The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 28, 1888, Image 4

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    OYNUt.3 TO CAUFMtt
Santlioni FaciflQ Campiny's Line.
tub nr. nun lours.
Tiim blwa Albany ata sat FrMiolaM, 15 hours
OAUroaxi axrasas iiits Rixsailt
Brtwrra rartluad aad "aa t raacUea,
4.00 . a. I Uf Portland
l llra I Utn Albany
T:M a I Arrtr, Ban y.anolrw
Arrlv 1 10:46 A
Lun I :S a a
UtTt T:00 r a
tKuirAsssNasataiiss sail (xoii aanaaj)
tuO A a Lv
It: tor a I Lan
t:0ra I Arrir
Arriv & r a
Umi I H;i A a
liMOl 1 9 .110 A M
MOAk rAas.aia taAiss saist, sxcsrr sukdat .
Lost. I 6;4."a M
ml I P a
Losto I :0u r
Tourist Sleeping Oars
l'r Acratattllii at aecead-t'la laaea
Kr. altaebedu Etpres Trata.
TTi lle bivlsUa.
Bffitit roan xo coktalli.
taais sail (xMt8anUy.)
TDt r a
Arrtv. I : r M
130 a
KlMSt Till Si SAIfcT (OXOJP. 8liaJlT.
i W r a I U Portland Arriv 8.00 A a
ue,al Ar I" MoMinnvlll Lot A a
TUroiieU TicUetn
To all points
For (all luloritloa rarardlnf rates, saws, tie,
til a "Hainan innt alJMtsiny.
tniui tiL . E. P. ROGERS.
Muuu Aa1 0. I and P. Ae
Orescn Pacific Railroad.
atoo Development Company Steam-
amp xjiue.
'225 r..lLESSHO.U...
than by ui othor rout.
irirati.M throuza passetuor and
frelznt line from Portland and all points
in tha WlllameUa ValloT to and rroui san
Franclaoo, Cal. -
Willamstta Rim Lin3 of Steamers.
Th. " Wm. M. no" The -'N. S. Beat-
y, The "Three Sisters" are la eervloe
tar both passenger and freight trallio be
t..n nerval lis and Portland and tn'.er-
mediate point, leaving Company's wharf,
rv.rvalli ami Meiers. Hutinan A Co'a
wharf. Nos. 2(W anJ Front Si., 1-oit
land, three tlmea a week at follow. :
i n --..I'U If filar. WaJuealaT and Fri-
s v m. Albtay. w.l a. m. Arn at Salcnt
a p. at. Laar Slra Toetda, Taoraday and Satur
day at a. m. ArriT at Poriiaoa i: J J p. bl
r tri l.u.l u.njara. . V'!nlar aai- FrUI-
davaatea. m. Arriv atdalAJi al 7:11 p. in. Uavc
tUJaa Tad,Thariay and tUturday al li a.
Am at Corrallia at S.SJ p, m, ,
R.vat make eloto connection at A I ban
with trains of the Oregon Paoido Kailroad
TiMI3JJg-UI.g (axJtpt SanJays.) ,
Lscr Albanv. Ifllr. a. . Uar Yaqjtna, :15 A.H.
Lmt Corralba. l.tOr. a. Lar CorrallU,10:U A, a.
ArriT Vaauina, tM t. a Arnv AiDauy, 11:10 a. a.
O. A C. traiaa coouojt at Albany and
Corvallis. The above trains connect at
Yaqulnswitu the- Oregon Development
Couipany' Line of Mteamsbipa botween
Yaquina and San Francisco.
siSAMsa. ro SA raAxcisco.
raa taucisa
W.IUnw.U Valley. Thurv, Pec ekh Wed. Dee. 12.b
VillAineU Valler. Moil. Ova. 17th iluo. Dm. Hlh
iilamU Valley, bun. D3. totii.
The Company '.jwryo tho right. t
ehanira aailioa datvK without notice.
S. B. Pa-'Hena-or froJt 'Por.Und and
VVillanrtette Va ley point can make close
connection with tho traia c-f the Yaquina
route at Albany or vrval!K u j II de-
lined to H.irv PrAocit; altould arrange P
Arrive at Yaquiu theovenln befirt 4te
Of ealliaij.
fjiaaeacer and F.ltht Cale alwais lb
Por infornuti.m spui, to U J Stoart, Frrtirht and
Ticket Afnt. Albanv. o to C II Uasx-ell, Jr . G. F,
k P. Aft Oreifoo Derelopiceiit Muntitomery
eua rraacxo, V. v n J till.,
.. Y. an I P. Arsnt,
0ri P;i li H H 'J . O i-'iti
Hew and Second Hand Store
Owing to tn0 increased Fernanda of, our
business we bave been compelled to uiort
into a larger store and we can now be
found next door to H. E, Young, wher
we will be pleased to see car patrons. II
you coed any nrovei, f irnitare, tinware
crockery, clo'iki, carpu, picture, frail
(are, ticnks, bvts, roller akate. addle,
raws, olanoi. etc and. a I'.iouttnd dif
ferent sn I ue a tides y-u c-i n t do
btt!f L U tl I f n FrAiol too th tn yoo
em dr. lib m oi a p'ircliatoor exctango
123 First Street, Albany, Or.
Red CrownMills
Highest Price in Casb fr
:rr proprietor of-t j
Albany Soda Works
nnd Manc'acturera of
f)Wr nfiwprflpiMl fc "ll at wvol
Bale, alwsya frnh and pure at Portltnd
firioe to doalers Wo a! so koep a fcl'
i0 of
fints f-iii Tropical Fruits, "
Big a baa given univer
sal satisfaction in the
cure of Gonorrhoea and
Ulcct. I prescribe ltand
feci safe In recommend
Inj It to all sufferers.
,A.J. ST0SEB, H.D.,
Decatur, III.
PRICE, 81.00.
- Tr. "-3jJua Bold br DrusrelstS.
Fetbay A ItM, lYhole.are Agent.,
Dealers in all tho l itest improved Pianos
Organ., Stwine; Mnohino., Gun Also
a lull line of warranto I lUzom, Batclu r
and 1 ocket ICtiiyefi. Tlio best kind ol
aewitiK iirtchlue oil, noydloi and extra,
for all Ail repairing neatly
and reaonab!y done.
