The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 28, 1888, Image 3

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foe gjwtwaat.
KJllert a. I
IRKOr. N IT mil, Lecal Kdlter.
Kntere I at the P,t Ofuje at Albany, Or
a moo nd-class mall matter.
Biblis Sociitt. Tha annual meeting of
tha Linn Count j'BibU. Society wss held at
Dr. G rev's offiae Saturday evening. Tha
President, Rev Irvina oallod tha meeting to
order and Rev Webb offered Draper. Tha
reports of the Treasurer and depoeitor were
read. Aooording to thei.i the reoeipts during
tha yoar were $133.23, tha sales of books
were $1233 and there is now a balanoa of
$(1.69 ia the Treasury. The following of
tioers were than elected for tha ensuing year
Rv S Q Irvine, Fieeident ; all tha pastors of
ho oity, Vioa Presidents ; W R Blain, Sec
retary ; John Foahay, Treasurer and Depos
itor ; Dr O WGray, Dr D M Jones, J B
Congill t Win Fortmillerand L II Montanye,
Executive Committee. Tha Sabbath servi oes
were held at the M K Church South, Rev )
Comann, preaohing, and tha Presbyterian
Church, Rev Irvine preaching. Rev lletxler,
Bible agent was present at both plaoes and
inada a statement in reference to the Bible
work in Oregon.
Moody. We admit this Moody business
Is mixed up. A Salem exchange says he
U to go to Astoria on January i. will be in
Salem on the 3d and remain several days.
He Is to bs In Albany on the 3d, and the
Eugene papers say he Is to be there on the
afternoon of the 3d. The dispatches state
positively that he will open in San Fran
clv:o on'Ianuary 6. The Democrat gives
It up. It is glad though so many places
want Moody. We all need him. When
such man as Geo. It. Williams succumb to
his Influences and take the front seat we
may knaw he is doing a good work, and it
is no wonder that In tha mad rush for him
dates get confused.
Thk Failurf. Concerning the failure
of Jacobs & Neugass, says Sunday 's States
man, It has been learned that the firm of J
G Me vers & Co., with which they are con
nec'.ed, owes over and above their assets
$ 1 0,000 to Portland creditors ; Messrs'
Jacobs k Keugass's liabilities above their
Indebtedness in Bentoa county, which is
fully secured, amounts to $35,000. which
falls on San Francisco creditors. Their drv
goods store at Yaquina City closed Satur
day, and will soon be placed in the hand
of a receiver.
Do'T Throw Stones. "It Is about
time for the editor of the Albany Demo
crat to cease exposing his Ignorance by
alluding to the Queen of the Pacific as be
ing wrecked at the Columbia bar. The
Queen of the Pacific Is not wrecked but is
running between San Francisco and San
Diego., Read up and keep posted, or else
kep still." Pioneer. We are perfectly
aware of the fact stated; but so far as the
Columbia bar and its adjc ining sand spits
were concerned it was all the same. Had
the Yaquina Bay been as well managed
after striking the sand it would never have
become a total wreck. People living in
glass houses should not throw stones; that
is all we are getting at. We are anxious to
see the Columbia and Yaquina bay and
Puget sound all built up, so that we can be
proud of any of them.
Leo Broke w. Tuesday, about 11
o'clock, Alex Purdom, who has been assist
ing in erecting the telegraph line on the
Oregon Pacific, was riding with another
hand on a railroad velocipede, about two
mi'es from the east end of the track, when
in rounding a curve, his left foot slipped
from the treadle, and going down caught
between- two ties, wrenching it so as to
break a bone, just above where it was
broken about a year ago. Dr. Whitney,
one of the railroad's surgeons, set the bone.
Alex has had more than hi share of brok
en bones.
Another Pioneer Dead. On Christ
mas evening, Dec. 25, Mrs. Isaac FJutchins
died, after a lingering illness, at the age
of 70 years. With her husband she came to
Linn county in about 1845. Mr. Hutchins
took up a claim on the present site of the
Elkins property adjoining this city; but
afterwards sold it. lie was the first sher
iff of the county. Mrs. Hutchins lived
alone for a great many years in this city,
getting a scanty living on a small income.
Funeral services were held under charge
of Rev. Webb.
Jcdoxext. W 7 Butcher, a young law
yer of Umatil county, was arrested in the
fllofl8S6bye Kansas sheritJonder a re
quisition from tbe governor of Kansa,
charged with stealing a male in that state.
It turned out that Butcher was not tbe man.
He brought suit against tbe sheriff for
110,000 damages for false imprisonment and
has just secured a judgment for f G000 in a
Ktnaas court.
- Qcabaktixkd. Sunday be was making
himself too free on the streets considering
tbe fact that be bad been stopping at .Mrs
East's for over week. Deputy Marshal
Hoffman's attention was called to bis con
duct and be immediately order him off the
streets, telling bim in plain Eoglish ts get
back where he belonged. Refasiog to com
ply Mr IIorTbiaa drew bis revolver on htm
. and sent a bullet into him, when . he turned
up bis toes and died. He was simply Ed
Davidson's shaggy haired dog.
