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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1889)
1; i Wfo emtmt FRIDAY.. march i, teso. HUTTINQ. Fr iprleler. LOCAL TtECORD.. That JtrriRnoN Roiibkry. The fol. lowing from the Salem Journal I a full c count ef the Jefterson attempt at robber mentioned bv the Democrat i "LonTan- tier wh counting hU money preparatory to clolng the (tore, when a stranger came In and called for a plug of tobacco. Tana v ler doted the money drawer a the man I came In and at he turned around to get the tobacco the Granger brought forth a alt -hooter and when Lon turneJ around rfgrtTrre-weapon was pointed at him and J he wa requested to turn over hi money At this laniier aroppca to me noor Be hind the counter and made a run on his hand and knee along behind the counter for the door, This he gained before tha would-be robber could tell what n com ing. Tariiler ran to hit home and got hi gun and alarmed the neighbor who joined lt hot pursuit, but the stranger had escap ed, lie was a rough looking man and look- ed as though he had not washed hit face for man days." A Good Law. Among the best bill Jhat passed the Legislature la ropes II. B "So. 34 regulating the practice of medicine. It provide for an examining board of three competent physician, 7 resldeuta of :t the sta.e. They iue certificate to appll Cants, provided with diploma, or upon examination. These certificate must be iled with Oounty Clerk, It provide for a license of fioo a month for Itinerent , vender of patent medicines, drugs etc. ' The punUhment for a violation of this law t I $50 to $500 fine in the case pf physician and not exceeding $500 in the case of ven fUcrs of drugs, etc, with equivalent of Inn prlsenrnent in case of nonpayment. The law will do away with quack end 10 cent patent medicine vendor, and going into . effect on It patsL Is now a law, if signed by the Governor. It should be enforced. x Others Likk Him We publish the following little Item from the King Valley correspondence oi the Benon Leu Jit just to give a sample of some of the people we meet In thl wcrlJ, a class that are too leepy for modern thing. We have a very few i.i the valley like the fellow mentioned: "A young man In the employ of FranU Bros was sometime since retained to feed the porker. After he had been feeding a couple of week he found the swill running out 01 me pen. upon investigation it was found that the hoi; had been dead more than a fortnight and In a state of decompo sition, which was a surprise to the attend ant." Real Estate L. Vlereck to Mr. Hut. ton, the Lebanon expreta conductor, two lot and residence, 'just east of the College, $ t Jno. VfrfiTutton anti-hit neighbor J F Hail propose making numerous Improve ments to their property. Moday Dr V C . Negus purchased block 6 in Elktn'a addition to Albany, being th block adjoiniaar tha fails 00 tb Santiam ditch, paying $1100. Should water power b deeired this will be bt fat tbe moat valaeble b'ock in tba addition. Oregon Land Co agents. Geo S Rove to II Bryant, a boat S3 aorta jest east ot Albany. Consideration SHOO per adr. Tbas property ia Situated near Mr Ury ant's horacjrpperty. 1 Tjtur hiijfittwnTnTr' C. R. Parkes in IT 2nd A, paying WfHll same. Mr Jay Blie has sold to Hah Bryant ten acres of bit suburban property for $3500, which ia mora than twenty tiva aerea cost aim a coo pie year ago. ArrEALEo. The contest of Judge J. I. Whitney against Judge D. R. N. Black burn for the county judgeship of Linn county, which wat heard before fudge Boise and dismissed, is not yet dead, though it hat been sleeping. Tuesday afternoon .the contestant served a notice of appeal in the case to the supreme court and the mat ter will be reviewed by that able body. The increase of the salary of the judge of this county trom 9900 to $1200 makes the or fice more of a prize. Another Bio Suit. J. R. Myers & Co. ' the railroad contractors whose failure caus ed so much at Corvallit and other placet, have brought tuit against the Oregon Pacific Railroad Cc.tnthe Circuit. Court of Benton count v.for nearly $100,000 The complaint hat just been filed in the Clerk's office at Corvallis and sets forth divers reasons why big damage should be granted them. The case will be watched with interest. Aw Important Fact. Sunflowers are " used in Wyoming Territory for fuel. The stalks, when dry, are as hard as maple wood, and make a hot fire, and the seed head with the seeds In are taid to burn better than the best hard coal. An acre of sunflowers will furnish fuel tor one stove for a year. No let Important is the fact I that Conn Bros., of this city, keep a re markably fine stock of groceries which the sen at Dottotn prices. ) . A Lane Co. Pioneer Samuel Meek, an old pioneer and respected citizen of Lane county, died at hit home per en mi'.et north ot t-ugene City, Friday morning, Feb. 32, at a o'clock. He was Injured in a runaway accident, near Irving, about . week previ- ous. He wat an Immigrant of 1853. He owned 4000 acres of land in Lar.e county and a large tract in thit countv. He is said to never have told an acre of his land, inougn ne kept buytn . Quarterly Tba. The ladiet of the Home Missionary Society of the M. E Church will give one of their deservedly popular quarterly teat at the Partenage.on Friday evening. Mush and milk with other delicacies wilt be served, commencing at 5:30 p. m. rrice, 15 cents, a social ho with music it promised. All are invited. n. social nour 1 , iT Coming. C. W. Pringle, reprctenting the famous Georgia Minstrels, was In the city Monday making arrangements for weir appearance here next Monday even ing. The renowned Bill y Kertandt. with hit enormout mouth, it one of the attrac- tlon. This is probably the best minstrel iroup now on the road. Enterprise. F. II . Pfciffer Monday evening received from the East a $1200 soda fountain, perhaps the finest in the Valley, one that will be an ornament to his . already very tasty confectionary store. He - . ,.aJso received a team power peanut roaster v-'u siana, an assurance 01 a sieaay supply ; 01 mi favorite nut hereaner. The Georgia Mixistrels. "Richard & Pringle' mlnistrels were greeted at the New Park last night by the largest audi , encewmch hat been in the house for a long time," says the Orcgonian, "and one which proved to be demonstrative enough to wake the echoes for blocks