The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 05, 1889, Image 1

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Di y
I ill. :,. .,
Irt thf S f f t
A'lvr-r'.i.-lr t .
In Ihti Ccr.ltt l
Vi!!ctr,M(r .
$2 I'l ADVANCE ; C2 53 Ai KD
G'N . j j j . j j
r I
CF it AH.
Iue,t every FrUWiy
Advertising rata made known tin p
- . i v V
1 1 PA
TV ! hi I
C It. fTwAitr, Sec
Min:ifJtir.r f-
.VwUl a'Uul.'i pill
.lnd of msrshlnnry.
ro'(M' r all
Patterns Made on Short Notice,
Except your patronage,
A. .T.
Carriage Mi.TjficIur.ur
P. tfillerf 8 old Stand, ca 2nd S
Painting and Trimming.
Firsf.-CliS3 Work Hada to Order.
Conrad Myar,
Cnruer Broaiilto and First Sts.,
Caaa4 rrH,
Dried Frail.
To U ,
Caaafii 51 eats,
In f"t vryttiin- tW- U Wp In . ton
ml variety ami orrooery ion. Highest
market price paid for
Fartmiile. & living.
Prompt Att3nttoa-7ir3t-class Hsarsa
Requirements of a Stenographer.
rn Soreced i a stenographer, one mart be
U nrmt la .horthmad, .killed la tjpe
writlnc. a good peamaa, a eempatcnt eor
IMpnatient. In the Shorthand Department of tb
trpe-writing, CAacna. msmucnoti in penman
Uiipand auMOwT omu. in correspondence .triply
nullify student, lor pouuons slwa- open to thoM
luiiy prepared to fill them. Send for catalogue.
Manufacturer .
, AN!1 JCtl
B F. Sox Pre
Cgs:s, P!u aonS.-nobiiu Tobtc. M aerachauui and Hr.-rpip-. ' m i '
Hnar fSmok n.' Art,l"' Also dealer -v
OflliOtlNtA. A.ND TROPIC li: PRrJir
A Vheeler, Springfield, Oregon, Proprietor.
Albany Yard and Office on Railroad Strf I etween 4th a id 5th Stmt
MiVinR luxlr not tiotll'O in qu vy,
aM.I .41 J" a Jt .11 . t wt a
Ton want f hs bsi an 1 moM rfur.tls farntth j m .nufstSursJ i t th J.elty lo
rhomas Srink.
Ke a'm t Tr thSnjj In tbe furnlturfl i'na tht ii Ir'iot In a flrt;lm sfore
li i ( k Jt
y ,,.f. ' ' " ' -
Cough medicines, Ayer'a Chorry Too.
toral U In (creator demand than ever.
K preparation tor Throat and Lung
Trouble la ao prompt la It effects, sj
agreeabla to tUa taste, and ao widely
known M tilt. It la the family modi,
cine In thousand of household,
1 "I have an (Tared for Years from &
bronchial trouble that, whenever I take)
cold or am exposed to inclement weath
er, chow itself by a very annoying
tickling sensation In tha throat and by
tliffleulty la breathing. I have tried a
groat many remedies, but none doe so
well a Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral which
always gives prompt relief In returns of
my old compliant. Ernest A. Heplor,
lunpeotor of Itibllo lloada, raxUUXor
re Bonne, La.
t I consider Ayer'a Chorry Pectoral a '
most Important remedy '
For. Homo Usoi i!
I liar tested It curative power, la my
family, many time during the past
.thirty years, and have never known it
to fail. It will rollove the most aerioua
affections of the throat and Zuurs,
whether la cbihlrea or adults." Mr.
33. G. Sdgarly, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
, "Twenty year ago I waa troubled
i with a diM of tha lungs. Doctor
afforded ma no relief ana considered
my case hopeless. I then began to usa
Ayer's Cherry 1'ectoral, and, before I
had finished ona bottle, found relief. X
continued to taka this medicine until a
cur was effected. I believe that Ayer'a
Cherry Pectoral saved my life,"
Camuol Griggs. Waukegan, ill. )
" Six Tears aero I contracted a seven '
cold which settled on my lunea and
soon developed all tha alarming symp
Harming aymp
mpUon. I baa a coturh.
n. i hi
intr of
night sweats, bleeding of tha lungs,
pain la chest and aides, and Was so
rostrated as to be conuned to my
ed most of tha time. After trvW
various prescriptions, without benefit.
my physician finally determined to civ
ma Aver s .nerry 1'ectoral. I took It,
and the effect was magical. I seemed
to rally from tha first doas of thia
medicine, and, after using only threo
bottle., am as well and sound as ever.'
Rodney Johnson, Springfield, XU, a ;
Ayer's Gharry Pectoral
rasraaxD st
Or. J. C Aytr k Co LowIl, Mass.
Boldky sllDnijjWu. rrkwtlj slsetUs,l
A Hew Grocery Discovered
Slroon' o . emnr, oppTt'ta Htowsrt A
Sox, r irat mmj'-. v' . i ., t
A full Una of
' Quick sate an I small Droflt "Llv.
and let live,-' I. oar motto. Pleaa call
n.i examine one sill, ami
got prscn.
dlafactlon gtisrautol,)
Produce Taken in Exchange,
Very llespejtfully,
BunBrai Jo! Work, Dressing aurl
Sawing Lumtjer. Eepairing,
- Etc., Etc.
Special adran Jige to purchasers of
rustic flooring.
Factory sit f t ol Lyon Ntrea
Jt Cigars .