Its Present Status. James East is
reported to be gradually improving and
will probably recover. Dutch Henry is
practically well. The three gentlemen in
the pest house are all right, with no indica
tions of any disease. They will be on our
streets in a day or two. So Albany is prac
tlcally free from the terrors of smallpox
Its citizens are entitled to much credit for
the sensible manner in which they have
A Surprise. Several of the friends of
Mr. end Mrs. Jayj Blain Tuesday gave
them a genuine surprise party in honor of
the tenth anniversary of their wedding. It
was a new tin affair and a very enjoyable
one. Among the features of the evening
was the eating of some of the original wed
ding cake.
Chbistmas Gifts. On the morning of
Christmas day there was born to the wife
of Mr. John Fox a boy. He was plump and
healthy and fined the stocking full.
Born. To the wife of John Maxwell,
girl, on Christmas eve.
$50,000. William is. iascott, trie mur
derer of Mr. Snell at Chicago, for whose
capture a reward of $50,000 is offered, is
now supposed to be near Walla Walla. It
may be a good thing for Albany's detec
tives to keep uneir eyes open. 50,000 is not
to be sneezed at.
Wanted. A young span 01 mares.
weight not less than 1 150 pounds. - Call at
Fred Bruckman's, corner of 3rd and Mont
gomery streets, Albany, Or.
Tut Concert. About one hundred
fifty people attended the concert and social
Iven last Tuesday at the opera house for
the benefit of the Presbyterian church. It
was a very refined and nice entertainment
a treat to people with a taste for a high
class of music, which appeals only to the
best sentiments. The concert was divided
Into two parts, religious and secular. In
the first part the soprano and tenor duet
by Mrs. Geo. E. Chamberlain and Rev.
Prichard, was particularly heard with
marked interest. ' In the second part the
trio by Mrs. Geo. E. Chamberlain and
Messrs. Prichard and Lee was a fine piece
of singing. Rev. Prichard was enthusias
tlcly encored after a vocal solo, as was also
Mrs. fc. w. Langdon. If possible Mrs,
Langdon shows Improvement since recelv
Ing Instructions under one of California's
best teachers. She has one of the most
pleasing voices it U the pleasure of an
audience to listen to, and sines with an in
telligent articulation that Is really refresh
ing atter listening to an operatic sincer.
The duet by Mrs. Chamberlain and Rev.
rricharu was a pleasing effort. The trio
by Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Chamberlain and
Kev. Prichard was perhaps the best of the
program. A chorus, "Victoria," closed
the program.
Christmas Evk. The Christmas eve
festivities were of a very interesting nature
at all of the churches. Those at the M. E.
church south were held at 3 o'clock, at the
other churches at 7 o'clock. The trees
generally were nice ones. One of the
prettiest arrangements we have seen in
Albany, was at the Baptist church, consist
ing of two symmetrical trees, with an ever
green arch between, capped by a smal
tree, the whole forming a very pretty grotl
to, and the display of presents was as hand
some as me tree. At the M. E- I'resby.
terian, U. P. and Congregational churches
the trees were also attractive ones and the
supply of presents was rather larger than
usuai. une ot the imest presents tendered
In the city was that of a complete com
munion service, one of the finest in the
state, by Mrs. W. H. McFarland, the fol
lowing Inscription on which explains it:
To the First Congregational church of Al
bany, in memory of W. H. Mcrnrland, who
died July 5, 188S.
The Cai-sk. Mr. J. P. Lord, Master of
the steamship "Yaquina Bay"has made the
following statement of the cause ot the
wreck.lng.of the "Yaquina Bay,"whlch set
tles the matter completely : As there has
been much comment on the loss of the
steamship "Yaquina Bay" in Yaquina bay,
I wish to say through your paper that the
steamer was wrecked In Yaquina bay, in
side of the bar through the carelessness of
a pilot employed by the Oregon Develop
ment Company. Ko blame whatever is
attached to the captain of the tug "Reso
lute. It was my first trip to Yaquina, but
common sense to!d me from years of sea
service that a ship must be going through
the water to have steerage way ; but my
pilot told me a ship must go slow over Ya
quina bar to tro safelv. I went slow, and
the result is my ship is a wreck In Yaquina
naroor.aiongtiue the jetty.
That Millers Trcst The Democrat
on Saturday printed some resolutions from
the Grangers of Marion county, one of
which was to the effect that there Is a Mil
lers trust in Oregon. This Is denied. The
following is from the Portland Xews :
"We printed the other day an extract from
a farmer's letter in relation to an alleged
Millers Trust in this State. Since then we
hare received the assurance of a large
stockholder in flouring mills In the neigh
borhood of Salem, that there is no founda
tion for the statement that there is in Ore
gon any Trust' among ml!l owners. On
the contrary he assures us that the millers
are at all times in active competition with
each other for sales of their products. And
that furthermore, Instead of making money
lattyearon nour all the merchants mills
lost money ; and that with the present
downward tendency ot prices the pros
pects are good for them to loie more money
mis year.
