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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1889)
1. i. CYtuUfD TO CAUFQ..MIA.. -llicni PaciSo Company's Lina. Till- MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE.' r i.a b-i-n Albsiy a-ul ask Frnirl8i, US hour osurnsrti sirams it tlx Ki'NtMbf ttetweea l-wrtlsad aad naa franclsee. fc.u ' h I ; NorVa ti r. a.iLr Portland Ar 10:4ft A a 1 t m I br AlhAliT Lv 8 46 A II 7:46 Ar Hun k'.snohm i.v T:W) r M 4 Lv PurtUml Ar aie-re IS wn j i. S.tura Ar A I tuny Kuiren u i a Lr ) .'O M uuuxd SSiKCtt, Albany Lebanon Albany L.hsium w eel r m I i .t r I Ar I.v I Ar Lv I :. H r turn Lvl :0Ovb PVllim BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, Vr ArcsMssasdslie-i secsail -Class rassea aers, attached ts Eaprees Trains. i. , . a K.iUM.RMt!iiii ilk .11 th. 1 ill a. I . -, v m ' 1 7 - - , - . -4riitar lrl'.s on ths Bast aids Wvieioe trow fool I enrwt, "-rtlil, IThI lle Hill. VSAIS SkilV(wplgunlsy.) 1 1.1 A V I xt i . r a Hif I Ar Ourv ui L l r a strsss. nsi sn" (Kwiy. Huaday. Mi r a L ) ra Ar IVrtlsnl M.Minn'ille Aril Throuuh 'IMolcotM T all paints HOUTII -A.N.D 22 -A. ST VIA CALIFORNIA. f. all UJ.wti.iU rvUn rslse, ra-i. ate.. all o .fc-mo.".- Aftil l ai jy. Ata. I . s4 P. Ar THE YAQU1NA KOUTE. Cmon Pacific Eailrcad. m Development Corcpany'a Klentii amp suw. 9R f llLES H0flTf.. 20 UOUas LESS TIME liati bv IOT Other rdlo. ,.--!.. ibmua-h naaawilirnr and .r...-hi l.tiafroiu Portland and ail point In the . lilauirHU. Valley U an.l from aa raiu laco. Cal. Wiilamstta BiYer Una of Staamers. ," Tu "Thraa Blatora" ra la orrlc b4tt )a)nBr ! Trelxhl IrartVo o- wixo Corailla nd l"orUnil Inij m4tt polnla, .Mvlng Companj'r nfr,r l'..r..ll.. an:t Mnura. HullBlO Wl wharf. Noa. 2U0 and 2UJ Krool HI., ioit land, tbrw Ua w follow t SOUTH BOUND. ikIui. WiiUr awl Frt- Vt m. I' 4a T-U. Turl4y aad aatur SOl'Ttt BOUXU. a..aa. at. Am.a4iJi a7 l p. ai. a.,a I' rnr.Ujr al uarj Ma, m. Arntra ai Cwmllfc a Jr r t i .nfiudlnn &t Ativan uu iralna of thaOregou f aoldo tUilroxl Uk. Albany. l:t r. a. Im. Cue '!, inr.a. Imn Vaquina, tJW r. a La Vaqoiaa, :t6 A, a. ban Curva.lx,luJ6 A.a. Arnra AlOaoy, lino A. a. O AO. irali conoe Albany and Cirvau.a. The aoove Ualne connect at wHo. the Oretroa Uereiopa OimpAoy'a Uwiir teualilpe bmweett Vquioa nnd ui Franctaoo. HAILING DATES . It.4, r .. r.tsctaoo. .IwuaiuTiik;, niors, D. O'-h iliMtwuaVilr. Mm. otl7n VuiauMtta V.ll.y. aoa. "" WL Dm Uih li .u. 1M. tb Tho Conipaor rre Jie right to lharire aaiilag tUtea without nolkie, N. li. Paaeoitera from PorJancS ana rViltamtte Valley poinU can maka rloae tonnw with the trloa f the equina roulaat Albany or Conrallui. and It dea Uol lo eun franci.J should arrsMie to irrive at Yaquioa the eyentng bef r c'ate ofkailto. titr sil r.ll atwaya k Lawat- fur inJ"TmUvi arily lo C J Bluart, Freight anil Tr. ket Aicimt, Altwiv, 01UCU Hur.ll, Jr., li. V. A V. AffV OrfTfoa lHrakymmt Co., "H Mnatoatary aUn r rMisiwa, Cl. V. C M4.iS., ... .1. r. aa J P., Or Pti ii K C-.. Crii4 1 11 fr tAK i. brnma at ih IwcM imJ I. naliU naaaa. w) Uft mm Fems Seeds a 17 D. M. rtrP.KY CO sra rdYiiVa 11 tr ono rate - ir. "--Slri-! toU r.r' ?,.r;i.-" rnii5 9 utveca. ttmout wiMl Um . A'Wti O. Si. FERRY Q UO-, Uotroit. Mids. PIANOS. Th wUhln a flrtnl. lastrumaot liouiil at Mm. II. R. IIynait'a and ra 011a of tho i;:eoratvt llainuie A M)mr piano, exwi.nt rlvb lone. Ka- prx-iaiij tn t le anl ad-ti led to stand the lim.ln on the 1'aoiflo Coaat. Eery p fully icuiantea,J for 4 yeara. I ba li teat hwt iniiio for ajlo, Mailqand ittintina 1miim fcln thera. Alao ti f.laa-o lo gal yimr niw hawi.x Haculw, raucy work and Jraa making don lo orilt-r. Hrst fiuor cant of Young's old stand, Albany, Orogou. l'nl Nittinnal Hank Of AMU.t,OKEu.. frwi'U ...0. ruxa Vk hiwiuxit ....... a, K, Vol HKj l'.hr ..t. VI. I.ANOlKlN. An'l Li.hitr JAM. t. rH KLL t TKA.NSAt.Td A UKNERALbankinrlxMlftass. accounts Ktrr uhjt u. ha. BlunT KXfllAMlg .ivl tr nphl Irwufor, l a V-irx. Ati yrfiutic ting an I V OUI.KLTION.I MADKon ta.mlH turm. IrinacTuU j K ViX'.U, K W. LilKtlHJN, t, K Hlam, L. Ku. Viiiu E Irnnm-a, County Bank, COWAN. 1' ALSTON & CO., - I ukwoi) in Cowsa & Cnalck.) ALSAPiY - - OREGON. Tl!A24l."rdi;.naral kinking biuinm.. I'll V 41 ill 1 O I V'l'l u Si York. 8a j . v 1 fitlvi,l, Oz-jon liA.'J MOVEy un mppiov. saenrity RK KIVK,lxil.b 1 lo ebask. frsn J3 -A- XT IC 323 JEl , ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Hell rDU,i 01 S Vurk, &tn Krwicifco and l.'rt.Ii.'i'J . ' Buv n itui, H'.t a. eany a .1 e'ty warrant. Ba ruiio 't iniin ilJ x.H- I iUri-1 JI.,wl nit l.n:u ii- tMi.M.; : iiil!tl,m4 wlil r!clr'riMTitattiitl(. -Vnrwi.nuil:'nt li,'IJiyl. t'iruaml Marina Insuranen yqnyanlts. , Eevere ALBANY, - - OREGON CM AS. I'FK! KFKI: rROPRIBTOR. f . - . .( i'i ll'-u Jilavi rallies t..i"o I i'h '- .r4 in th tiarkm. ; .. . .... ' ,,.f -t.'! ... 11 . M'llrlfl! rlwl'-IH '., 11 ii 'r. 'I ti irVn,Vn ,r.j- .:.?.! f'.orii M rl."M ' TRADC U MARK .... tr For 8oron89, StlfTnoea. prompt, Sura, Sfe, Rocnt. Sr T.lmbo, ttrytw, TO.. May II. till. OhiH I la llmta aaa aM: iitlM ti. f)Mta OU n4 JAOUA tOSUUa. 811 Bf Nark. rrtaaatalf, Wli,, M U. lit. My witt kaa rWHt a.tH la wwk: nry atfa aaA Mtti ni4 wUniv ky It. i" OH 4AJAU ITOWB. guar Ankia. . BMarrUla. 01. n n. Ilia, w aakiw nil rt will a aal . i k MU. a.. Imh Oil: M it. Mini to Iw. aay u taltraly alj"' . tltr Kjtaa. AU.. rn., ". '"'. tk: armmmn: aiw una af IVJataM AmK.x,Mw.IIm. rarrlbla Pala. . "!! Urn w. Mlt aa am la arrtM aala. 0w anaiyuyayl IIJHMWL , (IWUI. AT CaVOOim ARB DCALIM. TNI CHARLtS A. VOGCLK CO.. tiltliaara. Hi. DHiJ.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon Oltloo oor, Fl rat ami farry StraeU, ALBANY- OREGON. DRaCaVATSOFJf.lAS.TOf Physician and Surgeon UtHcrj ppoa.lt0i naaioorm".. DR. W II. DAVIS, PhyslcUn and Surgeon, aarmmnauoaulralnSlrAUan'a Block May M fouuti a ma oino aay ana aigat. DR. C. U. CHAM BERLIN Homeopathic Phjsichn &ni Surges Special attention o diseases of the eye, tmiflc corner otThlrJ nJ I.yoa St FOSHAY & MASON. -ryuu'-i aaa aai- Druggists and Booksellers, Afreota for JoUt B. Alden'a publlcatlona, blob we aell puttUoer'a prioea wiU aoeugeadJud. ALBANT, OHCUOS. G. L. GLACKf.lAN, DI ALEU IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SO IPS COMBS ETC. J. E. WEATHilHTOED, 0OTA1T PCBtlCJ .TTOltNKY AT LAW, A LB A XT, OKEC!. w ILL rRACTICE IS ALLTHECOURT1 Of THE fcutta. elaltlaaltna gtw lo Juuwiwaa, W li BILTEU, ATTOItNEY AT LAW And Solicitor I Chancery IXBAWT. - OBEGOH. Colleotlons pr-nuotly mideonaiipo'nt Loana negotiated on reasonaoie wrnw I Vi'IUTriEY. Utcrney And ponus8Uor At Lai ND- IVotar Public. AUBrYtf , CHECCN, Will praH'9 I all of the Co aria J) I HUte. All b ineaa Intrusted to hi will be promptly t winded to. D, R. ft, QLACKOURM, Attorney at Law Offie, Od l FtMlnw'a Temple, ALBANY, - - - 03EC3H. T. J. STITES. ATTOltNBY AT I AW -AXD Notary Public. AL3AN,.3SQ3.V. When I say Crrns I 60 not mesa tnersly to stop xhrm tut a lima, arxl then have ttx-m re. turn wu. I SJtAM A UMHCM. CLiui 1 Bar a made ibe rtl.aa.a of I'lTS, JuPILiax' or FAXLH7G SICIC7ESS, A study. I waat my ramady to Crttsi Ilia wont ease.