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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1889)
I t i 1 t RID XV.. ....JANUARY 11, 1889. 8TITE3 & Killers aa.l NUTTINQ. rresrleUrs rk r. jut rue, lmi Baiter. Knutrel at tint P,mi OiB w at Albany, Or a Mtoonl-clua mall matter. i LOCAL RECORD. Thk Other. End.-WKIU we ar build ing a road toward Astoria from Albany, It will be Interesting to note the condition at the other end o! the road. Here it U from an Astoria Ex.: "Some of thote wfco subscribed for stock In the A. & S. C. rall "Voad, would like to knew when tlx corn pan are' going to begin operations. If the road is to be completed by Jujy l, it Is time wot k was commenced. Subscribers begin to want to see something for money. If it Is not going to be built this vear they say they want to know it. The t'umctr has been informed that nothing can be done until the right of way is secured, as some of Clatsop county's enterprising citizens object to giving a right of way where the company wants It. If the road can't be built this year there Is no use to pay salar ied officer the whole amount that has been subscribed. The salaries will soon use up the $75,ooan Scholars Takb Not tea, We submit to the students and scholars who read the Democrat the following composition, which shows the great Importance of a proper knowledge of punctuation. This may describe a very good man or a very bad man. Punctuate it t "He Is an old man and experienced in vice and wicked ness he Is never found in opposing the i works of iniquity he takes delight In the downfall of his neighbor he never rejoices In the prosperity of his fellow-creatures he Is always ready to assist In destroying the peace of society he takes no pleasure In serving the Lprd he Is uncommonly dili gent ia sowing discord among his friends and acquaintances he Ukea no pride in laboring to promote the cause of Christ ianity he has not been negligent In endear oring to stigmatize all public teacher he make no effort to subdue his passions he strives hard to build up Satan's kingdom he lend no aid to the support of the gospel among the heathens he contributes largely to the devil he will never go to heaven go where he must receive the just recompense of reward." A Rsxamox. A very enjoyable affair wis the reception tendered Rev. Roger, the new Congregational minister, at the church, Wednesday. Beside a large num ber of church members,there were present friends from outside and Revs. Trumbull, Webb, Prichard, Condit, Burchet and Ir vine. After a season of social conversation there was singing by an Impromptu choir. Rev. S. G. Irvine then on behalf of the church, citizen and city pastors, delivered a very hearty address of welcome, happily responded to by Rev. Rogers.who already ' ' felt at home among our people. Prof. Lee was heard in a finely executed organ solo i v and Mrs. Cochrane in a vocal solo. She Is , one of our pleasantest singers and fills a lUtener heart with melody. Some choir singlng.a very palatable epread,games,etc, i filled the remainder of the evening. I . A Ignoramus. Frank Leslie's maga- zine for January has a very romantic tory I in which one of the scenes Is placed at the I mouth of the Columbia river. The hero runs away from hi home because his girl has decided to marry a richer fellow, tak ing a vessel from Liverpool for Portland, Oregon. In about thirty day, about a fourth of the usual time, his ship "strug gled in the wild sea off the Columbia." He was wrecked. In the course of which he found a $co,ooo piece of ambergris, w halever that 1. afterwards crossing the yawning portal of the river. Packing his ambergris In some barrels that were wsiting for him, he hailed a steamer just passing out, goes to New York, makes up with hi girl and has a fly time. The author who wrote the story know a m uch about the mouth of the Columbia a a two months old baby about the North star. Her name I Patience Stapleton. Business Changes Crossen & PaUIer that sounds well. It U the name of a fur niture firm here just established between D. L. Crossen and Mr. Paisley, who have bought out J. C. Dillon' retail basinets. They will move into the Brush property, formerly occupied by Wm. Fortmiller.and being live, energetic, reliable business men, will no doubt, ilo a large business.... Messrs, J. G. Cherry, Jos. Watson and Gus. Cos tel hare formed a partnership in the foundry business and will occupy the J. G. Cherry foundry. They propose to do a business in kreping with our growing country, and being first-class workmen, will, do deubt, succeed. Can Gar One. If the Oregon Pacific R. R. people really want a seaport for their trans-continental line they can get one, not on paper, but In rea'.ity. The Astorian ha I I V....I T. fact speak loud enough. Astoria fa the point to which they should look, and to ward which they should build. Their mis take was a costly one. They can, even now, rectify Xr Astoria. I Our. Harbors. The Astoria paper have felt very badly because we said there had been tworwrecks at the mouth of the Columbia, and one of them gets down Into a coal mine and say we are a liar. The "Republic" wa certainly wrecked there, and tilt "Queen of the Pacific," near en . t . . .:. oust) to cause an awiui scare, neither on accou. of the bar, though i but on ac count ff sand spits. Now we think the Cplurt.bla Is the best harbor In Oregon, It woulJbe foolish te deny this, and wc want a road airtcuy to it, and win be giad to work with Astoria paper to that end, hence will tot call them names for fabricating about Yaquina Bay, which we also want to help build Into a good harbor, When we mentioned the wrecks at the mouth of tbj Columbia It was simply retaliating for their everlastingly throwing cold water on Yaquina Bay. It thev are certain It can't be a big harbor what is the use of attacking it repeatedly. TiioaE Cilkstials. Yesterday morn ing In taking a walk for hi health a Dem ocrat man happened near the Oregon Pacific depot just as the afflicted San Fran cisco Celestials were eating their morning repast. It was not a very wholesome sight, squatted In little knot along the side of the track they were taking their turns at potatoes and rice served red hot from the kettle. These articles had been raised the day previous by a subscription from our citizens collected by Chinamen. Many of the Celestial were barefooted, so far as stockings