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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1889)
. ! ; . I may hd( hve mmli h ',; a-'minU'ration, tut hi -1 ! i f t t- ff all the same influence fellows" i he only soun.l dan ftw a party to rest upon i ! re j t. t of the poplc, snj this i forfeited hrn it a'1',s itsofW and hunor far money. A oicrrhsnt who complaint that trade i at a stun ! -till may not I dtiing a !ationery bust. ret. To! a,-co men say that the conumjtka of i ii;rete has grcstlv folle n off during the lt y r. It oukIiI to fall off altogether. The virtue ol cinchona were not generally know till i6jS, when it cured the wife of the I cruvia.-i viceroy, Chinchona. It was sc4J at vnt lime fur its weight in lilvcr. Another viaim huj heen added to lit list cf etcc-Mve tolmcce user. John Rogers, of ilnry county, Iowa, wtioha been a constant uor ol the weed ince he wa i6 year of sge, ha just die-l, aged lit. in a gravel bed on the Western Railway oi Alabama recently cam upon the skeleton of what they think was an Indian princess. On it were found a silver comet, buckle ticvl together with a silk ribbon, and a peculiar Wile with a sabre blade. President Harrison, Secretaries Wain and Tracy and Attorney-General Miller do not shave at all, Secretary Proctor JJravesonly the upper lip. Secretaries Noble and Rusk shave the sides of the face. Secretary W'inilom wears side whiskers and Postmaster-General Wana maker take a clean shave all around. The official guillotine is getting in good work ing otder and Democratic heads are beginning to drop. President Ilsrroon may have some excellent opinions on civil-service reform, bu with Blaine, Clarkson, Klkins & Co. in posse sion of the handle the machine will be kept Ttwy. To deny or to abandon the principles of a larty because it is defeated by a cratcb,though in an actual majority in the country,! poltroon ery in politics. To attempt to regain power by fab pretences or by going over to the enemy's camp is dishonest aa well as cowardly. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat says the civil service reform of the administration has with it an understanding that a moral necessity exists for the removal of all Democrats office as fast as possible. That Is rapidly be coming evident. A retired plumber says that clogged water pipes can be cleaned by pouring enough liquid soda lye into the pipe at night and not allowing any water to run till the nct morning. During the night the lye will convert all the offal into soft soap, and the first current of water in the morning will wash it all away. Here i another warning to cigarette smok ers: A youns rru.n in Massachusetts who smoked 1 5 cigarettes a day has fallen heir lo his uncle's library, which contains nothing lighter ia the way of mental pabulum than the j man. works of Emerson. Six ststes have voted down prohibition by popular vote ia succession, and little doubt is bad that Massachusetts will add another next month, and Rhode I Jand will come ia later, with Pennsylvania doubtful in Jane. , THOMAS JF.H'E;N. One hundred and forty-s; year ago to-d ly Thomas Jefferson, the third presl drrtofthe United States, was born. It would be assuming our readers to be Ignorant of the history ol the struggle of our forefather for tlherl now to go over tbe early history of Thomas Jefferson. Suffice It to say that he was one oi the very greatest of those devoted lovers of liberty who pledged "their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" to that caure w hich led to the Independence and building tip ot one ot the strongest and best govern ments extant, . No man had more com prehensive nor clearer view of the essen tial principles of our government that Mr. Jefferson. On being Inducted Into the office of president Mr. Jefferson, deviating from the example of hi predecessors, transmitted to Congress a written message Instead ot delivering a speech In person. This message was a remarkable document, In this, that It set forth In the narrowest compass and wltli great clearneaa and pre clsion ot language the essential principles that form the' superstructure ot our gov eminent, a follow : "Equal and exact justice to all men ot whatever state or per suasion, religious or political t peace.cotn- merce and honest friendship with all nation entangling alliance with none ; the sup port ot the state governments, in all their