a Methodic church building In that town. Ticket must be secured be fore Sunday. Admission, 35 cent ; child ren, 15 cent ; reserved seats, 50 cents. Good music By order of committee. An Alarm. At 6 o'clock yesterday an alarm of fire called the fiie department cut and after something of a hunt. It wa as certained that a detective flue in the house of Richard Fox, on First street, had caused a slight blaze. It was extinguished with out the aid of the apparatus. Albany has been very fortunate for several year In having more alarm than fires Disappeared. Last Monday one of the dray team of F E Allen wa standing on the plank approach to the south side of the Oregon Pacific wharf warehouse.when one of the horse suddenly disappeared. A search being made he wa found ten feet below in the excavation, the rotten boards having given away and let him in. Very little damage wa done. It took hard work, though, to get the horse out. Hotxt Contested The matter of building a new court house at Dallas, Polk county, wa brought up before the county court at that city iat Thursday. Hon N L Butler aooeared for the petitioners and Hon W R Bilveu, 'A thi city, for (he re- monttrators. The latter asked for further time and after a hot contest got the case adjourned for one eek. The whole coun ty i worked up over the matter. Biggest Liar. The biggest liar ha been heard from. He run a paper in Col orado, and says : "Hundred of people in Oregon are In a starving condition. So many have emigrated to that country this spring that everything is overdone ; work cannot be had for half the population ; out of money and no labor for them, they are Idle and hungry." Demand Increasing. Everything on First street la occupied and there 1 a big demand for more office. Mr Senders' new office on Ferry street will readily rent, and there will be a demand for others. Several stores 'also would rent at once This is the very season when several with rookeries on their lots should erect come 'substantial building, Resident Surgeon. Dr G W Maston, 'of this city, ha been appointed resident 'sure-eon of the Southern Pacific R R Co 4tX this city, and already has one case on his hunds. This is a new feature on this railroad, and beginning about a month ago, each employee i assessed Mty cent month to sustain if. A Chinese Pheasant Wednesday a Chinese pheasant wandered into the city and took refuge in C II Dodd & Co s ware house on Ferry Street; Mr Watt Montelth aaw him anter and succeeded in capturing him after a earar chase. The bird was a beauty. The Deed Delivered. Wednesday the deed for the ground where the woolen mill is to be located wa duly executed to the Woolen Mill Company, and all the pre llminary steps are being taken as rapidly as possible preparatory to beginning active work on this great enterprise. SicoaFoot. Messrs John. Isom and E J Lanning have bought of Mr Harper Cranor 1 10 feet front at the corner of Firt and Lyon streets, paying $16,500 for the same. This property, we understand, will be the site of a large brick hotel, the fined In the valley. A Bio Leaf. D. V. 8. Reii lias shown the Democrat office a maple leaf which for the middle of April rather leaves the Eastern leaf completely in the ehade. It la 16U Inches lone. Including stem, and 18W Inches wide. We challenge a d upll- cate from beyond the Rockies. Thos. Kay. "Square Farrar yesterday received a letter from Thos Kay, Ihe pro prietor of the Salem woolen mills, who is now rustling around among the mills of Nortn Andover, Worcester and Lawrence, Massachusetts, looking up the looms and other machinery needed for the mill here' Statesman. Wild Oats Ed Bangs, a Eugene boy, who was In the city sowing hi wild oat was arrested Sunday for being drunk and disorderly. Twl policemen had a run of several blocks before they could catch th voungslcr. He was fined $10 andcosts.and lis parent should spank him and put him tabed. Tut Spick School. The following U a report of District No. I7,it Linn county taught by C H. Jones, for month ending April tub, tSSo ! No. day attendance 867 ( No. day absent, 57 No, time tsrdy 1 ; No. pupil enrolled, 48 No. belonging 46 i dally average attendance, 43. The name of pupil who were not abseut dur ing the month are 1 Llnnlo Baltimore Georgia, Uncle, Grace and Bayard Bridges, Ray and Elsie Bttrkhart, Vora Dodson Henry, Dallas andGrcnvitle Faulkncr,Ocy and Lawrence Hardinan, Georgia, Mbmlc Joe and John Kecbler, Delta and Andy Leedy, Harry Mullen, May, Sevilla and Frank Powell, Herbert and Ernest Simp son. Persons who visited the school were Louis tone, Robert Hart, Anna Marshall, Elcn Gentry, 15 Mvers, Otis Keebtcr, (.'has vt inner, 1 r Martin anuj njouey. Pur Ing the month a teacher s desk and chair were added to the furniture of the school room. On FrIJay afternoon, April uih, Aruor iay wasooserved by the school About 50 tree were planted ench pupil pinming ai ichmi one v. men sniui tie known a hi tree, and which It shall be hit duty to care for. Arbor Dav 1 something new and much Interest was shown by the pupils 01 1:11s scnooi in me observance ot it. Great Tiuno in STotm.--It teem to be pretty ccrtaln.say "Note an J Comment" In Ihe Orrg!, that the Chicago & northwestern road i furnishing moucy(or It heavy men are) to flnUh the Oregon tclltc road through to Boise City to con wet with their road running west through Wyoming to that p ace. IioUe pnpett say that he Manitoba road will build branch to their city. If these thing prove tru- Uoise C Itvwlll be a railroad point Mm! middle Oregon and this valley will be In uireci communication with the irreat world The Albany journals claim the Astoria road will branch from that place, while "alem feel askurrd it will be the connect Ing link with Portland and Astoria. 