- btcatiaa olhars bar. l:i dad is no reason for wot now raceirinr acurs. fcead at onr-a for a traalua and a I ana Uottlb ut my liri.LiBLB Ksssdt. dive Express J'o-t 4itl-a. Jt cost yon nothing fur -i.'l, uj it wUI cure you. Address V nOOT,M.CM l83PMnt8T,KrwYm Administrator's Nrtice, . .... . italic is nercny K'ven Ilia! 'I r i,mIkii. ti ed bss th'S day Imuii duty s-i 1. 1 d Ad 111 inutrator of tiio estate i'f Joi.i il. W.l.ian.s, dacanril, hy Oiu Conuty Couit id 1iin conn (y.urcg'in. All prs'ns liaviiiti rl.ini- said estata ara bvrrby nntilied t rvnl tliin prowi-ly vei-itioil, to tii- Auu n-i-trator st Aluaoy, 'Jr.-Knri, a ! hui six min.'in frcm this date. Ti.ii the l.V.U d i o'. Jsnnary, ISb9. K. K. William 1. J. K. WaATHKKroKb. ' Administrator , Alt'y for AdinV. "Jim Wesmill," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of CblrHA good of all kind, on iMncl, AlHofull Uneof JAPANESE-GOODS.'' ORESON PACIPIO CONTRACIOH, for this wtlon. Iiiornrs furnished on stjort nxtlce fo ny purpoae. - j Opposite S E Young's, Albany, - 0, K. 'IVmt Sli., flouse and Carnaj Painter. Dacorator ail i Papar Hanger Piano Varnishing-. Ml worv .ir'tartn'titil.'' r - u C D. VASSALLO. ; (Siio.a-a"C. r. H-riir? Kiifa. ua.) Pouitry Wanted. All klnisor p'Hi'try, alvo or dren 01', ii'h1 Ht th "IIIviiUh Picking Com t Mij '.s stord, Albany, Uroou. IT sy o 4 y tr ,.'4 FFICIIL APEE. TEMPERANCE COLUMN. Edlitd ty Albany W, 0. T. V The regular meeting of lliu Union cn Theiday afternoon wu an Inicirntlng one The d-jvotlonal exerctie werv led by Mri Sox. The text whi a tender, encouraging one lor any utuo unnu oi conrecrated worker, whoever they may be, and wher ever their eiiorti are bcinv put form i "Fear not,lltlle flock.forlt U your Father' good pleiiurti to give you the Kingdom Voluntary remark were made by aeveral ladle, the tone of which, thnwed their ab solute trut In the Lord, and their firm be lie that lie would red vein hi promise Thcte were followed by an Inatrucilve and Interesting paper on Sabbalh School work by Mra S A McA.lll.ter, the Supcrlnten dent of that department. Thl 1 the flnt of a erle of paper, one to be read at each meeting of the Union, until all the depart ment are fully dlcu.ed. The next paper will be by the h, vanuclLtic Nupertnicn dent A parlor meeting i announced to be held o.t next Wednctday afu-inoon at Mr Wm Baltlmerc'. Subject f-r dlcuilon, "Family Training." All nic cordially In vlted to attend the.e mectlnsn. The following report wa ubinltted by the committee appointed to cttlmate the expenke of opening the reading room t Your committee find that i capable and worthy chrUtlan young uentleman, I will lag to erve a librarian and janitor, alioof the reading rcom for the very reaionable urn of J.o per week, would al.o for an extra compenaatlon aerve ai janitor for our public helL if deiired. W e have eiilmnlcd alao that at leant SJ per et would be re quired for periodical. Our rxtlinatc, after Inveatlgatlng a to the expottxr? of Ing the room i a follow I V Indow khadea, $o t acrlm for short curtain. 50c ; repair of bjea-cate and tabic, $1.50; bracket lamp, $I.J3 ; cuspldorea, $1 ( paper-rack, si. We also recommend that a donation of chalr-cu.hloni be solicited In connection with our propoaed book-aoclaL That a doa en or mere of the ehairt be painted afresh, and that at least $5 be expended In procur Ing entertaining game. Ke.pcctfully suhmltlcd. Mas. S. A. Cn AMiiraLiM, Mas. t. A. McAnsTr.a, Mm. L. E. Ui.aix, Albany, March 18th, iVv?. Saloon In St. Paul, by the confctalon Of Dr G Smith, the moit prominent high li cense advocate in the city.iua wide open all day Sunday, and sell without hesitation to minors, and thl after a year's trial of the $1000 high license. A bitter temperance fight in the town of Delhi, county-scat of Delaware county, N. Yn has resulted in the selection of an ex cUe board who are pled ctd 1 otto grant licenses. TflE MAN AftOt'T TOWN ' The man speculating In reel estate who will net subscribe for a woolen mill subsidy just because it will he ralm-d anvwar and he can get out of It, ought to be placed on a post for the boys on t lie strut to gae at. Such things help no one more than the owner of real estate who U speculating on It value. Such men are always spotted by the public. We are gLtd to say they are remarkably scarce in Albany. air aa W. J I. Tiear, a spotter for the S P R R recently did the road ; but the conductore had him spotted from the start, so his job was an easy one. lite conductors are all square men anyway. ' in. . While we are trying to work up a insl sized boom of our own, we should not for get San Diego. In a few month $315,000 in Insurance were paid there, and the com panies have all withdrawn Busted flat, the gsmbtors have been bur-niii? their prop. erty to get a little money, and thus unna tural booms often terminate. Albany, though, Is backed by different surround ings. We should also keep out of the gambling part. Nothing, we believe, In the long run, is made by evaporation and laisenosHi, paper sales and Inflation gener ally, peculiarities of Tacoma and Los An geles booms ; just an atom of the same be ing found In Albany occasionally. Our prospects are bright, and the Man About Town believes this :ity can grow on the square to be the leading one In the Valley with the gambling part peculiar to South ern California cities left out. 1 nere are men in mis world who are obliged to get Into a fight about once month because some one has imposed on thetn. This is as easy as rolling off a log, and we know of nothing a person can do as smoothly as to He Imposed on. From the school boy up it Is the boy imposed on wno nas tne tights j and he Is generally big, burley, muscular chap, 1th a lantern jaw. Absolutely Pure. Ibis p iwdr tiftvrr vailff.. A innrvn of purhjr, strenirLt and v. holAHomerwax. More ej-onomti-al than the ordinary ana faonot rm so.a in noirpititlnn wltli mnltltndeor low tbt, shmt weight .lorn or phosphate powder. Sold only In csdm uKing rowoer uo.. too Wall Kt Y. l, W. Ckowlbt t Co.. Agent., Portland, Oregou Cid'rrs' :;il.!at i;j F " -i K4.I ..... Nj.ii n "j OR SALE BY FOSHAY fc MASON lie . ani if TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Tim tiooiuir.. , tflCMTA, March aa. IlunJietli of boomert have left the Northern part of th. territory for ihelr home, being conducted byi toldicra. They expect to return next monih. Three hundred hitve been brougm to the Mate line, niij ;mnymoretj l'urcell. . Many hundred are f0 hiding In OMnlmina, and others are arriving. 