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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1889)
FRIDAY JANUARY 18, 1889. s run & Keller 4 HUTTINO. rreprleters. VftKBt. NCTmil, I. teal MlUr. Satersl at the Put 031 wat Albany, Ot ai sooand-clasa mail matter. ' LOCAL RECORD. B. & L. Association. Pursuant to a call there wa a large gathering o! ritlaen last Tuesday at the atore ot Stewart & Sox for the nurnose of organizing a loan and building association. W O Cassell wa elected Chairman and C H Stewart, Secre cy, The mode ot operating the Frank- lln Land and JTullJIng Association of Port land was read and those present generally expressed an Intention to join such an or ganization. In that organization the face of the stock Is $xo, which (a paid up In about eight years by monthly payments ot $i. So by putting In about $ico the stock holder can draw out $100. The stockhold er borrowing money with which to build under its provisions can pay the money monthly, and no more than he would be pajlnjr for rent, and Instead of nothing to show lor It, will hare his property free from debt, if It Hewitt, L II Montanye, C H Stewart, II Bryan, and J 0 Powell were appointed a committee to draft arti cles of 'incorporation, and WO Cassell, E J O'Conner and S F Sox on constitution and byelawv. The meeting adjourned until nett Tuetday evening when another one will be held at the same place to perfect the organization. Arrested for Bigamy. Last Monday R. II. Volrath entered a complaint In Jus tice Luckey's court charging V. L. Co show with the crime of bigamy. On Wednesday Mr. Coshow appeared for ex amination, represented by Attorneys J F Moore and J N Duncan, the prosecution being conducted by Geo W Barnes. After hear'ng the evidence, Justice Luckey held the defendant in $500 bonds to appear be fore the next grand jury. The case arose from Coshow having married Volrath's divorced wife within six months after he (Coshow) had obtained a divorce from his former wife. Mrs. Volrath obtained a di vorce at the last spring term of Circuit Court, and Mr. Coshow at the fall term In October, after which they were soon mar ried. Ochoco Review. Mr. Coshow Is a former resident of Brownsville. A. PioxxxrGon, Mr Chas.T.Ingram, an old and highly respected citizen ot Al bany, died at his home In this city, at o'clock'Iatt Monday, after a lingering ill ness of some Ume.raplJIy following his wife who died about three weeks ago. Mr. In gram wa born In Devonshire, EnglanJ In tSi6,cameto the United State when a youth, and to Oregon in 1847, since which lime, with the exception ot two years, he has resided In Linn county, where he ac cumulated a property valued at $25,000 or $30,000. He leaves a good name behind him, and as well three sons and two daugh ter and many friends through the county to mourn the death of a good father, hut- band and neighbor. He was a member of the Baptist Church. They Lost. The potato market of San Francisco, which took a sudden drop about a month ago. Is said to be looking up con siderably. The fall in price was caused by the rush of Oregon products to that mar ket, and in consequence ot the glut, half of those who shipped lost by the transaction. Some of the shipment actually rotted be fore a disposition could be made of them. One farmer in the interior, who sent aboat 500 sack to the bay city .found himself out about ten cents per sack when settling up time came. Telegram. Those who hip ped from Albany nearly all made by the transaction. Insurance Companies.-The Lake view Examiner attack insurance compan ies like this: "The San Francisco Chroni cle Is making it decidedly warm for the in surance compact on thts coast The rate are simply outrageous, and nothing more than robbety, and u poor devils 'east "of the Cascades' are still further robbed by being obliged to pay fifty per cent advance on exposures. We would rejoice greatly if this robbing insurance compact could be broken." Tables Turned. The Albany young ter who thought to disturb a meeting of the S. a few evenings since, by playing on a mouth organ, soon found himself in the muscular clutches of the young lady captain heading for the stair way, the bot tom of which he reached without serious injury. He ha since deservedly been the laughing stock of the boy of the city, Shut Dowje for the Winter. Searle Sc Deane completed their contract yester day, which take the O. P road almost to Breitenbuth's. They were paid off In cash on the spot This firm have shown themselves to be first-class, reliable rail road builders, and. we understand, and hoDe. have made money on their contract, Work ha now. and not until now, ceased for the winter, on thi road. An early start I anticipated In the spring as soon a the weather permit. They Give Him Tafft When a man I building railroad thi I the way the newspapers talk about him: "When G. W Hunt, than whom no better man ever lived, get through with hi present rail road contract in Walla Walla county, we hone he will find opportunity to cast hi eye to the Wallowa valleys" Mr. Hunt I almost equal to the Yamhill youth who had no peer. 'V A Pleasure Circle. The Democrat acknowledges an Invitation to attend a' meeting of the Silver Star Pleasure Circle at the G. A. R. Hall.on Thursday evening. Tan. 1 7th. at i:v o. m. This promise to be a fine affair, and our curiosity is worked ea NO tip to know just what the fun wul be, doubt a feast ' Another Business Chance. M . Ed ward Zey, of this city, ha sold hi inter est In the planing mill business to Mr. C. W, Sear, an experienced wood worker, of Salem, and the firm hereafter will be Hochstedler 81 Sear. Mr. Zevss talk of going to California for hi health, which ha been poor for sometime. LfELY The traffic on the Willamette 1 very l'vely at present, says a Portland paper. The steamers Orient,Occldent and Champion are now plying between Port land and the upper country. Last week thev, brought down more than 600 tons of produce, and they will probably do better this week. Ice Wanted Mr. Harry Day has rent ed the building just east of the Magnolia Mills, and Intend itoring four hundred ton of ice, should there be any ice, and running a regular ice wagon next summer. Mr. F. H. Pfeiffer will also atore several hundred ton, if he can get it. A Friend, The talk of killing off the Chinese pheasants Is ill-timed if sot sense let. . They have not grown so plenty fu a to be a nuisance, their beauty Is a matter of pride to our Mate, and they surely kill enough worms and destructive insect to offset any harm they may do. Portland Welcome. Mysterious Affair. "Who truck rally PatteMon" wa for year a deep mys