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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1889)
'OYERUMJ TO CUJlTOA. Boithsra Paella Company's Lln8. THE MOUNtIhASTA ROUTE. Tia bdtw wn Allnnjr ati rrsnolo It hour OAkiroMt lkiur Rus ssitt Mwmi rnu4 mm mmm rraaclsee. "pjloeih 4.00 r. a. lira Lit Ar Portland Altwi Baa l".enel Ar L tv 10:44 AM 44 4 7:U0 r m riss vans saut (Rxespt Sunday). UO a a 1 Lv It tor a I Lv t.w r a Ar Ar I44r Lv I II.SA 4 a L hop a Altuuy Knew" LSIANCX SSAKCII. 1 I Albany Lobenua AlUsny Labatioa Ar I H i) 4 L : a tra Ar U&Oru I L :Mra Ar a r Lv ltra loo r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Bleeping Oars, Wtr Aeaas.4M t ImmKUh rauea ttrt, llea4 1 KstsresaTralae. That. P. OVa tarry ssikas sort" sfloi wU. all th ulr UstM on tht Kt ail IMvUton troia luot of I xrt, WUead, Was! UJe eVIvlslsa. ITWKKt r)BTI.tSa a1 CTAtU, Mail veaia iuu r (ts pt 8umly.) f M4a IL fSuiTu A'?!" r a Ar Carvvtii Lv 1 inai tlaix mm (imp' un47. CwTaTLT KrtuSa Ar ??!! im rajAr McMlnnrtll It I Mt a a TUronirli Ticlcot To til point UOXTTH LISTD EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. f,r all laforattld rerardlnf rU, , ., U ea (VMnpAnT1 Afaal at Albany. IU KOikUR, P. ROOER. tfeaaz Asl . f. Ar TI1E YAQUINA KOUTE. Oregon Pacito Bailroai, ton Development Coocpany'a Steru ship Una. '225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other root. Itrat-olass throo!. . pasaeufrer and freight Una from Portland and all points la th WUlamsU) Valley to aa.t from San Fraaolsoo, Cat. Willam3tt3 Mm Lina of Steamers. Tha Vu. M. Hoa." Tha N. 8. Bent a,"Tba"Thraa SUaara" ara la service for both paaaengaraod frehcut irattlo be waao Corrallla and Portlaad and roedlaU poioU, leaving Company' wbarf. Corral lis, and Messr. Ituimaa A Co'e wharf. No. 200 aod 20J Front 81 i-oit-land, tbraa Umaa a waek as follow : Koara kou Lear arvalUa, it jo lays, WlufcLy ail Frl Wast . m. Aio.iy, a. m. Am ft m oalaia Sab. liUaia roMUt, TaarJr aa4 aatur- 4a U a, ArrTalfo-oai:JJp, bl Laava Partlaai MjaJayv WJ nUj and Trul ay4i4.aL, Arm at aM.a at 7:14 p. w. Lear tiwji TiutJCi (aviltf al twrJ; at a. m. 4m r at Corvaill at 3,W t. a, ' Lloata maka olo ooouoeUoa at Alban Ub traloa of ibaUreoa f ao111 tUilroad TKt HJUltJL'LK. (axaept aunJayt.) Urra Albany, 1M . B,,lara Taqoina, :iS4,a. UarcOorallu, 1: Wr, a. Ua Uorllu,liJi 4.a. Anira Vaolua, iM t. a I Amra Albaa, 11:10 4. a. o .v i!. iraiu n,innn x at Albanr aud Orrailla. Tha aoora Uaina coanaotat Yaquiat wild tb Oregoa Udvaiopaivot Compaay'a Llua of Sta4uabip bairraaa Yaquiaa an 1 -in fraaciacu. AIL1XU DATE . iauu, raua rataouoo. UlaawU Talley, Tbor. Das. 6 J Wd. Dw. liih UlaoMUaTalUy, H a Ova. 17M M JO. Djc itlh iTUlaoMtta VaUay. boa. Dma. SOta. Tha CoDipaar vrraa tbe rlgbt to ohauK aalllug dataa without notice. N. IS. PaJMogra from PorUad and WUlamaua Vaitay poluU can inalca cloaa ooonacUon witb tba traloa of tba Yaquioa roota at Albany or CorvllU, and it d Unad to 8a Franoiaao should arrange to Arrire at Yaqulna tbe evening before 'Ate of aaillog. ritaaaaaar aa4 r.Maht Katea alwajra is Laweaa- rorlnrornvOiM apply w O 4 Stoart, Frlht aod rick at Ataot, Albany, t to C H Haanll, Jr., U. t. A P. ArC, Oragoa DaraiopaMkl Co., 04 alootooiaTjr Ualr-raaeiaoa, Oal. C. . altitk. IK it. r. uJ innl. Or PaeU K K Co. CorralU W.R BILYEU, m,-ri"iTKrT7,-V at i aw lad SolieiUr in Chanterj, ALBANY. - OREGON. Oolleetlone promptly made on all po'nt Loana negotiated on reasonable terma Eed CrownMills 80M, LANNIN0 & CO., PROPR'S. aiw raocMa ruoa acrtaioa roa f4M' t AM1 a4KBIM lSI. BEST STO RAG" FACILITIES. Eiyhest prfc in Cash fT WiWai 0, K. I aim Shop, House and Carriage Painters. necorators and Paper Hangers ( Piano VarnJehlng. All workjiiartu'ad. YASSALLO & THOMPSON. H. F. MER8ILL. B A IE3 , ALBANY,1 - r - - OBECai M mxh n t S Yt, t fraiidaiM an ronland. -. -? . : , ' Bay .. Jit i out ail e'ty warnuiU IU aair JtprMH a I J.t t tie' I ittcaat allowl on tilXM IrfrjVU. CollecUoni aril) rnolVH jiro-M-it attention. FlraaiMl Mafiiia luanraiwc m w(Tim'::WAi94Aill'99 CHINESE MERCHANT. Foil line of gwd- of a!! kind rt . , hand. Ali i full lice of ' " ' JAPAFiESH GOODS. oeeil'H mm m'mwm for ihi Mct.on. ' ' V t.M..a.!'. ..... 1 . t. . a I .... F . ojparpote. Opposite S E Young's, Albany. STOCKMEN AND FAEMEEvL, BEAT) ? : I hereby cenify tlmt Tr.. N.- WcdU has aoocesitf ji.r ofieratod on my rMerlfng horae, H4AO UAY.4.. For further rferen) li retrstrd "irt ild lnga Inqnl-e of Wrn Pelia'.n, 1)th IV torxon, Lebanon : John IJanlrnan, 4lfr- Wolverton, Albauy;SHm Gaiiiw Hrlo; Wra. Fouter, Prlne'viiU. I practice vMor. inary mliolne in Albany and country anrreundlns;. Office and retdd&nce corner 9.h and Washington 8ta. LN WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon. iyvnyiiiii3 Absolutely Pure. Thla Dowdwr never vatUa. A marva of purity. atrnimLl and vlioltamntneaa. Mora economical than tbe ordinary klnda anu cannot oa so. a in competition witb multitude of low teat, ahoit welirhtalum or pbonphate powdera. Said only In can moth lMKinii l owar r t;o.. ii:u wall St., Mil. I). YV. Cmowlbt A Co., Agenta, Portland, Oregon. The BTJYEBS' OtJIDE la iaauod March and Bept., each year. It la an ency. olopedla of useful tnfor. nation for all who pur ohaae the luxuries or tho nooesslties of lUe. Wo ean clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary- and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, danco, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and In various sise.i. styles end quantities. Jnst figure out