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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1889)
Sl'3 TO DEMOCRAT, Zl IN ADVANCE ; C2 50 AT (KD OF YEAP. lamed evrry Frida. y STITB3 ficIIST !t1 n THE DEMOCRAT , Advertising raedlatn In tbe Central Willamette Valley. ALiiAK, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1889. Advertising rate mad known on ap U ation. VO 35 in nil il i ii it e- -X ' 1-4 A ... ipWCHT'1 TBI OOW BBAHD. fO DELICIOUS BISCUITS ' Dvight's Cou-Draud Soda-Saleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS IINIFOR AND FULL WEIGHT. t m flat Ukr U ptotar. of a On. on your pce d yoa will har. t Ms FURNITURE. You want the txst and mot durable furo'turetbatmanufectured In the city ro lo Thomas Brink. Keepe almost everything In tie fa rn JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer ol Cigars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED Cga:, l'lug eon Smoking Tobacooe, &f Una of Smok sre' Art CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. -i. Wheelef, Springfield, Oregon, Proprietor. A. WHEELER, ALBANY MANAGER. Albany Yard and Offics on Railroad " nvinR lumber not excelled In quality, ana aausiaciorj uiuuji ui wiuoib. v 5 Co iirad Myer. -PROPKllCT.i OK STAR BAKERY, C-iruBr Broaliluin ani First SU, y DE VLER I Pnne4 rratte, - jlswae. Dried) Ptalte, . fiaaar, Co Bee. Ete Caa JIt. Qaeeaaware, Vegetables, Clgara. Hp lees. Tea, Etc.. In tv vrTttiIn th. I kept K a gen ral " variety and grocery store. Highe ALL ICIIIDS OF PRODUCE. Lintiv'.funly Bank, CQWAX. RALSTON & CO., ucer In wan A Cueick.) ALBANY - OREGON. T&AXSACT3 a gewral banking boMitM. OHf f It Otln i T"jrk. lu fraa tin sat PortUnl, Oria. LOiUXOrfCToo apiMore eaHtj. KSr eiTldiKMluib:i to hh. B. J. Wurraoa, Pr '.. B. a. riuii. Vi.-i frw O t Coot. S e. TheOrezon Land Company Orv-iUwl fT th. pqrpiw o harl" aM llinj rl KUrn MpnU V di bom. o U,. llm- iuTduTy. aoi b -n. l.ia all th. riM f Marian. Polk. Uoo. Benton, CUckMiM ami Ymmhtll MintiM to aid In loeaUor tmmirrMU. f Offlo. In th. Tat. BaiWinj oo. d wf wt ol Kw irt A ". jjgpq; A DICltlHSOX, Manarn- ' i i n lew and Second Hand Store 0fng to Ue lnrae 1 demada of our biiaineaa we bare leen compelled to move inf linrw mtnrm and are can UOW be found nt door to H. B. Young, wber are will be pleased to aee oar putrone. If rouneeiany atovet, f irottnre, tinware, ieroWry,cloika, carpeia,. plctnrea, frnlt r, Utn, boots, roller akatea, ad lie, twa, plai, and a thousand dlf a tlolea v ?i on n it do bettor b U 1 vi Vr a t l t til in you can dr. vlib non a purobaie or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 Fjrit Street, Albany, Or. 'HO TO CO EAST. rt i But via M mat 3 ita Raute, Nice nli nut rltuaarr at all tlmea of the year See Mount Shaath Sacramento, Ondn, Salt Li1, Denver. Fiot ieoood-olMi car ni flo are rait daily. Bay your ticket of me and aav. vour fare to Portland. I am the onlv uerion in Albany that ean tell you tiokt from Albaov direct to any poiot in tba Uaited Statoi. Ciill on me for rate. W. U JTEli. . Ageut 8. P. 0, Ki-IaintShup;. - House an4 Carriage' Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangersl tPian0 Varnishinp;. Alt w rlc guaranteed. . VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Succeiaon to Henry Saeaena.) MAKE , or WHOLESOME BREAD USE Bou wj. ihx oow uaum. DWICHTSy turalin that U kept In a firatclasa ator AND KEY WEST esreobautd and Br. ur Pipes, fan.! alee. Also dealer 10 J a fo. St 1 atween 4th a:id 5th Street. and facilities not anrpswaed for the prompt uuuj uit uuuvvi iue iraue. THE PLACE. Ryall nieeai silm Parker Brothers, S0Mri ta Jo A Foz, 'ft your Groceries, roluca, Biai Gcois, Etc , Etc. Tbelr iroJ are tba but and ttvtr.prioea raaaonab'.e. C. J. DILLON & CO., iuM3E?t, mum, RUSTIC, ETJ. &3nenl - Job Work, Dressing and 8iwing LnmDer. Eepairing:, Etc.. Eto. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special adrankaga to purchasers of Factory t t&it of Lyon Street. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. nd Manofaxjturera of : CHOIGE OOmoHMEM, Ve are now prep tred to Mil at wio!t. aale, alwaya freeb and pure at PortUnd rirloea to deaiera. we alao keep a iull loa of Suts and Tropical Fruits, CIQAR3 AND TOBACCO. WILL BROS, Dealer lo all thUtit Improved Pltnoe Oran, Hiwl Vtaehfne, Ouna. Alao a full line or warranto i tuzors, tuiober and focket Knives Tbe beit kind of aewing mtihloa oil, noedlea and eitraa, for an mmhine All t' nog neatly no reauD!y aone. New Wash House. Lee Chinaman, who lived in thia town for maey yean, atid we ao well liked by every body ta reiaroea and will open op a new waab hoaie the 6rt of September, onednor oath of the Severe Hoaee. Lee daea' irood work and want, everybody to get their washing done bv Pim - . BABY CARRIAGES AT oiAiiiim 00 okjao Children Cry for In Tillamook Countv. The followlna ! from a Tillamook county gentleman to the Secretary of the Salem Board of Trade will alao be of Interest to Albany, a wa are somewhat excited over the same mat ter : "Noticing that your city la endeav oring to make an eurncst move toward co operating with Astoria looking to the building of a railroad to Tlllamouk, I w Ish to hay that we are fully alive to the Impor tance of tuch a road, but of course we are too poor to do much, yet something might be dene by the citizens here In securing a free right of way through the country. Much of the route, In fact nearly the whole of It, la throog'n a continued succesnlon o' narrow valleys and paases, every foot of which Is claimed and scttled.and an earnest move In the matter on the part of our cltl cenh might do a great deal toward easing the right of way, or might clear It altogeth. er. I have traveled over the route several times and can say that It will be no trouble at all to build a road from Salem to Tilla mook." Lacks Information. Mr. Julius Grad wahl has shown us a private letter from a friend In Srrlngfleld, Missouri, In which the writer v ys they are having the mild est winter eter known In that state, being more like summer than winter, not having any snow yet, and cloaea up by saying that he supposes that the weather In Ore gon Is very severe. The writer of the let ter Is far from the mark. Our winter has been remarkably mild, no snow, vet, giound naa neen altirhtlv Iroxen. grata betn rrow tng all winter, only two weeks ago ripe raaberrlea were picked from buahea in the garden. No, it Is a rare thing for the ther mometer lo reach aero In the Willamette Valley. It has done so but three times In a period of twcnty-sl s years. To-day farm era are busy plowing gelling readv for spring sowing. Oregon agalnit the world, including Missouri. J acoma. The smallest man Is said to live In that city. He lost his wife a few days ago, and closet' his store till after the funeral was over. Upon again resuming business he docked his clerks for lost time . . Perhaps no hotel In the world has such large employees as the "Tacema" Hotel The head waiter tips the list of heavv. weights with 2S5 pounds, and the rest fol low in thla succeealon : the second cook 175 pounds t steward 37 J pounds : head laundress 371 pounds ; Fleetwoods, the clerk, 34S pounds ; Cheney, the cashier, a JO pounds ; head coak.aio pounds ; head bartender 205 pounds. Total, 2002 founds. T11 r ce Items.