She 9rn0frat A VISIT TO THK APITAL. ' A Democrat man took ft flying vlilt to the state capital Tuesday and took a peep Into legislative doing. Very many people of Salem say we have a"good Legislature." Those who f urntsh luppllet to the state and !ta various institutions all wear a selt satis Bed air. The subordinate employes of the two houses chuckle gleefully, as the as- urc you In their blandest style that this Is "good Legislature." A, member of this august body who represents a constituency that pays taxes to the state mounting to about $6,800, and who has a bill appropriat ing $11,000 to build a local wagon road.and who has been assured by the "combine" that It shall pass, says, as he shakes your hand with unwonted heartlness.that this is a "good Legislature." A gentleman who represents a county that pays $1,200 tax has a bill appropriating $3,ooo to build his people a wagon road. The assurances which he receives from the,comblne"that this bill shall pass Inspires him to say that this Is a "good Legislature." The profes sional lobbyist stalks through the corridors', aisles and passage ways of the capital wait ing confidently for the fruition of his work. It will be seen that those who think this Is a "good Legislature" are '.hey who expect U be the beneficiaries of It work. The delegation from Multnomah led by Joe Simon are almost supremely happy. They occupy the vantage ground and they pro pose to reap Its rich harvest. Joe Simon dominates the delegation with a kingly hand and the delegation dominates Its party rep resentatives from all sections of the statejoe Is the most absolute boss his party has ever had In this state. Those who formerly protested against his rule have been com pletely subjugated. Legislative action has advanced far enough to develop the fact that legislation will be controlled a. d ilL rected by the "ring." The member who stands In with the ring may be successful In securing legislation which he thinks would redound to the public weal, but he mav have to sacrifice hts conscience to do so. Unless the present bent of things shall be changed this Legislature will approprl ate $100,000 more money than has eyer been done before. It is altogether proba ble that there will be a large Increase in the next state tax levy. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE. The evils of unrestricted immigration are too apparent and too dangerous longer to be Ignored. The good are welcome, but the felon, pauper, murderer, anarchist and disorderly must keep out, or soon those who are here will become contaminated.and as the taxpayers decrease in worth and number the public charges will multiply until posterity will rise up to curse us. There Is but one simple, inexpensive way to check this vicious flood and keep out professional conspirators, as well as the helpless scum. The naturalized and native American have an equal interest in this. Let Congress take hold of the emigration problem and levy a duty or fee upon im ported labor as well as the products of for eign labor. Let those who would came to this country to enjoy its liberty, its Insti tutions, its matchless resources ,pay for the privilege for themselves and their children If it is worth having It is worth investing In. A fee ef $100 per head, or at least $100, would save us from building asylums and prisons for the depraved of Europe from supplying police forces and courts and hospitals and charities ; from robbing labor of Its employment and dues from nurturing treason and conspiracy ,and eventually from the overthrow of popular institutions entirely. Some astonishing facts about the lack of education among the people of South Car olina bare been brought out during the debate in the Legislature en the cons!:tu tional amendment providing that no man unable to read shall be allowed to vote. It has been shown that not far from 15.000 white men and three times as many color d men would be disfranchised by the adoption of the amendment. The vote of gouth Carolina is usually smaller than that of any other state in proportion to its pop