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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1889)
sua to democrat, 32 in advance; s2e0 at end OF YEAR. iiud every FriJaj"y BTIXJKia So ISI xiTTiisro. AdvortUIog rati- niaJtf known on p l toon. fir liiiri 4 THE DEMOCRnt Ih'the heat? ? Advertising radiobi Io (be Central Willamette Taller; $X tvY 1 : ( X A.L1JAJN OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 33, 1880. O 30 IJ? UK ! i .' M II 11 i ; i 5 1 7 i E F. Sox Frs C. II. 8TkWAr. So 5 Albany l, IRON WORKS, r-Manufaotuirr ts STEAM ENGINES, CRIST AN 3 SAW MILL MACHINERY, IR3M FRONTS, AN 3 ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS M-!nU1 ntUntlm oiU to re.Vrlnjr all In J of miohlnery-. Patterns Made on Short Notice, Hefct atook .f 2ud A groola In tbe Val ley, and tho most raonb!e prlosa, both In buying smlsvlliig I hsve oo hand 1 1 kind of 2nd CHr Store. , FURNITURE, STOYES, TINWARE, TRIMS, B30XS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. One door w,at of A E. Young's old store. L. GOTTLIEB, 133 First Street, Albany. Of. I Big G bu given nnlv- I sat satisfaction la lb enrs uf Gonorrhoea and I Ulcvt. I preacrtba 11 and f ael salt In raooumend lug It to all sulftrsrs. piuce, 8oId by DracttaU. C. L. BLACKfilAfl, " Successor to E. W.Lanfdo. DEALER IN DRUns. MEDICINES1 CHEMICALS, CRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC . WILL BROS, DftA'ers io all tha ltH Improve! Pianos Ornc, dtwii Machines Gun. Also full line of warrant! Raxora, Butcher and rocVerKnrywv-Tha bant kind cl Mwini; ma hloa oil, neodlf and extra, for att inaohinea. Ail icr'-g neatly and rsonabl y done. DI.. C. U. CHAfflBERLIN, Ioni8opjLtMc Fijsician ani Surgeon . Special attention to diseases of the eye. gCT'tCQca corner of Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, ORECOH. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage; Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers' Piano Varnishing1.! Atl work gnarantsad. VASSALLO 6 THOMPSON. (Succ-sw" to Hsory Snsseas.) JULIUS Manufacturer VO DVS. til Wmtf, 9 . vl. -AND ! EtLEK IV FINE IMPORTED AND KEV WEST fye,,,'!nit nn'moVuig Tbcrr. Maermhauui an-1 Brlv Pips.' at I . line of Smck n Artele. Also dealer OAV?OHNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS ' NDWICHT'S1 y a o d a iaaco.fijaASD. f0 DELICIOUS BISCUITS DWiSHT'S Cow-Drahd SodaSaleratu ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Be sura t tbere is a plfturs of a Cow oa yoar j achaco and you nJl tsve t w lm'. Soda made. THE cow liEAIfD. SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL il heeler, Springfield. ' Oregon. Proprietor. A. WHEELER, ALBANY MANAGER. Albany Yard and Office on Railroad St letween 4th and 5th Street. Having lumber not excelled Innnality, nd faoillf'es not snrpassed for the promp and sstufsctory filliog ol orders. VVe ieptfully aoliclt a share of the trade. FURNITURE. You wsoi'ba tait and mod durable farntnretbstii(manufactured in tbacity go to Thomas Brink. Keeps almost erery thing in tbe furpiturellne that to V ot in a first clag store Rich and Poor, rrtuca and reasant, tho Millionaire and Day Laborer, by their common use ot this remedy, attest tha world-wide rep utatlon ot Ayer'a njle. Lending phy. alclans recommend those pills for Btoinach and Llvet Troubles, Costive, noss, Biliousness, and Sick Headache also, for Iiheuniatlatn, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They are sugar-coated ; con tain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild, In operation;, 'and, therefore, tha rery best medicine for Faintly Use, as well as tor Travelers and Tourists. v "I 'have derived great xellof from Ayers lllls. Flvo years ago X wa taken so 111 with B , Rheumatism that I was tinablo to do any wrttfc. X took threa boxes ot Aycr's Pills and was entirely cured. Blue thtft time I ' am never without a box ot these pills.' l'eter Chrlstensen, Bhcrwood, Wis. J Ayer'a rifls bavo been in use In mr family upwards of twenty years and bava completely verinud all that is claimed for them. Iu attacks of piles, from which I suffered innny years, they afford greater relief than any other medicine I ever tried."