1 he oUhers ate escortine them out ai fnu a pootii ie. Mathews Head. WasH!noton, Mirch aa. Justice Stanley Mathews died at 10 o'clock. Tito but change In hi condition occurred yesterday fie moon at 3 o'clock. In the morning ha had been feeling comtui table and cheerful. At that hour, how ever, the Intense pa'.n which marked periods of his decline recurred and never left him until death brought relief. TatiBtr (let la. San Francisco, MarcS aa, The Sjxtmi rr'J Washington special ssyst Corporal Tanner of Brooklyn was to-day nominated as commis sioner of pensions. They Nhont, Walla Walla, March aa. Governor Moon is in constant receipt of telegrams from all pan of the Union congratulating him on hi apHintinent; among tiiein are telegrams fiom ex-t .ovemor Siiulie, Psul Schuue, A. n. llah, ex-Governor rerry, P, II. Wintton, Reeves Ayres and 11. W. rairweather. His reception this evening wss a grad success. The Opera house was crowded. Speeches were made by Messrs. Anders, llrents, Crowley, winesrd, Sharitstein, Psint, Upton.Thompson snd 01 her, s A most happy an feeling re sitonse ws made by Governor Moore. Waala to ge tu Bertla. Nkw Yoke, March aa. John C Kllcn, the Samoan correondent, has arrived here. In conversation he ssidt "I am ready, aml,lmleei anxious to go to Iterlia and give testimony be. aire the conierence regarhng my connection with Samoan matters, I also think ex-Conaut Oenreal Sewelll, whose official acts csnnot fsil to be spproved by every honest American, should also be sent by the government to Her tin, I hope lilaine will consider it advisable and send us both to Germsny. " from Haadwieh lalaada. San Francisco, March the passenger nn the ileamshlp Australia, from Honolulu, to day, wss Clsus Spreckels, who has been psyjng an extended visit to his sugar plantations in Hawaii, lie staled that the crop of the plantations would exceed the csti mstes by alwut 3000 tons, The crop of the islands, u is stated, will be about 115,00.1 tons or Ibe Urges! in the hUlory of the islands. Moare NoMlaatrd. Washincton, March a I. The president sent the following nominations to the senstei Miles C. Moore, of Walla WaUe. Washington territory, lo be governor of Washington terri tory. lleary N. Itlakc. of Montana, to be chief hist ice of the supreme court of Montana. John li. r leuung, 01 (.oiocado, to be waited Stale attorney lor tue district of Colorado. O. C. White of Dayton, W lo be secre tary of the territory oi Washington. ftenred KUthU Tacoma, March a I. For Ibe past ten days C. II. Tuppcr and S. F. llergntb have been employed by a firm of Cigarette manufacturers distiguring fences in this city with advertise ments of the firm's wares. Among the fences ihcy dUfigurcd were those of Bishop Paddock and Nelson Bennett. Just as they were leav ing to disfigure fences in Seattle in a similar way they were arrested and, being brought be lore Justice Uet,vere each fined S50 and costs. They are wailing in the county jail fur money to be sent to psy their fines. 50,000 TaavoU. C11 ico, Cala., March at. It is rumored that Tascott, the murderer of Millionaire Socll, of Chicago, has been wotking on Senator Stan- lord s vmryard nesr ina. A week ego a stranger was given work in the vineyard. He answered the desciiption of TasroM.sad officer from Sacramento and San Francisco went sfter him, but he had been warned by work men and fled. It is supposed that be is now concealed in the mountains. Xw P. X, Washington, Maah ai. The following sp'iointmcnts of Oregon postmasters have been made: " At Junction City, Lane county, N. L. Lee, vice Wm. S. le, resigned. At Hublard, Marion county, Joseph L Gat vert, vice Hugh C. Caldwell, resigned. At Newberg, Yamhill county, Charles M. Moore, vice Joseph Everett, lesignaii. At lirowosville, l.inn county, Ueo-ge A. Dyson, vice Charles E Stansrd, resigned. At Cobarg, lne county, M. II. Skinner, vice James kiley, resigned. At Cottage Grove, Ijtne county, Frank Whipple, va James Currso. resigned. At 1 larney. Grant county, N. W. Briefly, vice Wm. Leasing, resigned. At North Powder, Union county, Orrin t. Tbumlinson, vice George II. Uobter, resigned. Held l a Trala. HoLKknoK, A. T, March ai. East-bound passenger trsin No. a, on the Atlantic & Pacific railroad, was robbed last night at Canyon Diablo by four masked men. WctU, Fargo ft Co.'s express csr wss "robbed, but it is not known whst amount wss taken. The psssrn gers were not molested, A number of shot were fired byberobbersjbut no one wss injured. Sheriff Ijirson and a posse are In pursuit. Mors Happy Men. . Washington, March ao. Tne president to-diy sent the following nominations to the senate: Grederick D. Grant of New York, to be minuter lo Austris-liungiry. John C. New,of Indiana, to be consul-general at Ixmdon. Seligman llrothers, aiecial fiscal agents of the navy department at Ixmdon. Passed Assistant Engineer David Jones to be a chief engineer. Passed Assistant Engineer James II. Chss man to be cheif engineer. Assistant Engineer Reynold E. It all to be psssed asatstant engineer. Ira N. Hollis to be passed assistant engineer. Lieutenant Frank F. Fletcher, junior grade, fo be lieutenant. Lieutenant Alexander Sharp, junior grade, to lie lieutenant. Lieutenant Harry II. I losely, junior grade, to be lieutenant. Ensign P. J. Weilich to be lieutenant, junior grade. Enign Simon Cook to be lieutenant, junior grade. Ensign John II. Fillmore to be lieutenant, junior grade. Edward Rhodes Slitt to be assistant surgeon in the navy. A Big Home Kick. Washington, March so.T-The fust man to be hauled up on a charge is Wolfley, of Ari zona, nominated to be governor of that terri tory. There seems lo be a considerable upris ing in the neighborhood of Tucson in opposU tion to hisconfirnralion and membera of the senate committee on territories are all receiving telegrams, asking them to hang him up until the people of the territory may be heard from, t'nialllla Agency. Washington, March ao. Senator Mitchell has sent the following communication to Secre tary Koblei "The Indian agent at the Umatilla agency, Oregon, was suspended by the piesi dent and an appointment ought to he made without unnecessary delay. The Orejon delega tion, having united in recommending Hon. Lee Moorehouse, I simply desire to attract your at tention to the case." . In Son Francisco Now. San FRANCisco,Msrch20, Marry Bethune a Sprinter, has deposited $100 forfeit wi h the Chrtnich here for the acceptance of the Chal lenge of H. M. Johnson, of St. Louis, to run a too ya.d race for a puise of $2500 and what is claimed to be the championship of the world. Bethune wants the race here. Moore ot Bqnli-e. Spokane Falls, March 20. Private tele grams received here from Washington, state that the president has decided to appoint Miles C. Moore governor of Washington territory and General McMicken collector of internal revenue. . .. Nut For ."ate. Madrid, March 20. In the senate to-day Senor Moret, minuter of the inter or, in reply to a question, said that the eovernment had no knowledge of a scheme to sell Cuba lo the United States. He declared that there was not enough money in the whole world to pur chase the smallest part of the Spanish territory. and that if