The Only Safe One. The following
is from the Astoria, and reads very pecu
liarly in view of the fact that two steamers
have been wrecked at the Columbia bar,
almost none on Puget Sound, and two on
Yaquina Bay from other cause than the
nature of its bar : "There is great effort
made by parties interested to prove that the
wreck of the 'Yaquina Bay' was due to
gross carelessness on the part of those en
gaged in taking her in, and not to the dan-
gerous character of the port of Yaquina
But whatever excuses may be offered, the
fact that the history of the port is one of
disaster to the finest steamers designed
specially for that harbor, does not prom
ise a very bright future for the port of Ya
quina. Without a wish to disparage other
ports, It is fair to say that the only safe
harbor on the northwest coast is the Col
umbia river."
An Interesting Fact. In the ninth
century, an old beggar from Japan too k
some tea seeds and plants back with him
to his native land. The Japanese relished
the new drink,and built at Osaka a temple
to the memory of tnose who introduced It,
This temple is still standing, though cow
almost 700 years old. Conn Bros., in this
city, keep some of the descendants of these
same tea seeds,and as well a splendid stock
of groceries, provisions and crockery ware
generally. Vheir customers are always
well satisfied.
A Bad Fall. Lewis Pettijohn of Cros-
ton, Marion county, met with a very pain
ful, and perhaps serious accident at Leban
on, on Monday. He had been visiting his
daughter, Mr. Fiddler.who lives near that
place and had started back home. As he
was bearding the cars at Lebanon he slip
ped and fell off the platform, to the ground
several feet below. His back was badly
wrenched, and it is feared that his pine is
injured. He was taken to Salem and thence
to his home.
District Attorney Hewitt Caned.- -
San Wa, the Chinese laundryman, has pre
sented District Attorney Hewitt with a
beautiful gold headed cane as a Christinas
present, as a token of appreciation for
services rendered In getting the Celestial
out 01 several dimcuuies.
A Suggestion. While the water is
frozen out of the mud. is just the time to
scrape that article from First street. It
could be done very easily and at about half
tne expense ot mud that you could twim
Here Before. If the Democrat's
memory Is not at fault the very pleasant
appearing lady who sells tickets for Prof.
Samwell's trained animal show is the tat
tooed lady who was in a side show with
one of the circuses in Albany a couple
years ago.
Died. At Jordan, Sunday, Dec. 9th
1888, Miss Carrie Wendt, aged 13 years,3
monins ana 20 aays.
Born On Dec. 20th, 1888, to the wife
of W E Kelley a daughter, weight 8'
pounds. W 1! smiles a broad smile.
We Want, Your butter and eggs and
will pay you either cash or trade for it.
Brownell & Stanard.
The failure of Jacobs & Neugass and J.
G. Meyers & Co., the railroad contractors,
I developing some interesting facts.
Among the heavy creditors were Thomp
son, DeIIart& Co., of Portland, to whom
J. G, Meyers & Co. the Co. being Jacobs Sc
Neugass, owed $20,000. Friday the firm
learned the true condition of affairs, when
Mr. Hlckock, a member of the firm, char
tered a special train and came to Albany at
acostof$i a minute, After the train had
started back for Portland he learned that
the railroad plant of Meyers & Co. was in
Marion county, recalled the train, went to
Salem, got the necessary papers oi clerk,
returned to Albany on the noon train and
took another $1 a minute ride on the Ore
gon Pacific to the front, a fast wagon ride
and had the plant attached ahead of all
others and before an assignment had been
made. At the time the contractors were
paid up to the 10th of the month while the
hands were owing for two months. Mr.
Meyers borrowed money and left for the
north. The laborers, nearly four hundred
strong, quit work and are said to be on
their way to Corvallls with blood in their
yes, declaring vengeance on Neutrasa.
lioagor anyone they can get hold off.
Their time checks in order to appease their
wram were made out to Meyers & Co. or
the Oregon Pacific, which on Its face fore
bodes a storm. Meyers & Co, give their
reasons for the failure as follows, we are
Informed : Their contract with the Com
pany calls for 30 cents a cubic yard for dirt
work and 60 cents for rock work. Consid
erable of the grading was in rock work.
but the engineer estimated it as only a
mixture, and the Company allowed only
30 cents a cubic yard. Mr. Meyers says
he has grown gray in railroad work and
never saw such estimates before. The
money paid on the contracts seems to have
gone to take up securities, as nearly as we
can learn. Anyway It results In Jacobs St
Neugass having liabilities amounting to
about $100,000 and assets to $60,000 to $7v
000, and the prospects of another big suit.