tery ; but a greater one.and only surpassed by the Charley Ros abduction, occurred Tueday near GrrviU, A gantteman about thirty-five year otage wa standing on the rear platform next to the last car talking with a frlend.when a man In front of him began firing athtip. He jumped into the car, but the man continued firing through the window, shooting four times, The ahootlst then dlttppeared.and ha not been Identified since, nor was he seen euffi clently to be recognized. A the train wa going at the rate of thirty mile an hour ha probably remained on the cars, lht wounded man was taken to 8nlem and cared tor. Three bullets struvk In n elbow, one In the back ot his neck, and the other In a shoulder, lie gave hi name at Frank Pearson, of ban r ranclsco, but It 1 said hi real name is Frank A. Avery. He claims he knows nothing about who shot : but It Is thought he does. There Is lots ot mystery about it Avery will pro bably live. School Report. The following I the report ot Providence school, district No. a, ot Linn county, taught by C II. Jones, for third month ot school, ending Jan. nth, 1S89 : No. day attendance, 719 ; No. day absent; 41 j No. time tardy, 9 5 No, pupil enrolled, 3S average dally attendance, 36. Name ot pupil who were not absent dur ing the month are : Loffa Arnold, Frankle Bostwlck, Icy and Carson Charlton, Geo Coffelt, Emma, Gertie and Georgia Davis Lore and Lenna Kelso, Paulina Kiueger Dee, Bell and Josle Miles, Ora and Ernest Miller, Addie and Geo Leever, Walter.Ina and Emery Smith, Lizzie, Rose, Harley and Winston Young. Persons who visited the school were C D Compton, Tom Han nah, Frank Gaines, 0 Hasier, II K Arnold, oslj Charlton, Mrs Arnold, C Krucger, F Javis, Frank Smith, 7 II Young, Mrs Mile, Mr Bostwlck, Cha r oren, W I) Miller and Jasper Smelser. Dropped Dead. Sunday at 1:30 o'clock 'Mr. John Williams, proprietor of the Revere house saloon, was coming In from a short walk Into the countiy, where he had been looking for a cow, and wa near the Central school buildlr.g, when, sudJenly placing hi right hand to his heart dropped to the sidewalk a corpse. He was taken to his home near the Meth odist church. Mr. Williams has had rheu matic troubles tor several years, cut late ly had been feeling remarkably well. Sat-i urday he went to Junction, where he re sided for a number of years, paid hU dues a year ahead In the U. r. lodge there, of which he was a member, returning to Al bany on the next morning' train. He wa 53 yean of age, and leaves a wife and three or four children. Mr. William came to Albany In 1886 and has since been In the saloon business. Funeial service were held this afternoon under the auipice of I. O. O. F. at the residence ot the de ceased. The Secret Out. Try a people will the secrets of great enterprise can not be kept from the public. The Pioneer, of As toria, whose eyes are always open, says : "It Is reported that the Chicago and North western road are backing the Albany peo ple to build a railroad to Astoria. The Chicago and Northwestern want an outlet to the sea." The following also appeared in the same paper ; but two days previous, and before the great secret was out. Un der the circumstances we shall have to de cline the suggestion : "Salem and Albany have both incorporated to build a railroad to Astoria. Why not consolidate, build the road to a convenient branching point. and have the road run to both places. By uniting their forces and working together both cities will be as greatly benefitted as to build separate lines," Formerly of Linn Co. Hon. Geo. V, Walker, ex-circuit judge, died at Pen die. ton last Saturday at the age of 36. Mr Walker settled with hi parent at Harris- burg, in this county, in 1869. In 187" he commenced the study of law at Albany under the firm of Powell & Flinn, and was admitted to the practice by the supreme court in less than two years thereafter. The same year he wa admitted to the bar he located in Pendleton and began the practice of hi profession, and has since re sided there up to the time of his d-ath. A Rumble The Astoria Pioneer in speaking ef Albany's railroad meeting says: "Where there I so much moke there must be fi e, and even a we write vision rise before u showing heavy train loads of golden grain rolling down through the rich Willamette valley, through that region of undeveloped wealth, the Nehal- em, to Astoria, where hundred of wheat ships find a safe and cheap port of entry. Ail thi I coming, and the time is not long when it will be no longer a vague presentiment but an accomplished fact" Gettino a Liviko. There are as many way "f Jlviog as there ara ways ef getting a living, and happy ia he who can measure what he want by what he bar. Tbe man who can do that can slwey get a living; the man who caenot, alway gets a little lea than a liviog. As for m re tban that, no man tbiuk he bs a competency. People who bay their groceries aod crockery war l Coua Brother experience 00 trouble in get ting a liviog, low prioes and caperior quality making it an easy t-wk. Mrs. D. Several have inquired of the Democrat recently a to the whereabout of Jone Abigail Scott Duniway. The fol lowing despatch, dated at Boise City, Idaho, Jan. 15th, will explain mater : "Mr. JJuniway addressed both house of the Idaho legislature last evening on the suf frage question. The house wa crowded with an Interested audience, and applause was frequent during the lady's brilliant and interesting lecture?' A Pointer. The Salem Statesman's Rock Creek correspondent say : "It I the general opinion that tbe O. P. railroad company will resume work in a short time. They have parties making ties and are still ballasting the track already laid. Wood contract are being let, and everything in- I dlcate arrangements for a general rush In I ,1,- wvrr at Tin Hi.tant Shot Four Times. A young man, of this city, while going home last Tuesday was attacked by a dog at the corner of Washington and Fourth Streets. Pulling out hi revolver he fired four time but failed to hit the animal,perhapa fortunate thing, a its owner has a strong affection for it Religious Services. Service wlil be held every evening thi week at the Bap tist church, Rev Burchet assisting Rev Trua.bull. Considerable interest is being taken, . .Beginning with Wednesday even ing, services will be held the remainder of the week at the u y church. Key Hayes, ot waitsburg, W i, will assist Kev Ir vine. Yesterday there were five to unite with the church. Paid $2000. Mrs FredMueller Monday was handed a warrant by the secretary of the Albany A O U W for $2000, on acconnt of the death of her husband, who was member in good standing