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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1889)
KXT&AVAQANCR. Tht appropriations of money Irom the at treasury by the Ut Legislature ex ceed anything of the kind In the history of the atate. in tlx gre gate thejr will reach nearly $1,000,000. Tax payer will feet the effect o( legislative extravagance In In created taxes which the will be called up on to pa. Our itate taxes next ear will be 6 or 7 mill. It thia the kind of Induce ment held out b a state Inviting Immigra tion t Appropriation commensurate with the actual needs of the state should be mJe,and tat paera will raise no question when this Is done. A state should not be niggardly, neither should It be extravagant and profligate. The appropriation of from $130,000 to $150,000 for wagon roads In various parts of the state Is not one of the needs to that extent that would justll the establishing of such policy by the state. We have no doubt there are man places In the state where roads, bridges and other public Improvements are more needed than In the case of man of tha roads provided for. The question U when will all this end ? It wilt be remembered that when the democrats had legislative control In this atate the republicans kept up a continual din and howl about democrats appropriate ttg such large sums of public money. The ast democratic Legislature In this state appropriated $357,719 91 to run the state for all purposes for two years. Compare this with the appropriations made by the Legislature just adjourned and then say what party has been extravagant About the smallest thing we have ever known a party In the majority to do was the scurvey trick of the republican legisla tive caucus at Salem refusing to al'ow the democrats to select the minority of the railroad commission. The law provides that not more than two of the three shall belong to one political party. The spirit of the law gives to the democrats represen tation, but the republicans practically de prived them of that right by j tf using them the right to select such a lcpresentatlve. Well, it's nothing new. Political leaders are very often fools. Rev. A. Le Roy of the Baptist church of Astoria who was in attendance at the Alliance last week is one of Tennyson's famous six hun dred who were "stormed at with shot and shell" at BaUUsva, "as they rode into the mouth of hell, into the jaws of death.1 An exchange says Harrison will have a brainy cabinet, bat it now appears that it will be more Blainey thae brainy. raiEXDs or labor. Editor Dtmorrat : I beg leave to ask space In the columns f your valuable paper to return thanks to Hon. Mr. Irvine of L'nn count for the manner In which he handled and worked for the labor bill In the State Senate. Mr. Irvine did ail In his power to have a law enacted to protect contractors, sub-contractors and laborers In public works. In falling to accomplish thia the workingmen of Oregon must hold the republican party responsible, and especially the would-be next Governor, Joseph Simon, President of the Senate. Mr. Simon headed the oppo sition to any measure brought up in the in terest of the workingmen of Oregon. The Portland delegation is responsible for the non-fulfillment of their false promises, made to the workingmen of Portland dur ing the last campaign. In fact thia man Simon holds nothing for the workingmen but contempt, and, in fact, the Portland delegation, to a man, and the republicans in general. But a few exceptions. If there . be any republican worklngmanin Linn count let him bow his head In shame and say to himself, "am I on) a tool to put in power a party that will not make laws to protect my labor f "Away then with my prejudice." "Then I will swear vengeance against the republican part of Oregon as the are m deadly enemies." Fellow workingmen, don't blame the Oregon Pa cific nor the Ortgenia or any other cor poration as being the cause of the defeat of our bill . It was the prejudice of the