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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1889)
'J to cuirP.:;iA, -VIAt Lci23 Company's Lias. Till: M'JUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Ti -w Ii .-! Atbvy ! 8m Frvil!i li hour ot,, teos Ik sits Res tarty Itrtttrea i'etrilaoj and Maa eraaelaee, r, ' l H"i KM) SB 4 4 M T:O0 r r. a. I L I f a 1 Lr 7 ,' ! Ar IVrtlall.l AUtny Saii KmtictpHj Ar L I w aeM? M-Ai,i-iwi,mTii sm.r ;Ktoni SttihUy). ('..nUnd Ar S 4SPM Atomy I.tiII;SS Koirene H iOlj M I l. I .r) f I L t torn Ar Less ire ssim:!!. Ii '.I r M I l. ii vi f a At '! r l.v I Ar Albany (.rtiaiuin Albany A L r I o.M a v t:tt r a PULLMAN EUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, r .e Irem n .Iioa el reead-'laa raase rr, IIHkH Ii -,sres Trains. Tha J T CVs f rrr m i w MTMtioi with S.II M (iur Imiii. on Ih.Kwt Hi is WiW from I' etreit, "Uani, ffrl aide sVtvlalew. itun riKrin Att cattVAii-i. 51 tit. tninuHKptllf') T A I U If f M I Ar ISirMaml t ..rvuh. Ar I . fl iw r straeaa nils ' 9aay. t r a ni r , U I Ar Iwtlan 1 , MoiimllO Ar l.v I 00 M t A 'rhrouiih rJ?iolcotH OOTJTTIX -A.N33 EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. r-r ' l .m v tiilrnaim rosr-llot rales, ssaos, oto., ... a ! H um. '' a .. ... i A THE YAQU1XA KOUTE. Groca Pacific Eailroai. a? n jvlop'nl Cmrpfcny' rUeaw shlpllu". 2D HOiJ.13 less miE hi froin r.-rtlitnil mud all peinla ji'rurtrKfo, Cl. Wilhx3tt3 ?,ivsr Lina of St8ini8r3. .. V... .'.tk.u ti,.i.N' am la aarvic 'i.,., Ll,..rin. freight lrfU b- wVTn tX,rvaUU.od 1'ortUnd d tnta r n.lUta poiuts, lfria Cmnpanjr r CorvaU.i, a.U Mer. Iluloua to . land, three tlmea a wwik a fyllowa J Noma nouso. i 4.iu, ArrtvM r"nuniuJl. FOR NEURALGIA. Hen. I. STACY HILL, Treas urer Cincinnati Incline Plana Rail way : H'" hardly able to move withrheumaiism.or what physicians called sciatica. The first applica- tion of St. Jacobs OH relieved me, and after the third I went about with perfect case and comfort. I in dorse it as the most remarkable mcd- j N -A W V THE MVN ABOt'T TUW.V The ehlhllton ot home flesh lit Alhnii)' jerterJay wn worth thoiiKuml I dotlari to the tot It Inlert.U tit I. Inn county. There U no rno'n why Linn nhouid not become the lending home county In Oregon. icine." cunr.s Wounds, Cuts, Scalds and Burns. Soi l Dnwttt tad Dutrri nrwrt. Tk. Chart. ToUr Co.,alto Mil. DR;J.L.IULL. Physician and Surgeon, Ooo-oor. Klratan-l Trry BtraoU, ALBANY- OREOONi DR.C.WATSO?. MASTOfi Phyuiclan and Surgeon UiHf onoiHlta lh rvnocrt. DR. W H.DAVIS, PhysiciAU and Surgeon. -OmflHiaUlralrHtrhn'. Ulock. May be found at lilt iHi-a aay ml I nlKht. i i 1 hi FFICIAL t m and L J1KE. ii:LLyIlAPIIia HEWS Yoi TIibh (ittit I'owUer. , Auckland, March ao. Witchc fivm Samoa Hate that the American men of war Trenton, Vaailalia and Nlpsic, and the Cer- mnn men of war Ailler. Olcft and Eber were i riven on a reeltiuritsc a violent worm ana KEAIi ISTaT. SAI-IX. Ai recorded In the Recorder, nice for Linn county, Oregon i Samuel E Young to P A Goodwin is w u b'k is?, ire a $o 0 W Manton to O W Wrlht,Iot 1 1, lo and 17 in sunnyatue r run r arm totally wrecked. Of the American crewa four J tt Johnaon to L C UIci, tfo acrea J - - . i ! T . t- -. '.. ..till - - in ace ji, ip n a iv i i.. Joahu Wllkcimon to Bertha Opttlelb XN IL, UIK 1, HI Si A Ii Witter J W Cunick,S M biK tjn and sum pi a V), ftion telth'a louthern A Sam Nixon, Ex. to J V Morgan, 10479 acre, 1 p 14 N k 4 w, HOME AND ABROAD "HlumD.Vtf. A hnna peanut ranch U to ha atart.d titar Aitfrl . John Briuht, on. f tli. liitiintn i dead. greatont of En (iymnalum are fine liutltutionai but they are not just a uccc for making; pout hole. A ywung man at the college recent ly dropped head flrt from the trapeae to the ground, atrlklng iquarcly on hi head, making a deep tinpreavlon In the aoll, but not deep enough ior aervlce. A very all ft neck wan the mull. officer! and forty alx men wera drowned, and of the German crew nine officer and eighty seven men lost tlielr live. Rtil a Dig 111. Dknvkr, March 29. The Uoldwt and moat uccetnful bank rolilwry ever reported In the u s. n.nitratil mum tli. l'irt National bank at i o'clork thh afternoon, by which the Jnn'J "" " ?, "b'erV J? ;ettlngawaywilh$2t,ceo. ' J' T U Alien to I It Hurkhart, 170 ere In Tn It S R w. Geo C llendemon to N Zimmerman, March FrancUco E DR. C. U. CHAr.13HRL!n9 EomsopaUiic Phjilciaa aai Surgcoa Special attention 10 diseases of the eye. jr ime corner of Third and r.yooSt, albany, mm. hMUTU bOLNO. rrta. , f ai-i .ri ai a. ri uU oaa clona connocttoa at Alban iiu u of to.OrcgooFoluarcl. TI -IS 1C I. K. (pi 8anUr.) Uv. Albany. 14 -Mf-!! . a jArnn AiiMjr. 4n C-rMiU. O .tC.UAUe oano Albany and forvl!U T!j9 oov train conoaotiat V- lata wuu Iho orojfoa Development Y4.uuia anJ Sn Franciaco. NAIXISU DATES . 11 mm.. Ilit-neVa V.ilU ', Vul.unlie Vi, Than, !. ' M i.,. U. 171 bun. 1K. tuK'a. WL IHM. ISth M i u DJ til To tVmp" .rre .h r.hl to iai tra; n it -Jtwt wilhoHt nttcv tViUAinte V'A.ley p..-.t ?l,""5'r, H "tloi. I t, tVaui "b"""1 ,'rr""?j2 ,rri t Yti : t'w or.nin iK.fvire au 0fl::i4. FOSHAY a MASON, .VIMU'I A. aaTAti- Druggists and Booksellers, 'Axeuia for John It. Atdon'a iublleatlua, hlch W0oll ii'ibtl.hae'a f riaaa watajraaJJl. J1I.U.INV, elKKUOK. " C. L. OLACKfllAPl, ' DIALEK IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOPS COMDS ETC. . 4. K. WEATHESTOPJ), (SOTAKT rCCUC.) kTTOHNUY AT IAW. ALttAXT. Mr Geo Chmnbcrlaln' new roddence will have a atone foundation, the kind the Man about Town would like to aee under every new residence mat goe up in ai banv. not only on account of the owner, but a well ot the city, mere t aome- thlng Mlld and lusting tn such a found tlon that add materially to the appearance ol a structure. I.-t mott of the eastern stntrs there I a law against pointing a firearm of any kind at person, whether loaded or not. The ol Icnse U made a mUclctnennor, punishable by fine or Imprisonment. Th;re 1 no law lit Orecon on the lablect, and the Man about Town' advise I for the perton point ed at to Immediately proceed to sweep the ground with the offender oven If the wcap on I only a gun barrel. Nearly all hnot Ing accident have happened from entpty gun bnrrcla. It doesn't take anything In Oregon to make a city but a few board and enough men to fill the artice. Vale, In Malheur county, contain four hou. and six chl- en. and every one na. an ottice. 