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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1888)
THE POl't'LAR VOTE. Vhe following U the popular vote cant for President to far a reported : jTiarrlsori Stale. Cleveland Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky LouUiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New llamp. New Jersey New York N:Carollna Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island S. Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia, v laconsln i7.3o "7.79 37.543 74.92 10,414 100,47a 348,30a 261,013 179,869 101,73s 183,800 84.941 50,431 S.89J 5.97' 3I3.44 I 8576 a6i, 9S7 5.49l 43.35S 5M93 635.905 14.336 399.9) 46.5 65.835 !59.79 Flak 57.97 58.75' 1 14,809! 57H 74.54 a.973 36,657 40,453 370.0J7 63.36 a 1.593 181,914 55.34 30,181 73,734 IS3.447 336,370 30.096 836.31 18,004 7.0S6 45.738 M4.344 650,337 34.709 4 5.79 33.391 516,091 a 1,969 13.850 139,815 66,766 45.193 5M43 583 614 5.761 3,100 4.334 400 403 1,80 9.8s, 3.550 6.779 5.33S 130 1,690 8,641 .33,966 aiS 4-954 7.M 3o,aSt a.797 34.815 1.677 20,743 4.439 6,600 M59 1,678 4.377 i,7SS 15.977 1.800I 55,3o7 76578 As between Cleveland and Harrison the returns are official In alt the states, except Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio and West Virginia. Cleveland's majority over Harrison will be about 110,000 or twice what It was four rears ago. The pro hibition vete will be about 375,000 or 1 25, 00 more than It was four jreart ago. CITY CHARTER. At the meeting of the city council last evening the teport of the committee on the proposed amendments to the city charter, as already stated In the Democrat, was adopted. The council arc anxious for our citizens to thoroughly understand the na ture of the proposed amend ments so that there will be no dUantisfactlon on their pas sage by Hie legislature, and in response to a request we give the amendments as re ported by the committee. If adopted they will greatly add to the value of the charter: That section one of the charter describ- and fixing the present city limits be extend east from the present eastern boundary so as to Include Hackleman's third addition to the city of Albany, and the property of 11. liryant, and sauth to Include the urc l'acilic pronertv (and round house! ndioln ingthe present southern boundary of the cltv. To amend section 133, chapter ti, so as to allow and indebtedness ot 4.5000 to be in curred. To amend section 31, sub-section 31 of section 3, so a to provide for purchasing ground and improving the same for a pub' lie park Section 34, sub-section i, to amend so as to permit a tax levy not to exceed cigh. mills. " To amend sub-scctlon 10 of section 34, so as to include obscene, abutlve and profane angusgc. To amend sub section 36, section 34, so at to provide for the sale or disposal of all animals taken up. To amend, sub-section 30. section 34, o as to provide for the punishment of cruelty to animals. To amend sub section 9 of section 3, so that In case any person having a liquor li cense violates the ordinance regulating the sale Of liquors, that pn conviction before the recorder's court or by a jury of such violation, the council shall revoke such 11 cense. To provide that all property within three blocks of any main sewer shall be connect ed with such main sewer. Nrvv Goods. Latest styles In toques turban and soft felt hats just received at Ida m. urvsh s. Capt Humphrey of this city does not view the prospect of getting into the office of U. S. Marshal next March with unmixed satisfaction. There are several dark clouds though not larger than a man' hand appar ently .hanging over his pathway that wor ries him to say the least. F irst of all is the cloud of doubt about the removal of Hon. John Myers, who Is filling the office well. There are vague hints thrown out that Har rison will be slow, oh, so slow.ln removing the hated democrats. Then there are the dark shadows of Col. Melton Weldler.P B Slnnott and -x-Sherlff John W. Minto. all of whom want the office, oh so much. It is hinted that one of the gentlemen has strong senatorial backing. But Cap. has his eyes open, and we predict if a change is made a "whole lot" of people all over the state will be asking that Cap. should be appointed. We tee no reason why a republican ad ministration should not give h!m what he has fairly earned. Winter wraps, are not reserved in the great tola. This will be the greatest oppor noity aver offered to bay a stylish wrap at low price. Moxrerra & StrrasBAcn. The Portland AVwj has this advice to give office seekers whs expect to get an ap pointtnent on the afternoon of the 4th of March next; "Let those who are now fix ing up model petitious,and moving heaven and earth I01 "influence," to commend places from President Harrison's adminis tration, take heed from that old maxim - which directs men to "put not your trust in Prince." President Harrison will un doubtedly, appoint Republicans to office when the time comes; but he will go slow, slower than Cleveland, and Cleveland made many friends in the first years of his term by going slow on this point. We aie advised by a Senator from Oregon that there Is a very great pressure for appoint meat already ; but that the Oregon Sena tors have declined to make promises. This Is vise,and our Senators deserve to be com mended for this stand. Let the brakes be turned down, and let men be induced to ' think their temporal comfort and eternal salvation may be secured without a public office." , UJi -1 . C) I'm jolly and fat 1 though 1 tiHiln't ay (list ; for a gldtiCH hi niv mih and a look in my Oi-x, ni v . In inly cn N theiu'tt ti H if UHiii inc. I'm a little tit shor'. Ik.Ui ot breath and of l air, but from shoulJcra l kuees you can utu I'm all there, X Muiile and I Uugb, I jk and I clillT; I it fuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. liut you'd nvfr mui tniMH 1ito my hapj.i ncss lira, no I'll up Nud oonfHa wht you 1 evir could gin im. A jjool tiling to rut is alwa)a a tr' litoli w il make you an sweet a our aii tr cured m a',tikH you fi t-l so content wi;h iIih muii'V Hjifut t!it joti'rn bound to fed glad J am) you ut.tilJit's ijm ioJ ill. niicli nun just a tbin aa m tad or n iu was to ul at your nose or tread on jour If you're ft or yonr'e lean, if yout'e idvasant or oieto, juat give W. & T. a blow to sell you right low, you will feel nob a thrill of con tentmcnt until you'll to enjoy more of that immense and you'd srnse by buying vision and wish you were fat For the fading' slow your good grccerie,ro creek ery FORJP1LE. IWbiu Pitei tre kno.i br mWtun) list i-jsplr iuu pnsluctnv a very lieairreble llchin after Ing- warm. This form aa well u Blind, bleelf ami protruding- PilM, yield at oiim U the apuUcaUan of br. Bannko's Pile manly, waWb acU directly vpon lb pwu affected, b.rbin- Um tumors, allaying ine Intones Itchinc ami effecting- a permiuaet cure. M cents. Aadraa The Ur ISueuiko M-tcine Co , Hgn -O. bold by lr. Cnlts end Son. m e DR. BO AX KO in bis new discovery for Consamptioo, sue cee led in producing a medicine which ii ac knowledged by all to b simply marvelous. It is exceedingly pleasant to the taeU. per fectly harm lew, and doe not sicken. lo all ces of catesof Cuoramption. Cod ghe, Colds W hoopioz Coogh, Croup, iSroocbitts, and Paius ia the Chest, it ha given universal itisfactiou. Dr Bosankn's Cough and Luog Syrap u sold at 50 cents by Dr uqiss U sod. Mjotai:hS: Seitenbach's crest closins ra's will enable all to buy any line of aow folly 50 per cent, less than any otbrr store in the valley. Removal. Misses E. & C. Howard have moved their millinery store into rooms in the Pearce block over J. J. Dubrullles harness shoo, where they invite old and new customers to call on them. M. Freachkupi rtilm d t'me. Fjr 1 and mule harness go t E. I Iwcr, Dr. M. II. Ellia. physician and Al'aoy, Orrgon. Calls made ic country. aorgcon city Farmers, if roa want ths best har04t all ami mle, g to E L. I'owir, oet t Dim ctA ola ja All kinds of woolen drees g'jodssre 25 j er cint cheaper than they wtie a year ago. Ou aUyktsall freK coosetineatly wca give ver iw price. cf W & T Wallace & Thompson Ihit lllan, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. HE "Confederate Spy," AT THE OPERA HOUSE, Saturday Evening, Dec. 15th. For the benefit of the O. A, R. building fund. BEST LOCAL TALENT. Admlaalnn, 25 cent ; reserved seat aJ Black man', 60 cent. FAULTLESS! a-rttare la faoUteea an4 so la that noble discovery, eonudaiag only Na ture's own re mediae, "The" WE Mil irr. YOUTH. HEALTH. VIGOR by the dm of 'URirien. Ucu at Uver. It checks Rbeumatlsm and Malaria, relieve Couatlpatioa, Dyspepeia aad Biliouenea.aBd mtu fresh energ-y into the sretem by inakiaf Sew. Itlch Ulood. Take It in time, rl(ht now, s it cannot be beat as a preventative of disease, t-jld and ascd everywbcf e. Si a bottle. 