ulation, and the enforcement of the meas ure now under consideration by the Legis lature would reduce it to about a half of its magnitude In 'recent elections. The least Instructed elements of the population cf the Palmetto state are the colored people along the seaboard and the white in the mountaneous northern region ; but the school facilities are inadequate in all quart the expenditures for education are not one-tenth what they ought to be. ' . Thompson k Overman keep the best har nesses. J A Archibald, aent Singer Manufactur ing Co., opposite Odd Fallow Temple, At banr, Farmer, if yod want the best harness all hand msde, call onK L. to Dem ent office. The Democrat want five cord 1 f wood on subscription. Who will famish it? Come and see us. Babies. The finest line of baby can! ages in the Valley just r :elved at'stewart Ic Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri ages. .. We will sell yrn groceries chesptr than any one else. 4 Tkowji kt.l k Stanabd-0 Weather Indications. For the hours beginning at 12 o'clock, noon. Clear. New Comers To nor city will find it to their advunutge in prica our oU before buying in their outfit of gr&ce.rns aid pro vision." i 1 ' UE'lW.f ELL k STASARD. The largest, finest snd best asrorted rtock of groceries in town can be found at Browoell & Standard's. . Baby carriage at Stewart k Sox's. Fir rand msdehar.ieia gj to E L. Pj rer Caa jtl-t Sjraly Corel, Toinx Editor. Please inform your Madera that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By ita timely uae thousands of hopeless cases have boon permanently oared. I shall be glad to end two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption If tby will send me their express and- post office address. Respectfully. . ; T. A C, If I Ptar! St. iOUffa 3M ilililii lUFJOSlTSIN MEXICO EXCELLING ANT EVER KNOWN BEIOKE. Although it has always been known that gold existeu in the stale of Guanajuato, where there hss for many years len a small, but regular, production of the yellow metal, the stories that now come from tlfat stare regarding the great gold discovery are exciting much atten tion in mining circles here. A company of Cleveland, O., capitalists and a syndicate of Ixndon hankers have been investigating fur some time the resources of the region, where gold was suspected to exist, and their laliors have, according to reports made by American miners, resulted in the discovery of enough gold-bearing quarts to keep an army of miners busy for a century to come. The ore exists, it is averred, in such quantities as to make up a arge part of several mountain, and it crops out on the clilTs and in the canons in such a manner as to convince experienced miners that this is the biggest gold field ever struck. The country in wtuVh this find has been made is well watered and contains many ranches. The Nation! railway runs within 13 miles of the gold regions. It is averred that mining experts who have gone there skeptical have come away astonished at the immense extent of thctlcpositsi which appear inexhaustible; in f.ict, reports that have reached here remind one l Sinbad'g valley of diamonds. If half that is told turns out true, Mexico has the biggest gold deosits ever known on this globe. The ClcvelsnJ company ill put up a big stamp mill A few days ago Senator lilalr, of New Hampshire, was caught without an um brella by a severe rain storm in Washing ton. He took refuge from the shower in the nearest friendly doorway. People passing were amused to observe that the Prohibition or death" Senator was seek ing shelter from one of the most notorious rum-shops in the capital. Having voted that the people shall pay a bounty of one cent a pound to all manufacturers of domestic sugar, and a tax of more than that upon all imported sugar, and doubled the tax on every dinner-pail, teapot and tin can, the Republican Senators feel rather nervous about the fate of their bill. The Democrats could ask no better issue on which to go to the people than that afforded by this monstrous measure Cen. Harrison is reported by an Ohio dele gate assaying:"I