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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1889)
lit iJtYl0ttJlt i ! FRIDAY APRIL 5, 1889. ! j i. J 1 li STITE3 Ss Killers mm "KUTTIN3. rreprlrtem. LOCAL RECORD Oat a Special Traih The "Wlllam ette Valley" arrived at the Bay Sunday at 11 o'clock with ft good cargo and about twenty find-clas passengers. To save their walling over night atpcclal train wa offered them and Conductor Kennedy brought them to thlt city, arriving We at U o'clock at nlijht. In order to how their annreclalton ol the effort ot the road to ac commodate them the passengert passed appropriate resolutions on the subject, which we give below ! We, the undersigned passengf ra on the tteamslilp "Willamette allev," on the last trip from San Francisco to equina Bay desire to espresa our gratitude and appre ciation to the O. P. Co. for the courteotia treatment received at the hand ol the ottt cert and employee of aald steamship dur ing the trip. A. No to thank them for their promptness In aendlng u forward to our several destination by special train from Yaqulna. By reason of the courteous treatment extended to u by said Company nd employee In their effort to make our trip pleasant and agreeable, we gladly recommend thla route to person traveling from San Francisco to Portland, knowing that no effort will be spared to make their journey both pleasant ami comioi table, Daniel llawksworth, A Emanuel, Theollorn, II B Avery, Joe A Campbell, E J Stanton, III Tavlor, VV C Dlsurnt.II, W H Aubury, HC Dlederlch, Oha W Morton, M Canty, William F Schelbe, Charles Horstmann, Ed Mversteln, Daniel Q Miller, Albert Golden, Miss Cassle Howard, T 11 Cmith and other A You so Swindler. One of the cool est and cleverest case of Indllng that has been perpetrated In thi city for ome time wa played upon one of our popular merchants Thursday night, and In conse quence ol tne same the merchant now count hi bank account $ ISO short toy the Salem ;uW, G. W. Johnson wa the merchant. Here wa the trick. A young -man entered and bought $70 worth of good. Ia payment the young man tend red Mr Johnson a check for $150 drawn by Ames Bros., of Silverton on Portland bank. Mr Johnson told hl customer that ie had banked his money that evening and -wa afraid he would be unable to get the check cashed. Ilia customer said "oh never mind, just keep the check until morning and I will call and get the amount due me." Thi seemed fair enough and the custom. r departed, carrying hi purchase with him. By the time the bank were opened Friday morning the stranger appeared at the store a gala and Mr Johnson handed him the balance of the check, kSo, after de ducting the amount of the purchases. The ranger took the next train for Oregon City. The check proved a forgery. An Ixdicato. Thebuines of a Post Office U good indication of the growth of the city. In this respect Albany has shown ft steady aad healty advancement. The year closing March 3ttt, shows big In. crease In the business of the Albany office over the previou fiscal year. The figure are a follow : " , - 1st quarter., and quarter. 3rd quarter.. 4th quarter. .$"74-4 . 1119.30 . 1466.65 M99 S4595 Thi die not include the money order and postal note business. The receipt for the previou year were $4,924.35. The In crease taise the salary of the Postmaster from $i6oo to $1700 a year. If the receipt this year reach $6000 the alry will be in creased to $tSoo. A Game or Bali. We have been on able to get full particulars of the game Saturday on the College campu between the College Nine and the "Pickup" from the city. Just when it began and ended I aot known. James Blackburn and Ed Blodgett appeared a battery for the Col lege Club and Lowell Jones and Jehn Cro. en for the "rickups." The Col.ege Club went to the bat and stayed there most of the time, making 51 run while their op ponent succeeded In getting In 8 Three or four Inning were played, when the game -was discontinued the score sheet not being large enough for further business. In a few days It is proposed to pick up a nine that ... . . . ' . 1. - r-l - 1 Will mine 11 warm iov me wuuege WS, Common Occi'DRENCK. Item like the following are very common In Portland paper, and the beer part is nearly alway Included: "Jame Bailey, an old man re cently from Kansas reports the loss by robbery of $547 last Monday afternoon Bailey left the Merchant' hotel where he tras (topping, remember visiting the city park and several aloon and like resorts around town. He allege that when he left the hotel on hit jaunt that he was per fectly aobrr having imbibed but one beer, while ort the other hand, person I a posi tion to know say Bailey wa two-ttTird full and meat for rounder." Place for an Excursion Severe gentlemen who hare been up the Santiam report a magnificent place a short distance from Gatetville for an excursion party. It I where the Santiam paste through the rock, on one tide of the river, the cliflt rise perpendicular an Immense distance, while on the other tide the ascent is more gradual. At the point where the water passe through the distance i only four feet eiitht Inches across. The scene I a rugged and grand one. - A Meteor. One of the most thrilling heavenly tight ever witnessed transpired ' Sunday evening. A m 5st brilliant meteor, looking nearly at large ai the moon and omewhat elongated flashed in eight in the northeast about 9 o'clock and traveled northwest with a brilliance beyond de criptlon. It passed through the big dip per and out of sight, throwing off bright parka and leaving behind Its filmy tail of light. Several were fortunate enough to ee It In thi city, and i. a eight noiKKjnioDciorgoucn. , T . c. . j Knocked by a Fence, Last Saturday . . . ' U6v.. ....... t... - pattenger wat standing on the platform of Repre,entat)veil Meyers, Miller and Ton the rear car trying to tee a tramp on the guc "The True Friendtof Labor" it their train. The train wat ttopped and the man taken to Woodburn.where an examination 01 nit wounai wat maae.wmcn win aouDi- lest prove fatal, hit tkull being crushed in. Hit name it Henry Einhouw and he came time for some people to learn how to ride on the cart. That Stone. That car load of stone that wat tide-tracked the other day near the Red Crown Millt and which wat taid to be thipped here to be used in the woolen mill building, belong to the Southern Pa vide and will be uted In making tome im provements on their read near town. , A Sight, Patsy Cardiff,' the famous prize fighter, with hit trainer and backert, passed through Albany Saturday evening for San Francisco, where he is to fight Jackson, a Dig crowa at the depot wit netted tne ttgni. xxcompt. at In 8tylk. Marie Dayis & Co., 2d floor, Strahan block, havs just received from Chicago a fine line of new hat frames, Their goodt are all new and In style, and It will pay the ladle of Albany to examine them before buying. No trouble to thow goods. Hr.Nl and EiKiS. An Albany gentle man somewhat Interested in egs hand w the following on the subject 1 The stand srd yield and weight cf egjrt for the differ ent varieties of the domestic fowl may be taken a