The whole failure Is an unfortunate one ;
but of course will have no effect on the
rapid development of the railroad.
On the Southern Iloundary.
Mr. and Mrs. George Barnett, of
county were vUklng relatives and
here last week. They expect to spend the
winter in we vaney.
Miss Jennie IJowUby came down from
tugenc City last week to visit friends
O. I. Coshow, of Brownsville, was In
the neighborhood recently looking after
fences and stock on his farm here.
Mr. A. P. McNary and MUi NVllle
Locke will spend the holidays in Salem
with Mr. McNarv's parents.
J. B. Hay worth sold to I. Pierce seven
teen head of cattle for the sifm of
John feels very rich now.
J. I. Morrow, a former resident of this
neighborhood was married to Mi Ella
Hawk at the residence of Wm Hawk last
1 I - . . J S X .
ttcunouay. vjuue a number of young
pcop;e were invited Irom this neighbor
hood and report a glorious Urn; at the
wedding and dance but did not mention
dried pears.
Born to the wife of James Tavlor. Dec
16, a daughter.
Mr. Purdy has been suffering with a se
vere attack of pleurisr was so bad for sev
eral days that he could not lie down, but
is Improving at present.
A younsr daughter of T. 1. Vaufhan died
the 15th of Dec. and was burled at Coburg
the 17th. She had been In poor health for
a long iime ana death was unexpected,
Pcre Teas. If you want a first-class
article of teas go to the Willamette Packing
Co's. store, their German mixed tea Is just
what every one ought to ue. as it is first-
class tea and warranted to give satUfac
Selling at Cost Until after the holl
days all my stock of felt hats and bonnets,
baby hoods, plushes, fa.icy feathers, etc
special sale, can early. Ida M. Ilrush,
first door east stratum s new brick.
Superior. That is the name of the
stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much
attention. It is a splendid cook stove.
New raisens, curreots.citron. lemons and
oranges received'at Wallace & Thompson's.
Holiday Delicacies. Picketed pigs'
feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and
limburercr cheese iust received at the Will
amette Packing Co.'s store. (
All kinds of woolen dreea goods are 23 ter
cent cheaper than they were a yearago. Our
stork is ail fresb, consequently wccao give
yerj ow prices.
W F Bead.
Wide Indigo Prints. A large Invoice
of the above goods has been received, and
will be sold at reduced frtces. They are de
sirable patterns and are a bargain.
Auction Auction every afternoon at
M. J. Monteith's, at S. E. Young's old
store. Goods at your own price. Mutt
be sold.
If yon want a clean and fine m.letik
J. Joseph's borne made white labor ciga
For sale by most cigar dealers and at
Joseph's factory.
Babies. The finest line of baby carri
ages in the Valley just received at Stewart
Si Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con
sidering the superior quality of the carri
Clothing A Urge and complete lii
gents' clothing and furnishing goods at
.v. B. Mcllwain s. Io the clothing depart
ment he has a large line of pants, t egular
value, $5, which he wii sell during the
coming week for $2.50.
J. P. Wallace, Physician Mid Surgeon. Al
bany, Or
Dress Shoes. A fine job lot of men's
shoes, 100 pairs, all different, No 7's, best
in the city, at G W Simpson's. Thev
range in price for from Si .50 to $3.50
about half of the regular price. No such
bargains anywhere.
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. In this line w
have always shown the very best goods to
be found in the markets of America, the
knife will be put to goods in this depart
ment as they must go. Call and see for
We will sell ton groceries chesper thsn
any store in town.
Jdrownkll s Stanard.
How is yoar sppatite ? Are voa nervous
or irritable 7 Are you subject to billioainess T
Dr Uealoy s JJandelion Tonto works wonders.
It makes the weak and aiokly strong, builds
np th whole.systera and pats new life and
engery in you. -
A Pleasing Sense
Of health and strength renewed and of ease
and comfort follows the nse of Syrup of Figs,
as it acts in harmony with nature to effec-
toaiiy cleanse tne system when costive or
bilions. For sale in 60c. and $1 bottles by
ail leading aruggists.
A Terrible Accldont,
New Orleans, Dec. 25. The steamboat
John H. Hanna, from the Ouachita river, with
a large number of passengers, was burned last
night at l'laquemine, La. It is stated that of
100 persons on board, only fourteen are known
to have been saved. The John II. Hanna was
built in Madison, Ind., in i876,and hailed from
Louisville. Ly. 1 she was of 377 tonnage, and
was owned by the Ouachita Kivcr Consolidated
line. She was valued at $18,000 and was in
sured for 1 1 a. 000 in local and foreign compan
ies. fluid Robbers.