!. F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. I have used Ayer'a Tills for a num ber ot years, and have never found any. thing equal to them for giving tne an appetite and imparting energy and -strength to the system. I always Veep them in tha house-." It. 1). Jackson, Wilmington, Del. " Two boxes ot Aycr's mis cured mo ot severe Headache. from which I was long a sufferer." Eiuma Keyes, Ilubbardston, Mass. "Whenever I am troubled with coo. atipation, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's Tills set me right again." A. J. Klser, Jr., Kock House, Va. "Ayer's Tills are in general demand among our customers. Our sales ot them exceed those of all other pills com bined. We have never known them full to give entire satisfaction." Wright & llanneliy, Son Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, raxrAaxo bt ' Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. Sold by all Dealers In ilcdtcl&a. THE PLACE. ly all ruH.Ji ' n Parker Brothers, . Saceessert t Vi Fti, your. Groceries, Produce, Baked Oaods, Etc. Etc; Their gdc are tha best and thrlr J prices reasonable. HOW TO GO EAST. G East vU Mooot Shsta Con to. Nice climate and ssenory at all times of thejyear. See Mount Shssta, ftscrsmeoto, Onden, Salt Lka, Deover. Fiueat seooad-c'ais ears msdearernn daily. Jluy your tickets of me and tare your fare to Tortland. I sm tha ooly person in Albany that esn sell yoa a ticVet from Albany direct to any point in the United States. Call on ma for rstss. W. L. Jestkk. Agent 8. P. JOSEPH, i Cigars MAKE or WHOLESOME BREAD USE DWCHT'S !Aaleratus1 By Force of Impulsk, This thrilling drama was presented for the benefit of F." Company Friday evening to a large and en. thuslastlc sudlence. The cavt was a good one and the parts were well sutalneJ,oine displacing fine drsmatlc talent in their representation of their characters, George Flth particularly filling the part of Doller clutch In good shape. There Is this to be said about amateur plays. The funny parts si wsj s take the best, whereas, as In this case, other parts are performed with equa ability, It was really a well balanced cast, there being no drawbacks In It at all. T L Wallace, in a fine makeup, "took" the part ot Morris Maltland, a stern, set old puritan of the days of the rebellion i Tho J Over man, Reginald Malt'and, his son, and the hero ot the play ; R U Vunk, Henry Low. ville, the genius of the plsy ; Mr Beemef, Rstph Mardell, the villain ; S W Reece, Col, Morrcll, in command. Mr Reece was "cut out" for the part ; Geo Fish, George Washington Dollarclutch, the comic part, and a lawyer, with a bigger heart than nurse ; Harry Dsv, Sammy Dewdrop and Merrill Fish, Adolphus Sofihcad,hls chutn ; Lake Dorrls, Corlolanus Wellington, who didn't even smile 5 Mrs Thos Montclthjr Adrience Lowvllie, the lesdlng ladv ot the drama ; Laura Vance, her maid, who proved to be the daughter ot Morris Malt land, after having been married to the vtl. lain, who was killed, afterwards joining hands with Henry Lowvllie ; Mrs R 11 Vunk, Anastasia Maltland. the old maid, who, ot course marries Dollarclutch, The play will be repeated to night for the small sum ot 35 cents top to bottom, and no reserved teats. Do not tall to go. It's History. A recorded : Valen tine's dsy, the 14th of February, observed In co.omemoratlon of St. Valentin us, a bishop or presbyter, who was dccspltaled In 370 A. D., during the Claudlan persecu tion at Rome. The custom of sending vslcntlncs, (sentimental or comic love messages often in ryhme, and adorned with ornamental or grotesque devices,) is a very ancient one. Seme tell us thst on this day the birds select their mates J ethers trace the custom to the Roman Lupercalla (Feb. 15,) when similar practices wete ob served. Trsces of the custom hare been delected among the observsnces of the Northern pagan of ancient Europe.llence i. is probsble the traddion that sw-ilbct Its origin to a commemoration of the loving and charitable disposition of St Valentine Is a comparatively late invention. A Gkmvine Anarchist. "George Sin clalr, the old fellow that left Oregon City for Portland just before the smalipos broke out on him, and died at the pest house sub sequently, was an anarchist ot the most rapidtype. Me wore a badge on his vest on which was, on one aide, a large S for Socialism j on the reverse side the words, Blood and Fire,' a crown, and underneath what appeared to be a hangman'a rope, lie talked wierdly to his nurse and physi cian of the coming millcnlum of Bedlam." Courier. K. or P. Blowout. Thursday night the Knights ot 1'ythtas in this city had quite a time in advancing members in the "work" of that order. Quite a number ot visitors were present from Corvallls and other points. After the adjournment a supper was partaken of at the HI. Charles, where the palatable viand of that house were properly stored away by the stalwart members of the order present. LiBANOx.