follow 1 Light Brahma and Par trlde Cochin, egg, f to the pound they lay, according to treatment and food, from So to too per annum, sometime more If kept well f Dark Brahmas, 8 to the pound, and about 70 per annum j Black, White and Buff Cochins, 8 to the pound, ard too I a large yield Plymouth Rocks, 8 to the pound, and loo per annum t Ilouclan.Sto the pound, and lay 150 per annum, being non (liter 1 I-a Fleche, 7 to the pound, and produce 130 per annum BUck Spanish tothepound.tndlay 150 per annum j Don lnlque,9 to the pound, and lay 1 30 per an num 1 game fowl, 9 to the pound, and lay Mo per annum t Crcvct, 7 to the pound, nd 150 per annum t Leghorns, 9 to the fount), and trom 150 to joo per annum lamburulis, o to the pound, and 170 per annum i Pollsn.Q to the pound, and 150 per annum t Uantams, 16 to the pound, and 60 per annum j turkey lay from 30 to (o egg per annum. weliiluna about 6to the pound, ducks' egg vary greatly with the different spcck',but range from 5 to 6 to the pound J geese, 4 to the pound, and ao per annum ; guinea fowls, 1 1 to the pound, and lay 60 per annum. r SmAiK. The Astoria Trnnstrifl make the statement that there U young man In Marlon county twenty-five years old, who ha never spoken a word to hi father, although they have lived In the same honse all the time. He it communl callve to every one rlsa about him, and say It I an iinposibillty for him to utter one word to hi father, that he ha tried H a thousand time and failed. No cause! known for thi ttrange freak. The Marlon countv paper know nothing about the matter, and It mav be almply a newspaper canard. . - Dion't Know A Goon Tiuso A Butte creek farmer recently bought some Angora goat and as the proper thing was toprovloe shelter fcr the animals h built a shed for them. The next morning he went out lo the lot, but not a goat wa to be seen. After looking about he finally dlscoveied the whole bard on the roof of the sited, contentedly chewing their cuds. He ha come to the conclusion that the Angora eoat doesn't know how to appreciate a good thing. Incorporated. Article of Incorpora tion for the Albany Ice Work have been filed with the Secretary of State, w Ith John Isom, EJ Lannlng and John A Crawford a Incorporator. These work will prove a big Industry In Albany thi season. There being no ice in the Valley and these being the only work In the State south of Salem their field will be a big one. It I estimat ed that fully a million pound of Ice will be manufactured this season. A Noted Elocctioxist. Mm. ilines, of New York City, one of the noted elocu t'onlsta of that city, will be In Albany on the 32nd instant and give an entertainment at the Presbyterian Church, under the aus pices of the young people of that church. Mr. Ilines U endorsed bv Gen. lohn A. Logan, Dr. Curler and others, and It will be a treat privilege for the people of Al bany to be able to hear her. By tub 4TH. The Albany Street Car Company propose having car running by the 4th of July, -arrangement now being perfected for the purchase of the plant and the beginning of work of grading. It is proposed to celebrate the 4th thi year In a spread eagla style, becoming the pros perous condition of the city. Now at IxirrcxDK-cE. Mr. Lemon nd family, the one who had the experi ence on the O & C train are now at J B Ford', Independence, where Mr Lemon 1 seeking work. lie gave the If Vs SiJht following reason for hi wife' jumping off the train : "The peanut boy ordered the wife to leave her seat that he might put hi boxes there. One of her friends came to 1 her reicue and In the altercation he saw a pistol in the pocket of train boy and It o excited ber that the ran out of the car and jumped off while the train wa In motion." Gonk Abroad. Already the rapidity with which Albany raised the woolen mill subsidy ha given it a reputation a an en terprising city. A Prinevllle paper ay: "The people cf Albany are always awake to their Interest, and their purses are ever open to any enterprise that will help to build up the place. A abort time ago a bonus of $jsjouo was asked to Insure the moving f the Brownsville woolen ml! sto that place. The amount wa raised In four days, and within six months Albany will have the bet woolen mil'. in the state." Flour Mill BcuKEDThe flour mill of Tho Samuels, at Monroe, wa con u.ned by fire Monday night, caused by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. About 9000 bushels of wheat, 400 barrel of flour and considerable mill feed belonging to Mr Samuel and severs! thousand bushel of wheat belonging to farmer, were burned. The entire los is estimated at about $20, 000. Mr Samuels carried Si 0,000 incur- a nee on hit part of the property burned. Tows Talk. An Immense shipment of Town Talk Savon soap teceived at Wal lace & Thompson', made especially for their trade. They knew it would cause the town to talk when the price- $1 a box, wa known, 'so they gave that name. The quality also is unsurpassed. It will slip away at a terrific rate at $1 a box. Another Rat Story. Astoria not to be outdone by Albany comet to the front with the following rat story : "When It come to killing rat, Mettrt McCormick & Warren of the Attor House have claims to the championship. Last Saturday they made ft raid on an outhouse near that hos telry and killed twenty rodentt out of a possible 14. Their rule it to kill rata wher ever they find em. Illustrated. The Scientific American Supflemeul of December 29, it on our table. It contalnt eleven finely executed cute of the talmon induttry of the Columbia, with an ably written article on the tubject by W'Y Beach.their representative. Mr Beach it now making Albany hi headq jartert while investigating the industrial resources of the Willamette valley. The Scientific American It among tne great of the world t L papers, and anything that appears In it It worth 200 cent on the dollar. Friends of Labor. A picture hat re centlv been made of teveral member! of the Legislature. It it not a bone, and there are not many face In lt,but It i. a good one all the tame. In the middle it Govern ., ., , I or Penneyerand turroundlng him are Sen I t.i -r-.u n j r j designation. Their record in the last Leg '"ture en lnem 10 woolen MUX f or. eugene. A gen tleman from Eugene tayt that a letter had beenreceJved there lrom the proprleiert of the Athland woolen millt proposing to remove their plant to that town for a $15,- 000 bonut. Our Informant tayt that u eene will raise the bonut. If our informa tion it true we'll bet a nickle that Eugene will raise that bonut in three day. A Circus Coming. The advance agen and bill posters of l-rennla Si McMann't circus are in the city, and the circus will be here on the 12th instant, It hat been playing in Oakland, Cat, and will come to Oregon bv way of the O P boatt, exhibit ing at Yaquina City and Corvallis previous to tneir Aioany engagement, Till WAftE AF.D HMD- WAFtE Ctf ALL KOS AT BE0E a ilODCO ; C '..' 