Port land delegation, headed by Joseph Simon, determined to defeat an measure brought forward to protect labor. Shame on Ore gon, the only state in the union that does not protect labor on public works. To you, Mr. Irvine, the workingmen of Oregon re turn their sincere thanks for the manner you have worked in our behalf. I remain our respectfully, M. II. O'OcwJio. Salem, Feb. 34th, 1889. P. S. f wish to inform each and every honest man, woman and chili in Linn count that Governor Pennoyer Is a true and a staunch friend of the people, and es pecially of the working class. When the Governor was informed of the defesjf of the labor bill he was somewhat surprise!. Bt't he will protect the Jaboilng class, notwith standing what a republican Legislature may do or think to the contrary. M. II. O'C. Frb garden and grsss seeds at Stewart k SoxV. Aa eminent physician sss: A healthy liver secretes from two to three pound of bile every twenty four hour aod of this retioa her it will do the meet good. ' Now if the liver is oat of order, the whol system is in trouble, the spirits ar de pressed, the mind is not cUar. sod a person whose liver i- iot performing it duty is very ood oulitted It regular business. Dr Henley's Dtndelieo Tonio rouses the torpid liver and enable it to perform it proper faociious, thereby regulating the whole sys tem. Sold by Foshay & Mason. . Portland. Oregon, J al 3 1st. While I was in Tillamook last winter I was afftolo I In my back and kldneya ao that it was almost Impossible for rue to reach Portland. Wbea I got here I was induced to try tha Oregon Kidney Tea. I drank at my meals, the tea made from It, and it baa effeoted a radios 1 .cure, f can highly recconomrad it to all wbo are afflict ed aa I waa. Hold by Foshay fc Mason. E. CoH.X. . DB. BO IAI HO in hi u discovery for Consumption, sac eeded in producing a medicine which ij ac knowledged by all to be simply msrvelour. It uex'XdiDi(ly pirasaot to the tseto. pa tently l ai-ajles, and does not sicken. In all cones of ecu's of Connumption. Coughi.Colds Whooping Couh, Croup, Bioncbiti, and Paina tu the Cht, it ha given universal satisfaction. Dr Hosaoko'a Cough and Lung Hyrou is sold at 50 cents by Dr.Gnisi & Son. Fit tJf.K. (tjnuf 1 . .--. ; t 1 In 1 1 an r v ' ' " it ',, lurva, t tit It .or 'lit J I U i ' J 1." f praUolintf Pilal ' t " MM I t t'I'j tLA I lit. Bwt'iki i .,. r i a 1 1, ti.t diratly Ih'pu-M , t m1, I'm -r j i; ( it 1 1 a trt, s'larinr InUxiM itctliw vtl fiij.i; t pir n 1 1 tit air ewiU. AilrM flit Of B tt ik -Uiu Cj ,t v. Sola oj nr. viMtM eon. 7 O.ks cure rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foshay k Mason, Agents. ' TI1K BRIBERY B!1 - ' 1 The relief bill for Mrs. MoNierson out of which grew the charges of bribery against J. W. Watts has a little merit as the road agent's demand upon the traveler for his watch. Me rherson was state printer in iSCS when the re publican members of the legislature, led by Woods, who vss then governor of the sttte.en tcred into a conspiracy to break np the legisla ture. This they cflecled by a sufficient num!cr of republican members resigning to break a quorum. On account of this conspiracy no ap propriation bill could lie panscd. McPhcrson was said to be o.o of the prime movers in this conrpiracy, and it was in consequence of hi own act and that of hi party that no appropria tions were made to pc y offhis state warrants that he had rece.ved for printing done for the itate. He either had lo keep these warrants for two years until the next legislature should meet and make appropriations to pay them.or sell them at a discount. lie sold them at a discount, and this relief bill was to make up that lows. It was an outrageous steal to pass it. I low many other people who held warrants that year, who had to sell them at a discount, and for no fa J 1 of their own either, lor whom no relief has been, or ever will be offered. If there was no truth in the charge of bribery, it v as almost a disgrace to urge the passage of the bill. KEEl,"i,0TEI. tVhest, 70 centa. ,' Afull Hue of Child's lath tuba at Q. W Smith's. J. P. Wallace, Phrstoian and Suneon. Al bany, Or Q. W. Smith has the Unrest stock of susar aaiues in Aioany. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Tboa. Jones. Buy your tiokots through to tha East of W L Jo. tor sod save fare t Portland. Smith & Washburoe, snooessira t J Twee dale, carry the boss heattog stoves and sell went in cheapest. Call and see those Early Breakfast atovea and rsoge at Smith k Warhburns's, suc cessor to v v 1 weedale. If you want a tender chicken be sore and gat one of those new style roaster at Smith & Washburne's successors to W C Twee- dale. If yon want a eloaa (.nd fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home mad white labor cuara For sale by most cigar dealers and at bis Joseph's factory. If jou have any j b wirk to d call on G. W. Smith who U prtrj4 10 do it witb neatness and dispatch and aa chojp as any one. If yon want the cheapsik aod best bestiog stove call on O. W. S-nith, who is offering some rf thorn at cost to rnaka room for his large spring stock of cook lU... Surveying Mr. E. T.T. Fisher is pr pared to do surveying of all kinds at tea sonabie rates. lie has complete copies of neid notes and township plats in the coun tv. Adress Miller's St?'lon. I.'no county ur. Kiln Dried Floor ixo.-Good kiln dried flooring at the SpringGclJ lumber yard In nis city. THE KING BEES. . Opera House, -ONE NIGHT OSLT- MOHDAY, MARCH 4TK. 1333, MCHIRD3 & SPMHGLE S m X"JarXOT7S Georgia Minstrels Headed by tbe Emperor of the Minstrel World, BILLY KEPaSAfJDS Supported by the brllliantyounjcotnedlsn GEO RUE JACKSON A n i a coterie of Colored Sura. maud Street Parade by the Georgia Hllver Corset Hand. Admission, 60c. Reserved seal a 75. Box sheet open at Illackmsn'a, WANTED. -Three- ftlrle for general housework. Extra wsgsa. Ioqalre of Cbas. Matxger A Co. SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice ia here by alven that the regulai annual school election 10 School Diatriot No, fi, IJnn county, Oregon, will beheld at tbe Central hcoooI bouse in said aohool dt tricton Monday tbe 1 lib day of March, 1840, for tbe purpose of electing on direo tor to serve three yoar and one cleric to aervoono year. 8ll election to begin at 2 o'olo-k p. m. and eon Untie uotii 6 o'clock p. in. of aaid day, Iiy order of the Board of Directors. Dated February 23rd. I8S3, C. f. BUBKHART, L. Ftiif , - District Clerk. Chairman. . . k NNUAL SCHOOL MEETING .Notice V I" hereby glveo to ibo legal voters of school District So. 5, Lloa county. Ore- f;on that tba regular annual school meet ng of sau acliool district will be held on Monday, the 4th day of March, 1889, at tbe bear of 7 o'clock, p. m.r sail day, at the Court House in the city of Albany, Or., fortho purpose of bearing the report of the director aod clerkjtnd to levy tax for tbe support of the school for tbernsuing year. Also for the purpose of levying a tax for hs purpose of paying interest cn tbe bono of aaid school dlotrlci, and for the transaction of any other business that may legally coma before tbe mertiDtr. . By order of the Board of Directors. L. Fu-.t, Chairmao Bo.rd of Dlrectora. CO. I'OkKHAftT, Dlmrlct Clerk. February 15(h, 18K9. Notice of ileal Eettlsment. : Notice in hereby given that tbe under signed Administrator of tbe est ale of Mary Ann K. W, tjvage, deceased, baa filed in the County Clerk's office for Linn couDty, urmon, hi final account in Mid eat? tc snd tht Court baa fixed the 9lh day of Mar -h. lnS9, at tha hour of 10 o'clock, a. in., to bear objections to aaid account, and for settling t-al l estate. This 4th day of February, 1889, ' Johji Mosoah, J. K, Weatmkbvord, Administrator. Att'y for Adoi'r. Notice for Publication, Laa 1 Office at Oretton City. Or., January 20tb, 1889. J Notice is ben by given that the follow Ing named settler h filed notice of bia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, end that aatd proof will be made before the Connty Ju Jge, or lo hi absence, before the County Clerk of Lino county, at Albany, Oregon, on Tuesday, March 9ib, me, vlx: John Mariels, Uomentead JJntry No. 5817, for UeS WjiofNEK and lota 2, 8. 