The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 29, 1889, Image 2

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    i f
I imm was inaugurated on the 41)1 nst.
failures in the iron manufacturing tr1e
aeim e average. one sdey, If the Mill
l.i'.l hl become a law, or Cleveland hsul been
re tVctcl, cither would hive been accepted by
' 'e KcwUii:an at a sufficient explanation o
tWe business disasters, and they would have
msile the welkin ring with howls about Demo
rfailc hostility to the business Interests and the
Industrie of the country. A it Is, they rmvt
n.iihing to y.
Now it i given out that Mr.Ulainet going
ftt wcrk in a ytemaiic manner to reform the
diplomatic and consular service, which, being
interpreted, doubtless means that he 'will begin
ftt the top of the lilt and work down through to
the very 1 n n,me. Then he can tit down
mid quote scripture to the effect that hit line
have gone out to the uttermost parte of the
Terry Iklmont, our late Minister to Spain,
tee ft point and doc not wail till next day to
use it. while he wat at military review in
Madrid, an artillciyniAtt was florneJ and hurt
by gun carriage Mr Belmont left bis car
riage, lifted the wounded snUlicr into it and
ordered the driver to take him to the hospital.
The crowd caught on and cheered itself hoarse
t the American Minister, inddentt like
that sometimes decide the fate of great interna
tional questions.
- The population of Ireland, ai indicated by
the return f.omthe Registrar General' office,
4.777.545. ,nc kwt figure reached in this
cenfury. InlSotit was 8,395,061. There
are to-lay more Irishmen on this tide of the
Atlantic than there are in Ireland.
It was a foregone conclusion that Atlmny
would not get the reform school. But Albany,
not like tomeother places, is fortunate in being
amply able to get along without an "aparopria.
.tion." The petty jealousies of a burg that
imagines itself a rival to Albany only create a
emi! 00 the countenance of an Allany citiren.
Mrs. Kmma Gatewood, colored, hat just died
at Scottdale, renn.,aged 117. She was the
mother of it children, all of whom, except one,
are living, and over 50 years of age. She was
born in Virginia and was a slave for a great
number of years.
The Shah of Tenia was the only foreign
potentate who congratulated President Harri
son. Such congratulations are not customary,
but, no doubt, Nasr Ed Din thought the busi
ness was aa serious here as in hisowa country,
where a new Shah has to kill a few rivals and
work sly to keep their knives' out of bis own
A great many people think a newspaper
should have about a page of local news,wheth
er anything happens or not. Deluded mortals!
Local editors cannot make people break their
necks, commit suicide or do any of the other
exciting things that go to make up the material
out of which the local reporter delights to weave
Just imagine what a loud, long, continuous
bowl would have gone up from every Republi
can newspaper office if Mr. Cleveland bad been
re-elected President and thcReading Iron Works
bad collapsed the second day after his inaugura
tion, and throw twenty five hundred men out
of employment.
There teems to be quite a protection argu
ment concealed behind the bet that if the
United State were to become involved in a
foreign war the privateers of the enemy would
starve to death whije looking for the American
merchant marine.
On several occasions since the adjourn
ment of, the legislature we have had occa
sion to refer to the extravagant and proftf
gate course of that bodjr, Tha republican
pre of the state, feeling that their part
will be held responsible for the wasteful
expenditure of the hard-earned money of
the people, have, with one or two excep
tions, remained silent on this subject. The
Siartman some time ago made the state
ment that the legislature of 1885 made
larger appioprlatlons than the late one.
But It this statement were true, It would
not palliate the almost criminal coarse of
Its partv, for republicans had full sway In
both legislature. At the time It made the
statement we challenged It correctness
ml It remained silent until now, when It
repents It. Let us Investigate suul tee.