11 t said that there was an entire absence of mud tllnglng at the recent diction there Sulphate of copper la recommended for keeping post and timber from decay. Tel egraph pole In Norway are said to be pre erved by boring Inch hole about two feet from the ground, and filling with the aul phate of copper crytal,aftcrward plugging the hole with wood. The crrstais grad ually dissolve and permeate the wooJ.turn Ing It a greenish color. robber mecceded In gettl A Canard ClTV or MitXlCOi (via Galveston,) 09. The telegram to the San timinr, reiiorting an error in tne boundary line between tne united Matea ana Aieco, was shown to President Diax to-day. 1 la aaid It wai a cananl unworthy of attention. I lie treaty I definite on the tuhject, . They Are fault loaaule. New York, March 39.-11 1 retried that there U great dlMatisfactlon among Journey men cigar maker, and preparation are twing made for a general ttrike in which 10,000 men will be involved. CiiiCAi'.o, March ao, Arthur Krunchenskl, a 14 year old lad, iill to he heir to a w II I. PRACTICE I ALLTneCXURTprTUIS fcUM. 8ci4lMUntiua t to 'WllMAMI. Now that Ur'er Clark.on ha been asked In out of the wet there due not appear to be any sound reason for longer allowing poor ISr'er Dudley to stand shivering the ante room. It I not becoming to let the ex that trod out the corn go hungry while thote who manage the granary was fat and prosperous. Call Ur'er Dudley In, lotn s and 6, blk 16, If 3 A,. MIKCttLtAHeOta. Plat of South Albany, filed. Plat ot Sunny. Ide Fruit Farm. 4000 500 300 ljoo 79 1200 450 I r Conn and It W Fish.r bay been In Southern Oregon prospecting. StrswWrh.s a. tmkirtii r.msrk&bK Hue, and without a frst ih.r. wilt ba a big crop, Tli funeral nf Mm Jn. Clark. Jr.. tlila af ternoon waa attended hy a large oonooura. of penpl.. Albany 1 fall f struiianm, men here for Aix Kind or Iman. The atylum at Salem I fast filling with Insane, and from all Imaginary cause. A new arrival I Jesse Farrar. one ot tho wildest maniac ever brought to the Oregon Insane asylum lor treatment, who arrived up from Port- fortune land last rtlitht, tayt the Jmrnnl. "God 1 ... W H BILYEU. ATTORNEY AT L.AV And Solifitor In Chancery n,nisY. - - ontoo.v. viuiIai. t.-T. A i.tiw ihaJ. 00 Ait rrt'n ! Loasa negotiated on rwwonablenruwi The Chinese minister at Waslilngton ex pends. on an average, $1000 a week In tel egraphlnir to hU government. Ill able meage go to llavre.from there to Aden then aero, the Arabian sea, through hln dotan and Slam, to Pckln. One day he pent vmq In sending dlp.tclies concern ing th Milwaukee trouble. Udd company is like a nail driven Into a post, which after the firtt or second blow may be drawn out with little difficulty; but being once driven up to tho head, the pincers can not take hold to draw it out but which can only be done by trie destruc lion ot the wood. rorlnf-rrmtl'.isw'rluO f, Krltft sih1 K. t- i P AfJat. Or " I' "' r'ls Fii't National Bank - i u.i ..L. FLIKX V1.1t PfMMMii . K. VOl KG I'ut iH tV. W. LANOIHKV. Ar. t UMluer JAtt. F. rUWKU. J ...WHITNEY, Ittornej And ?oimsBllop At Lar NO Kotur Public. ALEMV, OHECON, vvill prT.'.i i U h Court J,U State. Ail h lne- lutrutarl to hi rill be promptly tteoded to. A CKNERALbaakintM ACi fCSTi lit IT tafcjsit to shock. StGlIT EflAN''.E n.l tr ihU trsihrfor, sol a y.irli, lUa rn'i:ui saJ V tlU-E(T!0Nj MADE mi tourabie torw ... K T'K-i, R W. LtxjtKJt, U U Lui. f-. r"ti, W.irii T. It-aaaik. ' - ".j County Bank, COWAN. JIALSTON & CO., . t i ir-:.r. til Lntin tf Coirt'A.) ALB AH Y OREGON. TRAN ' ACT :t . nor! ixuikbic traliiM. nivvl ; II liUiT Txk o rmo ...-it P-r.J.i'il. 00 in l.'ii.; 11 I-.KY on t'o ittmitj ' 13 .A. XT XC ID 11 , ALDAHY, - - - CHSCOH (tell vi)f S r V-ira, HaH fnurfisoo and Portland . liny n.i'. , e lit a vi fly warrant a il )im S'il.J.1 1) ctarck. IxiUrsM il we-l ot. tmo deiii4.U,; i Co'.:rtiun rwtltu pnoi. fctUmti'Mi. fomi.lKmIrri fc.ll. ito.1. 0. K. IVmi Slto, Housa and Carriage Painter. Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishing. A.1I work g'larantced. C, B, VA32ALL0. Ttiry d, r. n, auoxauav. Attorney at Law Office Od.1 Fllw'aTDt!e, ALBANY, - -.- OREGOK. T. J. STITES. ATTOltNI'IY AT LAW -Air- Notary Public. ,Wi'rt 0 2GLD.M. Editor John C New.the newly appoint ed consulsul-gencral to London, I quoted a saving, "I am very much pleased with my position." It I worth $jo.ouo a year Show us an editor who wouldn't be pleased with auc'i a position. j' A cigarette drummer a that the con- sumption has fallen off greatly daring the ! last year, and that the cljtar trade ha in creased. This may be ducre the omlaught made by the pre and pul pit upon the cigarette habit. It this be true, let, keep it up. John Wana maker began life, w Uhout a dollar in hi pocket. So did we. Come on with your cabinet portfolio. A heavy pork failure ha occurred in Boston. But there' nothing the matter with the bean. . Eevere House: ALBANY, - - - OREGOn, CIIAS. I'FEIFFER rftWIIiETOK. Fittei uo tn BriJ.I. Tali'.m uppiiwl wlib Dm bwt In il HiarhK. SU alaeplna; apartn-ni. htinp'r m-ms 'or cnuiiiifiviiil travr. VtVw l'nr I 1 a t T-m I 11 ti r. 01 r.iL f i r "v.-s v. WILL BROS,' l) . IT In B(U.-Uf rfi-npr v.1 "Uo.;" r,.r-,rf, nvtin M.fliinO'4, Hois". A!' a r ; i 1 Una f wArrtnte H"m, Hiilc'inr i,;-)iHL Knr.r--. Hi" i.i.i Uii' nni:iii oti, nill fur I iu"'!1"1. A. i t xt ' an t r.-fiwrnab'y d'n. ant ;K'.r, 15 A BY CARIUAGE-fl AT ' STEWAUT A EOXs Artintic Paintmrj xrnvim; ar1 Rrawiuns Michi!ilfal LETTERING A SPECIALTY. T.otmn;0 Fofttor Woek, U sjZ" XX'fJ t-llZ23 Li LJ Kiy til When I aay CtniB I do not n.i.f.n t-.erc!y ta atop tii-m fur a time, and liicu t .-vu tinnn re turn axain. 1 mean A IIAWC'-I. LIEU. I have nuulo tire Cmuuh of FAIXIIIG SIC2I1?S3S, A atody. I wap.raitt my yscicay V) CURS! the worn cine, in rau.o otlier liavu fuiiel is no renson fur not now receiving aeuro. i-tti'lutot'i-e fnratrcaliaNndA i HUB IiOTTLU ; my Hfi.l 10LB liKMEDV. Give Express i'l-t illi'. It cvts yon nothtog tut a -a-X iml it n-ill euro you. Addreia rOOT,M.C.,IS3PEftnLST,KEVfY0M Administrator's Nr fcice, Notice i hereby- kiven ilmt tbf indersiun f.l has tliiit .Uy Ijuuii ilaiv p;iri, t.;r,rt Ad miiilrtrstor f r.h plater f Jobn C. William, AwxvA, tiy ih Wnnty CnuM of Linn conn ty,()r!i,'iii. All p-.