The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 08, 1889, Image 4

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Baathora Pacifla Company's Lina.
Tint eetweaa Albany and Sa lrmolso, 15 aoats
oauvossu striata uun RtmAit.
RcIwhi rertlaad end Saa fraaelsee.
4.00 r. a. I Lt
ril r a I L
;li Ar
Art 10S5 A M
Lt I & a m
L I T:00 ra
Ran Fisnoleio
l,-Ai,AaaarAAis sail. yKsospl Banday).
oo i a II
Ar Mara
Lt I U:S3
Lt I iQ a a
11:40 r a I Lt
1:40 r I Af
I.OCAV rasassssa mu aaibi, (smart sordat.)
:) r a Lt
la r a Ar
11:60 ra I Lt
I.Mr a Ar
Ar I s.w a a
Lt I :a a
.Ar lUri
Lt fciwr
Tourist Sleeping Oara
fr assess MUtij el Seeaaa-Clats rassea
gera, attached Is Urs Tralaa.
ThsS. f. Co'e ferry at ikes eonnsetloa with all the
fular train on the Kaet MJ Ulviaioe trum luut ot
r Blr-Mt, "-xUand,
West ales MTbltt.
Mail, TsautSAitv'Kxjept Sunday.)
A) a a
ta IU
f a I Ar
ar i :W r a
Lt I 1:10 r a
sxrasss nai saav (Kxeipt Sunday.
4 W r I Lt
tiOOral Ar
oo a a
46 a a
Tlirottirii TicUetn
To ail point
.wtiill Inform Olan refanllnf rata, asaee, ste.,
aU ea Oeaapanv1 Aeal at Albany.
Maaafar Ami O. r. aa r. Ar
Oregon Pacific Eaiiroala
goa Development Company 'a Steeni
ahlp Line.
than by any other route.
Fird-cU ; throun'i pAwwnipr and
freight l.tie from Portland end all points
In tbe WlUaovrtte V!ley to ni from an
Prenelaoo, Cal.
Willariatta BiYap Lina of Steamers.
The "W.o. M. Uo." The "it. S, Bot
y" Tne "Three ISUtera" are In eerTloe
for Vyjth paaaeojer end frelntht imrtl-j be
ween Corrallt end Portland end laier
tnedlaU peinu, leering Cotnpanyt wharf.
Corrallie, end Mewra. ituunan A Co'e
wharf. No. 200 end 20i Front St., Port
land, three times e wwik as follows :
LaaT C craUla, MjaUys WJnoJy aaJ ' M
4arai a. at. Aib.ny. O.ii a. m. imm at aalam
j a,. Uur. Stiara raaiat, Tnuralty and aatuf
amy at (a. ml. Ami at CjrOaa 1 JJ p. m.
8UUTU iiUL'Ntt.
u u vtTlitMjAva and Frid Arriaataala at 7. IS p. at. Laaa
Arnra a CorrallUat ,JJ p. m.
BoaU makeeloae oonnaotton et Alban
-tUi trains of tha Oregon Paolflo Kailrond
TIME SCHEDULE. (aoapt gundaya)
Latra Albany, 19 P. a, . Laara Taqoina, :45 A, a.
Laara Corrailia, 1: 10 r. a . I LaaTa CorrailM.lO'ja A,a.
ArriTa Vaqaiaa, JO r. a limi Albany, 11:10 a. a,
- O. U. tralaa oonne at Albany aad
Oorvsllls. The aoore trains connect et
Taqulnt wUh the Oren Devetoptnant
Oompany'a Une of 8toainblra between
Taquloa and Van rrancuou.
raa raavtauu.
raoa raaitaa
Willamatta Tallay, Than, Dae. B.h Wad. Dae. lith
jruiaaaaua Vallay, Mm. Dm. 17th Moa. Oas. tth
ffiUaaaatla VaUay, ana. uaa. ana.
The Company '.rre the right to
ehange aalliug dAtee without notice.
N. B. Paaaeoirers frocn Portland and
Willamette Va'ler poloU can maka close
eonnectln with the trains of tbe Yaquloa
route at Alban r or Cartrallis, and it de
WnJ to San FranoisTi should arrange to
trrtva at Yaqulua tbe evening bof ire date
ilMaeaar aa4 r.lcat Kate alwaa tea
PorlnluriaOianaaplytaC i Stoart, rrlbt and
riekat Azant, Albanr, o'loCB UMa-all, it., O. P.
A P. A(C Oraroo Daralop-aabt Co., 04 MoatonMry
Dm rrannasi, Cd, C. Altai,
A.l P. at I P. Ar-tnt.
O.- Pacilj R R Co. Corrallla
, C. J. DILLON & 'CO.,
General Jot) Wori, Dressing and
Sawing Lnmner. Espairing,
Etcrt Etc.
Special advanvaja to purchasers of
rustic flooring,
Vnltf nt of Ly Ntreel.
Wai. Fortmiilei.
Prompt tttaatioa-?irst-3las3 Hearse
j&" After but-- 'i i im !i i 4t n4 !n'5
roruer fifth an. I Baker tr-l.
"Jim Westftill,"
Full line f Ciil::e- Koodw of all hinds on
hand. A ixo full line of
for this section.
Laborers furnished on short notice fo
any parpose.
Opposite S E Young's, Albany,
1 hereby certify that Dr. 1. f Wooille
has aucceasf ally operated on ray ridtrling
horse, HA AC IIAY3.
For further rfrnnce in regard to rl4J"
Ings Inquire of vT,o Peu?rfn, Dsre Pe
tenwn, Lebanon ; .lotin ri an I man, Alfred
Wolverton Aitaiv ; Hun Gaines, Nolo;.
Wrn. FoHtr, Prln- viil 1 praclica veter.
inary me iiclni 1m Albt-iy and country
surrounding. DlBce and residence corner
6th and Wanlilrgton t. - .
Veterinary Surgeon.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A niarve
of purity, atrenitLI and wholiuitnes.
More economical man tne ordinary kinds
and cannot tie no.a lu compotition wltn
multitude or low teat, shoit woitrht alum
or phosphate powders. Sold only In can
Koysi lUKiutt l'owur uo.. K'o Walt St.,
Jt, Y. D, W, Chow let .t Co., au!s,
rurtlnnd, Urognii,
iaauod March and Bcpt.,
eaoh year. It is an ermy.
olopodia of ttaolXil tutor,
nation for all who pur
chase the lujtuviea or tho
neooaalilee ot Ul'o. Ve
ean clothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and tmnocemary
applianoea to ride, walk, danco. sloop,
eat. flah. hunt, work, e to church,
or etay at homo, and In various elsea,
etylee and quantities. Just Hcuro out
what ia required to do all theso thlnca
C0RF0RT18LT, and you ean make a fair
eattmate of the value of the BU YKE8
OUIDEJ, whioh will be aent upon
receipt of 10 oenta to pay poatngo,
1X1-114 ttiohican Avenuo, Chioago, 111.