ot that lodge. SECURE PRIOES. NO f ROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEFOE & ROBSOfl , TUE STATf. LEGISLATURE. The time of the State Legislature Tu e day wa taken up almost entirely with the presentation ot bills. In the Senate the standing committee were presented with the Democrat at the tall end. Barin head the judiciary 1 Carson the ways ar.d mean, Moore, election J Watte, claims Watt, corporation j Fullerton, public land Mackay, federal relation ; Hilton, mine! Sinclair, printing i Stecl.raltroad ; Cham berlain, public building Tongue, road and highway 1 Norval counties j Dimlck, military affair ; Gray, commerce i Hatch, education Walklns, engrossed bill Eakln, assessment ; Looney, agriculture. Hon R A Irvlne.of thU county ,1 on mines, countle and agriculture Hon S A Daw ton, on wayt ar.d meant, roadt and high way t ; Hoit T ECauthorn, ot Benton Co., on wayt and mean, and education. The following bill were Introduced by Linn county member 1 Irvine, to amend Albany charter, amending code In refer ence to service of papers by Sheriff. Daw ton, to amend fire laws, making exemption of firemen possible In five years, to con firm deeds, l reference to record of mort gages. The following are among other bills ot Importance that were Introduced : To prevent betting on election, regulating trust cotnpanlea,provldlng for county board of school commlssijners to select school books, exterminating Canada thistles, ex empting homesteads from execution, pro viding for discharge ot mortgage by affi davit, aiding Coo and Curry countle In building read, providing tor county re corder in Lane, Yamhill, Clackamas and Jackson counties, providing for State board ot agriculture, providing for Circuit Court stenographers. Wednesday was a great bill Introducing day at the State Legislature. The follow ing were Introduced by Linn county mem ber t Irvine, In reference to Hen law, In corporating city of llalsey , In reference to purchase of limber land. Dawson, for pur- chase of land for deaf mute school, prohib iting sate of tobacco and cigarette to min or under iS, regulating rallroaJ and other corporation. Among Important bill are the follow ing : Abolishing separate acknowledge ment ot women In making deed, repealing law In reference to free scholarship, creat ing Morton Co., Increasing salary of mem bers to $5 a day, making b per cent lega' rate of interest In reference to killing of stock by railroad, making the age of con sent 16, regulating building and loan as sociations. tiprelal Nolle to Trespasser. To David Froman, John Wallace, Orrl Archibald and Grant Froman. In order to save trouble, you are here by ordered to appear and deliver to 10 Grange hail, one sprinkler, on or before Jan 19, iSS. Frank Froman, F. M. Mitchell, Clerk. Teacher. STATEMENT. Albany, Or., Jan. 16, 1889 We, the undersigned, beg to state that If the sprinkler at Grange No. 10 ha been damaged, the same must be charged to L. W. Deyoe or Mr. John Wallace, and we only plead guilty to the extent of having accidentally fallen Into bad company on that particular occasion to which the spec ial notice, published by Messrs. Froman and Mitchell, seems to refer. David r roman, Grant Froman, Orris Archibald. No Passes. In the days of the patriar chal father conductor on railroad were never annoyed with the "dead head," who carried hi "pass" In his pocket. The"pa' wa expressly forbidden. "Search the scriptures" and you wilt find the following biblical prohibitory commands against the pas :" "i hou thait not pa." Num. jo, 1 3. "Suffer not a man to pat. Judges 3, as. "The wicked shall no more pas Nahum 1, 15, "None shall ever pa." Isaiah 34, 1 a. "Thi generation shall not pass." Mark 13, 30. "Though they roar, yet can they not pass." Jer. ,J J. For there Is more rejoicing over one passenger that payeth his fare than over ninety and nine that goeth upon a "pas." New Line Of delicacies to tickle your palate, garlic, Swiss cheese, Miichuer her ring, mackerel, chow chow In bulk sold in quantities to suit, at the Willamette Pack ing Co. a store. Pure Milk. Mr. Henry Stewart has established a milk route in thi city and ask for the patronage of our citizen Ticket for sale at Brownell & Stanard'. Curiosities. Some very fine pertlm mons, Japanese oranges and sugar cane at F. II Pfeiffer'. Try them. It will cot nothing to see them. Superior That Is tu.e name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. Found. A classes in case, fice. pair of gentleman eye Call at the Democrat of Auction. Auction every afternoon at M. J. Monteith', at S. E Young' old tore. Goods at your own price. Must be sold. Surveyio. Mr. E. T.T. Fisher is pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at lea 1 sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun Adress Miller s Station, Linn county Nursery. T. F. Backentto I the ac credited agent of Vancouyer Nurery. Ap ply to him for fruit or ornamental tree at .1 a' r, Oregon. v. New Comers To our city will find it to their, advantage to price our gcods before buying in their outfit of groceries and pro vision. !Bkqwhell & Stamard. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physieiau and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made ia country. city or J A Archibald, aeent Singer Mannfaetur ing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Al bany, Kiln Dried FLooRiNO-Good kiln dried flooring at the Springfield lumber yard in thi city. All kind of woolen drs good are 25 per cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Onr stork is all fresh, consequently wecau give yerjr 'ow prices. w r xvbad. Farmer, if von want the best harness all hand made, call onELL. Power.nexfe to Dam- cratotnoe. A niu in the hank nfkan leads to oomoli cated disease thst are almost iocnrable. Oregon Kidney Tea cares the first and pre vent the latter. It ia sorely vegetable, and is warranted and sold by Foshay At Mason. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON 017ft SALE LETTER. Editors Democrat 1 The first, tecon d and third house are at here, Really they look fine, That I they look neat and in thi respect one party I not confounded for the other. But we are t little partial to the minority the demo crats, for they thow more spirt, and seem to have let of the flint lock action among them, than the majority. But they are all reprcaer.tattve men and will be heard If they have to Hand on their toe. It I hard to tell who the officer will be until the cau ccee are held. But I Ion . E. L. Smith, of Waco, a fine-looking gentleman anJ one ef ability ha a very nice following for Speaker. The President ot the Senate lay between Joseph Simon, of Multnomsh, and J. C Fut'.erton, of Douglas. Both are able men, but no doubt Mr. Simon wilt get It and with Fulierton's approval. The fact I Simon Is (he "best man" at this feast He hat the ability and will have more In fluence In thi body than all other put to gether, lie will be consulted on all lmpor tant matters. Multnomah will leave It all to "Joe." The Individual members from Multnomah may scant thi Idea that "Joe" 1 king, but when the column of figure for their act are written up the objection to 'Joe" will anncar there a cypher, but cypher don't count. Mr. Gregg, of Ma rlon, may be Chief Clerk of the House. But there I another element that meant busi ness, D. P. 