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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1889)
CANADIAN ANNEXATION-UTAH PttOD LEU AND MRU BO QUESTION. (Written lor the Democrat.) Immediate) after the election of Mr. Harrison, the republican press began solr Ing the treasury surplus problem by hint Ing that the new President wou'd incorpor ate In hi Inaugural message the recom mendation that negotiations be entered nto with England regarding the purchase of Canada. At the time we noticed these press notices, we at once concluded that the Intention of Mr. Harrison Is te recom mend such, If he finds the majority of the Influential journals on his side. Whilst we were muddling our meagre stock of brains In the endeavor to ascertain of what bene, fit such a purchase would be, we ran across a paragraph In the Louisville, (Ky.,) CouritrJonmit which stated that a meet ing was held at Montreal e-n the 15th ult by the "La Club National," the leading liberal club of Canada. The question, "Which would be the best system of Gov ernment tor Canada, vis : Imperial Federa Hon, Annexation or Independence," was abljr discussed bjr some of the leading pub lic men of Canada. Annexation Is an old doctrine with this club, and onljr a few rears ago when Jose Dultare, M. 1 Ru dolph Laflame, Minister of Jostle In Mac- kenxle's Cabinet, and, other celebrated Canadians were Its leaders, annexation to the United Slates was one of the campaign planks. This particular meeting from the meagre dispatch before us was attended bjr over our hundred members and was wild ijr eninumslic for annexation, it was unanimous on the point that the present Confederation was an Institution tried and found wanting. Believing as we do that the present treasury surplus belongs prop erly In the tax paver's pockets, we felt this move would cause all who agree with our noble standard bearers In the recent elec tion to gently kick at Increasing our na tional debt by purchasing a white elephant If the "Canucks" want the protection of the stars and strles,let them first proclaim themselves free and Independent, as did a little handful of patriots a war back in 1776, With the large population of Canada, the mother country, with all her petty wars in the Soudan and elsewhere would have to give tnem their liberty. Then having severed all allegiance to the vast empire governed bjr the Queen of the British Isles and Empress of India, the Republic of Canada could, we think, very easily gain admission and thus swell our now Immense National domain. There are several points In favor of our securing Canada, but in a short time, at best, it will be ours without Increasing the National debt one cent. The point as we see them are 1st, it will stop all diplomatic gerrymandering about the eiauresof fishing smacks and do a wajr with quite a deal of International foolishness ; nd, we will control the St. Lawrence River, a stream navigable for men of war and thus have a continuous chain of sea coast on the Atlantic Ben. Butterworth, (the Congressman from Ohio, who is now la training for Sherman's seat In the Sen ate, when the venerable John of financier Ing fame returns to a Cabinet Port-folio,) introduced a resolution to the effect that negotiations for its purchase be entered into as speedily as possible. We are almost sanguine at under the next four years o' republican rule the purchase will be made, but let It be recorded that every democrat in Congress, who believes In revenue re form and the lessening of the tariff, will vote "nav," for they are far seeing enough to know that it Is only a matter of a few years when Canada will knock loudly at our doors, begging for the protection of the tars and stripes. We notice Utah will not be included in the "Omnibus Bill" of the democrats for admission. That is good for the present, but let our energetic law-makers,who want ts have the word philanthropist recorded against their names, combine and pass a bill lookinsr toward the purchase of the state of Chihuahua in Mexico.and colonize It with the Mormons of Utah. Get the human brutes out of our domain and in payment for the purchase money paid for Chihuahua, we could take their lands and buildings In Utah, then Utah could step Into the sisterhood of states and become one of our best in a mining, pastoral and agricultural point of view. We do not charge a cent for this "pointer." Let the lions. Binger Hermann, Mitchell and Dolph take notice. Once more thi- negro trill is set in mo tionnot in the "Solid South" this time, but at a burg bearing the uncommonly happy name of Felicity in the state of Ohio. Felicity was the place of places where run-a-way slaves