Those wUhln ir a flrt.clai Inslrurn-snt
should call at Mrs, 11. K. Kymau's und
see oue of tbose ueieoratett iietutne a
Lons Dlanoos. exceiiut rich tone, Jb
Deolaliv maid and nd.ti ted to stnJ the
oil mate on the PaulUo Coast. L'ver? i iauo
fully KuaianieMl for & tcirJ. Iho latent
abret-iuuaio ftr mi!o, Mu!o a;:d palnmif'
lenaoua pv-ii tt.oio. Amu 1'iu U' u to ki
your now Swiih M.icli tia. K -tivy wt.rk
and drtsa rnKkitx ion to rttr. Piral
dor eatt of YuunV ld taiid, Albany
bulnad, a-iU ail other btuinan in th? U. 8. Paves
Slca atundtdil to lur nunli rata l
Our olfli-a l iit U. I . S. Patent Office, and
aaan ohlalu I'a'.anta tia. tiu. l)iu I turn. retuoU
roi WaahinKWa.
(Mntd awdia ordraalnir. Wa a" to itcnt
abiaiy trea ul chara ;au.l acuaka u carga tuilra.
ra obtain pataut.
Wa rfur hrra, to tho Pruttusatrr, tha 8tit. el
MiNiey Ordar IMt. and tu of the U. . Patent
Offlos. rur cinular, a June, urn.a, and alrratu-oi
o.ctuai clieuU la ouron 8tat or cuunty, addrca.
Cm A. Sl0V &Oa,
Qpoaita l mienv .mica, nvniuwa, ii .
6,000,000 r r-'o Jt
at aod iata.1 ruaiU tiutua, and U7 ox
af ihakvtaat
Ferry's Seeds
rrr-. D. M. FKKUY CO. ara
-rtt M. I"tj5iT A Co'f
'ft S Wl!'
For lt
l. ! r.i ;.,icjiI'I ana
la axUtcacs.
ui'Mitd Mrrd I'M A. A'l'trvM.
a M. FEHHY & CO., Detroit. CSIsii.
SAM Mai.
Dealers in General Hercnaiidis8.
Will bay Grain, Wool snd sll kinds
Reins entirely Tc-rctntile, they op
erate without diflturbence to the eybt m, diet,
or nccupntion. Put ur, In plas viu) . hortiii ll
cally ai-alc-d. Always frrsh and rcilnMo. At
a laxative, alterative, or purgative,
theso iittlo Pellets give the tuaa perfect
nilioas Ileadnehe,
Ulsziuess, :oiintlpa
lion, I iid I erost I on.
Itilleae Atta ka.nndull
derangements of tho etoiu
sch and bowels, are protr.i-t-ly
relieved and iHrrnianwi ly
cured br tlxi uri of Ir.
FlcrrVe Pleasant A-nriratlve Pellets.
In explanation of tli remetlial power of these
Pellirta over no irrest a rnrlcty of dlseasfes, it
may trutlifully Le caid that their action ujwn
the lystein Is uuivvirs), not a glaad or tKsue
ee!iinr their emiut.vo Inllucnce, Wold hy
driicKi".'-1' cenls a vial. Manufnoturod at tlio
Chbmical i.nlonitry of tV'orii.u's OlnrjoiiAur
Mjcdical Abaoc'iano.v, lluOiUo, N. Y.
w! la f?rmA 1r 4 Itsa mann tmM .
'flf ern of Ire Catrrh
for a cm? of
ronio ;ltlU CiiUitTU which
they CttDuut euro.
ivnrTsns r CATARnri-nun.
heavy hem l,e, obstruction of llio nnsal
pnssiroa, ilitcliarnea fHliing from the lnd
into the throat, aometimes profuoe, watery,
and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucuua,
puriib-iit. Moody and putrid; the eyi me
wtuk, wiuvry, and Inllsmej ; there ia riimiitfr
iti the ear, deafness, hsi-khi? or cnurrhlnK to
clear the throat, expectornUon of offensive
niMtter, tOMPthcr with seal from uluers; the
to Is chanced and bn s usual twsnt: the
Lii iiLh b) i iTunslve; amell and Ukie hi lm-f-H.ied;
thcro is a sonaiilion of dixr.uieMi. with
inen:-tl deprvSRiun, a huckii: couyh and t'll
eml duliiliry. Only a few of the alnvc-i:w:ji' '"
syntptomn ure likr-ly to ho pn-Mriit In inv m:
euse. ThouKini's f cf.-s anuually, wltliov)
nmnlfostiiis; hulf of the nhove Ayiiiitoin. re
sult in cotisiir.iptlon, end end in the i;-:!Vf.
No disennu i to Cinntnon, more. deeepMve t:i:l
dnnirerous, or kna iindcratood hy plij Bi.';ii:t .s.
My lis mild, sootlihiir, mid lierlin:,- properties,
Dr. Ku-fo's Catarrh Jteinedy c-uiv-, tlio tvor.-t
eiiwsof Catarrh, "colo In the Jiend,"
Coryza, and Catarrhal ticzmcltc..,
Bold by druggists everywhere; U) xnts.
"Untold Agony from Catarrh
Prof. W. nitJSNEH., the famous rn?smf-r!';t.
of Uhacn,N. KM writes: "Home ten j ouroriro
I suffered untold agony from cluonio i?(.;..uJ
catHrrb. My family physician Etivn ma m rs'
incurnble, and said I mimt dio. My cssu 'was
tucb a bad ono, that every day, to'-w! sun.
set, my voice would become oo lior.ree 1 r. itild
barely sfenlt above a whlspt'r. In llic- nio:'h;i;a;
my couif Ulnar and elearintr of my t'.irnat wonhl
alinott stronifle me. lly tho ui of l)r. Snfe's
Catarrh lUtmcdy, in three months, I tviu a ivtll
mun, and tho cure bos been permanent."
