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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1889)
.... QYRUND TJ CMJFJWA I wtHKiLL,- TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Had Nerve. IIOXK ANDAtlllOAD Till MAN ABOUT TOWN Southern Pacifis Company' Line, rat ur. atTt Kiri. Tim betaken Albany rut Baa Frtuelseft, IS boar OAIVORKU RirRIM tkMnS Hr HILT BIH t-vrUaad aad Man fraarlsco. South 4.00 p. M. I Leara 8:1SFM I Lt. T:i4 k U Arrive North P.u-Uanl Altwny Ban Arrlv Lsav. Lasv 10.43 AM 0;4& A M 7:00 P a kiKuii runuu tsaiss dailt (exoapk Bandar). :uo a a Leave Portland Albany Kunnt Arrive Laav I Laav : t a Mara Arrive e :00 a m LOCAL rwumi TaAiire daili, oxcart ukdat. Leave Arriva Leave Arriva AlbAuy Lobanua A litany Lobauua Arriva I 0 a M :op M:UN Leave I 6;4.U Arrive I 1:4PM Laav i : r M PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars r,r ie..-..d..a . see..--!.. Passe. .ers, attache t express Train. Weal aid tvivlslea. esETWKKS rOBl-LAX AJItt COKVALLIS, tiai.1 DAiut (sicxpt Sunday ,) ta I Portland Crv tills Arriva I : I a ll.sf Arrira Leave 1 1:30 " straits vkaisisxilt (oxip.SandT. Portlaml JteMlnnville Arriva Laav oo a a 1.45 A II SiUOp. Ar i-e Th roil fifli Ticket ' To all pulnU BOITTII AND.EABT VIA CALIFORNIA. P. (nil InloraittiM rajrvJlnf istea, ai-ne, .to., all om Oonrn A-lil at Albany. B. KOKUUKK, RtXlEUS, Manafar tu. r. and THE YAQIMA ROUTE, v Oregon Pacific Eailroad, gon Dove'.opruant Coirpany'a Steam QipAJlUV '225 MILES SHORTEN 20 HOURS LESS TIF.1E ihta by any other rout. First-cUw throutrh passetiswr and freight line from FonUad And alt poluia la the Willamette Valley to ani rroui saa Kraaclico, Cal. Willaniatta Riiar Lina of Stoamsra. The Wm. M. U," The S, Boot- ey," The "Three tiiamiV' are lu aerviue for both pvksonjer aoJ froUht traiUo be tarMti Oorrallla aad PorilauJ and inedUte points, leaving Company'! wharf, Corrallis. and Meiar. Hulinan A Co'a wharf. Nos. 200 and 'Mi Front St., Putt- land, three tlmett a wmK ai follows : .NUKrii UUL'NU. Liv C.irvaUia. lluliri. Vi:wJiy. and I ri- day.atSa.aa. Aibjuy. w.ia, m. Amniil i:cm Ian. Lr. alm TJaU, ihurliy and Satur day at t a. n, Arrir. at fortianJ i.M p. in. tkiL'TiI Bot.SU. Laava PurtUnd MMhlara. V'JiUt. an 1 rVd- daraala.Bi. imvi .1 aM.m at 7.15 u. ui. Ltn lUMa TuauUr. Thural.y anJ dAtoXy at tt a, Bi. Antra at Corrallis at J p, m. Boata make close connection at Alban ith trains of the Oregon Fa jlilo KjulroaJ Ting S-'HCOULE (aaot dj.vltya) Latva Albany. r. a. , Laara Vanoina, 6:45 a.a. Laara CorraUia, 1: top. a. I Lean UurraUu,IOuU a.m. Arrira Yaquina, iJri r. a (Arrive Albany, 11:10 A. a. O. dt O. traiaa conoe t at Albany.and Corral lis. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development Company' Line of Steamships between Yaquina and 4an PrancUoo. NAIL1NQ DATES . aia.aaaa. rauaaaa ratsctaut. raua raauiaa WilUasatU Valley. Thara, Doc e-.h Wad. Dee. l'th WillaoMUa Valler. Una. D 17th Mm. Uj& tttli uuiau. Vaiiay, ttun. D.3. Ix'tn. The C-ioipany lMrre the right; to change aaiiing daUts without notice. N. It. fAaaongora from Fur.lino and VVillameile Va ley pol'iU caa make clone eonnoctl n with the traioe ( the Yaquina route at Albany or Curvalli. and ll tiea tlned to Sac Fraacii; abould arrange to trrire at Yaqutoa the evomn before tite of aallln. latacaarr un4 f.eUal Kale alwaya tea Laweaa. Tor InfurratUon aptJ to C i S'.oart, Freight and rx-Vst Ax.ut. Albany, or to C II tlarll. Jr . O. K. a P. At., Or fan trrctiaiit Co., ! Montomry tli r aiaUl , CaI. f. C. Jl U l fc, . . r. 1 1 P. ArMlt, i; i .'url : .1 t 0 i. 0 xilli "Jim WcstiaU," CHINESE MERCHAMT. Full line of Chine porxl of all khidaon band, Alao full line of JAPANESE GOODS. oregou Pacific cosmcioa, (rr thl4 anction. Laborers furnivbed on short nollee fo any parpoee. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, 11 '"''AMrJTTkTC'' 'aa vmtvivmiitv . jTai-Tt A tHj S HI kliq FOR BA.LK I.Y FOSHAY A MA"ON ffm. Portmillef, -FUNERAL DIRECrOfi. Prompt Attantiaii-Firjt-olasi Haarse "After busirmas lioora !1 nf oorncr fifth and P.nkur !rfeol. esu'e I Portrait Phot Djrap bar StualotornerSVcond ami Ferry SitfceU near Opera iloun. Uiound floir. Cblldreo'4 pk-turos a aW-laUy. 13ABY CARRIAGES AT . S1EWART& SOX'S f -Trr-a mm 7 ' ALBANY, - - - OREGOH. Boll exohinira oil No Yurlt, 8n Prsnrlseo anil roruantl. Buy nnta. StV. omnty -iil e'ty warrants He- elv iljyiu iulij.t tn ulnhjk. ItiWre.-t alla.l on llms urwlts. Collections will reoolvo riwnpt attention ( Corrwiionclon.'n solicited. FireanU JJa'lii Insurance eotvjiaiile,' . wa J. WHITHEY." attorney An Gotmsellor- At La? Notary Public. . ALEAIsf, OREGON, Will ptiirt'..i I 1 all of tho Count. .his State All bjulnees Intrusted to hltn will b promptly a. tended to FAULTLESS! U -Wture la fauttleaa and ae ta that N nobis dike i discovery, conteuuof only Na tura'a own remedies, "Iho" YOUTH, HEALTH, VlQCKb tha una of Pfundch-s OrteaoM Dlooo PuniFicn. Quick and Complete Cue of all Discaaee of tha BUn, KiJneya, Uladder and Llvrr. It chrcka KheumaUara and Mahula, rcliavea i.ou.iip.ixion, vyapepsia ana Data f rrsh anerRJT Into the ayotem by making Now, Jllch l:luol. Take it in time, iit;it uw, mil rnimct bVent as aprcvciitntiseof iltwaao, ..:tl ami useu everywucre. U a bollic. o lor U, TAKE IT NOW. ' EedCrownMills IS03I, LANNIXU & 0., FRONTS. aw rRoc&ts n.ouR nurKtauu jruu rAiii'iM AST) BAKkRH USS. . BEST STOIUGH VVCILITlKS. Highest Price in Cash fo Wtieat Tho UUYEfiiJ-OU II!): Is l UUJul ii.l.C'4 O.lU (eaoU year. II is ;irt ?cci--clopociia cl viaeful tutor, mat ion for r.'