From It own column we take the follow
ing synopsis of the appropriation made by
the late legislature t i
Appropriation aa contained In
the regular appropriation bill. $719,4 ti8
Tor eleven different wation
roads $113,00000
For horticultural commission. . 7,000.00
For bureau weather service. . , . 8,000.00
1-or purchase 14 snl 15 (Jr. re
ports 3,500.00
ror two rasters Oregon anil
one Southern Oregon agricul
tural societies at $1500 per
For purchase of one half block.
east of state house 5,001.00
For additional salary of state li
brarian..... . ,
For relief Mr N J McPhenon.
For relief of John Stapleton. . ..
For relief of heirs of A J llembre-
For relief of Fred Yenke
For relief of I Hacker
For relief of John Dlnsmore. . ..
For Agricultural college
For Portland Refuge Heme. . .
For state reform school .......
For expense of session ,
1 10.00
Total .$976,4oy.63
This doe not Include appropriation
made from trust fund.
Now compare this with Use appropria
tion made by the legislature of 1885 and
It w ill be seen that the appropriation thin
year exceed those of iSSjby $118,973.13 :
For payment of cornnrisian to
World's fair at New Orleans,
tc ...$ 3,500.00
Brick building for State I'ntver-
tlty.. 30,000.00
Board of Immigration 10,000.00
General appropriation ball, (ex.
cent from trust f uud,.. .... . $4.30
For fish ladder 10,75000
Washington monument........ J ,000.00
Dairy commission ...... .... c., 000 00
Relief of S U Catterli 1,000.00
Erection and equipping state
penitentiary, etc.. ....... .... 113,642.25
Pilot schooner ro,ooo.oo
State board of agrkwlture. .... to, 000 00
There is a ojb pipe factory located at Sedan
Ma., which is doing a rushing business. The
factory pays at the rate of )$ cents for inch
cols and i cents for l,IS inch col. A man
bauleil a load theothcrday of $ inch cots
which brought Lira $64. The time may yet
come when the people will raise wheat for the
Thel'iltsburg girl who married anltalian count
about 1 year ego is coming home, having pro
cured a civorce from her titled husband. Her
experience cost her 100,000. She has lets
money row than she forme-Iy . had, but she
knows more.
rcxt year the administration will have to
appoint fifty thousand census takers. Those
who failed to get into the Cabinet or who are! in the scramble for missions abroad
need not give up in despair. Let them wait
and hope.
The Widow Callahan, of Tex as, owns 50,000
sheep, snd Mrs. Rogers, of the ssme State, is
the po aesjor of a similar number. Both women
rUle on horseback in the free and easy style of
a cowl CJi
The BVt itismarclt feels of the German
Amerii SB Ice more be will unci that Liner are
loyal 10 fki country which has given them re
jef ficas the burdens of Bismarckian govern
Postmaster General Wanamaker carries. life
insurance to the amount of $1,750,000 the
largest amount placed by any single individual
jn the t United Mates. I tie annual premiums
aggregate $90.000.
We would now ask what the Republican
organs would have said bad Mr. Bayard with
hi s'.ainless reputation, put his own son or
nephew in this place, as a successor to one cf
tbe leading jurists of the country? We shall
keep asking this sort of question occasionally.
Total. $SS7.56.55
Tills does not include appropriations
made from trust funds.
The Benton ZwntVr and some otherpa
per In the ttate have made the saune state
ment as to the- appropriations ot 18S5 ex
ceedlng those-( 1SS9. It la due that such
error shouU be promptly corrected by the
papers that publish them. Our reader
will bear in mind that the Democrat pre
dicted before the legislature met that that
body would increase the appropriations
$100,000 above that of any legislature that
ever met in the state. The prediction has.
been more than verified a the Increase of
1S8 1, as shown above I $118,973.13. Ons
prediciion was then bated upon evidence
that to us seemed conclusive that s "coast
bine" Itad bee-s entered into by wheels
$100,000 would be appropriated to iniU
wagon roads. Our information proved to
be strictly reliable. The recollection ec
the doings ot the late legislature wisf go
thundering down the ages a having beers
the most profligate that ever cursed the
people of the state. The slate tax levy
will be made this fall at about seven mills,
as compared with four and nine-tenths mills
last year. The tax payer will groan un
der their Increased burdens, while the ben-
More :..;;!, !t.wi,i.
