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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1889)
OYFEUND T3 CALIFORNIA- -sVIA-. Sonthsrn Paella Company's Line TBI Mr. it i Bvri. O T.sM btturaan Albany B'ld 8a Frlnolaaii, IS boar OALiroKRiA unM isms Rex .auv Between rertUaa1 sad Ban lfiflt, BouU North 4.00 r. m I Un Portland Arrlv 1 10:W 4 SlllrH I Lmt Albany Levle.:4a4n T:4 4 ArrlT Ben t'rsnalrso tear 7:00 r toast, ruiimi tauira sails ( Banday). MO 4 II I Uv Portland Arrlv I 1:46 ra IfctOra I U Albany , Lasts U:Ss4a s:40rB I knirt twww Lear :00 4 s; MOAIi r4MIKM TBslS B4U.I, tlCSTT 4011041. Ml r M I Un Albany ' Arrive I 30 a :0ra Arrive Lebanon Loav 6:44 B tt:60rM Utn Albany rrtn I :46rU IMtm Arrtra Ubauua Lav 1:00 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars far at Becna-CIa. r.ssen Iters, attacked t Kxttreea Tralas. West Us MtUUi. rvCTLASB ASD CvSVALLM, BKTtTEC Taaia 4lbT (.awptSuudsy.) TJ04S IUm II. r a I Arrive Portland Oorvtllie Arriv. I :) r a Lear. 1:30 a sxrast turn saiuy (ate jut Sttoilsy IMia oar a I La ra I Ar.l" Portland Moainuvkll Arriv. I :00 k a Laar I 4.46 4 a Througli TicUotH To all point BOXTTH -Arr EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. fur fall lutorasatloa ratraMlnf rate, sains, k-i Ail oa Oranpanya Ajrent at Albany. ft. KOClJLtR, K. P. ROflKRS, lianarar Am i U. F. and P. A THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. g-on Development Cocepany's Steam hip Lin. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First-class through passeuirer and freight line from Portland and all points in lbs Willamette V allay to son from Ban Francisco, Cal. ffillamatta Birar Lina of Steamers. The "Win. M. Doaz The "N. 8. Boat ey," Tbe "Three Sisters" are In service for both passenger anl freight tratilo be tween Corvallla and Portland and inter mediate polota, tearing Company'r wharf, Corrallia. aud Messrs. Hutman A Co'a wharf. Noa. 200 and !Wi Frout St., Poit- land, three timet a wsek as follow, t NOKfrt BoCMO. Lear. C 111. Mjn lay, Walueilar aoJ Frl day.atta.aa. Albtuy, a, m. Arrive at t I ra. Lun TjaU, Thardy and Balur- ayatea,n. Antra at ruruuJ JJ u. m. Lmm ViHtluil Kiadin. WeJnaadaT aa 1 Frid- dare at a. am. Am.a al HMJI at 7:14 p. at. Leave Salem Tuaaday, Thursday and Baturday at a. tmn at Corral 1 Wat 1.SJ i, a. Boa la make close connection at A I ban with traloa of the Oregon Pact no rlailroad Tl V C 8 Jll OULK ( Sundays.) Larva Albany. 1:00 r. a,, Lea v. Taqaina. rtfta.a Uaava OirraUti, l:V)r,l.l Laava CurraUu,IU:iU a, a. Arrlra Taqaina, I4J r. a I Axot. Albany, 11:10 A. a, I O. A U. tralaa oonne at Albany and Corvallla. The above train eonueutat Yaquioa with the Oreoa Development Com nan t' Line of Uioatnibip beiween Yaquioa and Ian Fraiuitoo. NAILING DAT EN . aiaaaiaa. va-. aa r.txciacu. raua Yakima WillaatMU Valley, Tbara, Iaa eib jruiaaMU. Vailajr, Mua. lw. ITU ffUiaoxua VaU.y, aua. Lj. Sutb. WL IM. Itb M m. Vtc tub The Company . rTe the right chanire aalikna daUs without notice. to N. U. Pawtenirera from Por.lana and rVUUmette Va ley poiott can make close eonneciLn with the train of the Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallla. ana if Ue- tlned toHaa Franciaoo ahouid arrange to trrive at Yaquiua the evening before tate of tailing. laaaratrr seal r.rlcht Batca alwaya ! Lawrsa. for Inlurntatina apply to C i S'.oart, Prtlght and TkkM A(Mt, Albanv, or to C II Uaw.!!, it., O. V. A P. A(t Orryoa UtTalupmaut M Montruary aUa rraacuiM, CJ. V. C. kft.t k. k. . T. aadP. Ai.nt, iftft r-a;lls K . VorTaliw "Jim Wcslfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on band. Also rail line or JAPANESE GOODS. OREGON PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished on short nolle fo aoy pnrpoee. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, tbf x thu-i IK Chfepcff P j t:an3 BUii.;: CCUECE. , Trrlt-'Sd, Ororoa. 1 '.m, ., . 1 . .rt.rl.of. .::.! . II '"I lul ," ' ' "' ' V. Butlncti, rtkaitC C mmm Sihuilr.nrl Pmtiimjiihlp tp--rt- s. K:ihI-iiI i . 1 1 el si y llmr. r..- I .MS H"'l -i-tt- M f I' "I " Mlt 1'ff. 4. 4. W" il H-r. !' -'!Tr30t. Pria. H. F. r.lERRILL, , ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Sell axu'iaagM oa Nav York, Bui Krsiidsoo sn l Portland, Buy a t, gtt's, e 4nty s i I e'ty warrants Ro ealv. d siibjsct to enck. In lure rt allowad on tim. dosit. Oillactlon will raealr. pro"ipt att ntiuo. rvrrninndie aollcltail. Firs and Matiu. Inmranca ewpanle). J.J. VHITHEY, Attorney M Counsellor At Lav aND Notary Public. ' ALBAE?, OREGON, Will prrvSss I A all of the Count this 8Uto. All blAl noes Introntod u Mm will be promptly B'tended to. Firs! X;iti()!l4l Jin: OF ALU 4 t, OUKUitt. frwildant . u. f'L.lN ' Vlua Prawdvnt 4, K, YOl Mj 1 OashLr.... ,....OsO. K. HAMHr.KI, UN ,UKV. c.. ' n ", 1 1 1 . Saa'a I'a.1iIm j vh v. POWKLL - - THASSACT- A 0KNEKA (, buikm l.u. - ACCOUNM KBPr aubjw.t W aiitKlt. FOlir RXCftANOK snIW ri.hio tmic tcr, ea Maw Tork, 8an Fraucises - rtcar snd f 1 Oiaroa. OULLEC7TIOH3 UADZ'ja Uoolv mrm . . VISKCruk. E. Yeusa, ' 0o & '..'immms .. b K BbAis. I.. Kush, . . Wiun K Tuss.1.1., SiHtMor ttl IZ. ,11'. AilifiiW. -lK4l.KK IX- - DRUGS, MEOICIiNES CHSMICA.LS, B!?U3HS, SOAPS COMBS ETC. Wm. Foitmiiler, 1 -FUNEUAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse "Aftar butinet biitt o at retldano corner Fifth and Baker streets. L, W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Htuuio corner Stcond ami Ferry Rtroeta nerOjora llou. Ground flotr. Chlldreo'it plcturea a artocktUy. CARPENTER AMD J31MER. The uti'lfriliut I U prjptrel I) d) all kind of work in lit lina la flri-oU or, der and wltt nroaia'.ititt. Hrtl. O box 87 or 04H a, earner or w am Mie treeu, i. V, mm nu. DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office or. Fir at and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- -- OREGON. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Sitter of St, Benedict TbU Acidemy l Inoorporate J and au thorized by the State to confef academic honors. B ARDIXU SCHOOL VKtL TKP.M. Board and tuition 1 10.00 Muslo, Inartumenlal, theoretical aud vocal with uo of planoand organ 15.04 I J UaaaaP .eea ( aaeeee . l200 Zlthern l&OO Drawing and painting ... 8.0 0 Fancy wort and mendlni free to boarder. Tuition In select tSay tchool range from 13 to Normal Inntruotion of aolrnta for teacher a rertinoato a apcrUliy. Graduating fee, $10. For fur'.ler particulars apply at tbs Academy, The BUYERS' GUIDE U luued March and Sept., each year. It 1. an ency clopedia of oaefttl lnlor. mation for all who pur. chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can olotho you and furnish you with all the . necessary and unnoceanary appliances to ride, walk, dance, alecj-, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various mizcu. styles and quantities. Just figure ox.t what Is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can mnko a fair eatimate of the value of the BUYEKd' OU1DE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 1X1-114 I&lonJgan Avenue, Chicago, 111. PATENTS txainad, and all other buwnoa. In la. 0 Sla.alundOTld to fur amtoraU Inra. a. Psua Ouroffl isoi'puait tna L . S. I sWnt OIBca. and Tvcan obtain Pataots Ina Unx tban I boa raiuut. rtua WaabinKlua. Brad uwii. ordrain. W. iw1' to naurnt ollit j fre. ,f charge ;atnl w.uak. v charx. twins oouuii paKul. W. nUr hen, to th. PuatnisiMaT, th ttupi. Uniwr Inr. ajd U urUciaia ollbt V. k launl cince. rnrcirtular, adinos, iro a, anil atrrv oavtoal cll.tiU In yooroa-n Stau m cuuuly, addi nm Ca A. IVOV &COe, taansMaav i ticui I'lusa, Ttuniiiyitiii, 1 SAM MAY. a. SENDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Et-r-cnanaise. HARhlSBURC - - - ORECQN Will toy Grain, Wool and all inJ olni nrenV Tin Original S. a V J J . a W a mm nan nt . 1 e. ,-.v.A.. Imi, I I if ic n OUK PILLS. MEtTAJlB Or IMlTATIOirS. ALWAYS ask ron db. 1'ijcitcca pellets, ob LITTLE BTJQAR-COATED TILLS. Heine; entirely vegetable, thoy 00 ernto waliout diuturbsnce to the system, h-t, or o-ciirntion. Put up hi class viol., ln-ruu tl cally K-nlod. Always fn-sh and relinl.k;. At a laxative, alterative, or purgative, tlieo hula TeUcU give Ute oiost perfect sassa-aw s aA- UUU, SM HEADACHE- Blllona XleadaeTie, lizzluea, 4on.ilpa linn," I ixll frost I on. Itilloas Atlucka.aiylull drariKments of tlio to ra nch atil bowels, are prompt ly relieved snd jwrmunen. ly ciirtrd br t'lft tiaa of Ir. Piercers fleasaut I'araatlve Pellets. In explanation of th. renKidial power of those rcnuia uicr au tvxj, m varx iy or aiswaaea. It may trntlifuliy be said tlmt their sction uoon the tystem Is universal, not a aland or tlmue rtu-Mpintr iiicir MUiuiivo inlluence. Mold by dru-friM, 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at the 1n1111t-.11 jjiimruLory 01 now.os UIHrXusAUV "ltL ABeCIVLATlUH, UUHUIO, ti. Y. ASBOfiMP tf is offered br the manufactur er of Ir. Kaa;es Catarrh ssemeay, ror a case of cnrouio rtasol Cntarrh whh-h r mey cannot cure. srnrTsn nv riTinmi tw.ii bntvy be(is.-lie, obsfructioa of the nasal rmasairwj, Oinulisrves falling' from the litad Into th throat, sometimes profuse. waU-rv. ami Bf.-rKj, nt others, thick, tenacious, mucous. ini-iii, iimouy sou puiriu; in. eye ore wi.-ua, wuiery, una innamca; mere Is rlnirliig In the ears, desf ness, backlnir or coufrhinir to clear the throat, expectoration of offi-naive maUrr, totretber with scalis from ulcer; tlie , 7J , v' s"u nu a nawti twsns;; the brcsth Is olfuiisivs; smell snd taste are lm- pniredj thi-ro is s sensation of dir.xiiinw, with went;!! denrcaion, a backlnir courb and sn crnl ii;l.iiity. Only a few of the auovc-liHiiu d symptoms ure likely to be pmtant In any one JriouHnnfis 01 cases aiiuusly. without ninnlfeotiiix luilf ot iho above symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end In the itit.vo No diseiiso is so common, moro drweptivo mid daiifr'-rouB, or lens understood by pli icii-ns. Hy Its mild, eootliinir, nnd houlmc propcrtks Dr. huro's Cutnrrh Jtemc-tly enr-s tlio worst ensosof Catarrh, "eolrt In tlie head." Corf ya. o nil tf1 (c k.-n.i Bold by drusjiets everywhere; 60 cents, rntold Agony from Catarrh." Prof. XT. TUnSNEit. the famous of Ithaca, N. Y., writes : " Home ten yenra . .imi-;icu uiiuim KKony irom curoiiie catarrh. My family pliysleinn gtv! mc i .1 k Inciirnble. and said I muKt iio v fc . . . . , . , t , ' . J ' " - " ""'f -v"7 uoy, xmvarns sun- 1 t oieo wouiu uceonio no li ici ,,, v vnun wahi.i i 1 . ! my couKlilnir and clearing of my tlirosit would ; niinui, airuiiKiU me. ' uy 1110 lito ol Dr. tj! Catarrh llomtdy, In three months, I vriii a vil! viiuKi inn oreuuio viirowRii 1110 iinstri!,' I thouifbt notlilnir could be done for mc. )A;e!c lly, I wes ndvioed to try Jjr. f:iio's f'.ifirh liemedy, aud I cm now a wcil num. I U-iicve It to bo tlio only sure remedy for catarrh v.our manufactured, and ono bos only to ffivo it a fair trlul to oxperieaoo astounding1 resulto aud a periuuncut cure." Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. i. & v: .t. ... ; . ..-"....o : ELt Kobbiks. Jlunyan P. O., Columbia Co., I To, sny: "My daughter bed caint-rh when i he was five years old, very barilv. 1 taw De. catre a cauirru licineay utiveitised, nml to cured a bottle for her, nnd soon aw that it helped her ; a third bottle cll'ected a perma nent cure. Bhe Is now eighteen years old and sound and hearty." ruu:?, W 9 aT U1 :f t a Constantly Ilasvklntr and Opitt::iff.w 4"" mmm rf f Thomas J. nrrsniHO, tool rim P.irret, I , V,lalv I I St. Imuu, tip., writes: MI was a Rrcrit M:i;c;cr i'mmd I ' " II , frorn 1 cntarrh for thrco year. At times I could I" I fJ 1 I burdly l.rentho, nnd was conrtnnlly hawking l . . 1 J and spittinir, and for tlio l:at tiiflit ii!r:;tli M " iaal 0hc fmacrat. FFICIAL AFEE. THJU'KKANCE COLUMN. Edlitd by Alliany W, 0. T, U The rent committee reported $ '5 col the lected. Thirty five subscriber! to Untom Si g huI are reported. The Arcnsdorf brewery at Sioux City, lows, Is belli); fitted up for an walmeol mill. Would that thousand of other could be turned to the same good purpote. On Wednesday, the i6th a parlor meet ing will be held at the residence of Mrs. Win. Baltimore. The ladles are cordially Invited to attend. These meetings can be made very entertaining and Instructive. The subject under dlscusidon wilt be the literature children should read. The regular meeting of the Union held on Tuesday, was one of Interest, quarterly reports were read. Some department had been dilllgcnlly attended toother nejlett. ed. The receipts of the ouarter were $147.45, disbursements $'37.oo. A there was a small sum In the Treasury at the beginning of the quarter, the Union ha been able to meet all the demands upon It, snd ttlll have a littlu left In the Treatury. In Pennsylvania the liquor men are pre paring to bring a strong pressure upon the Legislature toamend, in their lnterest.somo of the restrictive features ot the stringent excite law passed last j ear. They complain especially e( the discretionary power which the law gives to judge to deny license ap plication ; that there Is no provision for the transfer of license, and that brewer and distiller are not allowed to become security for saloon-keeper. It U to be hoped that the Legislature will be if l not ed to make the law more, rather than less, stringent. A tlngulnr cac of a mm drowning in a flax of beer U reported a having occurred recently in Trenton, N. Y . It is said thai he had been drinking hard, and was well under alcoholic Influence, hen he entered a saloon and ordered a glass ot beer, which was brought him. lie sat down at a table and (ell Into a stupor, hi head dropping forward Into the glass before hi in. When the barkeeper tried to arouse him he wa dead, hi nose being immersed in the liquor in kucn a way that respiration sn completely stopped. Death from drown Ing In beer I a new form ot the saloon peril. Stch a death may, of course, occur quite as readily if the license fee be high or tow. r or tins lorm 01 the saloon peril high license it obviously no rcmedv. To escape it altogether "the saloon in ust go, Canyon imagioeaQ y lim-nt that will make a goad nataied rraouso pvaviab, diaaatiaUrtl, ill-tetnperrd and eistiky ss billiou.osssT Tbersis n laason whatever, why soy oue snouui soosr Horn talik'lo. dy.pvpsis. torpid liwr sad .'oee of sooatite. h.a Dr. ilea'ty's Dabdtlioa Topic, which every oae snows is a certain cure, cart be so tssdy ot tamed. Sold by .vobay A Mason. vn. nap r f V MARX PtEr TUT r DTAT Chronic Rheumatism. I Prompt, Permanent Curti. Once Cared, Always Cored. Part SU4ISM. lava. P.s 1 1MT. tmSm all rtw.iui la ksa Maid Sara If aava. Tv. ayallaauaoa at St. Jawa Oil aaiirtly nM sm. R. nun la t mn 1. a. jof aa. Oaee Cared, Always Cured. CaaalaSatta. T . V.k IS. lilt. Swaa. aitfe aoMiMW sala la iti.Uir: trtsA a .Sm. Waat I. my .tWa; aals ,. laaafwasia; at haata at It a',Uk sa4 aaa St. JiaM 0U. Tha asaat waa autaal; saia I. iwMraa U wars at I -iatk Oara aaaraaalaadsatvaaaas. WI1X4T W. COOt. Oace Carad, Always Corad. law. 11. ataa . Oat. . US. H4 am rkaaatauant la saaa; (rtad any nw,ln wtUMs nift Ha4 St. Jaaata CHI aaa waa atytly aawa. ratan a sal. Is awns yaars. P4TID LsWXXICL Proof. Ta. taMisMay asaaat sa tlmtal. It kaa Sara vartsa as4 raaawa aitar a laaaa af yaarj Bw ratara af aala. Sa 11 im asa asaw Uaa At DBCocim Ajro DctURs. THE CHARLES a. VOCELER CO., BtKlstort, Mi. WM 'tj Try the Cure Eiy'sCreamBalm Cleansea the Nasal PaHrmo-oH. Al lays Tnflttirimntinn Uoala tRfl SorOH. Bestores tho Senses of Tasto, Bmoli and Hearing. A wartirla la wnwllaMi UtaaacV aaM.ll mmA Is aa-reeable. PrteaOOe. at Drasslata or by ICLYBltOTiaaia Warren 8CJw York. 0. O OHBKBT. O.B.rtBKXa ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, : HacMBJstsv MillWTiglits, an& Iror Founders. K are now completely prays ed to handle all kinds of hoaw work. tV wni manafactnre Htesm EncrlnsH. Ortat .,,) Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinrht-nv'roB mau intaa usmings. FATTEBI HtDK OM g fi O ttT JrSVTTCT. Hpeoial attention cl van in. sanatrlnc. kinds of machinery. VVBen I SSW OtraS I da not maan mnmlv tn stop them for a time, and then have them re tarn again. 1 meajt A KADiCAXi CUIUS.. a nave maoe tne Oiseasa of ITTS, EPIXEPSIT or i A life-long study. I warravt my remedy to CrjRB the worst cases. Because others have failed Is no reason for not now receiving scare, fiend at once for a treatise and a Freb bottlb) of my Infallible Kemedt. Give Express ana 1'ogt Office. It costs vrm itnthln. W a ! 