6 for Ji A dispatch from Charleston, West V ginla,iays: "The county court, in the matter of the recount in this, Kanawha county, decided to-day to take the original count in Charles ton City and St. Albans precincts, and re ject the recount in these precint. to throw out Lew Is ton and Coleburg prectnets, and accept the recount In the balance of the precincts In the county. By this, McGIn nis (rep.) has a majority in this congres a'onai district of 29. The matter will be taken to the circuit court by the demo crats. Here is a open, dare-devil steal. On the first count McGinnis had a few votes over his democratic opponent, but 011 a recount made by a republican board the democrat was elected. Now the republican county court of Kanawha county deliberately pro poses to steal a Congressman by throwing out precinct enough to do it It is time for Quay and his cohorts to use hisHmailed hand" on the throats of hi own political manager l.i Vest Virginia to prevent them from committing theft openly. Such fraud and bribery as ha been practiced in that state by republican managers is with out parallel in elections. If Quay was an honest citizen he would hang his head in shame instead of talking about holding his majority in Congress with a"m ailed hand." Widb 1.-digo Print A large invoice of the above goods has been received, and will be sold at reduced prttes. They are de sirable patterns and are a bargain. Samckl E. Yol-sc We Want, Your butter and eggs and will pay you cither cah or trade for it. Brownell & Stanaro. The democratic party has the consola tion that it alone of the two great organi zations could afford to lose ; its opponent had nothing to fight for but the offices. The protection cause was only a pretext that it would have deserted in a twinkling had there been anything to gain by such a course. It was shouting for tariff reform four years ago, and it leaders have begun to do so again since the election was over. The sincere advocacy of a good cause by the democracy must tell in time. The eternal verities are not to be knocked out by a temporary obstruction. The San Francisco Examiner has inter viewed quite a number of G. A. R. men In that state as to the charge brought agains t the order of being political in its character. Most of those Interviewed denied the charge.though Ihere were some who said it was true. From a number of interviews held in the East we see that In some local ities the charge is denied in toto, while in other localities it is quite often alleged to be true. ' v The battle is not over. The monopolies have won a victory ,but at a fearful cost to themselves and to the country. Their trl umph will be short lived. The forces of selfishness, ignorance and corruption will not forever pre yall, A reaction wiil come that will grind them to powder. It will come sooner than most reformers deem possible to-day, as they contemplate the disaster that has overtaken their great cause Doa't Eiperimeat. You cannot afford to waale time ia ex perimenting when your lungs are in dan ger. Consumption alwaya aeem,al first, only m cold. Do not permit any dealer to Impose upon yon who some cheap imita tion of Dr King' New Discovery for Con sumption. Cough and Col dp, but be sure yon get the gftnniae. Bt cause be can make mor6 profit be may tell yon be baa something Just an good- orjusttbe time, Don'; be deceived, bnt inaist upon getting Dr King' Mew Discovery, which ia guar anteed to give relief in all Throat, Long and Cheat affect! cna. Trial bottles free at Fothay A Mason's Drugstore. Large bottles, f 1. A Warning. The mole of dealh'a approach arj vir ous, and statistic ahow conclusive: tba more persons die from Heaso3 o the Trro.t and Laogs than any other. It is probable tbat everyono.without exception, receives yast numbers of Tubercle Germs Into the system und where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start Into life and develop, at first slowly and Is shown by slight ticking sensation In the tnroU and if allowed to contfnne their ravages tney extend to tne iungs producing Con sumption aad to tbe head, causing Ca tarrb. Now all this is dangerous and if al lowed to proceed will In time cause death. At the onset yon must act with promptness ; allowing a cold to go with out attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As eoon as you feet tbat something Is wrong with yon r Throat, Langs or Nontrils, obtain a bottle of Bos cbee's German Syrup, It will give yon ni mediate relief. Nursery, J. F. Backensto is the ac credited agent of Vancouyer Nursery. Ap ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees .at VPs" -, Oregon. Back lea's A raicit salve Tbe best salve In tbe world for GcuS, Bruises, Mores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It uguaranteod to give perfect satisfaction, or money rerunded. Jfrlco 25 cents box. For sale by Fosbay k Mason, TAKE IT NOW. c 0) o 2 c m Q m CO O TJ : m z O CO o CO O r" CO .0 en FOUND. Citation. In the County Court of the StaU of Orrjc.i, for Lin count. In the matter cf tbe estate of Mary Jane Coatello, deceased. To Mary Ann or Margarolt Caldwell, John Caldwell, House of Providence Sis ter Superior, Ann iJrown, iater Uostelio, and tbe daughters of Ibomas Coatello. Greeting: In tbe name of tbe Mare ot Oregon, you are hereby cllod to be anJ appear In tho County Court, for tbe conn ty of Linn, at the? Court House In tbe city of Albany, In aaid county and State, on f alarday the Itta slay ef Janaary.a.D. me, at tbe boor of nine o'clock In tbe forenoon of said day, tbe same be In a a day of tbe regular January term, lfceii f said Court, and then and there show einss, If any ex ist w by an order of sale should not be made directing and licensing Samuel Nixon, executor, of the last will and tea lament ot Mary Jane Cost ell o, deceased, to sell all tbe right, title and inteiett of tbe said Mary Jane Costello at tbe time of ber death, both in law and In equity, ef, In and to the real property hereinafter described, as prayed for on the petition of tbe sild Samuel Nixon, executor, aforesaid, wblcb said petition ia now on file in tneCouuty Cleik's office in Linn county, Oregon, which aaid real property ia described as follows : Beginning S2 30 cbslus east oftbs S W corner of tbe Donation CJalmof Tbomaa Sbepard and wiT. Claiaa Ho. 51 In Tp. 11, S B 4 W of tbe YV HUmette meridian and rnnning thence S 2.24 chains to tbe line between nections 0 and 10 ; thence Vf aiongsaianoez.7ucnsinsto tne corner orsectIons8, 9, 16 and 17; thenct W along tbe line between Sections 8 and 17, w cnains 10 ine w corner or lot 4 in Sec, 8 ; thence north 40 chains to tbe N w corner of let No. 3 in Sec. 8 ; tbnce east 15.34 chains to tbe N E corner ef said lot S ; thence N 2.45 cbalna to tbe N W corner of saii Donation Claim of Tbomas bepard ; tbence 82 36 chains 5 tbence s 40 cnains to tne place or beginning, con tainlng 198 acres more or less, lying and being in Linn county, Oregon. Done by order of the Hon. D. R. N. Blackburn, J ndge or said Court. In testimony wr.ereof, I, E, E. Monta gne, Connty Clerk of Llna county. Ore' gon, and Clerk cf tbe County Court of aaid county, have hereunto et my band aim auixea tne aoai orsaia uourt at m v office, in Albany, this 10th day of Decern uer, A. u. J 000. U E. E. VIOjtTAOUK, County Clerk. per Consumption Sorely Cured, To 1 he Editob. Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for tbe above' named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanbtitly cured, I sbaU be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if lby will noud me their express and post office address. Respectfully. T. A. Slocum, M, C 181 Pearl St., N. Y. Ivavr raisons, currents, citron, lemcns,and oranj'S received at Wallace & Thompson's. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tbat there are funds in the County Treasurer's cilice of Linn county, Oregon, to reduce all outstanding warrant. Interest on all warrants cease from this date. Dated December 6th, 18S8. 11. Farwell, Cjanty Treasurer. WILL BROS, Dealers In all the latest improved Pianos Organs Sowing Machines, Qnns. Also s full line of warranted Rizora, Butcher and trocket Knives, The be -it kind of sewing machine oil, needles and extras, for all machines. Ail repairing neatly and reasonably done. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The uadsrilga9.l is prapire 1 t d) all kinds of work in his line in first-class or, der and with promptnu. Addrasi P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple treets, I. N, Smith, ; New Wash House. Lee Chinaman, who lived in this town for macy year and was so wull liked by every, body has returned and will open up a new wash house the first of September, one door south of the Revere House. . Lee doesgood work and wants everybody so get their washing done by bim A. J. ROSSITER, V. S. firaiaat3 of OiOirio Yetariairy College, Iprjpirl t trjt dlmmof all do uiestle an'in il on s-nsntlfl 1 prlnolples. Residence and office two doer east of Opera Ilouvet Albany. Holiday Goods. Santa Glaus Headquarters. ; aKjleuJ stock of Plush Goods, Toilet Oases Al " bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor kurjaxsol ia lbs Valley. El For Fall and Winter FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the Following Departments : DRY nfiflDS-In ttU department my stock U unusually Urttv and complete . Drtsa goods in all the leading styles ; ood shades for Fall and I Winter good a selected from the best Eastern and Foreign importation'. Tbe latest novel - ties in trimmings and buttons, tiuwU, blankets, some extra gocd values id wbite blsnkets, table hnenn, to wf!if, etc. CARPETS en''g,'d Uoi'itia fvr H;wio ctrpets his enabled ne '.o make arge )uubasrs in tbte dffisrtaiivnt. lean snow a Lee lice 01 ingrains t low pikes, acme choice patterns in Boly BrpstvU and Tapestries. 1 am iSkking cat jets a )riig lisr.tb ti 0;) tuainttf. BOOTS A NO SHOES 1 cry the latest line cf Boole and Stcs in tbe city and have iaid f cisi aitii,iic-M to gditng tie f,ccd let iiiiud to .Li ttsd and I can bo a fine liiu cf ocde. I kir p in feted the test makes in tbe I country, st)d bave i ndcavtitt! to Rita lice of 'ow fine goods tbat I can gnar- antre lo giye latitfactiun. Ar.vlbiDg in Boots, bboes or ltutber-jfor men, wo- I men ani children c..i be found in lLi de arlmcnt. It is in fact a sboe store bi Itelf. POftfTPirC I am pirioo' rrecial altntion to kceviaz a full line of Stable U itlaf Wastiti aW a, a fc s Vnrv Groceries, uncolored ttas.rcastcd std ctound ccfTee'. canned fruits, tb latest specialties in breakfast roci's tic.,, can 11 te found in this department. fore, fresb goods ana good va'ut lor tnctty is my aim. I vould especially call tbe altenticn of patif-s laying in tbtir Fall supplies to my Isrge stock ( FALL AND WINTER COODS 1 1 am Wtte'prepared iban evcr jto meet their waftta. In all de railments I am prepared to meet '.'3 AT- Orowins: Demands of Linn County L. E. BLAIN'S. -AND THE- City of Albany, At.d atk a tborcur,b infeclion of ray stock. Jost the place to get Xmii thing chesp and nice.ia the latest art. leaf hooks, trinods. thermometer, banner rods and hat marks or crown painted to order. Nice oil paintings no nsod, last the nicest thine yoo could lect for a preeent. Call and see. foi yourself at Mu U. llrMAK'a, Kint door east of Young's old stand STOCKMEN AND FARMERS HE AT) I hereby certify that Dr. I. N. Wood le baa auocossfullr operated on mr rldalinar horse, I-JAAC HAYi.V For further rsferenee in re card to rids Inas inaalre of Wm. PeUrson. Dave Pe terson, Lebanon : John Uardman, Alfred woiverton, Aiuaoy ; Him uaines, hcio ; wm. roster, riinevill. X praotica veter. Inary medicine In Albany and country anrronndlntr. Office and residence corner 6th and Washington Sta. 1.1. WOODL.E, Veterinary Burxeon. Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoe OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea JacIic(sC!iincIiilln. Astrachan Full Lino of Duck Suitings, ALL CKAUKS WOOLKX OVER SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan -Jackets, HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. inter Gloves and il Samuel E. Young. BARGAINS ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Lst but not least a larg stock of CLOTNING AND FURNISHINGS DR. GnWATSOHM ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat Office. Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given tbat the under signod has been duly appointed by the Coun ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, administra tor of tbe estate of James Shields, deeeaaed, all persona having claims sgainat said estate ars hereby notified to present the same duly verified to tbe undersigned at his office in Albany, Oregon, within six months from tbe date of this notice. Dated this 27th day of October, 1S8S H. Bryant. Administrator of the estate of Jamas Shields, deceased. Firsl-clsas goods at bottom priest is traat the public wants. Tb-ese I hare at my etore io this city- Bought at Bankrupt sales I can sell toy stock ef General Merchanise consisting ofdiees goods, genU.furnishing goods, clothing, etc., AT COST. Cash cr goods will be j-aidJfor'sU kinds of cotxntrjgprodace. G W SIMPSON, Albany, Orego. l L mm Administrator's Notice. JNotice U hereby giv n, that ths nni -signed has been by tbu County Court r Lion county, Oregon, appointed Adraintat . tor oi the estate of O. W. Warrnoth, Sr., Ia e oi unn county, Oregon, deceased. All per sons that have claims against aaid estate are hereby notified to present them duly verified io ins unaersigaeu at Jtlaisey, Jjiua county. r : 1 1 il. . i " ' vi r)uo, widiiu.u rooDtne irom inie aaia. This the 20th day of November, 1883 . I.N. Waemoth, J. K. Weatherfod, Administrator. Att'y for Administrator. Mica of Final SBttlemsiit, Notice la hereby slven that the nndor. signed, tne Administrator of the estate of camuei it. jjuncan, deceased.bas this day filed bis final account in the Connty Court for Linn connty, Oregon, and tne said Court has fixe J the 7tb dy of January. 1888, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day to bear objoctions t the same and for tbe settlement of the estate, This tbe 20th day of November, 1888, -ti. M. PsxKiKoroiv, T. J. Stitks, " Administrator, Attorney for Administrator. lUher than tha Cheapcjt P'TLANO BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tortland, Oreron. I'ertecs 'ciiidiiiUjI, t in -.B Instruction, cslab- lUhed repultiou,t."r'HVIh popularity. Businent, Shorthand, Common Hcbcs! and Ptnmanthlp Dapart mtnU. students admittcct at any time. Cata logue nnfl SHeciiiier.a of p.cnrnT!5tp int free. J. A. W'SCU f See' V A V .ifiSl&OSUvt'rl. DEALER IN- Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. ' A Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, ,' Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES m THE FOSTCFFiCE, ALBANY, C!?. GHAS. H. DODD & CO., IMPORTERS OP hardware, Iron, teel, AND FARM MACHINERY. FEONT, FIRST AND VINE STBEETS, POSTLAND, OBEGON. Sola Agents for Oregon and Washington for DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. .liijtif , Double, or Trlpple Furrow. They are so simple and come so near altaolnte perfec tion, that those who have used t hem or seen them work can not aay enough in their praise. We furnish them with or without scat attachment Beat attachments are extra. JDIUZEiaiE! POWEE LIFT PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN Di-JILL. 13 ivtspyo Hoe Press Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior drain Drills, Superior Seeders, CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. . I'Uo latest Improved implement for sowing: summer fallow. The most complete and successful tool lor this purpose In use. . We also have a full line of Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons, Mountain. "Wagoaa, t Platform and other Spring Vehicles. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. 'jiwvence & Chapin's Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Scientlflo Feed Mills, Pacifio Fanning Mills, , I3A.XIIS "WIRE, 13TC, 33TC. , : . easEN roit speciai. circcla.ks and prick xjsts. " , IS. Tlira-11 Agent, Albany, Or,