The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 15, 1889, Image 3

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    FRIDAY ..FEBRUARY 15, 1889.
atirss &
UJiltr nal
ritor. mrriivi, Local liuuor.
That Fish Laddkr. Tha following
trotn the Portland Wekomt Is timely, snd
we aecond the motions "A few year
Ince the Oregon legislature appropriated
$ io.coq to construct a fishladder at the
Oregon City falls, and placed the mm by
law In the hand of the then governor for
disbursement for that purpose. The mon
ev came to his hands, and there never has
been such fishladder constructed, other
than a pretended attempt by a contractor
for $1350, and lasted only a few week as
a thojr, which we are informed has not
been settled for within $300. Those In
tcretted In the culture of salmon In these
water, especially of the upper Willamette,
hould agitate the present legislature to In
yestlgate this omUsion and demand an ac
count of this fishladder fund."
ACaUELAcr. Monday Harry Jones,
of the Russ House, and Cary Crawford,
were hunting near the city, when a dago
came up and asked to see young Crawford's
gun. Taking It just as Mr. Jones' trained
dog, fine black spaniel, brought from
Victoria, came up, he deliberately pointed
at the dog and shot It, though he claimed
it was an accident. The dog was valued
at $50, being the best trick dog In the city.
In order to save arrest the dago and his
friends raised IM money and paid for the
dog. The dog was given good surgical
treatment ana may possibly live.
A Rixawy. Huston &Co's dray horse,
that works single with stiff legs, ran away
last Monday. He plowed down First
Street from towards the rising sun at a
terrific rate, considering his reputation
until near the Revere House he saw a dray
team browsing dreamily on nothing, and
the sight overcame him, causing him to
circle around, come up to the curbing in a
sleepy manner and stop short, as If struck
by a sharp" whoa" from his master.
A School With a Rkputatios. The
thorough work done at the Portland Dusl
ncs College, Portland, Oregon, has made
for that institution a reputation such as
but few schools enjov. Praf A P Arm
strong, the principal, Is a successful edu
cator, and Is well able to judge of the needs
of those seeking practical qualifications.
Read what he says In our advertising col
umns regarding the requirements of a
An Enkgetic Man. Major Hilton
closed his meetings in this city last Mon
day. He left with warm place In the
hearts of many. A strong, forcible, mag
netic speaker he pounds arguments easily
into the ears of his listeners and exerts an
Influence that works for temperance and
religion together. All of his meetings
were well attended here and have lft a
good Influence on the community.
Encamped. The gypsies, with their
bears, about fifteen In number, are now en
camped near the eastern suburbs of the
citr. They make quite a cavalcade, and
are living in high style on the accumula
tions of several months' hard work with
th-ir beasts in giving exhibitions. They
have spent several hundred dollars among
our merchants ahd saloon keepers and
wa'k with very lordly airs when on our
streets. It is the next thing to being in
An Explosion The French have in
vented a submarine boat which can dive
beneath the keel of an ironclad, and by
means of a special apparatus fasten ex
plosive cartridges to the side of the vessel,
and afterward explode the cartridges by
electricity, causing an upheaval, but not
so great a one as Conn Bros., of this city,
cause, by selling first-class groceries at
low prices. They deal on th square.
Increase in Price. In July, 1S37. Mr.
J. II. Mullan purchased of Mr. John Geis
endorfer six lots in block OS, being the va
cant property directly opposite the College,
paying $1650 for the same. Awhile after
wards he soid two !U for $850 to L. H.
Montanye, and Tuesday the remaining
four iota, fronting on Ferrv Street, to Mrs.
Van Horn for $2500, making $335. little
more than doubling his money in nineteen
A Good Example. Wallace, Thomp
son & Co., the enterprising grocers, have
erected a fine canvas awning in front of
their store, an example that should be fol
lowed generally. All of the disgraceful
looking wooden eyesores should be torn
down and such awnings as theirs put up.
This firm has also several new fixtures to
the interior af their store.
Ice Works. It Is a cold day when Al
bany gets behind Its neighbors. There
have been no cold davs this winter, hence
this item. Mr. F. H. Pfeiffer, the enter Soda Works man, will erect in this
city as soon as arrangements can be made
an Ice works with a capacity of two and a
half tons of Ice a day. Our citizens should
support the enterprise from the start
The Difference. "Salem must be a
hard place for money. At Moody's revlr
al the M E church was full of peple uoo
being present, and when the collection
was counted, the Capital Journal says, only
four dollars was found in the plate." Bak
er City lirvfilU. It Is about to raise $ao,
000 for a woolen mill though.
A Statement. Mr Peter Schlosser
publishes the following card In yesterday's
Herald: "Mr Peter Schlooaer desires us
to say that he does nut know the man
Chapman and that Chapman was not in
his house and that he keeps an orderly
house, and that any one that says to the
contrary tells what is not so.
Pete Sc h Losb a r .w
Friday Evxning. That Is the time
that 41 F" Co will present the drama "The
Force of Impulse, which promises to be
a fine affair. Reserved seats will be
nlaced on sale at Blackman's and should
be taken rapidly by our citizens.
A Rumor. It Is slmplan unfounded
rumor, but It is afloat, and is ' to the effect
that Jay Gould U making arrangements to
buy the Oregon Pacific railroad and extend
it at a rapid rate. How easily rumors
Surveying Mr. js. 1. r. risiier is pre
pared to do surveying ot an unds at lea-
sonable rates. He has complete copies of
field notes and township plats in the coun
ty. Adress Miller's SU'ion. ln county
Babies. The finest line of baby carrf
ages In the Valley just r celved at Stewart
. & Box's. Prices are remarkably cheap con-
siderinz the superior aualitv of the carri
Kiln Dried FLooaiNG.-Good kiln dried
flooring at the Springfield lumber yard in
this city..
Wall ?apbr rtis finet line of wal
paper In the valley In forty or fifty varie
ties, elegant designs and prices down, at
Fortmlller & Irvin j's. It will pay to see
Struck Oil At $1.35 per 5 gallon can,
best Standard coal oil, at the Willamette
Talk of Cheek. Perhaps the greatest
exhibition of cheek ever exhibited In Al
bany was that displayed by Lawyer Wal
ters, who subscribed $aoo on the V. C. T,
U. fund. He evidently thought he had a
soft snap. When thanked for his gentr
oslty he said, "Oh that's nothing, I've often
made $joo In an hour." He then told how
his Income was $29,000 to $30,000 a year
as a Philadelphia corporation lawyer, half
01 wnicn ne gave to charity, mostly to the
rv. v u. iiod save us trom many such
conicmniiDie scrubs. .