1 wo men. - hunday morning two men almost as rich a Crtriua, got off the overland train at this city, went to the Ore gon Pacific depot where a special train e altrd therr, steamed, In company with some O P officials, rapidly to the front; re turned, went to Corvalll. came back and took a nptclal train for Portland, which had been telegraphed for. They were two of the leading directors of the Chicago & Northwestern, and the fact means that the O P ha all the backing It needs and that work will begin at an early dav and be pushed with great rapidity during' the com ing year. Fast Driving. Last Monday a farm er from Brownsville precinct was arrested for fast driving. It seem that he came to the city, took on board too much whisky, turned Considerable of hi money over to the saloon keeper and made hi horse spin around the city He had $54 on hi per son when arrested. It Is claimed he start. ed out with double the amount. Sober, a good citixen and neighbor, the Democrat retrain this time from glvinz hi name. hoping he won't do it again. The Chicken Business Mr Fred Hoffman and family, former neighbor ot Dr G uiss, in Kansas, have arrived in the city and will make Linn county their home. While here a few. months ago Mr Hoff man bought twenty acre near the city, on which he will reside and run a henery of good dimensions. He brought along some nne cnicken as a starter, has ordered an incumbator and proposes supplying the market with large and plump fowl. Proved Tri e. The rumor which the Democrat published Monday in refer ence to the complete plant of the Browns- ville Woolen Mill Co. being sold proved true.as we were certain It would.though at the time we were unable to obtain particu lars of the transaction. The consideration was placed at $30,000, of w hich $17,000 was raised in an hour, it is asserted. The plant Include the machinery at thi cltv. and the "purchaser are Messrs W R Kill, rcter Hume and other prominent Browns ville citizen. An entire new lot of machin ery will be ordered for the Albany mills. Another Idea- A fine opportunity will present itself to the Chicago & North western railroad (aid to be backing the Yaquina bay road of buying the east aide branch of the bankrupt Scotch Reed road. and extend one prone of their line to Portland. When procured the road from Sl.veton to the Willamette should be abandoned and the road extended through the Molalla and Damascus country through direct to Portland opening out a fine por tion of Clackamas county now without rail rod facilities. Portland WtUomt. Nor Bright Enough. "The Demo crat, of Albany, (peaking of the electric t'ghts in Cot valils, says that it i an Indi cation of progress when a city put in elec tric light and arc light at that We re gret to inform the Democrat that the proposed light are not arc, thought they ought to be, for street lighting at least." 'ienton Leader. Experience will leachour neighbor that only the arc light can do the business. Eugene City is a gxd ex ample of the incandescent treet light Go Barefooted. A day or two ago we mentioned the fact that an eastern man did not locate a boot and shoe store here on account of there being no room and that he left for some place with plenty of vacant stores, probably Salem. The Jour- ual gets even with us as follows: "lie looked Albany over, thinking to locate there, but as most of the denizens of that city go barefooted he thought (hoe would be a luxury and unsaiaoie. A Distrib'.'TINO Point. About the liveliest place in Albany is the S P freight room . The business being done is in keep ing with the life of Albany. Since the first of the month 500,000 pounds of freight have been transferred from the Ore eon Pacific and the river boats, and the direct traffic wa considerably more. Albany I already quite a distributing point, Probate Matters. Week ending April 17th. In the matter of the estate of Rebecca Cooper. Inventory filed, and or der made to sell personal property. Estate of Henry Penland, will admitted to pro bate. Estate of F Hsaly deceased. Inven tory filed. Estate of las Galloway. Final account filed and set for hearing June 3rd at 3 p. m. Will Be a Treat. Ida K Hines. next Monday evening at the Presbyterian church. This promises to be one of the finest elocutionary treats ever offered in Albany. Miss Mines i said to be very talented, being one of the best in the Unit ed Slates, and our citizens should show their appreciation of the privilege of hav ing Mis liines here by tilling the church tull. Admission. Co cts. Alumsii Meeting. There will be meeting of the member of the alumni of the Albany Collegiate Institute on Thurs day of next week, to make arrangement for commencement exercise, time and pUce to be named hereafter. All members are earnestly requested to be present By order of the preeident, Jas F Powell. Size of Linn County. Oklahoma, the famous land to be opened to settlers on the 26th instant, is almost exactly the size of Lion county, and there are estimat ed to be nearly 50,000 people hovering around it to take it up. As there are only io.coo homsteads there Is liable to be sever little shooting arm quarrels. How Is It Spelled The schoolmaster asks the newspaper man how the name of the creek that empties into the Willametje river at Albany is spelled. It is spciiea "Calapooia. Ff.Ewert. rfrocttca!! watchmaker and . w el-t- Tn WARE AI10 IIAOD VARE'-Of-ALL KI?!DS AT D E0E& R0S20S oi rtNfw. The following t.ibuhr statement, show the number of school districts together with the number of pupil in each and the amount of ppbllc funds drawn by each a apportioned by County School Superin tendent Curl. The total amount apportion d Is $15,443,40. Whole number of pupils in the county 5694. In making the appor tionment $50 it set apart for "each district after which the remainder Is apportioned per capita. The rate per capita I $J.fo. Another apportionment of nearly half the above amount will be made In August 1 No, at Nn ot r. Fund bill, BVhelsra, Apar'd, N,ot No. or lMst, Scholars, Co. fund AxrM, Al I 30 $m3.uo 50 39 $190.40 a 64 3S0.40 51 14 136-40 3 59 atiiio S 1 053.40 4 71 30S.60 53 '35 176 oe 5 3JM 5. 3 18680 ( 33 16S 80 55 ' 70 3oa.oo 7 43 304. So 56 55 24800 8 115 46400 58 t3 150.8- 9 40 19400 59 31 ICI.fiO o 34 1 7 to " ajj.Ho it Mj asfy.fo fit 33 i3-8o ta ;) j6j 40 6a 33 1(.80 3 7! 33".!h 63 io moo 14 30 158.00 64 35" "1 76 00 15 (10 306.00 r5 31 161.63 16 169 65840 66 34 i7a.ao 17 99 40640 67 48 jjj.oo 18 60 266.00 68 31 161 60 9 5 t S.13 60 69 a6 14360 ao 73 31180 70 50 J 3.oo at 37 15915 71 41 aoi.10 ' (x 366 0O 71 19 HS40 2 19 1:8.40 73 78 330.80 14 5; 348 m 74 in 449.60 a 18680 75 45 aia.00 3h 88 366.80 76 33 t68.6o 7 3 19040 77 3 .sSoo 38 49 316.40 78 31 161.60 io 3 176.00 79 19 118.40 3 13 9680 8 1 88 366.80 31 43" a4.8o ba 46 1115.60 3a 59 361.40 83 34 172.40 33 37 S3.ao 84 5 37o 34 47 31930 85 16 107.60 35 3 s 1S6.80 86 ia 93.30 3 p 33o8o 87 29 154.40 37 81 341.60 88 36 143.60 38 37 183.30 89 40 19400 39 54 344-40 90 33 186.S0 40 29 154 40 91 39 19040 4 M3 54-bo 9a 34 136.40 43 174 676.40 03 aa 139.30 43 70 303.00 94 59 363.40 44 19 118.40 95 67 291.30 45 3i 161.60 96 a8 150.80 46 37 147.30 97 33 l3.8o 47. 