11 Vrml7rtb
t 'jnsj ChsmlalCs
r-- i Of m
Th3 unlorslaj I 1 prsptre l tt d ) all
kinds of work in his l na in first-clasi cr,
rler and wifi prcinp'.uen. Addrest P. O
bos 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple
I. N, Smith,
Vm. Fortmiller,
Prompt AttBntion-First-class Haarse
sr After business hours call at rediiorc
corner Fifth and Baker street.
Issuod March and Bept
l each year. It Is an enoy.
jolopodia of useful lnfor.
' malion for all who pur.
chaao tho luxuries cr tho
necessities of life. We
can olotho you and furnish you with
all tho nooossary and unnocoosary
applisncos to rldo.walk, dsnco. sloop,
oat, fish, hunt, work, fco to church,
or stay at homo, and in various sizoa,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what ii required to do all theso things
CO Mr 03TIBLT. raid you oan make a fair
cut'mnte of the value of tho BUYERS'
OUIDE, which will bo aent upon
reoeipt of 10 oents to pay postogo,
Ul-114 Ulchisan Avenuo, Chicago, 111.
btaluiKl, and all other business In th U. S. Pata
nu ati'iulctl! to !r nuxlonw loo.
Uurofflco Uopposil ll U.S. latent OIBco. and
"f oui obtain lteula ka Uius than thus remoU
ront Wuhinton.
tenj mud to ordrawliir. W at? to ivtctit
Ability frvo of chary ;anii wetuak o chary animal
wwootain paieni.
W rur hero, to tit INuliKuter. th Supt. ol
Money Onter IHr. and to olHcial ot too U. a. Pahml
Otflco. t'oreiixular. ativioo, torn, anil slttiuoa
o actual clistiu in your o a titai or couuty, vddreaa
Co, A. SIOW&CO.,
Dealers .in General taHaAdisa.
Will bny Grain, Wool and allkiuds
. odnce.
m. Ttia flnrtnit
jt m r. ct . a:
- f rr itti rr
ftOftTtl a-a
m w w m w
Rclttr entirely TCetnble, they ri
crate without duturlnnro to the system, t'lt-
or noeupntion. Put up in kIom vials, bi-rmt ti
cully scalcHl. Alvray frtalj and rclkiM". As
a laxative. Alterative, or purcattve.
thrw iituo PcUcts give toe luuet perfect
Rlllona IIcndoeTje,
llzziuees Count na
tion, Indigestion.
Itllioaa Altarka. aud all
cVru:irment3 of tlio stom
ach sixl bowcis, are prompt
ly rviicveu nnu permanent iy
e'Tc-l lr tdo tiso tit fr.
ficrre'e I'leHnut l'urr;atlve Pellets.
In explanation of the remodiul power of th
Pelle:s over so grent n varu ty of tllatnan, it
may truthfully be said that their action iiK.n
ii.c lymvm u univrrRni, not a Kia i or tcr.uo
ecapl!iqr their sanative In'luctice. hol.l liy
drtitrristK.S- cents a vial. Munufactureil r.t the
I Ik liiH-ul labonitory of v, (iiii.u k Ui8ruaAUT
i' Ai. H oirrei iy we fnnnnr.ntifr-
V"- t-rsor ar. saje' tat:;rrli
- icentcor, icr a cit
? t'hrunio .Nannl ('atari ii vlilth
X. uicy cannot cure.
SPIXTOW OF C.aTAKt:ir.-I)u!l,
neuvy i.en.inclic, o(Bf nittlon of t.m nrutn
pua?iT5, oisihargc-s f.'!i;ii from liiu l.'.:uJ
t- ir.f tiiroat, im'ti;nn profu.r( i-.nt -ry.
an'i r,' i j.i. vi oiiiera, tiili-. testl'U)s t:.-M-.;,
purutt-M. bloody tinl putriJ: t!io tyn tire
wci'.Ij, v.-u.ry. end lallaai' d : there U tlun'.uif
In lli t::r, d. nftit-R.', hc.ltiiijf or couf! io
cit-rr tiio tlirotit, rxpfctorn'Jon of
ni;:it.-r, tos-nlM-r with erak front wlr-i-s; the
voir? in -lmt(Tif anl hni a r.avil tv.jiivr;
br-.-niJi U olli-naive; m JI arid t.-iKo t,r lin
iiirt!: IIkto I a M.TKuiion of lii.i:;. uh
uk tilal !i-nr.ion. a haikini c-oiiku tui i n. a
tral ii:!iil.:-. Only a few ol l!io uUm -v.iu i d
symptoms ure likely to lo pn-st-nt i:t any i i.i
cac. ' homands of cum-n nr.nually. Wiiiiotit
manifesting lutlf of tlio above syinptomi. k.
suit In conRuinption, and end in tli- na"-'-No
diwnM) b s eomrnon. moro tli'cep-tlte i.nd
dancrouK, or Un understooi by ph; ,U.'.uvi .
Ily IW mild. RfKHliimr. nml liealinir pr';-rt:(.3.
Dr. Wave's ( ularrU lUrmcly run tin;
enm-sof Catarrh, coll lit tlio lie ad,
Coryza, and C'atarrtial tlcadaclie.
bold by tlrugyteU everywhere; 6J ccota,
Tutold Agony from Catarrlt.
Prof. TV. IIacsner, tho famous mesmerM,
of Ithaca, N. writes: " Borne ten years n;:o
I suffered untold agony from chronic lir.m!
entarrb. Iy family physician gave me u; us
Incurable, and said I must die. My curio vas
such a bad one, that every tiny, townnifi 6'in
set, my voico would bocomo t liom-gu 1 cauid
bnrely rponlc above a whisper. In the moriiiiir
my couKhina; and clcarinir of my throat would
almost Mraiifrlo me. Jty the ae of Dr. Safre'e
Catarrh Itemcdy, in throe months, I iran a v. ill
man, and the cure bos been peruiauent."
"Constantly Hawking cud Spitting."
Tnotf A3 J. Knsniso, Tn., !3CS Pine Street,
St. Louis, ilo writes: "1 wus a grent euircn-r
from caturrli for thrco years. At times I could
hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking
and spitting;, and for tho lut chrit months
could not In-eatho through tlio notliiK I
thought nothing could be done for me. Luck
ily, 1 was advised to try Vr. Kugrc-'a Can-.nh
Ib:medy, and I am now a well man. I U lievc
It to be tho only sura remedy for catarrh now
manufactured, and ono haa only to give it a
fair trial to experience astounding- results and
a permuuent cure."
