pi It one ymwrat FRIDAY.. MAltCil 20, 1889. 8TITE3 &NUTTi:T3. Bluer mm IVasrlnUrs. LOCAL RECORD. IUiti!tai'ito. Like many other valley cities Ilarrisburg it waking up and display lug considerable activity. Nearly aver house there it rented and business it good. The flouring mill being ttarted by Mr L Douglas will be credit to the city. It wilt have a capacity o( about ftf'jr barrellt a da. Will have the roller prscess,the machinery alt being In petition but the purifier and mutter, It wilt contain three centrlrlgal reelt, scalping reels, cleanrr, asplratcr, etc. Mr N A Roger who did the ork on the Red Crown Mills, and the mill at Seles Junction and Hilltboro hat the contract on thtt mill, which It an Indication '.hat the flour manufactured will be (1 rut-class. Mr John Johnsan, recentlr ol Silverton, will build a mill at the tite of the Bundy mill and get It to working thlt tummer. The Democrat hope to tee Linn count v clilet generally come to the front, snd tlarrlsburg it now euing a gooa example. Husband amd NVtra. The following will be of great and vital Interest to a great many people ot Oregon at wc'I at of Cali fornia: "By a decision ot the tupreme court of California rendered yetterday, the principle ot law U laid down that husband and wlvet, In the privacy ot their apart ments, may tay of each other, or of any body else, anything they may choose. The juCgee aver that the relationship of hutband and wife It of tuch a character that In the seclusion ot their own home, whatever each may say to the other, shall be regarded at having been said each to himself or herself." Faott Ackom the Mts. Mr. David McLeod has just returned to Salem frcm Eastern Oregon, where he purchased three thousand wethers. He stated to a Slates muim reporter that there was no grasa across the mountains and said : '-Some sheep men ensured me they will be down soon In the Willamette valley and buy farms. The majority of them want to sell their flocks. Stock raising extensively Is played ut In Eastern Oregon the bunch grass is gone forever. I came home Saturday night by the Lebanon road over the Cas cades and met with four feet of snow on the summit from the head of Cash creek to Big lake ; two feet ot snow on the Sand -mountain ; no snow at Fish lake, nor on the seven-mile hill. Deer Is plenty at Fish lake ; thev came wp early from the desert "and may be counted by the hune'red " Th Water Works. Mr. John A Crawford arrived In the city Wednesday from San Francisco, where he had been te Investigate the workings of different kinds of pumps for the Albany water works. lie has not yet made a selection ; but will pro bably order a ceuple targe pumps this aea son,one of which will have'a capacity of at least i ,000,000 gallons a day, and the other larger than tne present two. The two now used have a capacity ef 600,000 gallons a day. He proposes In time to make the works completely efficient so that they will meet the demands ot thegrowing city. Mr. Crawford reporta a very enjoyable time In the metropolis of the Coast, but thinks It is too far from Albany for Us own good. Another O. P. Suit Frank Malone and P. Costello have Instituted legal pro ceedings to recover $46,500 from Nelson Bennett, the well known railroad contrac tor. Malone and Costello state In the com plaint that they entered Into a contract with Bennett to perform specific werk for the Oregon Pacific R R Co. and furnished eupplies. The defendant, however.neglect Ing to carry out his psrt, the plaintiffs al lege that they have been damaged in the sum asked for. Mr. Costello will be re membered as the principal witness for James Bannon In his preliminary examin ation before Justice Humphrey. O D iiim frtni lr!.Kl. fun ta Hid InStayton at the expense ot .justice ot t , . , .... 5 . ... , ... v pemCC. 1' SA1U Mlall JdlUlU.J v. " . John Giebter was arrested for assault and taken before bia honor, who adjourned the case over for examination on Sunday, and on that day held court and bound the pris oner over In the sum of $100 to await the action of the grand jury. The reason as signed by the court for holding the trial on Sunday U that he wanted it held while the saloon was closed so that everybody would 3e so ber. Slalesmam. CaooK Cocstt. No news yet of the appointment of a Nasby to succed Post master Moore. The department ought to met in this matter, for Mr M Is tired of erring under a republican administration, besides there are others who want the of fice.... The eras on the rane;e 1 getting excellent, and now it Is In order for sheep owner In Wasco and Sherman counties to drire their Bocks over here and eat our rancher out of house and home. The legislature has said they shall not be denied this boon, so the sooner they eat u out the sooner our agooy will be over. !?, In Fine Col. Vlsscher, of the Tacoma GU6,refcrrtd to The. Nast as a decaying man, and the East Oregonian said that the trouble with Vlsscfier probably was that he had a decayed brain. Thereupon the Col onel remark that the probabilities are that the E. O. man never had any brain to de cay. Of course this was all in fun, for neither Nast nor Vlsscher have decayed at all and the E. O. man is chuck full of good brain. Prosperous. An authority on town growth and the real values of real estates, ways that when a town is in a normally pro pereus condition, Its best comer lot of 50 feet front by 150 feet back will sell for just about as many dollar as there are people in the phue. In the case of Albany figure It out yourselves and you will see that we are evidently more than normally prosper ous for our best corner lot of that size would sell for $7500. The Steet Railway. A meeting of the director was held on Saturday even Ing. The by-law were adopted and the franchise a granted by the city council accented. The executive committee were instructed to ascertain the plant required, and report at the next meeting of the di rectors when bids w ill be advertised for and the contract let. Regular meetings will be held the first Monday ot each month. 49ERS. C W Haskins, of 776 Eleventh treet, Oakland, Cal, i making a list of mmlgrant to the Pacific coast in 1849, who are estimated to have numbered 60, 000, and requests any forty-niner whose name U. not recorded In the books of any pioneer association, to send him a postal card containing the name, the time of ar rival and route traveled, with the name of ' the vessel, if by water. Painting. Miss Minnie Parker, daugh ' ter of John Parker, of Portland, has locat ed in the Flinn block where the will en : gage in teaching landscape painting. Miss Parker comet well recommended and we ' bespeak for her a liberal patronage from lover ot tne beautiful art. She will be ' ready day. to receive pupil In two or three A Bia Increase Last Saturday Mr. S.E. Young, of this city, sold 80 acres of land a few mile from Seattle to a heattle man for $20,003. The property cost $1,600 about three vears aero. iMot a very oaa speculation that U. S. Grand Jurymen. The following Linn county men haye been drawn on the United States grand jury : Robert Coch ran. Brownsville ; J H Peery, B H Irvine, Rcio t M Payne, Albany 1 DP Porter, -Shedd 5 Marlon Cunningham, Hanlsburg. A Complete Book (?) A rather imtc liable concern that has attracted our atlcn lion I a "Complete Pocket Business