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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1889)
U CM.IF8.X.A. iuunt"siiasta route. tali i Aibkxf vl Sab, 14 hour WMhtH nrtm ii ti!ts Run IUT l-uriia4 aatt Mas rraaeWoe, t. M. j Lv Portland Ar 10:45 A a p I Al.tty l.v M14 M I Af w.ii rHniclr'o Lv r0 t t... -ai, raai4 runt taiLT vKnit Sunday). i Y rvtiana Ar 6 a "t r j Lv Aibaoy t I ll:S A a LSSAftO MM('. .flTTG Albany r I so a a r I Ar IlxuKMt L a . PM l l.v Aloany ' i Ar Ub..n L tmr rai!.!AH LtJFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, t r Irt-atw a. 1 ! ,!.. las raen am, aiiaraedl. fcxarea Tralat. .,..., ii n i. i . .,u .k .i.vntiiia with all lb. u-i., on th. LUrt U lllsioi tra tool o t trt, "Htlaud, YVeal Side sYtVlslaa. t:i tm:v i-rLtxa AX Catta, iUik taais auf (Ki .".id .ladsy.) 7 s a a 1 l.vt t L Ar Ar L r a Carv nix I jo r tiajx Hit (Ko 8undJ. lrtlatt.l vM a a a a ( I r Throuyh Ticket To all point UOUTII -A. 1ST 3D VIA CALIFORNIA. r.( wt inform nloe reardlnf. rasss, taw, ., ,)'t'e Af 0 l "any R. KKt.iii.KH, il utvr a. . ROOBMI. Aaato. r.wHir. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Crcicn PaciSs Eaiiroai, ..m D.v.lnomant CoLCDAOy Hleain- ehlp Una. -nn r'lLES SHORTER. 20 nouns less time ja by any other rtaU. r.rt-oU through Pn(rr nd Telghtl.rtarrom l'ortiand and a.11 plnU ai h WllUmotu Valley to a ad frow San f'rancUeo, Cal. P1T8P Lina ci swimen. . .... . . m ml. .al U 1L,nl. Tb "WW. M. linan, - iui - . .i-"' " Tha "Threo alalara-ara in w.ivr- c.r KnCh naawaiw ana i . tou Corvallia and 1'orllaod ana inier- " U VV. T,W - liata ih1uU, leaving Company r r,H rallia, and Meaara. Hulman A Co" iual wharf. Noa. JO and ri Front St-, i-ort- lmt, thrw time a waak aa foUow s KOHl'rf BOUSU. !... ..r.i!!.., MMlaA, WjU-aiaTi a-. : F i. a ii a. in. aibw al aaJvia t' i t. ai.'arri. r.rv a -r- X.y at ti a, ut. Arnra ai rWuauJ 4.1JH. a. Uar. VMrtuvl M Ja.. WaJiHVfcUye aa4 rrid- ita,.aa.. Arrta at Ma " f I'jkIi. I'aaraUy aaU aauuA Arnc aAOvailiaaA SJ Pa Laa ai a, a. EmU iuka dv oonnaoiloo at AJUaa an ulus of tnaOrogon Pai-lnj KaUroaJ r.M8 S UliCjUl.K (acysttilaya.) urn Albany. MM . a, Uu.q C-Ttftn, 1:11 r. a. Aj-nva Vaituua, S-W r. a UtH Yaquiaa, 8 li A.a. Lwn Corrmlia,I: A.a. Arna. Allauty, kl.10 A. a. O Jt C. trlaa oonnax al Albany nod (.'..noJiia. 'th aoov traina eoonactat Viuiu wita tu Orogjn lviopinnt inupny' Un of HUaunabipa bewn faquiua and an Franc laco. MAIk.I7IG DATES . - nataaaa. rauaaa. raAStww. no, tauiA I Eiaioatl. Valley, Tkors, Dm. ta Htuuatia Vaila., M . llao.l.fl uUmatt. Vailay, boa. !. Wad. Dm. liih Km Ujc Uih Th 0"i'ov ..ry- .h right to it aost bi,iuk daUa without notjeaj. N. Ii. r'aaaatnirara from Por.Uno and H uUiiint. Va ley polnu can rnaka rloa tr.nofti.'u withih tralna ..fib Yaqulna ,...! at AiLany .r OorvallU. and tl da il.ia l l i at. Kinci.i should arran;to i"iv a Yt t; avHuing bofor t'At ar.rr aa I eUkt ktalea WJ' lweat. Intr'i i,i,iifHO J Utoart, Freight and Ii .,- i .V' i,,o to C li aaaaaii, Jr., O. t. A I". , t" lwra:i.aiaut Co., 'M Uonifimturj S. i rri. ,:s C-U. V. UAiia ci r. ui". ictt. Or 1 ti. urvlii Eevere House: ALBANY, - 0REG0H ClIAS. I'FEIFFER PROPRIETOR. ri'tsi :n In 6flla ayle. Tabl.a a.i;.t .sl with tb li4 in th market. N i artmenia. Hmp!a rrnima ' j;n:.nroll trav:r. rvr' fr.t ti'tyit.'SA f ANTKiK Tinn,r. f'ali milk 'y ow. A f ply to O. C. Olaan.f Third rnft, lyo b 'i i et f th d'tob. ' 0H.G. U. CHAL13ERLI,5., K32i23;irilil3 Pbjiiciin ail Utgm Special attention o diseases of the eye. 'til" c-.riior ' fl.JrJ an I l.yon Sf, ALBAHY, D3CaH. L'tu County liaak, ' COWAN. KALSTOX & CO., ,afa! tMf.kiu tUaii. . t '. i ... 1, i .. i . , ,,,... .-nrtn - .ii; i. vtf ta - If, mm, iiif? "oiiiistllcr At La? MSA1V, ORECCH, t tort d 10 In lr.n-f mill. ,1. Iii)ii Id. i t.'! J,l. ..Uy 0 K. I is t tu. Shop, House ajid Carriage Painters. neccrators and Paper Hangeis Piano Virnichlng. All wirK(iiara!i!M(l. VASSALLO & fliCMPSOH. U H iy -"ii".) jit 'Attorney (it i,V - - - Law CP.ECG! hyuician ani Sar-joon. rit)'-l!. 1 1' fi.ti"',rV. .!?hy:;ician and Surgeon, . ror. First anil Trry l"trnt, AL"AflY- OCEGOJM. Fortmilter k Imog, oo no ft V., -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.-:- Prompt Attoatlon-First-class Haarsa PIANOS. Tho wlahloat ft flrt-nta. Inalrntnaat ahouldOAli at Mm, U. E, llrinao'a and aca Oiia of thoaa Calaoratott Jiaiatn A Lodk plauooa, ((Hit, out rich ton, K- lyMjlallT luaii and adi tad to aland thai ntiinata on Iba Paolflo Coaat, Kvnry piano ruuy guatautaaa ror o ymira. i ua abat-uiula for ato. MuaIo and nainllna leaaona glvrn thara. A I no tia pla la Eit I voiir new Sawlns Maohlna. Fancy work and drtaa making dona to order. First door aaai or xoung'a Old atand, Albn uregon. U. F. r.lERRILL, JB XT 333 XI , ALBANY, - - -.-' OREGON. Rati .tohAnf. ou M York, Baa Fraaoiaoo ta4 rvmuuMi, Buy aotea, Sla'a, umy aaj e'ty mnuA la aalva dapuait. anblwi to caack. tutoraa allua4 aa Uaa. eapuaiia. (X4 taction. arlU raoaJra praaap altonUoa. rVtiaatawMtona. ar4k-jud. I'Vra a ixl Main iBaurane anaapaaiaa. EedCrownMills SOM, LASXIXfl A CO., PROPR'S. tw rKOCua ruiDK vrmnioR roa paw mi AHA EAKIKS V8K, BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Elyheit Fric in Cash frr I Wheat DR. W II. DAVIS, Physici-tn and Surgeon. arOflW u aUira In Htrahaa'a Block. May be found at ble otlle a ay an J night. First National Bank OF IS 1, UREG09I. ai ' .. .... ........ . . . t FLISTM Via PraaAjaat ,. IL K. YOl CaahWc... .K. W. LANtilHlN. AaslCaahkr... JA8. r. rXWKU. .TRANSACTS A O EN ERA L tanking boatana. ACVOUim KEPT abwt to aikac. BIOIIT EXCRAXOB and M Taptila tranarar, aol a saw I or, aaa rraueiaoa, aoagu aaa ru. COLLECTIONS MADCaa tttorakto terms. MBBCIOtJ . K. Toraa, K.W, Ltaoaoa, t. K IIaaus, L. ruaa, fauna K Tinaasa, H. J. Munaoaa. Pr-a. B. S Ooa S . A raaAAS, Via. fraa U H. MManTraa The'Jrcgaa Lmd Company Oavaolsad fee thanarpaw afbarlar sod aalllnc rail aatata, adrar Uttif Mi. Will paatta V allay In all at Iba laadmr ama ipara ut Uva Uaitod Stataa. ginplnytnc Laatara acauU to Uiraet Soma aaekara to tha 1 w lllam- attoVallry, and h ana axanta ia all th prlnalpal vmrm ca aanoa, rota, uhh, ttmton, ciacaamaa aa Yamhill aooalM to aid In kaMMf lawurraalab INBea la in. TaM ttolbtiag mm doac aaaA at lev ari A Soi l UOUSOS DICK1.VSOX, HaBaTet. T. J. STITES. ATTOltNEY AT UW -AND Notary PuMic. ALCANIT, OZQDH. FOSHAY & MASON, TT"HA-VAis aaa aaraiv. f Irnrr3v"tv nrif! llitrinlltiti u i uioici ituu iiiunn.'iii 1 u. Ageutafor J.ihi B. Aldan' publk.-slna, wbioh wr mil at pulisher'a prio wilt aotgsdJAd. ALBANY. OKKtiOK. W -a W' . -V .TV-, 2 VisV aW -a-a1 tj. j FOli 1889. fa I'd of Vr.lble. Hawer. f.atU tiauall t ruitJ. a.ik ilaacripiw . r. r.r. w t v ". rn t pt.kti: i. 1- 1 1 1. 