The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 25, 1889, Image 4

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-vVIA- '
Southern PacLQo Company's Lin 9,
TBI MT. 11 1 ftVETK.
Tim bstaraea Albany and Saa PrsnolsiiA, U hour
uuiouu unw uuin B saar
Between r.rtlaa4 east San Iraieltrt,
South North
4.00 r. a, I Uere Portland Arrive 1 10:4S A a
lira Una Albany Uev. 1 6:45 A M
J. it A a I Arrtv. San Kraunlr-o leara 1:00 t u
looa t iHinii taAura aii.v ( Sunday).
:00 A a Usee Portland Arriv. iTsoTu
tfciOra I Leave Albany Lea. I ll;8ft a a
t:4Ura ArrtT. Eugwi. . Lear.) B.vOam
SO r a Urt Altteuy Arrl. I TJ A a
:o r a I Arrtr Lebanon Loar. :a a
II MM Un Albany Arriv. I 8:4&ra
IMT I Arrire Lebanon Leev.S;O0rM
Tourist Sleeping Oars
rr Aeeeaaaaeaatiea al ecsed-CUes Faaaea
ejara, attache la Express Trains.
Watt fttaa Mrbltt.
taste Ail ( Sunday.)
f ) a a I Una r a I Arrive
Car till!
atrsus viaixs suit (ssjp Sunday.
Let re
V:00 A a
00 ra
Ma a a
TUrotieU TiclcotH
To all poiuU
Mr tail lutonastWn rezardlnf nit, aiain, ic
all Company Aftus as Aiuany,
K. soauuan.
AsatU. r. aodr.Aa
Orezon Pacific Eaiiroai,
goa Development Company' Stesiu-
than by any other route.
mrt.tiau throutrh Dasseuirer and
freight line from Portland and alt polnta
In the Willamette Valley to ami from Ban
Fmoclsoo, Cat.
WilUmstts iUver Lina of Steamers.
Tk. uvcm M. IToair ' Tha !. S. Bent-
ay "The Three SUiera" are in eenrlc
for both paasengar and freight tratlla be
tween Corrallta and Portland and inier
mediate polnta, leaving Company'r wharf,
Corrallia, ana huiuu
wharf. Noa. 200 and 'Mi Frout 8t Port
land, three Umea a week aa foliowa t
Uat CittaIIU, UMter. WlDUy FH
dATlft.m. Aikuj. a.ila. Arn4 i ,! Lun ulM Jwui. louraa "
afuUa, Arrtr M rjruni i-JJ p. m.
4rAtA- Arriv at ui-A atT:l p. n. L
iwa TdMdar. Thriy aU bV.urJ M ,
imn M CurvalU , P.
rvuii make dose connection at Alben
ilh tralna of tltaUregon Paoldo Kailruad
LiWra una,. i.w r.
Lhi. CotmUul l:Ur. a. Um Corrlli,lUJJ4 a.b
Arn Yaquina, i r. a I imil Albany, 11:10 A. a,
O. A C. tralaa oonne-j at Albany and
Corvailla. Tha abora Uaina connect at
Yanuln with tha Oreiron Uevetopaiau
(VimMuT'i Line of btearuibips be;wea
Yaquina and Man Franciaco.
raon raasciiKo.
Willaoutla Valler. Thura. Vac. th WcJ. IHe. tit
f iliaawu Vall. M. O:. 17th M a. Ic.
01aiwp4 VaiWy. bun. 11. tutb.
Tha Cumoanr ' Aaanrea ;he rlx'iti to
change aalliog astea without notice.
N. U. Paaenirera from PurJand an
Willamette Valley poinU can make cloae
eonnactin with the trains oftbeYaquin.
roate at AJbanr or Corvallla, and it dea
Uned to Sao Franciaao ahould arrange to
irrire at Yaquloa the evening before file
or ealllog.
iluacaiar aa T.Ut Rata alwara tea
Tar Inform Uion aaolr to C J gtoart. Fralirht an
rkat InoL Albanr. or to C It Haall, Jr., O. K.
A P. Azt Owgoa UTlipiBut Co., KW Monlomerj
aaa frAiciMJ, Ud. C. V- MOI.I A,,
t.a. r. ii p. Art,
I- atltl t IJ. OTTllltl
I hereby certify ib-t Dr. 1. K. Wt-o tl
baa auocei'f:(Vy icralo:l en ui v ri 'ulin
boree, . Il-AC HAYS.
For further r.ferenno in rezard to rl l
ina Inquire of Win. Peterson, Darn P
tpoon, Ixbanon t John uariiirian, a lire
Wolvtoo AUaoy ; Sum Oaknc, irlo;
Win. Kt. r. PiiocvliU. I practlca" vter
Inary medicins in Albaoy an i country
atirronndino;. Cfliceaud reridtrtce cortivr
Chand Waabincon Ma
Vetiir.arv Kuruon.
"Jim Wcstfall,"
Full line of Cbineie K"d of all on
hand, aUi full line of
for thia aection.
Laborcre furniabed on abort notice to
any porpoae.
Opposite S E Young's, Albany,
A'.iMf oaf)
eiitry -! ! 0Tt I '- i.l t
Admin'strator'j tTotise,
Notice ia her-' j given thi (tie iiin!t,r iri.
d ha t ti iltv iun .in',' a l.t. i il t-l
iniuittrator nt fUVi Jo .. H. V I mm,
do-ri, by thi. Coni.i i Couit ul 1 i- t eowi
i,r O . . All jn.a-oii ir .. mi cIhiid- ;.! af
id ! r are lit r by i i.ulnl t" T " i
i hii ;; elv eniiB i, w i!. A-I'i.i it-or
i i Al o, Orison, ai'hi-t a n-u't'. Jiuii.
tlim dl.
Ti.ii. t! 13.h d..) o' J-i iia. J89.
. H. K. Witu .M
J. K. Wj!ATIIKRro!ir Adll.i.'lxCI . -
Att'y f.N Aln.V.
Ittornay And Gonnsellor Al Lav
Notary Public.