Dlrcc tory ot Albany, Oregon for 1889. Leo Pe terson. Publisher. Portland. Or," This I the wav the title reads. The adt. in the little book are alt right but the director pait, great Guttenburg, the less Albany hat of such directories the better off It will be. In agricultural Implements, C II Dodd & Co, are left out and S E Young Included. Ammunition, only one firm It given ; ar lists, W II Greenwood left out j Attorneys, L II Montanye ant' others omitted t butch' er shops, Shulta Bros., omitted j F Wlllert It given as the only carriage and wagon maker here, and he has been dead several year 1 two dressmaker only are given, Only four general merchandise stores are given, one being L Gotlieb. Four pnlntert are given, George Young and A J Fox be Ing among the number, Harry Noel It given among the saloon-keepers, etc. Among the names In the book are W II Irvine. D K Younir. R C Vurk, I O W Nitsman, W W Krowdcr, etc- which ex- filain themselves to residents here. The dca ot the book is very good and t gotten up well enough t but men coming from out ot the city to do such work should se cure the assistance of some one laminar with the cltv, or else not receive any of Its patronage, for u:h affair as this do more harm than good It halt done. A newspaper put up with a rush Is bound to hare errors, but so many in a book Is Inexcusable, and our cltiaens should keep their eyes open when solicited to support the thousand and one such schemes that are introduced. First ascertain It the man knows what he Is about Sad and Simuclak Some days ago a family consisting ot husband, w ife and four or five rhl'dren left Missouri lor s.aicm. On the way out the husband, lit his sleep, walked off the train while running at regu lar speed, and was bruised up so as to ren der him quite helpless. They came In on north bound Southern Pacific last Mon- dar. Just this elJe of Tangent and while the train was running 30 miles an hour the wife became tnane, jumped off the speeding train, ran to a house near by and Informed the Inmates that they htd mur dered her husband and children and were now trying to murder her. The train was backed up to the house, tne woman taken on to Salem. . Brakesmen on the train say that no railroad man could have jumped off the the train as the Insane woman did without being killed, Thev La ft. The Chinese railroad laborers at Junction City have been driven out of the city. White men had been do ing the work 011 the Junction section, when they were removed to another section The Celestials on their arrival were Im mediately visited bv a narty of men and ordered to leave, and they did so very quick ly, white men getting the places, it ts a fact not generally known that at Harris burg there is not a single Celestial, the K of L keeping them away from there. WeSpkeadtiie Nawa.-The Democrat receives requests for sample copies by every mail, In every instance the request being answered, though It Is known that it gener ally Is made with no idea at all ot subscrib ing 5 but limply to see an Albany paper, the city attracting attention through the East. We, like most other papers, do thl s for the good of the city and county. Few people, though, realixe that the newspaper give away more of its ware than most any otherbusir.es in a community, and If It get a few cotnps. sometimes, people shouldn't wink at each other about it. - Rival Towns. Salem and Albany are rival towns, says the Corvalll 7tmes. What one wants the other must have. Salem undertook to raise a $35,000 subsidy for a woolen mill and they did it but it took nearly a month ot good rustling. Albany undertook to raise a similar sum for a sim ilar object and it was done la less than a week. This detracts on credit from Salem, but It shows that Alban v is alive to her own Interests and that a tittie rivalry is some times a good thing. Bm Pt'KctiAss. A company of men consisting of Curran Si Montctth.J W Cue- kk, L E Blain,A Hackleman, R S Strahan, E W LangdonandCJ 8tewatt,of this city, Walll Nash and Dr Farra,of Corvallls.and J" S Ctper, Wcpcdect. have chased of Coll VanCleve and others a pur- tract of land, consisting of iSc lots and a half Interest In about fifty acres, tn west 1 a quina. It will be put on the market at ihe proper time. Consideration, 915,000. Albany Ibox Work. Mr John Uan ahaw has been appointed superintendent of the Albany Iron Works and has already be gun hla duties In that capacity. Mr Han- shaw ts an expert machinist and will in connection with his position travel far the company. The plant will be thoroughly Improved and made as good as any in the state. A large amount ot work ahead in dicatesa live season. Bitter Feeliso. The feeling in Polk county Is rather bitter against Beards!ey( the Eola murderer now out on $2500 bail. and lynching was talked of, but probably ill not be indulged in. A big petition was circulated asking Justice Fink, who held the examination, to resign, and it was made so hot for the justice that he fled to Port land. Polk county people are red hot In matter like this, and developments of most any nature are looked for. Pig Headed. In speaking of th re form school the Salem Sutiesma gets pig headed and says: "Senator Irvine Is going to useless trouble. That reform school be longs in Salem and the authorities are not going to violate the letter or spirit of the law for any locality." On the woolen mill subject it says: "fhe paoers of Albany say that the woolen mill subsidy of $25,- 000 will be raised In a week without much trouble, but they give no figures yet. This is not a cneertui outlook." You May Depend on It. The Ore gonian' 1 "note and comment" ay: "The good people of Albany are to have the Brownsville machinery moved there, and will toon be blessed with a woolen mill of their own. Albany is not likely to permit Salem to get the advantage in any such enterprise. When a state begins to have success with manufactures they always in crease and grow in capacity." So with a cltr. and Albany doe not propose to leep. Two Suits. "Two important suits were commenced in the district court last week One was by Samuel Case against the gov ernment to determine the ownership of the water front of the Ocean house prop ertv. The other suit was brought in the district court by Case 81 Bayley against the city marshal tor removing smewaiks in front of lots on "Front street, above Tall street owned by thecomplaintants. Ya- quina Republican, Mas. Mendenhall Dead. Mrs. J. C. Mendenhatl.a former resident of Albany, died at Portland Saturday at the age of 4$ years. Mrs. Mendenhall came to Albany In 1852 and was married to Mr. Menden hall in i8o. She has resided In Portland for several years, but has been in Albany considerable during tne last year. Held John Erkson, the man who at tacked J. II. Ralney Saturday with an up holsterer's needle was taken before Justice Humohrev and held to await the action of the crand iurv under $200 bonds. He claim that he didn't remember much abouj It on account ot his jtm jams. To Stockmek. Crawford & Paxton will be on hand to photograph any and all stock on exhibition, Friday the 20th. See that vod give your orders to them as they are better prepared to do that class of work than anyone In th Mate. DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET - MorM? .i 1 ' .' i" ".,1" , t mo that wa ter is tu.i.