1 AMI lJ.l'UVi:t. . r t a-iri,. thsa .py W earal ': l,, r l.legant :c,.-d A-l( s, s la !romi.aca. rrrn tatalcs: r.EICA. a 1 f iy, , r - W U-niLYKU, ATTORNEY AT I. AW And Soliritor in Cbaocerjr, ALBAIVT. - - OKt.UU, Collection promptly uttda ou si, ; ut Coan negotiated onteaaonabia fi iu mbiiiii. marmm VTben I tar Cccb I do net mean mcrthr to ttop thorn tor a limn, and llivn lmve Iiu-iq re turn aKam. I MKAM A UAKI'JlL 1 hav a mad U diaeas ol FITS, EPILEPSY or FAXLIKG SICI07ESS, A life-long ttndy, I warrabt my remedy to Cuaa the worst cnsea. Ikcuuso other hav ' lulled lno reaaon lr not now rccMvinit acnr. ini at nnco lor a treatiaa and a J-'KIfS HOTTLO tt my Invai.i.ibui iUMcir. Give xpre.a l'o-t (ntlr-a. It coats yon nothloc for a -.a'., a i.l it will eur you. Addresa -T.rOOT,M.C., IS3PfAM.8T,HrY0 tsT'1 tr mea- 11 m s NTS! Adminlstrator'a Nrfcice, N'mic- ia hrr.l y gh-n that th inderain--,i iia. lia.layl.u duly . appn.itand Ad 1 ii I ttxli r .if thi- eatateof Jot; &. William, I. hy t Coou'y Court of Lion con a "if" . All e.'f"Dbav,oti 1 1 amis against sid o'..!t H. hertby uo il td to tresnt th n. pn.,ei ls te.-ifled, to t Adininuitrator Alimut, Orrgini, wi'liiasii moiitii from ill., ila'r. T..ia the 13th day o'. January, IfS. U. F. William. J. K. WiSATiir.rtFOMD, Adiniin.trator. Att'y for Adni'r. . "Jiia WcsMiII," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chlnoo good of all kind on band, Aiao full line of JAPANESE G0003. OEEitH pacific cumicioa,- for this -tinn. Laf.nriira furnlnheil on abort Dolico fo ny purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Children Cry for n -( ft lNFlAMMATOnY RHEUMATISM. trtTERtT UEU'LRU AS1 CVUFU. BOMTLY, tat "!. Imli rot- PCRMANtNTU. 'A tattla AUaaUaa al t. JaaaM Oil, Aha hU, aut4a kar a tra katltaw la 1 Tlrlau, at Ik tf et m hamiiiiii aa (ka ih traatlr kaa. tW4. Tha aaaMnaaa al II krakt kur to (li. kappy taa4IUaa la wklak tk. raoertar at kar, wtlk Ui. Cr.. lit at kr Uaiha in la ar(l kaalUitn4, tk aaa a ra ap aaA 4aar. tain, aha al4, aa4 kr kaaaa .ra aa (Miat la avary raifwal aa tf ka4 kaaa kafctra aaa baaaa ta nAar, aaaaa jrava aaa.,R riMtlM BJ( 1IM 1U41 Ma llTMt, it MA tk.t (ar tk aut btu ran i Ma a mOnw ftaa anU tataatW7 rkwoiAUaa. mhitk aU i BiaMU. at WMWUf tkMI M Wt Ml aaa. aar telr, IwM anal, w l A ta, .4 taarM www )laWl M taln. Ak. t' .alrat mHM A aw .Mat, INriatAm awaika aka araa .Mint to nrry toa rtA aa4 U k Ula. tit ytCI.-Tka kaal alamy Aral aa akaaaart. ffa kaal la tk. arBtat,iaMt, nMal, aut aanw aaai, Taa kaaatM an kajraaa arlaa. la, JaaaU OU kttaM, Hotd k PrMOtfiil awl iWT K iwaar TNI CHARLES A. VOCELER G04 ItHlaiar Ml Stoie r aat atock of 2nd . vla lit the Val taj,and tna m t mi until pron, both In imvlncand ailltlt 1 v on hand llkln.uor FUSMITURE, STOVES. TIHWARE, TRJHXS, B33XS, P1CTU3ES, CLOCXS. CROCXERY, ETC., ETC. On door weat of i. E. Young'a old atore. L GOTTLIEB, XX Flrat 8lrtt, Albany, Or, C. J,-DILLON & CO., liKJlLEUS IN LUMBER, FL03RIH3, RUSTIC, ETtf, BsneraV Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber. Repairing, ' Etc., Etc, MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advana&9 to purchasers Ol ., , I r-stio flooring, FAPlorr at lt !( Ly Ntroo PATENTS btaiiMd, amt .1) othar awiaaas to lw U. rMw alo. auaadadwl to tW toodar.1. Iraa. UuraOta. aauaa Ua t'.tt. l-aaaal MlSto, aa vaoao oMala Hawola has uma Ibao Iboaa raaaoM roni Waahinfftoa. . hand uaila nrdraabur. Wa a.'-' - to lavtaatl atHiii, (raa u sliarga aud araiuak. vbarya uuhMS wvouaaia auawi. rafe'r bara, to th Porta, A.r, Ih. BoiH. al Monev Unliir Uit. sad to ortlciais ol lb. U. . runs tHBoc tut tin. alar. Mlota torma, and aaVrauaa. aewal elWuU la yvor amm tfuu Mtly, Mrato Cm .4 sioy &co, Opoail rum, uniaa, .ikuh"", Tb StrmtS'GUTDX la taanad Uareh and Bept, 1 each year. Jt ia an ncy. ! elopaxtln 01 uaelul utfora 1 nation for all who Dor. ehaa th luxurl or th naoaulliaa of lite. Wa oaa olotha you and (uraiah you with all that paoa.sary nod unnaaary applianoM to ri da, walk, dance, slaap, at, fiah. hunt, work, go to church, or stay at bom, and In various laa, atylaa and qoanUUea. Joat figur out what la required to do ail thaaa thing CORFORTIBLT. and you ean make s fair at 1 mala of th vtia ol IH BUXA1US' OUIDK, whlob wm bo sent upon roipt of 10 eonta to par poataca, MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. IXi-li HiobiBaa Avnu. Chicago, XU. bam ma. a. atXORR MAY k SENDERS. Dealers La General MercnanAiss. flARRISBUSQ - - CHECOH tTill kar Grain. .Tool asd til kinds - ' ' Prcdnca Ann . S ye featl inn. laat-ntl. low-eptrttatt, Ufa. wa. and Iodaor1l)ly nlaarabl, hot pbyaU e!ly and numtallyt aypaiimto nt of fuilne or bloating aflar eating, or of "gon. ttoaa," or aroptioaaa of atocuoca ia tb mora ine, tona-ua anatod. bltiar or ba4 tast In mouth. Irrarular apptlt. dlzzlnaoa, fraquant twadaebea, blurrad y bt, UoaUn apuka " bafor Ut ynt, narvou proatrallun or baustlon, IrritahlUty of tamper, hot fiuabra, Bltarnalin with - eh lily eeiuatlon. aborp. IrtUa-, tranttoa pain nara and therw, eold fiat, drow.luaa aftar meola, wakatulneaa, or diaturlMM and unrctresblu- aieap, oooatant, indaavmbahl faaUn; ot dread, ot of lmpand in calamity f If you bar an, or any oonatdarabl emmba of the gymptoma, yon ar (uttering from that moat common of American tnaladieo billon Dyapapaja, or Torpid Llvar, aaaoolAted with Dyspapaia, or Indigestion. Tb sanr omplioated, your tUaaaaa baa heooma, tb frraato- tb number and diversity of aymp. torn. No matter what star It ba raaflbed, rterr.'. ioideu ffledleal Utaeovary will aubdu It, U token according- to direc tion for a reasonable length of tlioa. If not mired, eonipacatlon multiply nd Contump tlon of the Lungs, Skin Diaeaan. Heart Dlaeoae, Kbeumatltm, Kidney Dlaeam, or other frav ualadle are quit linlile to sot In and, aoouor v. miar, mania m lermintiitnn. r. Plerea'a tUoIdeu Pled leal Die every act powerfully upon tb Liver, and tbrou-b that area blood. purifying organ, cieanae tha ayctera of all blord-Ulnts and I id. purltiea, from wbatover cans arisiuir. It ia equally efflenotou in actlug upon tb Kid neya, and other eroretory organs, cleansing, atraogtbentng, and bealing tbelr dlaouea. A an appUziDg, reatorative trnln, It promote digeation and nutrition, thereby building uo both neab and atrength. In malarial district. Iota, rreat una wonouriui meoioma no golneo crcai CKiebiity In curing fever and Ague, Chill and fever. Dumb Ague, and kindred dlaeaae. Dr. Plg ESoldeu Iled.lca.1 Ola cot-err ..U fibb IlU..aUt. mm m tllia.Mnai, from