J. P. Horner Is his real name. Dr. Bark
er, now in the ctlv. used to be well ac
quainted with the gentleman years ago In
Keosauqua. Iowa, where he preached as a
minister In the Congregational Church for
a year and a half.backslid, wandered away,
gambled, returned to his home, repented,
went East, studied law. and It seems Is
wandering again. His narents are well
off, but he well, we've had a sample of
Crook County. Bv Inquiry from
stockmen from all parts of the county, we
learn that range stock generally Is In good
condition, and It Is thought that the loss
will not reach 5 per cent.,.. Mir Elkins has
enlarged his business by purchasing J C
Luckey & Co s entire stock, and has added
wagonmaklng to his business, so he Is pre
pared to do all kinds of wagon work as well
as general bIackamithlnsr....The manv
oiu menus 01 iir u v anderpool, who was
a s -v . . .
t'rlnevllle s first physician, will be pleased
to learn that he has gone Into the medi
cal manufacturing business. . ..ThU week
C L Salomon's building on Second street,
one of the oldest buildings in Pi Inevllle,
and which has been occupied by different
owners as a wagon and blacksmith shop
since 1S75 was torn down. Thus an old
land mirk has succumed to the march of
progress Jfevicw.
IIiltos. Saturday evening Msjor Hilton
delivered an eloquent address on the "Rela
tionships of the Government to the Liquor
Traffic," to a big hoot, oaadsy he spoke
four times, al the 7'resbyterian Chuich in tbe
pcrninj, to men only in the afternoon, to the
M. Y. P. A. of the Mstao list Church and at
the Opera LLmvt iu tbs evening. la his
insane for mas he spoks very lojioslly and
pointedly on Matphainy, gambling and social
impurity ; In the evening on "The Relation
ship of the Missionary cause t the liqoor
tralDj," whioh was one of the most forcible
temparanos addressee ever delivered in the
city. After the lecture a subserption was
oiicntated to raise S.00 to clear tha indebted
ness on the' W. C. T. U. lUll. Mr. K. W
Walters, a lawyer, traveling through th
Suli snhanritui.1 ".! -i ..l.l.lim,..!
State subscribed 8230.
was subscribed.
Runaway Girl. Sunday morning a
bright looking girl, aged about thirteen ar
rived in the city from the South and put at
the Revere House, leaving the next day.
Wednesday Mrs. Smith, of Wolf Creek,
in the southern part of the State, arrived la
the city after a runaway adopted daughter,
whom she found at Rufus Thompson's one
of our citizens, where she was working. It
was the girl who stopped at the Revere
House on Sunday. Mr. Smith runs a hotel
and store combined, and the girl getting
tired of the business packed up and came
north to Albany, to which place her moth
er traced her, taking her home on the noon
Spreading Oct. James Elkins prop
erty in the southern suburbs of the city has
been surveyed and will soon be placed on
the market as the Elkins addition to Albany,
Ferry street lots will be sold at $150 and
Washington street lots at $125. The Got
tra property will also soon be surveyed and
placed on the market at about the same
Ogures. There will be plenty of oppor
tunity for speculators, as well as people
wanting good homes to invest money In
real estate.
A Statement. 1 deem it due to myself
to make the following statement I was
employed by the city to take charge of the
quarantined small pox patients at Mrs.
East's and put in my bill for f S per day,
but the council last night cut it down to $5
per day. I have to sav that I won't receive
the pay at all. I insfst that it is an outrage
to cut my bill down in this way.
Etb. Uavidson.
The Same Horse. Awhile ago John
Shea, of Sweet Home, took up a horse and
advertised it as a dark bay horse, branded
on right hip. Just before, John Schmeer
of this city, lost a horse. lie saw Shea's
notice and said that wasn't the critter, and
advertised as lost his sorrel horse, branded
on left hip. The result was that the two
Johns got together, when it was ascertained
that It was all one horse, notwithstanding
the great divevsitv In the descriptions
Moral: Advertise' in the Democrat,
He Was aThief. A few weeks ago a
dago gave a check to one Louis White, a
Frenchman, to get cashed for him. Mr,
Earl Race bought the chcck.paylng $51.60!
for It. White took he money and skipped
out. Another dago the first of the week
saw White in Portland and had him ar
rested. Constable Burkhart armed with a
warrant issued from Justice Humphrey's
court left Wednesday morning alter White
A Bill. When "Dutch Henry" was
conveyed fro.u the Caliboose to the pes,
house an old wagon standing beside the
street in the Third Ward was "borrowed"
for the purpose, the ownership being an
unknown quantity at the time. It transpired
that It belonged to J. v, ripe, tne Dutcner.
The bill for $45 In the Council proceedings
explains the situation.
An Assistant Chief. At a meeting
of the board of fire delegates last Monday
Hon Geo E Chamberlain was elected as
sistant chief, Mr W R Blaln having refused
to aualifv. A resolution was passed re
commending that the council De requested
.. .... ... - . a
to secure the organization of a new fire
company In the third ward, that a hall be
erected and the old hand engine be pre
senced the new company.
$20 and Costs. Charles Chapman was
taken before Justice Humphrey at 9 o'clock
last Tuesday to answer to two charges,
those of vagrancy and carrying concealed
weapons, lie plead guuty to tne latter
complaint and was fined $30 and costs,
The other case was dismissed. Thus ends
this revolver case, an unpleasant one for
a community.
S. T. Alliance. The State Temperance
Alliance will meet in this city next week,
beginning on February 20th. Each church,
Sunday School and Temperance organiza
tion within the 8tate, Is entitled to one del
egate for the society, and one additional
delegate lor each ntty memoers or major
fraction ot titty.
Card of Thanki.. The undersigned
desire to return their sincere thanks to the
friends and neighbors for their many acts
of kindness during the sickness and burial
of the late Mrs. Rebecca Uooper.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Furdom.
t.,T. T Ik. rv n4 A than it a Inrlv's
1 v""u- - "V ' ' ' r
Cloan. V3U ai imsoiucc.