-. I 1 ft ; ' 0 I ) .-.' 1 cist part tt the city, 1qw, to trouble, I would suggest that such leaks be stopped Imme diate! f. and as well a crest waste from ov ei at water closets which are left running. Home one may get shut off it thlt U not done. Use all the water you need but please do not let It run to waste. Those In arrears w ill also take warning. Respect fully, UK. Ghav, Secretary Albany Water Workt. Oh Theatrical BusiNKee. The Salem SMsm tay that J D FUke.of N. Ywho It travelling with hit wlfe.tervant and valet, represent $7,000,000 and that he proposes Investing In the valley. Now the truth Is Mr Flske's headquarter are now at Fresno, Cel., and he it (n the valley purely on theatrical business. Waitk. The (list book ever printed In .he state ot Maine, was .tied In 1786 by Thot II Walte, the great grandfather ot Thot B Walte of Salem. There have been also two Thot U Walte'a between the two referred to.and all of them have been print ers. A New Lasjd Co. Articles were filed yesterday Incorporating the Willamette Land Company, with A Hackleman, J W Cuslck and G W Maston at Incorporators. These gentlemen and J L Cowan, C E Wolverton, E J Lannlng, Curran & Men telth and Geo W Wright at e the stockhold ers and the capital stock is $io,coa It makes one ot the most solid Land Com panies In the Valley. . Qi ic-K Work. As an advertising med ium the Democrat is "streaked light ning." A canary bird belonging to Lo renzo Ross was lost fom the store ot F M French. It was advertised In the daily., Mrs F H Pfclffor saw the ad., and having captursd the bird, fifteen minute after the paper was issued the owner had his oronertv. The Democrat rarely fulls Ir. such thing's. U. S. Marshal. An underground dis patch from Portland announces that A N Hamilton, the present sheriff ot Union count v, hat been appointed U S Marshal for Oregon. The repo.-t though is not sworn to yet. New Plats. V. M . Redficld and others' 40 acres south ot the city have been plat ted and will be called South Albany. Jas. V. Pipe hat atso plated his 8 acres at Pipe's South Albany and filed the plat to-day. Wall P.raR. Spring Is here, the time tor putting new wallpaper on your room. Fortmlller & Irving have a magnificent stock to select from. New novelties and the latest patterns. Bamiki The finest line of bahy carr ages tn thn Valley j'tst n celved at Stewart tt Sox's. Price are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri ages. He Got I r. The man that was running all over town hunting horse radish yester dav found a nice lot of fresh grated at the Willamette Packing Co's store. Jcst Received. Bardue St Underwood have just received a fresh and choice supply of Calfornia creamery butter and Swiss cheese. Call at once before the supply ia out. Struck Oil At $1.35 per 5 gallon can best Standard - oil, at Ihe Willamette Packing Co.'s store. . Scmmer WRAr-s. Novelties In beaded and stockinet jackets just received. Samuel E. Yocno. crttHENCV, Albany people will have plenty of op portunities to get taken In this summer. It will pay not to bite at every bait thrown out ; but when "yood thing doe come then will be Ihe time to take a big mouth tul. Little, petty, unreliable affair that jump up like a mushroom and wilt like a morning glory should be let alone. It looks very much as If the business of the city will now spread southward as well as east aod west, thus becoming more me tropolitan in appearance. Second and even Third Street are destined to be occupied. Already Fcrrv, Broadalbin and Ellsworth are being used for business purposes. Many little things make a big Institu tion. If all the lawns of Albany were mown and put In condition Albany would fairly blosso-n with beauty. Why not get the nameof being the prettiest city In Ore gon. It Is now discovered that a bad memory Is simply a lack of attention ; most men forget because they don't care. They never forget anything, though, that has a pecun iary recompense for them. The man run. nlng for office is always at the caurus and fie real estate speculator never forgets to rait early there Is a bargain tn the wind Don't forget to pul your name on the in mill subscription, else you'll never forget the consequences. Tangeat Rev D C MoFsrlsod preschsd aa able and plain sermon from the IStb verse of th 13tb cbspter ol tb book of aiaiioew. The yoaog folks of Tan Rant and vicinity met at th residence of O W Loper and o joyed a pleasant time. A vote was takaa t decide which ws tn handsome lady, ana t was decided in favor ef Miss tdoey JLuper. He sid to her: "tao I base tb exquis ite, pleasure of (allien the wheel of eoavarsa 1 100 around a leaf of your aoucrsuouiug: ' Z. . Z 1 . . ..a one: "let wKhirtitad. ' Th !4ia aewing sociuty of Tangent met at tb hcrasfc of Mr L Bryaa Wednesday afternoon aod quitted two ho quilts. . At tb tame plae last Monday ulubt Miss Maud Basrd was voted th album as the handsomest isdv in the audience, and Bird La per received the ease for being tb ugliest man. - Pant N'olirous returned frem a trip over on the aouad, and reporta everything ia tbe souaa country on a boom. Harvy Bund, of Hslsey, was visiting in thu victuity tbe orator th wte'x. Wa understand that T II McMullen aod family will atart next Tuesday fur his old borne in tveotnuky. Mr Jams Owenbv. who liver near Tan gent has a cow that gave birth to three calve the other day. All of the calves are of the female persuasion ami aie doing well. Mr R E Moore baa boa eh t the bouse and lot formerly occupied by himself. Tangent can boast of having some fine stock. H Bryan baa a fioe Holstein. L Bryan baa some fins swine of the Po- laodcuina breed. The Jsnks fraternity have Jersey Beds aod T S Bridgefarmer baa tb Yorkshire awioe, New Comers To our city will! fiod it to their advantage to price our goods befora buying tn their onttit of groceries ana pro visions. . :BaowxKix t Stahahd. We will sell you groceries! cheaper than any on else. , JJB0WMKM, otabaru. 7 0k cores rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foshay & Mason, Agents. H.Ewert, practical watchmaker and cw elet. For land madeharaess goto E. L, Power nr RIGHT'S Mrrh Tooth Soap glvea If pearly white teeth, parities the the Sold breath, prevents teeth from decay,' by Foabay & Mason. GUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IfK PLLMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON . MONDAY. 1 Mr tt F Aahby returned to-lay from a trio to llsrrlsburp, Fin liu of wludow ahadsa atFortmillsr & Irving'a, new designs, Judg Flinn wnt to Comltl this' noon on woolen mill business. Mr J V Pip and uliildren and Miss Tina Monteith aie in Poitlatid on a visit. Mrs IS R Skiprorth and daughter hav been in the olty visiting frieod. John F Swift will rsoulv 110.000 a year aa minister to Japan. Net very slow after all, lion L II Moutaay and C E Wolverten wot to Corvalll to-dy 00 legal bntluat. Albany tsnm to bebsoomingqulteaoeatar fnr blooded stock, good hone tslliug readily here. Mr Watt MonUith, who hat hn in San Francisco about a moath arrived, bom yet tarday, M J 0 Fitks, on of the leading theatrical managers of the Coast, of Fresno, Cal., is in thsoity, Astoria'a street railway evidently pays for the company ksops extending it in all dlreo tiooa. , Mr. Saarle, of Ssurlo & Deau. is la th city. Circuit Court is in session a Corvalllt thia week. Trsiu robblitii is a esnital erlm iu Ariann. fa. , Mr W II Uohinttt earn un from Portland last evening Xine year ag A. M. Cannon, of Spikan Falls wss a mschio auat. Now h ia woith fiooo.ooa Busiass men who sr ambitious to baoota msmbors of soma Prosideot's oaUast should advertise liberally, , A gentleman, lady, little ton and darkey nurse, in th city thia morning attracted torn attention. Walur Hoimsn. the eloctrio Unlit man. who has been In Portland aeveral months. arrived iu the city at noon. April 12th will ba Arbor Dav. It will ba devoted to planting tree by soliool children, and should ba generally obssrvsd. M W Parksr. tb saloon btepsr, wa th fortunate on to draw a lady's gold watob to a boE of sosp at Parker Bros. R.vJ W Crsig. Presiding Elder of th M K.L'huroh South i quite tick at th rssiilrtiu of M C Callaway near Tangent. 