Tliree Bottles Core Catarrh
Eli Robbtjts. Itunyan P. O., Columbia Co
Pa says: "Aly daughter had catarrh when
she was five years old, very badiy. I caw Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Jlcmedy advertised, nnd pro
cured a bottlo for her, and roon eaw thut it
helped ber; a third bottlo eilcctcd a perma
nent cure. She is now cifc'Utw.a fears old tuid
sound and hearty."
Conrad Meyer,
Onrner Eroadalbin and First Sts.,
Caaaed Frait,
Ctnui Mftut.
Dried Fralts,
In fct evorytuin;r th:1. to kept la a gen
ral variety and grocery atoro. U!g'i
market price paid for
We bava just broualt f ro j'e
Otdgt , a lot of fine wo: It to.e - ti
e will fell cn terms tn'H iheifnio
Aniens ihotn sres:io prenr-iny uu
'riveM iromuneco, mai n unt t aa
E J ward Everett. Alay foie o';oie
beavy rr ares. Anyone wtahioi to mr
chase a horse will do well to look tf cm
over. We wiil take plcssure in bh.v.
to all intending purchaser?.
J! 1 V Bar it
Tallman, Or,
Vhcat, 70 Cents.
Nw fill gootlj at ReaiV.
8a those new jcrtics at V. F. Read's.
Ntw ribbon ail .haJoi and style i at Read!
All lines of boys kilt suits at W. F
Fine line of broad kneading rani at O W
Another lotof Hull cbeeso at Hrownell &
A lsrifo stock of lif liot? force numnt at 0
W Smith's.
Goods at cost at M. J. Mout ith'r, at Ui
old oung store. .
Uo to A. IX Mol wa tt s and suK to soo
thoie $G suits for moo.
In a i aim sea everv man is pilot In tlry
go tih '.V. 1 Una I u loailr-r
If you want to vo from 10 t 23 i-r tiit
iy your k od cf . F. ju-ad .
Six shaven fur a tlollur and a cli nn to
every customer, at Tlios. Jone.
Hoy your tickets thrnuirlt ti tlio Kut
V li J!Ur aud savo fro l'.rtl ind.
A enmplote line of heating and pMl.irstovi
at O V S'iitli'n, no bettor in the vitl'cy.
Tho cl'"int I'laoo to buv iiiph' ntxlor
wear m i.i state is at A. u. MuIUaurs.
W. F. Read can sod will sell lry Ltml
.,(,-...... tl .... S . All..-.. I'll . .1
s;e for jrour?e.'f.
A'l the la'rst uovtUius in liiilli-iorv iroml
at b aun V Howards. JaII nud tee them,
Mo tMU'iio to show j.ooil.
1 he lino ol racilioand Royal Arsands at
O W loiih' is a larye one. These ore among
me oast cook stoves made. ee them.
0 xkIs not told for leas than cost, goods not
given away. Hut Rood honest goods Hold at
rtasjDAUi j pro net w . . rt lt.
Julius Gradwohl is now makina a soccial
y of crockery, fanoy goods an 1 silver ware
f which he carries a large an t select stock,
His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock
of crockery is the best in the market aud his
line of dolls and children a 1 1 iy things geoer
ally Is com pie', a. His i rioa are the lowest
on the coast.
For Soreness StifTness.
prompt, Suro, Safe, Rocent.
Bore IJmba. IvTcwt. HI., Way IS, istf.
Caat el la Uatx aa4 sack: ntmd anatas;
St. Jb 0U earaS a. JACOB SCHVLTS.
Stiff Ntrk. Prts4aals. Wla. Jaa l. HIS.
My wit. aaa 1at saia ta aar Mk: ry Mr
aa4 .US. ran calmly ay St. ttt Oil
Stiff Ankle. CWanrUU.0ala.yaaatS.ini
Strata mr aaai: aaat ! U ao
foat to ban (l a Saul, at Si. Jaa oil,
la tw Say waa aaUnty wU: iuIum all m,
. . ao-Hiwai.
Stiff Knee. Brw Aiaai. III., ia. tUI.
lraUM4 BIT kM; , U(; aaaM Ml vaik
br a awaia: m4 mteaa.; aitor ! iw. aatua
f St. Jasaa CU, Um cralraM r: ran.
eeiTAvs karrutT.
Asm kUg. 0., CUm, Via ,
Terrible Tain. tt. ins.
rraat r aaarUaa aaat at vtatoal calo; rwr
In, waa Ml aa4 ar: la tmM sal. CarS
araaiBtly ky St. Jaeh 0U. i. C. I
at Diroatjrrs akd DtAtras.
THE CHARLES A. VOGELEP. CO., BaUiatere. 114.
iar ar m
Try tho Cure nx
Ely's Cream Balm
dctmsos tho Nasal Passazcs. Al
lays Tnllarnmatioii. Heals tho Soroa.
Hester C3 tho Senses of Taste, Cmoll
and HoariEg.
A psurtlele U appltrd lntenehaatrll aai
la aarrrahlr. PrtraMtr. at Draaatsta ar ay
1. tLi HUOTiUOtya Warren bCiew xork.
C. O ClIF.RhV.
KacMnists, HilMglits, and Iroi
E are now completely prepared to
handle all kioda of boavy work. We will
manufacture 8team Ens-lne. Grlat and
Saw Mill Machinery,and all kinds rr iron
anu urass castings.
Jipeclal alteutlon girt n to repaltlng
kluda of machinery.
When I aay Cube I do not mean merely to
Stop them for a time, and then have them ro
turn again. I ME aw A KAUlCAXi CVILK.
1 bave made the disease of
A life-long- study. I warhaht tny remedy to
Cuke the worst cases. Because others have
failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure.
Bend at once for a treatise and a Free Ijottlb
of my Infallible Ukmedt., Give Express
and rout Office. It costs yon nothing for a
trial, and it will cure you. Address
H . C. ROOT, M.C.. 183 Pearl St., sew Yobk
IW'I .iHJiltmnwn ..1 mil i
yi-""!!-"-'!'!" -' - - ai.MUM S
Assignee's Notice.
