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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1889)
"4 n 4'? TnH If I I l . , a:va::ce ; clsowt ckd OF.YEAR. Issued every Fri Jsj y UTITE9 s,NtJTTINQ. ml ! : ! 1 II i B S I 1 11 I 1 t m 1 7 AJrertU'.tiK rates II ition, mad known on p TilS COW BBAKD. TO v DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME'BREXd USE Divicims Con-BiuuiD Soda-Salhiatus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM ANO FULL WEIGHT. Be sura Ihsl ttm la a plutara of a CVw on jour pflc and Tou will hare ti beat Boda saade. TRS COW WU2TD. JULIUSJOSEPH, & Manufacturer oi Cigars -AND JB FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Ck:, I'lug enn Rmoluig ToUcoor, Mraohauu ami Bra Pipsa, and a to line or Srook ?rV Art.tlss, Also dealer li CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS FURNITURE. You want I h Utt an J mot duiable furnHaretbat Is'manu factored in ibee'.tjr o ! Thomas Brink. seep almost everything In tba Una of SPRINGFIELD .A Vheeler, Springfield, Oregon, Proprietor. A. WHEELER, ALBANY MANAGER. Albany Yard and Office on Railroad St between 4th and 5th Street. llavlog lumber not excelled In quality, and facllltiee not anrpaaaed for tba j.rompt and satisfactory filling ot orders. We leapertfully aolleit a ahara of tba trade. Conrad Meyer. pROPKiifKjt or- ST A ft BAKERY, Cimsr Broiiiibin ail First 8ts,,1 DEALER IS Cj4aed remxtt, fjlsrre( Dried Fruits, Tbee,' 8 agar, Coflee. Ete Cnaf4 Meats, Qaeeaivare, Vegetables, - Cigars, Spires, Tea, CteM la f-Jt evrjrthin th. I kept In a gea rl variety and grocery store. Hlgbe market prios paid for ALL ICIKD8 OF PRODUCE. Lina Vaniy Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Monant to Cowan A Coaiok.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TR1M3A.CT3 a general baoUns burin. DIV 4U It OIV'Mai Ss Tork, rra Wit aal Portlaai, Oregoa 11 I MOVeT am appfwl eeearity. ;"!' tSlVfli-awtlUenh. V eh- U. J. Hirrfiost. Pria. B. Coo. a (J 0, Muiu Tin a. ruia m rr. TheOrczon Land Company a ih.mrni ofhnTiar and aellinr rail M' Iw. aiar.iin '.ha Will imM.f Vallay In all ol tba Uivi-nx bwb ifn o( tha Unil Bute. l EMtm amU H diraoi bona aaekart to tha '" kUa Vf. and h raa itwU in all tha priaolpal n Mul.ii. mjk. Una. Benton. Oaokaiiua ami YniHI aoantiM U ai-1 la looUui inmlrranta. Oiflna in tba Tata BUHinf ooa door at ol art 4 . n0D30yf 4 DICKI530S, Mwanf. : Hew and Second Hand Store Owing to tarn iacrmJM 1 demand of, our t,'Jiiff we bva ln coinpwlUl to move .( .t- anl e n no Im y,-i,,dO!i' utM K. Y'af, wher w wil it to ma fin r otrona. If t '.M. firiUw' tlnw4re, 'irpn, platur, frait f ?. ' -k4, i i (-( vv.i ! t do . , :, ; t ' i ! !" t iiq yoa i li 'i a p'irciia'rox'!haos5e L. GOTTLIEB 123 firat Stroot, Albany, Or. nOT3CU IU3T. rt . Rue vii if mat Sjtfc Boat. Nice -1.' .. . . . .1 unary at all tim of the yr 820 M lantSWwU. 8crmauto Olen, Slt Li'ta, Denver. Finest econd-oUs car in l4 are run dily. Buy yonr ticket of me and save your fare to Portland. I am th only person in Albany that co ell yon a ticket from Albany direct to any poiut 10 th United Slate. Call on ma for rata. V, L. JlOTEU. Agent 8. P. C. Le BLatJKOail, Successor to B. W. Lanjdon. DEALER-.IJi DHUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, . SOAPS COMBS ETC Vol.. aaiV. MAKE 13 ILER IN fumuora that h kept In a flr -class stare SAW MILL C. J. DILLOH & COr, . UM3ER, FLQ3RINC, RUSTIC, Ho. Gsneril Job Wort, Dressing and Siwing Lumlisr, Bepairing, . Etc,; Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special adrantage to purchasers of rustic flooring", F-it ry at lt of Lyoa Street. THE PLACE. ay all nnaat sell on Parker Brothers, Seees$ort t John Fax, fi-r yonr Groceries, Praiaca, Baksi Boois, Etc., Etc. TbeirsooJ? are th) bast an J tlulr prices reaainable. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PU)PKII?rOR OF Albany oda Works And Mni?turra of CHQI03 OOSFEulTOERY, Araar, prprl to Mil at Wioi xale, alwaya frn!i and pore at PortUnd ;)iiNa to deiitara We alao keep a fLlI line of Juts aal Tropica Fruits, CIQAR3 AN0T03ACC0; WILL BROS, - TWlra In ftUtht Ut4stlnaororei Pianos Origans Swin? Machlnat, Gun. Also a full Una nf warranto 1 Razors. Batcher and rocket Knives. Tha ba-rt. kind of Mwimr mv;hin oil. n.iedte snfl extra. for all invwuea ah repairing neany an J riKnooabty don. First National Bank; OF ALI14NI, OKEGON. PrMltlotlt...'