-nliavini( clsiuisgaint id estate wo hen by notified to present tbtm proprl- veritieil, to tim Administrator at Alotuy, Orcnoo, '.vj'liin aix month from th.da!e. j Tui tlie 15'.h dy o'. .January, i'SHO. 'V v. a ill ' D. r. tVILLIAMK, . J. K. Weathsupoud. Adminutrator Atfv for Ad n'r. Absolutely Pure. 1blap'w!r never m hv. A nixrvc f puriiy. Mtn-tiebt and w In-low. iiitnw- al than the i rui- try kinds xil c-Aiiiiot ba ao:d In t-orr (xtlMnn with tnultltiulM r low Utkt. ahoit wnlulit alum i (IOIP'J10 MlWUtirO. C'M'l I'MIJT ti. i.-i ttivoi ia a 1 n ft r owacr uo.. 1' o van ni., it, Y, l), v'. Ckowwy t t'o.. Aer,ta, IVirtliiUiJ, iiregoti PIANOS. Tb-i wliiUln a fir.ti!laH Inr'im-tnt slioutdoll at Aire. ii. K. Ilvmi'i' anl mui onu of tliOM Ciooratui llinini v. ftAKtic planoea, ex'i.eot rich tone. E imetulif ina'le and adai ed 10 utarid tb rtiaiate on tlw Panifio Coatt. Efery i.iano zuuy Kuaiauteea nr o year. 1 no 1 .iet ntvKit-inuHio for aalo. Muxioand painting VeoMtno glvxn tberi. A I no toe pU'-n to get. jrur naw SewMx Moohine. Fancy work auxj lirum uinking don t ririlrr. Hr.t lour et of Ytmng'4 oi l it.jtul. Iban.i, rgi. - of (80,000 In the old country, and who ia aaU! to vave been aunu-tetl several dy ago, baa tieen heard from but not recovered. AppolHtatenta, Washington, Mareh H). The postmaster general has issued an order reinstating the four Portland railway mail clerka who were removed just before the last election. (.hatiea Dewey has been appointed pout master at Mlensburg, Curry county, Oregon, in place of Alexander M Gillespie, who ha been removed. Wesley T Davis ha been appointed boat master at Colville, Meven county, amtigt,n terriion, in place of John D Slater, - who has resigned. After Ilia. WAsiilNCTON.March a It is reHrted and believed in welt informed circle that the Ger man government ha requested that Corrcspon dent Klein be arrested and returned to Samoa and tried before the American (not German) consular court fur murderous assault. A CollUion, Fkksno, Marvh iS.-Two freight train col tided at a twitch about seven miles north of Fresno this morning, resulting in th. breaking up of two enennes and many cart. 1 hree tier sont were quite severely, (hough none fatally, injured. 1 he accident wat the result of care lessness on the part of the engineers, loth of whom evidently undertook to run past the switch and back the train in on the tide track. Owing to the tact that a dense (ig wa prevail Ing, a duast rout collision resulted. tireat Krjolelag. Wichita. March 39, The proclamation for the opening of Oklahoma was received with the firing of cannons, dispUy of bunting, and bonfires all over Southern Kansas. So many people are going into the new country that many town will tie almost depopulated. Itaaalag A sal. Fall River, Mats., March aS. All the mills are running to-day except the American linen mill. Nearly all have their full comple ment of weavers. The linen mills are not ready to start up just yet, on account ol the non completion of some rensir to the machin cry. 1 be weaver have been given their old machines. ! KIIMat a Iiaarsi. rasDLlTO, March aS. The End Or t gem ion has the following: C L Williams, an old timer of Grant county, who is in town lo day, bring the news of a terrible tragedy that oc curred last Saturday evening at Hamilton. The victim was J M llrmilton, son of Senator Hamilton, lie was killed at a dam-e by Clate llioton, the 17 year old son of Walker I Union. S. W, Nt?a. Wahii.notom, March aS. The name of the poftolTice at Uulty, Malheur county, Ore., has been changed to West Fall, Judge Upton of Oregon, who was for seven years second comptroller of tlte treasury, and who is again a candidate kit his old posutun, gave a dinner List evening to the Oregon delegation in eon grcts,nd to a number of prominent Oregoniant now visiting this city. Gnat lamlgratkiB. Washington, Mareh aS The United Slate consul at Pernambuco, Bnuil, reports to the dqiartment of stale that the province of Ceara has lost I a, 33 1 inhabitants on account of excessive drought, moat of them emigrating to the not hern and soul hern province. Aaaiher Bateh. Washington, March ay. The president hat made the following nominations; John Micks, of Wisconsin, lo be United States minister 10 Pern. George U Loring, of Massachusetts, to be United States minister to Portugal. Robert T Lincoln, of Illinois, 10 be minister to Great Britain. Murat Halsted, of Ohio, to be minister to Germany. Allen Thorndyke Rice, of New York, to be minister to Russia. P Fgan, of Nebraska, to be minister of Chili. Thomas Ryan, of Kansas, to be minister to Mexico. Oregoa Appoints! Washington, March 27. Oregon pust- mas'er have been appointed a foltowt: At Forest Grove, Washington county, W II Crosacly, vice John R Griffin removed; at Gervai, Marion county, John I- Taylor, vice rranci Mangold removed; at JctTersoe Marion county, Charles D Roland, vice Archibald I) Henderson removeu; and at Monmouth, Polk county, Mrs Aliniia Davidson, vice George A. Walker resigned. The secretary of the interior has appointed George P Litchfield of Salem, Or., st ial Indian agent for the Pacific coast. This position pays feaoco per annum, with traveling exiienses. and ft per day for subsis tence while traveling. There S'e but aix of these agentt in the count iy. Pulled. Washington, March 37. The trouble be tween Ceorge A. Amirs, a 'etired officer of the army living in this city, and - those having charge of Harrison s inaugural piirade.culminat ed this afternoon in a scene in the rotunda of the Kiggs house. About half past (bur o'ulocU Major Anncs walked into the hotel, and after a few Words pulled the nose of Governor Beaver, of Pennsylvania. The governor wat not hurt, but wat angry, and steadying himrelf against the hotel counter seized his crutch, hich swvet himts place of the leg e left behind during the war, and aimed an ugty blow at bis enemy. Amies dodged the blow, and it struck one of the pillars of the hotel rotunda. The second blow also missed its mark, and the hotel police men rushed up, attracted by the noise, and