The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 22, 1889, Page 1, Image 1

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1 1 i L L . . .
1 . i
the tch(
Advert W 1 g rseJiu;!
In Ihc Central
. Vvitlarxisstte Vsju
Issued (vary Frf.Uj'l y j
Advertising rates mado known u ap
plication, j
w t
m 1 fitf iff' &
. J ... 'A J v t - "s
12 ,B Sox Prss
C It. Sriw
iLr, 8co
MtnuhtHurpr tf-
(vwUI attention pti.t to ratlrltijrl all
kinds of machinery.
Patterns Made on Short Notice,
2nd CZIZ?
F sat alock of 2nd fV r-ikN In th Val
lj , nnd ttt moat retni Ma prht n, both
In k'Uyln and s.lll VJ ( hut oi b.nd
II kinds of
mm, B33xs. picnnEs,
On door witof H. E. Young' old stor.
1:3 First Sirnt. AliMny. r.
Cpnriii Mayer.
f,mBmCT-'i t,V
JGnraer BroafalMa ani First Sts.,
Caaaetl frails,
Dried FralU,
Ctlf Jtet,
fa (ant vnrythirte; thV. U kpt lit gen
ml vnrlMyand grooary atora. Higher
mark price paid for
Alt pjq qf pnooucE,
Requirements of a Stenographer,
n Succeed ss a stenographer, on maat be aa
I U nnU la aaorthaad, killed la typa
Wrltlas;, a good penman, a fompatanteoe
ranBla. In the Shorthand Department ol the
IoOuart TiaOHma shorthand, Bajvi aaacnoa
to type-riHni, c ah true iwsmuciioi. la penman.
hip and aeuMOANT omx in eormKmilrnc amply
qaalify Madcntalar pOMUOBS alwaya Open to IbuM
tully prepared to fill them. Send tat catalogue.
A. r. AaauraoKC, Pain., ToaTLAXD, Ueco.
H New Grocery Discovered
- .
Strong's osd ooroer,.oppolta 8lewartA
ticx, First Mraat, AltMny, Q
AWI Ut9 Of !
"Qalck s1m sod smU profits," "IJn
and W ltT.i Is oqr wotto. Pl6 call
Dd szsmide our co ri sad gt prices.
KsUafaUQn guarDteeJ,
Produce Taken in Exchange,
Vsry Rwpsotfolly,
MedicW for Throat and Lang 1)101
cuttles has long boon, and mtUl is, Ayer's
Cherry rootoral. It cures Croup,
Whooplns Couxh, XIronchltts, and
Aathm) soothes irritation - of th.
Larynx and Fauces atra(ttheoj tho
Vocal Organs; allays soreneas of th.
Lungs rrevouu Consumption, and,
ren in adrancwd stacts of that dlaaae,
relierea Coughing and induces Sloop.
Thers is no other preparation for dla
eases of the throat and lungs to be corn
pared with this remedy.
"My wlf. had a dlatremlnjf conch,
with pains in th. side and breast. V
tried various rtMHllcinfls, but non. did
her any irood until I got a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured
' her. A Melchbor, Mrs. tJlonn. had the
measles, and th cough was mlieyed by
th. u. of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I
har. no hesitation In reoouuueudlng this
Cough Medicine
to every one amictod." Robert ITorton,
Foreman JleaUiight, Morrillton, Ark.
M I hav. heen afflicted with aathma
for forty years. Lt spring I waa taken ;
with a violent cough, which threatened
to terminal, my days. Kvery on. pro
nounoed m. In consumption. I deter,
mined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Its effects were uiojrlcal. I waa immedU '
ately relieved and continued to itnprovo
until entirely recovered." Joel Uullard,
Uulltord, Conn.
Sis months ago X had a sever, hem
orrhage of the luuira, brought on by art
Incessant couch which deprived me of
sleep and mat. 2 tried various reme
dies, but obtained no relief until I bn-
f:an to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A
nw bottles o( this medicine curtwl me."
Mrs. . Coburn, 19 Second at., Lowell,
"for children afflicted with eolds,
roughs, sor. throat, or cronp, I do not
know of any remedy which will irlvo
mors speetlr relief tlian Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. I hare foiitui It, alio, invalu
able In caaee of WhooiirtR Cough."
Ann IiOtejoy, 12j7 WaaUlugtoa. street,
lkwton, Maas. . , , .
Ayer's Qfierry Pegtoral.
raarajtaa :
Pk J. 0. Aytr Co., Lowell, Matt,
Bold sy all UrarfUta. pilot l; si soUIm, SX
A FgotRacc Lat Thursday on Ferry
street oppoMle the Stevens property, a 100
yard foot race as run between Lsngdon,
a sprinter who has been her before, and
Harry M Dcrthune, champion of the
United States. L'angdon" won. It was a
double chuck. Langdon and lWrthunc,
th. latter under a dlflerent name, entered
Into an agreement with a sporting man , a
Frenchman, of Portland, to come here and
chuck the race In favor of Berthune, whom
the Frenchman would bsck, and thus
slnch Albany lixtrtt. Instead o! doing
this the two tprlntcr went In with the Al
bany men. puUlnir up me money ana
chucked the race Kgainat the 1 rvnclimun,
who I out Staoo. lie squeaked ana toot
the matter to the district attorney for a
! warrant for their arrest j but, of coure It
was not granted. This U a fair sample of
the foot races of the present day. Dcr.
thune, who won the championship at St
Loult last vcur, Is the most celebrated run-
' ner In the world, ,
Ksip Voch 11 amds Out. The silent
morning sheet up the street, that doesn't
represent the sentiment of anything, be
cause It Is too cowardly to give an opinion
on any subject, even to stand up for Al
bany millinery establUhments when at
tacked by a newspaper In a neigh.