.- ...0. FLHTN Vloe Prasitlant ...... ... S, E, YOl'NG rvhi. .. UfcU. S. UHAMDKKl.AIH Ass's Caihler r. rvntm i "awamaam- TRANSACTS A GENERA t banking buslaeas. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to shock. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telexmphle transfer, so! on Saw York, Saa Francisco, Chicago ana 101 COlXECTIOSa HXDZ on favorable terms. Biaacroaa. - J, E. Tocaa, ' Gao E Cbixixkuii , LB. Busui, h. Fux, WaliE Tcaaau Children Cry for LOCAL RECORD. Probabimtikitiii Year. A Masonic hall on First Street, a fine brick at the Cuslck corurr, and new block at , aiul . It may take rustling though to fill the blank. Larue Land Sauc. A. few clflj ago Jamea Steel, ol Portland, olJ to the Ore Ron Land and Live Stock Company 374 acres of land lying about 10 miles cast of llarrlsburg. It U said the company will engage In raUIng fine stock. Tiik Oudsst Ooa Fkli.ow. Father Henry Armstrong, ef this clty.wlio claims to be the oldet living Odd Fellow In the United Statcs.celebrated his 87th birthday nnlveriarr on Tucday, New Ycar'a day. lie joined the I O O F fraternity In iSjx and haa been an active member ever since. StatttmitH. - J -, Marriko. On Wednesday evening, at Ilalsey, Mr, Morrl Barrett, from the Eat. and Mrs. Emma Malloy, the revivalist We are Informed that this lady is the religious revivalist who was tried at bpringncld.Mo., on a charge of poisoning her husband. She was found not guilty. A Sixd Orr. The friends of W. S. Stock gave him a very pleasant farewell party on last Saturday evening, prior to his removal to Albany where he has accepted a poaltUm In Dlackman'a drug store. Willio is a fine young man and will make an ex pcit compounder oi powder and pills. Corvallis Times. Ha to Have It. Frank Parton, form erly of this city, but now of Wallsburg, W. Tm In renewing hi lubtcilplloa to the Dkmocrat ay: "Enclosed find ?. "O. order for the Dkmocrat for another year. Ilave to hare it if we have all been bcaien to h I and gone." , Ciikap Ridin'g.-A San Francisco gen tleman In the city, had an extended first -clau ticket from San Francisco to Chicago and return for which he only paid $110. 0000 mile tor mat amount las about a cent a mile, cheap enough for even com mercial men. Tub Proper Tiuno. "It la said that Vice-President Nash will Insist hereafter In all contract of road construction that the company reserve the right to pay the labor first money, say the Corvallis Times. In view of the late unpleasantness this 1 a very sensible thing to do. Tuc Old Officer. At a meeting of the director of the Albany Farmers' & Merchants' Insurance Company held last evening Uie following officers were elected for the ensuing year: C E WoUerton, president; J O WrlUman, vice-president; J K. Elderkln, secretary and manager; J W Cusick, treasurer. What lit TntNK. J. N. Whltelaw, the wrecker.returned to San Francisco yester day. He stated that with the present high seas he could do nothing, but in a few week would take the machinery out of the teamerand he thoueht raise the vessel and get It to running again. DisiioxesT. The Orteomia ha also taken up Marion county' last assessment. which the Democrat was first to call the attention ef the public to, and avs It was a dishonest piece of business. That I a strong word, but we believe It I correct First Year. The premium of the Al bany Farmers' and Merchant' Insurance company the first year amounted to be tween $6o,x and $70500, a remarkably fine chowing for a new company. The coming year wilt see an increase of busl ncss, the democrat predicts, ol lilty per cent. 1 he company l a salt and very re liable one. Means Business. The Iron A$e, wh i i i just at hand, in speaking of the ship building Interests along the Delaware says Col. T. Egerton Hogg, of the Oregon Pa cific, also needs two Iron steamships for the trade between San Francisco and Ya- quinabay." This