47 men want to be U S marshal In Oron. Cap iioixphray, of thia eity, staudsaa good a uhsuoe as any to get the place. Mrs Jos Clark, Jt ,1s lying dtnrounly ill. Mr Clark arrived in tb eity about two weeks ago and is at her bedside. Mr Frank E.atman, th sspert lather, earns ep from Eugene yesterday to th bust ling eity of Albsny. whirv be has a sunimsr job ahead. Tb brick Hock twine built by Mr L Sen der on Ferry Street wilt consist of two of Hose, running twenty. five back. 1 bey will readily rot Mr Jay W Blaia has purchased of J II Barkhatt, Burkhart A Keoaey agents, 3 acres of land off tb Whit farm, paving tS37.M for the asm. . A California gentleman reoeotly in the eity, ba taken order for 8,000 Copts of au itluatiated page ot Albany and principal buildings. , They are already .laying base ball ia East era Oregon, The fossill nine baa lust nara- Ivsed the Antelope nine by a aoore of 43 to Judges Blackburn aad Whitney are ia Sa lem to-day, where tbsir County Jadg eon test is being argued befur tb Supreme Court tbi afternoon. Taoonia physicians advertise their profes sional charge. Tbsy see in desirous of a eoarsgiog borne i'vdastriee by ebargicg f 10 ia obetebioal eases. Ex. Robert O Lte kas beea admitted to prae tios law at Seattle. Th peculiarity ot the matter is that be ia tb first colored mat) ad mitted to practice in that territory. Mr aod Mrs A Grannea tr now located at Baa IH'gn, Cal. Mr. (J ran ana will be re membered a Mis Mary Chesdl. Mr and .MrU. av oes spending tb winter in Canada. Iaonr bappieat oinmCoU w meet with reverse it an old aaylag, which an Albsny youth declare is pecaliaily veriiUd when wsllsing witb bis beet girl. Th go-ea-rmi.DieiuM race euliail at Portland gstarda eremaK- Cause, leak of patronage. It proved to be a hippodrome.th atn betas psid by the week bat they werea t paid at all. Sslera will have another mil of street oar iioea. no is generally goes, it oily gtte a tile tbey add more immediately, became tbe more tb better th plant pay. W bop t ! J . a. mat win o in renuit In Albany sUo. Taeoma offer to guarantee 3000 in cash prise'. tne N. W. nrsm.o's toornanamtnt if bld there. Cool. I a level plae be obtained lor running 'tier, that t aa important n a ca tion. Albany will probably be willing to go anrwber but to I'ortisad. It baa bad a great euuicnocy or mat etty. A great possibility is sagaested bv th fo! lowing item from th Md too Ksk Som. body baa discovered that tb Columbia river and u: trow excellent peanut. How. ill aomebooy picas discover war to bold tb sand down during tbe growing season so mat ws can grow so. At WsUrtille. Washington territor. re eently, Cnaajohneon and Ktia Browe, were marrec, ana a party wens lo "sttivar then). Due, named Scaorast, heightened tbe general j-iy of th occasion by biasing away with a revolver to brio the thing along. 11 shot tb bridegroom, ho died Ut week. A a specimen of newspaper gall it is re ported that a few days go John U Allen re ceived from a Sound nawspsper a request that ne iniDtsn ac once the names ol all persons who bad applied throegh him for tbe verions federal ethos in th territory, and at the same tim "to indicate those whom he h bad eilhet recommended or intended to recom mend," for tbe plaeea asked. Democratic and Repoblicsa paper aSik peak well of Hon. Enoch Moult. The Pert- land Mfremrv even baa a good word for onr deceased friend t "Modest and anaasaratng, ne wss a tin uregonian character, ana aa nob will b mourned in death aa he wa dnly respected la life. Mr lloalt was one of those men who partioaaity and good judgment made him the equal of a great many man wbo possessed greater gsuins. Th Kepab- lioana found him an honest and candid en emy- . . , ToraoAY. Hon R A Irvine ia in Eugene City. Mr. Archie Johnson and family, ef 8cio.sr ia tbe eity. Major Hilton, tb temperance revivalist. was in Daker City Isst week. E C Frost, x-Scoretary of th Portland YMCAii in tb oity. A Salem editor boast of eating new pota toes from a saiem garden. Mr J A Crawford ia expected borne from Ssn Fraaowco Thursday. A social dance is annoanoeel tor Friday evening at tbe opera bouse. . S W Paisley ia home from a jomuiercial trip through tbe Valley. L Senders will build tbree instead of two brick offices on Ferry Street, Dallas and Independence are at swerd points over tbe county seat question. Dr D M Jones leaves on to- nights train for Oakland, where hia mother ia lying dagger OUSly ill. . ": The Baker City creamery will pay ft to $1.25 for 100 pounds of milk, and 25 cents a pound for oream. Mr J R Stawartson has sold bis meat mark et in this city to Broder Bros., recently of Portland. Old fosvism played out? No. Greon wood is practicing it every day at bu tine art atudio. JLook at bia nice pictures. Tb ease of Dr Rich aaaiost Elias Keeney will be tried at Corvallis this week. This will be remembered as tbe $15 wheat suit. Mr and Mrs Littler leav on to night' train for Indiana, which they intend making thir future home, aoin.t by way ol tremor nia. ; '. Tha horse shew will occur Fridsy after noon, the exhibition beginning in- front -of th oonrt house. ' Sum of th tineas horses in tbe valley will be present. Mr Jack Hodares. wbo spent Sabbath witb bis parents in Benton eounty, reports the wbett so large that it is onable to hold its bead np in soma esses. The outlook for a big crop is One. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE ROBSON'S. L D Carle, the rustling representative ot the Albany insurance onmpauy, spent t couple of days ia Oakland last week and wrote tip a number of policies there, Ump qua JieraM. : Under a law pasted by the last legislature eyery local insurance company bu to hav a paid up stock ot 1 100,000. The additional stock required ia being rapidly taken in the Aioany eompany. Dr. Maston is having the remainder of bis Waverly farm platted into ten aor tract, tt will b put on the market at one. This land is splendidly located for a rapid rite in value during the coining lew years. A Soathsru Oregon paper In speaking of itself says.' "It is ths brightest, keenest end ablest nawspsper evsr published in th far fatnad Umqua Valley." Nothing like having a good opinion of oneself in this world. : "; ' -A very attractive window, and one evi dently intended to be permanent, is that of u w rarker a saloon, Filled with aand. Mini fin looking geraiilnms and fnobsiaa have been set out, a miniature flower gar den thus being funned . Mf Osorge 0 Ilendurson hat pnrchassd one ot ut v u gns nne trotting marts, and will nse her for breeding purposes. This mare bu probably as fine a pedigree as an; animal ia Oregon, sing a nr relative of Maud S and other fatcon trotter, and baa a good record of her own. That tan man, with a naggird face and a wry expression, that you noticed yester dsy in the lobby of the big hntel, Was O f Beam si v. tie srrivsa in mis etty eome time betwe" Saturday nlvbt and Saadav morning His face ia the piuture of trouble and hia actions are those of a nervous, ex cited man, Salem Journtt,l, WKDKKNPAY New atyle jewelry at French'. A Moond-baod organ (or ts! ekeap at Mrs fiymaut. Buy your watches at French's. Big bar- gams. , , !,lfti:; . do to It M Robertson for oat, cheat bsv and timothy. 