- EH !'
di rm-tlir oot tuipftrd for Ihm V'O'fv
.. 1 1 11 1 I a .1 a. I. "
Dg:Sons Biscuit
As!c jmur Orocer fur
Absolutely Pure.
nnoVNsvtLt. PJ Coshow has gone
Dii a business trip to Unite City, Mont, for
tha H W M Co. . . .TOO anair 01 the iNftr
row Can go rnlU ay ar soon to be wound
up, and wc hope to see thl road fait Into
some food comDRnv's hands, who will
chantie It Into a stans'J ckc and put X
In fir.ttU mdltlon..,.U A tundcrs'
horse rnn iv ay on Sundrtj- last, throalng
him off ut before crosslnjf tti bridge, snd
came nrnr colliding with Ur Surr's buggy
w .crlrtu damiige wis done.... On th
eve of the i';tU Inst , a school tnevllng mt
held, uiv by almost on unanimi vte It
va di'tldod to build a new school house
cutting $ooo, t ue located in the gnp be
tween Mr M Mover'sand Mr W Cochran's
land, just above Main street, In the west
ern part of loan. ...Tha nil absorbing
toHt: here the past week has been the re
mov.l of the woolen mills to Albany, The
nevsnrv f?j?.itaj bonus has been sub
scribed in Aloanv, and all thut remains
now Is to arrange mallets in regard to the
water power fvoirt Mr Craafm-tt, who U
now ntisent In California, but Is expected
home dally. Should the wmden mills be
mo ed from this city It will be a serious
loss to u nil t but there U strong talk of a
heme company taking hold, buying them
and keeping them hero. A new project Is
alt on foot here to enlarge the present
tannery and put np a boot and shoe manu
factory and K into business rn quite an
exlemllve scale by using home capital.
Cor. Orrpa.
Sronx ox BKXSarr. When a man Ut
ooinos rjt sim. eiio imuiditly tails a
stcry m liitn tiers' ou on Nelson Ileum tt,
ilia iutroi'r who has so many taw suits and
dollars i ''Wtnl ti ws Imildiug tbs fsm
oo s Ststnpede tunnel, he U.ulaa order foi
bid liiS th driver of the datru ears to al
low any one b rids in or out of th tunnel on
a ear. One diy llsnnvtt was in at tha 'btai
iup,' cls.l iu overall, gumboota, and an over
coat who. better days were o'sr, and stsrt
d to walk auttn th mouth of the tuanst
justs s dump ear ws loaving. Itennett
jumped shosrd tbe small platform whlvtt tb
driver slooi on, and wis promptly toM to
Kt off o'brrw.' This somewhat sarprUed tb
oootrscter, and be remarked, 'gnes yoa
hsv'nt been driving here eery loog.' 'Nsw I
bsv'at,' sal t th di iter, but you gat ofTa
thUearf. D Q. d bear f Bbtlhavsa
riiht to rule en the. osra,' ssul Itenntt
N.-t while I'm drivin'em yoa don't said th
rl-iver. '.sip and IWnnoll mkly Skipped' I
snd atkel slowly oat. When h reached
tl.s month I tbo tsnnsl h met Kst Tomer.
Seperintrodvot ol th basinesa, ao-l told bint
hi.'rtre, wh.a th driver earn op
sgin Turner .topped bim and iateodueed
him ti IWnnett. Th driver expecting that
be wcu!.! e dichrcd immediately .0
nHeee his intention f quitting right there,
tint IVrni t would not hear to it, heenotpli
mentrd t-hm fellow eery huhly fur hi ricid
itforonmnnt of fule, an i .earned to njy
the J ike folic mocli st ti.e rett t f the force
aha h. .vd shont it"
CottVAtti' lions Show. The stallion
parade which took place here on Wednes
day was not eery extensive, on'y twelve
horses appearing on the grounds. These
twelve, how cver.were very excellent speci
men of horse Ach,' especially the runner
(ilenbrook, and the trot'ers, Altago and
Oneco. The former is owned by G- fi.
(lenn, of Salem, and the latter two by Mc
Knight Uro., of Albany. C-itttrr.
W l"f Rates. Rates la point In
the East have been reduced, making the
maximum rate from Oregon to Illinois,
IVitonsIn, Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa and
Nebraska 75 cents, nlht and dav rates to
those points the same. The rate for some
time past has been $1. This reduction Is in
line w Ith. the practice of this company for
several years. Ten rear ego the rate for
these messages was i 50.
Lebanox. Dr. Frank Matehett, who
has been attending medical lectures In St.
Louis the past winter, Is In Lebanon visit
ing bis sister, Mr. Bjrum. He has
bought two tots in the Ralston addition.
and proposes, like sensible fellow, to
make Lebanon hi future home.... Three
brothers by the name of Colby arrived -In
Lebanon on 1 uesdav morning from aero
the mountains by the Santiam route.
They report only about three feet ol snow
in the deepest place, and only about seven
miles of snow on the entire route. Ex
press. ...
Columbia. Wednesday F Powell,
the Assistant Cashier of the 1st National
Bank, received direct from the factory a
new 54 Inch Nickeled Columbia tight
Roadster bicycle. Jimmy now ha the finest
bicycle in the city. He ordered it through
J P Hall, the Columbia agent for Oregon,
who now ha a large stock of new ( olum
bias coming for his spring trade. A few
davs sgo he also sold a 54-inch full Nick
eled F.xpert Columbia bicycle to Mr Hoyd
Hamilton 01 corvaiii.
A Wife Bkate. "Mrbama comes to
the front with a wife berfter In tbe peron
of Frank Bower, who is committed to jail
awaiting the action of the grand jury. His
preliminary examination wa conducted
before Justice Marlon fcskew. ana he wa
brought here by Consiahie Lewis fisner.