rights, as the most competent administra tions for our domestic concerns, and the surest bulwark against anll-rcpubllcan tendencies ; the preservation ot the general government, Irt It whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor ot our peace at home and safety abroad ; a jealous care t the right ot election by the people, a mild and safe corrective of abuses, which are lopped by the sword of revo'utlon, where peaceable remedies are unprovided $ abso lute acquiescence in the decision of the majority, the vital principle ol republics, from which there I no appeal but to force, he vital principle and immediate parent of despotism ; a well-disciplleed militia, our best reliance In peace, and for the first mo ments ot war, Mil regulars may relieve them ; the supremacy of the civil over the military authority ; economy in the public expense, that labor may be lightly burden ed ; the honest payment ot our debts, and sacred preservation ot the public faith; encouragement ot agriculture, and ot com merce as its handmaid ; the diffusion of Information and arrangement sf all abuse at the bar ot the public reason ; freedom ot religion, freedom ot the press, and free dom ot the person, under the projection of the iobrmt tm-fu ; and tilal by juries I in partially selected. These principle form the bright constellation which ha gone before us, and guided our step through an age ot revolution and reformation. With out referring to the declaration ot indepen dence ami the many other productions from the pen of Mr. Jefferson the above alone Is sufficient to stamp him as the very greatest statesman cf his day, and. In fact, the greatest In the history of the country whose weal he so well subserved. No wonder, then, that democrats revere thla day, aa the one that gave birth to so great AH over the country to-day evl dence ol the reverence aad high esteem in which he is held will be manifested, were well to do so. It TELUJK. t; !tr.-v-a. Washington, Apiil a. i K- stst has ben informed by the o. at Melbourne that the CntMinil wtv'sry cl usul grnertil IM"rnatioM(d by The cw law in Connecticut fines both the sc'ilcr and the boy under sixteen who ntt to bacco or c'gsrettes. The parents will have to pay the fines n'i m7 administer supplemen tary penalties st home. Philadc'. his is now the greatest carpet making city in the world. Only about thirty years ago the industry there had its beginning with John Bromley, who worked two looms ia t small building. There sre now 1 7 J establish ments, occupying over 20O large structures woiking 7,350 looms and employing 17,800 workmen. They produced last year 71,500, 000 yards of carpet, worth nearly $48,000,000. And tire price to the consumer has been re duced about one-half. lis IMRRlaoX PLCXtCED I it is safe to say that ninety-nine out of every hundred women wear shoes tat are too large in the instep. Shoes that are too large in the instep allow the feet to crowd ' for ward on the toes and the result is there is a deformity of some sort. When a woman' foot hurt her nine times out of ten the w ill have the buttons of her shoes set so they will b macis larger in the instep, and if ber toes are troubling her the mischief is only increased. The buttons should be reset so as to make the instep smaller and the slues to fit the better. The slovenly fitted shoe is the cause of most of j the trouble. Experts claim seasickness can Ik regulated by a system cf breathing. One must sit still and breathe regularly and freely according to a fixed plan. Tune your breathing to the up ward and downw ard motion of of the boat. A the boat falls there should be a full expiration and as the boat begins to rise start on an in flation, ending just as the boat (tart to drop. It ic an easy plan to follow and will make you laugh at the idea of being lick unless yon have a stomach so weak as to be affected by the sway ing of an elevated train or boat on a short and smooth ferry. From rrturnsof the municipal election in the East it appear that the democrat have made handsome gains. The elect their whole ticket in Chicago by more than 12,000 majority. They also elect their ticket in Spokane Falls. In Ohio the dem ocrats elected the mayo.