'I hompson for Speaker and L. T. Barin for President ot the Senate. ThU ticket is strong and It Is said that Thomp son I stronger with Eastern Oregon mem ber than Smith. It Thompson can get a good following in the Valley he will beat Smith. At It look now Simon and Smith may aucceed, but no one can tell, at all sorts of rumors are afloat The town hat been busy admiring the breaking in of the street cars, which will be flying in a few hours longer. The car are neat and the contractors have done a credi table piece of work. They appear to be the right sort of contractors and are entitled to I . . . the respect of the community tor ineir work here. White the resolutions of the Pom. ona Grange of Marion county has been published we thing it due to the Cringe that a word be said about It The Grange asks that the Legislature memorallze Con gress to establish a department of agricul ture and that the Commissioner be a cab inet officer. Also that a reliable and prac tical agriculturist be elected Senator. Both of these proposition are correct. It I a reflection on Congress that this Bureau of agriculture ha not been established. We favor corporate Influence in Congress, a'so labor, and agricultural, so when law are made that will affect all or any, they may be made to harmonlza all these leading and popular Interest. Why should not agriculture have a Senator as well as cor poration, or labor combination. Why U it that wheat I over one dollar per bushel in all section but Oregon. Can our Sen ator or Repreentatlve anwer t We hear of the fabulous appropriation that are made to Improve harbor and remove nag, but not a word for an appropriation for those who make traffic or to found a bureau of agriculture whereby all may know why these Inequalities exist as to prices and pro vide remedies through Congrest to correct them. Oregon Is the best producer accord ing to her means, and is paid the least for her product. Thi I the Important sub ject. But we might as well ask to stand the Capitol building on Its apex as to ak for an agriculturist to be sent to the U. S. Senate. The democrats sent a farmer to Congress, but In these day the importance of an agricultural bureau wa overlooked and the other party equally a remise. The Grange want theConsititulonof the amended to at to favor the election of Sen ator by the people. Nothing wrong about this. A to the Senator, It I now conceded that Hon. J. N. Dolph will have a walk over. He is a strong aggressive parllzan and will have the experience of the past to enable him to make judicious promises for the future. The "outs" feel safer In hi hand and trust him. No doubt It I all fixed a It should bf. He ha shown good ability in speech! other than political. Hi re election will end nil ring dynasty aun the prophet SOJOURNER. Salem, Jan. 14th, 1S89. Joseph Simon Is President of the Senate and E L Smith Speaker of the House, Multnomah and Wasco. A gallant fight wat made by friends of D P Thompson and had it been any other than Simon for Presi dent of the Senate, Thompson would have succeeded. J. II. Shupe, of Douglas It Chief Clerk of the Senate, and J. T. Gregg It Chief Clerk of the House. In the Sen ate E G Ulrsch was elected Assistant and C W Watts snd AssisUnt Clerk 1 I B Eddy, Reading Clerk ; W M Pomeroy, Sargeant-at-Arm ; Abe McCully, door keeper. In the House O u Miller wat elected Attlstant Clerk ; S J Finch, Sar-geant-at-Arms; C O Boynton.door-keeper. Democrat honored with a vote were T E Cauthorn for President of the Senate A Doulhit for Chief Clerk ; A M Elam for Assistant ; Marion Martin for Reading Clerk : CA Logan for Sargeant-at-Arms Henry Downing for door-keeper. In the Senate, and T T Boditch for Speaker : C II Upton for Wiief Uerk x U tr coshaw, 1 r, for Assistant : Thos Jones for Sargeant at Ann ; f;ha A. Moore, for door-keeper, in the House. Ka business, adiourned until Tuesday, The message of the Governor will be forth. coming about Wednesday or i itursday It 1 looked for with Interest. Sojourner. SCIO. Rllev Shelton ha sold hi residence to John Gill and has gone to Salem think Ing probably of locating there. We regret loosing such a good citizen. 1 , . Rev. J. W. Osborn, of Independence, who has been pastor of the Baptist church of this place for the last tifteen years, preached his farewell sermon here last Sabbath. Rev. Sperry, of BrownviHe, was elect ed to take his place for the ensuing year. Mr. Nelson and Wm. Logan, of Mc- Mlnnyille are visiting friend in thi place. The town ha been Infested with a band of beggar and bear for the pait week, and they eem likel to stay until they are driven away. It doe not seem that such able bodied men and women deserve much ympathy from the people. Mr. Bagley, of Salem, who ha been the guest of Mis Edith Pentland, has returned home. Mr. O. B. Cyrus and Miss Emma Monls were united in marriage at the residence of the brides Barents. Ian. 13. Kev.. I. w. Osborn, .officiating. The happy couple have the best withet of their many friends for a long and prosperous life. Can von itn afiiBealnmtfchit will nit ke good natnred person so peevish, diuatitfled. ill-tempered and cranky as billionineu? 