placed Armcs under arrest. Work Stopped. Washington, March 27. Secretary Blaine has received a report from the Consul . ol the United State at Colon, stating that work along the Panama canal ha entirely ceased and that the West India negroes are returning to their homes. ' .,. . Htriick by Light nln-r, , San Francisco, March 27. A special from Gonzales, Tex., says; During the heavy rain and thunder sttrm of his morning a flock of wild geese flying over the town was strurk by lightning and seventy-eight were killed. They were picked up by the boy and told on the streets lor 10 cent each. , Some of the geese were badly torn up by the electric current. hat given me strength, I wilt vanquish my enlmles." These are hi words, which he crle out In a loud voice, lie attempt to make hi utterance good. HI Insanity the result ot spiritual excitement, he hav ing attended many meetings of the spirit ual society at Portland. The Idea took complete possession ot blm and he thinks he Is a medium and hat power to 00 an things. In hi inad frenty he froth and raves, making It necessary to be bound hand and foot. T)r(i G Glen, tb owner 0! Gl.nbronk, the well known running borne, slipped and felt at th. corner of Wanhipgton and Second street yetturdsv, breaking a bone in one tf hit leg, which Dr Jones tt. Lat evening tins L II Mnntaaye sold his residence, consisting of a hum. and two lots, at tb. oornnr uf Hrosdnlhin and Fourth strsnts to Mr Lnuts Mdler. for l.'HKK). Th. pioperty cost Mr Moobuiy. I500 several year agov A unmbi-r of nsgi'tinr,s buy. been made to tb. kind of power to b. used 1 11 pro pl;ii)g our street etrs anon to hi constructed here. Why not Inquire Into th. fsibiiity of niai th. esbl. prupeilad by w; tor T Jmltflnil from tho folldttinsf from a Ku tne . - ... .,... .. .. jflf.m.ft-g tourtiauient tht will dotoinnt-binif All or Thru Founh The men lost by the abandonment of the Geo It Chance ut tea off Yaqulna have all bctn found. After the boat flew Itt flag ofdl.trcss the men fearing a wreck at any moment took to the boat and after a rough experience were washed ashore. Three of them reached Cape Foulwenther Friday morning and it wat thought Capt. Robertson, Geerge Robertson and a sailor wliose name It not know n were lost ; but In the after neon, Mr Campbell ot the Oregon Pacific train In form us tiiey were lounu in a cave on north beach in the water In rather of a pit iable condition and after an unenviable ex perience, In which the chance were nine loten against Iheir reaching shore alive. An Am.vtkCr The Drmocrat is ptetscd to see the amount ot interest there Is being displayed In artistic work In AM bany by the young people of the city. A new amateur In the field to the knowledge of this olTice Is Ml Jennie Blount. Two oil painting being mounted at Fortmlller & Irylng's have attracted our attention. One, Ralner, In the clear sunlight, alone In Hi sublimity j the other the "Three Sis- ten," looking across Clear Lake, a golden sunset suffusing the landscape and making the snow caps glow. Mis Hlount displays good taste and give promise of some in creasingly fine work. She has taken her lessons at Monmouth. tlmy want. Cha. B Kolaod, roooiilly of this uity, il th new P. M. at Jalferson under th. ehsuic ad administration. DrT W Harris, ot KtHtcne. formerly of thiteily, seem to ba th. letdius; fast horse man of that city. 11. bat Ut bMHth a fstt young trotter in California. Mi. dm. Henderson hu rented the new Vior.ek building on Broadsibin tret and will open a ral s.tste otlitis in a few days. Zimmerman Pros. hsv. purchased two lots n Hsolleiiisu's 3rd addition, Orevon Land Company agent, pa)lng fnoo for tb. asm. Among others wholisv. msdii a small aneo on tteattl. pioporty is Mr L K Illain. who ha just sold fvur uburbin lot fir flUO that uost f tiU. An alarm of fL. at 4 o'elock th; morninu brought out the fire department In a body; but in. nr. wa ma ommnoy miming out in tn. house nf J J Graham on First street, and no assistance was needed. Th. Io.-uinii cnw on the Clitio!a have disbsudud and many of tl.itii ar. now ia At' banv. The log esn not ba l.roouht down nntil next spring. Th.y ar. ia good oondi tian sad will bold over all right. The following appears tu an Knn!lsh n.wa paper as an advertisement .' "A piou yont g man dnirs te lie rooaivsd into a r.speetabl. family, th. of hi .xamute and superior morality mlnht be considered ss e equivalent for board and iodKlnga Mr C H Lttderman, of Ashlsod, it la th. oily, and report matter there in a prosper on onnditioo. In new hotel tbre wat oouued last svstiiuir. It cost 62S.OOO and th. farnUur about (12,000 snd Ashland peo ple sr. jnatiy proud 01 it V.". have received the Pasco IlrodMU Th nam is an appropriate 00. It is ebnek full of heads, five beadera, mostly hoomsrs. Alter mt giaiieing at the pspep we nans In astonishment at the grsatneaa of Pssea, which wanu to he tb. state Uaultal. M p tronr worrying, aontl.mto. Gtymtils will eontinne to buhl the forte. PRIBAY. MreOAHtore. of Salem, ia tn the city .1- Twtiu. inauus. f r A fcstirifti Miami 1 m tVm twriaiain tmm-mii&ii-,'L 'ri " 11 "llt" WisisrV 'a rkikv The Or tgon llutn Train have received their new Uniform . Tbey are neat and nobby. This company is now dril'ing a couple of time wer My," Th. I mt of the iron r.ti's on th. ft P r.i! - rojd north of Khko w.r. rsplacd by tl rails Moudsy. Th new rail ar. ennsider- biy beaviar, ana tnnuh eaitr. ihe Miiy iron rail now left on th main line nf this road are In a tpsoe of a mile touth tf Eugene and from Ooshen to lUtseburg. Pruhate Matt :. Mr. F. Heaty.who died recently at 8odavlle left a property valued at about $700, wblcb he provide for In hit will just filed. The whole goes to Mrs. Ilealy during her lite time ; on her decease to be divided equally among the children ot the tes'ator. Oscar I leal y wa made Executor. Mr J J Davis, of Syracuse rrecinct leu a property valued at s,orx. ir j o uavt has been appointed Astmln Utrator. From tiik Front.