-Mr. John E Durand, repre senting Davis & Rankin, contractors and builders of creameries and cheese factor ies, is now in Lebinon for the purpose of organizing a company tor this business. A large portion of this stock Is already subscribed and we hope the balance will be taken at once. ...Mr. W C Hindman, of Baker Citv, is on a visit to his brother, S W Hindman, of this place. He is a large stockman, and one ot the early set tlers of Oregon. Exfreu. Jack Horner. In referring to our Item about Lawyer Walters, alias I P Horn er, the Umpqua Herald, of Roscburg, says: "The students at the public school will recognize this fellow. He visited the school and masqueraded as a retired school teacher while in Roeburg." What object little Jack Horner can have in going through the country acting the hypocrite generally is beyond our conception. Rome dsy he'll be kicked into a corner and won't have even plum pie to eat. Coming Tfiia Way. There is headed this way, from California, one of the most bare-faced swindlers of the age. He has In his overcoat pocket a few bunches of iampwicks, colored a light bluish tint which he claims possess a chemical prop erty that when placed in a coal oil lamp will cause a brilliant light and kcp the oil from consuming. He claim that, with one of the wicks placed in the lamp the oil will not burn out for ix months. All heatks fortl.e wick U 35 cent. Of course they are a fraud Will Takb Bricks. In addition to the Cranor property on First Street, the deed for w hich has been filed, Mr. E. F Sox la alio purchased fifty feet on Second Street, just in the rear of the Cranor property. A two story brick will be erected on First Street and a brick warehouse on Second Street, which will give room for oneof the finest hardware a nd agricultural Implement houses in the valley. Will Go Again. Louis White, the man who cashed the dago's . check and skipped with the money, was held by Jus tice Humphrey under $500 bonds to await the action of the grand jury. The waiting will be done In jail. White was in the pen itentiary several years ago for eighteen months, being sent irom issuer county tor several offences, not, though for gambling, as he asserted. Narrow Escape. Thursday as an O P train was coming into the city two sills in the trestle work on the opposite side of the river broke, but the train came on safely into the city, A man chopping wood saw the sills break and informed a railroad man. The break is belnc repaired to-dav The engine was a small one. It is thought a No 3 would nave gone through. . Filed. The plat for Elklns addition to Albany is now on file.' It includes ten blocks, of the regular size, located in two tiers, west of Ferry and Washington streets. The blocks beginning at Maston ana Chamberlain's addition are divided by the following streets: Spruce, Pine, Harrison, Hale, Millard and Elklns, Hits us Back The Albany Democrat says Eugene is building ice works on pa per. Albany' does nothing but build on paper. Don't talk to us. Register. All the same it is showing a reliable growth not equalled in the Valley. Children Cry for THE HAW ABOUT TOWN J i ; STAT LEGISLATURE, I OUtt HEW NAVV, It Is only a question ot time and not a long time, cither, the M. A. T. predicts, when the Natrow Gauge will run into Al bany. A direct connection with 8odavllle by rail is also something that is bound to take place within no great length ot time. Certsin thing are developing that Indicate both of these. They mesn considerably for the cltv. To-day Marshal Hoffman appeared in full uniform, military hat, blue suit and brats buttons, and the Night watchmen