were concerned, and they had s'epton scarce blanket under the depot almost In the open air, and Old not seem to mind It much, such is the remarkably fine winter weather we have been enjoying We Imagined them eating beside a rail road track In the east and the mete though made us shiver. Paid Up. Manager Wm. M. Heag and G. F. & P. agent C C Hogue, of the Ore gon Pacific, were tn the city Monday and made arrangement for the paying off of all their hand and those of Scat te & Dean, through the First National Bank. Not withstanding Insurmountable obstacles, kicks from some of the pres,and an unsp- preclatlve publlc,o far a some of it is con cerned, Mr. Hoagand hi associates have kept right atong towards Boise City, their hands are paid off and their conscience clear. Albany more than any other place should appreciate what the manager of this road have done for the city and country. The Democrat move a unanimous vote of thanks. A Possibility, Among the possibili ties, if not probabilities, in Albany, is a large brick hotel at the southwest corner of Lyon and Second streets. An eastern gentleman, representing a large company, has just been in the city, Investigating the matter, and was very favorably impressed with this city a a location for such a structure, which, if built will be as large, if not larger, than the Chemekete at Sal em. We mention the fact in order to show that this cliy Is attracting attention from outside capital, and to inform our buslne men that just at this moment Is a good time to display enterprise generally in the ma'.terof building up the city. The potsl blllties are unbounded. Let us have some action. Chance or School Books. The vote on the change of school books resulted In nrarly all of the eld ones being retained. The change made are In the readers, the "New National Series" being used in place of the Independent Series. Fish's Arith metic in place of Brools. Reblnson's al gebra and geometry and trigonometry In placsot Brook. Bryant and Stratum's common school book keeping instead of Lyte's. Exchange rate : Readers, free ; arithmetics, 15 and 30 cent ; algebra and geometries,6o and 90 cents ; book-keeping, jo cent. Thet Left. The m San Francisco Celestials were taken from Albany Monday morning lor their home at the Ooiden Gate. '-Jim Wcstfall," who brought them here, la very grateful to our citizens for the kind service they rendered in getting them home and feeding them while here. "Jim" U a prettv good kind of a Celestial, 'but if anyone think he Is bankrupt they are grandly mistaken. We d like a little of hi kind of bankruptcy ourselves. In all probability he 1 worth at least $10,000. A Law Suit. Lately Dr. Negis, of Genesee, New York, arrived In the city. Wednesday a car for which he pald$22oto carry his household goods and a span of horses to this city arrived. The agent here under instructions from his superior refute to turn over the horse until a charge of $140 Is paid. The doctor claim that he paid for the car to Albany, while the railroad claim he paid for the car only to Portland and charge mm suo lrom Portland here. The doctor brought suit this afternoon to recover his property. We understand he values his horse at $2200. A Whopper "A curious illustration of how far dust is carried 1 afforded by the fact that when the east wind blow con tinuously, as it has nearly ever since Christmas, appreciable quantities of fine alkali dust from Eastern Oregon blow down the Columbia and out to sea. On the lenses of the lighthouse at Fort Canby it gathers and settle and Mas to be wiped off. Asloruin . A liASO. in order to snow just now a matter can be mixed up and changed from a potato into a red pepper we publish the following from the Silverton Afeal: The O P contractors have been attached for all thev are worth, and their han is are left without pay, at the front of the O P R R near Mehama. The O P R R seems to have a deal of trouble with its contractors. There appears to be something rotten about the OP, A Fact. It costs a little to live in Al bany a in any place anywhere, and the figure looking astonishing when com pared to those ot the aouna cute; yet no where is life more enjoyable, nor business more . uniformly e-od.. It doesn't take spasmodic boom to make a city a good one to reside in. Still Holds the Fort. Col. Lee con tinues to hold the fort at the Indian school and probably will until a change of admin titration. Those In a position to know say the children there obtain good treatment notwithstanding the contrary assertions by a Salem paper that displays great vin dktiveness In its attacks on the Col. " Am Offer. We notice our Albany photographers, Crawford & Littler, are ad vertising cabinet portrait at $4.00 a dozen That is cheap, but we will give this enter- p,rislngr firm $4 for a single portrait of liar idson's cabinet. That's a cabinet portrait we'll waeer ther can't take even by flash light. Born, 1o the wife of M. W. Parker an. 7, 1889, a girl, A Locb Complaint. A gentleman of this city complain that small boy with uncertain avocation In life are in the habit of picking up mall things, such as old hatchets, axes or any other second hand articles and selling them for a few cents to buy cigarettes with. He says there are a number of boy wno steal various articles in this way and sell them to second hand dealer. We know nothing of the fact in the case.but public duty require us to warn the boy and uch buyers, f if there is such.) ot me evil consequences 01 mis practice. For a Few Dats Ajjywatv The coun tenance of Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain, re cently Cashier of the First National Ban k, may be seen behind the counter of the Linn County Bank, where, it Is ill remain permanently. Mr. Chamber lain is one of the most popular men in the valley ,and It is universally desired here that he will continue to make Albany hi home. A Remarkable Bridge. A large col ored cut of Portland Issued by Staver & Walker has caught the eye of the Demo crat this week. " It display the enter prise of that live firm. A curious part of the picture is a triple bridge. A train 01 cars is crossing the lower part. The cen tral portion Is devoted to teams, while along the top a vessel is being serenely navigated. A. R. R. Suit The decision in the case of the Oregonlan Railway Company agt the O R & N Co. will not be rendered for several day yet A great deal depend on it If in favor of the defendant there I every reason to believe the road will be brought to Albany, a consummation to be wished. Lebanon Election. The city election came off Monday resulting as follows : For Mayor, D Andrews ; Recorder, Geo W Rich, Marshal, GeoCheascher ; Treas urer, Arthur Robins ; Councllmen, J M Ralston, MA Miller, J A Burkhart, T C Peebler. A Foot Back. Cameron, of Corvalli, and Loveland, of Portland, ran a 100 yard foot race at the latter city Sunday for $250 a side. Loveland won with ease, and Corval lis sport are oat $500. lor the benefit of Portland papers, wno always make tiru 01 Albany, we will say that the gentleman doe : 1 .. 