The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 15, 1889, Image 2

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    5 eurocrat
The firmer of Pennsylvania are mak
i1 ;; very loud and emphatic complaint
Kt uut Die miserable condition Into which
i;ticuHuio In that stale hat drifted. They
declare that their land are constantly de
pn. elating In value, that farm product art
o!d at a price less than the cost of produc
t'on, that the price of what they have to
buy keep up at former rate while all they
l ave to sell is going down, that the num
ber of farm sold under the hammer under
foreclosure of mortgage or for taxea U In-cr-nning
alam!ngly. . And all thl occur
right In Pennsylvania where manufactur
leg U carried on more extensively than tn
any other state o! theunlon,and where pro
tection U tald to furnish the farmer with
a market for all he produce. Here I an
rye opener for the Oregon farmer. The
farmer of Pennsylvania hare submitted
to the onorous and unjust exaction of
our tariff law under the moat solemn
assurance from the friend of "protec
tion," that It would be the mean of afford
Inj them a market for all they could pro
duce. No, after twenty year of trust In
the blesvlng that were to be showered up
on them os a result of the protective y
tern" they Cud It all the merest chimera, a
dclusionand a snare. Many of these farm
ers arc so blludcJ, the promis
ed blessing of "protection" that they now
propose to apply It to the competition
, which they have to meet In the produc
lions of the farmers of the Northwest.
1 lence they demand such legislation a will
compel railroads to make rale more favor
able to them, or rather more unfavorable
to the farmer of the Northwest, In order
that they may have complete control of the
produce market of that state. But what
wilt the farmers of the Northwest think of
this ? Hare they not borne the burden of
heavy tariff taxation in order that they
might have "home matket" In Pennoy Ira
ni ? ill (key not at once conclude that If
this market 1 to be taken from them bv
the "protectionist of Pennsylvania, that
then there will be no longer any reason
why they should submit to heavy tariff
taxation without even a promise of anr of
Its blessings in return t But the former of
Pennsylvania, a of many other state, are
deluded and deceived by thl siren song of
'protection, and they will never find an
antidote for the III which beset them until
they shall have broken the cord of en
chantment which thl "protection"ch!mera
ha wound around them.
The Benton Leader save it does not de
fend the extraragance of the late legishv
ture. Here U what the Leader said : "The
total appropriations of the session were a
little over $900,000. This may seem pretty
large, and a gocd deal of fuss has been
mads over the alleged "extravagance" of
the legislature that adjourned recently ;
but the total appropriations do not reach so
large a sum as the session of 1SS5, and the
general appropriation bill of this session I
only $3S,ooo larger than that ol 1SS7.
Now let people judge for themselves
whetner the Leader defends the extrava
gance of theieglslatuie. If Iht Leader did
not desire to break the force of public dis
approval of the Use legislature why doe it
go so far a to say that the appropriations
Jo not reach so large sum as the session
of 1SS5, when in fact the appropriation
this year are r.ear $100,000 more than they
It is stated that South Australia was the first
to inaugurate the reform measure in voting that
has secured such w ide favor. It has since, as
reported, taken a new departure in tax nutters
and adopted something like the I fenry George
sing'c tax bw. In the towns the taxes for water
workman J all the municipal features are levied on
land values alone. In the country districts all
improvements upon land are exempted from
general taxation. As in most of the Western
states and territories in this country.large tracts
of land there are held, unimproved, by rich
speculators: and they probably find the law
vcrj oppressive and unjust. No reason is ap
parent why the test there should not be thorough
and comprehensive.
Beginning on the first Monday In Decem
ber, 1807, the Fiftieth Congress continued
uninterruptedly in session until October
20, iSSS, when it adjourned to meet for the
second scshion in December and continue
until March 4, 18S9, a required by law.