-s in Akron and Springfield, and carried the principal offices in Middletown, Akron, Norwalk, Bucyrus, Fremont, Circlevllle, St Mary's, Hamilton, Tiffin. Zanesville, Newark, Chillicothn, Portsmouth, Lancaster, Wapakoncla, Kent, Canton and Sidney, The republicans are entirely or nearly so successful in Logant Ibanonwhere local option was defeated.) Trov, Mount Gllead, Kenton, Urbana, Pi qua London, Cambridge, Ripley, Van wert, Sandusky, Wooster and Fostoria. In Kent the issue of prohibition was prominent and was carried by one vote. An organ sars Hairlson has made no pledge to the people a to hi observance ot clyil service reform or that he would not remove democrat from office on the ground of partisanship. Ot course those organ that cannot be called to accountability for the falsity ol their statement can say with Impunity most any ridiculous thing, but newspaper that hold themselves responsi ble to the public for the correctness of their statements have to make Inquiry and in vestigation before making them. In the platform upon which Mr. Harrison was elected is the following : "The reform of the civil service auspic iously begun under the republican admin istration should be completed by the fur ther extentkm of the-ifrVrn system already established by law to all the grade of the service to which It is applicable. The spirit and purpose of the reform should be ob served In all executive arpointmeiils, and all laws at variance "with the object of ex Isting reform legislation should be repealed to the end that the dangers to free institu tions which lurk Lt the power of official patronage mar he wisely and effectually avoided." Of course, every one understands that a pledge made by a party, in its platform, is as binding on the party' candidate as though made by the candidate himself. Here Is an unmistakable pledge made by the republican leaders ia the most solemn. manner that in case that party were re stored to power "all executive appoint ments,' whether within the provisions of the civil sert Ice law or not, should be made only In harmony with the spirit of that taw. But this was not enough. Upon this point there mtut be no doubt and so the candidate after week of study and prepa ration felt called upon to reassure the J country that the republicans were not spoilsmen, and in his letter of acceptance pledged hi hearty approval of civil service regulations. Hear him as the candidate : "The iaw regulating appointments to the classified civil service received my support in tne senate in trie ix-net that it opened the way to a much needed reform. I still think so, and therefore cordially approve the cleat and forcible expression of the con vention on this subject. Only the interests 01 tne public should suggest removals from office. It will be my sincere purpose, if elected, to advance the reform." The country ha already seen a number of removals which are notoriously violative of the pledges above given. ' ' exhibition in that city was othcialty rinsed the governor, .Sir Henry Pmiighnn Loch, ,,n the Jlst of Jnnarv hut Each nation represent ed at the exhibition was called in turn, ami it representativ advanced to the pint form and received th governor' awards adjudged to it. When the United State was called and titer flag displayed, there was a demonstration by th large audience assembled, amounting to an ovation. 1 his evidence ol cordml good feeling to our country wss most gratifying to all th American there. Aa N 1 Wrerk. HraKXA, Mont., April a. An eat bound Northern Pacific passenger train ran Into a freicht train to-night at Prickly Pear junction, six miles from her killing Fireman Chsrle Green and two unknown tramps who were stesling a ride. The accident wa due - to an oven switch. Tired Oof, Wasiunojon, April a. Now that the tens! ha adjourned, President Harrison' wlU go awsy for ten days or two weeks rest. He hat unfolded his plan to a scniuor, caving thsi he wa worn out and must have relief from his incessant attention. A atlrhlgaa Tdeetioa, Detroit, Mich., April 1. An election wa held in th state to-day for justice of he supreme court and university regents)' also fore constitu . . .1 . . ... tionai amendment increasing tne saia-y ol in governor from $1000 to I400O. The returns received at a late hour indicate the victory of the republican ticket and that the amendment had been carried. Appointment. Washington, April 1. The president hasi made the following nominations: Jamea Huston, of Idiana, to be treasurer of the United States. Llias S Roberts, of New Voik, to be assist ant treasurer at New