.l who ru;--cboso tho lnsurictu cr iu nocosaitics ol V. can cloiho you raid furniah you V7iti all tho uoooMary cud v.!i:'?c;a.;u. opplianc'os to rld, wijk, C:c;, :!?:', eat, ftah. hunt, work, - t) chu; -h, or Btay at homo, and ia vcr:cv.:i Mylea and qnantiiles. Jtut f $'.ro out what Is requirod to do all thjr.o thl';; i CCMFORTIBLT. and you can rn.iLa a ta.r oatimate of the valuo of tha liUYUIt'j" GUIDE, which will be nont npon rooeipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. lU-lla Michigan Atronae, Chicago, 111. PATENTS alaluuJ, aixl all olhnr buaineiw lu tl C. o. lalas lea attcndialini to nHdena looa. Ourolllce iaiuut the U.S. PaUiit Offlca. and veeaa obuin I a tenia Ina tttua than Iboic tvmutt rwn Waahingion. eend Bauilia ordraainf. M' ai4- tu l-alvnl .oilily In ul eiiarxn ; ani wr cut, v clui.'f uulca ouuun teui. 'a rvlrr bcra, Ui 'tha Putuutr, th Hupl. inry tinier inv. ainiv, udiciaia oll.'icl.'. a. I'alent UiUce. roreirt'tUr, a.lvne, Urur, and tbrauco aaeiOttl eluxita la j.j iroau buu u, cuuuly, aiiiUeM C, A. & Clh 0lMU I'A'tUl l)WC. a ii!,llM, It . SAM M.(. S. aLXDIRI MAY iv SENDERS. Dealers ia General ULtttmfaa. HARR1S3URQ - - - - OREGON Will bey Grain, Wool and all kinds 0J.15J. HA1 AIL YO 0 ? Do Ton twA fluTl. lanrH'. lownlrlted, life km, and lndrrrllhly mlwral.ln. both physi cally and mentally; experinnea a avnao of fullnrs. or bloating after eaUny, or of jrone naa," or emptinnw of atouiacn lo the triorn- tng, tonirua cnauxi. Later vr baa taste in moutb, irrerular appcti!. diulntna, frciicnt bvadachca. blurred ayealifht," floating apucka" before tue ejri-a, ncrvuu. prostrauon or cx nmiun, irriuniiiuij tu uiiniHT, not o USUI'S, alfrnatln with cliilly aunsatlona, eliarp, bltinir. transient rvalfia bra and thitM. .M feet, drowtlueea alter meals, wakefulaosa, or distorted and tinrufreniiltig- alep. rxiiiatant, Indeerribabia feeling of dread, or of lrupead- If you hare all, or any eorwldersble number Of these symptoms, you ere lifforinir from liiltoua Dyspeiisio, or Torpid Liver, associated wnn iyspepata, or luuiiccslion. Tbe wore complicated your Alvu bat become, tho rrealor the number and diversity of ymp torn. No matter what stnrn it hn reacbed. lr. i'ierce7a tioldeii medical liloeoverr will subdue It, if taken according- to direc tion, for a reasonable length of tune. If not curea, complications multiply ana Consump. tion of tbe Lun vs. Skin Diseiuea, ilenrt Dlwaae, lihfumntisin. Kidney Ils.aae, or other grave maiuilles are quito linbla to si t In and, sooner or later, Induco a fatal tnrminntlnn. Dr. Pierce ;oldeu medical Die rovery act. powerfully upon the Uvcr, and throutrii thut R-reat blood. purifying orjran, cleanai-e the system of all blood-tulnts and Im-puntx-a. from wbatver cause arislnir. Jt la equally cfUcticlous In acting upon tlio Kid neys, and other excrettiry orfrung, cleansing, Slreiiifihonliisf, and liealiug their discaaea. As an appctuinir, resutrntive tonlo, it promotes uiireaiinn nnu niitriiinn, inereDV buiicilnir up both liesil and strenirtli. Id malarial disUicta. till, wonderful medicine baa gained great rvieuruy in curing fever ana Aorue, Chill, and aVaAas Il.aanK A w, a ab1 1. C J X . i iMiiuv ii(uc. !! Kiijurru uiscamJaV Dr. fierce' Uoldeu medical Die- CURES ALL KU7.10RS, from a common jllotch, or Emntlon, to the wuto Dcniiuio. raii-rneum, " rcver-aores," fccaly or lUmgri 8kln. in short, all diseaaee caused by bad blood nro conquered by thia I""'1", puriiyinif, nnu invigorating medi cine, tirent Kitting Ulcers rnpldly bcnl under ils ueniirn innuence. iiethiiiy mis It manl f sted its rxitenrr In ctirlnir Ti tfer 1 Drj-Hiprlus. llolis, Carbuncles, Sore Kyes. Bcrof- '"' otirts ana Bweiiinirs, nip-joint Disease, "Wblte Bwcllinjrs." Goitre, or Thick Keck, end Enlarged G bin da. bend ten cent in lamps for a Inrije Trentlno, with colored plaU'S, on Hkln llw-awn. or the snmo amount lor TrtatUo ou bcrofulous Affections. . "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thnrnuirhly clnnno It by using Dr. Pierce' Golden medical IHacovcry, and good creation, a fnlr skin, bnoynnt spirit., vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula ofllie I.nnga, Is arrested and cured by this remedy, If taken in the earner singes or the Oujease. From It. mar velous nower over thfa terrililir fnfnl rl!wau when first offering this notv world-fnmed rom- euy uj mo ptiiiiio, iir. fierce tnought seriously of ciilllnir It his Consumption Curb." but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medieino which, from It. wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-clemisfncr, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not onlr as a rcmedv for Consumption, but for all C'ltroute Disease of tho Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak tunjm, Spitting of Blood, Short "?? " .Kreath, t hroulo NushI Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections. It U an elllelent remedy, j' rufc-a-isU, at $10, or Six Bottles Vf Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Flcrce'f book on Consumption. Address, lorld's Dispsnsary Hettlcsl association, 683 Wain St., BlTFFALO N. Y. .'New Wasli House. I)0 Chiiiaiu.r, a ho lived in this town for many yeir and wis so well lilted bv ererv. body list rtturmd end will open op a nen wash house tlio frsi of Si te tit er. oneMnot south ct tho Rov. r Ho ise. dx st .ootl woik and wants every '?y to cet theii; done bv hint m moiiL APER. lUNUlNtnVOKD.S. Governor Hill in his mcswage to the New ink legislature uncil the following ringing words for which he is justly entitled to and will re ceive the commendation of every honest man 'The necessity of some chance in our clcc- ion laws, whereby the Increasinc corruption which has become im-itlcntat to our election may be prevented, is imperative. It Is ln;lieved that the late ('residential election was the most corrupt of any in the history ol the country, so far as the direct use of money was concemeu in iiUUtenanc electors, and public sentiment I naturnliv awaked to the desirability of some relief. 