31 135.60 98 31 135.60 48 53 340.80 99 46 3l.6o 49 6 588o 100 33 168.80 Cl'KKKXCY. An eastern exchange aj that "when a foreigner ask to be shown our palaces, we take him to a bar There are no temperance palace. Thl contain a sug gestion. An Albany young man Is able to tell whether the young ladles lace tightly or not, by their laugh. If they do It becomes giggle. The agent of a concert company In the city several weeks ago wore a tall collar a dirtv a a printer's towel. No wonder he couldn't get a hall. Wheat keeps a tumbling down. The man who seils in October or November every year is the one who make it In tlie ''long run. IN MKNUttlAX Ecio, April 13, iSSJJ. " At the regular meeting of Scio Lodge No 39, A F Si A M the following preamble and resolution were adopted. Wmereas, It ha pleased an all wise Providence to remove from our midst our beloved brother, Samuel T Miller, who was stricken by the hand of death at Ami ty, Yamhll1 county, Oregon. Be It there fore Resolved, That this lodge ha lost an upright member and brother, one whose dally walk exemplird our Masonic virtue, friendship, molality and brotherly 'ove. Resolved, That we do sincerely sympa thize with hi grief stricken family in this their hour of bereavement In thi sad hour we must look forward to the Immort al part the soul or spirit of man which hall live when time shall be no more. Resolved, That these resolution be spread upon the record of the lodge, a copy therrof transmitted to the family of our drceaed b. other and a copy to the Daily Democrat and Daily Herald' lot publica tion. William Cyrix, O S May. Committee. Reboot Ueport The following Is the report of school in Dist No 49, of Linn county. Or- for the term ending April 3rd 1S89 t Lutie Pearl, 100 t Francis Bells, 94 Carrie Wilson, 91 ; John Belt, 91 ; Roy Uondra.oo : Minnie ijchlck,So : hred Wig le, 89 ; Neliie Wig1e,86 ; Eddie Haverland, 86 : Nellie Brers, 84 t VIolinta Waggoner, 83 ; Arthur Schick, 83 : Annie Drinkard, 83 ; Willie Hawk, 83 ; Bertha Wlgle, 83 Martha Haverland, So ; oeorge 1'earl, 79 ; Albert Adamson, 78 ; Schuyler Overton, 77 ; Bennie Schick, 77 Laura Haverland, 79 ; Willie Haverland, 76 ; Fred rearl.76 Killie Adamson,75 ; Claude A!llngham,73; rean Alllngham, 70; Willie Schick, 03, Those neither absent nor tardy during the term are Schuyler Overton and George I'earl. Olive LoNo.teacber, Doubled His Money. Last Tuesday Mr Hub Bryant sold to Mrs I N Woodle ten acrei adjoining the City for $7000. This Is the property Mr Bryant about two months ago purchased of Jay Blain, paying $3500 for it, and for which Mr Blaln paid iooo a year or two previous, it will now be in order forMrs Woodle to get $15,000 tor the land. Judge Dexny. News from Asia is to the effect that Judge O N Denny, adviser to the Corean King, ha received from LI Hung Chang $30,000 In coin and will re turn to Oregon. No doubt Judge Denny will be very clad to return to hi native land, having had all the notoriety one man can wish In a foreign country. A In thi case he has always come out on top. Just Received. F L Kenton has just received by last steamer a good supply of very fine California full cream cheese whfch will be sold cheap. Also received a new barret of choice mixed pickle. He keeps a firt-clas stock af groceries and confectionery, and when In need ot any thing in his line you will do well to give him a call. Results or War A war with Gr many would increase the value of the Ore oron wheat crop, but it would net Increase the price of millinery at the new store of Mrs Marie Davis & Co. These ladies are doing a remarkable business at remarka ble prices. Call and see the new style and latest novelties, everything new ana 01 l&test design. Seal Rock View. Thl fine property located eight mile from Newport near the famou Seal Rocks, 1 very popular and is going rapidly. Chas Metzger & Co of this city, have the exclusive agency for several nictly located jot. . 00x135 Ieet $50 a lwt, payable in nve montniy install ments without interest, make them a bar. ga n. Call early gnd see plat. Salmon.--A nice lot of fesh Chinook at 8chultz Bros., salmon received daily City Market. Pee -Bouittant." she laraest imported Per cheron stallion io this section at the City Feed Stables, 4tb street. ' CUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM-2 PLC ME NTS AT DE- YOE&ROCSON , HOJtS AND ABROAD 0W DAY. It oot $12,780.33 to run Eiigcb City last yr. Blaln U th nam of a W, T. city and it Jraady lis a First National Bank. Lsa Douglss, of lUrriilurg, wilt start n his new lljuring mill about tin last of tin wk. Snow may b atnn along tits foothills from thl 01 ty, a faot wliloh tolls its own little Icy lory A boy born on a Sonthera Psoillo train the othr day wis nsmmt by the psKsengers, who took uu a puiss for hint, Uroyer llsrtl- on. will lis liye undsf suob a nam. Th LadisV Nooliity of the Presbyterian Church, will (jiv s soolatile at th residsno 01 air John Althouse o 1 hursiiny vsnina, April 18th to wbloh all are cordially iovited to ttteod. Now thers 1 a fubWr trust repotted. Thst 1 the kind ot a trust th newspaper ot Ore gon r oattsged in, It stretch from a year into tiv bniure "aftor harvest ' eomes, that I ono in a while it doe. A poor sailor in Astoria pluked up a Vt piece aud asked a man puaiug by if he had lost it. The man hsdn t lost It, but he nt aud said be bad. The trior sailor banUd vr the money and got ti fur his trouble. inefa piece proved to be bogus. Col rarksr. editor o'. the Walla Walla Statrtman. paid tH00 ( tout Seattle urno. erty suvertl month ', which he has just oi.i fur IKUKX), wh we uudr the son did he get the f '.'800 that is the qutio . A tnso from the Kt baa bean io th city with a view to opening an exclusive boot and ho store bate, hut being nnsble to obtain a room, or eveu a house to live In lolt forsoms place with nin empty ktorx, baloin w be- nav. Hon. J(T Meyers, of th rest estate firm of AiyrS Hro., of .NeaMIr, I to th elty, Like many other Mr Meyer has sttnok some g.Mxi thing in rest estate speculations there, and I watching the balloon so up with a great deal nf intei est. To-day th Mitchell & Lewis Zo. begin business In th Vance block, on 8oond street with a large stuck of wagons and ag ricultural implements. They bays a pleodul line of baggie, phaetons, aurry and upring wagrios, wbich the people ef Alltaty end Linn county should so before baying. Mr John Duncan, of Priueville, is la the eity. Capt. E. J. Launlag wont to Portland this morning. Wi-s Lur Vance spent Sabbath la Tam er the guest of an auit. Al Morris, Irskemsn on th Boutbsra Pa citie. la io th eity, laid up for Myerai week with a "banged up" hand. J. P. Schooling, of Herrisburg was in the eity to-day on bis way to appear before th U. 8. Grand Jury at Portland. Dr Cornelia, of Portlaod, returned to hi home Saturday after a visit of a week here, the guest of bis sister iu law, Mrs D V an il or o, Mr Qo Caldwell, bow a elerk with MoAl ten k McDonnell, of Portland, spent Sab bstb la the eity. The Democrat baa a bar tioutar ioUreal in this brut a Mr MaAllen was once a eeoipoeitor on tb Democrat, and another Democrat compositor, well, we wool give the matter away. Isoae tilum, long and favorably known throughout the Northwest and California, is a boat to engage la basin ia Albany, Or. Mrs III am