1 . J...:.,,. . nos resiuo us uuuug utciu.u wui- nament. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Monday evening, Jan, 7th, 1889. Present Mayor, and Councllmen Grad wohl.Tabler, Read, Hoffman, Parker and Wrltsman. In absence of Recoider, Mr Wrltsman acted In his capacity. The committee on streets recommended that Lyon street be cleaned from First street to 9th and 2nd, from Lyon to Ells worth, and that certain sidewalks be fixed. On motion of Gradwohl adopted. The following bills were ordered paid t J Gradwohl, $21.45 t J Schmejr, $7.50; pest house expense, $23.33 t I Hayes, $37.5 1 D R N Blackburn, $150 ; J K Weathcrford, $1501 O W Smith, $1.20 ; costs bills, $14.75 Deyoe & Robon,$7.2Sj S W Reece, $2.00. The committee on ordinance reported that the amendments to the city charter had been drawn up as ordered and were ready for presentation to the State Legis lature. On motion of Wrltsman it wa or dered that the amended charier be placed in the hands cf Hon R A Irvine for pre sentation to next Legislature. Matter of reports of city officers was postponed until Tuesday evening. The uniform ordinance was read third time and passed. It provides for uniforms for Marshal and nlghtwatchmen, use to be gin in February. On motion of Parker. Street Commis sioner was directed to build walk In block 8 and clean said alley. Street Commissioner was InstructeJ to bur car load of lumber. Matter of disposing of "Dutch Henry" was left to committee on health and police with power to act Old Council adjourned and new officer took seat t - Present, Gradwohl, Tabler, Parker, Burkhart, Deyoe and French. The Mayor announced the following standing committee : Way end Mean Parker, Gradwohl, French, Ordinances Burkhart, Tabler, Deyoe. Accounts and Current Expenses Burk hart, Tabler, Parker. streets and Public Propertv Gradwohl, Deyoe, Burkhart Licenses Devoe, French, Gradwohl. Health and Police Tabler. Gradwohl. Burkhart Fire and Water -French, Parker, Deyoe. Tuesday evening, Jan. 8th. Present Mayor, Marshal and Council- men Gradwohl, Tabler, French, Burkhart. In the absence ot Mr. Henton, ex-Coon- cllman Wrltsman acted as Recorder. The following bills were ordered paid : Fritz Huffman, $5 ; J N Hoffman, $2 t N II Allen, $i3 ; F E Allen. $2.75 1 G L Blackman,$S.6o ; Stltes & Nutting, $3.50; Tweedale & Hopkins, $3.86 ; J K Weath erford, $25 j W C Tweedale. $2-45 ; G W Simpson, $ ;Jo)in Jones, $75.50 ; A W McClaln, $50. Tabler reported for committee on Health and Police that Dutch Henry had been furnished a suit of clothe and would be turned loose. Report of City Treasurer, was reaJ and referred. Reports of Marhal and Recorder were referred until next meeting on accouut of sickness of tliose official. Report of Chief Engineer Webber wa read and referred with thanks to the de partment for its good serv'ces. The bonds of Marshal and Treasurer were reported approved and were filed. A petition anting for a bridge at the junction of Thurston and TlilrJ street was read. Signed by E J Lannlng and other. Referred. A petition asking for a sidewalk on west side of Montgomery, between (lh and 7th and crosswalk was read and referred. un motion 01 1 abler electric light near ThurstonAtreet was ordered raised 20 feet extra expense to be paid by citizens. City Recorder wa directed to advertUe for city printing for ensuing year. John Jones was nominated for night - watchman and engineer of No. a', and unanimously elected. George Hughes, J W Reece, A W Mc Clam and Wm N Miller were placed in nomination for nightwatchman. Following were the ballot : 1st Reece, 1 ; McClaln, 2 ; Miller, 3. and Reece, a; Mcclain, 1 Miller, a. 3rd McClaln, 1 Miller, 3. 4th McClaln, 3 ; Miller, a Hughes, I. ctri McClaln, 3 ; Miller, a Reece, 1. Cth Miller, 4 ; McClaln, 1 Reece, 1. On motion of Tabler the sa'.ary of nlght- waicn ana engineer was each placed at $65- Mr J N Hoffman was elected Street Commissioner unanimously. J A Warner and W B Barr were nomin ated for Surveyor. Ballot : Warner, t ; Barr.c. The Marshal and Street Commissioner was Instructed to enforce the laws In rcf erence to sidewalks and streets. Following bill were referred: Henrv Stewart wood used at pest house without permission, $1.50 ; W II Huston, $11.25, ma were ordered advertised for cross walks, gravel and dirt. The N cw Year's JJtrald wa ordered de livered to Council and Board of Trade. Following is the Treasurer's report for the last quarter : Receipts. m uai on hand close of last quarter. $ 71.34 A RAILROAD mSO. Albany te Astoria br Rail. A Company t t Insorpsrateil. Pursuant to a call there was a large gathering of prominent citizens at the store of Stewart & 8ox last Monday to consider the very Important matter of building a railroad between Astoria and Albany. It was one of the inot enthusiastic meetings ever held In Albany, and hid the spirit of business in It from the start. S E Yeung was elected Chairman and F P Nutting, Secretary. Enthusiastic re. marks were made on the ubjcctby Mayor Cowan, Major Cassell, A Hackleman, Geo F Simpson, Julius Gradwohl, C E Wol vcrton, II H Hewitt, P Cohen, E F Sox, C II Stewart and Dr Hill, - A letter was read from the Independence Board of Trade In which a conference was requested and a de sire expressed to act togethei In securing the road. Also a letter from the Astoria Board of Trado. On motion of Mavor Cowan a commit tee ot five wa appointed to prepare articles ot Incorporation for a company to build a railroad from Albany to Astoria. Hon G ts Chamberlain, IJlstrlct Attorney 111111, CEWolverton, it Bryant and Hon J K weatherford were appointed such. com mittee. ' Mr, Stewart moved that the committee he Instructed to name a terminal point Albany and