what la required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and yon can make a lair eattmate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 eente to pay pottage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Hiohlgea Avenue, Chloago, IU. PIANOS. Those wiautng a flrtola. Instrument should call at Mrs. 11. K, tlyman'a and ace one or those ueieoratea iieuime a Long planoes. excei.ent rich lone. t oecUiiy made aod adai ted to atand the oil mate on the Paoillo Coast, livery piano rully guaiaulesd ror a years, me iitai sheet-muslo for aalo, Mu.lo and painting leasona gtru there. Also tie ptae to gat your new Sewing Machine. Faucy work and urr as making Cone to order, first door east of Young's old staud, Albany, Oregon. PATENTS bialuvj, ami all oUtar btutu In tha U. 8. Fala . Be aUtuilrtUJ to fur mtidvmls l.a. Our oa Is uppoatt U.a V. H. rinl OAca. aas en obtain latnla Wa liiu tnan tboaa rvawM rum Hatufiirton. twnd BioOia ardnkalng. W ai'- la pab-nt ability ttv at charge ;auu aaaatk eliarga unlaat obtain ratetit. W nrfvr hera, to tba rVutmaiaar, tha Sunt, ai Money Unlar lir. and to otHcial l lha U . & Patent OtaT. Foreirittlar, aJvica, terns, awl sfrrwuoa oartnal disui U your own tiuta ot couuty, Udr Cm . SIVOW&CO., a .... t . rA.s. .fa A' L. I e ' carovn 6.000,000 rn ';'' of tha larcaat auJ aot rtU-Uo bu. aa4 tbattt Ferry's Seeiis I.-. ?;'e Mfa. .m-r inf, oiit UZrsS. I alM.-til4 aaii4 10 N. AU.Ireaa D. S3. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Reich. SAM MAf. 3. RtM)ER HAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Kbrcnandm HASRIS3URC - - ORECCH Will try Grain, Wool tied all kind PrOCDCB Tli a 0TtMMl OOiV VlQiB PILLS. BEtTAIlB Or TSllTATIOSB. AT ASK Ton UK. F1ERCC3 TELZETM, OH LITTLE tVQAJt-COATED TIHJU . Belna? entirely Tegetable, they op erate without disturbance to tbe systTn, diK, or occupation. Put up la glass via!, b-rui-tl-eally svalod. Always fn-ah and rslinblc. As a laxative, alterative or purgative. inr-wj 11U.IO 4BUCIS give VBO BOSt aattsfacuoo. SM HMMif, perl BIHoae needaehe, Plazlueae, Conatlpsvo (ion,. Indigestion. Ililloos Attack, and all deran (foment of tlie stom ach and bowels, are prompt ly relieved and permanently cured bv tlt ue ol lir. Fleree's Pleasant Pargatlve Pelleta. In explanation of tlie remedial power of these Pellets over so great a vark-ty of diseases. It may truthfully be said tlint their action upon tbe tystctn Is universal, not a gland or tissue escaping their siuiativo Influence, hol.l by druggist. 36 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Clw-micai Lloratiry of World's OlsrgMSAliT Majmcai. AaaocxAuoii, Iti fialu, S.Y. e is offcrod by the manufactur r era of Jr. Cage's Catarrli Heaaealr, for a caso of If C'bronio Kaaol Catarrh which AT . they cannot cure. STinrTOiriS F CATARRH. Dull, heavy beadaolie, obstruction of tlie nswtl passages, dischargee felling from the head Into the throat, sometimes profuee, watrry, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, niuciius, purulent, bloody and putrid; tho eys are wcuk, wutery, and Intlamed; there Is rinning In tho ears, deafness, backing or cougbin to clear the throat, expectoration of oflnmlve niatUtr, together with strtil from ulcers; the voice is cliHnred and has a nasal twsng; the breath is offensive ; smell and Usre are Im pHlred; there is a acnsntion of dixr.ui(m, with mental dirpri-ssion, a backing cough and gen eral duuillly. Only a few of the above-iiMtijcd symptoms are liUely to be piesent in snv one case. Thouwinds of cases annually, witlioul manifesting half of tho above symptoms, re sult in consumption, end end in the frr.ive. No diaeaiie is so common, more deceptive u:d dangerous, or less understood by ph; Kicinris. uy its iriiia, sootning, and uculinir proixrtit s, KSaire's Catarrh JU)in"1y curr-s t!i wort CTsesoi"C4,"r, "eold In lite l,cnd, Coryzst, an e?MIil lleadacbe. bold by druggiata everw ttCTe W -cctiiiV. ' M Yrntnl A 1,aii f,Am tfalm rwl 99 Prof. TV. IlAuswrn, the famous mcsmrrltt, of Itida, Jf. writes t u Some ten years veo I suffered untold agony from chronic rn::tl catarrh. My family physician gave hie vy is Incurable, and said I tnunt die. My tarn wag such a bad one, that every day, towpive mid. set, my voice would become so ktxun a 1 t',..:d barely speak above a whiuper. Iu I'jt y.w;i'.i,ir my coughing and dealing of my1 tlr,r.t wcuM almost strangle mo. By tho use of In: e Catarrh Jtomedy, In three mouths, I wns a wt'll loan, and the cure baa been permanent." "Constantly Hawkins end Sn!tt:i3g.w Thou as J. Rcannta, Ei., toos Tine Street, St. Louis, Ho- writes i I was n great siidVivr from catarrh for three years. At times I -:uid bardfy breathe, and wss conntantly Uuwklng and spitting, and for the lust ight mouths could not brcatho through tho ncatrils. 1 thought nothing could be done for mo. l.uc!: Hy, i was advised to try Dr. tngq's Cuf anli Kemedy, and I am now a well timu. I iu U'-vo it to bo tho only sure remedy for cataiTh novr manufactured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience astounding results and A permanent euro." : - Tbree Bottlce Cure Cnfarrn. ' ELI Robhino, Runyan P. O.. Columella CM Pa says: "Yj daughter bad aUiirh when she was five years olL very badly. ' I taw Dr. Sage'a Catarrh, Itemed y advertfeed, and pro cured a bottle for her, end soon saw Unit, it helped her; e third bottle effected a perma nent cure. Bhe is now elghteeB years old and sound and hearty,' ,- -. ; , ; j - at-. l V" hi i j'Xvcs -r.'i -i rat-: Vvjn sOi'l lolvatya t'.ru-UjrMna 9 ,4 "iSa- m. 