11 I. J TO nit e:eu Is tha best Advertising medium In H10 Central-. Willamette YalU C2 IN ADVANCE ; C2 53 Al KD . CF YEAR. Issued every Friday l.y a TITE3 &I XTTTI3STO. AdvertUing rales made kuowu oo VOL. XXIV. ALBANY, OREG ON, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1881). NTO 38 C 11 11 i j 1 it! I i s 1 THE PLACE. By alt itimttH m.H m Pane, Brothers, SnorexMr J rV Jit) "aa-, W yvwr Groceries, I WANT Produce, Baked Cools, Its. Etc, Their ml ere tha lx and, the ir jirlf ttinb!. W EALTFT I Without llrallh fa. not be tUu)-cd. THEREFORE USE TJPfunder HFALTff fiCSTORER. It is the Heat helper to lUalth and tlw quickeet ear. o Karth. Mil in time lor all diiraacso th Stomach, Liver, kidneys and Skin. I cures Rheumatiatn, Malaria, Coaled 1 ocigu. and Headache, telievea t'on.tiiwoon, Uiiiuua tens and liynwpaia. drives all tnipunllee out ol '.BO Blood and drteeupoldSore. The Huunea men buy II, the Workiiiirmm see It. th Lsdies take it, the Childrrn try lor tt and lb Kanueie it It If thir brat health prwmr, Sold everywhere, i.a bottle; aix Tor 5.0a. jonrj bbiccs, A13AMI CSE3 I'OSKS 1 Hr-rCUlTf. Ceiuetvry lot plsotej l aunmtwl ir. W BONUS. Except your patronage, A, J. ANSLYN, Carriage Manufactory, AT F.Willart'8 old Stand, oa!2adSt., ALBANY, OREGON Painting and Trimming. FINE SHOEING AN3 GENERAL BU CKSMlTHtN&r Firs'-Class Work Mada to Order. A New Grocery Discovered AT cHiong'a . oirmr, opptOui MuwrtA sit, r; ,ri , v t. full Una t-l FFESII cnOCERIES, CAFif.ED GOODS, DRIED FRUITS, ETC, Q'llik ' nit I small iirofl'.a," "hive a ) Ixt live,"' in nar motto. t'leits es.ll aud t nine oil sri an I i-t prices. ilslaclloD guaranteed. Produce Taken In Exchange, Very Kespvctfullj, ' -BARDUE& UNDERWOOD. Juif Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar. Roger Bros. Silvarwrara, Praach Ohiar. and Crys talware, Bays' Wajoa?, Dall Oi-.-rUgea, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Orockrey and Toys. Ha bajridiraot ud e-trriei iba UrH tt w' Iti th bM been addod a eotnp!al lias of fillvn:i4 Vallaj, to wiiol FAMILY GROCERIES. ' la Agent for ioauntoc ootnpaoi- with a capital ;ra'.lu irS.OJJ.OtV , fWlc on pari Franoala. UUtr wire! dautch faproobn."X ALBANY FXTTNITURB CO. NEW "GOODS in il.e old fiunintii- 'd1 optiokite Scit i'Sjx'a IIidr .wif. dmire to ruakf ..an t. .roreaiv noIm gooda aa will aati-fr u rtfinr j tatt and tha lit.m onru(ip!y. Ws oordtIjr ibtr tLa m?ojiI to c ,'!. 4n'l tn t ko verj great Jilnitirr lu bolnj cur g(Kid 'it tr etrr i i ( I m t rra4 " ' 10 1 FURNITURE. "Yon want Iba beat anJ moat durable furntUrtbt ic maoufaclured in.lkacity ;o Thomas Brink. 1 tfft " is JULIUS JOSEPH Manufactuier l Cigars l FIIIE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST LOCAL ItHCOIlD. Cx:a'!ii aonSui'Jki'iK Tolwyyj. U Mr)buM an I Br . lino, f Smok ra Artieak Alao dtwler"t Pip , . SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. A Wheeler, Springfield, Oregon, Proprieto. A. WIIEELKR, ALBANY MANAGER. Albany Yard and Office on Railroad St 1 atween 4th and 5th Street. ITuvlnp; Ininbor not icatlrd In qnailly, and faclllllea not mrpaurd for tbe prornp uvj HMaitKbur UUiiJIs oi or jr.. n a i wp'muu auimik a vuaroui iiiv truiio. X ' ' ' f' ' ...j ? ' "" 'I v ' ; c ; TO MAKE I j y . . Dslicloas Biscuit I I' i 'y Ask your Cr:er f ' B I ( vf " f -i C 0 W BRAND I 7 Al I fsODASALERATUS, A Snaks SroRY."Th following atorjr U told for tiia truth 'Geo It Bailey, of Antelope, loat o vaUmblo threa year old I'crchcroit mare recently, and at ha waaat a lo to know the cauae of her death he took Iila veterinary tool one butcher knife and an axe and proceeded to Inves tigate. When he arrived at tha fact he found the bladder of the animal was butted, and that It contained three live snake, the hrgeit one being about eighteen I ik hc long and three around. It I be lieved thnt the mate drank aome anake cgli which went Into the bladder and hatched out, a tt I tinpotnlhle for a live nuke, no mutter how small, to have got through any other way-Aahland ,Vtw. A Handsome Pictvkk. liaveyouacen the picture of MU Anna W. William, of Philadelphia. Then you are unfortunate, a three million are now tcaiteretl over the country. All they coat i a dollar apiece and everybody should have one,but tramp. To be plain, the face teen on the new standard dollar,whtch some have call. ed the Rf-conr dollar. It that of the young lady mentioned, the dcalgucr of the dollar, Mr. LoBun, taking her neaa lor a model. Several in re million of her photographs will be iMtted and will bo taken at this print ahop at par. forNTiKitn. Mr llanktn, of Maple Lane, clear up the tnyttery a to the Iden tity of the notrd horaethlcf, says the Ore gon City CettnW, lie y that he went to reboot with him lit l'ennvlvinlj, the tate of hi birth, and that hi name was L Streeter. Ilefore he was n year of nge he wa sent to the penitentiary on an alii- davit of Mr Itanklns, for hone stealing. The thief apoken of abnva I the tnn who wa shot to pieces in the southern part of Multnomah