the necessity should arise, the Spaniards would know how to defend their country's soil. Cdkteva Tenipe ratnrri. . Chicago,, March 20. New York, 38: Chicago 34. St. PauU36j Winnipeg, 34; New Orleans, 56. . TWENTY YEARS A (30. Written on the eccailon of th twen- tlcth anniversary ol the wedJcd life of A A. Rhodei in J Fanny Rhode, lili wife of Albany, Oregon. We've corn, to helo you celebrate city. Your China wedJInK dny, . . brlna rrmembrince of the time When every heart was gay We will partake el pi and cake And spend an hour or so, To wth you joy as others did justtweniy year ago, You've wandered far from that dear place YV here childhood's days were spent Where youthful snort in early me To bless awhile were sent 1 Where hearts took Are with love's desire Consumed and melted so; The preacher called and made you one Just twenty years ago. We cannot be the same dear friends Who met lo bteas you then, Reflecting back yout happiness Again and yet again. You've come away, and wandered they, And some are'aleeplng low And all so changed you ne'er can meet , Liike twenty years ago. The wheel of time Is rolling on 1 How swift the years do pass, To change ut alt from youth to age And reap us down Ilka grass, Out hanny a will try to be, w niied welling nere ociow, And be aa tiue as those you knew soma twenty years ago. You occupy th middle ground Twlxt youth and crumbling age. The silver hair begin to mark You for another stage. May purest love draw thee above, Nor ever cease Its flow, For us now here and those so dear , Of twenty years ago. TIs well to pause mid cares of life A nd cast a backward look, And In you thought live o'er again The time thy courtship took. To well decide for groom and bride 'Mongsl all that each did know Which one to choose and not refuwt Some twenty year ajo. Oh, happy choice when love ulrect And make trie heart to move, And vou have both had time enough Your constancy to prove. Again we wUh each China dish ivitn good mings may o crtiuw, And Joys to bless be never less 1 nan twenty years ago. J. B. Itvuitea. OLD 0KEI2ON. Walla Walla. March 18ih, 1389, EJUort Urmterot 1 15 mat n. be nut of th. way to giv. yoa a sliort eh.ptar on dfgon, Washington and Idaho j th. old Urritiry of 0rs4iH, We estd not g back ever twelve years to dud that this saotiaa of oar Faeifle slop, ooufla- ina oar iaferm to Eatra Orirfua, Wash ington and Western Idaho, was in an unde veloped Stat. No railroads, nothing to give the promise of futaie that now dawns upon this axuosiva body of I, nds. ! When the road bed was ran out from Urn a tilla landing, proposed .xteasion cf trsvsl from tne bost on tb Columbia riysr , it wss ballad aa the oomiog boom of that section of Oregon. Tlis Nitb Pacitlo wss than in iU tbrose for life t and tt. projaola of the 0. R. N. were flickering between dnulte and promiaas, Pendleton bad a population of twe bandrad. Umatilla county bad given prom- be of great ptodoctiseaaaa in cart sis from SI peri man ts msde. Tbe Govevomeot )svl giv.a tie todisos over two buudrtd thou- Stud ar of land, lb. b?t thars was of tbe Area adjoining tbe Faudlaton location. fJlagas ware on tbe roads and the teamster was lbs eJviliaar, Now at this day a change bsa or eowe tbe ooaalry. Tbst railroad from Urn. til is bailt, and reus U Peodlstoa to Mos cow, Idaho and to RoukfMrd la Wasbington, twenty anil, from fepukaoe Fails. A braucb few bl:aeaat f Ilariagtoo at T.koa, will ran to Coeor d'Ataoe mius. I'sndlrton baa two railroad, tbe snort tine and tbe road meotiooed. It la a growing center with 4000 Inhabitants at tbe peasant Uaa Maoh of the Immigration dose not oeoUrhera. bat it pass es en most generally to Eastern Washington. At Pendleton and snrronading tbsrs is evary Inducement offared to ail tier and new com ers. Alrsady Ibe tlliaana are negotiating to have the II ant railroad to tb. Sonnd coon by come in there. "There 's alwaya trouble on tbe Kaaervstioo, is an clj story in Ore gon. Aod at tnisontitig it is so on tbe Uma tilla, bat wbsn it is sifted net tbe charge against tbe Sapatiataadant will not amount to mack. Most of tbe trouble grow, oat tb. leasing of lands by lb. Indiana, wbkb may be tb. beat thing to do. Her are great nam bar of persons- wbe have leased tbeae lands of Indiana, lo the displeaenre of the new agnt,wbo has sneered tbe aastaUnos of U. S. troops lo rsmovs tbe intruders. It would be a blessing If tbeae rasa real ion lattds eonld be thrown open to setllamant. There are not to eieeed a tho saand Iudiaoa,and not tea per cent of tbem w ill follow the parsatt ol sgrioaltnre. Uutd Iba Indian right is ex un guis bed settlement will not on these lauds. The present ooadttlon of things is a drawback t, lha d.velojiinriil of Un.ati:l ooanty. The Uovarnmeut ia rsaponsible lor Ibis hindrance to the progress of this coun try. Notwitbsandiog this obstacle Pendleton is growing. A new Coort House and a new bote), mark the progress of those laboring to remove this reservation weight front tueir naoka. To hours ride takve ns to Walls Walla ia WssUiouioo. A more lovely ooun try along lt yoail cannot be found. Walls Walla has a pleasing history, Is being near tbe old mission, and the commercial senter in the data cf the tiinrs and paoa train. It ia a m l oity and shoold ba th. Capitol of Wash ington. Here Mr. O. W. Haat, the ooutrao tor will reai-t. having paH f 10,000 for bia reaidenos. II is beatlqnartara are hare for the Hunt trains and railroad that will ran to Seattle by the 1st cf April. This ia the sou te Psndlston aims to bring to it city. Ten yesr ssro Mr. Hunt kept a ferry on Snake Kivsr, waa aoonminodating and Industrious. When the Northern i'autrio R. R. cam into lbacouotry he with bis mule loam sulered the service a rourosu worker. Uwtng a brainy man bo soon learned the business of contracting be sub-contracting and then enn trading direct, Hiaauuoess ia well-known, lis is now vary ilub and a railroad msgiiare of no mean parte. Baoked by the Northcm I'soiHo be has eaMiiiesra4 a new system thai ts now in npt ralioo. as tne uolphlu goas before tha thark,the echo of Mr. Hunt a suo casstevN. IV He will build up Walla Walla aud add to the material wealth of that section cf Washington snd Oregon. Grati- flestiua at hU craat snoueas ia general, li has esrned i. The North Pacirlo is buildiug a hritewhaat elevator at Walla Walls,, hich like Pendletou will hiT. a steady growth ia wheat export. The stock through this part of tlis country did not wioter wel', hut ss tne we-ittier has bero mild snd the grass is ooming on there will bo no loss. A boom is looked for sod it will oomo. More anon. Itinerant, New Comers To our city will, nod it to Ibt'tr sdvsnisae to price our gv.od befora buying in tin ir outfit cf groceries and pro Vlritiiir. - 'Brownell A Stanabd. W RIG HIM Syrup Tar and VrtTd Clirrv wi'l cure coughs, colds. hosrsmiMhK, )os of voire, and alt ,'nflsmnil iHindiiloiia (f ilia langa. old by Foshsy A Mainu. - (-'if It IMLRSJ. IU:l.l:if ''!,! krti 1 1 1 I'll f WV l 1 I' i t I f I'll- Inu wsrtn. 