around." Thev are pronounced the best in the state for some time. At the opera house next Monday evening. GOTOJJDUBRUI ' A Bio Coukty. There are 448,000 acres of goyernment land not yet located In Linn county. At it It all up on the Cat- cadesit can remain uncalled for for all of ' VII IUC wnv us. The fifirures. thouirh e a reminder of the immensity of Linn county, asthree- vui iu.w njc county nas been located. Senator Irvine. Among the pen pict ures published by the Capital Journal, ot Salem, It the following: "Robert A Ir vine, the snbject of this brief sketch, was born In Todd county, Ky., In tl.e year 1824, He Is a descendant of the Irvlnes ot South Carolina who camt to this country long before the Revolutionary war, Their original home It the bank of the Ir vine river, Scotland, whence some of them Immigrated to Ireland, counties Armagh and Fermanagh, and Irvlnestown It the home of the race there a item, hardy, earnest, Scotch-Irish Presbyterian ances try. General William Irylne, surgeon general of the revolutionary army and later commander of Crawford expedi tion, was the head of that family in thl country, whose member began to scatter from Pennsylvania through the south and west at early as 1760, Senator Robert A. Irvine moved to Missouri a early as iSu with his parents, where he resided until iSji, when he came to Linn county, Ore gon, where he ha ever since resided. He is a farmer, although elected sheriff for hit county and served two terms. In 1S66 he was elected senator for his county for the first time. Senator Irvine is a fir.n democrat and l decidedly in favor ot low taxes and the tmnllest practicable appro prlatlons , as his consistent votes show. I Ie Is earnestly In favor ot a hemetcad law, believing that low taxes and good laws will do far more to Invite the Induotrloua, lab oring and Intelligent classes to our state than all the publishing and advertising. He Is a strong friend to his own class, the farming and .aborlng people. How It Came. Albany newspapers have been making fun ot Salem In its at tempt to raise a $.10,000 bonus tor a wool en mill, while only $3 could be raised by a collection in a crowded church during the Moody meetings. A reporter hat been inquiring Into this matter and finds that the time of the little $3 collection was the night the Albany people came down here to listen to Mr. Moody and crowded the church full, to there were very few Salem people present. Statesman. As there were over one thousand people present and 3500 ot Albany's population remained at home it look at it thl citv mutt be getting prct ty large. The truth is though, that there were about fifteen present from here, the whole $3 being give by them. Albany paper though have not made t'.m 01 the woolen mill effort. Schoolteachers. The following are the name of the forty-one teacher attend Ing public examination this week Jennie Blount, Margerla Brink, Laura Farrow, Lulu Hiilery, Alice Chrsahlr, Irene An sorge, Zidana Propst, Elsie Mai tin, Rosa Moore, Maggie McKnlght, Janle Cyrus, Lura Campbell, Anna FarrelL Virell B Coin, Minnie Watklns, Ora Vjughn, Cha A Smith, Marshall Richardson, Mark M Peery, I B Marks, Fred Davis, Ellen Wal lace. Nlarv Blount. It W Tilton. llarvv Bond Julia Thayer, Sadie Williams, Walter Meeken, T L Rice, Julia Lewis, Anna Powell, Anna Greene, Clara McMeeken, Hanrey L Walden, Geo II DurU, Belle M Chance, lone Arthurs, Ira S Templcton, J U Robnett, Florence Adcock, Dilla Stan- ard. CROWNS VI LLC I rot- J. D. Boyer pnooipal of the school on tba south aide has been sick. Rer. Soead, of Eogene, who baa Lean a aisuog uev. mrkpainck. waa Ukoa quit sick last Wednesday ; Lot hta ao far recov ered aa to be able to return home this week. John Fraasao, engineer oa ths Narrow Gaege paid abort visit N PtrUaod last Last Monday there waa aoothtr change ir.a :o tee t:ma auhedoie r ins K. u. The mail arrive beie now at 8:37 p. m. Mr. Sa ether , a colored gentleman lata from tba East is here the gaest ct Mioor Jackson. Geo. Gross, the popuUr Uuilorl of Wa terloo baa bee here circulating a petition praying tke Coauty Court to coastruct a bridge acrota the Santiam at bis place. Mr. Fred Gross has boo ah t the property belonging to Mrs. Cooper. Mr. Cjoper will soon take her departure for Califvraia where she intends making her borne. - J. M. Jaeoer and family returned last Sat urday from a protracted visit near Tbe Dalles, lie report m very Doe winter and stock doing well la thatcoantry. Meaar. Water h More lock are btvioit their Urge warehouse adjoioiag their mill painted. The Woolen Mig. Co. are making needed repairs to their buuJtuzt. With other improvements that portion oi oar town looks lively. A publie reception will be tendered H-m. A. LeBoy and wife next Saturday evenins at tbe liaptiat Cborch by tbe members of that cborca. A program conaiaticv of abort ad dresses of welcome and Diosio wilt be render ed. Tbi town ae well sa the church, ia to be eongartolated in securing tbe service of this gentleman. He is a man ot marked ability ana very wia ana extensive experience. Tangent The weather for farming is all that could be desired. ine news 01 wheat begin to look ereen and luxuilent, and the average Tangent- ite 1 pegining to make a little early gar- aen. We have had considerable sickness in thlt vicinity for the last three or four weekt, especially among the young peo ple to much to that Mist Minnie McF ar- land tuscended her school for 3 weekt. Minnie it a good girl and an excellent teacher and don't you forget it. Mr. McMuIlen and family who came to Oregon last April and finally settled in this Uttl. .to. are cry home tick-for their old Kentucky home far away." Mac hat nice property r.ere, but he it very anxlout to ten 11. The enterprising firm of Smith & Bry- ant, assisted oy a lew expert croquet play ers, have laid out and completed the nicest .... r . - croquet pants or playing grounds that can be lound In the state of Oregon. It Is sit uated directly in front of their store near the railroad track. Traveler in the pas senger coacnet trequently look out of the coach windowt with a smile upon their iaces. 