never saw such a scramble for office in my life." Mr. Harrison will see it sur passed when he gets to a&hington. He may become a Civil-Service Reformer for self-pro tection. The G. O. P. is "very hungry and very thirsty," though only four years alsent from the crib. Rutherford B. Hayes solemly announces that he hss no idea of going into President Harrison's Cabinet. This is a most remarkable admission from an Ohio man. STATE LEUISLATVUfi Monday, Jan. iSlh. Irvine introduced a memorial asking that veterans of Indian wars in Oregon be al lowed same prly lieges as those of Mexican war ; Hilton that the land grant of the N. I. Portland to Wallula be declared forfeit ed. Numerous House bills were read first time in Senate, among others the llalsey charter bill ; relating to survey of public lands ; asking government to purchase locks at Oregon City, Dawson bill In ref erence to execution of deeds ; Portland's Bull Run water bill. In the House reports from committees were heard. They were favorable on bill for satisfaction ot mort cages by affidavit ; on bill providing for Court reporters ; on repeal of vagrancy law ; on bill creating Harvey county ; on bill providing for payment of stock killed by cars, and others, beveral bills were In providing for bu) Ing land for Agricultural College, one for bounties on icilpt, etc. Tuesday, Jan. 39. Two or three senate and house bills were read third time and passed, none of importance, one being to change name of Averill x Bandon. Such bills always swim fastest. The bill for exterminating Canada thistles also passed the senate;alo bill providing that married women may acknowledge deed same as men; also a bill providing that property of a wife shall go tw her busdand on her death unless other wise provided for In will. In the house the following were among new bills intro duced: Aiding Eenton county to build road from Alsea to tidewater. Amending school law, for public soda spring in Linn county (by Moreiockl annulling annual appropriations for agricultural college, amending school law, for state board of Im migration, punishing dog stealing, for hold ing supreme court at Pendleton and lack son vilie, protecting owners of ttallions and punishing change of marks on saw logs (by Meyers), amending school law (by Morelock), allowing Salem & Astoria R R Co to build a bridge across the Willamette at Sa'emr Several senate bills were read first time and houre bill second time. KEEP POSTED. Wheat, 70 cent. New L!l goods at EevtV See those utw jcrsies at V. F. Eead's. New ribbua ill sh tl 14 a 1 1 stylet at Read's All lines of boys kdt suits at W. ReadV J. P. Wallace, Physician nd Surgeon, Al bany, Orj . In a calm so every man is pilot. In dry goods W. V. Head ia leader. If you want to s&ve from 10 to 25 per cent I 1 .11 r. . Six shaves for a dollar and a ch aa iow.l to etery easterner, at Tbos. Jones, II ty yo ir tioW,s thrfi-j-f'i tith Eisiof W L Jester and ssvs Uret' Portland. W. F. Itrad can and will sell dry goods die tr than any house in Albany. Call and see for you roe! f. Smith & Wh')jrao. uco3ior to Twee AhU, carry tbo loss heating stoves and sell inm the cheapest. Cull nd see those Early Breakfast stoves and ranges at Smith k Warliborne's, suc cessors to vv V i weedale. Goods not soil for less than cost, toods not given awxy. But ffvd honent goods Bold at rtiimv.l o'.y: ". vv . V. 0,1 tit. , If yod want a tender chicken be and grit one of thwi new style roister at Smith Si Washburna' successors to W C Twee ds'. If you want a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph home made w hite labor Clears For ssl by mmt ciar dealers sod at his Joseph's factory. Dr. M. IT. Ellis, physician and Ail-any, Oregon, flklls inade ' ic country. surgeon city 01 Kiln Dried Floor ing.