"Constantly IlatvUIno cud EpHlli!g
Thomas J. Kurtiikci, Eeq., Sqcj Pine f.ircti,
SI. Louli, tfi)., writes: "I was a great euCcrer
from catarrh for thrco year. At tinsoa I could
hardly hrcivtho, nnd was constantly hawking
and spittinir, and for tho hUit eij-lit motjtiig
could not breatho throuyrh tlio liostrit.1", I
tboiiaht nothinar could bo dnno for ma. Luck
ily, I was advieed to try hi: t'asc's ratnrrU
Iteraedy. and I am now a wcil imui. I believe
it toio tho only sure romei'j' for tatnirh now
manufactured, and ono hiis only to ivo it a
fair trial to experience astounding: rcsiuita aud
a permuueut euro," .
Three ISottles Cure CatarrU.
' Ell Robbtks, Hunynn P. O., Colvmhia Co.,
Pa., eaya: "My .daughter hnd euturrb vhen.
sho was fivo years old, very badly. X c?.w :.
Bagro's Catarrh ltcmcdy piiveiiiixid, nnd pi-e.
cured a bottlo for her, mid roon raw it
helned her; a third bottl c5ceted a p.-'irrtti-nent
cure. She is now viuklAiva ycaiu eld id
sound and hearty.". ... .. : . . -
OOvqgXs pills.
d : afiKR
K5 afSJ
If a - 1 He
V"k iSK
-im ar -7 "
aavaataj Kin ffa
w ; 11
K.tlled ty Albary W, 0, T. U
Mr. Ml'Ier, of Lafayette, Col,, on whose
(nrm the tldi vein of fine coat wat ens'
covered, U not only generous but jutb.
Into she contribute, freely both land and
money for the church, the school-house
nd other public enter prlc,thi stipulation
U nlwnys .tiadc that the land ihall revert
o her whenever liquor Is told upon It. In
thin camp of n few hundred inula, $J,ooo
wn vnlnly olfcred lor ii lot upon v. men to
build a saloon.
Mra.Erabeih Thompson the well known
hitiinthronUt aupports a ucceNful aonir
service In the very worst quarter of New
Y oik tuv.
January 3rd, the ollklii's tt Uurltngton,
Iowa, M'Ucd stock of the wholesale liquor
dealers, Dclnhuxe & Purdy ; the liquor
sclxed was valued at $10,000. The case
came up for hcarln-j In the court and at
tracted much attention. It has lust been
settled by a compromise, the liquor dealers
atci'lnn to pav all the costs, to submit to a
perpetual injunciion, 111c partners ruini-
ny; us a tirm and at individuals never again
to eng.'iKC In manufacturing, sclliMK or
kccpliiir for sale, or tnemscivcsor their
scents, nnr intexlcailntr liquors In the State
of Iowa, and to ship the liquor which were
to be restored to tlicm on these condition!,
direct to Peoria, the bhcrlfl keeping pott'
csslon of the liquors until so shipped, and
taking all precautions to have Ins part of
the contract carried out In good fuilh.
aaaiai 1 Ma
Mist Akerman, the second missionary
sent out by the National W. 0 T. U. sail
ed for llonr.luta Ian. 2tjth. She follows ss
nearly ns poibtc,!re. Letvltl, to strength
en the Unions she has organised and et-
tablioh new ones.
m 1
Women teachers are coining to the front
In the matter of holding responsible posi
tions of honor as well as of trust. Mrs. M.
S. Cummins, principal of the I Huh School
of Helena, has just been elected President
of the Tcrritoria' Kducatkmal Association
of Montana, and Miss Lottie E. (J ranger
has been elected President of the Iowa
State Teachers' Association.
The New Hampshire Constitutional Con
ventiou closed Jan. i:lh, after voting to
submit to the people on the coming second
Tucsdar of March, an a.nendment prohlb.
Iting the manufacture and sale oi liquor
I he campaign 1,1 open ft t once.
S2 S
,3 m
Sold by
DR. C. Us Ci.A&.BERLll.,
Hoasopatllic Physician and Surgeon
fjroiuie orner of Third ant Lyon St.
First National Bank
Pr!.Unl.... -....! KUTJI
Vm rr4.lut H, K. Vut'NG
fal,ter K. W. LAM, DON.
Ast'tCaJiicr JAM. Y. POWELL
THAKSACT3 A 0ESKIUt.bakMf buaioeaa.
ACCOUNTS KEPT subjatt to shack.
8I0UT EXCflANOE aid tr rsphle trui.ler, .
a Xew York, bait Fraucboo, ilcagu and Pus
IXiLLECTIONS MADE on laorabla t
E Tonio, E, W. L so box.
E. Bun, L. Kus,)
waLTaa B TesaaLb,
E3tray Notb3.
Taktn up liy the undersigned 1 One
laruo brindle Meer.lhree resrs old. mark.
ed uiit) an under fcaif crop in cither esr.
No brand. Said s:er rsine to my farm
tlirtift milenS. W. of 1 rowntvlllo n tbe
80ih ilay of Duo 181.
itonr. c. MiiRAXi..
Brownwiilr, tr.
Admia'strator's Notice,
Notice is hereby tiven that tbe indersian-
cd h.u this dsy been duly appri..tend Ad
miM-trator ol the estate of John 5. Williams,
decantd, l,y the Comity Cotnt of Lrfin couu
ty. Orison. Aliersotis havion claims against
suid estate aie her by untitled to present
th;m properly verified, to tijv Adniinialrator
at Albany, Oregon, within six mouths from
tb.a date. the 15th day of January, J 889.
J. K. WrATHEBroBB. Administrator.
Atfy for Atini'r. ,
When I say Otma I do not mean merely to
atop them for a time, and then have them re
turn attain. I hbam A HAflCAX. CtltK.
1 have made the diiiease of .
A life-long stndy. I waksakt my remedy to
Corb the worst cases. Uecaase others have
fulled is no reason for not now receiving aeure.
Send at once for a treatise and a Free IiOTTXB'
of my Infallible Kbmedt. Give Express
tnd i'oit OtHce. It costs yon nothing for s
trial, and it will cure you. Address
H. Q. ROOT, M .C, 1 83 Peaci St.. HEWYoiUt
j Bis G hits gl ven un'.ver
jsal satisfaction in tho
I cure of Gonorrhoea and
I tileet. I prescribe Hand
fuel safe in recommend. -Ins
It to all sufferers.
CJeinnatl.Er"CT 3' ST0,?E";
M-3aarki Bold by DroaeUts.