en route to Cana da would stop and recruit. It was the hot bed of aholitionism. This time the negro population had grown to 400 or more, and Felicity drew the color line in her public schools and commenced to rout the negro. What says our esteemed republican friends to this ? Then by the way.the higher negro element of the South clamor for recogni tion in Harrison's Cabinet and say, that if they are not properly recognlzed.they will believe then that democracy instead of re publicanism is their friend, and that the party that gave them the right of the fran chise did it merely for their votes. We await the result with much pleasure. In the meantime, we add : "Go it colored white man, you are entitled to all you cm get from the republican party." Youxo Democracy. We see that senator R. A. Irvine has an eye on the interests of the tax-payers. Yesterday be introduced in the senate the following resolu tion which "on motion of Carson of Multnomah was laid on the table. Severed democrats called for the yeas and nays but president Simon disreardc.l thecal): "Resolved That the enrolling committee, the engrossing committee, and the Judiciary com mittee, shall each be allowed one clerk, and no more, and neither of sa d Committees nor any other committee of the senate shall employ any additional clerical aid unless authorized by the senate, and such authority shall be obtain ed upon (he report of the cha'rrain of the com mitte that Such clerical aid is actually necessary. ' There are many committees such as the com mittees on Elections, Claims, Public Lands, Federal relations, Mins Public Buildings, Counties, Military Affairs and others that have no more use for a clerk than a wagon has for a fifth wheel. Senator Irvine would do away with them." Jo. Simon, president of the senate, and gen eral boss and manager of the republican party, plainly shows his extreme party bias by giving the democrats one member out of five on the Judiciary, Publ c Londs, Roads and Highways and Assessment committees. This is very un generous to say the least. The Willamette Valley has no representation on the railroad committee. Was this the result of design? Dawson of Linn gets no chairmanship at all, although this is his second session in the senate. Quite a number of republican senators elected last June for the first time have chairmanships. The granger stands no slkow where Joe Simon "ules. NOT AUTIIORITW At an election held in Bedford a few days ago for city offices two ballots both having the same candidate for Mayor, were found folded together; evidently cant by one voter. The ballots were both rejected by the Judges. This gave the other candi date one majority. The trustees or city council reviewed the matter an'l decided to count one of the two ballots. The Mail published at that place questions the au thority of I he trustees to go behind the re turns to ascertain whether fraud had been practiced, and attempts to' sustain Its posi tion by saying : 'The Louisiana Return ing Board in 1S76 sustained by the Supreme Court subsequenlly settled the question that no power exists to go behind the re turns of an election as made by the Judges ot election and change the result.etc." The Mail Is lost in a sea of Inaccuracies and misconceptions of facts. The returning board of Louisiana settled nothlnc but Its own capacity to steal a President which it accomplished by going back of the returns as canvassed by the Judges of election and throwing out whole precincts and counties In ord?r to count the state for Hayes and make "fraud first triumphant in American history." No court that maintains a de cent, dignified standing would now so far turget itself as to cite any decision made by the unsavory returning board that cheat ed the people of their lawfully elected President. The Supreme Court never passed en any of the questions arising be (ore the board. The Electoral Commission however did decide that they had no power to go behind the returns and stolidly re (used to do so when considering the Louis lana vote, that they mlitht be able to count that state for Hayes, and che?rfuHy went behind the returns In the Florida case in order that they might count that state for llajes. No, the precedents established by that Board would be more likely to place a person who would follow them behind prison bars than lead to an honest se'.tlc ment of a disputed election. The ex-Assessor of Marion count r, mo v ed thereto by the caustic criticisms to which he has been subjected on account of the very imperfect assessment of that coun ty, says in defense, that his assessment was the same as last year.but as he had receiv ed a letter from the