JlR SALES LETTER. Feb. uth.iSSg. Editor t Dimocrai . The Portland water bill In the House created a good deal of Interest. Man ladle and gentlemen were there from Salem and other placet to hear the debate and receive the vote. Judge Dead was within the bar and manifested close atten tion to the proceedings. He could not, tiowever.tnfluence the members either way II desired. The ball opened by Mr. Geer, of Marlon, who voted for the bill but now sustained the reto. He wanted to know If he held a promissory note tor $itoo and a water bond for $1000 It they should not be taxed alike. No one answered him Messrs. Gilbert and Northrupt championed the bill, while Miller of Jackson sustained the veto in a creditable speech. Several others had something to tar pro and con. The vote finalljr came, 37 for the Ml and 11 against It. Belknap absent. The ex citement was great and the Governor re celved many congratulations. Taxed or not, the bonds would be all right The would go to a four and a hall per cent market and never be assessed In Oregon. Though It not Uxed our banks would buy them on a speculation, and sell them at a premium. Condon's bill placing the State Universi ty on a free scholarship basia passed the House. It provides that a tax shall be levied annually ot one-seventh of one mill on the dollar for University purposes to support the University. From and after the first of January, 1890, no charge or fee whatever shall be made or collected from any persoa or persons residents of this state who passes the necessary qualifications to inter the University for tuition of the lit every departments threof,provlded a sum ot to exceed ten dollars per year may be collected from each student for incidental purposes. This Is at it la In other states and It I a good bill. It gives all merit orious boy a chance those who cannot jay tuition. The dome ot the Capital building should be built, but there are none to se it. Lib eral wagon road and other appropriations can be made, but nothing can be done to d to the appearance of the State Capital, rlon count delegation has never been known to be very leading in matters bene ficial to Salem or state. It is said that it did not support the appropriation that was given to the Agricultural Society a few ears ago. It Is not expected to favor the purchase of land for state house grounds. It I credited with refusing to present a bill for a small appropriation to extend a count wagon road to the east line of the count, taking In a large number of new settlers, stock ranges and the mining v& gipq, a. road that waa to be a count oad and one absolutely demanded by the indus tries In that region. It I predicted that if the Asylum get an appropriation to build a new winger the Capital a dome or Sa'.cm anthing else, that Multnomah count wilt secure them for Marion count. Why Marion count cannot take the lead in leg islative matters and secure these things that will benefit the vajle or Salem. U a wonder. Dyawson's Railroad Commission bill passed the Senate. Elkins' bill to allow Eugene City to extend its credit and Issue bonds in the sum of $60,000 to build a Court House passed the Senate. Three oad bills. Crook's for $i4,ooo,road in Cur ry count ; Fell's bill for $io,ooo,road from Heppner, and Maxwell's bill for $10,000, road in Tlllamook.have passed both houses and will go to the Governor for "further instruction." Napton's bill preventing marriage of second cousins, etc., failed to pass. Marriages of first cousins should not be permitted. Sojourner. The veto of Gpyeruor Pennoyer of the Poit land water, bU) was sustained in the house yes terday, bj a vetoof 37 yeas to 22 nays, there apt being two thirds in favor of the passage of the bill over the veto of the governor. The 22 members who voted to sustain the veto of the governor deserve the thanks of every honest tax payer of the state. The people of the state are in hearty sympathy with the efforts of Port land to secure pure water, but they draw the line when they are virtually asked to tax them selves to secure that ' which Portland should secure for itself. Now let the same bill be at once introduced without the exemption clause and it will pass without objection. Sotr day ago we called attention to certain charges u.