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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1889)
P i i FRIDAY ....MARCH 15, 1889. STITE3 & silsri mm HUTTIKQ. rraarletors. LOCAL. RECORD. Tms Rsao:. The Ilonion Wer thinks the lust Legislature wtt not r itrav egant jut because that count got $40,000, In the following remark it shows the "tickle me and III tickle you" character of the whole Legislature : "The Albany Dkmocs at want the reform school located at Albanjr. It would have stood little better chance to get It It her representa tives had not been to Illiberal In their treat ment ol other place. II people think the can go to the legislature and oppose ever, thing wanteJ bjr other place extrava gant and then get everything they want themselves, the do not know human na ture. But we would tike to see Albanjr get the reform school, nevertheless. Notwith standing that all the Linn county member voted against anv appropriation (or our College.SenatorCautliorn voted and work ed for the bill establishing a mute and blind school at Albany." Btooxaa and their Pali We have been shown an article headed a above that strikes from the shoulder. The beg gar It the tramp and hi pal It the person who gtret him anthing to eat. The arti cle stvs that If the receiver of stolen goods . la at bad at the thief so alto I the elver as bad at the beggar. It it a misdemeanor to beg; to It thould be to give to the tramp. The wrltei referred to tavt he hat given to thousand and It now of the opinion that all ot them were undeserving In New York Citjr Investigation showed that only one per cent, arrested for vagrancy were deserving of help. Will our cllUen any longer be partners in this begging business. Theie should be a united effort to asist Marshall Hoffman in getting rid of these unworthy beggars, by absolutely refusing to help them. Don't be their pals any longer. too Viswa. An entertainment will be given at the Opera House Friday evening which should be liberally patronised not only because it will be worth the price of admission, but a well, because it will be , for a worthy object It is being gotten up by the Erodelphlan Society ot the College for the purpose of raising money to carpet their room and for other Improvements to the College. At heretofore mentioned It will consist of too view under a strong oxvhydrogen light conducted bv a master of his art. Rev. Kominger will explain the scenes, allot which are ot Alaskan scenes, and as he hat been there himself he will know what he is doing. Every body should go. Admission, cents ; le teived teats, 50 cents, at Blackman's. A Saaiocs Runaway. Saturday Mrs. Waller Ketchum and Mrs. J. J. Dubruille were riding about four miles east ot the city after Mr. Dubrullle't fire sorrel buggy horse, when the horse, became frightened at a pig In the road.and turning overturned the buggy throwing Mrs. Ketchum and Mrs. Dubruille out, but fortunately not In juring them. The horse became loose and 'ran away, first running one ot the thills about ten inches Into his body just back of the front leg. Though a serious wound It la not considered dangerous, and the horse will probably recover. Amothk. Train. Manager R. Koehlcr, of the S. P. R. R, passed through Rose burg last Thursday and while here stated to one of our citizens that the railroad company had no idea ot extending the Eu gene express gny further south than that city, but that they were seriously consid ering the matter of placing another train on the road to run the entire distance be tween Portland ami San Francisco, and which would pass through Roseburg in the day time. Roseburg iltrald. Well Dos a. Monday afternoon. Hip pie W heeler, aged seven, a ton of Mr. Al fred Wheeler, wat trying to catch tome floating paper in the flume near tht Bap list Church on Lyon Street, when he fell rtto the fast running water. A little ton sf Dr. Wallace,aged four and a half,caught Aim by the hand and cried for hi six year old brother to come and help. The two pulled the seven year old boy out, though he wat strangling at thetime.and saved his life. We doubt If there is another case on record of a four and a half year old boy taring a person from drowning. Another Bt'RGLARLY. -On last Sun day, while Mr Charley Iiardlsty and fam ily who live near Ilarrisburg, were sway from home, a burglar on spoilt Intent broke into their house and secured $lor$3 in mouev. Let the old shot guns and other rusty shooting pieces be put in order br the people generally aaa arive me burglar pest out of the country. School Electiox. The annual school election took placeJMon lay, resulting at follows : For Director, L. II. Montanye, 48 ; W S Thompson, 16 ; scattering, 3. For Clerk, C G. Burkhart, 63 ; scattering, 5. Mr. Thompson, who received 16 votes, ballot ; but quite a number voted for him anyway. , MtXTXOMAH. Mr. C E. Barrows, of Shedd Station, hat been in the city with Multnomah, which he purchased of Jay . Beach about a year ago. This fine stallion it now nearly three yeart old 5 he it a full brother to Oneco,and hence hat a pedigree that will stand wi'h any in theatate. Mult nomah la a handsome bar, full of life and gives promise of becoming one of the fast horses ot Oregon, lie will stand tn juinn county this coming season. A Denial, Recently we pub!llied part of an affidavit made by Anna Uuger, ot Yamhill county, making certain charges ,r-ln. tr. Watt, one of which was tha the wat to have a clerkship it the would pay him a dollar a day from her salary. The doctor publishes the follewlng denial In the Merrmryt "I am not a constant reader of your paper, a Anna Unger tayt the Is, but was shown a copy last evening publishing statement from the said Anna Unger. I was chairman ot only one regu lar committee duiing the ielon. Anna Unger never was appointed clerk of said committee, nor ever had the promise ot appointment by me, only on condition that the committee should order a clerk and endows her application, v hlch they never did, and he well know these fuct. I end also a copy ot a paper signed by all ot said committee, and filed with the secre tary ot state. I wUU you would publish theie statetmen's and let your readers see the falsehoods you have published lit her statements concerning my actions." Bwrolary at Lkbanom. On Saturday night two burglars entered the store ot C. fl. Montague at Lebanon and helped them elves to such thing as seemed to them most pleating. They took a full tult ot clothe apiece and a lot ot wclry and other articles amounting In the aggregate to $500 or $600. The store when entered by the owner after the burglars had left had the appearance ot having been visited by a North Dakota tephyr, the floor and counters being strewn In all directions. Two suspicious looking cents had been observed in town during the day and sus picion hangs on them. A row was gotten up In a distant part of the town and while the Mareha'l was engaged in quelling It the burglart entered the store through a window. It Is supposed the row was a part of the plan laid by the burglars to carry out their scheme. ro