chow that Col. Hogg is not dishearten by the loss of the Ya qulna Bay and proposes to increase the number of steamers to ply between those two seaports. Branded. Express agents on Georgia and Florida railroad say It Is quite com mon for fruit merchant to ship small con signments of melons with the address and ther directions branded Into the rind This novel scheme Is only used where the ruit is to go but a short distance, and to different parties in the same town. So It is In Albany. Goods sold by Conn urothers are all branued by honest weights and good quality, on them lor groceries, pro duce and crockery. Wanted John Bad. Rev. Moody says he never wanted to see John quite as badly In hi life a, when a boy, some one asked him to read some verses from St. John His father's Bible having been kept in the parlor where it wouldn't be soiled he was not very familiar with it and hence dfdn't know where John was.a lady present help ing him to find the Apostle. He teli this anecdote in hi talk to Sabbath Schools, much to the amusement of those who hear it AGoodSign. You can always tell one Jiorse show by the manner in which an advance agent docs business If he shows that he is afraid of a few cents spent for an advtrtlsemcnt in the paper, look out forthe concern that follows. In nine cases out of ten it 1 on its last legs, and Isn't worth hearing: There v. ill be plenty of good troup here during the winter without taking tn cheap john shows like the one just billed for this city. Other Cannery Mkn. The fo'.low- ing from an Ashland paper makes It look as If another firm besides the Willamette Packing Co., of this city, would erect a can nery at that city ; "Messrs. D. II. Getchell and S. A. Miller, who have been In Ash land for a week or more, looking after the prospects of putting up a cannery in Ash land for next season's business, went to Portland Tuesday, but will be back again toon. A subscription tor a oonus towaros the enterprise ha been passed around which has been numerously ligned." A Sight. Every day th.t the sun rises, says an exultant contemporary, it see an addit'on of $2,500,000 to the accumulation of weatlh In the United States." The size of the accumulation Is probably correctly estimated, but if the sun manages to see il all, then the tax assessors throughout the country ought to secure the assistance of the great luminary, for they find It very hard to levy on more than a fraction of it. . And in Marion ami Multnomah coun ties must do all their assessing in the night time, when old Sol is illuminating China and Hindustan. Pitcher's Ca&torta. 'My ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11,1889. A Model, Boat. The Oregon Pacific . . . . . . . ... tti. - company light draught steamer me Three Sister, ha been Jolng an excellent business on the upper Willamette during the past few months. The Three Ulsters I the Huhtest draught steamer ot Us size on the Willamette, and I especially adapt ed for carrying on a general trade during the summer months. Her cabin weighs less thau two tons, and she i quite a mod el steamer for the business to which she has been consigned. So say a Portland exchange. Death or Mr. Tom am. Mr. F. M. French received a letter last Friday from Mr. Wallace, the egg buyer, announcing the death of hi partner, Mr. Henry Toph m,at Oakland, Cal , on 8um1ay,Dec. 30th, of liver coi.iplnlr.t ' He wo burled near San Jose, Cal ,on Tuesday. Mro. Topham, who I a sinter of Mr. Wallace, will return to Albany and reside with her brother. Mr. Topham resided at Albany for about a year.aiut made many friend ncre.wno win generally rcjjiet tha death of a genial, I pleasant gentleman. An Entrrpruino Man. L. Martin, wto ha been very successful during the past year in the fruit shipping business, Intends opening a branch house In cither Montana or Washington. Beside this he ha made arrangement with a San Fran cIsco house to carry hi trade In that city and also in their branch house at Chicago. Mr Martin will only handle the very best of fruit and It will be readily seen that this will be a big card In advertising the won derful production of our