, , . .... m
Present Mayor, Marshal and Council,
men Gradwohl, Parker, Burkhart, Tabfer,
Deyoe and French.
In the absence of Recorder Ilenton
Councilman Burkhart was appointed to
fill hit place.
The following bills were ordered paid t
P W Spinas, $78.51; J N Hoffman, $14.00;
G W Maston, $joo 1 B M Huston, $1.35
Clark Bros,, $1.75 (John Derlnger, $4.50 ;
J N Hoffman, $13.35 ; G L Savage, $5.00;
W E Kelley, $6.54 E B Davidson, $140
Further time was asked on matter of
btidge across ditch.
Matter of nutting streets on grade at
Second and Washington street was con
Street Commissioner was directed to flu
walk at First and Washington so that It
will be passable.
Street Commissioner recommended
finishing of grade on 7th and 6th streets and
sidewalks and other Improvements, which
on motion of Gradwohl were ordered made,
work to be done in fifteen days.
On motion of Dcyoe It was ordered that
First St., Washington to Lyon streets be
brought to grade and drained within five
Report of Surveyor on surveys made
and recommending running grade on ylh
and Washington streets, was read, and on
motion of Tabler adopted.
Petition of J H Campbell and others ask.
ing for bridge at 4 th and Thurston streets,
and that O P crossing at 4th be made pass
able, was read and referied.
Petition of It L Cranor asking for priv
ilege of building a wood store building,
36x50 feet, at corner of First and Lyon
streets was read, and on motion of Grad
wohl it was referred to Committee on Fire
and Water after considerable discussion.
Petition of J. R. Nell, asking for exclu
sive franchise for street car line, hereto
fore referred to In the Democrat, was
read, and on motion of Parker was referred
to Committee on Ordinances.
Mr. Robert Conn was granted davs
lurtner time to nx sidewalk, on motion ol
Gradwohl, also, that new sidewalk be built
In extension of same.
Ferry street was ordered graded. 9th to
Sth In 30 days, on motion of Gradwohl.
The matter ol building a small engine
house In Third Ward and organising a new
company with hand engine was presented
by Councilman French and discussed
without action.
Matter of ditch running into sewer anJ
latteral sewers without traps, was referred
to Committee on Health and Police.
Following bids for bridge at Washington
and Sth streets : E F Truax. $K.oo s 1 F
Hadley, $99 00 t W E Kelley, $90.00 ; las
Shahan, $120. On motion of Gradwohl
contract was awarded to W E Keller.
hollowing bids for sewer, 8 Inch, across
Washington, between 1st and and, terra
cotta pipe : E II Davidson, 75 cents per
loot ; Jas Laurent, 6S cents per foot ; W A
Mcclain, 90 cents per loot ; is M Sloan, 80
cents per foot. On motion of Gradwohl
contract was awarded to Jas Laurent.
I he following bills were ordered paid t
N II Allen, $118 ; A W McCIain, $oo ;
fohn Jones, $30.00 ; W N Miller, $18.33 ;
1 F 1 ladle v. $11.00
Referred : J A Crawford. $2 co : lohn
Schmeer, $ ; W C Twecdale, $34.21 ;
P W Spinas, $So.6o ; las V Pipe. $1 uon t
J N Hoffman66.7; F M West(ail,$i3 78;
V Cohen, $20.50 t Foshay St Mason, $9 70
ana $27.50 ; is M Moan, $1 00 ; John Lie
land, $1.00.
At the council meeting Tuesday even
ing Councilman Deyoe presented a prop
osition from J R Veil, of Crete, Nebraska,
a forirer friend of Mr Deyoe, and a mao
of wealth, In which he will offer to build a
street car line in Albany in consideration
simply ot an exclusive franchise for twenty-five
years. He proposes to construct
the line from the St Charles hotel to the
S P depot, and as business justifies wilt ex
tend iu He agrees to run at least tws cars
continually for twenty-five years, will only
charge 5 cents fare, however far tne line is
extended, and will bind himself to begin
work within ninety days from the time the
franchise is granted. In this day of bon
uses this is a marvellously liberal proposl-
tlon, and the franchise, the only thing
asked, should be granted at once, without
any delay. If it is not, Albany might as
well kick itself out of any expectations at
all. There should be no delay in he mat
ter. Street cars would add In a great ue
gree to the metropolitan appearance of
things, and the offer is one rarely re
Rushed. Among those who are being
rushed in Albany this spring is Mr E L
Power, the harness maker, who, with an
assistant, Is putting in stock some of the
finest hand made harnesses in the market.
He also has on hand a fine stock of sad
dies, blanket, whl , halters, etc It will
pay farmers to call on him. isextdoor to
the Democrat office, Albany.
The Ice Works. Stock for the Albany
Ice Works, consisting of ten shares of $400
each, has all been taken, and the plant will
be ordered at once. Mr. F. H. Pieifler will
have charge of the works.
Burkbart k Royce, job printer.
carpets, finest line of caroets .ever
brought to Albany just received at A. B
Mcl I wain's. His Brusselis and velvet
Brussells attract great attention, being su
Tea Party To those who enjoy
good cup of tea and to those who wish to
Uvea healthy and long life we recommend
the Emporer Mixed Tea. For sale at the
Willamette racking Company's Store.
We will sell yon groceries cheaper than
any one else.
Baby carriages at Stewart k Sox's.
Dntard's SpeciQo is an absolute care for
all eruptive diseases of the skin, snch as salt
rhenm, barbers itcn, ring worm, scald hesd
and all itching or inflamed conditions of tbe
skin, whether arising trom disease or expos-
are, It is guaranteed in eyery case. Sold by
Foshsy & Mason.
Skasoxable Thitt me ins seasonable oyer
coats. coats, a large and Qnerstock
of which bsa just been received it L E.
Blain's, Cal) early as the oyer-roats
begun going
Letter List.
Following ie the list of letters remaining In the Post
Office, Albany, Linn oounty, Oregon, Feb. 14, 18S9
Persons sailing for these letter? must give the date on
which they were advertised :
Buress. R
Brsitfcloter, John
0 rk, lilsf Minnie
Crowley, Junes J
Conor, Andy
Blotter, John
Blsn, Lew
Clerk, Ubss
Cochran, Chsrles B
Oreno, Weltha
Howe, ChssF
Judklns, Miss Lllllo
Lsmont.Js .