-Gooc1 kiln dried flooring nt the Springfield lumber yard in this city. . mm JJ.Eert, practical watchmaker cnl . et. 7 0-ks cares rheumatism, neuralgia aud tot)iaebe. Fosbay k Mavon, Agents. Anas BeautyK fa dostrod and admired by alb 'Among the things which may best bo done to ennonce personal r f ooewty the tinny nse of Ayer UaJr fT CAV? vigor, mo manor 4 i jfra 'V what tho color of k tha hair, this prepa ration gives It a lus tre and pliancy that adds greatly to Ita charm. Should tho hair be thin, harsh, dry, or turning gray, Ayer'a Hair Vigor wilt rest or o tho color, bring out now growth, and render the old soft and shiny. For keeping the scalp clean, coot, and healthy, there la no bettor preparation In the market. I am free to confess that n trial of Ayer'a Hair Vigor baa convinced mo that it is a gnnuino article. Ita tme has not only causud tho hair of tuy wllo and daughter to bo Abundant and Glossy, but it baa given my rather stunted mus tache a respectable length nud appear ance." U. Urlttou, Ouktaud, Ohio. "My hair was coming out (without my assistance from my wlfo. either). I tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor, using only one bottle, aud I now b'lve as flue is bead of hair as any ona could wish for." K. X. SohuiUtouMI)lcksou, Tonu. " I have uaed Ayer'a Hair Vigor In my family for s number of years, ami re card it as the best hair preparation I know of. It keeps tho aculp clean, tho hair soft and lively, and preserves tho original color. My wlfo hits not It for a long time with numt satisfactory re flfcilta." Kenjamlu M. Johnsou, M. V., Thomas Hill, Mo. I "My hair was becoming harsh and dry, but after using halt a bottlo of Ayer'a Hair Vigor It grew black and glossy. I 'cannot express the Joy and gratitude I feel." Mabel O. Hardy, lielavan, III. Oyer's Hair Vigor, r 5i't MErAEso or Dr. J. O. Aytr & Co., Lowell, Mas Bold by Druggists aud 1'crluiucrs. Executor's Notice, Notice is hereby given that the oodctsign ed hss been by the County Com t of IbeState of Orefcoa for Unn eoaoty, duly appointed Eieontor of tLe last will and testament of Tbomse Umpfcrsys, deceased. All persons hiving ciaiina against tbe estate of said de ceased, are hereby notilisd to present their claims properly vended within sis months from the date of this notice to the Fx ecu tor at his residence abeat ten luilsa south of Al bany, Or gou. Datod January ZCth, 18&9. Albkbt UatriiaEY, Kxtcuto;. lUwirr, Bbtast St I a vim e. Attorneys for Executor. Executrx' Notice. l the County Court of the Slab of Ortgon for IM County of Lin : In tbe matter of the estate of W. R. Cannon, dec cawed. NOTICE la hereby given to all whom It may concern that tbe undersigned waa. on tbe 28th day of December, Ituoj, by the aoove named court, amy appointed txe cntrlx of tbe above ataio and ef tbe last ill of said decedent : therefore all persona naviog claims againat said etaie are hereby notified to present them to me, at my residence In Albany, Orrmn. with the proper vouchers, within alx months rrom the asu hereof. Dated this 4tb day of January, 1&9. Laura iikLL't tlvm. W. It. IliiTEO, Executrix, Attorney. Executor's Hotics Final Settlement, In the County Court of Linn County, State of Umjon t In tbe matter of tbe etate of John Mor gan, deceased. NOTICE la hereby given to all whom It may concjrn that '.be undersigned Exe cutor of aald estate on tbe 27th day of December, lm tiled In aald Court hla final account in aald matter and that by Coart duly entered o( record therein, Mendar, Febrarjr 4 lis. I Site, at tbe banr of 9 o'clock, p. in. of sail day waa aet as tbe time for bearing and so'.ti log any objection which any person In terested may have to said final aonount, Dated tbLs 4th day or January, 181). J. L. Hill, W. IL Bilteo, Executor. Attornoy. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregoo December 22nd. 18X8. j Notice is hereby given tbst the following named aettler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof 10 support of bia claim, and that aaid proof will be msde before the Judge, or in bieebeeuce btfure tbe County Clerk of Lion county, at Albany, Oregon, on Tharsdavt Obraer; tlf, lftf, viz : Milton A Fitzgerald, Homestead En try No. 5372. for the W 1 oi N K J and Lota I, 2 and 3. 8ee. 0, Tp 13. 