a common Jllotch, or Eruption, to th worst Serofula. Knlt-rheum, " Fever-sore," Scalr or Iloiiirh fikla. in aliort. all A J aauaed by bad blood er conquered by thi powerful, punrying, ana Invigorating menu cine. Great Kitting Ulc-ra ratllly beal under It benign influence. JCaneciully ba It manl fitted It potency In curing 'fetter, Ecxema, Krydpelaa, Bolls, Carbnriolia, Pore Eye. Scrof ulous Sore and Swellings, lilp-jolnt Dlaeoao, "WUIt 8wellig, Ooitro. or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten oanta in stamps for a larsre Treatiao, with colored F'lateSjOn Skin Iiiat-asea, or the same amount or a XreaUa on tkirofutou Affection. TOH THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cletnt it hy using Dr. Pleree'a fioideu Modlcnl Ufscovcry, end good digestion, a fulr tkin, buoyant plrita, vital atreegtb and bodily health will be eatabllabed. CONSUBIPTION which teKerofula of the Lang, ti arretted and cured by thi remedy. If taken In tha earlier eugee of th diaeaae. From It mar. veiout power over thi terribly fatal disease, when first offering till now world-famed rem edy to the public. Dr. Pinroe thought seriously of calling It bi "Consumption Curb," but abandoned that name a too restrictive for a medlcins which, from It wonderful com bination of tonlo, or strengthening, alterative, or bloodo)cajising, anti-bilious, peutoral, and nutritive properUi, i uuequaled, not only as a remeriv for Consumption, but for l11 Claroule plaeaaea of thi Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lunim, Spitting of niood, f hort Bpas of Ilr-ttt,b, t.hronlo Kal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Cougbt, and kindred aaectlont, it la an eliioient remedy. fo'.'l5.oo.Iru8Klt XM0 eu Bottiea t W twmd ten cent hi stamps for Dr. Tleres" bou on Consumption. AUUrcaa, . ' Aiv,...., J iE...M,UM taS;U.iC"f C63 SlaJa EtTfAI., KJT. Pitcher's Cactoria. III. : AIPS a Br aTnW,Bai-rmsi---T ok- Dtmofrai. FFIOUL . and APEL TrilPKlt.VNt'fi COIil'MK. l'..lliJ ty Albany W, O.T. U . At the mcetltigot the Union of TueaJay ttfier the tranaitctlon of the ukua) bualneit plant tor onenlng the reading room were dUcukiictl. ' A no intta'actory aolutlon ol the nrolilrm how to open and run a read lng room without money, w arrived at, the matter wm IwlJ over until nest meet lng, and a committee appointed to investi gate the (Innnclal tide of the question. Grand Matter Workman, Fowderly, of the Knluhtt of Iabor In referring to the pending prohibitory amendment In Penn t)lvinU (' i i "We are forced now to choote between the poverty and dUtreti upon ouo tlde.hrought about by the drunk ard and the unprincipled rum teller, And prohibition upon the other. Of the two I prefer prohibition. The farmer, need have no fear of prohibition. In my opinion It meant an Increased demand for what they deal In." - Th "pint bottle" Impoi tatlont Into Iowa, mutt be ttopped. In other words, the 8u preme Court ol that State declare that the person to whom these original package ar tent hat no right to use or dispose ol them In different manner than that prescribed by th Stat law. " . , Fort Dodge ha caused th official ol Iowa considerable trouble, and Sheriff Adams, ol that city .recently received from the Governor the following algnlgcant let ter "My attention ha been frequency called to the open violation (if the Iowa pro hibliory law in yaur county uy numeraut persona residing In Fort Dodge, and th placet w nere in't violation nas occurred have been designated. I Here lie named a dotcn places.! if the county oilkUla do not see that the law Is enforced the proper steps will be taken to enforce it. ' Wm, Larkahkk, Governor Here it a humorous, but true statement ol the ;ae by "Mob" llurdett : "Just now all the enemies of Prohibition are crtlng out that 'I'rohibUion u a Uuure. Uut you never hear a Prohlblilonlst tay that. It" the fellow who want U to fall who raise that cry. Go slow about joining that cry, mv hoy. jvot one ot the Mate that adopt ed ProhlbUioii hat repealed the Prohibition Amendment i not one. Don t be In a hurry to declare an v cauae, any movement that "aim to make bad thing good, and good time better, that aim to help men.a Ijtlur. even Ihouirh ton ae lha mum fiat on It back, both leg broken, and ttt aword arm twisted. It isnTt dead yeL Don't be- lleve too much In failure, my boy.leat you grow to oe one yourscii. uciieve in auc ces ; It is better watcb ward, ha a clear. er ring to It, and a man look, and feels. and Is prouder and nobler, fighting fwr auc era, than when he I ttrugellng In the name of failure. Don t defend : attack Don't stop to explain and apologU lor the faultt of your cause ; maintain and enforce II virtues. "You haven t taught 111 any ot the parries," aald a young aoldlcr to an old Prussian fencing .naster. "Don't need em, growled tha old muaiacne : "you 1 ... . i. . 1. . i. ,u "'"" ""' "",r That man I mireT. ,i, laiimr, THE MAX ABOUT TOWM A a . , , , . , , ... florist In England claim that a rot ! bush, which hat been bearing white react lor more than thirty tear, ha auddenlr chaneed. and now nut out emir red rose i Not a very strange bet when It I rcmein be red that a great many men In just about th Mine time, several of whom reside in Albant, change the color of their nasal appendage to a verrnllllon hue. It is as ea.y for a quarrelaoine man to Oght a lor a boy lo want to play In the mud. All that I necessary is for some plain remark to be made that plnche a little, when the man will yel!, "what'a that yer sav ana stnae irorn tne snouiacr. Th Man About. Town hat just read how at Waterloo, Iowa, out of mockery a poor cobbler wat nominated tor Mayor by a few dUaflccted parly leader. The Knight of Labor and other voted for and elected hlin and tltft ..v.. Kn, I . mm 1 1. a I . i. u. .t . wUh aurPrucjindcrid -too bad.