1 he Peculiar causes which tmnireu tnis immense corruption are apparent. AtiNicty lo subserve scllmh and private advantage rather than the general interests of the public natural ly led lo the campaign liemg conducted upon altrceil business irindile.whercby it is assert cd that electors were taught and sold like goods and chattels in open market. - It Is ctaimed that at least were expended in the Twen tieth and Twenty-itturth Congressional Districts in this State, in cftorts made therein to elect Congressmen and to secure an election believed to be favorable to the polit y ol loatcring private interests. So succes.(ul have been the recent clTorts at corrupting the ballirt that good citizens were led to doubt whether the fall an 1 unbiased sentiments of the people would not continue lobe nultitivd throut'ti corruption whencvci nnu rts often as it appears that the intcrestsuf the people ronllict with those ol monoixiiisis, wno, proiu- gnte with their money, are intent upon resisting all interference with their seltwh and arrogant demands." Governor Hill recommended that by joint resolution the legislature urce Congress to adopt constitutional amendments regarding the Presidential term anJ provision for ck-1 rest dent. Governor Hill's recommendations ate First Thai thelerotofoflk!of the President ami Vice-President shall tie six years. Second That the President shall 1 incligK ble for re-election. Third That the President shall, Immediately upon the expiration of his term, become a incrn ber of the United States Senate for life and re ceive an appropriate salary. This ainendmen shall apply to all living ex-President. rjACOBspi TRADE VCL flAK Vr V af ayp "aaw.eajk-- ' A For Strains and Sprains. Evldanco, Frcah. Now, Strons. . att. ruaaaat. ftoaa, f affervd Taara. jm ,. tut. SaSm4 t yaara vttk strata af auk. aaaM aat aik .sralckt; w4 sautes St, JuM 0U unnt a aala la IS SMatas. at. J. WAUACX On Cratrhaa. Caahrtat. Oala, In, St. IS. T .Htm mum hmm mala., aaai.: .iri St- Jm,U Oil aana; aa naara af pata la aaa yaar. WIS. PAT. red Cane. . Tasas. laaa II. Spralaal Bty aa4 la im aa aaratl ay St. Jawaa eu alia 1 mas. a. saoamexs. ion. BMiatva kfuk . but ti. tiss. A Wat Marcb . 1 1 y aaAJa aa tu ta 1 ThrM appll- as a Sat, law. JaasasOU. Mmrn at pala. joaara cab ixx kactx9at. Terrible Pain, ruteelaw. TO.. May tt. tssa I ipnl... mf taaaih but Sana., aa. a StrrtM OTalllaa aa4 aala . Paar .alwatu St. JtaM OU nnt aw aa4 laar. ku ha m Mara at fata. auk a aaowa. At Dscoouts aud Deals as. THE CHAIUS A V0CEU CO BslUaers. MA COLD IN HEAD. Try the Cure Ely's Cream Ba! m Cleanses the Kosal Prutfiniroa. Al lays Inflammation. Ilcabi tho Botch. Ilcstoros the Eenaes of Tasto, Emoll raid Iloaricg. A BHartlrla U pplle4 lateaaek Baasril aa4 ta aareenblr. Prtea ftOe. ait Llraaalata or ty aoaJl. KLY BHOTlUtIiS,64 Wuzen KUNaw York. O. 0 OBIKKI, O.K.rKVS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHKURY & PARKES, S!achiiil3t3. MillmMts. and Iror Fonndors. I E aro now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufaotnre Steam Enerlne. Grlat and Saw Mill Mtohlnery.and all kind" r.f Iron sou vraw uaauoga. . PATTCBXa HIDE OX SUwKT KOTICK. epeclal attention arivn to renalrlnar kinds of machinery. When I say Crnta I do net mean merely to Stop them fur a time, aod then havo them re turn again. I me aw A KAD1CAI. CUlUi. I have made tha disease of FITS, EPILEPSY' or FAXX1TJG SICKIJESS, A life-long study. I warraxt my remedy to Cubb the worst eases. Because others have failed is no reason for not nowreceiving acure. bend at once for a treatise and a 'REB KOTTLaT of my iNFAixiBUt Kkmcdt. Give Express and Post OOlce, it costs yon nothing for trial, and It will euro you. Address , H.Q. ROOT, M.O, I83PUJL8T.,HWYB Assigneo's Notice. I tie matter of tho as!,lrnm nt t, J-iinta I'. inaolven' ddbi r, Tim tindertiaued having btn ri.-iis ppiinud Aialgoeftof the above named im-olvent debtor tinder nnrl hy vltlue o in tot f the legislative assemb'v of lb sc:e of )rPKn mlltltd ' an act to ccnr toertditoraajustdivls.ion ol He ehtate of dtbtore who convey, to Asulgnoea o the benefit of crtdilor., apprcTd Octote 18lh, hin and amendment thereto ep proved February 2-Ub, lfe85 " All person having claims peainta aai.l hereby nrtiflod to tresent iha aamA in m t liairiaburg in Linn county, Oregon duly verified a bv law renulreii within tbreo month from the date h.roof. Dattd thia tha lth day of Nnvomhor im, ' , R. A, Rampy, Aaeignee, REM H ai " mu mi -'-1 IMWrd aCaf San DiEtoJnn, 4. Mrs, ' Benjamin UutdVs nerAe is the wonder of the town. While run- nlng a press in her husband's printing office her left foot caught in the treadle and the upper joint of her second toe was taken olf. llidille went for a sargeon, but none wonld dress the toe for less than 13,50 and she said would pay no such bill. Site took a razor, cut oil all the shreds of ftcsh, picked out the splintered bones nnu tircsscu me toe uerscii. . Mio U now run ning the press with her other foot. Death of Mrs. J, Qulun Thorton SaI.RM, Or., Jan. 4. Mrs. N. M. Thornton, relict of the late J. Qulnn