10 tee tne animated nlavers of all I - .. ... r-j 1 ages irom tne small roy to the hoary head cu granosirc. Xbe Herald suggest that the horsemen of the county meet in Albany on March 16 to anaage fer a horse show. The Democrat will also suggest the same d te. and n if the matter, which we have heretofore agitat ed, does not move, it ia not the oewtpaper' Wall Paper.. The finest line of wal PaPcr ,r th v"ey In forty or. fifty varie t'ee,.:?anid.e,?n. an? Pri.?e down. I- ty -'h-' ' ' iwc, uvnii, tt l Fortralller & Irving's. It will pay to see them I rr n a. ei u.&wen, practical matter anl -cw I M Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in ths Post trace, Albany, Linn county, Orogoo, fes. 27, 1889. Persons ealling for tbess letter must give tne date on which tber were sdrertited s Beeke, Stanton Beard, Arthur Crow, W H FitzgmM, Wn : Oarsay, Hans . Moors, FA Merrfxe, RE Pool, Mrs E M Weyand, Ferdinand Brown, K V Cairi, Hichele router, orsnt Hanrey, A (2) Merer, Mrs Sarah E - Mormn, Chubb HiMins, John WIUod, Miss Matt e. R. THOMPSON, , M. LLE, ALBANY, ORE Tlfl WARE Htm HflRO- - 171!! E all? Al l if E?in& UT -a-w -a. DE OE & OOBSD BODAVILLK. fur tba Railroad. Nrw Hotel, etc. IKKX) ltahd ,. Proposed Win Parrlsh't new soda spilng It one of the best In the state. Itt flow 1 sufficient to run an Inch pipe. Dr Hill, Wm Parrlsh and U Perry have had a ditching machine at work on their respective ranches for teveral dayt, which hat dissipated the Idea ot a frog canery in our midst. Frank Darl hat purchased R W Fish er's store. Mr Davit it an experienced business man well known In this commun ity, and with an Increased stock of general merchandise will no doubt do a lucrative business. We hoped to secure a small appropria tion from the legislature to Improve the public sprlnss. but the bill died with the committee. Our cltliens are proud of the Linn county law makers and would be pleased to thow our appreciation ot their untiring efforts (to do nothing). About two thousand dollars wat tub- scribed herein a few hours to complete the railroad from Lebanon to thl place. The people mean business and the amount can he consldeiably increased If necessary. Ths right ot way hat been tecured from an tne land ownert along tne line except a tmall atrip adjolnlog Lebanon. Thlt winter there have been men from many of the western statea and territories here, all of whom were very enthusiastic over the medical virtues of the springs and the benefit they derived from drinking the water, at are thousands who have been here whose verdict Is the tame. There will be provision tmade to accommodate all that come this season. Dr Hill has thrown out the fine snrliitrs on his ranch adjoining the town for public uc, nnu is na ving 1 nut audition turveyed. Several lott havo been old and cottairet will be built on them thlt summer. They are pleascntly lo.ateJ, cheap, and find ready buyers. The doctor it having hit grove prepared tor the camp meeting which commences the 1st of June and con tinucs through July. There will be abundance ot shade and water, and other attractions too numerous to mention. There will be a stock company organ ised to build a hotel here this summer pro viding Individuals do not build. There Is not abetter location In the state of Ore gon for a hotel of about fortv rooms .than Sodavllie. It could be kept full ten months In the year and would pay running expencet through December and January. The present accommodations are very good so far as they go, but are not sufficient to accommodate half the people that to come here. Last season every room In the viillage wat occupied and people kept coming and had to leave because they could not find a place to atop, and If ttcrt were received almost daily asking for rooms which could not be tecured. A good hotel would be kept crowded without a dollar'a worth of advertising. OREGON PACIt IC iKONT. LyoasvitU and Mitt City. Lvonsville,Or Feb. ath, 1SS9. W. Yates hat vacated the farm of Dr. Vv yatt and moved Into town. An athletic club I toon to be started at this place. "Tommy mind your eye." Wm. W acker last week paid the metro polis a visit, where he purchased the nec essary equipments for Lit new hotel. Every lot In town sold and others spoken for, which will necessitate another addition to the city. Mump are prevalent In thl vicinity and several new case are reported. One of the firm of Wallace & Thompson was teen on our streets last week, presum ably with an eye to business. An effort is being made to Induce Koe burg parties to locate a taw mi.l at this place, but with what success we are unable te learn. Few towns In Oreeon can sav with us that we have local option in :he shape of a proviso In all deeds that no spirituous II. quors shall ever be told thereon, In viola tion of which the property thai! revert to lit lormcr owner. To day remlndt ut of the tact that It It about time to j "Don the duster, a friend to povert v and pride. Oft from the public gaze you hide Patchet in pants made by alltchet, Anciently called by our forefathers breeches. " Mr. Frank Buree.of Roscburtr. One of the S. P't eflkinent conductor, whose par ent reside near here, paid this p'.ace a fly ing visit last week and Invested a few "shekels" In Lyonsville dirt. Come again. We learn that an airencr Is soon to be established here by the O. P. Something mucn needed, as the present status of at tairt necessitates a delay ot freight con signed to this place. One of Emanuel Schneider's emDlovees. engaged in cutting R R wood, yesterday conciuucu mere wat a living lor htm with out work, thereby told one of Mr. Schnei der a sawt ar.d "lit ouL" A warrant it out tor hit arrest, and if apprehended may find iree uoaro wim ine county. Mill City, Feb. 33rd, 1889. rte nicest kind of weather prevails in our locality, for the few dart past. The indications were for cold weather the fore part of the week, but the hazv northern breeze horizon has changed to a calm south ern. Mr. M. TIckel who wat in Wathlne-ton territory for the week past, returned last Wednesday and reports tlmek dull uo .t - lucre. The Santiam Mill Co. it constructins 1 STi VL side track from mMn track to their mill, 0f fur In e; Veek.? S car loads The tnow that fell last Sunday wat verr much appreciated. The boys and girls were snowballing each other all dav. It only lasted one day. There was some rumor of orffinlzlnB- literary society at thit place. It ia hoped that it will be carried out and will be a suc cess, and that everyone will join and per torm tne duty placed upon them. The improvements In the S. L. Co's ttore room makca a