Assessor In Mmtnomah county stating that he had assessed mcney notes and accounts at 50 per cent of their value atd other property in proportion.the county court of Marion made a horizon! reduction on the whole assessment ot that county of twenty-five per cent. In order to evade paying a greater proportionate state tax than Multnomah. But this dees njt help the matter any. How are Linn and other counties, whose county courts have too much common honesty to thus violate their official obligations, to avoid paying a greater proportionate share of their state tax than Marion and Multnomah? If an Assessor who has taken the oath of his ot fice prescribed by statute says that he as sesses money at 50 cents on the dollar he Is guilty of perjury and should be prosecuted therefor. For the public good newspapers should call attention of the public to these open confeslns of dereliction ot official duty. "A facetious I'ittiburg editor accounts tir the Democratic gain in New Jersey on the cruurti that the Own of Newark makes 150,000,000 corkscrews a year. . , W01U. We fail to see why the "corkscrews" shouli give the Democrats any advantage over lite Ke publicans. A short time bcfurcjiis death, John A, Logan said: "The difference between the old parties is nut great now. Twenty years ago it was great. Then, none of the Demo crats could read and none of the Republican s could drink wbukey; but now, all Democrats can read, and all :he Republicans can drink whisky." From the most reliable source we learn there are 27 applicants for the office of U. S. Marshal under the coming administration. A gentleman who Is well acquainted with the inner workings of republican politics in this state says there is a similar sruty of hungry office seekers applying for every office of any consequence in the state Though a republican he says the greed for office surpasses anything ever known in the history of the country. A "famous madxtone" is owned by a Chi- cagoan. I f e declares it is more than a century old. It has been in his possession eighteen years, and he says that during that time it has been successfully applied to innumerable dog and other bites, 1 le used it upon himself some years ago after having been bitten by a rattle relates. The wound, though painful, healed up and he was not bothered afterwards by it. Case Arnold, a laborer, ate 62 raw eggs on a wager at the People's theater in Crawfo-dsville, Ind., last week, I (is backers offered to bet that he could eat five dozen more, but there were no takers, several hundred dollars having already changed hands on the result. After the exhibition Arnold went to a restaurant and ate a hearty meal. Field Marshall Murat Halstead is not in favor of having a Cabinet position given to ex Sens tor Blanche K. Bruce, not because he would "discriminate against the complexion of any statesman," but just because. Aa Explanation. What is this "nervous trouble" with a hlch so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember a few years ago the word malaria was comparatively unknown to day it Is as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past 80 it is with nervous diseases, as they and malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called biliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condi tion of the liver, which in performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is com pelled to pass it off through the system, causing nervous troubles, malaria, bilious fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's August Flower. Its cures are marvelous. Coma nptlon Sarsly Carol, , To the KDiTOR.-Pleae inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By ita timely use thousands of hopeless cases bare been permanently cord. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your reader, wbo have consumption if tby will seud mo their express and post offlcfl address. ReapocifuMy. ;T. A C, 181 Tear! St. . Thompson & Overman keep the best har nesses. A I'leasinis Sonsi 0' health and strength rtnewed and of ess. and comfort follows the ue of Syrnp of Figs, as it acts iu hannnny with niture to effec tnaily elaiw the system when eostive o bilious. For sals in 50a. and f 1 bottles by alt leading drutrgi tj. For iand madeharaens go to E L Tow er PIANOES. Those wishing a flrsUfllasa Instrument bould call at Mrs, B. K, Ifyman' and Bve one or moae ueieoratect liimtnt a Longr planoes, exoei.ent rloh ton. Es pecial! j made and adai.t.d to aland the climate on the Paolflo Coast. Every piano iuiij fruaianteea ror 0 vesrs. too latest abMt-rauMlo for aslo, Muslo and painting lessons givnn tnere. Also tuft place to gat your new Sewing Machine. Fancy work and dress making dona to order. First aoor east or Young'a old aland, Albany, uregon. DR. C. U. CHAM BERLIN. Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon aroffloa eorner of Third ani Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON. Notice; Taken up at my residence ot Sweet Home a stray, dark bay horse, branded on the right hip, collar mark on both shoul ders. Owner wilt plcae call, pay for this notice and get his horse Joiin Siiea. pOK fair fu OKUmPONDF.NVS SOUCiriCD.-A nniioman or icootl adJresa. with a ooouie. deilr.a to oorr.sDoud with some young lady, with a view to matri mony. Address W. O , bo 28S, Albany, Oregon. D, R. fi, BLACKBURN. Attorney at Law; Offlee.JOdd Fellftw'slTompl., ALBANY, - - - OREGON, J. K. WEATHERFORD, (OTABTVPUBUO.) TTOHNEY AT LAW, ALBAXY, BKM. w ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF TBS tats. Social alVau lion gircn lo JuilacUotiSaad FOSHAY & MASON, vixnu as. aataik- Druggists and Booksellers. Agents for John 0. Aldea'a publications, nion we sail at pioilsaer a pnaaa wjta JostagnadJAd. ALO.lBfT, OKEUOS;. BR. C WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. UfOo. opposite tba Dsmoora'- Executrx' Notice. In the County Court 0 Uu Statt 0 Oregon for the Count 1 of Linn : In lb. matter of tba ostate of W. R. Cannon, deceaaed. NOTICE la hereby given to all whom It may concern that the undersigned was, on tb 2Mb day of December, IH88, bv tb. abovsi named Court, duly appointed Exe cutrix of l ho above tatate and f lb. last will of said decedent ; therefor, all persona having claims against aulj estate ara hereby notified to present tbm to ma, at my in Albany, Orgn, with tb. proper vouob.ra, wltbln six months from lb. iaU horsKif. Ia ted this 4th day of January, 180. Laura Bell itlvh, W. R. IWitec. Esecutrlx, Attorney. Executor's Hotlca Final Settlement, In the County Court of Ltnn County, State of wtgon t In tba matter of tba estate of John Mor gao, deceased. NOTICE la hereby given to all whom It may concern that he undersUoe 1 Exo- eulor of ald nuts on the 27tn day of lKK-emD.r, niea in aam voun tils final account in aald matter tod that by an order of su J Curt duly nt.r.d ot record therein. Ms)4ay. rtrry ath, laat, attb. of 9 o'clock, p, ro. of .ail day wa aet as the llm. for bearing aud aeHI log any objection wblcli any person in terested mar bav. to sai.J Anal aov'iot. Dated this 4tb day of January, 1HHU. L. Hill, W. R. Biltiu, Kxecuior. Attorney. Notice for Publication. Land Olfice at Oregon City, Oregon ) December 22od. 1888. Notice is hereby giveo that tb. following named settler has filed notice of bis intention to mak. final proof in support of his cfsim, aod that said proof will be made bsfor. th. Jorlue, or in bis abasoc. befur. the County Clerk ot Liun eouoty, at Albany, Dregon, on Thursday. Frlrary tint. ISM, vis : Milton A. Fitzzerald. Homestead Kn- try No. 5372. for th. W ot N K and Lots I, 2 and 3. Meo. 6, Tp 13, 8 K 1 E. II. nsmea th. following witnesses to prov. bis continuous resilience opon aud cnltivation of, ssid land, vis : J KOrchsrd, of Sweat Home, aod M B0sy1ord,0oy0avlord and Stephen Powell, of Lebanon, all of Linn county, Ore gon. Any person wbodssires to protest .gainst tb. allow ocs of soch,' proof or who know, it any substantial reason, nnder tb. Isw and tb. regulations of tb. Interior Department, why inch proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at tSoaboy. mentioned time and place to cross examine tho witness es of said claimant, aod to offer evidence in robuttst of tbst submitted by claims ot, . W.T. Bcbset, ' Register. SheifTs Sale. is tht Circuit Court of the State of f re ou,for Linn County. James Shirley, Plaintiff, vs. Clinton C Cole.H H Cole, R A Cor per and V M fjooper, Uetendants. Notice is bersby given tLat by virtue of an execution and order of ssla issued oat of ths above named Court in the above entitled suit, I will on atardar the 1Mb day r Jaaasrr, 1889, at the Curt House door in the eity of Al ¬ ls ny. Lion county, Oregon, at tb. bonr of 1 o'clock, p. ro. of aaid day, tell at public filia tion foi cash in hsnd to the highest btdder th. real property described in ssid txecntion and order of sale as follows, to-wit t The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section one in Township ttn, south ranga four, west of tb. Willamette meridian, con taining forty acres, end situated in Linn county, Oregon. Also the following premises.' LfOt seyen in section thirty-six ia J ownship nine, south of range fcur, west of th. Wil lamett. meridian, containing 64 85-100 acres. situated in Linn county, Oregon, the two pieces above desci ibed containing 94 83 100 acres. The