11 . . .. .
iuo lustier 01 ids iai Dfnrniint o
Jamoa P. Insolvent debt
or. The undersigned having been dulv
appointed Assignee of tbe above named
IflllAl-.-i I . . . J 1 1 ,
luwivDuii ueuirui unuer ni ny virtue O
an act r.-rtne legislative assembly of lb
State or Oregon enlftled 'an actio eccnr
to creditors a just division ol the estalo
of debtors who convey to Afaignoes io
the benefit of creditors, approved Oetcte
18th, 1878 and amendments theroto ap
proved February 24th, 1885" All person
having .claims sgaints said oslate ar
hereby nctlfiod to present the same to m
at Ilairlsburg in Linn coudU, Orec'bn
duly verified as by law required within
three months from tbe dato It roof.
Dated this the 19th dav of Ncvmir
1888. '
It. A, Hamfv,
Ota to. bDOCial&ttfmMnn Mvn ,.)!.(- 1
1 v. ui. w luutbvr.
nl mi , m ... in ir' 3
We wiil sell j oi g "oceries cheaper thtn
an store in town
Bbowhell ; Stanard.
lit jOmotfat
Iai JUuKt Uo.
Nurtii Yakima, W. T,, Dec. 31. At a
meeting of the botrd of trade this evening
active Mens were taken for having Hie Y-
Kima inuian reservation thrown open to
settlement. Tho reservation contains 800,
000 acres, 500,00001 which I the fluent
quality of arable land, ami but 1000 Indians
belong to tho reservation. 1 liU land U all
tribulury to this city.
Jnt After fonvrrslnn.
I'oiit,Dec. 21. (Jcorgc Ross,
a tlrayman.aftcr a bnplifttmit In the Mctlio-
dUt church laid nluht, fell dead In a pew
wenth was IttKtantuncouH, and was caused
by a blood vchbcI burhilittr. Lcccaxcd was
a recent convert, and well known In Port
Ann Sluunliter,
McMinsvii-LE, Dec. 21. Willnnl Mcunc,
who has lccn lying in jail at Lafayette on 1
charge of murdering James Ikwlcy, was indict
en 17 1 ne grand jury to-day for man-slaut-htcr,
His bail was hxed at 6,000 which hnd not
liccn lurnu,hed at last accounts. The trail will
nut come off tnis term.
Too Small.
Washington, Dec. 31. Gov. MoonUShtof
Wyoming has submitted to the secretary of the
interior a supplemental report on the pojiula
lion of that territory. In explanation hiidi. 1 1
bacs hi judgement Uon the mimljcr of votes
ccst for tlcWatc in Novcmlier. This vote was
18,008, from which the governor citiuiatcs the
"real imputation to le aloiit 55,500.
Htanlry Alive.
IxMiON, The Went Afiicau Tele'
, t. . . . -
Kmj'ii v-umpany nas received the lollowing dis
patch fiom St. Thomax, dated r'tiday. a P. M
I have jut received information that lleury
.-Manciy, witn l.min rasha, haserrived
Aruwhim. l'hc news U reliable. Further dc
tails will follow. '
Parsons, Afjetit
Qt EBEC, Dec. 3o.Mo'. serious cone
quenecs front the storms arc felt In back
country village. Crops bave been bad
and the people are snowed In. Man v fam
Die are suffcrlni' for the actual neccitlc
of life. Farmers are Liillnfr atrx-k. t'urdt.
nal Taschercau and the nrcmlcrhave been
appealed to. They held a consultation
wiiit the cabinet latt cvcnlm? and it wada
cttlcd to a k the government to send I in
mediate a d to the sufferer.
The Orvgrin Karwr Pays It.
Sv.n Francivo. Dec. ao. A Ual 'pajr
says: A few days ago an iron ship was charter
ed in this jort at 43 6d f .r C ork for order, the
highest figure paid here thi scanon. On the
the same day iron ahij.s for Portland for the
same service were held at SO. It is noticed
that hnl arc always higher t that point llian
.sit. nr.? liiunuM ntji a I! ratal hp r rlrsr.
, 1. ,t , . . . .
..u.,).;.. lane arc prottidy aatu.T4c!ory rcafcm
for the diflcrcme. This tlilTcrenec ha to I
paid practk-elly by ihc Dregon farmer, wlo on
"g $'.47 to$t 50.
The Rgyptala War.
SiMKlM, Dec. ao. The combined force of
the P-ritUh and Kygjdains tnaJc an attack yes
terday n;M,n the rcUl poaiiion. lliey atormcd
liic rcdouUs an I irenche. cod after a brilliant
engagement, Li:ing half r.n hour, drove the
enemy into the Ihi:i. The rebel retried a
loot of a thounan.l killed. Tlie l!ritih Ium i.
light. The Ilritiikh encamjcd iu the uU-1 j.o
tion. The victory was complete. Theltritikh
1'ist four kiUel and two wounded djiingthc
gallant cavaby . The Fjj-j tian nnd rntticd
them bri!!i?nt!y, king 1 o killed an I ihiny
wounded. The only ofiirer woun-te-l in the
attacking force were two Fgypttan. The te
11 loss now U Mated to Ijc 400.
What They Will o.
Piitl.AW:i.rii!A,Dcc. 19. The Phib-lelphia
I'rru says .- It is quite decided that uion the
expiration of his term President and Mr. Cleve
land will reside at Orange, N. J. Cleveland will
have important business occupations at New
Vork. I le has been offered tlie management of
scicnu important institutions in New
Vork city and it is understood he has decided
to accept on of these offers. I le has atao lx-cn
tendered a law partnership in New Vork liut
has determined not to return to the practice of
Will Sustained.
IsEW okk, Dec. 18. Judge Itwrcnce of
the supreme court, handed down to-day find
ings suKtaing the will of .Samuel J. Tildcn. It
is understood that the case will not W contested
so the city gels $.1,000,000 for its library.
I-hiii- t.lei ar Icnuwn by mH.-l-a Ila -nlr
4m .voduc;n:r avery diuitreaabla itcliluif afiar
mgwa.iu. I Id. i.irm a well a, UlinU, tleedf an
protnioiii Pim, jlldat one Wi th apwlcan'n
1 r. cowiiKM mo reimo'.y, w,ili aeu lUrectly uposi
v,.m nwruuii; iimiiu low, allav,tiz I
uiKura iKjinii uhi -iIou'luf )r",aitr-1 ,nru. M
J. "uu lr lKailt , -t.clli0 f . Pi.
O. fcold Uy br, C nUs and Hun.
Highland. Cacksmas Co.. O.-.. la,i. f
I have suffered with a tiiseaxe tif lh kid
neys for 6 or 7 year and lor the I two-
monins have Uen laid up with a pain, iu my
la-jk. A frieud ent m0 a samf ls of k0ie-
gon money lea, and having uttii l ou
week I can do a good dsy's work. I have-
acrtved more benclit from it that, treaa all
tbe n; oicices I haye ever taken.
oold by Foshay h Mason.