tolendid annearanco and will give the company room to carry a large line ot goods. Mr. D. W. Brown, taw mill man made a trip tt Albany on business the forepart of this week. John Boyd, made a ftyinz business trio to this place last Wednesday, He contem plates going to South America. We wish him a pleasant trip. S. R. Caufield. from Albany, uassed Mill City last Wednesday, eolmr to the headquarters, attending to tome businest. J. JU Berry, is makinsr nrenaratlnna tr build an addition to hit confectionary ttore for private use. A social dance waa held at the Ktewart ! Hotel latt Friday evening. Everybody ccuicu iu uc wen pieasea with the pro- !" ...:,,.. Advice to Mothers, Mrs, WinalOW'a Booth intr Svrnn fnr Children teething, ia the prescription of " i" iu voat lemaie nuraea ana pnyai clans in tbe United States, acd has been usea rer forty years with never-faiHmr success by millions of mothers for their euiidren. During- tbe process of teethlno- ltn value la localouable. It releavus tha child from pain cures dysentery and dlar- ru"i griping in tne Dowels, and wind coiio. iiy giving health to the child it rests toe mother. Price 26c, s bottle. CON, FOR THEBES Fino line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni I 2 ft. J utx nuuiio. ..IIL i 1 I III II II II L . . , tlOH El UQJGQ ana JiOD 'son'special bargains COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Tuesday evening, Feb. 26th, 1889. Present Mayor, Marshal, Recorder and Councllmen Gradwelil, Parker, Burkhart, Tabler, Deyoe and French. The following bills were ordered paid : Cost bllit,a3.7o 1 W C Tweedalo $34 ' I Cohen, $10 t J A Crawford, $25.00 Schmeer, $8,001 J Clelan, $1.00 J B W 01 c . . ir. v. . c, Kf. ,; f , Sloan, im Foshay ft Mason, 936,5 I N J Henton,$S33o G M Westfatl.1a.78 J N Hoffman, $3.7 ; P W Splukt, ftSo.Go. Dirt on R R street ordered rcmoyed and uted for filling In low placet. Numerous sidewalk and minor ttreet Im provement! were ordered made. Bill of J V Pipe, $45, for tmall pox wag on, wat referred back to Council. Committee on ordinance reported ordin ance granting franchise for Albany ttreet railway at prepared by committee. On motion received. F M French of committee on fire and water reported agalntt excluding lot of II L Cranor from fire limits, Gradwohl mov- ed Its adoption. Aye-French, Tabler, Burkhart, Gradwohl. Nay Deyoe, Park er. Marshal Hoffman recommended teveral ttreet and sidewalk Improvements. On motion of Parker referred. Remonstratlon against cutting down Washington and adjoining streets at June- tlon with Second ttreet wat read with 19 signers. A'.so petition for taid Improve ment with about 50 signers. F M French moved that the petition be granted at pray ed for with recommendation that Callpoola ttreet be cut down only two feet. Second ed by Tabler. Withdrawn and referred to committer as whole to meet In one week. Petition for cutting down alley In block 10 referred to Council at whole. Petltton ot G F Crawford. U M Robert- ton and othert for sidewalk east tide of Ellsworth street, 8th to; 9th and bridge across ditch, east tide of street, and crust walk across 9th street. Referred. Street railway ordinance wat read three timet and unanimously passed. Under it work Is to be begun within 90 dayt from passage of ordinance and work to be finish ed from Washington ttreet to depot within I vear from Itt being signed by Mayor. A communication wat read from City Council of Lebanon Inquiring at to price of eight ttreet lampt. Kefericd to com mittee on ttreet and public property with power to tell. Bonds oi J A Gross and W J Monteith w ere apptoved and licenses granted to tell U q uors. Street Commissioner wat Instructed to notify merchants that goodt must not be placed on sidewalk more than two feet from inside. Communication from II F Merrill was read notlftying Counc'l that rate on No. t't engine house lind been increased irom i.Jo to 3.50 Increase of $1.10 wat or dered paid. Matter of bill of Jat V Pipe for $4 $00 for wagon wat referred to member ot Council at a special committee. The following bills were ordered paid 1 ohn Jones, $70.00 ; Wm N Klller.Sjo.oo s Laurent, $44,80' : I F Hadley, $11x0 i John Mcuee, $J.$o ; O W Hughes, l 00. CIERKXCY. eaasiBBBaa It will take considerable more red tape before Washington becomes a eUte. We are glad the name was retained Instead of giving It some outlandish name like Taco ma, Yaklrra or Oklahoma. Civilized names are what we want nowadayt.though there is a pleasant sound to Willamette and Callpoola, for Instance. ' Sensible men In this world do not fly off the handle because they cannot run things, particularly newspapers. The number who stop paper because they are not al lowed to edit their columns U becoming remarkably smalt. When you do find one though you have a curiosity worth caging. The universal verdict In Albany It that rain It iust what It needed, and the present shower Is one thine we hare heard no kick- Ins about- It It a very north pole affair that won't raise a kick in Albany. The Asioriam says "Watts bat a head and so hat a pin," and judging from some of that paper't rcmarkt we pretume It thinks there it most in the latter; but then the paper I naturally very sensitive on the mouth of the Columbia, Wattt action on the pilotage question didn t tuit it, and it It an old chestnut to get even with a man by likening hit brain to something small. Thlt reminds ut of the ttory told br cltbr Shem or Japhet and revised and re peatct! by the ten cent patent medicine troup In thla city last week. A man met with an accident, resulting In his brains being taken out. The doctor put the fel low's tkull together and kept the braint. borne time afterwardt he saw the man passing hit office and cried out to him to come in and get them. The fol lowing answer waa giyen: "Keep them yourself. I haven't any further use for them: I'm running an evening dally paper at Aioany. The boom editlo&t of the Southern Cali fornia county papert, now contain some sixty to eighty columns of delinquent! for county taxes. Oregon doesn't want any Dooms ot this nature. sjoIs altogether too amall a price to charge for getting a bill through the Leg Islature, not enough to pay to get the mat ter whitewashed. It is strange that there hat not been more kicking by other Sena- tort on account ot tne ereat reduction in the regular price. Struck Oil