arrests yet. Put to tiik Test. Monday the Democrat had a tavage article on beggars and their pals, that Is, tramps and the peo ple who teed them. It was really business to the core. The writer lud hardly gotten seated atlii home in the cveulng, when he had an opportunity to decide whether he was meant himself. A forelorn look ing object with a chilly stutter appeared at his back door and wanted something to fill up with; he couldn't get work, had the heart disease any wav and was half starved. Though somewhat affected we stiffened up our backbone and said no, informing the follow that the marshal had Issued order not to feed any more men. He claimed he had a special permit; but of course that wat thin. People who don't know just how to turn off the fellows, can take the hint and lay It on to the marshal; he won't care. Let the word get out once that there it a strict quai antlne here and we toon will be rid of the varmint. Something Is It. Last evenlng't Cap ital Journal, of Salem, tayt: "From a gen tleman who came down from the moun tains this morning, we learn of the con tinued attempt of a body of engineers to capture the coveted past. Our Informant had teen a man who had just returned from near the scene of the strife. He said thai there were twenty-five civil englneert, with their accoutrements, camped in the region of the post, which they say they propose holding. They are cither ot the Wssbash route or of the Chicago & Northwestern. This is at much at we are able to learn from him." It looks very much as If there are really several companies who want to run their roads Into Albany. We simply hope they will all get here. Samoa. A sailor in Salem lived several yeart in Samoa and. slates to the Jjurmal that the people of Samoa are a handsome, well-built race, of a bright burnished cop per co'.or like a new minted cent piece. They are quiet and well behaved in man ner. They have one chief ruler, and many princes or chiefs of districts. These prince assemble with the chief ruler and consult about affair of general interest. In matters concerning a tingle district, the prince ot the district and his adviser have I absolute control. Thtir dress it made of the bark of the palm. It surrounds the hips and reaches to the knees. Their hair it beautiful, and grows naturally In long ringlets. Photocrapiuxo Ue. W. Y. Beach, western correspondent of the Scmic America, of New York City, it again la town. He Is busily engaged writing up and photographing points of interest in the Willamette Valley, with the resources of which he it highly pleated He it desirous of obtaining photos and descriptions of any thing new in agriculture, mining and other industries for his paper, which, at It well known.hat an Immense circulation at home and abroad. Any communications can be left at the office of the Democrat. S os-Macxetized An ingeniut ar rangement may be seen at Will & Stark's. A clock work carries a non-magnetized Waltham watch and a common watch un der a large magnet. The common watch stoot everv time, while the other keeps eo ing. Will & Stark have the non-magnet ized Waltham watch for tale, a very reli able watch, not anected by surroundings. Insane. Mr. N. J. Cochran, of Browns ville, wat brought to Albany Sunday night by Constable S. P. Earger and on exam Inatlon by Urs. Wallace and Jones was ordered tent totheatvlum at Salem. Vari out hallucinations have been filling hit mind. Some Sales. Jat Brown to fohn Lear, 1 lotH'a 3d A, $450; A Hackleman to Mrt Sophia Baumgart, a lots H't 2d A. Cur ran & Montehh, agents. Mrs H J Quirtitr sat Vaughn & WsiUllr. To recover money. Judgstueat for want of snswer. .). x;U ViuMstt W 11 Fields, Di verre. Contains.!, 207. Martha Houston ejtt Joiit Timmer man. To recovor money. Continued. 331. Tlios Ji'iTerton tit 0 8 Montgomery. To recover monsy. Continued. 343. CVltr Mill Co ai C I Dillon. Dam sges. Dismissed by stipulation. 311. J B Cornets agt John Wicklter. To recover iwonsy . Continued, 351. U II Llggvtttagt ECMoClala. Fore closure. Judgmsut and doors of foreclosure. 333. T L Dinger gt J F Whiting. Fore closure msehaato a liu. Settled. 373 W II Queensr agt N Bennett. To re cover tuniioy, Dismissed at PlaintiS'a cost. 397 II Nswmsu agtL M llsrren. Tort cover money. Judgment by default. 301 II Nowmao tut It A Titus. To re cover money, ScUUU. " 408 J M Horn, agt W It MaDauud. Te reoovor money. Jadgintkt for waut of an swsr and attaobed property ordered sold. 400 Montoith & aeluubaoh agt W K An derson. To recover mousy. Jadgmeut for waut of answer. 413. Geo II Dodge agt Joste J Dodge. Divorce. Continued. 414. School Fund Com s,jt Philip Grtsby. Foreclosure. Transcript to U 8 Circuit Court 0 Oregon. 436 State v Oulliford. Gambling. Fin ed 1 10.00. 1S3. P J rorter agt J 0 Elder, stsl. Par. tit'ott. Continued. - SIX. Win Baker agt Nelson Bennett. To recover money. Cuutinaed. 200. O F Barton ut NeUoo Bennett. To recover money. Settled, 300. O F Barton agt Nelson Bennett. Damages. Settled. 333. Lucy M Russell agt A S Ih.sott. Foreclosure, Dsoree for want of answer. ' 309 Oregon agt Geo Malty, Selling liunor without liccme, Ou trial, 374 J Van Ordttt aiit N Bennett. To re eoyer mmicy . DitmUeed at eoet of platbtift ' 302 T J Blsok i;t Carl Bsinbart. To rs eover money. Judgment for waut of auawvr, 4(H). J A Arnold tgt Sarah GiltbrUt. Fors elosure. Continued. 417. IR Dawson agt John and Alice Balch. To recover money. Judgment ex cept at to Att'y fees, 411. Llnnie Watson agt V II Caldwell. Specific performance. Settled. 415. Mooney .Valentine Si Co agt Maggie White. To rtcover money. Judgment by default. 4iS. T Dllcnhoefcragt Perry Smith. To recover money. Continued. 4J Smith Co agt Valego t'ox. To re cover money. Judgment by default. 430. M V Bilreu et at agt E O Smith. Appeal. Dismissed. 431. W II VVatklna agt S P Co. Dam ages. Transferred to V S Court. 340. J W Ca.iuk astt A A Kmi Foreoloe. are. Continued. 337. O J Braaer at Gentry & lUlber ford. To recover money. Contioatd. 30X Oregon tgt Geo Malty. Selling li quor withou license. Dismissed 00 motion of Dut Att'y. 364. Oregon agt Jaa PiUford, Selling li quor without lioente. Dismissed on motion of Utst Att'y. 303 Oregon agt Geo Mealey. Selling liquor without lioenee. Verdict Builty. Hscteooe Thursday nturniag. 370 Oregon agt ( Msley. Stlling liqnor witboat lioebt. Dhiisted oa motion of DUt Atv'y. 394 Matrgie Bty act W B and J Dooms. To r"oer money. DismieMxt at to W B Don sea without prejudioe and oootioutd as to John Dotiaca. 41S. W I Van Schuy ver agt Ad and E Harmon. To recover money.' Judgment and decree ot foreclosure for want of an. twer. 4J3. J W Pugh agt S P R R Co. Dam age. Dismissed. Judgment below af firmed. 43?. J II Maple agt E B Maple. Divorce. Divorce granted. Child awarded to Pl'ff. 434- M A Porter flirt A S Bassett. Con firmatioo. Sale confirmed. 