During the two sessions there have been
ntroduced In the House 12,659 bills, or
1400 n-.ore than In the preceding Congress,
ai;d 2 joint resolutions 5 more than in
the Forty-ninth Congress. Committer
reports have been made to the number of
4,154. In the Senate 3,998 bills and 144
joint resolution have been-introduced
cninst 3.357 bills and 11$ resolution dur
ing the Forty-ninth Congress.whkh broke
til previous records lit this respect.
The Labor Signal published at Indianap
olis has this to say about President Harri
son's private secretary. The view of Llge
Halford is not the most roseate one :
"There is one thing for which the people of
Indianapolis should be profoundly thank
ful to General Harrison. In going to
Washington for a residence of four year
he has taken with him little Lfge Halford.
A editor of the Journal he made that pa
per a reflex of hi own little.conccited self,
to the material and moral detriment of the
entire community. JLIke thegood old par
son who was called upon to conduct the
funeral of a fellow killed while robbing a
-J;cn roost.we feel like Inviting the congre
gation to rise add sing :
"Believing now we all rejoice to see the
cure removed " "
That was an immense territory that w as
admitted to thl glorious union of states by
the recent action of congress with the ap
proval of the executive. Here are the di
mension : Dakota, 147,700 square miles ;
Montana, 145,310 square miles ; Washing
ton, 66,8801 total of 359,800 square miles.
Dakota alone has more square mi:es than
New York, 47,610 ; Pennsylvania, 44,98? j
Maryland, 9566 Vermont, .9135 ; New
Hampshire 9005; Massachusetts, &040 ;
Connecticut,. ; New Jersey ,7455 5 Del
aware, .1550 ; and Rhode Island, i960. The
t hr c territories contain more territory than
Gr-at Britain and Iielandand France.
Gen. Tracy has lived for years in Brook
lyn and, f course, he know all about the
Navy Yard. Hi friend Woodruff and
Catiin, who know all about the scheme
which turned 2,000 democratic votes against
Cleveland In Kings county, are credited
v. i!h having persuaded Mr. Harrison to
place Gen. racy at the head of the Navy
Department. Perhaps the fact will come
out In due time.
It i announced that Blaine propose to
take the reins and commence to run thing
just "i he did under Gar.icld. A stlil more
significant statement I that he proposes t9
oj'iimeiu-e jiit where he left off and go on
ju;i - hing thow; who have opposed htm at
r.ny li no in bis career. He run the ma
1 hint: into the ground before. We wonder
h h' tc be v, ill hind it this time ?
A K chrsicr innn celcbr.ited Washing,
t, el's lirtl'.day by p.iUlng an egg under his
lien and telling iicr to hatchet. ,
The Washington Pott inyss
"In regard vo the policy which President
Harrison will pursue in the matter of federal
appointments, "The president has passed
the word arounl that he will sot
act as arhlirntor in any factional quarrels! and
that he will not lend himself to either side In
such quarrels. He tells all the senators and
represcntattvtrt who call upon him that tt will
he greatly tc their advantage and facilitate his
labors if they will settle their dissensions among
themselves, and not present more than one
candidate from the same state for any one office
If the various candidates will make up rlates
for (he various offices within their states and
givt them unanimous indorsement, he will act
promptly, but all the appointments over which
there is any dispute will be deferred. Most of
the states are doing this, and are endeavoring
to relieve the president as much as possible."
This will make every applicant for an office
su1servient to the senators and representatives
n congress in his state. He will be placed
under such obligations when appointed that he
becomes virtually their slave and not the ser
vant of the public. This scheme puts vast
power in the hands of senators which they will
use to build up their own political fortunes on
the blasted hopes of every other republican
who seeks senatorial honors. This policy is
just what killed Conkling. lie insisted that
senators should be consulted when making ap
pointments. This policy instead of strengthen'
ing the republican organization will eventually
disintegrate it. No free people will long sub
mit to the rule of such an aristocracy.
The new rrivate Secretary, Halford, has by
this time made the acquaintance of alt the
Washington corresondents. It was curious and
interesting to see them as they came in and
weie introduce, all weighing him, studying
his appearance, his manners and his wotrfs.