-Here are three Items from the Benton LtaJer, each to the point : "The county school superintendents have committed an outrage.... Our friend, the Albany Democrat, speaking about the neccilty of action regarding the Astoria railroad, says that Albany mu.t get up on Its eara. It need not exert itself so much. Let them trail on the ground and lie down on them The Albany Democrat save that the front street of that city It a good at the bottom as that of any town In the valley. We cannot compete. Ours has no bottom.'' Flat. Mr. R D. V!lson,of Pendleton, passed through the city a day or two ago. While In Oregon Clty,"Mr. Wilson, who has been head miller at the Pendleton mills, which shut down for want of wheat, reported In town Saturday," favs the ( onrier, 'that Pendleton la getting 'flat on her back. The town refuted to eubaidixe Hunt's railroad, but Walla Walla did. Hunt left Pendleton out and ran his road to Walla Walla. That brought the wheat trade to the latter place, and Pendleton business men are packing up." Another Pioneer. Mr. Isaac Hayes died at his home In this city Thursday at the age of fij years. He came to the Northwest In about 1851 and to Linn county ten or twelve yeara afterwarut, re siding near thh city until about four yeara ago, when he moved Into the city. Mr. Hares was a member of the Grange, and has filled the position of marshal twice. He was In the Mexican war a short time. He leaves a wife, six sons and a daughter. and many friends to mourn his death. How Named, A Staytoa eorrespoodeat of an exchange aays : "Tbe 0. P, lailroad is still pushing ahead and the end of the track ia now witbio tea miles of Mt.iten bash Fork. Thi. is quite a stream and will without a doubt delay track laying for some weeks. This stream wai namd for Louis Breitenbusb, a Frenchman, who was the first to report its existence, having spent some mooths bantiog and trapping on its haokf. This was sometime in the fit ties." A Fortune. Several days ago we mentioned the story in "Frank Leslie's'' about the young man finding $50,000 worth of ambergris at the mouth of the Colum bia ; but now comes the report that a Nestucca man has found a aoo pound piece of this famous whiles liver perfumery making article. If true he Is worth $ioo, 000 ; but we'll wager it it nothing more tnan ocean oeeswax.. They Kick. Pomona Grange, of Mari on county, hat resolved as follows, on the school book question 1 ResoIved,hat we condemn the action of the school tuperin tendents as making an unnecessary ex perne, and we ask the intervention of the legislative assembly to arrest this proposed change.and to so amend the law that such changes cannot he made without the desire of the people," Out Again. Ed. Davidson Satur day donned a completely clean suit of clothes from top to bottom and stepped out Into the world again after a residence at Mrs. East's of just four weeks. Mrs. East is now able to do her own work. This ends Albany's small pox scare, we hope for many years to come. She Died Suddenly. The Salem Jour nal, In speaking of the death of Mrs. Mary A. Long, who died in Salem on the nth at the age of Co years, says : "Last night she retired in common health and slept sound ly until about 13:30, when she was taken suddenly ill and died in lest than an hour." . Level Headed. Albany is one of the bright and most prosperous cities of Ore gon and in time it promises to be the lead ing city of the Interior of the State. It is well located and enjoys excellent railroad facilities. Yaquina Refubhcan. The Youngest. Hon. Jeff Meyers, of. Scio, Linn county, is probably the young est member of the coming general astern, bly. as he is but 34 years old. He is 1 youn man, whose only draw back I his democracy. Salem Statesman Heavy Loss. Last Saturday afternoon Mr. Pres Bowman, who lives at Spring Hill, in Benton county, was so unfortunate . In.. Ul. C I.Ck.l,. . . . . . r ' 1 lie was vaiuea at $400, I pitcher's Castorla. TIIR OKKUOM LEGISbiTtSE. FT-1 - ... mere are 00 representatives, re publican and 9 democratsj 30 senators, at republican! and 9 democrats. There are 7a republicans on joint ballot and iS dem ocrats: Uarln, L V, Clackamas. Cauthorn, T E, Benton, Carson, J C, Multnomah. Chandler, Geo, Baker. Chamberlain, M L, Marlon. Cogswell, C A, Lake. Dawson, S A, Linn. Dlmlck, B, Marlon. I r.aaen, a ji, i,ane. Fullerton, I C, Douglas. wray, 