Lyman, BO
Love, OW"
N tools, 8
Htsr, Mrs M
fikxlin snd Sploer,
Bulth, Charley
Wilson. Jas
Hsiis, wunsm
Houston, Peter
Kirk, Miss Hazel
Larimer, A L
Lunblsd, Peter A
sfysr, Msfrtrle
Peterson, Wm P
Spdle, James
Trester, ILsMary
WUluvms, Mstnsniei
I Zeller. Leo (3)
McGregor and Armstrong,
McGreW. Peter.
t '
Monday, Feb. 11.
Crook's bill for a $14,000 wagon road in
Curry county passed the Senate, also Rob.
ert's bill for a $15,000 wagon road In Coos
county 1 atsj Felt's bill for a $10,000 wag
on road In Morrow county 1 also Maxwell's
bill for a $ 11,000 wagon road In Tillamook
coun '7. Consideration of Dawson's bill
regulating foreign corporations and More
lock's bill for Improving the soda springs
atSodavllle were Indellnately postponed.
Eakln's bill allowing Lane county to Issue
$60,00 j In bonds to build Court House was
passed also bill prohibiting use ot 5 mill
tax other than for school purposes. Memo
rial, praying Congress to set aside public
parkin Cascades. The committee reported
favorably on the Albany charter bill and It
was ordered engrossed. Dawson's R. R.
Com. bill passed. Condon's University
bill passed the House. A bill prohibiting
the marriage of first cousins was lost. The
Portland water bill was discussed and vot
ed on, falling to pass over the Governor's
veto by a vote of 37 to 33. The following
are entitled to credit for voting against II :
Armstrong, Blundell, Bowditch, Derby,
Fisher, (Polk,) Gambee, Geer, Jennings,
Layman, Miller, (Jackson,) Miller, f Linn,)
Moore, Morelock, Moss, Myers, Napton,
Paulsen. Pope, Price, Short. Stafford, Wal
do 33.
Tuesday, Feb. 13.
Hatch's regents bill passed the Senate,
also bill for Supreme Court at Salem, Pen
dleton and Grant's Pass, also Lyman's
liquor bill, s'.so Dawson's b'll prohibiting
sale of tobacco to minors under eighteen.
Wager's bill exempting homesteads from
execution was lost.
Northrup's pilotage bill passed the House,
51 to 7. Dawson s S. B. passed 41 to 15
and goes to the Governor. It provides for
three Commissioners and a Cierk. Favor
able report on Meyers contractors bill.
Smith's bid for portage railroad around
The Dalles and Cclllo, with appropriation
of $60,000, passed, 44 to 11. Dawson's to
bacco bill passed.
Wednesday, Feb. 13th.
In Senate The Dalles water bill pasted,
also Moore s llleglmate child bill, also
Coggswell bill for making streams public
highways for floating logs, also bill for re
form school, after striking out at or near
the Capital. Bill exempting homsteads
from execution was reconsidered and pass
ed. In House Pacqtiet's assessment bill failed
to pass, 39 to 36. Several Senate bills were
read first time, and numerous reports of
committees were read, without action,
among others Harrington's bill to create
office of Attorney General. Unfavorable
reports were given on Dawson s bill a
reference to delects In deeds. A bill regu
lating trust companies, one promoting
drainage, and other and unimportant bills.
Lyonsville, Or., Feb. 1 1, 1SS9.
Thinking an occasional line from this
place would be of Interest to your readers,
we shall endeavor to represent this place
nd vicinity through your columns as oc
casion may require.
As our village Is new, being an out
growth of lh railroad, it might be well to
state that this plpce is located 33 miles east
of Albany on the extension of the Oregon
racinc, and while we do not as yet assume
the importance of a city, we look forward
to the time when we shall possess all the
modern requirements of a suburban town
At present we have one store, kept bv
"Yer honor," Judge Lyons, while Mr E M
V barton, of Columbia City, has just com
pleted a large building from which he will
soon display a stock of general mcrchan
Mr Wm Sherman, of Mehama, has pur
chased property here and In the near fu
ture will commence the erection of a large
store building, rivaling In importance the
other two.
Wm Wacker. late of Michigan, has near.
Ing completion, a large hotel, that, when
inished. wou'd do credit to a larger town,
white Mr F L Laugharne, ot London,
England, a practical watch maker and jew
eler, proposes to make this his future home,
another valuable acquisition to our town.
A good depot Is "a lon,r felt want" at
this place, it being the diverging point for
Mehama and the valleys ot rot and Jor
dan, all of which will contribute matcrally
to the business of the place, but from a re
liable source we learn that a depot win ce
built In the early spring, as will also a
large water tank.
Another proposed enterprise U the build
ing of a telegraph line from the town of
Mehama to this place, thus connecting that
place with the outside world.
Much interest is manifest In the resump
tion of railroad work the coming spring,
and all are jubilant over the prospects of
an eariy eastern terminus. The comple
tion of the O P will undoubtedly open up
many avenues for business In this section
which has hitherto layed dormant.
Mr. McMullin and family apent Sunday
with relatives at Crawfordsvlile.
P. W. Ityan has just returned from an
extended trip East.
Lung fever among the children has
thinned out our school very much.
Miss Mollie Luper Ss very low with
lung fever.
The fall grain looks fine.
Floyd Jer.ks is again out after a long Ill
ness. Mrs, Anderson will move to Albany to
morrow. Roads are In good condition.
Tangenlites making garden.
Farmers plowing and sowing.
E. L. Brvan has returned from Quite an
extended visit with relatives at Walla Walla.
W. I I. Bond, Miss Susie and Elmer Bond,
of Helix, were visiting l.i this vicinity the
first of the week.
She said that was a put up job.
Kapld Beating of the Heart.
Wh9ns var von feel an uneasiness in th e
glon of the "heart, a alight pain tn the
oauer, arm, or under the enouiae
ade. or when von Ana v.arelf abort o 1
reath wu en exorcising, or your hoart ha r
eriods of beating fast, you bar heart
Isease. and should take Dr. Flint's Rem
dy. Descriptive treatiae with eaoli bot
le ; or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y,
New Comers To our city will find it to
their advaniaee to urioe onr guods before
buying in tneir outnt of groceries ana pro -visions.