soil and cll.nate abroad. Ashland Retard. A Chanue. Mr. Dardue, recently from California, ha purchased of Mr. Aleck Cunningham the Commercial hotel prop erly, thlity -three feet front, now run by Mr. Anna Murray, paying $3750 for the tame. Mr. uardue ha also bought the Interest of his partner, Mr. Tucker, In the grocery business. We understand he will rearrange the front of hi building for a f grocery store, and use the upper part for a odglng house. Mr. Murray, we are In formed, will return to the old Exchange Hotel and again open It. litis was recent ly sold at an administrator' tale and bought by Mr. Jack Howard for 3.650. A Match Hunt. The Knox Butte match hunt came off yesterday and was quite an enjoyable affair to the twenty hunters who participated In It. It resulted In a score of 3075 for Capt J.'S. Froman's team and aoco for Capt. A. B. Custar's team. The following participated : Fro man's team Elam Miller, L B Knox, A S Knox, R W Conn, Samuel Conn. Everett knoxj B Conn. Ira Cox and las Archibald. Custar'a team A Miller, Ed Houston.Pres Marshall. Ld Chamber. Geo M Knox, II B Miller, L Houston, Ala Marshall, MUt Morris and J E Knox. Forgeij It. Mr. Ryan the Noith Salem grocer I trying to find a smooth confidence man and forger who defrauded him out of I $io In good hard coin. Cine afternoon a fewdaysagos stranger, and s man who had the appearance of being a laborer came to his establishment and purchased a few dollars worth of groceries, which he ! ordered sent to s certain house In north east Salem. In payment he offered a check for Si 1.7c on the Capital National bank. -ask Mr. Ryan If he coujd not give him the balance, or part ot it in money. Mr. Kvan took the paper and gave the man what spare change he had in the drawer, amounting to $io and sent the order of groceries as directed. The check proved to be a forgery. aaiem Journal. Didn't Tell It Hon. S. P. Moss,now In the county, who wa in the city recently, did not tell the following anecdote on him elf, but hi home paper doe : "Hon. S. P. Moss paid his election bet by wheeling C V. Snider In a barrow from Snider Si Lovegrove's store to the court house and return. Steve was all decked out in flam ing colers. He wore s Harrison hat orna mented with flags, a bandana on each arm draped In mourning, and a large bandana pinned to his coat tall. The rain made the j performance a little disagreeable, and the street was muddy ; but our representative did trie job In good style, nevertheless. A Rivalry. -"It Is an 111 wind that blows (to body good. The rivalry that so ong existed between Albany and Corval lis, sometimes amounting utmost to a feud, It at last producing beneficial result. So guarded It the former city In her rights and privileges that so far she has refused to give us the smallpox, although continually invited by tlv travel between th two place. Thanks, sis'er, for your present monopoly. uenton ieaaer. 1 ne ieud has been mostly on paper; but we are glad It has been raised, and sincerely hope our neighbor will not have the smallpox nor decline of any kind. Wheat A month ago the Linn coun ty farmer could have received 76 to 7S cents for his wheat. Now all he can get It 70 cent. He held on, according to cus tom. In order to get more, and he get left In the Albany and Tangent warehouses nviwil hw ihm Albany Farmer Co. nearly ioo,ooo,bushcl of wheat remain untold, tying up a large capital that ought to be In circulation. Even if wheat occasionally doe go up in the prlng the practice of af way waiting is a bad one. The farmer does the best who makes it a practice to seil In October or November, according to the record so far in O rrgon A Farms. Senator Thr following resolutions passed by a Lane Co. Grange if respected will thoroughly leave Mr Dolohoutin the cold, likewise Judge Kel- say, although It strikes pretty close to the latter : "Resolved, That we respectfully ask the Oreon legislature at its coining session to iv JrhoriaUze congress to create department of agtlculture.the commission- er to be a member of the President's cab inet. To so amend the consitution of the United States that United States