Will pr.4-s 1
(hlaState. All b
will be promptly
incN4 iitri!H'i)i . i,
AXO B.tKKRH UrfK " ,,
Highest Pric ia Cash fr
lew and Second Hand Store
Owing to loo Increased demands of our
business we Lavs Leon compelled to mow
Into a larger store and we can now bo
(bund next door to M, IS, Toung, whori
we will bo pleased to soo our patrons, If
you need any stoves, fjrnlttiro, tinware,
crockery, clock, carpet, pictures, fruit
an, ttenks, bootta, rotlor skates, eaddles.
aawt, planes, eto and a thousand dif
ferent m l use a llules yo'i o i n it do
bettor bl 1! I of 411 Pra toi i v) thtu you
oau da n Uu tu ou a purchase or xohang
123 First Street, Albany, Or.
Oi Eait via Mount Shasta liouta. ' Nioa
olimata an l aoauary at all timea of the year.
ae Aiouut siiaata, saoratnf Dto, Uilrn, tvall
Lake, Uouvor. i meat eoona-oMM can
laadearerna daitv. liuv vour tiultxta nf ma
and aave your fare to Portland. I am the
ooiy peraou In Albany that oau tell you a
ticket from Albany ti'ireot to any lmuit in
tha United Statoi. Call on ma for rate.
W. U Jr.sTr.iu
Aeut 8. T.
Lian 3f unly Hank,
feucooawira to Uowin H Cuelck.)
TRANSACTS a jtneral banklnj builnoai.
0HVW8UJHI nrtArrjou N. Yorl Ran
Una aa 1 PurUand, Or(D.
LOAN MO.ii IV ou aiiptot. aacurlty.
"RE CIVB JepoalU lubjcot to check.
II. J. Miirrtioax. Praa.
8 Cook. S c.9
S. Kaaajia, Via Prat.
It. Mmn Ti4.
ThcOregon Land Company
OraiilatJ tan ilia purnoee nt buvlnir and wlilnir rl
aaialo, aJver.taltiK .b Will tmette Valley In all ol tha
kwdmg new. nt the I'mUxl Slalea. Kaipli.vinf
umern azeau to uireet oome eocKara to tha w lllatu-
ett. Valley, and hume airenU In all the principal
luwna ol AUrton, Pjlk, Linn, llenton, Clackanuu anil
lainniu euiiniiea to aiu In kieaUnf ImiulcranU.
UlBoa in U. Tat. tluil.linr ou. door a oat ul Stew
art NU t.
t.'im lie o;.ff
Wsi si'
'VrlUaJ, On'tn.
l.lMilH'l.OI!. raliil'
. HI 1,1111111'
! . .! iemil.iliii ..:r ' r.MaiUii! V. Bui.ntix
(. S!;!il)'iils :i In. !!' lit any lime. ( uU
iiwi: v.e.-ii!.ir 1 1 Ipwn3i'!ln ent free.
. A. Vri hptn. A f. AtiSstO.NU. I'rla.
iuuod Iarch and Sept.,
Ieach year. It ia an ency.
olopedia of tiaeful intor.
motion for all who pur.
chaao the luxuriea cr tho
neoeaeitioe of Lfe. Wo
eaa clotho yon and furniah you vitU
alt the noocaaary and unnecessary
appliancea to ride, walk, danco, clocp,
eat. fiah. hunt, work, B ta church,
or atay at home, and In varloaa aisea.
atylea and qaantities. J cut flguro out
what ia required to do ail thoae thtnga
COMF 01T8LT, and yon can make a fair
eatimate of the value of the BUYEltd
OUIDE, which will be aent upon
receipt of 10 eenta to pay poetaco,
111-114 Ulchican Avenue, Chicago, IU.
buiaeJ, and all other bnalnea. In the L'. 8. PaUa
c atteuilcded to Utr modetaU leva.
Ourom.-e iam-pnait Ut. L'. 14. lalct.t Olllce.
'ee can oliUOo i'aieOM kaa lime llian Uhm renwt.
rout UaCiinyUiQ.
(xiii'l or dra win?. W a.' " to paliit
ability lrva.fl charge ;au! neauAe o coarse uniea.
e obuin paieut,
r-l-1 bere, to tbe Poamaeer, Ui. Ku(C
il'Wjy O.'.icr M. audio udhdoi. oltbeU. a. Iteut
OtScu. t'-rcin.ular, advice, tcrji.a, a.-vi advrencc
uactual ciici.u lu jooro.B dUvte or couuty, addrcea
Opoalta laU.nt Olllce, Y aliliitfv, I) ,
Daalers ia General Itrciandiss.
Will bay Grain, Wool and all kinds
The treatment of many thousand of cawe
of tboae ttironlo weakm.-eaes and distressing;
allmrata peculiar to femalee, at the Invalids1
Hotol and Burfflcal Institute, Buffalo, N. Y
haa afforded a vast experience in uiccly adapt,
big- and thoroughly Untie? remedke for the
cure of woman's peculiar maladies.
, Ir. Vleree'a Jt'evorlle rreaerlptlon
la the outgrowth, or remilt, of thia rrcat and
valuable expertenoe. Thousands of test I mo.
Dials, received from patlpnta and from physi
cians who have tested it In the more Bforra
vated and obstinate cases which bod bailied
their skill, prove It to be the most wonderful
remedy ever devised for tbe relief and cure of
euffoiina; women. It la not recominendifd as
"cure-all,'' but aa a most perfect bpeclflo for
Woman's peculiar ailments.
A at powerful, inviiroratlne; tonle,
It lm parte atrenath to the whole system,
and to the womb and lu appendices In
particular. For overworked, 'worn-out."
run-down," OblllUted teachers, milliners,
dreasmakera, seamiitreaa, "sbop-prirls," house.
korpf-ra, nurelnjr mothers, and feeblo women
Sencraily, Dr. Pierces favorite Prescription
I the rreatest earthly boon, being; unerualed
a an appetizing; cordial and restorative tonio.
Ae a aoothlua; and etreiialbeuliic
nervine, "Pavorlte Preacrliition " ia uno-
Sualed and ia Invaluable in allayinir and aub
ulnr nervous exoiublllty, lrrltablltty, ex.
bauation. prostration, bysterie, einsrus and
other distressing;, nervous symptoms com
monly attendant upon functional and onranlo
disease of tbe womb. It induces refresUina
aleep and relieves mental anxiety and de
Dr. rieree'a Ferorlte Preaerlptlon
ie at lejrltlmmto medicine, carefully
compounded by an experienced and skillful
physician, and adapted to woman'a delicate
organization. It la purely vegetable la lu
composition and perfectly harm lens la lis
effects in any condition of tbe system. For
morning; sickness, or nausea, from whatever
cause arising;, weak stomach, indigestion, dys
pepeia and kindred symptoms, its use. in small
doaes, will prove very benefloial.
f avorlte Preaerlptlon la posle
,ATieur tor. bo mMt complicated and cb.
aunate cases of leucorrhea, excessive flowinir.
painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions!
prolapsus, or falling; of tho womb, weak back!
female weakness," antoverslon, retroversion!
bearing-down sensations, chronlo congestion.