an eatimable lady and an artist of superior merit ia finishing np ber work in o rrancteola order to folic w shortly . Ort-joniam. Mr. Blum will be ready to be gin bntmssa ia thi city ua Thartday . Tt'SSCAV. Next Sabbath al l be Eoater. Bill Wa-kio ia ia the eity hostiitat at Portland. There ie a else ol small pug at Looking Uloso, DougUa aituaty. Su-'sr jtimped anersrd a QlsrUr of a eent in San Krsnctsoo t day. The regular street sprinkler ka stopped its work for aebile. It ia not esscWy aeeded at present. A new barber shop boa been opened in the Monteitb block, opposite tn Ituss Hon. Albany now baa live shop. The Postal Telegraph Company baa issued m order requiring their agente to have I beir office separate from other o(3cea. A eomblete eountetfeitrr's vatfit has txea fuuni la the foothill beyoetd Hilvertoe, la a kiuuse reoeotiy oc copied by Mr HeslliiK. Prot railed meeting service are ia rr- greea at the Chrlsttso chorcb. Preaching by Elder II W Large. Sirvieea begin at 7:30 m. The building and loan aaocit!oa eteet Priday evening. -Dnee have to be paid be fore IrgM that day or a fine of 10 eent ul be levind on acb share. For the beoeilt of some people ia the Eat the Democrat will remark that people here go to chnrcb, send tksir children to school and are act troubled at all by Indiaar. Mr Krumbeia i meeting with eootinned us.e and hss plseed another portrait tn exhibition. It is becoming strikingly evi dent that when he departs, it will be with nts pockets well lined. The Mitchell & Lewis Co manufacture their own wagons, and bene can give prise that defy competition for tbe aame quality of wogoa. See their buggiea, phaetons, lor ry s, etc, at th Vane brick. Prof. Krembein since coming to tb city haxecuied fourteen piece ef crayon work. The hut la oie of three fine looking children at Capt K J. Lantiog, on exhibition to-day at U L, Htaekwaa a. Tb latest Invention in the way of a me chanics! contrivance can be seta at Wm Ixeb k Co'. It ia a machine wherein all yon bav to do i to drop two Dickies into a lot snd eat will pop a small bottle ot whisky. Anlonan. Uuee a iioense pop oat with it. "After a Ttried iperience with many an called eathartio remedies, I am eonvtneed that Aver s Pills give the most satisfactory results. I rely exclusively 00 these Pills for the cure of liver and stomach complaints. John IS Bell, Sr., Abilene, Texas. In purchasing medicine, don't try experi ment t tbe first and only consideration hontd be genuineness. Ayer'i Saraaparilla ba stood tb test forty years, and to-day it is io greater demand than ever a triumph ant proof 01 popular spproyau The Wootlborn Independent gets ssreaatio and says t "'A Chinese school ia to be started in Salem. This ia a step in the ritfht direc tion Salem ha long needed a few intelli gent men to ran ber paper. ' AsSslem bs a eonple very enterprising paper it looks very mncn a 11 the wood born man most have had hi corn trampled on sometime. Tb young man who was injured b; strik icg a fence on th O Si 0 R It while holding to tb rsiiing 01 a pisttorm on a passenger train and looking under th ear for a tramp. last weak near Wood barn, is recovering, and ia able to be out. we will ventura tbeopln ion thst be will not investigate toe tiamps mode 01 riding nereniter. Portland haa more Odd Fellow in propor tion to it population than any other town in tbe world. One out ol every four of th citt xenn over 21 belong to the order, and the seven lodas of the aity have a fund of 1149, 613.74 The nahest lodge is tbe Unity, whiob has E3t,430 in the treasury. Wei come, Mr Rnyce, of tb Itoyoe ft Lansing Come dy Co., who baa a mintaterial look to bins at tended aervioea in a Miasoari town one Sab bath. After their corclaston th minister spprosohed him and said 1 "A brother min ister, I believe ?" No' said Mr Royoe, patting on one of his qasint expression, I am not as bad aa 1 look. I am aa actor Max Banmeiater, the Walla Walla barber. baa just let a contract for a briok building, to cost t-32,000. W ben Max landed from tha steamboat at Wallula in 1883, be bad not money enough to pay hi far on tbe atage to Walla Walla, bat walked tbe 34 mile through th bot son lik a little man. Ex. Albauy ba a barber also who baa made averal tbou eand dollars in tbe last year or two specula tins, and the big brick will no doubt come in time. Dr J B Pilkiogtoo is ia ths city to-day. u 011 rmv, iMi eaMite euouf, vi J.iewyvn, -, or.-:.. 1 ...... . . .1 -vt .1 is ia the eity, Mrs J d Cherrj left yesterday on a trip to Medical Lake J. ?. Galbraitb, Secretary of the Albany tir i .mi -i' .... vy omen 1111 is wo,, is in me vuy, Mrs. W. It. Bilyeasnd children.who bave been in Oakland, Cel., for several weeks on a visit, returned home yesterday. Mrs S B Hendricks returned Friday mora inn from a visit to Albany and other Wil lamette Valley poiuts. She brought with her a Mongolian pheasant. Koseburg lleeiew, PeMKIS. 03LS iKD TfT?TTHTTT!3 Am ntitrnt! elJ.WUUWU -CXX SUAVU ROBSON'S. ,KbHK0A Wheat, CG, onts. , Town Talk. : Town Talk, McKaulai oiiulstiel to-ulglit, Nw style Jswslry at Frsnoh'r, LDuugjaa, of Harrliburg, is la th city. A seoond'hand organ tor sale cheap at Mrs iiyuiaus. Buy your watches at freuoh's. filg bar gains. - . , Rv Harris, of Salem, was 1 sported no Dsicer tan svsning. Finest line of runs In th eity jist received at B urtinttiers Irving. A Japanese novelty store ia to be opened ia tiu nsaiidia dious in a (w week. A horse thief stole a hrrse at Aurora a tew night ago, and th country is aroused. Mr Johnson Is contemplating tha optnlog 01 a meat maraas on nasi nm street. An elegant line of slik table spreads, in beautiful designs, just leoeived at Fortmiller AlVlllg . Jut received at U Kwert a floe line of ladies and gents watch and jewelry, A fine lot of diamond la stock. Last evening, Mr A II Marshall, though not in favor of cut generally, cut see of bis lingers ntariy on wbiie splitting Wood Th McKauIass minstrel tronp arrived to day in their own special ear and wilt exhibit to-niuht. Their band is a marvel, Useful souvenirs to the big folks ol both sexea and easUr cards for the children to morrow at Blum's. Olveo away jait for fun. Get your baking powder, at Bardua & Underwood s. With every oau of White Cross you get a fin piece of Chios war. Try some 01 is. A few days ago while shearing a sheep Mr C P Burkhart sheared one of hi finger near ly off and now esrri hi baud lua multitude of bandages. - Messrs T L Sachs & Son. recently of Chicago, have bought nut Mr Fischer tailor ing establishment, lust north of the Oemo- crat oUlo. and will opn with a $3000 lot of tattings. Messrs Ueo 0 Hendei son and R II Shalt t'sv opened a real estate otiioe at tb St Cbarlea hotel, . Willamette Volley Land Aiieooy ie th nam thsy will sbjerat under. Tb gentlemen bay eoniidei able property of weir own so start on. A Ana 1U. ..I .,!