Senator shall be elected by a direct vote of the peo pic. That until such amendment can be wade, that we urge the legislature to elect some reliable and practical agriculturist to represent Oregon in the United States ten ate." -:.r; , . , - A Surprise LastThursday the friend a of Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Hewitt gave them a genuine surprise party at their pleasant home on Ferry street. Meeting at the retidence of D. P.Mason they walked in on them unannounced, spending a very en joyable evening, the first part of which was passed In Mr. Hewitt's yard trying to get into h's house, while one of the party went to Mr. Hewitt's office where he and his family were busy at some legal busi ness that was rushing. "The affair ended in a very nice manner all the same. The proper way in such cases is to send some one else's wife along with her knitting In the early evening, when such embarrass ments are done away with. Getting Frightened. There It great danger of an epidemic of smallpox In Mar Ion county, says the Statesman. On French Prairie great many person have been exposed and it would take all of the Ore gon malltla to enforce a strict quarantine. Yesterday a bull-headed German by the name of Brandhoffer, who had been ex posed to smallpo, went to GervaU, near which place he make hi home, to take me train to Balem to see hi wife, who Is In the asylum. J. S. Purdom, the O. & C. agent, refused to sell the man ticket and Immediately wrote to fudtre Shaw reauest- Ing him to send word to the authorities at the asylum that the man was coming. He ha not yet put In an apperance at the asy lum aud when he does he wilt be fired off the premises with an alacrity that will make his head swim. Sarcastic At Junius Thsre Is a great spirit of rivalry all over this great north west A buaa, s kick and a jump and ome one I taring mad. Here 1 af hor nets' nest from the Astoria J'soneer, and while It Ss an exaggeration really 1 not without a little solid meat! "The Port land OregoniahS special edition published among the bullrushea on the bank of the Willamette shut out from the commerce of the world by reason of Innumerable bar, has been Issued. It Is devoted to Portland, Tacoma and Washington territory, Not one city or town tn the state of Oregon is mentioned. Astoria Is not mentioned either In connection with shipping or the salmsn Industry. The Oregomam evident ly Intended to convey the Idea that all the salmon business is done at Portland, and that Portland and Tacoma ha done all the hipping." Free Advice We advise our board of trade to be doing something. It pays to be acting If only on paper. It should be doing something aggressively towards get ting the Astoria read darted this way. Even If It should not be built for ten years, there is nothing like giving It the right Invj petus In the rljtht direction. This Is a aerl ou matter, not to be trifled wlth Some time the road wl'.l be built and Albany want It for It mean the bringing of a greatly Increased traffic this way, which otherwise will go somewhere else. Such a road would be worth hundred ot thous and dollar to Albany, directly and Indi rectly. Should It eo tliroucfi Salem to the Oregon Pacific, much tuastern Ore gon trade would be diverted from this city. Albany must get upon It ear, and now t tne time. I he board ot trade should at least appoint a committee o that we can bluster a littles and while we are at It why not act In reference to getting a branch road from the Narrow Gauge here. Pot Office Business. The total amount of receipt frorr- afc of stamps, envelopes, box rent, etc, for the quaiter ending March 31st, 18SS, was $1429x11 lor the quarter ending June 30m, wa $117441 i for the quarter ending Septem ber 30th, iSSS, was $119.10, and for the quarter ending December 31st, iSSS, it was $1466.65, making a total of receipts for the calendar ynr, 1SS8, of $5389.36. The re ceipts for the corresponding quarters In iSS7,wcre respectively as follows: $1136x16, $it 17.35. $1115.12 and $1255.36, making a total of receipt of $4653.69 for the year 1097, showing an Increase ot $775.57 Uur iitg 1SS8 over 1887. The