4 . " k teacher Institute will be held at Eu gene City on April 10, II and 12, A Chicago Timtt man la in the rails with an advertisiag Mhtme, , A Corvalll saloon keeper a fw days ago was fined 8'JO for selling liquor to a miner. The ease of Dr Rich against Elias Keener. oa the calender at Corvalll, Its been con tinued nutil th next term of eourt. A big auction sal of personal property took place to-day on th farm of W it Coggs- wen eeveu mils southwest of this city. (eo uipnry manipulated in hammer. Connty Clerk Montagu last evening re ceived a dispateb from Lebanon announcing the dangerous tltnse of bis sister, Mrs It Oibooy, nd took tb night train tor that oity. A man named Apple ia jastloe of ilitgard preeinot, Union county, and aa ex. eeyst lie msy be eoaml, but bow can be ba eqeare?' W have found an haet exchsntt. It hall from Rom burg, nd it say there are lust eleven bouse going np thr. If it were In Eugene it woaUIlump it np and eatl it one hundred. Mr John Jane, tb nlgbtwatcbman. ba been oilered $4000 for three sores of land in li s 3d addition, the name costing him only $&XX) abott three years ago. That very nearly equal Seattle. Tbe Sbedd ClrJe Horse Co is the name of a new incorporation at bhedd . J C Davia, K U KereH, V J Sbedd, II B Spreoger aod V O Uibson are ioeorporatora. Capital stock. fio.ooo. Mr Louis Miller veeterdsy afternooa sold bis lot at th corner of Ferry aad Second streets to J Locus, of Oregon City. Consid eration tuOOO. About two year ago Mr Miller offered this property for sal for eoa- sidsrably leas thin half ot what be roivd. 8m of tbe machine y for the Albany woolen mills arrived last evening. It waa ordered shipped to this eity ia tbe tint place with the intention pi oonUnaiog its journey to Brownsville should no arrangements -fee md witb tb people of this eity. C 0 Si swart, 3 V Blaia. B F Tsblsr and son and Wo lteeye left on this morning's train for th front on the Oregon Pad Ac. for th purpose ot some of them taking np !aa4 there under th timber act. Gotern-ir i'einojer. Secretary of State Me BrLle, J T Aoperson and Mate Seperiatend- etit MeEiroy passed through tb ell to-day forCorvalii. wber a meeting of the board of regent of th grtcnJturai owlie was to he held thl alter noun. Miss Elissbetb tit',1 front Josephine county ws committed to the insane asylum to-day. Sbe is twenty-one years old and her eniad has been affected for ahoal on year. Sb imagine that deceased person are after bar aad iitrowtoa, ciutie, etc., at persons to a dangerou manner. Vowsoi. Crawford Jamewoo, connected with a sav veying psrty, rather ran things at Lebanon Monday evening , Being disorderly be wa arretted aod gave bail, J W Berk hart going oa hie bi-nd. Ia tbe morning be jumped bis bait and left tb city to Mr Burkhart' oo t. In tbe course of tbe trouble be I sata to feav ktood tb officer off with a revolver. KRCPPOhTKtl. vVbt, CS cent. Nw good at W F Read a. F. M. French kevp railroad tim. Bargains in boot and shoes at Read'. Fresh garden and eras seed t Stewart & Sox. Afulllia Children' batb tub atO. W Smith s. , J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Orj For Sterlina or Emerson piano call on G L liiscktnso. G. W. Smith has the lariMst'stoek of sooar aiu in Aioany. If yon want any kind of alov repair nail on U. w. itnith. G L Blaekman is aent for tne Weber piano. None better. Plant aom of those silver skin onion seta. for sale at atewart Sox a. Sis ahave for a dollar and a elcan towel to very customer, at Too. Jones, G. W. Smith give the whit enameled iron ware witb bis fin cook etoves. A fall assortment of bras kettle from on to eighteen gallon at G. W. Smith'. Nw lin of artiste materiala at Dr. Galea k S.ins Cost notbina to tee them. Buy yoar ticket tbroaeb to the Eaat of W L Jester and save fareto Portland A flue aevan-eisbtha'ahort born young calf for sat. Inquire of N A Blodgstt. I hsv roduead oricea on all heavy wear in boot aod shoes. Call early at W Reed'. , The W,.fr nnu.ee PL.r,t .e. iem ofthabeat oro.na ma.U. O L Btaalcinan ell them. Buy your spectacles at Frencb'a and have them property fitted by Johnston' Dioptrio e.ye Meter. - Mr, Julius Gradwohl esrriea a Hoe a took ot standard groceries, a fact oar citiseim should rsmem bar when baying Call d U. W. Smith aod eet one of those Missouri Stesm Washer warranted to do as recommended. Ths largest, finest and best assorted stock ot groceries in town can be found at Browueil & Standard's. A fine line of all kinda ot furniture, plain aod upholstered, bea atook in thia part of uregon at cortnuiier a Irving a. ' If yon want a clean and fine amoks ask for J. Joseph's boms mads white labor cigara For sals by most eigar dealera and at bia Joaepb'a factory.. J A Archibald, asreat Sinirer Msnufsotur ins Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Al bany, Letter List. Folloslnf It the list of letters remalnlni In ths Post Offlos, Albsny, Una eounty, Oregon, Marsh 17, 1389, Persons oslllnf fqr these letters must firs the date on which they wars advertised t Alen, Chas Adams, lilts M inula Barton,OC Osnfield, SR Lemsr, IF Nicholas, Mrs Elisabeth Bsssen, I W KoberU, Mrs II gherldan, B Dnm, Clay WlHfleW,WE, Crosby, Cant Fieeinsn S uuruii, hiss Mlnob, Joe Hinimous Stills Hobinsoa Oo "Souuj, Hsrdy , Turptn, John (2) Taylor, at IU THOMPSON, P. it. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni" tion at Deyoe and Rob son's special bargains, COtKCIL fKCEEDI.NGS, Tuesday evening, March a6th, Present -Mayor, Marshal and Council men Gradwohl, Parker, Burkhart, Tabler, French and Deyoe. In the absence Of the Recorder, Council man Burkhart was appointed Recorder pro tein. The following bills were ordered paid John II jfltman,$8o.oo t Wallace & Thomp son, 1 4,40 1 F E Alien, $4.00 J C Meyer $1.00 f M Deyoe, $5.00 f J Derenger, $9-45 J NJ Ilenton, $23,20 J A Warren, 20.00 1 J W Brown, $85x10 s cost bills, $18.80 1 F M Westall, $14.48 ; W B Barr $88.50. ; Committee on Streets and Public Prop erty was granted further time, It being de sired to know first whether the city hat any powers and rights anyway. Marthat Hoffman recommended several latteral sewers. Referred. Alto matter of graveling First street near Thuriton. Petition of J F Backensto et at for side walk In block 78, M's S A read and referr ed. A communication from the Street R R Co. formally accepting franchise was read and ordered recorded and filed. The following bids for bridge work were opened 1 I F lladtey, 20 ft bridge, $22.50 30 ft bridge, $24.50 1 32 ft bridge, $26.00 Jas Shahan, 3 bridges for $55.00. W E Kelley, 36 ft bridge, $10 50 ; 30 ft bridge, $35.00 1 32 ft bridge, $37 50. F E Robinson, 36 ft bridge, $30 00 j 30 ft bridge, $32,50 1 35 ft bridge, $32.50. Contract let to Jas Shahan, work to be done in 15 days. New cross walk at 5th and Jackson Streets wss ordered. Matter of petition of L W Clark for aide walk adjoining block 90 wa referred. KsUL KHTaTe, HAl,m As recorded in the Recorder's 'Office for Linn county, Oregon i CITY AND SUaCRRAW PROPERTY;, Sarah J and M B Van Alstlne to J A traigtit,50 lect front, block 1, E A .... '$ Uoo A Hackleman to Flora Lewis, let 5 and 6, block 7, IPs 3rd A ..... . 