WASHtMiTO, M-ihU t' The president
sent the following nominations to the senate
I rank V, ev arren of ynminc. to be cover-
nor of Wyoming territory.
Benjamin F White of lullmn. Montana, to
be governor of Montana territory.
I. r Moot house of Orcinin. to he agent ot
the Indians at the Umatilla acenry, Oregon.
Rotert V. Belt of Maryland, to be assistant
commissioner of Indian affairs.
Postmastets George Vud-t of Roteman,
Montanat James M Moor (if Anaconda, Mon
tana! John I) Ilogue of Tacoma.
Waaassaker lloean't Care.
New YosK, March a6, Senator Quay, has
become somewhat worthy on account of the
recent move made by the postmaster central,
Wanamaker, it seems, has assumed one of the
senator' priied prerogatives in offering John
Field the pottmastershlp of Philadelphia. Ouay
had Intended the place for Mr. lteils. Ouay
insist that Wanamaker t1 no more fight to
apointthe postmaster at Philadelphia without
consulting htm than he would have to appoint
the postmaster at Chicago without talking the
matter over with Senator r arwelU
Terrible Wreck.
City OK Mix too, (via Galveston,) March
aiS. The steamer Ocotlan foundered to-day
on take Chapola, near Guadalajara. A targe
excursion party wat on board at the time.
Fifty bodies have now been recovered from the
wreck of the steamer Ocotlan. Effort are
now being made to raise the steamer, when it
i expected additional bodies will be secured.
Need Watching.
Rich mono, Vs., March art. Because Mrs.
Harrison ha dismissed her colored help from
the White house, the negroes here are dread'
fully excited. They believe this to le the first
movement on the part of the republican party
to take away their rutins and reduce ihein to
slavery again.' "
John tlrlgnt Dying.
London, March 26. John Bright ha suf
fcred another relapse, and is very weak. He
has not taken food for thiriy-six horn except
from a spoon. He is gradually sinking. At
lo o'clock to night Bright was unconscious.
His condition is hopeless.. At niidnightltright
was reported to be rapidly sinking, lie is still
A Frenn Yoang Una.
Helena, Mont.,March 16. Presided! Har
rison's appointment of B. F. While, to be
governor of Montana is displeasing to two
thirds of the republicans of the territory, from
the fact that it is virtually a victory for Russell
B, Harrison. The erei, the oldest and
most influential republican paper in the terri
tory, has a double-leaded editorial in to-day's
issue, calling upon Russell II. to halt.
A (iood Example.
Lincoln, Neb., March 25. Eight tramp
were publicly flogged on their bare back in
Fairburg last Saturday afternoon, for their un
pudent and boisterous conduct. The flogging
wss done by a citLicns committee, who led the
pedestrians to the edge ot the city and advised
them to keep without the limits in the future.
An Hon. Tew.
Los ANCELts,March 35. Ux -Congressmen
John B. Ilasktns of New York, who arrived
here last evening, fell in with a number of bunco
men this afternoon, and was swindled out o
$130 In money and checks,amountiag to Isooo
Tbe swindle was by the old time lottery method.
depress Ceart.
Salem, March 15. On motion of D. R. N
Blackburn. Judge If.'A. Coiwland was admit
ted upon certificate from Iowa and Dakota to
practice In all the courts of this state.
On motion of Hon. J. K. Weatherfotd, the
cause of Martha liouton,rcJ undent, vs. losic
Timmerman, appellant, i; ril from Lane
county, was submitted witlm-.,; argument. .
J. J. Whitney appellant, vs. D R N UUtk
burn, respondent appeal from Linn county:
argued and submitted; J J W hitney, a toroey
for appellants D R N Blackburn, J K. Weath
etford and N B Ilumphery, attorneys for re
spondent. Xe Mori) Frse ?ra.