- C. II. Stewart and J. W. Olaln returned last Friday from Gatesvltle, on the O. P, near which place they took up some land under the timber act. They report the woods fullif pros pector for timber end mineral. About twenty took dinner at the Gatesvltle House snd twenty-five cam down on the even ing train. The prospect for live time at Ihe front this summer are very promi.lrg. Yaqvixa Bay. Mr. Abbey Is making a wonderful change in the IJay View House. He has had It repainted and renovated from top to bottom. He hat put In a new $100 range, new parlor furniture and new carpets In many rooms. ....Tuesday three looi-naray ooysot t equina went out over the bar In a small boat. We learn that they succeeded In making a landing at Cape Foclweather light house. HOW TO GO EAST. "Jim Wcstftilla" CHINESE MERCHANT. Foil line of Cblne-e pood of all klndi on hand. Also full line of Gu'K.tit via Mount Stia-t t'onte. Nice 4 unit Mhlil! tiin ol i)nn mr. soe'AIniut felisun, Hocr.unento. Odi nSale !t.i... m.... -l.'... a i mute O'O run- dailv. Hot ? "iir liottia of nm rod save onr fare to Piii'hii.- ( i m th rmy person i-i Alhsnv that caori.11 joii ? wkt from Allisny direu to ki omt iu the United Sl.ti". GhIi no urn (oc rri-. W. U . .A ' - ' JAPANESE 0UE50R PACIFIO CONTRABIOB, for thl aeetiop. ' Laborer furnished on abort notice f any purpofw. Opposito S E Youngf'B, Albany, II. i. MiKTMOHir, Pres. D. R Coos, S e. . . Fis, Vu. Prni. . J. 1J. Mwh fiess TiieOregoii. Land Company iriiUK'O l,r the pnrpoiw of hiivioir itid .ulliii re-it .!, stei:Uun '.hi Will fnntis Valley iu sit ol tho 1 izulililf newf. ii ol bis L'nhe.1 Htate-. r oip'in inj." Ka.tern stronts to direct homo seekers to tho ll ui- , ciieV.Hty, and h -mo strents In sll lh prhiuii'st 1 towns m Mrton, Polk, I inn, Benton, clavkauia sn J Vsmhtll snnntios V id In looMinir !nnrmfrnnt. j OfPce In ths Tate Building one d'ior est ol t !.w 4 sxt ft hox's, I , , H0D80KJ4 DICKINSON, JIahsijcis. . NoCiiinrakon First St. Both Jim westfa'l and San wa have leased of liar per Cranor a part of his corner lots, oppo site Linn Engine Co No a's hall. The former will move the building In which he now doe business, while San Wa wilt build a new wash bouse. '- Work wilt be begun aionce. In Stylr. Mrs Marie Davis, ad flour. trahan block, has just received from Chicago a fine line of new hat frames. Her uoods are all new and In style, and will pay the ladles of Albany to examine i..r..u 1.,.. i . iiicin wivoj vuini. irvuo.e q snow goirds. Would HAKE a Good Aornt. Among those mentioned fer agent at Warm Springs I Mr John K Smith, of this county. Mr, Smith has a good record In Linn county and, as a Republican Is t have the place. there Is prulisbly none In the count who would give more satl.Uctlon than Mr, Smith. There Is nothing In the world r. muni uusirrman oees. conn W Qnu . .1.1. 1. 1. . 5rtent to them. "Uy scllintr cro- cerles and crockery wat 1 cheap and Klvimi the best quallte and full weight they have their hand fun. Gallon them when Poitlend, Or, Mareh 25th. Haviha trit tho eiir-cts of the concentrat ed extract of Oregon ICidiioy Tea, we cheer fully bt-ar witmsi t t its beuaQuial ageney ia affection of the digestive nrcrant. I is simple safe and sure t it ix eai!y taken and restores healthy vitality tu the organ itia intended to operate npnn with, assured success. S.J. McCormick, editor Catholic i'eiUtnel, So'd by Foshsy k Mason, F.Ewert, clei. praoticsi watchmaker and ;wW joii?- Beiccs, , ALBAHY ". OREO KOSEH A f FECIaLTV. Omietary lots planted end attended tr.j Children Cryfo? need of ant thing in their line. cuke rote HICIC IIEAUACHE bo you srsnt s routed y lor li'llousnoss, ttmplos on in isor, sni asurs our rur mvk iieanseMs, ul or un1 and ', ino uramiiws, lor or. uor.tii's Lies puis, try a tins , ssuipMi rreo run Box ss otnl. Tooustnds am affl'Ote I with disoaso if t dooy and urinary nrsns wht autf n ii si no. rathor t'lt-i msk. known their ir mhtoi o all tho o stUiotod we can offer a safe and needy reinidt'in Ores-no Kidney Tea, which a emnpoord ot hrb. selected with great ose tn Ureson.aod warranted not la eootarn nun rals of ant kind. A fw doses aiTurd. instant relief. Sold by Foal ar & Mason. It ia generally conceded by physicians that stMni'.one half of the population of the Unite sultorini from indite tion and dy pepsia. Hurried estina and imporper masti cation au.l iusativatinn nf food are the prin etpai cause lr Henley t JJiOflolion lomo ttrenuthens and ioyiiinratet th. digestive or (jans, and tntbl t one tn enjoy a hearty ri.eal without ai.y anpleissut after etToet. Sold by I'osnay k .Msaon. -. P1LK. ItohCi Clii fikiiri ai . t 1 t :i Vi Ion ir,i,l ioin ( v titr'ntl Hj'iltf st.'f lnsfrm. This I jr a si well as Blind, Uloe4.r protruilinK Filsi , jo at 0110 to ths apiilioation ur, Uowtnko 4 . .i remedy, w.iU-h sot directly the ptriH it ud, abs irtiiiiK the tumors, si mying' Intones Do hi snd effsotiuf a perminont on oonto, Adilraia The Vr Bnoanko W-t:oln Co ,re O. bold by lr. Onion snd Son. , , ilAURlKI). KKF.PPOSTKW. for Infanta and Children. ' "Caaiortsi Is so well adapted toehildwn that I CtHI enre f V.lln. OrmM!rlrTi, t nwd Ua. ..pen toaoy pscripUon I u. eu tiKnyatome." IL A Aarmsa, K. v., I amtfos. I WUhout Injunottl medication. Ul go, OiTord St., SrooUya, H . T, XT, Trie CarTACR Cowi att, 77 Murray Street, 5. Y, Mr Cbss Balaton cams down from Lsb- anon tbl afternoon. A meeting will be bold at the U P eh arch to-night for the pnrpote of organising iV U C A, If w. leave out any of tb horse in th show this afternoon, it is dune nointettion ally. Cha E Moutoitb. a former rotidotit of Al baoy, baa been appointed agent at Net Perec, 1 a alio. Soin. one ba aptly tsid that a booming eity is hke a draokeo man. The next morn- lax bis bat wont tit. Marat Uulstaad wa rc loo tod by th Son. at as minister to Gorman y, live fiepublieana voting wita lb Uamnerat. Wait tor th Royo Lsusior Mosical Comedy Jompsay, '1 hoy bave boon here before and ar known to be tirt-cl. Tb many friend of Mr IU Gtbooy, ot Lebaoon, will be glad to know that aba is re ported a showing ituprovoiosut this alter noon. Mr Price, of Fort rtontoa, Montana, is the eity. In a few daya he will ship 1000 bead of eattle whieb be ba been purchasing ia in ysiiey. Mr 3 It Burkhart baa berchasad ft T Alloa 171 acre of land bear the eity paying fiz.uuu Itr tho soma. 11 will bo plsood 00. the markoi i smsd trams. Burkhart & Kswnee. and F A Burkhart, agat. An itooorsni oid gootlomAe of tb gouiua somi-trsoip, babKinst around ibo ouUkirts of th city, make borsolisir ehaiat and sell tbem to tb public for ft np. Among Bit ktukiue borsoo as ay ia th show to iiy ar the twe own4 by Mr Poter lUl.y, which ar niootioiia.1 in tk liot. Tbry are aolid eubsUntiol aai-aal. Yesterday Bishop M orris U Ia I ",f Cuaick. 