Astoria, and the . motion wa adopted. It may be said that our citizens mean business in the matter. Albany is the most convenient and the nearest junction with the Oreiron Pacific. A road to this city does away with two large bridges, and pase through a comparatively populous, rich farming country, maklnc it the proper lino for such a road. Capital will be Inter) estcd in the matter, and the road Is sure to be built. We predict that Inside of four years car will be running from Astoria to Albany. HOW SALEM TOOK IT. The action of our citizen last Monday stirred up Salem some, and they propose to act. The Stutnimm av t "It wilt be seen bv reading the dispatches this morning that the people of Albany nave at last awakened to the situation and that thev will endeavor to stem the tide of fate which seems determined to bring the Astoria railroad over Its natural avenue. through Salem to a connect'on with the O. P.B We haven't seen the tide yet that wa taking the road from Albany, and a for natural avenue the one to this city past Dallas and Independence Is the most nat ural one we know about, being twenty or thirty mile nearer a connection with the Oregon Pacific than by Salem, according to our maps, beside saving two large bridges. So much for natural advantages. The Statesman also remark : "There is no time to lose In perfecting an orgnljtailon, Holding a conference meet ing with the Astoria people and setting the ball rolling In practical shape. A company can be organized here and the requisite stock subscriptions obtatned In thirty day to enable the commencement of active operations." It this Is to be a race to the sea, Albany must show its color alacritously. Backed by a magnificent country, with the natural advantages In our favor we are bound to succeed. Oa ths Southern lioaniiary. There U an woeful scarcity ot Item along the boundary at present. E f Wllloughby and wife, B Alllngham and J R A Vaughan represented the bound, ary at the Moody sermon In Eugene last Thursday, J H Bramwell w.ts kicked by a horse the first of the week and for several days was unable toaik, but Is now getting along better than could have been expected considering his age, about 75 yean. Mr Coldron has been having a serious time from vaccination, was too Hi to be up for nearly a week . A force of white and Chinese laborers engaged In putting In new ties on the Nar row Guage are camped at Wllkins' Station and are working some distance below there. They began at Coburg three or four weeks ago and are working north. Mr and Mrs J C Bramwell, of Lake county, were visiting relatives here the first ot the week. Our neighbors over the line are being agitated by a petition and a remonstrance for a saloon at Coburg. The papers have almost an equal number of signature, and each side Is using Its utmost strength. To an outsider It seems that one year's ex perience with a saloon would have been enough without attempting second. Your correspondent has heard several inquiries for fine cattle, sheep and hogs lately and wonders why owners ot such stock do not advertise in the Democrat. Mrs Sutton, the aged mother of Mrs "O P Kauble, who has been Insane for several years became so violent a to necessitate her removal to the asylum one day this week. i A WOOLEX MILL. --Mr. Shaw Is on his way to Ohio on special business. He contemplate build a woolen mill In Albany.--Sunday's Or gonian. If the report Is true Mr. Shaw mean business and Albany will have a woolen mill, an Institution we have long wanted here. The bonus asked will be a reason able one. This 1 an enterprise our citi zens should hack. UOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. . Cali Gars Lsar Wavs ml J alias Ural!' have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories In Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast The following are some of my cash retail prices : dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 cts. dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cer,45 ct. y, dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. dozen seven Inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goods are all Iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of good. These price are for 30 day. IULIUS OR ADWOHL, H, H. Officers. officer for the The following Sabbath School were elected in this city Sundav ensuing year t Congregational A. Browne!!, Superin tendent : W R Blaln, Ass't Superinten dent t Mis Catherine Althouse, Organist; Miss Annie Althouse, Treasurer, V u Ken. on, secretary ; Geo W Keener, Financial ecretary 5 W R Btain, blackboard lllus rator ; Mrs A Brownetl, Chorister. U. P. Geo W Gray. Superintendent :L E Blaln, Ass't Superintendent : S E Young, Treasurer 0 11 Stewart, Secretary j F P Nutting, Reporting Secretary ; Miss Mil dred Burmester, organist. tkaage la Baalasaa. All parti knowing tWiMlva Indebted. to the Una of Thompson & Waters, either by 00U or soooaot, mast ems forward sad settle tbs same withia thirty days, as there is sjoiag to be a ebange in tbsir business. Brownsville, Or., J so. 1st, 1399. InoufMi it Waters Small Tracts. Messrs. Morrison, Crawford and HoUteln, three Scotch fen- tlemen, formerly ot Nebraska, recentiy ot Olympia. W. Tn to-day purchased the tao acre farm of C b. Wolverton, at Oak vine. One or two more families will arrive and the farm will be divided Into smalltract of twenty to forty acre and be devoted to fruit culture. , TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Royal Scare. , Madrid, Jan. 8. An attempt io blow up tqa Royal place wa made here to-day, No one was injnred, and the only damage done'wa the smashing of windows. The petard with which the attempt was made was exploded on the staircase of the palace. Great excitement pre vailed for a time, the members of the royal household being almost panic-stricken. Prime Minister Sngasta, as soon as he heard of the at tempted outrage, hurried from congress to the palace, where he at once wa admitted to an audience with the queen. x A Modest Claim. New Haven, Conn.Jan. 8. F, C, Patter son, of Portland Or., claims that nearly all the land wcere the town of Stratford now stands, belongs to the heirs of HeZekiah I'aUererson, who died in 1760. Patterson, it isclfllmed.lcft the property to his wife on condition that if she married again it should go to the children. Mrs. Patterson married and disposed of the cliildren