countv a lew uaya since by theoilkers who were trying o effect his capture for horse stealing near Oregon City. St-dues Death. Samuel T Miller, an old resident of Linn county, having resid ed near Scto for a great many years. dropped dead at Amity, Wednesday even ing, while on Ids way to the Presbytery at Lafayette. He wa 6j year of age and leave a large family. Rev Miller was one of the mini active prohlbitiunla's In the valley. , He wa a man of sterling charac ter. "Rev Miller wa In Albany about a wrrk ago attending a session o'f the Odd Fellows here. Ills body was taken to ck and bulled on Friday. . Ir Pi isc all Riuht. Good for Rose- burg, it now has, says a local paper, In course of construction at least 15 new build. logs including 10 residences, one ware- h-ue and two elegant brick stores bcaUka several buildings juat completed und num erous others which will be begun soon, al so a woolen ndll ready for operations, a Building and Loan Association with a capital stork of $100,000 ; a water com pany with a capital Sxjdco and several other hualnrss enterprises organised, all within the past few month. 1 hat Is not a boom ; but it I what makes a good city. LeiiAsox. Ir E R Barker ha been appointed deputy recorder of Linn county for the North Santlam and Quartavltle dirtrict. . . .J P Hail, of Albany, wa on our streets Wednesday, working In the Inter, est of the Columbia bicycle. . . .Tho Park er expect to leave her next week to en. Kaga in the livery business at Albany Lebanon loa 1 Albany sain.... Mr F Stubblencld. of Walla Walla. W T. Is visiting Iter father' famllv and friend Established a Pkoukam. -The doctor of Ashland are evidently getting Indepen dent, r our of them hav published the following program s Day visit In city. $2.50 ; night, $3.50 to $5 1 consultation, $5 ; prescriptions, $1,50 ; obstetric, and one subsequent visit, $15 ; obstetric In strumental, $30 to $50 : mileage, $1 per mile. Keaoived that bill lor medical er vices be presented within 99 dty from cessation of treatment and that Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum be ad ded to bill after presentation. Aw Exctritsio. Mr W C Tweedale re turned last Thursday from Corvalll where he made satisfactory arrangements for a train of three cars for a grand O F excur sion to the O P front, mention of which ha been heretofore made. It will occur on the 26th Inatant. and will be participated In bv the Odd Fellow of neighboring cities. The train will leave Albany at about 8 o'clock, go to Gatesville, and return leav ing there at about 3 o'clock. This la a trip many have been desiring to make, and it U doubtful It three car will hold the crowd. WatekGkttikoLowek. A iaitlmam reporter wa Informed yesterday by an officer of the "Win M Iloag"that the liver at the present lime is tsren'y-two Inches beJow tow water mark at Salem, and that the chances are that if rain does not soon come lo raise the river navigation will be cut off in ,a short time. ataman. At Albany it Is just twenty two inches above low water mark. And none of the boats have any chuck to spare. Portlan d Illustrated. The last llarfrr'i Weekly illustrates Portland in fine shape, giving a general view,several prom inent buildings and street and pictures of Harysy Scott,. Judge Dcady, Wm : Read W S Laddand Henry Failing. Ve suggett though Hut Eastern paper cease paying so much attention to our Chinese. There are about five times as many now In New York V ity a In Portland. Wamiiwto! Street. In the injunc tion suit of A II Mamhall against the city a tletUlon'wii received from Judge Doise last Thursday denying the motion asking for a disHolutlon of the injunction, and the injunction will stand until the June te.-m of court when the cae Will be tried on it merits. A no opinion accompanies the order the ground for the decision are not known, though various one are assigned. Did it Pass. "As the time for spray ing apple tree Is here, some say that there is a law to compel every one to spray hi orchard.. Can you give, the , desired In formation," ask a correspondent, Such a law passed; but it is reported that it wa not engrossed. It would .probably not be enforced anyway, . . . CroWd of Immigrants. Rev F J Strayer, agent of the Oregon Land com pany, arrived in the city last night accom panted In the city by sixty persons from rennsyivania, who have come to "live and love" in this part of Oreean.StateatMan. That is the kind of rustling that builds up ft community, Elected. At thej-egular meeting of Albany Lodge No 4, 1 O O F, Thursday, the following representatives were elected 10 the grand lodge whlch'meets atMcMinn ville the irthday.'of Mayt , W Ciller, J F Backensto and W C Tweedale. New Potatoes. Tack Bercaw has shown us new potatoes just dug from the ground as large as an ordinary apple. New potatoes the toth of April is not to be sneezed at. ' Str AWBERRiES-Some gentlemen across the river yesterday tell about eating straw berries out of Mr. V.'m. Peacock's patch, Send the