-Ae by an Eastern Oregon newspaper against Hon. T. E. Fell member of th legula tare from Morrow county. The lleppner Ca utle makes a defense for Mr. Fell which while, not without its weakness, yet may be regarded as sufficient to, put the paper in question to its proof. We know knothing about the matter and must regard Mr. Fell as exonorate J until the Budget adduces proof to sustain its charges When Dawson's Railroad Commission bilj came up in the senate, Senator Irvine offered the following amendment: "The said Board shall have the power to fix maximum rates of freight to be changed by the varions railroads of the state between all points within this state.'' The senate voted it down at once which clearly shows what the feelings of the senate are to wards railroads. Judge Woods, of Indianapolis, says that by Senator Allison's declination of the Treasury office "all rlatn as to the Cabinet are badly dis. arranged." Yes, and by Judge Woods' action in ovcruling his own decison before the Grand Jury in the Dudley matter the plans for execut ing justice in the bribsry cases were badly dis arranged. ' - Wagon road bills appropriating more ' than $77,000 have passed both houses of the legis- litture and manv more are rendine. This is destined to be the most unpopular legislature that ever convened in Oregon. Booth and Barrett the world-renowned gedians will be in Portland in May. tre A Flcaslns 8rnno 01 h.eltb i d .trergth renewed and of eas md eomf.irt follows the ue of Sy rup 1 f Figs it act iu hiriiiony with n un re to effee- tntllv cle- tho avetain w ion contiva O l-ilinu. For sals in 50j. and $1 bottle by all Ufcding dmirgivt. Thompunu t Overman keei) the best bar asiwes. 0naro?tioi Soi-cly CureJ. To mat Knrroit. Please ioforin your rsadors that I have a positive remedy for the above sained liwse. By its timely use thousand of linpel'M case have been permanently cnrd. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remely frea to any of your readers who have consumption if thy will send ine their express and post office addreaa. Respectfully. ; T. A C m Pearl St. OUR PREDICTIONS, " (Written for the Democrat.) In our first article written for the Dem ocrat over our present uo-iU-jfium we remarked that if Mr. IlnrrUon wanted a peaceful, beneficial reign as President of the United States for the four years after the 4th protlmo.that Grandson Den would et tho wll schemer from Maine severely alone. Recent authentic dlnpatchcs seem to verity our prediction that James G. Blaine will rUe to the surface an Bnyard's successor, as State Secretary. Fcr the country's good, we regret it for In truth that great American tall twister will In volve us In unclcss strife with foreign pow er and probably well nigh wreck the Na tlon. Blaine' conduct In the pat, Ids attitude toward Uoscoe Conkllnjr, the meteor of the republican party, his feeling toward that portion of the United States lying south of the Mason and Dixon line all combined Is sufficient to lower that gen tleman In ven a respectable republican estimation. But yet to democracy, Blaine's very probable return to power should not be heratded as an ill omen. It will serve to verify the '.ruth ot our past assertion that the republican party Is a war part ; that It sprung from the dying embers of a sectional strife ot which it was the lucky accident ; and that It may wreck the coun try, but surely wreck Usclf. J'our years ot schooling In the deep ruts ot tdverslty will not diminish a slmon pure democrat' ardor one iota, for had we not a quarter of a century of almost monarchal rule ? The South Is not greedy, only the rights o states and individuals as guaranteed by the constitution Is all they demand. Their solidity cannot be brolen and most surely will