OVERUM) TO CMJFOWA, nVIA- Houtliarn Paciasj Coapwj's Line. THE MOUNT SH.VSTA ROUTE. Ti a Btraa Albvr au.1 rrinolaei, as aour OlUIOMU IIPUM tl.tlta Rl'S S4U.S IiIwni rrllaa4 aa ranelc. Son too r. I Lr SUra I L 1:44 a Ar Worth ArllOtS AM Lr a 5 a L 1:00 f IMrUanJ Albany Pan riaiiolno aiAi,rAaxTii daiut liKwopt Momuy). 4 a I L PortUna tt:40raL Albany 1:40 f I Ar fcuiren Ar 11:46 a Lv I u;sa a a bOQJkh SAMM4 TSMIC BIM, (X0W USBaT.) ra I I Alknjr labium A.tnny LeHatio't Ar SO a a Lt : a ar 5ra L :Oo r a toi r a I Ar l;h)ra Lv l4ra I Ar PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars far Aa a ! SMI I""" gars, atleefceaUe Ktreaa Trala. - 1 t . . . ..k.nkinullill M, .lH all th rulTlrWn. en tht CaeS S.J Dttelo tram h of r street, -rwauu. Wee eWvlslea. UtWIII rTtlS AS CtVALU Mali. tbai Salt f (Kaiept aunday.) nV, , I Ar Cacvsiua b I ' 80 r nnw w aw 4n. (Kaejpt Sunday. 4:W r a I L PortlAud Ar 00 4 a too , a Ar MeMianelll -V I Through. TioUotH T all potuU BOTTTH EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. f all hdoranUMt reerJInf rales, ms.., T1IE YAQUINA UOUTE. Orajon Pacific Railroad, -or Development Company' Steam ahlp Uo. 25 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other rout. Flrst-claa through passenger and freight line frooi Portland and all palnta So the Wlllemeua Valley to and from Kan Fraaeiaco, van. Wfllaastta BIybp Lina of StBimers. .... tj itt . t itm ti Tha N. S. Bent- ' a "The 'hiew Slaters "are to earTtur for Uh paaBengar aod freight tralilo be- mediate) point, leaving Oompany'r hrr, Oorvallia, and Mmm. Huiman U i wharf. Noa. 200 and 204 Front 8t., Poit- 4U12 .arv hum sokiru boLNt. 4,.. i f - A.a.-r. a. ' Aa a A, Mt, Amnr-"i 'i fAAfclc. fJ"i ii auofi Al a, m iffin A IWTAilUAt AJ p. as trlin tralna of th Oregon fa:lao rUtlroad TIM -.'aUuK. (we uoUyA) t i ik.rf I'ftl m f mm Vini n& B:1S A.B 1MB W Aivw;, - I Un Ur'llit, :J r. a. ILmta CoryAllw.ltMA A.. n .tit.trAlaimaatA at AlbAav and Oor aJ lis. Tne above train oouueclat VAqaiai wilh th Otofta Uaveiopmtni Yaqulua an I tta rrn:i-x-. . r rAciAJ-i. WiilaLLA Tailor. ThurA Ds. :! Wd. Uec lii ilItaMUA Vlly, Ma. ljo.m:i Hx !. tttli XUUomUa VAUay, sua. uaj. ana. The Gnipaay '..rre he rUht to onaoi?e eAiuug uakm wtiaoui. um.ii.-v. N. a. FAtieni'ara fr..n Pjr.Unu and VllUtnaue Va ley point' cm mike nloM eonnecU.n with the trAia of the Yaquina roata at Atbtny or CorrallU. aud lt uei Uoi toim Ff4ti Jii uild Arra?a to Arrive at YAquiu t eveiitu tHr.r. tuu Of aallio. 'iHMtiir aa4 P.elat BaU alwaya i UwtU. rorioluriatUi AyloO t '.urt, Fraurht an4 rtekat Aaol. Altaic, HCIl it , Q. V. h t. A Oro 0aUpot C., H'mljmrnry ii..i. r. nip .mv roi Io K a J-. C.irrtllii 0, K. I aim Sho House and Carriage; Painters. . Decorators and Paper Hangers'. Piano Varnishing. . Al! w rk giuranteeJ. VASSALLO & niOMPSOS. (S'lec-saori to Ht-nry Keeeeaa.) 0. R. fl. BLACitBURrJ, Abtoraoy at Law !,; 1 1 F-dl-iV, :Vnple, VLBAHf, - - - OHECQN. D3.CVATS9?Jf.1AST0!l PhysicU i ail Sirjeon. fl,' iipp xit the ra:n frn' "Jim WcslliiH," CHINESE MKHCHANT. Full line of Ct,li't e jfo da of all kinds on hand. Alvrt full l!ne of OUKIUH PaCIFiC tOJiTBiC103, lor ihl aet-tion. Iaborers fiirniHhed on abort notlr-o fo any parpoae. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, TCMMEN AND FARMERS A T) t iiereby tfriirv i Dr. 1. K. Woodla hat iit'.e4f ilir m' ri'.l on my ridtrling horse, HA0 IlAYi. For furthair r.f-r-ti- n rMifr l o rldtf- tr-n, lbitnon : John Hardman, Alfred Wolvwrton. Aliianv ; Sra Hninfa, Hclo, Wm Ko-H-r, Prin.vbl f pra-tiiM veter inary me licin in Albt'iv mi I e nntry anrronndintr. lf'i-e and reldi.nce corner Ot.h and W,l,lncton Sts. . I. N WOOl'LF, Vatfi'r.ary Surgeon. Of.. W H. DAVJ3, Piiyaicia and Surgacn. ar fflki 110 Hf'r In "'IrAhan'a Block. May to found at hlx oiGoa day an I ulgbt. N DH.sJ.Le HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offloo oor, Firat and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON. Absolutely Pure. Thle powcUr nover varies. A marve of mm v. BlrnirUl and wholenoumnwa. More economical iimu me ornmary amui and raunot be eald in couapotiuon witu multitude of low tett. holt wniRht alum or p'tinphte powder. Hold only In can novel iiKinn i-owucr v-o, no wan m. N, Y. 1, W. Chowlkt A Co.. Apwiitw. l'ortiami, ircn'n The BUYERS' OXJIDE la iauod Idarch and Bopt., each year. It 1 an cucy. olopedia of nRoful iufor. matlon fo nil who pur. chaae the luzuriea or tho neoeaattiea of life. Wo ean clothe you and lurniAh you with all tho neoeasory and unnoooawary appliances to ride, walk, danco, rloop, eat, flah. hunt, work, go to church, or atay at homo, and in various cisea, atyloa and Quantltioa. Junt flsuro out what 1 required to do all tho.o thines C0IRF0RT1BLT. and yon ean mako a fAir xtintAte of the value of the BU YEitU' OUIDB. whloh will be aent upon receipt of 10 eenta to pay poatnRe, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. XU-114. Michigan Avonue, Cbioago, 111. PIANOS. ThoAe wUhln a flrtela Instrument should call at Mr, B. E, Hymau'a and ace one of those Ce'.eorated lleiume A Lonir plaoooa. excei.ent rich tone. K Deelaliv made and adai ed to eUud ttie rtlimate on the laelflo Coaat, Every piano fully guaiantoad for 5 year. "I lie uiei abeot-tuniito for aalo, Mulo and palutlna leaaoaa given there. Alao t'ie placo to gn voor new SewiaK Machine. Fancy work and drees makius dona to order. Fl:at door east of Young's old eland, Albany Oregon- PATENTS huioed, And all otbar baslnaa in the U. eioo att.nleUvd W tor iKlvrm.a leaa. S. PaIcb Our vlh-a la iiioail the t'. 