news back to blizzard ridden East. . . '." AUuiuiar, Friday tvenlngshortly be fore 1 1 o'clock, W McLaughlin, the tailor discovered a burglar In the Cl'y Meat Mar ket aJjolulng his tailor shop, and notified Nightwatch Miller and Marshal Hoffman, who csptured the man In the act of open ingthe money drawer. He was placed In In county, tall and afterward he'd to await the action of the erand jury under $;oo bonds, which will keep him at the Hotel de Smallmon until the June term of circuit court. The same evening some one entered tha meat market of Mr Dlerenger and extracted 75 cents from the tilt, leav ing the box on the Hoar, probably the same man. In both cases the front door was pried open, The man save hi name as John Wilson, and probably belonged to the tramp lamtiy. Crock County. This week we record an Important change U the mercantile business of our town. Messrs. llahn St Fried retire fiom bunlness, and Uren ft Chillis take their stock at Invoiced value. . .. .J. C. Abbott, proprietor of the Hot Springs on Beaver creek, Is the possessor of one otthe attractive features of this Co Those spring, properly advertised, are a paying buslne to their owner, and a for tune to those who patronlxe them. They are a dead shot or. rheumatism,.,, Sheep shearing will begin In thl county about the first ot next month. A few wool grow er may shear earlier than that time.... County Court, failed to tnett on Monday of this week, a the Uw demand. But they promise to make amends by getting togeth er next Monday, AVrtv. Y.M. C. A. Election. The directors ot tl ' 'vly organised Y M C A met last Friday ssi elected the following officers: W II Lee, president M O Brink, vice president! C D Woodwerth, serrtl.ry j E F Sox, treasurer. Committers were appoint ed for various departments of work, and It was decided to begin holding go pel meet ing .Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'clock. The monthly business meeting will be held the secstnd 'Friday Arrangements are being made for a permanent halt, and It I pro posed to place the association on a good foundation. New Foundation, The Corvalll Ot- trtt says 1 "George Waggoner is having his residence mwved back a few feet on his lot and a new foundation being placed un derneath." It might also be remarked that Judge Boise, of this city, waa engjged one day this week putting a new and more substantial foundation under George's seat on the railroad commlloit. which will cause him to sit easier for the next two years. Thus, he I eettlnir a solid founda tion alt around Slatrtmait. THE MAN ABOUT TOWN Sometimes the mighty fall though not endowed with Hie. The old bank counter that stood for so many" years In the First National Bank building, the Man About Town I informed Is soon to appear in an entirely different flelJ. Hereafter the money going over It Instead of being plac ed to the depositors credit will simply pay tonne annas in an vioany taiooo. wood sewerage and pure water are among the greatest questions that agitate any city, and are matter that should be continually investigated in Albany as well as in other cities. In large cities there are regular Board of Health who Inquire into all kinds of drinking water. It would b a ! proper thing, besides other Investigation. secure a good analysis of both the well and hydrant water In Albany, both that coming from the Callpoola and from the Santlam . PXNRtONS FOR INDIAN riOUTEIW. In the early settlements of Oregon the t e'.llers were subjected to the dire ravages of barbarous warfare as were the early set tlers In New England and the south. Con gress by the donation act Invited American clllsens to seUle hero as a means of holding possession of the territory now embraced by Oregon and Washington against tha adverse claim set up by Great Britain. In a national point of view this possession was a matter whose value could not be es timated In dollar and cents. It required a spirit of courage, fortitude and patriotism for those early plonceis to leave home, Cauliflower is said to have .been brought from Cyprus to England in 1603, senators and Congressmen want mori pay I for their brains and setvkss. Their constitu ents want mors brains and servic's for their pay. Who wsnt is th greatest? i lie simplest way to fumigate a room is to I beat an iron shovel very hot, and then pour vinegai vpon it, drop by drop, , The steam arising irom inn is a disiniectsnt. Itoors r windows sliould be opened that it may escape. If it be true that a Congressman is harassed lo get along on 15,000 a year, why are so many j, f vsimnc. Artiwtlc (il'aintinq: SIGHS, DESICHS. Wod Engraving anrliltfechsalcal Drawings, LETTERING A SPECIALTY. Rooms tt and 9 Fotor Blocks , 'nlerwJ a th P O It w at Albstiy an serond-clasa mail matter. STJJiSCnimON RATES. DcHrerad fcveMrler wr werk... ... .15 liy mail, par ybr jmui, per motrn .... o RATES WEKLY, jr, In adrfi.f .,....,., . , 5. na jwiir, at atxi m ytnr ,........,., inot.Uia, in advanse , . , ... 