Thornton, theil at her nome in this city, at 4 o'clock this after noon, at the dvanccd ge af 7a yearsr An Immense Fraud, . New York, Jan. 4. The Evtitlup Shh I prints what it calls an almost ' incredible tale of gigantic fraud. It states that the Electric SuL'ar KetiniiiL' Camimnv hasliecndunedtothe extent of over 1, 000, 000: thai its whole "secret poocess" turns out to be a humbug of the most j bare faced kind Montana's Mlas. llr.i.r.NA, Jnn, 4 It is estimated that the total output of the gold, silver, lead and copper mines of Montana for the year was between $80,000,000 and $,ooo and Increase of f 10,000, 000 over 1 S87. Talk of Your llixnn i. Kansas City, Jan. 4. The limn had ad vice from Springer, Oklahoma, thai the mar. lial law order uf two years ago has been put in force, and the squatter are decamping. Spring er is a Utile over three weeks old, but before yesterday it had a imputation of 3000. The soldiers are vigorously enforcing the order, and settlers are obeying tt with alacrity A Blot. Skattib, Jan. 4. The trouble which has been brewing in the Newcastle mine for some time culminated this morning in a riot in which one man, m. Kuston was killed. A Queer Prohibitionist. BoHTON.Jan- 3. Miss Kate Field again den les she Is an agent for the California Wine Company, although she ha been paid royalty by the vtticull.ral commission in San Francisco She says she is interested in prohibition, but ays: "i nave become convinced that the way so check drunkenness is to substitute tight, pure cneap native wine at the table lor the pcrncndt cular drinking between meals of distilled spirit. We are Centrafrd Now, IsiioMjan. 3. Heavy snows in the South of Russia have engulfed several trains and stop ped all kinds of traffic. One hundred and aeventy.five person were ftoxen to death t Ekaterinburg, in the district of Pouiof, Decem ber aj. The Caspian sea is frozen. Railway disasters ate reported at Baku and other places inCauuasus. Two Inaaguratloa. Imxsisc, Mich., Jan. 3. Governor Luce was irrn.fciratel nt a o'clock thi afternoon. A considerable portion of hi annual address was devoted lo the tetnerawe qucuiun. 1 le recom mends the passage of a local option law. Bostos, Ma.,Jan. 3. Governor Ames sent his annual mcatagc to the legislature to-day. He advises the early subntiwdon to the people of a prohibition amendment ond advocates the increase ol)naliieaur violating the tiuorlaw. He thinks a wise substitute is impiuoanient for the fine in such case. With tae t'aaal Ease. OEVMriA, Jan. a. The stage from Monte saao was heM up thia evening at Bush Prairie about three mile fiom this city, ami the treas ure box of the Northwestern Fxpreas Company and the mail bag were taken ly the robber. No clue can ta ohtaiued as to the party, as he was masked and his feet were muffed. I le carried a Winchester, and the mail carrier irx taing armed there was no difficulty in making the seinte. DIvbdonllaiMMectlaj;, Walla, Jan. 2, There will ta a mass meeting of the citucn of the northern half o Umatilla county, at Milton, to-morrow, in the interest of division of the county. Scnntor Wager is expected to be present. A petition of 600 nsmcs, embracing about all the icaidents of the northern half, is ready for presentation to inc legislature, i lie cnicl source ol the divi sion sentiment lie in the location of the county seat, Milton and Western are both strong osjir ants. Too Bad. Waai.nctos, Jan. 2. By many here com petent to judge, it is thought the bill creating a department of agriculture will not pass thi ses sion, and President 1 larrtson will miss the op portunity which some have been counting on for him to appoint one more cabinet minister than any of his predecessors, A fonrron. Pallia. Washington, Jan. 2. It is said the sum of $so,ooo has been collected uom among the ad mires of Randall for his wife. It is well known that Sam Randall is a poor man. I le own a modest taick bwclling in nn i naristocratic part of this city, and that is nliout all he his worth. I lis illness last summer, and hi 1 feeble health have now brought to the mimbt of his friends the bad financial condition he would leave his w idow in if he should die, and they at once set about to provcc for her. Republicans a well as democrats have entered with gladness and liberahto into the projiosition. - When Baby was sick, we gar ber Castorla, TYhen slie was a Child, she cried forCaatoria, When she became Mlsa, she ehing to Castorla, When ah had Children, ah gave them Castorla, -Absolutely Pure. Tklx powir never vat lea. A mnrra f jnwir-y. strengbt and wholesome neat. Mr t'onomicHl than the ordinary klwrfa ama tM)tt be eold in competition witat mallitodei of low test, abort weight ainm ot poptiat8 powders. Sjld only In co oyl .lis King I'owdtr Co,. ICO Wall St., N, V. , D, W. CaowtBT A Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon. -Children Cry for How easily a man can obtain notoriety I f he only gets up of a morning with the de termination fully lodged In his brain to have the people know about him. Tanner obtained it by fatting, Sam Patch by jump Ing 111 feet Into a river, J L Sullivan by knocking out ruddy Ryan and Dr. Smith, of Salem, by jumping an Albany mining claim. We understan J the Doctor didn't like a few thing the Democrat said on the subject) wo don't care a horse shoe nail whether a man wno win jump me ciaim 01 several inoffensive white men, i offended or not. II I! The -M. A. T. predicts that the real estate tale in Linn county this year will amount to almost if not quite $1,00:1.000 II 9 An Albany lady