8. I'sUnt OlBc. and va can oluln i'.iaula teas Urn thsu Ihuae retnuta runi WMhuifftua. I"nd nolle ordrln. We A.'- to ratont shilitT free ol charge ;aul tciuh. o cltu' unlmn Sfeobuun pAtenb We retrr here, U the FmUusator, tlie Hii(. vt Mnitcy Onler liv. Audio oiIIUaJs ottlist'. K I'lUnl Otlloe. r'orclnular, alvir, tencs, anl a!-rmcee osctaaj clients la yuuruvn UUl nrouunty, sdilnaa C. A. SXOW tl CO., Ot'poeite rstent OlCoe, Wh'.uton. l . CCrrra 6,000,000 ' U!lu ,hL? of tM lArgaat Ferris Seeds fjr-. i. m fffhv a rn em 'VxLLu'jt it ittdunz.i ,a .: r. .- . -" fiuJm, W ' fsmrr H4a la exlfkucs. 1 tMi ,1 AWra O.U.FERR7 & CO., Detroit, ta'eh. SAM MAY. S. fctNDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Ibfcnanaiss. HARRISBURC - - - - OHECOH Will bay drain, lTool and all kinds Procccc The treatment of many thousands of ciu ot tnoa. enronio weakneasee and- Ulstrcaslrur - allmenta peculiar to females, at the lnvalidr : Hotel and HurlcaJ Institute, Buffalo, N. Y ! baa afford od a vant experience In uicoly adapt ing and thoroughly testing re rn edit for the cure of woman's p-'oullar uialn'lk-a. Ir. IMere.'e Aarorlle freacrlptfon 1 the outgrowth, or reoult, of tbla great and . valuable experience. Thousand of tcstlnio BlaJa. received from patlt-nU and from physl 1 ciana who have tted It la the more BKra- -1 . i. , ..1. 1 . .., M vated and obetinate caaea which had LiiiHcd their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of eufferlna; women, lt ia not tecum mended as a "cure-ad," but a a most perfect bpc-ciilo for woman's peculiar allmenta. Am m powerfal. Invlaroratlns; fonle. tt Imparte atrenirtn to the wholo eystem, and to the womb and lie appendujfe. In particular. For overworked, 'worn-out," "run-down," debilitated teacher, milliners, dreasmaker. svamatreasc, "shop-Kirls," bou&o. keepera. nurainr mothers, and feeble women eneraily. Dr. PWeo' lavorite Preacripllon Is the irreateat earthly boon, being- unejual-d a ao appetizing cordial and restorative tonic As av aootulua- and atrengtbeniiiar nervine. "Favorite PreacTiiitiou " ia u-io. aualed and I invaluable in alutylns; and ub-uiDg- nerrou excitability, irriubllity, ex bauatlon, prostration, hysteria, simsnn and other distressing, nervous eymptom com monly attendant upon functional and orjranlo diseaae of the womb. It Induce refreshing sleep and relieve mental anxiety and de spondency. . Dr. Vleree'a ravorlte Preeerlptlon la a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman' delicate organization. It ia purely vegetable in it composition and perfectly harmleo la It effect In any condition of the system. For moraine; sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arisina-, weak atomach. Indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred symptoms, it use. In (mall dosea, will prove very beneficial. Mtavorlte Prescription' lea posi tive core for tha most complicated and ob stinate case of leucorrbea, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or fallinr of the womb, weak back, "female weakness," antoveiuion, retroversion, bee. ring-down sensations, chronio congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, In flammation, pain and tenderness In ovaries, accompanied with internal heat." .As a regulator and promoter of tunc- tlonal action, at that crltlcul period of Chans. from girlhood to womanhood. " 1'avnrlta Pr. lie f .1 aire aenpuoa a periectiy saro remedial font. and can vroduce only pood results. It J equally emeaolous and valuable in its tlfnrt. when taken for those disorders and derange ment incident to that litter and most critical period, known as "The Change of Life." "favorite Preeerlptlon," when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative dose of Dr. Pierce' Purgntlve Pellet (Little Liver Mia), cure Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases. Thoir combined use also removes blood taints, and abolUbes cancerous and Scrofulous humors from the system. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by dnifirglgtj!, under at positive guarantee, from the manu facturers, that It wiil givo satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. Thl guaran tee has been printed on tho bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Larara bottlra nm druuwii ai.m. .1 bottle, for 5.0d. ' ' For large, illustrated Treatise on Disease of lmgea, papor-coverea;, aend ten cent la stamps. Address, tW Dispsssary Medical Association, 603 Plain St, BCXFAXO, N.. (SV'&RRVfV V M Vraav AC ic v . aaaaBaaaBaBaaaaSAaaaaaaAaBasaaaasaBtaBB , IlC DciUOtt'flt. fEI0UL piPEE. TKSlfKKANCR t'OI.DMN. r.dtlr.1 by Allimy W. 0 T. U It let to be hoped Hint the clii lmlan of iMbany w ill join heartily In the crvlce conducted bv Ma, Hilton. Let u come together with one accord, asking an out- iiouilni; of 'ho xnlrlt upon our people, and an awakening upon the (uhject of morality and temperance. That drunkcnnc and llcculloiinicn I increasing In Albany can not be doubted. Our population U Increii- ng rapklly, and we have In the increase a clau very little known In our city hereto fore . The Influence of thU clai U demor. Bluing in the extreme, ard it now become the duty cfevcrv nence-lovlna. law and order chUen to tet hU face oulnt thU IawIone. Albany ha heretofore eniov ed the enviable reputation of being one of the most moral towns In the Mate. Let there be no retro'radln, but on advance In thU matter. Old 'Stormy" Joidan, of Ottumawa, la., haa at last given up hU fight agalnvt the prohibitory laws, nya the Chicago Tubmtt, and hU famous saloon under- the Union Depot w 111 be closed. 