Bower Is accused of making an assault
i-.on his wlf-r with a dangcistu weapon
Salem Journal, '
- DivoKCavgcir. Mrs. Darlen.t Gilmore,
net C'headle, who was married a few weeks
ago to J. B. Gilmore, In California, has
brought suit against her husband for di
vorce. Anyone desimus of knowing the
grounds for the ssme can ascertain them
by examining the complaint in the County
t lerk's flic. (Julck work.
A Bou Thief. A few days ago, while
Dr. Hill was absent from hi office, a thief
entered and urreptious'y helped himself to
a fine unabridged dictionary, for which the
doctor ha a daily use. No card wa left,
and the whereabout of the man mean en
ough to steal an unabridged dictionary U
yet a mystery,
A Virtuou County. The grand jury
adjourned Wednesday after only a two days
session. . They found only one Indictment,
and that for a trifling offeree of obstructing
the highway. This speaks well for Ben
ton county. And the grand jury ha riot
failed to find indictments because they arc
derelict in duty, but because no crime has
jl been committed. Leader.
Icb Works. Iom & Lannlng, Judge
Strahan and J A Crawford last Saturday
ordered by telegraph the machinery for
the Albany Ice works. They will have
capacity of about five tons of ice a day and
the works will be located near the Mag'
nolia mill.
R. R. Competitoh. A family arrived
In the city to-day with several dry goodi
boxes full of household good which they
had succeeded In bringing as baggage
without extra charges, such Is the ilvaly
in the East for business. As there is no
competing line to Lebanon it went from
here there as ireigni.
DR.HENTON Dead Mr. N.J. ilenton
received a dispatch Thursday from her hus
band. Recorder Ilenton, at Ellensburgh
announcing; the death of his father, Dr
Henton. Dr. Henton was once a resident
Athanvandhe has many old friend
here who regret learning of his decease.
Children Cry for,
A Horns Viuitr. Clackaina county
ha been having a tough time with a horse
thief whose name i not known. A posse of
men went after him and Tuesday night
came up with him near Falrvlcw, Multno
mah county. A he showed fight they
fired at him and brought him to time a
dead horse thief. He a killed In the
following desperate manner. 'He was
tracked to a grovo of tree near Falrvlew
station by means of the peculiar foot ptlnls
he made, hi. feet being wrapped up iu gun
ny tacks. Between it and t a o'clock Tues
day night he stepped out from his wooded
retreat and discharged his pistol In the air(
remaining on the spot long enough to lo
cote his purtucrs, when he fired his re
volver at three of them, who were con
cealed In the corner of a fence near bv,
but failed to hit hU mark. The pots In
front of him then advanced and the dee
perado retreated up the railroad track with
out being aware that another party ot pur
suers were right In the rear of him. The
attacked party opened lire upon him. and
ne returned It till a ball passed through his
nam ttiluii and several buck shot Into his
face and neck. Fcellna that hi wound
were futal, he A red hi last chart in the
air, cry Inn out. Hood bv. John.' and fell
Oxttfo. A very pi eminent figure In
the parade of stal.ioi.a Friday was Oneco.
owned by McKnlght Bros., of thlt cltv,
Nature ha given to lilin n high form, and
grand IndivlJvsllly, while high u.xm the
scroll of f.iine Ii, illuminated figures, to bril
liant with the light reflected from hi on
Illustrious deed Hist even he who run
can read, I written and yet this does
not express alt, a he ha only made bis
debut on the turf, and ven bv the mouth
of hi enemies never sit, charged with any
but unflinching do or du courage.
1 he breeders of ulnn county aro to be
congratulated on having access to this
grand stallion, as welt a the county at
large on being the home of thl noble
horse. That he will be liberally
patronised Is beyond question, for, every
year the faclna"'!nx business of breeding
the trotter I mere and more enirnwslntr
the attention of thouebful men of hiuh so-
claland business position and tha Dkmo
cn at hones to see with the future develop
ment at our county every farmer driv a
team from Oneco.
Win at. According lothe report of the
statistician of the agricultural department
ther were produce! In this country during
ISS3, 4 15,868,00 bushel. ol wheat.of which
California raised 315300 bushels, Ore
gon, 14,548,000 bushels, Nevada J 00 ,000
bushels, Arbtona 370,000 bushels, and Ida
ho 1,251,030 bushels. In th home con
sumption of th Pacific Coast states and
territories was as follow : California, ?,-
1 1 M bushel s Oregon, t.oot.SSoo bush-
el ; Nevada, 160,000 bushels : Arizona.
92,000 bushels, and Idaho, 7HH0o bushel.
California snipped H.jj-'MtrO bushels. Ore
gon shipped. 9,4 56,3,0 bushel, Nevada
shipped 4C,coo bushels. Arisona shipped
fifMOQ bj.Jicl and Idaho shipped 463,140.
A Lank Co. At-ctbissT. Tom Sbsrp, a
yoatig man whi has been in th employ of
Dr T W Harris lb past two years met with
a Urribl aud eioaedingty painful aecident
last Friday f urnooa. IU waa lot ex .rob
ing a bor and bail it attached to a sulky.
W bit going along tb road th but sud
denly b; it frightened soJ darted to en
sid. Tb wheal, were ia a rat st tb tire,
and on of them ws wrenched to pi,
breaking moat of that spoke. Tom WS
thrown from hi seat directly onto tb wheel,
on lf th broken spoke catering tb rto
tam. II. wss taken, to hi room and has
been sufferiac terribly but wsa so o. whit
.aster at last account. It ia nut known t x-
aetiy how bad b was lujars-l. bat it is a
wonder b wa not billed. UtgitteT.