F.ihiy t ttiin, ffj, ,ieal Azcatt, '
e. 2
2 i5 "
8 J X
r l TO 6 DATfl.3
O'MI'.UtMd 001 lo
Ik! XrtanlrbTUis
I Trnili
Children Cry for
A Plucky Man,
Helena, Mont., Feb. t. One of the pluck
lest fellows that ever lived in Montana is John
Meyers, lie Is 20 years old, and litis just gone
through terrible experience. He is cow
boy, end wat hunting for horses with a party
on the Stillwater river. lie was musing Tues
day night, when the others came in. It wat
thought that be had s opped at some "squaw
man's" house, and no fear was felt for his safety.
1 wo days alterward the men in the camp
noticed a dark object slowly ilidinn: down the
title of an opposite bluff. It wat Myers, both
of hit legs were broken, and his head and face
were terribly lacerated. He was weak from
loss of blood and the exposure he had under
gone, dragging himself along for thirty hours in
the mow.
On Ills Pa's Fame.
Hki.KNA, Mont., Feb. I. The proposed
new daily st Helens, with Russell II. Harrison
son of the president-elect, at general manoger
and authorized spokesman, seems to be making
good progress toward realisation. An effort
lias been made to get the republican campaign
iiapcr, theteortTout of the war. and swal
low it. but the manacert of that concern, know
ing the anxiety of the new combination to secure
it, are holding the property at an enormously
ngure. ,
At Bamoa
Auckland, Feb. i. Latctt ndvides from
Samoa soy that Tamatcsc s supiortcrs have
been reduced to 8oo men. The British and
American consult have 'declined to recognize
the right of the Germans to establish martial Uw
The German authorities were willing to recog
nize Mataafe.pruviding he ruled under German
He Hulrliled.
Vienna, Feb. i. It is officially announced
that Crown Prince Rudolph committed suicide
by shooting himself in the head wilh a revol
ver. Ukre Ilia Beer.
New YoaK, Feb. i The Women's Chris
tian Temj vera nee Union will be pleased to learn
nun Mrs. iiarrison Icm not countenance w t
in public. 1 ler table in the hotel is one of the
VerV lew Where elaret ia n..vr n I, U ....
1 . . r ... m, n,tt
eu nere, However, that the ecneral has . r,.
taste for ale and stout brown, and at his wife is
too icveineaded to interfere with any of his
plant, it looks as thouch the country w.r m
sse s lop-tided inaugural banquet
Idaho's Legislature.
Boise City, Idaho, Jan. 31. This is the
fifty-third letrislative day. The house passed
unanimously a memorial to congress demanding
statehood for Idaho, and measures denning the
uounuarscs ot luatw county, and relating to
licenses. A memorial demsndinc settlement
of the Indian war claims, and a bill dividing
Alturat county were considered in committee
of the whole but without action.
He Kealsted.
DUBLIN, Jan. 31. William O'Brien
lodged in the Clonmel jail to-dy, to undrgohit
wur mooins sentence. He refused to remove
his clothing and don the prison garb and the
wardens did it by force, afters licrce struggle.
His beard wat shaved offin the tame way. The
struggle so exhausted that the wardens tliought
ne was gmng to me snd summoned a priest
Evca la 11 os tana.
Helena, Mon Ian. 31. There have been
a good manj remarkable winters in Montana,
but the present one lakes the I4ue ribbon over
all its predecessors. There h-ve not been to
evcecd s dozen days that could 1 called cold
days since the fall season closed.
A Fassiae,
San Fsancisco, Jan. 21 Word come fiom
China to-day by steamer that very considerable
diatress prevails. The fact is that many hun
dreds of thousands of the inhabitanta are in
condition bordering on starvation. So great is
the need of the sufferers that the Chinese
autnotftie have been unable lo rope with it
alone, and have found themselves under the
necessity of appealing to the charitable
ance, not only of their own countrymen, but
foreigners as well.
I'LUMMEkxiLMt.Ark.. Jan. 30. The assas-
smatton of Hon. John M. Clayton occurred
90 clock last night at his boarding house,
After walking the floor nervously.CUyton atop
ped lo a window when an unknown person out,
tide fired a load of buckshot through the window
intonts neca, breaking tt, killing hinsinstantiy
flad Boy.
T . . . . a r a, m . . .
11 mala, z. y jan. 30. When it was sn
nounced that the freshmen had invited the lady
students met to their clans banquet, fifty male
students met and decided to botcott the ban
quet. To-day the frchmcn's president stated
that the invitation to the "co-etlr" would 1
withdrawn if it would insure the attendance
all tbe gentlemen. Accordingly the freshmen
class will have no women, but will probably
uavc wioe at ns uanquet.
A Collision.
San FaAXCisco, Jan. 30 The bark
Eno.h Talbot, from Port Townsrnd, this
evening collided with the bark Oregon
which was anchored off Aicatraz island.
The Talbot was sailing up the bay and the
wind died down, leaving her to drift In on
a flaod tide. Part of the mizzen rigging of
the Talbot was carried away, but the Ore
gon received only slight dsmsge.
Tamuled Into the Bey.
San Francisco, Jan. 30. Eight frieght
can on tbe sea wall track ran over the trestle
into the bay at Vahington street wharf lost
evening, r red Smith was-the engineer and
George Wilbert was the brakeman on the end
car, which was of course, the first lo dump its
load into the bsy. This wss done safely and
as soon ss the car had been righted and backed
Brakeman Larder on the next car titled his
load. The rocks were large and heavy and
their weight carried Larders car over, the re
mainder of the train coine with it. Wilbert
and Larder were soaked and badly bruised, but
were not seriously injured. 1 hree other men
had t ducking.
Pesth, Jan. 30. A portion of the populace
is still greatly incensed st tbe passage of the
army bill. A great crowd gathered outside
the parliament buildings to-day and endeavored
to prevent the deputies from entering the cham
ber. The hussars were compelled to charge
upon the crowd. Several persons were hurt,
including some women and children.
' A Prohibitory Amendment.
IIarrisburo, Pa., Jan. 30. A resolution
providing for the submission to the people of a
prohibitory amendment has passed the legisla
ture f nd gone to the governor.
Postmasters A p pointed. j
WASinncTON, Jan. 30. 1). C. Noycr, post-
master at Molalla, Clackamas county, Oregon
has resigned, and James A. Rundle has been
appointed in his place. ........
A postoffice has been established at Liberty,
Crook county, Oregon, and James M. Mansfield
has been appointed postmaster.