will soon be in a like ornamental condition. The appearance presented Is a fine one, an honor to enterprising Albany. BO We suggest now that the Oregon Pacific do likewise. Conductor Kennedy, tor in stance, a fine looking man, would fairly beam trapped up l.n regulation uniform like our Marshal. It Is all right to be practical In this world t but a lawn all chicken weeds and Canada thistles is not as attractive as the one sown to timothy or clover and closely clipped. School Not Subfekdrd Yet. The following In a Portland paper, the big one, Is quite cute. Our little Item about Mrs. W. hak had a big run among the papers. It was not a remarkably serious affair, but It attracted attention. Our schools con tinue to run,' without Mrs. W. who Is now attending to her domestic duties : "Mrs. lm VVestfall is Chinese woman who may not feel able to keep a private tutor and may possibly and naturally like the society of American youth. She wants to Improve her mind, and Jim Westfatl, a No. 1 China man, who dwells at Albany, wants his wife's mind improved. So every week day morning Mrs. Jim gracefully waddles to the public school and tries to be a scholar. Thereupon the blue blood of Albany runs riot In the veins of Its first citizens. They are Americans of high degree, and here Is a China woman who has almond shaped eyes and black hair and a tawny olive com plexion who claims a seat In the school room. She is 33 years of age, which Is over school age, and they have objections to her they don't care to name. Some say they wilt take their little ones out of the school, and the Democrat presents the case and asks the authorities to consider. Surely the school directors of the city ot Albany, the coming railroad center of upper Willam ette will consider." We confidently e. pect to learn that one of two things has occurred thatfrs. Jim Westfall or the public school she attend ha "suspended." We hope tha school will not suspend." B. and L. Association. A meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Building and Loan Association was held at the store of Stewart & Sox last Friday L HMon tany e was elected chairman pro tern, II Bry ant secretary, and W8 Thompson assistant secretary. The constitution and by-laws were read and adopted, the provision of which are too many fur present publica tion. Monthly meetings will be held the third Friday evening at the slnce of the secretary. The following directors were elected: It Bryant, W O Casselt, Geo E Chamberlain. Dr J P Wallace, W S Thompson, Geo Kesney, G W Hochsted ler, CH Stewart and FP Nutting. Aud itors elected: J L Cowan, E F Cox and E W Langdon. The board of directors will meet at the office of Hewitt, Bryant Sc Irvine on Monday evening and elect of ficers. Halsey Election. The city election of cfTirers under Halsey'snew charter came off Thursday, resulting as follows : F. S. Fields, Mayor. W.J. Stewart, Recorder. M. J. UcNeary, Marshal. , M. y. Koontz, Treasurer. Frank FrUbv, A Laubner. J R Bone, I! D Godtey, T P Patton, Fred Lame, Coun cllrnen. The new charter was adopted unani mously. Not Very Serious. About midnight Thursday a policeman was requested to go toihe house of Edward Robertson and ar rest Jas Pittsford, who was taking It by ttorm. Pittsford was arrested, placed in the caliboose, and afterwards discharged,as no one appeared against him. It aeems that he hat.1 been stopping there, and.golng home intoxicaleJ.was rather hilarious with his fUU, etc., or something to thst effect. Mr Pittsford will be remembered as one of Mr. Ad. Harmon's barkeepers at Rock Creek. 0. E. Sales. F M Redfield has pur chased of Jas Elklns eight acres of Isnd west of the Santiam ditch. Consldera tlon $1600. He Intends platting it and making an addition to ths city in time. Mrs II F MerrlP, has purchased two lots in hlkins' addition to the citv. Considera tion Slow. Al V P Nutting, same amount and price Numerous sales being conid-rcd and sales promi t hi lively In the future. A Charter. Albany now will have a charter of some utility. Tl.f cow ' will have to go, the city limits will be extended, taking in II 's 3d addition, a greater in debtedness will be allowed, small at that, and a greater taxed raised. Hons. R A Ir vine and K C Miller are