Tut Kibkmx' AssociatioX. F. L. Park
er, Secretary of tb Northwestern Fueraoa'a
Association, say tb Pioneer, baa just Usotd
to report or tn proceeding lor lb jar
1SS7 and 1539, in pamphlet form. It con
tain a full and complel aeeoant of tb pro-
eeadiaga, together with tb rale and regu ¬
lation eoverotcg th association and toarea
meat. Tb tournament tbt, yesr will pro
bably be held either at Spokane Fall r Ta-
corns. The present Indications ar that As
toria will ant send a team to com pet ia tb
toaramnt, bat will send delsgat.
A New Tims Talk. A complete
change In the running of trains Is being
contemplated. If inaugurated the Eugene
local will be dropped and two dally through
trains each way started- Ur.dcr the pro
posed prognm they will meet at Albany
morning and evening and there II be no
noon train. If thia is done the O. P. trains
will reverse their order of running staying
tt Albany over nlcht. This move now is
simply being considered with a probability
01 lis inauguration.
WAtiK-LraovLK. The ad. of ihe Wade
Leroyle troup appears elsewhere. The
pre where they have been speak highly
of them. They give a good show and
everybody I pleased. Mr Leroyle, who
Is one of the best commedlans on tbe rosd,
was at one time, several years ago, a resi
dent of Samoa, for a few seasons. Mr
Van Horn, the advance agent, has been In
the city arranging lor tr.ctr appearance.
How It Hai'PENrd. The Orrgom'nn In
speaking of the wrecking of the Geo II
nance say: lt I dlHicult to Imagine
how the rudder of the schooner wa broken,
unlcs it touched some sand bank while
going out." It would be as reasonable to
ucgest that perhaps it struck against ine
tail of a whale. The Chance couldn't touch
the bar at the very lowest stage of the water.
Hurry Up. "Albany has already re
ceived a part of the new machinery for
her woolen mill and expects to have the en
tire mill in operation tr. a few months.
We must hurrv un our mill else Albany
will have the honor of being first In the
field with her mill, but the last In her Don
n. . The work should be forwarded with
rapidity ."-'-Salem Journal.
A Fact, Astoria has also been worked
by the youthful boomer who got up a Sa
lem Mercantile Review. Advertisers some
day will learn that the way to advertise
judiciously is to patronize legitimate news
paper. Salem Journal. Ye, and tt I
fact that tome business men will patronize
Itinerant revlewera who wilt not put a cent
In trie local newspapers pockets.
A Fins Picture, One of the finest oil
paintings ever exhibited in ' Albany, the
work of on Oregon artist, Is the Columbia
river scene in one of G L Blackman's win
dows. It shows the touch of an experienc-!
ed artist and confers great credit an the
artist, Miss Minnie f urker, who is now or
ganizing a class in painting,
Airlie to, Newport. It is now pro
prosed to continue, the N G from Airlie to
Newport. Should this be done, as It will
evidently, It will be a big thing for New
port. The road, though should be made a
standard gauge. Narrow gauges are very
unsatisfactory institutions.
A P. M. Arrested. Dr Mosher, P M
Silverton, has beep, arrested on com
plaint of Mr Cox, a newcomer, who claims
that the postmaster opened some ol his let
ter In a very peculiar manner.
Tub College Case. In the Agricul
tural College case ' the former decision of
the Supreme Court ha been modified and
the case remanded to the Circuit Court to
meet In Benton county, for trial, when it
will come up on it merit. ,
Pitcher's Castorla.
c3 Mi
Lura-rsl nasi finest si reel aii.w r Hers.
Kver need in ih Valley
Th horse show thl afternoon was the
most successful In the history of Llim
county. If not in tlfht ol the valley, and
was wltncMed by large number of peo
ple from th country, city and other parts
of the state. Besides a general exhibition
vf tha large number of fine blooded ani
mals in front of the court house a procea
slon wa made through First and other
street. The large number of fine horses
present shows the great Interest Jielng
manlfcsled In good stock In Linn county.
Below we give the list of horses present)
Oneco Owned by McKnlght Bros, of
iiany, Mre, Aitamontj dam, Belle
Price. A gamey dirk bay, 7 year IJ.
kccoiii, any "4, wiiiv.ii sjicaks lor itsclt
Multnomah Owned bv C E Barrow.
01 Miedd. run brother to Oneco. A
handsome dark bay, 3 year old, full of
Ufe. A very promising horte,
A I wood Urccne-Owrcr, A Marshal, of
Albanvislred by Alwood:datn. Bell Found
er) datk bay ; age, 6 year.
Edward Everett. Owned by McKnlgh
Bros., of Albany, age 13, weight 1400. Sire
Put Smllh,Dam Vermont Dark bay. Full
brother lo Kittle Linn, record .
Glenbrook Owned by G G Glen.Salem.
sir Dctaware.dain' Ncphtha wclght.itoo.
Fine bay, running stock.
AlUim-Owned by D 11 McKnluht.Cor.
valll 1 sire, Attamont dam, Maggie Ar
nold 1 vearold record.! ul. Uandsnma
very dark bay.
Ch de Thistle Owned bv fohn Sihmeee
Imported from Scollnd,t7, by Galbralth
Uro , Zanetville, Wis. weight, ibio, at
year of sue. Now 3 year af me. Reel.
lered In Great Britain and American .tud
books. No i'.7 In Scotland and 3U03 in
America. Light bay, MrHchmeer has just
purchased this line animal, paying $jooo
for him. He ha a splendid makeup, and I
one of the finest In the county.