'Xaaw b and W FACIAL APER. STATK LKUfeLAITRK. to Thursday, Feb. ai. In the sennte, bill creating Sherman county pasncd. A resolution that tha re tnovsl ol U R coinmUsloners, viu not endorsed, passed. Hume's stcnogrsplier's bill pasted; also bill (or state normal schoo at The Dalles also Pucquct's bill In refer ence to school superintendents; also blli provtUIng for presenting members with a codo and supreme court notes. In the houHC, Stanley's bill (or a $ wagon road patsed; kIm L,onej vagran cy bill ; also Canada thistle bill. Joint rvo lutltm censuring the governor lor retnov inii R R coinmUsloners passed. Tonguu'i bill for prevention of spreading of dUcase ana cresting oittce of state veterinary sur geon passed; also bill satisfying mortgages by aflidAVIt: also bill punishing stealing ol stock, Including dog. Wages homestead bill (ailed to pass. Irvine s bill to protect laborers, contractors, etc., passed Gen eral appropriation bill passed: also kill mak Ing navigable streams highways lor logs, Friday, Feb. J j In the senate, the Hull Run water bill met another defeat. L L McArthur an pointed as a member of the board of re gents was confirmed. Bill providing (or health officers at Coos, Gardiner and Y quina bay passed ;uIso Steel's salmon bill also Condon's bill (or support of stale uni versity. Numerous local appropriation hills passed as easily as a greased pig through a man's hands; also Price's bill creating recorder of Jackson county. Com mittee appointed to Investigate charges against a senator (or bribery In bill (or re lief of N J McPherson reported "not guilty." Miller's bill making It a mcansrto kill deer (or pelts passed; also loan astoclat ion bill; also bill allowing S & A R R Co to build a bridge at Sulem. In the house, Toncue's bill providing (or the distribution of properly of deceased perions passed; also Uawson bill provld ing far monthly settlement between sher- III and tiearurer; also lroy s bill providing for armories In cities of .suoo; also Wsget's Dili provwing lor cancellation ot county warrants in seven years: also lonuuc s bill doing away with separate know'cuecmsnt ot women to deeds ; also Loouey a bill mak ing it a misdemeanor to ask to be placed on a juiy; also Tongue's bill compelling cniutren io attend school at least three months; also Steel s bill appropriating Sic. ooofor propagation of salmon; also Fuller ton s bill creating Southern Oregon -agri cultural society; also Dawson's bill provld Ing that abstracts of mortgages sha'l bede iivcred to assessor July i instead of Aug i also Dawson's firemen's bill, after years clause had been struck out ; also Caul horn's bill making second Friday In April Arbor oay lor iree planting by public schools also Cauthorn's bill allowing construction oi iree Bridge at Corvallls; also bill mak Ing illegitimate child heir of the mother also Wait's hotel bill; also UtundrU'i weather service bill. Adjourned at u o'clock. MARK - r-i t iansVF". INJURIES. o years' cnnoxic PAIXS. SCIATIC ICIIEUMATISM. THE CURC. AfTCR 6 YEARS. ivua.a. r.. Jaly S, HIT. agerat sissy ysars lajmry U bis rasaltlag b rbaaaistlns.mstrala wasiatai sa4 eBtntt4 araa. Ta Wtttas It. Jsaba Oil nllrrt au a that I saw walk bt aa4 attaaA t sally a UaaatCt. I aaanUy ta . AIkaayat.,Itaaaa. . T.. Dm. IS, ISSi. Fa tnm SO yasrs I be bass a tctlas at aba maw. I as sar saasaS try St. J soaks OU. Ibeaaaaaa'tvabet. tla aa4 a sua aura traa wata4 ear strsats. My Hasba tass war eats sttf aa4 laati art aaw as UM sa4 IfBbw a U ay yasU. JOI. XSCtU. lk joj. emu. cximts CAiza naow awat caorcEia. coaxa rxxsLAsuTLT. rrrrntoiasLS cnxartrur aarrvra. caaeate casxs. axrr enrs. Eoid If DrmttU and Dtalcri Etertithert. THE CHARLES A VOCELEI CO BalUaert. Ml Foiimillei & living, FUNEItAL PIRECTORS.- Prompt Att3iitIon-?ir3t-clas3 Eearas OH. J.L. i'tlLL. Physician and Surgeon, OtUco or. Flrtand Ferry Straeti, ALBANY- OREGON. Administrator's Nr tice. Notice ia hereby t-iven tliut tbe indersiim ed has this day been duly spijri.itenal Ad mintatrator of tbe estaiei'f Job 6, Williams, dcoeased, by the Conu'y Covil of Lion couo- ty.Ureyoo. All persons huving claiuis against ssid estate are hereby notilicd to present them properly veritied. to the Admiutstrator at Albany, Oregon, wiihinsix mouths from tbi date. Tuis the 15th day of Jannarv, 1889. ' . B, V. Williams. J. K. WiATrTKRFOKiv Administrator. Atfy (or Adm'r. When X sar Ctma I do not mean aterery to top-thera fur a time, and then have them re turn Again. I M AX A UAmCAX, CUliK. 1 have mods the diese of rirSt-EPTTT.PSY' or FAIXIITG SIGIIIsIIXES, A life-long study. I warrakt my remedy to ' Curs the worst cases, because others have f ailed is no reason tor not now recei nog a c ars is end at once for a treatise and a Frbi bottli of my Infallible Hkmept. Give Express and Post Office. It costs yon nothing log ft. trial, and it will euro you. Address H.Q. ROOT, M.C l83PEAl8t,KrwY6Bg F .. -s , - Bstray. Notice, lpv Tak n np by tbe undersigned : Cna argo bi indie eteer.tbree yeara old, mark ed witb an under half crop in eitbur ear. No brat: d. Said steer came to my larm three milenS. W. of Erownsvillo on tbo 30th day of Deo 1838. ; " . Robt. C. MnwAEi,. Brownsville, Or, Children Cry for. 3 aw Alt -mi M l tti" ar ai sitr, 1 -T- t FQTSS TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Train Wrecked. ' Arlington, Feb. ai. Freight train No. 13, going west, wai wrecked between here and Ulalockt this morning about 5 o'clock. When within two miles of lllalocks a cow, which had made