entitled to the thanks of our citizens for piloting the same successfully through both houses. What For. The time is not far distant when there will be a necessity for the gov eminent to build and maintUn fortifications at the entrance to Yaqulna Bay. In two years time the terminus of a transcontln cntai railway win be within a mile ot the mouth of this harbor. ItrfubUcan. Getting strait! ot Samoa, are you. Entitled to the Best. All are entitled lo the bast thai their money wilt bay, so every family abonld have atanco a bottle of the beat family remedy, Hyrnpof Figs, to cleanse the sys tem when costive or billons. Far sale in 6O0. and f 1,00 bottloa by all leading drag gists. Struck Oil At $1.35 per 5 gallon can, best Standard coal oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.'t ttore. Burkhsrt ft ltayoe, job printers. We will sell yoa groceries cheaper than Rny one else. , . ; Bhowkrll k Stanakd. a mi. ... 1.1 . . coats. coats, a large ana nnetocit of which bas just been rsoeived at L. E. maw s, uau eany as tne over-costs navs began going : iT.Ewerfc, practical watchmaker and ;cr ei. Pitcher's Castorla. sssssssassssssssssj ' ; Thursday, Feb. 14th. A vote on reconslJe'iing the Portland water bill was taken up and It was lost. Harrington though In his turn, called up the tame bill, which had been Introduced simultaneously with the one in the Senate, and It was voted on and pa sed 37 to 19. It will pass the Senate ; but will there be time to wait far the veto and getlt through over his head this session Is the question. The bills to relocate raunty teats of Polk and Gilliam counties passed In the Senate. Numerous committee reports were pre sented and bids ordered engrossed. Coggs well's bill creating Hamilton Co. passed. Ir vine's bill amendinf Albanv charter nass- ed. Dawson's bill prohibiting kllllnir of Chinese pheasants between January 1st and July 1 cth was reported favorably on. was Indefinitely postponed. A tavorable reporjt wat made on Cauthorn's bill per. mlttiag construction of brldire at Corvallls. Cauthorn's bill providing for support ot Agricultural Coilece passed tha House Hatch's State Normal school bill fslled to fsss. Kill consolidating Portland, East 'ortland and Alblna passed. In the senate DImlck's fish commission bill passed ; also two salmon bills. .Daw son's bill establishing deaf mut) school wat lost at wat expected. It is not intended that this part of Oregon gets anything. Portland water bill was passed and taken to the governor, Northrup's pilotage bill passed. In the evening bills amend ing nearly every city charter In Oregon were passed. In the house Haskill't wsgon road bill failed to pass, A remarkable occurrence. uiundtll s weather bill passed; also Joint assessment bill : also Williamson's pastor age bill; also Chamberlain's reform school bill: also bill creatine Sherman count out of Wasco; also Ladd's school district bill. ISI I PI I I !! HA LEV. Saturday, Feb. 16. The survey for the extension of the street railway line to North Salem will be commenced at once and the construction of the line up Commercial street to North Salem will proceed soon. The soliciting committee for the woolen mill subsidy have succeeded in raising over S 10,000, half of the required amount. It is a big job to undertake to raise a bonu of jo,ooo. While the factory might be worth vastly more to the cttv, still there are many who object to proceeding In the manner. The end of the session is very near and It can al.-eady be seen that the product of the forty days' work will be the enactment of but very desirable laws. Ths greater questions win go over until another term, wane tne legion 01 minor appropriation bills and local measures will be disposed of. It is a pity the fUtteries. assessment and some few of the other Important ques tion could not be settled. A FINK PIANC The elegant piano used at the Heine concert last evening attracted great atten tion, not only on It appearance, but as well iu fine tone. Mr. Heine compliment ed it remarking that they had been able to play numbers, often omitted, on account of their having good piano. After the entertainment Mr. Heine voluntarily pre tented Mr. G L Blackman, the agent of the piano, with the following