Inflammation and ulceration of the womb, in
flammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries.
AWfY1fMin'u1 .Ilk t . I I '
.. rcKaisior and
. ... t , u ... iuwium ( I r "U L .
.luuoi i:uuu, cu niut critical period of change
from girlhood to womanhood. "Favorite Pre
ecription' is a perfectly eitfo remedial spent,
and can produce only good results. It is
equaUy efficacious and vnlualilo in its effw u
when taken for those disorders and derange.
. , V. . , ' . i . IUIIU
"J" ncucui, to inai mier and most cr.tlcol
period, known as The Change of Life'
. Mavorlto J'rosrrliitloii," when taken
in connection
Golden Medical Disoovcry, and small lasntlve
doses of Dr. Pioroo'a Purgative l'ellets Little
Liver PUIb). cures Liver, Jiidney and ICadder
diseases. Ubeir combined ubo also renin una
ii.ii i.iih urn fir 1 1. if u. u .
blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and
scrofulous humors from the system.
-l!if'fTirlta ''re'crlptlou" is tbe only
medicine for women, sold by drufrgists, under
Poaitlye caarantee, from tbe manu
facturers, that it will givo satisfaction In every
caae,or money will be refunded. This guuran
..u0?. Panted on tlio bottle-wrapper,
and faithfully carried out for many years!
fcJi?rg,boli1l,c?L100 doses) $1.00, or eix
Dottle, for $5.09.
For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of
ZnZSx ito AdffisT- ,end,tea
Wcrld's Dispensary Medical Association,
603 Main SL, BITETAJLO, N. Y.
For corns and bunion nothing In ao
t tha white of an egg.
A solution of alum, ten grami to the ounce of
water. U excellent for the tonkins of your feet
f they arc tender.
Don't think it is time wanted to prepare a few
kindling and lny them behind the atove witli
paper every night, then if any one is taken
during tho night, and a fire is needed, it
only a moment's work to get it.
Sunlight is one of the bent disinfectants. The
microtia that cause disease do not flourish
strong sunshine. It also has the advantage of
being cheap.
Clean oikloth with a wet towel pinned over a
stiff broom, and rub with long, sweeping strok
cs. To polish it uie a mixture of equal quant
ties of linseed oil, beeswax and turpentine, an
have it rubbed in well.
See that your kitchen stove has a thorough
iiing inside and out every two or three
weeks. Many times stoves are blamed for not
drawing or baking well when they are clogge
up .ith ashes. '
Cold drinks, as a rule, increase the feverish
condition of the mouth and stomach, and
create thirst, l'xncricnce shows it to be
fact that hot thinks relieve thirst and "cool off
the body when it ia in an abnormally hentci
condition, better than ice-cold drinks.
r.ggs which are to lc broken into water,
should not be broken into tailing water, as the
motion destroys their shape, but let the water
be as hot as oaible without boiling, an 1 let
them stand several minutes on the back uf the
stove. 1 hey will then be soft but firm all
When white tumble slabs and mantel get ills-
colored, take very strong soap-Ices and mix it
in quicklime till it is about like milk, spread
the ruiituieon the marble; clean it ofTwiihsonp
and water after twenty four hour's time and
rub the marble with fine putty i-owdcr and
olive oil.
Strong Language.
Ynqtitna Hay's only paper has a corres
pondent at the front en the Oregon Pacific.
In speaking of the Meyers failure he fl
nallr runs on to Scarle & Dean and says :
The December time checks will be paid
when they are due, aa have all ol Searte Si
Dcane's bills. Hut now comes the mean
part of the bu&iness. Of course Albany
being our base of supplies up here.the con
tractors when short of anything which they
naa to nave, purchased there, and the very
moment that trouble was rumored only. all
the peanut merchants of that burg clubbed
their little claims together aggregating
about five thousand dollars and got so bad
ly scared mat they aligned them to a real
etatc firm. This real estate firm proceed
ed to get out an attachment, without asking
Searlc & Ueane for their accounts or other-
wie investigating .and but for Mr. Scarlc's
timely appearance amongst them, when he
paid up the trilling would have
delayed work itidefinatelr. This little
transaction ought to serve aa a warning to
all men in buainesa. Don't buy from the
Albany merchants unless you nav them
cah for what you must have, as otherwise
you are liable to be jumped without warn
ing on an idle rumor.
ineaooveisa mixej tp men and an
unjust stricture on our Albar y merchants,
than whom there arc no more honorable
busineas men in the Slate, one Scarle &
Deane themselves would not countenance,
Albany merchants like cash ; but they are
also as icatonable us any In tho matter of
treating debtors.
it is only on tme principles that nature la
helped In it struggle, and only through ignor
ance thai ln ia Intin-lfWd or prvve fetal
where itcouid ba relieved.
Bt. Jaeoae Oit Cunce PcaaiAMCMTtv.
. Dally Mlshapa. Seom,)fpcopiedHy
bruUKlit in ooiiiai'i with brat, attain, bulling
waUir und com biunlblea arc hourly UiJ'.irnl I t
Some mUimp In the nature of a burn or rsld.
and tUotuaiids have been cured of sui-h by
UiU best known remedy for Ibe cure of ilu,
PaoMrrLV, Pcarccuv. Susclv.
, HOW It Acts. H arts as a counter
Irritant un Uie.unwx Injured, gently drawing
out the heat earned by Hie bum, while it
soonea tne pain. Helping n
Ing nature In the healing
pioeess snd a euro follows.
palua of this kind and ahould be kept bandy
uows. it is aineeine for
f Mil U u.C MIU BIC UM.U.
Evcav Borrtc CoNTAiaa A Coat.
reeautlon, Hot ss a precaution to Ita
where bunu and scalda eor. and
that suneriinr mav not be lnt..iii(iml i!,r..iurl
Ignorance, rtad carefully dlreelioiia for it ne
aci.-ompuiij iug every bottle of bi. Jacobs OIL
FoM ry trngrfifft rintl Dca'en Everywhere.