have a tendency to be strengthened under the Harrkon-Blulnc-Mahonc dy nasty, it Is a poor rule that cannot work to an advantage more way than one, and our memory recalls the fact that many voted against Cleveland because he called Lamar and Garland into hi Cabinet. Now Southern republican are clamoring for a place for Mahone. Who Is Mahone ? Dur ing the war, no braver or more true an officer unsheathed his 4vord in the service of the confederacy. Since he jumped tra,d die of the political fence, poking as a Ro adjuster and was elected to office fro-u Vir ginia. Compare .Lamar and Garland- with Longstreet and Mahone. Can it be done i Impossible for the former remained ttue to party teachings and commands the re spect and admiration ot all thinking mar, everywhere ; whilst the latter arc held up as political martyrs by the party to whicN they now &lve their allegiance, "and we be believe not even respected by a majority of the republican. ' February 10th, 1SS9. Yotxtf Drmocrai v. aifcaar Market. V Wheat 70 Butter 25 its per IK ECjTS (5 Hsy -9,00. PoUtoee 50 oil par buih-l. Boof on f xh. 3V ..pples 73 eeat par bu. Pork 6Kc per 1 iresaed. Bacons turn. Mii.' boulders, Hi. si lai M-i. uxri 13 per lb. Floor 4.25 pr bbl. 'ibickeoa-3 00 per do - Hi! t.- L. . .nit iwj-uiiu, it. jsper tos sanris, is, middUBSM, 20. Cbor i. Conrad Meyer. -PROPKllCTCi y- STAR. BAiiE 111-, luArnsr Brtuaalbin ana First S& -DEALSR IN Cauaaed Fruits, c-jo ?fi. Glauwware. Dried Fruits. Tobaeeo, Sugar, Co flee. 4)arenssrr, Vegetable. Te. rUc. In tat everythbiipr tha r siirw S fr raj variety awl nnnrf mst. llkcKt markot price prviil for ALL Kifas OF Notice for Publication. lAnd omco at Orejron City. Or ) January 2t;tb. 1&9. Notice is berebv slven tbat the lollop ing named settler has filed notice of Uis Intention to make final proof In support of bis cUim, snd that said procf wilt be made uerr the county JuJKe. nr in nis absence, before iht County clerk efXiinn connty, at Albany, Oregon, on Taeariar. March ttli, tJ9, vis:' John Mariels, IIometead Kntry No. 5817. for tfcesl W X of N 13 H and lots 2, 3. 4 snd fi of&M:. 26, Tp. 9,bK2 K. He names the following wilness to prove bis continuous velcenca upon ant! eultl ra'.ton if4td land, viz : Henry 7yons. of Uensms. and Sol J'.radsbsw, John Donna snd Krajik Horm, of Vox Valley, all of Linn coiuity, Oregon. Any (ersrn who !etire to protest atpilimt the allowance of soch proof, or wbo knows of -any substnntial reason, nnder the l-w and tb rezutations of the Interior Dopartment, why sneb proof Don Id not tie allowed, will be givon an opportunity st the above mentioned time an d place to cross-examine the witnesses of caid cla'uoant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of 1 list submitted by claimant. W,T. firRT, Keglster. TOTICK---ll pernon sr notified not ill 10 trii!t my wife, J. M, Long, on my account for I will not stand good for any hinu; contracted by hor. Bcio, .fn-.i, 3lst, lfc9. - , G. F. Losa. rSHl!.r ML u. . j t. mm II mx mdn mi W Jt r - IM3&tifl3i;. " am W w-v V f W V ' , FOB SALE IJY FOP II AY A MASON Kotico of Final Settlement. Notion, it hereby givn that tho under ftlgr.ed Adminlslrator of t'J estate of Sirocn V, Byerson. decoasod, has fi'r-d his ririt.1 account with the Clerk of the County Court for Linn county, Oregon, and that the Couty Oours has fixed the 0 h day of March. 1P89, at too hour of tr-n o'clock, m f"1 hearing hbjecdons to the sine and for settling sa' 1 ests'e. r, p. mai.v, J. K, Wkatherfobd, Admlniatrator, Att'y for Adm'r. ' mm 0m "a,m .ri-V- r ,h rirtMiiMr f---V -v-r WE ARE NOW FOR BUSINESS ..for 1889 and respectfully call attention to our stock of - Groceries, Confectionery, Etc.Q "Wo shall endeavor at all times to servo our cus tomers in tho best possible manner. We always aim to purchase goods of the best quality and to sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to our groceries business we receive subscriptions for all the leading newspapers and magazines. Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps, seals, etc. We cordially invite all whe have not dono so to favor us with their patronage. Wo hope by fair dealing and careful attention to business to merit a continuance heretofore bestowed upon us, Very Respectfully, F. L. KENTON. mrm tit a m It VI 11131 ilil oil Parker Brolhers, iw. 'vri 'as Fm, ' your Groceries, Pftxlacs. Bitei Gaols, Etc. Etc. Tbclr k3J are the bout and tb tr,' prices reaxona'ile. Estray Notice. Taken up by the underused, on dark bay ware, 10 or 13 years old, weighs about 1000 pounds, bs a fe wblie- hairs on wltbors and root ot tall, ha a stiff tuck, brandsd tbusy baa been at royplaco about 11 months. t Jj J. M. PlttLPOTT, HairUburg. Feb. llta, 18S9. Poultry Wanted. All kind of poultry, allvo or droa'ed, wsntrd at lb Willamette Packing Com paoy's Htore, Albany, Oregon. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. All person knowing themselves Indebted to lbs Ute firm of K tilass Hon are requested to cdl and settle si once with H, Oiass, at Crwfordvlllo, either by casts or note. All accounts on onr ledger must be closed right away. January 10th, 188 J. - It. Glass & Son. I Administrator's Noxice. Vntirai la hnrehv clvoo tbat Its under signed bM boen by the County Comt or 1. ii.ii pjiurstv. Orriron. duly appointed Ad ministrator and Administratrix e.f the estate t! Wallace Cuwhman, deceased. AH iwrnon bavtog elsiuis sainst id etste sre hereby i.otinad to present them t.roprly erlled within six months from the date hereof at the ofUce of IfewiU, Itryabt & irvloe, lo Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Dated January 81st, 1889. PniLUP Bebtbold, llAHNUI CVSDMAIV, AdminUtrat :rs of tb estste of Wallace Cuibmap, deceased, lUwiTT, BBfAAT A ltt'ISK, Attorneys. Notice for Publication. Lend Office st Oregon City, Orcgos ( December 22nd. 183. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler bss tiled notice of his iutentioa to make tinsl proof in summers of his claim, and that said proof will be made before ths Judce, or in bis sbseucs I fore the County Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, on Thandar, Febraarr flat, IMS, via : Milton A. Fitzgerald, Homestead En try No. 5372, for the V J oi N K and Lota I, 2 and 3. Moe. 6. Tp 13, 8 H 1 E. He Okincs the following witnesses to prove hi oontionou residencs upon snd coltivstion of, aid land, viz : J K Orchard, of Sweet Home, sod M B Gaylord.Ouy Gaylord and Stephen Poweil, of Iebaoou, all of Lion county, Ore gon. Any person who desires to protest against ths allowance of such, proof or who knows tf sny substantial reason.under the law and tha refutations of the Interior Department, why och proof ahoald not be allowed will be given an opportunity at tho above mentioned time and place to cross examine tho witness es of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted bv claims ot, W, T. Hubsey, Register. Executor's Halo of Eeal Estate. Nolle Is hereby given that the nnder nigged, the duly sppolotal and acting ftx'cuter rf the last will r.nd tostament of Mary Jane Costelio, deceased, bv virtue of an order of tbe County Court fr Lino county, SUIh of Oregon In probate dalv iude cn tbe 12th dsyof Junuary, 1889, and entered of record. wdl on Ibe Sitrd day et February. 1K80, at the hour of one o'alock in the afternoon of said day at the Court House door in tbe :lty of Alb-tny, Linn oouuty, Oregon, sell at public 11 not ion to tho hlgbefti bidder all tbe right title and iuteit of Mary JUnw Com olio, deceased, at tho time of ber death tn and to the following doeoribsd real vhtate, to-i. it : . Buginning 32.