Dandt off is probably one ol tke most rliffi
cnlt diresses of tbe scalp to care; but Du
tard's Speoitia never fails te remove it par
tnanently . 8jrenss after shaving is instant
ly relieved by its usu. Sjld by Foshay &
I JslsiBlLjSalBa
. . . . T .
rr 1. 1 . ,
x um fiowaer never varies, A marrt I
of purity, stren'trht and whol
Mpre economical than the ordinary fcrndat
and cannot be sold in comnnthinn riiw
multitude of low tent, abort weight alam
or phosphate powders. Sold only Is ear !
' """""s rowatr uo iw wan H6.
, Y. D. W, Cbowajst & Co., Agents.
xi 1. r. . '
me uay in question wa oJIcung hi wheat lo
lo the shipjKrr at $1,40 per cnntal, while infwin
Franr isco cjJ shini-irc? wheat
a I.
The encyclopedia ttlltor of the Poilatlel
phla Nem says of the President elect s
lie wears a No. 7JS hat.
lie wears a 6J hoe and can wear a 6
do has one bunion on the right foot nnd
no corns.
UU neck measure Is lGJj.
lie wears open front shirts and pnj $17
a dozen for them.
1 1n at tdnm carries a llk handkcichlcf
usually carries tt common linen.
lie keens one horne.
lie Is a regular smoker.nnd smokes small
rli'araa clear liuvaiiii. lie docs not
smoke to CKCcss.howcver.
Ills whUkcrs are getting gray, lie tines
bay rum on his halr,and doc not uncoil
He Is fond of base ball.
Ills chest measure l thirty-seven and a
his waUt fort v-tWO. He lias a good dcttl Of
'stomach." He weighs about 180 pounds I
" . . - , . . . ,,
anu ijjti iv ...w .v. - I
incites hi nvig.ii.
. . 1 1 , . 1 . . 1 . .
He docs not fancy jewelry, I
He uiually wears a high- buttoned, dou I
blc-brcttcd frock coat.and seldom has a sul
all off the same piece.
He reads for recreation, lie h fond of
Scott, Eliot and That ktry.
He goes to bed nt 10 nnd gets up between
6 and 7.
The family
negro 'auniy,
cook I iv la done by un old
He Is a Presbyterian deacon.
What farmers need moid from the IcgU
lature Is the repeal of all law made for
the benefit of lawyers nnd the sporting fra
ternitv, who room over our field pulling
down fences and letting stock Into crop
Nor are they very particular If they bag a
stray chicken or two If they liunpcn to
stray too far from the'r roost.
As the holiday draw near1 feminine
minds are turned for ways and means to
supply the loved ones with Kttitable pre-
cnu. The day of cotly gift donating
quite anoitcii me givers priac 01 money or i
forced obligation a fricn Jivlilp or love are I
Itannilv over. The oueslion ol the money I
value of a gift should never be taken Into
consideration, and! there are many little
presents of trifling' value In themselves
w hich rc highly prized because of the love
and care which are bound up in mem
The public school at this place will close
the fall term next 1- riday.
T. I. Heard, son of John nnd Mary Iieard,
of this place left the first of the w;ck after
a short visit, for hi home In W. T. By the
way Tom ha been absent for eleven year
hut looks a fan.iliar a ever
W. Walker, of Forset fJrove I vbltlng
relative In and around Tangent.
A recorded In the Recorder's office for
Linn county, Oregon :
Wm K SplccrtoH C Hardmau,piere
01 land at .Spiccr S 2oi
II Ilryant to Samantha K Coflclt.
33 V acres, 11 w 1 165
tico W Miller to Wm II More, S
acre. 13 w a 230
Oregon to Thomas Arnold, t'tO.'jH
acre. 13 w 1 ,
W II (Joltrato Cornelius Rnlfsnldcr
160 acres, 12 w3
A I Conner to William Conner, t
acres, iow
Sam'l Nixon, ex'r M J Costello, 444
acre. 1 1 w 4
William L Jones to Joim T oner
304 acres, 10 w 3
i;r-suu;TioxH ok
Hie following resolutions of comic fence
were passed by McPticrson Post, No. T. CJ.
A. R., on the 30th, lnt.
Headquarters McPltcrson Post. Ni. 5, f
it A K IJepartmerit of Oregon.
W iikrbas. The Supreme CommamJer
01 the t,raitsi Army above has, iy a gen
eral order, unt!cr date of Dec. 71b, ti$.
called our esteemed comrade, I. M Adair,
to the (irand Army abavc lo serve until
the trump shall summon all the comrades
to join our deceased comrade there. There
fore be it
AVWt'rt, That in the dcatls of Comrade
Adair our Post has sustained an Irreparable
los,and lhat his sorrowing w Ifc aud ilaught
ar claim our heartfelt sympathies, and to
them we extend 1 he condolence o this
tVWim, That tiiese resolutions be prt ad
upon the minute of this Post, nnd Hut a
ropy thereof, under the seal ot the Post.bc
furnished to the fami'y of the deceased
comrade and Ui each of'lhe clly papers for
Albany, Dev. Jotlt, i$SS.
A. I. Wcwjdin.
N. T. Mook,
D. L. Crossu.v.
'I liatiks.
Headquarters McPhcrson Post, No. 5,
Department of Oregon, (i. A. U. V
At an adjourned meeting of the pobi 1 icld
at their hall on Dec. 20th, the folioving
resolutions were unanimously adopted :
IletolveJ, That the thanks of the post are
due and arc hereby tendered to Miss Be.iha
Martin and Messrs. T.J .Overman nnd (Jeo.
E. Fish for the active pari taken in the
drama, The Confederate Spy." To Misses
Belle and Amelia Senders for mutdc furn
ished on the occasion. To M cssrs. lilod
gett, Phillips, Crocn, Dorris and TvJer,
of Co. F," O. N. G. Tho Juvenile Hand,
and all others who assisted in making the
entertainment u success, and to the audi
ence for the liberal patronage bestowed.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
he furnished thecity papers for publication.