1 There ia no reason whatever, why any one lahoold suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia. torpid liver and less of appetite, when Dr. 17T.n'. T1 , J 1 . n Td.i. wlli,t MAW AD. knows it a certain cure, ean bs to easily ob tained. Sold by Foshsy A Macon. Baby earriagee at Stewart A Sox's. Tlfl WARE AfID HARD WARE Of ALL EliriDS AT DEYOE & ROBSOfJ TELEGRAPHIC NEWS la ravor of th Anarchist. Chicago, Jan. ij. Judge Tuley, of the ctrccit court in a decision rendered to-day,holdt that anarchistt and socialists have not forfeited their constitutional right to assemble peaoeably and discus any question which Interests them, provided they do not plot to carry out their Ideal by use of force against the constituted authority. A Cow Hoy, II0LDRO0K, Ariz., Jan. 15 OneGila Benita a cowboy dressed and painted ai an Apache Indian, after many threats of disJodgemcnt, made a descent upon Mexican herder in the employ of Don Pedro Montana kilting five and wounding one cowboy. Pedro Camlalario, the wounded Mexican is being packed in on horse back. Pedro Montana, with an armed force hat gone to the rescue and protection of hit herders and herd. .jk Corporal Tattaer. New York, Jan, 15. A ixwrn ha been ttarted in Brooklyn for Corporal James Tauner he legless republican veteran ttump speaker, by the Grand Army of the Republic, for the position of commissioner of pcnions,to succeed General C. Black. A Dooming Offer. New York, Jan. 13 Sullivan' sponsor In this city hat received a letter from prominent tportlng man. a resident of El Paso, Texas, staling that he would not only guarantee auiuvan and Kllraln $10,000 to light there, but would also give assurance that 10,000 Mexlcant would be present at the fight and prevent the authorities from inieriering, A Comet Discovered. ROCAKSTER, N. Y. Jan. 15, Director Swif of the Warner Observatory, received notice to day of the discovery of a new comet Geneva, at 6:50 A. M. to-day. Its position is a follow; Right ascension, 18 hours 47 minutes, declining south 31 degree snd so minute, with a rapid westerly motion. King William Dying. New York, Jan 15. Private dispatches I from the Hague report the general idea there .hot King William is dying. Blaulry Boaad to Be Alive. New York, Jan, 15. London special to the 7ici "I have direct information from an official source that tbe government has received letter front Stanley, and that hi safety I as ured. These letter cannot be puhliseed. They re temporarily withheld fur oflkiat reasons, not givenr Of their tuthenticity an I of the safety of the explorer, there I no doubt what ever. Csrioas A irate. New Haven, Jan. 15. Mr. J. Clark and Mr. M.J. Wright clairvoyants, were arrested to-day under the old blue taw which provUes fur the punishment of fortune teller. Tba Hint ft. ft Walla vValla, W. T., Jan. 14. A corp of O. & W. T. engineers who fur some time have been surveying slonfi Alpowa ridge Ic yond Dayton and in the direction of Iwtston, returned here this morning, to remain during the cold weather. That the O. & W. T. will get to Lewiston is almost an assured fact. Mr. lunl ha arranged o meet the citizen of Mil ton and Weston, and the fi rroer in tbe region about those place shortly, in the Interest of tne extension of hit system to thesetowns,hich will probably happen the coming summer, as representative citizen have already guaranteed the subsidy required. A IWfal B, U. CollUlos. Youngtown, Ohio, Jn. 14. A passenger train for New York on the New York Pennsyl vania & Ohio railroad, running fifty miles an hour, ibis morning struck a freight train, bead end, near Talmadge, Ohio. Both engineers. both fireman and eight passenger were killed nd fourteen passenger badly injured. Tbe ireight train wa attempting to make a tiding and had tent out a flagman who failed to signal tbe passenger. a Trot Caw. Washington, Jan. 14. The supreme court to-dsy granted a motion to advance for hear ing the case of Che Chae Ping against the United States, and assigned it fur argument the second Monday in March. ThU is the case brought to test the constitutionality of the Cam.. . 1 I " 1 . ow v4mcK4ini(ig en uccuuxs tuiq mum certificates granted Chinamen who left the united btates prior to tbe passage of the act. Makes Him a Ueatleataa. Elmiia, N. Y. Jan. 14. S. N. Cunning. ham, agent for the past twe years of the Mu tual Ule Insurance Company, left town yestet day.having with him New York drafts amount ing to 123,000 obtained by forging checks. He wascavgnt at nohoken to-day. Small Basis. New York, Jan. 14. A new sport has been introduced, which promises to bring cock fight ing within the pale of the law. Instead of steel fulls, cocks will be provided with padded spurs ke boxing gloves. SALEM NEWS. Salem, Or- Jan. is. There has been some delay In the street railway construc tion and cars are not yet running. lhe Oregon branch of the national farmers' congress conducted an adjourned meeting In thi city yesterday afternoon and to day. The attendance wat small, but the Interest wat good. A Booming Town. Ellensburg, Jnn. ia. Continued mild weather hat enabled builders to prosecute work into midwinter, and there is no cessation of building or outdoor work. Three ptaniny mills in the city are now running constantly to supply orders ahead for spring and summer work, snd the sawmills of Pugct sound are receiving large orders from Ellensburg. Yesterday one con tractor made arrangement for two car loads of lumber a day for six months, litis is independ ent of the lumber supply by local mills. A Coaaty Seat Fight TOPEKA, Jan. I a. Governor Martin received a dispatch this afternoon from the mayor of Cimarron, stating that a force of men from In- galls, in the some county, had attempted to re move by force the records of the county from Cimarron to the temporary county seat, and that a fight occurred in which several men were killed. Governor Martin immediately ordered General Murray Meyers, of the Second regi ment of Kansas milita, at Wichita, to proceed at once to the scene with a company of troops, Lota ef Beets. Anaheim, CaL Jan, 13. At the meeting of citizens, held here yesterday, to take action in the matter of planting a sufficient acreage of beets to insure the erection of a sugar factory by Claus Spreckelr, to cost half a million and with a monthly pay roll 01 970,000. Kepresenta- lives were present nuiu r uuenon, r aurvicw, Placentia, SantA Ana and the entire valley. Great enthusiasm was manifested. It was de cided to enter into 10,000 acres can be set out to beet in thi vicinty a soon as satisfactory operations are inaugurated. Woman Batrage Washington, Jan,' 13. Senator Cullom has presented a petition to the senate, , which was referred to the committee on territories, from the citizens of Washington territory, pray ing that when congress passes the enabling acts for the admimssion ot the several territor ies, they will permit women to vote for delegat es to the constitutional convention and on the adoption of the constitution in all the territor ies, where the legislature have passed a law providing that women may vote, and such law has not been repealed by subsequent legislation. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE z ROBSON'S. HOSE ANDAB110AD HOlfDAY. bloom in th ysrdi Roses are la of A bany. Mr William CooIimd, of Sju, ) , Ca hat eeen in tne oity to-dsy, Someone I said to have attempted to neat tne uovernor s message. - Mr. Harrison will be eleoud Pcrtiieat 11 the United States to-morrow. Mr. Gtyther. newly appointed agent at the Sileta, lias been in the oity to-lay . The Cottage Orovt Organ Co is talking of tblihlng a branch offiae at thi oity. The Salem fittoteeman has been ' enlarged. A la the past it is a oradit to tbe eapitol oity. Dr W 11 Davit, recently of Uarrlsbarg, mty now be found at hi oOlw In the Straliao Block. Jennie Langford ha obtained a verdiot of tSOOO again Dr II E Jooot, of Portland, for malpractice. Chrrj k Parke bays shipped their ma ohiney to Taoom. It took tx ears and tbe oost was ntsrly f 1000. h W Clark, th photographer has sold hi interest in the photograph bntinsis to Mr. Greenwood, bis partner. A whit oost of snow m ly b eeo along the foothills Irom this city. No snow, thmgh, ha fallen at this oity thi winter. Mr II Piindt hss arrived home from Southern Oregon, and will soon return with lilt family t) Medford, where he will locate. Ciotseu ft Paisley's furnitnr store is now located near the corner of First and Ferry Street, This firm deserv a g jo i basin. Toiy Hslem' street car begin making regular trip. O'Connor k Car bsve shown themselves to be rustlers in the mstWr of building ttrest railways. A Portland boy recently roeiyed a prise of f 100 for sending the most empty cigarette box to tbe manufacturer. We'll wsger be ba tome very whit lip to how for it. Mr. Chs. MeUr and J. J. Dorri have associated thamselve together in th Insur ance and General Broker business, their of fice beiug on First Street, opposite the Rosa House, Albany, Or. Th firm will be known after thi a Co as. Metzgsr & Co. Mr Kivirs Nibarti a late arrival at th asylum for inne. She is from Portland and i constantly in t ir. Her insanity i of neither a wild or suicidal nature, yet br ac tion art all peculiar. Journal. Dr Niger, roeatly of Oeneaen, X. Y., has rented the reeideno of 4 K Yoang, oocaiiad by Mr Cart Ludermae, whose furn iture, tto., he baa purchased, and will make Alb toy hi bom for th p'ootio of bis pro fession. A win reoeutJy advertised io th Oregon ian that be wa a man of bod habit, bad no redeeming traits, and wanted aome yoong lady to reform bim. The kind ot reforming he need is a bnotjsck over his head . Tbe young lady who attempt to reform oob men alway get left. Mrs Caspari, of Portland, will present a bill to the oity council tor $1303, on acconnt of property destroyed belonging to her. by order of the oity physician. They hadmlf pox in th family and all their furoitar woa destroyed. If tbe bill is njt pail th eity will be sued. Messrs S W Smitn and Edward Wash barn, recently of Illiooi, have purchased tbe stove and htrdwar bnsinesa of W C Twee dale. Smith & Wasbbara, who come here with the reputation of being live basiaees men, will enlarge the business. Mr Twee dale, who ha been in baiinee her since about I8J0, wll travel for awhile before going into some other business. An ot J sea captain thus describe the way in which he di niseed an undesirable suitor for th band of ot daughter 1 "I Jit show ed htm on th ooirponiooway snd out on tba gangplank leading from toy house, and gent ly remarked that tbe wind wa off shore, and the sooner h got under way tbe better of fing he'd make befur miming, lie paid off and bora away down th street." TUESDAY. Toledo is to bsve a 13,000 bote!. Hon. 0. t'-oshaw, of Brownsville, is report ed ill again. O W Hant has decided to make Wall Walla hi home. Mr Frank Tabkr. of Dakota, i in the eity visiting hi psrrnU, Mr and Mr B F Tabler. Albiny'a prospect were nevrr brighter than now. Nearly every pise in Oregon Las bad it Christian sieor elooses bat Albany. Fort unate Albany. PapStroa t, the iuierosl gect'etnan. baa been in the eity to-day. lii sbahow seem to i acre v. Crook county people are insisting on J C Lackey being appointed agent at Warn spring. To day the first anow of the ssssoa began falling, and a reasonable amount will be glad ly wtleomed. Mr. Itobett Harrison, of Brownvill, wsa in the eity to-day. bile here paying onr a net am a vieif. Red Well, the rustling wheat buyr wbe makes prices boom at Corvallia early in tbe aeaeoa, baa Lean in the city to-dsy. Mr "Jim Weetfall'' is attending the pub lie school and intends to go to school regular ly. She is now in tbe first reader. A Land Company haa been inoorpo rated st Eogen. and a creamery and cold atorage and cheese company at MoMionvilte. A year ago yesterday the mercury woa aboal 6 degree below sero in the morning. This year it waa 23 degrees abeve aero. C C Cherry left for Tsooma to-day. Mrs Cherry and son are ia Eogeo for a few weeks, but will join Mr C in a week or twe. A gentleman who paid S3000 a ooupl yoira ago for 22 fet front on First street, has a stand tog offer of $3000 for th proper- . ... Vt. i. It. rurkpatriok, 01 ibnon, nos been in tbe eity on bis way home from Me Minnville, where he haa been assisting ia holding revivt 1 services. It is a poor way to try to bnild op yonr own business by running down everybody else's. There is a life insuranoe man in the city, toougb, who does it. Nearly a much as any other inttitatioa the Democrat wou'd like to ee a paper mill established her. It would ntilis mnoh of tbe straw that now goes to waste. Mr L W Clsrk, the photographer, who has sold his business in this city to Mr Greenwood, will go to Son Franoisoo, to pel feet a patent which he ia working ou. A Southern Oregon subscriber says: "I like yonr brisk styls of writing, also the neat appearance of yonr columns, which are neat in more than one respect." Walter IT 0 in an and wife returned last night from Salem, where tbey had been to attend the wedding of Mr. H s sister. Victo ria to Mr. J. H. Luna, of Lunn & Brown. The total rainfall in New York State last year waa 52)i inchies, more than in Oregon. The lowest average temperature waa in Jan nary, 25.0 degrees above sero ; highest in August 71.6 degrees. Dr. Negus purchased Fred Grimmer' resi dence to-day, Conaideration, $1500. Bark hart & Keeney, Agenta Mr. Bardae and Mr. Underwood have formed partnership, rented the Senders' building onoe oooupied by George Strong, and will open a grocery atore there. Mr, J. c.. Bridgeford will rustle for them. The Santiam mining ease hangs fire thi afternoon in Hon. W. R. Bilyu' offio A motion was being argued as we went to preta toatrike out port if the answer. V It is thought a focus will be reached by Saturday. Yesterday Mr. C. L. Brash told his wire works, one ef the best psying properties in Albany, to W, S. Denhsm, recently ef Ne braska, and a man of aome means. Mr Brush has considerable of a property intereak in