'Stormy" has sign ed nn agreement never again to ue or to sell Intoxicating liquor In Iowa. He will shake the dust of the llawkeyo State from his feet and seek other field for hi pecti liar talent. For over a quarter of a ccn turv he has been engaged In the saloon Dullness In Uttumwa. A score of years ago he opened hi "RoaJ to Hell" under the Union Depot. Travelers who had oc cation to top at Ottumwa have been con slderably atcMrhmcd ti ee oyer the stair way lending down Into die basement In big letters a hand pointing the wsy a sign semctlng like the following : ! tf KOAIl TO IIKLI.. : It was the guldcboard to "Stormy Jor dan s place of business. But now he has had to give un the fight He has battled against prohibition tooth and null. Fines ar.d lull sentences have not dismayed him until of late. Governor Iirrabee haa suc cessfully negotiated with the stubborn old saloon-keeper and he ha signed the pledge outlined above, and Iowa will lose one of her mot unique character. A bill to submit a i'rohlbhory AmenJ. mcnl to tlie vole of the people of Nebraska passed the Senate by a vole of 21 to 11. 11 me bill passes tho Mouse, the Amend ment wl.l be put to a vote la November. P TRADE MARK Acute Torture Cured. T DOCTORS. "Taa la Tark Kara lag JaanAl" asys: "Hn. F. O. XaUac. SS gas ttk atretS, lay Sir savaa asys la aaan'tlaai. SSe eatplaraa the beet BaAl (Al skill, bet aw esae 1 BOTTLE. "ar SaaU vashMhe Sar At say lla. grary Uhtg iadarsad by Oa ksAlag aksrsisalsts was aria, aaUl her esae wsa givea st a aisilua. At Saat, raaais e( the aaslufsl esras eralta to the ass ef the eela- era. Oae ekytlclAa after Aaetksr sa tscsc sa aiacaArga. aatU sevea US-nut 4aeter Bad trie to ewe ar fcalp her aad Called. She saast Smt wtahA At A asllh tin, bat bar esse re aulaa A BreMaa which easia aet be aalre. Bar baSy was la A ralysed brstad 1 3saea OU. Settle aa a last base. hAbefaa to Issareee area the tUee the Ores ApeUaAUea was ajeSe. By the eaatlaae ase af thU Srest KaaMSy, htrs. XU( has CMsyleUly ITS CUES AM WITHOtrr BCLAMS; WTTIOUT gXToaa or ram. Sold bit DrwrjMt and Ifw'rrt F.nruuhert. THE CHARLES A. VOCE LEI CO.. Bamawr.Ma. Administrator's Nrtice. Notice ia hereby given that the indersign ed has this day Iteeii duly apei-teiil Ad miniatrator f the estate tf John fi. Witiiama, di-cased, by tha Cnno'-v Coeft f Liou e.ao- ty, Oregon. All pora-aa having rlaims aginac said csIaU are hereby muitieil t preeeor. th'rm properly ventied, la tn- Administrator at Aiosoy, vr.'on, wi'Jiiii ais moii'ns frnm hie dale. . T .is the 15.li day 0'. January, IS.H9. It. K. Willi a sw. J K. VgATiiERyohO Administrator. Alt'y fur Adm'r. '- v7he I aay Cttks I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and tiien have them re turn again. 1 MBAM A KAD1CA1, CL'IUL - l,feare made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY ov TALLJUQ SICKNESS, A llfe-lona; study. I wARRAirr my remedy to Curs the worst cases. Itecauae other hav failed is no reason for not now receiving acure. ' bend at once for a treatise and a Fas bottlst of my Invaixibls) Hbmkdt. Give Kxprese and Post onice. It costs yon nothing for s trial, and lt wul cure you. Address H.C.ROOT.M.C lUPEAatSrRCWYoiC 3 mm bojccs. TJ-IaO-RISX,---- A'.JUI OR: Hoses a SrcciAtTr. ' ( n tery lota Ranted end attended Estray, Notice, Tk it up by the undersigned j One tart iirl i.llH aUMr.thre) year oM, maika e l w i ll an nndr ha'f crop In oiMiur ear. No irind ShUI !eor came to my larm ihrMjHiileMS W. of Irownivdlo n tha 3 iili -Uy of"U.o I8SS. ItOBr. C. II tern KL. Iirowtisviiie, )r. WILL BROS, I), ,'-rSri ttit'inl i",m,1 uprovml pjanos Orii; , Hin MhlnM, Oun. Also a fun lin 1 of wvrvite I lUz'ira, Butoher an! riwwt K'nlvn. Tin beit kind of mwlo niidiiot oil, n3edles and extras, for ail mwiiines. Ail. .v; vring . neatly an.l r,ifotiably dona. J . K. WEATHERF0RD, (NOTABY PUBLIC,) " ; iTTOHNEY. AT LAW, . ALII ANY, OUEGOX. Ttril.L FltACTfCE IN ALL THE COURTS OF 1W V f biate. ypeoial attention given to oollectiun1 Children Cry for; TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Bravo Man. (t. Madrid, Feb. 8. A fire occurred last night in the military hospital. The 430 patients In the building became panic stricken. Many were unable to help them selves, and the nurse and doctors devottd themselves to the task of removing them from the burnlne structure. '1 he govern or of Madrid hurried to the scene.and car ried several men suffering from contagious diseases to the barrack. One wing of the hospital was destroyed. No deaths occur- ed. Terrible Tragedy. OLYMPiA.W. T., Feb. 8.A terrible trage. dy took place yesterday at Shelton, Mason county, by which three persons tost their lives, 1 I ... - .1. ...ft! ..! ... !..!. T . nu prouauiy a luunn win uie io-iuiu, 11 mm. that Joseph ISonleaux, who only la'ciy arnveu in this territory from Canada, tocethcr with his wife and two children, were poisoned ly eating California cahhace for their dinner. Dor deaux and the two children are dead. and anoth er child will urobablv die to-nlirht. and Mrs, llordcaux only saved rmr life by drinking freely 01 branny, which caused vomiting, une cnuu who did nut partake of the vegetable, was saved A Ulrb Strike. (Jold llii.l.,leb. 8 Enoch Kotanand lack Morns, prospectors, struck a rick quartz vein three feet in width, in the old 1 Hack well min ing district yesterday, from which they extract ed sixty-cieht ounces of cold in a few minutes, At a