The un-irinsl is prpsre l ti Ay all
kinds of work in bin line in flri-ala or.
der an l wi:.h unrmp'.itss. Address P. O
box 87 or call at corner of Dili and Mapte
I.N, Smith.
Ely's Cream Balm
Cleanses the Nana! PafsHasoa. Al.
lays Inflammation. Heald tne Bores.
Restores the Souses of Taste, Smell
end Hearing.
A ffiartlrl;! I. annHjut I -r I. nn.11 a.jr
tKreenble, Price UOe. at JOruKftlfite er ly
snail . KLY Bf toxaiflag Warren Suow York.
according ia 11
Directions with, each, Bcttle
When I say Ctras I do not mean merely to
top them tor a time, and then have them re.
turn again. I mbam A RADICAL CUIUS.
. 1 have made tbe disease of
A llfe-lonsr atndy. I wakkaht my remedy to
Cork the worst eases. Because others have '
failed is no reason for not now receiving acure.
Band at once for a treatise and a Fbeb Bottlb
ot my Infallible Kbmbdt. Give Express
and Pout Oliine. It coats you nothing lor a
trial, and it will euro you. - Address
TfTpyt' -IV'IWMJ w,wul'WIW,llwnM,,l IJ J'1-""' m
' iTl fff ' P! 1 r "f" af ia! 1 1 a r fi if a 1r 1 ISII a! IHSaalaall a laali
A Sensation.
ST Paul, Minn., Jan. 18.-A sensation was
created in the state senate this morning when
Senator Ward, who championed tho cause f
United Stales Senator Sabin in the republican
caucus issi nigm, imrociuceu a resolution ior me 1
I l .... S.. I 1...! at I
Dknvm.CoI, Jan, 18,-The report publish-
cd in the East that people ore fleeing from this
city because of s smallpox epidemic and that
there are now irom 700 to Boo cases, ia luisc.
r.m rr, .rt nnw eL. b... i .r,ed ai
. ...... .w.., ......
me neaiin oiuce up loaaie.wmc. is not greater
than usual at this season year. 1 he cases are
very mtKI, and there have been only three
deaths so far.
A Jail on l ire.
Etn-.ENK ClTV, Jan. 18. -A fire broke out in
the roof ol the Jail last n it-lit, probably bom t
i.r.-i.. n... ....1 ....ii,..l. I
Tl un2u..1,.lia M.:u.a,a.. s M.l ,ne I
IL.mVlilHll IHNimv, mill IH HUIIIIrCIV UVnilM 1
else had a kev. Hut little real damaee was
1 tltS ItlCI 111 UTCS IIHil H lit IIV P.WHT1 HU iW WIIV 1
done, and hail the nrlsoners been out our I
. ' ... "
eonte would have Men glad to have bad the
nil burned entirely.
i.-. n...i. 1
nAN l' rancimco, Jan. 18. l he Lw .. i
view, a journal published in the Interests or in-1
surance companies, lias issued tables showing I
the condition of business durtnethe past year.
Amone other thintrs, it says: ' l'he result of I
the year's business, considered as a whole, was
good or bad, according to the subject ol com
parison. I he average loss ratio or 50. J per
cent, of the premium income was moderate
admitting of a fair return to capital for the risk
llKKI.IN, Jan. 18. The East Africa bill wm
submitted to the bundesrath to-daj it is en
titlcl "A bill for the irolcction of G:nnan in
lescsts, and conibating the slave trade in P.sst
Africa." It asks a crant of marks,
I nc ia a oi citecuiiniJ 10c ruTiaums u, uc iu
is entrusted to a commisM'.n. wlto shall have a
-i ...... .: . 1 . : . : . r . 1. i.:n
rich! to supervise the proceedings of the I'ast
African comony.
Tom I'la
Naw Yokk, Jan. 18. The Cincinnati
Enquirer, published Tucsduy a dhpatch
from Waahlnton, which stated on the al
Icged authority of Commodore Arthur
Ilateman, of this city, that three days be-1
fore tbe recent election Thomas C 1'latt I
demanded and received $ 1 50,000, for the
use 01 which no accounting was to be de
nr aimed.
Al banv, N. V., Jan. 17. In the United
States diatrict court to-day Kphriam Gardner,
charcel with smut;i:lini! opium across the
Canadian border at Cape Vincent end Oilens-
burc, was ditchareed and the rase was laid
over to the March term, i'.ail wns fixed at
asiiimjtos, Jan. 17. Some comment
was caused recently by the fact that Senator
Incalls, tireai'Tent protein of the senate, as not
asked to be present at the state dinner given by
President and Mis. Cleveland last week.
feaatly Drunk.
lkmos, Jan. 17. It is the old story. John
I. Sullivan, once without a peer in the fistic
arena, has attain met his old conqueror, mm
and has become gt'iggy. I Ie has JbrgoUcn and
broken the vows made on bis strk ld at
death s dour a few months ago. 1 his time, it
is feared by thome ckjacat to liim that he has
startel on his last dcUu. Ii fur he is not yet a
wctl mans by any means?and it will take but a
icw uays 01 dissipation to tcni mm 10 nt ueu
Tbe Create! Artreas.
Nkw York, Jan. 17. -Arrangements bav
been completed tor the traniprrtatii.n of Mary
Anderson and her company from lioston to San
Francisco in April. Miss Anderson will close
her American tour in San Francisco.
Slbnlonbtrlea M ordered.
Zanzibar, Jan. 17.-The Arabs have destroy
ed the German mutionary station at Tngu, fif
teen mile wo. of Iar-el-Salcm. A majority
of the slaves captarcd by the German man-of-war
Ixipsig were lodged at the station. One
missionary escaped and eight were mastered,
Three bodies, one a woman, were found muti
lated barbarously. Tbe Ar?U carried off the
servants and slaves. The Trench missionary
stations near Tngu are in imminent danger.
N'pgre Trouble.
KvORt.EANS,Jan. 16. A T Drrnt rat
tjotial from Jackson, Miss., says: Private in-
foimation boa been reccivcil by Governor Ixiwry
that the mob law continues to exist in the
Southern part of Noxubee and the Northern
part of Kemper countic, end that the negroe's
cabins are being burned and destroyed. The
present lawlessness grew out of Wahalak troub
les. The governor is informed that the aven
gers are still w reaking vengeance ui.on the ncg
rocs. Governor Lowry writes to the sheniT w
call out a suiTkictnt force to nut 'ow n the law
lessness and arrest all guilty persons promptly.