total number of money order lued the first three quarters 01 the year was 1742, the number paid wa it 10. rs umber ol postal note Issued dur Ing the same period wa 1021 and the num ber paid wa 567. Daring the last quarter there has been a larga increase tn the money order and postal note business, but the figures are not made up yet Crook County. Why dosn't Crook county send s member to Salem to occupy a seat tn the third house of the legislature i Our pet scheme during this session Is to in troduce and pass a bill that will protect our ranges from the annual Invasion of sheep from other counties.... We have been in formed that the Indians at the Warm Spring agency have signed a petition ask. ing for the appointment ot Mr. J C. Luck ey to act as their agent It is said that every Indian on the reservation signed the paper. Mr. Luckey U well acquainted with the habits, manners and customs of these Indians, speak Jargon fluently, and would make an excellent agent. ...It I es timated that about 100 gallon of Intoxi cant were disposed of In I'rinevuie Christmas, though there was only one vic tim who found his way to the lock-up from over Indulgence. .. .1 here Is no longer a doubt that an effort will be made In the legislature during the coming session to form a now county out ot t-rook, oiiiiam and Grant. We will irlve voice to our say in this matter in due time.... With the ad vent of 1889 let Prineville take a move toward Improvement. The year justclos Ing has seen very litue Improvement in the way -of building In the town .. .It Is stated that there are several cases of smallpox In the vicinity of Antelope, though they are receiving good care, and there Is iitttle danger of the disease spreading farther. rrtnevule papers. OBlTUAttY. Died, of dyspepsia, Dec. 271I1, iSSS, at his home near Haltey, James Long, aged 67 years. 8 months and 37 davs. Deceased was born near Greenville, Bond Co., 111. April 4th, 1S21. Was married to Mary A R. Ilerron, Marcli 24th, 1844 and in 1856 moved to Union Co., Iowa, where he lived for 36 years. In 1882 immigrating with hl family to Oregon where he resided up to the time of his death. A wife and eisnt children survive him, two having died in Infancy. I lis illness was of short duration, beintr but four weeks, but. he suffered in tensely. Funeral service were conducted by Rev. Sommerville, M. E. minister of Haltey. a. Wo will tell you groceries cheaper than soy one else. Urowkell ctakard. DR. BO N1N-KO in his ntw dUonverv for ConsumDtioD. na eeeded in croduoine a medicine which il o knowledges by all to be simply raarvelou, Itiaexeoedinirlv Dleanfc to tha taeta. per fectly harmless. and?iiea not sioken. In all eases of eases of Consumption, Conghs.Uolds Whoonios Coosb. Croon. Bronchitis, and Pains in tba Chest, it haa given universal tifaction. Dr Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup i sold at 50 cents by Dr Quiss Son Ditarbaac?of the Heart. Heart disease Is like an assassin, which creeDS UDon von in the dark, and strikes yon WCen unaware, inereiore, uo doi overlook any uneasiness In the region of the heart 01 disturbance In its action, but at once take Dr, Flint's Kemsdy, De scriptive treatise wltb each botte ; or, ad dress Mac Drug uo. w, 1, Dew ration, carra its, citron, leinona'and oranges received at Wallace & Thompson's. TUB MOODVS. Portland, On., Jan, 4th, 1889. Editors Democrat ! The year It closed, and our religious re vival ha closed. Since Mr. Moody left a greater degree of quk-t reign. It ha been a season of Interest and murh good ha been done. From different tandpolnts this religious wake-up Is ylewed. A lady who was In attendance oOcn,remarked that there were no solid word or net of charity manifested for the destitute. The congre gation wa wealthy and Influential In gen eral, while there were many women who had not s calico dress suitable In which to appear at these meetings. This covered the question of bread. If the evangelist preached to these people to make them more attentive to actual wants of the poor, old and young, and to look after those of youth surrounded with temptations, this lady would have