1'iiUfi . iillsi U, lilJl!nf iHVtruilius' Pile, io st onu to ths apnllaatmn ' tr. bossiiko s i.s remedy, w.iloh sets directly th twrte .tned, sb rbiu ths tu nur, sioiymir liitunss Itetlnir soil effjo'lusr a per'nsusnt enri eent. Aiiilrew Tim Or ll iuuki M- llix i Co , O. hold try Dr, C'liss sud Bon. - ( IIIIK FOIl NICK IIEaOACUE, Do yon wants remrdr for B'llonsnsss, Pimples on the faor, a d a wire sure for sick hesdsohe, ssk Dr, Guse and S"i, the Druifjlut, lor Dr. Oei.nt's Lire Pills, iry a do. , esmples free 'nil box at eent. DIED. REID. On March aistthe wile of Geo M Reld, who lives near Miller, died .it the age of 61 years. Mrs. Reed hart not been In good health' for a number of years. She was a sister to County Treasurer Far wel I, of this city, Children Cry for HOME AND ABKOAO TlfURSOAf. Mrs Rev Ihompsoa, of Comllis, it In tbe Wbsat has droppad lo Oi csuts, and th market is sxoeedingly dull. Rev A M Aobsson, of Oskyille, ia id Col lax sssUtlng R Allter.' The south jtty st the Day was consider ably dsmsKcnl by I hs .tonus ef last week. A rspubtlosn paper ssys the president's esbiust is pretty uear solidly Praabytenan. Have yon paid your county taxes. The first of April is alitmst bsre if you have not. Mri Cleveland, it is reported, will write a city. mMssine artlDte. Ws prediut It will b fall of ssuse. The srrivsls at the Portland hot. Is amount to about live huodrsd a dsy sud All a column in tha Urejj-oacin, Miss Mar Montaith and niece, of Cor- vsllis, are in the city, th. guest of Mis. Walter Monteiili. la yonr name on the woolen mill subscrip tion, Then put it thsre. It means a great dual for Albany. Hv K R Priohard. of this city, and Rs Dr Thomson, of Orvallie, wtll sxuhsnge pulpits nest BsUisth. Missis Annie aud Kate Uilaiid bate gone to Ml Ai'itele, to be present nhn their sis ter, Antiie takes the while sail. Wauamaksr is ssid (o be lu favor of a one eea I Dostsiie for letter. So are we. The oomblnstion ought te settle tbe badness. Tbe "Bsbv Horns'' is new institution being started st Esit Portland. It proper ns w 111 decide cn how good s'tbiog It la. (). W. W riant, the Ileppuer lawyer, ba nnrehascd of 11 Flmdt, the house and one lot adlniiiing Mr. F iudt's residence. Con- sidsrstion, I'JOO. Rugens City bss a Board of Trade just lias Albsnv's. a twin sixttr. neatly is laaes a larua ulaca like Porllsud to haudlc n Hoard of Trsde propei !. Dr Starr. 0 II Cable and Oeo V Overton, of Brownsville, have been lu the city to-day Mr Overton offers to move bia farm here if a lutllutenl subsidy is r.Ued. Tber. will be a debate at the college to- niaht by members of tbe olsaa on polHioal e-vinomv on f mtection r free trsde. Tbe public Is mailer to be present. Tber. will be breaching at the O.ktills United Presbyterian church next Stbbelb, the 124. h Inst., at 12 by Rev. A M Ulaob, D D. of Monmouth. III. A cordial invita tion ia extented to all. M Ileisler, of Dafur, Wasco county, la in the city on bu.iuess. and will retara in a few day. Mra Hauler wsa a dsogbter of Mr White, who resided near this oily for many yssrs. Mr Chss McClure. ef LaUrsnde, a former naiuhbor nl Messrs Crsasen and Allen, is In the city. We understand Mr McClure was st one tlrre a member of Ihinaio tun a wild weat trouo. and is one of tbe beat ridel s ia Eastern Oregon. A corteenomleut from Irving to a Kugene paper write 1 "This plat is gelling be quit a strong hold for tramps, th. peepl. feed tbem Well and several have camped in and look aa if they meant to stay." This giv. tbe keynote to the whole business. Don't feed tbem and there wilt he ao further Won be. Darren, a Portland man, who went to tbe penitentiary ssys ; "Yon may tbiak I am a foal for giving tb. snap away to tbe Judge, bat I wanted to go to the peat I like It. 1 was tber. fur a year and I found tbe fore an Haa that I think IS la bettor than knooklnc about on th. eold eharitv of Ibe world. When my year la out I'll tumUe in again. Pai is Fttx. County Treasurer Far- well sent a draft to-day for $6719.83, to apply on state a. i rtis semes unn county's Uses for thl year. She K nest to M ultnomah, the largeat taxpayer In the siaic. raiBAV. Jddge Strabaa ia in the oily. Hay iafUatcaet Elteeeburg, W. T. VI Us Genevieve George ia bom. from a trip to Seattle. Mrs. W. U. MeFarland, aoa aud mother, went to Eugen. to-day. Tbe regular drill of Albany Engine Co No. 1 .will take place tbia evening , J P GelbrsMln, Secretary cf tbe Browns vule Woolen Mill Co. la in the city. Paul Boy tea haa saoossded ia ceptariag twoaeais at tb rooatb of tb Columbia. Mr R D Wells, of Corvallia. is u tbe eity. lie likes tbe appear sues ef Aloany'e bastie. MrCC Iliae,of tbe O P, is now on a trip over tbe road paying off bands ap to March I. Dr 0 W Mas too, to-Uy sold to Msjor Caaaell 3 acre of land off bis Waver ty faim. CosMtdcraiioo, $373, Geo A Dyson is the ftr.s Lian county man made nappy by the new admtnialraiiua, be having bweo appointed poaimaater at Bro woa ville. City Recorder Ileolcn left today fur Ellvnsbttrah, W. T., wb era km father is ly ing dangerously UL Mr John Sebmeer baa just paicnsaed ol Eugene Ls Fores I a line Aitauwukeutt, wbicb Johnny ooosi'ters ote of tbe ttuess in th county. Mr J B Gil more, son-in-law of Mra Cbead le, of tbia city.isssid to be the champion roller skater t f Califnraia. Arrsngamenu are being talked of for a match with the champion of Nevada. J C Lea, are. Esq, Is expected bom. from Worbiogtoa City to-morrow. His chances for securing tbe United States district attor neyship for Oregon are considered good. Pendleton B.O. Mr B f APey, aa espeiienced gentlemin, ia geiUug tp apatnphl.tof tbe resonrces of Albany aud Lion county, wbich he willoireu lata free. Burkhart Si lioyoo wilt print tbe pamblt't-. . Yae," sii tbe level-beadsd sckool bey, "I'm at the toot at my class, and I calculate testay there. Thau I don't have to stand the wear aiid tear of anxiety for fear tbat Ml lose my 1 Lc ." Misa 0 tlowaid is now ia San Francisco aalaetlnu tha latest and newest uoveltiea in the millinery line previous to ' the Grand Optnuiii, of which one nolioe will aeon be given, l bs Missis Howard feci very confi dent tbat they will not only surprise but please ss well, sli their friends who may call on them. The missionary branch of tbe V L'a will hold their raitular monthly mectiug this (Friday) evening in the lecture room ef tbe Baptist cburcb. The program, consisting of mnsio, essays, recitation, etc, will berjo promptly at 8 o'clock. All are invited. Mr Cnarlea Cbsae haa returned from a trip to Pugrt sound aud he thinks that Corvallia affords the best opportunity of any of the sound cities. Ltndrr. tluw long siuce did Corvallia become a Souud city. Clyde Duuiway, a student at Cornell uni versity, once a resident ft Alhsny, was re cently chosen tra tor by the Freshman clsse st a big banquet, the woman studoots stand iag in tt ilh In 10 ou account of his position