Over lorty negro families have been run out of
the counties and their cabins burned.
Another Cabinet OMrer.
Washington, Jan. 16. Chairman Hatch,
of the house committee on agriculture and a
memlier of the conference committee having in
charge the bill creating a cabinet ciTice out of
the bureau of agriculture says that the bill will
bcaome a law, and there is a prohahiUty of
General Harrison having another cabinet officer
to select.
Trouble Pea red.
Yasiiin$to.n, Jan. 16. Ad.imion, United
States consul general at Panama on the 3d inst
received a communication from the general tic
paslmcnt of Panama, stating that, although
the local government would do all in its power
to preserve peace and order, it feared that dis
turbances of the public teace might follow the
suspension of work on the Panama canal, which
suspension is expected.
Very -Bold.
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 16. The Villeparil
Hank al Hull, across the river was robbed of
17600 yesterday by a man whose confederate
was a little girl. 1 hey called the cashier away
momentarily by saying thnt a priest outside
wanted to see him. There is no clue to cither
the man or the girl.
A pain in the back often leads to conmli.
eated diseases that are almott incurable,
Oregon Kidney Tea cures the that nod pr-
veuts the latter. It ts sore'v vtiretuliic. ai.d
is warranted and Sold by Posh ay at Mason.
Absolutely Pure.
"tola powder never varies. A marve
en purity, strensbt and wholear tnenesn.
More economical than the ordinary kinds
avnd 'cannot be sold in competition with
multitude or low te.t, abort weight alum
or phoaphate pnwdera. Sold only in oanrt
Ro.val BrtklnR Powder Co,, ICO Wall St.,
21, Y.; 1), W, Csowlby A Co., Agents,
Portland, Oregon,
0 I
Children Cry for
roriwouayinn aaverusement nas ap
a a .a ... I 4 lse
a a I . li ..... 1 - . .
Pr democrat, signcu ny vv. u
Mn ,or corrcsponuunts wn a view to
matrimony. As this paper is s general
advertising medium It allows people to nd
vertlse lor almost anything. The Man
. . . ... . . I
About Town learns now that the advertis
er has been on a protracted drunk for a
wcck . lhoutth he seemed sober when be
handej ,n aA ftnd tmt J,fl j. N. G.
anyway, and advises people If they have
k" wwireiwi i. m,., ......
tbclr pen. Men who Kct on protracted
,iri.u. Ih have mo r mint
. vuu,m . ,
Albany Is talking street cars. Right here
the M. A. T. would like to advise our clib
xens not to do anything In tbe matter un
less thev are u Miner far the small bov to
. . 0 ...
' P'rm. lie will
. ( a a a s. a I
Utl II An TWO Ye UOTUltl 11 1 111. ft C an t UO I
e- I
Kotten out. Salem Is already kicking on
1.1 ... - , . . I
tne SUDiect. uon I throw vour letfs out ol
Joint neighbors. ISO power has ever been I
discovered yet anywhere to keep the small
oov 011 bobtnii street cars. 1
in some respects this is the set lous time I
of the year. It I the season r.f revivals,
tbe time to think of abetter life, and no
one lives so well that he cannot live better,
No entcrpri-c that has been talked of In
Albany, seemed to be better received than
the effort to establish a Loan and Building
Association. As a lever for lifting build-1
Inir Interests It takes the lead. As an In-
i vestment there l nothing much surer.
. -i mmm
.... , , , , ,
fhe w5o Cowers and woolen manufac
turcrs have been before the Senate finance
committee to represent their respective
Interests, The manufacturers wanted such
amendments as would reduce the duly on
wool while I he wool growers wanted an
Increase of duties. On both sides there
was much heat and vlor In their argu
mcnts. Senator Sherman, who U the cm-
nlovcd remesentatlve of the wool crowers.
offered an amendment that Increased the
duties on wool, whereupon the manufac
turers declared that the adoption of the
amendment meant s distraction of their
Industry, and that as against Ittlicy would
work for free wool. This Is tbe beautiful
feature and outcome of protection. The
protected monopolies of the country that
pent their money so freely and In such
profusion to elect Harrison are now openly
scrambling before Congress to see which
shall have most of the "swag," that comes
by protection. Let the fight go on. It Is
but onother pbaae of tbe "campaign of
education." The wool crowers have a
right to demand of the republicans an in
crease of duties on their products 01 a de
crease of the duty on raw matci ial.The utter
Impossibility of the republican to barmen
lite thete two conflicting Interests Las no
oeanng on tne minds 01 thoae who are
scrambling after this 'protection' swag,
The sclfiah greed of the protected monnpo-
list, knows no bound or limit.
As recorded in the Recorder's ofSce for
Linn county, Oregon :
II II Phillips to Hainan Shcllon, Jr.
160 acres, i) E 1 $ j4oo
John Little to Chas Gentry, 10 acres 150
nosey rtamsey anu others to 1 J
twong, looacies, nwh 1100
A Ervln to J S Courtney, 4 lots.Lcb-
anon 3500
a A Carpenter and others to S E
i.c haw, sec, 13 w r. ....... 2050
usw uent cuitei, too acres, 14 w 3 patent
L a to Catherine Kebbam, ifio acrca
14 wl patent
Maryj uoncno i.y t, r to John
l iimmtngn, 14 w 5, 162 03 acres 1JJO
J M RaUton to Julia B Thayer, 1 lot,
icnanon jo
J M Ralston to Mary G Montague,
3 lots, Lebanon no
J 8 Courtney to I M Ilalston. ajisito
feet, Lebanon 650
aiary narrows to wm r Harrows,
1 50 acre., 12 w E 3000
Thomas Davis to G K Smith, 320
acres, 13 wE 7S00
l-.ll.a warren to N J (Jalbrailli, 40
acres, adjoining Urowr.aville. . . 1500
U w Hamilton to K K Miller, So
acres 1 1 w 3 900
j Clark to 1 nomas 1 homaa, a lots
Its 2nd A. , .... 500
Tangent o tea.