proceeds arising from the sale of ssid premises to be applied t First to the paymeut of the costs and disbursements of suit tsxed, 34 10, aad the aocruing cost. Second to th. payment to th. Plaintiff, James Shirley tba sum of S401 with interest thereon from the 26th day of June, A. D., 1888, at the rate of one per cent per month and the further sum of $50 Attorney fees. Third to tho payment to the Defendant, Clinton C. Cole the sum of f 1000 with interest thereon from the 26th day of June, A. D., 1888, at the rate of 8 per cent per anaum. Dated tola 18th day of Deoember, 1888. John Smallmon, , Sheriff of Linn Co-j Or. gon. By D. S. Smith, Deputy. This space Is rmrvsd f.H lr. flulss and Hun, ot ths City Vruf ivore. Watoh tor adv. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS I hereby certify that Dr. 1. N. Woodla baa aucctasfully operated on my rldgtlng borae, HA At) 11 AY J. For further referent lu regard to rldg Inga Inquire of Win. Peterson, Day. P. teraon, Lebanon 1 Jobn iiardtnan, Alfred WolY.rton. Albany f Ham Haloes, Knlo; Win. Foator, Prlnevill.. I practice) vatar lnarv medlolu. In Albany and country aurramndlng. Oittoe and residence corner 6th and Washington Sta. I.N WOODLE, Veterinary Burgeon. 1889. Harper's Uazar. Xi USTBATED. niUrprt Daaar" wl I continue to aoaluuln Its rsiraUUoa as an uasqalled family Journal. lis art U lustraUoM srs at ths bighMt order, lis lltsrstors is of lbs choicest kind, and Its taabUm and bovaeaold de- pwtawaU) ot tbs bmmI practical and aoooomioaj char actor, lu pattern -tbt ruppUmeaU and (a.bla plates alone will sareits readers tea tlmss the eoet ef auUcrlptloa, and Its articles 00 deeoratlvs art, socuU ettquetta, boiMa-keepirif, cookery, etc., auks It In dispensable to every bouaebold. Us bright ihuti stories, sod tiaM'y eswrs, are st-onf the best pub. Uabed i sod not a line Is sdatllted to lu cJumni thai oouM ofl.nd Um moat UMUlknu ImMm, AatauglbeaV tractions of thsaew volume vUibe serial stores by Sirs francos IWcma Burnett, Mr Aleunder, WU ban Black sad Thomas lludy, and a series of papers on aursery saanaemeal by Mrs CbrUtlne TerhtuM Ilerrick. HiRPm PERIODICALS. ' Per Tear UASPKR-a BAZA .. i 00 HAklKUd WEEK T 4 90 UAarrra uaoaz e UARfKHf TOL'SU PKUI'LE .. 4 l ...... too roslag frt to all tub ribt r$ in th United S fillet, Canada or Mexico. The volume of the Basar bmln wtth the ant X umber for January f each year. When no time Is Motioned sutecriptluos UI VerSa with the Kum ber current si the I'M of receipt of ordet . Bound volumes of "Harper's Bassr," tor three years back, la neat ekHk bladlnj, will be - seat by tail, poet-paid, or by sxpreea, free of (oro lded the (ri(-hl does not esceed one dollar per vol tuneX fur 7 00 per volume. Cloth caeca for sack volume, suluble for binding amUseatbymaU,paelpaid,oe receipt ot ft each. Remittances hoold be made by pTetorBoe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. JfearspapersarsDot la copy this adrerUacmcnt without the sipress order of Harper and Brothers Address: HARPER and UROTHEfcJ, Xe York. Hctice of Firal Setthnict. Kot'.o. Is hereby sivea that tb. nndet signed Administratri. ot tV. estaU of James Garrett, deosased, baa filed with th. Clerk of tb. Cruoty Court for (Una eouoty, Urt tton, ber Hoal account of aaid UU aod tb. Court baa fixed tb. 0th day of February, 1883, at 10 o'clock, a, m. for bearing ejec tions tbnreto and for acttling aid estate. This 7h day of Jannary, 1889. P. M. Garrett, Administratrix of tb. SStatS of J soie Garrett, deceased. J. k. WEATBEJirORU, Attorney for AdminisUatrii. Hotica of Guirdian's gals of , Real Property. Nolle Is hereby slven that by virtue and In pursusnc. of a lloonse granted f o ma aa Guaidlan of Dora Uulcb.r.a minor, bvth. County Court of Kent on county. 81 a e of Oregon, ou th. 8rd day of Decem ber, 8S, I win aeii at punuo auction 10 tb. blubest bidder for cash In hand, law ful money, and aubjecr. to confirmation by aaid uounty court, on afarday she tad day of rebraary, last. at 1 o'clock, p. ra. of aaid day at tba Court Uousedoorln Albany in uio connty. Suto of Oregon, tb. following described tract of land, to-wit: Tba uoHlyldod half of the following described piece or taroel of land. Deninnlns at an oak stake at a point 27.05 chalo. south of tb. north east coi n.r of tb. donalton land claim of I Ha rah Farlow, Notlncatlon No, 1070 In 1 Tp. 10 H R 8 W, from aaid aUke an oak 86 j inches in diameter, Mara s 41H" v vu links alstant, an oak 80 Indies In diameter bears 8 1 VY 1.81 cbiins di.Untt th.nce eaat 62 84 chains to the eaat line ot the donation claim of Jobn Meeker and wife at an oak atake 1 tbenoe north 4.42 ohatna; th.nce w-at 52. 