1 " ', I weic i;lv en. '1 or; .vriUtrv't tvjnt s-miwci! a timm bcrnhlp of near Ks. kcuar meeting have been held each alternate Turit.ty,wllh an average attendance of tO. Financial report showed $515.8010 have been receipt for the year and disbursement $480.53 '$125 of indebtedness on hall hat been paid, beside paving Interest on the rest of debt The following resolution was adopted : . ftsrttnt. That the Y. C. T. U. of Albany In appreciation of the many favon shown them by the editor of our city paper, in Inserting notice of our meeting free of charge, and In lending ut a column of pace each week, tor the promulgation of temperance sentiment, hereby tender these generous member of the pre a hearty vote of thankt for these courtesies. The following ollteert were elected 1 President, Mrt K F Sox Vice PreH Mr W II St John 1 Recording Sec, Mr 8 A McAIUtert Cor. Sec, Mr M II Elli Trek., Mr K Althouse i Organist, Mr The next meeting 01 the union will be on Tuesday, April 16th, when the ladle will be glad to see all the member present. Secretary. CiRt t . The agent of the Farlnl-Mc. Mahon show arrived too late for a dlwplay advertisement In the weekly. Notwith standing the two combined clrcuse will exhibit at Albany on Friday, April 12, af ternoon and evening. The Price of ad mission will be but 50 cent, children half price, popular eastern ptlcet and why not. A Bmk'K at Scto.T-Tuetday Mr Ed Coin of Srto left an order with the Atbany Iron Work for a front for the new brick to bo built at that city. It will have a frontage of twenty-seven feet and will be three stories high. 8clo people are waking up with the rest of the valley and propose being up with the times. Good Horse. Jay Smith hat bought Dr E L Inlhe't fine mare.whlcli get over he ground In something under 3 :5a Yhtt ts Walla Walla bred mare. It I under ttood the price wa. about $400 SmttJtmtia At Cos r. G.W.Simpson ho just re eived at a bargain a large lot of ladle muslin underwear and Infants' robes, slip and hoods, which he will tell at wholesale o, marked In pUIn figures. Latest i Millinery Ida M. Brush ha the finest selection of millinery good ever brought to Albany, procured from the East and San Francisco, and Is selling at the very lowest prlcet to tult ail custom er. v ill be pleased to show good at any time. Babies. The finest line of babv carr . ages In the Valley jtitt r celved at8tewart & Sox'e. Price are remorkabl v cheap con. idcring the superior quality of the carri age. Struck Oil At $i.a per 5 gallon can best Standard 1 oil, at tho Willamette Packing Co.' store. Oranges. A large tupply of teei eedle orangct ju.t received at F. L. Ken. on . Scmmer Wrap. Novelties In beaded and stockinet jacket just received. OAMCEL t. 1 OUNO, COUNTY COt'RT PROCEEDINGS. (0. R. N. Blackburn, Jod ; B. W. Ci)r trt 0, '. rallltpt, CootmMunsn.) John Smith resigned at road upervUor. Ed Kecbler appointed Alo G W II un- saker resigned. Ed Coin appointed. Application of S W Dodd for reduction of taxes disallowed. Application for a county road near Lcb anon wa dismissed, after examination of petition and remonstrance. The following bills were ordered paid: Taxes of Sylvester Cochran reduced, on application, $1350, and A Dodge of $146: Peter Hume, aid poor.. ,$i3oo . 500 . 10.00 . 30 00 . 800 7 S . Hjoo J D Arthurs, coyote scalp A r Hamilton, aid poor la B Keener, aid poor. luwatcr, aid poor E E Montague, stationery , G F Crawford, aid eocr K Koldcway, as stock Inspector 6.25 E E Montague, fees.... 33. 5 5 Wm Fromm, work In Court House., itw Keeney, aid poor 9 70 ee exMnii.lngN J Cochran, Insane person 30 x G W Smith, mdse for Court House. 4 10 H Farwell, salary 8383 J II Petry, Justice' fee 4.85 F M Miller, et al. aid poor loxm Geo Humphrey, Justice's feet..... 2.75 N 11 Allen, electric light 2$ an State agt Isaac Saltmarsh 36.85 State aut John Erkson JJ-40 state a gt r red I tamer 2045 Ans Marshall, hack hire 15x10 I L, Hill, aid poor.... ..uixn I lenrv Cyrus, clerk of election I. to J II Lame, aid poor 16.00 L a! Curl, salary. . . . . 1 16.62 J 1 Dorris, keeping pauper,, . Wm Mackey, Sherifl't feet John Smallon, feet. 81 Ite ti Nutting, printing ...... , .... 5600 .... 1790 ....7350 400 Gear ic Killer, colon fur pauper 12.00 , HEAL E4TaTs 8ALE4. At recorded In the Recorder's office for Linn county, Oregon : Jot Elkins, et at, to Mary A Welch I ioim t Lncrcncemetety.Lco anon , $ R Davit to Wm Wootsey, 22 acres, 12, w 2 150 I D Walton to C H Montague, 1C0 acrct, 13, w 4 1500 Geo F Keund to S Shupe, lot 6, blk 24, 11 2 add 375 Wm Wooley to A G Hatch, 22 acres, 12.W2 .... A M Tempteton, et al, to A A Bull, 3oo 350O 200 too 300 190 et al. 14. wr 1 Lucy A Woodle to W C Cattell, 2 acres near Albany , JL Cowan to T O Peebbv, 1 lot, Loanon Mile Cary to Jame B Coxo acret 1 p 14, K I W J II Glasa to lames B Cox, 2 acret ipllSKIW.. Albany Cemetery ' Association to Ueo Harris, lot 357, die o, a a. to Albanv Cemeterv ......... .S 15 L H Montanye to Amelia Miller, lot 7 and 8, blk 20, Albanv........ 3000 EJO'Connerto W M Ketchum,' tract near Albany. Strip of 50 feet through block I E A Albany Articles of Incorporation of Albany 1450 3SCO Ice Co., tiled Weather, Summary of Meteorology for March, 1889, from observations taken at Albany.Linn Co. Oregon, by John Brig?, voL observer for th Signal Service, U 8. Army. HiKhest barometer on the 24tb, 30 30. Lowest barometeron the 14th, 20.06. Mean barometer for the month. 29.7(5. Highest daily average of bar. 30 17. Lowest daily average of bar. 29.11. Highest temperature on the 26th. 78. Ixiwest temperature on the 4th, 32, Mean for the month 52 6. nisbett daily range of ther. on the 20, 38, Lowest daily ranee of tlier. ontbe 17th, 1 Mean temperature at 7 a.' m. daily 44.64. Mean temperature at 2p,o, flail cz. Mean temperature at 9 p. ni. daily 62.2. Prevailing direotiotit of wind, N. and 8. Maximum velocity force, 3. Total rainfall or melted tnow, 2 28 inches. Depth of tnow at end of moot h, 0. No mlfr of Jays on which .01 inch or more ram tf-'i. 11. Number of day of cloudiness average 8 scl of 10. 10. Of 93 obervation 32 were clear, 24 cloudy, 2 tir. Stodgy, 10 rain, 10 bazy, 9 overcast. 1 routy. Iisrht frost on th mornngi of 8 days. Temperature. t4 94 on atersgo of 10 year. IUiDfall-2.49oD average of 10 year. SECURE PRICES. NO I'DATTHT T? Wf CTTHW r vinnna a rn " MYOA & R 0ES0NS. noun. AND AS&OAD KOKDAY. April fool' day, LULabih, nrRatvia, it to tie drained, h will oust about 8.-.IW0. Mr Jat TiUrJ It couttnipltitit g tutting its attain fvrry at Independence. Law orewn panoak Itstt art the proper tliiugt to wtar to theatret thit teased. Saturday wtt atbnr day. It wat cot ob served tbat wt oan learn in Ltua county. Carpenter aad palctrrt in Albany are vtry busy, wita a prospect for a waaou of it Hum It A Irvine and Jason Wheeler re turned from a trip to Salem Ssturdty even ing Mr Blum, of Poitlaotl, it'lnthe oity with ft view to luostli g aud opeiiiog a eigar ttort aua wniti room. ronttntster Ovuersl Wumakr hat eome out fut. footed fur omiititutioual prohibition, and a sunt;oa it th result. . At the Allary horse show yesterday there were thirty-two hort in the parade. Salem Journal. Please add about twelve to the uumhvr. Mr llsrvtv Soott bought some property in Albina two yr auo tur $21,000 and last wk sold it for 151,000. Think of an editor uoiugtkst, Th ad, of Multnomah eppesra elsewhere, Thi i od of the tnost promising hortet In tb ut, aad horsemen will do wl tn oon tiderhia msrita. Hit pedigree stand uo -turptsted in Oregon. Mwtr. Mover, Craft and (Jtlbrsilli, ol th BrowotvilU Wrwddo Mill are ia the oily aad tlii evening will meet with thssubsorip. tine oomiritt and complete arrangement for the location of the wonlm mill bare, Emma Hill, a San KrauoUoo Jew, h auid Fan lujuu, a Chine mrrohaat for U3. 