3 It 1 E. He nsmes tbe following witnesses to prove bis cootinnoos residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz : J It Orchard, of Street Home, and M B Oiylord, Guy Gay lord and Stephen Powe.l, of Lebanon, all ef Linn eounty, Ore gon. Any person who desires to protest against tbe allowance of sucb, proof or who knows cf any substantial reason, under tbe law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why sach proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross examine tho witness es of said claimant, and to offer evidence ia rebuttal of thst submitted by claimsnt, W. T. Bprset, Register. Executor's Bala of Esal Estate. Noflo Is hereby given that tbo nnder stgsod, the daly appolotM and actio g Exoutr of the last will end testament of Mary Jane Coatello, deceased, by virtue of an order of tbe County Court for Linn county, State of Orezon in probate dulv made on tbe 12th dsy of January, 1839. ana entered or record, will on ibe 33rtf day ef February, 1889, at tbe bonr of one o'clock In tbe afternoon of aald day at tbe Court House door in tbe city or Aioiny, jLinn county, Oregon, sell at public anoiloa to tbe highest bidder all tbe right title and interest of Mary Jane Costoilo, deceasod, at tbe time of ber death in and to tbe following described real estate, to-t. It : Beginning 32d chains east of the HW corner of tbe Ponation Claim of Thomas Suepard and wife. Claim No. 61 In Tp. 14, 8 R 4 W of the W II Umette meridian end running thence 8 2.24 chains to the line between ejections 9 and 16 : thence W along said line 27.70 chain to tbe corner orseciionsH, 9, 18 and 17;tnenc W along tbe line between Sections 8 and 17, 20 chains to tbe S W corner of . lot 4 In seo. 8 ; theno north 40 cbaiu to the N w corner of lot No. 3 In Seo. 8 ; thence east 15,84 chain to tbe N E corner of aald lot 3 ; tbence N 2.45 chains to the N W corner of aaH Donation Claim of Thomas hepard ; thence 82 30 chain ; tbence S 40 chain to the place of beginning, con taining 198 acre more or less, lying and being in Linn county, Oregon, together wiib ibe tenements and hereditament thereunto belonging. Terms of sale: one-half of tb purchase price to be paid down on the day of sain and one.half In six month thereafter wiib Interest at ten per cent por annum to be secured by mnrtagage on tbe premises, This 12th day or January, 1889. Wamcei. Nixon, Executor of tbe last will and testament of Mary J, Costello, dee'd. J. K. WxATHenroRD, Attorney for Executor. ' . ' Brownell l-J i Notice for Publication, Land 0(11 oe at Oregon City, Or., January 2tUh, IHbO. J Notice I hereby given that the follow. Ing named settler hss filed notice of bla Intention to make final proof In aunport f his claim, and that aald proof wilt be made before tho County Judge, or in bla absonoe, before the County Clerk of Llnu county, at Albany, Oregon, ou Taesdar, March 9ik, 1M9, vlat John MarielN, Homestead Kutry No. 6817, for tbeB W M of N IS H and lota 2, 8, 4 and 5 01 Seo. 20, Tp. 0, e 11 2 K. He natneathe following wllneaasa to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of eald land, via t llenry Ivona, of Mehamn, and Hoi Bradshaw, John Doane and Frank llerara, of Fox Valley all of Linn county. Oregon. Any person who desire to protest against the allowance of suoh proof, or who knows or any aubataniiai mason, under the law and the regulations of the tiiwiivi wp,ihiuvu, wiij ajvii I'ltjv'i anould not be allowed, will be given an opportunltf at the above mentioned time an d place to oroae-ezamlne the witnesses of aald claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant, . W, T. VURNMY, - ItegUter. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby nlven that tbe under signed Administrator de bonus nnn with the will annexed or me estate or w, 11. Oilson, debased, haa filed hla final ao count as audi Administrator In tbe County Court of Lino eounty, Orgon. and aald Court baa appointed Monday, March 4tb, I860, at ton o'clock, a, m,. ax the time for hearing objections to aald account and for the settlement (hereof. It. A. JhVl!r, Administrator didbonus nnn with the wilt annexed. Notice. Taken uo at inv residence at Sweet Home a strav, dark bay horse, branded nnth rlirht hln. collar mark on both shoul ders. Owner will plcae call, pay for this notice and get his norse. john oha. Estray Notice. Taken on tbe undersigned : One larue brlndln aleer.threv years old, mark ed with an undr half crop In either ear. No brand. Habl steor came to my farm thrMi mile ft. W. of Erownsvltlo cn tbe 30th day of Ieo IM. jtonr. 