Berlin, March 25. Tbe new penal code
provides that persons found guilty U inciting
on class against another, or of publky attack
ing the bases of public and scxial order, especi
ally religion, monarchy, marrivge, or proenf,
snati oe imprisoned ur a rerm not exceeding
three years. Persons convicted of a second of
fense may He for bidden to reside in certain
All tbe Needy.
Washington, March 25. CorporsI Tan
for 1889 and respectfully call attention
to our stock of
Groceries, Confectionery, Etc.
Wo shall endeavor at all times to serve our cus
tomers in tho best possible manner. We always
aim to purchase goods of the best quality and to
sellthem at the lowest cash prices. In addition to
our grocery business we receivo subscriptions
for all tho leading newspapers and magazines.
Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps,
seals, etc. We cordially Invito all who have not
done so to favor us with their patronage. We hope
by fair dealing and careful attention to busines
to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed upon us,
, - fit
Very Respectfully,
MM 1
Fashionable ari l 8'ylish Suit, Bdin Suits, Debt weight
Simmer Suite. Boyi, youth' end child W autU.
F urnishing Goods.
- 1 1 .1 r ii- . r
tficta, Irs of the -swae" w ill revet hi fatness, t tm trKa,u lo ",e V
iuw Mic war; s uchctc iu FiTinc every uoron
A majority of the United Stairs Senator
have decided that the pay of $5,xo a year
I entirely Inadequate jind thnt U should be
increased to $10,000.
If most of the complaining Senators
would take time to get down to a horizon
tal view of theesscttru'hhey would learn
that It is the cost of gettsr.; themselve
elected to the Senate, rather than the cost
of living In Washington, tnat male their
salaries inadequate.
Three-fourths of the Senator den'C
spend more than their salaries during the
session of Congress, hie h seldom consume
more than one half their time each Con
gress ; and, as a role, those who slon't pay
high rales Ice las icnors which they make
a break-neck race to obtain, are satisfied
with there compensation.
If Senators have any lingering doubts m
to tbe wisdom of increasing Congressional
salaries, let them read upthc history of tbe
salary grab of some eighteen year agev
The ways between the people and Washv
incton are strewed with the b!eschinir bone
of what the country called salary-fcrahbcr j
who fell in that conflict. - 1
A Republican Senator says President ! Iar
rin or.gUt to give Chat A Dana of the N'w
York Sun a first class foreign mission in secog
nition of his services to' the Republican party in
the last campaign. How would thirty piece o
silver answer for a fitting recognition?" ,
Two of Mr. Blaine's sons have already been
appointed to pleasant positions about Washing
ton. What is the matter with giving young
James, wife a place in the Treasury Depa-t-tnent?
The salt producers are about to defy fate and.
pablic sentiment by forming a trust. If they
form it on the copper i ust plan there won't b
salt enough in it to save it.
As one by one the offices drop into the
mouths that are open for them the lips tha
are passed over begin sadly to murmur; "Hope
springs eternal in it lie human hreas'."
Charles Ai buckle, the millionaire coffee
dealer, better known as -"Baby Bunting," ha
purchased a property in Brooklyn for $450,000.
The monument to V'u:e-President Hendricks
it to !e commenced at Indianapolis soon and
finished in October.
Who dare sy that Albany will not, In the
near future, be the Kansas City of Missouri
snd the Ixmell of Massachusetts?
The k-c operator on the Kennebec river
s':to that Maine's ice crop will be 250,000 ten
s!oit this season.
During the war Boone McCullocit wss
standing one d.iy near a brick wall whew a
shell struck it and a quantity of brick dturt
struck him In the face. The other day enr
ol his eres.the sight of which had been lost.
was removed.and imbedded in it was ferns!
a small particle of the shell shattered brick.
It had been the, e for twenty-five year and
caused at interval Intense suffering.