Brown ell k Stanardv
J A Archibald, azent Singer Manafactar
ing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Al
Farmers, if von want the best harness all
hand made, call on&L. to Dem-
For rand madeharaess go to E. L. Power
H.Ewert, practical watchmaker and ;ow
snTTTj-R pmnrcs isro
1 10 HUW
Bound to Get There,
an rAJC!sco, Feb. ta.A. L. Maxwell,
general passenger and ticket agent of Oregon
Railway St Navigation Comoanv. who was in
town to-day, was interviewed on the subject of
what is termed here to be a secret movement of
me southern ratine upon the I'uget sound
Pacific would doubtless rather got Into Seattle
over another company's lino and make a traffic
trrangement with that line Irom Portland to
tne hound, the lntter did not want to let such
r"c,lu' cuinpcuior into mat section, and was
trying to fight the Southern Pacific off. The
oumern raciiic however, is evidently bound
Gentiles Ahead.
Ooien, Utah, Feb. 11 The most Import
ant elec'Ion that has ever taken place in Utah
took place to-day. It was a fitfht bv tha Gen
tiles, or liberal party, for a foothold in the terri
tory by the election of a mayor ' and council.
I lie result of to-day's election is a complete
victory for the literal candidate for mayor, who
is elected uy a majority ol 440. The balance
o the ticket, including the full city council and
ihiefofpolice, had about the same majority,
The Gentiles are jubilant over the result.
A Woman's llaeo.
New Yokk, Feb. ll. The six-days interna
tional bicycle race for women, eight hours daily
for the championship of the world, began this
afternoon, in the Madison Square garden at 3
o'clock. ,
In tbe IWl Place.
San Francisco, Feb. it Arne Johan
scn, a saloonkeeper, was shot and Instantly
killed late last night,and Robert Phelan, a
young plumber, Is locked up In the city
prison, charged with the murder.
A Big Price.
Vallejo, Cal., Feb. nD Halley hao
sold the stallloHt Woodnut to a man named
Steele, of Philadelphia, for the considera
tion of $30,000.
( lobbed to Death.
Seattle, W. T., Feb. 10. Six vagrants ar
rived to-night from Whatcom on the steamer
George E. Starr, bringing wilh them the dead
body of a companion named Davis, who had
died on tlie trip from the effects, it was staled
by we vagrants, of a blow at the hands of the
Icily marshal of whatcom. It appears that eight
vagrants had been ordered out of Whatcom,
amongst them being Davi and a man named
Anderson. They were bang taken to the boat.
when Anderson asked for permisaion to step
uuo a saioon lor a drink. According to the
story of the vagrants, Davb followed Anderson
son in without jrmikm and the marshal be
csroe so angered at this deflnance of his author
ily, that he followed the men in the saloon and
struck Davis a terrible blow over the head with
a heavy club.
Every Where Bnt Here.
London, Feb, to. Snow continues to fat
through the South of England and in Wales.
un ine coast heavy gales prevail, and a num
ber ol shipping disasters are rertcd. Tele'
graphic communication is interrupted.
A Peentlar Salt.
COLFAX, W. T., Trcb. to. Yesterday suit
wss begun by attorneys Sullivan, Chadwick &
Brown, and K, G. Blair, for Michael Schreck,
against Whitman county, praying fur $10,000
damages. During last summer the platntifl
wss confmfl in the county jail, held by order
of the court upon a warrant to keep the peace,
which resulted in the total loss of Schreck's
health. At the begining of plaintiffs term of
confinement he was a sound and able-bodied
man, and be is to-day a physical wreck.
Wheat, 70 ceota. !
Afull line of Child's Lath tabs at i. W
J. P. Wallaoa, Physician and Surgeon, Al
bony. Or
U. W. Smith bos the largest stock of sugar
kettle in Albany.
Sis shaves for a dollar and a eltan towel to
every customer, at Tboe. Jones.
Bjy your tiokets through to the East of
W L Jester sad save fare to Portland.
Smith 8c Washburn, eaoaeaeors to Twee
dale, csrrj the boos besting stoves and sell
them the cheapest.
Call and sea those Early Breakfast stoves
and ranges at Smith k W,bborus's, suc
cessors to W C Tweedale.
If yoa want a tender chicken be sure and
get one of those new style roasters at Hmith
It Waehbarae'e soooessora to W C Twee-
If yoa want a clean and fine smoke ask for
J. Joseph e borne made white labor cigars
r or sale by moat cigar dealers and at bis
Joseph's factory.
If yon have any j-b werk t j do call on G.
W. Buulh who is prepsred to do it wito
oeatneea and dispatch, and as cheap as any
If yoa want tbe cheapest and beat beating
stove call oa U. W. Smith, who is offering
some ef them at eost to mak room for bis
large spring stock of cook stc....
si si
Aa eminent physician says: A healthy
liver secretes from tws to three pounds of
bile every twenty four bears and disposes
of this seoretion where it will do tbs most
good. Now if ths liver is oat of order, tbe
whole system is in trouble, tbs spirits ars ds
pressed, tbe mind is aot clear, and a person
wboss liver is not performing its duty is
verv soon nn fit ted for regular business. Dr
Henley's Dandelieo Tonio renses ths torpid
liver and enables it to perform its proper
f auctions, thereby regulating ths whole sys
tem. JSold by r osbay At Mason,
Portland. Oregon. JnlT Slat.
While I was in Tillamook last winter I
was effected In my back and kidneys so
that it was almost Impossible for roe to
resell Portland. When I got here I was
Induced to try tbe Oregon Kidney Tea. I
drank at my meals, tbe tea made from It,
and It has effected a radical cure. I can
highly recommend It to all who are afflict
ed as 1 wss. soia oy jroansy cc ga aaoa.
K. Conn.
7 0.ks cares rheumatism, neuralgia
toothache, Foshay k Mason, Agents.
HAM MACK. At Tallman, on Febru
ary 1, 1889, to the wife of E E Mammack
a gin.
Ring the bells from out the steeple ,
Blow the horn, call all the people,
Hall Columbia, shout with joy,
Ye local's wife has got a boy.
Monday morning, Feb. nth, 1S89.
idenceofthe bride's mother, in Scto, on
Tuesday. Feb 12. Mr W H Bag'.ey, of Sal
em, and Miss Edith Pentland, of Scie.