Iborlnir cltv. will do well to keep
Its hands out of our quarrels with
our contemporaries. It It
up enough lo ssy something Itself once In
awhile It mlKht have a little sltleahow of
Its own, Donl talk about repretenling.
The PiMocKAr stands up li Albany, and
It has never, on the other hand, slurred the
Salem ladles It said they dressed gaud
II y or something- to that erfccl. Of course
afl of them do not Tit. St Louis papers
poke fun at the enormous feet of the Chi
cago women; but the Chk-agn women
don't get mad. The Dcmoi-hat knows so
tar at quality Is concerned me baiem girls
are not surpassed, -
Lebanon. At the etecllan of Lebanon
Engine Co. tat M.ndsy evening, the fol
lowing olticcrs were elected for the ensu
ing year i President, WC Peterson (Vice
President, A R Cyrus ; Secretary, Jno D
Hope ; Treasurer, M IS Ilcarn Foreman,
J A Heard ; First Assistant, 0 D Monta
gue ; Second Assistant, T 0 Feebler.,..,
Mr O W Langsford has bought a nice farm
of eighty acres south of town. He Is a na
tive of Kansas and seems to be a nice gen
tleman. .We extend htm a cordial wet.
cotnt....MrM 0 Schoenhut, from Digit,
ton, Kansas, has leased the building one
door north of Hardy's jewelry star, and
will start a bakery. This Is one of the
need of our town, and ought to pay,.,, A
snesk thief entered the kitchen of tun. R.
U Miller Inst Sunday night and stole a ham
and some jars of fruit tie had no trouble
Albany to Urn the Best and
Largest; In the Stats, Next
to'IOregon Cityt .. . ,
It had been known for several days that
Albany was to have woolen mills i but It
was decided not to make any newpnper
bl utter about the ma'tef until the arrange
menu were compklcd, Friday this was
done at a meeting of prominent cltlsent
and Messrs. J. M. Moyer and F. F. Croft,
of the Brownsville Woolen Mills Co. Then
an agreement was, perfected for moving
the Brownsville mills to this city and ad
In getting In, as the door happened to be ,lna' lw0 rnor ui making the milt a four
left unlocked .... Mrs R McCalley received
a violent stroke el apoplexy about noon
yesterday and died In a short time. She
was a highly respected lady and had many
friend. . :
. uia complaint The following Is a
synopsis of the complaint of W II Watklns
In his suit against tht Southern Pacific:
"Watklns alleged that on the 8th of De
cember of last year he undertook to board
tne company's train at Lebanon at 5
o'clock In the evening, when at that time
f year U was very dark. At the depot the
set one. The new machinery was ordered
sometime ago, and will be billed for Al
bany. In consideration of the loss In sc
tual time and expense of removal th. cltl
xen af Albany are to raise $15,000, The
mill Is to be a large two story brick and
wl'l be located between the Red Crown
Milti and the Farmers Warehoue,on land
owned by Isom & Lannlng, on the switch
of the 8. P. and near the O. P. switch, and
as well convenient to the Santlam ditch
from which water wilt be secured1 for run
ning the mills. The mill Is to have a ca-
would wake onljr mcan,ot "aching the train was by padty o! 35,ooo pounds of wool a year and
treauing narrow piana walk, which waa
built two or three feet from the ground.
Owing to a sudden turn in this wa'k, de
scribing a right angle, the plaintiff, In the
darkness, walked off the boards and fell
Into a dllch, breaking two ribs and other
wise Injuring him. It Is alleged that the
company had supplied no lights by which
10 iiiuimnaie tne wain, and that the plaint
iu s injuries were the outcome of pure
carelessness on the part of the defendant.
In conaequence of his getting hurt, plaint
iff had to pay a doctor bill of $1 , a hospi
tal bill of $73, and lot two months' time
while he could have drawn $$ per day, or
in an 3oo. whereiore lie pravs for ludir
menf against the defend.! for $10,51$ and
cost, ana uiaoursements.
Carriage Manufacturer.
F.Willert'i old Stand, on 2nd St,
First-Class fork Mads to Order.
A! unroot AT Eola. O P Beardsley
killed Tho L Perry man at Eola Thursday
morning at 8:30 o'clock. "Perryman was
walking along the street, when Beardsley
went from his house diagonally across the I Must Woait ToacTuea.-ReaHr the
street, gun In hand. When he was about cities of Oregon must work together for1
half way across th. street, he raised the gun th. upbuilding of the whole state. Com.
and fired as he walked. The shot brought petition, ihouch. Is the life ol trade, and so
1 Perry man to the ground on his face, and I It la amone- elite. The anirit f r.
1.: 1.11 k. u.. .1. u k..l. rt I -r
were only two shots fired and when struck I J .
the first time Ferryman uttered a scream ,,velr n oooata autters upward.
wilt about one hundred hands on a
pay roll of nearly $4000 a month. The
reputation of the Brownsville Woolen Mill
Company I established hero and abroad
and it Is a splendid one. With the addition
of facilities and better shipping arrange
ments it win Mini position to lane the
lead In the Northwest. Albany will have
a mill th. city may be proud of, one backed
by a capital that will insure it success, the
members of the firm who will come with
It from Brownsville po.aea.Uia a wealth of
over a quarter of a million dollars.