1 11 u uiatsop. Hamilton, 1 II, Grant. Hatch, E T, Polk. Hilton, Chas, Gilliam. Irvine, R A, Linn. Looncy, J B, Marion. Mackay. Donald, Multnomah.' Moore, F A , Columbia. . Norval, J W, Union. Rayley, 1 It, Umatilla. Sinclair, W, Coos Simon, Joseph, Multnomah. Steel, Geo A, Multnomah. Stanley, A C, Jackson. Tongue, T, Washington. Veatch, R M, Lane. Wager, 1 P, Umatilla. Watts. J W, Yamhill. Walt, I K, Multnomah. Watkfns, Geo, Waaco. representative. Apperson, J T, Clackamas. Armstrong, Win, Marlon. Belknap, K II, Benton. Bean, II J, Umatilla. BlundeilJ E, Douglas. Bowdllch. I T, Jackson. Cresno, C II, Benton. Contton, S W, Lane, Crook, A II, Coo. Derby, W R, Yamhill. Earhart, R P, Multnomah. Fell, T E, Morrow. Fisher, C G, Polk. Flatter, J J, Multnomah. Gambee. E B, Umatilla. Geer, T T, Marion. Gilbert, W B, Multnomah. Gllham, G W, Grant, Goodnough, C, Union. Harrington, S R, Multnomah. Haskell, IS C. Baker. Ilahn, John, Clatsop. Howard, C J, Josephine. Hume, W F, Multnomah. Hunter, J A, Wallowa. Jennings. A C, Lane. Kirk, T J, Umatilla. Laughlln, R R, Yamhill. Labrie, E E, Douglas. Layman, Samuel, Marlon. Ladd, Wm M, Multnomah. Meyer, J, Linn. Maxwell.) W.Tillamook. McCoy, KO, Wasco. Miller, R C, Linn. Miller, R A, Jackson. Moss, S I Lake. Morclock.JBR.LInn. Moore, J C. Washington. Napton, II P, Malheur. Nonhup, II II, Multnomah. Pacquct, Peter, Clackamas. Tarkcr, II B, Clataop. Paulson, T, Washington. Pope, J V, Washington. Powell, F 8, Polk. Price, W K.Jackson. Rickers, C E. Douglas. Roberta, John II, Coo. Roe, J L, Union. Short, R V, Clackamaa. Smith, E L, Waaco. Stafford, ? M, Lane, fitrowbridge, J A, Multnomah. Thomas, A, Gilliam. Thompson, D P, Multnomah. Waldo, J B, Marlon, Weed, J, Columbia. Wniiamaon, 1 II, Crook. Wilson, J Q.Warion. Crook County. Edward Parker while riding after cattle for A. Uackleman, met with a serious accident recently. Ilia horse stumbled, throwing Mr. Parker bruising him considerably. Ilia horse's neck wa broken ...It Is said that Mr. Uackleman has bought the Pringle Flat ranch and will make a horse ranch of It Some time since the skeleton of a that had been tied to a juniper and allowed to remain till it starved to death. was found near D. L. Patee' place, north of town .... Nearly all the people of Prlne- vllle oberved the sun through amoked glass lat Tuesday, but a few who had looked through too many glasses, not smoked, the evening before were unable to view thla splendid sight.... Marshal Charlton did a good bualness Thursday night arresting wandering cows that were violating the stray ordinance .... Only forty marriage took place In Crook county dur ing the year 1888. Attracting Attention Fully twelve or fifteen men are now In Albany with a view to locating. Those referred to are men of means, possessing wealth, ranging from $3,000 to $50,000. They like Albany and they want to invest here ; but they like to keep their purpose quiet. It may be said though that one of them has a large wholesale furniture factory in view, two of them are talking of a wholesale hardware store, etc. Albany Is destined to be a wholesale cltv. and belnar the best railroad center in the Northwest promiae to take the lead In this respect. It I attracting general attention a a business center and as a place for a home. If there was ever a time for our citizen to be up and stirring it Is now. Oxen Brouoht Out. Frank Mitchell, the ox-driver, and Hiram Glddlngs, who have been ut work up on the Oregon Pa cific gathering tools, merchandise and property under attachment in care of Thompson, DeHart & Co. vs. J R Myer 8c Co. arrived down this morning, having finished their work. They brought out all the oxen and left them at Stay ton, where arrangement have been made to keep them. Journal. ' Their Ambition. Several Albany boy eem to think the height of a boy ambi tion should be to collect an immense num ber of cigarette pictures, and some of them have several hundred on hand, mostly secured by buvtng the cigarette them selves, which they can get here lor nve r.nt a hunch, while the orlce everywhere else is 10 cents. 