Yo'k. William F Wharton, of Massachusetts, to he assistant secretary of stste. ueorge II Miields, of Missouri, to be assist' ant attorney general, vice .ach. Montgomery, resigned. ia l p. Milton, Cal, April 1. The stage from Murphy's to Milton waa held up by a lone high wayman this morning near Angel. The driver wa ordered to throw out Wells, Fargo & Co . treasure box and the moil bag, which he did. 1 hey were rifled by the robber, I ut only a small amount wa secured. Another mail bsg supposed to have contained valuable registered packages, was not touched. The five passcn gers on the t'sge were unmolested. ARB Raosor. Omaha, Neb., April 1 A rumor it afloat in railroad circle here that the Union Pacific is making arrangement for the rwrchase of the Oregon Railway & Navigation lines. What gives .angibility to the rumors is the fact that to-day C A Dolph, general attorney of the above company, arrived in Omaha from Port land, and wa all day closeted with Vice-President I lotcomh, of the I'nioo Psciiic. Inquiry was made, but no further information could be obtained. Nat Costraird. Washington, April I. About two weeks since the president removed a democratic post master in Indiana, and nominated a good re publican. The senate committee on postoffices and post roads refuted to report the nomination for confirmation, for the reason that tne grounds for the removal of the incumbent were not, in its mind, sufficient. The president will re- nominate a new oflicrr when th tenaie ad joam, and be will take hi position without confirmation. A KealU (Mow. Seattle, April I. At aa early hour this morning the wind began to blow strongly frcat the northwest, and soon increased to a cale At 10:30 Jesse Finch, a lad sged 18, started ia a fishing bet to sail to Facte harbor. When opposite Duwamish bead, two and a half miles awsy.hts boat wss capsized and Kinch drowned. Aa Oslo f yrloae. Cincinnati.O., March 3 1. A terrible gale of wind, accompanied by a light rain, passed ove-tha city this afternoon. Many bouses in the southwestern and northern parts of the city were onroolcu ami numertous knees prostrated. Covington and Newport suffered the same way. Of ror Oklbua. San FBANClsco,March 31. There has been great inquiry for rate of fare to Oklahoma daring the past few day lo take their chances wita the boomers. Ticket agent say that the equipment of some of the men going into the disputed territory will entitle them 10 the re spect of the native. A lew of theos carry big revolver at their hip and rifle on their shoulders. Waaasaaker for Prohibition. riilLAbKLriiiA, March 31. Post ma si r General Wanamaker made his first public utter snce to-day at the Ilethany Sunday shoot on the question of high license and prohibition. He declared ia favot of a constitutional amend mnt and exhorted persons who listened to hi words to work, pray and vote lor it. Nat liailrjr. McMinnviixe, Or., March 31. Th jury brought ia a verdict of not guilty in the Mc Cane cosa. . The prisoner remained seated until the crowd had left, then got up and went norae quietly bidding a lew tneods good-by, EiLILMiaOij. Front, First Eiisl Vino Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON. NEW GOODS WHOLKtALt DEALERS IN Hardware, Iron, Steel anil Farm LI? SOLE ACENTS FOR WASIUXCTCM AXQ KCRTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. SPECIALTIES. Thcto MaohiQM are too well knows to na oommsni. Thousands of farmer hay . used thsm aad pak of taara with prali. They ara the only BarveiU&f Maoalnti that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to th pnrohaier. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, mi SMYRNA RUCS AND POKTIERnES. W TABLE C3EI.S. liken tasle sets, mm to match, A LARGE ASSORTMENT CFLIKEN AN9 SILK HAK02KHCH1EFS. FINE LACE KAK2XE EFS. ' Tft'JKXS AKD VALISES. ; SILK DRESS PATTERNS. CCLCREO AKD SILK WARP HENRIETTAS. I SILK UMBRELLAS, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, The moat EttseUva and Suoocssful Combination tar Thrashing aad CUanlng Oram ever constructed. THE KIIWT TAKIKK. Tie ri::!ale!jliia Record publishes the first tariff bw ul the United States, which was signe I by George Washington in 1789. If such a law were proposed now what a howl would le raised by the R epuhlican pres. The average duly imfosed at that time, when al our iudustrie were "infant industrie," was eij;lit per cent. It wa imjiosd ujon only a fi:w