i's way through the fence, was run over the engine passing over the animal all right, but iti bulk threw the tender o!T the track, and six can loaded with wheat were then piled up In a heap. No one was injured. The wreck ing train came up from the Dalles and cleared oil the debris, and straightened up the track so that train could pass by 3 o clock. Daring Ratihory. Delano, Cat., Feb. aind A dtrlng train robbery took place at a point about two miles south of t'lxley. at S o'clock this evening. Train No. 17 left I'lxley on time, and when two miles out two men :rawled from the (ront el the engine, covering the fireman and engineer with revolvers, and commanding a halt. When the train slow cd of the men still held the fireman and engineer under cover, while the other went back to the express car and exploded bomb underneath the car, to scare the messenger, and ibid that unless the doors ol the car were opened he would explode another bomb. The messenger responded, when one of the robbers sprang into the :ar, and obtaining the keys, the valuables in too sate were taken. A Long Jaropi San Francisco, Feb, 22. In the athletic contest of the Olympic club at streets giounds this afternoon, V. the 11 sight E, Schiller. stclu made twenty three feet live inches in the running broad Jump, baling the amateur record of America by two inches. Tbe Kvangellral (school McMinnvillk, Or., Feb. 21. To-day the trustees of the Evangelical Educational Assucia tion met at Lafayette, and after considering th: various propositions from different sections, ac cepled the offer made by I.nfayette.nsmely.the county buildings lately deeded to that town and 92000 subscribed by the eo;ile, and decided 10 locate and established their school at Lafayette. The buildings will be overhauled and sired, sml additions built sufficient to accommodate 200 pupils. Stat ot;Vablugton, OI.YMHA, Feb. 21. Congratulations and rejoicings over the admission of Washington are the order of the day, and preparations are being made for a jubilee to celebrate the event. F very one here is hoi. tjy to know that the new state has been named Washington. Plain Kauagh. 1'ENIU.ITON Or., Feb, 21. SccUl Agent Saunders, who has been investigating the Umatilla reservation affairs, has relumed from Portland to continue his inquiries here of the csuses leading to the removal of lUrhotomew Coffey as agent, I Hsclosurcs are made upon examination of the agency accounts, which de velop the fact that the deposed agent was not on the reservation so much for hi health as for the accumulation of revenue. An investigation of tbe books and vouchers, and the examina tion of a score or more witnesses revealed the existence of a (aIso accounts, the carrying on the pay roll of employes under fictitious names sptirot'riatins nxmcv thus obtained to tersunal use, and the custom of making fraudulent Ojrn market purchase of articles for ue on the res ervation that were never actually bought. Whisky Did It. AsiiLANK, Wis, Feb. so, A most atrocious murder and suicide occurred at Uptm this morning. A laborer named Joseph lltogan killed his wife and two children, aged reiec tivcly C and 7 years, and then committed with a dull razor, lirogon drank heavily, and hsd a healed quarrel with hi wife this rooming, I le finally attacked his wife with the rsxor, and neatly severed her head fiotn her body. A Hot Time. Feb. 20. There was an exciting scene in the state senate this muring. The republicans claimed that they were subject lo gag rule, and Senator Johnson protested. The sergeant-at arm threatened to remove him Uther republican senators gathered around hem and defied the seigeant-at-arms. A U rammer. Seattle, Feb. 20. F. Stemberger, who says he is a drummer, was examined to-day on a charge of stealing f 200 from another drum mer, named J. G. ISrigliam. The two "knight of the gripsack" on Monday night started out to have a little time. Itrigham tell his bote! with $600 in his poc ket, and he returned lo it next morning with 964 ami with twenty-seven "I'cter Funk" watches which in hi moments of exuberance, he bad taught. Way ot Bar Them. Wasiiisctos, Feb. 20. The president to day sent to congress the enrrejmdence on the Ixwd Sackville matter, with a purely lormal letter of transmission. The correspondence orient with a copy of the Murchison letter and Lord Sackville s reply thereto. Work Suspended. San Francisco, Feb. 20. Purser Kclly.on the steamer Cotima, which arrived last night from Panama, slates that the work on the canal is almost totally suspended. There are a few hundred men still employed, but chiefly lo keep the machinery in order. rUIOHI'S Mvrrli Tootb Soap glvea TV pearly white teotb, puridea the tha Bold bro ith. prevents teeth from decay, by Foshay A Maaou. Carprts. Finest line ol carpets ever brought to Albany just received at A. D. Mcll warns, ills urussciis ami velvet Brusseils attract great attention, being su perb pattern:.. lirKiaHl'4 Syrup Tar and Wild 0 ild a. fT Cbrry wH cure oougha. bo raenena. lose of voice, and all Inflamed conditions of the lungs, fold by Fodisy A Mason. Skasoxablk Thst metis tao"alile aver ooATR- coats, a large snd Hoe stock of which hs just been received at L. E. Blsiu's. Call early aa the oyer-cors have begun going. We will sell yon groceries chop r thsn any one elie. P. HOW MULL A; STANAnP. , Baby cairuger at Stewsrt & BoxV. Fjr taa 1 11 I . ar.ioji 1 c C 1. ISwer CUItK I'OU NICK MKAIVICIIE. Do you want a nmedr for B'llonm&sa. Pimnlaaan in new, aia a sur ear rr wok leaaacne, ask UT Ou'a and lion, tb ruiruw, lor Or. Uei.iii' U Pills, try s dose, sample fr fu I fox i& etnt, TaTRIGUT'S Compouad Kvnp of Sar v v aapsrilla Is used sticcenHiully In curios; all BlooJ DlannHsa, from tho leant blotoh or pimple to tho largest acrofalous eore, sola oy Fosbay A Mon Curkhart & llnyce, job printers. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta, Wlien she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Mlas, she clung to Castorla, When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria, Letter -following is the lUt . , letter remaining In th Pout Offlo, Albany, Unn eounty, Oregon, i'eb, 21, 13t9. Persons calling for these 1 Mi must giva th dt on which they were adyertis .i : , , . Boyle, 3 an A Bk,0 S , Caaon, DO Crshtros, B P Emery, 8 Hottinger, Joseph Lyons, K Miller, Jas H M iwery, 0 -Snith, Lilly ' Wilson, Jamas ' PrtaDt,B -- 5 ' 4 ;in,' Charles " CmiiMbell, John C ' ' Kmbue. O H . OrPibl. J 8 (2) , Iryln, Jam 1 Luritke, August ' McKlilok, John , ' i Plcknlle, U (2) Willcins, UrsClsrA E Way, a C (4) S B. THOMPSON, P, Jf, Pitcher's Castorla. f!ftOWN8VlLLK. F. l' Croft I attending business at Tort- land this week. Mrs.John N.Waters leturned last Thurs day (rum a brief visit to Portland, R. N. Thompson went to Seattle Mon day to look after Ids real eitate interests there. ' Tho. Kay Is spending this week at the Capital. The citizen there seem deter mined to hsye Mr, Kay build a woolen mill there. Ir. R. II. Curl returned last Wednesday from an extensive professional visit to Sclo. The two towns keep the Dr. bu. Miss Alta Porter. o( Oregon City is visit ing filer. tla at this burg this week. . Considerable sickness ol a light nature prevails In this vicinity now. But lew peo ple are confined however. Rev. Klrkpatrlck assisted by Rev. Snead, of Eugene, Is holding a scries of protracted meetings In the Cumberlaln Presbyterian Church on the south side. Messrs. J. N. and W. W. Waters have bought the stork ol mdseof F. F. Croft and will hereafter do business under the firm name o( Waters Uros. From private letter your correspondent learns and Is glad to Inform the many (rlend of Julius Zclner that he Is now con sidered out of danger and Is doing well. The hole In tho neck caused by the remov al ol the tumor Is a very large one and w III take a long time to heal up. Hon. E. O. Stanard, o( St. Louis. Mo formerly Governor of that State and hi wife are tho guests o( his brother, Hon. A. 11, f.-.. - , ...I. -I 'I'LI I- .- v. oianuaru, ui tin piscc. sin 1 mr, Stanard's first visit to Oregon and lie ex presses himself as being very favorably iin pressed with the appearance ol our coun try. Tuesday evcnlmr the K. ot I'm ol this place celebrated the 25th anniversary ol Hie founding of their noble order in a be fitting manner. W. C. Cooley dellve-ed a very able address setting forth the circum stances under which the order was found ed and lis alms and purposes. The many guests o( their hospitality were then es corted to the cttv hall where a bounteous supper prepared by the w Ives ol the Knight was awaiting them. Tho order here Is composed mainly ol young men, and the nest niul artistic arrangement 01 tneir beautiful hall and their success In enter Ulnlng proves them worthy even of the high calling of a Knight of Pythias. Mill City. There loth a thing mist among some of tbe readers .f jour talus tie paper, who ttsve nut heard of the eotvrprutng towo, Mill City, so if ba will pardon me fur tbe liberty I have taken in wilting a few line, and utli.h, what tbe town is eomposed of, which will undoubted') Le interesting I J, at least some cf the rvedors. Situated on the light and lift bauk of the Ssnlism Itver is this rapidly rowing town, about 30 trilea erst of Albany, on th Oct gun Pacisie R. It upen a level, bouedvd by a gent'e. sloping blutr. The advantage this river prUioat this place, induced a compsuy (uUled tbe Siitim Mill Co.) to erect a sw mill with a cutting capacity .fi3,0X) fret dstt;, when in full running order, will employ about fiC men, prnxpects for ti.lena wine aie bright not a great aUtsoeo from here, as yt, this town i o tu infancy and it rapid growth proves it to make tbe leading uity oa the Oregon Pseitia IUlU-osd. Patrick O lUtlly, the enterprising rsex crui. rest estate owner is oeetnl'y s-;eo on our streHt, We thus fr hsd very plrassut weather np in our sections, this inter very little rate since Daven.btfr, utilll tbe Utter part cf last week it changed to a rath -r cool netlhern wind and little snow A sociable dance wss held t tbe Ostes b rlel, (iateaviiie, last Thursday evening, to honor of E I t'oiiir. who left Saturday for Washington lenitoiy. Tbe atUndance was (air and every ona sertn'd to be well satisfied with lb procreilio. Tbst pstty wbo shows people how to ran imassgr in the ground, is very kind, bet hu leaving the wire disconnected make It verv inMvnintfor those who mast go IS to 20 md to connect aire. The hotel in course of construction at tbi place and which is under the management of Mr. J. V. ntawsrt will be ready forgu-.' in a lew week. Tlie Saotism Mill Co. bs cnUtgrl their store room by adding it to the roi a h!.;h was nsed as a sleeping apartment. Wm. Ixiatand bss accepted a position as clerk l'i this establishment. The dance tlist oocarrsd so ins nights pre vious, in the so csihd new hall. w a nrxwi affair, everybody seemed to have tnj jed themselves amazingly well. Mr. John Shaw, one ef the firm of tbe naotiam Mill I n. made a business trip to Willamette Valley, last week, and Mr. Thomas Him made a jlyiog trip to Portlsud. a"" f 'o O, the snow, the bea a a u" ! Tbe last psrt of the above affection- t iocc of poetry si.nply represents th fat ol the who is temnritous enough to utter it in Oregon . KEAL LViTATe. 