6 lot fur 11300, and Geo F Round to S Snnpp, I lot in IP 2nd A for f400. Burkhart Keeoey, agent. Mr Williams, th. draymsfi, this moraine found a tos near a bare oa Lyon street. As it bad email chaio around its aook it bad eidently cpd from itsowcer. There wilt be a match game of base ball on tbe col logo grounds Saturday afternoon botwooa tb etllege club and a picked nio of oaUidoia, It premise to be exciting. Jos Tyler, el Ilalaey is ia th eity with a foot ia a slmg caused by contact with a rusty eail while fiaing a btrn, lie report hi borsoia4ih patch as noaruriing. Mr Iaa Will, from Miller' stslM. in form n that only about bail of tb apriog wheat baa beea sown. Don't wait much longer gentlemen, or there'll be no harvest. Mr J Mason wee-t te Albany last Friday lo attend tb grand opening of tb. millinery establishments ot that eity. Sirs Msooo think Cervallui is fully no with ber sister eity iu th millinery. edrVr. Tbe Oregoa Lsnd Company of Salem bas Itui made arrangamebta with Lord Sc rhomae of Cnioaifo for Tuooine an advertise, n-.eut in tho tooutl leadiaf religioas paper 1. .00 o, as a ouet ni siiuuu. John Sclmioor bas sold hi Cmok eannt took rsuuh to a Eontlaman from th boat. to whom ho hsa lua.el his horsoa for a term ot years, rl bt also bought ol the aam man th Hn .t.ilioii Thotia, of whom anon tion I ma-le star where. Justice Funk, of DIU, bas rata rued to bis borne, where he was met l-y a reotest hi resign. We wouldu't Iw in Justl e Frink'e boot f-T iha boot lot in Aibeuv. Ho will ba ramamlH-rtd a the .nan alio allowed IWanl ley, the ururdoi er, to giyo bouds. lb. survey for a switch tw th. O r to (rank Wood sqaorry sros the riysr is lo ing made. This indu.tiy (.romiscs to b. big one. as M r Wood bat made partial ar kogeniHot for the so!o "f aH th. atone he oan abip to San Prauviior. A tnortgsK. sfouriim f IS.OOd.OOO from ih. Uregou l'soirto lUilinad omusoy, tn th Farm.ra L-utn and Tru.t Compoey of New York, was riled iu th. Cottt,ty iiocordoi'o of floe here yeaterday afiernooo . Joumntf. This is the sm incrlgsue that ha becu Hied in tbenmae hero si,l in iWntoa county tor a greae many jears. vVbeat, C9 cents. Nsw good at W F fUad'o. Z F. M. French kevpt rsilrosd time. Hargaliit in boots and thoet at Head's. Prrth garden and trsss teed at Stewart &. Sox's. Afulilio Childron's bath tulei atG. W Smith's. J. P. Wallace. Physician and Surceon, AW baoy, Or4 For a Sterlinu nr Kmt-rson piano call on G L Black man. 0. W, Smith hat the UrgettStocktot tuetr HMtiet in ah a iy. It yon want any kind of Uivo ropsli rail oo U. v. Bniith. O L Blackmsn is agent for tho Weber piano. Nun better. Plant torn of th liivrr t ia oaion r t. for tale at Stewart A Box a. Six ahaves for a dollar and a eltsn towel to very customer, at Tho. Jones. G. W.Smith civoa tho while enameled iron ware with bio fine cook stove. A fall assortment of brsst kettles from one to eighteen gsllons at G. W. Smith s. Nsw lin of artist's rnsterials at Dr. Cuius Son. Coots nothing to see tlieur. Buy your tiuketa throj-'h to tbe East of W I, Jester and aave Portland. A floe sevoo-righths'abnrt born yoong calf lorssie. inquire wfl a Uiodaett, I have reduoed price on all heavy wear a . - . . . - ReacT hoe, call early at w Tbe Was torn Cottaee and Packard are two of tbe best organ marie. O L U)ack:nr tell tbsm. Bay roar ictacle at French' and bave tbem properly fitted by Johnston' Dioptric Kye Meter. Mr, JnlinsGradwobl carries a floe stock of standard (iroeorieo, a fact our ettizens should remember when baying. Coll en O. W. Smith and get one oftboe Missouri Steam Washer warranted to do a reoommeuded. The largest, finest st.d beat assorted stock ef groeene iu town c-aa be found at Browoell Si SUndard'c. A Dae line of all kinds of furniture, plain and aphulstared, bee stock in this part of Oregon at Kortmiller A Irving 'a. It you wsut a elean tin amoke ask for J. Joepb'e boms made while labor ciitara Forsaloby most cigar desler acd at bit Joeepba factory. J Aruttit.ll, 4 it Hirtjr MtnafAOtar in4 Co., oppxtte Oil Fi!o To npio, At baoy, 5 )"5a MO ! HUM Combine tbe Juice of the Blue Figs of California, to laxative and nutritions. with the medicinal virtue 01 plants known to t0 most beneficial to the human ystem, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDEIS, LITER 1HD BOWELS ASJBTO Clsansstts System Effectually, so THAT PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING, SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one U wing it and all are delighted with It. Ask yoor druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by tbe CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP COV Sam FaAacwco, Cal. LocrsriLLS, Kr. New Yoa,lf. ALCAriY, OPsECOW.'- iseo, loeo. rust Term ven aepiember Iffb, ias- A full corpn r.f iotrt.''t'rr CLASSICAL, SCItHTIFIC, UTERASf, C:Mf.ESCIAL AHD K33MAL' CLASSES. four"-- id atadr arrancod to infot lb tieoil ot'atl uredna of attidenta. . Sffititl tttdnfftnrntM ojjr-red to 1'nrfrr.l " Jrctn abiwJ. Tuiito" rssncr-s from 1 t v vm. IVmrd In privato f.c-i'iw a w tw. Itoirno l'r wHKrorOiiitt b stria" enw. A .-refill aiiiKfrvl-ioti ( scrr-rwi "ver mn- deuU away from homo. Fell te-mi ojnK Se(iiibar "t:i. "r dr;u!ar. and lu.i partlrroifirB armrcso 1110 i anwr taev. ri.r.KKT n. '" Cbwresr Dlrerlaty. U. P.Cmorcm. Preaehing every Sabbain, tnurtiing and e veiling by iUv. r u. ir vine. D. D. KabbaOt School at 2;.T) r. a Prayer moolia er.ry Wedneatday evening. : EvaNuxucaL Cutktt!. Praachiugon gab Sath at 11.00 a. M., and 7 t. at. Sabbath school 10.00. Prayer meeting orery Wed isooday eveoing 7A1. lior. Fiber, past'Or. AH ar invited. M. E. CaCBXtl.jkiCTlL Preacbina every Sabbath looming at 11 o'clock a. tt. and 7 o'clock r. M. Sobbatn School at 10 o'clock at. Prayer meetina Wednesday evening's at 7 o'clock. IUv. D. H. Comann, Pat tor. M. E.CUCRCK. Preaching every 8bbath morning and evening. Song aervioe in tbe eveui eg before eertnon. Sabbath School st 2.30 r St. Prayer meeting every Thurs dayereainj. Uv. IX P. Webb.paetor, PaaaetntRiAn Cecrcil 5vice every Sabbath mora ins and evenineta Charcb oor. Broedaibia and FiflbSte. Suuday School immediately after the moroio rervic. rrayar meetins every Wednetday e i n a Rev It Pricbard, pastor. , First BArriar Cmcrch. Preacbina oeerv Sabbath moraine and evt' Cbnrch on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately alter morning aervieee. Prayer eneetine. -ye-bnraday eveaing at 7:30 o'clock. IU v. Trnmbeu, pastor. CoNoiuraATioNALCiiOBvtii.