in reference to the geutler sex, , The total deposits in the First Nstioual bank of Yakima, v. T, a booming, city, are ouly $32,800.03 according to their test report. O-itside of Portland the national banks that do the business of that of the First 'National bank of Albany are very scarce. Tbe summer bouse being built at the depot ie nearly completed. It will be latticed, green iu color and ountain seats, aud vines will spread themselves over tha sidsa. The aurroundings at the depot under Mr, Gross's skillful sttuntion are becoming very attrac tive. , ,. Tha following articles of incorporation were to dy Died with the secretary of atatsi Ar ticles amending tha incorporation of the Brownsville Woolen Mill Manufacturing Co., by whioh the 'company may be allowed to carry on the business of the woelen fsctory st North Browosviiie, aUo to purchase and operate the Linu Floniiii Mill. F F Croft, J P Oal brail h aud J M Move, exncuud tbe intended articles Salem Journal. SATURDAY - State Prluter B.ker ha. been in tho city Sweet potatoea are in llie tnwrket at Ash land. Mr Sam May, of Harrilur, ia in the city to-day. - . . F Co. will he formally iumi(od 11 1 nXt Tuesday evening. L VV Clsik. the phntOKmphe, relurn.d from Ssn Fr.noieco, where be hs been ier fcotiog patent. ; - , . ; Mr John II Gslbraith. of Sweet Home, is in the city to-day. , Oregon oity ia to have s soap factory with a capacity of 60,000 pounds a week. , , Marshal Hoffman ssys thst hereafter boys will have to keep off the street after 9 o'clock at night. , - v , . - Two thousand saloooa did ti n limes the r regulsr business at Wabhinrti-n on inaugura tion cay. - ' Pitcher's Oastorla. Mr John Parker, wif t-d daaghtar, of Portland, are in tha city tne guests of ilea. J.K. Weatherford. Wallace k Thompson have jast received a shipment of Miohirfso apples, a funny look lug alght la the land i f red apples. Lively developmnnis are expeoted at the 8antiam mints 1 perhaps a big boom there. Add this to our woolen mill, street railway, etc Mrs David R dand died at Jefferson on tbe 20th instant at the age of 80 years. Wis was a pioneer of 1H52, aud was the tnutimr i-f ins Kolsnd brothers, rsornny riwi'isnn 01 snia Mr John Hanshsw, who lis bean residing lu Portlsud for sev;rtl vsr, is in Alhsny with a view to locstiog Mr H. is sr. expert mseliinlsi. J B Lsna, of Mai loo twuuty, a brother of J Q Blsioe, of Maiue, is s.1,1 to be on tbe verge of reoaivlug a plaoe uuiier the present administration. A large stook of mouldings for ploture frame in the latest psttern. such ss solid oak. etc., jast received at Fortmillerft Ir- vins s. This firms stock ol moulding Is un surpassed in the Valley. Tha Albsov Farmers' and Merchants' In - snrsnoe Company is doing one at the best basine of any local company in ureuou. Last year' business will, from present pros pstits, be increased SO per cent. R J Slater. Em. as received word fiom Wsshlnuton that the republican asoato ha decided to confirm 11" more of Cleveland's atmoiutmeut., and that bia, of course, will be laid on the shelf along with the rest. Pen dleton JS.O. JO Gros and T M DeVine went to A I beoy cn Monday to attend to anbonl sITiiis, ae there seems to ba some difiloultv in eon- naction with our sohol moi.ay. Oar last clerk is unwilling to tarn it over to hi sac eeeror. Cor. L-bsnon lixprrtt. 0 P PiCvlsiey, t' e K, J murderer wss held to await tb sutioo of the U'atid Jury at Dslia ye.u.r Isy uo Ir f i500 bends, whkh wr furninh'd. The fit nd of Perrynien. tbe mnrdered mn, are greatly dis-slisiicd st bouds lieing allowed -at all Several of tb spplicsate for tesobers' car tillcataa at the late quarterly examination failed entirely, and vary few obtained a good . ... "i-i . . . 1 1 1 1 . peruaotage. 1 ne new foe.tiooe pinvmeu iij the state board of ednnstion were quite dit rlcolt. Jacksonville Titft. Our soconut of the ae.dent to Ben Bsrker in yesterdays psper waa a little mixed Here ia said to be the correct vtriaon s The evening previous sevrrsi boys were throwing water on each other neir the Baptist Church when the wrong boys hit, recalling lu Ken s gsttitg bit whu astoae. Tim. elisoges even the .'rnilsospe. In Warner Vatlay, a few data ago, 300 t m of hay, valued at $1300, aod owned by U.K. MoUoanaugby aud Wm lloas, burned. In 1874 tbe spot where the fir. took place Iwos surveyed aa Warner Lake Goose Lake haa anaided Ave feet eiooe 1SC9 " Albany proposes to offer bonus of $25,- 000 tor tb removal of tbe Brownsville wool en mill to that eity. gaicm baa secured a woolen mill at WM.QOU bonne, and Albany must see that and go fSOOO better. If this rivalry bet wean Salem an-t Albany continues it will equal that between St, Lenta aod Chicago in fervor, if not in proportions, jkaniana l uungi. The total production cf all kinds of com mercial coal Isst year was 1.18,515.741 ton, valued at rW0.o34.306. Of Ibis amount, California prodncsd 83,000 tons, valued at $340,01X1: Oreirem produoad 60,000 tone, val ued ss l.w,tXW; Waehtngtoa territory pro- dnced I 1,813,730 tons, valued at $3,647,230; " su urouacwi o-v iods, vaiuea ar -'"" a ttaiiatvaiia psper gels on te and ties a play cn words a follows: "Emigrants and others seeking home, should t ske iU. How Ing adyioe: If yon should at Portland and Se-attle, be sure and Ta com a deed for raget lota, ud than settle down in Walla Walla if yen would enjoy health and pros- Parity. Ia mentioning tbe presence of Mr. Chaa MoCIora, of La Grande, to the oity a dsy or two ago we stated mat w. understood Mr. Mod ore wss at one time a member of Buf falo Biife Wild West how. Mr McClore once sold some boras to Buffalo Btl). and ma waa tn nas rest be ever cam to it , so ws were mistaken aa newspapers !rastiai a sr.. 1 ba editor ol a mining camp newspaper! bas this to ssy of a popular song.lross: "As I a singer she eonld fuel wallop the hose off any tbat ever wsffged a jsw uo tbe boards. From bar clear, bird tike opper notes, she I would can lev away down to tbe base racket, and then cushion back to a sort of spiritual treble that made ever man in the aadteno imagine that every hair on bis bead waa goldea string to a celestial harp, oyer wbicb angelical ringers were sweeping. lite Roeebara Iitv. wbicb bss evident ly stepped 00 somebody's toee.ssy 1 "When yoa throw a stone among a lot of dogs, the one tbat bowla tbe most gererslly gete bit. So it is when an item appear ia print and ao asmee are mentioned t the ones that kick are generally tbe one that get hit ha hardest. If a man is guilty the beet thing thst he ran do la to keep ht month sml (area wirerluiy. U. P.Cuoitcis. Preaohuijfevory atorning aud evening by Kev. f. G, lr. vine, D. D. HabUth School at 2M r. Prayer meeting every Wed nosiday evening. EvAJtuKUCALCacitcil. Preauhingon ?sb- Salh at 1 1.00 A. SL, and Jr.. Ml-hath donool 10.-00. I'rayer meeting every Wed nesday evening 70, Rev. Fuher, All are invited. U. E. CHCRCn.SoCTa. Pteacbiug evert 3abbath morning at 11 o'ctrxk a. m. snd 7 o'clock l. L Sabbath School at 10 w'vlock A. sf. Prayer meeting Wednesday evet.iug's at 7 o'clock. Rev. D. H. Comsnu, Pastor. M. E.CHCmCH. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in the evening before sermon. 8aLbath School at 130 r at. Prayer meeting every Thurs day s renin j. Rev. IL F. Webb, pastor. Pagan ax Cctjrco. Ssvioa every Sabbath morning and aveningia Church cor. Broadalbin andFifthSU. Sunday .School immediately after the morning service. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening Rev E R Pricbard, pastor. , First BamsT Cacscn. Preaching every Sabbath morning and avt' Church on 5th Street. 8abbath School imme-liatelv after morning service. Prayer meeting sver Tbnrsdy evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Trumbell, pastor. Con 0 R ao ATlon AL Cb 0 ai H . - Mer v ice e v ery Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:13. -eyer meeting on Wednesday evening af each v eek. Rev. Rogers, Pastor. ' Christiam Church. -''reathiuz every Sabbath morning s II o'clock A. M. Sab bath School at 10 Vclotk, A. sf. Ray Uomphreys, Pastor. . Catuouc Chuhou. Service every Sun day at 10:30 A. M. and 7 r. at. l ast Sundsy of tbe month service at Eugeoo City. Rev. Louis Metayer, Rector. When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castoria, When she waa a Child, abe cried for Castoria, When aba beoame Miss, she olung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Csstoria. Thoii.ndssrikfilijcel with iIikihi if the dnsy and ariaary oriui, win sutTi.- in si no 1 rather thtt mike known their troublo?. o all tho w atB iated we can nfTr a safe aod pasdy rams dy in Oregon Kidney Tea, which a composed ol herbs, selected w ith great care in Oregnn.snd warranted not to oontain min erals of any kind. A few doas affbid instant relitf. Sold by Foal ay & Mason. It is generally ooticederl by physicians thaf abontone half of the population i f theUuiitd Stateasre sufferinx fro.ii indies tion snd dys pepsia. Hurried eating and impoi er maati oatiou aud iusaiivatioti f fund ate the prin cipal causes Dr Henley's Dirul.lion Touic strengthens and iuviorittos the dihtive or gsns, snd eutbles one to enjoy a heaity im ai without any uiipleaiitafttrvu"ixt8. Sold ly Foshsy & Masou. . II It. BO HH UO iu his uew discovery for Conaiimption, mo delled in prmluui-id a nielioire wliiuh ii so knnwledgtd by all to be simply marvelous. It is sxoeiliunly plrasant to the taHe, per fently barniles., and does not sicken. In si osses of cases of Consumption. Couuhs, Colds Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, snd Paine in the Chest, it has given nuivenal astiafaotion. Dr Bosaokn's Cough and Lung Syrup ia sold at 30 cents by Dr Guilt & Son. nt RIGHT'S MfrrhTooth Soap giva pearly white tealh, puritiaa the breath, prevents teeth by Foshsy dr Mason. from decay. Sold Children Cry for. l- - . . - , i for Infants and Children. ' wCswtorUlssowndAptbiclinJrUjal I Castorla evrnt foV,, Ovmrt!rfi'vn, f mnommend It aa superior to any proscription I Pmir Ptomach, l srrhma, axuetation. ancwa to me." 1L A. Aatm IfX I ZZZ 111 80. Ozlord Sfc, liroosJTs, If . T, Wltbou tnjurtoua medloatlon. ' Tag CairTAcn Conrurr, 77 Murray Street, IT, Y, Conrad Meyer, -PROPKiKTru or. STAR BAKERY Cnner Broadalbifl ani First Mi,, -DICALER IN Catsnseid fruits, Cssasirdl Weate, lnentrf .Clgjssra, Knlr-rHs, Tsj, fie.. Cllanawtee( Dried Frnlla, TOWSM!r!, No gar, C'siftr-.. f n fsrit wvrytttln Hi', i kf;. In a gan ral var lty and grnrnry siorn. Itlgh'wi aosrkM prlrwt paid fnr ALL KSHD3 OF PHGDUCE. ReqoirementsofaStenographer. I Tn Succeed as a stewHtrapher, one muet be s IU eurwlw In shorthand, skilled la lyp- wriling. m go-Mi M-rtuinn, m rani(wiciu nrr raM.nlent. tn the Shorthand Department of tbe -PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLCGC- TNOnoUOM TSACHIMO 10 shoftitand, OAILV afMOTICf in type-writing, OAnteuk ihstroctiom fa penman ship and abundant Dttiu. in correspondence amply qualify students lor positions always open to those lully prepared to nil mem. nena Kircaiaioguc. A.P. AastsTKoMO, Prim., 1'ostlakd, Oskook. H. t. Mismose. Prsa. B. Coes. 0 e a. rsaasa, Vt?. frej. O. U. Mews as Tms The'Jregon Land Company Or-uitmd for th. onro of burUr aod eclline ml eaisoi, sarer.isiug '.ne win unetie vsney in sil or tne Imllng newsfittisis of the L'nlted Htskss, Ktnployinir Eaalero sgenu to direct hvma seekers to I he W Ulsva ette Vsllny, snd be sirsnUi la all tha principal toa-aa of Msrvm. rolk, Unn, H-mltm, Clsrksmsa sa Vstnhlll eonmi-a to sid la iocstias- lamiersata. Omes In the Tste Bolidine one duor scat of t(n- s-lethox's, UOimS A DICKINSON, taanafers. HOW TO CO EAST. Go! East via Moant -Sttasta Boote. Nice climate and scenery at all times of the year. See Mount Shasta, Sscramento, Ojdrn, Salt Lake. Lrenver. finest second-class cars made are run daily. Bay yonr tickets of me and save your fare to Portland. 1 snt tbe only person in Albany that can sell yon a ticket from Albany nirrcl, to any mot in tbe United States. Call on me for ratee. kW. L. JtfTtR. Agebt 8. P PATENTS tslned, sad si) ether tms! seas tn the U. . Files Bus sueadsded to fur moderate fees. Oar office leopposH the U.S. Patent Offlee. snd eeosn ofcula Pstesie tees inns lhaa tbose remote row Wssblnrum. i sliitr tn at etisree ; .ua'wsmsk. o charge anlees I -tin psumt. ws refar here, lo tha PftMMSStar. ilia Shmi- f Mwiej Order IHv. sad to orhctai ef the II. 8. fttant Office, for circular, advice, terse, sod eferetMee e actual eoetiU tn your own Stale oeeoooty, widrsss C, A. SNOW & CO., VJTV r ess mesa tnuva, we s-axtiaiai-waa 1 Tbe BUY KltS GUIDE ia issued March and BcDt 1 eecn. rear, it la as ency- i clopodia of osefol iziXor. r malion for ail who pur chase th. luxuries or the neoeaaitiea of life. We eaa clothe yoa and furniah yoa with all tbe aeoeaaary and ttnneoeaaary appliaocea to ride, walk, daooo, sleep, cat, flan, bout, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and. la varloua sixes, tyles and quantities. Joat figure out what ia required to do all these things CGXF0IITI8LT. and yoa can make a fair estimate of tha value of tha BUYE&S' GUIDE, whioh will be sent upon reooipt of IO cent to pay poetage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. SAM MA. e. exKDERs MAY k 8KNDERS. Dealers In General brccandiss. . HASRSSBU3G - - ORECOH Will bur (irain, Hool sad all Linda IlCCUC The treatment ot many thousands ot easra of those chronio weaknumes and distressing ailments peculiar to fetnaiea, at the Invalid? Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. nas afforded a vast experience In uiocly adapt ing and thoroughly testing remediea for ina cure of woman'a peculiar maindios. , Dr. Ilereea Favorite Prescription la toe outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of teetimo niais, received from patients and from physi cians who have tested it iu the more airirrw ated and obstinate canes which bad IwUlod their skill, prove It to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of Buffering women. It la not recommended as a cure-all,' but aa a most period SpccUlo for wouiau e peculiar ailments. r aiiinouuv. mi, iuvlgoratlnt; tonic. ngtb to tne whole system, rub and its appendages in Aa a power in 1, It imports streni and to the womb and its appcndnircs partloular. For overworked, worn-out,' run-down," debilitated t.