hundred articles, and tated to be laid Ixraiise "it is necessary for the supiort of ll United Slates and the encouragement and pro tection of manufactures. Now, too years after warl, wlien the country has grown rich and powerful, the attempt to revise the tariff laws that collect an average duty of 47 per cent, on 4000 arli :!es, is denounced as a free-trade s'. hem and certain to ruin American industries. Vet the "free trade" bill, known as t'ne Mills bill, proposed an average duty about fiv times higher than the first tariff of 1789. How C'aincgie, Kelly and other Kepublicsn lights womH have mourned if they had been obliged b live under such a rule lis that ol George Washington and the very low tariff of hii tirr e 7 O-ks euros rri O natism, narlg''a and toothache. I'ushay & Masou, Agent. The people of Waterloo and those ne&r Staytonsttill be before the county court this week asking for appropriation to build bridge at these point. We know not the condition of the county trcatury, but If there be a "surplus" not necessary to meet the current expense of the county no bet ter use could be made of It than lo make these much needed improvements. A law in Prussia provides that any pcr- sn carrying a stick or an umbrella in such a way as to be dangerous to other traveler may be punished by fine or imprisonment Good democratic postmaster are to be allowed to cerveout their term. The only trouble is that Assistant Postmaster-Gen eral Clarkson Is the judge of this goodness. Thompson k Overman ki the best har nesses I'adeserved Laughed At 1h uo hloklnn ar pror.a lo make Yet this Is a very real and serious HlllioiUn, luo I arassiDg symptoms of is blub ara rDW d all tbe more poignant b ridicule, The a'omacn ia uanally rpoiiaibl lor this symptom it weaknesM mii'I dMordtir rWl rtlnx In. the brain, which Ijtlie ipadiurteis of the nory Ions aMin. 4 i.erva ivnia and tranquilizer, we believe that not one csn bo point.! (,ut m e!l.tiv as Ho tettar'k Btomv li Bitters, In renewing vigorous digMtlon, it mike the key note of recovory of strength and qui- tude by the Derves. Jieariocbe, tromur lo quiet aloep, abnormal mnsitlvenesa to unex pected Delaes-all these modify and ulti mately disappear aa the fyrtein (rains atrength from the g'eU tonlo. f'- : :,ia, biliousness, rheumatism, eons' ' . atnd Kinney couipiaiuu are sunau. , . '.a3 Kittera. ,. Court adjourned at 3 o'clock for the term. A not tier Oldest. Chicago, March 30. The oldest man record ia dead His name wa Daniel Iturkc, and according to foe certificate of dea'h return ed to (be registrar of vilalslatistics this morn mg, he was 1 14 years of see. lie died at the institution of the Little Sisters of the Poor after an illness of six weeks. Sympathizes With Is Washington, March 31. Queen Victoria called through Lord Salisbury to the British legation in this city to day,directing her earnest sympathy to be expressed to the president ol the United Stales on account of the terrible navr.1 misfortune at Samoa and the deplorable loss 01 uie. liuwarus, uritisn charge d allatres, accompanied by the secretary ofthe state, waited upon the president this afternoon and read to biro the queen s message. 8oe Boomers Fight. Kansas ClTY,March 30. The Times special from Arkansas City says that three Oklahoma boomes fought (or the possession of a claim near Guthrie last Thursday and that two of them were totally shot, BUCKEYE steel JRAME j W INE-BINDERSa f Tts rsslurs that dlrtlniiil.hth!sTwlM.nliiir Is th UihtiHM of tJratt, otnl Insd with tstincmllnsry btrsiisth Slid Iliirsblllty, Th lllmior Is ot th Apptsbjr usttern, th only rwlly suwwliil ens el known. W hsvo two tvlm, th Klorslor llindvf ami lb I'lsttortB Uiiulvr both cUs tioMt rwKMuuMuiiwl by liuiulml ut suruns, - SaiDTTLER FARM.! AIMS, gS'sSr, sffi BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRINQ fiiW tifttlUT lilt IIIMAUO -JtXrt i-wT . BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS ANU SttUtlfi), CORBIN DISC HARROWS, HODGES-HAIHES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE; ""SEND FOR CIRCULARS. 1 rFlirnil, Xvlcinngor, Albany, Or. Boot and Shoe Department mL'j:. 