testimonial: Albany, Feb. 13, 1889. Mr. G. L. Blackman, Dear Sir : Having thoroughly exam ined the beautiful Sterling piano furnished 1 or use at our entertainment at the opera huute this evening, if affords me much pleasure to say that I consider it one of the best pianos upon which I have ever played. The purity of tone and excel lence of finish makes It, in my estimation, a superior instrument, not excelled by any of the best pianos In use in this country. Yours iruiy, Ada Heine. Heine Company. OB ITU AST. Dr. W B Magers, one ot Oregon's pio neer's, died at his home in SUyton, Feb, 10, 1889, having resided at that place only a few months, his fotmer home being In Salem. He was born in West Virginia In 1819, where he lived in his youth. When a young man he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he studied medicine, his life's pro fession. He was married In 1846 and In 1853 came to Oregon, where he has since resided, rrost of the time In Marlon coun ty. As a successful phvsidsn, earnest Christian and enthusiastic temperance worker, he is well known throughout the Willamette valley. He leaves a wife, children and many friends to mourn his loss. Amomr his children I Mrs. Mcr- man Thompson, of this city. Hle-wliU of M.rp. fr. Fliut'4 lHiud, for tbji man or wo iii'in wtio I'lidx himmtlf or hat self unablst to fclrn-p night, 1 an ltivalribl medicine, wliicli will uoiouly pr cur tbo tjNtlifr of iviMtp, but will provtit a K"'erl brok ing down of the system. Descriptive treatU wlMi twob. botila ; or, ad ires Laeit Drug Co., N. Y. GOLDEN KL'LK BAZAAR Cash Goes a Long Ways at Valine (jradwbsl'a I have made arrangements for baying goods direct from the factories in Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast, The following are some of my cash retail prices : - K dozen unhandled tea cups and saucers cts. H dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 eta. dozen handled coffee cups and saut cers, o cts. X dozen seven inch dinner plates, 4$ eta. These rood are all Iron stone China and not a cheaper arrade of eoods. I have also- added a pood stock of groceries, which I ask people to call and examine and judge for the nuelvcs r to qual and prices. . Tvlivs G rad worn CUBE FOR SICK'HEADACIIE. Tl nn nnt . mhomW for BtllOUmM. PtmclCS DTK tti taot, and a sura cur for sick haviaebs, ask Dr. oil'M ana eon, us vruffguna, or it. uouiu mi IHIls, try a doss, samples fit full box 86 cent, 1. ! . nn a A. si a W irn I in his msw discovery for Consumption, incn- 1 ded in Broluoi9i m medicine wbioh ijae- fcoowledged by all to be simply marvelous. b is exceedingly pleasant to tne tans, per 1 . .. . . . . . , . t . v feotlv barsaless. and does not sicken. - In all cses ot eases of Consumption. Cons hi. Colds Whoooins Coaeb. Croup- Bronchitis, and Pains m the Chest, it hsa given universal Misfaetiusi. Dr Bosankn's Coogh and Lnng; Syrup ts sold at 50 cents by Dr.Uuui ft son Lieutenant J. D. Jerrold Kelly of the U, S. Navy has written a highly Interest ing article en the subject of our navy.from which we make the following extract 1 For the new navy there are afloat, build ing, or authorized to be bullt,nlne armored and twenty-two unarmored vessels ; and these twenty-two are the direct produc tions of this administration. In the armor ed class are Included one tteel battle ship, the Texat two tteel cruisers, tbe Maine, and one yet unnamed ; five Iron monitors, the Puritan, Terror, Mlantonomoh, Am phltrlte and Monadnock j and one tteel coast defender of the latest type. In the unarmored class, all steel, are eleyen pro tected cruisers the Boston, Atlanta, Chi cago, Charleston, Baltimore, Newark, Phil adelphia, San Francisco, and three others yet unnamed ; five cruisers the Concord, Bennington, and three others ; two gun boats the Yorktown and Petrel one practice cruiser, one despatch vessel, the Dolphin, one dynamite cruiser, the Vesu vius, and one first-class torpedo beat. ; , The Texas, for example, Is a battle ship of 6300 tons displacement at a mean draught of 31 feet 5 Inches. A belt of 13 Inch tteel armor extends along the water tine In the wake of the englnes,b6llers,and msgszines, and Is joined at each end by a transverse V-shaped bulkhead sis Inches thick. An