A postofhee has been established 1 at Ajax,
Gilliam county, Oregon, and Arabella Thrash
er has been appointed postmistress..
m e n 1 :
.Nasal Catarrh is probably -o of ibo most
disagreeable ailments that a -son cat bo
afflicted with. If DuUrd's Speoiljo is nsed
Mrith a douche or even snuffed up th nose,
according to directions, morning and even
ing, a radical cure can in most ef.
Sected . Sol 1 by Fothsy Mason. t ".. t ,
A Pleaslatc Sense
Of health and strength renewed arid of ease
auod comfort follow the use of Syrup of Figs,
ns it aot in harmony with nature to effee-tn-illy
oIh ,hh t.m system when costive . o
bilious. For sale in fiOV. and tU bottles by
all loading drutrgii-t - '
'vthen Baby was sick, we pave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When ah became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria.
Pitcher's Castorlaa
Albany, Oh., Jan. 30lh, 168!).
Editor t Democrat 1 '
Oontlemon 1 In reference to tbe amended
Charter of Albany, It it unttsrstod l tlt -t the
Oregon l'aeillo Railroad Company, and a few
men that have aooamulatad a lew dollars by
ten par cent are hiring lobyistt to fight the
adoption ol the proposed amendments to the
Charter and if posibl defeat it. It is gen
erally understood that the 0. P. U. R. Co.
who ware ulyeti not only the land sought to
be ta'tra into ti e ohy limits by the people of
lie cHy 1 Imk were also given riiht of way
through the streets of the city, now k to
hiudnr the grown f the city by oiron inscrib
ing Its boundaries, and ail tor tha purpose of
evading a fsw dollars tsxes ; yet if limy do
Ire any assistance they stand on no ceremony
in going to the Council and asking for it -
yea dsmandiug it. There is 110 good reason
why tha limit of the otty should not be en
larged, as a large majority of the people de
tire. ;
There Is another elast who oppose so 8
mill tsvy, or t increase the limit of iudibt
sdosss. This class are of the same caliber
as an t x-Jude who swots that if the people
of Albany should votes tax to build a de
cent school house, hs a Oil J sell bis property
snd leave the eountry, Tne psopU oaiiis to
tbe oonolnsiou thtt tke" wll- being of the
eity did not rest en hi shoulder and voted
ths tax ; our ex Judge told hi property and
left. The oity ha prospered fully at well
without him as with him, in fact one lest
croaker to stand on the street corner and
condemn any and all improvements tujfgsst-
by the people. 1 be tneu thet object are men
that owe all of their wealth to the enterpriae
and push of the people that have forced thnii
properly to beootue valuable, aud some of
them sell olf their lands lying in tbe city
limit snd loan the proceed outside of eveu
our school district to evade a fw dollars
tax. Wbatewr increase in vslie of realty
they are ready to aouept bueohjtot tj blar
ing any of the burdeu
feipeoitlly 00.1 tbe partof the tut,
demand an txtr.t levy so at lo improve her
streets, build biidgc and construct seuers,
which oannot be dona at presmit owing to
want of fuad. The older portion of the city
have their improvements furtbrr advanced
and set til to thiok thst there is no other
wants or requirement. If the Charter is
not amended as asked for the ' cit t will be
compelled to atop budding sewers, fhut off
sleotrio tijtht and grope in the darkness, ud
Ul to satisfy a few men. a bo never ssction
ed any public enterprise, never hsve Invested
snytbing In an enterprise that would assut
in developing the city or secure its prosper
sty 1 but live upon the interest drawn from
the neoaasitiot of their fatlow men.
Hi said to promlnsut Attorneys bsve
been employed to defest the treasure and
that they have been in attendar.o at the
Uagunstare fur tbt pnrpoae. Let th poo
pie ergs the passage of tbe amended Charter
and put a little life and vimr ia tbe city.
Third Wabpkk.
At recorded In the Recorder's office for
Linn county, Oregon :
Geo W 'Young to J M Bardur, a lot
Uiocii 5. II s Jml A, Albany.... $3000
f rank Wood to L-ber 11 Khodes.Jso
acres, 10 w 1,.
Alfred Wheeler to Taylor
acres uw
Geo T Weiss to John an J Nancy A
V.'eisa, 1 37.76 acres, 10 w 3
I) Andrews to MO Wallacc.6.1 3 acres
ti w j
J I Parson to Geo E Chamberlain,
3 lots, block 53. Albany
Wm Stephens to 1 McDowell, too
acres 13 w t
Henry and J C Lyons to John Prkh-
ard. a lots. Lyonsvllle. ....... .
llcniy and J C Lyons to Emma Lan-
ghane, 1 lot, Lvonsvllle.
Thos Morgan to U il Peteron,7i.3J
acres, uwa
G II Bland, trustee, to David Peter
son, lot Lebanon cemcterv
David Peebler lo M McCor'rnack,
11.08 acres, ia w 2
, t
W C Davis to J M Combs, 80 acres,
13 w a 262 50
G Flunketo A JtinJt, So acres 13
E 1 250
Brownsville Woolen Mill Co. to
Brownsyllle Woolen Manufac
turing Co., mill property at
Brownsville.. 10,000
Dundee Mtge and Trust Co. to Ed
win Hughes, lao acres, 13 w 3. .
Hugh Roger 10 the D M ii T Co.,
Anna M Worth to Robert Prater, a
lots, Peoria ?
Cyrus Westlale to W V Westlake,
4 lota, block 5 V Albany
I larriet and John I lender on to I Ian
nab. F Humphrey, full power of
CG Burkbarttojohn 11 Burkhart,
I3l43cres, 11 w 3
J L t ewan to A Dodge, 16.30 acres
U w 3
R M Miller to C E Brecse, interest
in 320 acres, 14 w 3.....;.
U S to Sarah Shercr, 16? acres, 12
w 4 patent
Mining claim of A W Standish,
Poorman Ledge Calipocla Min
Ing District
Summary of Meteorology for Jar., 1SS9,
from observation taken at Albaoy,Linn Co.
Oregon, by John Briggs,vol. observer for the
Signal Service, U S. Army. '
Highest barometer on the 2jlh, 30 2t.
Lowest baromeUroo the 12th, 29 44.
Mean barometer for the month. 29.91.
Highest daily average of bar. 30.19.
Lowest dailyavorago of bar. 29. 48.
Highest temperature on the 26tb. 56.
, Lowest temperature on tbe 16th, 22.
. Mean for the month 40.20.
Highest daily range of ther. on the 26, 23.
Lowest daily range of titer, on the 17th. 2.
Mean temperature at 7a, m. daily 34.77.
Mean tetnporatuie at 2p, in. daily 46.