who ordered hot lem onade at a Sulem hotel a few days ago for the benefit of a threatened cold, a some what astonished in having eluht of them brought to her room, tradition deesn t lfly whether there were any sticks or straw in them. II 8 A gentleman who has just navigated the street of the cities of the great Northwest, has just located In Albany. II 8 .. Rolling atones gather no moss, and If it was to make moss backs of them by re maining still we should hope they would keep rolling 5 but In the sense o( the old laying nus Is needed. The man who suc ceeds, is generally the one who "stays with it." Most of the growlers we meet on the streets are men whoare everlastingly mov ing. The Man About Town has for some time Intended to give tremendous kick against this stale habit of making jokes about mothers In Uw. The last mlnatrcl troun did It, and all of them are guilty comic papers do it and broken down wags, 1 here la no sense In it at ail. 1 lie best wo men In the world are often mother In aw, and It I time this old. rickety, rotten habit o! poking fun at them was stopped REAL K4TAT HUA. As recorded In the Recorder's office for Linn county, Oregon : Jas Steel and wife to Oregon Land and Live Slock Co. 3743 acres, near IlarrUbug $ Chauncy Williams to Wm II and It Shephard, interest in D LC Henry Williams S W Crowdcrto Harmon and K W Tryon, 115 acres, adjoining Al bany..,. J L Cowan to Julia II Thayer, 1 lot. 5.00 65 4700 fo Iebanfn Tho Kay to J II Stephens, a lot In Amelia Tho. Kay to Margaret Stephens, 3 too lots in Amelia A llackleman lo Fannie 8 Hammer, 100 a lots, block ai il's jnd A..... 375 A Wolverion to J T Stephens, 1 i7.b8 acre. 11 w 4 47SO 1100 D S Busty to John S George, 40 acres, 14 w 4 J L Wlgle to A J Wlgle, aitf acres. 15 l Mining claim A li Pax ton and C L 5 Ilruah, hantiam mine Mining claim Lloyd Magruder, San- turn mine Albany Cemetery Association to C T Ingram, 1 lot.... Albany Cemetery Association to J R S'.cwartson, t lot Alex Cunningham to J M llardue. west hall, lot 3 bl a li A, Albany 3750 1loaa'tt;otll Yet. Eastcrm Oatuos.Jan. lt, tSSo. EJitor$ Dtmoerat ; Having an Interest In the welfare ol AI bany I thought I would call your attention to the fact that Albany Is letting Salem and Eugene City get ahead of it in the im provements and convenience that abould characterize a city, and if Salem gets that Astoria R. R.It will be a great detriment to Albany merchant, because it will place Salem merchant in direct communication as soon as it connects with the O. P. cast of Albany, whereas If Albany gels it she will have that trade all lo herself, a grc.t advantage aver competing towns. Here w hav e to haul our freight, etc. on wagon from aoo to a;o miles from The Dalle and Arlington and lot of it too, and would like to see Albany get thia trade. e are anxiousiv walling lor the it. 1 to relieve us and Albany to prosper. WHSKRVK.. f Don't know just w here the getting ahead comes in ; but we give our correspondent language, as that la what we are here for, As for the Astoria rsllroad It it not built yet, and we predict that when it 1 it will come this way. Dkm. . ' Tangent R J Moses has sold hi property In Tan- cent to a party from Alsca valley who will take possession in the spring. Quite a number of farmers In this vicin ity are plowing preparatory to seeding hi the spring. I' W Ryan cx-sccilon bos leaves lo-day On a visit of two or three months to Iowa and other States. Lt A Witzel and family have returned from an extended visit with relatives Myrtle Creek. Charles Fagan, of Woodburn I in Tan gent. Masonic Officer. Following arc the officers elected by the Masonic Lodges for the ensuingyear : St. Johns. L C Marshall, W M ; T Wallace, S W ; D V S Ucid, J W j D Mason, Treas : Geo E Chamberlain, Sec George Hnmphrey, Sr Deacon s F E Al len, Jr Deacon ; D T Wy man, Tyler. Corinthian. R Thompson, W M Froman, S W ; G F Simpson, J W ; F M Redfield, Sec ; L W Deyoe, Treas ; J J Dorrij, Sr. Deacon ; O A Archiba d, Jr. Deacon ; Wm Ralston, Tyler. B.wtKY Cha Geo E Chamber lain, II P; C E Welverton, E K; L 0 Mar shall, E Sj E W Langdon, secy ; J L Cow an, treas. tatter List. Following 1. tli. ll.t ol letters retnalnintr In the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Jan, 3, 18! g. Persons calling for these letter must give tha dale on which they were siverUil ! Anderson, W F Brown, 18 Hlghatn, Simon Fraelsiid, Ir K 0 Kellev, A M (S) Marvin, Julius 8 MuUee, Charlie ' Nlverson, tlias Kettle Bleder, W II Son, F M Wittemiood, L S Brooks, It C Itartler, llarrv (3) F.r)ruson, Antpis Hartley, ('rank B Utt'e, Rlohsrd Mayer, bouia McKinsie, Chss Olson, Jacob ntrluklarii, Mi.S E ' Wsriinr, John WerU, John. R. THOUrSON, P. M." FORjUlLES. Itchiiijr Pit.i are known by imti'.uro HWs fisp Ion produeinir a very dsairreaahle itchlnir after , iuifwarm. This fonn as well at Blind, Bleedx . protnii Dr. Boi irotnnlln rues, yioiuat ones to ins antutrciuon isanko's Pile remedy, w.iloh acts Ulr lrectiy u .. the prU afiscted, absorbing- the tumors, allayln . intense Itching and effatlnj a pernna"t curd . eants. Addreas Tha Dr Itosauka il-xtoln. Co , P O. Hold by lr, Cuius and bVin. . A Pleaslna: Srnso Of health and atrei g&h renewed and of ease and comfort follows the uof Syrup of Figs, as it aets in harmony with mtare to tffao tnally cleanse the system when costive or tiilinaa. For sale in 50c. and $1 bottles by all leading Aracrgist. Pitcher's Castorla. TiiCKitnAtf. There were eihty tnarrisgea in Benton county during 1883. Va 1 Tsitill ma la a ptro'.iU5 In n? at Sp-vttls yesterday