5 SJf 1 , uaXl trial, and It will cure you. Address K. O. ROOT, M .C, 1 83 Peau. ST, NEW YOK WtL-- - 1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Northwrstrra Kutes, vVASHiNOTOtt, Jan. II, A i)oioflice ha been established at ColumWavllle, Columbia county, Or., and John A. Walsh appointed postmaster. issac i). Miller ha been annolnted Postman- ler at Miller' Linn County, Or., in jilace of C. D. Van Dyke, who ha resigned. A pension hai been granted Godfrey Coontng, of Washington terr lory. On motion of Se tor Doh.h N. P. Simon, of Portland Or., hr ieen admitted to practice i i ... . uciurv me supreme .'oun. ' HmnKKllng. Post Iownhknd, Jm. li. The largest opium and Chinese seizure made on Tiiget Sotimlrin ecveral msnth was made last night, when nearly f 5000 worth of oiium and twelve Chinese were en it until in the liritish sloon Emerald, near the mouth of l'nrt Discovery bay, the vessel lieing In charge of iSenjamin l.nndy, master and frank llnil. 1 be sloop wa loaded with 400 pounds of refined opium and a doen Chinee, from Victoria, and the master was to receive Sao for each Chinaman landed on taooo on the opium. All of the Chinese were pro vided with llntiih certificates, entitling them to return to Victoria. WewVork, Jan. io. Twenty share of Chemical bank stock were sold by auction at executor's sale, on the real kstnte exchange yes terday, to David Wolfe llisliop, a relative of the lute Catherine Vo!fn, who was the richest woman in the country, at I4105 a share, the highest price ever paid for thittk. The par value 1 f too ami there are but 3000 shares In all. The bank dettare bi-monthly dividend of a 5 per cent. The largest individual holder of stuck 1 Adele de Talleyrand l'eriiwd.Dut h ess ue ucno formerly Mis. Mevciu. hue liulds 300 shares, which are worth 11,159,500. Prohibitory Amrndairnt. Concord, N. H. Jan. 10. The constitu- tioaal convention to-day adopted au amend ment to the Cowttituiion, prohibiting the manu fact ure and sale of all intoxicating liquors, "except cuter. Even oa Hkstrs Amsterdam, Jan. 10. In the skating championship contest here to-day the two-mile race wn won by Joseph Donouhue, of New- burt;hl N. V., in six minutes and twenty-four seconds, ranschin, the Kusmn rlmmpion, covered the distance in six minutes and thirty one seconds, The best record previously msde 1 or inc same instance was six mmuics sn iony one second. I'rndlrtoa AwsklnK. reSDi.ETON, Or., Jan. 10. An adjoumed meeting of ciluens to consider the raising of sulisidy and grsnting a ri;ld ofwsy to the Hunt railroad was held last night and Largely aiiended The committee appoinied to confer with Mr. Hunt regarding the route be desired to enter the city, rejioticd having met him strongly in favor of having the road pass through Alts street, other mutes presented many eugineer ing dilTicultie snd great expense. In view of the fact of opjMisition on the part of some of the ailens of lend let on to the rosd coming through Alts street, he would send a party ol locating engineers lo survey the other route proposed. Over 5000 ws pledged by tho sttending the meeting toward the subsidy un conditionally, snd it will I no trouble to raise the lull amount required when final dtspoaUioa ol tlie proiocd route is made, rsndlcton reali zes it must have the rind. Teirllle Cyclone. I'itthhi si;,Jan. 9. A terrific storm of wind snd hail, the worst known for years, swept over the city shortly after noon to-day, csrrying with it death and destruction. The storm turned with s suddenness that was overwhelm ing, and ss the wind, accompanied by hail and torrent ol rain, swept along the streets, tedes- trians were hutted before it and barely escaicd being crushed under vehicles passing along the tiMKougn lares, liuililings wete torn up, and eight j crson were killed. Ream;;, Pa., Jan. 9. This is the saddest night in the hktory of Reading. A deathlike pale bangs upon the city, tlie result of the most horrible disaster in its history. A hundred houachobU are in morning as a result of one of the greatest calamities known in Pennsylvania, A cyclone swept sltemoon, and laid waste everything within its reach, and with terrible kns of life, sliout IOO persons being kilted, linlrker Tbs I" anal Way. Sn FAM iiCO, Jan, 9, An unknown man drank himself to death in a Sacramento street groggery last night. I le entered the place, am I without any apparent bravado deliberately set to work to dr nit every thing in tlie bouse. He drank half s dozen buttles of various kinds of wine, and then tackled whisky, and finally wound up with six classes of beer. Another glass was ordered snd furnished, but Ixtore he could raise it lo his lij he fell to the floor insen sible. A Brutal Pastor. CaicA'JO, Jan. 9. Rev. Father PyplsU, of the Polish church here, i charge with extreme cruelty to his parishioners. An unmarried memlicr of his church recently became a mother To expiate this offense, on her arrival at church a S a a aaataa . ner nana were bound behind her. Mie wss then wound from head to loot in crape, and bud face downward on the floor. Some lioyt stood beside her, and as each person came into the churee they called attention to the culprit by shouting, "Pray for the penitent!" 