At $1.35 per 5 gallon can best Standard r"1 oil, at the Willamette racking Co. a store. Farmers, if you want the best harness all hand made, call oo&L. I'ower.neit to Dem- erat ofliee. GOLDEN ECLE BAZAAR' Caxh Goes a Long Ways at alias Uradwhoi'a I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe and will tell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where cite on the Pacific Coast The following are tome of my cath retail prices : -. . . - dozen unhandled tea cups and saucers, 35 ctt. dozen unhandled coffee cups and tau cert,; ctt. yt dozen handled coffee cups and; tau cert, 50 ctt. ; V . dozen t even Inch dinner plates, 45 ctt. - , These goods are all ironstone China and not a cheaper grade of eoodt. I have also added a good stock of jrroceries. which askpeo -o call and examine and judge tor thtnijeivr s at to qual and prices. ; Tun us Gradwohl, T HARNESS, SADD SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS ATS DE YOE & ROQSON TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Paras!! Vindicated. I .ON DON, Feb. 36. The Parnell commission resumed its sitting this morning. Russell stated that Saturday Richard NeoH went to the resi dence of Henry Labouchere, and in the pretcn ce of George Augustut Sala, signed a confession stating that tha letters upon which the Timet Jl in charget against the Irish members of the bouse of commons, were forgeries. V lnhi confm'ion all,hat he f01.ged ,11 the tetters secured by the 7Y,which were purported to have been written by Wean Par- nell, Dsvitt and O'Kelly. Ha also admitted that he had been guilty of perjury in his evidence oeiore me commission. AtOlyatpla. Olvmpia, W. T., Feb. 35. Immediately after receiving newt of the assured admission of Washington territory, Secretary Owing tele graphed to Senator Dolph, asking where the constitutional conveotloowtt to le"eld. To-day ma answer was received that Ulympia wat designated in the act at the place of meeting. Large Seizure of Odium. Tacoma, Feb. 85. Two barrels marked "sour crout," they were old whlnky barrels, were '''PI'ed along with merchandise, from Spokane Fall over the Northern Pacific road. via Tacoma and Portland to go via the Oregon & California road on the 1 6th Inst. When the car wat unloaded late this afternoon, at the railroad transfer wharf in thlt city they attract ed the attention of two railroad hands from their weight. They were not heavy enough for sour k rout. Inspector C. J. Mulkey, or the customs department, wat called in. On boring ' barrel it wat discovered that they were tilled with three ounce tin cant of opium. The headt were opened and 300 poundi of thejumng gled drug were found enclosed in the cans, which were packed in sawdust. Tea Ulrla Killed. Wukesbarkk, Pa Feb, 35. A terrible disaster occurred ar Plymouth, a few miles fron. here, this afternoon, by which ten girls and one man wete hurled Into eternity- Hack of the Uaylord shaft stood the factory of John Powell, r.. .1. r.. " f. .. , y m 1 ne iimnujacwrc ui suius uwcw lij miners in loosing coal in the mines. The fac-, tory employed eighty four girls, ranging from 13 to 30 yean of age, and several male work men". While a maiority of the irirls were at their hornet eating dinner, tbe people were startled by tbe defeatening thunder of a terrific explosion. The buildidg had blown up, result ing in a frightful exjterienre. Three t'klldrea Burned. Helena, Feb. 34. Particulars of the recent' bouse burning accident at Belmont, resulting in the death of two chiUeen and the probable death of a third, show that it wat a horrible ' affair. The mother had gone to MarysviHe. I he ok'ett boy before he died, told a ttory that cleared up the mystery of the fire. After hit mother left, be taid, he locke-J the door and began to have fun with the kitty. At a part of this amusement be held the animal close to the Hove '-ami set it afire." The scar ed animal ran under the sofa all ablaze and the fire ignited the sofa, which toon tpread to the house and quickly destroyed it. Dtaaatreoa A valaacbe. Ixwdok, Feb. 34. Avalanches have de stroyed tbe village of Anivollet, and killed four persons and injured manyothen,in St. Michael, Savoy. e taCIO, Feb. 35th, 1889. Mr. C W. Culbertson, Attorney -at-Law, trom Salem, hat located In thlt place and opered an office. Mr. G. W. Johnson, of Sa'.cm, hat told hit Interest In the firm of Johnson Bros., to Archie Johnson. Mr. N. C. Myers I having a new oddi- tlon buitt onto hit house. That looks rath er tutplclout Clay. We understand Mr.Jamet Compton will tson begin erecting a new dwelling In thit place. We ore glad to tee good citizens moving Into town. Great Interest Is being taken In the re ligious meeting that are going on In thlt place, conducted bv Rev. Moody and Jone and wife. We are glad to see so many young people making the start they have. We trust Scio will soon become at famous for Itt good wotkt at It hat former ly been tor Itt evil. Mr. Jacob Snoderly an otd and retpect- d citizen of thla place, died tne 33nd Inst. Funeral services took place the following day and were largely attended by his many friends and retail ret. The deceased wat 79 year of age and an otd pioneer, having come to this state In 1853. lie wat a pious man and an exemplary christian, and Ms lost w ill be mourned by all who knew him. i MARRIED. HEARN REID. At the residence of Mrs. R. S. Savage, the bride's Brand- mother In Jefferson, Feb. I tth, iS&, Ed ward J. llearn and Effie L. Reid bethof this county. N. T. VanScoy, officiating. The wedding was one of the finest that has occurred in the community for several years. The bride and groom were neatly attired. The dinner wat bounteous and the guettt full of mirth. Mrs, Savage, though an eld lady, deserves much credit for her good taste in arranging the table, to that it would not only accommodate a large number of guettt at one lime, but it wat completely loaded with the best of things. After the, ceremony and dinner wat over, a number of valuable presents were given to the married couple ; then they were escorted to the depot to take the noon train for Aurora.Portland, and other point to visit friends and be gone one week. One hundred and fifty young peo ple, old people and children saluted the happy couple by their presence at the de- Jot. Mr.Hearn it a tarring merchant o f efferton, and hat done much to build up the