The mill will be built at once, and started
In time to receive the fall clip. Tho money
I not to be paid until the structure is up
ready for business, when half will be paid
and th. remainder In three months, mak
ing It easy on subscribers. ,
the following committee of active, en
terprialng men, representing themselves
over a million dollars capital, were appoint
ea a suoscription committee 1
and dropped." Thus Willis Jordan report
ed the matter to a Salem reporter. Heard-
ley claimed that Perry man attacked him
with a rock and that he killed him in self
defense. There had been a feud between
them for some time. Perry man was thirty-two
years of age.
The Dsmocbat doesat believe In dirt
throwing and never has dona an ot It;
but a spirit for wanting to get In the lead Is
natural f roro a school boy up and we are
In lor a tew kerns on the subject occasion
ally. The Salem Journal sensibly says:
"The Albany Democrat would In.lnuale
EcavipTntMRiOHT, LaslTkursdayal- that Salem I envious of neighbors, while
ter the services at the M. E. Church South the truth Is that we are pleased to lrd ol
had terminated th. mesaber. of the con- rVtJIT VS.S!
creeatlon tu.tesd of going home fallowed Th ,ink.,it.tin it,, .i.t nri.
Faiutill? md Trimming, the ps.tor Into hi re.idec near by, "and, lefit thtscity and all the cities of the state." I sens generally to keep their eyes ooen
"A neat Job of swindling was executed here
the past week by a man named Henry C.
canned coods. etc- etc- as well as other
convenient things, and, as a clincher to the Livttv K. t. SAies, A large number
handsome gift a welt-filled purse. They in- of sales have been made caused by the
stated on leaving these things as an expres- woo tea mill prospects, among other the
il.n of their appreciation of the spier, did following t A llackleman to C W Watts,
r,.vr. rseT. vum.nn .... .v. . , y k . . - ,
The campaign which closed last Novem
ber was properly called an educational
campaign. It set people to thinking, to
hunting up facts and figure lo which they
had given but little, If any, attention dur
Ing the past quarter of a century, and turn,
ed the public mind toward the great prob
lem of revenue as nothing had done since
ante-bellum days, But It was precious
little correct Information that the republi
can orators gave, when, by an mean, It
was possible to avoid It. They resorted
unscrupulously to the most glaring mis
statements whenever they thought the
ignorance of the people made such proceed-
ure lafe. William M. Rtackstock, writing
over his own name In the America Grag
Ilullttin, an agricultural and not a politlcaj
paper, tells how the honest farmer of In
diana were fooled Into voting the republl
can ticket Everybody knows how the
yotet ol the dUhoneit ones were secured.
It..- ... t,l,l.i. I . . .
', femur proof that reason is asserting he mUd
" v, -..... . , ' I dominion in tit. mind of I!UW Newman:
Balft'sl 1 I aartf. l tt ...
..waa as a . I I t ' " ' ' """ r
"tne real issue mine campaign w. 1 llm tft, rUr
u.L.ih.. L ...I I..- -u .1 ,s a. I '
wneS,r in. annua. .u.,... u. .. .w- cify ,1.. war Huul. To u.rmifJU. (rrn,i
owwxio snouiu oe reuuceo oy lowering me hc m!i ..Crove, Cleveland ha. t-e th. W,l
4asa a a I .a.? mm 4aaraaaiB a rtmm n$ 1(fa I
v. nt -or,, mta avtr tu In In Whli
or oy isaing tne internal revenue ia on HUUM. ..a k. has left evervthln eWt
A ijfch from Roanoke Vi-ginia ssysi
"Some what of a sensation ha been crested
here by the addicts of Biihop IVewmsn on
"Religious Education in the South." He said
thst the purest blood In America was to be
found in the South, and he did not know bo
that Southerner ought to thank God that they
had been horn south of the Potomac. ' "The
North," hecontinued, "would have to engage
in a death grapple with the dangerous and an
tagonistic foreign element now crowded into her
ciiien, and fast dominating the legislatures and
municipalities'. When the struggle comes it
msy be that the South will again have to march
forth, loyal this time to the dear old flag of the
republic, and preserve our dearest national in
stitution from foreign encroachment,",
He said that lie could speak by , authority
and assure the South thst Harrison would know
no South, or North, East or West in conducting
the affair of the government, and that hi ap
pointments to oflkc in the South wouH he
from the very best ' people," The following
dispatch from Buffalo under date of March 7th
piritt and tobacco. Advocate of the lat
ter course feeling the unpopularity of the
cheap tobacco, cheap liquor Idea, about 30
day prior to the election, asserted from
pre and stump everywhere that there
wa no surplus In the treasury; I heard
the wealthy Mr, Amldown of New York,
president of the American Tariff league,
unblushlngiy declare that there was not a
dollar of national surplus, and every other
ipeaker which I heard addrett the farmers
upon that side of the question, reiterated
the no surplus. I have seen these teach-
H is blunder have been blunder against him
self. He must be set down as one of our best
Presidents. Our readers remember that Itiah-
op Newman was Gen. Grant's parson and sc-
companied him oa hi lour around the world.