dentil of nine feet the cold 1 in leal, like letter paper, and is in layers in the seam of the quart., and is believed to be permanent A Kidnapped Child. Ciiicaco, Feb. 8. Little 6 year old Annie Redmond, who was kidnapped nearly a year ago, and for whom a search was made nearly paral leliug that of the lost Charlie Koxx, was return ed to her home this evening, by singular c'-iance The strangest feature of the case is that the child has never been outside of the cityi was at one time, sines thekidnapplng,a subject of court proceedings, and lor two months pat has ieen u a puuuc institution. tiulrkrwtTripOa llarord. San FKANC!sco,Fcb. 8. The brlgConsuclo which arrived here to-di y from Kahului, I fa waiian Ulands, made the quickest trip on re cord. Mie kit here January 8 anil arrived here to-day, making the round trip in just a month Dueling In Pari, I'AkH, Kcl. 8. ,ngry at the personal and sarcastic article in the OUJliu, the poctCatule challenged the writer, I IUanche, The two fought with sword,and le Ulanche wis wound ed twice on the upper lip. No Cat bate. Helena, Mont,, Feb. 8. The three or four hundred Montanian who comlemptate going to Washington to witness the inauguration ol President elect Harrison are- astonttlicd over the announcement that the railroads will not sell cut rate tickets for this occasion. A Chlaeae Fight. Helena, M. T., Feb. 8. At lliUUpahurg last night George Opp, a deputy sheriff, accotn- panie-i by F. K. Fredgill, rallied the store of Ilim Ijk, a Chinamen, in search of opium fiends. The store wss first entered by Fredgill with a drawn putol, arousing the Chinese to anger. o warrant having been Issued, I Hey reauted Fredgill with knives. I le otened foe on them, when Opp entered and fired into the crowd. Tom To was shut in the head and died instantly, Him Lee in the thigh, and All I-ce in the right leg, Mrs. Mir rid a. asiiisoton, rcb. 7. -ihe senate torn- nattee on military affairs lo-ilay ordeted a favor able rqwrt ujon the projMMiiiun to present Mr Irene Kucker Slictidan with f 50,0110 in token of the country's appreciation of the service rcn dcred -y her husljand, Ocneral 13ul II. .Shen- dan. 1 his 1 to lie urged in lieu ol a pensmn. A Hlx Uegalta. Victoria,1J. C, Feb. 7. Mayor Grant tdc graphed Oarsman 1 lamm at Oakland this after nuuo that irtutia 1 prepared to complete ar rangements for bringing O'Connor, Gsudaur, I-er, Peterson and I lamm to Victoria to take part in a reg&tta May zaih. It t fully expected that 1 unian wiu also be present. Ita re Thlaga llere Walla Walla, W. T., Feb. 7. last Ll Charley Tieman, of Lewiston, was bitten by dog while on "Craig' mountain, and was ill short time afterward. Saturday hyprophobia devcktjie-i, ana be died in awiui agony. Wonld Cover Una Co. San Vmx, Feb. 7. A firat mortgage tiy $5,150,000 was filed hereto-day by represents live of the Mercantile Trust Company of New York on the rights, franchise and proiierty of the San Diego, Cucamrmga & Eastern Railway Company, lt provides that bonds shall be issued in denominations of f 500 and Slooocach, interest at b per cent payable semi-annually, tailed Bark. Washington, Feb. 7. Harold M. ScwaU consul general to the Samoan Islands, has re ceived a notification from the state department that has resignation would lie acceptable, on the ground that his views were not in harmony wun tnoseol the administration. A Prominent Man W alla Walla, Feb. 7. This afternoon. about 1:30, Hon. I'hilip kits died at hi liome south of this city. For about ten days he ha lain in a comatose condition, the direct result of an attack of paralysis on the right side, which was s-irperaeded by acute heart trouble of some six mnths duration. He died surrounded by hi I imily and tntimate ricnds.tcemingly con scioas, yet unable to makes sign. A BlzSnlt. Tacoma, Feb. 6, Suit has been lgun by W. 11. Wilton, at administrator of the cvnte William It. Vilton, deceased, og.iinst K. R Rogers and the executors of the Ir.te Willian McCaw, fr 160 acres of land in Tacoma. Wil ion, says ne u a son 01 v. ii. wnton, by nn Indian woman, to whom the latter was legally married, ond that the land is community pro peny, to whicn he ti entitled as heir at ia Rogers & McCalie held tiossessina under sheriffs deed, obtained in a suit for foreclosure of a mortgage, and had sold a smalt part before suit was commenced. Alter suit was commen ced the money paid, amounting to over S4000, had to be refunded to the purchaser, Defend ants claim perfect title, and say they will fight th? case to the bitter end, -a the property worth over 8250,000. Woald Like One. San Francisco, Feb. 6. A unique annual pass has been received by General Agent Rank of the local office of the Denver & Rio Grande, 1 he pass was issued by the Silverton Railroad Company, of Colorado, and is of solid silver, taken irom tne mines 01 the railroad. In one corner is engraved a representation of o railroad track with trains upon it, while the lettering, together with Rank's name, is handsomely chased. - ' An tcarthis:ike. San Bernardino, Feb. 6. A severe earth quake schock occurred to-night at 9:20, the vir- brations being from north to south. Brick mocks rocked perceptibly, but no damage was done. FOIt PILES. Horatio' 1'ilet ae ki v 1 b uiiU'.j-j llkj v iou produeinr ayery dli igreoahle itching after . ing warm. This tjt t si well as Blind, lileed'.Pg ' ' nrolroulng Flle , Aid At onoe to the application Dr. ll.wAiikos Hi rernwiy, w.iloh sate directly the psta ,tted. Absorbing the tunun, allaying intense