- it u had I lw- ..... . ....I., k.. been ume drunken bummer It would have been all right ; but jutt a cobbler, think of mat. A wilier in anexchange I In favor of the Supreme Court Judges wearing tilk gown like those of the L . S. Supreme Court, Please don't. Just Imagine Judge Tbyer, Lord In silk gowns, Mrahan and Fashion Is fickle, to all the men say, whea It app le to women Thing go by rage. It ia a sort of folloar th leader. If anything looks cute on one person the next one who arc It think It jutt w'nat will nuke her look angelical. Recently a French touches (ruing 10 some festivlf'j lor a br-ncvolent purpce, wa late, and put on her glove while driving. She did Ho, notice until she stood in the drawing-room that tea black and white silk costume she had added one black glove and one white one. She kept them on, and at the next fashionable asaembly fn the place all the ladies wore gloves of different color. - W hen Baby waa .kk, we gave !w Castor!, Whea she waa a CWld,she erlad forCaatorta, When aha became Mi, sb clung to Caatoria, When aha had Chiktran, oM gar. thwn CjMtoria, Absolutely Pure., 1hlpwrlr never vat lea. A na ma of purity, atrenftbt and wtioiaa(inervet More econoinh al than the ordinary An4at and ranriot itt ao.d. in coinjetitlon) w it ia iriul.ltiid or low tt, abort wnigbt aorni or piiospbate powders. Hold only lis ewtra ttiai iiRin rowder Oj Jfia W M W, Y. U, W. Or OWLET ; Co.. Ag.nta, Portland, Ore-on WILL BROS, inkier in all the latest Improved Piaati OrwMR., Htwiait Maohlnsi, Guns. Atao. afuilliueof wurrantoil Kazons. Bntcber and rocket Kniyes, Tha bent klini ()f siwlnn; iua!hltio oil, needle and trm, fir all iriorhine. Ail ura'ttntf SioaUtr a id roMtouably done. - - 0W S - rROYALiisri A I ; pa ..TELEGRAPIIIO NEW S NatCritltd. Wasiiihgtos, March p.Secrelary Blaine, (hit evening, In answer to an inquiry, mild thai the report of a conflict lietween German and United States war vessels In hit opinion, U'lworthy of crodence. lie regarded it at a mere stock Jobl.lng rumor.haviiig no foundation whatever. Commotio! Walker of the navy department held simitar viswt. II angry Men, WARiUNiiTON, March 8. ty. P. Mays and J. C Leisure are in the city. They are . lwth CAndidatct for the office of United States attor ney for Oregon. L. T. Hi!n, of Portland.Or., It in the city, lie It seeking the office of col lector of custom, at I'ur.hinJ, faale Htopped. PaRI, Match 8, The bank of Franc bat advanced 100,000,000 franca to the Comptoir dea Comi'tc, tuflkknt to cover the amount cf depotitt witlulrawn from the latter bank, 1 he tnglish copper eumpaniet have accepted the SOT out ZiZ twonS:' The trouble, of the Societe drt Metaux aros from the inter rujition or harmony in the syndicate. A MtMlUI (lMerl. Washington, March 8. Genet al Sherman baa made an urgtntjertonal . re'iuest of tin president that General Joseph E. Johhston 1 rctaloed in th office of railroad commissioner, and promised to ask nothing more of th ad' ministration. Johnston surrendered to 8her man twenty four year ago next April. It w probable that Sherman'i wish will be gratified, Pratl laveatnr. New York, March 8. Captain John Krio ton, th engineer who designed Ih ironclad Monitor, died thit morning, aged 86 year. II nail been iu only a week. Aal'taal. Seattle, March 8. Tb ateamboat strike on the O. R. k N. boeta on Puget sound It over, and all th men hav returned to work at old wage. Iioka Berloa. San FaANCit:o, March 7. The Examiner to morrow will print, with the greatest prom tnence, the following telegram from Ilrettau, Germany: I he !Mtgrr .ulnng pnnlt the following dnpatcn from hamoai I he uer man frigal Ulg bat bombarded Motafa 'acamp, The captain ofan American manif-war protest. cJ, but seeing hitprotett disregarded, opened lire on th Ol. 1 h shell burst between decks doing much damage. . Th Olg than directed a tot'itedd at th Atnetican man-of-war blow. titg her up, with all bands. AlllgNavy IjNiiiN, March 7. In the commons to-day lxtd Ceurue llamillon, first lord of the ad miralty, stated that th government proposed to build eight first clas men-of-war, of 14,000 ton each, and two of 9000 tuns, nine first chu cruisers,twenty nine small cruiser, four of tb randera type of emiaers, tnd twenteen of tb tharithooter type of torpedo vesaels. The total tonnage of all the wilt be, t nd th total coat 31,500,000. ,Waata Military Aaabttaae. PEMH.ETON, March 7. Colonel J. C. Saundn, the government inpi wbcf latbaen engaged for some week past In th work of straightening out th tangled condition of affair on tue Umaun reserve, has applied to the sec retary oi lite Ulterior kit military tttiauncc, in order to enforc tb department rcguUtion governing tlM-reteivstuin. Oatjr Eseltoneaf. Lot Anuilu, March 7. At a damper to th enthusiasm of thus having faith in the di cover e of gold in Lower California, titer ar many bet who know the ground welLand they ptvuict that the excitement will die out as rapidly at it began. WbyJI malt, MoaaiLLTON, Aik., March 7. Aa incoh rent letter, signed "Jack lb Ripper," waa ra ccived to-day by Sheriff Shelby and turned over . . k.. MmmmA tC u.--,, UM . -. t,. 1 w ua kiwhv I." ? . um w,a, aHja m l aua ?m.. m i.rto-. Ik. ,nuhUrt MUUi. can candidate for congret. because year ago I Clayton caused 1U live of the wrur UUiu "nJ Mber ' taken. Kaatfra Tamperatar, C'HICAf.o, March 7. The temperature at t o'clock thi morning wasi New York, 66; Chicago, 33; St. i'aut, 37; Wiuaig, 221 New Ur leant, 48, , l'aaawa t'aaal.. AsriMWALL, March ?. The llritiab vessel El Dofado, 1270 loot burden, pasted through the I'anama caaaL from Atpinwal! to Chagrec, a distance of fifteen. Thi w the first foteign vessel that ha passed through the canal from one port to aomhVr. AU It. War. Hklkxa, March 6. Trouble ia anticipated in the Jefferson canyon between Northern Pacific workmen and those of file Union Pa cif'ic road. Last night a fight occurred ia which the Northern I'aoiu: men captured the camp and tent and jumped the Union Pacific loca tion. Reinforcement of the Union Pacific men, reported to be armed, started for th scene ut ciion last night and also a load of Norther Pa cific men went from Helena last night over the Montana Central road to lloulder, cn rout for the scene of trouble. A Big Bait, Washington, Mann o. .o wine wa served at the inaugural ball, although tbous andt of people were i -ddng for it, and the profit of th men who had the contract for the topper were not nearly to great as they other wise might have been. '1 be absence of wine was due to the expret request of GcneraK 1 lar noon. 1 he M weeds of the tall will be about 6o,ooo KraervaUtfa Trabl. Walla Walla, W. T., Mrch 6. It Itre- torted here that Special InJian Agent Kaun dert, djw on the Umatilla reservation ba made a demand for troops to enforce the or ders regarding th vacation of th reservation by the horde of white ettler, and to quiet threatened disturbance among the Indiana caused by lite monopolization of their bind by tne wiuie. San Francisco, March 6. Th custom houte officers made an important scuure of opium on the (team collar Empire thi morning About 700 five lael bove. valued at $4200 ooilart, were captured, and bdward JAosen and jutmuavon were arrested lor tmuggling. Abdicated. Belgkade, March 6. King Milan hat ab dicated the throne of Scrvia. Crown Prince Alexander will be proclaimed king to-morrow. Regents will act during the minority of the king, who wa born August 14, 1876, Had Doga. Mkw Martinsville, W. Va., March 6.