437. Sute vt A J Houston. CLi! I item ing. Not a true bill. 4S Slate act A T Thompson. Man- aughtcr. A true bill. 431). Sute vs ClioUMi Colo. Aaeauh rUrgt roua weapon. Not a true bill. ITEltEXCY. A large number of tramps are wending their way from California northward. In addition to their natural lawless proclivl The Lucky Boy. Mr Q A Dyson, of ties they are said to be imbued with all the. Brownsville, who it in the city, hat shown lawlessness peculiar to that state, producing tti. n.ui k-t .nm. : lui-imKM t-iWn a mixture that can be better imagined than from the Lucky Boy on the Calipoala. I f , . it 0. i m- Few better specimens are ever seen from the famous mlnet of the world. The cold and silver fairly budge from the ore. It ' will be very Strange if these mines are not heard from some day in an empnauc man "jier. Now Ready. Ccrtirtcate ci stock in the Albany Building and Loan Associa tion are now in the hands of the secretary, Mr. Jay Blain. Stockholders thould call 1 . . 1 1 fi j aiiu gel iiic mi vr uciurc iiuajr, March 15, paying the amount of their duet -and expense lees. Elected. At the meetlng'.of the stock holders of the Odd Fcllowt' hall building association last Monday the following dl rectors were elected for the entuing year JGradwohl.SE Younpr, Conrad Meyer, W C Tweedale, Chat Kiefer, and Jutiut Joseph. ; L. E Blaln of petitions and our citizens thould set gloriously down on them by absolutely not feeding them even it they d? excite a lime sympathy. Court week, the time when neighbor rises up against neighbor and demand hi right or wrongt. Imagined or real. There used to be a time when a great many cases were brought unnecessarily here; but we suspect from the drouth in legal business the time to past. An advent book just received in Albany recounts forty wonderful events in the next twelve years. Such things at pestilence war,' etc., are to occur to terminate In 1901 with the destruction of the world. The whote matter has been carefully figured out, Sure Enough. "Let's see, in 1849 'there was the California big go'.d mines; In HOME AND ASmiUU - swMMtaiawat MOJtDAY. Esstcr ooour oa Marob 21st Titer will now be forty-two Ur ou the naj. Mr Arch Moatoitli, of Purtlsud, i ia tba oily. It eosta $3 to go to Astoria and rstuuro from Portland. Se'.lt elreut will be In the WtlUmttW Val ley in J una. 1G3 overland tiMsnnitart were oa tblt morning' north bound train. SO stopped off nere. The foilowlug appaara la tho Bsktr City .. "11 L Writ, Attorney-at-Liw, Valt, Or." There were twea'.y four ttallioot iu tht show at Saltm Saturday. Tbt shirt man Is iu tha city. Many of our home mtrchiuta ketpt ihirti too. It it said very aotlyt work, will begin on tht Oregon Paoitla about May 1. Thoa Nint haa aaoepttd a position as car tonist oa the Man Franoisoo hxmnintr, lnow that it enterprise. Paul Boynlon haa been down Hit Colum bia ia hit rubber tuis. V.'e look for tome good pull's for our Oregon stream. Mr Samuel Caldwell, wh loft Albany for 8a a Jose, Cat , about twenty yeart ago, has ret 0 mod to Albany to rltle, Mr Elhubsth Smith, of South Ssltm it 102 y tart of tgt. She it now ttid to be slow ly passing away, as a leaf fades and diet, - Mr W T tltrtt returned this noon from bit Kattorn trip, and like alt Wtbfeot wbo go Ksat, rejoioet at being home again A boot blaok ttand in front cf Maok ft Hodge aitraou attenlon. Toat is a novelty here that no doubt will pay,partioularly dur ing Court week. Capt, By n ton ia on the Coast lor the pur pose of oolluetuig a ear load of seals for Llu otiln Park, Chioago but be Will alto give exhibition. Tba n en tlicted in WashinRton territory last November to different ol!loa will none of them take their soata, txoept Delegate to CoagrM Alton, anient te-eleoled . lit We Shannon It home from a visit to bis former horns in Pennsylvania. He bad been kooe nineteen year, and bis parent had not beard from. tTini for eight year. Uadvr the new euhoul law teachers will get oertitlostes tor one, two ud three year, and only one of a grade. It will take rut tlium but a certificate will be worth having Liberal advertising made Wansmsker't fortune, and Wanamakar'a fortune hat mad him first choice for I'mtmasser-Utoaral under General tit rritoa. Kyorj thing oomea to tba man who advorlue x. How would aometblng In Albany like tblt do 1 ''MoMioiville hsa a chicken oniioano whtab prohiuitt ehickwnt from rdnuiu at large. Owner ot offending fowls are punish -able at having committed a misdemeanor." "llotolved tht the dominion of Canada should he annexed to tba United State" U a question that it being settled by tba debet. ing tool i-ties of this great and glorioua re public. Tbey are all baying their turn at It. Strang wht queer Uoguaea are spokso in tbia ouootry. A was tern paper in a looal item recently, told of "a regular old rs son per, who, having not a skal on, iudulgtd in a gturioba raule dsle." - F U IledaelJ, W U Tweedale and W F Crosby have purobaawl uf John Millard forty aorta of land weet of the old fair ground, which will be laid off into town Una and placed oa the market. John Waoamaker. the new post master geoeral it a greet friend to the newspaper, a Waal in a boaineee way. The fact though will no doubt ttimnlate tlitort M seek poe taJ appointmanta. Among tbt enUrtaiumeU to bain Albany within the coming tic week are the Ben Col ton Comedy Co., Al via July n, IUyoe k Lansing, U rumor- Davit Dramatic Company. Pant Boynton may poeaibly 00m. Mr MoClure, at one time a attache of Mr Jet. Webber "t barbershop ia this city, hat bought out MrCII Harmon's shop al Leb anon and will take ebarge of it this week. Mr Harmon, we are lotormcd, will move foot Lebanon. - Mr Beat aod wife from Andrew uoanty, Mieeuari, arrived la tbo eity last Saturday. They tre old acquaiuiMOM of W K Keiley whose annate they are. Mr Beat traveled ail through Southern California bat hsa seo ae place that he Jike to well aa Albany. He wui probably tetue nere. Thomas Kay, who will establish woolen mill ia Salem i a well-aaown woolen mill nan. bavins bait forty vaara axDerinenoa in . - .T , . r I MW v. wi.j maun this bastnee. The mill be propose starting t0at a large uumber f needsd Hamilton k Job, of Corvallui, have bought an it against Mr Elial Kesney, ot llalaoy, for 300, due on a note trausferred to thsm by the famous 13 wheat wiadlert. Mr Hyde, an old gentleman at Lebanon, attompted to commit luiuld yesterday by outtiiig hit throat with a rasor. doing the act In a barn near hi resident. lie mad a poor job ot it and will live. , Poor health wat the oauta. Mr Harry Day, of this olty, ia making ar rangements for coutraota for mowing la wut at thl city during the year. Tbia will be a great convenience, and being reliable he deserves the trontgeof oureitiatni. Our exchange! art figuring up populations on a baslt of ont person of school age to five iuhabitantt. Tblt would give the Albany district a population of 4000, At It ia only a year to thn national oeusut It will py nut to brag too much, - At the Portland building and loan associ ation last evening the money ia the treasury wat bid off at ilfty-nioe and tifty-aix mouth Interest. Tba Albany association wilt do its first bidding Friday evening. Governor Psnnoyer bat appointed Dvil N B Knlyat as railroad commissioner In place of O P Church, who refuset to qualify. Col