E L Urvan has gone to Walla Walla on
a -
Mr and Mrs Burrcs, of Monmouth, ore
viaiiing their daughter, Mrs Kyan
The only younir fellow whose case Is
hopeless who never learns but seems to
know it all at the start.
We understand an edict has been issued
thit no pupil over the age of 31 years will
uc admitted to. the public school here
We saw a live snake o-dav. Think of
Iowa and Dakota.
in his uaer diaoovery for Consumption, suc
ceeded in producing a ine licino which ii ac
knowledged by ail to be simply marvelous.
It is exceedingly pleasant to the taete, per
fectly harmlesr, and docs not sicken. In all
oases of cases of Consumption. CtingbColds
Whoopina Cough, Croup, llrnnchitis, snd
Pains in the Cheat, it has riven universal
satisfaction. Dr ltosankn'a Cough and Lung
Syrop ia sold at 50 centa by Dr Gniss & Son.
rost I'll. KM.
Itebing Pilei are known h m l4n.'j Ilk) t.-ja
lim pr.Kl.101m awry a artrroo title Itching ktw
ir.gwarm. This Ui 4 si wall a ll'lnd, IS!eadg
protru'ling Plletaidat onoe to the epolicati.jn
lr. Ifcieanko f u rcoieily, w.itch set directly
the parts V Tested, abarrblug tbe tumors, allaying
Intent, lie Hug and enau'lug a permtnaft enre
cents. Addrats The Dr Uoeanko MCcins Co
O. Mil by br, Cuiss and Son.
F M. Preach keeps railroad timo.
' When Buby was sick, we cave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she crlod for Castoria,'
When s)ie became Mies, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave thorn Castoria.
... , A Pleaslns Sense ,?
0' health and strength renewed aud of ease
ai)d comfort follows tha ueof Symp of rigs,
hi it auta in harmony with imluie to effeo
tn illy alHi.tse the sysrem " whin eoittve o
bilio.ii. For ssbi in 50..'. and $1 bottles by
all Ui.diug drautibt". ' '
Dnyo'l want a remedy for B'llou-neaa, Pimples en
thefaer, a d a eure cure nr sink hcadaohe, auk Dr,
Oti'iu and Hmi t he DrugglaU, for Dr.'s I.ivo
'ilia, try a done, eainplns free full box S." imni.
letter LiHt.
Following is the list of letters remaining in the Post
Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Jan. 17, 1810
Persons calling for these letteh) must give tha dsto on
which they were advertised
Brools, Eoht
Cameron, Mrs A
Hoaworth, (I ti
ieorgo F W
Janaen, OP
Ksnts and Lsns
Lengenhvent. H
Millur, Pete (2)
O'Riley, Mrs
Hivett, A (0)
Brown, David
Faldo, Elex Kosi
KUiott, William '
Jaiger, CO
Kilpatrlo, William
Lennergait, Mr ' '
Larimer, A L
MeChosu ey, John
Ysllop, AW x
Wcb.tar, Mrs Hay.
- PltcherXCastorla;
A dissolving mow storm to-day."
Snversl drunks were in ths oaliboose yei
Fort v-six letters rruistersd attba Albany
postollloe to dsy,
The state temperance allianoe will meet
bi Albany on February 20.
lion Allen Parker, of Yaqnina Bay is in
the city. Likewise Hon J P Schooling, of
Mr. If. M Thornton left for tha Sound s
i,.iiis his health
f? J"'" ' bl
wu,w u. mu ery iw.., ...... ,
Mr. Kdwsid Waller and Miss Emily Hue-
lot, of Halem, ware married yesteaday. The 11. Jlowitc, 01
thia city, -
As announced by the Dkmocbat the rolipse
of the moon came (Ills t nbiht. It was a
pretty siuht, the sky being in fair condition
for observation.
j M Dolub U the MBC noniooo 0f tha
a at " m mm rt a . . f
HflDtt DllCftOI lor U . malOr 1V ft VWv "1
. t ., , a a..a"e 1
,or a, o'i win 01 coorw .
.I.Nl.,1 AH l.kll...
rrsnk Avery, tbe man who was so mys-
jterionsly shot, on tbe csrs, saje Arthur
premise was trie man who sat nun. n
maf .. f. 4 rt a a lias sava iaatiMit turn Ititrt ittid it 111
thonuht would be served on at Harris
burg to-day, where be has 1 e;n
Tbe salmon shipments from the Columbia
for the vesr 188S eomnrised 424.4.17 ctset.
Of this amount 207,9.10 esses went overlsnd
to the Ksst, 74,115 to Plngland, and WM1
casta to -San Praocisoo. The pack ou the
Columbia last year was about 371,000.
Kichard K Tsnnwav.the Boicer your a ma n
is beinir tiled in Portland to day fur rub
bitig the mails. Uuolo 8am now has both
the money (riven to secure Jsnewayaap
tiosraucs and
himself, more tl an
lis ie entitled
Wood ia 89 m cc-rd in Walla Walls.
The firm of Thompson Si Waters at
Brownsville U to be dissolved.
Msry'a Peak presents a yry pretty ap
pearance witn its topknot 01 show.
Mr Andrew Cowan ami Mrs Jos Clai it re
turned yestcrdsy from San Jose, Gal.
The Southern Pacific rsfuse to psy for
killed ou its road u liens through negli
J. II. Stino. I. rinrrly of tbe Lebanon Ex
prat, is now working iu the State printing
Gov Peuaoyer tJtt;h'wl the hes,-ts of Cor
vallt-s poople on thi agricultural college
Col. John Kels-tv, ( C jrvl!U. desires to
suc ked Hon. it. P. Hmbam aa Consul Gee
eral at Calcutta.
Mr. Tbo. Davis hst sold the Dr. llexao
der f.m to Mr. G. K. Smith, 320 seres for
$700. MoaUttb Si Curran. agents.
Mr. Sabin. traveling aceotfor J. C. Ayer
It Co., manufacturers of amoou the must re
liable mtdteiues in the marker, ia in tbe city.
Mr. John B. Williams recently deceased
left irourtv inventoried at 8JG23.37. Mr.
H. K. Williams was nude Administrator of
tbe estste.