of 7009 feet. Win Diriow. a young man aal about 18 earr, died of small poa oa Long Tom on the 24th of Ucccmuer. ll,v Moody passed through Atbany this 00011 foi Kiijen where be will pretoh to- Ijihv. Several wire sitting on tin lenot to i. ho" i(o by. Cant T P II VVhitalaw hiine!f it now at th. fU? with Cipt Pupfi, the iiuurauue man, tid will give the sirandod steamer a thor ough inapeotion. Mrs Tata and tlauiliter ar eon. from a visit to Portland and Seattle, returning earlier than they expected rn account of th serimt Illness of Mr Joba Smith. It may b oonuollae to some of the Eugene aports to lesrn that Mr. Jan, wnoDeas mem out of about 84000 at tha card table, was naer to the amount of about bi.iUO la tne Jsokson-MeAulilT. fight. JlegUler. Salem has been hanging Its hopes on hav nir its street ears running by the time the State LhtLUtnr meet but a delay in the receipt of th rail, makes it look dubiou. Th Democrat acknowledges a call from K T Uamon. who reoantly located in this count, buying th Ellis Kntx farm, Mr, Uamon 1 a bachelor 1 tint, we nreaicr, wti not be able to withstand the smile, of Lino oonnty maidens. Following are the new (hVri of the Har- ruburir uranat 1 M 'Ster. K J. Upmeyer overseer. J r ilendrex 1 loctarer. Mrs Alio Orime J steward, P Cl (larger J aJ'lstsn. steward. W F MoMeeken t tres.u 0 U Grimes 1 secretary. Mrs M J SI ken chaplain. MrsKJ Unmever 1 pom Mrs lurger: nirs. Mrs llaudrex S cere, airs Ashby lady assistant steward, Msifal Me Meeken. 1,000.009 girls in Kijland went bn.hsnds with no prospocts ol getting them, in or r to remedy this state of thins, a prom inent joaroxfist suggests that girls should be allowed to propose, and that priposing should henceforward ta a business appertain ing to both sexea. It would do them no good to cjrna ber, as w atretdy have too tntny old mair;. The New Year' But Ortgonlan, twely pages with illustrated supplement, contains interesting descriptive matter and views of Umatilla county and rendition, ana eontams special matter pertaining (0 the Umatilla reservation and the talo of the lands this spring. Kent to any address, pottage paid for ten cents a eon v. Sump taken. Ad dree tho A'aaf'i Fab. Co., Peodl ton, Oregon. raiOAr. Albiua doesn't w ub to ta annexed id Port land. Mr. J. F. McCartney, Ustiistoig, is in the city. Mr G. W. Cruson. Luhatim,. rostlioa hard war man. baa been ia to city to-day If you want a tender thiokin ta sore aod get one of those ae style roasters at W C laedI.'s. Mr. Lnderman. cf Oakland. Cal., mother of Mr Carl Ludermso. is in the city, the guest of ber son. Jjhooy Have, who pa ta aw.y from home, and Kliat ihUi, elope 1 from Cor va I It a fw days ago. Mr. Daniel !, I wraerly of asl n, cow a rising youuj Uwyero! .Saattli, passed up th roid to-day for Kugen. Mr. Oliver Busbaell left last evening on a three months ttip f r California, with a view to looting. . Mr. Cliaa. MotlUr left last evenine for Ashland to eou.ider a proposition from the eitixens establub a branch caunery at that city. Tb. New Year's edition of the Pendleton fiitM Urrgoniiin is a credit to that enterpris ing paper. It illustrations ia supplement form are very lino. C 1 Stewart, rcprcsentine the O. t R. R, Co. was in the valley last week straightening up business connected with th "Yaquina Bay'1 dwasur. Jacksonville Timti. Q. P. Cuehaw. Jr., of Browusvill. was in tha city to-dij on his way horn from Butte City, Mon., wbareh ha. bjeu rnoaiog tbe B. W. H i store for several mouths lie v. Roger, the new Congregational min ister, is expecUd ia the city to-nuht. If be arrives an informs! reeertian will ba fftcen htm at tbe residence of Prof. W. II. Lte, I - " , w J i W00.I111 and others have began 1 suit in Justice Humphrey's court sgsiast Dr V. O Smith te recover psion of their Ssntiam mine This promises to be an in teresting case. Mr Lynch, r. urevmtinj th Frmeis' abd Merenants Insura'ice Company cf Albany, was in tbocity eterdy on business coo neeted with that ppu!i company. Astoria I'iOnetr. I-I.uty Sheriff I). S. Smith r turned at n i luight last night from llck Cre k. where he served a summon on Dr r. U aontr, to ta 1st Albany on Friday, Jan. 1 1th. Rjv T B Wldie, who has been located at Homer, Louisiana, since leavinglAlbanv. has ja.t been Bij(ad bf hts conference to Mans- held, a village tf lOUO inhstntaata, in tbe aam State. A Salem paper says Dwiht L Moody baa finished seen towing iq that city. If wheat will come up in such stony gronod, Rev. Moody may then be considered as possessing marvellous powertas a sower. Gambling is not to beleouotenanoed, and surely distinction should not come through it, yet th California eousumptiv who played with an undertaker, and won a oGiti for f utnre me i. the only man on record who yrr i;ut ahead ot an undertaker. To day the oucV and Chinese pheaKaets around ICnsx Puttr are dippmc their bills in irore. Two teams re.ded by A B Castar and J Sr'roman respectively will riUt it out a run nil iheslodjtlta and li-dds of tbe Knox Butte country. The M K Church of Lebanon Wednesday Died articles ot incorporation with the Secre tary of Strti. Jaime Elk ins, R8 Roberts and James E Iwards, trustees, are the incor porators. Tee church propel ty is estimated to be worth ?3,tnU. It will n t ta very good iiews te farmer to learn thr-t binding twins is uning np with a jump, and promiat s to be as hih ss twenty cents per pound next 9sno. As Deuriog has paid hi teen c i ts for the raw material f4rmetawill te turtuuate if they eet it at that price. . : An inceniuus atentnr naa devfsett anew screw