Trvckbk, Cal., Dec. 25 The express
car on th east-bound overland train was
robbed last night two miles east of Clipper
Gap. Bob Johnson, the express messen
ger, says he was silting at his desk and his
helper was sorting out packages to be left
at Colfax, when suddenly the glass tran
soms over the two doors, one en each side
of the car, were broken in simultaneously
and two revolvers thrust throutrh.coverlna
boftt messengers. Johnson was compelled
to open the door and let one robber in, be
ins ordered to keen one hand held up. The
other robber reached inside and unlatched
the door, letting himself in. He then cov
ered the messenger, while the first robber
took from the safe all the coin packages,
hlch he placed In a game pouch slung
across his shoulder.
A fllg F,re .
Marui .KiiF.AD.MaM., Dec, a6. 12:30 A. M
Marblcliead is on fire. The entire business
portion is in ruins, and a dozens firms are burn
ed out. Also the 1 lost on & Maine depot and
several other buildings. It is the largest lire
that ever visited this city, and the people are
panic-stricken. The telegraph office lias been
destroyed. This disgatch is sent with great dif
ficulty, over a hastily improvised wire and com
munication is liable to be interrupted at any
moment. It is estimated that seven acres have
been burned over, and the entire km will be at
least 1500,000.
AowTn Dstr oyed.
Mksominke, Mich., Dec. 21. The fire at
Menhminee, briefly reported last night, destroy
ed nearly the entire village and the Wisconsin
Lumltcr Company's sawmills. The losses ap
proximate $250,000. The town Itad no fire de
partment, and the names were lought ty a buck
brigade. It was bitterly cold. A great part of
the personal property of the inhabitants was
saved, and tents aud rude shanties have been
constructed on the outskirts of the town.
Itad IVIae fighter.
Seattle, Dec 23. Tom Cieary of San
Francisco and J L Smith of Fargo, Dak.,
middle welghts.foughttoa finish this after
noon near Seattle, for a purse of $500.
Clcary forced the fighting from the start.
In the sixth round Cieary knocked the Da
kota man down three lat being a
clean knock out. The fight was witnessed
by about forty a,ortJng men.
A Prediction.
New Vokk, Dec. 22. A Rome corrcoml
ent or the Mail and Express says: "Carkinal
l.avijcate makes the prediction that Pope I -co
will live -ten years longer; that in this time the
sacred college will be nlriWKt entirely renewed.
and that the nest pontiff wilt be a stranger, and
probably an American, lie pronounced the
name of Cardinal Gibbons as mm h liked in
Rome and hichty eatecmcd as a literary and
scientific man.
Havana, Dec. 23. Advices have been re
ceived from llayti to the effect that thedupute
over tbe seizure of the American steamer Hay,
tain Republic has been settled, The steamer
has been delivered totbe American man-of-war,
and tbe Utter have honored the llaytain flag
with a salute of twenty-one guns. Among the
tteonle the actum of the Lnitcd States govern
mer.t is contideted as an abuse of tower against
a hclplets nation, and thi opinion is said to he
shared by some foreign diplomatic rfiecnta
Cah Uoe Ljaj Waysat JslUi
have made arrangements for
goods direct from the factories in
and wilt sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper
than any where else on the Pacific Coast
The following are some of my cah retail
prices :
dozen unhandled teacups and saucers,
3SCU. . .
y, dozen unhandled coiiec cups and
cers.45 cts.
y. dozen handled coifce cups and sau
cers, 50 cts.
'A dozen seven Inch dinner plates, 45
These goodt are'ali iron stone China and
not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices
are lor 30 days.
Worth of Dried Fruit Wantt-d.
And I must have It. Having made con
tracts with merchants in Eastern Oregon
Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby
saving commission and adding the same to
the prii e of your fruit. No offer made on
fruits unloaded and placed in any other
house in my line in the citv. If you be
.ieve in the doctrine of buying iii the cheap
est and selling in the highest market and
have no conscientious scruples about party
or religion, you must come to see me or be
untrue to yourself and family. To satisfy
yourself, call and get my prices.
Yours rcHpectfully,
P. Cohen,
Albany, Or.
Surveying. Mr.E. T.T. Flslicr is prt
pared to do surveying of all kinds at tea-
sonable rates. He has complete copies of
field notes and township plats in the coun
ty. Adress Miller's Station, Linn county
A line line of holidsy goods for oar crook
cry -denartment and marked very low in
Wallace Si Tkompsok
Cheaper than you can buy them in Port
land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels
carpet for 6o cents; a heavy three, ply car
pet for rc cents, and two ply carpets frorr
4.Q cents to co cents. Carries u large line
of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades.
Winter wraps, are not reserved in the
great sale. This will be the greatest oppor
unity ever offered to boy a stylish wrap at
low price.
Kiln Dried FtooRiNC-Good kiln dried
flooring at the Springfield lumber yard in
this city.
Wheat 70
Oats 25c
Butter 25 its per lb.
Eggs 26c t.
iiay B,uo.
Potatoes 15 cts par bushel.