COOPER On Saturday, Febr uary 9th
18S9, In Albany at the residence of Mr. B,
F. Purdom, Mrs. Samuel Cooper, aged 77
Mrs, Cooper was the mother of County
Commissioner Cooper and leaves several
other children. She was a pioneer and
leaves a good name behind her. Mrs,
Cooper was born In Tennessee on July 22
1812. and came to Oregon in 1847, where
she was married to Samuel Cooper, her
second husband. She leaves seven chil
dren and many friends to mourn her loss.
uneral services were neia at tne resi
dence of Mr. Purdom this afternoon.
DEYOE &R0B30S ars igex r
Uloriout weather, .
are naly IS cents par dozen,
Eugone Oily i building soma ic e works on
Frank Wood, Sr., Is home fro 11 hit Cdi
forfjia trip,
- There is not a Cliiruinsii in Tuemms, so
the report goes abrosd,
J K Whitbey, of the Herald, spent 8.1
bath with bis parents in K igetm,
Mrs George Humphrey wu taken danger
onsiy sick Saturday with pneumonia
Oct a ticket for tha "Force of Impulxe," at
U.aokmsii s. It will be worth witnessing.
Johnny Crnssen will leave to-morrow
morning for Eastern Oregon to look aftei
some ot his father interests there.
Albany has the best equipped lira depart
ment bi any city In Ursuon ot Its size. It is
an ium new comers should consider.
A Chinese paper reports that a monkey
extinguished a tire by empty ing tne contents
01 a teapot on a cnrtsin that was in umr$.
Rev Logan arrived In the city to-day and
will go to Oakville to assist Rev Auheson in
aseiiesnf meetings to be held during the
v . it ir... 1... .....
.'" . VVII ' t1 j J I -
chased of J II Burkhart 00 sores of tbe V. N
White farm, near this cilv. coniiiilurstiou
The first lioyolo sale of the seston is re
ported to the Dkmockat to day. Mr Kl
t'uslok is aow the possessor of 01 inob Vic
tor, T J Ovsrman agent.
Owing to an increase of business the P10-
printers of the St. Charles Hotel are engaged
In famishing ten more rooms to tnai the
demands of increased travel -
Major Hilton mentioned Seattle. Taoma
and Astoria as tbe most ungodly cities io
the Northwest and tho Vrtgonian h the
most unprincipled newspaper.
A little hoy in Ilwano knew what be was
talking about when he closed bis evening
rsyerby saying 1 '(Jood bye, oh Lord !
'm going over to Astoria in the niorninu."
Poor Acnes Woodward, she has had lisr
picture pat in the I'ortlaod Mrcnnj. it look
aa if it bad been aet do wo on by a hippopot
amus. The Democrat's Yoqaiaaj:.iy was
eqnal I t it
A family of Ave in Dakota submitted for
tbree.weeks on five pounds of pork ai:d a
bushel of carrots, and there is no use in any
J""?" - lr tryiog to beat tbst reo-
An English joker toiik down tbe csUcdnr
in a business otfiie and bung np one two
years old. Dates for important pspers were
taken from it, and a loss of (30,000 was tbe
Twenty rJv thousand dollars was apent in
advertising by one real estate firm in Seattle
last year and the result is a nc pr-jlit to the
investors of $ 100,000. This is a hint forresl
estate men in tbe WillarnoHo Valley.
Prof Heine, the eu.ioent violinist, though
blind, is a close observer and 'sees' more
than some men who have two good eyee. In
a visit to tbe Atlorian o'Doe yesterday after
soon be gave several wonderful manifesta
tions of his keen perceptions, notably being
able to tell the shspe of objects in tbe room
without touching them Attorhn
So fr ss learned, there will be 24 csuneriea
in operation in this vMulty tbis year aa
against 29 last year. Tbe Eureka, Eg!e,
Knappton and North Kbore will ran cn
jointlt, the packing being done at the lirst
named. Tbe Colombia, Anglo-American and
Wm. D. Smith canneries will not run tbis
Priss fighting is brntal business and should
be stopped ; but b:re is the way Kilrsn will
train for bia fijjht with Sullivan. Ue will
punch a bag an hour before breakfast, then
rnn through sand sixteen miles, be bathed
snd robbed, box m. boor with Mitchell,
swing club, in foot be will be worked from
morning to night lor ths next six months.
An Alameda msn was in Portland last
Summer, and be saw a Willamette Valley
nativa cutting bay. Tbe Alsmsoa mao
bought one ton snd bad It seat by steamer
t his rural borne, opposite San Fraocinco.
Tbe following bills bad to be paid, however :
rirst cost. 117 : steamer cbsrses. Kl : ex
press and ferry chargea in Alsmeda. 810.
Total cost of Cat too if biy, US.
Albany has a wideawake Marshal.
Circuit onartia in session at Salem.
Waltis Nash bos a farm at Rock Creek.
A lodge of Good Templars was organised
near Rock Creek raoettly.
Portland has only one dsily paper. Tbe
Orr-jonUxn wears everything else our.
Mr. W. I. Vawter and Mits Etta 11 ill
were married at Eugene yesterday.
Remember "Force of Impulse'' Friday
evsmng. XMeatiy evoryooay u going.
paymaster Hogne, of the O. P. bos been
ia the city to-day with bia money bag.
A gentleman reports the sight of a very
fin looking butterfly, and tbis is February.
Read .Read's new advertisement, lie car
ries a tine stock Of goods and treats people
Tbe Wizard Oil troop is coming this week
and will play at tbe Opera I loose several
Have yoa selected a valentine yet for your
best girl, boys. Then do so, for Thursday ia
the day.
Frances Pfeiffer has ordered a $1200 aoda
fountain. Tbere ia nothing aleepy about
Tbe law tirovidiog for the closing of sa
loons on Sued sy is One that deserves being
enforced 10 Albany. .
Albany has no band. Think of the lead
ing eity in the Valley being without a brass
band. 1 ha thought is curdling.
lion Seymonr Condon, a member of the
lower house of the legislature from Lane
county, was bora in this city in 1860.
Coroner John Shea, the presence of whoe
pnis is tne eity always drives away tne
bines, bos beon doing Albany to-day.
C C Bonner, recently of VV T. purchased
of H Bryant, ten acres of garden Una ad
joining the city, paying 1400 for the some.