4 and 5 ofSee. 20, Tp. 9,SB2E. Bo oaenea tba following wltnesaea to prove his continuous re-ldence upon and culti valion of aaid land, viz ; Uenry Lyons, rf Mehsms, and Hoi Bradshaw, John Doane and Frank Heram, of Fox Valley, all of Ltn i county, Oregon. Any poraon wbo tleaire to protest againvt the allowance of suoh proof, or who know of any aubstantlal reason, nnder tbe law and the regulation of tbe Interior Department, why joh pnof anould not be allowed, will bo given an opportunity at the ahovn mentioned time an d place to croaa-examine the witness of aaid claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of i hat submitted by claimant. ' VV , T'Burhrt, Kegiator. - Notice of Final ettlsmsnt. Notice I hereby glv-n that I he under sinned Administrator of V39 t-fctate of Siuifn U , Byerson. deceased, ha filed ills flntJ a.) outit with tbe Clerk of the Oonniy Court tor Linn couDty, Oregon, and that the Couty Cour baa fixed tbe 9 h day of March, 1889, at toe bour of ton o'clock, a. m. foi hearing objections to tbe same and for settling aatd etttve. D, P. M asow, J, K, Wkatherfohd, Adminletrator, Att'y for Adm'r. WE ARE NOW IN THE FIELB FOR BUSINESS for 1889 and respectfully call attention to our stock of Groceries, Confectionery, Etc. We shall endeavor at all times to serve our cus tomers in tha best possible manner. We always aim to purchaso goods of the best quality and to sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to our groceries business for all the leading newspapers and magazines. Also take orders for all seals, etc. We cordially done so to favor us with by fair dealing and careful attention to business to merit a continuanee of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon F. L. Stick a in the fact that I am offeriog better bargains than soy odd else In A'tbanv Bought at bankrupt aalea I ean .)! First-Class attor below.COST. FOR General merchandise of all kind call ktofahoe. Cash or Goods for Coiatry p-oilaci a w. simpso Jv F. WHITING, A-rtititio raintmtr, BANNERS, SIGNS, DESIGNS, Wood Engraving and Mechanical Drawing. LETTERING A SPECIALTY. Room 8 and 9 Frater Block, MILLER BROS., -DEALERS IS Field, YegetaMe and Flower Seeds, BEE AND POULTRY SUf PLIES, Garden Tools, Fertilizers, Etc., Etc, 200 Second Si re t, bet. Salmon aud Taylor, PORTLAND, OREGON. . aTSend for our catalogue. n. J. UisTDoas, Pria. . rssaaa. Via Frsa. B. S Cooa, S -O. U. Mouas Tiass TheOregon Land Company Or.Miited fat tba-parp-w otbayaK and sslllng ri! atet, dMWns tlx WUI unitt. VaUay la all at the kariinf nrwf. o tlx UnlUl tHUm, Knlnvlnf fcMtnrn i(U to dim bom SMksrs to f ha W Uirun etu Vley, and torn aewiU la all tbo priocip towits ot Martoa. Polk, Unn, Usntoa, Clackamas aa YwnhlU soanltol to aid In loaaUnff Immlenuila, (XBo In lbs Tat buibUng one duvtmi at Ctew art A. bus's. BODSOX. DIChMSSON, Haaaftra. Estray Notice. Takin up by tbe undersigned, one dark bay mare, ltt or 12 years old, welgba about 1000 pounds, haa a few white hairs on wltbe a end root o ' tall, baa a stiff mck, branded Ihosj' baa been at myplaca at out 10 uicuiba. J. M. PlilLPOTT, fJurisburg, Fb, 1 lib, 1889. - Mica of Finil Settlement, Notice is hereby given that tbe under signed, tbe Ad u In intra tor and Admlnla tratrix of the estate of J, W. Tycer, dei oeaaed, have filed in tbe County Court ot L'nn county, Oregon, their Anal acooun and eald Court has appointed Meadar. the 1st day ef April, 189. for tbe hearing ef objeC.iona thoreto and tbe nettlflinent thereof, and aame will be beard at ono o'clock, p. ra. of said day at the Court Uouse in Albany, Oregon, February 19ib, 1889. Leonard Ttobk, Adm'r., Mi'aoDBl TrotB, Adm'rix, etc, J. I'. Galbraitb, Attorney for Adm'r a. Administrato' s Notice, Notice is