-!, (..! such a plows, rake, drags, ate, at Mitchell k Lewi Cos, opposite Hohmeer's stable, as wan as wagons, buggies, etc, ot an style. Yon can get tb best goods ot them at bot tom prioes. This tnoruina Mr Cha Melaitar was arreet. ed on complaint of Mr Karl Haoe for running fur a hotel witnout a hoens. The case wa set for 2 o'clock he for Keoordor If entou.and on trial tha decision was reserved satil 9 o'clock to-morrow. A danee will be given al the opera boo to- morrow evening. Morotto Bros furoiab iar tb maoifl. Soott Ward, el Ileiovlew. returned to day from 8aJai, wbr be bought a fine ft or man stallion. Dr R C Hill and wife who bav been visit- ing tb last week ia MoMinnyill and Port land, returned home to-day. Mr J A Urns has iust returned from Shovel Creek, Col, a nw reor r, and report himself a much Improved ia health. Hod a fine time. Mr J R BUwsrtaoo and family leave Al bany io a few day for Kldoeado. Kaa, on a visit of several months. Tby will be with in a few Bilies of tha famou Oklahema country. .. UtXL IMTaT salm. As recorded In the Recorder's office for Linn county, Oregon t E B Hughe Io JO Fox, 53 acre In Tp 14, MR 1 w,, . Eleanor Bllscktemsn to Wm M Daly.N lot 3,blk irH'a 3rd A G W Maston to the Willamette $700 170 Land Co. lot 3. 4. 5. 6,7, 8, 9. . 10. 11, 1 j, 13, 14, 15 In tunny. side fruit farm 1 3004.50 James Uermsnsen to It P Moller, 4 Jo acre. Tp 9,8 R 1 w ....... 0.3$ E E l'eniland to Edward Oolns, part of lot 34 In hclo Wm Kumbaugh to Nellie O Maston N E J blk 51 In Albany N D Coi.n tw L A Woodle, 300 acre InTp 13.MR t w A Hackleman to Geo I Rldlnger, S W Jiblk5 H'sind A 1000 3S00 1590 4. SC r U Such tsur Mmpeon, lots 1 and 1 bik 11 A...... D Walker to Daltan Harrison, aiooucres, HarrUburg IO TUB HOBTUTUTKE BILL Many Inquiries have been made as to whether the horticulture bill passed the legislature or 'not The following letter frm the secretary of slate to R A Irvine , " F ano now 1 a v.. a .1 mi . I Dear Sir: In reply to your favor of the nth Inst- I bes leave to ear that the hortt- I culture bill passed and wa approved Feb. 1 35, 1009, and having an energetic cause 1 now In effect. Veiy truly vours, Geo.V. McBaiuE, Secretary of State. By E. C G. M. E. KaterUlaateat. Following is the program to be given by lhe Young Folks Heme Missionary 8oclety ai ine n. c. v.nurcn, r naay evening.apn 19th Song "Open the Door tor the Chit dren," by Society. j rrayer. Recitation 'Charity,'' by Edna Miller. Duct "Apery Word by Edith Chls- welt and Maud llulbert. Recitation "Help the Poor." hy Ella Anderson. Dutt and chorus "Suffer the Children to Come." Recitation "In the Mite Chest," by class 01 ooys ana gin. Solo Stella Writsman. Recitation Little Helps." by Llllie Mc- Cord. Song "Jesus and the Children." bv class 01 K'n. A Missionary dialogue. Solo "Little Old Woman " bv Edna Miller. Recitation "The Silver Plate " by Win- nie wnamueruun. Collection. Vocal Duet "Fold we Our Hands," br Misses tougiu and Campbell, Address by Kev Webb. A cordial Invitatioa to all. Doors open at 7 o clock. Wanted at Once. Highest market price pa d for Bve thouand pound of bleached dried apple by G. W. Simpson, iioany, ur. , Elected. 6orO rolls of wall paper In an in., r' r v. 0. V i . t s e L ing. mennest iinem me-central W avstatte Vallau I lei mm e ml i.eal1Ae.u a. CO 11 All. . aa - . - The beat family remedy is undoubtedly Br j i r foi j t., : ci wa t 1 l iunun utwus xioou a unuer. xs may OS safely given to th infant aa well aa the adnlt. and it will give relief where other medicines 1 failed to do so. Kssp it in tb bouse. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physisian and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calle made, ia oonntry. city oi Be ure and ae tb imported Percheon stallion, fiouittant," at City Feed Stable, tn atreet. New Comers Ta our oitv will fiod it te their advantage to price our gioda before buying in theirs outfit cf grooeries and pro visions. Bbowhell A Stajcakd, The imported Peroheroo stallion 'Bouit taut" may be found the last of each week at me isicy r eeu btaoies, on 4tu street, Albany For rand madeharaeos goto E. L. Power We will sell yon groceries cheanee than ny oue eise. Brownx ftSTANAKD. SEOTTRE PRTHES. "10 itr att r-.x mN riTTATTr H UUJJLJi TU Bill V , . " mil inn A'lv 'nMV'i T?r.T5SOlvr OLD O (10. Medical Lake, April 10th, 1889, EJUori Democrat 1 'Ware now seventeen mile from Spo kane Fall and a little southwest of that place. This Lake fur several years hat been known to possess many healing qualities, and hence It has been a general resort for the afflicted, The Lake Is a mile long we should Judge, and a quarter wide at the widest part. This may be a liberal dcscrlp lion aa water bodies are deceptive to the eye in a cursory measurement. Around the Lake are reildence scattered, and a food road and fine landscapes. On the northwest end and near to the Lake, there is a cold spring of fresh water, as If from n ice house, sufficient to support tens of thousands with Its refreshing draught, and these springs abound In thl vicinity. There I no difficulty In getting good water. . Wa ter from tha Lake I used for treatment only, except In obtaining its salts byieated evaporation which are sold everywhere s and to make toilet soap of its salts, Both ot which are a complete success, Boats ply on tha Lake for amusements, and there are bath houses, with hot or cold baths here ami there on the border of the Lake. These baths can be had at the hotel Al. The water has a soapy or alklll taste, but It docs not take long to like the water, which contains so many curative properties. At a lady remarked, "anyone would like It If fond of soapsuds." This Lake has been a fayorite resort for a long time, and a regu lar Una ot stages has accommodated the visitors. Directly east, one and a quarter miles Is Silver Lake, four mites long and three quarters wide, containing fish. This Is a clear and cold body of water of a great depth a short distance from th? shore. A steamboat will soon plough its waters, and every meant will be added to benefit the public. , On the eatt border of this Lake there are farms and beautiful locations for residence on the retreating hill. Fine resident location are numerous on the west border of the Lake, as well as south and north. The surroundings are yery picturesque. It was an the hill on the east side of the Lake that General Wright had his battle with Kamlakln, In which the In dians suffered a loss of men, several thou sand horses, and a complete defeat These Indians, Spokane, Palouse and Yakima, had become aggressive after the retreat of General Steptal, but General