Rev. Rogers,of ths Congregational church,
of Corvallis. ia in the city, tbe gaest ef Rev.
Roeers. ol the Congregational cnurcb, ot
Eastern Oreson people are wincing under
the enormous subsidies asked by Hunt for
bis railroad. lis is the champion in this re
spect. .
Tbe old Exchange Hotel is being straight
ened no. and improved generally, and we
ere informed, will-soon be occupied by Mrs,
Mnrrsy sgain
An example of bow tho value of town lots
in Albany have inoreaaed in valne may be
seen in the sale of a lot for $700 that cost
$250 three years ago.
Mr. Paisley, of the Albany Furniture Co.
will leve to-morrow on a business trip of
two or three weeks through the Valley in the
interest of the company. .
Mr E A SahifBer, who will have charge ef
L E Blain's tailoriug department hereafter,
arrived in the city to-day with hie family
prepared for business.
A quarrell near Eugene last Saturday be
tween two farmers named Crail and White
resulted in the latter shooting ths former,
and it was thought the wound will prove
fataL . ,
From reoent experiments in England it has
been found that a tortoise can walk a mile in
four hours. What a pity it ia that tortoisea
cannot be utilized instead of the cars for
carrying mail on the Narrow Gauge Railroad
Mr Frank Hikes, who has been attending
sohool at Jefferson, bss returned to Albany,
and will make wire fenoes, with headquar
ters at 0 H Dodd k Co s warehouse, oppc
site the postofiiue.
W. W. Crawford Is in the city to-day with
Restoo, the prettiest horse in Lion eiwty.
McKoiht (iron., also, havo Ouecu in the
city, the stallion v.itli fatct rtord, Tl;e
son shows his good Lrrtdi'ig.
l)r Jidiu Majjors ditj at bin lion t itt S'ay
ton last fctnnda-. He was tbe fatl. t of Mr
Kherman ?hompor, rf this city, nd vm u
man ri'iiiy tsteetuiu. .urinaiit x 1.0,-1. p
son Itft yett'rdy to attend the funr rl, re
turning to-day Mr it Mayors,
The unxhanst,iblo editorial matter in i)n-
Benton Leader h.Vocd to tbe Ac.nui!nifs
College alone d.spuy a tt'msrkably fetti'.c
brsin hold of the pen. Wti do bulietc J
will bo wnlio;; or tiio auij':'Jt twenty y a:
Tito action of the Lower House in dc.frat
ing tlm Portland watr r bill, was a tighter u
one Now it is to bo hrr"d all: "f tbse
private wagon road biiU, eic., will ' dp-
lesion, i.inn county nmiiis its o. u tnuaa
and would like totte other conntus d like
Defeat f the water bill is due to tbe de
termination of the Governor and a number of
members of tbe Iegilstnre to maintain the
theory that bonds should be taxed vln'ch
they knew never will be taxed at alt, in any
possible circumstances, OrowVii, Io the
name ef cood sense then what was the nse
of the provision in the lil!,s it was the only
i'.ng that jeopardised it.
New good at VV F Read's.
Bargsins in boots and shoes at Uead's.
Some people are making early garden?.
Oregon will be thirty tenrs old to mot raw.
Choice Herkimer Co i-bcene at Brownll &
Wheat is booming in Chici!0. TI10 Hulls
are ia control.
IV, Neaui removes c me tre without '.!.
knifs or pain.
Best artist's material.! in the c tv at Dr.
If yon want anv M id of stive remits call
on O. W. Smith.
Wm. II. licndiron. of Oakland. (Jill I is
in tke city on buiue.
O. W. Smith civ-s thl white enameled
iron ware with fcts fine ook slovra.
A full aesortmeiit of brass kettles from one
to eiLtceo glLti st G, W. Smith's.
Floor delivered to anv nrt ,f tiio citv at
11.15 per sack by N A lilodgctt.
New line of artist's mstorials at I)r. Guiss
& S ins. Costs nothing to - the.n.
Ike Hynan, t'ae well-Known. Sin Fran-
citeo clothing man, is io the city.
Blame has formally accented the oIBj-j cf
secretary of state undor llarfisnn.
Smith Bros, are crccth z a handsome reii
dence near the Christian Church.
J II Aldricb. reofiiitly of the
Xewi, baa gone to Arizjniato locate.
Benton coantv is abont to be toed for f?25
by a Ksntlemsn who wntd to lui!d a jail
for tbe county.
I have reduced uric on a'.l heavy wfar
in Loots and shoes. Call eurlv at W V
Phil Cohen's e'erk oa dia..Tcared with
17000 in csb. It wss in Boiton. Ma-e,
A fresh supply f horse radish and a ban tl
of very fine aaner kraut receive 1 to-dey at
r. I. Kentoa'a.
Call on O. W. h end cet one of those
Missouri Stesin Washers warranted to do a
T. I . f . ..... . ....
i. iwara 1 ii' rn ana t.ino u linw. ;o
of Jeaarsou a leading young people, were
married on .llondsy.
Editor Penllaud. of the HVrf SV. baa
been in tbe city, having hen to S-io to at
tend bis sisters wedding.
Tbe Willamette ia now two feet above low
water mark, which maa-a some of the boats
growl to cross tbe bars.
A tine line ti alt kinds cf furniture. tdin
and npbolstere l, bee stock in tbis tart ol
Ursuon at rvrtmil:er Irving a.
Sirs. Martin Payne is t.repared to ta!te
first -clss boardrs at her residence oppositt
me i.engregaiunai t'hurcn
Tbere will be a rr.eetiog of tbe stockholders
of tbe Oregon Paciuo at Corvailis 00 Feb.
23rd. Directors will be elected "
Get your job printing done at Burkbart &
Rtyce'a. Best work and most reasonable
prices. Their facilities are complete.
Tbe "Three Sisters' began running auain.
arawing two leet ol watei aait went aoutb
Considerable business ia reported ahead.
A mask ball will le given at tbe Oera
House on Thursday evening, Feb. 21st,Rooe'
orchestra, of Portland. funrtLiog tbe mntio.
$6345 was raised yesterday at S.'em
towards th. $20,000 bonna for tbe woolen
miil. It S Wallace jives tbe largest amount
94 w.