He ha been a very uncompromising republican
The history of Stanley, the explorer, is a pe
culiarly romantic one. He was born in Den
high, Wale and his original name was John
Rowlands. Up lo the ace of 1 1 he was the
inmate of an orphan asylum. Leaving the or.
er night alter night, In tha rural district phaB asylum to shift for himself, he hijijl a
of thl cou.tty of Tlppecanoe,Indlana,write I a cabia boy from Liverpool to New Orleans.
A SwiHDtna. The following from the
I SUtfwvi should be a warning for our cltl
maalc like, heaped upon the floor a creat n " ery property the Jomrnai ta
- " I viol WbI.m a. n .1
flred" hard for Albany,
on the blackboard $i,' which they
asserted wa the exact and only surplus In
the United Slate treasury, and In the face
of the republican senate bill ta reduce the
surplus f 74,000,000, those same men kept
on telling the back wood farmer about the
mere trilling balance ol $ 1 3,000,000, and
to this day ) per cent of our high tariff
farmer firmly believe' that there never
was any surplus.
"Again, In an adjoining school district, I
saw a school house full of tariff voting, Ig
noramuses uproariously applaud an orator,
at he made them believe that the got ao
cents tariff from every bushel of their
wheat, by simply telling them that wheat
wa that ddj selling for only 70 cent la
free trade Liverpool, and he had the docu
ment to prove (?) it, while th. price was
95 cents in Lafayette, Ind. He said five
cents more would place the same wheat in
.....11 u.i. r . - ..1 -.11
.,-!!! of flour. suar. tea. eoflef. heans. ,u .wt," "
-I"" " 1 - f " " 1 I
.ly all nieaa al f
Parte Brothers,
Smtrtstort Fox, r yor.
their church. A very happy evening wa
spent, and the occasion will not soon be for-
1 goiicn wj an cvnernevi
Paorrso TnaoroH.-Mr. B. Mahanna.
the creamer man.who said Albany hadn't
enough enterprise to stuff a Middle, 1 la
Roacburg trying to start a creamery. Here
$7300 would do It ( but there $1 loos was
wanted. The Umpqua VrwAeara s "A
I soliciting committee was appointed and
$4,000 In stock subscribed the next day
with good prospects ot the whole amoun
being raited. Then it was discovered that
the agreement drawn up oy i r. wenanns
wa as binding on each signer as a note for
$11,000, and most the signer Immediately
ii tri' naipc
A Nica SociAU The social given last
I I Pubruti:. ana A Klein, 2 lots, same
block, $S'X I same to Geo and M FUh, 1
lot, same block, $250. A llackleman to M
Stcrnburg, block uS, H'i 3H A, $ 1,00a A
llackleman to L Cohen, lots, IP 3rd A,
$otv A llackleman to W R BUhop, of
Portland, lots 3 and 4, block 5, IP 3rd A,
$(,00. Curran Si Muntelth, agents. Chas
Metxgar tt Ccs also sold fiye or six lots to
dinercnt parties.
Caooic County Yesterday Sot Wood
arrived here with a "sagebrush angel'
whom he arrested near Mcldrotrt'a place
on the desert. He U supposed in be ana
oi a hand of horsethlavc and tas hit
name U Jackson, though parties who know
him say that I not hit real name. He
eaye Mr Wood a lively chase before h.
Miller, hailing from Eugene. While stop
ping at the Chemekcte Hotel he formed
the acquaintance of a man named J. C
Webb, who is not long from the East and I
viewing the country with a view ol locat
ing. Miller represented himself as the
owner of a patent process of palntln roofs
and possessed of a complete outfit of tools
for doing the work. Webb thought there
wa money In such an undci taking and
easily nibbled the belt. He bought a hall
Interest In the right for Marion count and
In the tools, which Miller represented were
at Eugene and would be la Salem on the
"next train." Oa Saturday last Webb had
writings drawn tad signed between them.
and paid Miller $M of the purchase price.
The toots would surely be along Monday
morning and they wouu go to work im
mediately. On Sunday MU'er took a fancy
a a gold watch Webb had bought, but af
ter he had the watch in nia nanus ne louno
he dldnt have enough to pay for It and
asked Webb It he would wait until the bank
opened Monday morning;. Of course he
maker, who is not quit, fifiy-two. The aver-
New York at !$ ccnt, and, said he, "the I tee age of the iMmbert of Harrison' Cabinet
difference between 75 cent in New York U fifty-sevm years. The oldest man who ever
and 05 cent in your home market In La
fayette, k your so cent tariff." The cor-
rect Liverpool . price wa $1.15, Instead of
the fictitious 70 cents."
It was with such misstatements as these
that the farmers, not of only Indiana, but
the west la general were decelvedtr.d Ben
jamin Harrison take his seat ss president
of these United States by virtue ot a whole-
tale system of misrepresentation to use
no stronger term which deceived thous
ands of western men into voting for him.