by binding them out. An attorney is looking up the matter. A Mre Young Man. Cincinnati, Jan, 8, The Kecfer Milling Company failed yesterday. It now transpires hat during December Kecfer, jr., secretary tf the firm, forged drafts to the amount of $46, 000 on which he realized at the banks. The young mah is missing. U-ft Forty Cblldrsa. OtibKN, Jan. 8. One of Israel's patriarchs has gone to the valley of Jchotaphat lie is Abraham Hunsaker, an ancient Mormon of long years standing, wlio, in the course of his checkered career as a Saint of the Latter Day's married gve women, from whom he had, at the time of his death, forty living chiUlren.of whom twenty-six married ones had blessings of aggre gate offspring of 130, making 170 live twigs on hat one partriarchal tree. The Panama Canal. London, Jan. 8. A Paris dispatch to the Standard says; The Panama canal difficulty ha been temporarily averted, all the contrac tors having consented to receive shares in the Panama railway as a guarantee fur sums tie coming due them in the immediate future. The shares of the new company will be reserved ex clusively for the present stockholders. A HrotaJ M order. Carson, Nev, Jan, 8, Yesterday morning two young men named Dcloras Cotanado and Ed I'ixley had a friendly set-to with bare knuck les for $150 the winner to treat the crowd, I'ixely struck Coranado in the stomach, which caused his death a few hours after, I'ixely is in jail. . Vmavla Asgry. Naples, Jan. 8. Vesuvius I showing In creased activity. A new cone which ha formed has been opened. A landslide ha occurred at Poslllppo. A mass of rock and earth 50,000 cubic yards in extent fell upon the bouses below.killing one man and sev eral animals. flOXK ANDABttOAD MOtTDAT. Tbe Astoria 4 Albany Itsllroad. Mr S Q Irvioe, Newport's live r.;l estate man, bat btea in the uity several days. Mr P L Such, of Sao Francisco, is in the city. : Slm Weather Indication. For the hours beginning at 1 2 o'clock, noon. Rain For Sale The best paying business for the money Invested, In the city. In quire of C L. Brush.foot ot Lyon Street. We Want, Your butter and eggs and will pay you either cash or trade for It Brown ell & Stanard. Dr. M. If. Eliia. phyaieiaa and Alt-any, Oregon. Calls made is country. surgeon city or J A Archibald, agent Singer Manafaetar ing Co., opposite Odd Fallow Temple, Al bany, Look llrrv. We ar; closing o our ttock ot boots and hoes, and to show you that we mean what we say quote vou a few of our prices Ladies' best French kid button shoes a $4U. resular orice. $.x none better In town; ladies' extra quality French kid, but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies, good trench kid, button, at $3, regular price, $4; ladies' bright Dongola, button, at eJ75. regular price, $3 50; ladies' bright Dongola, button, neat and good, $2, regu lar price $3; ladle' American kid, $2, reg ular price, S3; ladle American kid, $1 .35 regular price, $2; child oil grain button school shoes, from St to $; a few pairs of ladies rubbw i cents to 40 cents; men s rubbers, Co cents; also a large as sortment of men's boots. Come and see. Brownell & Stanard. Licenses City tlx Koad tax Dog tax Fines 1 1 20 .CO 393-36 4400 43 37.'5 Auction. Auction every afternoon at M. J. Monteltli's, at S. E. Young's old store. Goods at your own price. Must be soid. Disbursements. Orders paid Interest paid.... $ 1 563.6a 13.41 Balance on hand . . . . , $1567.03 $3J-7 The Chie Engl neer In hi report give the condition of the fire apparatus and buildings of the city, showing it to be good ; out states that "the Council should if possible build a better house for the oc cupancy of Rescue Hook Si Ladder Co. There are eight water cisterns and four hydrants. He recommends another cis ern in the eastern district The total loss by fire during the year he reports as fol lows s March 31. Dr O'Tool's house, $150, In sured. April 24. Ed Goin's barn, $100, insured. May 17. Alarm. O R & N wharf. Loss nominal. Juneo. Alarm. John Schmeer's barn. No loss. June 11. Chas Pfelffer's barn, U200. No insurance. Total loss, $450. Insurance, $250. Don't Pass It. A petition is being circulated In the state asking for a law $ 1608.7 I compelling engineers running even trac- -1 - tlon engines to have ft license. Should such a law pass It would work a great hardship on the owners of threshing' out fits, who would almost be unable to oMaln engineers, and only at high prices- Bari ee. The finest line of baby carrl ages In the Valley just n ceived at Stewart it Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri ages. Cari of Tkaaks. On bbalf of my dcstttaU countryman. who found themselves in Albany without aor money and fall of hanger. I wish ts i areas thanks to tne good eiiisens 01 Albany who have assisted them in setting food to keep them from starving. "JIM In EffiTAUU Uestiteton. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. A telegram was re ceived at tbe navy department to-day saying that 4000 laborers employed at Ihe La Coleera I cut, Panama, had just been discharged, and great prevails in consequence. Even la Checker. ,- London, Tan. 7. The checker contest be tween Baiker' the American player, and Smith has been concluded. The score of the games stood- Barker, 5; Smith, 1; drawn, 25. Bad Weatker( London, Jan. 7. Severe weather i report. ed in the Black sea during Ihe past forty-eight hours. Many sailing vessels have been wreck ed, and over one hundred seamen lost their lives. JadgeLyaeh. Seattle. Jan. 7. Alfred Schaffer, a Bo hemian, fired a heavy charge of giant powder under tde house of George Bodala, at Oilman, thirty miles east of Seattle, at 4:30 this morn ing, instantly killing John and Michael Scher rick and Anna, (he nine-year old child of Bodala and badly wounding Bodala, his wife and little son and another daughter. Schafler was found by the people of Oilman at his own bouse after the explosion, every in dication pointing to him as the perpetrator of tne deed, lie was placed under, arrest and later in the afternoon upon the arrival of the sheriff he was turned over to that officer. This afternoon while the sheriff was at din ner a crowd of a hundred broke open the floor of the bouse where Schaffer was confined took him to a tree opposite the railroad depot and strung him up, first trying to make him confess. He refused, and wa hangnd op. After thirty second he wa taken down again and given another chance to confess. Still declining, he was again elevated and cut down for the second time, after forty-fiVe seconds. He was then very weak and efforts to make him divulge be ing still fruitless he was hanged for the third and last time. Will H Parry has retired from the Hon Kirk Pne passed through tbs city to-day tor Salem. ' Bids are advertised for carrying msii to and from the 0 & C depot. Salem baa a married peoples dancing club, none of the small boys ar admitted. - Mr III Eckermsn, formerly of this city, is now looated at BuIJy, Malheur ouaty. The Boston Coined Comuany ptssed through the city to-day ,for Com!'