Kaitht haa accepted and tiled his bond. Tba fun will begin when the different com in It -tioi! rs apply for their ) y. The most important cue that will com Bp at this torm of Court will be the Lebanon bank robbery case, in which it It claimed tome new and ttroog evidence haa been ob tained by a detective pretending to be around Lebanon ia the interest ot rttunon, the de fendant, N J Cochran wat brought down this morn ing fiom Biownsvttlt and placed in tbe aey lum for insane. He it fifty-two yeart of age, and thinks ha oommuniuaUt with God Al mighty and believe himself to be tpirtnslly married to a married woman of Brownayllle, and declare that bar husband thould depart. Salem Journal, , A man wanted to whip the editar of tbe Lakeview Uxamiimr for something that ap peared Iu that paper. Fortunately be waa home in bed. A young man named Joe Lane, though, waa pointed ont a the editor, whea the pugilist pulled off hi erst and began the job. The rvsull waa that Lane thrashed the ground with bint, aod now tbe A'jramrirr mau bat otdertd Lane to draw 00 him at tight. Pkmoal. J M Moyer, Brownsville' rustling lumberman, Is doing Albany to day. , Mr A B Huddleaon, Jffsrtou' atwby, la la tbe city. Mr II M Thornton, olerk io the store ot Mr 8 E Young, baa returned from his trip to hit former home in Danville, Peon. Mr M L Ferguson, of Lie Angelas, C!., arrived in the city this morning on a v.'tit to her mother, Mr Ell Carter. Tom Kay, of the Salem woolen mill, U io the eit . th KEEP FOOTED. vVbeat, 70 oeota. New good at W F IUad'a. F. M. French kespe railroad time. Bargain iu boot and shoe at liaid'a. Fresh garden aod grist seeds st Stewart & Sox's. Afiill lioe of ChilJ'e bath tab at G. W Smith. J. P. Wallace. Physician and Surgeon. Al bany, ur For a Sterling or Emerson niano ex! I on G Li Black man. Dr. Nejue remcvea asnaera without th knife or pain. G. W. Smith haa tha lanaat'jtaek of anmr t . ... 7 m-w tnun ia Aicspy If yon want any kind of stove reoiira mil 00 v. ouiun. G L Black man ia agent for tbo Weber piano. j one better. Plant some of those silver akin onion aeta. 1 or aaie at aiewart at Box a. Six aharea for a dollar and a oUau towel to every customer, at Tboe. Jonea. G. W. Smith civet tha white enameled iron ware with bis fine cook stoves. A foil assortment of brass kettle from one to eighteen gallons at G. W. Smith' New line A Sons. Costa here will not be very extensive at first, but it will within a few veers give employment to nearly 400 baada.-Vwna, It will start ia aa a two-set mill. Anew tpancr man haa bees turning ova the hlea of the Peking Caa-Me. lie Soda that it baa bn published continuously fur SO yeara. There ia doabtleea aa impression gaining ground in the Coins empire to the fleet that tbe Oairlle baa come to stay. L'jc We are dot quite at old 1 but we are here to stay, just the same, and there it ot a paper ia Oregon that will not claim the tame thing. The Maaoiiio bui'ding board of Masnmo Lodget of the city met Saturday evening and elected U F Simpsrm. President J U E Wolvertoo, Secretary and D f Mason, Treas urer, aod appoint! the following building eommitteti : ( W Maalou, L Headers, O F Siinpsoo: The will erect thin summer on their lot opposite tbe old Young store a two story brick, tbe temple being io tbe eeoond ttory. Following are the talarke of tbe city of- Seere of Spokaoa Kali 1 Chief ot Polio, O P Cosbow, Jr, ot Browaaville, ia in the oty. Jaa II Peery. ot Doty vi'.le, it in the eity. Dr J V Gaff, of Shedd, baa returned from an extended trip east and 1 now pre pared to J.rom ply auswer all professional ealla that may be made upon him. Hon F A Watt, of Asblsnd.ia is the city. While speaking well of Atbtand be aaye the WUlsmette valley U a migbty" good oouo- try- WEDSKtDAY New style jewelry at Freool'V. Considerable of Lebaoou ia in Mlaoy to day A teeood-band organ for sale ekeap at Mr a II y mans. Boy your watehee at Freaeh'e. Big bar gaina. Go to It M Robertson for oats, cheat by aod timothy. Henry Okawa, a Japanese stadeut, ia atudying for the ministry at Willamette nul. tersity. Prof F M Mitchell ia at the residence of Keoorder Davia, in tbia city, tick with the mum pa. J 0 Wilton haa been elected ebUf engi neer and Carl Hodgea aaeietaut ebief of tbe Ourvaliia fire department. Tbia n omina'a train reaehed thn eity at 12.20, tbe Kagooe expreta taking Ita place from that eity. A land slide did It, Have von bought your tieket for tbe en tertainment to b given on Friday evening at the opera bouse for tbe IxoeCt of the enllega, L L Hard has been granted aa exclusive electrie light fraaohiM at tWvallia for fifteen yeart, aaa haa already ordered tbe plant Light will be running by May 1. Shake. Tbe proceeding of the eity ovonoil nil! iow that a large number of needed iut provemeuts are made In different parte ol tbe eity. COUNCIL PKOCKEDIXG. Tutsday evening, March 1 jth, PresentMayor, Marshal, Recorder and Councllnien Gradwoht, Parker, Burkhart, Tabler, Deyje and French. The following bill were ordered paid 1 JohnStaack, $ao ; NJ llenton, $44.15 L Gotlleb, $8.50 j F E Allan, $3.35 A Wheeler, $4.75 N Uoffmn,$90 1 Jaa V Pipe, $45 1 Burkhart St Royce, $31.05 I cost bill, $35.15 f W E Keiley, $91 t F E Allen, $5 1 N II Allen, $nS ( F& M Int. Co, $1.65. Tha Committee on Streets and Public Property recommended granting of petl tlon for tide walk and footbridge toutli tide Ellsworth street. Adopted. 6am commlltea recommended tevral tlreet and sidewalk Improvements, Adopt ed. Werk to be done inside of 30 days, Same com mi', tee recommended the fol lowing which were ordered dons t That all tewera thall be provided with trap,' -: That Marsht! notify alt owners of prop erty adjoining tewera adjacent to which main and cross tew ert havo been construct ed to connect their premise with taid tewera within 30 day. ; That tha Street Commissioner have the tquarea at junction nf Washington and and and 3rd streets Immediately cut to the es tablished grade and the tame graveled. That 7th street between Ferry acd Ells worth street be graded and graveled. That oth street from east Vine street to east Ellsworth be graveled and graded. That Washington, 7th and nth be grad ed and graveled. That a new sidewalk be ordered on west line lot 1, block 35 in 15 dayt. That m new foot bridge be built on east Callpoola across 8th street and en oth street across Thurston, That Ferry tlreet be graded, 8th to nth In3 dayt. Pet house wat ordered cleaned out, blankets burned, ete. Marshal recommended aeveral sidewalk and street Improvement, which were or dered made. Petition of A II Marshall and others ask ing that motion to place Washington street on grade be rescinded waa laid on table. Petition of Geo E Chamberlain and J D Parsons, for latteral sewer on Ferry street, at 7th street wat granted. Petition of L Viereck for 10 ft tide walk on grade south tide Broadalbln and to 3rd read and sidewalk ordered built. Petition ot John Brush and other, for extending 30 Inch sewer on Railroad street to south side of 6th street, signed by 63 taxpayer, was read and referred. A petition from