1 hey have white lip and emaciated countenance to show for the luxury. - " , Incorporated. Salem filed It article Incorporating the Salem, Tillamook & As toria R. R. Co.. Thursday. After they learned that Albany wa stirring they did not sleep until incorporated. Once 8alem tried to raise $13,000 to get the Narrow Gauze to that city t but could not do it It it a different city now, though,and may nossibly raise 5 100,000. Koads running from both Albany and Salem to Astoria will materially benefit Western Oregon, Kiln Dried FLOORiNG.-Good kiln dried flooring at the Springfield lumberyard In this city Children Cry for THE MAM ABOUT TOWN 'The Man About Town, who ha talked with diver people on the dutle of the sent Legttlatur I prepared to recommend lwt on the following subjects 1 Making cold feet a cause for divorce prohibiting the sale of cigarette to boy In short dress e 1 making It a misdemeanor to point gun or revolver, loaded or unloaded, at i'crson, wnetner in earnest or tun ; com pelting hoodlum to wear an official badge requiring Chinese pheasants either to (top meaning or to got annihilating taloon creen j giving farmer the privilege to ouy and sell produce and good on their own scale 5 establishing a whipping post lor wife beaters and a ducking stool for gossip t making begging by able bodied men a high crime and a misdemeanor on the part of the donor giving Justice of ,hM'c,ce Pwer to r murderer, thus maaing justice neet-iooted j etc., etc., S I In this glorioua new year 1 Albany's grana opportunity to do something, and the Man About Town rejoice to aee It clUxen showing their metal. Thl I curiou world. T-da a clty'a blood may eemtobea sluggish as molasse In Canadian winter ; but to morrow it will run like water down a mountain culch. Albany Is feellne? some af the latttr kind of activity, and we predict some live ma neuver. SB Those who are going to put up brick In Albany thl year should begin prelim inary operations. The growth of a city Is judged now a much by It new brick block a by anyotherthlng, and Albany should take notice. Several rookerie. left on First street that oueht ta be blunm. Ing Into stalely brick. Down with ih nantie and rickety awning and back- wood appurtenance a-enerallv. Lit oe progressive. KEAL ESTaTb, SALES. A recorded In the Recorder' office for Linn county, Oregon 1 David Busey to John S George, 40 tlCi letW at...... . 4k l laXA kod i uias to J D Cot, 4 lot, Craw- fordvlIle.. P V Crawford to J Hand W B Glass I It lCfM. f A W ( n " T - -- -vseewse w 60 Noah Shank to J H and W B Glasa, .. ,trtPo land for water ditch.... II Bryant to James N Comb, t$ o acre, ij w Frank A Burknartto I! Burkhart, Interest in 160 acres 350 a iaSo 3000 a5oo John Marshal to II L Kelso, jjo acres 11 w 1 C0 Cherry and C R Parke to John 1 uranam, 1 10 leet, first Street, Albany C C Cherry to J j Graham, 84 feet front First street Geo E Chamberlain and G W Mas. ion to Susie E Adams, 1 lot, M &C A. Albany...... M Ralston to JulU B Thayer, i lot, Lebanon M Ralston to Mary G Montague, SO 30 I30 Aa Old Oasae. A couple of Pendleton centlemen ha made a peculiar, and at the ame time laudable, bet The one w ha Ar.t i.k. drink of "malt or apirituou liquor" will thereby forfeit $230 In coin and property to the other. This kind of gambling Is a virtue rather than a vice . O. That sound Wg ; but we know how It work. It haa been done In Albany eever: lime. In two or three week one will say to the other t "Well, Jim, let go in and mile together, and declare that foolish bet off," and they shake and off the forfeU goe. as It alway doe. That I the kind of virtue there I In auch gambling. A 8aple., "Will you Please tend I