armored redoubt runt diag onally acrost the ma!n-deck,enctos!ng the batjt ot two turrett which are placed on opposite sides, the port one forward, the starboard aft ; the redoubt,turrett and con ning tower are protected by tteel armor twelve Inchet thick. Throughout the ship extends a thick protective deck of steel. The main battery contistt of two 13-lnch breech-loading rifles, one In each turret, and of six 6-Inch breech-loading rifles ; there Is a powerful secondary bat tery of rapid fire and machine guns, and four torpedo launching tubes. Two triple expansion engines drive twin screws, and are expected to develop, with forced draft 8000 horse-power and a speed of 17 knots ; the total coal capacity, 9soton,wlll give a coal endurance of 8591 miles at 10 knots Some discrepancies have been discovered between the original plans and the work ing drawings submitted by Mr. John, her deslgner,and it ft proposed to make definite changes. The armored cruiser building at the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, displaces 664S ton at il feet S inches mean draught. A steel armor belt eleven Inches thick at the water line and 180 feet long covert the vitals, Its ends being joined by a transverse bulkhead six inches thick. As In the Tex as, a protective deck covers the whole ship, curving forward Into a ram and dipping aft to protect the steering gear. The arma ment consists of four 10-inch breech load - Ing rifles, pair mounted in the echeloned turrets ; of six 6-inch breech loading rifles, and of a powerful secondary battery, and seven torpedo tubes. The total coal capa city is 8S3 tons, and the vertical triple ex pansion engines wilt drive twin screws and deyelop 8750 horse power and 17 knots. At 10 knots the coal endurance will be 7000 miles. The Puritan If of 6oo tons,and the other monitors of 3S15 tons displacement ; the former has upon the tldet 13 Inchcs.the latter 7, and all carry n) Indies on the turrets ; this armor Is compound iron steel faced. Each vessel will carry two to Inch breech loading rifles in each turret and good secondary batteries. The new coast defence ship Is of 4000 tons displace ment, has 16 inchet of tteel armor on her sides and turveta.and 14 Inches on the bar bettes. I Ier armament is composed of one 16-inch and one 1 3-Inch breech loading 15 Inch dynamite gup.and a secon dary bsttery.whlch include sis 33-pounder rapid fire guns. . The unarmored class tnsy be roughly divided into tour classes: 1st, the protected cruisers; 3d, the cruisers; 3d,th gnn-boatt; 4th, the auxikar ie this last embracing the dynamite cruiser despatch vessel. , and torpedo-boat. The Chicaco. Boston, and Atlanta are already wel known, for, with the Dolphin, they were tb - c outcomes of the report made by the first Ad. visory Board in t88l. They were authorized in 1883, and to far at tested have proved them selves notable additions to our fleet. .They are fast, well-armed, and efficient. In 1S87 th Charleston, Baltimore, and Newark were laid down, and their performances are awaited with keen interest. So far ss intelligent direction an go, they ought to be unsurpassed by any ther ships in the world. The Charleston.lately J launched at San Francisco, is a reproduction of the Japanese Nani-wa-kan, which realized greater speed over the measured mile thsn eve before attained by any craft of her sue or class She is a central superstructured ship of 3700 tons displacement, and is expected to develop 7530 horse-power end 19 knots. Her arm ment consists of two 8-inch breech loading rifles disposed one forward and one aft on the longitu dinal midship line; of six 6-inch breech-loading rifles in broadside, and of a fine secondary bat. tery, and four torpedo tubes. She hat coa protection, minute subdivision below, and a stout protective deck- The Balt more is a high freeboarded vessel, with a long forcastle and poop-deck, and is protected like the Chsrleston The armament U composed of four 8 inch breech loading rifles, mounted, on either side of the poop and forecastle; of six 6-inch breech-loading rifles on broadside and of a secondary battery, and five above water torpedo -discharge tubes. She is of 4400 tons displacement, and her hori zontal triple expansion engines are