375 I) B Monteith to Chas O Calen, a lots, block 12& ll's A. ....... .. coo A Hackleman to G WWrlghtJ lots IPs 3rd A, 1 too L Foley to J II Mullen, bkxjk 129, IPs A 1600 T L Dugger to Anna M Henderson, s lots, bl 12. ll's and A... itco Jas Elklns to W U Tweedale.i block, . ' E, S A 1050 Msthies CJerhart to E Thrall, 4 k's, block 60 inon Tho A Arnell to J W Propst, lot I, .. . 400 A Hackleman to Leo Cohen, a lots, ll's 3rd, A 500 A Hackleman to L M Curl. 1 lot. block, 14, H's and A,. 300 A Hackleman to Robert Kent, frac tional w half, blk an. H's 2nd. A cc CO Burkhart to C L Helster. 40 acres near Albany , 1800 Nellie O Royee to II Bryant, t acre, tust east ot city 511 J H Burkhart to J W Blain, 34 10 acres, w bu, ts white 2557,50 OTHER PARTS Or COUJITY. Jacob Martin to Theodore T Reach ail interest in est Tho Martin. 850 M Hale to Richard fiurre, 171 ... r.o3. 650 Wra E Splcer and wife to Vlda Bell, 50x104 feet, Splcer 40 J T Tate et ai to I'bbe Peters, i& acres, tiw3. J S Sltore tojull A Shoie,3 acres, 5000 Jt" '..-............ A T Thompson to Isora k Lannlng, 10 acres, 10 w 3 II Bryant to Samantha Coffelt, 31 acres, 11 w 1,,..,. E E I Ism mack to W Albert, 60 3-5 acres, 11 w Catherine M Putnam to Elias T Master, j.81 acres, 13 w a W R Kirk to Chat Eltwlck, 1 lot, A metia 61 a 35 3500 7SO 600 Ella Wert to C U Montague, 167 acres, ta Ei II Bryant to 14 W Miller, 40 acres, 435 13 w a. , . A Wheeler to A Blaker. a lots. 400 Shedd 500 MISCELLAKEm'tt. W B Gllson to J II Halt, power Attorney E D Gllson to J II Hall, power Of Of suiorney Tho Kay to O P Cothoar, Jr, pow er or Attorney , Mining claim ot Dr Barker, Sahttam mines.,..,, bUBRIEIV HUDELSON ALLEN. At the rest- dence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Alien, in Jefferson, Or, on Wcdocs day, March 37th, 1SS9, James A. Hudelsom and Minnie M. Allen. W. F. VanScoy of. Relating, alt of Marian county. The wed ding waa a pleasent affair and was attended by a targe number of Invited guest. A very fine dinner followed the ceremony. Many congratulatlona were extended. The bride I one of the first -classs girt of Jef ferson, and haa been one of the faithful students In the higher classes of the Insti tute. The groom Is familiarly known s "Jim,' and is one of Jefferson's wholesoul ed young men, and whether in school, at labor or business, he has always been the same in faithfulness. They went on the north-bound train to Portland and else where on a tour of three days. Their fu turn home will be In Jefferson, and they have tne best wishes ot a host 01 friends as they start In this new relation of life. The following Is a list of the valuable presents given $35 In cash, D B Allen ; one cook steve, A B Hudelson : bed spread, Mrs D B Alien ; oil painting, (J t Mudelson wash bowl and pitcher, Mr and Mrs J J Leavitt ; glass set, Janle Hudelson : glass set and autograph album, Mr and Mrs E J liearn : set dinner plates, Mr and Mrs i. Murnhv : set sauce dishes.Emma Murohv: cake stand. Mr and Mrs T B Cornell : set fruit and cauce dishes. Mattie Leavitt 1 set silver spoons, Mrs A B Hudelson : tin nla F que, Mrs u v Adams s one doaen napkins, 1 Mr and Mra J Shoemaker 5 table cloth, Mellio Allen ; lamp, Mary Allen 5 hand. I kcrchiet, Mr c. j Hearn 5 two handker chiefs, Annie Allen : apron, Avts Hudel son ; one silver dollar, u L. Thompson, TOMLINSON HOLM AN. On Sat- urdsy, March 33rd, 1SS9, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Benton county, by Rev. A. A. McLeod, Mr. James Tomllnson and Mlsa Ella Holman, both ot Benton county. Tbe groo.n is a graduate of the Albany Collese and Is now teaching school : the bride is a daughter of Mr. Wiley Uol- man, ana is a young lady ot exemplary character. The Democrat wishes them much joy. COUCII-MeBEEOn Tuesday, March 36, 1889, at the Revere house In Albany, Mr William Couch, ef Ilarriaburg, miss Mary Mctiee, ot corvallis. BORN, r. GARREaT. Os March 33, 1889, In Al bany, to the wife ot R B Garrrett a girl. ::. DIED ; . CLARK. On Wednesday morning, March 37, 1880, In Albany, Flora, wife Jet Clark, Jr, aged 37 years. The deceased was born in Linn county, where the patted most of her life. She was a pure minded, noble hearted woman, beloved by those who knew her; a faithful wife and a true mother, She leaves a husband and daugh.. ter, many relatives and all who knew to mourn her loss. SECURE PRICES, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEFOE R0BS0NS. - MILL CITY We are having very nice weather up here on the mountain. Mr Correll packed his pony with eatables and bedding last J hursday morning and started f jr his ranch at Breltenbush. He does not expect to return for three or four weeks, r The Gatetvllle bast ball club Is anxious to have us rustle up a nine. Probabilities are that there will be a league here soon to warm up the Uatesviuers, A sociable dance was held at the resi dence of Mr and Mrs Coats last Wednes day evening. The attendence was large, and fun Immense. The question arises at every dance, where do all the people come from. You must remember when ail of us bushwhackers assemble it makes quite crowd, Ed Wolfe, of Gatetvllle, made it flying trip to Albany this week, ; Rumor has It that theie will be eight new houses erected at Gatesvllte just at soon as the O P resumes work. They mesn business. ' The rifle that was raffled at the Mill City saloon last Saturday afternoon, was woit by E II Coats, he being lucky enough to throw the winning dice, The grading on the Santlam lumber company 'a siding Is about completed. Chas fl Clara, telegraph line man on the O P, was to the front last Friday. We are 1 ways glad to meet Charlie, The latest riding In pessrnger coach between here and Albany. Everybody wants to go to Albany now. The lumber shipped from Mill City for the week ending Friday, March aa, was 16 car loads or 80,763 feet, shipped to Albsny and Salem. A dance was held at Mr Haifa new house on Friday evening; as usual large crowd. Mescs Neugras and W II H artless, of Corvalll, were at Catesvllle last Friday doing some business. , . W II Hobson, Tr, made a misstep while loading lumber last Friday and strained his ankle and now he is obliged to use a cane. J H McOnatd, was to the front this week. We are always glad to see John Henry. i II Street, of Catesvllle, moved 'to Lyons last Friday, where he expects to make his future home. 8CI0, Prof I R Geddls closed a very success ful term ol school here week before last, and also Prof G W Wilson, of South Sdo, closed hi school last week, both having given entire satisfaction, and we under stand that both are engaged to teach the same schools next winter, which speaks well