He is a slen-Jer'man of medium height, with a
thin mustache and a habitual expression that is
both firm and kindly. He is distinctly an in
doorman. His conplexiun.low voice, retiring
manners and uneasiness in a crowd all denote
a long familiarly with desk work. He might
lie taken a pedagogue, a bank cashier, an
editor or a student. He dresses very quietly
weirs glasses and has a prim way o
caminc himself and a hesitating way of
speaking- He is extremely sensitive.
A paragraph has gone the rounds of the press
purporting to show far a lady travels during
the progress of a watts, and it is a little re,
markaUethat some woman has not retorted with
figures to si tow many feel of cigar a confirm.
ed smoker pulls through in a year. Allowing
the average length of a cigar to be four inches,
and naming six er day, we have a single cigar
two feet long for each day, or a continuous
stretch of 730 feet per year. This, in twenty
yean, would grow to a cigar about three miles
long, and it is probable that men have lived to
turn that formidable quantity of the -weed to
The dispatches very kindly tell us how
Waoamaker, the new postmaster.general.
conducts his elkss In Sabbath school. Now
if they would with the same degree of kind
ness tell u just how he conducted his
scheme last fall of raising $400,000 to cor
rupt the voter of New York and Indiana
In order to elect Harrison the public would
feel highly elated, notwithstanding a full
disclosure of the facts might show up the
new postmaster in such a light as would
make people think him a very unsuitable
person to conduct a Sabbath school.
President Harrisoa'stypewriter,Miss Sawyer,
ha aroused the enthusiasm of Washington
correspondents. She cannot whistle, like Eli
jah Halford. but she can'sing T with the best
amateur in the land. She has plump, sound.
red cheeks, brown hair, large, gray eyes and a
trim little figure. She looks aboat twenty years
old, bu-u probably'older. She knows more
about Harrison's political secrets than Halford
himself, and she knoshow to keep her know
ledge to herself. Xller special bete noire is a
newspaper man, no matter how pleasant be
may look. .
The Alaska seals have paid Uncle Sam for
Alaska, whkh cost hia 97,000,000. Since 1870
the Alaska Commercial company has paid the
government 95,597,100 for seals killed. The
customs duties from Alaska sealskins dressed in
Europe have yielded in round numbers about
fa. 000.000. Br the new contract with the
company the United States is to receive $50,
000 per annum lor two years in J f J 50 per
head for each seal taken, the annual catch to
be limited to 100,000 seals.
Pain in this world is an undoubted reality,
It visits all, and, though it bears greater ao
guish to some than to others, all feet its tort ur
ine touch. Pain meets man as be enters the'
world, follows him though life, and leaves him
not on til his heart prows still in death. It
attends us as a dark angel wherever we go,
through all seasons of the year, and through
every period of our life.
. One of the gre t iron firms in Pennsylvania
announces a large reduction of wages, to com
mence on the 4th of March. Perhaps the date
is arranged to allow the workmen to attend the
inauguration of the administration whose policy
was to secure them all high wages.
When on pleasure bent or busfoesa,
should lake 00 every trip e bouleof uyrop
of Fig-, m it aula moat plaes-tntly end ef
r!tiikify on tbekldnsys, liver and bowel,
preventing feverm, badaohvi and other
fin me of ilckons. For sale in 60a, and
91.09 bottles by all leading druggist.
Advice te Mother.
Mre. Window' Soothing Syrup, for
children teetbiog, lath preecn futon of
one of the boat female nors-M d pbysl
ciana In the United Htatea, h in
need for forty jresra with never-full iog
uooena by million of mothers for their
children. During tbe prootoa of trot bint
It valne la localonable. It reltave the
child from pain euree dyaei lary and diar
rhoea, griping In the bowela, antl wind
coilo. Ity giving health to, the -hill it
rente tbe mother. Price 26a a UKt:.
(.'.lum.xlM Merely Cars J.