Hackleman' 3rd addi tion asking that hog pen be removed, wat laid on the Uble, the city not yet having jurisdiction. That the nuisance though ought to be moved wat the general opinion. THE BTALUOM LAW. We are under obligation to Hon. R. A, Irvine for a copy of the new stallion law, the principal provisions of which we pub lish by request ot many horsemen In dif ferent parte of the count. A license, coat ing $ix must be Issued by the Clerk of the county in which thn service It render ed, and it good only in the county In which Issued. Any owner of any stallion, desiring license for said stallion, may file hi peti tion therefor wltlthe County Clerk of any county within this State. Such petition thall atate specifically the name, color ,age, breeder and last owner of said stallion, the name and breeding of tire, the name and breeding of dam, and name and breeding of the second dam of said tulllon. If any of the foregoing facta required to be stated in aald petition are not known to the peti tioner, he shall state In said petition that such facts are unknown. Such petition thall be verified by the oath of the owner of such tulllon, or by the lawful agent who haa knowledge of the facts. The license will be In force until Jan. it following Iu Issue. A copy ot the li cense must be posted at each place of standing In the fount. An owner of any stallion within this Sute, may file with the County Clerk of any county therein, on or before the first Mr J Fred Yate Uayet tomorrow morn- day ot October ot each year, a full and ui for Portland, woere be will at once be gin bit clerkship in tbe offlo of Mr Fred Strong, Tbe Albany miners eontiaue to be at tbe big end of the horn in their eaaa with Dr Smith, the appeal of tbe defendant being die tiuati yteterday afternoon. Hon Geo P Terrell oame down front Ma nama yeaterday.aad is eotbasiasth about tba building el a railroad I rem this point to a junction with the O. P. atat'thutm, F. Co." f thiaeity is entirely ont of debt and hat money in tbe Treaaur) , a reojrd en joyed by few oompanie in tb Sute. It baa some good financier at it head. Wheat dropped aeveral eate at Chicago yesterday. If it should go down to 63 at Al beoy oar farmer will be kicking themselves because tbey did not tell wben It waa 70 ceoU. Suit bsa been oommeo 34 against the Clerk, f 123 per month t Attorney. year ; naponnteodeol water work, Vl.iHJU a year Superintendent ot ttreeu, ai'JU a month : Superintendent of eewera. 8-100 pet yeart Engineer. $1,800 per year! Health oUieer, JWJU per year ( 1'oiioe otuotrt.tsa per tnontn. Biocrapbiae of member of Harrison's cab inet are oow tn order, rnton's SeoreUry of Bosk1 ia a good example of what a man can amount to. tie need to drive mulct complete ltt of the marc terved by tuch tuition within tuch county during that year. Such list shall conUin the name. If any, and a brief descriptlorrof all mares so served, the owner thereof, the term on which each mare wa bred, the amount of money due, or to become due, upon each mare and the time when oavment thereof becomes due, and it shall be verified bv the oath of the owner of such stallion or hit lawfully authorised agent, From the time of filing tuch ll the owner of tuch tulllon shall have a lien upon each mare therein described and upon her colt If any, by aald horse for the service fee due at thereon for one year from the date of auch filing. Such lien may be re moved within the time and In the tame manner at a chattel mortgage la removed. The fine for a violation of the above pro- visions, or for making an fale eutement license or list ot $130 per month Treasurer, $1,200 per year; aohooner George II Chaaoe, belongiug to the I In an application for a ' .i". q,n bing 00m pan y, by AT- nares terved, or tor mutillatlng or destroy BILL CITT, An excellent sermon was oreached last Sunday at the school house by Rev, Mr. Hulburt, of Stavton, He will again fill the pulpit the first Sunday evening in April at the same place. Mr S V Steven, superintendent of con struct train on the O P, was at the front last Wednesday attending to some business. The society Nfckerbocker aoctatt mf last Wednesday, with but little avail, will likely be postponed until the new achool house It built, , The poor little fish In the Santlam here have no rest at all. Its the ladlet who are alwat after them. A letter written hv fohn Uond. who Is on hit way to South America, Mate that ne was a passenger on the train that wa robbed near Dixon, Cat, I bet Jehn wat cared bit. At Correlt want (a ftraftnhiih Ut Monday where he Intends to take uo a Mneh, I beard an Albany gentleman say the other day that the Improvements made In Mill City, In the last few weektare worth of atUntlon. The O P hat established an agency at thl place which took effect March f. Here after freight charges will not be required to be prepared on consignments destined to this place. Lota In Mill City are selling raoidlv. Five were told last week In Hobson't addi tlon. Mr F L Laugharne. watch repairer of Mehama, sanvassei our town and Gatct vllle last week repairing watches and clockt. Mr AO Eccleson, O P engineer, passed through here last Saturday on a special . tie went to jjreitenbush, where ne l doing tome work on the O P, Mr A R Chapman. O P agent at Albany. was In our burg last Saturday. He says he like Mill City first rate. G II Judy made a business trip to Albany thlt week. J L Berry moved hit family to thlt place last Wednesday. The Santlam Lumbering Co's nw taw. ver. Mr ili-nrv Tranlav. arrived hr taut Wednesday and took hold of the lever In lite aiternoon 01 the same day. The grad ing on their side track will be finished In a few week. Mrt Ed Griggs, of Gatesvllle. wen to California a few days ago, where the will remain with her parents for a few months. Mr Griggs accompanied her to Southern Oregon, where he will prospect for n few weeks. We wish them success and a pleasant time. On the 4th while tome Mill City people were enjoying a fricndlv talk on the mill ("orPDanv'a aIatform Mr Lee Brown trot nt hi watch to tee the time. He Imme diately noticed that ft stopped exactly the time President Harrison wat Inaugurated. He contequenll calls it a Harrison watch. Mr Gates and Mr Collins, of Gates vllle, were visiting In our burg last Thursday. Last Sunday morning Charlie Griggs, at Gatesvllle, stepped ofi'the perch In front of hit house and accident! stepped on a nail. It cut an ugly gash in hit foot and cause a severe pain. Last Thursday E II Griffith and C W llenleln desolved partnership In the Mill City saloon. Mr Griffith told out to Mr llenleln, who will transact the business. Mr George Cos. of camp 3, wat tpend- Ing; a few hours at home at Gatesvllle ltst Thursday. George seems to like the mountains pretty well. A dance waa held at O'Relley Hall's at Gatesvllle last Friday night, and it wat conducted the best of any dance that ever occured In the vicinity. EKOWNSVILIX. KF.Ah ESTaTb BALKS. A recorded in the Recorder's office for Linn county, Oregon 1 Isaac Newhousa to Nell M New- house, part of blk 3t H't and A.