ite ting end effecting a permsiiet eitre eents. Attdres The Dr Uoauiks V"4xlne Co., f O. bold by Or, Cntss and Hon. A Pleaaine Sense ' ' Of health and strength renewed and of eaae and comlwt follows the me of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in Harmony with nature to tUee- tually clH,rjsu the system when costive 0 teliou. For sale in fiOe, and tl bottle by all lesdiug drucgUt. :,. . ' . .. SPien Baby waa sick, we gave her Castoria, TS"hen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, ' , 'XTken she became Miss, she clung to Castorta, "Slten she had Children, ahe gave them Castoria. ' i Pitcher's Castoria. COUNTY COUItT TKOCEEDINGS. I R. ti. Illackldirn. Juilara It. W. Cnn,rsndO. , W. l'UUliiw, Uuiamlsslunnrs,) , : The reports of the following roaJ Super. visors were approved and claims allowed 1 ohn Sommcrvlllr, No 43... .,....,$ 6.00 O Powell, No 18 as 00 E U Spink, No 44 10.00 The following SupervNors resigned and resignations accepted 1 It Ittfthop Dist 4 J and Noble Benson tip- nolnted. U U Tackson VM 34 nu aamuci I'ow annolnled. r Krelg Uist 39 and tjco jvium appoint ed. Robert Glass Dlst 3' d E N McCaw appointed. l'cler Hicnner Dist 4 and II Anderson appointed. Leonard Tyccr Ulst 33 ana wm pperi Ing appointed. ' G F Diukhart Dist 19 and John Smith appointed. FMMalone VM 2j ond ft v uarr ap pointed. U V Colbert Hint 30 and uiiver unesney appointed. John Sommcrvllle was appointed Super visor of DUt 41. T L DuRuer Dlst 18, and John Grimes Dlt 44. , E E T Fisher, Sup. DUt. 1 3 resigned nnd L C Stratton appointed. Ellis Knox Bup. Dlst. 14 resigned and Henry gtellmaker appointed. 11 Martin was appointed to a scholarship in the State Agricultural College, Appllca'.lon for bridge across Muddy creek continued. Application of Mary M Bassctt for re bate of taxek disallowed. Fees for drawing juty list in East Albany precinct allowed. Application of W II Shepherd and other for county road referred to E T T Fisher, l ho f roman ar.d u r ry, jr., a viewers, Application of Thos Brandon for change In road referred to Thos Froman, O Fry, jr., and E T T risher a viewers. Application of V W Rowland for coun ty road referred to E E T Fisher, Thomas I roinan and O try, Jr. as viewers. License granted to Venters to run a ferry on IN banilatn. The following claims were allowed J Dubruille, leather case for As. scisor...,. s a an t oshay Ac Mason, sundries lor court House and jail 30.17 amcs II Kecncy, aid l'rice family December and January ,. 30.00 ohn J Davis, keeping county poor for lanuarv.. 6240 N II Allen, electric lights . as- . 83-33 It farewell, salary L M Luri, salary . 5 . 500 K h Montague, postage stamp. K K Montague, Clerk fee .101.25 liurkhart fi Koyce, blank paper.,.. KantxA: Davis, sawing wood Wolverton St Irvine, Att'ys fees.... . 13.90 . 13.00 So 00 U 3 Mnlth, expense in Jiaundcr and Jamison cases 83 13 A F Hamilton, aid Orchard family January N Hoffman, retialrinir sidewalk... 10.00 2.80 D McDowell Si Hon, lumber 14.01 G F Crawford, aid Mrs Robert for January 8.00 John Smallmon, Sheriff fees 276.74 ohn Lsher, work In Court House 2I.1J, B I luwatcr, keeping pauper M Turner. Road Suocrviaor . Ujoo 3200 26.37 Fees In case of State vs Ah Lung and Ah Wall, allowed in part.. Fees In case of inquest of Jesae Clark alia A D Springer, a.lowed.... 41.75 State vC Cole... 8045 Slate vs M Kelly.. H.25 3575 30.25 State vs IC Sullivan State va A T Ttiompaon . . . State v A T Thompson Caroline King, keeping pauper. ... Wruui J K Ri J K Ri F. BSr 16.00 Riley, Road Supervisor Riley, lumber 4400 5.60 5 00 (, Spink, lumber. if M Stone, washer for bolt D It N IHackburn, Judtte, allowed. i W Phillip. Com'r allowed It W Cooper, Com'r allowed 8. jo Oakville. The White & Allbright -Little Giant" slump puller 1 busily engaged at present grubbing lor Johnson wiute. Mr. Joseph Gibson Is able to be In the school room again. It didn't prove to be the small pox. Mr. Herman HoUtein ha erected a fine residence. HI family arrived to-day from Olrmpla, W. T. Mr. John Gibson, of W.T. i visiting hi sister and brother here. Two families of emigrants from Missouri will anlve here in a lew days. The orlce of nroncrtv l trolne up In Oakville. There will be three new residences erect ed in town the cotninir summer and one barn. Mr. W. L. Coon ha been circulating a petition for a brldire across Muddy which wlil be a great Improvement to the town A general merchandise store would do a good business here, aiso a snoc-inaacr ana good black-smith ftMlCTS. STATE IJUUSLATIKK. Wednesday, Jan. 6. The reading of bill and report of com mittees was the principal business. The governor's veto of the Portland water bill wa read. Dawson' firemen's bill passed the senate and was read first time in house, al.o Loonev's vaerancv bill. In the house the report on Gecr' Chinese pheasant bill was adonicu. Ainonir new uuis were, tor . . I.-., . 