To ihk EniTosw Please Inform your
rradere tbat I bare a polilve remedy for
tbe above named disease. By lea! timely
use tboaftand of hnpehee came have been
permanently curd. I shall be glad to
send two Utttlee of ray remedy free to any
of your readers wbo bav. ounsumpiioR If
they will send me their express and pit-otlU-e
edilrcM. Koepectfuily,
T. A. C. 18t feariftt.
Albany Mai-krt.
W!ieht-:0o ' - -OaU--28o.
Baiter 'Oo per lb.
Krae-lfk . .
Hay -fl.00.
P)iHtoe.-2jct4 nr O'U'imI
B of - on fmt.S'i
.plfl -75 cent' pr hi.
Pork 6X0 per II .rowI.
Btcn hin Vl'fo-
'shoulilftrit. J0',
aide. 1 0c.
jrd 10cparr,
iriour-4.5 pur bttl
"'hlckene 8 CO pur -i.
till KomI-bran. Il.oopur tn
lir.rU, (J
mi l tlirs-r.
TkrOTICE IO DEBTOKS, All persons
11 knowing Ihomstelves Indebted to tbe
Ule firm of K Glass A Man are requested
tt oil and so' Us a', onoe with K, Glass1, at
Crwfordvllle, either by eaab or note.
All accounts on our iedr most be closed
January Scb, 188 .
K. Gr,M A Son. fU
H ,4 . O
5! ore J1, .'!; y
Washington, March 12. The president
has sent the following nominations to the
senatet Arthur C. Milelte.of Walertowu, Dak.,
to be governor of Dakotai Luther B. Kichsrd-
son, ot Grand Fork, Dak., to be secretary ol
Dakotsi Cornelius II. Honlbrd, of Washington
territory, to be chief Justice of the supreme
court of the territory of Washington! George
w. imn. 01 Montana, to be united Mates
marshal for Montana) George S. llutchelor, of
New York, to be assistant secretary of the
tressuryt.Albert ft. Porter, of Indians, to he
cansul general to Denmark) Shircly II. Cham
bers, to be United States attorny for Indiana.
Wet's Whip Theui.
Wathincton, March I J. Admiral Porter,
who has made a very careful study of the Sa
moan situation from a naval standpoint, ever
since the existing complication arose, is quoted
by the SvniHf Star as having a d recently:
"I have carefully Investigated the stories
about the Nipsic. It looks as if they were put
out at the instigation of Bismarck to lest the
sentiment of his own and our people. ) le ha
never been a friend of the United States. I te
will find out very promptly the temjier of the
American people. Of course, we are weak at
present on the ocean," he continued, "but
there is a plan which will meet the emer
gency and will badly cripple Germany while
we are getting ready. No one supposes that
the American people would eive up the contest
until Germany has received a sound drubbing."
Forty-two PenuRs Browned.
Madrid, March U. The government has
received dispatches announcing the loss of the
steamer Renus, which had a Spanish military
expedition on board. 1 he vessel was wrecked
oil tne rniupme uiano. I'orty-tvo persons
were urowneu ana 127 were saved.
A Treaanre round. m
CiLROY, Cal., March II. Friday, while
ploughing at the Shepherd ranch, near here,
rrsnklkwitt turned up thirty Mexican dollars.
About one year since, at almost the same srot
a lot a money was round in the same way. sat
urday two men, lxtaboy and lirowy, spaded
the place of the tindine.and their spades struck
an old rusted can, breaking it and scattering
goiu oust and nuggels.
1 ne lucky hnd psnned out live una a half
pounds of gold, valued at over ?l JOO.
Idaho Too.
Washington, March 11. A strong dcleg
lion from Idaho spent the pask week in Wash
ington.and are much encouraged over the pros
pects 01 1 rial statehood lor that territory.
Qettlag There.