000 damages en a ceo t tit nf a breach of prom ite by tbsdefeBtlaat. What are we coining to. A flnnlyexeoutetl oravon portrait of Mr, Felix O'Toole, who died alut a year ago, msy be an at U L Blsukmao't. It waa drawn by Prof. Krambaia for Mr Fred Blumberg. A remarkable oaae hat lust eome to liitbt Tb nsw atate capital cf Georgia, for which $1,000,000 was appropriated, ba ho com ptetod, th work having been doie for f 'JO, 000 lest than the turn set aside. It it iiir ally eevs-ral million dollar th olhel way. Earl Brother were greeted by only a fair audieoee at the opvra house Saturday evnoing. Tb troup ta composed, of good musician aad t gentlemanly company of i'oung men, who give a If oghabl and en obable entertainment, and dsaerve good loo, aeoordioa to th report of tome who attended. Trampe (n greater sambere. tho ever are making tbeir way here from California, An O & C eonduotrr reporta one day last wk putting off twtmty at AlUov. nine at Har rUbure. elubft at Euaene. Oakland. Saleen and to on all along tb road. II aayt tbst all have money, but part with it rJuoUofc ty lor anything but wbintsy. ntkom. Theatrieat troupe after all leave great deal of money ia the onnntry. A tbeatiieal ttatistioiao eetiat that at tb present time ia tula country there are more than 60.0i)0 people ia various eapaeitisa depending for their living a poo the dramatic profession. He flguroe tbat tne total per annum for pro fusions! trantporUtion ia 6,000,000, a con siderably larger aunt than tb railway re ceive from an other narticnlar eta of trav. tiers, ' 1J alto ttate that on season theat rical people spend f 4,000.000 for botal ac comodation. TCrsUAV. ' J P Martin, of flartltburg, ia in tb oity. Spokane Falls ia to bay a 1.100,000 opera boat. Mr F II Pfeiffvr, we understand, will be tb Albany agLt for the Albany Ice Works An Alaee man wa in th city this morning with a load of salmon, fresh front th Aleve Mr Jaoo Wheeler ho1d to Moeller & Ostrett 23 feet ftOot on tixood street for floOO. Prof Baotr, tb peomsn. i in Silverton. Tb PrU. taught a ciaes in Albany a ytar or two tge. Meaer J M Meyer and V Croft, of the Biownsviile Woolen Mill Co, went to Port- Una tow neon. I UitcBU & Co 'will moy into the new Vsooe block in a few day. This was arret ed with great rapidity. A pltt of V wnVa Hoethern AlWay addi tion ha been tiled, and th property wi.t be plsovl on th market. Mrs Bryeon, of Portland, mother of Mrt Dr Aubrey, it in the city, and will probably ped tbo totnmer bero with Iter daughter. Dr WriabUman' Kovereiita Balm of Life. for die ft cn to women, at Deyae At rlobson s sud tiro woe II a; stanard s, 1 J Baltimore, agent. Th District Convention of th Y P MA ia Hill ia teuton at the M E Church. 8 r- vior this evening-at 7:30. to which alt are cordially iovited lo aiteud. A seolteman who be been throush the Saaliam sniuina ru as) within a rear or wo there will t a iiiKuer niintns xeite- mant there than that ol the Cur D'Alene. Mr Ik Blum' plaeo will be in the ' Vaoee block, which he propose iitttec up lor a cUar atand aod whist sad dub room. Mr Blum ia well known ail ever tb coast. M ftaumgart waa arrested a few evening sine by Nightwateb Milier for asssoit oa Stewart Moore. He was examined aod dis barred. Rev Bell, ex elerk of the railroad eommte- sioo, pseaed tbroogh th city to day. . IUv Pell claim tbat bis office Will not txpur OO- til May 22. Constant Meese. of the firm of Clot Si Mee, englneeit and maahiniett, of 8n Francisco, is in the city making arrange ment to pat ia tb plant for the ic work, wbicn wilt be tnuoiog in about two mootn A r 00 ad Breitenbosh. on tb 0 P. the land lite not ytt bean surveyed by the rov erament. All of tbe beat tract, though, have been tquatted on, and tbe prospect are inai tnere win o a 012 commonuy mere in time. . Tbe olJ railroad commissioner and Gov Pennovet'e new commiwionert dejnanded their pay yesterday, and were refused, except Kelt who wa peia to reo in matter will now go to the court. When Cor veil it lacked a thousand dollar for its agricultural colU'ge subsidy Cut H"g2 pot hi name down for tbat amount, and now be has gods the tame thing for A I Dsn y. The beet family remedy ia undoubtedly Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. It may be safely given to tbe iofaut a well as the, adult, and it will give relief where other tntdiuiuet failed to do so. Keep tt in the house. - Mr Jaaon Wheeler ha told to O L Black- man ten acrea off hi farm southeast of this eitv far 11000. Tne land is situated on th corner at thejunotion of tbe two roidt and will be valuable property. Baker City it raising fund for th pur post or making Enown to tne woria re source 01 i'sstern uregon u general ana Baker City in particular. According to th Democrat, the amount tubtcribed for this purpose has already reached Ml 70. Mrs Klum and two sons, Dennis and Cbsiles. of Sodsvtlle, pasted through tb eitv last evening from V.'aehiogtoo territory a .!.: I . a l.u:ll. iUm 1-M wllA IDT ,Dr UUI H ,-. VMM, in,. w HV baa been in Washington for hit health is in a t l.t- :..!- 1. . f L! precanjut conoinon wita iitue u t ui recovery. Dr S O Irvine. Mrt L E BlsTo. Mrs E Power and Mr Ed Blodgett went to fortltnd to -day to attend a meeting of the Presbytery of the U P church to convene there to mor row. Mrs Henrietta Brown. R M Robert son aod Miss Lillis Robertson will go to morrow. . ' t "When the tpring time comet, "we usually find ourtelvet drowty and exbautted, owing to tbe impure and ilugguh ttate or the blood, To remedy this trouble, take Ayer's Ssrtaps nils, the most powerful, yettafe aua eco nomical blood purifier in exittenoe. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excellent DreDsrstion for the hair, I apeak of it from experience. - Its ute promote tbe growth of sew hair, and makes it glosty and toft. The Vigor is a ture cure for dandrntr..' J v Bowen, Editor Enguirer, MoArtnur, umo . WEDNESDAY . Town Talk. Town Talk. ' County Court meets to-day - Tbe U 8 Senate has adjourned. "' New style je wt lry et Frtuel-'r. - Seyeral Albany doge were poisoned yestee- day, Tront may now be caught with'fimpnnity and a tub bonk. Pino line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deroe and Rob son's special bargains, A tcdood-band organ for tale ekeap'at Mi Jiyutsnt. Buy your watches at FrettoL. Big bu rsitis. , CcryallU it to have ft brbk tcliool houte to coit aUnt r-0.000. L W Clark aud Mrt D 0 Moore were re eetitly married In Portland, Ann line of pettier lott received at Fortmillsr ft livings. Finett lme of ragtiu tb city j-itt received at r ortmtiiar a irringt. i Both Pendleton and Albany bav ben trnubiett wita a lower ad bog pen, Frank O'Neill, travellag pttiingtr tgtof. 