- Notwithttending the fact that from two lo three hundred dogs, tutpected of being mad, or in fected to tome degree with rabies, have been killed in thi (Wet zed) county during the past thirty days the interior of the county ttilt teem to be overrun with enninet in a dangerout con dition, and the alarm of the people it general Qstuulfy AgRlu. ftxw Yokic, March .6. A private letter from Bangolo, on the Congo, sayt Henry M. Stanley has started on hi journey to rejoin Emin i'asha. lie ha not told hit plant, ex cept that he will not return by way of the Congo. H.Ewvrt, el ai. practical watohinakee and lK. RIIXIII KO i 1 his i!i-eVKry for Cousuuiptum, mo Craiie.t hi ttfclaci:! a iiie.liniii-t wuioli 1 au kiiiiwe,ltfi it by all to ho simply tusrve una. It is svjtteilinly pl,-aaait to lit taeU, pe -fuctiy I aruihttv, ami doc not nickel). In . case 4 of ca. et of Coutuitiption. Coughs, Cold WhonpiuK Couifh, Croup, Broiiulntia, and Pains in ih Chest, it lis civen univertbt sttisfactioD. L)r liosaukn't Cough atid Lung Syrup is told at SO cents by Dr Uuitt & Son. CUBE t'OU lt?K 1IEa1ACUE. Do you want a remnly for B'llousnsas, Pimples on the lao. , and a sur. eur. for sick headache, oak Dr. On-aa and 8", tin Druirgista, for lr. O.i.iil'. Lir. Plllt, try a dose, samples frr. lull box 25 ecnt. MARRIED. HAIGUT ZIMMERMAN On Mon day, March 4th, at the residence of the j bride't parent, near Jefferson, by Rev W T Van Scoy, Mr H D Ilalght and Ml Annie S Zimmerman, both of Linn coun ty. The Democrat extend the happy ;.-""F"! ll P ELLSWICK CHANCE. In Craw- ?...j...oi r..t. .j , r, r.,.. . j, u)rnCr K, Mr j Chat Elltwlck and Miss Eva Chance.both of f Linn rountw. . Th. c rr.nm la to h rnniri. f V" S,...M.- ulated on hi good Xhance for COUNTY tOUItr I'lLOCEKDIXU. 0. ft. Jt. Blackburn, JuilfO 1 B. W. Cootr ana 0, W. I'bllljjia, ComiiitMiiinar,) ApplUntlon of Tho. llrandon and other. fur road rend, road ordered opened and feet allowed. . Application of W W Pollard and other (or ro J rend, road ordered opened and feet allowed, 'Application of Wm II Shepherd and other for road read, road ordered opened and feet altowed. Dill of F N Hull, deputy dlatrkt altor- ney $5t disallowed. Rejlgnatlon of Wm Utile at tuperviaor of Dlst 48 accepted and Ja Jones appoint ed, Alto I) Slmont, Pitt af), A Mealy ap pointed. Resignation of C L Shelton, Dltt ta, not accepted. Resignation of Jno Summervllle. Dltt 43, accepted. T E Crimea appointed. Alto retlgnatlo;) ol J W Grlmet, C E Maxon appointed. -Alto re.lgna.lon of f af Ijolliday, J S George appointed: Ii A I lorti Also of L T Hcnnest, Dlst Si, lorton appolned. WJ Pond, tuner- vtsor Dlst ao, read, allowed $10 and W a Powell appointed. Application of wm i t rut and others for bridge across Crabtree creek continued; also triplication of L, T Ilennes for bridge at Rock Cieek t also W L Coon and other lor bride at Wilson' l ord: alto applica tion ol M J Caldwell and other lor bildge at Stayton 1 alto application for bridge acrut a Mantlam at McDowell creek 1 also application ol J u brota and other for brldff at Waterloo. Matter 01 rcnate 01 taxc ot a uouge dismissed also application of I R Wiseman for releat from bond of G W ruth. A 1 lay et, pauper, wat ordered taken to o. 1 pair panu ana 1 nannei nmt, or dered allowed Chat Brigg. 1 11 iiurknan allowed reduction on at- ettmenioi isoa J lILtine, .upei InUndcnt , allowed 5000 feet of lumber, Application lor leave to work road tax on other than county road dltmUsad. In matter of I T Hooks and other for county road. Tito. Froman, Olney Fry, Jr, and Parker were appointed viewer, Warrant were ordered drawn, lor th following t Fee State agt Loult White. ..... . .$48.40 Fee Htat agt M titlyeu 39 35 Fee state agt mat vnapman Fee Stale agt Chat Chapman. ai 80 64J a ccs mate iki j u hiiicu 5o5 C K Wolverton,aa Deputy D!t Att'y $00 E E Montague, post and treignt. John Gelaendorfer 110 load gravel,. II Far well, aalary 540 3S I I Da via, keeping poor 53 SS Geo D Uamard. book.. A F Hamilton, aid orchard family. 10.00 ao.oo Jerry Keeney, a wild cat scalp lenneaa. Road Sup.., John elmallmon.fee 116.90 8.00 I 11 Fttiwater, keeping pauper...... t E Montague, fee.,. ............ A Wheeler, lumber Allen & Goff, electric light,-....... 5170 S K Young, matting 46.7s lohn Usher, a ianltof. . . .....,. 17.50 T)r Wallace, w?r vices poor.... 5-oo 1500 taoo Aid Mr U Kldgeway Mr liouck, keeping poor Tl Stltrs, exam teachers, 11H day 34.50 1 1 Dorri.exam teacher, it day 34.50 L M Curl, rum teacher, 11 A day 34.50 L M Curl, a Sup't. 55 Aid Mr Sarah liarrU. &J0O Stewart le Sox, mdse 15x39 Train U Whitney, priming 3 50 G F Crawford, aid Mr Kobert.... 800 L E Blaln, mdae Brigg 8-75 Taxes of Matin Payne reduced, on application, jmo.. ...... .... DRN ISIackbum, salary .......... G W Phillip, fee.. It W Cooper, fee........ 0 W Cooper, examining: bridge.... 75-00 10.00 . CCUUENCY. "The custom of nubtUhlne a card ol thank' lor Vlndnet thown io a family upon the death ol a member I no longer contldered In good taste, and for excellent reason." Thu aav an exchange, and probably correctly. 1 Resolution of con dolence will tome dtv be considered the tame way. Almost alwayt stereotyped af fair they Indicate nothing Our Lyontvllle correspondent who staled that Engineer Eccleton bad gone to the Iront and that there would probably be rumor ol work wa right. They We al ready ttruck town. By tho way what about the report published teveral day ago that Mr. Eccleton had resigned a engineer ol the O.P. and wa on the Sound attending to personal botinet. Some what mined Isn't it Aa Albany 1 not like PrinevlHc the fol- fioence our city council agatnrt acting at once In passing a cow ordinance: The cow ordinance was repealed at the last meeting ot the town council. It I pro posed hereafter to compel owner of cows to par well for any private carnage mey may do to other.' The ordinance men Honed lmpty provided for keeping them up nights. , It I quite probable that railroad rumor will develnn Into fact that will open the eye ot vlley people. this spring. A near: ly as we csn prognosticate something Is going to strike and we slwiuld not beaaleep when the blow falls. lot 01 people n me U, 8. never heard of Albany, Oregon. ; We bavc rrason to be alarmed. Mam Jone Is ld lo be working hi way north ward toward the Willamette valley. Al banv. thouuh. is rather small for a man like Sam. as it waa for Moody, Neverth less we need to be on our guard, and It he comes tie ready for him. Perhaps l here are many who need a Sam Jone. They certainly fired