Washington, March II. The president
sent the following nominations to the senate to
day: Thomas W. Palmer, of Michigan, to be
minister of the United States to Spain; John
K. Swift, ef California, to be minister to Japan;
John D. Washburn, of Massachusetts, to be
minister to Switzerland; Geortre Tkbenor,
Illinois, to be assistsnt secretary of the treasury
vice niaynard resigned.
ramagere Via Ike Xoathera Pari Be
San Francisco, March 11. The Southern
Pacific Company gives the following report of
through passengers overland, via their lines,
during the month of February: Fait ward bound
first class 2303; second lasa, 3836. Total,
5141,. Westward bound hrsl -class, 3233:
second-class, 38SS. Total, 71a!. Grand
total, 12,853.
A (Jamblmg Affair.
Los Angeles, March 10. Excitement here
over the gold fields of I-ower California ha
somewhat subsided and trains for San Diego
to-day carried away only a few persons bound
fcr the mines. Reports that the report: of gold
discoveries were started in the interest of land
companies are freely circulated. A w holesale
firm here to-day received a telegram from their
soreman, who has just returned from the min
ing district and is now in San I lego, which
ysj "Ten everybody to investigate. The
mines are a sell
fettles; Paid.
Wasiiikgtok, March 10. It is reported
Whitelaw Reid of tbe New Yntk Tribum ha
been offered the English mission, and ex-Senator
Palmer of Michigan that to Spain. The
latter, however, says he will not go abroad.
Ex-tiovciior porter of Indiana wilt go to Rome
and it Is expected Hon. John C. New wilt go
to Austria.
Fed Grant has a chance for appointment as
minister to China, but it is uncertain whether
be will receive this office or something in Europe.
It is generally understood Walker Blaine will
be assistant secretary of state, Charles C. Conn
assistant secretary of the treasury and Clatk C.
Carr, of Illinois, assistant postmaster general
Frightful MaMaer.
New Yoik, March 10. The H'trU to
morrow will contain the following: A steamer
arrived at this port yesterday, bringing news of
a bloody battle between Legitime's and Hippo
lyte's forces, and a massacre by tbe victors.
The Hippolyte forces in this city were com
manded by Generals Mom Point and Jean
Meseraus. Legitime's army began the attack
on the outposts early in February. They
were repulsed several times, but finally succeed
ed in carrying thcro, and a few days Later were
masters of the city, and General Meseraus
sword. Legitime's men were so elated over
their success that they immediately began to
pillage the Iowa. Drunken soldiers shot one of
the prUjncrs lot some trifling matter. This
as a signal for a general outbreak on the part
of the soldiers They rushed at tbe prisoners,
shooting and stabbing them right and left, the
prisoners begging bard and pitcously for mercy.
but their cries were laughed at and the killing
went on, quarter being allowed to none.
Ptayea Jailer.
Augista, Ga., March 10. Judge Stnead's
ittle son, aged 10, while playing with two
colored boys to-day, killed one instantly and
wounded the other. They were playing prison
ers, and he was the jailer. The colored lads
made a break for liberty and he ran into the
bouse and secured a gun, which he did not know
was loaded, aimed it at I hem and fired, with
the result as stated.
Blessing ef Slrep.
Dr. Flint'e Remedy, for tbe man or wo
man wbo find himself or harelf unable
to sleep nlgtta, U an invaluable medicine,
which will not only procure tbe biesilnue
of aleep, but will prevent a (reneral break
ing down of tbe system. . Descriptive
treatise wtrb each OouU ; or, addree alack
urug km., Y.
'y ill hi ws as .stl n
Pane Brothers,
Snetttnori to ok for 'r yont
Proiaca, Baked Goods, Etc. Eto.
Tbi lr KOO'le are the beat and tbf 1r prfres
Notice for Pablioation. :
Unite J HUtca Lacd 0co, I
Oregon Cily, Or.. March II, 188. J
JTolloa Is bereiiy given ihst lt coin jj 11
snce with the prov.sluria of the sot ef
Congress of Junr 3rd, 1H78, entitled ''An
act for tbe sale of limber lands in tbe
Sia'ea i f Calif jrnla. Urngun, Xtivada atid
Washington Territory." William W.