more respect for his work. But why criticise when the fact f on the face of the fashionable world that he who hath not a dollar hath no soul to save. Do ing of charity I pure religion. Talking about religion, filling up tabernacles for worship, and looking out for see that all the good thing are at hand, to make self fat and warm, come short of religious obligation. It I the poor and needy who should have our religion In substantial gift. If we are deceived in this th J Lord I not. The evangelist who goes Into the highways and byways to find those who, lacking In wealth and luxury ,but who need spiritual comfort, is the messenger of Him who had nowhere to lay hi head, hut who was the only perfect type of a christian. Great good will come from this work even If it wa confined to those having all that heart can wish. The conversion ef Judge William I attrlbutrd by some to these meeting, but the prevailing opinion and, no doubt true one, Is.that he was prepared for this confession by his wife, w ho has the credit of being s firm believer and active in what Is called christian science. This be a It may the conversion wa timely. For a man of over sixty year of age who had"nevcr bowed the knee to God or man," may be pardoned for auch expression ot opinion of hi countrymen in the South a he ha made, for they were the tittcrance of a heart of tone, one that had never felt the generous pulsation of a christian spirit. And in charity he I to be pitied, and may that Savior, whom he thinks ne has found, show him the folly, not to say shame, that ha marked his bearing towards those who are not willing to be governed by a race Ith rare exceptions, whose prejudice, Ignorance and superstition would make them demon had they power over white people. The Judge himself were he located amon them would not tolerate this view about which he delights to harangue, the people to show hi party fcality, for one moment If hi eyes and heart are open may his friends keep the devil from clos ing them, a thing which we fear the Judge I too weak to do himself, as hit future po litical crusades may prove. There are others of hearts of stor.e ot the same party needing conversion, prominent In party meanness, in vlndlcUveness.and in social uncheritablcnes. Can the Lord reach them ? There l another Moody who Is creating as much dry talk tn the political arena as the evangelist has caused in his circle. He wants to convert Dolph and take hhn out of politics. But Dolph I obdurate. The excitement i low but ris- ing.and If Dolph' friend arc not generals the battle will favor hi rival, who I en trenched in more individual pit than 1 generally supposed. Being party within party the conflict will be more intense and less respectful than if with a common ene my. It will be bitter in the mouths of those who have no sweet morsels for a rival party brother. And the Dolph men will bestow In showing the majority which they have for the reason that their favorite should not have a walk over lest he would forget the artisans that made him Senator. This as surance may rest too long and the anti- Dolph gopher liltls showing the mischiev ous disposition of the anlmat may come up in the night with astonishing rapidity to make the battle formidable. Herman is said to have tome strength, but the idea of being a candidate seem a joke, a naked one at that III friend will upport Dolph if the chief I consulted. There I enough In thi to give Dolph and friends great con cern. It is an open secret that Moody is not in accord with the brains of the circus, He ha always shown a bawky disposition, and thU is what prevented him from run- nine for Governor a second time, and it may prevent him from being Senator, whether Dolph is elected or not. And here Is where republicans show superiority over democrats by having a strong head and a solid organization, while democrats hve no head or organized body for effec tlve work. Hence their blunder, lfthey succeed it is a blunder. But for patience under difficulties no christian can surpass them, in fact their own chrlti:uvforitude has been the leading wonder or tneir ad vcrarlcs for ' year. - The