the Democrat and any pamphlet that dlscrlbe your State. I shall go there In a tew months. O. C Marshall, Grayson Co, Texaa." Scarcely a day but we receive one or more letter like the above. Our upplv of pamphlet furnished by the Board of Trade Is about exhausted. Will the Board crder another large edition i , Card ef Thank. We with toexprest to the cltlcemof Al bany our sincere thank to the many friend who rendered assistance by their presence and sympathy during the recent men oiQur son ana oroiner - Mr. Saltmarsh and family. M. E. S. S. Officers. Following were elected lattThursday for the ensuing year s Superintendent J B Cougill ; Ass't Su perintendent, Collin Elklns 5 Lady AI tant, Ml Candl Conn j Secretary, Mis May Rldeout j Treasurer, Mis Llllle Rldeout t Librarian, Eva Simpson and Emma Cougill : OrganUt Mis Francis Gilbert ; Ass't OrganistMUs Anna Barns; unonster, Mr A Hammer : Arist Miss May Rldeout ; explain blackboard, Mra W II St John : Temperance Secretatv. Mr DrChamberlln. DR. DOdAN-KO in his uew discovery for Consumption, sac eeeded in pvodaoiag a medicine wbleh il ac knowledged by all to be simply marvelous. it la exoeediagly pleasant to the taste, per fectly harmless, and doee not sioken. . Io all cam of cases of Consumption. Couahs.Colds wnooping Uongh, Uroop, Bronchitis, and Pain in the Chest, it haa given universal satisfaction. Dr Boaanko'a Congo and Long oyrap is soiaai ov tnie oy ur units e aon FOR PILES. Itobiuf Pil. ars known by nnlttar tlk ion, prodooinr arry dlaatreaable itohlnr sfter ing warm. Thla lorm as wallas Blind. Bleed'pr protradinr Pilau, yiald it one to th. apDlioUlon ur. Bonnkol PU. rawer, wnleh aeta dinctl a th. parte sffsUd, absorbln( th. tanors, al laying tntenss itohln and .SwUng a psrmanmt mn Mnte. Address Th. Dr Bosauko NMIoin Co . P 0. Sold by Dr, Cnlaaand Son. Nasal Catarrh ia probably one of the moat disagreeable ailments that a person ean bo afflicted with. If Dutard'a Speeifio ia used with a douche or even muffed an the nose. according to direotiona, morning and evejn- ing, a raaioei care ean in most , oat 01 be e fected. Sold by Foshay Mason New raisen. currenU.citron, lemons'and orange received at Wallace & Thompson's. ' - - -. Disturbance of the Heart. Heart disease la like an assassin, which creep npon yoa in the dark, and strikes yoa when unaware. Therefore. ' do not overlook any tin easiness in the region of me neart 01 aisturpanoe in its action, but at odob iaze ur, junra atemeoy, vo scrlptive treatise with each boite or, ad areas mock urng vo, N, X, ' PitcherXCastorla.' SALES CORBESPOXDENCE. Salem, Jan. 9th, 1889. Editor 1 Democrat 1 , The Legislature of Oregon will meet here Monday next. Seventy-two republi can and eighteen democrat, fifty-four re publican majority on joint ballot. Thl come from the republican pulling the wool over the eye of the democracy .There are some among many measures that will receive special attention. These are the chool book business, revenue laws, those of dcscent,that creating the Railroad com mission, the propriety of holding a term of the Supreme Court in Eastern Oregon the first wedge toward a new state, and others. The railroad commission ha it report before the Governor much will de pend on hi view of the necessity of this law. It will no doubt stand. The official report are now mostly In the printer' hand. Hotels and private boarding house are receiving attention from outsider. Salem will coon be In the hand of the law maker and those who follow them. The Governor' message Is expected to be a plain, candid statement ot the political and financial condition of the state. It will be looked for with Interest. Many Improvement have been made about the Capital building, among them the new elevator which will be completed for the session at hand. Thl wa much needed. In a week' time the scene will be animating ; the air In either house