34 cnalos to the weat line of said claim of John Meeker and wife 1 thence south 4.42 chains to the place of beginning In Linn county .State of Oregon, Terms of sale caah. Dated Deo. 28th, 1898, JoHir Soot, Guardian of Dors Butcher. Summons. the Circuit Coun of the State of Oregon for the County oj Lin. George A. Whitney, Plaintiff, a. W. S. Walker and Florence, E, Walker, Defendants, ' ' e . CM! action to recover money. To W. 8. Walker and Florence. E Walk er, the auovo named Delenlau. IN the name of the State of Oreeon. yon and each of yon are hereby rtquired to appear and anawer the complaint of the Plaintiff in the above entitled Court new en file with the Clerk of said Coutt by the first day of the next regular term of aaia court, wmon eaia teiui Degins on Meadey the 11 th day efHareh, 188, at the Court House In Albany, Linn Co.. Oregon, and if yon or either of you fail se to appear and answer tne complaint 01 the Plaintiff. Tbe Plaintiff will Uke ajudff ment against you for tbe sum of $227.68, and for Interest and costs aa prayed for in Plaintiffs complaint, and also for an or der to sell the real property attached by tbe Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, in the above entitled cause. Attached aa your property. Haid property is desorlb a as fellows : Lots No 7 and S in block No. 2, In the town of North Brownsville. And also lots No. 1 and 2 In block No. ft in Gross's addition to tbe town of North Brownsville In Linn county, Oregon. This summons is published by order of the Hon; K. P, Boise, Judge of said Cuart made at cnambers on tue lltn day or January, A, D., 1889. J.J. WHIT5ST, Attorney for Plaintiff, For Fall r L. E. BLAIN'S Rutter Coats and Boots, Shoes OVEROOATS,--Fine Assortment, Pea Jackets-Chincliillaw Astrachan Pull Lino of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WO OLE IV OVEflSIIIKTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets. HEAVY r.1ERIW0 AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Last bat not le.t . I.r stock of CLOTHING AND ftlSNISHIHCS JE3 Blieilir At The OF A NEW YEAR we Wgio busiceta with NEW snergr, NEW gyaU ani NKV prica. Our stock in always Above in quality auJ FAR BELOW IN PRICE. We c-ter to all thn goad trjide in the ciy anJ snrri,unding oountry andtell gocds cht. er than any h uuo in tbe city. Wallace, Thompson & Co. Succeasora in Wallace & Thompson. Plinn Block, Albany, Or. JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has baau enlarge si thtt U ejutls any ou th i Coxsi, ani ooualsts of Roger Bros. Silverware, talware, Boys' Wagons, DdII Carriages, ; Panoy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey and Toys. Ha buva direct aud carries the target stock in the Willamette Valley, to whiol will soon be added a complete line of FASV3II-Y GROCERIES. arid on parte Franoais. Hlor and Winter AT Par quaotitj, but Franctx Ohina and Crys wild deutoh gesprochen, Threshold NEW NEW SMYRNA RUCS AND P0RTIERRE3. , NEW TABLE COVERS. LINEN TABLE SETS, NAPKINS TO MATCH, k LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. TRUNKS AND VALISES. SILK DRESS PATTERNS. COLORED AND SILK WARP HENRIETTAS. , SILK UMBRELLAS, Boot and Shoe Department. LADIES AND CENTS FANCY SLIPPERS .CENTS FINE SHOES. MISSES AND CHILDRENS FINE SHOES AND SUPPERS, FELT SLIPPERS OFiALL KINDS. ROCKERY DEPARTMENT CROICE NOVELTIES IN!DECORATED TEA SETS. FRUIT PLATES AH DSAUCERS. DECORATED BEDROOM SETS LAMPS. SALAD BOWLS. FANCY PITCHERS FANCY CUSPADORES CAKE DISHES AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTIES IN CHINA THA Having now been established in business one year, I desire to thank tho people of Albany and vicinity for the very liberal patronage with which I have been favored. It has been my aim to keep goods of the best quality and to furnish them at the lowest cash prices. I please my customers, and tinuance of their patronage and hope to secure many new customers during the coming year. I shall at all times keep on hand a full stock of staple and fancy groceries, confectionary, etc. The pub lic are respectf'illy invited to call and examine good and prices. I receive subscriptions fcr all the leading newspapers and magazines. Also take orders for rubber stamps of all descriptions. Very mil in tbe fact that I am "offering better bargains than any one else in Albany Bought at bankrupt sales I can 8e.ll First-Class Goods at or below COST. FOR General merchandise of all kiuds call on me. Particular bargain in ampt of shoes. Cash or Goods for Country rodnce Gr W. SI32PSOSJ, ' . . Allan j, Oregca. GOODS CHINA - Samuel E. Young. Albany, Oregon. ISn shall always endeavor to respectfully solicit a con Respectfully, F. L. KENTON. IIP