'Ihis humiliating position was maintained from 8 A. M. till 12 A. M. lyplat will probt bly be re moved from the parish. Fast Mating . Axstkrimm, Jan. 9. In the skating con tert for the amateur championship of the world Von PauUhin, the Russian champion, won, to day, the one-mile race in I:s8 John iKino- ghue, America's representative,. made a mile in 3:001-3. Asaasiaated. BoMBAYjan. 9. Advices have been receiv ed from Afghanistan, to the effect that during a parade of troops st Makaricliarif on December 2 a sepoy of the infantry fired st the ameer but muued rum. He was nxecuied on the spot Grand Larrrny. Nf.w York, Jan. 9. The prohibition organ the Voice publishes a oonfession of the employe who stole the mailing list of the paper during presidential campaign; also that ol his sccom rlice, who was the principal agent, and who sold it to the republican party, through Quay and Clsrkson, who paid 9250 for it. The pub lishers of the Force declare their intention of prosecuting Quay, Clarkson and Dudley, of the republican national commitee, for alleged buying of the VoicJm stolen mailing list, know ing it was stolen property. ' liywLiyiSuU (Absolutely Pure. 1 bin powder cover vailes, A rnarve f pur ity, atrengLit anil wholes' meneas. More 'ttcouoiril;l lhan the ordinary kinds and cv nnos be o:d in competition with ruuliUn do of Pw test, Abott weiffbt alum or pbot 'bale powders. Sold only in oana Hovel Ot BlnR Powder Co., 106 Wall Btn XS, Y, JU, W, Cbowlbt A Co., A gent", Portland, Oregon. mm I yS5CCwTS?. vS r L ROYAL WMJk J COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. (0. It. N. Dlsnkburn, Juilir ; II. W, Cooper snd 0, W. t-hllilp, (Juinmllim.r.) Continued Matter of claim of D S Smith for con veying W W Saunders from place of cap ture to Albany, $134.64. Also matter of petition of L T lle.ines and others for aid In reparlng Rock Creek bridge. Also bill of Wolverton & Irvine, $75, In case of ap plication ot W R Power tod others for county road. Salaries ol county court officer ordered paid. County clerk wa authorized to re-car- pet oflke and vault. Ordered tha. $9 per month be fu minded J H Lame for support ol Albert II aye. Grand and petit jurymen for ensuing year were ordered drawn, consisting of 200 tax payer, Dill ordered presented to Marlon coun ty for half of cost of repairs of Jefffrson bridge. Following are the old and new super visor i, with the amount allowed tho form' er: mT. OLD. NltW. 20 V) H D Coyle . I Slmond IJ II Ambrose John Drown I48 00 32 00 16 00 6 80 W E Potter II Khclton P 1 Crabtrce A F McCtatley F Yarbrough John Marshall John Kirk I 8 Fromun Thos Fromait f 1J Hay worth Khun J H Lame AT Powell J Sutton ( Huntakcr 1) Scott A Sheldon Henry Shank P Hrenncr W Richardson John Ueorge M Fitzgerald Mart MlUcr Kill Knox II Dinwiddle F Krleg J II Lame A E Randall J U Reed (J Hunsaker 3 8 00 40 00 45 5o n 00 9 11 3 40 00 98 00 6 00 2H no "4 45 23 33 36 95 0 10 a 12 15 16 7 y 21 22 4 H 29 30 31 3J 34 35 y yt 4 4 n to 00 75 00 77 2 CO A P Illttckbtirn A F Avers 1 1 Zimmerman KT'f FUhcr $10.00 Ubbe Peters II Ohllng II Freer ksen U F Durkhart M Gorman Alf nicvlt.s J A Pugh Geo f'llne 12 OQ same same same Matt Scott ame Alfred Curry iehn Duncan ' M Matone V, F Colbert same J K chimin same same A Condra same U lilass W Rumbaugh II nithop C Stockton 34 34 o 38o TO 00 29.00 at on 26.00 II IS tpr prengcr 11 F Hamilton, K H Maekters. K A Kvans W P Warmotf. CC Jackson J M Hollo way 1) lUiain L Tyccr J II Scott HCMorart D II Pierce A 8 Stone 20.00 16.00 46.00 4.00 10.00 1S.00 I2X 20XJO 3ix IO XX) i0xx Warrant were ordered drawn for the following : N II Allen, electric lights.... Wallace ic Thompson, coal oil $2,C.OO Andrews 5i I lackicman.and orchard I II Lane, bridge work Koonlx K Lame Meyer Bros, lumber II C I lardman, gravel Jos Moist, gravel Cos It aw & Cable, nails....... Johnson & Damtals, bolts I F fonea, aplkca Lai Curt, salary ,etc 800 I94TJ 5-3 6.00 5-as 375 2 JO 350 129.63 Uavi Hroa 23.94 Sam'l Porter, travel 5S W C Tweedale. mdse 5 N I) Conn, bridge wirk at Jefferson 36.50 G W Pugk, lumber 568 J B Hay worth, lumber. II tar well, salary A Crawford, water rent W Spink, lumber T Froman, removing dead animals. G F Crawford, and Mrs Roberts.... J R Trmptcton, notes Peter llnmr, and Mr Clark.... SI 1 1 en new, lumber G W Wheeler, lumber (i WCruwxi. nails R Kotdcrway, a sheep inspector.. Y. E Montague, fees Dsn'l Hart, keeping county poor, Oregon agt Sanders.... Oregon agt Lewie 'taylor... Oregon agt A Ferguson.... Oregon agt L Taylor... Coroner's lnquct.t I1.biip Walker. R II Wright, rebate of las J B Fluwater, keeping poor P Cohen, mde Burkbart U Royce, printing..... Examination Flixa Piatt Oregon agt Iewi llorton M E Dorris, board Chaa Ilrl rgs.. John Smallmon, fees J Davis, keeping poor oS n Clcmrnens, wood . . . . L E lllaiii. clothing O M ISurkhart, gravel G W Hunsaker, lumber M Porter for Albert Have. ... I Hamilton, lumber . Wm St John, building bridge.... :OI.tKN lit LK BAZAAR. . 39 . 7 SO . 167s 7 47 4 S8 io oo t'aab rmea '.a; Wsys at Jallo Urnd wbsl's have made arrangements for buying good direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast The following are some of my cash retail prices : K dozen unhandlcd '.ea cups and saucets, 35 cts. 4 dozen unhandlcd coffee cups and sou cers, 45 ct. dozen handled coff.