11 f u ai. is e nv -Miianer. II R Shulta bat purohated of Mrs Ham mer a bait block, paying IW hi th same. An elegant line of aiik tabis torcadt. In beautiful detlgnt, Juts teceived at Fortmiller Irving s, - Mootaua will be abbreviated Ma. when It beoonut a Stale. W will then have a pa ar.d ma. J W Whalley, th well knowo Portlaad lawyer lias retired from active prtcttue and will now enjoy himself. . Tbe lWUton K. 0. bruit of a Umatill man who hat Jutt subscribed for ton oopi of itt paper to tend ear. Tht Ochooo Revine tj t that Mis Kellie Hlghardi inteoilt going to Arlington to teack drawing and paiutiug. Mr Dr M K MuOoy I vary tlok with pneu monia aod wilt hot b able to attend to ber pttient for torn tlmt. SUUtmmn, County Commissioner B W Cooper hat old hi bout and two lot on Seooud aud Beker Street to Mr Hess, a ntw comer, for 12200. Key Humphrey and family, tf th Cbrls tlm Church, wtre given a subttantiol tur pirse party last night, at their rooms, at tb corner of First sud Ferry street Mr Jit StowsrUon to-day ahipned hi tarn mule deer to Mr Miller, at Yaquina Bey, where be will place it in a park for tummr touriat to gsae at A weak ago a l!Oe of nranert eu nir. chased la this city for 700, which wae sold ysitrrnayior isuo. VYa call 300 in on week a good peculation. Mr WOrsy, a former Minnesota man, is ia tb oity investigating rsal ratste value with prospect of their going dp, Uke most tourists be think Albany a floe place. Mr Robert Pootford and Mr Hsrvev W... ur, brothers-in-law to Mr A B Woodln ar rived in tb city last Saturday from tbe cast on a visit to tbe family of Mr Woodio. Our readers should not mitt eur eurrc- pondeutt at tide oa "Old Oregon." He Is one of the beat writers in Oregon and knows tbe State from eoroer to corner from its earliest period. Tbe directors of the Albany Ice Co vu terday evening elected tbe following omoenj A Crawford, President John U Stonk man, Secretary I John Iom. Treasure. The o-piUl stock of th Co, it 120,000. People over the world eenaraltr will k glad to know that madttone will euro alt kinds of mad diseases. As there are no mad dogs la Oregon, it is pleasing to know there is a ate for the stones. Hiss Carrie Pfeiffer arrive-t home this morning from San Rafael. California, where baa been aoloarolog daring th winter. Her many friend will be glsd to learn that sbe it much improved in health. In tb eaaa of Jim IV.iUI I It If... & Co. in th Circuit Court of tb plantiff wae given thirty daye ia which to ttneod tbe 00m pi. in t All of the other oil eD.t Meyer ft Co. were diimiseed or Mttled. Mrs. G. W. MsstiM 11.-. hjogh s reeidence on Lyon street instead of Mrs. U. S. Hoyoe as tUted yesterday. Street reporta of sale do not alway a turn out cor rectly, aod Dwtitore like Athar tteonU oowtitn get thing aiixed. Th Southern Alban mAAitl mm.ii. platted will be pnt oa the mtrket at 1100 a lot where half a block ia taken, or f t.Vt fne eoroer lo Tbet wilt ba tea lota to tbe block. Situated nesr tb Elkeae falls this is "10 property. Sometime a di.i.ter proves a blcesiog. Perhan but for the Inst nf life bv the at Samoa thoutaeda of lives wonlj hav1eea lost by the ravage of war. Now tbe United State and Gerrosny ean join bands together jmpamj over tbe lot of their oouotry- men. ArttoUM of ineornoratiiia of T.mnle rvm. mofry No. 3 bav been filed with th See reUry of State, with V J Uehoock, I) V Ua on and Geo llamphrey. looorpofstors. Piece of basinet Albany and animated vsla cf propeny ana moaey. 120,000. M1IATI KNOW AKOl'T MaMfTOXrj. CftAwroatMViLLC, March 27th, i&y About 15 or 16 year ago I providential ly came In possession of teveral mad.tones, aid to be genuine, which I doubted. Still their virtue ha turpatted all former re portt. I regard It at the last act of folly for any person to die from the bite of a mad-dog,anake or poisonous Insect If w lth in reach of a madttone. I have alto used them In many eiseaset at an experiment and have seldom failed In making a perfect cure to my delight and the relief of the sufferer. .Losing tight of the cures from the bites f dogs and intact I will mention nly tuch at I treated. I have cured neu ralgia f n Ut worst form, tun paln, tore eye, bruise, pain In tlte back, head, or located pain, high fever and delirium, bone felon and kindred disease. They are of mush value In bad case of erysipelas and poison oak. Cured one case of rising breast In thlt county after six or seven weeks of intense suffering; all other remedies having failed to give relief. Three applications of the madttone relieved and cured her. The worse me aiteate, tne easier the cure. t,fi .1 1 ... ntr incra 1 muammation, poison or fever sufficient to cause the madttone to ad here. I have never seen a failure. I hav seen the water turn green while cleansing the maistone, No faith Is reaulred. onlv the dUesse. I once had the honor of cur ing a distinguished physician of a violent attack of neuralgia, after hit remedlet had all failed. Rather than die he concluded to tend tor me and try the mad.tone. I ap piled It and he went Ut aleep In ten mln utes and when he awoke he waa relieved and cured. I n!y have confidence In their virtue when they effect a cure. I have teen personi tuffering Intense pain and in lett than ten minutes after applying the med- Kne mey wouiu oe round asleep dream ing of some happy land. Their origin Is great mystery to many persons. I know the origin of mine and It can make no dif ference to the person cured whether they are oonc, sione, wooc, created or manuiac tureu. . ' " y- ". - j; r , J. F. Mokes. t Tourists, ' When on cleamre bnt or business should take oa every trip a bottle of Syrap of Fig, as It acts most pleasantly and ef- leoioaiiy on me Kidneys, liver aud bowels, preventing; fevers, beadaoben and other rami of tioknes. For sale In 60a, and bottles by all leading druggitta, ur. Al. u. tilts. Dhvtieian and snreeon Air any, uregoa. 1 Alls made in city eountry. For land madeharness goto E. L. Power New Comers Ta our oity willSfind it to their advantage to price our gods before ouyingintneir outut 01 groceries aud pro visions. , JBkowhell & Stahakd. 