$ Oregon to Geo B Whltcomb, 160 acres. - John Smallinon, Sheriff, to B Bren ner, 80 acre E D Ollson by Sheriff to Am. Mtge. Co., 4 of 270 acre, 14 I E .... . W B Gllson by Shcrl&toAm, Mtge. ' of 370acret,, ,,,...2151,30 u M roster to tims Joriti, t lot, blk 46, Albany,, L M Foster to A M Peery, 1 lot, blit 46, Albany , John Schmeerto O&C RCo, right of w ly through farm , John Isom to O & C R R, right of way , E Shelton to John Gill and Wm Lo gan, lot, Scio. R Shelton to John R Gil), lot.ficlo Geo 0 Henderson to W J Hender son, Interest In parcels of land, ia w .... A Hackleman to Reb't McElhenn, part of blk 33, H't and A J M Waters, et al to Brownsville W, M. Co.everal piece land,rfghts, etc., E O Hyde to P O Smith, otfxioo ft. Scio..,.,,,.. , J II Surlea, et al to Peter O Smith, 35x100 feet, 8clo, ....... ...... Edward Goln to P O femith, 50x8 feet II A Johnson, et al to S I Shore, acre, Scio precinct , , G W Wheeler to Samuel O Long, 1 a acret, i wa................ David C Cushman to Noah and Wm Shanks, piece land adjoining, Amelia ., , Andrew Ralston to Margaret Ham mer, 4 lots, block 62, Albany. U 8 to Col umbia A Deal and wife, 109 acres, 14 W3.,. a Aiaessengerto J tt iJurxhart, 4 lots, block 36 H't and, A Albany J H Burkhart to A Moessenger, 40 acret, 11 w 3 J L Ne to D K Michael, 80 acre 13 w 1 J F Mack to E O Hyde end P O Smith, 135.3 acret near Scio... Peter Bllyeu to J 8 Morris, 15 acres, 10 w 1 W R Kirk te Mrt M R Keeney, lecxiltfeet, Brownsville..... Peter Bityeu to Lee Bilyeu,75 acre low. II J Foils tJ L Fotlls, J35 acres, 9 w i.......... Lee Bilyeu to Peter Bilyeu, 6 lots, 8clo V II Caldwell to L Watton. 4 5 acres, 11 w 4 John A Millard to J W Cuslck, lot Millard'a plat........... .. Clarence Houston to C E Wolverton 47.18 acres, 10 w 3 ,, R McEIhenny to G L Blackman, part of block 33 J II Maboney to J W Cuslck, 2 tots M'tS A, Albany Edward Huston to J W Cuslck, 2 lots, M'a S A, Albany Jay W Blatn to H Bryant, 10 acret adjoining Albany..., II F Merrill to C II Hoag, 2 loU.blk 450 4S 3io 650 650 60 60 755 75o 12000 15500 200 250 5 1 600 45 . 75 ' patent 1500 3$e) 300 1000 400 300 3175 2500 200 900 1600 900 5 350 35x Book scents and drummers have been here in large uumbere the past week. Born to the wife of Minor Jackson, a boy. Jackson is now the happiest man In Urownsvuie. E D Mover returned from a business visit to Portland last Monday. Miss dark, of Corvallls. wat here a oart of last week the guest of Mr Prof Hall Last Tuesday evening Rev A LeRoy organised a young people a valuable Inform ation society in connection with the Baptist church of this place. . Messrs Cable Si Stan rd are havlnjr their store repainted and are now In Portland buying goods and store natures. Messrs W T Cochran. W B Smith and T A Dyson, juror from thlt place, left for Albany Monday. Last Thursday Mrt Florence Snyder died from consumption. She had been very low for tome time and death waa ex pected. W R Kirk went to Albany Monday, your reporter Is Informed, on business connected with the cannery proposed t be etUb- llshed here. If Mr Kirk la earnestly Inter ested in tbit matter the community It to be congratulated, lor It la almost a sure thing. We know of no Industry Imploring no larger capital tnat would be 01 trie ben efit to our town as a cannery. We trust our people will take hold earnestly with Mr Kirk and esublish at once the can nery ; O li's 2nd A. Albany.... .... J Wilkinson to F H Roscoe.a iou M. and Ce A, Albany. Arvllla Fuller to J L Fuller, acre, Ilarrisburg Mary J Blodgett to Mary Single- Ury, piece land, 15 w 4 J M Powell UjasM Wiley, 1 iota, Lebanon..... Julius Gradw ohl to S 8 Train and J R Whim ey, aa feet, 6 Inches by 40 feet. Ferry street N P Newton to Elizabeth A Beach, 134 acres, 11 w 5 M Payne to J Sand now, Jr., 2 lot, blk 54, H't and A, Albany..... Oregon to Margaret A Cyrus, 40 acret, iow 1........ US to Martha Clifton and others, 100 acret, 14 w 1 osiah Sawyer to J as II Washburn 99.93 acret. 14 w 2 and 3. Wm J Henderson to Geo C Hender son, jj interest 316.14 acres, ia w x - O&Cto M Wilkin. 160 acres, 15 LTONSV1LLE. Bay your tickeU tbroaeh to the East of W L Jester aod tare fare to Pottland. A fine teveo-righth short horn young caJf tor tale. Inquire ot W A Blodgett. I have reduced prices on all heavy wear in hoots and shoes. Call e arlv at W F Ileada. Tbe Western Cottage and Packard are two of the best organs made. U L Biaekinaa eellt tbem. Buy your spectacles at French'a and have them property fitted by Johnston' Dioptiie fcye Meter. Mr. Julius Gradwohl carries a flat stock of sUndard groceries, a fact our citizena thould remember wben baying, Call en U, W. Smith and set one of those Missouri Steam Waahere warranted to do aa recommended. The largest, finest and best assorted stock of groceries in town can be foond at Browneli & Standard's. A fine lioe of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bes stock in tbia part of Uregon at i ortmuler & Irving a. , If yon want a clean and fine tmoke atk for J. Joseph 4 home made white labor oigtra For tale by most cigar dealera acd at bit Joseph s factory. ten Parker, for about $1000 for material furnished in ber coos traction. Henry Ksat has started a boot black stand in front of Joa Webber'a barber shop. That makes two in Albany. Ptople wbo ean af ford it abould patronise tbaee ataada, aa it heln auoDort lust so man more oeraooa. Here it one t "Har- and then most of yon don't half do it your Agriculture. "Jerry I selves anyway. Mr A M Peery. of Dayton. Or. wb9Te- oently purchased a lot of Mrs L M Foster, wui move to tnlt etty in a lew weeks, baud on bit lot and open another drug store. Mr la 1,-- k. T :-i-r .. ( I ' . . . . T " '" K''-'-. jw."-y oouuty treasurer, and ia highly spoken of oa Lha imr. I lrtr trrMAam ,1 I invamir tr WMAan I Y . --. . -' 1 n Dutioesa roan. am, ana may oeneara irom yet. GaANDjray, The following comprise on of ertiat'e materials at Dr. Guise eanal and had aa companion on the tow path U nothing to aeethetn. another barafooted boy, Jaa A GarHeld. MMiwirui uivto etage, lucu w uuoi- Ing a potted license, 1 not lest than $5 nor more than $350 or Imprisonment In the count jail for not mare than 90 dat, the the violation of the law being made a mis demeanor. Justice's of the Peace have concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court In the matter. The law went into effect on Ita approval by the Governor. the Alex grand lury drawn this afternoon; Brandon, foreman : A S Bassett, 1 Carlton, ' Wm Coin. I B Coffey, M Cunningham and ueo A uyson; rnce .Munxers, dhiuii, Tursoar. SMALLPOX AT SALEM. Special to Dshocxat,, March 13, 1 p. m. A genuine case of smallpox has developed at the As' lum to-day. George Keller, brought here He GotIiv The roan that was running i from Yamhill, being the victim. Nospread 1859, the Pike't mlnet ot fabulout riches ; all over town hunting horse radish yester-1 of the disease is fearedtatall of the inmates in 1869, the White Fine mine, so rich at never was; in 1879, the Lead vllle bonanza; wonder what will be the big bonanza mine strike of 1889I" Ex. Whynotcalllt