Albany is not boomlng,she I just grow
ing right along like a great, big, stout,
heathy boy. The man who stand on the
corner singing "wait for the wagon" will
grt left. -
Tbe list of hotel arrivals published in the
Oreifotiiait tells its own tale. Tbe rush lo
Oregon, and the Willamette valley espe
cially ,1 altogether unprecedented. Albany
feels the effect of It very perceptibly
We are told by parties who. are arriving
from Illinois, Missouri and other western
states that Albany I more talked of In those
late than any other town In Oregon.
The Improvement to be made to Albany
this season will be a surprise even to many
of her own citizen.
Frank Jooet,the Portsmouth brewer, has sold
his brewery to an English syndicate for $6,300-
000, . - -
Thompson k Overman keeu
the best har-
Ailvlre to JlotUer.
Mr. Winlow'e Kouthlpi Hyrup, for
rttictr'ri ttrthlnit, la thn prescription of
mif otlliH b"t fmrntlH nurw. and pbysi
ri,r lu United ftiile", ai.d ha bn
ii.n.l fVr f irty i with nver falling
pun'PM tiy miiiloua of mothers for tbeir
iljil lron. imrlnnt'e pro'ses f teethlns;
Hiv!neU Inralmm'ili-. It rehave the
i hil'l from pain rurvs dyriUrv and dlar
rli'i.s. urn inir In the b(iwl. anil wind
mlm. Kv elviutr h"'tli to th" I'bild It
rtU the Bi(Hbr. I'rlce SWk. a botti.
ruileservrd lingtied at
Tbe unthinking are prone to make
Kama of uervouo-w. Yet this I a very
real and aer loua altl ictlen, t ne b arassi n g
ymptom of which are rendered all the
more poignant by rfdlnnle, Tbe stotaach
Is nanally responsible for ihim symptom"
its weakness and disorder finds reflex
In the brain, which U tu headquarter of
tbe Dervlou ayhtern. A a nerve tonic
and tranqulilZMr, we believe that not one
rs n be pointed out o effective as Hoe
tttter'L- Stoinsv h Bitters, In renewing;
vlKoion dlgMlion, it strike the key note
or recovery of strength and qulstade by
tbe nerve. Headacbes), trcmora In qnlet
le.p, abnormal HnsUtvenss to nnex-p-uud
Doie-all these modify and ulti
mately disappear aa the eyriem gains
treilKtu from ine g'evv iodio. uyyvymim.
biiiousneft, rbeumsiism, const! patton snd
uttnv cotnDlalnte are aubdued by the
soldier, hi widow, or orphan, ho U in need.
a pension, ana giving 11 10 mm as quickly as
staterpriaiaa; T aroma.
Tacoma, V. T , March 2$. The Tacotna
Boat Club has made arrangement! with the
four leading oarsmen of tbe country, namely;
Hanlan, C Connor, llamm and Oaaidaur, for
a great regatta, on the 18th of May, and are
in negotiation with I-ee, Teenier, of Peterson
and Koss, whom they slso, hot will come. It
wilt be the first professional boat rat on l'uget
sound. ,
Killed AH ef West.
San Fbancisco, March 34. Thi Examin
er' special from Pern, Ind., sayv; Aaron York
a prominent farmer living five miles east of here
has been engaged for tome time in blasting
stumps and used dynamite with vthch to raise
them. Several sticks of the explosive bad been
frozen during the cold weather. Preparatory
for Monday's work ibis evening he placed
several sticks under the stove to thaw out, and
then went to tbe stable to attend to liis horse.
The family had gathered in the kits-hen and in
cluded Mrs. York, two daughters and a son.
They were not aware York had placed the
dangerous Muff under the stove. Suddenly a
bud exploi'n occurred and wlicn York turned
to learn whence the report came he saw his
house shattered to atoms, pieces of wood and
the stove being burled a great, distence away.
A Storm la Ptra.
I,l ma, via Galveston, March 34. Verrugas
bridge, the most famous of the bridges on the
Oroya railway.has leen swept nway by a flood.