Glm Crack Owned by Shedd Clyde
Association, Imported Clyde, 5 year old,
weight t7on. Registered 4408 In Scotch
stu.ld book. A large, fine looking bay.
Tht I a splendid animal, brought direct
from th Clvde, a boney, healthy stallion,
full of me trie.
Defiance Owners. Honlev St Hera:
English shire, Imported, dark bay j weight,
75.age, 7 years.
Laird O'Cochpen Owners, Haolev Si
Beret Clydesdale. Im no tied, dark bav:
weight, 150; age, 7 year. I
Ant horn Owners, Hopley k Berg:
Ctydesdale, Imported, black; weight, 1750;
age, 4 year.
Excel-Owner, I W Puch. of fihtdd;
Percheron, full blaod, tegestered, Iran gray ;
weight, 1600; age, 4 year.
Bud Doble Owners, Bairows Bros, of
Shedd.; Norman, Imported, dapple gray;
weight, 1700; age, o year.
Dunsmore Lad Owner, 1 A Zimmer
man, of Millers; English shire, Importet.',
dark bay ; weight, 1570; age 1 year.
Macalphlne Owner, 11 Miller, Clydes
dale, Imported, McGregor bred, light bay;
weignt, itwo; age a years.
Blanche Owner, II Miller; Clydesdale,
Imported, dark bay filly ; weight, 1410; age
3 year.
Sandy Scott Owner, 11 Miller; Clydes
dale, Inported, dark bay ; weight, tiio;age.
Gin-Owner. II Miller; Clydesdale, Im
ported, Sight bay; weight, ijooj age i
SaeJv Lad Owned bv Newlon Si Dunn.
Corvalli. Imported from Canada, Clyde,
weight, 1 500 ; age, a years 1 dapple brown.
ttegisiercii in vanaca stuu boo.
Imperial Owned by Newton U Dunn, J
Corvaltis, imported from Canada, Clyde,
weight, 1400 1 age, l year ; bav. Kttist-
Farmer Friend Owned by Newton &
Dunn.CorvallU, Imported, Clyde ; weight,
M5 I g. 1 years. Bay.
Stonewall Owned by Peter Riley, sired
y Reliance, age year.welght, 1O00. Dap
Reliance Owned by Peter Riley, sired
by Reliance, ae 10 years, weight, 1650.
Dark brown.
Mason, Jr Owned by Elah Mlllerjilrcd
by Merry it asontagc,5 years; weight.! 500.
May. .: '. -'
Traveller Owned by John Morgan,
Shedd, Morgan, dapple brown
t vears
old ; weight, 1 too. a handsome roadster.
Cleveland Owned by S Cannon. Albany.
Armand Owned by Pearl & Brandon,
Halsey. Norman Imported, black 1 weight,
1640; age, 9.
Prince Owned by L McFarland, Per -
cheron and Morgan, black j weight, 1660 ;
water Co. Canada. Imoortid from Cana
w ..uw n j . . ... n , . m wr - w,,w .
da t welcht. iftco : acre, a vear. Black,
Registered In Canadian stud book. No sol
McGreggor-Ownedby II M Shoalwat-
er & Co, imported from Canada ; weight,
45 S K. 3 year. Registered In Cana-
dian slud book, No 60.
Saracen Owned by S W Miles, Salem.
Engliahire.lmported ; age.4 ; weight, 1600.
urown. A 1 cary, keeper.
Everett Linn Owned by Jeff Isom, of
Shedd, half Clyde and quarter Percheron ;
weight, 17J5 ; ;e, 4 year, tine l.ioklng.
light bay.
Mag Owner, If Miller; Clvdda:e. Im
pot-ted, dark brawn; weight, uoo; age, a
Daisy Owner, II Miller: Clydesdale.
imported, light bay; weight, 1173; age, a
Galloway Owner, Huston Bros and A
Nichols, Shedds; Scotch Clyde, imported.
dapple brown; weight, 1910; age, 7 years.
Deo-Owners. Huston Bro and A Nlch-
ol; French Norman, Imported, black,
we.ght 1900; age, 7 year.
King of Dammond Owner, Wm Hunt
er; Clydesdale, bay; weight. 1550; age, 3
year. . .
Fvlde Echo J A Zimmerman. Millers:
bngiish ported, dapple bay jwelght
1010; age, 3 years.
Brltton Owner, Wm Davidson, Buena
Vista; Engllghshlre, Imported, dappled
gray ; weight, 1 300; age, o years.
Debonair Owned by T Skillman, Pet-
aluma, Cal, French draft, weight 1840,
dark dapple bay, age 9 years, legistered
Vindicator Owned by T Skillman, Im
ported f coach, weight 1500, age
years, dark bay. Registered. Carriage
and an purposes.
Pride of the Valley Owned by Shedd
Clyde Association, Imported Clyde, 3 years
old, weight 1650, dark bay. Registered In
Canada studd book 133
Blessing of Sleep,
Dr. Filnt'a Remedyvfor the man or wo-
man who find himself or herself unabla
to Bleep nights, 1 an Invalnabl medicine.
which will not only procur tbe blaalngs
of sleep, but will prevent a general break
ing down of tbo system. Desorlptlvo
treatise with eaoh bottle ; or, addrea Mack
Drug Co., N-
inlhis usw discovery for Consumption, sue.
oeeded ia producing a medicine which i 1 ao
knowiedgrd by all to be simply marvelooa.
It is exceedingly pleasant to tha taste, per
fectly barmjese, ana noes not sioaen. in al
oases of eases of Consumption. Coughs, Colds
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, and
Fains id the Chest, it has given universal
satisfaction. DrBosankn's Cough and Long
Syrnp is sold at 50 cent by Dr GnUi 01 Sou.