-e cup and sau ccrs, 50 cts. H dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These good are all iron stone China nnd it a cheaper grade of goods. These prices not a cheaper grade are (or 30 days. Julius Gradwohl. A psin in the back often lead to cotnoli fisted diseases thst are almost lucurable. Oregon Kiduey Tea cures the first and pre vents the latter. It ts sorely vegetable, and is warranted and sold by For bay Mason. A Boat Rare. Toronto, Jan. 11. Wm. O'Connor has sc cented Gaudaur's challenge to row three miles for $1000 a side, at San Froncisco,alxut March I. CUKE FOR KICK HEADACHE. Do you want a rrawdy for B'llouniesa, Pimple on th (see, and a sura cur (or sick headache, ssk Dr. Ou's snd Bon, th DruinrWU, for' Uv. Pills, try s do, sample free (ull box 25 omit. MARRIED. ARNSPAUGII-PRINE. On Jan. 6th, 1889, at the residence of Geo C Moore, by Rev. Hopkins, Eli Arnspaugh and Clara A. Prine. GILLMOL'R-BARNIIART. At Oak land, California, Dec. 11, 18SS, at St. Paul church, by the Rev. Hobart Chit wood, John B. Gillmour and Darlina E. Barn hart, both of San Francisco. BORN, COMANN. On Friday morning, Jan. 1 itli, 1889, to the wi'e of Rev. Comanr. a girl. DIED. LONG. At Salem, on Friday morning, Jan. u, 18S9, Mrs. John Long, formerly of the Albany prairie, aged about 55. , When Baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris, When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Caatorla, Children Cry fori none ANDABR0A1 THUHSDA Y. Mr R ibcrt Fodsr, of Fort Stave n, is i the city. Marshal Dju zU, ofl I irrlsbtu, I In the city to-rlsy, - ' It looks as if out r Oreson if f from t he cyolons. Mr (Jo U Piper weut to dUUm 1 ty aud talk of loosting In Healt.e, The resl.eitstetrausfer in folk county during IBS smouuted to 3U7,10i. Heveral of. Lsbsnou's citizeu want the I'ostotliue, to begin a soon alter Maruh l.t, J08J as poastbiu. Aststsor Z U Alusi wa iu tha uitV Vastsi- dsy. lis informed the Usitu 'ttAf that be would boHiu business in a few day. Tboj Read, of ll.ut.m countv. tho usutle-- mau who tliw Cliiuuae ptiuassbt uost K", ha been tu the otty to-day. Mr D C Wood wnith arrivail in Lhfa nitw Utsveniog from New York State, aud will suoooed hi brother a clerk in U L iilsok- mao s drug store. The iovestiiration ovartha stranding of tha "Ysquina Hay'1 will tie held in San Fraaci- 00. Another rlTurt is bsiatr mada to raise the vessel, bat without prospect ef ucce. A Bus usintimr in oil. Harm tad l.v Win. Wriuht, of Ml. Jefleraou. nisv ba saan at Dr. (luis A Hon The Santiam and a train of oar on'the Orogon Psoilio is included in (he scone. Following ate th new officers of th Ms- some Iidge at Lebanon 1 H O Wallaer, M W , J Heard. S W , C C Hscklemsn, J W J M Rslston. Traaa 1 M A Mill.r. He,i : K Kesbler. S.D i Wm Petre', J D ; T Cot ton, tlcr. Qenrue Urown. a bovof tender t ears Waa killed near Ktgle Point, Southero Oregon Wsduasdsy, by tlio triuor to h is cur catch ing on e limb. This way to next to the deer niistaaing mode, and Is aUo to common. l b Astoria 8c South Cosst 11. It. C. hsve advertised for bids to do the gradinic on the railroad, 'ibis looks like business, sod will relieve a burden ef doubt from the shoulders of a great many men who have been building railroad lu Astoria the pt sixty years by wino-power. fionrr. A perfeet town l tbst in which von see the farmers patronisi the home merchants. the home marchsnts pstrnmx'ng the borne niechauics, the laiorrs spending the money they oiru with their own trwlestnan, aud all animaUd by spirit that will rwt purchase article abroad il they cau be touiiht at home. rR 1DAY. Foret flroye hi thrve esaes of sni'dl-pox. J A Hoard and Milt Miltrr. Leb toon's two druggist, are in tbe city. The re election of Dloh seems to be a f Oregon conclusion in Albany T. McP. Psttonaad Mr Ja H. I nan wr marrisd at S!ero yesterday. CC Hsoklcmm boaitht Mr V An drew interest in their at Libaooo. Waduu't know wbers in this bit world thny best this weather fur a w 10 tar article, and do not believe it esn be done. They pay 4.25 a weak for keeping their pauper in UnogU county, about f 1 .00 m jre tban bare, rim woodsr tbe if raid kicks. Mr L I) Silencer has keen spp.inUd bsr pilot at Ysriuina Bay. We predict thst tbare will ba no more wrecks at Ysquina By. When Salem r.l tha 1 100,000 it wilt have nearly enough money to build the bridges aero tbe Vtiilamelte and Ssotism, Lot not 4 cite. A railroan fiom AsUris to tbe Valley musu go to th p unt sccesslbie to tbe moat railroad, i ou can't iiure oat asytbiaa else 1 bst i Al'jaoy. Two brute f Might rive sod three quarter hour, to nan rranciaco yesteitlay That wou'.d show prixi lighting 10 be more of a beastly tbsa s manly cotitest. An Astoria btrber his js.t been arrested for stet ling s daily iisiwr ttoere. Like save Albtny men be wa tooitiay to Ude it bt Ri sen j no spoDgeo i', tost is na stole it iron a oeigbtor. Mr. S. P. Barker, of BrtwiMivilla, has been la tbe city baying lurutlar of our whole sale, doalera. Mr. Bsriror is duiaa a tioe busi ness, and nods be can do sa well here as any where. New Albany, Ind., is reported overwhel mingly in debt, and tbe probabilities ore tbst the city wilt loon jj j into the bands of a receiver. Tbst it a pointer for people who wool. I like to ran Albany in debt $50 000 to flW,UH). Oa. of the finest sewing inschioes ever seen in Albany is a Singer at F M French's store, J A Archibald, sgsnt. The machine tnsy be lowered, aud covered making a stand of the arrauKemcot. The Singer i, a vary popular machine. ltobb k Parker and B. Vin Dusan, are tba only Eroii io Astoria that do insurance bui -ness. Mr Lynch repraseots the Merchants' and Farmers' cf Albsny, a rlrat-claaa com