half ta.l and half screw ; two blow. of the hamnier.t so turns of the fcrew. driver, and it is in. Its holding power in white pine ts bam to ho 352 round, against -"JS pounds. the holding power of the present cerew. As the carp nli r ahviijs dilyea the common screw na t way anyway tt is atrange tome co',iut hd not thnubt of tbe buxtueas be fore. - , BAlURnAY. - , Fii e sk: t rig in Per.dlelor. Salem 1 to have a Qiecn Anne addition. The Farmers' congress is in aetbu in Sal em. . Mr 0 0 Cherry arrived boms from Ta coma t - lay. Mr WTILasi wd Uave in a few day on a tisit to hit for our horns Ij tho east. Li 1 u and Marion outties will soon be i gked to luild at Stayton it is reported. Mr S T Crocks, of Mil'ers, with thre; healthy on tbe Democrat to-day. Mr. Al Long lefWhis morning for Palerr, pn viou to goinj to Eilensburg, W. T. to rotido. - . ' . : " Mr Robert Glass, Crawfordsville' nost solid citizen is in the city. Mr Glass never breaks. ..'...... Mr F H Uoscoe, of this city, delivered a short temperance address at s meeting in Lebanon, a few eveniags ago. . The marked iutreiee in tlebusiues. of the Albany PoatolBc show whiot way the wind ia blowing. Albany ia going upwards. Mr L Senders, hxi been in San Franoisco, with some horses. On bis return be will stop ofl in Southern Qretfon, for suverxl daj s. Claaning First street ha tho merit of giv ing em ployment to about a dozen inen, eoi.i of whom sre railroad men, recently from the front. . , ' . - . Children Cry for. r ! - : - 2uj Si w- , i 5 L,"-1--t1atsr)alTI ir s-a-s TlirisT lisst -Til 1 II I slliasjlt 1 II tt HIS (ssj asl sfti ITHf-" r-jl"-1 1 " - a. ani.-ia.saa. for Infantb 4 ' "CaatorU Is so well adapted to children Uiit f recommend It a superior to any preacripUos aaowa to me." IL A. Aacnsa. It D.. V 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N, T. Special bargain ii fl. oriog and instio C. J. Dill jo & 0 ft. Fo t Lyon 8 ire 1'.. Mil N Smith left for Haliey t diy, where hs has some carnei.tir wwk to do. Oa bis return he will build a residence for himself. Aa exchange snifirests that as tru.ts sre the fashion it would be a good I lea to unite all the churches in a big trust. The oj?Kes tion is not a bad one. Mr W F Willtsmsoa. who has ben teach. ine school in Yamhill conntv. is 1 ow a resi dent cf Linn county, and is to- ning tbe school in District 33, bung near Lebanon. Mr. Geono U. Pfoer. who has been clerk ing in Napa, Cal ,for a year or more, arrived in the city yesterday and will probably lo cat her or elsewhere in tbe Northwest. Tbe Mercuru aod Sifdnsrt. of Portland. bsv each contributed a reward of tl't to any mat. wno discover a fresh item in the col umn of the Evening TtUgram . Mr W H McFarland ha betrun the erec tion of a eon pie cottage on her corner lot at Bnonaaand Washington street, and expects to have them completed befoie the first of March. The Ashlani Record claim, improvements during th year amounting to f 220,083. Al tai nh som of tbe estimates ar stretched tb showing i a very flattering one. Asbland i de itined to be the best city in Southern Uregon. ' A pain in tbe back often lead to comnli eaUd diseases thst are almost iccurable Oregon Kidney Te care tbe first cd pre vent, the latter. It is sorely vegetable, and 1 warrantea and sol.l by roabay H Maeoa. Capt Wbitelaw ats be can aav th stranded steamship "Yarjaioa By," after thoroughly examining ber, aod he has g ne to Sin Kraociaco after hi wrecking crew and dills. Yaqntns lirpwiliican. Walla Walla bad to rai.e $100,000 for a railroad. It raised 160 000 by the est r,f bsmmera and tjn(f; but the other (20,000 dwr.n't oowie at all puil ss hard a the com mute will, and it i cow talked of raising it by tsxition. Geotlemeo frcjoently complain of their barber shaving them ioo close, and tbe face and neck breaking oat iuto email pimples. If Datard. specific is applied to the face im mediately alter absvior, no matter how cloie the ahayp, all nrenc will be prevented, Suld by Foshsy & Mason. Th Asbland Woolen Mi'.ls employ tbiity people, and daring tbe past year they ited wore thoo 103,00") pound of wool. They msd 66.033 yards of Ba fl sine'.. 3312 yards of eissiroret. 110 piir.of blaikett, 17- doz en Iare shawls and a Urgs to-n'ur of small sttswU, stockiagi yarns, tt. In speaking of rasliosd wo'k on tbe Ore gon Pacilio tbe name of I)n Smith ha. often been mentioned lately. T'ie original Don i. now in tb city, acd though be bas te.ided in th foothills ainco about 1SO0, he hu nev er before tramped tha basy streets of tbe metropolis ot tbe eou tty. 1 HftUavasit A Pleasing Sense of Health, and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts gently on the Kidxeys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System when Costive or Biliouj, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTEPATIOIi without weakening or irritating the or gans on which it acta. For Bade la 60c and 1.00 Bottle by all leading; Urwcclatav xrrcTfsa oxlt sr ma CA1H0EJHA FIG STETJP CO.1 Bas raaacwco, Cau, Wavruji, K.Y., Sew Toau, t Citation. the. County Court of tha Slate of Oreu.t,or Linn county. In the mattar of the CHt,tt of Mary Jane Costello, deoeaaed. To Mary Ann or Margaret! Caldwell, John Caldwell, liouaeof Providence Sis ter Superior, Ann Brown, Ester Coillo, and tbe daughters of Tboraas Costello, Greeting: In tbo name of tho Stalo ol Oregou. yon are hereby cltod lo be and appear in the Conoty Court, for the coun ty of Linn, at tho Court Hot'se In the city of Albany, In said county and State, on Saturday the 11th day of January, .,. I8SS, at tbe