Wright took their conceit from them at the battle of Medical Lake and Kamlakln came to terms. Lake street 90 feet wide rims from Medical Lake to Silver Lake, and as state! is one mile and a quarter long, on which a motor angina and ears will run. This Is the busi ness street and property Is rapidly increas ing In valua since last tall owing to two railroads coming Into Medical Lake ; the town taking this name ; the North Pacific runs throjgh here to Davenport and the iake Shore and Eastern to within four mile of that place. These roads tas the Big Bend country and run daily. There are two depots at tha Lake, near Stanley and llaliet streets which streets cross Lake about ta center. Lake atreet run cast and west, Stanley and llailetl etreete north and south. Of course here I a boom. It I safe to say that there I not an unsold lot on llaliet street as there were but four a few days since. Railroad companies have fixed excursion rate, and now the town is filling up on aunaays, and quite so on weekday. ; It la estimated that 5000 people will sum mer at these Lakes, double of the number ot last year. The North Pacific will plat their land lying around Silver Lake into lots end tbraw them open for sale and da alt it can to . build up the town. There) were three hundred people residing nciv mu spring cany, out it l estimated that there wilt be Jooo In sl month. One hundred houses are promised and mora if material can be had. ua the summit of the bill that raises on the west of Medical Lake and a short distance from It. fl.. In sane Asylum is being built. It is 416 feet long witn all modern conveniences. The foundation and hall twelve feet high are built of beautiful granite blasted out on the aayium ground. And the cljy of which the brick are being made is also taken from these grounds all are Ukeii out not two hundred feet from the foundation vf the building. The site is lovelr. From It look lag eat,the two Lakes are connected toaeth. er with a fine range ot country extending to Cpokne Falls and bevond laklnz In the Mica mountain, and snowy peaks a far a the eye can reach On the west and north lay the level plains that lead to and Include "5 wiiaT wnu rcEion. iicrc i una ana ta Hid et. . i as 1 a a . nothing to obetruct the vision from it but Ins unt hrn1iN Mil ih iuu nl u.oti. ng distant timber belts. There 1 iw town in thl country havlnir more, if aa much surrounding farm land and slock range a ieaicai ute. it is pleasure to visit this grand picture ot nature itself. Every pain will be taken to make Medical Lake the grand resort of the entire country. A prightly newspaper, the Ledger, I pub lished here. It has a cood future before It. Hotel accommodations are excellent ; and there are good livery s ables to meet me wants 01 visitors, Kailroad officers are taking a lively Interest in opening tip this section, and though these railroads have built this winter, the country already shows their benefit In Impartlne life to the ouMiies ana commerce ot the country. At no penoa 01 our msiory nas tnere been as mucn attention paid to real estate invest menu and interest taken In developii whole country. Population I rapid! creasing, and while we find Western gonlans and Washingtoniana ncrc snu mere tne new comers irom the East are so numerous mat me Old mitotic settler men- tlonedls the stranger after all. The climate seem, to satisfy everyone residing here. v.ii.i iiiiumiiu, ni s Biatcoi rtsiucnce for business men ot Spokane Fails It has its preierence. Itinerajt. IX MEMORIAU. Wbekeas, It has pleased oar heavenly ether on Jan 27, 18S9 to rrmovn from our midst onr esteemed and beloved, sister, An nie E Swank, from a lite of toil and care to one of peace and rest. A aeat foi vacant in our grange wbich baa been long and faith fully filled. Resolved, That while we deeply mourn ber death we will tirtv to emulate ber virtue, fnl uiat h Wie- th, Jraoire hoa lost faithful oonnselor, the community a trne friend. Resolved. That aa a erasure wo extend to the bereaved hatband and parentis onr deep est symDatay. , t' r 'th... .u. v. al IWeVITOUi A HAH bUwCw iwwialiv" w wm nM one mIBnt. .. . amal testimonial of I I . .1 . 1 W1B otuuiBViailUB HI sjeoivwa wevawseswe wsserv hji I mm Va esasmaa Ka rMsaa.ntaa.-l iVn ihm lattr.il 17 wvuw ua Sue fceef"-e w WW se eiee-eee-j of the deeeased and to the eouuty paper for nnbli&atinn. R A IaviitR, M R Howell, Mes M Babpwell. 80TJTR ALBANY. ; A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to Its nat- ural advantages and nearness to the center of business. Compare the size, location, view and access to and from these lots,and you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home before the advance in price. Apply to TWEEOAI.E 61 KEbFIELD.A gents. r irst door south of Post Uflice. Farmer, if you want the beat harness hand mde,!ball onS L. Power.naxa to Dem erst olncO. Babies. The finest line of baby carr ages In the Valley just r celved at Stewart & box s. rrice are remernaoiv cneap con i slderlne the superior Quality of the carri ages. ' v- 1 J Fine Hne of Guns and wnnrl af.nrlr ft A TTITTlTlTli i I.. - -TV . T t uonau jjeyoci imu xvuu Ison's special bargains. SPICER. Spicer Is a smalt town on the Narrow Gauge railroad about 9 miles southeast of Aiuony. Grain In this vicinity looks welE ' Norman Smith who Is attending the nor mal school at Monmouth U at home on 1 visit Mrs 8 A Gentry, of Brownsville, made her brother, J L Cbuey, a short visit list week. People in Spicer wonder why John Simp son goes across the river ever Sunday. Addle Smith has retnrned from Medical Lake where she had gone for her health. About too car loads of wheat have been shipped from the Spicer warehouse In the past three weeks, . Link Couey has purchased a brand new buggy. One ot our yottna ladles Is hlehtv pleased with it, and so she ought to be for it seem to have been bought for her spec lal pleasure. School I prospering under the manage ment ofO 11 Jones, He has 48 pupils en rolled. Sunday school is held at the church every Snnday at to o'clock. The attend ance is good and considerable Interest is manifested. During the last change of time the rail road hands have been taking breakfast and supper at this place. The time change again this week, so from this on till anotb er change (which ia nearly every lime the moon rnanges they will only take supper nere. OX TUE HUl'TH KKN BOt'NDAUV. People are so busy farming and garden Ing that thsy don't have time to gossip, consequently there Is very little news astir. We have had some fine showers of rain this week, and grain, grass and stock are alt flourishing. Miss Julia Ma the w. of Coburg, began a term of school In the Barger district last Monday, but only taueht two days iHs week on