Their nr. th. beat and th. tr price, the ordinary social was mor. thaa custom-
..11- :.U- s t. It wauIJ el- one on v-rwitu urcr ana on. on w
1 Ml & 1 , iv y ara --
Manufacturer 1 Cigars
..d being o. . dlflr... PUn from I i T,lh,. h.. ,. w s.ut A "f ; """"' "r'.."'"?;
ta took, for a location Bath of hit ranches. I . r . .
tin I Aft an H. faieawar w aaeasv ,.
.... 1 iu nav nau incna utei ihuiict
w " v - . rhultt. ar lor ult Mnnv stunMAAlAni I
fectlonally break up clique, at such gain- re(fret hW( fjahn & Fried
tings. A nan nour was passea m tnff 1 ftre retiring from kuslness. Yet a good
aatlon on 'Our New Presidents Mary'alact to the community always follow a
Little Lamb," "Music," "Painting and ciosmg eut saic
f L. ........ 1, m.- f..- V or Nn " I
r Rva ,., j.rr.awn, -ir, jvow
Cga:s,,Plug aon SmokifiK TnbiM, U rschauia and Br. vr Pip
. tn ofHrnok-ra' Arjeloa, Aim dealer
ii a f-
and -The Y's," each with new partner,
thus completely mixing up thosa present.
Games were puved and there was plenty
of music. The Y's are doing much good
n Albany in a quiet way. - ' -
Hailed. Mr D P Porter, of Sliedd
Sta'fon, Informs the DkmocbAT that on
Wednesday that vMnlt was vUlted b
the biggest hall storm he ha ever teen in
Oregon. Some of the hall ttone were
great masses of frozen matter over two
inches In circumference. Horse and cat
tle became heightened from the pelting
and onion patches could be smeiied lor
long distances, the tops In many cases being
Cut off. At Albany Iwlghmlnged nd there
wa a pes 1 or two ot tnunuerj bui 1110 nan
failed to reach this far north.'
who recently came down front the foot of
Mt. Jefferson ha shown the Pimocbat a
fine specimen of ore heavy with metal.' It
assay about equal parts of gold and silver
and contain several cdher trilqerala. Mr.
w(se found It near Mt. Jefferson, about sis
mile from the line ol the Oregon Pacific,
knocking It off a led ire with a pick. Near
th. oiac. waa an old sluice box that looked
as if it had lain there twenty years, show-1 pected here In a few day. . . .Two gentle
Ing that tome day mining on a small scale men from Marysvllle, Kansas, named II.
had Dcen oone. wr wisetninas mere is a v A . - ThUra
Rioiit or MAy-f. P. TcrriII,of Meha- Lroh.b, . loc,ll. .... M.Cralk told u.
ma, hai already secured the right of way that, j.rge number at people In Kansas
lor a rauroaa ir.m wuj wuy via aienama k, oreoaratlon. to move to Ore-
Yaquima Bav. The sleepy holloa- state
oi affair on Yaquina Bay are over. There
It going ta be a change thl season. New
men are coming in who propose to keep
thing moving with the rest al the wotki
Sea lions are very numerous ckota to
thl harbor. Capt. UoyrrioQ could get a
thousand l,n no time acre. And tt would
be the most convenient point on the coast
for shipment. They could be put In tanks
and put on the car at this point and would
not have to be unpacked or unloaded until
they were landed in Chlcatro. He is ex
Too went the best and mostdorable furntaretbat la manulVsturei in thl, ltyt lo
Thomas Brink.
fCaepJ.atanU eror thing la tbe furniture line that li Kot la a.Omt-clssktor
to Stayton, and saya he will be able to ob
From tux Same Placb Two eastern I tain It for the whole line to Turner. He
gentleman met In an Albany real estate of-1 also say there i a great deal ol lumber
flee. They were talking about the dim-1 ordered at Mill City lor Salem, provided
ate- in their respective state. "I came rate via Albany can be made satisfactory
from Minneapolis," said one. "I came I and that people all along the line above
from Minneapolis, oo,' said the other I named are very anxiou to secure connec
I Wheeler, Springfield, Oregon, Proprietor,
Albany Yard and Office on Railroad St l et ween 4th and 5th Street.
llsvln; lii nnr n-t exjslU! Inqistlty, nl folliiiei turpiwl for th pr
d eatlsfactiry filUnn ot or lar. We i.p-rtfaliy eollult a share if the trd .
e . i iw a
(. 0 t.i i :; '
... "rrt
f ' a
;033 BiSCUll
Kit your Grocer (or
"and I know If from top to bottom." ' "I
was there" said No 1, "long before it was a
city " It tranrpired that one of them lo
cated there in 1854 and the other in 1851,
but had never heard of eacn otner, tnougn
then there was not even a village there.
Thl I a curious and great world, and the
itrearp of Ml. run stfangely, -.
O row imq. There is a German news
paper published at Jerusalem, and It say
that the city I growing In lze and popu
lation at a remarkable rate. This ha a
counterpart In Albany In the trade of Conn
Bros. By selling a first-class quality oi
groceries and crockery ware at bottom
prices they are doing a live buslness,whlch
is rapidly increasing.
1 1 -
Nathak Boko Dead- Mr. Nathan
Bond, a well known and highly respected
pioneer, died at hi home on the Santlam
Wednesday evening, March 13th, after a
week illnes, at the age of about 70. Mr.