-.ervieri..Mv Sabbath morning and ev.ning. Sltth scnooi at 12:13. ye meotin? on Wednesday evening f cb weak. IUv Rogers, Pastor. .. CHRISTIAN CHL'KCir. 'rest bluer Vt:V saboatn morning o 1 1 oVi tk a. m Sal beta School at 10 '1 clfik. A. m. Roy Hamphreya, Pastor. . .. , Catholic Ciicsch So vl ca rfciv Son- day at 10 JO a. m. and 7 r. m. l ast Sunday 01 ine monta aereioe at Eugene Cny. Key sauii .neiayer, uector. r.'lLLEP BROS,, -DEALERS IN Field, TegetaMe and Flower Seeds, BEE AMD POULTRY; SUfPUES, Harden T00I3, Fertilizers, Etc., Etc, 209 Second Strect.boU Salmon and Teylor, FORTLAND, OREGON. dTSond for our catalogue. PATEHTS"" " talood, sad stl otbor btutnoas la Ih U. A, falsa rtlre aUn44od to i"f nodermto tees.' Ourortlio Is nlortt lb t". tt. Patent OtBcw. a&d o oan obuia l'auina boa Ume than those remote rata Waahingtua. fcood Bwiiio erdrsoln. Wo ai- to Mttrat SlMltty rreo ol ebaf iofcii vctnaJt o charo uuicn I as oiitoln patent. Wo nrfer brrru. to tbe piMttnaowr. Iho ttui. of H'mef orUTf 1H. and In offiuoue otUi.l.'. a r"atit ttftto, 'or ean.-.Uar, sdnoe, u-nr.e, and efweueoe oactual ehcuts In jour oo Stat o oountv, sdiinaai c . sxor & CO., ! OHIHiwUI l iietil irrnoo, i atrot. u ACADEMY a OF i- Our Laij of P.:?patail .lelp. ALBANY, - - - OliGOW. ConJnsie l by tho Ut-.-fof H. diwllcfe This kenAtmr Is lew rrora! ' unn an- tborizod hv tbe Htata 10 conf am.le.nilu honors. Tho c-ittrse tn wvaj t vui., MathinUiR, Lileralore and . oin ere epwdalnes. as alwthe Jiitrnr.! ;'rticiion nf aopirante for tsachars r nifieUna. In dootrfal voeoi rawMe in -lae and all kludaof iseJ!pwo;k form, no extra charge. Tlo itpm 01 m ndwi gantlobutfirmJ'.i eject to form not only refined young ladle. Lot coble andnoeful tnemW cf arxritty. Popile admitted at iry :tme sm ccar -n propor tioned. Papiloofany oenonnDmioa re ceived. , , Tuition In select cay cncwi rauijea lJ?V0 FOrtWiBR ijtmroing ocu "i w. r partici lara apply at tbe Acadstry.or atl i dre Sinter Superioress. dF'.'-Jttm toV iroiya.j ;Omnmt pm. iea rja ri.sao 1 - ms a sai '-a V Olnatnnsrl,fg Oasov rsinr BisrU hsjr!reneo;vs- iaX saitotacilua In tbe enre ul uonorrbcee ana (.leet. I prescribe ltaod feel safe lo recotnmood Imj u to all sufferers. i. STOStit, "NJ n 1 tu Sold br VmftMM. f tl, 5Tl!tlS Utttt," SisWJS)SlASJ 1 ---. ;iss4, BATCH DAY. Shaw, of Sslem, ba been in th city MEYERS WINN. On Thursday forenoon, March 28th, 1889, at the Presby terlan Church, In Albany, by Rtv. E. R Pilchard, Mr. W. C. Meyers, of Ashland, ana Mis. Jennie Winn, of Albany. Th groom 1 a wealthy stockman of Ashland while the bride I an old end highly respect ca citizen 01 Aioanv, whom the groom to be congratulated in winning a a life componlon. May they live long and pros per. JOHNS ROZELL. afternoon.aSth by Geo. Humphrey, In Albany. W. S. John, of Albany, and Mrs. Jane TRozell, of Sweet Home. Pitcher's Cactorlae Judge city. , Mr T M Munki rs, ol .Sjio, i in t ie to-day. - oV . . a a. county taxi beoume delinquent nut Monday. Hon E C Staudley, of Jaokeon cou ity, na oeen in the city. Mr GO Pawling, the tffiioent O E & N agent, went to Portland to-day on businers. Mr John Scbmeer has purchased of Mr C M Far well 1J acres near Albany, iniloding resiaence, lorf ioa. Dr Msstoll went to Lebanon this nnon to wait on Mrs Rev Uibonay, whose condition ia said to be hotter. Dr Nesaa bas pnrohased ot Mr I N Woodle the livery bara on Fonrth btreot Consideration, 2100. 1 be agricultural college at Orvallia iu parchoeed 140 aorea of land near tht eity lor me uas tn mat institation , Arrsngemente for organizing a Y M 0 A have not yet been eomDli ted 111 this city but it is proponed to elect an organisation as soon aa possible. Bill Nye aud J O Ketlly will be io the valley in May. Watch the weather iudi, oatnr fur a uyulene. lieoorder Menton returned last ev suing from Ellemburvh. W T. wht-rehe had beeu at th death bed ot bis father. Mr S W Paisley haa aoll bia interest in the Albany Furniture Co' store to Mr John Crrssec, and Crosseu k Sou will now run the stcre. - A pair of 100 ton railrotd sctlos sr being put in position just went of the depot, We understand these are tbe nuly railroad scales on therosd in the State south of Portland. The Wai M Hoag took down the river yenterday thirty tons of wheat for the Saiem mills, and thirty rive tons cf flour and twen ty ttfos of fire cloy from Buena Vista for Portland,. t Mr George Turrell, of Taootnr, is iu the oity to-day on hit way home from the Eut, where ha hay been makinit exttniive pur chases fc.r Turrell Bros., wholesale boot and sho bouse. When Bohy was skk, we jsto he Caotorla, VThon she was a Child, aho cried for Caatoria, "V"hon sbo booamo Mias, sho clung to Costorta, Wkn sho had ChlUreo, aho raeo tbctn Caatoria. THE PLACE. !ty all nieaiit on PaiKBi Brothers. ' tSawexAers lo John Fox, '' roi.rj Groceries, Proince, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Tbolr (roO'lii are the lst ami tin ir price reaeonaiile. EedCrownMills SOM, LASSIXU & V PROPK'S. saw raocKee flovm huvrkiok rua f ati ANll BAKKRS IHK. - BEST STOIU'JF FACILITIES. Hitrhest -Price in Canh ict WlH-Ht The BTJYEBS'GTJUSEi issued. IS. arch soul ticpt- eaob year. It ia oa eucy- curpotUa of uaeful tolor. (nation for all wbo rur. chae the lexwies cr ibo Beceeaitle of his. We can clothe you and furnish you with ail tb necessary and, unnecessary appliances to rido, walk, dasce, sleep, eat, fiah. bunt, work, 0 to church, or stay at borne, and ia various eisoa, atyloe and quantities. Just fUturo out what is required to do all these tiinpi CORFORTABIT, and you can make a fair aitmate of tbe eatoe of the BUYEH3' OU1DE. which wriU bo aent upon rooeipt of 10 cente to pay ioteo, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. XU.UA