for them as teachers. MrEdGoinsIs going to put up a brick store building In this place, and we under steed the Odd Fellows will bultd a hall over the store. Work has commenced in the brick yard already and the building will oe commenced as soon as its nrica is ready. The Sclo brass band, which has been re ceiving instructions under Prof Geddls, Is improving rapidly, and II they will emly stick together, will soon be a first rate band. Rev Lynch.ef Goldendale, W T, was In ihl ptace a few day ago. A J Houston ia going to start a hard ware store In the u!!ling which has been hn w-ianti4 hv It A A.' A I tAhnsAfl. Johnsons wilt move Into the bulfalng vceu- pted by a M Uaniei. J. ON THE SOUTH CSX BOCNOART. March 23rd, iSSo. Mr. Boy man Is moving on to the Hayea farm this week. He had already done con siderable plowing on the place. Messrs. Coleman and Long recently sold to Mr. Norwood, for the company he rep resent 190 bead of cattle, to be delivered within a month. Hon. J. D. Kennedy, of St. Paul, Marion county, has been in the neighborhood the past week looking after his farm and mak ing arrangements for the building of a lot of fence th coming summer. Mr. Getchetl has resigned his position as school director in our neighboring district, and now the other directors mav proceed to business. Mr. D. W. Tltton hae been engaged to teach the school in our district. Mrs. Bramwell ha been spending the week In Halsey with her parents. M.J. K. Jones lost two head of cattle last week by drowning. W. M. Alllngham, of Twin Buttes was visiting In this vicinity last Sunday and Monday, OaktUle. March 35th, 1 069, Prof. E. P. Lake, ef the State Agricul tural College gave a lecture at the school house on the aist Inst., on "The Fruit Pest and its Remedy." It was very attentively listened too. The Prof. Is wide awake and enthusiastic on the subject. After the lee ture n society wa formed to be known as 'The Linn County Horticultural Society. A constitution waa framed and adopted, and every person In the room became a mem per. 1 rtey were very enthusiastic 1 ne - .... M. following officer were elected s President, E Allbright ; Vice President, K A Barn- ford ; Treasurer, Wm Paulson ; Secretary, GeoS Acheson. The matter of exterm ination ot the CodHn moth cannot be ef fected without united action, so let ut or ganlze all over the country and get rid ot them it por.ib:e. we mean die. OEO. 5. ACHESON. That Male Box. E. O., March 34th, 1SS9. Seeing an article In your valuable paper stating a man had been prospecting near the foot of Mt. Jefferson and discovered on old elulce box, I will aay that the box probably, belonged to a Frenchman who came from California 17 years ago and mined in about Mt Jefferson one summer and left the country taking considerable money with him that he got In his mine that summer. Outsider. Tonrlata, When on pleasure bent or business. staou Id ta ke on every trip bottle of Sy ra p of Fig, as tt acta most pleasantly ana et- reotuaiiy on ineKianeya, itver ana ooweis. preventing fevers, beadaohe and other forms of sloVnsss, For sale tn 60o, and $1,00 bottles by ail leading druKglita, Dr. M. II. Ellis, physician and surgeon All-any, Oregon. Call mads ia city o country, ' Owinc to this changeable olimate, it is dif ficult to preserve a fair complexion end our fair aister are aonoyd by roughness of the akin, ebans. red nose, eto. It Dutaid'a Spe cjne is spplied to tne isoa ana nana nignt and morning, a clear and healthy complexion oan be preserved. Sola by D ostsay a Mason If you have any job wtrk to da call on W. Smith who is nren y-U to oo 11 witn and 1 neatnesa and dispatth. aod as cheap as soy one. . Albany Market. Wheat-680, Oau 2bo. Batter 20o per lb. ESfts 15t Hay-8,00. Potatoes -25 ots per bushel, Bsof on foot.Si' .pp!e "5 cents per bu, Pork 6Mio per 11 areased. Baooat bains l2Wc. shoulders, 10a. aidea lOo. , Lrd lOo per lb. Flour 4.25 per bbl. thickens 8.00 per dos. lill Feed bran, 14.00 par too. shorts, 13. middilnes, 20. Chof- 0. of her Tin vines a::d hard K JiLtf ;,14.i. At a special communication of ThufXrir, Lodge, No. 38, A. F. A A. M. held in their hall In Harnbiirg, Oregon, on Wednesday, March 2oth, 18S9, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted ; Whereas, The Supreme Architect of the Universe hat teen fit to remove frcm our midst onr beloved brother.Knoih Ilr-u.! by the hand of dcathj and, Whereas, White we, with humble sub mission, bow to his Infinite decree, we sin cerely mourn the loss of him whose station It now vacant ; therefore be it IttulvfJ, That In the death of Uro Enoch Houli, Thurston Lodge No. 28, A. F.& A. M. loses a pillow of strength and beauty, whose place we cannot hope to fill, his fsmlly a parent whose fatherly care and af fectionate regard none can replace, and the community a true and faithful citizen. JUtolvtd, That, In respect to his noble memory, the Lodge be draped in mourning for thirty days, Jittolvtd, That these resolutions be spread on the record of the Lodge, a copy be given the family and a copy be sent tb the county papers "lor publication. Sanctuary of flarrisburg Assembly, 5375, K. of L.,Harrlsburg, Or., March aa, 18S9. Qln submission to the universal decree of the Great Master on the 18th day ef March, 1889, Hon. Enoch Hoult departed hence to receive tbe reward that awaits the faithful and the just. The record he leaves for the living is bright and untarnished. In all his public trusts he wse plain and firmly honest and so devoted to the main tenance of right and the public good and so impressing those exalted virtues upon the minds of the people that his name will be endeared and honored by them long af ter all who now live have gone to join the great majority. As a private citizen he was the soul of honor, dignified, noble and charitable in all hi secular dealing. In his domestic relation he was a model of the highest or der, kind and provident, hit teachings cor rect and elevating in the family left to mourn his loss. The Harrisburg Assembly of the noble order of the Knights of Labor extend sympathy to the bereaved family of out departed brother, J. F, Hewdrex, . . G. II. WOMDBL'gY, A.T. Drisko. Harrlsburg Grange, No. ti, P. of U. At the meeting held In their hall on Saturday, March 33rd, 1889, adopted the following resolutions : Whereas, Almighty God has taken to himself from this circle our well beloved Brother, Hon. Enoch Hoult ; therefore be it , Hculvcd. That while our hearts are laden with sorrow, we look up to the good Fath er "who doeth all thing well" for the bright example of an honest man, s peer -less patriot, and a kind and devoted father, given doubtless to us for usefulness in the order, and for our personal example in fighting the tattle ol life. Ilttolvrd, That in the death of our worthy brother, our order has lost a faith ful member, and his family a kind father. Rrtolvrd, That these resolutions be snread on the minutes of this Grange, a copy pre- scmru, wim an expression et our deepest sympathy, and a copy furnished the coun ty papers lor publication. R. M. Fletcher, E. J. Upmyer, W.J. McMeeken. Around us each dissevered chain In sparkling ruin ilea, And earthly hand can ne'er again, Unite the broken tics." IN U CHORUM. do Grange, No. 36, Linn county, O. ) March 33rd, I0S9. ) Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God