-. hr they will play to-night. Mr William Fabsr has returned to Albany from his trip to Gsrmaoy, after an absence of several months. Tbj canvas of the vote oa the chance of school books has been made at Salem s bat willnot bs made public until seat week. J L KilHan Is the asms .of the Justice of the Peaee at Vansycle. lU is somewhat of a mixture of both J L Sullivan and Kilrain. Probably 100,000 people located io Oregoo and Washington Territory daring 1588. The number will se doubled tbe com i tig year. Mrs Malloy, the revivalist, who was re flet ly married I at Jlalaey, has begun work at Salem. M rs Malloy only takes in tbe small erplaoas like Ilslsey and Slem. The Portland Welcome is probably tbs best weekly ' paper published io Portlaod. It Shows that a DSnar en lixatu I... bor F obt0iM loae of its neigh- .. W Barr, the railroad contractor spent Sabbath io tbe eity. He reports a prospect of haying ears ruoning 00 ti street railway at Salem within ten days. It we rnmored to-day that the Oregon Fawflos carpenters and bridge builders bad been called io for tbs winter; bot eannot find the authority for the rumor. The 8Iem paper have begun asking how about that woolen mill or some other woolen mill. Oor experience here is that suoh question indicate a big bitch somewhere. It is stated thst 00 the evening of the ffrtat fight between Jackstn and McAolil in San Fnuieujeo, tbe colored people bald a prayer meeting aod aked tbat their colored pugilist might win. He won. Hon R A Irvioe weot to Or vail is to-day oa behalf of oor citizens, to make arrange ments with the Oregon Pacific for the con veyiog of tbe destitute Celestials to tbeir borne in Sao Francisco. Two yoooe men from law U.tA ; T dependence Bv yrs ago. without any worldly wealth at ail, now tbey are worth Vr $5,000. a modest sum, yet enough to snow west young men can do who aie sober and iodustnotts. First street to-day is a credit to the eitv. sad shows what a fw dollars will do. The oost ia very small compared to the benefit reselling, lb privilege t-f crossing a hoti ees street in a rainy ooantry without affect- n "ibh in juur enoca w a great one. Tbe Albany fire department has instituted a move for obtaining tbe passage ot a law changing tbe time of exemotion from seven te five years, and for facilitating the transfer irom one company to another. Every com paoy in th State will be axked to assist io securing tbe passage of such a law. The engagement of Mia daughter of A Coben, of this city and Louis ooiomon, 01 rortisod, is announced. Harry Parker. brttW f the Psrker Br. of this eity, broke a Ing at Spebane Falls on New Year's day. Slipped aod fell on the sidewalk, "Force of imculse" Is the name of a blav bnug rehearsed by ff Co to be iroented in the sear future. Tbe oasi stains some of I the best local talent ia the 'i.ty. Tbe man who stole the bam vseterdsv evening from the Willamette Paokiog Co' store was given tea days In tbe County jail, by his Honor, Justice Humphrey. Mr. Jos, Lame, of Halsey. has been ia the city to-day. He stated that tbe maidenee ef Mr. Eliss Keeney. fatoerof Geo. B. Keeney. of this city, was burned last eight Cart Kellev. who ma the "Yanoina Bav" sground.has been dischsrged and J. O. Stew art, of this city, appointed agent in his place at the Bay This gives general satisfaction. Rev W D Hatnphrey, of Eagece City, a minister of the Christian denomination will preach in the Christian church next S-tbbetn morning and evening. He talks of locating here. , - ,.; The revival services at tbe Baptist cburch conducted by Rev G J Barehett,of Portland, are of much interest. Meetings begin at 2 and 7 o'clock, p. ta. All are invited to at tend. The Oregon Pacific Railroad to-day is put ting 120,000 io circulation io this city Ly paying off their bands here. There are ru mors tbat the bead offices will be moved bere eventually ; bat this is unfounded-! Mr. Cbss. Metzgsr and J. J. Dorris have associated themselves together ia tbe Insur ance and General Brokers business, their of ' flee being 00 First Street, opposite tbe Ruts House, Albany, Or. Tbe Arm will be known after this as Chae. Metzgar Si Co. Dr. A. M. Black, who is spending the winter with Banker Wallace, at Salem, will preach ia the U. P. Chirch sext Sabbath morning. Dr Black was oaee Rev 8 G Ir vine's tutor in Oresk and Latin, and eoa tiuues a oang and energetic man at seventy five. There is a man ia town who wrate to Gen eral Harrison and has received a reply from Private Secretary Halford. but tbe hand writing is so mnch like a gridiron struck by lightning tbat be is doubtful whether it is a mtre acknowledgment or an tffer of a cabiret position. Walla Walla Statetmap, Tbe Corvalli Times ssys tbat tbe Corvallis sports did not take interest enough ia tbe race between Cameron and Loveland to even cause a discussion, much less wsger a nickel on the result. Good for Corvalli. Foot rac ing is becoming very ltw business. Albany has got rid of her destitats Chinese laborers who have been working oa tbe O.P. extension. Tbe citizens paid tbe compsny $20 a bead to skip them to Saa Frsncisco,aDd they passed through this eity this morning on tbeir way tbither. Corvallis Time. $20 a bead would be $2300. Just bow much it cost is not exactly known, but no such sum. KEEPPOSriw vVbeat, 70 cents. New fall goods at Read's. See those new jersies at W. F. Read's. New ribbon all shades and style 1 at Read's All lines of boys kilt suits at W. F Read's- Fine Hoe of bread kneading pans at G W Smith's. Another lot of Hall cheese at PvowaeU & SUoard's. at(G Albany Hi Hi How does that look ? A 6ne painting in oil. executed ly Wm Wright, of Mt. JeBerson. may be seen at Dr, Gniss k Sons The Santiam and a train of cars on the Oregon Paoifio is iaoluded ia