By order of the pot.
Albany, Dec. 20th, iSS3.
S. V. Reeck,
. F. Tabuer, Commander.
lifter List.
rJlowlnir is ta Mot ot letters remntnlnir In tlio Past
Offles, Albany, Una cou ity, Oresriiw, Doo. 90, 1888.
iNnwrn ealllnff ftir the loiter; muM civ to dats ou
WcH they wars sdrertli 1 :
Surns, Michel Babrr, OeoW
iJoietnan, lurt Camoron, Mrs Addi
Friborir, John Uke, 'Tom
. KS MuVi.hey, John
Mattow. AR Kobluon, Frana:
Young, CW ' Oragson, Ludw,r;
R. THOlirsON, P. MT '
laiitsnuw uMoovery lor Uonsumptioo, uv
ceeuea in rojuci?jg s medicine which ii av
kaowledge.1 by all to be simply marvelous-.
It is exoeed agly pleiutaut to the taste, per
fectly banelesr, and tlocs uot sicken. In all
eases of cases ot Consumption. Cough, Colds
Whooping C ugh, C.-oup, JJronchitia, and
Pains in the Chest, it has givjtt tinivertal
satisfaction. Dr Bosanko's Cough and Lung
Syrup is sold, at 50 centti by Dr tiniss & Son.
Delecate romeu whs complatu of at tired
feeling, pains ia the back and Joint, desire
to sleep, dizziness, pornful or suppt eased
menstruition, will Gndin Oregon Kidney Tea
a faithful friend. It cad bo relied upon in
every instance to give immedia te relief from
urinary troubles. Thousands f women sra
suffering every day from some disorder ofjthei
kidneys or liver, who mieht be permanently
cured by using Oregon Ividnoy Tea. Soldi
by Fofhay & Mason.
When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria
Dr. Avery, the bus tlicg dentist, of Cor-
vsllis, is in own,
Btebbks, the erett siuifer. will bla Al-
ba'iy with Moody.
Mr Klmer Hamilton, tf Oakville. has bjeu
tli ing tho eity to- day
U will oust Salem $20,000 to get Mr Kay's
wcoIhi triill there. Can it raico it.
Mr M Lonslxrry and Miss Eula Bkipworth
wjre mairied at (Joryallis yesterday.
Articles iooorporating the Eugene Citv
strut radwsy have beeu filed at balein.
Hov C 11 Mattoon is now residing t In-
do j eu donee, where he is getting up a church
II..11. Ji IT Mityer, the lumber insttoate ol
tie Upptr W niiLm, was iu tho city yester
lUrry Wcixlii', of Portland, is in the city
tjctjflii'g the hulidays vith bis parents and
Mr iUker, of Middle Bridge, broke a leg
few days ago by falling with
a fence on
some stone.
r- w uwm wsnorne, 01 Eugene wa
takeu with a stroke of paralysin the liist of
i . irti ... n t atw .
... .... .... .
Tuo tijVJng oullit used at the liy In ex-
sluing the Yaquina l!y, wai taken to San
lfraticmco to-day.
I'utiih lleury wns n.oved last night from
the caliboese to a little structure mjar tbe
JmU1i cemetery.
Unities Fisher and Martha J Fisher were
iinttritd at Halem Hundsy on a license obtain
ed Dec. 3 lot, 1887. Wonder why the tang
Mr James Powell, the handsome Asstataut
Caahier ot tho First Nations! Uuk, arriyed
home fnno an txtensive trip to the Sound
country last evening.
We are infotmed that after all our New
Yost 'a cciipe will not I a total one at Al
bany, but it promUee to bo a pretty siuht
and no smoked glass will bo needed if this
fog oaulittuei,
Mr Merrill inf orms u that about 800,000
fret of hi lojje, have Wen fl ted down the
Caltptxiia as far as CVawfotdsvil.V; The
prospects are good for tho whole let of ios
reaching Albany this winter.
Tho Portland I3utiut College. A. I.
Armstrong, Principal, is one of the phanant-
est institutions the Uemotbat bai busioeis
relations with, and it is as reliable and butl
nets like in it treatment of pupil, wo ondti
Tlie .hottest dy of the yesr
'1 be ears for HAlrm'j street car line have
MrF M Ja-.-k. liro-A-uavilIe's livery man, is
tn tbe city.
Judge Whitney i spending the winter at
San Juae, C'al.
An abstract tiilj comptny has been iucor-
Kirated lu Maleui.
L L, Power went to liiUey jesterday to
remain over Sunday.
A big battle is going ou in Chicago l
tweett big aud little pilis.
K D Ilami.t in ha Lco a-.tx)iiited Post-
maaterat 1 tilloiiiatb.
Mrs V B Wton. of thi cite, ba beeu in
Ashland this week visiting ftisadr.
Two large bears were ki.lsd near Sublimity
in Marion county the tint of tbe we:k.
A fetn'ul row is teporttd from Stlvtrton
over a do.-. Inn IlsvectHirt is one of tbe
priucipsl actors.
l.uck-rt IIeath,t the I" rat secretary of
state el O.tvou, dt.d at SDta Cruz ta
Tbe P. U agebt at L.-Uuoa says that the
recent accident there tn which Wm 11 Wat-
kins bad two ribs br.kce, waa bis own fault.
A KUaif, a real e-.tite man well kuowa iu
Northern Oregon, U hiug at doatb's door
with lung fever al Med'ord. A.hland llrc-
Wm Pfsiifer, pottal agent on tbe Narrow
(cge from Portland ti Airlie, is in tbe city
spending the eo:idyr, tbe gatit ol bis par
There It soon to be a conference between
Aitoiu a ad Salem ta reference t- tbe pro
jxed rsdrvsd to tun from the former city to
Our bachelor frieud cf tbe Lebanon -"x-
pre st U getting desperate, and this week
iranticty crits: "Ooly oae more week tf t
leap year.' I
. - a It . f "
A tneetved lo-uay ly itey itvitie.
from th. Warm Sprtops Apucy, ani.ouoces
tbe. ti(o iiiucMOf Uav T J Wilson, with
ga.tiia fever.
A larmer writes to a Porllaod piptr that
he will lurmsit Cbu.c-w pneasattta alive for
S-'O a pair,
Ijou oonuty ought to be able to
boat luat.
They are wanted in ii out ana.