8 ALE?. Ai recorded In the Recorder's office (or Linn county, Oregon : Jas Elklns and wife to V. II MeUger, 2 lots, Elklns A, Alban v. $ 300 A J uiiyeu to William lirenner, B about 6 lets, bcio 37S Oregon to Htnry Reno, 160 acres, I h I N G McDonald to David E lone. 200 3oS acres, 10 w 2..... 10 W W Crowdcr to Francis Farrcll, 1 lot Hi 2nd A.Albany 1000 Henry New man to IS U Newman. 21,5.26 acres, to v 3. 1 G Grimmer to Marie E Nile, 2 lots block 9 H i 2nd A 1600 Locila LaKorest to Geo W lloclv stedler, 2 S E lots, block 3 It's 2nd A 20 OO JJ Ilardman to J V Pipe, 8 acres.MU lard's A, Albany 2SOO 300 1SOO Jas Elklns to J Mi.ler, 2 lots Llkins A, Albany J M Powell to J.M Philpot, to acres IS3 Ilarrisburg Grange to L Douglas, 1 10x1 to feet.- 315 U fi to E L Knox, 263 acres, 10 w 3 patent U e Ulodgett lo K Clioaule, 4.0S acre. 1 2 w Jemima Ralston to J M Ralston,! lot Lebanon too G W Smith to J M Ralston, piece of land, Lebanon 1 250 W B Donaca to G W Smith, same, dated 18S6.. 275 Jas Elklns to N A Blodgett, 8 lots, blklns A, Albany IIOO Jai Elklns to F P Nutting, i lots, Elkins' A, Albany.;.. ........ Jas Elklns to Mrs E A Merrill, 2 lots 300 Elklns a, Albany... John r elss to II M and Belle Truax, 300 I27.76acres, 10 w 3. . .. . . . Win M Rutherford to E B Ruther 1 ford, 1 lot IPs 2nd A. . .... .... 3000 700 Oregon toT Pavldson, 80.08 acres. . A S Johnson to Violetta Johnson, ' of 3.27 acres, 10 w 1 .......... . Z F Moody to Asa A Hull, 140 acres H w 3-... Violetta Johnson to A S Johnson, 2 lots, Sclo 850 150 So ; New Comers To our city will find it to tttfcir advantage to price our gcods before buying in their outfit of groceries and pro visions. , JBrownell & Stanard. MAUEIED. CHEADLE KRIEG. At the resi dence of the bride's parents, at Santiam, Or, Feb 21, 1889, by R ev Geo W Glbony, Mr Lewis R Cheadle and Miss Lina Krieg. " ' . e;- ;--r RICHARDSON MILLER. On Feb 19, 1889, at the residence of George Patter Rev W D Humphrey Rev W E Richardson, of Shangle, W T, and Mrs Viola Miller, of Albany. . .. Children Cry for HOME AND ABU0AU TllLRSDAr". Dr.Jaklu. whn loos ted the balletin Osr- lleld's body, dropped dssd ( apoplsxy re cently. ' Mr (I F Steea has purohaied d A. Pestoe 5l sorh soi oss the river. Consideratiou 15O0 The IiulsUture iaorosstd tbe laSsrv ol O.iunty Jadgeuf this county from t&OO to $1200. x - t7 12.000 is tha amount that will be appro- ptiatsd by the preseut Ligbl store, a big increase. $13.02.1 wss the smount of Ss'ein's woo'en mill suUtdy last night, fDW being added doncg tbe day. Tho old Raia Fin. who doesu'i know what to do when drank, hat been in the call boose lobering op to-day. O L B Uokmtn hai unrchased of K ibert Mcllheny four loti in IftoUlcmin' 2d ffldt lion, tVuisi Jerition, t'JW, Honstor Irvine voted ag.inst the llortio oltural bill in the Sentt. The Senator has been en the right sido in probbly every in stance, The country I infistcl with many tramp, hut the limit il! starred and wot-begone tramp is that of the third-elsss ten cent va riety theater tramp. "I sell liouor." said a woman before a PhiUd-dphi jiidg. "to put bread in my ohil ireu s mouths ' "And yott tske it out of tho iiiuulhs c( ether children. Close the bar." ' Among those who voted against the Rail road Commission bill were lions J-(T Meyers end RC Miller, t.( count;. Mr M re lock voted dr If. Some people attempt ti make up for lack t l brains by ssuperabuudsntsnpply of cheek. This eoiirso is pursued by tho ero-d of vsri ety theater ten cent aotors now traveling over the eon ntry. Those who ought tt know, say Albany will tke many steps forward during the next (sw months. It wold seem that their uttianoi are already coming trie, if setivi ty iu real esttte would indtoa'.e any thing. IM her boom !C'.ipitil Journal Yesterday 0 llnndlson traded some hor and cattle iu Etstern Orrgm with Sir A Hacklemau, of this city for three blocks in Msckleman'a ti.ifd addition. The value of he stock jliwd at $10,000 ami of the Iota tt f ZHlQ. Cur.'sn Si Mooteiih, agents, Foilowirig will be the ofli jers elected b the legislature, a Republisn caucus haying so decided,' FiU Commissioners B P Thompson, f 0 lUel, Csinpbell. Pilot Lomrnisslouers Cptein J A Krowo. Csptaio I, Wilson, A Montgomery. Food Commis sioner Prof tt K, of PortUnd. Li brarian J B Putnam. Battnan W Dcneh. raiOAV. Hon J K Weatherford returned fioin a business trip to PortUnd tbi noon. Prof Itork, Salem's Uuittriso preschrr, is in tbe city attending the alliance, Mr J B Hashes has baca at Crawfords yiile recently with a view to baying property and locating. IIou F K Hudgkin i io tbe rity Tbe Dkuocrat always feels elevated after a tisit front Mr if, so long aa he d-wn't mention politic. A suit that will be tried at the next cir cuit curt will be en broegbt by J W Pch aksinst the S P R R Co for j5 the value of a cowrun overaul killed. Coll VauCleve, who i in the city, inform as tbi t the ds p sea ti.hing steam schooler Chanca is littcd up and will start out on Wdocdy. Tnry til scad fish all over tbe US. Yesterday sfteinuxo Stephen Goble, of lirowasvitie, while asrutiog la ranniug a wooil saw ear thu cily, caught hi left baud ia tne it, his thumb aod two lingers coining oiL He came to this city about rive oclo:k and Vt Mas too dressed tbe baud Mr Coble's borne is at Brownsville. Th State