-achers. niilliners, aressmakers, sesmstrceses, "shop-srirls," house keepers, nursinir mother-s and feeble women genoraliy. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ia the greatest earthly boon, bring uncqualed as an appetising oordial and restorative tonic Aa a soothing and strengthening n.rriuo. "Favorite Frescriptiou " is uuo- Sualed and la luvaluable In alinylng and sub. ulng nervous excitability, irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com. monly attendant upon functional and orgnnio disease of the womb. It induces refreshing aieep and relieves mental anxiet and de spondency. lr. Fteree'e Favorite Preeerlptlon la a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It la purely vegetable in its oompooiUoa and perfectly harmlesa In lis effects in any condition of the system. For morning aiokness, or nausea, from whatever cause orlsinfr, weak stomach, Indigestion, dys- Sepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, la t"1!" . will prove very benefleial. . raTorito Preeerlptlon le a poet, five euro for the most complicated and ob stinate oases ot leuoorrhea, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or failing ot the womb, weak back, female weakness,' nnteverslon, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronio congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In flammation, pain and tenderness In ovaries, accompanied with " internal heat." An a regulator -and promoter ot func tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre scription "is a perfectly safe remedial sgent. and can produce only good results, it is equally efflcaolous aud viiiuahlo in its effects when taken for those disorders and derange, moots incident to that Inter and most critical period, known as " The Change of Life." "Favorite Prescription.' when taken In connection with the nse of Dr. Plerce e Golden Medical Discovery, and gmnll laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgntive Pellets .Little Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases. Thoir combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes eanceroua and aerofulous Kumors from the system. 'Favorite Proscription is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, uuder a positive guarantee, from the maun, fttoturers, that it will givo siitisf action in every ease, or moaey will be refunded. This guaran tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Largo bottles (100 doses) $1.00. or six bottles for $5.00. . For lartrfl. illustrated Treatise nn TMbmuia- n women (M0 pages, paper-covered), scud ten centa la stamps. , Address, . J Eispssary Kcdlca! Association, 03 Kalll St, BVFFAXO, N.T. J ltcher jCastorlar. ,'. ,n ... ' " " T1 IP" f. l 1 .liiMk ' i ..,j"" 'r,iii.. ' ' r- IIS "jrHj 1 1 V r ' . - Ijjiatf5. W,i iJ Combine the Juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritions, with tbe medicinal virtues 01 pianuv known to be most beneficial to tha haman system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDHEYS, LITER AND BOIES Cleanse t&t System Effectually, SC THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and 8TRENGTH Naturally foKow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask yonr druggist for SYRUP OF F1G3. Alaan- foctured only by tbe CALIrOROTA FIG SYRUP CO., Sam Francisco, Cai Loctseiixs, Kr. NswYoaa, W. 1LB1BY C0LLE3UTS ISoHTUTE ALBANY OREGON.' 1888, 188a . rirst Terns Opens September Ilia, laasv A lull corps of Inatructor-v SLASSiCAL, SC1EHTIFIC, UTERARY, COMMERCIAL AIID .JRim CLASSES. Courses ot study arranged to meet lb.' need of all grade of atodenia. S fecial indueememl$ ojfertd lo tmlenlt from abroad. Tuition ranzoa from $3.50 to 812,59. Board In private fotailiea at iow ratae. Rooms lor aol'-baardtni at small exrenee. A cardial aopervision ezannaed over rea douts sway from home. - Fall term opoos September "th. Kor circulars and full particulars saJreM tue freaideol. BET. tLBEBT . COS BIT. ' Albany, Orwgoa ACADEMY . OF ' Our Lady cf Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON, Conducted by the Sisters of St. Benedict. Tbia Academy ia incorporated and au thorized bv the Kuta to confei academic honors. The cura of a'uiiy tn roiupiete Matbetoaties, Literatara and Masio are special'iea.a also the Normal Instruction if aepirsnia for teachers' certificates In. dost rial drawinr. vocal muM in claaa and all kinds of needlwo:k form, no extra charge. The sisclpline of tba sfbonl la Senile but firm A. 1 ooject lieing to form nitonly relineil yong ladU-o, but noblo snd sv-fal rusmb'ri of a-i-ty. Pu lle ad mi' lad at any U an 1 cl.arica r-roor tionrd. Papllaof any detoruinalloa re ceived. Tuition in .elect t'ajr cbo-jt racgs.a frotii 3 10 10. For terms of BmrdingSrih ol r snT partk-i lata apply at ib Acaddtuy, or ad dresa Sister Suporiorefs. a-aaaaasasaaaaa--swssPL s. I. . irpaa---aajisiiii cold! f$BTii& HEAD.r Try the Caret Ely's Cream Balm Cloanses the ITascl Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Bestores the Senses of Tasto, SmeU as&oariiig. A part trie la applied lata ears aasii fl auadl is aarerab!.-, Prire 60co at Drwsratata sw ky . KLX B20THEBSel4 Wanen StJSew York. BABY carriages , . at ; . stewart &.s0xs mm gss.qgs. AWAMT 03E3 Boses a Specialty. Cemetery' lots pUoteJ cad attaodbd to. big w hnaelven nnlver sal Baiistsction in the cure uf Oonorrhoaa and Wwl. 1 prescribe it and fei-1 safe in recommend- . Ing It to all sufferers. J VrSMljIiylbs fir.s ..tii ts cmeisasti.fc;'' jta Jl.J.ST0XEIt,aUX, uus rr.ICE. 81.00. -Urk'u Bold by DnurrUta. - ti'i. Y lMtls itaatt, - WILL BROS, Deiier iu aUlha Uttjt iiuprove.1 Pianos Organs S-'ing Macninos, Unus. Also ' a full 1.U4 o!" warraate.l Has ra, Butcher sil l socket Knives. ' Tba bi-st kind of adwing mauhine oil, necd)e- and extras, for hU inaoluues. Ail iir;,Uig neatly and roaiouably dona. OF FUkE COD LIVED C'L w HYPOPnosFHirsa Almost Palatable as 1.111k. So d legal ssd tbat it eaa be taken, stlgesterl,, and assimilated by tba swo.s sastsltlvw atosastea, whsa tne pialrs eU rssnet be solerstted; and by the ears, binatttoa of the oil witi the hypopbae. phttea Is mtich mora elilcskcious. Eemju'ka'ilc as A -flesh predaeer. Poscns rjaia rapidly wklle t&Usg IU SCOTT'S LMULSI0N ia ackaowledgedby Fhysicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in, the world tot tbe relief and cute ot ' CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENERAL. DEBILITY, WASTIMQ DISEASES, EMACIATION. -COLDS and CHRONIC COUUHS. Tha yreof remedy for Ctmsvmptian, and TTasfinftn IWdrin. - &M fcy all Druggists. CATORRH ? r HI filH t J