TaoSsln school boya yesterday - roo
their heads together, csnsiug no damage at
.11. and tbo lo t was e b graphed to tbe Ore
Mrr. A V. Siauinn, of Kast Portland, ia
in the city, aud expects to remain ntitil tbe
middle of next wrck. Mr. S. wid probably
speed babbstb bire
Sena or Loouey baa introduced bill pro
viding for tbe repeal of the vagrancy act. He
eiaims that the law is simply a boon to
ttampe, and doea jast what it is intended not
Itodo. NuteUiog to that.
Tbe usual bill fvr amending the divorce
I law, baa been intioductd in the Legislature.
T. T. Grer, of Marion county, has in trod ue-
ed a bill aakine tbe repeal of tbe Chinese
pheasant law.
R M. Waablern, a Dayton, W. T. printer
bsa Just received $3,750 oa a lotUry ticket.
That amount of mouty was too much for tbe
punter and r. dootted bis ease, and w
shall took for almost ao kind of news.
A resolution introduced in the Lesialature
yesteiday asks Governor Pencoyer why he
didn't enforce the registration law if it waa
eobstitotir-nal. As the Supreme Com t de
elartd it ueconstitotiooal where ia the point.
It was, cf ccorteiam on tho table.
The covr rnment wants a piece of land be-
! lonKiog to J W Brssfield, at Yaquina Lay,
two acres in extent, r wants gL00 tor
it, tbe government says $1000 ia enoag h.
They bitch, and a suit will be began to force
iira.licld tosellat a reascnsble price. Un
cle Sam rules.
The following from the Pendleton . 0.
would indicate that one ol onr citizens in
tends taking in the whole State in bis pera
tions 1 , 'Parties baying burses for sale will
probably in Interested to know that Mr. L.
Senders, cf Albany, will beat Ccuterviile on
1 liursdar, the "4tb, and at Pendleton on
Fiidsy aud Saturday, tbe 23th and 26b, for
the purpose ot buyiug'au good buries.
OlrfOO . I
Our hotels are troadtd.
Jude Straban is iu the city.
R D Wilson, 'if Pendleton, is ia tbe city
Mr. J II htewsrt, of Hslsey, i. ia tbe
Klamath is said to La the c lJest ojuuty
I i Oregon.
Another ktner.l mo.cnsaJun at ore is to
be started iu New putt.
Tbe Columbia cauuiru company at Astoria
lai tailtd and assigned.
Tommy DoJe drew tbe Una alburn nfilod
off to-day by the Mstt is.
Mrt. Dr. Dtvisand mother, Mrs. Ilen-
drex, weut to HairUburg to-asy.
There is 22 cents in the cty treasury aud
tbe ci y is somewbeie uear f WW in debt.
Hustling Bub Meodriuke and wife of tbe
Slem SUUeeman, passed up the road to-day.
Dr W II Davis, cf llarriaharg has located
in this city. See bis card in another oulumn.
This morning's train waa delayed an hour
or two on aceouut of about two leet of anow.
The bsll givcu at the St. Charles Hotel
last tveuiuy is speken of as a very pbtasaut
Tbuie are said to be 9 casts cf ttnalipos at
Amity, iu Yamhill couuty, and '20 more ex
posed to it.
McKuight lros. bsve juat purchsted
another lino 2 jear old, Cclil, a full brother
to Altago,
E 11 FIskc, foimerly of the St. Holm's
Mint, iatilbiug of starting a weekly Demo
oratio puper iu Salem.
J Carroll McCaffrey, uotetary of tbe
Franklm Builduirf and Ltxx Assoutacioo, of
Portlami, is iu the vlty. "
A deck baud ou nun ti the Ci lumbta river
steamers rive ears vgo was worth $130,OUO.
It 14 all goue. uull l lite
Street ours uuw ruu iroiu the Cbetnekete to
tbe depot in Salem, and it is thought tho
Hue will pay potmaueuily.
Thn "Ytquina R" couldn't t o much
more of a wreck tba.-i it ii. les uuciii'ieiy
bs ucarly all been takeu out. .
E B Piper is uow city editor of tlu S jattle
i'oifJ Intelligencer and W II Peirj, tonneily
of Curvallii, stii ir repoiter. ;
The wlmht mai liet at Aibjuy is about as
dull its a hoiv 70 eeuta uontiuues to be paid,
or rather cllVrud, for no oiiu bbs.
A 'man uamed O.tora Thmnai at Taoo.nt
received a check for $450 a fw days ao and
suddenly dieupporbd. Probably -returned
Etat- " ''
. A very reinaikabio thing is the f tot tbat
thn pi'iiuonn I do.'8 u t appear in Ciovrior
Penuoyeia iiiebLge, porhap the first lustm ca
ou reuord. . ' ' ,
' Ysquina Buy wants sotno Kausas boomers,
aud the paper there says that country has a
better opportunity than Tscotna or Seattle
eyor had. - -.
Prof G F Rusf.cll aud wife, of Halsey pre
cinct.are in the city to-day. Prof Russell ba
taught six terms in the same place, - which
epesks for his popuhrity. " . -
The firm of Bashor & Williams, ergaged
iu the mercantile buainesa at Gobi Hill, baa
been dissolved, Mr A A Baiihor, formerly
of Spioer retniring. - v ' .
Children Cry for:
g-l..Jt ..... ......... . i hi I . ...i iiwai.iimi.i.i in. i iiimn..M, it .-!
--up - - -"hit :' - " '-"' ' 11 '"' " anli a a l mi I linn''H
for Infants and Chlfdfene
1 "Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
t recommend it as superior to soy prcacrtpUon
ItBOwateina. H. A. Aacnaa, M. D.,
1U So. Oxford St, BrooUys, N. T.
A lady iu Walla Walls keeps a rcrap-book
i.i which she pistes all deaths snd crimes
emanating I rum atropg drink aud such.
She must hsve very little time fur bousenoiu
It is said that Williamson, the Philadel
phia tihilanthrepist, who lias recently
muniltcently endowed a manual training
chord tor boys, has carried the same um
brella or ei(r,bteeu yew .
Ten yesrt aao Tscom.ha l IL'tfLiihalitants
and Astotia SiXMl. To-dny Tn a has 15,-
000 snd Astoria 5000. tho : '1 in 180.
Uiie ia the result ol entert.rire, tit. ..ther the
result of lifeless insctiyily, 'ion er.
A l-ae f 903 years, rns!e in tl.o days of
King Alfred, has just expired in Loand
Toe land waa ltad by tho church to the
crown, and reverts now to the Church of
K 11 Id and 1 fter a rrilltoiiium of years.