Mean tempeiature at Dp. m. daily 39 58.
Prevailing directions of wind, N.
Maximum velocity force, 3-V6.
Total rainfall or molted snow, 3 inches. '
Depth of anowat end of mouth, 0.
Number of daya on which .01 inch or more
rain fell, 10.
Xumbcr of daya of cloudiness pr rge 8
scale of 10. C.
Of 03 observations 31 were clear, 23 cloudy,
3 fair, 0 foggy, 12 rain, 8 hazy, 1 1 overcast,
0 amoky.
Frost on the mornings of 15 day. ' on Ateraga of 10 yesr
Uainfall-3.S5 on averago of 10 ) ears.
McTIMMONDS. Near Lyonsvillc, on
Jan 27, (889, after a brief illness of typhoid
fever. Mr Thomas McTimmonds, an old
resident and pioneer ot Oregon.
Do rou want a remrdy far B'llousness, Pimples on
thsbtcs, sd a sure cure for slek head actio, ask Dr.
tin's snd bon, the Druirgtsts, lor Ur. Uei.nt's Llvs
Pillr, try s dose, samples free uu nox so cent,
Itohr.ig Piles are known by moisture Ilk : t 't '
lou produeinir a very disagreeable itching sfter
mifwarm. This far ass well ss Blind, Bleodieg
Erotruiline Pile , aldst ones to ths application
ir.Uoaankosi'iia remedy, wnich act directly
the psrts atwted, absorbing tb tumors, allaying -intense
icenlnir and eSaeting a permanent cure
oetits, Aadraiis The Lr Bosanko V-Ucin Co., P
O. Bold by Or, Cniassnd Son. .
The cuu is said to bo 5000 mil lehiod
tune, a sign that we are goiug to htra aome
wealhsr of some kind. V " "
in his uew discovery for Consumption, suc
ceeded iu producing a medicine' which ii ac
knowledged by all to be simply jr.arve'.oue,
Itisexoeediugly plasaut to tie taets, per
fentiy barwlesi-, and does not silken. 1 1 a 1
cases of cares of Consumption. Ccnghs,0 l 'S
Whooping Coovh, Croup, Brom hitia, and
Pains in the Chest, it has given univar al
satisfaction. Dr Bi tanko's Cough and Ling
Syrop is sold at 5Q cents by Dr.Uuiti It Son.
Wheat has dropped to CI) cents in Silein. '
Tim Prineilie Jv"ic has a reiigiotis ool
m:i.; " ' '' ' '
- Mr. feter Ha.nn, of Grownsvlllo was id the
city yesttirday. ;
The goods of W II Bsber, at Junction City
hsve been attsohed.
Iti ssid the Governor will veto the Port
land Bull Uun water bill.
MfCJ Iteed, representing D. M. Oaboroe
A C)., hti been in the city.
People who oomplsin a boot a tewpaptr
are always ths ones who don't take it.
An old pinjear says this is an exact eouu
terpart of the winter of 1847 in Oregon.
There are nine men in tbe jail at 8lm
awaiting the soiiou of the next grand jury.
A neighboring city toils of new po sloes
being dug. They were planted in Weptotn
ber. Mr. Charles Houston, of Lexington, Or.,
is in the county visiting his parent and
In the recount in the Phelps Clduie ccn j
Srtssioual contest in Man Fraueisoo Clunie,
uiuereat gets the seat by nine majority.
Eugene i to have a variety theater. Al
bany doesn't want any of the low dive,evn
if it do give a metropolitan baa to things.
All the delicacies of the season received
tally. cliUy. snples. turnip, beets, and
parsidpa, at the Willamette 'ncking Co,'
The atstne of tbe O ldi-s of Liberty for
Benton comity's new eourt house has ar
rived, lt ia eight feet high and made of
The Albany Democrat and Urn none
Herald are strictly honest papers which givs
due credit to artiche they reprint Iron'
others. Stlcm Journal.
Recently a wash Chinaman at liiparis was
thrown down and eld under a blank tt,
while thieves went through his establish
ment and cleaned up about COCO.
Th favorite Levtraea of tbe Celestials
during tbuir Chinese New Yesr festivities
are wniskey aud gin straight. Several are
already a drank si a rattlesnake vtottii.
Mathow I'.rtsou. ftlher of Mm. O. ('. Aw.
"rty, of t h it ci'y and J it Brysou, of Cr
vain. diBi in Purtiau i yrterUy. lie was
once a rest i,u. of tUt part of tim Valley.
A secret oieetios of the hoard of regent
of the M I'. Church K;iuib brooch of tbe Ag
ncuitural college, wa Held at U nvsllis yet
tery afttruoon. J'.kIioo Hargrove aai pres
The ministers in I idiaistoli. I ml. have
formed a trust aud muse to open the legula
tore wun prayer lor i mm man 5J. J ny are
nudoubtnlly entitled to that much, and we
glory in their apuok.
llorsetneo and farmers should call at E L
Powers, next to tbe Dr.MtKUAr etlice. and
see bis stock of band msde harness, the best
in tbe market, lie also keeps a good stock
of saddles, blauketr, whips, bailer, etc.
John L Allen, the Kalttn waiter arrested
for steslibii f 10 fioui tbe mails st Woodville.
ws exsmined before Commissioner Desdv
ana awensrgea. n was not tbe ram.
. j J. .1 1 . It . . .
Stattx troup, in the city a couple years ago,
wilt play CtysUl Cross here on Mooday
vening. stottxisacoad actor. This will
be remembered ss the troup that went off tbe
bank on th Mkyon.
Lexington llattgtt t The last bssrd of tbe
Chiiisuiau with wnom a hand esr rsn easy
Isat week was, "What's e malla a boa ue
sabbee gottstn bt' on on sabtiee jeauc
lull whoa no sabUce no sabhee.
Mr U II l.uderman and family will leave
on to bii,ots tram for their l ew home at
A.hUnd, where Mr I.u iermau will open his
boot snd b store ss son as he .n ar-
raog bis store and put lu bis new eorwi
He will be aceompsoie'l by Mr Frank Wil
lamtoo, whe will cieik fur him
At Albany Mr. Jim Weatfall, a descend
st.t of Woo Lung sod a native worshiper at
the shrine of CoufuCiu, ia attending the pal
lia school ana tnerei-y creating an eti
bodied kick front the parvuta ami cn:ais
No otjfCtiou other loan she is Chinese made
Salem Journal. Mistaken. Savetal other
reasons se given, end that reason was not
Given by the UEMoe'RaT at all in its recent
Ah there, how do you like toi weatbe
lor r nirv.