1 . minlni! bureau, taxing church propcrty.ln creasing power of railroad commisnioners, several personal bill and some more wage road appropriation bins. Thursday, Jan. 8, Slnclali's drainage bill passed the sen ate, also'Wager's bill f m redUtrlctlng the state. Ths Portland water bill was passed over the governor's head In the senate by a vote 33 to 6. Looney's vagrancy bill wa read second time in house and win pros ably pans, also Dawson's firemen bill. Hon. Jeff Meyers Introduced a new bill for the protection 01 contractors, auo-coniraci ors and laborers tor rauroaa companies. Fridry, Jan. 9, A bill. providing for submitting the ques tion of the relocation of the county seat of Polk county passed the senate, but was IndeTinltcIy postponed In the house. A bill nrovldinir for bounties on sea lion sea's and other lild sea animals, was in troduced. Dawson's abstract bill passed the senate, also Cauthorn s bill for devel ontnent of agricultural college. Miller's bill making it un'awful to kill deer tor their hides passed the house, Harrington's turvmen's bill passed the house. The vote on the Portland water bill was set for Mon day at 3 o'clock. ' , DR. BO-NAN KO in hi new discovery for Consumption, uo eealed in producing a mad mine wblob uac- knowledge a by an 10 oe aimpiy marveioua. Itisei'seedinzly pleasant to the taste, per fentlv harmless, and doea not sicken. In all oases of oases of Consumption. Coughs, Colds WhooDinu Couah, Cronp, Bronchitis, and Paina in the Chest, it ha given universal satisfaction. Dr Bosanko'a Cough aod Lung Syrup ia sold at 50 cents by lit utusi 61 Son. CHRIS FOB SICK HEADACHE, Do you want a remedy for B'lloumess, Pimples on the faor, aid a sure cure lor sick headache, aak Dr, Ou'ss sud Bon, the Druggists, for Dr. Get.nl'a Live Pills, try s dose, samples tree 'un dox za etnt, DIED. HAY. In Harrisburg, on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 1885, Annie, daughter of Mr. Jerry Hay, aged 18 years. . ' HOME AND ABROAD TIIURSDA If, Crawfinhville ha a unw band. Mr j II Dsulul, of Soio, is la tlie city.: Null Livingstone was murdered at Astoria veslerday by Mrs James logletoa. Mr G C Stanard, of Brownsville, brother of II A Htanard, is in the mntropHis of the county to-day. In Hib Hook Cieok postoffios, Lion county, there remain a list of letter nooalleti fur aihlressed to 79dilIWont person, tome hav ing as high as four. Mr Julius Josnpb his re n tod the t.r just vaoated by Mr Thos Hopkins and will move hi oijr fautory iuto th same as soon as the room is arrangod for the aine. W B Hhivtly. of l'ortland. Is io the city inakini at ranaemsnts to oimib a store, He ha routed the old Young stand, ana will lo cate t'ormaneiitlv if the urosiiects are good. Mr. luy, of llsys l.stnlinff, will ciork ur him. . Tu-nigtitSslein orooosei to raise the mnn ey for its woolen mill, or bavin to raissit Its O'Uiduot io the matter will forot'iy display the amount of sand in the eraw of ita busi ness imsii, - We predict the f '20,000 will be raised. Ray T J Wilson passed through tho city to-day for HaUey and will probably retire from the Warm Hpriogs agency, hi health having been very poor since goiug there. Mr Wtlscm will go to Haliey on Saturday. It N Thompson, of Brownsville, bss pnr- oLasedthe interest of Mr Water in their general merchandise business and will go it alone. Mr. Thompson I an enterprising business man and will continue to do a live trade. The '.VaIIa Walla building aod loan asso ciation, at a meeting ot the directors on Sat urday eveuiiiu. loaned tl.JOU ol the associa tion fund at 1G pr cent prrminrn. Under the Albany association the bidding will be on the number of months interest to be psid in advanor, and quite a number intend to bid. FRIDAY. C. IS. Chase, cf Corvsllis, is in tb city The LebabOa beak now has a time luck, A buuiutss college is to be started at Salem. Judge Strshap, is in the eity, the Supreme Court having adjourned until Monday. Mr. F. M. Wadsworth, of Indian Agetey fame, has been in the city to-da) . J A Winters, formally of Brownsville, has opened a photugiaph gallery at Jefferson. ltccorder llenton ha been confined to hi home for semetiin on sec mot of illness. Tb right of way for railroad to Salem by way of Turrtr la lcing signed generally. It will Uke $S5,0C0 to get Hunt' railroad to Pendleton, atd wa pretiiut it will not be raised. No Saloon at Silver too now. It ha a live bewapaper lift though aod some sensi ble ottueos. Tbe president of the Ouuh city council at one time a bootblack . Look op, yoa boodlam. Tb Uosebura Rtv'eie and HcraU ar de voting eontiderable of their spvee to calling each other name. Roland Bros, recently In business here, ill open a general merchandise store at Jetfersou io a few day. The daily aad weekly Dkmockst will be eniaruett a aooo a arrangement ean be CMipMcd for the purpose. ltts now leuned for a fact, else our ex cbsag fsbrhntr, ttiet Proaident-elet Har rison chews tobacco and drinks beer. J at- Murray, we understand, went toSpo ksno Fall, iostesd of to Cauavla, though he may eventually continue en to that con a try Mr. J. F. flail came from Albany this week 1 1 help removithe old safa and put the new one in the bank at this place. iijrprest. lion Jedson Weed, one cf tne sliiniuog light iu the present legislature, and hailing from tutumbia eeuuty, onee taught school ia Laoo county. The manner in which the alleys, sidewalks and eroeawalk are being cleaned and re patrsd meet with the hearty approval ot everybody. A Kansas eourt has decided that a lady who basbsud compel led her to live on pan cake for a month, had sufficient ground for divorce. There ia some foe in the statement tele graphed from Indianapolis: 'ILniaon passed a pleasant day. ilia only caller were democrats." Mr. A. O. Kckleaoa ha resigned bis posi tion as Chief Engineer of the Oregon Pecitic, and I bow on tho Sonnd looking after some real estate that be own there. A United States vessel has alsi been in sulted by a Portugese vesarl. We'll tear the self-esteem off some ot these foreigner if they don't cetse their obstreperneity. Manie!, at the residence of Mr. A P- Blsckburo, in I-clision precinct on Feb. 5eh, Mr. Albert K. Heller and Miss I.nelia Ulack- burn. KeV. Geo. W Gibony officisting. F. A. Iiarkhart. real estate stent ecld yesterday to Mr. 0 F. Fierce, of Ii.Mwr.s ville. 