expected to develop 10,750 horse-power and 17 knots. The Newark's battery consists of twelve 6-mch breech-loading rifles, mounted on the spar-deck and so disposed that direct bow and stern fire iis obtained from four guns, and beam fire from sra guns. The engines are expected to develop $500 horse-power and 1 9 knots. The Philadel jjhia resembles the Baltimore, the Ssn Frands ce tbe Charleston, though both the later ships- have their batteries better disposed, and are ffuaraiiteed. under penalty, to make 19 knots. Txe Yorktown. liennington, ana ioncoro are ackof 1700 tons, and will mount six 6-inch tvoK the Petrel is & smaller example 01 tne same class; the Vesuvius is tne aynamiie cruiser whica ha&iust exceeded 20 knots; and the tor pede4at is estimated to make 33 knots. The three stew cruisers were authorized in Septem ber, tS88, and have not yet been designed. Such, briefly, is the New Navy, and it is a tiaspie matter of justice to confess that the creditef its creation is primarily due, not to congress, which has acted most liberally in ap Timnrijitjons. nor to nress. nor to the public, W -to tie administratian of President Cleve land. ' " ' ii n I have bought the largest and best stock of DBY GOODS ever brought to Albany, nvite every one to call stock. DON'T FORGET - -.,.'-......-, we carry a full line of 0. M, Henderson & Oo's BOOTS AND SHOES The Bed School House Shoes are the best in the world. - -- BTjrxT CM. I1ENDEUSON&COS IS'-n fQZ,TZr -7?5. BLEBBaTf 0 BOOTS S IH0E8 -- " " -' s. ...j ,ook out for in the next The Leading ash -Ultrl. rj irTSSl AriY oriE I CAU DYE A Dress, or a Coat, " Any Color Ribbons, Feathers, FOr Yarns, Rags, etc ) ten cents .-. ASVR ssnnev. and malt thinn look Uks HEW, by DIAMONO DYES. Tha work b caay, aimpla, .uic T colon tha BEST d FASTEST known. AJt far DIAMOND DYES and take bo other. For Gilding or Bronrlng Fancy Articles USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Qold. BUvsr. Breoss, Copper. Only 10 Cents. Bnbv Portraits tvwa is nf taantiful baby tto- lift, printed on u&S . . .Wn r v- .. v . an by Horn wimra a r Mother wants u Tt-vorr Mother wants pictures ; send at once. bhva bum and aire Give WELLS, RICHARDSON 4 CO., FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works, . And Manufacturers of CIOICB COeMIOSEET, : We are aw prepared to Mil at whob amK alwayn fresh and pure at ForUvnd wtoM to dsalera- We also keep a full iiasof gists and Tropical Fruits,: - CIGARS AND TOBACCO ; H. J. VnwMM. Pres. B. 8. Coot, B e, O. B. Uoosss Troas 8. Fasaaa, Vim rra. Kawn.ftf. .. JKJ, . rAMnNO) . (xOVES Jg Ik TheOraon'Land Company GrruiixcKl for tk. parpoiw of bayloV and. selling- uu..tkTwilliiintt VaUe In all of UaduVf wMPi of th. UniUxl State. - Kmptoyuif Eaatern aganU ts direct horn, sesksrs to ths W illam ttaValiev. and horns agvntata all tha principal Smtd ol Marian, Folk, Uun, Banton, waoaamas an vJL.kiu .n.i ts .U in inoatinv Immiirrants. fvHM In tha Tata Building- on door west of Staw - MASoa's. .J... and I would respectfully and look through my Bargains 30 dayr. Dry Goods Store. 7 1 W,,AU S i Cleanse the System wita tntx tnoes rename medicine Fatae's Celery Compound. It purifies tne blood, cures OonitlpsUon, and regulates tne liver and ksSneys,etrectu cleans lng the system of all waste and dead matters.. Paine'c Celery Compound combines true nerve tonle and Btrenstuing Qualities, reviving i&e energies auu spiriio. I have been tronbled for some years with a complication of difficulties. Alter trying- va rtous remediesVand not nndlny relief. I tried Fame's Celery Compound, before taklnjr one full bottle the Ions; troublesome symptoms be- Sn to subside, and I can truly say now, that I . il like a new man. Digestion ban Improved, and I have gained ten pounds to wrlfrht since I nave commenced Uton(rtheComr'aiid.'' . . Uombstds 6TBasMS, Felchvule, vt. ! $1.00. SlxtortAOu. AtDrurslsta. Wbxs, Rxcbabdbom Co., UurUnytoa. Vt. C. J, DILLON & CO., - DEA.LSRSJIS v LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ET(J, General Jol) Work, Dressing ana I DO I k it - I WOW I Sawing Lumber. Espairing, ."ItC Etc MANUFACTURE ALL MDSOE FURNITURE. ' Special advantage to purchasers ot rustio floorings Factory at foot : of Iyon Street. resl tha