A dor? is in "full dress" when he ha on
I collar ond pants,
Children Crv ttir
If ther U one profession of party faith
to which republican leader and therepub.
Heart pre have claimed to be mor devot.
edly attached thananother,ltU"love forth
old soldier, They have, (In words,)treated
him with th greatest paternal tenderness.
They have assumed that the republican
party 1 not only the natural, but the legal
guardian, as welt, of th person and estate
(vote) of all the old soldier In the land,
whom, In season and out, they have held up
before the civilised world a helples wards
On all occasions, whether In good taste or
not, they have assumed that the soldier and
hi Interest were safe only while commit
ted to their tender care and keeping. So
apparently earnest and so vigorously per
sistent have been theoe profession since
the day of Af potnattox to the preseet.that
thousands of soldiers have Implicitly be
lieved them and have tocn deceived there
by. Peruse th proceedings of any repub
llran convention, national, state or local,
Uial lias been held since tha close of the
war and it platform will be found to be
profusely overflowing with th sweet words
of parental guardianship which we have
before described. Here will be found the
ever present lielmlnthite of the hypocritical
politician Initiating a new scheme by which
to catch the soldier vote. On the other
hand the charge has been a persistently
made by the republican leader against the
democratic party that It, (the democratic
party,) I the relenllcs foe of Ihe old sol
dier. To such an extent was this charge
forced during Cleveland' administration
that the blood of the old soldier was quite
frequently raised to boiling heat. It was
continually charged ttjat Cleveland remov
ed old soldiers from office to make plate
for some hungry derrocrat. White these
charge were rarely true, yet they ervcd
their purpose. Republican leaders profes
sed that were they In power they would
not allow any so'dler, competent, to be re
moved from office to make a place for any
hungry republican. The thoughts have
been suggested by the removal of A. B.
1 1 udelon,the postmaster at Jeffei son.Or.Mr
Hudelson is an old soldier with an honora
ble discharge, and ha held the office for
some time, having been appointed under
Cleveland. We are Informed that he has
mad an efficient officer, but he 1 now re
moved to make place for republican who
know nothing of the smell of powder. So ;
far a w know, Mr. Roland wilt make a
good postmaster. But what we want to
say Is that here was the test of republican
profession of love lor the old toldier, and
the republican administration wa r.ot able
to make good i.s profession. The truth I
just thl and nothing more : The repub
lican Itader are friends to su:H soldiers a
vote the republican ticket, and have no
sympathy for the soldier that votes the
democratic ticket. At between a demo
cratic soldier and a republican civilian, the
republican bosses will choose the republi
can civilian every time.
Love see the virtue that are of the soul,
hatred only the disease of the skin. -AII
men have their faults, and stealing wras
Bill'," said a weeping widow over the
corps of a desperado, shot In attempted
burglary. All grotesque, ludicrous a the
expression may seem, she was right. She
knew that not In the robber, tbe law
breaker, the outeast,dld the real man shine
forth.but in those rarer moods of kindliness
d generosity when he was the true friend
and husliand. Perhaps when two enemies,
who have refused to tee any good In each
other on this earth, meet hereafter In an
other world, free, from the muddy vesture
of decay which clogs their vision here, the
first thought of each will be : "Is this the
beautiful soul that I maligned and hated."
Postmaster General VYanamaker stated
to a member ol Congress w ho was working
tp have a very offensive partisan postmas
tcr removed, that tbe charge of offensive
partisanship would not be regarded a a
sufficient cause for removal, and that same
I other sood re a sen would hav to be civen.
To be sure, some other coad reason will be
1 .1,,, ..vruwi UKAttffh Ift t ha ratmAVll
p-".s,....p . o,c.n.
to the present Administration. "It
I works yust like mottslc," ar J whatever Is
1 left af the civil service busine In the Post
0fRcc Department, after Quay, Oarkwn
.. .. ,.. . , ... .
mree monma wm not oe worm inquiring
about Portland WorU.
' pine needle Industry, according to
I all accounts, la making serious inroad Into
the manufacture of jute bascin. A Bos
ton dispatch says that the Nevins Bagging
Mills, In Salem, will be shut down for an
Indefinite period, and possibly, for a year,
at least. The ships chartered to come to
Salem, wlihcargoesof jutaihlst ring will
It I said, b- turned to New York by the
Boston anjd New York pilots, who have
been instructed to make New York Instead
of Salem.
The democratic party I right In assert
ing that unnecessary taxation is unjust tax
ation. It Is right In demanding that the
surplus revenue be stopped, not spent. It
I right In holding that the taxes to be first
reduced are those which bear hardest upon
the greatest number of people namely, the
war taxes upon the necessaries of life.
Every word of the republican president and
every act of a republican congress which
antagonizes these everlastingly right and
truly democratic principle will hasten the
day of the second overthrow of their party
There U almost a unanimous sentiment
among Kansas legislators in favor of doing
something to aid in the development of the
sorghum sugar industry of the state. Just
what this something should be I cresting
considerable) discussion and bringing out a
number of suggestions. Some want a
bounty, others are In favor of altowlng cit
ies and townships to vote bonds to aid In
building mllls.whlle (till another clus want
sugar mills exempted from tjxe for five
years, '. ;-; ' '-' ; '
Secretary Blaine enjoys the unworthy
distinction of being the first member of the
Harrison Administration : to appoint a
member of hi own family to the most im
portant office in hie gift, lie has made his
son, Walker Blaine, Examiner af Claims
for the State department. But Mr Blaine
is accustomed to unworthy distinction,and
mere nepotism Is almost a virtue in him.