account of attending the teachers' institute at Eugene. Mrs Llxle Osborn Is expected home from Eugene this week. Frank Tllton has been very sick with liver troubles. Dr Mendentiali ia attend Ing en him. Messis Melville Taylor and Amos Wil kins will attend court 'at Eugene next week s jurymen. A Lively PaoonAM. Woolen minis' 1 10x60 feet and out buddings, Ice works street car lines, (our story brick hotel a First and Lyon, Masonic temple and sev eral bricks being planned is a part ef the program for this year. Summer WaArs. -Novelties In beaded and stockinet jackets just received. Samuel E. Young. Horses. Greenwood has some fine pictures of horse show on exhibition for sale cheap, at his fine Art Studio. SravcK Oil At Si.sc. per c gallon can beet Standard -' oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.'a store. Tin Week Os-ly For cash we will sell 6 cans of Crawford peaches for $1. Wallace & Thompson A fine line of gold headed cane at II Ewert's. Letter Us. FuUowtof it Uae Hat ef letters mwJotaf ia Us tM OflJoe, AJbsay, Use eonet, Oregon. April 17, USB, Fenn-ue esJUnc tor these UrU-3 laae! fir tfce Okie ee whleb Ihev were e4vertie4 I Runt on) Mr Anal CbrWrerean. O Hetet, UrM llolltdo. Mrs i L . HnlUds, Mis Can PuilertLO A koboerts, Mies HeUl KeMer, Kunesa R. THOMPSON, P. M. Atteay Market. Wheat -80)40 0U--2t. ( Bjter 8O0 per lb. Uay P-AAtoas -21 ot p-tr b lihtl 8ef -on foot. 8 ! ple -75 eeote per bu. Por E 6!4o per U Jieoaed. eVsoom hsmt IJ'e. shoulders. jOn. Ides too. ward lOo per lb. flour 4-25 per bbl. . flhlcbena 3 00 per doa. nil reeo oran, if.ooperton snorts, is. middiioes, 20 Cbor "O. ShorilTs Sale, In the Circuit Court of Ote Stat ef Orveea j for Me Count f of Linn : Geo, H. Llggott, Plaintiff. va. E. C. MeCluln. T. P. MoKnlebt and Julia A. McKnlRbt, bin wife, Jamee A.Ocre and Maiinde J. More, nie wire, jsuat raraer 1 XI Tl. . h. . .. LI. Mir. a T T.L and Ollie Parker, bia wife, John Wyre an1 Annie Wyre, hi wife, Fred Parker, iota raraer. Nana raraer ana liarry Parker, Deiendanw, KOTICS la hereby siren that by virtue of an execution and order er nale uuiaed out ct tbe above named Court in tbe about entitled suit, I will on talarauu the llih eayaf May, isae, at tte Coart House door In the eity of Albany, unn oouniv, urecon, at toe henr of one o'clock, p. in. ot aald day sell 1 ""r r : . . - . t'". " V T j" " u.,r o0; laid , " .k.TTiIT Ir ..iS eriuinn fn? v Oreion Kel-rT J0fha ZrVhfii4 wmwl xbe nrceeeon arisina irom toe Mle of aald premise, to be applied : First to we peyens o so-T- -u? mania CI SUll l&xeu at tia.wsBn sroruin .Sendtothepayarenuo Ueo.H.Uggetttbautn of7.00 and $35.00 Attorney's reet wtm accruing thereon at the rate or 10 per ru annuoi from the 11th dav ofMatob 1889. Third, tbe overpju it any uiereoe to be paid to tbe Defendant Herein. Dated tbisSth day of April, less. JOHK SKaU-HOe, Sheriff ct Man county: Oregon By D. 8. Sai ith Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. In tkt Circuit Court of the Slate oj Oregon for Linn County. a Lucv M !Rull. PlainUft VI A. 8. Sasoettand Mary E. BaMett, hia wife. M. A. Porter and Ue. A. 11 ill. ue- fendants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtu ot en .Tenntion and order of sal issued out of th above named Court in the above entitledt suit, I will on aalerdav the litis slay ef Hay, !. t the Pnnrt Hons door ia the city of Al- 1..1.V TJnn eenntv. Oreuon. at the hour ol one o'eloek, p. m. of aaid day, veil at pnblio aaotlon lor oaan m nana io wa nignoss wu der th real property described in said exe- ontinn and order of sal a fellow, to-wit Reirinmnff on and OD half (It) roaa soma Ol ths northwest oorrior of Seotion thirty-one jn ja Township thirteen (13) south range three (31, wess oi me nuiev ., nnninu thenW Bnnth BBVntV-eifibt Sad ODB half (78) rooss tbeucs eaas-miny-mree n one-half (33i rods i thene north sevsnty- . nM mnii nne-nell liBl IWH I sueuuv west thirty tnree oa on-nau eontsinins sixteen and jo.ioft Mfi 72-1001 sores, more or less and ni.Mi.wu ... j . " , . in iinn nnnntv. oia Ol vrvituu Tk. nmvarii arisias from tbe sale VI ngthe I at public auction for caah la hand to the Tuesday. Wednesday ana roaraaay.Komg oy wj "-," ! - I UVIII n vm W Viwvai e wa pwiw use w imu I v aaa sw er. j y- , . . , " a ...r T. C.s . 1 Ore- aaia eEeoution ana oruer 01 e. -trMnae, -r-- "Tl , x 4 Ta.r al(1 VdSJ'.'. i.: saiu . . .t of thecostt and disbursements of suit taxed al $27.35 and accruing oost. becond te tbe pay meat to tbe rieintin, -uoy w. xvuaseu, sum ot tili.x'J, wun accruing i"1""1 on from the 12th day of March, 18S9. Third, the oywplu it any remain, w ce paia o Defendsnt, A. S. Baisett. Dated thi Oth dav of April, 1889. Jobs SmallmoS, Sheriff. DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA - CHINE. BEST MACUijN E IN Til MA REET HALSKV. - We can thake hands with, other chics ince we have a new charter..: Uur Ityrshal arrested a young man last Saturday night for disturbing' the peace. fionaay ne was taken before Recorder Stewart, who, after examining the case de clared hftft not guilty. Mr. Sou, son-id law of Dr. II. F. Full er, w a badly kicked one day last week while caring for hl slallion, A fractured leg was the result. Foot ball Is all the rage. Even the old married raen.merchants.ticket agenl.school teacher, In fact everyone play who can There are 54 pupil enrolled In the public school, G F Russell at the helm. Messrs. Brandon and Pearl have bought a fine Oyde horse to go with their Perch sron. The Clyde Is only 5 years old and welshs 1800 pounds and is about as nice a horse as we have hd the pleasure of look ing at. The colt show here a few days 020 was good, some of them weighing 960 pound. We notice quite a number of Improve ments In town already this spring. Mr. Wlgle has had hi cor per store refitted and painted, 4 Here I a leaf from the Halscy directory : Koonts Sc Lame.general mdse s H Godlev. hardware and stoves $ C Gray, dru $ O Howell, confectionary s Castett Bra's, rro cedes : L Stewart, harness and saddles : Dover, painter s E Bindlnc. barber : 11 B Kenlston, general merchandise Major Smith, drugs; P Patton, butcher ; A Laubner, hotel keeper s W D Smith, pain ter j I R Bone, livery and feed stable ; StandWh & Worth, blacksmiths Ji Ren- shaw, wagonmaker ( T I Black, farm Im- Elements j Gesry & Smith, M D's ; S N lavidson, confectionery ; Lame & Fris bee, carpenters ; B F Fuller, M D j V.'J Stewart. Notary Public. We have three churci.es, an I 6 G T, an I O O F and an A r A M societies and a fine public school building. And we hope while Al bany is having-her boom II- may boom in a quiet way. L-Y0N8 VILLE. A May party Is talked ol here. Considering the weather, the tarty civen lit Lyonsvllle Friday evening was a suc