'We will sell you g'ooeriet chetper thtn any ens eise. . . . Brownki.l & Stakabd. Letter Lltt, Following it tht lift of lottert retnalnlngr in tht Post OfBoa, Albsny, Una county, Oregon, .April 3, 1838, Persons asHing for these letter must give the date oa which ther were advertised 1 Brown, Dumpy CreMwell, John A DstIs, A J Hsiran, Marvin Jsnann, Kvbsrt F -Mu(7ullony, W H flvkett.WS Smith, Mrs V B Weisuer, Mrs Msry Wilson, Joe Curtis, C 8 (8) )avts, Uin Msry Godfrey, O M iMuosun, 1 l.upr, LB McDonsId, Efl Hankin, 0 Q () inmnu, uao A Wlliwn, J A WU.t, Addie ' ' O. THOMPSON, P. M, PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DDY0B T? ti THE WOOLEN SI IMA Tie Arrangftfuciiii CoutpletRiTi ami They Will , I'omi, Last Monday a conference wat had In thlt cly between J. M. Moyer, J. J. Croft ud J. P.' Calbraith, of the Brownsville Woolen Mill Co., and the Woolen Mill tub tcrlptlon committee of thlt city. It result ed lit both partiet agreeing on term and the tatlfactory adjustment of the question of water power between Mr. Crawford and the proprietor! of the mills. Our cltlzent re jubilant over the retult. Work on the building for the millt, which will be 60x110 feet, will be begun within a few weekt.and the mlilt will be running on time for the fall clip. , Atbany will get a mitt with an established reputation, one which wl1! con tinue to take a leading position In the Northwest. A Hackleman, U B Montelth, E J Lannlng, f LCowsn, W L Vance, D Froman.S EYounsr. W II Ooltrs. O F Simpson, M Sternberg, John Millard, W C Tweedale, laton Wheeler, J W Cutlck, C II Stewart, Frank Wood, II Bryant, Mil ton Hale, K A Irvine, John Schmeer, L Senders, L Fltnn, the committee, particu larly some of them are entitled to great credit for the manner In which they have puttied matter. JHLIi CITY Quite a number of Gatetville people were to Mill City last Sunday to tee the game of ball. Mr. 1), T. llocye, our worthy pottmatter It making preparation to btlld ft new house, In west Mill City. Mr. John Shaw .wat at CorvallU the forepart of thlt week, attending to tome kunlnett. Mrt,G. on the tick lltt j neuralgia It the complaint . Mr. Mose Stavton. of Slav ton was In our town last Monday preforming aome butl nest. Quite a number of O. P. railroad men were In our town last Wednesday. Among them wat Mr.C. C. Hogue, pay matter. Mrt. John Shaw, of Star ton wat in our burg a short time lst Wednesday, ber son, Robert accompanied her here, who holds a clerkship In the Santiam Lumber Co't ttore now. The Iron arrived last Wednesday for the new side track" to the saw mill. Persons receiving freight should alwavt tee whether there are any charges on "it before taking It. It make It very un con venient for agent If this is not done. John Tyler wat luckey enough to cap ture 11 pound salmon last Thursday morning. It made ft pleasent smile on John's face, A came of base ball wat played latt Sunday afternoon. The combat wat be tween Gatetville league and Mill City. The Catetylller's had It their own way. It being 33 to to In their favor, of course they heve been practicing some and we did not have any at all, we are not a bit jealous ; but understand some of the looker on were very much pleased and dissatisfied so much to that It retulted In word Very foolish. Miss Laura Stewart sent to Sclo last Friday, to visit friends. Lumber shipped this week ending March ath, I 1$ car load or 67,560 feet to Al- IV. Hughes, of Portlind, arrived here last Friday. He will remain In our town, practicing medicine. LY0N8VILLE. Salmon I plentiful In the Santiam. John Yates, of Polk county, i visiting hi parent here. A blacksmith shop I toon to be erected In our burg, Lyont It just awakening to the necesst ty of building sidewalk. The passenger coach recent! v added to our local train I highly appreciated by the traveling public. To-day, "Young America' it working every device to ascertain how many gen uine foot there are among us, Mr F I, Laugharne returned Saturday evening from Portland, where he ha been purchasing a stock of jewelry. Spring Is fairly upon us and alt nature It rooed in brightest green, which cem lo smite an apology for her long rest It I suggested the name of Lvontvllle be changed to that of Lyont, the former having an Insignificant sound, A good suggetuon. itlraeiag ef filerp. Dr. Flint' Remedy, for tha man or wo man who nntia biro r or bsrseif tinabla to sleep nltrht. (a an lnv)nM rttedmino. whleb wilt not onlv rrw the bleeeinsr of sleep, but will prevent a K'l'ersl breek- ing aown or too system. locrlrUve trcMtieo wvn eob boUK ;or, ad Ore Mack Drug v., v. Ursnd frsls day. Friday l li. the advtnt of th nnilod tlrcoses. COI.DEM BULK llAZ.VAlt Cash Goes a Long Ways at '.J alia (irsdwhor I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories In Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail price s , K doten unhandled tea cup and saucers, 35 cts. y, doten unnandiedcotteecup and sau cert, 45 cts. H dozen handled conee cup and aau cert, to eta. , U doten teven Inch dinner plate,. 45 ct. ... These eoodt are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goodt. I havs also added eood uxk of groceries, which ask people t call and examine and 'judg lor themselves at to quality and prices. Ivtiut Gkadwohl, Circus day at Albany, Friday, April 12th. E L Power hat iutt received fine line of duttert In style, for horses, as well as other foods that go to make up a first clam stock. lie hat a complete line of handmade harness, whips, saddles, etc- and hit prices are remarkably reasonable. When wanting anything in hit line do not buy before calling on him neat door to Democrat office. If von bave any job wcrk to tit call on O. W. Smith who is prets .t t do it with oeatnets aod dispatch, and at chop aa any one. Advice to J! other. Mre. Winalow'a Sooth Inn Syrap, for children teething, la the prescription of no of tba best fern si nurses and physi cians in tba United States, and has been need for forty years with never-failing suoeesa by mil liens of mothers for tbeir children. During tbe process of teething its value is iocalouable. It releaves the child from pain curea cTysentary and dlar rboea, Rriplnfr In tho bowels, and wind oollo. By ejivlng health to tba child it rests tbe mother. Price 25c. a bottle. MARRIED. MOSES SMITH. On April 3rd, 1889, in Tangent, by Rev Comann, Samuel II, Motet and Miss Ida Smith all ot Tangent Administrator's Notice; Kotioo is hereby eiven that the undersign ed have been by the County Court of Lion county. State of Oregoo, duly appointed Ad ministrator of the estate ot Enoch Hoult. deceased. late of taid countv aod State,. AH nersont havion claimt aenlntt saiditate srs required to preteut them properly verified to tne unaertwnea at narrisu-jrg, unn ouapiy, Oreeon, within aix months from tint data. This 4th dy of Aoril, 1889, W. F. Mbhdbnhall v , v Sam Mat, J. K. Weathsrtorp, AdminittratotTb Atty for Adm'rs. . SUPERIOR L1NEGOP AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE-YOECtROCCOrj OLD OKKGOX. Moscow, Idaho, Jlareh aSth, 18S9. Edilori Dmtmrut t Leaving Walla Walla, and winding our way a little northeasterly, we pats through th seme extensive ttock a fid agricultural region that characterlzet Eastern Oregon patting the arm of the O. R.' k that runt to Day ton, prosperous town.latd out by Jeate Day, of Douglat county, Oregon, several years ago. Thence to Starbuck where another arm of thlt road extend to Pomeroy, another growing town. Thence to Rlporta, or Texas Ferry where the rail road crossct Snake River ar.d where a steel and Iron bridge I being built for the tana Thlt place In aummer Is the hottest place outtlde of the popular retort of the wicked. From thlt point tmall steam boatt run to Leelston. Thence the railroad runs to a point west of Cudlcott, on the Faloute Junction road to Colfax, where thlt train it divided, one tectlon goet to Moscow, Idaho the other to Rockford, W. T. ,Thle It the Patoute Center, the great attraction of the Northeast In rlchnett of toll and productive nett. Colfax It the county seat, having two thousand population and a wealth of two millions. There are three