300 acres of land belonging to Mr. J. L. Wiile, t,f Harrisburg. Cvmstderat'.on, 13500. Mr John Mur.isou wasover at Indeicd- ence yesterday being caamiued prepaiatoiy to applying to the government for an inereaae of bte pension, which we hope to fee him ob tain. Majur Hilton began his nieetintt in the city tnia afternoon in the W 0 T U hall, holding a bible meeting well attended. A big'sadUno it expected at the same place to-night. Mr. G. L. Black our. f thi eitv, ia the happy .OJ-eaaor of an old gun, probably a huudred years old, Jt remarkably well pre served. It was formerly a flint lock. It would bo a good gun for iiioaa hick to shoot with. L. W. D yoe au 1 several others have just returned from a huuiin spedttin to the mouulian. M ist'y f-rie ous game was all they CO'ild get trao of. Nsthlng amaller than bear and cou rs was looked at. A bill has been intrmluotd in the legisls- ture fr protecting the tiub.lo against the voluntary sending of itewsjiauuis. This tinea cot affect the Democrat. A little legisla tion in favor of the i,cvi)ij,ci wouldn't do any hurt. . Lwiers generblly know-how they are itauding tut the ot.o a ho leoeived a postal this morning readiug aimpiy, -"Address Etna, Jrcssnn Io. " I, coinp'ettly dumf.uuded. lie should do a rt-quesCed and charge the regular feu. Mr. Yendall Kirkpatriok, editor of the Lebanon Exprtiu, of Lebanon, Oregon, ia on a visit from his frozen home to the (tinny clime of Lin.estone e iunty,Texa. New Era. Don t see where the frozen home part cornea in, except to ahow what a lot of ignoramuie there are in the world. SATURDAY. Scarlet fever in Astoria. There is raid to bo auate of mall pos at Oregon City. . Tho fog thi morning a as dense enough to be cut with a knifii. Miaa Burnett and Miss Nellie CalUhan, of Corvsllis, have been in Albany to-day. George Waggoner, a member of the rail road commission, was in the city yesterday, E F Sjx bought tho Harper Crannr block yesterday, 24 feet front, paying $3050 hr it nave Campbell, of l'ortland, is now in Eugene, where he ia connected with the Peo ple' theater. Mr nager Bowen, of the Oregon FaciBo, is fully recovered from hia reoent illneia, and haa been in the eity to-day. . ' : The "Three Sistera" is taking a rest for 1 few weeka, and Wm Reece, Assistant En gineer ia now on our streets again. . A member of the legislature from a eow county in speaking of a marine subject ia said to have referred to a nock 01 ships Chester Mason, of thi eity, went to Al bany on Thursday whero he expeota to work in a printing oihoe for a while. uozee. A gentleman from Springfield, 111, is in the' city aa drnnk aa a gypsy, fie need guardian. F, S.: . Ho i now in the oal- booad. ; . . - , Milton F Dayb, the Polk connty young man at West Point, stands 1 in discipline in a class of 6i and get an average ot 15, 1 good reoord. Children Cry for i a LTAJ at c. 9 I tor Infants and Children. ' "CMterla 10 well adapted to chndrra that I Caaterla enwe Cotte, a9, ' . f reoommend It aa wpertor to Any picripUon I r ZTZU fl kaoimtomA.- . A. Aacsa,lt D., I stwaoie. 111 So. Oxiord t, Erooklyn, N. Y. Without injnrtou geiteaUoa, Taa CaaTAca CoatrAar, 77 Hurray Street, H. Y. It cost $1000 a day to run foe state lagis latere. This would be about J-00 an hour. It looks big but it is much lea tksu the cost of most legislature!. It I nearly a year now since we commenc ed to build the Astoria & South Coast rail road. We don't want to kick, bat we would like to see some one get a move 011,-Pioneer. Newport will soon have a narrow gauge railroad le opeiation. Trail' will lie run ning inside of sixty day C os-- connection will lie made with the O P by steamer ? pulMean. Mr and Mre Fred Biambtrg 1 aon re turned this morning from Call for ia and we are glad to know their little boy a much im proved in health. "The second best paper in Oregon i by long odd. the Atori I'.eneer."- East Port land Star, The rJalm bUUeJwian should proceed to knock the pi ops from under the Star. W, It. Anderann la innning a saloon at Meham and Griffith k Henline at Mill City, all of whom have county licenses fiorn Ma rion county. Linn county gets some of the frc'.s of it. Yesterday George Humphrey, E'i , sold to S W Tbompsoa the coi ner lot adjoining hi rraidatice. Cnnsideration, $700. Mr. Thompson iuteuds building a residence on the ssme. Im county intend building a $60,000 court house, and the legislature will be asked to exempt from taxation tbst amount ol bond. Tbie U getting ort of outrageous. Lets have a litlla equality iu thi matter cf taxation. The only aay ever to. get even with Bush Wilson io Benton county is to establish the office vt Recorder, a bill fir which is before the I-rgielstore.Bueh was in Salem yesterday and directed proceedings to be topped,wfcicn will end the tnstler. While the bill appropriating $1000 for the imorovement of the soda epnous at Soda- villa ia of a local nature it it no moiC j than dozius of others introduced la the Lcgisla- tore, and it would be a reasonable to pas it, which, a it benefit Linn county, we hope will be it fate. A gentleman remarked to a Journal re portev yesterday that a curious thing about the b dy of legielAtora of Oiegsn was that nearly two-third or more of the me.nbers were torn outside tf the SuLv While the abjve ia true we are not alooe ia t'ie matter a of the