cess. fudges Thayer and Strahan passeJ up the road Friday, returning tbe same day. C P Morden, representing Akein. Sel ling Si Co, wa in tow n Tuesday , Mr D D Coffer, of Gatesvllle. has been engaged to wield the birch in this district, commencing to-day. Twenty-five head of horse, belonging tollennhi Bros, passed through here for Rock Creek, Thursday. A "special" with General Manager Hoag and party came to this place yesterday, re turning from here. . Another rain and ball storm passed oyer to-day, lasting but a short time. A petition Is being circulated, praying that a license may be granted for the sell Ing o! spirituous liquors In less quantities than a quart, in this precinct. A remon strance is being circulated against it with eyen chances of success. A party of several men leaves here this week going up near Mt Jefferson wiih a view to taking up timber lands. Only a short time will elapse until the Cascades on the line ef the O P will be a lumber yard. NKW STORE. Mitchell & Lewis Co., DEALERS IN . Agricaltoral Implements hi y'F', e an A full lini csrrel t cat branob ALBAfJY. - - ONEC0) 8461. RECORD, 2:29-34. r Ht Oregon's QreaU it atld ure6oa B VJACttt v ,v c Record of 2JZ"J 3-4 yea'-s rethcnent.o before equalled the North Will be at Albany.Frlday and 8urday; - i - .. n. niinp nr iiiuoi'd iMruraitnmi inn next ITn f bnkTne and defeating the moat mMm mtnlnulainm with fast borwa devised to oeitfas niru, are sun uesit in t! o memory of aTlCrmen but w0aid Mtnind tbam .gain tiwt ho was the sanation a aa 8 year old. lowering tn turn b. recrd. tau. faJilug murage, indomitable will.and high atruni? touiparament will cot brook dsfe i anr) bia present record hi at yet no measure of hie PeJ a tw made in th mi d I nd under tee most adverse circumstance. At throi yeir old he aired 6 oclt In 1, ! M"T.V'-" ZZZ. 7 5 T.t fn vr nrs w . i l k' e tinn nt hie tMMTOr DU 11008 be Inherits bw greai speea sua uuuiuou " r . . Li.. lnraireaiair i ht m sua ami, a u ovyeai v j w- - . . .s Pb.a Itallu fA VMT flini. FA Eli 2 LUV llJliUWItlil ao-VM "ua lliw " -- t ' . erss . il lk.1 wen-BA Kauatl lSr.karAn M.I1 1 It ia?A Chan 7i 'I n.1rtii rr rmc nc seauis iaiwre'i tuau.vu .. r --- I tinr. nf his burrormanoes cuuvimts mo ui jv ijuu.w-. .. -uunw .-. -.eolliaoid M43. by AlUaisnt, 5t2l. Dun, Majia Ami d, i5. wi? t be kept at" Uorvalti i and Indipe tdsune, Tyran, $35 0 J w io i;aH. EawaKD Evkrktt -Fall brother to KUy Uma, reiird 2:11. will j pmnvty Oneeo. term, f 15.00 to Ore in BbOWlUg mo noraoe ujr farther partiouiara aaaress. MCKNIGHT BROS., MULTMAH, 10369 1 1 The Standard Bred Trotliug Stallion Willi Ua,1 was I t with i record '. at Sipleon, years It a A,ra 0.1Q1 .nl aonthnra be at our faim Mond.y8,Wedne8daya and . . . i t'.oom i j i i dk Vinmim. v . T. Ia a bright uu f oaioa JUiy suin, iooss uswu uj,J ',':-VK. a.V.rt M, I i star and blacK points, ia gooa sijso ana eiyima. ;i V ' 'Ti " t nr- 1 - M a 1 a in t il.Hl' I 111 OaSlS w.- 'mr, - AiLMllBl VINlia UlUi i ! . . rr .."V o',. ii.,.i.t e-snl! Altacrn. 2:12: Beulah. 1 . . .i..rii,...ii o. nn-niliar winnrs of colt races. Altai;,. n e .arnt LilU'fif v2stmont. 2:IS : PuriUn, 2:11 1 Fanny Witherspooo, 2:16 ; Knl. oelow 3:00 winutea he h. S3 sous that have sired 79, 2:30 performers Moltaow dam ia Bell Price the dam orOneoo 2.29 ; Pricemount, 8 years old f 5 ; Zelopiior " . , 'IT :.-. - ,.- f.i..( o it rnr t fnr an Oreeon bred stallion by j gecondai Bell Price by Doble. 5 year old it.- el, - tKe wtner nfiril AflD TtPit fimi He will 'make a very handsome horse and a tw tter certain. For further iuformid and exUnaed pedigree, address the owner. Terms: Seasons ?30; lnsuranoo, JU K J. P. Hilt, many igent, j for CoIi'mWe Bicycles, Tricycle ! Hafotte, A I mo Rival, otto and Natlw. Bicycles and Cresoent and Jnnlor 8fU j worth from 150 to J80. tinl for rta of new and teoood-band wheels now t; ototjk. i BREEDERS, ATTESTIO W tThe import-! French Coa-h Eta'll'vt,' Vlrirtictator, will make tbea&non of i, st In following place! BrownsvHl. ,' Mondays and Tuesday : Hsliw. Wed nesday and Thursdays 5 Lebanon, f!- : lays and ttnrdnv. . Her W an of.rwv - tun ity for (he farmers of Linn county '. get the service of tbe only French w 1 boree ev-r bronirht te Orwgnn. He vr 1 Imiorto'l from France bvTbeo. Skilln;n 1- and by blm t-roaght to this HMm. '11 rrencb conch borne has been nltra? !ir ; rremt attention throughout tbe KMr 1, states the past few years and are rr:r ;S importer from racce m great numbf-r , vindicator U a line representative .f t. , famous breed cf borsee, standing 17; ; hands high, and weigh, ng 1500 Iba. i r hae taken premium over Cleavland L-i;. 1 wb rever shown. Tble atallion teprecr' 'he goDfral purpose now no much vtt'U i b;r He will be altowerl mares at s; - ,) to insure a mare in foaL Keep year ) on his date. McKai'.fiT Buoy., Trop'a. f W. C. Wktl ee, Agent. f Sealed Bids, Snaltd bids will be received by the I'-os- t i of Directors tf tbe Albany Street Kaiiwsy Com psny of A Ibany, Oregon, op to and h - ? eluding tbe Wild day of April, 1889, for 1V1 1 construction cf a street railway io said cit -; Separate bid will be received on each pr' oeitiaa as follows s 1st For all lumber 01 l in tb conitruetion of said road. 2nd. F. all rail aad for jrnn material nted io c 1 - , traction of the rood bed. All material latv shed to I delivered en tbe line of tbe pjc noel rod a directed by the Superintend, i f of tie Company. 3rd. For tradicg - 1 bnliiling road ready for tbe roilirigHfoili 1 all material tn be fariiisned by tee -, puy. 4th. For farotabiog all tnateru, . 1 work et IsLer necessary to compete sst-l rood bed ready for tbe roilii g stock. All li - materia! famished, d the work dsue to t ,, I according to tbe plan and specifications c v, nn HI in tbe ofiioe of the Beciefary of it i Company where they can be seta. Con j trsct'vr will be required to giv bond for thf. faithful perform uc of their contract. Ti Company reotrve the riaht to reject any j all bids. AH bid thou'd be addressed to ! Secretary at AJbaoy, Oregon, and matir ' 1 "Bids for tbe construction tf the AlSi 1 y Street Railway.- I By order of the Bcar-1 of Director. C. G Bcbkhaht, Secrttary. NEW GOODS Velticlcs. hn-c Cr 2i 1 ai 1 E Is vjrlh, S.. - 0Ktuu.- tlaHlOSt RaCellOrSO, V7I i'sh first season after four performance never j by any horse on j Pacific Coast, at the McKaUbt frm, Msnjliy; at deU - rminelmbioaUous which shrewd me 1 His bull dog tenacity, neT ur old At the nj nf 6. ,Uve work, brakm A I?.irpiL u- nl I r- 3 nfthern aid ara- as t,"-"."".. Terms, JaO. - r j. i . i Albany or Corviii, in the :80 list. Healso has 110 wua reenr. i record 2:28, son Erecsson 4 years old I reeorr & fAClt W LQ hi9 TMillZT BAEUOWS BROS, SliedJIs, Linn county, Priori.