Another son of his father has been re
warded for being tuch. RobertT Lincoln
hat been appointed minister to the court of
St James. M' Lincoln js a very respecta
ble gentleman of ordinary ability, bearing
no comparison to such men as Lowell and
rrtelps a diplomats.
his The very soul of Albany energy, pluck
and enterprise Is marching right along.
! Pitcher's Castorla.
Till, TWIN R TKt'HT.
It looks a if the twine monopoly would suc
ceed in squeezing the farmers a good deal this I
year, In spite of their kicking. An increase of I
from 1 1 cents to ao cents, or more, on several
million pounds ought to satisfy greed of an ordi
nary trust. Of course none of the farmers vote''
in favor of Ihe tariff that protect ihe monopoly
with it high rate on the Imported sisal which
is the larger constituent of the twine But
trust are mostly private affairs.
It is quite funny to see th Tribune rebuking I
the salt manufacturers for attempting to "de
prive the country of tbe iccitlmale fruits of I
Protection" by (turning Trust to put up price.
If th object of Protection lie not to "give
Americans control of the American market,"
and to enable its beneficiaries to charge more
or their product than they would wilhout the
tariff, fur what purpose is it maintained?
Having paid money and expended effort to
prevent "Democratic Free Trade" in salt,
what Is more natural than that the manufactur
era should combine to raise prices and divide
the tpails of victory? t-
When the Johnson came to the dinner table
the other day it wa quite apparent that little
Maud had anticipated the feast and belied ber-
sell to some of the good things, but no repri
mand wagiven until ber older sister, Alice,
sged eight, wa asked to say grace a pleasant
duty with which sb wss sometimes intrusted.
Her observant eye had detected tbe younger
- . ... . .
wne s delinquency, ana tne oppottunuy was
not to be neglected. Alice solemnly said grace
a follows! "for what we are about to receive
aud far what Maud bss had already O
Lord, make u duly thankful!"
Tb relative bardness of woods is calculated
Iff tbe hickory, which is the toughest. Fyti
mating thia at too, we get, for pignut hickory
, white oak 94, white ash 77, dog ood 75,
scrub oak 73, white hazel 7a, apple tree 70,
red oak, 69, white beach 65, black walnut 65,
black birch 6a, yellow and black oak 60, bard
maple 56, white elm 58, red cedar 56, cherry
55. yel'w pine, 54, chestnut $t, yelbw pop
lar 51, butternut and white birch 43, and white I
pine 35,
An aid speech of Secretary Tracy, arguine
ia favor of high wages to workingmen as essea
tial to national prosperity, is republished as
"tartfT lor." Copies of tht should be sen!
to tbe rich cotton mill owners of Fall River,
who refuse even to talk with their "protected"
opera ive on the subject of fairer wages. . By
Ihe way, will some of these tariff talkers die
the section of the tariff law which requires pro
tected manufacturer or mine owner to pay tbe
higher wages which the war duties are main
tained ostensibly to enable them to do?
A Gentleman of rare virtue, named G L
Mackay, hat been found who object to lending
aid to the projKj'ed movement in behalf of the
TTxaa Home lor Crippled Fjt-Cemfederates be
cause Col. Root G IngersoU is taking an ac
tive part. Tbe ob-cctioa to Cot, InrcrsoU is
not that be fought ia tb Union Army but that
"he ia the neatest enemy of Jesus Christ this
country has ever seen." When a man makes
up bis mind to withhold bis band from charity
he is never at a loss tor an excuse. .Sometimes
be ohiects to the color of the eyebrows of the
Benjamin Johnson own a farm in Rush
Valley, Utah, upon which be baa discovered a
mine of natural shoeblack ing. An analyst of I
thia peculiar material shows that it contains t6
per cent, carbon, 34 per cent, aluminum and
the remainder clay. When taken out the
material is moist and soft and wbea osed as a
shoe blacking, produce a fine polish which is
not easily destroyed. Eastern capitalists have
been sounding Mr. Johnson regarding bis price
lor the mine.
One of the most exacting monopolies hist bow
. - -
ls the trust or combination of manufacturers
who have obtained control of all tbe binding
twine in tbe country, as well aa of all tbe
Manilla and Sisal hemp of which the twine U
made, advancing prices along tha whol line
fully too per cent. Farmers of tbe West wiil I
find a substitute in flax or something else, and j
leave their hemp monopolist with a stock on
hi nd and limited demand.
Frank M. Perry and Mis Kate Burroughs I
of Bridgeport, Conn., were married thl week I
after a courtship of nearly 30 years. The long I
delay was caused by a provision in tbe w ill of I
Miss Burroughs Cither disinheriting her in case I
she married Mr. Perry. After hesitating for
nearly 30 years she consulted a lawyer, who 1
promised to find a way out of the difficulty,
and abe concluded to take the risk.
There are in the neighborhood of a hundred I
thousand offices, but President Harrison is ap-1
prebentive that there will not be quite enough to
go around. A few dozens of applicants will
have to wait for somebody to resign or die.
Mr. Businessman, do you know what put
John Wanamaker into the Cabinet? It was by
knowing bow to advertise hit clothing store
and spend 100,000 in good printer's ink.
A Frenchman baa brought out an invention
whereby anybody c?n play a piano without
previous training, by means of a crank and
other devices. "
A Vienna man has leu by will the sura o- florins to a young w oman who habitual
ly nodded to hi ra whenever she met him.
Bishop Newman, finally puts Mr. Cleveland
down amongst the very best Presidents the
country has had.
Joseph Pulitzer is recovering hit evesight by
treatment in Paris. He was totally blind whea
he went abroad.