1.1) friend and tha endearfno- associations of meB cambung lot such places, eager to le civilisation, to come to this then trackless hed quit 10 death by sacrifice and priv. wilderness and make homes surrounded on -, , I 1 . . M l I.. I I 11 siue oy tavsiie inuei in uiikih. i ... . ., , , , . , . I The dsath rate in the case of brewers, com- PnllAxtnai ilia W hllman miuiriv nl whli-h I . . ' .... ... ,-. . .... . Mefds, ,rlYeIlcrii ,d olber c;aMes Mpoted ,0 every pioneer hariad and re-read In si . . ,rwium, ...j, .H, lu brutal details, came the Cayuse war, in . ' . hlA .1- NUNea IaL " "- nvsa ow silaSii T v seal tj iwiiv-ii ws 1 , W. E. Mum) The circus has gone but the small boy Is I w here and the show will be continued by the P ?ar the service performed by these 1 am aawyers and uuckieberry Finns, of , wuo wos, nsir nca ...... v.. . Toe largest taxpayer in Germany is Herr ,kWnilMlirUmWMm TVZ "VCng' T TIT?, , Km of Esa, who psy. 131.400 on an in reckless than ordinarily. ..; MSSTu" J!?. S I have bought the largeat andbest stock of DE.Y GOODS A Pomeroy, W, T. paper says that all the best horses will be advertised In lu col umns. The only horse ad. In the paper li mat or a muie. Lurious country that. Two gentlemen from Tocoma and Spo kane Fall have been In the ciiy, both old and popular cltlxens here. It is worth a jocknlfe to hear them tell about bow dull It seemed In Portland on their way here, and Aioany, wen, 11 almost puts them asleep to waia aieng our street. COC NCI L PKUCCRPINUM. sua iney .tiouiti o amp.y d, nfj:U1L FfanLwl , ()lJ, Mal. rcmslnlnafof these pioneer to know that! an earnest effort Is being made to secure The oil of black birch I a product almost a AVer brOUffht to Alb an V. and I WOUid rGSDeCtfullv from the general government a proper J precious as lb sitsr of roses.and is worth about J . - ' recognlUonof their and their dead com- $8o per galbn. As for the ordinary birch andnvit9 CVerV 0216 tO Call End lOOK? thrOUth mV rade services In that war, in the way t hickory eiV well, we all rememlxr what it Present all ofucer but councilmen but Parker, Petition for sidewalk in front of block 78 M' S A read and gianted. Easter Prices. A circus with east ern prices I a novelty In Oregon. Such wa Mc Mahon & Farlnl's. 50 cent for adults, 35 cents for children, tt cents for side show andio cents for reserved seats. The entertainment was good and contained several fine features, well carried out not withstanding a big Wcbfoot shower that penetrated even the heavy canvas. The The clown was considerably more promi nent than In the recent three ring affairs and nbtained somewhat of the old time recognition of hi ability and power a a joker. Cotre again." Yaihina Bav. During the past few days men and boy have caught many bar rel of fine herring from the wharves. The fish gather very thick around the pile and deposit their spawn. Iris no trick at all to catch, with a dip net a bucket full ot them In a few moments. ...Next year Mr Case will build a three story addllion,3ox6$, lo the Ocean House and furnUh It with all the modern cotiverilen-.es.... The first clr eus on Yaqulna Bsy gav exhibitions on Tuesday and edncsdjy at 1 equina City. It-fmhlimn. , . A Good Sio. The Astoria Piommr gets off the followinr good thing-, which we have seen In nearly all our exchanges 'The man who' wouldn't take a newspaper was In town the other day. Among the other Indication of being behind the times, we noticed that he set his watch by the sign In front of the Jewelry store.wlped his nose on a bolt of calico hanging in front of a store, stopped at a bank to Inquire tfre price of lumber and paid twenty-five cent to a arug cierk tor an almanac Car Load or Twine. April 11 Stewart at Sox received by way of the Oregon Pa clfic five car Ioal of twine, the largeat ship-me-t ever made to the valley. It weigh fifty ton and all together I just $73,500, 000 feet long, enough to rea:h four times across the United Mates and back to Gates ville. Considerable Is said about the cost of twine this year; but the fact I thl twine win oniy cost urmen about six cents an acre more than last year. Stewart Sc Sox do thing by tbr wholesale- , Uncertaixttop Lire. "In the mldt of life we are in death." ;The newspaper often put into type an item and then just before going to press another entirely dif ferent one on the ame subject, so rapidly do human events change. The. CorvallU Leader has an item about' a young man and say "hi many friend will be glad to hear of the recovery of nn health," in another place hi death I chronicled. Large Snipi. It takes a good deal to frighten a lawyer; but they do tell the story that IsstThursday after cominghetne from a hunt from beyond the Calipooia they made Judge Whsliey believe a couple farmers were in the city after a warrant jt hi arrest for shooting Chinese pheas ants, whereas it wss only large snipe served up for him at the at Charles for supper. Leo Broken. Lout Thursday evening, while riding near Sand Ridge, the team being driven by Charlie