17. Niontxb. Ilrownsvllle, Or, Notice of Final Settlenmt. NoCee u hereby eiven that the nndcr igocd Administratrix of tke estate of James Gsrrett. deceased, baa flledilh the Clerk of the County Court for Linn county, Ore gon, bor final account of said estate and the Court has fixed the 0th day of February, lSSD, at"10 o'clock, a. in. for besriog ebjw lions tbreto snd for euttling id estate. This 7th dsy of Janosry, 1889. P. M. Garrett, Administratrix of the estate of James Garrett, deceased J. K. WtATHKCrOHP, Attorney for Admioistratrix. Notico of Guardian's Sale of Eeal Property. Notice la hereby given that by virtu and In pursuance or a lUmws granted to me an uuaidlan of Dora uuicner.a minor, bv the County Court of tienton county. Miale of Oregon, ou the 3rd day of Decern ber, Ifhh, 1 win sell at puuno auction 10 the highest bidder for cash la band, law- nil money, and subject, to oonnrmation by said County Court, cn tarda ike 1U day ft rebraarft at 1 o'clock, p. in. nf aald day at tbe Court House door In Albany In Llin county. State of Oregon, tbe following described traft of land, to wtt s Tbe undividno half cf the following descrlbod place or osrsel of land. lietrlnnlngatenoakaUke at a point 27.65 chains aoulh of the north east coi her of tbe donatio land claim of arah Farlow. Notification No. 1670 In Tp. 10M K 3 W, from said stake an oak 36 inches in uiameter, ueara a v u link alstant, an oak 30 Inches In diameter bear H I' W 1.31 cb.ln dlsUot ; thence east 62.34 chains to the east line ot the donation claim of Joan Meeker and wife at an oak a take t thence north 4.42 chains; thence weat 62.34 chain to the wt line of said claim of John Meeker and wife s tbence aoutb 4.42 chain to the place of belnoing In Lion county ,Ktate of Oregon, subject to the dower oC LydU Jon. Term of wale cash. Dated Deo. 29th. 1S8, Joov fioyir, Guardian of D-ra butcher. Summons. tht Circuit Court of the SM0 0 Oregon Jor l County oj Ueorg A. Whitney, rtaintlfr, t. ' W. 8. Walker and Florence. E, Walker, Defendants, Civil action to recover money. To W.8. Walker aud Florence, K Walk er, tbe above named Dele n data. I N Ibe name of tbe State of Oregon, you and each of yon are hereby nquirtd to appear and answer tbe complaint of tbo Plaintiff In the atmve entitled Court new on file with tbe Clerk of said Coutt by tbe first day of tbe next regular term of aid conn, wnion aaia teim Dfgius on Menday the llth day erMarrk, IKSt, .t 11.. r..t tt.... i ttk. ii..n HtUf UVHlk VU .U UIUU V Orea-on. and lfvouor either of tou fail so to appear and answer the complaint of me nainiiu. -toe nainim win uae a judsc ment againat you for the mm of $227.68,' and for interest and cost as prayed for in Plaintiff complaint, and also for an or der to ell the real ptcperty uttaobed by Ibe Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, in tbe above entitiea cause. Aiiaouoa a your property, saia property 1 uesortb d aa rollotvs : Lota no. 7 ana 8 m block No. 2, In the town of North Brownsville,' And also lot No. 1 and 2 la block No. 6 In Gross' addition to tbe town of North Brownsville In Linn county. Oretron. Tbl Summon is published by order of tne tion, it. f, isoiae, judge or said (Jo art made at Chamber on the llth day of January, A. D., 1889. J.J. Whitrst, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. FAULTLESS! " -Wture is faultless and so Is that noble discovery, containing only Na ture's own rsmsdies, ''1 hs" 1 It is a benefit to the human race. KEEP UP YOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR V the use of PFUNDEfrpj Oregon Blood Purifier. Quick and Complete Cnre of all Diseases ol th Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves boiMupuen,&srspcpBiaBiiaMuousness,aad . puts fresh energy into the system by making , u.uuu. a uc 11 in time, rirni now, asit cannot be beat ss s preventative ofclisesse, (old and used everywhere. Si a bottle. 