Tbe Marshal's and Policemen's ntw te'ta.
bats, badge and ciobs, arrival in the city to
day. Tbe suits will be made up at L. K.
Ulsin s sad the whole srraoemeot will sbioc
lorth beiioDinj about xebruary lit.
A crsr.7 fellow named llsrry Curl, now iu
Saltm, ssya he shot Frank Avery on the
cars, as he thought he wanted to 1,1,1 him.
aud then jumped off, braising bis face con
siderably. He I. as tte marks to show, ior it.
The (' T Hrsdley Mining Co., f Sanger.
nesr Baker City, had a cleanup of (90,000
n IJrceiiiher. when such tluncs cau l.e
raid shout cur Santiam we in..y look
for a mining boom here W predict tume
t'..ira of that nature in a very faw years.
A. Stinir, who is known reurv vtrv-
w here in Oregon, is now ibfuetirs; this val
ley. lie wss ibduccd to leave Mclford by
Marsbsl Miller, who wanted to eolle.t li
cense from him, aa be claimed I j l.e a real
estate agent, and is in Alilar d at preaeut.
Jacksonville Time. It is strange this
fellow doesn't change hi name.
If a newspaper were to bgin and ran the
city down in which it is pnblitbtd bow soon
would everybody in tbe whole country hnd
it out, and bow quickly they would be kick
ing the editor out on tbe Cist round : but he
can puff op bis city daysfttroay and sing
its pi iki in seven isngnsi; and tome peo
ple never seem to know it. Think n-lhing
has been done anyway. Yet at a matter of
fact do single tin 11 2 begins to work as reach
fore city's prosperity as its newspaper.
Ca tjcu lm 1 1 1 ial a is; t't i: n 1 ke
good nstared persooso peevish, diataiuficd.
ill-tempered and cranky aa hilitoosness?
There is no leason whatever, why an v one
should suffer from indigestion, dypepfcia.
torpid liver and less of appetite, w hen Dr.
Ileo'ey s I4bdtlion Tonic, which every one
knows is a certain cure, can be so tasiiy. ob
taiued. Bold by ft.tbay & Mason.
Dby carrwgee at Stewart & Sox's.
All kinds of woolen drees goods are 23 per
Cnt cheaper than tbey were a year sj;o. Oar
stoikiasil fresh, cooscqucntly wecau give
f erj ow pneea.
W F lit i.
- -a Jk. V--
K. 'til. i
k 111 t'!."-'",'
A Pleasing Sense of Health
and Strength Renewed, and
of Ease and Comfort
Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, an it
acts gently on tW .
Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels
Effectually Cleansing the System when
Coativo or Bilious, Dispelling
Colds, Headaches and Fevers
and permanently curing
without weakening or irritating the or
gans on which it acta.
For Bale In 50e and l.OO Dottle, by
all Leading Drugglate.
MAarrAcrraio oslt st vna
Sax FaANOSCO, Cai,
Locumu.K, Kr., Kmc Took. X. T.
VYm. Fortmiller,
Prompt itoSioii-Pirst-DliSo Eearsa
JSaTAftor bu4lnas li nr .n'l i; roi !ino
corner Fifth and Baker streets.
e. ,. a
Palace Meat Market.
Will keep constantly on hand beaf,
mutton, pork, veal, sausage, eto,, the best
1 r . y-
f Z
1 s 1
il l fefe
meats and largest variety in tne city.
Cash paid for all kinds of fat. stock.
pitcher's Castoria;
I Caatoa em flle.
I rf-UonT
Without lajurkwa maJicatltia.
Ta Ccsxtva Cohtajit, Ti flurray Street, N. T.
rirst Trrus Opeaa September I If, ISSS-
A lull corpa of InatrBOtora.
Omrsoa of study arranged to meet lb
nwd of all gradea of atadenU.
Special iiultifemenls offered to ttudents
from abroad.
Tuition mgw from $5.60 to $13.M.
Bnard In private fawl'iee at low rates.
Itooma lor !f-boarding at arrraHex'euse.
A careful supervlnlon ezerclsod over eto
desta away from home. Pali term opens
September 7tb. For circular and full
particulars sddra tbe President,
Albany, Oregon
Gup Lady of Perpetual Help.
Conducted by the Slstori of H. Bndict.
TbU Acalarnvia lnevrDorte end aa-
thorszod by tbe Mato to confet academic
Board and tuition-.....-.. .f 10.00
Muhic, inartu mental, theoretical aud
vocal witbote of pianoand organ 15.00
Uu5lr .................. l l.oo
Zttbero ...................... 12.00
Drawing and painting-.............-. o.n
Fancy wort and menr'.ng free to
Tuition lo eclcct day acb rt ranges front
(5 to f 10.
Normal lntrucUon of eplrsnl for
teacher's certificates a ' isciahy.
Graduating fee, f 10.
For further particulars apply st tbe
G. L. BLACKf.lAri,
Successor to E. V.Ladon.
Those wbtbioz a firsfclsas instrument
abould call st Mrs, B. 12, Hyman's snd
ace one of those Celeorated llemme A
Long pbtnooa, excellent rich tone, Ee
pecialiy made and adapted to auad the
climate on tbe Pacific Coast, Every piano
fully guaiantead Tor b years, ins laieec
shett-iDCsic for sale. Music end painting:
lesson given there. Also tbe place to get
your new Sowing Machine. Fancy work
and dress making done to order. First
door east of Young's old stand, Albany,
Oregon. ,
s S pprt rtmt pri- U;tn that i:
2 . rj.
In iwt Lc.
..i.i : -t.
s3.K.rrtYa t.U.,UiLv:!, ti-.t.-..
All kinds of rough, dressed
and seas., j iTjmberjatli
pickets kept constantly cn
hand- Bills sawed to order on
shortest notice Use only best
Calapooia timber- Price and
terms made satisfactory.
; -AKD
Notary PuMic
Almost as Palatable a3 Milk.
So tflsajwtsed tlu.t it earn be taken,
dlgeated, atnd swatsntlateel by this naoat
sensitive itomseh, when tne plalss oil
cannot be tolerated ; and by ia eons?
binntloss of tbe ell with tbe bypophesa.
pbltea is much more effleateloata.
Eemarkable as a -fesa predaeer.
Persons gala rapidly wtJle talJcg lie
SC01TS EMULSION is acknowledged by
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