A woman never wants to be a man so much
at when she sees a crowd gathering in
street.,'' -. . .
The last census of India indicates a popcla-
tion of 68,982,000. 1 There are 6,000,000 more
mates than females, v
It is stated thet tiie Mississippi River ha
ihorlcned its course 400 miles in twenty years
When on
pleasure bent
or 'business,
nhonld take on every trip a bottle ot syro p
of Fig, aa It aots most pleasantly and ef
fectually on I he kidney", liver aud bowels,
preventing fever, headache and other
forma of etoknesa. For sale in 6O0. and
$1.00 bottle by alt leading druggists,
TTTBtGHT' Syrup Tar and
tf Cherry will euro coughs.
rrv will euro consrna, ooiao,
hoarseness, loss of voice, and all Inflamed
conditions of the lungs. Sold by Foshay
& Majson,
W BIGHT'S Componnd Symp of Bar
aaparilla is used auccensfully -in
curing all BlooJ Diseases, from the least
blotch or pimple to the largest scrofulous
sore, Sold by Fosbay & Mason. -
7RIGHr'3 Myrrh Tooth Soap
? pearly
white teelh, purifies
1 .t. . . . V. ' - . C3nt,4
by Fosbay A Mason.
ass and Garden
'all kinds at
Pf M 1
I bavo bouRht the largest and best stock of
evor brought to Albany,
nvito every ono to call
wo carry a full lino of O.'M, Henderson ;& Uo ,
The Bed School House Shoes are thobest
in the world.
1 f -,r.
'if 't
a- a t a. rff rssnr nwnisi ' in r i irrnrn n-i i rim
Look out Cor
in the nest
W. F.
The Lcadhsg ash
Spring Disorders
Shattered nerves, Ured
brain, impure blood,
debilitated system, all
aro the natural out
come In the Spring. Jt
medicine must be used,
and nothing . equals
palm's Celery Com
' pound. VTe lot otbers
praise no you cannot
help believing a disin
terested party. .;
the 1
Her-Oeneral W. I Grecnleaf. Buritas1-
tnn. vt.. writes: "I have used Fable's Celery
Compound on several occasions, and always
with benefit. Last spring, being very much run
down and debilitated. 1 commenced taking lt
Two bottles made me feel like, a new man. As
a general tonlo and spring medicine I do not
K&ow 01 lis equal.- -
Tb ntKtseJeeepersanstt
'itrm-. IX 1. lmpor.
tsnt that tbe Bods or
Baleratus you use should
be Whi U and Pura saina
aa all .lmilarmibat-.ce
used for food. Toitisuns
obtaining only the "Arm
A Ham titer" brand Soda
or 8alrat is, bay it la
txrand or hs'f pound '
cartoons, wbich bearour
nam. and tra-le-uisrk. a,
ttrfarior itoodsars sont
"Arm 4 Hatnmor" brsnl
whea bought In bulk.
Parties using BjkiniJ
Powder should ramem
tMt thst its sole rising
property consist, of bl
carbonate of a oda. On
. tenspoonfulof tho"irm
h Hammer" brand of
H"A or cUlerstus mixed
sour milk equals
raft - ; iri
led in Card Board
awwi, isi im jus - . x,. iiusiiJ -aw,..T i.
mmmmmsk asoMaWatohsiia .tjmii mmvvvtmmimmm towh n
fn,rl tij I'n- ) .iu v, AlSji'i
aa Mieond-c.'asa mail
Oi Itvefnd hj charier er ot .,... .
6y mail, per jrer.., ,-., ,.., i
'. ps a - . . I
' JiATES.ron weekly, j
S , Irt adrst . I
'-us year, st end o yer.,,...,,, ..,,, ' i
m tooiiii,,, in advance. ,
and I would respectful
and look: tbrouch rr
30 dayr.
Dry"! Goods
4 i
': tv.
. it V
. j.
I hare nsod two bottles of your raise's
Celery Compound, and tt has given entire su.
lafacuon as an appetizer and bRxxi puriner."
T. L. liaKKSR, wawnowu, ajiluvlj.
Celery Compound
Is prescribed bv physicians, recomraeiidpa by
drussfistK, endorsed by ministers, pralsfd ly
uaera, ant guaranteed by the manufacturers,
as a spring medicine winch win do all tUat to
claimed tor it. Vae It tbls spring, and see bow
quickly U tones you up. r
: Purifies the Olocd.
Fun accounts st wonderful cores marts tr
Fame's Celery Compound after other nietllolnes
snd tbe best physlolaas had I;Ued, seat Jree.
TUere's boUUuk like it.
$ six tor $3.00. Erustcists. v
! Wklls, Eicdardson Co., Burlington. Vt.
Cvlan, '
10 cr.i 'j eixh.
fotr tessnooBfula of &e
rv)i twenty times its
eat, bw.ui.s b?itit-jav-b
V.ttliior, beeaiisa
11. contain any sut-stanccw,
fcucu K-: tiutrtt, terra alb
etc., im :t t.-h m;icy liak-,
im: i ci-viora aro made.
I 11 u i t d Farmers
. hon ui uc only t Le".na
llAllitlbP", lirand for
rlt-!tnt:;j and iewping
I'.nik lima bwcvt aad
Catttion. See tliat
every xou!id pncl:ag:c of
"Arm an I llaminor
Brand ' eontaiOB full
Itl ottnrcs n -t, and tlio
a pound r:t:.'gns 1
II eatM. s net, KoUa cr
fcaleratus sauio 3 speci
fied ou eaou iiocia;; j.
Boxes, ' Always keeps Soft.
r ... -r . - .