hereby given that tbe under algued baa been by tbe County Court of Ll on county, Oregon, duly appointed Ad mlnirtrator and Administratrix of tbe estate ot Wallace Cusbman, deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them properly verfied within sx months from the date hereof at tbe efflce of Hewitt, Bryant A irvlne, in Albany, Lino county, Oregon, Dated January 31st, 1889. . . .... r , . PniLLIP BKRTHOLD, UAMHSU CXJSHMAir, - " - Administrators oftbe estate of Wallace Cush man, deceased, Hewitt, BriaatA Ibvimf, Attorneys. XT OTICE -All person are notified not l to trut my wife, J. M, Lang, on my account for 1 will not atand good for any blng contracted bv her. . Bclo, Jau, Slat, 1889. , G. F. Loso. WANTED -200 cords of maple timber, to be ued for msun factoring chairs, For parlioulars Inquire ofO A. ArcblbaiJ, at oflice o. tbe Farmer' Warehouse, Al bany, Oregon. Ac irinistratbr's Notice. 'X (Ice ia breby given tbat tbe under s'gr d Administrator de bonus non with the ;iil annexed of the estate ot W, B. Gilson, deceased, has filed bis final ao countassacb Administiatorin tbe Countv Court of Linn teunty, Oregon and said Court baa appointed Monday, March 4tb, 1889, at ten o'clock, a. m,. aa the time for bearing otjsctlona to aaid account and for tbe settlement thereof, R. A. Iavtscr, Administrator do bona non witb the will annexed. we receive subscriptions kinds of rubber stamps, invite all whe have not their patronage. We hope us, Very Respectfully, KENTON. Goods onjooe. Particular bargain in a aan p e Albanj, Oregcs. GARDEN, Flower, Grass. t33ESIE3333a3 from tha celebrated sejd boose of A. B. Cleveland & Co. AtSO ONION SETS, AT BEDROCK PRICES- Discounts to Gardners, WALLACE A THOMPSON. WILL BROS, Dealer lo ett tbe ltMt Improved Pianos Oricmc. ttowlns; Maobloes, (itin. Also a full Hoe of warranto I Kazora, fiulober and rocket Knlyes, Tba be it kind of sewing rasclilu oil, needloa and extras, for all machines. Alt icf rloff neatlj and reaaooablj done. UADT CARRIAGES AT ' STEWAKT dt SOXS Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby ((Wen tbat the undersign rd hsa been by th Couoty Court ef tbtState i f Oregon for Linn county, duly appointed Etecutor ef tbe last will and testament ef Thomas Umpbr?, dsccased. All persons having Claims against the estate of said de ceased, are hereby notilied to present their claims properl verified within six month from tbe date of this notice to tbe Executor at his residence about teu luilea south of Al bany, Oregon. Dated January 26tb, 1889. ' . Albert Umphbeys, 1 . - Exonto7. Ilxwirr, Ebyaxt & IrVise, Attorneys for Kxecuto Administrator's Notice. Notice ts hereby given that the under signed bas been by tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Administrator of tho etal of Ueo. W. Perty, deceased. All persoua having claim agaiust said estate are hereby noti fied to present them properly verified within aiz montha from the dato of this Dctloe to tbe nnderafgned Administrator, at hla realdence near Solo, Linn county, Oregon. Daied January Slat, 180. , T. J. MUNKBRftv Adoa'r of the estate of Geo.W.Perry,deo'd. Hewitt, Brtaht & Ins i, Attorneys, . Summons. In tht Circuit Coun oj the Statof Ortgon for the County of Lin. Ueorge A. Whitney, Plaintiff, . vs. W.S.Walker and Florence. E. Walker, Defendania, Civil sction to recover money. To W.8. Walker and Florence, Jfi Walk er, the above named Defendata IK the name of tbe State of Oregon, you and each of yon are hereby rtqutred to appear and answer tbe complaint of the Plaintiff In tbe above entitled Court new n file with tbe Clerk of said Couit by the first day of the next regular term of said Court, which, aaid teim b6gln on Monday the llth day er March, 1889, at tbe Court House in Albany, Linn Co., Oregon, and if you or either of you fall a to appear and answer tbe complaint of tbe Plaintiff. Tbe Plaintiff will take ajudg tnent agalnat yon for tbe sum of $227.68, and for interest and costs as prayed for in Plaintiff