Miss Bertha Adair, daugbttr of I. M.
dair, tecentiy deceased, 1 1 rginlnmg a
olaa iti iiituic. Wo understand aha ia well
qualified and deaetving of a good patronage.
Tbos 11 I lick c, tbe business manager el
the .NV';ics, at l'orUnd, aud a writer on it,
M M BaMttat, hava jost beeu indicted at that
tutj for hbil, U.o vio'.im bvin lady, a
boarding house kevpei,
Mr Frederick Bruckmar. who tecentiy
putchasid the ilochsUdlrr rettdetes in this
citv. ytstcrdsy, purcha.od throogh Burkbart
A Keeu-y thu Isvw lloi'ni c tarsi in Hie.
t n ccut.ty, cousisttcgof ncTet, for which
he paid $3,fM!0.
Mrs K W Libcilcu. f Alnat.v with her
sinuing delighted thnsM who attended the
ladits'baxaar at the Coagregatiooal church last
ttiitbt. Mr4 Langdou iua ao excellent voice
which i utidtr 1 11 fee tratnioK. Stlem
'llat)2-d l v the neck untU von are dead"
lu.s tOfle cue ifi!at in Now Ycit. A mo
trof olitan Judge to iirouonoctng tho dath
at-titencn sayu is su-stl : "louelied hy an
rlt'Cirlu wire in the mint vital part of your
uunHniy uiittl eiat.'o:i ceuaes.
You mi gli; hcgdi p.-noti jin o 1 l?J3
Th "S.iuU Mark" haa arrited a'. Ya
qna Biy.
Cu! Eocleson. of the Oieon Pacific, was
ta the ct: y yesterday
lloats now run on the Willamette from
Ilarrisbuig down.
Mr KT (loin. Scio'n mrchaib miller has
boon in ths c;ty to-day.
Corvallis is euti-.led to ti e Agricultural
sell -(,) whot ver runs it .
Hon It (5 Miller and wife, of Lebauon,
were iu tho city .yesterday.
The two banks at Iudt penuence are to be
transformed into Aattoual bauks,
nVfr nnd Mrs II A Standard went to
Brownsville tday tospend Carutm.-i.
S iul class uassoneers aro baimr
ou the N P from St Paul to Portland for $30'
a .
CoU VanClevc. of xaautna Citv, was in
Albsnv veaterday with his iiookeu full of
Both the colleei and publio schools have
eloiei for their regular two weeka holiday
Judge Nesmitii, of lMew Hampshire, was
a Uarrisou elector ia 1S40 aud is a Harrison
elector now.
F M Mitchell has closed hit rchool near
Lebanon and is now teaching in District 14
near this eity.
Mr Peacock hi O'ight to tho Albany mar
ket to-day green ouions and parsley, .a re
freshing sight.
The Willamette valley it a scene of great
activity.' Saleai, Albany and Eugene City
are all going forrard with great rapidity.
Umpqua Herald.
iIr Henry Maine, who . has been working
ou the Jfewnort jVokw. returned to Albany
to-day. The Vettx has surpendod publica
tion at least for the present
Alfred Wheeler is candidate for the Post
cilice in this ct4y, and a petition u being cir
culated 111 his interest, ihere are several
others who would liko to have it. '
Wo hear that Mort Lollis, who is well
known around the bay, is about to marry
rich widow ia Portland, jaud will be here on
avisitabent Christmas. Newport Republi
can. - ii' '
Among thoto who lost by hay in at ahipments
on the wrecked steamer was air U 1 Urusu
who had eight batrels of wire on board
valued at $200. Three barrels wet e thrown
overboard, and Ihe ethers were rusted so as
to be of utile value. , , ,
Pitcher's Castoria;
, for Infants and Children.
' "Castor! Is so well adapted to children that I CaatorU enwa Oolle. Coosttpatlon,
LrtMAa:5,T'PUOa I Z Vr'W. Wraote.
aaowa to me. IL A- Aacnsa, JI. v., 1 fUon,
HI So, Oxford B', trooklyn, N. Y. TVuLout injurious medicaaon. .
Tub CrjfTAua CompasY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. '
What should be done if Bill Nye should
Salt Albany this winter, as is rumored he
may. Whether a strict quarantine should
be issued or "F" Co. gotten cut Is a grave
ii 11
If you think you are real sharp and
know just how things arc gfh., the Man
About Town suggests that you borrow a
pencil and write down Harrison' cabinet,
then he'll wager you hi lat.t vers over
coat that over half are wrong.
It is "confidently expected" In almoet
eycry crossroad town in Oregon which has
a newspaper that the great evangelist,
Dwlght L Moody, will fayor them with a
visit, says a paper up tbe Coast. That' Al
bany,and as nearly as the Man About Tow ti
can learn after walking from one end of
First street to another, this I the only city
that will really get Mr Moody lor even a
day. We don't brag about It I but it is a
matter there is a grain of satisfaction in,
for there is only one Moody In this big
world of our, and he Is a very plain, short,
squatty fellow with a large neck and care
less appearance ; but he nas a iig tu-art, a
comprehensive mind and hits titer nail on
the head right along.
There Is, after all, some difference be
tween the holiday season with scow and
drifts and piercing vtndas &r. elcment,the
program In the East, and the lio'iday c--
son of Oregon with mud and a mild atmos-
rhere In the lead. Earlta Claus simply puts
on his big boots, takes off his fut, using a
gossamer, gets a boat wagon and sails
ahead, and we enjoy him just as much and
have just aa big a tumb.c with the kind
hearted old fellow who loves Wcbfoot
children and knickerbockers just the same,
and we do believe he carries a bigger pack
here and that it takes more gunnisacksfor
A Pleasing Sense of Health
and Strength Renewed, and
of Ease and Comfort
Fdlowa the use of Syrup of Figs, as it
acta gently on the
Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels
Effectually Cleansing the System when
Costive or Uilious, Dispelling
Colds, Headaches and Fevers
and permanently curing
without weakening or irritating tho or
gans on which it acts,
for Sale In SOeand Sl.OO Bottles ty
all Leading Drucclsta.
MAxrrAcn-aco cxlt st tus
8 ax Fxjis cisoo, Cal.,
lonsvniox, Kr., Kkv Toaa. K. Y.
crom 6.G00.000 tjbejs chstft
el UMlraMtawnMjotrijjiMtuua,Ukf7aao
Ferry's Seed
knoalKlfcd to ba lb
Largest Seedsmen
" In th world.