&H chains east ofthe SW comer of the Ionatlon Claim of Thomas Shi pHd ami wife. Claim No. 61 In Tp. 14, S1UW of tbe Willtmette nteridian and running theuce ti 2.24 chains to the line between Sections 0 and 10 ; thence V along said line 27.70 chains to the vomer ofS:tlonH8, 8, 18 and 17jthenc W along the lion between Sectious 8 ans 17, 20 cbalni to the S W corner of lot 4 in -eo. 8; thence north 40 chaltn u the N v Krner of let No 3 In Sec. 8 ; lhnca oust 16.34 chains to tbe N IS corner of said lot 3 : tbcnceN 2.45 chains to the- N W corner of aai'' Donation Claim of Thomas Sbepard ; tben!M J 32 S3 chains ; tbenco S 40 chains to the place of beginning, con tninliin 198 acres more or less, lying and belnir m Liun county, urcgon, tOKelher with the tenements and heieditamenls thereunto helonglng. . Terms of salrt ona-balf of th ) purchase price to be paid down on the dv of sale and one. half In six months thereafter with interest at ten per cent per annntn to be secured by msrtsgage on the premises. This lZtb day or January, ISH'J. Mahitkl Nixon, Executor xt the last will and testament of Mary J, Contello. dee'd. J, K. WiATHBBFORD, Attorney for Executor, IN THE FIELC of the liberal patronage CITY DRUG STORE. DRUGS, PAINTS, BRUSHES. BOOKS, OILS, ALABASTIFIE; ETC. A complete Hue of ARTISTS MATERIALS. Prescriptions and Receipts Care fully Prepared. GUISS & SON. gardenT" ! Flower, Grass, from tbe celebrated aeaid bouse of A. B. Cleveland & Co. AlSO ONION SETS, AT CECROCK PRICES- Discounts to Gardners, WALLACE & THOMPSON. Executor's Notice. Notice is hertbjr rivco that lbs uodvrsign d bss been by tbsCouoty Conitof IbtSuis t OrrOo fur Linn county, duly sppoiuUd Kiecutor of the lst will sod testsmcst f Tbooias Umpbrey, clceil. All parsons havioit cisims acain.t ths rststs of said de ceased, are hereby notilied to prefect their claims proporl verified within six months from tha date of this notice to tho Execntar at his residence a ho at ten tuilcs tenth of Al bany, On-gub. Dated January 2Gtb, 188 'J. ALsr.RT UsiriiaEvs, Kxscoto;. IfKwtrr, Est & Irvixr, Attoraeys for Kseouto Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tbe under signed has been by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed nnlnistraur of tbe estate of Cleo. W. I erry, deceased. All persons baring laima aRaiust said estate are hereby noti fied to present tbem properly verified within six months from tbe date of tbls ntllce lo tbe undersigned Administrator, at bis residence near Solo, Linn county, Oregon. D:ed January Slat, ISM, T. J. MC5IKRS, Adm'r of tbe estste of Geo.W'.Perry.deo'd. Hk Witt, Bmtaht A Irvi.nl, Attorneys, Summons. Jm the Circuit Court of tha Flat of Ortgou ' for ike County of Ltitn. Ueorge A. Whitney, PlalntifT, vs. W. 8. Walker and Florence. E, Walker, Defendants, Civil action to reooTer money. To W.8. Walker and Florence, K Walk er, the above named Deiendata IN the name of the State of Oregon, yon and each of jron are hereby squired to appear and answer tbe complain t of the Plaintiff in the above entitled Court new en file with tbe Clerk of said Couit by tbe first day of tbe next regular term of said Court, whlcn said tei tn begins on Hoaday the lllta day erilarcb, I8, , at the Court House in Albany, Linn Co.. Oregon, and if you rr either of you fail so to appearand answer the complaint of the Plaintiff. Tbe rialmtirwillUke a jnd ment against you for tbe sum of 9J27.G8, and for Interest and costs as prayed for in Plaintiffs complaint, and also for sn or- oer to sell the real property nttaobed by the Sherlffof Linn county, Oregon, in the above entitled cause. Attached as your property. Said property Is desnrib.d aa follows : Lots No. 7 and 8 In block No. 2, in the town of North Brownsville, And also lota No. 1 and 2 Ie block No. 6 in Gross's addition to tbe town of North Brownsville In Linn connty, Oregon. , This Summons Is published by order of tbe Hon. It P, Boise, Judge of said Court made at Chambers on tbe 11th day of January, A. D , 1889. J.J. Whitokt, ' Attorney for Plaintiff, i covery. containing only ture's own ramcdlea, ''The" Hi It ia benefit to the human race. KEEP UP YOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR by the uaeof Pfunder-s Oregon Blood Purifier. Quick and Complete Cure of all Diaeasea of the Skin, Kidneya, Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatiam snd Malaria, relieve Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness.aad