will be filled with Mil on every conceivable ubjectand they will fly about like heavy now flake. Salem I improving, she has a street railway and want the Legislature to enable her to create debt for public benefit to the amount of $50,000. The limit now I $(,000. She supports nve bank and several curb-atone broken, and withal she I improving. Had she facto ries or business to engage her population In various Industrie she would become a very large city. She 1 growing a It I that I the I spreading outind real estate I advancing. And a man who count him elf on the Inside aay that Judge Boise haa some senatorial longing. So Salem ha her candidate. The Judge lean well when he leans toward anything like that He generally falls into the office desired by him, and if hi view on farming are repre aented In the Legislature, he will have a upport for Senator. The Salem City Council under new offi cert met on the 8th Inst, for the first lime, and we looked for the maiden speech of the Mayor with great expectation. But to our disappointment it hwke the dignity of a message. It contain nothing. Nothing about the Astoria railroad, nothing about the Legislature removing the present re striction on the power of the city to con tract an Indebtedness to the amount of $50,- 000 for public benefit subject agitated for a long time , nothing about the street railway, extending city limits to take In its growth, at speculation In land we learn are on the outer city line ; nothing about taxation ; not a word about the health of the clty,whelher it Is dead or alive. It doe not state that there l such a city. It doe not give a -whoop up" to encourage the boom claimed for Salem. Il leaves the city dead. But as this message will do for every city perhaps it was not Intended for Salem. It doe not state the city' Indebt edness, er how it (land. It doe aak that the electric light shall be changed about to give light where now there Is none, and goes so far at to say that the tax payer don't care about the tax if he only knows that It is expended In the right way. Thla I not true In any cense. The tax payer want to pay no more than hi share. If Salem want to be put on the cooling board, it should tend this message abroad as an Immigration effort. What a lost oppor tunity this wa to boom Salem. National bank here are doing well, one pay a semi-annual dividend of 6 per cent, the other s. Sojourner. WHAT UMATILLA GRANGERS WANT. The Umatilla County Grange have peti tioned the Legislature to pass a law regu lating the practice of medicine ; to require all butchers and others slaughtering cattle for market to keep a record of all marka and brands of cattle purchased, and the name of parties from whom purchased and to retain the hide of all cattle slaughtered far thirty days open to inspection ; pro testing against a division of Umatilla coun ty and urging the Legislature to submit the question of division to a vote of the people : creatine the office of precinct as sessor ; favors the continuance of the rail road commission, opposing anr further appropriations to the Agricultural College a ballot reform law, a law making taxes draw interest after they become delinquent at the rate of 1 J per cent, and that a state and county board of equalisation be provid ed for, and favoring a law requiring road petitions to be published In some news paper instead of posting a now required by law. It will be een from the above that our Granger friends of Umatilla are striking at the very heart of ome aggravating evil, The Legislature would do well to heed this petition in most particular. Some are impolitic, such as requiring butcher to keep hides for thirty day. Thla would be too much in restraint of trade. THIKGS THAT SHOULD BE DONE. 8cio, Jan. 14th, 18S9. Editors Democrat : Now that the Legislature is in session it would be well for it member to bear in mind that there