KU'hrdon. ofclo, ro itity of Una, Klnte
ot Oiegon, has thb. d.y filod in thin office
hie aworn statement No, 4 17, for the par
chssoof llieS K M of 8 B H of Motion
No. 22. In Tjwf.sQip No. 0 south, raue
Vo. 1 wt, Hnd will off r proof to how
that the land sought U mote valuab'e for
Its timber or Ntone thmi for RKriuttUural
purposes, and tn establish ' bia claim to
sulci land before tbe Keitlatr and Kcoelver
of ibierlU-6 at Oregon C'ly, Oiogon, on
' Friday, the Tin tar oTJaur, I89,
lie nanjf ae witntsiiea : A M Luoaa,
W C Mil er, it Miiler and J W Oeinpton,
all of Sclo, Linn couuty, f)rRon
Any and all persons clairnrnK adversely
tb above-described landet ere u-quefcted
to Clo thwr claims in litis oillee on or be
fore sid 7tb dy of Jun , IHW,
W. T. Burnet, .
For 1 EN to TWENTY par cant leva than old !e hue, isms quail
ly and NEW,
fit oiilwr to iquul lie tia! cil tisde illlecily 1 will irll ltmr
follows :
IC LBS EXT HA 0 - , -18
LBS 0 - - r -
The to 8ugr$ art California American liejinery and uJtwgif. Any
merchant reporting to contrary tloe$ to faltely
And oiler groofrlea and gooJa jrni rally at redtict J prlcr.
Nice lino Ladies Dress
Goods just received.
for 1889 and respectfully call attention
to our stock of
Groceries, Confectionery, Etc.
We shall endeavor at'all times to serve our cus
tomers in the best possible manner. We always
aim to purchase goods of the best quality and to
sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to
our grocery business wo receive subscriptions
for all the leading newspapers and magazines.
Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps,
seals, etc. We cordially
done so to favor us with
by fair dealing and careful attention to business
to merit a continuance
heretofore bestowed upon us,
Very Respectfully,
or TUB
AtUMekeesf Vasto, FsbrtMy Set US
Loans sn4 tUseouats
(rmdraJM, Mtswl sod auarur4
V. S. Hutu to ssvura rireulsllon ...
nbr startup buaxsi, MS murt
Imm trass iiinml r its snoss.
Duatrum oiswr KaUunal Hanks...
Du from SUM Hanks sad bkrs
Raal tatata, lurnlluia, sod Ssutnst,
Ctu-ranispaaasaaltaat paid...
Premium paid..
I'haclu and einar task llama.,
hills of other Banks
fnctloaal jpwr corrvttcy, nick las ad
Lagal Uaukr nots..
Hum.toi fund IUi U. S.
par sal sa' drmJaUou.).
liabilities l
OspiUI stork paid Ut..
RurpltM fund
Undlndcd fitntt ,
Kstlmtal bmi.k nUa attMandlnf...,
Individual damalta subjact to aback.
. SU60 00
Uanand earunaatMof daiu
IXia lootbar Hatlonal Hanka........
Ixm to Stat. Hanks and baukars.....
. lasi or
Tjlj ...... ... MMWW.I.I'.
Stats or Oesuos, Corarvur U, ss; .
I, K. W. Ui.(d'e, Ckablerof the above Manv
ad back U w!emni sw.w Uut tlx stiors statraant
Is true tn ska bast of my knoalattga sue kwlaf.
t, yf IWtHODOJf, OssbUr.
StuWribstl sad sworaVo balor. ma Ihia Stk day of
Marsh, O. H. IBVIHE.
(k s ) Notary FubUa.
Cosssvr At tost !
SAM t RLE. YOl'Xa)
L. K. II LA IX. VDi roe tors.
L. YUSX, . )
VTOTICE. All person are notified not
1 to tru-t my wife, J. M, Long, on my
ecooant for 1 will not stand good for any
blng eontraoltd by ber.