Uioaiatan Avenue, Chicago, 111. AM MAY. 3. fXKDKR MAY SENDERS. Dealers ia General Mtrcnanam HARRISBU2C -. - - ORECOH Will taj train, Via.'l saJ all kinds Iictttc UiJ AILSw & I as.,- n&-m&K9tr-. attW : -sf w.fT ..' aa ?T r-fffifim m Z yeH feel Oun. loarolrl. lowpirited, Kfe lesa, and tndeseribebly mlswrablo botst physi cally and mentally : oiponeooo s sens, of t ulloeaa or bios tine after sating, or ot "rone, neat," or emptlnoo of stomach la the moraine-, ton true eoa tod. bitter or bad taste In mouth, trreerular appetite), dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred yesightttloatin- pecks' before tho eve, nervous proatrauoa or ex haustion. Irritability of temper, hot flushes, alternating with chlilr sensations, abarn, biting, transient pains ner and there, ool.i fnet, drowsiness auter meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreahln- steep, constant, tndeecribabl feeliua of dread, or of Impend loa- calamity f If you bave all, or any considerable nwnbee of these symptoms, you are suffering- from that most common of American maladies Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indig-eetloD. i'h more complicated, your diseaaa bas become, tbe rreater the number and diversity of symp toms. No matter what staa-e It ba. reached. Dr. Pleree Ciotden nedieaU Itleeovrerr will subdue it. It taken according to direc bona for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Consume tlon of the Lungn, Skin Diseaoee, Heart Diseaaa, bbeumatism. Kidney Disease, or other grave maladle are quit liable to set In aud, aooner or later. Induce a fatal termination. Dr. Fierce Voidest medical Die eorery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood - purifying- organ, cleanse the system of all blood-taints and tin. purities, from whatever cause arisinfr. It is equally efficacious in acting upon the Kid neys, and other excretory organs, cteansiog, strengthening, and beating their diseases. Aa an appetising, restorative tonin, tt promote digeotion and nutrition, thereby building up both llooh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful mettloine has Rained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred disease. Dr. rierce'a Col leu Medical DI eovery CURES ALL HUMORS' from a common. Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Bcfttdula, Salt-rbeum. Pevejr-sorea.' Boaly or Kough fSktn, In short, ail disease eaused by bad blood ere conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating raedi. cine. Great Rating Ulcers rapidly heal under Its benign Influence. Especially haa It manl- '1 mi Hill .. ai . s ;ar-'lW!"! ,"'- I Ism s-r-i i.,'.t f JS. - sa - ItjsBVfiALE I!Y FtteiHAY dr. MA. ON STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAD: a bereby certify that Dr. i. N. Worwlio hii nuccebr fully operate-! on my ridgling borw, Isaac hays. For further refcrentw lo reeard to rid sr. inas inquire of Wm. Prtrtraon, Dayei Pe terson, i.etsnin : Jobn Uardman, Alfred vtolvprton. Ait?auy : rsam Uaines, hcio: Win. Foster, Prinevitt. I practice yeter inary me lijica in Albany and country surrounding. Ofiiee and.residenea corner 6th wd Wiafcbiugton Sts. I. N WOC.VLK. Veterr.ry Surgeon. Ersn i A vi AA IK- Fss?k n n UU U BVi L-ife-rt,-ri-. ?. rS ft J ! M( e5 J SSfcJ Ely's ream Ba! m Cleanses the TTasal Pcssa sres. Al lays lulls rcraaticn. Heals tho Sores, Restores tha Senses of Taste, Smell ekd Hearing. ..,- - A partJrlo la npplicd into one. a nootrll Is oarer able. Price SOe. r t Dnurciota er by sbsOI. ELV EKOIHEEW Ttanen!i4.iow Tiork. feeted its potency In curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyee. Scrof ulous Sores and 8wellings, Hip-Joint Disease, "White Swellings." Goitre, or Thick Neck: and Enlarged Glands. Bond ten cente In stamps for a large Treatise, with colored plateeon Skin Disease, or tbe some amount for a Treatise ou Scrofulous Affections. . "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly elennse It by using Dr. Pierre Ooldeia Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital treugth and bodily health will be established. CONSU2IPTIONd which Is Scrofnla or the Lunge, la arrested and cured by this remedy, it taken in the earlier stages of the disease. From its mar velous power over this tervibly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem edy to the publio, Dr. Pieroe thought seriously of calling tt his "Consumption Cork," but abandoned that name aa too restrictive foe a medicine which, from Its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, la unequaled. Dot onlv as a remedy for Consumption, but tot U1 Clirouio Diseases of tho Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Chronio Nasal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an etMcient remedy. . Sold bv Druggists, at a)1.00, or Six Bottle for e 5.110. t & Send ton cents la stamps for Dr.Pierce'l book on Consumption. Address, J'cr'd's Dispensary L'sdisal basIsU' C63 SXain a, pVTTXTLOtt(.y. FRANCIS PFEI.FFER -PKOPH1KTOK OK - Albany sol.i Works - .nd Mancfaururers of- CEOIGE CONFEuTIGNE&Y, ' We are wow prep trod to phII at w.'tok sale, always fresh and pure ai -Portliud prifws to doalnra. We '- keep a . ft.ll line of fints ana Tropical jTruits, CIQAR3 AND TOQACCO cm Stcra 1 ;f"tnt sUKS't of 2ud sTg U ia tho Va' I ) j , 1 iTt i ; rjni iru iirn?t, bth In .;?i't ( s ! il I hiri i t band II kind of FUSKITU3E. ST0VS.; TIHiYASE,, imil, G33I5, CLOCKS. GS30KERY, . ETG., ETC. O i9 w sv of .S. E Young's o.'d store. L. GOTTilHO, li3 Fim St.m;!, Albany, Ur, mmi ft mum m 1 L3 0? PJ?.ECGDUVEaC!L MJ HTPOPH05PIHTZ3 Almost as Palatable 83 ITS Hie. So dlsfwtssdl t bat it esa be taken, dtgeotetl, und assimilated by tha saoat sensittT. htomacb, whta tbe plain oil ravnnot be tolersttedt nnd by the) torn btnatiota ff the oil with, the bypof.b.os iltite is niwebk mors elicclou. - Eemartable as a-fiesli producers - Persons g&la npld!y u tilj tsklcg Itr SCOTT'S EMULSION ia ackncwlodgedby Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration ia tbe world for the relief and cure of CCNSUtfPTIOrl, CCHOFULA. GENERAL OS31UTY, WASTINQ DISEASES, EMACIATION. COLDS ana CHRCNIO COUCKS. Ths great remedy for Consitrri'iian, and Wasim.j in Chil-Mxa. Sobl ly tU Druggist lit) VE AY R ji io wK. our uiairitl twtxu