Bardwell,a son of A. Bard well, ran away,' throwing the boy ouon the ground, resulting In one of hi feg belno broken, the bone protruding out of the flesh so severe was the fracture. He was also considerably bruised in other re spects. . Valuable Horse Killed. Several days ago Vfr Alfred Wheeler's fine trotting mare, from Oneco, while in hU stables 011 his farm, was kicked In the region of the heart bv a frisky fitly separated from him only by a pole, and died shortly afterwards. Mr wneeier had awhile previous to the accident refused $250 for the horse. s- A BooMERWe have seen" booming items but the following from an exchange "ther jumps over anything else we Ive ever seen in print : "And it Is now said 4 hops raised in. Oregon have become so ,.pu!ar In England that the English are Mng up their vines and buying our Will Repeat. The members ef the G A R, of thl city will on May lotk repeat "The Veteran or Kezlah the Scout."' This play was one of the most popular ever presented in the city and will again draw Dig nouse. 5 . v i A Holiday. April 30th, the centenniaj of the constitution of the United States will be a general holiday for the schools of the country and as many other places as will observe it. The Albany schools will celebrate it in a fitting manner. 1 . placing them on the pension lists ot the I used to bring. 1 8T0CK. nation. A bearing unon this point we I 1 have been shown a letter from Senator) It Is relsled of a gosjoj Mississippi editor that Mitchell to Hon. R. A. Irvine, of this city, ' fourteen year delinquent to bis paper whs atnia. that thtre seems to be no record attended the funeral and just as the ----- ' w , - r - B .1 - . . . ... i ..r . ...nut- ... I vuihb was ucine hjtcwcq oowb pot inm mw w. . a.rSmn.i wir. .- ,ime ,u , a dm a thermometer, Tuunwcn i n aanuigtwii v 1 palm leal tan and a recipe for making ice. who were called out to protect the live, home and property of the early settler I If you find ftvsted window panesdamp mayor, and all I against the murderous attacks cf the Cay-1 pillows and walls, and feel UnguitJ, with prob- use ar.d other Indian tribes. Senator I ably a slight headache, when yot wake on a Mile hell's letter Is accompanied by one I cold morning, yon can feel pretty sure that tbe from Adjutant General Dunn.ln which that I ventilation is imperfect. At this time of year Petition of L II Montanye for the exten.l officer states that Capt-Wm. E. Birkhlmer, I the air is frequentlo shut out to keep out the Ion of Brosdalbln street sewer was voted! Acting Jvdge Advocate, Department of (cold, asd niany suffer from the ill effects of aa on and granted. I the Columbia, stationed at Vancouver, V. I insufficient supply of oxygen, and the breathing IlenJ K Weatherord was called upon IT. has been designated lo Investigate the I of sir charged with cstlxmic scid and other dele and spoke In reference to the Waattlng-1 organisation and service of the compsny of 1 terioas subatsoces thrown oft by exhalation. ton street grade uU. I which Lawrence Hall wai made captain. I Tbe evidenc of bad ventilation may sot be Councilman French moved that a com-1 We are Informed that there are several old I decidedly marked, but the silent and Jntidioos mittee ot three be appointed to employ an I pioneers living In Linn county who were I injury to health goes on. A family can be attorney to assist the two already emplcyed I members of that company, These gentle- I comfortable with less beat and more fresh air In the grade suit. I men should correspond at on:e with Cspt, I thaa is generally supposed, and in rooms bested French, ITeyoe and Grsdwohl were ap- I Win. B. Blrkhimcr.elvlnjr him all the facts I by furnace or slave, and lighted by gas. too pointed. , I within their knowledge bearing upon this The committee on health and police I Important subject. This matter grows out were instructed to exsmme the matter ef , roe,noria Introduced In the late legls ailV Wa vi waikair Wf IMC StlfmtJ WalaJCr I a . t, .11, work from the Ca Inoola direct! v rnm I "f oenaior srvine, 01 wiis i.uV, where th Callpoola sewer emptlc Inte I asking Congress to pension these pioneer the stream. I Hdlan flshters en the same terms as pen - 1. . . . . . . . . 1 ouncuman uraawor 1 movea msi street commlloner examine Into the matter of connection by lateral sewers with the main sewers, and when not done that the proper ty owners be notified to do so. City recorder was instructed to advertise for bids for extending Brosdalbln sewer across 7th street. Councilman rrench moved that councilman at next meeting produce all evidence possible In reference to different kind of sewer pipe. Children Cry for DOMT FORGET we carry a full line of Ot M, Henderson & Uo s BOOTS AND SHOES. ". ..''..,'' f .: 4. j The Red School House Shoes are the best in the world. much care regarding ventilation cannot be exer- Icised. ItKTTER CtVK JABETT A PLACE. sions are granted to Mexican war veterans. We see no reason why this slight recogni tion of their valuable services should not 1 at ore be gra'nled . B. F. Kayser and wife, ot Marlon. 