JjIj, Jan. 8 let, W9. ii F. Loxa. ,
Notice for Publication,
Land Office at Oregon City. Or.,
Juuosry 2iJtb, J89. i J
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
Ing named settler hue filed notice of bis
Intention to make final proof In support
of bis claim, and that said proof wilt be
made before tbe County J uJge, or In hi
absence, before the County Clerk of Linn
county, at Albany, Oregon, on
Taesdari March fOib, ISH9,
vis: John Marleta. LIomeMead Entry
No. 6817, for tbeS WKofNEK and lots
2, 8. 4 snd 5 ofSea. 2. Tp. 9, e R 3 K. Us
names tbe following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and oulll.
vailon of eald land, viz: Ilenry Jyons,
nf Mebamv snd Sot Bradsnsw, John
Doane and Frank Uersm, of Fox Valley,
sll of Lino county. Oregnn.
Any person who desires to protest
sgainit tbs allowance of suob proof, er
wbo knows of any substantial reason,
under the law end ihe relations of tbe
Interior Department, why anon proof
sbould not be allowed, will be given sn
opportunity at tbe above mentioned time
and place to cross-examine tbe witnesses
of aaid olai msiit, and to offer evidence In
rebuttal of tbat submitted by claimant,
v, T. Bum !Y,
Mca of Finil Settlement,
Notice Is hereby given that tbe under
signed, tbe Adraluletraior and Adminia
tratrix of tbe estate of J. W, Tyoer, de
ceased bnve filed in tbe County Court o
L!un county, Oregon, their final scooun
and said Court baa appointed
Monday, the 1st day ef April, mo,
for the bearing t f objections thereto and
tbe he ttlnineut thereof, and same will be
berd at one oVlock, p. ra. of aid day at
the Court Home in Albany, Oregon,
February JOtb, 189.
JjEokabo Tycbii, Adrn'r,,
Mi-soost Ttoeu, Adm'iix, etc,
3, P. Galrraith,
Attorney for Adna'rs. "
L03T,-On First Street to-day, a pocket
book, containing $1 13. Return to J.
A. Ojughton.
iOUND-sA pocket book ontainlng
vnltiAhia tianora. tnouire of W. JL.
jester, at Southern Faclfle depot,
j .m 1 1 ni ll&S.M
liu o.
.... sasse
... u.eoaw
. SM
. IwtM
lniMSSHMtai 117. M
. sosoo
amis 44 S6
.. wi.; so
ana aa
. 11.00 ,
- 1.00
- 1.00
invite all who havo not
their patronage. We hope
of the liberal patronage!
I have waaaerej tbe town over and
bougbt of all tbos ptaoas wbere tbe
claim to sail drug cheap, an J now buy
Ti..f Im f I. a k l.l r . . i .
- . ., ui .iuuivni w. mrm us-
Ing. We propose to make tbe lowest
ffsftAswa mtswf. Im t iS las M.aas. m. a. A 1 1 S 1
av-.avaw uMV SS fUSSJ tlWU swU'l W Will M 1'
OOUIlt lhs bMt fllPlirsltJI f hati s.MV Alia ntstst
' r - mmw vtusji uavi
chant can or wilt make.
JiThis Knocfci rovfi Competition
snd elves ns an ondlsptited preoedenos In
our field of busies. We went ti oon
Tlace every one that they can be best
sarvea in our store ana we propose to
bv onr low mines no til tbs fast la unlver
sally recognized tbat for high grade goods
snd the lowest living orloed no one can
Brownell & Stanard,
Ccr, Brcsdaltln and 1st St., Albany, Or,
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or, )
February 28tb, 1889. J
Kotloe Is hereby Riven tbat the follow.
Ing named settler bss filed notice of bis
intention to malts final proof in suDDort
of bis claim, and tbat said proof will be
made before the Oeanty Judge, or in his
absence, before tbe County Clerk of Linn
county, Oregon, st Albany, Oregon, oa
; Thursday, Aprtt S5(k, 18K0,
vis t Robert Dickson, Homestead Entry
No. COW), for tbe 8 W k of S W M and lots
4, 6 and 6 of Section 28, Tp. 9 8, R 2 K. Ue
names tbe following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upon and culti
vation of. eald land, vizt Pavid Scott.