bankt, and every type of butlnets it carried op. here, Thlt may become 11 railroad center and will if the railroad now running from Cheney to Davenport extend to Colfax, as contem plated by the citizen of Colfax. Thi will give a route from Portland to the Big Bend country direct and break the monopoly from which Colfai it tuffering. At else where property is looking up here. Upon the line to Motsow there are Pallman, Col ton and one othtrttatlon s these town aie flourishing. Moscow hat fifteen hundred Inhabitants and Is a center of great future promise. ,It draws from tbe Paloute and Patlstch, two noted section for rich, deep and productive toil. These towns are growing rapidly. Of thit tame clats are ; Spangle, Rosalia, Oasdale, Belmout, Gar field, Unlontown, Gennetsee and Paloute City on the 8pokane and Paloute road, a, id rarmington, iosoan and Laton on the u R4N. Thit Paloute belt of rich soil has no known equal In our country. Out of 95 per cent of cultfvatsble land only 18 per cent It uted. The wheat production Is In credible. The land produces from 34 to 70 buthel per acre. And the crop of 1887, wat not removed until January, 1&S0, and now thete two rallroadt are working on the wheat crop of 1HS8. Landt sell , From $5 to $Jo per acre, with an upward tendency. For and up to March 10th It was shown that fifty tsmllles came Into one portion of the county of Whitman and during the en tire month cart were filled with Immigrants. It Is a low estimate to say that one thousand Immigrants have found homes In Whitman county, in this month, immi grants seem to know where they are going and they soon take care of themselves, liy turning up tne sod simpiy, over twenty bushels of wheat per acre are harvested, so immigrant take hold at once, and go to work. Latoh, terminus of the O R & N, wenty miles from Spokane, has 700 Inhsb- Itantt, and nearly all these towns Support newspspers. Even Spangle with three hundred Inhabitants has its newspaper. Moscow Is located near the Oregon line. and many Oregonlans lead In business in the city. The Moscow bank hat a Salem. tie lor rresMcnt, Mr a i ouoen. Mr nic Connelt from Yamhill and once a member of the Oregon Legislature Is one of the leading merchants. Mercantile stocks are enormous. The leading physician is ur Worthinsrton, of Yamhill county and so on to the end of the chapter, they cannot do without oregonlans. I nis country nas plenty of limber and water, and can sustain large population. There it no part ot the territory to well advertised as Whitman county, and Moscow gets the benefit of It At the best portions are usually held as Indian reservations it may well be asked how this valuable belt extending from Idaho to Spokane waa not eiven to the In dians. Immigrant are from Dakota, Kan. its, Nebraska, etc., and they bring some meant with them. There are plenty ot banks all over this country and they wutch over the producer with a Utherly care. It it nothing lor a town to grow up in a lew months In the Northeast. Eastern Oregon and Washington are receiving additions to population In every direction. Those familiar with the climate of the Willamette Valley w ill be astonished at thlt announce ment. Dut there tt not room for all in any one portion of the country, hence It Is well that immigrants divide up. The winter In the sections described has been short and mild, hence fortunate for stock which owing to the extreme long hot scsson of last year, and want ot grass, look very slim. But it will soon come out as the grass Is comlne on. Money Is not plenti ful owlne to slow disposal of wheat. More railroad facilities are needed. Miss Minnie Parker, of Portland, baa opened aa art studio In Fllnn'a block, and will giv tnetruoUcna in OIL PAIflTlflC, at reasonable- ratoe. MU flood, Thre Blstora and other lonal soenss executed toy Miss Parker mav be seen at ber studio. Tbe public i Invited to call and Inspect teem. w EALTH', b'khoat Health casv ot b enjoj-ed. THERErORB USE V HEALTH RESTORER. It ia the best helper lo Meftltb end Ihe quickest rureoatuinn. I k it in lime lur su aivrsscso the Stomach. Liver. Kidnevs and Skin. 1 ceres Rheumatism, Malaria, Coeted Tongus and Headache, relieve Comtlpatioa, Bilious ness and Dysprpsn. drives sit Impurities out ot the Blood and dries up oM Sores. The Business wa twv It, the Workinemen HM It. the Ladies lake it, tb Children, try lor It and (Be Farmer ay it is their best health preserver. Sold tvervw here, a bottle; six for &00. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Saturday, April 6th, 1889. AETISTIO. EEFINED, IBSTEUCT1TI. First appearanoe of-- 1USS LOTTIE WADE, Tb character delineator, vocalist and danseuse. A an erica's Premier female portaun artlMo, in her original operatic, dreniatto and uniqua entertalnmeu spoo ially written for ber. Mine Wad will be supported in all her characters by tho Australian humorist, who standa without a peer, . MB, HENNESSEY L1EQTLS . In hla great original character, "DENNIS 0,MA1XKY. Among tbe numerous changes will be jjicitena' oaauuui cnaracter, . 'Per Joe," " ' The London Crossing Sweeper. Attention is particularly called lo the wonderful change (a direct contrast from tela character) to tbe "Beautiful Duchess of Devonshire,' uRlvvS?: under one ed in tbe will forfeit 1100. Dancing, Sailor's Hornpipe, Highland t lings. Keels end Irish Jig, 1 he first enterlatnment oonludes with tbe sparkling burlesque. "Robinson Urusoe and sis man Friday," " TJuder tro anapement of C. E. Van Horn. Admission 50 cents ; children, 25a, Reserved seati at Blackraan's without ex tra charge. DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE, REST MACHINE IN THE MARKET NOTirK.-W here., my wife, JLydia iZ. McKioney, has left my Ld and board without Juatoaosa or provocation, Ibis Is to warn the publlfi again iruating her on my awionnt as I s'jtll py no debts of bar contracting ... ' V. MuKtujttT, Albtny, Oregon, April 2nd, 1889. 1j0R RRN r.-Hall over F. MFreucb'e jewelry store. Inqnlreof 9. M FftKNca. WANTKD.-200 cords of maple I'm ber, to be need for maonraotnrlng chairs, For particulars Inquire of O. A. ArchlbalJ, at ofiloe Ot tho Farmers' Warehouse, Al bany, Oregon, . WHO WANTS A TEACHER f Any 4-lieol district wanting the services or teacher rcn N soppltod with ore by with L M, Curl, County School (Superintendent. I "JIOI. Botne fine Jersey FUxIe tot tele at 13 ft nioco Finest nlire la merk.t. ;11 01 or ad dies Mack Jenks. at Tan gent, Or., and get tb best to be bad. MONEY TO LOAN,-In aunts to suit, on Improved city or country prop erty at low rate of loi erest. For further Information add ran. . . K. O. Noftvo A Co., East Portland, Or. nAY FOR 8 ALU 20 hot of tans 01 1 bav. to ft ton wholesale. SH a ton at retail, at nay place 1 mile non It of A 1 01 ny, WAKfc-KS, LET ALL THE AFFLICTED READ AND 'LEARN...:: THAT Dp, West's AltaratlTB Tonic, Is a vslusbie remedy for MelerUi Art tlona and for dlsearea aiislng from itn purities of tbo blood, such aa scrofulous bunior, pimples on tbe face, salt rbenm, rheumatism, headache, nilaa. ktdn "emplelot, ail fajale weakneae and gen eral debility, fever and ago, catarrh and dropsy, I