are some things that should be done and some that should not be done The mortgage tax law should not be re pealed. The state should not buy the leeks at Oregon City; The people should protest against sending J. N. Doiph to the. U. S. Senate again, a he ha fully identi fied himself with railroad and other mono polies. I do not believe the assessment law is just right Let it be amended so as to permit Indebtedness to the amount of $3000 to be deducted from each taxpayers assessment and no more. Thla would to a large extent do away with the very preva lent practice of creating temporary indebt edness to meet the Assessor with. A. F. Beard. W. F. FIRST ST - The Leading! Cash Wfmk Km? nfiih - Not recsivini my Ml svioi aa I gaics (ban tVer waa Ou ur strck ia trrblelt nd 1 txitie I add all tba new novtltie a fast aa lY e Would call especial attention to tLe folic it g Jitea Dress 6oods,Plashes,Velve(s,Hosiery Jcrsies, Gents' Foroislimg Goods, Blankets, Boot andSIiocs. AllIaak is a thorough inspection ofalo.k. PRODUCE TAKEN If! Il Mailorders roaptly1attendeJ to. m m Roof Back! That's the common exclamation of those Suffering with rheumatism or kidney troubles. In either disease Paine's Celery Compound will surely effect a cure, and there will no longer be any cause to complain of "poor backs." ing confirm our claims for that grand old "Two weeks ago I could not sleep was constipated and kidneys did not act back. Since I took Paine'a Celery and X can sleep like a child." Zenas Having been troubled with rheumatism to get around, and was very often con have used nearly all medicines imaginable, tage. Having seen Paine's Celery Com used only one bottle and am perfectly lively a a boy." Frank Caroli, Eureka, Nevada. Sold by Druggists. Send WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors. BURLINGTON, VERMONT. y . 'fawner. -It is Irai COB TRADE MARK Tartnrr'. It ia Impor tant that the Soda or Saleratus yon nue should tm White and Pure sama as all ImUarsubat-moes used for food. To insure obtaining only the "Arm A Hammer" braud Soda or Halerat:a, buy it In pound or ha'f pound ' cartoons whlchbearour same and trade-murk, a i Interior goodtara gom tlmeasubatltutedfor tbe "Arm et Hammer" brand when bought in balk. Partioi using B-tkln5 Powder should remain Iter that its sole riaios property consists of bl arbonate of goila.- One teaspoonfulof t ho "inn As Hammer" brand of Soda or Saleratue mixed with sour mat equals OX EYE11V Packed in Card Board READ, -felAlBAfiY, ORICOfJ mvmw iiuuuu uiniuuil CM. IIENDEHSONACO'S uudbaiid boots a ! CHICABO. I en gira in e ntMtt bst'erbar tfltred in Alb tor in t... '.ftr. fo II rifsfatcW, t si let. are in ih tie!! EXCHANGE FOR C00DS. W .F. READ, f"- - ,-f-v S3 1 9 Hundreds of testimonials like the follow- temedy, Paines's Celery Compound : more than an hour at a time any night, and had a good deal of pain in the Compound the pain has left my back. Sanders, West Windsor, Vermont for five years, I was almost unable fined to my bed for weeks at a time. I besides outside advices, but to no advan pound advertised, I gave it a trial. ' I have ' cured. I can now jump around feel Price, ff. 00. Six for $5.00. for 8-pack iestimonial 1 Ares. four teoapoonfuls of the DetBkins Powder.sav ing twenty timca lta cost, - besides being -much healthier, becauso 1 1 does not con t!n any injuriona aubateno. such as alum, terra alh etc., of which many link i:g fowdere ere matte. l):rycieu and farm era rtiould use only t h o "Arm k liamuicr" brand for rloaning and keeping Milk luia Sweet aiid Clean. , . CamoK. See that every pound package of "Arm &:i I ilanimor Brand" contains full lit ounces net. and t io pound rsacjisacaii I IJ euhc a not. boda or Baleratus same aa ipevi fied on eauU package, , PACKAGE. Boxes. Always keeps Soft ff BU3TO.M.IIENDEnSONACOTS 1 " t.PKw.'-i. caoaAiia boots a shoe 1 .. "TV. ' CHICABO. I if