the Santlam mln:t and be done with It. Public Examination. There were 43 'applicant attended the teachers exam ination last week, of whom 3 obtained first grade certificates, 32 second grade cei tlficates, 9 third grade certificates, and 9 'failed to get certificates at all. day found a nice lot of fresh grated at tha Willamette Packing Co's store. For land madehar.necs goto E. L. Power GOTO JJDUBRUI Started Across. About a week ago three or four men with a team of horses started across the Cascade mountains on the W. V, & C. W. M. road: It Is gener ally thought bv parties living along this r.J of the road that they will not be able to get across on account ot the snow. Thompson & Overman keep the belt har nesses. Best artist's materials Ouiss & Sons. in the city 4 at Dr. LIE, ALBANY. ORE have been vaccinated.. Wall Paper, The finest line of wal paper In the valley In forty or fifty varle ties, elegant designs and prices down, at Fortmillcr & Irving's. It will pay to tee nem. Dr. M. II. Ellis, physician aid Albany, Oregon. CUlt made in country. surgeon city et mutt go, Albany carpenter are all but. Nebraska editors will be in Oregon in July. Fonr trampt registered at the c.liboote last evening, A Portland doctor baa beesi fined tlSO un der Pope'a new medical law. Taalitin, twelve milea tbia aide ot Port land, ia taid to be booming a little. One' of the tramps eoming tbia way it named Killiuff, and he it an ex-prixe fighter, The East Portland building and loan as sociation loaned IG00 00 Tbunday evening for 30 months interest In advance. Prof M V Rork. of Salom. will lecture at Shedd Friday and Saturday evening, March 15th and ICth. Subject, "Laws of Life." Keen Friday evening t entertainment for tbe benefit of the Uollege tn your mind, ne terved aeata at Blaokman'a, SO centa. We understand Lawyer F M Miller, of Lebanon, terved under Col J W Noble, tbe new secretary ol tbe interior, during tbe war. Col John Lee, of the Iodian achool at Sa lem, who will be auooeeded by Mr Beadle, will go Hast and then return toOregon to re- aide. At' Lebanon on Friday evening a r octal will 'be given by the ladies nf the M E church in which a tambourine driU wilt be an im portant feature. George Washington after being president becamo a justice of the peace, and now annth er (ieorge, M C George, of Forttand. has just been elected a director ia tbe Portland schools. A social will be given by the Y W C T U on Thursday evening at the w c X U ball. Several interesting features will be presented and the yonng peopleof the city should at tend. - Mitt Beaate II Bedloe. of Borlingham. Vt, had a disease ol tha aealp which caused her hsirto beootne very harsh and dry and to fall so ft eel the scarcely dared comb it. Ayer'a j iuur v iger gave oer a neauny eoaip, ana made the hair beautifully thick and glossy. Bad blood eausea dyspepsia and dyspepsia reacta by eanaing bad blood. So both go on, growing worse, until tbe whole system it poiaooed. The aurea meaua af relief for tbe victim it a thorough and persistent courae 01 Ayer't Saraaparilla. David Link, wbo haa been employed in the boot and ahoe ettablithment of Irvine Sc Helm for tha past three years, bat exoepted a similar position with Kranaae & Klein at Albany . Dave it tirat-olate, both aa a work man and a gentleman aod we are sorry to loose him from oar cirolet. CorvtlSU Time. The eity will begin the work of grading the square at tbe junction of Washington and second streets immediately, and after ten days' notice will pnsh tbe grading generally. vnat opposition mere wm be is yet to be seen, 16 is to be hoped partita interested will submit gracefully, for if Albany hasn't the right to giado ita streets it is 10 a bad condition! but tt probably haa. Tbe Oregon Land Co, at Salem, in the past cine months made 107 aalea, only 25 being to Marion canty people. In a two column ad it announce its large basinets and says it baa jutt contracted for advertising to the amount of $1525. tThat eity'a real estate agenta are doing some big rattling for basi nets, with the above aa a aanrple ot the re sult. Keep cool, Mr Salem Btalexmau neither tbe Democrat nor Albany ia jealout ot Salem at al). In fact we want to seo the Capital an honor to tbe State. Tbe beam is in your own eye. Throw away some of your big- beadednet and you won't be imagining every other oity is jealous. Albany ia progressing in a satisfactory manner, and will after awhile tbow you a band that would . be a credit to even the Capital. Jutt because aa Ex, tayt your ladies have a reputation for dressing gaud don't go all to pieces like a thistle, 8CIO. Mrs M A Hoi man returned home from the east a few dayt ago, accompanied by her two brothers W and S Crowley. Mrs Wright, of Corvallls, Is, visiting her sister, Mrs Ed Golns. Wm Brenner is commencing work on his new dwelling. Roscoe Hlbler, of Corvallls, has been visiting friends in thlt place. The union reyival meetings that have been going on here for some time closed last night with good results. There wera a large number o'f converts, most of whom united with the several different churches of this place. There were twelve emersed to-day by Rev Sperry, pastor of the Bap tuicnurcn nere. Newt and hens teeth are scarce. J C Lyons It erecting a building on front street, we understand, for a grocery store. The hoot of the festl-e grouse can now be heard In' the foothills, and the young nlmrod saunters forth In quest. In viola tlon of law. T W Van Order, of this Dlace. la dolne . t. .. . . . . . Albany true week, where he has a case in court agalntt Kelson Bennett. Complaint was filed In Justice Lyons court this aiternoon by one jonn aic Northen against Emit Schneider, charging him with an assault with a deadly weapon. Schneider has a wood contract from the O P and McNorthon la one of his em ptoyees. : It seems a dispute arose between them about labor performed, when bchncl der tried to convince hit opponent with an axe. At the trial it yet to be we are un able to give the outcome. Farmers, if yon want tha beat harneta all band made, oail oniCJj. to Dent' oratoffioe. . MARRIED. A Explanation, 1400 300 4-vO 4" 1050 1000 3400 540 SO patent aooo laoco 3 Ci. Flir.ut to J J I arres, C L Flindt toj F F acres. Geo Cunningham to t block, HuUey , . Fren SOLD OUT. UnvInK sold ray inter at la flw t general mercbandiA of th lirm ahow A Cabls to C. E. BiRnard, 1 v, call the nttejution of ait who know ' ae'vi Indebted to Coiow & Cui,-is t and settle at onca. J!vinz aoid account of poor brakh I expect toe; climates lor awhtln, and all rcgutu tettlod before I gettaady to leave i:.r !He will be left with an officer fore tlon. A word to the wise lmifl"imrir; ..O.F.CcwtU; 4 KSTJA IX. by flven that tbe annua! mw,l tbe Stock bolder of the Albany Jiu Association will be )iUt at th o nonse'ln Albany on Monday ,5Iroh IWM 730 p. in for tfle election ol r; torn and etich other bminess m may c oerore tit meeting. Dated Feb. ig.h, isso. W, F, Rbau, Socrfte W. C. TwieioaLK, 1're.ildeot, LET ALL TK AFFLICTED EE - THAT Dr, West's Alterative Ton Is a valuable remedy