pany. I'ionrrr. The Jiad Ortgonia offer $720 toward tbe ubscription for gettiog tluot'ii ; si 1 road to that city, a good round aum for a country newspaper to Ivo for such a project; but then the psper possesses $21,009 in prop erty. . Tbe Lsi.e County Mining Compsny hss tiled articles of incorporation with the seers - of state. Capital, $100,000; incorporator, A N Peteis, 8 B Dann, W V Henderson, T J Craig, J R Ueaui, Leo Gerhard, John Brown and ( W Young; object, owoiog and operating miues; piitMiipsl offiue, Kugeue t-ity. The oldast sneak thief ta tha United States is Msry Fitxnrald, who, titer years of successful pocket bickintr. is in i sit ia Philadelphia a, the age ol eighty for stealing tbe purse of an old man aged eight-live. Mary wa a thUf at tea and a oooviot at twelve, and it the matron of the guild of crooks. An ordinary jtersod is 5 fot 6 riches high, weighs 130 pound, hss 3000 acquaintances. walks 7 miles a day, earns $10 a week, as 481 ounces of brain matter, biestnas 8 times a minute, taking a pint cf air at each breath. can lift 150 pound, lives 50 yesrs, lays by a mall fortune, esn write 23 words a minute, csu live but tjve roinutis without air, 10 days without sleep, 6 day without water and subject to 2000 different diseases. BATCH DAT. The Portland daily and weekly Netrm has suspended publication. Master Clyde Shafer. of Shaddr. is visit ing his sunt, Mrs, Chesdle. Tbe Jltoublkan is now tha obly psper pub lished at the:bay. It GUath lull well Linn county's representatives are all ia Salem. Our interests will be well taken care of. Mr EN MoCaw sod Miss Ida Marohy were married at Crawfordsville on the 6th instant. Mr. II Fliodt, of this city, has been in Jacksonville, and tbe Timet saya talks of lo cating there. A faro er in Manitoba subscribed $10 to wards buildirg a church and then felt so badly about it that be attsmptsd ti commit suicide. lash App'-eaato pasted down , the iod to Salem a day or two an, and will assist in orgauizing the third house. No lus than twtnty-soytn peraon were exposed to tbe small- pox from the ease now at Amity in Yamhill county. ' . - .. Gaj Gilbert, of MaMinnville, ha just been tskeo to the aslim, iosste by imagining that he hss a big tape worrr. W W Francis, tbe live Portland agent, whose uhad.iw never grows less, not bsving any, ts iu ths city. Tho erulpe of tbe Ysquina Bay are beina taken out of ths hull by a crew of msu uc- dr charge i.f Robert Campbel!. Aibland cave Rev, Moody a basket of ap pl. a be passed thrjugti the city. K,it.-r- prise even ia small iniugi counts. Mr A W Thompson ia nursing a crippled hand, caiued by ooutrsct with assw. Oue huger csine uear pirtuig with the hand. The recular meeting of the Board of will be held next Tuesday evening. It is an- tiuip .ted there wilt be a large attendacco. Mr. Wallace, the egg man, arrived in the city to-day from California, arcompanled by Mrs. lopham, who win reside witn nim. Pitcher's Oastorfp . for Infants and Children ' MCaatoirlatssownnaTte(l toohUdreathat I . -. .. ... ........I I 111 So. Oxford El. Brooklyn. H. T. 1 Special bargain in flooring and rottic C. J Dill jn at 0 it. F. t L.i 1 ;r jt. Hon D P Thompson, of Portland, as Speaker of the House ami linn 3 C Fuller- ton, of Roseburg, ss President 01 toe senate, is liable too. the program next week. Dr. Coortnev has purchased the Lrvin blrck at liebaoon, snd contemplates buildiug a brick on it. It is stated that W. 1iir 11,1! I.. disolv ed hi law paitoerchip with rx ilsjor Davis, at San r rancuco, and will return to Oregon. U. W. Huot seem to be the rsi'r tad build' ing king up tbe Columbia i.u-a-days. Walla Walla i the center "' b' operationi. Tbe Marion County Court ynday ?;ranteil a liceuse to Griffith k Co., tt. sell iquor at Mills City, on tba Oregon Paoiliu Cbaa Metsisr St Co., Lave purchased the Keok marble shap, opposite the Revere House, and will move their rest estate cilice luto it. Mpobsne Fall is ssid to be the most nn- bestty city in tbe United States. As an off set though it is to he admitted that it fruit crop rever fail. It hasu't any. Th capital stock of tba Browctville bank hss been increased to $22,000. Mr J M Mover, W U Kirk, P Hume and J P Ga'- braith are members. Mr Gslbraitb i Cabier. During the month of Decern W there were lupped from lebanon 15,720 pound of poultry, as bdlows : 1 urkeys. G i'i t p'.nud; chickens, 70U0 pound ; geese, -to pouuds. lirprttt. Mr. John S. Morftsn, the brick-maoo. ba etorued lo Albsny from attipto Ibi no sad remsikathat he is very gUd t-r lie bstk in Webfoot. tbouuk remarkably good westbtr hss been or vaiiiug tbe East. A lv deer was seen near the peuiUutiary at Haleiu TnursUsy. If that country is as wild ss all tbst a lailroad i certainly heed ed. By tbe way tbe DsMOCKAr would like to see railroad running from to b Allan; and Salem to Alton. A Oirvallis paper say why pot Corvallis too. referring to a rosd from A torn to th vslley. By all mean. Get in sod incor porate at once . Djn't aleep. Do like Hal em, anyway. Make people tbiuk you are going to do something. Coi vailis would resliy be a good junction, next to Albany. Last evening Messrs. G F Simpson, A Hacklemau, D B Monteith and Jss Elkins, of Albany, John Oilliland, of Sweet Home, anil F L Such sod son. of Han Francisco, re turned from a trip to the front on the Ore gon Pacific All of the gentlemen reported a pleasant trip, and as being much pleased with the sppesrsnces of tbiogs. Cbas Mueller, of tbe