one hundred and ninety-eight mem berso! the great state of Illinois over one hundred and twenty -eight of them were born in some other State. Salem Journal, A Ssl;m paper haa civen a gentleman, who figured iu Albany somi last fall and will be here again in March, the following notice 'II 1 Mouire, the rushing yonng capital ist ot Ksst I'jrtUnd and J lly good foMow generally, t amotig tne cobiiugent now fighting the battle of Hu.l Run 10 Stlem IlArUn stinils iu with the corernor and bis liUle vet 1." jq?iEs rf . ' K. I, eft A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follow the use of Symp of Figs, aa it acta gently on the Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System when Costive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITTJAIi CONSTIPATION without weakening or irritating the or gans on which it acts. For Sale In SOc and aU.OO Bottle by all Leading; Drucflete. aajrerACTtaao oxlt bt tub 0AI1T0SBIA ntj SYEUP CO. Six laAScnco, Cal, Loeumujt, Kr., a'xw Toss, K. T. 1LBASY COLLESrATB INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON 188S, 1889. rirat Term Opeas September Him, IHH8. A lull corps of inntrm tor - ' USSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coun.es of tudv arrantrd t mci tilr need of all grades of students. Special inducements oj'tred lo fmlt-Kts from abroad. Tuition ranea fr,oi ".5il to ilJ.Si Boird in private fatni'les at ow rates. Rooms for e!f-boarding at am ill nx'en.ts. A careful etiparvlMon ezeroUs i over atu- deaU away from horns. Fall term orns September 7th. For oirouUra and full particular address the Preaidont. REV. BLttERT N. CO.VUIT. Albany, Omgon Palace Meat Market. J. V. PIPE, PEiOPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, CR. Will keep constantly on hand beaf, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc. the beet meats and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all kinds of fo? stock. . , Notice. Taken up at my residence at Sweet Home stray, dark bay horse, branded on the right hip, collar mark on both shoul ders. Owner will please call, pay for this nonce anu get nis norse. John shea. Red CrownMills S0M, LANNING & CO.; PROPR'S. erxw PROcicss ixouk superior roa rAMn.tES AWO BAKKRS TJT8R. . BEST STORA ' A.CJ UTlES ' Eijrhest Price in Wheat Cash frr Pitcher's Castoria. -As km Vf 1 st. I f 1 if jtm. ar 1 A - --i jaaaaw aHttk fwajjBBoaB. mtf a OR. C. U. CHAFs1BERL.fl, HomeopatMo Piiysician and Surgeon fVi fllce corner of Third and Lyon 8t, ALBANY, OREGON. "tiiancis pfeiffer. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Boda Works tnd Mancfw-turer of CHOICE COHFElTIOMEI, We ar now prepared to nil at whole aale, always freah and pore al PortUnd pic to dealer. We alao keep a full line of . finta anl Tropical Fruits, CIQARS AND TOBACCO G. L. BLACKf.lAFJ, Suaeuor to E. W. LanfJon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC. B. i. Mimioax, Prsa. B. B Cooa, S e. O. U. liwxaaTiess . kkx. Vim tnt. TheOrecon Land Company Or.-nlzd ir the pttrp h M borloa; and seillnf te,l esat, Adver.Htiitg- Jie Willsmette Valley In all of the lidinxta3m(.He " tne uniiej biaio. c4eiti"b; Kaatern Mrenu to direct home enckera to the w U lun ette Valley, And b mm agents ia all the principal towns 1 UarWa, Poik, Linn, Benton, Clackamas aa Yamhill esantkat to aul In Hnaung- itaoutrnaia. Offlae In the Tate U'lil'llnr one duor et of tUew- srtABox's. llOlJKOJi AY uit-BUiiBVjr, juoaxaiBv COLD (Sml "Bin ISfFSS Try the Cure Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses tho ITasal Paaaaeoa- vAL lays lEfiammfltioru Heals the Bores. Bestoros the Senses cf Taste, Smell and Hearing. A particle Is applied lataacaaetHl aisa bacreemblr. Prr HOa. s t Uraasi by saaUL ELY BHOTHEEase tS arrenbUSew York. ALBAFiY SAW ARD PL AH KFIG HULLS. Allkinda ox rough, dressed and seas . imber,latli pickets kept constantly cn hand- Bills sawed to order cn shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. isOBiN80N & WEST. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT TaAW -AND " Notary Public . ALBANY, OZG3M. OF PURE COD UVERCiL 42m HYPOPnospnrrra Almost as Palatable as E.1Hk. Bo disguised that tt earn b tavkem, dlgeated, atwd aaalmtlateat by tha amews saosltlTS rtotnaett, wkea Us platat U ran at at b tolerated mad by aha eMt blnatloa r Ua oil wit Is stta stypplaea phi tea ia mwckv aware iOcMtowf , EemarttVlo as -Cesk predaeer Persons gala rapidly volte takiag tt SCOTTS EMULSION ia acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTINQ DISEASES. EMACIATION, COLDS and CHR03UO COUGHS. Tk oreot remedy for Qmswmpiian, mi Wastinain, Children. Sold bv ail Dmnista. lM. whitfiey, ittoniey And Counsellor At tai " .-' ' - . ND- - otarr Public. v ALEA'If, OREGON, Will prA5l-39 I all of tha Court ibis State. All b fciness intrusted to him will be promptly tended to. ACADEMY ; - OF -"' . . Our Lady of PerpW Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Sisters of St, Benedict. This Academy Is incorporated and au thorised by the State to confer academlo honor. BJAHDINa SCHOOL FEB TERJf. Board and tuition........ .....:......i0.00 Musio, insrtumental, theoretical and - vocal with use of plandand organ. 15 00 (lultar.. ) asM.se 12,00 Zithern..... .... ................ 12 0 Drawing and painting... 8.0a Fancy worb and menc'lng free to boarders, . .... Tuition lu soleot day sob. io ranges from 5 to f 10. . . Normal instruction of aspirants for teacher's certidoates a ' .8clalty. Graduating fee, $10. - For further particulars apply at th Academy,