for Malarial A tions and for diseases arising from rurltiea of the blood, auch as acrofu uraor, pimples on the faes, salt th rheumatism, headache, pile, ki oemplalnt, all female weakness and ; a rat oeDinty. ievr ana ru. eatsrrn dropsy, I manufacture medicine sec log to what the disease may ha. DR. J. J, WEST, Tbe Old Reliable Physician, may alw be found at bis office and can tell yon where yoar pains are located by ex a Ids; you in aix plas-ws on your trta; nnder your suoulder blades with biu over your clothes. Many cures bsvs I made by lua treatment. HEAD -AtTXD I earn to tbe country to Jorto found after arriving here, that i'of and Albany, were already dastirift become the bfeadqoarters of the growing West. With that end iotv detenxiined to locate in Albany la spring, havinc already purchased a I farm whljb 1 delre to im prove. I all those wbo are la need of treat; should avail themselves of Ibis oppcr Ity. " ... - ' COXIsXLTATIOX FB CE. Persons desiring careful treatmec', pleasn call on Ir. J. J. West la'e i.t troit, Michigan, at 196 East Sixth hu Albany, Oregon. Come and Get Consultation Any. See Hearts Frees k If. te Sim r. FRESH Grass and Gave all kinds at oirrrrrr a Tnri e- art"? GARDEN, Flower, 13" from the celebrated seed house tf A. B. Cleyeland & Co. Ai.0 CJ4l5H SETS, AT BED: to Gardners, WALLACE A THOMPSO: in Having purelased tha entire interest of J. M. Waters in the firm of Thompson & Waters, I wisn to annoanc to the public that I am so! proprietor of the late firm of Thompson and Waters and cat be focsn I t tb old atsd teliaUa ataod. Heartily thanking the geoerous pab lie for their liberal patrousgn in tht. aat, I moi earnestly aolieit conlinuaneo vf tbe same in the future, and can and will assure tbt public, if tbey wish to deal wbete thy en gt fair ,nj honest treat ment, and tha beat goods lor the least money, 1 cuott cordially ia vitft una and all to coma and inspect my mamnsotH stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE V and get prices before making prch sn e!awbsre. future sbail be conducted on My business ia Strictly Business Principle which shall prove a benefit .and a and proprietor. blessing both alike to purchasers a.n TBI WARE AflD IIARD 'mm 0? 'ALL KIJIDS AT 0 aaalf 0 u t. I. w w j i J GOM, FOR THEBES DEOS &R33 ARE AGET FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE MAitKET T HARiSESS,SADD SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM- PLEr.lENTS AT DZ- yCm si rioncorj Weather Indication s. For the u nours beginning at 13 o'clock, noon. Rain, lower temperature. " PAYNE -RUCKER At Dotyvlllei March 6th, tS39. by James Peery, Justice of the Peace, Mr. J. II. Payne to Miss Jen nie RucVer. ' The Democrat wishes the newly married party a long,happy life. WOODWORTII -MARSHALL. On Sunday evening, March toth, 1SS9. at 9 o'clock p. m.,at the residence of the bride's j parents, In Albany, Mr. D. O. Woodworth and Mies Esther Marshall, Rey. E. R. Prttchard officiating. The groom,formerly with Mr. G. L. Blackman, of this city, is now a prosperous druggist In the booming city of Ellensburg, W. T, while the bride is the handsome and accomplished daught er of Mr. A. H. Marshall. The wedding was witnessed by relatives and a few Invit. ed friends, and is pronounced a very nice affair, the happy couple being' presented with some hne presents. Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth left on the mornlnjr train for their new home, where they will begin housekeeping at once. The good will of the whole community, Including the Dem ocrat cilice, goes wun tnem. - - Hope, Kansas, March 6th, 1SS9. Edliort Democrat : My attention was called to aa article published in your paper under date of Feb ruary sand, 18S9, being an answer to former communication of mine ; extracts of which appeared In the Democrat under date ot February 1st At first seeing the heading and the name at the close of the answer I thought the communication waa In the tame humorous vein in which mine was written and laughed with the writers father, who was with me at the time, over the matter 1 but when we arrived at home and I carefully read the entire communi cation, I saw at ence the writer had mis construed the meaning of the last clause In my former letter which "has rolled him all up" and which I deeply regret as I had no more thought of casting reflections upon his versclty than I had ofcommittlng sui cide. The very Idea was aa foreign to my thoughts ss farther India Is foreign to this country, I simply wanted more informa tion tor the beneiit 01 some 01 my neigh bors who did not have a personal Inter view with Mr. Ryan, as well at tome who wanted to tee some Oregon papers. The words In that clause "or reliable Informa tion" should have been Inclosed In a pa renthasls as tt is simply a qualifying clause which if omitted would not injure the sense or meaning of the sentence, which would then read, "But we desire more light in re- Sard to farms and farming in Oregon." low I hope this explanation will allay the wrath of my Irate brother-ln law. B. M. Anderson. MY MOTTO SHALL DE: lat. S-riotly one price to all putchaeer. 2nd. Tbe best goods for Ibe least moot y. ' Srd. Fair and honest treatment to one acd all alike. 4tb. No gooda told only to reliable partus. - 5th. Quick sale and small profit. 6tb. Na overcharges to cover bad il's acd debts. 7tb". We shall buy direct from EtBtern Manufacture! p;mrs,' &:- ! ill gor-da juictasd, thereby saving our customers fully tea c-r c on H their purchases. , , . 8th." "We allow a discount of five per cent on cai-h purchases. 9;b. AH dry gooda carried over from last j ear noil at 8oum! cos' Soma splendid bargains. 10th. Highest market (.rico paid for all kinds roduc. OLES, BLAUKETS, WHIPS, HALTERS, PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE "Z liOESON'D. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Doyoo and Rob: con's special bargains. J A Archibald, agent Sin star Msnufaotur ing Co., opposite Odd Follows Temple, Al bany, " V THEM I am now receiving my immense stock cf direct frgm the Est, which fjr q-tanttty and saparbr q taiitf low prices can not be excelled any he a. .The geral public cordially invited to call and examiue the sme and gt pri:ei trouble to show goods, - " Yours Mj-st lli3ictfuHy, ' R. N. THOMPSON. Brownsville, Or., March 4tb, 18S9- iiUt are Ni AOKET. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DISTOE & I10BSGNS New Comers To our city willj find it to their advantage to price oar gods before buying in their outfit of groceries and pro visions, -.i ', JBeownkix & Stanard. We will sell you anyone elae. groceries cheaper than Bkownkli, ft Stanard. Letter tost. Folio sing Is ths list ot isttors renutininjr in tl.e OfBcs, Albaay, linn count.r, Orsga, U&rch 13, raioK ouiinr xar Lnea irLL-a muss I'lVB Lilt: u.. which t hey were a lyert;.sod Ortsr, Wm (3) Porter, T J Low, L izis Mihchfu i. Uo If. W C, Box 2SS (3) Peteraon, Grov A R. TUOStPSOS, P. OATS. That mains seasonaUa coats, a largo mn th ctwb chbss just been received at Blain' t.. Cal) ear!y as th oyor-c; begun going .