Portland, and we understand will make that eity hia home. A "marriage in high life" ooenrred at Mo Miunvills the other day and a local paper aya the groom 'i without a peer in all the qualitiea that constitute a true man. " That maKea mm tne nneat in toe woria, sou we pause in breathless silence ak the thenght of it. Fino line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son's Special bargains A membsr of the Tnuome City Coanoil, who4hd been very instrumental in the oru ssde againat gambler, was himself caught in the very aut, and bis orgi now termt it "a diabolical conspiracy" against him. The erims U not in iUtV, but in-being fnand oat. lit. About one hanrd of Danver's leadiag badness men have arranged to ateud th in aagural cerenonies in regulation cowboy customs, accompanied by a genuine oowboy band. The leader will beat time with a six shooter, . Natal Catarrh ia prohaWy one of the most disagreeable ailments tlat a person caa bo afflicted with. If Datard' Hpeoiflo i used with a douche or even snuffed np the nose, aooording to direotions, morning and even log, a radical cure ean ia most cases be tf footed. Sold by Fchy Mason. An unknown man st rvri'iml, Mioh., want as to ran alongnading adver'Mcmenr, beaded Blaeberry, for two mor.lh m.d send bil!. We are not in that kind of latinos. Tbe Dkmocrat learned long ago that there was no money in doiotr busines for men yon knew nothing bout. They raiely ever re mit. WEDXR8DAY. L Senders will buy your horser. Barkhart k Itoyce, job printers. Mr J II Foter, of Portland, is iu the cir. Choice Herkimer Co cheese at Brownell ti SUnard'. On to P. J. Liptrte for yonr boot and shoe repairing. J. P. Wallace, Phyaioian Mid Surgeon, AI bany, Or A new barrel of eaoer kraut just received at V L Kenton's. 7 0ks euro rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foshsy k Mason, Agent. A foundry oempsny has been incorporated at uoryauis wiin a capital or IU,WJ Feand On the 7th inst a pair of ear rings 1 'third Street. O'ner call at this offloe. on The Juveoil opera company that played In Albany some time ago, went to pieses in Chicago. Salem's street esrs are now tanning four block end people are riding just for the fas of it. Superintendent Carl returned from Salem this noon. He found it an nr healthy place for democrats Mr Klein's family went to Palera yester day to attend the funeral r-f the daughter of MrOAKraosee. Smith Sc Woabburne, (accessor to Twee dale, carry tbe boss besting stoves and sell thm tbe cheapest. ( Call and see those Early Breakfast stoves and range at Smith k Wsrbbnrne'a, suc cessors to W C Twdale. Mr L Sander i back from Sin Francisco, where he readily ;dipoed of 11 the bones be took down with him. Th largest, fioeet at.d beat assorted rtock of groceries in town caa be foond at Brownell & Standard'. Mr. Martin Payne t prepared to take flrst-cUa boarders st bar residence oppoitt th Congregatijua! Church. A few daya ago Mr Jo Clark aald two Iota of! bi Third ward property for $000 to Thomas Thomas, an O P engineer, V M Johnson, of C -rvallis, has jast moved into hi new $6000 residence. Lsw business at least teem to be good is that city. Charles RedGeld. who baa beta absent aeveral mtbs with the Oregon Pacific sur veying crew, retorued home yesterday. AU tbe delioMsies of the sjoaoa reoeived daily, cabbage, apples, tarnips, beet, and paranlps, at the Willamette racking Co,' tore. Mr A B Slsasson, ooe of Albany's brothers io-lasr, does the legislative editorial writing for the Orefonitn. Mr i i a trenchtnt irk alioer. If yoa want a tender chicken be tare and get ooe of those new style roasters at Smith Si Washburn' uccsors to W C Twee dale. If yoa want a eleaa bod fine smoke oak for J. Joseph' horn md white labor cisra For sal by most cigar dealer and at hi Joseph' factory. Rey I Isyes, pastor of th U P church at WaiUbarg, W T, arrived in the city this noon, aod beginiog to-night, will assist in the services at tbe U P church. Ia the saprente eoart yesterday the decision of Judge Boise io tbe ease of T E Hogg agt Too Monteith waa cos firmed. This puts the ease back ia tbs eireatt court for trial. It will ootue np on it merit at the March term. Bishop 1 largrove, of the M E church, Seutb, wsa in th city to-day on hia way to Corvallia. He dined with the family of Mr B W Cundiff and hia former eastern friend, Mrs Pollock. Saeramsoto, CaL. haa passed sn ordinance, which w woali do well to appropriate, making it unlawful for any person nnder seventeen to smoke cigarette within tbe nly limit. Th bill iktrodaoed in the legislator pro viding for the discharge of mortgages by af fidavit should pass. It Is an injustice to re quire the mortgagee to cancel the mortgage on the leoordo. Charles Matsget k Co. have removed their oCoe to Ellsworth Street east of the Reyere Hon They are now prepared to pay eloae attention to all real estate, employment, in -taraoo9, and especially oollection bosinees. The men who ioveoted roller skates, live near Richmond, Indn and hasn't don anything since. He waa a poor wood-sawyer and it took nearly LI latt dollar to pay for th patent, bat the erase for akating that spread over the oonatry made him rich. Threw passenger eotches en the Narrow Gang left tba track lost Monday, near Scio. They were afterwards found and retained to the road without an end. No one was in jured, aod the track was made Bate until th next train should oome along. Mr Gross, of the Depot hotel, inform the Dkmocrat that there were aa many people took meal at hi tables the first two week of thi month, aa there were daring the first three weeks of January, 1SS8, an indication that travel ts increasing. Change la Business. All parlies knowing theuselves indeltd to the firm of Thompson & Waters, either by note or ecooaat, matt oome forward and settle tbs same within thirty days, as there is going to be a change in their basioees. Brownsville, Or., Jan. 1st, 1889. Thompson Si Waters. Checks Cashed. Searle & Deane's bank checks will be cashed at par at P. Cohen's store. F M. Frenoh keeps railroad time. H.Ewert, practical watchmaker and ;ew Babies. The finest line of baby carrl- aees In the Valley just r celved at Stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con-1 slderinsr the superior qualitv o the carn ages. albaay Marker. When 7 Oats i 5c Ruttfr-15 its per lb. ECS8-26C , Hay-8,00. , , , Potato 3 -15 ots par buVaal. Beef on foot, 8 Me pples 40 oents per bu, Pork 60 per It . oressod. Bacons nam ioo. ahouldera, i4o. sides. Ho. latrd 153 per lb. Flonr.