Willamette Packing Co., returned from Ashland yesterday, where he received a good oSet to n.ova the Company ' cannery tbera ; but will not do It. though bey msy possibly establish a ranch cannery at that pi tec. TUia cannery is an important industry here and sbonld be liberally u parted. Gentlemen frequently complain of their barber shsving tht-rn to t close, and the face and neck breaking out into small pimple. If Datard's speeitic ia applied to the face im mediately after ebaviur, no matter how clot-e the shave, all soreness will be prefented, Sold by Fosbay & Mason. A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follow the use of 8yrsp of Figs, tw it acta gently on the Kidneys, Liter 0 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System when Costive or Bilions, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing JJjIJBITTJAla CONSTIPATION without sjreakenlug or irritating the or gans oa wbbdt it Axts. for Sale in KOe and At-OO BotUea by all Tasillnt llrufrsista. MAxrracrcsxa oslt st rua caxitomia na uteup co. ?4 Fsa-fciaco, Cau, tVeinsjvtiaa, Kjr., Jisw Toaa. K. Y. Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPE, PR03PELET0R. FIRST ST. ..- - ALBANY, OR. Will kep constantly on band beaf. mutton, pork, veal, sausage, eto., tbe best meats and largest variety in the oity. Caab paid for all kinds of fa stock. JOHN BI.ICCS, FLORIST, ALBANY ORE? Roses a Special? v. emetery plsntoi ad attend id to I Big Q hnaglven nnlvcr- sal satisfaction in th euro of Oonorrbcea and Gleet, I prescribe Hand feci safe In recommending- It to all sufferers. mmrnk, J. ST03EB, H.D., t r .... Vi6nurt in. riUCE. 81.00. r4.a. , i .hilars 1 Bold bT Drueelata. Foafcay t .Uastii, vThuiesale AzeMt. DR. C. U. -CHAEmBERUff, Homeopathio Physician and Surgeon eT'iffleo corner or Third nnd Lyon St, AlBAHY, "OBECOH. EedCrownMills ISOM, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. tnsw PROOBH3 fLOUa SUPERIOR rOB rsMrMfW ANO BAKERS nSK. BEST STORAGE iCJLlTlES."; Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat ; - XciraalsT f I TO 4 DSTSA tji atrMUbyta V Cincinnati. E mm Cs enrea Colle. C5osTrm, ScnTwarrbrftO, itatKm, rirur fAt Wliiwut adtaions tnoaicatioa. Tns CcTi'J CompaKV, T7 Murray Street, S. Y. ALBANY COLDiK'A'iis ALBAr.Y.jTt 888, 1889- tyirst Term Opra aepleaiber II lb, lags. A loll corps of Infractors CLASSICAL, SCIEMTIF1C, LITERARY, a COMMERCIAL AHD K0RMAL ia..w4 CLASSES. r ftouraM of at ad v arranged to meettb need of alt grades of Btadenta. Special mduceinenhojtredlottudtnlt from abroad. r..iiinn nnrai tram $5.50 to $12,53. Board In privato fataKioa at low rata. Koomn lor Boir-ooaraing n inu w- wo A careful supervision exercised over ata- denu away from home. Fall term opn Sept,mt,er 7th. For circaiam ana ia.i patucuiars aaaresw tn EET. CtBERT W. C03TDIT. Albany, Oregon ' Al l IS B a-JLt " i;dii!;i rm0 'tijsiut rfhx ,s6BI1iiSSlii'.fi' JOP-tSALE BY FOSH AY A MAf ON WRBILYEU, a T OlilSIY AT LAW . And Solicitor in Chancery 1LBAIT. . - OREGOH. Collections promptly m tdo on all point Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. AULTLESS! a srrf atnre is faultless and so is that noble discovery, containing only Ma t arc s own ramecies, 1" lip Tit "? li'll'A'JMI i J I 1 ice. 1 YOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR bX the use of Pru.NDt?v8 Oregon Bi-ooo PvR'Fiti. Qiuct an4 Complete Cera ef l! tlutaaes cf the 8kin. Kiuneys, Bladder and Liver. It check. Kheumatism and ATtlaria, relieves Coostipation, uyapepaia aaa lUlioasnes.,sa4 a,aa4 pis ss. outs lrcsn encrtrv UKOUU tbesysicabr New, Ittcli Ulood. Take it in time, rieht e it cannot be beat as s preventative ofdia ti!d and ssed everywhere. ; bottle, 6 lor Is. TAKE IT NOW. Eevere House; . ALBANY, - , OREGORl CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fittei tin in fi ret -class style. Tables soppltMl with, tbe bet ia the market. Sic eloeping apartments. Sample rooms for comiiifrcial travelers, -tTf rai Cmcs tt si I fa ta tfrteVSs sirovsa fi.n00.800 r i;a T j., i pes mmi l t uj tSeeds of tha beco- aad uat nZubw Voxae. ai-J tne? aaa Fortr ps Seed sD , M. FT RRT CO sr ,.V X mnuxv iewa to a tna - "i--- f-srrtit Seedsmen .Yrvn ; ha eoiied f BCE f ir? to a l rpisiioct. sad 7 ti:hotit ordrnitf it Jr. .r-. WM'r. r tot pot ami autf ardo. FiflU nr Flower Sewds shoetd send foe tA Address JJ. UL. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Kicfe. ALBAF.Y SAW A7iD FLAfl IMG KILLS. All kinda of rough, dressed and seas lumber.lathSajud pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order cn shortest notice TJsa only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory, v ROBINSON ti WEST. T. J. STITBS: A.T COHNEY AT JLtAW , .... ;.: 4NI Notary Puhlio, ALBANY, OEQDH. ifiif I i ' OF PURE COD UVER GIL Aga HirPOPHOspmTiiq Almost as Palatablo as FJlIIJc. So dlsfjrals.d tbat it earn be taken, digested, and assimilated by tba most ansitivs stomMta when tbe pLatis ell cannot ba tolerated and by tba eorn- btnatton of tbe oil wltb tbe kypopks pbltes ta tntaela mora ffleavctosta. BemsrtsWe a i-gsli proIaeerf Fersoss gam npldly wtll taking it. BOOTT'S EMULSION is aotaowledged by Physiciana to be the Finest aud Best prepa ration in the maid Cor the rei .el and cure o COKSUFAPTION, S&IOPULA. CENERAtV DEBILITY. WA8TINQ DISEASES. EMACIATION. COLD3 and CHROK'IO COUGHS. Ths great remedy for Oommmptian, and Wasting in Children. Sold by all Druggists V t7i 3MJLJir 'Jill 3 h . Ilsri t4 , ror 1899