1111- eacWlnols, have been appointed Superintendent ttKAIi EsTaTr SALES. As recorded In the Recorder's office for Linn county, Oregon 1 V Morrow to Peter Bllyeu, part of 101 1, di a 10, iscio.... .... ..... A Hackleman to II E Chipman, lot 1, oia 3, in 30 oha loom to E Lanntng, undivid ed K of E blk tic 11' A... Geo E Chamberlain to Cha O Cab- ien. lot a. blk 3 A Hackleman to John Glblln. bike. u s 4m a... loco I 1400 A Hackleman to J Inora and E J fanning, blk 13, and 4 lots, blk 18, H'4th A 1 JMV Hllyeu to A J BUyeu, 3 lots, biko, W'A. Silo... .? JMV Bilyeu to A J Bllyeu, let 1. oanu part 01 1017, blk J, and part of lot 6,blk so. W A Scto Mr M A Daly to Nancy E Elder, "' blk in, H's A.... John Stipp to M E Bllyeu, lot 13. . b.k 3 and lots 4 and 5, blk 8,W A, Sclo...; GeoDRIdlngitrtoMr M A Daly. blk $o It's ad A 700 J M Ralston, to C M Moist, 90 acre adjoining Lebanon G II Liggett to J VI Rals'on.ooacrea adjoining Lebanon, . United States to Edward Evans, a patent w GOLDEN BCLB BAZAAR t'ab a iag Ways at Jlla sj wbol I have made arrangement fee buying good direct from the factories V Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast The following are some of me cm h retail prices t K doxen nnhandled teacups and aaucers. 35 s. H doxen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 CIS, K doxen handled coffee cup and 1 cera, 50 cts. ft doxen seven Inch dinner plates, 45 cts. . . These goodt are all Ironstone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. I hsvs also aouea good stock of groceries, which t ask people t call and examine and judge lor themselves as to quality and prices. Tulivs Gradwohu Paotoxrapky. " A. B. Paxton has bought out Mr. Littler at the old stand and he will be happy to welcome all his old customers and new ones as well, and will be able to give finer pictures than ever before, having secured all late Improvements In the art while East We have all the negatives taken by myself and Crawford for the last 10 years In Al- oany, tiarnsDurg, Monmouth and Larval lis and will furnish copies from them at re duced prices. Are prepared to do all kind of copying and enlarging to life slse. finish ed in best style. Frames of all sizes cheap. in , , . , - v ail ana aec ittic wort, Crawiord & Paxtok, and Matron, respectively, of the Indian school at a arm Spring Indian Agency rnls means, of course, that there are no republicans In Oregon fit and competent to take charge of the Indian school. It will be remembered, that, when, under Cleve- landome man from the east sras appoint ed farmer at the Warm Spring,the repub lican paper of this state set up a long and sanctimonious howl about a democratic 300 1 president sending men from a dlsUnce to fill positions here,that,by right, should be filled by ciliaens of the state. Criticisms, soo then, of Cleveland s course, In the estima tion of these brethren, could not be made too severe. That, alone, they said, was enough to sink Cleveland's administration. But there seems to be.ln the action of these papers, a very broad, wlde-out difference bet ween twesdle- dum and t wcedle-dee. We hear no criticism of Harrison. These or- gans evidently believe In the doctrine that Hhe king can do wrong," provided how ever he Is a king after their own heartThls Is one of the exemplifications of that dearlr leved doctrine of "home rule," which he was to observe so closely. The Solomon Va&ey Democrat published at I Those people who were disposed lo think I Minneapolis Kansas ssys: that Secretary Bayard moved tooslowtyi "Knock the tenff off the raw material of I 3700 1 with reference to the situation at Samoa, 1 which twine is'msde, and if necessary admit Hi be Interested to know that the present 1 itielf free, and the twine trust would die a administration will do nothing toward es- I natural death. It is "useless to attack these tabllshing a coaling stsllon at Pago Pago j trusts and uphold the principal source of their until after the Berlin conference, for fear I being. This thought may be unpalatable to of giving offense to Germany. The United I many of our readers who believe ia a protective States has a clcrly established right to set I tariff, but it is easy to disprove it by investiga- up a coaling atation there whenever it sees tioo if it is false. A mere denial for partisan fit to do so, and congress has appropriated I effect wort disprove it.' $100,000 tor the purpose, but Mr. Blaine Is I Bra. Democrat, your head Is level , You in no hurry to act in the premises. 