1. Tashlonsh'o anrt Stylish Suitf, Basinass Suit, Light weight 8 irnmnr Suit. Buy, yonth'a ami ohil J en's suit. Furnishing Goods. UDIES AND CENTS FANCY SUPPERS. Fiurt Ho of light weight dodrrwearbalbrigjjan and foolo COslnry, sb'uU.j CENTS FINE SHOES Msckwear, but) wire uid-ra, guaranteri for two year, in all the lattwt novelti-. BOOTS AND SHOES. A laig) IIdh in tliia drpai input of tha It at io the marl at. WE ARE HOW IN THE FIELD FOR BUSINESS for 1889 and respectfully call attention to our stock of Groceries, Confectionery, Etc. We shall endeavor at' all times to serve our cus tomers in tne best possible manner. We always aim to purchase goods of the best quality and to sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to our grocery business we receive subscriptions for all the leading newspapers and magazines. Also tako orders for all kinds of rubber stamps, seals, etc. We cordially invite all who have not dene so to favor ua with their patronage. We hope by fair dealing andcaxeful attention to busines to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, j Very Respectfully, F. L. KENTON. HATS, 8tspw9d FaaliooaUe I'oea, among olbera 600 stock of the Job a D. Stetson bate. Tailoring MISSES AND CK1L0HENS FINE SHOES AND SLIPf ERS, FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT C H3LTIJ 11 )11)UU) 3li. A TEA .SETS. FRUIT PLATES AND SAUCERS. CECCRATEO CEDR83M SETS LAMPS, SALAD BOWLS- FANCY PITCHERS- FANCY CUSPAD38ES. Meteliaot liloHjiff onJr rXuert tailor. 8uits mad) to order under abort CAKE DISHES itv.ilow.s reir.arkaHs.lo.rfignrea. Mor. good, tinned o- than ear Ufore. .nTri,T nr unwrinre lu ruiua nnu n Lnnit noowniftii-ni vr nuiuiugin vuinn L. E. BLAIN. Samuel E. Young. Albany, Oregon Notice for Publication. United State) Lend ORSne at Oron Ctly, Or March 22nd. IShO. Not Ira la hereby Rlvsn that In oornpll anca with the provision ol toe eot of Onaressicf Jane 8rd. Il l, Diltle''An e ror the sale of timber leruie In the Kieiea of Oalifornl, Oreaon, Nevada and WashlnstoriTerrllorr." lleuryW Heevee, of Altaor, eountv or Linn, Male of Ore ffon. bas tbUday tiled In tbie offiee bis sworo slntomnnt No, 497, f r the purehooe cftheN KofM W and N !ofHK of Hectlon No, Si, In Town blp No. 9 eouth, Rok Nij. 4 eeiit, and will eflVr pioof to abow that tbe lend eooRbt le more .valu able for lu timber or atone than for enri caltural purpriee. and to eeubtisb bta claim to said land tatbre the KeeUier and reoeivttr of lbl onloe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tbmrs4r the teik star efJaar, iswe. nensmeaae vlineas BP Tabler. M. 4rntHironK. A Is Woodln and Rirbard Ko, all of AilssDy, IJno onatity, Oroiioo. Any and all tMtrorm elainiing adversely the alnve dowribed land are rsiuesud to file tbt-lr ulalme in thw office on or before said 2Mb tay of Jane, IH9, W,T. EuauRT, ItexMer. Administrator'b Notice. Notice la hereby erlven (bat tha nndar. signed bee been duly appointed Adunln wirauiroi meeaisia or j. j, imvi, dMWSia ed, late 'f Una county, Oi-rmoo. All per sods having claim against ild etate ar t hereby required io ro'nl l hem to the undersigned at hie residenco near JetTfrson. Oregin, within i inotilba from tbla date, duly vxiltisd a r-qulrd by law. Tbla the 22nd day cf Mi rl, 18S9. J. 1. Davis, 1. K WasiHitKFOBT), AdiulnUlietor. Atfy for Adm'r, STttAYED.-srrom this cK , s pale red oner with oonslderable whilem, hH amootb crip and apiitln rt lit ear, eight or nine year old, Iieen gone to mom ha, Tiuot'es naa a ynuoir oair try tbla lime. Will psy an von for bis trooV who will notify ma if ber wbtris1) iiUs or return ber to me. -JoH.1 8MALLM05, Albany, Oregon, s "'" "'rap ft aW. Ml lt. 4flf. livel lv aw. it In Ut II 1'stflsSCi .Us,jMrlHrr. -- rautstd, t'oMvy Soi.J VjE Xf "' . "''a, Wuris cjitir ai Kurc- or.n frxeu t'e(si'r with our Urga n4vt 1. ,..L.l..t.a ksnmlre ThtHianiilN, Jrs-aW- oVms w., k.M Cst hi ymn homm tVtr 9 mmtu ami thown then t tho WU mf ham Mllad, ih bcom royr own profwnr. 1 Uoa mhm i writ at Mc mm b warm ( ri tl. Wntrlt f4 ia.aar4i. WijKiy ftil airpifcaa, fi-U-rif, t, ACArm fcttaa C0 JUox 91. 1'ortlMOeJ, Mii U- r 7 f ' 5S SOLD OUT. Having sold my inter st In the low f general (nercbandloe of the firm f Co a bow A Cable lo C. B Kiansrd, I wUb to call tbe atteutlon of all wh) tnow ihem oeives Indebted to C.