the seen. Nursery J. F. Backensto is the ac credited agentof Vancouyer Nursery. Ap- olv to him for fruit or ornamental trees at Al-y, Oregon. A Pleasing Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows tne nseoi syrup or rigs, as it sets ia harmony with nature to effec tually clBee the system when costive or bi Unas. ForeaJ.) ia 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drC;ut. f eee If yon want a eleao and flne smoke ask for J. 3 oseuh'a home made white labor eigars For aale bv most eigar dealer and at bis Joseph' factory. Wide IsmooPamTS. A large invoice of the above goods has been received, and will be sold at reduced nces. They are de sirable patterns and are a bargaim. . Saml'kl E. Youko, It WU be Dramatic. Los Angeles. Jan. 6. The revival of in terest in the identity of MurchUon of Pomona I by the connection of Governor Sheldon's name therewith bas caused those holding the secret to relaxa little, and it is now intimated that Murchison's real name will be given with dra matic effect on March 4 next. Murchison is to i go on to Washington, take part in the inaugural ceremonies as Murchison, and then he will be introduced to President Harrison nnder his proper name. TUESDAY. Ibany There is a ease of smallpox at Amity, Yam bill ooonty. To oor knowledge there is not a Chine eook. in a single private family in Albany. Idelmaa Walker pay two cents taxes in Marion county. It is paid on 310 acres of land. This is to be a boom year for Oregon, and there will be growths ia cities tbat wiil open eyes. Mr J I Matlock, of Crawfordsville, was in the city yesterday. W acknowledge a pleasant call. The average attendance ia the Sabbath schools of Albxuy last year was approximate ly uu. Seventeen persons were committed to the insane asylum from Marion ooenty doriog the past six months. Tbe firm ot Harris 4 Gillet, marble deal ers, has dissolved partnership, Mr Giilet re tiring from the baaioeaa. An Astoria band has just declared a divi dend of $19 to each member, the result of four year bard work. Nothing like belong ing to a band. Nevada is going down hill. In the year of 1S89 Neyada polled 18,343 votes: io 1SS4 12.- 771, and ia IS88 12,237, showing a decreais of about one-third in its voting population. Mr Kirk patrick, editor ot the Lebanon Repru. waa ia the eity to day on his wsy to Texas on business connected with some of his father's InUrests.' Mrs George Monteith. ot Corvallia. a form er resident of Albany, a woman of remark able parity and nobility of character, is ly ing" dangerously ill at her home ia Corvallis, without ex pectations of recovery. The pubtiabed report that a burglary was attempted at tbe St. Charles Hotel Sunday aight bad no other foundation than a wo man's getting frightened at a noise made by seat. "Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth." Hon W K Price, of Jackson eoanty, iu-forn-ed a reporter yesterday that the Rogue river valley ia much ia need of rain, in faet that ttoless it eomes soon much da nage will result. He says the dust is flj ing there and people are cam pell ed to draw water for their stock as ia summer. aUUcman. A large stock of lifting force pa w smit& a. A fall line of Christmas candies and rata will be kept by Brownell & Stanard. Ia a calm sea every man is pilot Ia dry goods .f. F. Bead is leader. If yon want to save from 10 to 25. per cent by your goods of W. F. Read. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Tbos. Jones. Bay your tickets through, to the East of w l. jester ana save tare to rortland. ' A complete line of beating and parlor stow - at G W Smith', no better u the valley. W. F. Head can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any noose ia Albany. Call and . see fur yoctseJL : " All the latest aoveltaes in mininery goods st E and C Howard'. Call and seegttum, No trouble to show goods. The line of PaciSc and Royal Arganda as G W Smith's is a large one. These are among the beat eook stoves made. See them. Good not sold for less than oost, aoods not given away. Bat good honest goods sold at reasonable proStat W. . t..l. ' Julius Gradwohl is now making a special -ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver warr, of which be carries a large and aelei t stoefc. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, h a stotk of crockery is the best in the market and his line of dolls and children's play thirgs geaei ally" is complete. His prices are ttejjioweit on tbe coast. A pain in the back often leads to corooli eated diseases that are almost incurable, Oregoo Kidney Tea cares the first and pre vents the latter. It ia sorely vegetable, aid is warranted and sold by Foshay ec Mason. Selling at Cost. Until after the holt days all my stock of felt hats and bonnets, baby hoods, plushes, faicv feathers, etc. Special sale, call early. Ida M. Brush, first door east Stratum's new brick. Day by day it becomes more apparent tha Stanford and Plumb are to become the Randalls of the republican party. H.Ewert, practical watchmaker and ;cw ei. MARRIED. SECURE PRICES. K0 TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEFOE & ROBSOiN Farmer, if you want the best harness all hand made, call onE.L. to Dem- erst omce, ... Elva Christian, whose husband was killed at Brownsville on the Narrow Gange, some time ago, has just received a verdict of 13000 against the Company. Between two and three hundred men are working on the Oregon Paciflu front, and wiil be for several weeks. Qaite a number have qui though fer the winter. . v There is talk of rnnning a branch from the Union Pact So into Oregon. Salem is having its share of revival meet- logs. Major Hilton is also coming. . Letter Ust, Vollowlng Is tbe Ust of totters remaining ia the Fart I QtBoe, Albany, Llnneountv, Oregon, Jan. If, US9. Persons calling for these letter must give tbe ties en which ther were advertised : Bsrlt, Mm Lottie Jlowery, If W The Mail Robber. B. F. Watkins,the ex-railway mail clerk recently convicted In the United States Court for stealing a registered package containing $380 in gold and greenbacks, mailed at Scio, Linn Co., for Portland, is the latest arrival at the penitentiary. Statesman. TlfJ WARE AND HARD WARE Of ALL ECIflDS AT DEY0E& R0DS0 Best, A W Bigham, Charlie Canady, Nathan Conner, M Kbert, Henry Furguson, A V Jones, J B tic t'adden, Thos Peterson, Pater S Wilton, James Whlto, Louis . Courtney, D Jo Iewn, 1 izj Krigrtahl, K y,D. (?) Hawkins, Miss Lizzie' Kotze, Alpn (3) Mehl, O , Htlnlt, A Wert, J B Winston, Clarense. R. THOMPSON. P, M. Pcre Milk. Mr. Henry Stewart has established a milk route in this city and asks for the patronage of crar citizens. Tickets for sale at Brownell & Stanard's. All kinds of woolen dress goods are 25 per cent cheaper than tbey were a year ago. Our stock is all fresh, consequently weeaa give yery ow pnoee. Yw ST XkBAD. Kilw Dried FLOORINO.