Beef on foot, zyic
apples 40 cents per bu,
rors oMio per ir uressea.
Baoons htmi 18?o.
. shoulders, 14i.
sides 14o.
iard 15o per lb.
Tloar 4.25 per bbl.
Hhlckens S.00 per doz.
Ltllll 69 J Dran, n.oo par ton
snort?, io.
middilnori, 20.
Choy no.
& ROBSON'S, is
J P tJalbiaitb, cf Brownsville, is in the
The Baker oounty ttx this year will only
ue 01 mills.
' Collins, son of James Elkins, is clerking
for 8. E. Young.
The oity is full of people to-.lay preparing
for Xmas festivities.
, Om of the LaChapella ohlldien dird at
oouourn t riday oi tbe nallpox.
A Portland olark nimml f.timMnn Mn.
Lean has Just fallen heir to $33,000.
W E Kelley has eomnletd
into his new house at the corner of 8th and
Morrison streets.
Ella Wkeeler Was bitten bv a SLvacrA lnnr
near Wells Station last Friday and has since
been con lined to her bed from the effect of
the wound.
A gentlomao from Coryall says J snobs &
aieUBrss.' liabilities will reaoh .bant 1100.000
and their asset will amount to $00,000 or
A Franklin oountv. W T. votinir man re
cently smeared the buggy sestof an acquaint
ance with tar, and the justice smeared a $100
fine all over him.
Pendleton, that ainnat nia mnnov for a
woolen mill or railroad, now ha a genuine
variety theater, which will no doubt be well
Mr Cheadle and
from their visit sear Sbedd. We under
stand that city quarantined agaiast Mrs C
very uojustly tor she had not been exposed
to tue stnsiipox at all.
Last Sstordav J mea Tomlinaon. a it.
.th Albany oollegn, now teaching
school in Benton oounty, while manipulating
a revolver aooideotly disoharged it. Tbe
ball entered one of his wiisU making a bad
wound. Dr Hill, of this tly, wa sent for
and dressed the wound.
The new baffsaire room at tha denot. to ha
boilt at tbe East end, had just been btguo
when the carpenters were sent for to build an
Ice bouse at Ashland, to have a eanaoitv for
300 tons of ice. Oa It completion the hag-
Bsgeroom will be built. It w'.ll be 20x30
feet and one story high.
City Council to-night
Dates, fi, ete, at Pfeiffer'e.
Holiday goo It at French's.
Barfaint la silverware at French'.
Fresh ehettcutrat Francis PioiuV's.
Low pi I jee prevail at the Corner Jewel -
ry store.
Go to P. J. Laportes for your boot andishoe
The beit eoafeotio .ivy in the oity at Fraa
cia rioiflar s
Gold and silver watches. Ilia bargains in
them at French's,
Salem ha a Unitarian Church, with Prof
Itooi k at iU bead.
"Jim Westf.ll" elaima that I il Ale von ft.
Co. owe him $3,000.
Hon L II Mootanve has moved hia bfllea
into the Pearce Block.
The largest stock of noU and eaadiea in
th valley at F II PfeifferV.
Tweedale carries the boss heating stove
ana sen itiem tne cheapest.
Call and see thuee Early Bteikfast stove
and ranges at W C Twcodale't.
Albany should have a street car line.
would help the city msterially.
For holiday candies, muU, etc, tali at tbe
v iiismette t acking Co store.
Tbe maa with an eve like an eaaU at the
upera noose io-morrow eveulog.
V'-.. 1(1 . a ...
ion ii save inoosv uv cminar vmir
plumbing and job work done at Tweedale',
W B Henderson aad daughter, Maud, of
Helix, are in the city the guests of Mrs Ben
J ob a ton.
If yon want a teitder chickm be sure and
get one of those new stle ruettert at W C
1 weedaU'e.
Finest display of Christmas piesent in tbe
city, u to be found at Freach "The Corner
Jewelry Store." low.
Tbe Oregoof Development Co. is negotiat
ing for a new steamer superior to even "Ya
quiua Bay." It moans business.
oome ot tbe railroad meo who went to
Corvalli this morning said they would eith
er nave tbeir money or go to Salem.'
Making a specialty of candies, nuta, etc-
Francis 1'fotfTer can do better thin anywhere
also. lUmember this la getting your holiday
A fijcht between a couple railroad men just
from tbe front broke the stillness yesterdsy.
One a one armed man, is said to have fought
wittt great activity.
Judge Whitney retimed yesterday from
dad Jose, very much pleased with that coun
try t but be will oontinue to make Albany
nts noma,
"Solomon Isaacs" by the Boston CXmedy
Company to-morrow evening, at the Opera
uouse. Admission, id, ana 33 eeuts. lie-
nerved seat at Black man's.
At Oakland, Oregon the license ba been
placed at $5000 for selling liquor at retail
and $2500 in quantities from a pint npwardr,
It wul undobuiediy prohibit.