Tbe bridge was 107 feet high and i s original
cost was 9400,000. The destruction of the
bridge hat rendered transportation from that
part of the country almost impossible.
Barbarians Yet.
Pahs, March 24 DcLonlay and Crault
Richard fought a duel to-day. The former
was slightly wounded in three placv.-s. Richard
had attacked DcLonlay in a newspsiper article,
charging him with the plaguariing of M. Do-quel.
Rome, March 24. In a duel with swords
to-day Deputy CavaU.tti slight! wounded
Signor Corveto, uuder-secretary of the war de
partment. The trouble grew out cl a personal
Yamhill Court
McMinnvili-e, Or., March 24. The first
term of the circuit court held in tlii city will
begin here to-morrow in the new court bouse.
Th-sre are about forty cases on thelocket. The
most important will be (he trial of Willard Mc
Cune for shooting James Be w ley at Sheridan
during the smallpox quarantine last September.
District Attorney Hewitt arrived lost evening.
Weather Indications. For the
nour beginning at 12 o'clock,noon.
Rain, nearly stationary temperature,
To Tn Editor Mens Inftnvn ynnr read
ers that 1 have a pusitlvnie:utlvor the above
named disease. By lu llmttiy umi (Iuhimus of
hopeless cases have been pemiiij ently cured.
I shall be glad to send two birtlli nf my reme
dy frkk to uiy of mr rnidcrs if u luive eou
umuilon If Uioy will mihI ni tl e!r ijres
and post olticn :uMi 1.. i.i.f t iiiy,
T. A. iWCVU. M. 1 :. lit I -.rt 1 ?.v forlu
-rtturs Is faultless and. so I that
aobla disco1
tun's owa ramadim, ''Tha1
vsry, contalninar only Na-
VffStt flsjSjSaBw
J ' " .t,''n
It isa beneftt te the human raerv .cfc.fc.PUP
YOUTH, HEALTH, VIQCR by the uasof
PFUNDEB' Oreqom Blooo Pubifieb.
Quick and Compute Curs of all Disease of
the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It
checks Khcumatiam and Malaria, relieves '
Constipation, Dyspepsia and biliousness,! ad
puts frsh energy into the aystem by making
New, lUch Ulood. TWe It intime, ritht rwm,
as it cannot be beat as a preventative or disease.
ioid and used everywhere $1 a bottle. 6(vct.
Fins line of light weight under wesr balbritfgan and 'o'Ieo ; toslery, sbiiU.
rirckwesr, fins wire supend-rs, gusrsnHed for two jesrs, in
sll tbe latest novel tin.
a im mmivin uuiwm un intintKins.
Boot and Shoe Departmeir
For TEN to TWENTY wr oni l-a thin nWehets, ssrun quali
ty sod NEW, .
la older n ijnl r 11 l 1 iiirr'f "I ij J i'. sugarna
follow for cat'h :
13 CBS DT.Y GRANULATED . - . 1.00
15 LBS EXTRA C - - - - - - 100
17 LBSO - - - - - - - " - 100
7VUm Sutjar$ art California American llrfinvry and full treigA. Any
tnerrhant reporting to cntrary doc 10 faltcly- .
And other grooeriew snd goods 'n rally st itduc pice.
Niceline Ladies Dress
Goods just received.
I have wandered the town over snd
bought oT all tboae t'lsce where they
claim t icll drug vhp, snd no buy
A Urge Hon in this drj.srtaieDt of tbs test io tb o.srlet.
StspU and Fssl.ionsbUI'nwi, among others s fine stock of the
Jobo B. Stetson bsts.
Bletcbsot tai'o'iiBr under fxi t tailor. 8uiu made to order under abort
nodes st recnsrkabU low figures. More good tnmeJ o-u tbso eenr rmfure.
Samuel E. Young.