candidate to be feared, and an unfortunate one for the na tion If successful. Is ludtrc William Ua may if the other faction destroy them sje've, be the hore,and heaven knows the color of it is dark enough. May this calam itv never befall the state. There are two candidates more deserving than any we have mentioned, one of whom resides in Benton county and the other in Jackson, but there Is no pigeon maux for them though they have earned it, Mr. George it not without hope, though the accident may come nearer to him than indications now favor. Time will soon settle matters. Mr. Simon will be President of the Senate, and thl does not signify but Portlander will be Speaker. If it is not too much of a load to carry, with a Portland U. S Senator to elect this will all come to pass. We await returns. Watchman. CURB FOR SICK IIKA.ttA.ClTE. Doyoa want a remnly for B'llouwesa, Pimples on the Ivor, atl a sura ours for slot headache, salt Dr, Oass and Son, tha Druirjfart, lor Dr.'a Live 1 jlU. tr. arwe, samples frea full box 25 cent, I - - Surveying. -Mr. E. T.T. Fisuer is pr pared to do surveying of all kinds at tea sonablc rates. He has complete copies of - 1 field notes and township plats in the coun ty. Adress-Miiiersaiacion, unn county Or, 24 W. P. FIH ST ST I The Leading Cash Dryl NT() yjHy's-'Z- MUX" CM. II EN IJEIISON&CO'S 7i '&Zr Ty V' ' -V CUCBRAItO BOOTS SHOES - ' Vaswiasia linn m. . i.r..n, 1 . .nr. HifT -rrrirmiitraw, rnixh.y Jl 1 f. " faiSJ Now resii'inj m fH w't in I I ci 1 glr taj cirtimri -its' gains tban ever waa offered Al'- any Our alcck is tctrplele rid 1 lut-rre add allthe ot w ncvtUua ti fait "Would call trjcial altmiioo to tie followicg Hues - slcrsies, Gents' Farnisliing Goods, Blankets, Boot andSIioes. Aii'Utk M iLcrcub ic;ectton vt 0;k. PRODUCE TAKEN lii EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mailorders troBit!IttenJeJ to. Fotaease many Important Advantage over all Other prepared Foods. - , BABIES CRY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump, Laughing, Healthy Bable, Regulates the Stomaoh and Bowel. Bold by Druggists. 5e., 0c, SU.OO. WELLS, RICHARDSON t CO., IBRUKBTOII.YT. Baby Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed on fine plate paper by patent photo process, sent free to Motnorof any Uaby Dora witnm a year. Krery Mother wants those pictures; send at once. Give Baby' name and age. . .. VEILS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop., Burlington, ALBANY SAW AfiD PLAN ING HULLS. AUkixuU of rough, dressed and 8eas,v lnmber,lathsand picicets u:ept constantly band- Bills sawed to order shortest notico Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. W K BILIEU, vTTOHNEY AT LAW Aad Solicitor ia Chancery 4.1.J3AUY. - - OREGON. Collections promptly made on all points Loans negotiated oh reasonable terma. 4 1 jxi 1 la' tha Ix-st AdvcrlJfllng: riiedlutn In Ihe Central Willamette V!!ey. REAP.: , - ... ...... """'tfny " j ALBANY, OfiEGOri Goods House of ion to lop lit ftp to tie ttstc'nf, flail are in Itr natter. W.F.EEA0, ! It's Easy to Dye with Superior IN Strength, Fe&tness, " Beauty, i AND 3 Simplicity. Warranted to color more cooes tban any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ark for tba Diamond, and take no other. 36 colors; to cents each. .,. . WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO.. Burlington, Vt.' For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Article, USES DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, BroQis, Copper, , Only xo Cant. Vt Hevere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON (MAS. rFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, on on Fitted up In first-class style. Tables supplied with, the bet in the market. Nice sleeping apartments, csainpia nwua for commercial travelers, tuTFree Cjaefitasal fra the lfjtel."53 1 r as -j-- Palace Meat Market. - J. Y. PIPE, PEQ?EIET01 FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, CH. Will keep constantly on band bear, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc.. the best meats and largest variety tn the city Cash paid for all kinds) f fat stock. i