sharp sticks, and he I said to be one. The Roscburg Reviret y It doe not approve of the method of advertbdng tin adopted by converted gambler, referring to Mr Maon Long. That paper would have all the talking dorr by men born convert ed. Nonecnte. They can't gtt down to the heart al way quite o well, at least to some people' henru. Variety is the tpice of lif.'i nid KOtnetlilng elte i wanted once In awhil . If fbdi ingeraoll I ever converted we hope he'll take to preaching. Men tlg i petition In the United State a good deal as they take omethlng,just bo cause they are asked to, nnd don't want to offend a neighbor. A good, live mamwlth petition asking that the Wash ngton monument be torn down could get It full. There it a big field for backbone in thi re -pect. Don't be like the vane on a tteeple Some fine looking ; cabbage, marked "Oregon cabbage," may be een cn tho itreets. It it a tight wot th going several blocks to witness. Letter List. Following It th list of loiters remaining in liit TM Onto., Albany, Linu county, Oregon, March T, lSt, Persons calling for thaaa letter moat give the data oa which thay ware advertlaed 1 . Armstrong, WIIH Brown, Llaut U H Culllua, Ktlward L Dunee, (Jcirira H Piaher, MlM Addi -Hottlnirer, Petr Mitchell, lull Man, AlnarV HcDatilel, bua KanUeraou, UeorgsW Nlmson, U U Thompm, A P Wsiduckar, Clara. , Back, Tin Contra, Joaoph Chat man, K ruri(Mon, Duncan - Fomrty, U Ilollhouae, Henry Mantle., O J (a) Morgan, John It fowell, OH Sloe 1, Hoc oa Smith, Harry torn, Chss R. THOMPSON, P.M. FOR FILES. ItOhlillf t'l'H t I ' I 1 . . I iou prtlannr v' t fJubU I'.j'iHf t'-.i-lng warm. This tor iaiwatl.1 Ulin 1, illml protrudin Piloi, st one. to tha apuiicttivn Dr. Bomnko s .m remady, w.iloh acts diroclly th parts .l.eied, t-jrbmf tbatu niri, aiiayinif ltitaiis.iteiirte.nd etf.! a p'-iiusnt vitr. naiita. AdUrow Tiia Dr B'aja'ikiAf.ilala Ci ,r 1. hold by Dr, & Hs and bun. Children Cry for HOMK ANI AtHOAll Til V fctA V. . It it bow lent. llillshoro lut Vfilotl a $12,00!) sctux 1 Ix ute, Fiua Jarsrv heifr tr tato Iouulre of Ed Cartor. , UlymuUhkt it first iluity piper, the Even- lug Olympian, Df J T Tats, of S laUitf, Is at tiia inoliiwi'a la this city out a vixic, Uaohnrt weia txauiian at Y.u gen lat wk for onrtiriudttif. Mr and Mr K 0 K , 8 are ia the city the euenL of Mr A Kliu. Th Corvalli Fir Drpartmoot wl.l aleot a Chh f and Assistant Culuf Eiiuscr mat Saturday. Dc Barker tnrpritwl bit old-tltnt Peodla ton fri.uil. by dropping ia on thm to-day. Tby ar glad to bim.lC. V. Tb John Ri.ifort block la th Fir-t Ward baa bn anid by Mr L (l.arhait to K Thrall and A J Atttlyn lor $ 3000. - Dr. Mastoo rtneived attgrtm from Con don yatlarday l.formlng hi,nf the d.nger out llloet (ifDrWF Aliandr Hon Go A Watftron.r aud L E Ulaia wnt to Yaquioa bay to-day, v aospect to bay up th surrounding country. Mr Hawkins, a live young Arkansat mer ebaut, it In th city with a view to opaniog a gantrsl m.rohanduestor hme or lawbrr In tb V allay. Oad on th report ol It School Clerk Salain claim a populatloa of 10,000. At th him ratio Albany ha a population ot 6,000, At tii ugarw oorrcot. W H WatkU ha iu4 tb 8out'.iro IV cilia U R Cn, for 810,538 damsg, retultiug from hit falliog off th walk at 1Cbaooa aud breaking a rib or to. On of tb editor lI tha Portlaod EUctrle Light it Mr Lyooh. who waa In thit city aev ral weeks ago and traveled for awhtU for tb Albany lusuranct Co. A profassiooal boot-black baa been in tb eity with a view to locating trmaontly if k, aan aaour a plan for m Ud. Albany oovbt to b metropolitan cnotigb for tuoh ao institution. "Siucl taa" it what thay call it. It I a remedy for th vil of poor aaseaament and ia nosy going th round. Horn day whan w get Us tioBdrioalty into our bead w will Tpiaio it. r . . - Th loogant apeach vr made, ti said wa by leotisrd MoClur.. of Victoria, B C, la th Columbian Legislators. II cook twnty-on hour eoutiuoonsly, eccuioaally sipping water and look tog over book 01 rat- tr.ooe Tb Attori Pioneer elaim that eity t be throoml largest it, 0gou Wllh P"lula- tion of 8000. Only a weak or two air It said it was 5000 and bad bean for year W not with plaaaiir it gieat growth, and really whan it gat a railroad other cities will have to take a back Klwsrd 8 Bentlcy, aephew of J M Bent- ley, of Fnrttto0, who wa shot by train robber at Jixly. Cal., ba stno died, ai- tboaxb for a tima it wa tbooabt h would turviv bi la j uric. II waa io th prim of life, oaing but iwtuty-tiin year old, and tbsr wa not a man who knew him bat ro- gi.tUd bia death. I'andlaton E. V. Th two women who hirtd .livry rig and took a ran to DaIUm, demolishing th boggy in a runaway, were acquittad. Tb Joatio beard th evidence ia tha ca, gaxed n their coart plastered fact and discharged them, 00 vidne having bean produced to satisfy tb Court that a ettm bad been eommttted or inUuded. Sslem Joma'. - Tb proprietor of a wll-known remedy dverliana to give $300 for n ioeurtl eas Of catarrh. At tbl ngar they ought ia b promptly accommodated j hot what do they want ol ao "incurable) ease. If It I that kind, it 1 beyond Ut reach of any remedy. A eaa 01 eaiarrn mat U ameodabi to treat ment ia hardly an tunrabl cam. ela how eon Id it be en rd. Oscar Moore, tb colored prodigy ol Texas, i but four year old. A an arithmetician h is phenomenon. Tb moat profoand et calaliocs ar mad by bim ioataotly. If is Judgment is npamalurally good. At th pablt .ahibittoo i Chicago printed eard ooUiumg 1,000 questions, with th correct answsra, war dUtrtbuud among th aadi oo t tli.y read qnaatioos at random, and tb bey promptly gav th eorrct answer. II told tb popttlattos of China, Sibera and many other foraign region, reciting many fact in history, repeating th alphabet back ward and radring a poem with all th ton and oorractneas t4 a rhctorkiiiu, but, of oourse. with bo idea of tb tning. II eoantad op to twenty in Latin, WUb. Chi na, Ditoudi and Polish, and tbsn, with all eomlcalttiee of lb bnrlqaa stag., deliver ed speech 00 tb tariff. Ax. . raiDAV. SttUion show at Salem to-morrow. W W McGe, ot Sweet How, is in tb eity. : Judge Straban went over to Corvalli to 0ay. Wa Pfeiffer, N O mail a-ut, ia i , the eity Alhaeartha vardeB.nal ..f ifca W,, j Yny. Mr II F Merrill returned la.t.- .i -4 fr..u. bn.iaM trip to PortIa4.d. HrJ Uav I It lying tuuruu 1 .1. ai ! utdntnn iuxub.k. . f f ,c- il ,!) ba ac bia hom near Jaffersou. i oiupamci ,y V y C - , ti.a a t eat man. ; Mrs ) K ElderkU and hi a,rivd i the eity last av.niug from Cbica,-.. j Df W II O'Deil, Hod.ul :. lire pi jm- j eian, i in tb eity to-day. j Maeting ar being held at il E Chuicl..! South nightly, aud with tM.d ui-. 