Bond came to Oregon in 1953 from lenn
essee, and accumulated quite a property,
Mrs, Bend", who survives him is lying very
low and is not expected to live. ,
Mas. I. II. Conut Dead- Prof E N
Condlt received a dUpatch last Thursday
from ElUabethport, j J, announcing the
death of Mrs 1 II Condlt, after a short ill
ness. The many friend of the deceased
here learn with regret of the death of this
estimable woman, Mrs Condit made her
home In Albany several years being high
1 beloved hy all who knew her, f sr
Water Cresse. Mr. John Bryant.long
may he live, ha the Democrat's "thank
you" for some fine water crease gather
ed near the Csllpoola. They are better
than medicine for the liver and are besides
a very palatable food. "Come again,"
Personal.' -Dr. R. H. Curl, of Browns
ville, has rented an office in this city, and
will move here and practice dentistry; He
is a brother of Superintendent Curl, and Is
taid to be good In hit profession.
A Cape Cod fisherman calls his boat "The
I Kiss," because it h nothing but a smack, v.
gon thl summer, . Both ol the gentlemen
returned to Albany veterday .... some en-
terorLlnir man will bur the hull of the
trended steamer "Yaquina Bay "and make
a fortune by taking her off the jetty, a
far a can be een the hull, deck and after
cabin ate a perfect, less the stripping, a
when the first stranded. Kcfutiiica
Excited. Even the College professor
and students are excited at Salem,accordlng
to the following s "ProL Arnold has re
cetttly made two tale aggregating about
14000 two purchase, aggregating: aver
now the happy poetor of probably the I $8000, and t now reed to make another
bet blooded Clydesdale n the Willamette J Me or two. , Prof. VanScoy ha been do-
Valley. He came from the very bank of ng likewise. Prof. Starr has made one
Clyde In Scotland, where he wa born g!zed purchase, and Prof. Jor will
seven year ago, and ha a pedigree that make some on happy by a similar sale.
make commoii horses stand to one side, I One of the lady teacher hat made a $ooa
going back to the very blue blood of Scot- purchase, and another, at well at Prof
lano a nuoicti nvr.c iie.ii. nv wh viuwkiii
tion with galem.and thatstept are now be-
Intr taken to Induce the Southern Pacific
to build a feeder when the right of way Is
completed,at it toon will be Salem Jour
A Clydesdale. Mr. Worth Huston Is
There be worked for a man named Stanley,
wbos. name he afterwards adopted. During
t be war he served in both the Confederate and
Union armies. Then be wandered away to
find Livingston, and in another journey ex
plored the Congo. After hc found Livingstone
Queen Victoria presented the aametes orphan
elsh boy t gold snuff-box. Hi Congo ex
ploration opened up to civilized man a water
way nearly 6000 mile long through a rich and
populous country.
Mr. Windom ii the oldest member of tbe
new Cabinet, being very nearly aixty-thtee
year of age. Mr. Miller is the youngest mem
ber, not having reached his forty-eighth year.
Mr. Blaine and Mr. Rusk are about the tame
age, fifty-nine. Mr. Proctor is fifty-eight and
Mr. Tracy sixty. Next to Mr. Milkr, the
youngest man la the Cabinet is Mr. Wsna-
.A rt iHtic Painting
Wood EufrrtvInK: anlMwdianicsl
' Kooms AJand V,Vntot Dioek,
Enured a tho Pout Qffle at Albany C
a ascond-claHs mall matter.
DotlVrfed hy oaarlsr par week,.,,,
fir null, pnr year..,.,, ,,,
bym v I, per mon'.b . , ,
a. , In alr,r . .
OtM,(r,i end nl ytmr
la OK.nth,, In adrMMw...... .
9 .IS
. l.W
I have bought tho largest and best stock of
ever brought to Albany, and I would respectfully
nvite every one to call and look' through my
stock. .
we carry a full lino of 0. M, Henderson & CoV,
The Red School House Shoes are the best
in the world.
entered a Cabinet wa Lewis Cass, who b.
came Buchanan's Secretary of State at seventy
five. Alexander Ham lion was the . youngest
of all Cabinet officers.
& '-:A2s-L'nt """ - 5w CEX&AU9 EC073 S SHCZS , - TT 1
II fcr .".. fltVC 'X :trr r, ' . - j
.? a r 'V. -V X
Tlier. are several thousand republican
office aeeker In Washington. The ctamar
lor the spoil of office Is even greater than
In 1885, when the democrats again came
into power, after twenty-four years exile
in the wilderness. What will President
Harrison do with, his hungry followers?
With a few notable exceptions, President
Cleveland allowed all republican holding
term offices to serve their tctmeou?. What
ha did In the wa of removing department
subordinates may be Inferred f rota the fact
that after serving four year he goe out
ol office leaving republican occupying
two third ol the subordinate position ia
the department at Washington. . The fig'
ure are these t Vieasury mjo republi
cans, with $ilS5j,ooa annual pay, and 440
democratic appointments, with $078,340
annual pay. Interior- 1674 .republicans,
with $4,ooo,oao annual paand 456 demo
cratic appointments, with $550,000 annual
pay. PostofSce 448 republicans, with
$550,000 salary, and 143 democratic ap
pointments, with $175,000 pay. There are
never enough offices to go around, but in
the present instance the scarcity appears
ta be as great as the demand Is unexampled.