1 no 1 are a teacher of the true faith. Tbe time is exigencies of the republican party In the j not far distant when the farmers of Kansas tieat ot a campaign, and the exigencies of I will open their eyes to tbe truth of what you state policy when that party control the y, "One more river lo cross." administration are widely different SOO 3S 1 333 300 John Jsrrett must be cared for by tbe party now in power, and the best way to do it is to make it no more costly to the country than is absolutely necessary. He bos speculated in politics u ruler the labor flag for some years; tbe labor is worthy of bis lure, and be roust be paid. Mr. Jarreit has proposed two wsys by which be can be satisfactorily paid for bis party ser vices. He has a ua combine ready to start, by wliich be and probably a score of others could be speedily enriched, if tbe tax on tin is put up :S per-cent. Ia other words, if Congress shall lax every dinner pail and tbe kitchen utensils of the poor and the vegetable 'cans of tbe small fanners, $7,000,000 more a year, Mr. Jarre t would be content without an office, be and his combine would maaufadure tut, We now tax the consumers of tin some $6,000,. 000 when we don't manufacture a tin plate in tbe country, and Mr. Jsrrett wants 00 iy $7,000 000 or so snore added to the taxes of the people to enable him and a score of bis associate to accumulate fortunes. As there is much doubt about Congress tax ing the people msay millions annually to repay Mr. J arret t for bis party services, be is willing to take tbe Consulate to Sheffield, England, as a full acquittance of present claims; and as that would be the cheapest way to psy him let him have tbe Consulate by all means. 1 le must be paid of course; but wby tax the people millions needlessly every year to pay him when be can be paid without any extra tax being imposed upon our already overtaxed peoplrF Give him tbe Consulae. Z LI -A Kf' l.&i'' (rr 1- 7' T V Bxrrr cm. 11 en 13 Kits on & co s; J erusaAito bocts a surxa r j CB1CAB3-- ' ?7V- a2U i i . till .. .-.iJJ t J ! 4 v.. Look out for Bargains in the next 30 dayc. W. F. BEAD, The Leading Jash Dry Goods Store. ... 3300 ft-' iV 1 17 We have repeatedly shown ia these columns I that the profession, on tbe part of republican leaders, of special regard for, and interest in A resolution adopted the other day by tbe New York republican businessmen's association stales Ihst there are 3,000,0001 the welfare of okl soldiers was, and is, as a rule without employ mnt In the country , ahara and pretense." If tbe old soldier is a at tHl time.and a committee was appointed j republican these leaders have a very tender re- inquire if any means could be devised to j fa him, but if he votes the detnocrstic ritigate the alarming and growing evil It ticket they have no kindlier regard for him than supposed that the industries were to tney have for any other democrat. This fact boosa when all danger of a reduction of the j U thuwn by the very ruthless manner in which m3 v 9 i s..r 3 ( tariff was dissiputed.and the panacea of pro lection could be spread as thickly as its friends desired. Is there no more balm in that GUead ? tbey are" removing old soldiers from office to make room for their own pets. Jerome B Burke, chief of the gazette, division in the patent office at Washington is a democra. a The Australian wheat crop isald to be j Grand Array man, and at one time command er nearly a failure. From 2,000,000 aoea of I of the department ol the Potomac. His place seeding there Is a crop of only 6,orooo I is wanted by some republican pouncian. 1 ne bushels, and of this a considerable part is I commissioner ot patents has notified mm mat i,maF fnr nnvthtnir excent stock feed. I his resignation would be gladly accepted if T th Australian wheat export was 1 tendered. . Mr. liurke witft true, , democratic 10,000,000 bushels. : Now there will cer- j pluck declines toresiga and say he wfll si ; EViakes ' You Hungi'y .vr umA lJuc s cvlory Compound and it pjirlng medicine means more now-a-i!ivs limn tt ! talnly be no more than is needed for h me use and seed, perhaps not so much. Blessing of Sleep. allow the commissioner to remove him if be chooses. Mr. Burke will be remove If lor bis being a Uranu Army man ww speK aotmng in . n,s favor ls long as be -votes tie democratic ticket. A Flag Arrangements are being made to buy a fine flag for the school house, tu be presented with ceremonies on the inaug uration centennial, April 3uth, when it will be unturleo. . Tourists, When on pleasure bent or bnsinssa, should take on every trip bottle of Syrup of Fig, as it acta most pleasantly and ef fitf ually on thekidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, besdaohe and other forms of sicknsss. For sale In 60a, and 1.00 bottles by all leading druggists, FItchcr'a Cactorla, : Undeserved Langbed At , The unthinking are prone to soalte game of Dervougn, Yet thia la a very real and serious affliotien, toe baramlag nymptoms of which are rendered alt tbe more poignant by ridicule, . Tbe atonaaob ia usually responsible for tbeae symptom its weakness and disorder find reflex fa tbe brain, which is the headquarters of tbe nervious system. As a nerve tooie and tranquilizer, we believe that not one ean be pointed cut so effective as Has tetter'b Stomach Bitters, In renewing vlRoroui digestion, it strikes tbe key not of recovery of strength and qulttnde by