1 This morning the button! diotpta ut o ! thi dry muou mentioned tba wti.ri -I k . "Robrrt McLhaitry bs sold to lu s to Jacob Sauducr, llu.khart Sc Kecii.y, aeuir, io li s 2ud A for fUO. Frauk E Davis a.brakcraau ou the O 11 Si N tell from a train of e ) Saturday aud wa natau'iy killed. Mr W a Tbouips'in and I lieaui have be guu th alccllon ol l,ew rvaiui i.c a Ou lot. teoeutty purchased by litem. . Aa AmnricAB vsl It a. b-ren hretl on by aCierrusu vesa-;l. Uuhs uttmaoy spiolo giae it wilt get "bead put ou it, ' A druuU.u man early thi moruiug atum bled tbiough a window in Pischtr tailor hop, and uegtcetcd to leave tne change for a new glass. " Peudletou ia atffely ifll.eUd. It ha. a va riety theater. Wm will pity it indeed bm tha Wixard Oil troop get U.ri at tha tame time. ' - - , DRN Claekbarn, OuaU Jad t.f I iuu eouut) , and a resident aud Uy. r oi Albany ha been -jouruibg in Corvallia during the pitt few ty.OuzetU. La a n teuhia, a very tine game, should be introduced iu Albany thiayesi. The young people need ton. kiud of a healthy gam to put th color to their creeks. The item p'bliahed elaowhero iu rtf. rcnoe to the O P f aiiiog to sa cura li nnht to all th pas. IU th Caaca.U utaWea the atlair aasuui a seuaatloual hue aud ther may be anma ureal, developments yet i;ro out if it. A prufetaiooal horn olipper i i thu city 00 a tour t f th State, travt-liuy without a ticket t the expenae of the U ItV. He U an Xpert aod due hue Work M hij li le, a. teveral horse here will test. I v. Mr Eugece McConnell, Corvallii' rustling real ttt utau was io thu city yeatetday. il riprta quite a lut la activity theru, hi ollice (luring the itat mouth making aa!r. in ihamouut of 128,500. " ' "Why the PacitiJ tWat is not houortd" i. tb heading i f lOtno rt-oei.t di.pntchea. The real reason was that the pl.oes w. ru Wanted for Eastern tucu Ti ij Cout always gets left id the cold, i xurpt a to the neither. A remarkable .-uo-urrettee has just been brought to llnbt at Corvtiliis. Tim County Couimisaiouers aojouruotl withous allowina their own fee - for mileage 'idper diem, the first occurrence of th kind oh reurd P fifitholtl, Administrator of the estate of Wtllac. Cuthutai , leceatvl,osll.fcl at the Tiiae othoa Mocday. 11 ieit on Tuesday for th WilUmatte ValVy, having oompleted hi butiuet in this county. Jacksonville Time. - - Here is the report nf tl.e Clerk for the Iebanon School Diattiot for the year ; Total number ol Voters, 85 ; total amount eollected in school year, $1373.76 , paid out, $1091 60 ; balance, 277 20 ; total number tudenta enrolled, 161. An Eastern man after iuspottng tho San tiam fall on th Elkin property, raid he thought he would buy fifteen or twenty acre ot the adjoining land if be oould got; it for $100 an aor. That ia about a near aa th average Eastern man get to th value of proprty her. BtinineM in the city teems to bs at a stand still. Already fears oi a failure of the crop are entertained, but it it soon to foretell dis aster. A nionth't rain would doubtless re store the usual order of thintts. And the rain will surely come. Leader, Crops will be all right. Don't worry. pitcher's Cscterla. . for Infants and Children. "Cat tort 1 ao wQ adapted to children that t CaatirHn ema JTVJ . rvmirt!in. I meorainand It aa aumrrior In Anr nnawlrdii I 1 fcfwsra to trm." IL A. Aacnan, M. I I til Bo. Oxford St, Urooklyn, If , T. CKverybn'ly I exalted ia tS Valley ever buying and telling real astnte. In Salem it ba struck even Collv professors. Him 1 Prof Van Sony and Arntid thi morning eoMtimmated th purcha, tbroughthe Ore gon Land Company, of a forty aor tract in North Halern and a) joining liiver.ide Addi tion. Th contid iralion w tS.OOO or 8125 per cr." ; SATCKOAr. Dr HO Smith, ol Santiam miniua famr. it in th eity. Ir Saukcy. th vn2uliat. is cominnf to the Coast. Senator Slater i now tenorteda beiuufon th ltnjrov. Modoo cottoti , Ca), ba voted oa licear by 2b'9mjoiity. At th school eloction ia Stayton the is- tu was tajmpsrance aud th tmpcrDC ticket wa leutd by four vote. If ynn ar asleep, wak up, Albany want men with eleetricty io them nowaday. ' Talk of coterpriac and then read th fol io win boast. "Th i'hnnr publtabed Har ritoa' cabinet 24 boar ahead of an other paper on tbl coaat," Dr Hunan, of L G ramie. Dr V S Le. of Independence, and Dr W A Cutick. of Sal- cm bay been appciutcd examiner nuder fop a ow medical law. Mr Ja Garrett aod Mr W Citben, two ot Peoi la's solid citizens, bat been in tha eity several day. while her cheering tb UKMOC'lt at s sanctum lor stsbite Mr Shaw, one ot Mill City'a lnomioeut merchants, ha beeo in tb city to-day on butiocet , Ha repot U cootiderabl life at tb front considering tb urwnc of the com- (buuity there. Thor i sow stored and rvmsin tinaold at tb Alba-ty Farmnrs' C.'a warebooac WJ.OOO busbel of wheat and 20,000 botbeia of oau. Almost none is beiug sold. 70 ceuta contin ue tb prw for wheat, f GO. 000 will thu b seen to be kept out of circulation Dr J J West ba located iu-lhis eity, after beiug at Pottlaod aud Tacoma and it hi the best advantage of any place in tb valley, II baa also purchased a farn-, but wilt make Albany bU place of residence. u. l: 1 i , ..t . 1 lite wedding el a couple of prominent young people la to Uk. place In ttm city to morrow vuing, to daw rumot reportf, and blienebnrg. W T, given a their future bom. Tb Dkmockat m preparing its item ot eongratuiauoo, School auction occur ta ibis city next Monday afternoon. Ytatctday the director appointed tha following to conduct th sssne: It A Irvioa, M fsyu and Eiii Kuox, judge; 2 U Itawliugt and W Jl Warner, e ert, - If a canin io worth notic, a bi .-ycHcg orrtaioly should be. To-day. Wm. Cowan's l,ia birthday, waa remembered by present of a no victor safety bicycle, w were on- aoi to obtain tb speech in lull. MrUeorg Cochrane, who returead from Woodburn last evening rej orted hi mother aa aoowwbat tmproviog. Air A J Uocfarane. of Legality, i alaoin the eity. UIng called to tb V alley oa account ot hi mother' tcknec. Tb dlamett paper a dwiuirg the mad.toue, and report that one 1. iterated by Fletcher Moaea, of Crawfoid.viiie, Lino county, and the tUiete4 our f -r mile around apply to bim for treatment, A. bland Tidimgt. At ther has neycr Leva mad dog cao in Linn county w dout see where tb "atliictcd uat" oome in. - Tha Albany io work will be ready for busi ness by May I. Cap Canning, a member of tha company, ia ia Portland making arraogo mnt forth machinery. A thi will be the only factory ia tb state sooth of Port land it will do a big business. Sever! day ago twoty-6y tramp board ed tb south be nod freight train at Ashland An effort wa mad to get them off, resalt ing in th onndactor being considerably braised. Ten remained on board th-u ftr several niiloe. This trantn hatioet is tet- I Hug aerions w hei the minit can ran ! maitera in thu w. v. 1 Jolt A ..r. lo .1 f!,.ve to-aigbt for j Sn Jwoci.. f. r ii,. , . f vnyi0j. two ! 