Legislature bss elected three Bailiuad Coosa yeeterdsy Gov eruor Peuuoyer sxinted Chsa P Cbarch.of Purtlsiid, aod Geo II Biggs, of Wasco coua ty, to the same position. This indicates tun of a high order ai.csd. YesUrdsy wa Pbotogiapher Crawford's tlurty-uiaib birthday, one that ought to be remembered by aim, as be was tnen present ea with aa elegant gold watob, by Hi moth er, airs lr trawlord,as a token of tbe event siTcaotr. U B Moutvith is iu Portland. School clitldrec hsd a holiday jestvrday. Ixbsnon is tilkit.g stoat having a night watch. Several f our exchanges are boasting of their gbosr. ' Mr it ti Kiui.i hu bold of the wheel at tbe feiry now. Mr. Monroe Lsh,of Hariisburg.bya leto in the city to dy. Mr Biddle ,a Mouiibeot Cruoa cuoty eu- tleman, l in the cilv. A luau with a iutle chtk ha just fleeced Tacu4a uia out uf $1300 iu small lot. A petition will be preseuted at tte next county court lor a bridge at vatMl.o. Kenn. democrat, wss re-elected United States Sanator from West Virgioi Tburs- dsy. Miss Nettie Smith left this morning for Portland, where the will visit with friends for a mouth. Misses Lida Ruatbauxh and Mattie Shields, cf Albany, were tit lung in the city tbi week. Ltader. ,1C,543 waa the amount of Salem'a wool ou lutlikutxidy last night, flOO btlng rawed iturtug the day. There are now thre sets of railroad com- mi.siuuers, the legislature's, Gov Pennoyer's ad tbe old cue. Four new states nave been admitted to the onion, XMi.rih Uutota, aoutn UaKoio, xmoo taua Dud WasbtBlou. A larue number of legi-ilalors arriveu or pusud tiirout;h tbe city tu day witb their waste baskets aua spillooa. A deed dated 1S50. cutiug U. S. laud to ex-Ouvcrcor Zona F Mio ly, has juit leen nlcl 'm thu v-ierk outoe. The following Uulejate 1 1 the Temper ance Ailiince wereoinitte I from oar regular report. OikviUe A Smith, t 111 Pattsr son, A M Auheaou, R A liamfurd, O Patter sou. A Hue ll-Kky il..u:.Utn eagle has been placed in one 01 L E Blsiu winduws. lt ws slupp'tl to Mr r. i oouuuir, ui wujt, i from Montai.. The bird is dead and wout eat hay. Mr C H Ludotman ha opeued hut b't and shoe slure at Ashknd. Uo show hi appreciation of irinter's iuk by maktog him coil known in a colnimi advnrtiseinent in the local papeis, . Wm L Wealberby to-dsy purchased t-f A Ilsokleinaa 4 seres IP 31 A. Considera tion $3500, Currsn &Mntoiih sgeut. Samuel Nixon, sdmioistrator of the estate of Martin Coatell.t, deocastd, told at pullio tale this afternoon IDS sores of tho Costtlto (arm to Jas MoMahou (or $3063. Yesterday Mrs J L Fuller, of Harrisburg, purubased a couple acres iu MilUrds addi tiou to Albany, F ABdrkhart, aent. Con sideralion $500. ' . , The Riseburg pupers publish tho nAinss of new subscribers Toe Democrat has faults : but it has never been guilty of doiug this yet, though it might build up quite an imposing struoture in tnat Hue. The most important street improvement agitated in Albany is that of putting Wash ington and Second streets on grade. lt should be done. The communication in another place is sound. . t. ;,; Yesteiday morning tha steam saw mill of Jennings & MoPbersoo, - beyond Lebanon, wss burned to the ground. The loss is es timated at Ljui or live thousand dollars, on which thtre was no insurance. The mill has not been induing (or nearly a year. The origiu waa probably iuuendisry ; Tbe prospect for logs being brought down rom Ctawfordsville this year are now quite gloomy. . This is a misfortune not only to the owners of the lo.jsbut as well to Albany. Perhaps though a spring freshet will change the aspect of matters. - ; The Oakland correspondent ti the Rose bnrg Heviewmya : "The party'lren by Mrs E H. Henderson on last Mondiy event ng honor of her nephew, Mr Stites, of Albany, waa a very brilliant and enjoyable atfair. There were present as invited guests. Misses Minnie Kellopg, eto.'' pitcher's Castorla. BVkaa for Infants ' ''Caetorto Is so well adapted toctadren that f rncommod HuprlortoaDy preacrioUon tanralOM H. A. AaoRxa, kt V., lUBftOitodBIlraiUy It. R. WORK. Lively limes Promlned, I'cople through the valley generally are wondering as to bow much of a move there will be during the year in railroad work on the great transcontinental line that Is to connect Albany and Chicago, Rumors can be picked off any buih; but it takes rustling (or (acts. and It I fact that we rarely get very many from t! end of the road until work begins, Tl.v Chicago Si N W though are quite opc.i compara tively about their plans. A railroad man just (rom the east who has conferred with the official of that road says the two roads will be together within a year (rom this summer. He states that work will be pushed at both ends as ncyer before. The C Si N W have already let a large number ol contracts and will almost work night and day. A year Is brobably too close; but irom present indication", as learned from men In a position to know something about the matter, tt is not wild to predict the union ot the two road within two year Lawyer Waltkk Again The fol lowing Lorn the Ashland Tidingi is about Lawyer Walters, and we begin to think the fellow was really a member o( the genus hl.k : A man o( very insinuating man- nc., representing himself a a Mr. Walt ers, a superintendent o( bridge work (or Hie Pennsylvania Bridge company.spcnt a few days Ir. Ashland rcccntly.and won the hearts of the church people by the fervor of his prayers at church. He borrowed all the loose change he could In small sums, and continued on his p easant journey northward Killed. Friday