-Good kiln dried flooring at the Springfield lumber yard in this city. . - ' e e 7 O-ks onres rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache, Foshay Sc. Mason, Agents. - Superior. .That Is the name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. Plenty of Laborers. Sa Francisco, Jan. 6. Speaking on the I agitation of the question of the alleged scarcity of laborers in California, Ex-Governor Perkins says: "The question is very clear to me. There is enough white help in this state at all times to euppiy alt demands. 11 tne men who are clamoring for more Chinese knew how to treat white men their work would be better done and the general result more satisfactory. I can go out to-day and get toco men, men who are able and willing to work. Come to Oregon. Fargo, Dak., Jan. 6. News comes here of I a pitiable state of aflairs among the Norwegian farmers of Walsh countyr It is said there are about fifty families almost destitute, The only means of subsistence they have or have had for some time is cooking their green frozen wheat into a sort ot porridge. The live within the belt where early frosts did the greatest damage and had relied solely on this season s crop to tide them over the winter, but this calamity left them with absolutely nothing. , The census reports, which are only ap- j proximate, give the following value of or chard products in the United States: For iSHo, estimated, apples, X5U.400 WO; pears, 14, 130.000: peaches. BoO, 135.000; grapes, $2, 118,900; straw berries, 13,000,000; other fruits, 110,900,000. Total, 1137,783,900. In 1880, the census reports make the whole amount $50,876, 154. WEDNESDAY. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE 35 ROBSON'S. Curiosities. Same very fine perslnv mons, Japanese oranges and sugar cane at F. II Pfelffer's. Try them. It will cost nothing to see them. m m F M. Frenoh keeps railroad time, ; For rand madsbaraes go to E. L. Power Thompson & Overman keep the best har nesses. Fine line of good stock of tion at Deyoe son's Special bargains jjarket. Guns and Ammuni' and Bob '::,;. , Hunt Talks. Walla Walla, V, T., Jan. 5. At a mass meeting this afternoon J. W. Hunt spoke. He said he had not built the O. & W. T. to sell out: that his system was independent of all other roads, and that he intended to .keep it that way, He had a fifty-year traffic agreement j with the Northern Pacific, and therefore - was absolutelo indifferent to combinations and joint leases of other companies. He had made this .. ... t! . J 1.1 .1, city tne center 01 nis system ana wouiu Diuia a depot that would be a credit to this or any other city, and pay for half the necessary depot grounds, lie nad esiaDUsned nis neaaquoners in this city, purchased a home here and was ex pecting to reside here henceforth. DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE Go to P. J. Laporte for your boot and shoe repairing. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or A new barrel of saner kraut just received at F L Kenton's. L Leabo. a Tolsds merchant, has made a general assignment. Mr. "Dutch Henry" aod his darkey nurse left to-day for the north. Miss Esther Cohen and her spouse-eleot are visiting in ths city with the parents and friends of the former . - - Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves and sells them the cheapest. Call and see those Early Breakfast stoves and ranges at W C T weedale'f . An English court has decided that wed ding pteseots belong te the husband. I Yen will save money by getting your plumbing and job work done at Tweedale a. The county court yesterday changed .he name ot Chaa H Schubert te Chas H Muel ler. ..:;:-t- - :,. "Young man, go north." That ia the cry ia California, - and tbe boom is booming hitherward. Sixteen new canneries are to be started io Alaska ui coming season. 100 n.aon ot a rush at one time. - . Hon A C Stanley, of Jackson county, was in ths city to-day en his wsy to Salem. We acknowledge a call. A valuable horse belonging to C P Knight en waa killed by the north bound train near Tangent yesterday morning. SANDERS HUNSAKER. At the residence of the bride's parents, McMinn vllle, Or, Wednesday, Jan. and, 1SS9, by Rev. W.T. Jordan, Miss Lora Hunsaker and Mr. A. M. Sanders, both of McMinn- vilte. The groom Is a son of Hon. J. R. Sanders, of Amity, ind a member of the firm of Martin & Sanders, ef this city. The bride ts a daughter ot Rev. A.J. Hunsaker. This young couple belong to the best fam ilies in this county, and begin life together under the most auspicious circumstances, and their many fri-nds join in wishing them a long and useful life. They were the recipients of many nice and valuable presents. McMinnviiie Register. BORN. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE t no CCO N MILLARD. On 1 uesoay, Jan. 8, 1S89, to the wife of John Millard, a girl. - I'AI.XL. yja monuaj, Jn, 7, iooy, w the wife ot N. P. Payne a boy. SIMPSON. On Saturday morning, Jan. c.t iSt9, In Albany, to the wife of G. W. Simpson a girl. MONTEITH. At Corvallis, on Wed nesday morning, January 9th, 1SS9, Mrs. Charlotte Monteith, aged about 60 years. Mrs. Monteith came to Oregon , with her husband and family, about twenty years ago, residing la Albany until about seven years ago, when she moyed 'to Corvallis. She saw a family of seven cw eight children and her husband all pass away, but one daughter, Mar v, who survives her in poor health. Mrs, Monteith was one of natures noble women, the loss of whom . Is a great one. Few more exemplary wives and mothers ever live. SALTMARSH. On Monday evening, Jan. yth, 18S9, at his home in Albany, of typhoid fever, John daitmarsh, aged 19 years, 4 days. Just entering into manhood his loss is a great one to his mother.broth ers and sisters and many friends through the city, who have our sympathy in their affliction. Funeral services were held at the residence in afternoon, Rev. Prichard conducting them. .