businest part ot the town during the past six months. The bride hat oeen con sidered by the communtity a good and sen sible girl. The following is 11 partial list of the pretentt given : ME Hearn, Leban on, brother of tne groom, $40 in green, bacha ; Mrs S Thompson, silk handker chief ; Emma Murphy, silk handkerchief ; Nora Cornell, cake dish ; Mrs is Sham- brook, fruit dish ; Mrs D II Looney, hand kerchief ; Cora Thompson,pairot scissors ; Mrs G is Thompson.haml satchel ; Mr ana Mrs E Murphy, photograph album ; Mr G Thompson, set silver spoons ; Mr ana MrsT Hannlzan, photograph album ; Mr and Mrs IS. Ellearn.duster. X. JONES BOWMAN. At the residence of F. M. Miller, In Linn county near Jef ferson, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 36, 1889, Charles Edward Jones and Maria L. Bowman, both of Linn county; Rev. W. T Van Scoy officiating. The bride It a high ly etteemed young lady, and the groom It a young man excellent in character. 1 ney took the Thursday morning train for Otympia, W. T, where they will reside. Mr. Jones It now foreman in a livery es tablishment In Oiympia. The best withes of their many friends go with them, . BORN, DUNCAN On Thursday.Feb. 31,1880, at May field, Cal., to the wife of Mr. P. Y. Uuncan, nee Ida Knox, a girl." Orandpa Knox now wears a broad smile. .CONN -On Wednesday, Feb. 37, i8So, In Albany, to the wife bi Mr, R. E. Conn a girl. CONDIT. On Sabbath, February 34th. 1SS0, to the wife of ProL E.. N. Gondii a OLES, BLMIKETS, DEYOS fcROBSOSARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE foUKET HOME AND ABROAD vott v AY. . No vagrsooy law now. Athena instead f Ceotervills is the pro gram now. The creamery project at Salem also has fallen through. Mhermao and Harney are tbe names of two new counties. Ths real estate market it the liveliest in ths history .of Albany. The high license law will go into effect ia about niuety days. S Bhupu ha sold oas of this residenees ui IPs Zd A. to C K Wsbetcr for f 1000. W 0 MoCosker and wile, of Danville, 111, ar in ths oity tb gaest of Dr Maston, Tbe S. P. warabouse ia being completely overhauled and repaired. It will be painted. Mr Oeorg Young and family have moved to Mi. Young' farm at Miller's StatUu to re side, ' Fiod Ilydejreturned to day from Arling ton, V.,T , wbar he bad beau with a view to locating. A divorea was obtained in Astoria In thir teen days from ths tiling of tbe complaint. Eleotrio work. S II Bur k halt Saturday sold to C H ilosg 4 lota IP A. for $1500, Burkbsrt k Kteney agent.'" Miss Grace Piper, of Salem, arrived in ths city to-day, and is ths guest of Mr E W Laugoo. , Mrt. W. It. Itilyeu aud.two children left last eveuiog for Oakland, Cel., on a visit to aa aunt who resides there, A couple Iuueuendenve men drove Into ths First Ward ditch Saturday evening, obtain ing qaite a wet eaperteuoe. 1 17,033 was the amount if Salen-' woolen mill subsidy Saturday evening. "It will get there." Tne Oregon Land Co gave $300. Tbs indications are that there will be more bricks erected ie Albany this year than ever before. Mr Vance's will be tbs first undercover. There will be'a series of meetitgs begin ning Tuesday evening at the M k Charon South. Serviove every afternoon at 2.30 p. m, and at 7.30 p m. s A ourdial invitation extended to everybody. A II Weatberford, who arrived in Pendle ton from Dayton recently. It ft last evening on a. visit to bis brothers at Arlington and Albany, intending to spend some days at each ot tbese place. 11. 0- When we have aeversl columns estra paoeto apsre we will publish a complete list of appropriations made by tbe last legis lature Itt wagon roads. It will jnske your bir stand up with iorlignation. ( If Mastoa & Chamberlain's addition and tbe adjoining additions to Albany continue to grow as le tb past thtre wiiu toon D a "Southnre Albany to tbe city. its a nioe location for a suburban boe. Dunkirk, N. Y, furnishes its own electric liMiile at a ooet of (3 'JO per 2000 eandle pom er fur its cititiun; bjt it is picUeUy tbe only city in tb US thit doc it. Tbe price ia Baltimore and most eastern cities is f 15. Astoria papers ars calling Major Hilton all kinds of mean names because tbe Major mentioned that city as a place aa bad aa Ta eoma and Seattle. Some people are awfully sensitive ia this world, altogether too mack so for eomlon. Tbs Salem Statetmam aays a grand jury is not a smelling committee! yet really tbeir nostrils are pretty wide if tbey make up tbeir minda that tbey wait a toent of say thiog. It ia tbe poblic'a duty to de some smelling teo. 3, B.Gilmonr, son in-law of Mrs. Cbeadle, with bis wife, arrived in tbs city yesterday from Ban r ranoiaoo. Tbey will make their future bom ie this city. Mr Odmore eon templates going irto tbe npbolateriog boa ne. A Matbtwe, baa bought two lots in Maeton Ac wbaoiberlain'a additl m to Albany, conaidrrstioa 1325; Kcv Rogers, 2 lots in Monteith' southern addition to tbe city, consideration 500; J W Cusick, tbe two ad- pHuidg lot, consideration O-XJ0. Tram ft Whitney have pa rebated of J Uradwobl 22 feet front 00 Ferry street, now ooenpied by ii vV Harris, sod report that tbey wdl erect a twice: oa ins same. Cap. Humphrey is home from tbs Stats Ielialstnre. While there be invested sev eral new cooandrams and if tbe answers tarn on t all rtgbt we will endeavor to give some of tbem. Saturday Mr II F Merrill sold to Mr C H Iloag, of independence, Oregon Laod Co. aenu, bis two lots at tbe eorcer of M oat tome ry and Seventh streets. -CoMtderation $1400. Mr Mernll paid f93 for tbese lots several months ago. To-day J WBeotley bought four let in Maeton Si Chamberlain's addition to tbe city. Consideration 1000. These were tbe last lota in the addition, which originally consist ed of four blocks. Tbe speculation proved a valuable cue to tbe enterprising era lie men who laid off tbe addition, and yet the lota sold at a remarkably leasonable price. Senator Irvine objected to tbe appro pria tion for tbe Deef-Mutes of sixteen tttoueaod dollars, lie said that it waa seven hundred dollars per scholar and that as tbe parents clothed tbem and aa tbs inmates earn oonsul arable by labor, be thought it too much. Journal. He was right, aa be waa in oppos ing tbs Bail Kan btu. railroad eomnussion bill.wagon road bills and;doaeaa of other jibe 01 a like nature. Tvrs&Ar. Pendleton's railroad sobsid j is now $31, 