evening a team belonging to Mr J I Livingstone while drawing a scraper near the Albany Iron Work, became frightened and ran awav. The let; of one of the horses was nearly cut off by the scraper, necessitating the shooting cf the animal as an act of mcrcv. jr, r, 1 j?. Mm v '9.1' A Pleasing Sense of Health m and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the van of Syrup of Figs, as it acta gently oa the Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System when Costive or liilions, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION' without weakening or irritating tbe or gans on which it acts. For Sale In COe and Sl.OO Bottle by all Leading DrafsUu. AxrvACTvaaa oslv sv vna CAXLTOEinA n& STSTJP GO. Fas FaASctsco, Cau, Lot-iariUJt, Kr., Saw Took. N. T DR. C,WATS0?JFi1ASTGF. Physician and Surgeon. Offlco tppltJtue Iieui'icrnt. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTABT PCBL1CJ iTTOUNEY AT LAW, A LIZ A XT, tIKECeX. ITT ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF TH YY State. Special altntio piTen to-mHeetl n JOHN SHIGGS. Posbs A Spkcialtv. Cemetery lots l.itited ad aueuded ir. D, R. , BUGICOUR, Attorney at Law OiB , Odd Fellnw'a Temple,"' ALBANY, :-."- - OSECON. ALBANY CQLLEGUTS INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1888, 188D. rtrat Term Opens September 1 1th, ISHS. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arraoRed to "meettlr noed of all grades or atudontm Sffcial induceienl$ offered to students from abroad. w " Tutiloa ranges from $5.50 to $13,50 Board in private f tml'les at low rates Rooms tor aelf-boArdlna; at small expense A csreftil supervision ezerolsed over stu dents away from home. Fall term opons SeDtember 7th. For circulars ana ru;i particulars address the President. " KGV. BLBEKT N. COS HIT. Albany, Oregon ; Palace Meat Market. PIPErPEOPMETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, CS Will keep constantly on hand bear, matton, pork, veal, sausage, etc.. the bes1 meats ana largest, variety in tbe city. Cash paid for all klnds.of fat atock. - ?- 1 A b TO) rii and Children. I Caatorln enrea Colfe-, OosvlpattAn, I ""r Humiach, Tjiarrhrws, iViKrUtion, I J Kire ieep' V" Tata Cbhtav Cohfamy, Tl Murray Street, K. T. 2 T!l a baa given univsf sal sstlsfaettofl In the cere of Gonorrhoea aod Uleet. IpreserlbaitaBd feelsafelnrecoinmend' ing It to all sufferers, JUJ.RTOTlEa, B.D Deesier, lib PP.ICE,81.00. Bold by Dregclsta. fii, fftiUnie t(ts Ge L. BLACKf.lA?l,o., Succeisor to E. W. Lanfdo. DEALKRIN, v DRUGS MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRU8HE3, SOAPS COMBS ETC. HO TO GO EAST. G?E.itSvis M-mat SMata Route. Nice c'imtts and sssnery at all times of the year. See Mount SnaiU. Sacrameoto. Oaden, Salt Like, Denver.. Finest second-class ears tavl are run dsiiy. Bay ynr ticket of me and nave our fare to Portland. I am tb only p-rson in Albany that can sell yoa a ticket Albtny direct to any, mat the United Sutc. CU oo me for rates. - W. L. JXAtZlt Aget,t 8. I' First National Bank.. OF AMI4K1, OftE03I.Wi Prilmt.... U Firry 8, E. Vt JB i JL. W. LAJOtXr. ..jas. r. poweu. Vine Freaideut ('jtiir... .. Aast Ca.iilr.. TRANSACTS A EN ERA t banking VnsliMaa. ACC0CKT3KKPTu1Jeettineck. SIGHT EXCHA50E snd te rapble traiwftr, Al a Smw York, iiaa Frsniaoo, ucago and .- COLLBCTIOSB MADE on fawxab'- terms. IKSBCrOU , . K. Tor, K, W. Lamms. m4 la E Blsw, L. Fuss, if Walie E Tcaasu tJ tw Purrnro . rwiwaii-rs -x ? Ml 1 Ely's Cream Balpi lays IrifTarrmrratirm. Healstha &v &Afrtrea tha Senaca of Taste, fc; it- I and Hearing. . i 7 AsurtSclelepUe4 laMeaebaaasC-. . to aareeable. PrtreSOe. mt Urea-skat -.ail. KL V iiiXrTILEESe Warren SU it- alumfji say pt 5ty.rt ING ilil.!.;. All kinds cx rough, dressed andeeas. lumber,latla pickets kept constantly Xi liand- Bills sawed to order r ? shortest notice Use orilx-i.t Calapooia timber- ?Mr3 t terms made satisfactxjr j hi t. e; ROBINSON m a. Ml Vr iefvrst tr tam' k lirt -dosi T. J. STITES. ATrOJtNEY AT -AND Notary Public ALBANY, OHQOIM. OF PURE COD UVERXIIt t2!2 HYPOFHOSPIIITK": Almost as Palatable as So eltscsxlad tfeae It mmm V v- .; digested, is ad aeabaUlatesl by tbe - i eKSltlT' stemseh. hn tlse p Lai si -ll esaiBoS bm soleras, i and aty ( com btasusa er stk u witss ta, ypj:o-c pbtte la msck more aieasele.e ass. a . VA a . KoursABie as a wesa proGttcer. Perstas gala rapidly vkQa taklc Jl BC0TTS EMULSION is actnowl 1 1 f"? PhysiciariB to be the Finest and B t rw ration in the world tor tbe relief and rut rl CONSUMPTION. 'SCROFUl K CEXERAL DEBILITY, WA9Tf DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CKRONIO COUCh. Tas oreot remedy for CJjnTSfliri?l Wasting in CkUdnn. Soid by oil Dn-cw. a -J. WHITr.EVvr Attorney And rouisjllor Ai. : ALEA, OREGOr., ? Will praoils I J all o: tb r "o . .ulsMtato. Alio iness .t. ". will be promptly Uendtdtw .IT .1 f ACADE7: OF- Our Lady of ?8rx: - i ALBANY, - Cooductea oy too sist9K This Academy is looorj "' thorized by the State to t v honors. , . BARSINO SOnOOI. : .. " V Board and tuition....... ' ".'.' . .w,v Mue-io, InsrtumeaV'W'S vocalwith usti j : . - (luitar ,.,.. ,.,. ,,........ . s i Zitbern, MM...a '-r2Ssv Dra wm e and' .... S 1 Fancy; work ck .'', boarders, - - Tuition in'seleot d. $5 to $10. v Normal lotrnction teacher's oertiftcates a r . Graduating fee,. $10. Foe further partloumt Academy, , - - jcnialfcl f VO OAVS.Vl I ,0rcnotM4 n-t taTg f i, I aaaa Ssrtaun. 11 VrSMlysycb '''"STtasChaiskalCs. Oiaewaatljtv'8 VV owr Ti sill' a)t',7.' SiitlS rna;r COLD aa HEAP. Try the Cure to