puts fresh energy into the aystem by maWg New, llieh Vlood. Take it in time, right now, as it cannot be beat as a preventative of diseaac. WuM and used everywhere. Si a bottle, 6 for K TAKE IT NOW. FAULTLESS! etur Is faulthsas and so is that nobis discovery, containing only Ma- 1 I have bought the largest and best stock of .... ever brought to Albany, nvite every on o to call stock. DON'T FORGET carry a full lino of 0. M, Henderson & Go's BOOTS AND SHOES. The Bed School House Shoes are the best . in the world. kVX XIUXC.M.IIENDKII.SON&COS ' aMm&RM f ,! u.nii . mm mnrf-rT-- .-... ,.' I? ... . y -:iammmM Look out for Bargains in the next 30 day. W. F. The Leading Cash 113 George SUCCESSOR TO ' Hat moved to tho Headers Yeans, where he hno the largest ana Bneit iok ei Stoves and Tinware In the JOB WORKPBOMPTLY DONE EC : JUL1- GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. Uis stock 'm bssu enlarge 1 a that U equals any oa tha Coast, end oonsists of Eoger Broa. Silverware, Pranch. Ohiaa and Crys talware, Boys' Wa?ani, DdII 0irrHga3, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Orockiey , f and Toys. . lleVuyetllrent end orrle tha largest stioV. In ths Willamstle Valley, to whlol lifisfceen addod complete line of FAMILY GROCERIES. ffa Agent for Insurance companies with a capltil aggrega tluj $75,O0D,0C6 , 3TIcl on Tiarla Francals. 111. and I would respectfully and look through my BEAD, Dry Goods Store. ir w. Smith, W II. MC.FAKLAND, fc Sternberg corner opposite S. E. Oounty Hier witd deutch gesprochen.- ill NEW GOODS NEW SMYRNA RUCS AND PORTIERRES. NEW TABLE COYERS. LINEN TABLE SETS.'NAPKINS TO MATCH, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LINEN AND FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. TRUNKS AND VALISES. SILK DRESS PATTERNS. ' COLORED AND SILKVARP HENRIETTAS. SILK UMBRELLAS, Boot and Shoe INDIES AND CENTS FANCY SLIPPERS. CENTS FINE SHOES. MISSES AND CHILDRENS FINE SHOES FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT CHOICE NOVELTIES IN DECORATED TEA SETS. FRUIT PLATES AHU SAUCERS. DECORATED BEDROOM SETS LAMPS. SALAD BOWLS FANCY PITCHERS- FANCY CUSPADORES CAKE DISHES AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTIES IN CHINA OF A NEW YEAR bijia N'Hiom wt.h XE vV nergT, NEW ti!od ni NEW prions. Oar atock U alwaya Above Bar in quality and FAR BELOW IN PRICE. We cter to all,thn good trd in the city and surrounding country auJtell 4? It shit .v ti ir hvm ta the city. Wallace, Thompson & Co. Succeaoratn Wallace & Thompson. Plinn Block, Albany Or. 1 NEW in the oM furniture snd opposite Stewart & Sox'e Hardware Store. . We desire to o ako known to progressive people that we carry ia stock such goods as will satiofv ft refin-d tastfr, and as the demnd may require will add to our supply, We c&rdilly invite the people to oome andjsee ua and we wil take very grrat pleasnro in fhowing our goods- , , Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administrator de bonus non with the will annexed of the estate ot W, B. Qilson, deceased, has filed his final ao oountaa such Administrator in the County Court of Linn reunty, Owgon. and Bald Court has appointed Monday, March 4th, 1889, at ten o'clock, a. m as the time for hearing- objections to said account and for the settlement thereof, R. A. Irvikb, Administrator do bonus non with the will annexed, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Department. AND SUPPERS, GHIKA Samuel E. Young. Albany, Oregon quantity, but GOODS NoticB of Final Ssttienent. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administrator ef tbe estate of Mary Ann RW. Ssv age, deceased, has filed in the County C'erk'a office for Linn county, Oregon, his f nal account in said eaUte and the Court has fixed the 9th day of March, 1A89, at the hour of 10 e'elock, a, m., to hear objections to said account, and for settling said estate. This 4th day of February, 1889. ' John MosaN, J, K, Weathkbfobe, , Administrator, Att'y for Adti'r. 1- i!)ln