Albany, Oregon
Stick a Fin
in tbs fact tbst I sen offering better bargains than any ,ne 1e (n Aihanr
Bought st bankrupt sales I can
That ta the kind of armament we are ta
lo. We propose to tntkn the lowest
prlue made In this town and we will dls
connt the tmst flgura that any other msr
cbsnt ean or will make.
This Knocks Un Competition
snd rives ua un undisputed p-ecedence lo
our fled of business We want tl oon
rliwe eveiy u itat tbey can be beat
served In our sioro and we propose to
by rnr 1 w tnlrea pnill (be fact la nnlvrr.
sally riiecftnissd that for high grade goods
snd tbs lowett Jivlr.g price no ons ran
BrownHI & Staiiard,
Cor, Hroadaltlii and 1st St., Albany, Or,
Having; sold mr Inter In I be store of
enersl tnerrbandia of tbe firm of Co-
a bow et Cable lo C. K. Htansrd, I wUh to I
nail tha atteblloa of sll who know tham-
seWaslndeUedtoCoahow A Cable to OS I
snd aeltle st one. Having sold ont on I or belowCOST.
eiittiaivs lor swune, son su sootnnia not
rUlad before i get toady In leave Browos-
vine win tie leti wun an nicer lor collec
tion. A word to the w iae I an frictent.
O. P. Coshow.
First-Class Goods
Mica for Publication.
VnlteJ States. Lod Offloe, 1
Oreenn Clt. Or.. March 11. lw. I
Kotloe is bereiiv stveo that in oornpll
snes with tbs prov.alona of tbs sot ef
Congress of June 3rd. 178, entitled "An
sot for tbs sals of timber lsnds In lbs
8aie4,f California. Oregon, Nevada and
Wsshlnglon Trritory,, William W.
Klrbardaon, of Kelts, eounty of Linn, Hints
cfOiegon, hsatbUday filed In ibu office
bis sworn sintement No. 447, for lbs par.
ebssssoftbsHK hi of 8 E X of featlon
No. zz. la Towr.snip tin. 10 south, range
o, I west, and will offer proor to snow
that lbs land sought Is mois ealaabls for
its timner or stone than for agneuUurs
purposes, snd to sslabllsh his elstm to
aid Isnd befors the Register snd Receiver
of this cm s st Orstron CHy, Oregon, on
rrldav, ihs Tth ssy ef Jsse, IMS.
Ifsnamisss witnesses : AM Laos.
W o Mil er. It Miller snd i W Cornpton,
su or pcio, uon coubiy, Oregon
Any snd sll persons claiming sdeersely
tbs sboTS-desuribed lands srs requested
to 01s tbair elslms In this offloe on or be
fore astid 7th day of Juna, ltotl.
W. T. Borwkt,
. Kegtster.
General tueicher.'lise ot nil
o f shoes.
kinds Call on n'. Particular lrg inn its .am
Flower, Grass,
from the celebristed.need .bouse of
A. B. Cleveland & Ck.
Discounts to Gardners,
Grass and Garden
Notice for Publication.
land Office st Orseon City, r, 1
Kei ruary 281 h. 18KU. f
Notice la hereby given tbst tbs follow
Ing Dsmed settler hss filed notice of his
Intention to tnsks fisal proof in suprx
of bis claim, end tbst said proof will be
made before tbe t esnty Judge, or In bis
absence, before tbe County Clsrk of Linn
county, Oregon, st Aiosny, uregon, oa
Tkarsdsr, April ISlh, IMS,
vis I Robert Dickson. Homestead Kotrv
No. b(m, for tbs 8 W X of S W X snd tx
4, 5 snd 6 of Section 28, Tp. 0 8, K S K. Us
nsmes tbe following witness's to provs
bis eontiouous resiaenos upon ana culti
vation of, ssld land vlsi Pavid Boott,
John H. Trash, Henry Lyons snd Henry
Uodlcksr, sll off es Valley, LJun county,
Oregon. '
Any person who desire to protest against
tbe allowance of such proof, or who
knows of any aubstsntlsl resaon, under
the lew snd tbs regulstlons of the Inter
ior Department, why such proof should
not beallowbd. will be glveu an onnor
tunUv at tbs sbovs mentioned time snd
plso to cross examine th" witnesses of
sld claimant, snd to offer evidence In re
bnltal of tbst submittsd ty claimant.