-saow A Cnble to a J and settle at once. Having aoid out on account of poor beaiib I expect to cliange climate lor awhile, and all otsoconl not f Ud before I get ready tolnsve Browne vi will be left with un officer forioiiec -Hon. A word to the wise isaufflolent, O. P.Cosauw, Executor's Notice. Noll -e le hereby given that the under algned haa been by the Coun'.y Couit sitting In probate for Linn county. Ore. gon, doly appointed Esecntor of the laat will and iseiaineat ot F. Uealy, deceased, and ojaalifled a anub. All persona having elalm against extato are lirely not) Am to present tbm duly vi rlUed to the un derlgne4 t Nodavllie, Una coantr, Or., within sis mnniha irom the date beieof proiierly verified as required by law, March 2'Jth. WW. OeoAR IIbalt, Executor of tbe last will of ' F. Heajy, decewd. J, K. tVgsinRiroRO, , Ati'y forExecntor. Notice for Fublicatian. Lsnd Olliue at Oregon City, Oregon, March 25 ih, 188'J. Nutice ia hereby given that James Crshtree of Linn county, Orrgno. Cusrdian of tbe minor heir of Josh i'owsll, deeeastd, who msde HomosUsd Kntry No. 4303. for tbe N J of N B sfd S K 1 el N K J of 8se. Sf, Tp. 11 8., K 1 w., has kivco notice of his in tention to uiske final proof in soppor of said clrim for the heirs at law of asid Joab Pow all, deceased, and that sid proof will be mo'le before the County Jadua, or in hi eb ainoe, before tbe Coanty Clerk ot Linn eoun ty, at Albany, Oregon, on . Frldar, May 34tk. 1SS. lis name the follow ing aitoessts to pror sid Juab Powell's cootinnous retidsnce upon and caltivatiim of, ssid land, ris; J A Crock etr, Thomas Crockett, A J Kitzwater and V B Powell, allot Lebanon, Linn coan ty, On-gon. Any person who desirea to protest agaimt th allowsroa of ucli preof, or who know i f soy tuhstsntisl ressijp, ondrr the law and the re gulations of the Interior Department, why such prix'f should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at tha above mentioned tin e and place to cross-essmin the itness- es of ssid clsimsnt, and lo offur evidwttce ia rebuttal cf thst submitted by claimant. . W.T. FCENIT, i Itegistsr. Botica for Pnbllcatloa. Und Office at Oregon City. Oregon, Match 2itb, IU9. Notice ie bwsby aivea that tbe follewiae. named lettlvr bss tiled notice ef hie intention to snake ttasl proof in support of bis claim. and that said nmof will be made baior the Coanty Jadgs, or in hie ebnee, before the I County Clerk uon oouoty, at Albsay, uregon, rristss. Ma f tits, ISS. via t Swae PsUr Johnson, Hemswlaad Betry No. 6405. for tbe N of 8 K I and s of N t U BM. 19, I p. I t, 3,, 11 1 C tie HStllM tbe (utloeiag eitnessse to prove his eontin- sus rvsidsnoe npoa ana enltivslion of, aid lsnd, vis i Ssnmii Simons, Frank Issdsll, tirot Uo-lloy aod John Siorooo, all ef Leb anon, Linn coanty, Orvuon. Any teraon wjo dsaire to nrotest scsiast tbe allvwsnee of sach proof, or who know of aay abtaotU! reeau,eedr the lew aed the I rsgalstions of tne Interior Dpertmeot, why sneh proof should ami be allowtd, will be I Ktvsa en opportunity at tbe above aaentioned tirns and plsce to eroae ciawine tbe wite'ss-1 s M ssxi niaimant, end to oler evidauoe in rsbuttsl vf that abmittd by oUimsut. W. T, Bra.tcar, , Rg ister. NEW CARPETS For T EN to TWENTY few oral lota than aold eleee beie, tame quali ty and NEW, SUGAR. In oider to qusl ilenai til tiade tf ll ni'j 1 at." , auger aa followa for cash : IS LBS DRY GRANULATED . . . - - fl.00 15 LBS EXTRA 0 - - - - - - - ' 1.00 17 LBS 0 . - . . - - 1.00 Then $ugmr$ art California America Rrfinery ad full text Id. Ay merchant rtporting to contrary doe to faltely. And other grooeri. and jooda gen'reJIy at i educe! trice. Nicotine Ladies Dress Goods just received. A B TslCILWAIN fit The CrtorB H tasCB iMVrn'My.tlsw vtwy 4 WWiBsTHmcauM Bieuiei In fb wsrrtsi.switfc tij vb iiamwita. Htt Bar eoMlT Ana nlantil art Mmpiw. ! ntara w ask that o o.bow h w awtul. to UoM who rnstv rail bi roar hrn. a4 ttftar fl rrf T i mofitha all shall tHMKiftiti your ewsi k.f Ppropstft. Thta crnd martoin m ,nart Olftaw ass Bistaasa slss(a whMrb bv mi out ; Krtort patomt run uwt it avia witfttttsi na mow mhi for it.a world. All la ttritat rMuirad. Plain. brttrf met) otic i rrn, I nM who writ lit a oU onct 0o s rttra grw tu eat wwmi(irui-nina in in woria, ana tM fineat una tfwfki of h'srh art aver etoewa together in America, 'l Ul kCU Uom. t-AO, JkusuMia, Mtiisia. l bit L - ful ... bio. m Notice for PublicattoiTs United State Land OfSc, t Oregon City, Or,, March 11, 1(. f ' Notice ia hereby given that in compli ance wtib tbe provielnn of th act mt Congvetaof Jane Srd, 1878, entitled "An act lor the tale of timber lands In tbe Hiateauf California, Oregon. Nevada and numuitioD miory," sviiiiam w , Rlcbarditon. ofMrln. munis