rnannfaetoro medh lue s coord ing to wbst tbo disease may be, DR. J. J. WEST; Tb Old Rollsblo Physician, may always bo found at bis ofiloe and ean tell yes Jus wns-ra your pains are located by esamla log you lo six placea on your bnastacd nnder your shoulder blade with hi mp cver your clothes. Meny cures bave bus uuaua oy oia treatment. XIUXAJl) JLJbTTD X.33j!k.IlXT, I came to th eonntrv to lonein nii found after arriving be re, that Portland and Albany, were already eWtiod to becofow the hrs()iuaners of the s-reai growing West. Wiib that end in lw 1 determined to fccaie in Albanv in the eprlng, bavinp already purchased a. large farm wbl ih I telre to Improve. Now a 11 tboso who are in need of treatment should avail themselves of tbl oprorton uy. IWSSIXTATIOJI FRf!E. Persona dosfrinar eanfol plierll on Dr. J. J. Wert laietf De troit, Michigan, at 196 Faet fcixlb Mies' Albany, Oregon. Come and Get ConsultaUoii Anyhow ace esssurs t Freas a. M. lo so r. If, A STOCK SALE. Tb undAralgood will sell at bia farm tfare miles north of Brownsville, Linn county, Oregoo, on tbo Erowtsrllls and Lebanon road, on f eta3ay,tli8 1st toj cf May.1889. at public aootloD to tb behest bidder tbe followloy property, to wit : 14 cows and calve, and 13 eows with calf, all tbe calves aro from a registered short born Durham butl t 14 tbr veer old alMra: two year old heifer ; g yearlines ; 8 two year old steers ; S ma rea and J back. Said property will be sold on one rear's time, on nots with approved security without Interest, or discount of 10 per cent wiit be given for csth. W. D. WASHBURN, Browntvlilo, Or., Marcti 23rd, 18S9, Palace Meat Markei. J. T. PUIS. P10PMST0L FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will ke?p com'avtty on bsn-1 beat mutton, pork, veal, aaitus, et-5.. tb bit in eats aod largest variety in tbe city. Cash oald for all kinds of fat stock. ONECO, 846 1 .RECORD; 2:29-34 Oregon's Great cot and Record of 2:20 3-4 lirsfe season after four yeas retirtrient,perfoTmance never before equalled by any horse on the North Pacific Coast, Will bo t Albanv. Fridav and Saturday: at too MclCnl rht farm, Mondav: at Stlau Tuesday. Wednesday and Tbursday.iroing by way ol Jefferson and Turners Station, and allowed to serve a limited number of mares. Oneco waa airod by Altamom, wagon road, In 8th beat. Dam. Bello Price by Doble. 2 al (J years reoort 2:40, fastest tn tbo world for 4 years) son of Sricson. ) 4 year old record 2:33, fast et in tho world for 14 years). The grandeur of Oneco'a porformnnrot tho pat no : son ot oreaKUig and dereattcs; the most aetermine-i foniiaaions wnicn stirewd mer, and able niauipulaton vtilh fast horros devised to defeat him, aro still fiesh in tho 1 memory of all horsemen ; but would remind them ngain tbat ho was the asDsatiouii trotter both aa a 2 and 3 year old, lowering in turn IxhU record and assuming tbe imperial purpi or Juvenile King or me orinw.c-- mi ouu nog tenacity, never falliriK ooorace. indomttabis wilLaud bieh strunr teinporamwut will not brook defeat and bis present record Is a yet no measure of his pe-1 a 'twai made In the mo I .nd nnder tee most sdverwe clrcumitanoes. At thrco yer old be aired 6 ocH in ail. Three of these were trained at two yorr old. At the end of 6'i dsys work, break ins and training, any of tbeux could sho v a S minuto gait. Forfait was paid to 2 of the i in match races at Albany, and later on one proved the winner of Inland Etnpirs aUkea at Tbe Dalles for 2 year olds, and the following season won tho S year ol I race at Beams Toe are all tbat have neen orofton mi nve cnangea bauds an j brought the aura ot $2000. A glance atOneoo's pedigree will with a fair consider lion of hl performances convinos the bo Inherits his great speed and unQ inching Altaoo.-Svmis old resold :42. bv 'Altamont, 2:21. Dtm, Mzls Armld. V. wilt be kept at Corvalllj and Indapaoden-M. Term, to lnur. EnsjARD EvxRavrr Full brnther to Kitty Una. rjrd 2;lt, will aooompnv Oneco, terms f 15.00 to Inture. Nu liabilities asttmed f r ajai luat. Will tkt plsit. ure In sbowioir the borses any asy, ex farther partioulara address. rlCICNIGHT BROS., Albany or Corvallis. MULTNOMAH, 10369, The Standard Bred Trottiog tallioa w ill be at on rfaim Monday 8,; Wednesdays and Thursdays at Johnson's alabls Corvallis s Fridavs and Saturdays at Ans. Marshall's stable, Albany. Multnouish waa foaled July 20th, 1883, bred by Jay Baaoh, Vancouver, Vv. T. Is a bright bn s tvito star ana oisck points, is good sue record sire or AimoneUe, 2:29? ; Stpieou, A.tia, ; Liay JSeaon, 2ii i oeaioru, , xuwvu., years old, 2:35 . Zelopbone. 2:37 t Cozneta, 4 year old, 2:39J j A.ltgo, 2:12 ; Beulah, t year old, 2:47H Alta, 2 year old, 2:53 and many other wlnors or colt races. Altamou by Almont, sire of Westmont, 2:18 j Puritan. 2:18 ; Fanny Witherspoon, ; Ride- mont, itv$ ; Aiama, ana sooiners in ma a:ao nsi. xieaiso i w"" . below 8:00 minutes be has 38 sons that have sired 79, 2:30 performers. MaltnotnUi dam Is Bell Price the dam of Oneoo 2.29 ; Pricemount, 3 years old :35 ; Zelophon- 2:27 J Prioemont has the fastest 8 year old record for an Oregon bred stallion by fj seconds Bell Price by Doble, 5 year old record I:"J8, ton Kreesson 4 years old record. 2:30 W, bo sired Rarely, 2:24X Doble, 2:28 : Belle, l:JJ8J ; Eric, 2;2i ; Uightinirnl-, 2:28 t Lula F, J:29 aod also eired the grand dam of l'hallaa, 2:13. tb king of a! t stallions, Multnomah was selected from all of. Allanont's colts as being the best at the time, the most orif ioal can not And a fault with his pedigree or indivioul qnahtie Be will make a very handsome horse and a trotter certain. For further Information and extenoed pedigree, address the owner. Terms: Seasons $30; insurance, W. mm. k KNOCK Dor'.' ARGUSIGr.T. i Tbat la tba kind of argument we are 1 ins;. Wa propoeo to make tbe lowesi pricex mad in this town and we will !i -ooant tho tost fiirurew tbat any other nir r cbant can or will make. TM3 lml rown Competition nd give) 0 an undisputed precedence .n our flold of businews. Wo want tt 00 r, vlnce every on tbat I be can bo UK served In our afore and we propose to POUND IT IFIT0 PEOPLE by C tr kw wires until tba fact Is onh t r, f sally n-oognfced tbat for high grade gm, and fit lower t I rricex 110 one in' touch Brownell & Stanard, Cor, Broadatbln and 1st fit, Arbany, r, esssassj . 4r - GARDEN, Flower, Grass, j from the celebrated, seed. bouse cf j A. B.Cicyeland & Co'. AlSO ckidn sets, ateecrcsx FEICES Discounts to Gardners, WALLACE 4 THOMPSON. FRESH Grass and Garden - all kinds at STEWART & SOX'S, UILLE0 BROS., -DEALERS IS- Field, Yegetable ani Flower Sseis, BEE AMD POULTRY SUl FLIES, harden Tools, Fertilizers, Etc, Etc, 209 Second Street,bet. Salmon and Taylor, PORTLAND, OREGON. jfifSen 1 for our catalosue. IVRIGUI'SM'rrh Tooth Soap gUe v v pauir woue isetn. ennnea ih Dream, prevma teout lrom oecav, tyFoahaydr Mason. Sol.l ,1 Gamest Racehorse, with a most prejuJicwl tbst h will transmit at gmoneM. Terms, 5o. sop; aanitr. ror exieaaoa preatgree or sua styiisn. irea oy aiisluohi. esu Oneco. svi ; Auenat years ou, .o-3 BAHU0TS BEOS, 61 odds, Linn couniy, Orej rin.