Mr Field, cf Marion countv. is ia the
city, and Ulka of establishing a chair factory
tiers it ne can make tbe necessary arrange
Col John Lee has been removed as urcrin
tendent of the Indian school at Salem, and
W U II Beadle of Yankton. Dakota, an-
. . -
A large consignment of wnsoca far Knanr.
nnrreii xio arrived yesterday on the O001
cent, one 01 tbe U 11 S hoc of river
There is trouble at Silverton. The license
wss recently taken away irom tbe only aa- ,
loon. Now it sells liquor by the quait and
is doing a big business, causing consterna
Marsha Hoffman deserves being patted on
the back for the manner in which he is fixing
side and crosswalks, streets, etc. We have
been requested to write a two stick item ou
the subject : but will forego at pre seut.
Years ago a piece of property was conveyed
in Albsny, the deed waa cot filed and can
not now be found, making a conveynnce of
the property a doubtful matter. Deeds
should always be filed at once.
It is a cold day when Albany gota Uft,
sometimes. Now abe is to have an ice fac
tory, capacity of nearly three tona per day.
F II Pfeiffer is to manage tbe freezer.
Salem jowrnnl. "sometimes means wcol
en mil! does it, Mr Journal.
Al Al 11 tie, had a tine gold headed cine
tolen from him at a picnic S Tears aco at
Balistou. A few data aco, while out hunting
a young man cf that place, passed the pic
nic grounda and found the cane in the hollow
of an old log. Dallas Obstrvtr.
A beautiful young ladv hecamo ao sadiv
disfigured with pimples and blotchea that it
was 1 eared she would die of guet. ' A mend
reeotnmended Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which she
took, and waa completely cured. She is now
One of the fairest of the fair.
For the restoration of faded and gray bair
to ita original color and freshness. Aver'a
Hair Vigor remains unrivaled. This is the
most popular and valuable toilet preparation
in the world; all who use it are porfeclly sat
isfied that it is the best.
At Astoria. Mrs Ingleton. who sosnunmr.r-
ily disposed of a would be ravisher ly in -stantly
killing him, was brought before Jus
ties May, charged with mnrder. The jus
tice, alter hearing the evidence, promptly
dismissed tne case, tiood tor tna woman
who will defend her honor bv bloodbhcd even
11 necessary.
Read This. Mr. V II Greenwood has
purchased the gallery formerly occupied
by Mr. L Y Clark. He Is now prepared
to do all styles ot photographic work fiom
a locket to life size ana can finish in oil.
water color, India Ink and crayon. Mr.
Greenwood i. just from the east and is
thoroughly acquainted' with first-class
work. He has come here to make this his
home and cordially invites the public gen
erally to call and get acquainted. He
comes highly recommended as a first-class
artist. , . '
&G.1C. SN THE 111
Pino lino of Guns and
good stock, of Ammuni
tion at Deyoo and Rob
son special bargains
That Is the kind of argument wo aro n
Ing. We nropoe to malso the lowest
prices rnad in tbis town and wn will din-
count tbe bORt figures tbat any other mer
chant can or will make, ,
Tils Knocks Eomi Competition
and gives us in undisputed precedence In
our Hold of business. Wo want t mn-
vinr-e every cn that they can bo lest
ervta in our alore and we propoise to
by oar low ptlces until tho fact Is urdvet-
uy recogBizoii that for high sr4degxx a
nd tho lowe t ilvlnir t rlan- tn striA - n
Hrownell & Staiiard,
Cor. Broaliltln and Ht St. Albany. Cr.'-
A Hew Grocery Discovered
at . . .. "
strong's old corner, opnolio Stewart Sc.
SOX, rirt Mini, All uy, O
t t - M " .
1.1 miii is -a, iifii nnn til - . ' ,
CAFsfsEO G0003,
' Quick fcala an 1 ftmall nrnflle" "T.iva
and K-t live," is onr motto. Jfioase cal.
and examine our g-o1 and get pi tees
'Satisractlon guaranteed.
Produce Taken in Exchange,
Very Rerpeclfu'Iy,
GofEast via Mount Shasta Route. Kit
climate and seeoery at all times of tbe-year.
.-eo .woontonasia, nocramento, uilen, Sa.t
Luke, Denver. Finest second-class ca-s
made are run daily. Bay your tick eta n e
and aave your fare to Portland. I cm tl e
only person in Albany that can sell yoa a
ticket iroro Albany direct to any point 3D
tbe United States. Call on me for rates.
I W. L, Jestek.
Agent S. P.
General Job Wori, Dressing and
Sawing Lumber, Repairing,
Etc., Etc, "
Special adranutge to purchasers of
r.stio flooring,
Factory at foot of Lyon Street.
Requirements of a Stenographer.
TO Succeed as a stenographer, one must be ne
I U curate in shortl'tend, skilled in tj-pe-wriliitt;,
a good penman, a roiupeteiatcot
nv.iioiulfiiU In the bhrib:itiu ix-tv.rtmcmof the
in tyje-wriiing. careful instruction in
asunoant DRILL in correspondence ninp'y
f;i3li:y students for jiositions a'.wavs open to those
u:!y prt-pnrcd to GU thenu Suid forctta'.ctnic.
A. 1'. AKMiJRONC, rr.IK.. - fcSTLANO, OSliCOS. -
TiB. W. C. KEGTJS. Gtadaate
of th
Ratal Collr en. ol London, England.
also of the Bellevue Medical Colteee. The
Doctor has spent a Hie uns of study and
practice and makes a speettlty of cbronio
diseases, removes cancers, scrofula en
largements, tumors ad wen, without
pain or the Knite. ne aiso dukw a spec
ialty of treatment with electricity. Has
practiced in the uarmau, r ronca aaa
English hospitals. Calls promptly at
tended day or night. 11 is mctuv is :
"Good Will to All." Office and rekidenco
FetryFtrtet between Third and Jourtn
Stteets, ; - ; ;
Eevere House;
Fitte i up In first-class atylo. Tables
supplied with the best in the market.
Nice sleeping apartments, ssampie roomn
:or commercial travelers,
OTFree Cttar.h t aa t fraai lao UiIct.TEa
Grass and Garden
all kinds at
Druggists and Booksellers,
Agent? for John B. Alden's publications,
which wa sell at publisher's prioas wits
racking wo. s store.