7, ." ."T.K- .. ." . .I:; 7 " .,' tk cmi. um.,.er th ,a 1 i-, 00 V -.-f-'N. . - - .;. - a :v.;vvA t . C I' the juice of the Blue Figs of Cal.foa:ia. to laxative and nutritions, uilh li.e medicinal virtue of plants known to be most beneficial to the human tvtem. forniinij the ONLY PER- I LCT.kEMEDY to act gently yet I'toj-'.ly on the FIDNSTS, LITER AND BOWELS AV9 TO Cte.s3ft9Sysl8aE tnally, uv ts , - F-jr?E DLO03, r.wFRESKING SLEEP. HEALTH ct.d STRENGTH lT!iir?l'y follow. Every one is using it an I til ere debghted v'th it. Ask your dri-c-m for SYfcUa Of FIGS. Manu only by the CAL' "ORNIA FI3 SYRUP COj Sah Fsancisco, Cau . Loutsvit ce. Kv. . )iiv Yobk. W. i. Tt ) M J MraMtjaatjaaaaj. i ii,isaaayjrjaaaaajajaaa pOLD MMBPrn HBAPJVry Try the Cure ,3&S Ely's Cream Bal m Oestiwea the Nasal Passages. Al lays InHammation. Heals the Sores, liestorea the Souses of Taste, Smell and Hearing, . ; ' A particle la applied iBtaMehnesTrll and b agreenble. Prire60o. at aralsta or by tnad. ELY BUOTIEH3,5a Warren St-Sew York. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR OF J, Albany Soda Works. n.nd Mancfauturera of CHOICE COmiiTIOMY, We are now prepared to roll at wtolk sale, alway fresh and pure at Portltod prices to doalera. We also keep a fill (sue of Nuta til Trcpical Fruits, CIGARS a:;d,tcsa,cco 4 I t t nu lrt Kiiia Worms, glv siecp, ac4 yrmuM P tomKsn, via,Tni, .nicvi. tH I WiUtout injurtoua taedicaUoa. Taa CtBTAca Comm V, 17 Murray Street, Jf. Y. Cas.rr.fe llrcty. U. P.Cmuhch. Proachingertry Sabbai n, morning and erteuing by Rer. T.. G. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath feehool at Z;20 . at Prayer musating every Wed nwday evening. ETAKOEUCitL Ckukch. Preachiagon 8eb Sath at ll.Oy A. M. , and 7 r. at. Sabbath ttohool 10:00. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday vening 7s3.; lie v. i tier, V outer. All ar? 'nviUd, " ' " M. E. Cat7iicit,StTa. Preaching every Sabbath niortiin j at 11 0 clock A. m. and i o'cik r. M. Sbbtb School at 10 o'clock A. M. i'rayer meeting Wednesday aveniog' at 7 o'clock. IUv. V. il, Coniaixi, Pastor. . M. E,CiX0KCa. -rreacbing cvary Sabbath morniuK and tvtmag. Bong aervice in the evem ig before sennoti, baJUbatn rchooi at 2.-30 r m. Prayer meeting every Thur- dsyteuii. iitv. It tt-bb,pator. Paaxn remA Crtmca. Sa-vic r" Sabbath idcrmii and eve&iagin Church cor. Iirtiadalbisa&dFifthSu. Sunday School immediately fu;r the morning service. rrayer tteeUng every Vvceneey evtmr,g Uev K 11 Prichard, ptor. FfJtsT Baptiht CuoI7M. Preaching every Sabbath morning and ajte' Church on 6tn Street. Sabbatu School immeliateiy atter morning eervio. prayer meeting , yr Tbnrdy evening at 7:3 o'clock. Er, . lrumbell, pastnr. CojonKOATIoaALCfjM-M.-riervtcvery rtblath morning and tvrniog. Sabbath Hchool at 12:1.1. Prayer metu. on WedneinUy evening of each week. lU. lingers, J'a. toc ChkutiaS C'ML'atff. 'Veatbii.g every Sabbath. ifiorniiig at lloci..-ck A. M. bath School at 10 ,.'cIok, A. a. lief- Humphrey, lVttir, - Catholic Ckpbcs. -Swrvicw -ry Son- day af 10:30 a. m. and 7 r. at. It Snnday of the mouth arvic tl Kugtoe City. SXv, Lorn Metayer, lUr. albahy caiaLEarASaS imimz ALBANY, OREGON.' .. 1883, iSSQ- I first Teraa Otcs September Ill, liwa- A full corp of Instroctor-, CLASSICAL SCSEKT1F1C, UTERARY, CGy.!,E2ClAL AND HSHAL .,. CLASSES. OuraM of Hndy arraonJ to meet tb Bond of all grudat of ntudenUi. Sfacial s rut icemen! t effrrtd lo $! t . ; from abroad. ' Tuition mngf from f 5.50 to $1X59. Hoard lo pr vuto faioi'io at low ralos. Kooma lor ao'f-trrUlnz at small '. A careful upsrvitan ozercifwd over a- deau away from homo. Fall term opos SeptoitMir 7lt. For circular aod full parUi-ulara aJd ra too i-roaiuooi.. BET. CLKCBT X. IOXIUT. - Albany, Oregon ACADE3IY . OF- : ' - Car Laij of Perpstiil Help ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by Cue Siictr of St, Benedict. TbU Aed toy H lifcorporated and nn tborird lv tho Slat to confet academfo honor. Thu einrao of study is complete. Matheniaiir, literature and Moaio ai apcctahiea. aa alee the Normal Inatruction f aspirants for teachers certificate In dual rial drawing, vocal mnie in class and all kinds r,f tiU5evfoik form, no extra cbarg. TbooWiplin of the school is but li-tri. Sia ot jc being to form not only refiaed yonug ladies, bnt noble end inaffttt lUPUJ&rT of encLty, Pupils admitted at .ny liino an 1 charge propor tioned. Fujilacf any denouiioauoo. ra- Taition ia aelect day tcbo-jl ranges from f5 to tit. , Foru.roi of &3rding Sch ol or any parucr 1st apjdy attb Acadoaiy, or ad tlre Sioicr 3Ujx"fitiret. s 1 h 'y- mm '1sl;i'. 'ItVff r "af a ;. '3 i.ttj . ti-."? V FOR fSALK BY FOSITAY A MA? ON l Sgav WC baa Riven Btuvo. . y ow.ia -V j - I to s dats. V cure of UonorrhcDa and i Mtirtw .'leet. I prescribe Hand - 'sns.Ci.2fa!-, ' ,n " to a" auflcrer. V OuTiJ Deeatar.lH. taaa. aa.T ftlarkg Soli by DrosciatS. Faatiar Hai, MThaletale .lesatt, ' JPTf"'lWa; ai i awpiqt ia ataaaaj . il kb immn OF PORE COO UVEB OIL 2 ITSTPOPnOIIlTlaS Almost ps Palatable zs TAUk, So tttstrcttaact that It caw mm taJkev, dl;.tel, avad SMattlatel by ah aaawt astattiw atomacti, whea tit plalax a.1) ewwiaot bw toierasted i asd by tiie ewaa blwmtloB oi" tb oil wttts the bypoplte). phi tea i maels naer meoeioata. Eesuu-tible ts -f esl prodaeer. rersons cats rspidlj vbJle taking tU SCOTTS luVTULSIO'S is acknowledged hm Fbyaioians to be the Finest and Best props, ration ia tho world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY. VYASTINQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIO COUGHS. Tht great remedy for Consumption, and Wasting ia Children. Sold oy all Druazist STCCKMEN AND FARMERS ESAB a boreby cmrlify that Dr. I. T. V 00.11 baa suooeasf.iUr opsratod oa ray riddling horse, ISAAC HAYS. For further raferonoe in regard to rldii Ings inquire of Wm. Pott.rsoa, Dave Pe tefson, Lebanon 5 John Hard man, Alfred Wolverton. Albany ; Sam Gaines, Nolo; Win. Foster, Prioevillw, I praotico veter. inary modiol 19 in Albany and country surrounding, O nice and residence corner 6th and Washington Sts. I. N WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon. . . j. e. EAxnizirorj), (NOTART PUBLIC,) iTTOKN KY AT Xi PRAtT TfE IN-aLLTIIECODRTSOPTHIB: State. Stt icul a:taii!.i n jr. s;n to saiiectioi