J W BrastielJ, of Newport, wa 10 the
city to dsy.
Ibanon'is anticipating some rapid strides'
this summer.
Ao ice crop for next summer looks more
dubious tbsn ever.
Salem is to have a creamery meeting to
morrow evening.
T L Wallace aud wife have been in Puit
laad for a day or two.
Several men are in Albany lo4iug at prop
erty with a view to baying.
, Tbe little "Issbol" claims to be the fastest
running boat on tbe Upper Willamette.
Tbe Salem Board of Trade receives about
twenty letters a dsy Irom the East. Tbej
An E'denahwrg real estate firm haa a page
advitiemeut iu ' the Oregonia to-day.
That is enterprise.
The nomination of R H Dearboi n to be
potttnester at Salem was eoetirined fester -dsy.
Pendleton ia to haye a regular saving
bank, where yon ean deposit a nicktl up
wards just as yon please.
A, private letter from Pendleton aonoonees
two eases of smallpox there, though the psp
era do not mention the fact.
A Lebauon man offers to piy a tenth of
tbe pi ice of a lot and a twentieth of the mice
of a f 10.000 school house for that city.
Ths Santiam mining ease was appealed to
the circuit couit, aud a motion ia also pend
ing to trsnsfer it to Jodge Deady's eourt.
Thore has oiily been one newspaper man iu
the Connecticut Insane Asylum, and he waa
discharged a soon as he got over his drank.
Mr Louis Miller is making arrangements
to erect a residence s his lots adjoining his
own home. Mr Jis UAuuau win ao the
A ball was given st the opera house last
evening, t rot lion orcuastra, 01 t ortiana.
furnishing music. It is reported as a veiy
nice affair.
J R N Boll' Urm a olerk of tho Rsilroad
Committion expire on April lit. At pres
ent he i ruuniog the olhce a'one. lt umat
make him perspue. s
10 pounda of milk make a pound of cheetn.
A hungry boy will eat a pound cf cheese at
asittiug but osunot drink 10 pints of milk.
There's tbe difference.
Dr. Rova Alex tnder has located at Ssn
Jose, Cat., where she recently bought the of-
lice of a lady pltysioitn, snd, we are glad to
learn, is doing a nice business. She deserves
Mis. L M Fuattr-haa sold her two lot at
ths coiner of Wfchingtou and Seventh
Streets for $1330, to two (Astern gentlemen,
vrtio ooi.tmnplntv. limldi.ig a coupie residanoes
onthers.r. . .-'i .,.,"" , .
Rev W D Humphrey, recently, of Eugene,
is moving into the Stimiers Block, up auir.-,
where he will reside aud alto run a j b print
ing cuioe anu print tne vrtacMr. iu v
Uumpbrey ia the new Christiau preacher.
A very niio eil puiuting tiny ba seen at
Dr Guh-s 6t Sou', executed by Frank Woo i.
Jr, after taking only five or six litsoua uu
der William Wright. It shows considerable
taste for an amateur.
The Lyons Bros, of Lyonaville, in making
out deeds to tneir lots at tnac city, put in a
provision that they aliall never be used aa a
place for the sale ot spirituous or fermented
Tho State Legislature adjourned to-day
until Monday. Hons R A lrvtne, S A Daw
sou and R O Miller, arrived in the oity aod
Hon V II Veatch and J A Cau thorn pasted
thiough on tuair wajr borne.
Mrs. William Fortmillet, who ha betn
visiting her pareuts at Dr. Thompson's the
pajt weak, returned to Albany on Wednes
day. She had young Fortmlller with her,
wbo is just gutting a new set of teeth, Cor
yalli Oose. - V " '
Hons. R. A. Irvine aud S. A. Diwson
both voted csinst tbe Portland water hi!'.
fThey don't believe in placing 1,SOO,000
worth of property on the free lis
rwnii , ,n 1 ,i 1, .1.1 1 11 11 mil. an .in 11 imiiii ml 'inn imlii 1 1 1. iimniiii .1111 1.1 1 1
tor Infants arid ChUdretie
"Castorla is so well sdapted to chlMrra Uiat I Castorla enree Cb1l. f'P"''
111 Bo. OzXord SI, Urookiya, K. Y, Without injurious modic&tton.
- Tna CssTAca CoMrAKT, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
Here 1 something Moody said in flan Fisn
cisoo 1 "Wre tbe Son of Msti to respper on
earlh as he did nearly two thousand year
ago, again there would be no room for him in
the hotel and he must lie outside . No town
or State would want him and most churches
wonldefuae to admit him,"
Tbe heaviest salmon canuht in the English
Msbrrie last year ws in the Ty two weeks
ago. It was four feet five inch 1 pg, twen
eight inches in girth, and wt-i.hed fifty-
two pounds, A 50-pound tt. rs has Ivern taken
in tbe llsnts V von st Christ Che h. They
don't bold a candle to mir Coin .bia riyer
J. Webber, Jr., is in the city.
Portland's pot ahttlod is about 4S.C03.
Judue Burnet, of Corvaltis is Is ihe city
to-dsy. '
I a llOMibarii ievicie u lo bo issued a a
The Sjmoan sffair will undoubtedly le
peactfuiH settled.
An ice factory is needed in Albany. Would
no-, one psy in the l'ng run.
Mr D 4 Busey snd daughter, of Harris
bury, were iu the city yesterday.
Geo W Smith will begin movinz into the
Senders k Sternberg block mxt Monday,
Drummer sre as thiok as Chinese p.ea
ants oo an Albany prjin-i wheat farm.
W. T. Cochran so-1 Wm. Cochrai-. of
Brownsville, have brn in the city to-day.
There ate only two Unitaruu Churches in
Oregon, they being at Portland and MjWiii
Mr, hai ua Ma.loy-Uirre, t will resu'ne
her r viral service at llsrriaburg to-morrow,
Tom Monteith, Jr., aasuase l bis p s ties
ss a drk la tbe tre of J K Youuz ibis
Joe Kleiu made atiip to Albioy tho first'
ofthewick. lie aays Euueoa is on top.
Eagrue Guard, That settles it.
Tbe monument over tbe grave of Dr.
OToole, in the city cemetery, is ooe of the
most costly in Oregon, costing a boat aiw.
Mrs. Sloan, mother of tbe Sheriff of Lane
county, is in tbe city daugerons'y UL iae
Sucnir has bten in Hie city lor a day cr two
at ber bedside
The short testioa of ths Legislature yes
terday was takes op in reading bills second
and third time. An adjournment was had
by both bouses at 10:20.