John 8. Trunk, Henry Lyons and Benrv
Uodlitker, all of Fox Valley, Llun county.
A.oy person wbo desire to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who
knows of sny snbstantial reason, under
tbe law and the regulations of tbe Inter
ior Department, why such proof sbould
not be allowed, will be eiven an ooDor.
tunlty st tbe above mentioned time and
pise to cross-examine the witnesses of
said claimant, an to offer evidence in re
nmtai or that submitted ry claimant.
. ' W. T, Burnet,
Palace Meat Marker.
Will keep constantly oa hand beaf
mutton, poric, veal, eauitage, eto the bes
meats and largest variety In tbs city.
Cash oald for all kiadsof fat stock.
w f 7ar
Fasbloneb'e an-l Stylish Suite, Dealnon Suite, Light weight
Summer Suite, Buys, youlh'a and child en's suits.
Furnishing Goods.
Fine line of light weight underwear
neon wear, do wire) tuiiidcrf,
til tbs latest
A large linn in this department of tb best io tbs eisrket.
SUpls and Fashionable I'oee. among others s fine slock of the
' Jobs B. Stetson bats.
Merchant taUoioar nodr exye-t
notice at remark bU low figures. Mora goods tamed ont tbsn ever before.
St The
we I 8ia bnsi,' i;b NEW oerf, NEW good au N KV ri.- I.
Our stock it a) way a
Above Par
in quality stud
W o-ter to all thi good in the city and arrounim,; country
ilol :li3HV" aiy hnise iVthe oily.,
Wallace, Tlioiapson & Co.
Suocesorsto Wallace d Thooiiison.
Flinn Block, Albany, Or.
Mi a rin
in the fact tbat I am offerini better bargain than any ana Im a .v.
Bougbt at bankrupt .ale. I can Zl A'b"ny
First-Class Goods
at or below COST. ,
General raeroW-iiso of all kinds OJsIl on me. Particular Urcaiua in
of shoes, 8
(lash or Goods for Coiiatry.p-odYtc
Albany, Orfgo,
WANTED, Three Rlrls for general
housework. . Kttra wafroa. Inquire
ofChas. Metzger A Co.
Ulbiiggan and roolea ; Hosiery, ibirU.
guaranteed lor two jeara, in
tailor. Suits mads to order under abort
L. E. BLA1N.
quantity, bat
it earn,' e
WA!vTED.200 cords of maple timber,
to bo used for manufacturing chairs.
For rartioulars Inquire of O. A. Archibald,
at office' Oi the Farmers' WsrebouBo. Al
bany, Oregon.
loot and Shoe Department.
fmnt . wlsr, He hsv the
Stoves and Tinware
In the County
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Ills stock Uas baatt enlarge! so tbt It
Roger Bros. Silverware,
talware, Boys Wagon 3, Doll Carriages,
Fancy. Goods, and a general
assortment of Crockiey
and Toys.
lie buys direct and carries the Unrut atvir in thn w;ti.imaM v.v - .
has been addod a complete lino of
Ta Agent for insuranee companies with a oap!tl ag .-ettiu $73;0J1 (XV .
fJTlcX on parte Franoats. Hler wird deutch geaprooheiuBH.
in tho oM furniture stand opposite Stewart & Sax's Hardware Store.
We desire to mako kuown to progressive people tlat we crry in stock such
goods as will satisfy a refined ta8te, sad aa the dtmani may require will add to .
our supply, We cordially invite the people to come andee us and w e wil.
take very great pleasure in ehowicg our goods. -
Samuel D. Young.
Albany, Oregon
' m it? si
w: Smith,
largest a.stttMst ntelt4
6waH any oa tha Camt, ni ooiiiists of."
French Chin and Crys--
J' ,cr
iirnoture 0