hour of nine o'clock in tbe fornoou of said day, tbo same being a day of tbo regular January term, lKS9t fsaid Court, and then and there show cu8, if any ex 1st why an order of -!o !ii d not be made directirg and licensing s.nuisie Nixon, cxrciitor. f the last will and t-s lament ot Mary Jn Crwteilo, tieceaseii. to sell all tlio riflu, title and in'ero t o tbe said Mary Jane C ist !.. i tuo limn her death, hoi b in law and Inrq Uty, f. In end to the real property hereinafter Uesorl bed, as prayed for ou tho potitii n of tho Slid Samuel Xixon, executor, a foresaid, which said tmtitinn is now on file in the Comity Cle k'n fflb'e In Linn county, Oregou. which a:tid real property ijde-i ribod ai follows : Beginning 32.80 cbaius Bust of tha S W corner of the Donation Claim of Thomas Sbepard and wife. Clal n No. 51 in Tp. 14. S R 4 W or the W tlUmette meridian end running tbence 8 2.21 chains to tho line between Sections 9 and ldjthetce W along said line 27.70 chains t tbe oorner ofSectiousS, 9. 10 and 17;thenc9 W along tho line between Sections S and 17, 20 chains to the 8 W comer of lot 4 in Keo. 8 ; thenoe north 40 chain to the N W corner of lot No S In Sec. 8 , tbnce east 15,81 chain, to tbe N E corner of said lot S ; tbence N 2 45 chain to the N W corner of sai Douation Claim of Thomas Sbepard; llieu:e E 32 30 chains; tbence S 40 chains to the p'aceof beginning, con talning I9S acres more oriels, lying and being in Llun county, Oregon.-' Done by order of the Hon D. R. K Blackburn, Judge of said Court. In testimony ws eroof. I, E, E. Monta gue, County Clerk of Linn oountv, Ore gon, aud Clerk of tha County Court of said oiuuty, bave cereunto et my band and affixed tho seal of said Court : ' my office, in Albany, this 10th day of D cem bor, A. D. 1SS3. li,. s - B. E. Mo.tTAGua County Clerk. , pitcher's Castorla. 7 t I' 1 TS5r end Children. Castorla enree Colle, C3etlrtiyti, Pour fltoraach, Marrho, liictaUon, gills Worm, giro aioep, aad prvmote o Wulout'liijurlouj Btedicatta. La CnrrAsa Cokpasy, 77 Murray Street, K. T. ALBANY, O REQOfJ 1888,1880- rirst Term One epieaber nth, JUS. A foil corps of inntroctorsv CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AfiD IIOHMAL CLASSIS. Coarmtt of atady arranged to meet tt' seed of all gradoa of atndenta. Special inducement ojered to iludenli . from abroad. Tuition range from $5.50 to fl2,50. Board in private faioPJes at low rate. Room a lor self-boarding at small exrenae. A careful supervision t -zerclaed over etn dent away from homo. Fall term opens September 7th. For circolare and faiJ particulars address tne rreeiueni. BET. EtBEtT V. CwSBIT. Albany, Oregon DO; tl.L. HELL, Physician and Surgeon, Office oor. First and Ferry Streeta, ALBANY- - OREGON. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters Decorators and Paper HangersJ Piano Varnishing. All wnrk guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Saccessors'to Henry Sasseas.) I nij o basglvea nsiyer sal sathrfaciloa la tb rcf OesorrlMS and I Uleet. 1 prtseribs Itasd feel saf In recommend Ing It to all sufferers. i.J. STORES, aUk, Deester, IU. rmcE.i.o. eold by Drng-iist. Feskay at asa, TI haleaale Ateata, CAHPENTER AHO JCIKER. Thn andrs'titu 1 1 pMptrel to do all kind. .f work in bit line In first-claa or, dr and will pr unp:o.. -ddres P. O box 87 or call a', eoraer of 9th and Maple T f, Smith. DR. G. U. CHAf.1SEnL.fJ. HomeopatMc Physician aad Surgeon f3T iffice corner of Third and Lyon St, ALBAHY, ORECOH. ACADEMY , . OF Our Laij of Pdrpstnal Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Sitters of St, Benedict. Tbis Academy is laorporated and ao thorixed by the h'tato to confer academic honors. B1ARDISO eCrOOL PER TPJf. Board and tultioD ...... .. ..ftO.OO Music', insrt'i mental, theoretical aud vocal with ose of piano and organ 15.00 i luilar ........ 12.00 Zahero... ..... 12.00 Drawiugand painting 8.C0 Fancy wort end mending free to boarders, Tuition ia select day school ranges from $5 to !0. , Normal instruction of aspirants for teacher's certificates a specialty. Oradaallng fee, $10. . Foe funher particulars apply at the Academy. , J. E. WEATHERF0BD. fHOTABT FOBUCJ tTTOKNEY AT LAW, ALBAXT. OKEC. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF TBE State. Special attention given te collections and Obata iv johfibrTccs, - DF'XiOIST, Rossa a Specialty. emtry pHnti snd attend d to fovas 6,000,00!! p; Zl ..! ) M FVKRV C sea s: kr. -n lt-va to t. Ui Ai Vi'"' Sstdsnton ' '!.', Aj.'-CrV. t-ueltVu4 ten 'tKi-tl fr H i A or tes ' .V '! Hl!liMBta. and :T.. 'v''-'-' tolsfctyw-r'scttsiuaiwia nr.m it. ium'tf. Euliwt Cii'w c"Uv,VvU or iSSeTSSa laaxisuocs. Iionldsonilfocts. Lddreas D. ta. FEHRY & CO.. Detroit. L.icfe, T. J. aTITBS. V Asrw r law Notary Public. ALBANY, 0GQN, jflPW!sw jA"a t TN!!W"ssWSjiWsa. sBB nn UWaJ 1 OF FIIEE CCD LIVE! C!L hypop nc nrniT. Almost as Palatable as T.lilk. So disgwts! tt at u cast be taken, digested, ad asstiatlated. by tin xaoat aeusttlTe atomaeh, vaten tSia plada ei) rsanot be tolerated atad by the coasts blstatttom of tb oil with the bypet;., pbltes is nracla more eflicsveiao, 1 ' Set&ul&lile as lesa preiieeiw Turns gJa raplUy lB.t t$ZM$ tu SOOTTS EMTJLSI ON Is acknowledged fcj Physicians to be the Finest and Best propa xabon in the world c r the relief and core cf CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY VVASTh: DISEASES, IMACIATIC', COLDS and CHRONIO COUCH), Th great remedy for Consvmptian, ni Westing in Children, Soli by oil Drv jt ft TO tTS.J Btraaatykrej. ("IZnasOasSealCi V tAaaTUUtaUVV aasw . a, M. a J W!