W.T, Bdrwbt,
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice Is hereby given thst tbs u nder
signed, in Atiminnitrstor na Aominis
tratrlx of tbs estate of J, Wv Tyovr, de
oessed. bsvs filed In ths County Conrt o
L'nn county, Oregon, their final scooun
snd sld Court has appointed
, Jfaeday, the 1st day ef April, me,
for the bearing ef objections thereto snd
tbe settlement thereof, snd same mill bs
heard at ono o'clock, p. m. ofasiddsy st
ihs Conrt House in Albany, Oregon, .
February 19th, 1889.
Lvomard Ttceb, Adm'r.,
Mi-sodri Ttosb, Adm'rix, elo,
tt P. GaIiRRAITB, - ,
Attorney for Adm'rs.
11 kiudsat
Palace Meat Market.
Will keep constantly oa hand beat
mutton, pork, veal, ssuinge, eta,, tbe be
meats snd largest variety in tbe city,
Cash osid for sll kind of fat stock.
Administrat or 'a Notice.
Notice Is hereby given thst the under
signed has been duly appointed Admin
istratorof ths estate of J, J . Davis, deceas
ed, late f Lion oonnty, Oregon. All per
sons having olalms sgalnat ssld sxtate
srj bersby required to present them to
the undersigned st bis restdencs nesr
Jefferson, Oregon, within six months
from this date, dnly vet tiled ts required
by law.
This the 22nd day of Ms rob, 18S9.
. J, n. Davis,
J, K. Wxathxkfsbd, Adinlnististor.
Att'y for Adm'r.
Cash or Goods fur Country produe
s.lbsr-, Or 1. 1
JULIUS Gradwohl's
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Ills stock 'as bJ enlargsJ so thst it sqtul any on ths CjAMt, snd eotiststs of
Roger Bro3. Silverware, Preach Ohia?, aad Crys
talware, Bays' Wagoai, Doll. Oarriajei,
Fanoy Goods, and a : general
assortment of Orockiey
and Toys.
He boy dlreot sud osrrles the largest stock in the
bss been sddod s complete line of
Willamette Valley, to kwblcl
Is Agent for tnsnrsnse oompnles with s capIUl aggregatlug f 75.OO0.OCC ,
sflol on psrle Frsnosls. Hler wlrd deutch gesprochen.Sa
ibap fur
mime fk
in the old furniture Und opposite Stewart & Sox's Hard wart,re.
Wf desire to inako known to progresnive people that we crry in ttcck such
goods ss will sstiofy s refined teste, snd ss the dtmrnd may n quire will add to
S TTT 11 1 1 2 a.aa S I. AS rteAtlla rft tfWt s R l ftaaK SB SsVlfl Ws SSb 1 1
our supply, we eormauy . w.
take very great plesnnre in ebowtng our goods-
CHAS. METZGER.' r, v;;.: r- J. J- DORRIS-
and Insuiance Agents,
Real Estate, Emplo
. All eommulostlonB piomptly answered In German or English.
George w; Smith,
IIM tusTeil to tie leaders 4b itersiberc orer ppe.s'te S fc
Yosjag'e, where he hevt the largest and finest sleek ef
Stoves and Tinware
In the County
;ia h.i?r.,,.JthNEW bnj, NEW g-od snd NKW nrioa.
Our stock !s always
Above Par
jiu quality snd quantity, but
We o.teMo all thn good trade in the ci.y and surrounding country
sndsoll giodioheiper thn oy house ionhe city.
Wallace, Thompson & (to.
v Successors to Wallace A Thonion.
Flinn Block, Albany, Or.