633. Cpt. 0. II . Irvine, was ia Salem yester day. C u Ilarmoa and fimilr, of Lebanon, are In the city. Frank Wood left last evening for S in Francisco on a basinets trip. Elder F M Long will preach at 8picer, next babbatn at 3 o clock r. u. Dr E.L Irvine, assistant pbysioian at tbe asylum in Salem, is in the city. Salem real estate men use four or five col nmna in each of tbe local papers. - M F Mulkey. lawyer and capitalist, of Portland died at Oakland, Cal, yesterday Toe Aliaky eandy factory at Portland waa totally destroyed by tire yesterday evening. A Portland man haa imported from New York state a ear load ot apples. outrage ous. Tbs Salem Journal calls tbe Slattttnan The Stinker. Come now neighbors do stop your quarrelling. There ia no qoeation but there will be more grain aown in Urooa oounty this season man aver oetore. uoneco Kevttw. Albany horses now have many opportuni ties to show their metal, aa tbe roads of ths city are in good condition.- Corvallis also tried to amend its city charter; bat the extension of the limits of the city oaased it defeat. John M Yoong, of Pendleton,' baa been ap pointed nlerk of the supremo court when in session at that place. ::..., '--v.'? ' Albany Engine Co No 1 held ita regular monthly drill last evening. The engine proves to be a powerful thrower. Editor Pipo's wife, of the Leader, run his paper while he attended the legislature. Now that is a wife worth having, , 4 Dr Hill waa called to Marion last night to attend upon tbe wife of Cbna lTariow wbo ta suffering from an attack of dropsy. Dick Flaherty, Mr E LaForest's speedy stallion, will spend ths season ia Ysu hill county, and will enter the tail races. , Mr, J. H. Campba'l bat the eontraot for building Nigbtwatch Janes new residence on Third Street, . It will coat about 1500. The river is qnite low and unless Dr IUin puts in an appeuanoe before long there ia a prospect of itt kicking op ita enunciated T k ... . - neeis. . - WHIPS, HALTERS 1 PA.TNT3, OICj S AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE ROBSON'S. Miss Jennie Cvrua. Mist Ttaae. Mnnre and Mark Peery, of Soio, are in tha city to attend tbe pablio examination of taiehtr to-mor row, . .... Mr John flilfnmarvilla- nna nt V..t Port land's baker, has. with his fumilv. been in ths city visitina at bis sister's Mrs N A Blodgett. Read our Sodsville letter. Is alio a what is being dons to cat the ratfroul there, and indicates that that little place is alivs to it lotereate. Key Use II Atkinson, of Portland, one of ids nest mown ministers of the Northwest, ir dead. Ilev Atkinson has preached in Al bany on several occasions. Tb Salem blaUiman coulee for item in referenoe to Uncle Johnny Crab tree, who with all his family have voted th D-imocrat-io ticket, aod heads it "He M.y Repent Yet." lis is now 89 1 but if he liv-1 tether atcads he will be doing likewise. a a . - . Tbe "Wm. M. noatr" wentdown tb ilver yesterday from Uorvallis with forty tons of floor aod three tons of feed, and the ''Occi dent" earn up to-day with s large load of freight. B. S. Cook, manager of the Orssron Land Co., returned yesterday from Albany, where he bad been over Sabbath. If reports times lively 10 the sister city and the branch land office doing a rushing basinets. Stattitnan, , WfPMkViSAY 15,000 for lady clerks. New good at W f Read's. Bargains in boots and aboes at Read's. 170 bills wars pissed by ths legislator. Dolce Far Kteate ball at tbs opera boose to-night. Fresh garden an J grass seeds at Sit wart ft Soi'a. Mr John Rogers of Kink's Valley, is in the city. For a Sterling or Emersoo piano ca'l on G L Black man. Dr. Negus removes etnoor without the knife or pain. Best artist's materials in tbe city at Dr. Guiaa ft Sons. Hun W K Price Is in tbe city, on bis way boms to Tola, If yoa want any kiod of stove repairs call on U. W. smith. 0 L Blaokman is agsat for the Weber agsat for the piano. None better. Plant some of tboee stiver ekin onion sits. for sal at Stewart ft Sx'a. Dr Rich, tbe accomplished O P surgeon. has t eturned from tts eaat. Mason Long, tbe tosverted gambler, at tha W C T U ball to nigbt. G. W. Smith gives the white enameled iron ware with bis fine cook stove. A fall assortment of bras kettle from one to eigkteen gallons at G. W. Smith's. . New line of artist' materia! at Dr. Guiss ft Sju. Coats nothing to see tbsus. A fine seven-righth short born yoing calf for sale. Inquire of N A Blodgett. I Wave reduced prices oa all beavy wear ib boots aed aboes. Call early at W F Bead's, f 18,163 was tbe amount of 8iJt wool en mill tabtidy last nwbt. 1230 besog added daring tbe day. Tbe Western Cottage and Packard are two of the best organs made, G L Black nan sells tbem. Bev D C MeFarUod will preach at tte Sommerville school boose en next Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M. A fresh supply of horse radish and a barrel of very fine sauer kraut received to-day at F. L Kenton's. Call en O. W. getith and get one of those Missouri Steam Washers warranted to de aa recommended. The largest, finest sad best assorted stock of groceries in (owe can be foend at Brownell & Standard's. A fine line of all kinds of furniture, plain and n bolstered, bee - stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmiller ft Irving's. Cervaltia ia talking about haying a real estate agency, not having each a luxury now that we eao learn of. Coming np in tbe world. Tbe Dbvocbat ia informed that Mr Mil ton Hale wilt soon lay off an addition to Al bany, adjoining the Maatou ft Cbambeilain addition. While Mr David Bond was manipulating a piatol at his home in flalsey a few days ago it was socidently discharged, tbe ball taking affect in bis knee, ceasing a wound; bat not affecting him seriously. 