our AlwUe Master to call our aged and well beloved brother, Jacob Snodcrly, from hi labor here below to hi place in that spiritual temple above, whl;h is the prom ise to alt who are faithful . Resolved, That In the death of Brother Snoderly our community sustains the loss of a worthy man and a good citizen, and our Grange tbe loss of an esteemed broth er. I' rom the family has cone a kind and affectionate father, whose loss is so great we can but offer our sincere sympathy. RiMlvtd, That with subdued heart we bow in humble submission to the will of Htm, "who doeth all things well." Being once again reminded of our own approach ing dissolution and the futility of ait earth ly hopes and tie, we are each reminded of the vast importance of beins like him ever ready for the Master's catL Resolved, That these resolutions be spread on our minutes and a copy of the same be sent to each of the Albany papers for publication. H.S. Williams, J. T. Follis, Elizabeth Griffin, B!esln; of Sleep. Dr. Flint' Remedy, for the man or wo man wbo ends himself or herself noable to sleep nights, i an invaluable medicine, which will not only proeoro tbe blssalnca of sleep, but will prevent a general break ing 0.0 wn or tne system. Descriptive treatise wtfh mmnh bottle ; or, adjres iiack urug jv 1. WANTED.,200 cords of maple timber, to bo naod for manufacturing chairs. For particulars inquire of O. A. Archibald, as ouico 01 inn x,rmera vvarehoaae, AA- oaoy, ureyon. NOTICE TO DEBTORS, All peraocs knowing themselves Indebted to tbe late firm of K. Glass at Son are requestrd to call and settle at once with K. Glass, at L.rawiorasviiie, euner oy easa or not j. au Rooottnts on our ledger must be closed rigat away. January mn, ism. ' K. Glass dt So ONEC0.84B1. ..SiMniiiii'WC'i ?fTfan. Oregon's Greatest and Gamest Racehorse, wit Record of 2:29 3-4 first season after four! yeas retirement, a- performance never before equalled by any horse on the North Pacific Coast, fall! be t AlbanT.Frtday and Satarday; at the McKnl iht tsrm, Monday; at ' Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuraday.golng by way ol Jeffarson and Turners fi and allowed to serve a limited number of mares. Oneco was sired br A't wagon road, 2:26? In 8th heat. Dana, Belle Prioe bv DoWe. 2 28 (J yinrn 2:40i, fastest In the world for 4 years) son of Erioson, ) 4 year old record 2:30' eat in the world for 14 years). The grandeur of Oneoo'a perfornaitK04 the pk son of breaktas; and defeatino; tbe moat determined combinations which shrew and able manipulators with fast horses devlned to defeat him, are still fresh J memory of all horsemen ; but wonld remind them again thwt be was the s9n trotter both as a 2 and 8 year old, lowering In turn both records and tons aw the imperial purple of Juvenile Kin of the Northwest. His bull dog tenatii. falling eonrsge, indomitable will.and high strung temperament will not brooi. and bia present record ia a yet no measure of his speed a 'twas made in tb ,nd under tbe most adverse circumstances. At three year old be sired 6 eels Three of these were trained at two yeer old. At ths end of tt J days work, li and training, any of them could shoa a 3 minute gait, - Forfait was psM to 2 in match raoss at Albsny, and later on one proved tho winner of Inland , stakes at The Dalles for 2 yea olds, and ths following season won th 8 y( race at Seattle. These are all that have beet) broken and have changed ban brought tbe sum ot 2000. A gianoa at Onero's pedigree will with a fair con tion of his performances convince the m-wt prejudiced that b will trams he Inherits hia great speed and unflinching j lameness. Terms, $50. Q. ALTioo.-Syeatsoldrsooid 3:42,by Altaiaont, 2:2t5. Dim, Magla Araa! will be kept at CorvallU aod Independents, Torms, f35.03 to inmrs. Edwabd Ebrtt Full brother to KiUy Una, record 2:11, will aoao Oneeo, terms $15,00 to Insure. No liabilities assnmsd for aod Jetit. Will t i!. ore tn snowing tne norses any aay, tanner particulars aaaress. I ; r- v v. : ' B-.t 0--;!) rf- 1 ' : . 1 io not '! u ix a 1 ' 1. : c. 't 1 Will piy ariynie f-..ir iii-i tr--i -no .ify roe ff her wlisrf.jn, her 10 me. . Albauy, v. rrtAlLOU WANtKD.ia aw.; 1. th Rrt rnsh ol buioo'i ii t. . oring tiepamnrut of Mr. 1 K. );'&.-. t the sttperif.r work dono, anV.a.r 1 clai-, r!i!lo lailor i wsntp.l, uS' or address L. K, Blai'J, Albauy, Oit, TtCH. Sim fin Jersey Rod for JL at $ a piece Finest pigs ia mar . Call 00 or addiess Manic Jeuks, at 'I gnf, Or., and get tbe best ro be had. LET ALL THE AFFLICTED F.EA AND LEARN. THAT , Dr. West's Alterative Toe1 Is valuable remedy for Malarial AO tlone and for diseases ailaing from 1. Euriliea of tbe blood, such as acrofu'i t amor, pimple on the face, aait thm ' rheumatism, headache, pile, kirin 'emplaint, all female weakness and p. -era! debility, fevnr and ago, catarrh a dropsy, I manufacture mcJU ine scec : ing to wbat the disease may be, OH. tl. J, WEST,' ! Tbe Old Reliable Physician, may alv.n , be found at bis office and can tell yon j where yoar pains are located by exs. Ing you in six place on yoor breast a finder your aboalder blade with bU c oyer yoor nlotbes. Msny cures have br made by bis treatment. I BEAD .AJCTX LEJ-AJRrr I I cama to tbe country to lorato a fonnd after arriving here, that Port! a end Albany, were already destined become tbe beadanarters of the gr growing West, "r 1th that end in viV determined 10 locale in Albany in 1 spring, bevlnsr already pnrebaseU a J farm whl.sU I desire to improve. ! all those) who are in need of treat uit -ebeuld avail themselves ot this or-port , tty. . - , COXSl'LTATIOX FREE. Persons desiring careful treatment v pie-call on lr. . J. West later.f I troit, Michigan, at 106 East SUtb Albany, Oregon. ' Come and Get Consultation Anyhc Me Hears 1 Fren A. sf. t r. A STOCK SALE.! ...... ' Tbe ondArwlirned will sell at bis ft tbree mile ortb et Brownsville. , county, Oregon, on tbe BrowBsriile t Leiaaon road, on Weinwday.tlia 1st day of Kay.ll at public aactlon to tbe bl;beet bidder -following property, to it : 14 cow : calves, and 13 cowa with calf, aii ( cal ves are from registered Short Durham ball ; 14 three yent old at 9 two year old beifers : 2 Tearltnu two year old stotra ; S mares and 1 in Said property will be aold on oue lime, on cote with approved ci.. witbout interest, or a diaoonnt of 10 ; cent wiil be given for cash. . 1 W, D. WASKSUBH, j Brownsville, Or March 23rd, lfeO. ; THE PLACE Tty all Biha.nt call on Paise Brothers. Successor to Joim Fox, for yovr i Groceries. PraSwe, Bakei Goals, Etc. TKir poods are the beet and thr lrr reasortM.b!e. EedCrownMil SOM, LdXXIXG & c mor. saw raocci rutna strrxsios r.K was. jn csr. BEST SnrOHAOF ACILlTiT Hitrhcst Pric ia Cash Wheat FRANCIS PFEIFFE PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works ajad MsouTacturera of C1QIG2 COSFEliTNmi, , We are now prepared to Mil at i sale, always fresh and pare at Por prices to dealera. We also keep a line of ( Snt ani Tropical Mts. j CIGARS AND TQ3ACC fallLLEflilOnOS., -DEA.LERS.IS- Field, Vegetal asi Fisher E ! BEE AND P3JLTBY SUfFLII Garden Tools, Fertilizers, Etc., I 209 Second Sires t, bet. Salmon and PORTLAND, OREGON, 4T!?end for our catalogue. RECORD, 2:29 34 except; Sunday. For extended lrJ CKNIGHT BROG-, Albany or Corvallis.