State Secretary McBride, Prof McE'.roy
and President Apperoon passed through the
city to-day for Corvaliis to attend a meeting
of the director of tbe Agricultural College.
J O Meyer Si Co., bad just begun work
on the tunnel on tbe Oregon Paoitia when
their failure wa announced. The men at
work there were not notified until yesterday.
Among those eaned Christmas eve were
Mr Oley Woodworth by Mr Blaokman, tbe
druggist, IMr. Keirna, the baker, by Mr
Conrad Meyer, and Walter Turrell by bis
brother clerts.
Tbe citizens of Albsny and vioioity are in
vited to eall at F. M. French', "The Corner
Jewelry Store" end ses his stock of Chri.t -
mas presents, sod examine prices, which will
tie found very low.
O'Conner St Darr have just finished their
contract on tbe Oregon Pacific, and their
meo, paid op to a cent, have been m the city
for two days, an orderly well behaved class
of men.
Mr O H Irvine went to the front Mondav
armed with several attachments to be issued
against the railroad plant of J O Meyers &
Co. Tbe stoim of attachments seems to be
Mr Eusene LaForeslhas boashtan interest
in the grocery store of Wallace & Thompson.
Mr LA roreat is m popular young man, ana
will add to the strength of this already very
enterprising firm.
Mr J J Graham, bas last purchased of
Cherry k Parkes the three lots on whloh the
members of the hrm reside, paying 95250 for
the same. With a frontage of about 200 feet
it is a property that will increase rapidly in
Hon. S. P. Moss, of Lake oouuty, one of
tbe nine Democrats recently elocted to the
lower house of tbe State legislature, is in the
city, and will be on band at Salem when the
legislature convenes. He was aooompaaied
here by his father, now eighty-five years of
ago, who has just rode on the cars for the
brat time in his life.
Albany Opera House, Monday evening,
Deo. 31st, Lew Johnson's "Black Baby Boy''
colored minstrels will give a performance
which will exoell any thing of the kind ever
before produced here. The company consists
of 20 tirst -class performers, who are all ar
tists in their profession. They are well rec-
omended by the press and publto . Reserve
seats for sale at Black man s Drugstore,
Theentertai men given at the Opera
House last evening by Lew Johnson's "Black
Baby coy minstrels was a eood one for the
kind and all who like a minstrel show were
no doubt well pleased. The preeram was
carried out to the letter and all members ol
the company showed perfect familiarty with
their dinerent parts. Cnas Mitchell, in ms
"Fun on tbe quiet ' did some excellent tumD
ling and introidaoed several features general
ly new in the aorobatio line, xhe "iilack
ville drum majors" were also eood. "Little
II." greatly pleased the audience. The com
pany leaves this rooming in tbeir special car
over tbe D K u for ruoblo, where they
play to-night Colorado bpnngs (Jazate
Fine line of Guns and
good stock of Ammuni
tion at Deyoe and Rob-
sn's.'-r Special bargains
Thompson k Ovrman,keep th best har
IT. Ewer t, practical watobmaker and ;
Fresh corn meal, 3 cent per pound at
Blodgett'a Mill. Try it.
Special bargain in flooring and rnstio
C. J. Dillon Si Co's. Foot Lyon Street.
7 O-ks cure rheumatism, neuralgia and
toothache. Foshay A Mason, Agents.
J A Archibald, agent Singer Manufactur
ing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Al
bany, Or. M. II. Ellis, physieian and surgeon
Albany, Oregon. Call made in city or
Farmer. If you want the best harness all
and made, go to E.L. Power, next to Dem
or at office.
Hall of Brownsville Lodge, No. 36, )
A F & A M, Dec. J4th,i888.
Whereas, It ha pleased Almighty God
to call from labor our worthy Brother, A.
K. Thompson, who departed this life at his
retldence In Linn county, Oregon, on the
ant day of November, 1888.
Ileiolvtd, That it I with heartfelt sorrow
that thlt Lodge receive the new of the
death ot our brother.
Revived. That in the death of Brother
Thompson this Lodge has lost a worthy
member and the family of deceased a kind
and loving husband and father.
Resolved, That the condolence and sym
pathy of this Lodge be extended to the
widow and orphans left by said brother
Resolved, That this Lodge be clothed in
mourning and that the member thereof
wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be furnished the family of deceased
under seal of the Lodge, and that a copy
of the same be furnished the county paper
ior puoiicaiion.
J. P. Galrraith,
L.C. Hice,
if. R. Powell,
Nursery J. F. Backensto is the ac
credited agent of Vancouver Nursery. Ap
ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees at
AW-j, Oregon.
Bsieklea's Arale Naive
Tbe bet salve In tbe world for Gcia.
rtrnluAa Iku. t T I U.I. Uk.
More, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains,
ixrns ana an nam lu-options, ana posi
tively cure Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give porieci satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 2 cents pe
doe. tor sale by rosuay a Mason,
Christmas eve., Dec. 24th, 18S8, at the
Catholic Churchdn Albany ,by Rey.Father
Leu I Metayer, Mr. Alfred Stellemacher
and MUs Ida Splnks, both of Albany. The
groom is an lndutrlou,teady young man
working for Mr. rerry flpinks, and the
bride is a daughter of that gentleman and
a graduate of the Sitters school of Salem
way they live long and pro per.
Albany Ope.a Houes.
Monday Evening, Bsc. 21st, 1888.
20 Renowned Artists 20
Introducing an entirely new and novel
Grand Utreet Parade
Headed br tbe world's greatest Dram
General admission, 60 cents. Reserved
seats, 75 cents. Children nnder 11 years,
25 cents. Reserved seats for sale at Black-
man's Drag Store.
Mice' of Guardian's Sals of
Heal Property.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
and in pursuance or a license granted Io
tne as Guardian of Dora Butcber.a minor,
by tbe County Court of Benton county,
state or Oregon, Ou toe 3rd day or Decern'
ber. 1888. 1 will sell at publlo auction to
the blubs st bidder for cash In band, law.
ral money, ana euojecs io oonnrmauon
by said Couty Court, on
Friday iheUldayef rebraary, last.
at 1 o'clock, p. m. of said day at the Court
House door In Albany la LI an oounty.
State of Oretron, tbe following described
tract of land, to-wlt: Tbe undivided
half of tbe following described piece or
paroel of land. Beginning at an oak stake
at a saint 27.65 chains south of tbe north
east coiner of tbe donation land claim of
Sarah Farlow, Notification Mo, 1670 In
Township 10 H R S W, from sald.oalc 86
inches In diameter, bears 8 ilH" W 70
links distant, an oak: soincnes m diameter
bears 8IW 1.31 chains distant ; thence
east 62.31 chains to tbe east line or the
1 donation claim or J o an T'i.
tnence west cnaiaa nuuwm iiubi
ofsald claim of Jebn Meeker and wife ;
tnenos souin m cuauns so iuo uiauo oi
besjtnnlnR In Linn oounty estate of Oregon,
subject to th dower oC LydU Jones.
Terms of sale cash.
Dated Deo. 26th, 15i8,
Guardian of Dora Butcher.
or THS
At the close of business, December 12th, 13S3.
Besesirees I
Tvna anil dlaconnts......-............M.....ll5Z7so,M
OvardrmtLa. aecurad and unitocured 98.49
U. S. Bonds to secure cirouiauon.. .............. i
Other stocks, bonds, and morWaffas 87s" 84
nn.(mminimvi reearva aranLa . iso-ji
Ttnafmm nihar National Banks............... 15BR8 811
Due from State Beuks and Banners oose.ox
BmI aatata. furnituie. and fixtures.... 14219.40
Current expenses awl taxes paid suei.94 1
Premiums Daid 8832.50 I
rhbiiml othsrrcuhltema....u.......... 4119 SB
Blue of other Banks - ow.w
Vraxtlnnal nanar currency. nicElei and cents a. 30 I
BruU . B17Hl.SU
Les-al tender notes 1131.00
UMiamntinn runn wiui 1 1 . rv i rouuicr lui.
ner oem oi circuiauou. I.... .... ........... w.w
' ... . . . y AAA AA 1
eea eeaaeee saeaeeaeeeaa
Liabilities t
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund ........
,. 8060 00
Undivided profit............
National Bank notes outstanding-. . .
. 16003. S4
. 18000.00
, 117613.44
Individual deposits suojeot to caeca
Demand certificates of deposit..
. 67740.74
Due to ether National Banks...
Due to State Banks and bankers
,. 00.00
ToUl ......
. J262467.4S
Stats or Orbsox, County of Likjt, s :
I. Geo. K.Chsmberlaln,Cashierot theakoTS nam
ed bank do solemnly swear that the above statement
Is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day ot
Decemeer. 1888. FBED. P. HUITlfiU,
u a.) Notary ramie.
Cosbbct Attest :
W.E.1URRELL, VDlrectors.
YOE & noscorj
Having decided to retire' from business In Albany,'welll offer oar
Dry Goods.Fancy
Boots and Shoes, Hats. Furn
ishing Goods. Carpets,
Cloaks. Etc,
w n . i a a" n
n ot ine JNexiUjiays uniy.
The entire stock must be closedwithin six weeks
The Knife Will
This is a genuine Closing Out Sale of the well
I knOWn 111121, Oi HeitOnDaCn & MOnteitn, anQ PUT-
... .
CXiaS8rS Will 16061 Y0 a
on goods bought. Early
advantage of the large
select from,
Go o ds, Clothing',
Be Put to Prices !
. m .
net SaVlZlg Of 25 per C6Xlt
callers will securo the
and unbroken stock to
Albany, Or.