f I Inn Uiim of Oiegon, baa tbla dsy filed In tbla ofUos ' swurn siaiernent no. 7, ror tbe por C hsse of iba H K U nTRKU wiln No. 22. Id TawMblp No. 10 south, range ao, i aDa si .a oiior proor lo snow that tbe laud aougbt Is mote valuable for lie timber or atone than for agrtcnUura nnrnoaaa. and tn MlahllMh kla .l.ii. to said land before the lieoieter and liecclver vi sum rui i uregon uity, uregon, ad rrlday, ike Ilk day ef Jane, laae, Htnimtiii wiismim i a t r ,i - - . mp A.uwnn, W c MlUr. II Miller and J W Comntou, nil of Kclo, Linn county, Oregon. Any and all person claiming. ad veraely Ibe above-doaorlbed landa ara requested to file their olalma in this offlce on or be .'ore aaid 7tb dty of June, 18H0. W. T, Bdbhxt, Kegbiter. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or, ) Felrnary 28th,188aj Notion I hereby given that tbe follow Ing named settler has filed notice of bla Intention to make final proof in eupport of his claim, and that said proof will be uisd before tbe f'eanty Judge, or In bis absence, before tha County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, et Albany, Oregon, oa . Iharsday, April tSlb, 189, . vlzt Robert Dlnbaon, Ilomestead Kntry No. 6009. for tbe 8 W k ofS W W and lota 4, 6 and 6 of Hectlon 28, Tp 9 M, K 2 K. tie name toe roiiowing witnesses to prove bla continuous reeidenoe upon and culti vation of, aald land vizi Pavld Koott. John B. Tronic, Henry Lyons and Henry Bodloker, all of Fox Valley, Liun county. Oregon. , j Any person who desire (o protesLsgainst the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under! tbe lew and tbe regulations of tbe Inter-1 lor Department, why such proof should not bo allowed, will be given an oppor tunity at the above niemloued time and place torrosa examine tb witnesses of asid claimant, ana to offer evldenoe in re. buttal of that submitted by claimant. W. T, liTJRNKT, ' Kegisler. n li e fact tbet I m rfferinjt better bargains than any one tUn Aihanr Hongbt at bankrupt aalea I can ) First-Class Goods at or belowJCOST. FOP General arehndi f all ktnrJs.oall on djo. Parliculai largsina in Mm? - feh or Goods for Country yodite Gr W.-SI5IPS0I.' Alban), Oregt.. - Poultry Wanted. . ' All kind of poultry, alive or dreeed, wanted at tbe Willamette Packing Com pany 'a 8tore, Albany, Oregon. Kotic9 of Final Settlement, ::. Notice l hereby given that the undar signed, the Administrator and Admlnls tralrix of the estate of J, W. Tycer, da oeaaed. have tiled in tbe County Court o Linn county, Oregon, tbeir final aooonn and said Court bas appointed Monday, tbe 11 day et April, 1889, for tbe bearing tf object lone thereto and tbe settlement thereof, and same will be beard at one o'clock, p. m. of said day at tbe Court House Jn Albany, Oregon, February 19ib, 1889. Lkonard Tycbr, Adm'r., Mi-souri Tyobr, Adm'rix. etc, J, P. Galbraith. ' ' Attorney for Ad m'rs. POE Drags, Paints, Mis, Brashes, Mains tine. Artists' Materials, Etc., GO TO CITY DRUG STORE Guiss & Son. ALBANY PUTNITURE CO. NEW "GOODS! Ia tba old furniturn stand opposite Stewart &j;Sox'iUardwart. v Wa desire to tnako known to progressiva people that we crrv in st goods as will satisfy a refined taste, and as tho demand may rqvr our Bupply. We oordUlly invite the people to oome4aod see us and take verj great pleasurai ia showing o r goods- OF A NEW YEAR '"'sf'n "itb NEW nerCT, NEW R-wd and NEW W Onr stock ;s always Above Par 1- 'i -ainy and quat.titi, but FAR BELOW IN PRICE. Weeper mall tbi goo-l trade in thec-t .aJ mirrvanliDg an hH i:Uehir than air hjusM ii tL-t city. coon try Wallace, Thompson & Co. Successor ;n Wallace A Thompson. Plinn Block, Albany, Or. m Gradwoe's Golden Rule Bazaar. lis stock 'jtii been enUrgel si that it equals any on tha Cosst, aaJ oousists of " Roger Bro3. Silvorwara, Praach Chinf and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Oa-riias Fancy aoods, and a general assortment of Orockiey -... and Toys. He buradlreot and oirrle tha larirjt stok in th WilUmatu ti pbai been addod a oomplote line of " FAMILY GROCERIES. Is Agent for Insnrance oompaules with a capital aggregating 7$.033,0i'i' . 3eTIol on parte Franeals. Hier wird deutch gesprocben.' wre CHAS. METZGER. J. J. DORRIS CHAS. METZGER & CO., ; leal Estate, Employment aod Insurance Agents, All oommuioatlons ptomptly answered In German or English. CFFICE : ELLSVnTR IU"IU FI?.ST AKD SECCX3 STHEETS. ALBANY, OREGON.