Tbe despatches lo-dsy announce that liar
rison likes bis beer but Mr. Harrison is a
strong W. C T. U. womac. P.rhaps ae'il
bsv another Mrs. llsyes.
Tao gentlemen from AirJie, Polk county,
were in the city jestcrdsy sod bought over a
hundred doliais worth ol plow, etc. AJbsoy
is a grcst tiadiog center.
Mr. Taller, Sou ol B. I. Tabler, of
cttv. has been traoetertei irom Hants, on
the Orehou Pacific, lo tbe Albany offier,
wuore be will aas'Sl Mr. Chapman
A wagoo rotd is U be ruu trat the south
ern bouudary of tbe c-.ui.iy Jti-c.i iu, tbe
divettiog from llarriaouig tUt.e a lr-ta that
baa aUog'.ne tnclC, l Ieaitaothu DEMOCRAT
is inforiued.
One of fbe ressoos a by J. R. N. Befl ic
lirtd from the Chrntekeu hotel was en ao
lOnont of the aaloou attschu.ent. In tefr itu6
' to so artiole to sn excliaoge be ss s ia the
, Review i "Von re ruht Prother, we want
no whiskey snuex' ia oum." -
Uolw, th- pfeot Mmtnt Uw U
changed a grest many men are going to pay
lut aa small a tax as nossible. This thev
will do bv manaeing to owe a good round
sum. That ia Multnomtb and Marion coun
ties' styles snd ttuy sre goiug to have m i
tators. We regret seeing it tbe prajram.
Mr W R Graham yesterday afternoon sold
to Mr W Svhifllir, recently i f Munuua, bi.
residence st tbe corner of Waahtnaton si 4
Niuth streeU, consideration $1 000. M
SchifHsr will succeed Mr Gra bam it. the tali
oricir department of L L BUin, while M
Graham vot-templates building e refideoce
on Lis snbniban projerty atd retiding tbtre.
Messrs. Smith snd Si angler, two govern
ment postal hOectorr, weie in the city to
day on their way to San Francisco. They
oa'y .take in free delivery cities ; but stopped
here to meet Dr. Barker, a former loaa
friend of Mr. Smith. Tbe latter g?nt!e nan
was formerly in the cewspsper business.
The total assessed value of property in
Ashland, te.-ordins to the citv asseaament
just completed is $305,000. The amount
should eae tb mind ef ttose a no naye as
serted here that that city la pearly as large
as Albany. Our last aasessmei t even was
over double the amount, and the matter of
assessment is a good criterion.
A Pleasing Sense, of Health
and Strength Renewed, and
of Ease and Comfort
Follows the nse of Syrup of Figs, as it
acte gently on tho
Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels
Effectually Cleansing the System when
tjosuvo or Diuons, aJispouuig
Colds, Headaches and Fevers
and permanently curing
without weakening or irritating the or
gans on which it acts.
For Bale In 50. and 1.0O Bottles by
su aaaing Arugguts.
0 ALUQHin a net SYEUP 00.
Sax Pxas cisoo. Cau. .
IvtsTnix,KT., KsYosB.H.T
New Wash House.
Lee Chinamtn, who lived in this town for
many year a id was so well liked by eva-y-
body has returned ana win open up a now
wash house the first of Sptemner, one door
south of the Bevere House. L.'O dots good
work and wants everybody to get their
washing done bv him
Palace Meat Market.
Will keen constantly on band beaf.
mutton, pork, veal, aansage, etc, the best
meats ana largest variety in tne city. -
Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock.
Pitcher's Castorla.
Lin founly Hank,
Successors to Uowsn st Custck.)
TRANSACTS a jweral banking buelnes.
DHWir i II OitVCMori Tork. 8n Fran
tatvianl Portlan l, Ore-zun.
L0A.t MOW E Yon snptorS security.
HEX eiVEdajMMiU sub 'C. to clk.
- S"f ifcSiAie ass asTAib
JlruggLstsand Booksellers,
AgenU for John B. Alden'e ptibllcatlons,
srblcta we sell a piMisher'e yrloee witi
' m "IIJ-VaOT
(ScaasesfholTasalPcBsaees. Al
lays InHammation. Healathe Sores.
Restores tho Sensed cf Taste, EmeU
and Hearing.
A particle Is applied lots ewe h aoatrt aae!
Is acreemble. Price &Oe. at Draaflata or by
SBsdl. ELY BEOIBXESe WarrenSt-'ewYcrt.
liiG r.!lLLS.
AU kind3 of rough, dressed
and seas. lumbar ,lath..
pickets kept constantly cn
ixarid- Bills sawed to order on
shortest notice Use only best
Calapooia timber Price and
terms made satisfactory.
.v -AND
Notary PuMic
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
Ba dtsKwlsed tttat it cats b takes,
aiceatest, and ast llateel by Sba aaae
aewsltiTa stomactt, wssea tle plaits U
rawnot te Solera ted sii ajr tha aaaaa
biwatteat f tbe all wltia tba bvpoplae.
pbttae ia saatrJa astara elite aeioaus.
EemeiUWe as -Cst iraiaeer.
rersoas gtla npLUj trL&e talkg U
Phyaioiana to be the Finest and Beet prepa.
ration in the world for the relief and cure of
TK great remedy for Consumption, and
Wasting in Cniidrcn. Soli by oil Drusruf.
iticrne. And vOimsellor At La? .
ioCai'-: Public.
hmt, OBECOH, -.
Will pr i A alt -of tbe Court
.tils Sitaie. Lit b tUness intrusted to him
will be promptly tended to,
ll!l,Di Ml
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5 I irs m bStM -mm ill-;,
b a mi t,
Our Lady of Perpetual Help. ' -
Conducted by the Sisters of St, Benedict,
This Academy is incorporate J and au
thorized by the State to confer acadamio
Board and tuition......... ..S10.00
Music, insrtumental, theoretical and
- vocal with use of piano and organ 15.00
OUlt&e saessaeaa eeaeeve eaeeaasea MAae.eee 1200
Zithern..... ..... ease ., 12.00
Drawtugnnd painting..... eeaee . 8.09
T Fancy wort and menc".ng free . to
boarders, ' . ,
Tuition in select day sell .-- ranges from
(5 to 10, .
Normal Instruction of aspirants for
teacher's certificates a r isclaltv. -
, Graduating fee, 10. a
For further part' "Hilars .apply at the
Academy v ' - -