6 for K TAKE IT NOW. II. F. HEfiniLL, 33 -A. 2sT 1SZ JUJEl , ALBANY, - - OREGON. tSetl exchangto.i Na.r York, Ban Frsnciioo arid Portland. ' Bay note, BU'e, county ij o'.ty wsmnts. H eetvs .abject to otieclc Iaterast allowed on titns deposits. Collections will reoslvs prompt sttsntlon. ' Correspondence solicited. . : Firs and Usrins Insurance cost panics. , & Btana mm r? Mill For Pall AT L E BLAIN'S. Eubter Coats and Boots, Shoes OVERCOATS,-Pine Pea Jackets-Chiiicliilhi. Aslraclian Pull Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEIV OVER8IIIIIT8 Big Stock Cardigan Jackets, HEAVY r.1ER!N0 AND ALL VOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC Lsst but not least a large stock of CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS SPE(M NOTICE. I desire to call special attention to cur itibyuuiy I purchase this soap from the factory and thus secure it at the lowest price. Each box contains 20 bars full weight, and it never fails to give satisfaction. Since introduc ing this soap the demand for it has constantly in creased. The present price is $1.10 per box. I endeavor at all times to keep on hand a good assortment of Groceries, Confectionery, Frails, Etc. and respectfully soJicit the patronage of the public Very Respectfully, l L. KENTON. r!in the fact that I am offering better bargains than any one else in Aibanv 4 V Bought at bankrupt atlea can fhll First-Glass Goods fct cr Wlow COSr. FOR General ucrcbandise of all kinds call on ire. Particular bargains in a sampi Ot of shoes. , ' - (lash or Goaib fur 0iatry p-oilucs - v Gc : W. SIMPS0K, ' : : J. K. WEATHERFORD, ; (NOTAET PUBLIC,) - kTTORNEY AT LAW, ALDANT, OBECOH. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE Btsts. 8p.oil attention gt ren to collections rd's. 1 and Winter Assortment, in large quantities direct D, R. N, BLACKOUlin, Attorney at Law Offloe, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - : - - OREGON. New Wash House. ' Lea Chinaman, who lired n this town for msny years and was so well liked by every body has returned and will open npa new wash house the first of September, one door south of the B stare House. Lee does good work and wants everybody to get their washing dona by him mm NEW GOODS NEW SMYRNA RUGS AND PORTIERRES. NEW TABLE COVERS. INEN TABLE SETS, NAPKINS TO MAT A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LINEN FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. RUNKS AND VALISES. SILK DRESS PATTERNS. COLORED AND SILK WARP HENRIETTAS. SILK UMBRELLAS, Boot and Shoe Department. LADIES AND CENTS FANCY SLIPPERS. CENTS FINE SHOES. MISSES AND CHILDRENS FINE SHOES AND SLIPPERS, FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS. ) ! KERY CHOICE NOVELTIES IN DECORATED TEA RETS. FRUIT PLATES AND SAUCERS. DECORATED BEDROOM SETS LAMPS. SALAD BOWLS- FANCY PITCHERS FANCY CUSPADORES CAKE DISHES AND A LARCE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTIES IN CHINA OF A NEW YEAR see hn m',o wi h NEW nerv, NRW al NKW pricw. Onr stock la always, . Above Par .in qualitj ami FAR BELOW IN PRICE. We o-ter to !1 jth tr la ia the city anJ sarr&andin; country ndsell tjM I ohi nor than any hauie'iaHbe city. Wallace, PUnn Block, JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has been enlargeJ s that It equils any oa the Coast, an! consists of . Roger Bros. Silverware, Franoa Ohina and Crys talware, Boys' Wagon?, Doll Carriages, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockiey and Toys. He boys dlreot and carries the largest st jote la the Willamette Valley, to whlct has been addod a complete line of FAMILY GROCERIES. Is Agent for insurance companies with a capital aggregating $75,000,009, arid on parte Franoais. Hler wild deutch gesprooheiy; CH, AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. DEPARTMENT GHIKA Samuel E. Young. Albany, Oregon Thresho q'xlitj, bu. Thompson & Co, Succcajora to Wallace A Thompson. Albany, Or.