compialnt, and alaofor an or der to sell the real property utlacbed by the Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, in the above entitled cause. Attached aa your property. Haid prooerty Is described aa follows t Lota No. 7 and 8 In block Mo. 2, in the town of North Brownsville, And also lots No. Ian J 2 la block Vo. t la Groes'a addition to tbe town of North Brownsville ha Linn county, Oregon. Tbts Summons is published by order of the Hon. K P. Boise. Judge of said Court made at Chambers on the llth day of January, a.v., ieoy. J. J. Whitjiet, Attorney for Plaintiff, Tit Pill For Pall and Winter -AT L. E. BLAIN'S. Eubter Coats and Boots, Shoes OVERCOATS, PineAssrotm ent, Pea Jackels-CIiincIiilla. Astrachan Pull Line of Duck Suitings, ALL 2KADRS WOOLEN OVEIt SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets. HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. inter Gloves ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Last but not leaat a Urge -lock of CLOTNINC AND FURNISHINGS UulIES TS2La1-aSa-ll!lXlJ George W. Smith, SUCCESSOli TO W Y-oor, wiser he h th Iret mnA Oiieat .tek of Stoves and Tinware In the JOB WOKK PROMPXI DONE NEW GOODS in tho old furniture Und cPpoite Stewal & Sox's Hardware Store. . We desire to mako known to rogreive peoJe that we carry in .tcek eoch r neuMirw ..,. ant tho d,mid mav rrouiro will add to coods aa will aat'.'iy a rsuuw i r suppK. We cordially invite tho take very great pleasure in NOTICE TO DEBTOKS, All persona knowing themselves Indebted to tbe lute firm of K. Glasa eX Son are requested tofltll and settle at once with K, Glass, at Crawford vine, eituer oy . casu or num. All accounts on our ledger must be closed right away. January 28th, 1889. .... R. Glass & Bos, ' jm and Mittens iwiliyi& II. MCFAIiLAND, County i.rouT UIU UD - . . .. people to come and see us and we mil I have wandered the town over and bought of all those places where they claim to sell druga cheap, and now buy them at GUISS & SONVS. msiis.i mi i,siisaaaaaaaaasssBaasasssajssBgi k N MJAL MEETING.-Notice la h by piv en tbat tbe annual meetlnarof tne stnekboldera or the Albany umaing Association will be bold at the Opera Mouse' in Albanv on Mondav.March 18th 1889at 7:30 P. m.. for the oleotton ol dlreo, tors and such other businesses may come before tba meeting. Dated Feb. 19th, 1889. , W. P, Read, Secretary, W, 0. Twekdalb, Prealdont, NEW GOODS NEW SMYRNA RUCS AND PORTIERRES. NEW TABLE COVERS. LINEN TABLE SETS.'NAPKINS TO MATCH, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. TRUNKS ANO VALISES. SILK DRESS PATTERNS. COLORED ANO SILK WARP HENRIETTAS. SILK UMBRELLAS, Boot and Shoe U0IE3 AND CENTS FANCY SLIPPERS. CENTS FINE SHOES. MISSES AND CKILDRENS FINE SHOES FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS, CROCKERY DEPARTMENT CHOICE NOVELTIES IN DECORATED GHIKA TEA SETS. FRUIT PLATES AHU SAUCERS. DECORATED BEDROOM SETS LAMPS. SALAD BOWLS FANCY PITCHERS- FANCY CUSPADOHES CAKE DISHES- AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTIES IK CHINA a OF A NEW YEAR tin lis;,,44 wrh NEW soery, NEW good ni NKW riees. 0:r etcck U aUayt Above Par in quality and FAR BELOW IN PRICE. We cter to U th good trade in tha city nd surrtondicg country anltqll f)4 It thai aQr hvwtt io tbe citjv Wallace, Thompson & Co. Succeftsorsjto Wallace & Thompson. Plinn Block. Albany, Or. JULIUS GMDWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has bean enlarge! s" that It Roger Bros. Silvarware, talware, Bay 3' Wasoa3, Doll Oa-riages, Panoy Goods, and a ; general assortment of Crocki ey and Toys. He buys dlreot and carries tha largest etook In the Willamette Valley, to whloi haa been addod a complete line of ' .. FAMILY GROCERIES. . Ta Agent for insnranee companies with a capital aggregating (73.000,000 . pFlo on parle Francaia. Department. AND SLIPPERS, Samuel E. Young. Albany, Oregon quantity, bat equals any ou the Coast, and oouslsta of French Ohina and Crys Qier wird deutch gesproohen."