D M Fctst A Co'
For I88
Wtn fa nailed FREE
to all atmltcauta, and
without nrdarina it. iara'a.
as reai-aeusMnDera
.11.1 n V .-Z
KarUASt oaauaowtr Gsrdra. FWd or
lawutsac. I abould aand for I.
D. m. FERRY & CO., Dotroit, KSIch.
A Courdi Court of tlie Stale oOiyjc.i, for
' Lu.n county.
In the matter cf the estate of Mary Jane
CoHttllo, di ceased. ,
To Mnrv Ann or Marcrarctt Caldwell.
John Caldwell. House of FroTldenca Ms
ter Superior, Ann Jlrown, Ester Uoitello,
and tbe daughters or 1 nonsas t. ostouo.
Greeting: In Ute name of the Sta'e ot
Orecon. you are hereby cited lo be unj
appear iu tha County Court, for the eoun
ty of Linn, at the Court House in tbe city
of Albany, In said county and state, on
salarday the l'Jla day of January,,!. ISS0,
at tbe hour of nine o'jlock in the forenoon
of said day, the same being: a day of tbe
regular Jauuary term, lSS9rfssid Court,
and then and there show ctus?, if any ex
ist why an order of ta!o should not ba
made directing and licensing Samuel
Nixon, cxeoutor, of the last will and tea
tament of Mary Jane Costello, deceased,
to Bell all the right, title and Interest of
the said Mary Jane Costello at tbe time of
ber death, both in law ami in equity, or,
In end to the real property hereinafter
described, as prayed for on tbo petition
of tbe said featnnel isixon, executor,
aforesaid, which said petition is now on
file in tbe Couuty Cloik's office iu Linn
county, Oregon, which said real property
is described as toiiows :
Beginning 32.36 chains east of the 8 W
corner of tbe Ponation Claim of Thomas
Shepard and wlfo, Claim No. 51 in Tp. 14,
8 R 4 W of the Willamette meridian end
running thence S 2,24 chains to the line
between Sections 9 and 10 ; thence W
along said line 27.70 cnains ti the corner
ofSeotions8, 9. 18 and 17:thenc W
along tha Hue between Sections 8 ant! 17,
20 chains to tne s w corner or lot 4 in
6oo, 8 : thenca north 40 chains to tbe N
v corner of lot No. 8 In See. 8 ; thnee
east 15,34 chains to the N E corner of said
lot 3 ; thence N 2.45 chains to tbe N W
corner of sali Donation Claim of Thomas
Shepard ; thence E S2 S3 chains ; tbenoo
8 40 chains to the place of beginning, con
taining 198 acres more or less, lying and
being in Linn county, Oregon.
Done by order of tho Hon. D. R. N.
Blackburn, Judge of said Court.
In testimony wtereof, I, E, E. Monta-
gue, County Clerk of Una county, Ore
j.av J v
, :(: -j,
11 -K4
a7 V
if . ' a
v iunid-HP'ur
gon, au a Cleric or the county uourt on,-. , rjv.4..rtVw
said ounty, have hereunto et my hand f rOltlMlt Jf Q0b0graplQr.
ir! RfSlffirl tha anal nrcahl Pjinrt kit "
office, in Albany, this 10th day of D cem
ber, A. D. 1888.
, II" a J 4 N
All kinds cf rough, dressed
and seas . lambcr,lathfcv iu
pickets kept constantly - on
hand- Bills sawed to order on
shortest notice TJee only best
Calapooia timber Price and
terms made satisfactory.
And Solicitors in (bant erf,
AM? ANY. ... OBLtiOI.
Collection promptly mado on all pointa.
Leans negotiated on reasonable term.
Offlco In Foster's Brick.fJ
Notary Public-
ittoiEEj And nomiEclIor It Lai
IVotar Public.
rmv, OREGON.
Will prii,'c 13 all of the Conrta
.bis State. All boviness Intrusted to him
wl'.l Le promptly a. tended to.
Almost as Palatable as MIIIc.
So dUanlscd ttusc It emaa h takew,
digested, avad. atasLsmtlatd ley thm amawS
aeBSltlve stomsxb. when tba pLalas oU
rawaot be tolerated t sutd by thm sW
blaatloa ef tine ell wltb tbo bypoptao,
piUtea as Battels snore efflcstctosvs.
Eeacrttbte is a "ficsli prtdseer
rtrsoii gala npkDj wLIle taliEg tU
SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by
Pbysiciaria to be the Finest and Best prepav
ration in the world for the relief and cure o
The areat remedy for Cbnawnpfaon. and
Wasting in Children. Soli by aU Druggist.
Attorney at Law
OQop, Odd Fellow'a Tomple,
Palace Meat Market,
Will keen constantly on band besvf,
mutton, pone, veal, saasage, etc.. tbe best
mult and Urge&t vartoty is the eity.
Cavsh paid for all V nd ""f fat stock.
mm Ba iacs,
Roses a SfPECiALTT
i ot -or ;Rbied and attended to
1388, 1889.
Term epest eVptrmber 11th, 1M8
I ... .
I s.r.
A tub corps of instructor.-
Courses of tndy arranged to moot Ur
need of all grades of students.
S fecial inducements qlf 'ered ta students
from abroad.
Tuition rangns from $3,50 to f 13.50.
Board in private families at ov rates.
Rooms tor -elf-boarding at small ex-ense.
A careful supervision exercised over stu
dents away from home. Fall term opens
September ?th. For circulars and full
particulars address the President.
Mbanv. Oration
Our Laiy of Perpetual Help.
Conducted by tho Sistarj of St, Benedict.
This Academy Is Incorporate) and au
thorized by the State to confev academio
honors. .
Board and tuition f 10.00
Mtifeio, insrtvi mental, theoretical and
vocal with use of piano and organ 15.00
3 U. lift I Sa ) H.ii 200
Zithern... . .... 12.00
Drawing and painting....... 8.0O
Fancy wort and mending free to
boarders, ;
Tuition In select day f cbool ranges from
55 to f 10, r -
Normal . instruction of aspirants for
teacher's certificates a specialty.
Graduating fee, $10. " .
For further. particulars apply at tha
Physician and Surgeon,
Office cor. First and Ferry Streets,
- Studio corner Second and Ferry Streets
near Opera Housv Ground noor.
1 Children's pictures it speclaltT.
Children Cry for