The broom thai an enthusiastic Indianian
sent Harrison seem to Indicate a desire for
a dean sweep. But can the President al-
ford It t It is a matter of record that quite
a cumber of depattment employees went
back to Indiana In November to vote for
Benjamin Harrison and protection. They
Mr. Harrison' ideas about the surplus are
not very dear and his expression of them k
capable of almost any interpretation: but the
most natural interpretation seems to be that
the way to overcome the surplus is to adjust tbe
expenditure to the revenue rather than the
revenue to the necessary expenditures. Under
this policy we may look ut for liberal appro
priations by the next Congress. Auybody not
already on the pension list or any town not
provided silk a post office building should apply
early. -
A dinner to Mr. Pamell.with two thous
and guests and Earl Spencer in the chair,
I one way In which London admirers of
the Home Rule leader propose to honor
him. Eight or ten years sga no half dox
en tngiithmen would have been brave
enough to sit down at a banquet given to
Mr. Parnell. .
A unique chair made of th. horns of Texas
cattle is oa its way from Antonio to the White
House. It is the gift of a Saa Antonio banker
to President Harrison and H cost ft. 500
The horns are riveted with gold plates used in
its const ruction. From one of them glistens a
very handsome diamond.
Kansas City has a score of well-to-do colored
men a atone its inhabitants. The wealthiest of
them is Samuel Ionian, a barber. . who has
amassed a fortune of $1 50,000 from his traoe
during the past fifteen years, -
Tbe man who has come to regard I he ballot
box a a juggler' hat has renounced his alls
glance," sty President Harrison in his Inaugu
ral. If that's tbe case, there is many "a man
without a country" in the United States.
Alabama expends nearly one-third of its
don't want a dean sweep the want pro- J revenue for educational purposes, and yet it
claimed that the southern states particularly
need the aid of th. Blair bill.
through Canada to Albany, and 1 a mag
nificent lookine animal, Hi pediirree will
bp given In full some day. During the sea
son he will be at Ans., Marshall's stables
two da In the week.
t The Santiam Mrsts. W T Anglln I
down from the Santlam country and re
port renewed activity In the mine of he city to-day the abeve date wa fixed upon
Paryn, ha the real ete fever In a mild
form. One of the students nas purcnasee
several lots, and another ha invested be
tween $16,000 and $17,000 in real estate in
Salem and It immediate vicinity."
Friday, March 3a At a meeting of
the owner af Linn county horse In the
The time ha not yet arrived when the
American people dislike honesty and devo
tion to duty as attribute ol their public
servant. Cleveland never wavered from
hi stern sense of obligation to the country,
It is a common remark that If he had not
written h.1 celebrated tariff message he
would hare been re-etectcd. II thl be
true he deserve the more honor, because
In thl he exemplified the theory that It I
better to be right than President
This party of ours, good-natured In defeat,
magnanimous In victory, and so firmly
built that U will last as long as the sun or
the earlh,thnks him lor what he has done
for It. He has shown, not by magniloquent
promises, but by actlon.that the democratic
party can be trusted. It gratitude to him
Is deep and earnest, and so long as he lives
According to the Clerk of the present House,
General Clarke, the Republicans will have only
three majority in the next House.
This ought to be the most cheerful season
the year. No one can borrow trouble when tt
Lent. . ' J -
Santlam at an early day. He Is now work
Ing the famous "Santlam" claim, where
four year ago two of the miner had their
limb frozen off. He say the dirt Is al
ready paying .well, the highest reaching
$03 to the ton . They are now working In
a seven foot vein. Be 1 In town for sup
plies and too! and will return to-morrow.
-Salem journal.
for the exhibition of stallions In this city,
The show will begin in front of the Court
House, where the horses will congregate.
at 1 o'clock and afterward march througl
First and other streets. Every stallion ii
Linn county should be brought to the city.
Another Additiom, Mr. A. Hackle-
man is having hi 4th addition to the city
A Success. A large sudlence attended platted and tt will be placed on the market
the entertainment last Friday at the Opera 1 in a short lime. It will be located south of
' 1
House given for the benefit of the Erode!-1 the trd addition and east of and addition
phlan Society at the College.; Rev. Rom
Inger's explanations of the scenes of Alaska
furnished by Mr G M WeUIer, were clear
and forcible. The entertainment was high
ly enjoyed and was a well a financial sue-
Sociable. On Friday evening,' March
the 22nd the ladle of the Congregational
Church will give a social In the parlor of
their church. More definite notice will be
given later cn.
Thanks At the last regular meeting of
r , Company, a hearty vote ot thank wa
extended to the member of the Dramatic
Company, and those who so kindly aided
in making their entertainment a success.
running nearly to hi residence, and
contain ome very desirable lot.
Teacher's Institute The regular
annual County Teacher's Institute will be
held In thl city on April 3rd, 4th and 5th
State Supt McElroy will be present. Let
all teachers who can be present.
L. M. Curl,
County School Supt,
A lady refers to the time she spends in front
of her looking-glass as "moments of reflection.
Nothing will render a man useless faster than
to live among people who think that everything
he says is right.