the nerves. Headaches, tromors In quiet aleep, abnormal neasitlveness to unex pected noises all these modify and ulti mately disappear as tbe ayptetu gains Ktrengtb from tbe gebt tonio. Dyspepsia, biliousness, rhenmatism, constipation and kidney complaints are subdued by the Sitters. Dr. Flint's Remedy, for the mn or wo -man who flnde himself or herself unsbl to sleep night, Is an Invaluable raedloin, which wtll not only procure the bleeslng of aleep, but wilt prevent a ireiieral bresk Ing down of the system. Descriptive treatise wlf b eoh bottle ; or, add res Mack Drug Co., t- V. . At Cost. G. W. Simpson has just re vived at a bargain a large lot ot ladles muslin underwear and Infanta' robes, slips stnd hoods, which he will sell at -s holesale ost, marked In plain figures. Advice to 1'otliers. v - Wintlnn's Soothinu- Svrop. for ebildreti teethlog, is the prescription of of tbe best female nurses ana pnysi in thm TJnited Hates. and has been used fef forty yeat with never-falling awswaie by millions of methers for their .hit4nn. Durinor tbe Drooesa of teethlnir t vclsia ia inoalauable. It releaves tbe Krnm rtna enrea dvsentery and dlar rhAAav. ri ninir In the bowels, and wind i Hv civlns- health to the child It rests Use mother. Price a DOiti. Thompson & Overman keep t he J best hat - nasses. . . 7 Oks oiures rheumatism, neuralgia toothochs. jFosbay k Masoa, AgenU. and A system that comdemns teas ef tkousands of industrious men to idleness and tTieir families to proverty and ignorance simply to enrich e few who hav seized ujion the gifts of nature that they may sell to others the . privilege of living, is dangerous in a government like ours. Either the system or government will change, The campaign liars who : promised "better times' in the event of Harrison's election were handsomely rebuked by the 2,ooo idle and proscribed mechanics at Springfield, O., 'Mon day. For the first time in many years the city government passed from the control of million aire mrnufactares. Foraker for the senate, Halstead for governor and Republican harmony in Ohio are among he latest dreams of tbe pjitickns. . ... - . i The Clark thread company has cut the wages of spinners fifteen per cent, Protected forty seven per cent.,. . C: -i V' has liad a salutary fCect. muvlsorat- cd Ibe svsunu oi'-d I reel lu;o a now lucn. It Improves Uie appetite and j i lion." J. T. Cors- - land, FrUnus, S.C. Paine's Celery Compound la a unique tonio Jnd appetizer. "Pleasant to the Wste, quick in Ua action, and wltliout any injurious effect, it gives tuat rujrtred nesltu wlilcti mokes every tiling taste Rood. It cures dvsnepsta and kindred dlsoroVrs. l'hyslolaus pivscrlbe it $l.oo. Six tor sa.v. Btuggists. --: Wrus, Sichaedsos ft Co.. Burlington, Vt did ten jears sga The winter of 1SSS-S9 saaleft Hie nerves art fltggcd out. The nerves must be strengthened, the blood purifled, liver sad bowels resilatcd. ralue'ii Celery Cotapoartd tA Spriita JJW o of to-day does all tuts, as nothing else Caa. Frttcribtd hy fivsieians. Rtemmrundti by DrvgyMs, Endcrtti ftjr X M."er, Qaranta4 tt A MatmfiieUtren to b The Best Spring Oedicine. m the spring: of 1S87 1 was all run down. I would get up lu tlie mortitiiff wltu so tired a tert Ing, and was so weak tliiu I could liardly cwt around. Itxms-ht abotlleof Palms'sCelery Com pos nd, and before 1 bad tiiken It a week 1 felt very mueti better. 1 cun ebectully pccroiwea tt W all who mttl a butldlait up and streuart awn ing medicine." Mrs. B. A. low, Burllngiuu. Vt. niMunun nvr Wo' anything oy color . inrjlTCn rrtri9ae;'s.! DIAxOltD DIES JVwtrJ'uUr- dftwutur.'! LAvtHlU rUUU Jhe ilcjaaan tji Nourishes habits petfrfity. illi EE3 M. M. GiUam gets ?tJ,ooo per year lb writing the business adveitUement for Post master General Watiamaker. . - 9b WotuekoevtrHtni JVurwK-rs. It Is Impor tant that tha Boda or Baierai.ua you nxeahonld be White and Pure aaiuo a all almilarsnbat noes naad for food. Toinaura obtaining only the "Ann A Hammer" brand Sods or halorat ta, b.iy it in pound orhs'f pound ' crtoon which bearour au and tnda-iuark, s I Inferior goodJSra aom timaaaubaUtutedfoitvs Arm a Uauiiurf'' bran .1 when bought in bulk. Parties naing B iking Powder should remem ber that its sole ruin property constats of bt. carbonate of aoda. On teaspoonfnl of tha Arzn It Uammer" brand of Bods or B&leratus mixed with sour milk equals r. QVH TRADE MAKli -aSJaArf'T'Sf- NkV s " ai tsvwnfUlB of h j:'!? tuty times ita it U . :-v . tui t r , "becau so i . u ! tot cod tain &iiy P'U'sai-v' terra aiVa eco., a ti.'amauy Bak .in 1 n aro made, t j ixii;. tml Farmera hhotLluiM uoinrtiie4Aria A: ilKitmiyr brnd fcr I Li.lt Ilus fcJwott ami CAxmatt, Ef that ert-ry pounfl )3,cka;8 of 'Aim ,! l Jlmiiicr Eriiid"' f.inuiQS full lti cuacH u t, and th , V t t... 1 V - Z"9U I ii OUT; livt, hi'.i vr Kl(rattii? e.iuo c spec;-; Packed in Card Board Boxs. Always keeps Soft mg0mmWpmmmnQmmmB IWsUS.' a-Pi WMg i 'mj jrrrap--: Wmmf''mmmmmmmWm1$ Stags i SMJOlg mjH v-iagros- tdafaLl