-4.25 per bbl. lulokene-3.00 per dot. &1U Feed bran, 14.00 per ton shorts, 18. middlings, 20. . . Chor- 20. DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVI VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE KEEP POSTED. Vbeat, 16 Cents. New fall goods at Read's. See those new jerties at W. V. Read's. . " -New ribboa all shade and styles ai Read's " All lines of boys kilt suits at W. F Reid'tv - Fine line of bread kneading pons at G W 8jiith's. . . ,. ' A large stock of lifting force pa - at O W Smith's. Ia calm sea every man is pilot. In dry goods Y. F. Read is leader. If yoa want to ssve from 10 to 25 per cent by your goods of W, F. Read. - Six shaves for a dollar and a cltsn towel to every customer, at Tbos. Jones, - Buy your tickets through to the East of W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of heating and parlor stovi at 0 W ciuith't, no better in tbe valley. W. F. Read ean and will sell dry goods chesr than any boose in Albany. Call and see for yourself. 'Th line of Pacific and Royal Argands at O W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best oook stoves made. See them. Goods not sold for less than oost, goods not given away. Bat good honest goods sold at raatonahl profit at W. F. Rstd's. Julius Gradwobl is now tasking a special' ty of crockery, fanoy goods and silver ware, of which be carries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, bis stock of crockery is the beet ia tbe market and hi line of dolls and children's plsy things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on tbe coast. OBITUARY. Died-Rlal M. Smith, son ef P. M. Smith, of Santiam precinct, Linn county, Ot., Dec. a8ih, 1888, aged 10 years, 5 months and 13 days. Rial was a young man of sterling char acter, just opening into manhood, with all Its hopes and aspirations, and with abund ant prospects of success. He wat unusual ly bright, of a sociable disposition, and one who made many warm friends wherever he went. He attended school at Santiam Academy during the winter of 18S7-8, and wa one of the brightest pupils of that In stitution. He taught a term of school In the spring of 1888, and being warned of tbe approach of that fell destroyer -consumption, was induced to travel for hia health. He traveled over the Coast and in South ern Oregon for four months, then returned home, and immediately started with Mr. S. CI ay pool and family, with whom he trav eled for some time In Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Rial returned home Dec. nth, was taken down with ty phoid fever, and died on the 28th ult. ; was buried at Lebanon on the 29th. Funeral seryices were conducted by Rev G W Gib oney, assisted by Rev J R Kirkpatrick. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community. Kxfrett. Appro priate resolutions, showing the high e teem in which the deceased was held, were passed by Elite Literary Society of the Santiam' Academy. HCXTSVIL LE.W- T The finest weather ever seen in this country, rain enough ; but now, far weeka we have had clear weather, and the roads are excellent The fog was a little un wholesome and there is some pneumonia. The rain and open weather have given this country hundreds of thousands more bushels of wheat, and it has saved feed. . Hay' command a good price, say $15 per ton right here. In Walla Walla they offer $18. Straw is In demand here, and those who put up their straw, so as to pre serve, are in luck. Corn is In demand also. There was a boom In pork in the fall. Many men bought heavily and now they need feed. Wheat roc to 63 cents here, but has now come down tote cents. But that is a good price for thi place. Out of the way place are far worse. Betide, our goods are cheaper since tbe incoming of tbe other railway. The United Brethren are having a pro tracted meeting, accomplishing nothing. The seminary has the best school we have had for years, but the attendance is smaller than that of last year, owing to the want of boarding. A vocal music class of abou'. thirty has been running for some weeks. A good thing. Grandma Hunt fell down and put her shoulder out of joint She is the same old lady who has so frequently broken her bones. Very unlucky. The M. E. church is without a pastor so far this year. Prof. Walker officiates here and at Dayton. They have a fine Sunday school. HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Neither colored goods nor flannels should b; boiled. All goods in barrels apples, beef, potatoes, etc keep better when laid down on their side. Soda should never be used for flannels, and jf they are to be kept in good condition they should be neither mangled nor ironed. Matting should be washed with strong salt water and a clean doth, and do it, if possible, at midday, to insure quick drying, which pre vents discoloration. " To remove rust from steel forks and knives cover with sweet oil, well rubbed on, and let it remain forty-eight hours; then rub with unslack ed lime, powdered very fine, until the rust dis appears. To remove stains from marbh, mix a quan tity of the strongest soap lees with quicklime to the consistency of milk; lay it on the marble and let it be for twenty-four hours, then dean with soap and water. If butter is covered tight when put in the ice chest it will not absorb, the odor of any food lying near. There is nothing so sensitive as butter, and you may see it at any time plac ed near to meat or vegetables. To dean and tighten cane-seat chairs turn up the chair bottom and with hot water , and a sponge wash the cane work so that it may be thoroughly soaked. Should it be dirty use a little soap. Let it dry in the air, and it will be as tight and firm as when new. We will aell yoa groceries cheaper than any one else. - Brown ell k Stanakd. HARRIED. DEAKINS LEIGHTON. OnWednes day afternoon, Jan. 16, 1SS9, at the resi dence of Dr. R. C. Hill, In Albany, Mr. D B Deaklns and Miss Olive Leigh ton, both of Scio. NEGUS-NILES. On Monday even ing, Jan, 13, 1889, at the Ruts house, In . Albany, by Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon, Dr. Wm. C. Negus and Mrs. Maria E. Mies, recently of Geneseo, N. V, both of Albany, Or. The groom Is a man of wealth and experience, the brid 5 an accomplished lady, a cousin of Dr. T. ... ... .. . r . "11 . 1 1 . vv. wans, 01 1 amnm, inrougn wnose in strumentality they came to Oregon. CYRUS MORRIS. At the home of the bride's parents, In Scio, on the 13th day of January, i889,Mr. O. B. Cyrus and Miss I Emma Morris, Rev. f . W, Osborn officiat ing. The groom It the son of Hon. Wm. Cyrus and the bride is the daughter of J. S. Morris, Scio's tuccettful druggist and Naseby, The Democrat congratulates the happy pair.and hepea the choicest bles sings of life maybe their continual portion.