CashlQoes a Long Ways'at J alia Uradwhol
f 1 ;rrs '. .-
Look out for Bargains
in the next
. -' - r- - - - - -' -."""'
The Leading as!i Dry Goods Store,
at, .-ars?ejnTiriJrrarijs. waanu iin-iaa 1 a 1 - -shs-ia.-
I have made arrangements for . buying
the Immense arm of the democracy, with I goods direct from the factories In Europe
here and there a ridiculously feeble excep
tion, will love its leader, Cleveland t
John Scott of the Pres.
Ident. ha been having a jolly time In
Washington. He is smaller than the Pres
ident and younger, and they have many
points of resemblance. Brother John weurt
full beard and the expression of hit face
Is like Benjamin's. His home Is In Kansas
City, Mo. IIeetoore he has been a'dem
ocrat,but worked hard for hi brother dur
Ing the campaign. , It is . understood that
he will be appointed United State Mar
shal for the Western District of Missouri,
J. S. 1 a genial man, popular at home and
much less reserved than his brother.
and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper
than any where else on the Pacific Coast
The following are some of my cash retail
prices s ":;'" :- ,'
K dozen unhandled tea cups and saucers,
t eta. ' " . '
J4 dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau
cers, 45 eta . . -
t dozen handled conee cups ana 1
cers, so cts.
dozen seven inch dinner pistes, 45
cts. .. '
These cood are all Iron stone China and
not a cheaner erade of eoods. I have also
added food stock of groceries, which
ask people t call and examine and judge
for theniselve as to quant ana prices.
TuLtus Gradwohu
Mr, Smith of Fall twonship, Ohio, being of
a uausally prarient mind, has purchased hi
coffin and temostone, the goods to be delivered
on the day of his death.
Children Cryfoit
According to a New York republican
politician, Vice President Morton has con-
trlbuted $1,455,000 to the part fund since
187a, exclusive of $1,350,000 which he col
lected in the campaigns of 1880 and 18S8.
Yet all he Is to get In retnrn 1 a beggarly
$10,000 a year for four years. The ingrati
tude of republic is really shameful. r
If the McKee bahy shall bring children into
fashion aeain. the chance of Administration
will not have been wholly in vain. J -
Pitcher's Cactorla
Paine s Celery Gompou
Purifies the Blood,
. Strengthens the Nerves, ,
Stimulates the Liver,
Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels,
Gives Life and Vigor to every , organ.
There's nnfhinn liks it. I Use It Now!
- j
Last mu-tnft, being very mucn run flown ana
leel like a new tnnu.
1 procured some ot I'alne's Celery
Compound. The use ot two bottles made me
As a general toiito and
spring medicine, 1 do not know Its equal."
BrlBadicr (leneral V. H. O., Burlington, Vt
ai.oe. BU for t&oo. At Druggists.
"IIiivlnE used your Paine's Celery compound
this ppriuk'. I can safely reconum nd it as Uw
most powerful and at the same Units nost.
eentMreffulator. It is a splendid Berw tonic,
aud Sine taking tt 1 have tell like a new man."
IS, knokk, Wateruwa, Dakota.
Weli. Bichabdsom & Co. Props. Burlington, Yt
i innrrn ennn B
Win. C wU
in his uew discovery for Consumption, no
ceeded in producing a medicine which ii ac
knowledged, by all to be simply marvelous, ,
It is exceedingly pleasant to the tacts, per
fectly harmless, and does not sicken. In al
eases of case of Consumption, Coughs, Colds
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, and
Pains in the Chest,, it has given universal
satisfaction. Dr Bosankn's Cough and Lung
Syrup is sold at 60 cents by Dr Unist & Son.
sTRIGnrS Jdrrh Tooth Soap eivwi
Vv nearly white teeth, purities the
breath, prevents teeth from decay, Sold
by Foshay A Mason.
T HoMmMiwatMl
Jfermr-Itia impor
tant that th Soda or
Baleratua yon vsa should
baWhitaandPure asm
aa all almliarsubatanoea
' used for food. Toinoura
obtaining only the "Am
A Hammer" brand Soda
or Balerati. buy it iu
pound or ha1 pound"
aartoon.,whleh bearour
nam and trada-mark, ai
Inferior toodaara mt
stmaaiubaUtutodforthe "Arm a Hammer" brant
whan bought In bulk.
Parties using B.ifciug
Powdsr should remaia
or that ita aola rising
proparty con.lata of bl-
carbonate of . oda. One
teanpoonfal of the-ixia
a Hammer" brand of
Bods or 8lertii mixed
yriiU sour milk a tula
Packed in Card Board Boxc s. Alvays keeps Soft.
four teaspoosfala of tha
owtualong ron uer.eav
ing twenty times ita
00a t, beudca being
much healthier, because
it does not contain any
iujuriotm sabstanees,.
auuUasalnm, terra alba
tic, of w faich mnay Bak
ing 1'owdera aramade.
l':iymtu and i'annora
sUottld na only the-Ana
Hammer' brand lor
Iwiuine and keeping
Milk tana Sweet and
Cxvnon. fk that
erery pound package of
Arm an I Hammer
Brand" contains full
1 S ounces net. and the
a pound packages fa I
ll omm net. Hod a or
Balentos same aa speci
fied on each package.
1 r '