4104.000. to be precise, is the amount of 1 K Myers & Co s cLaim against the Oregon l acine, and it takes over fifty allegations 10 the complaint to set forth all of tbe plaintiffs' afflictions. Mr J J Graham ia moving the wing to the Cherry & Parkes foundry, which waa a part ef his purchase of that property, to the front of the lot, and will rent it for any businesa desired. Uncle Tom's Cabin waa greeted by a fair audience last evening- It gave general sat isfaction, better than waa expected. Tbe singing particularly waa of a superior nature. Tne troup deeervee a good pstrocage. The Corvallis Timet offered a year'a aab scripti on to any one who eontd beet tbe re cord of tr.piets to tne wife ot John vvytt,os milomaUi, and baa Just baa to sena it oa to Wm Graves, ot Gervaia, who haa a quartet. A petition is being circulated for the ap pointment et Thoe Monteith, Jr. ae poet- master s Wis etty. we unaerstana be a B Woodin is also meottoawt lor tbe piece. FL Kenton, A Wheeler and C W Watts are the other candidate for the office. Albany needa a city park. Bow wocU tbe Foater lota, adjoining tbe ditob, between Ferry and Washington streets ao lor one. We are informed one gentleman oners so giye 1300 towards a park there. Now is the time to act in each, a matter. Ex-Governor and Coogrcrsman Stanard, of 8t Louis, Mo, one of the prominent men of that state, was in ths city e few daya ago, tne gnest of his nephew. Mr 11 A atenara. He 14 on bis way borne alter only a snort stay in tks county, most of which waa apent with his bi othert at Brownsville. Mr I H Low, of Hseselton, W T, haa pur chased of Mr Mark lialhert a tine Clydes dale, for which he paid $300. He left this morning with his purchase for hie home in the Big Bend country where he will be en gaged in the stock business. As Mr Low wished ns good luck by sending as some jack rabbit's ears we return the compliment in this manntr. Dotard's Specific is aa absolute care for all eruptive diseases of the skin, such as salt rhenm, barbers itch, ring worm, scald head and all itching or inflamed conditions of tbs skin, whsther arising from disease or expos- are, Jt is gnar&ntcea in every case, aoiu oj os asy & 41 a son, Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician aad surgeon Albany. Oregon. Cells made ia city 01 oonntry. He Got It. The man that was running all over town huntintr horse radish yetter- dav found a nice lot of f reah grated at the Willamette Packing Co a store. Albany Market. Wheat 70ai Oat9.25fl. . Batter 20a Mr lb. 'ttifge 15t Hay-8,00. Potatoes za ots per busnei. Beef on root. 8nr pples 75 cents per bu. Pork 8o per II uressed. atacont nams 12X0. shoulders, 10c sides lOo. jard lOjperlb. Flour 4.25 per bbl. biokens S 00 per doa. Iiil Feed bran, 1 4. 00 per ton shorts, 14. , middlings, 20. Choy 30. &C. &G. H THE M SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT T)Eyol & R0BS0K TUB TOBACCO BILL. By request ol many dealers In Albany we give below the tobacco and cigarette bill pasted by the last Legislature 1 An act to prohibit the sale of tobacco, cigars or cigarettes to minors under the age ofelghtcen years. Be It enacted by the Legislative Assem bly of the State of Oregon s Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful to tell, bar ter, trade, give, or In any manner furnlth to any minor under the age of eighteen yeart any tobacco, cigar jrclgarettein any form, or any compound In which tobacco forma a component part, without the writ ten consent or order of such minors par ents or guardians, and when such minor has no parents are guardian, then In that case content may be given by the County Court, setting for the transaction of coun ty businest, upon proper application in the county In which said minor may have hi residence. Sc. 3. Any personl violating the pro visions of this act shall, upon fined in the sum net less than twenty dol lars nor more than fifty dollars. - Sbc. 3. Justices of the Peace shall have jurisdiction for all offenses arising under this act - ' Inasmuch as there'is no law on this sub ject, this act shall be In force from'and af ter Us approval by the Governor. ' eswwaweseewwswwaBB Teachers' Examination. eVsssnssBBSs) Notice is hereby given that the regular public quarterly examination of teachers for Linn county, will take place at the courthouse, in Albany, commencing at noon, Wednesday, February 37, lfcSo. All teachers desiring examination will please be present at the beginning. r L. M. Cubl, - , County School Superintendent. Thompson ft Overman keep the best bar- ' For land madebarneta go to E. L. Power Tbe elegant Sterling piano on exhibition at the Heine concert he been sold by G L Ei'ackman to George Henderson. J A Archibald, agent Singer Mannfactnr in g Co., opposite Odd Fedowa Temple, Al baay, r, ft; V k KNOCK DOWN ARGUMENT. That is the kind of argument we ere us ing. We propose to make tbe lowest prices mode in this town and we will dis count the best figures that any other mer chant can or will make. 1Mb inosls Down Competition and gives as an undisputed precedence la onr field of basinees. We want t? oon yiDce every odo tbat they can be best served in oar store and we propose to P0UHD IT INTO PEOPLE by onr low prices until tbe feet Ie univer sally recognized tbat for high grade goods and the lowect living prions no one can touch . Brownell & Stanard, Cor, Broadaltln and 1st St, Albany, Or, SPECIAL NOTICE. : DR.W.C.NF3TJS.-Cliadaaie of the. Roy si College, ot London, England, . also ef the Belleyoe Medical tjoilege. The Doctor hoe spent a life time of study and practice and mskee a apodal ty of chronic diseases, removes emnoars, acrofal en largements, to mors and wens, without pel a or the knife. He also m tkes a spec-" laity of treatment with electricity. Has practiced in the German, French and Engliah Call promptly at tended day or bight. His- motto is: "Good Will to All." Office and residence Ferry Rtrtet between Third and Fourth Streets, Best stock of 2nd fSS" goods ia the Val ley, and the mott reasonable prices, both In buying and sal 11 ig X have on hand 1 1 kinds of FURNITURE, STQYES. TINWARE, TRUNKS, B3CXS, riSTURES, CLOCKS. CROCKERY, ; ETC., ETC. One door west of 3. E. Young'a old store. L. GOTTLIEB, 12S First Street, Albany, Or. FRESH Grass . : all kinds at ' STEWART & SOX'S, liii 2nd CCn5 StaB. Requirements of a Stenographer. Tfl Succeed as a stenographer, one must be ae-1" U curate ia shorthand, skilled in type Writing, a good penman, a competent cor respondent. In the Shorthand Dejwrtmentof the PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE -Tmorouqh tsaohino in shorthand, DAILY praotick in type-writing, careful instruction In penman -ship and abundant drill in correspondence amply qualify students (or positions always open to those hilly prepared to fill them. Send for catalogue. .. A. P. Armstrong, Prix., - Portland, Orkgos. ARKET. DO. 1 U. DAVIS, Physician and Siirgeon. ' jsjr0Cloe np stairs In'a Block, ' May be found at bis offlce ay and night.: -r .