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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1888)
ACADEMY OF Oar Lady of "Perpetual Help, ALDANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Slaters of bt, Benedict. l.,Unia lnwrruM-atA4 mil all thorlsed by the but lo confer ncademlo Honors. BOA RSI KO SCHOOL P TERM. Board and taltlon $(0.00 kfui In.rtiimantal. thfirrtlral aiid vl all h m nf nlann tnH flrmu 15 00 Collar . If I 7.1tharn .......... ..... 1'iOO Iirawiugand palatini.. ...... 8.0O Fancv work and mending frse to boarders. . Tuition In select day school ranges from ts to tlO. Normal Instruction of a-plranta for Graduating foe. 110. Fo further particulars apply at the Acaueiny, QYHLIM TJ CttlrJUU -sVIA- Sautlisra PacULs Compiny's Una. Tat nr. isti Kvrs. tat Alitny r-vJayM Auroasu exraaas swuas hilt SouUt a. 00 r. a. t Lun Portland &lr a I Uae Allwny 7:4 a I Arri aa KiaicU- Nona Arrive I 10:41 A a I u a at Lmi I T:m r a aesAfcrASssxasataAisa saim t.scspt aandajr). feiM a Lees Itwral Laars H;tOf Arriv. Portland Arriv :6 r a UrillliiS Uaval tU0A mca raseasaaa taAias sauj, sxcsrr sussar. Albany Lbaooa Albany , Labaooa ivs I 4 (ft r a Am l 60 ra La lustra Arrt .msi :4ira War. SaWru PULLMAK BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars r Aeeeaasssaaliaa tecsaa-CUM rastei gen, aiwcma -- - - - " West alee HUl.i. BKTrTCY rTtlS AS Altls. Taaia au.t (attSaaJay.) T.iJ a a I Us . , ' Jf 11. If r Arrt-a Crr fjrtlaod Arri. :t Un I ld a Vlll. i axraatt tsaiss saitt (.xip. 3-o4y. 4-S) r a 1 L rs Portland Ams iue raAr.l" MoMinairtlla Imr 9:00 A H & a a AXAVsunj tnJ Corralli eofc4 wita trains ol - - Am. iullra-j Throats Uekatt t all pJuu aita aaJ tm CaUteiaia. For tall rAlii raU. sai,, "., nlll.(L li. P. EOtlEBS, j .- til. . hi.'. f IE YAQUlNAfEOUTE, Orejon Pacific Eaiiroai. . on Development Company' Steam- -225 HUES $10lTfi. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than Dy any otnar rouw. . i . . ,i.M.iirh m n yt and .t freight tine froui Portland od all polnu ...... .. . n.l fhun Man in tne v iwsuit muvj Francisco. Cl. Willam8tt9 Piyar Linj of Stealers. - The - Wm. M. Uoag," The "N. a. Bent .. Th.ThriM Numri11 m n service for bow paaaeua-er an 1 freight tratno be tween Corvallls and Portland and mediate points, leaving Company r "'t.air, Corrallia, and Metsra. tlutmaa Co s wharf. No. 200 aud Ml Front St., roit tand, three times a woek as follow : MOKfU liOt'-SD. darsat a. at. Aibajr, a:iJ a. m. Am( at Salem UB. ioav &Jem ruaxlat, iDuraiay and Satur day at a, m. Amy at rruanJ i p. a. bOtTU but' .Si. km, rjnwM .- . day. at 8 a. m. ArhvaatSale at 7:14 p. ui. la ArriT. at trralli. at MJ p. m, 'Boats make close eonnctiuu at Aluan arlth traina of the Oregon t Aialio tdilroa J TIMS SOUBOULK ( Suodaya) Ut. Albany, r. a Laar Yaqaina, :1Sa,M Lmh CurraUi. 1:10 r. B. lLaai. Ctfrvallu.lUJi A.M. Arriva Yaaioa, 6 JO r. a lAmr. Albany, 11:10 A. a. I i n jfe n. triaa nnnnA rt at Albany and Corrallia. The above trains connect at Yaquint with the Oregin Development Company's Line uf Htoain'thipa Jetween xaquiua ana r raucuo. - . - :, S.1IL.1XU DATE Y StSAMias, raua sts raascwou. WiilaaaMta Valley, Thara, Dec. Hb WUUaietis Vall.y, Moo. Dec 17th 4riUaaMU Vallty, Bun. Ddj. sOtfa. Wed. Dee. 12ib Uoa. Ic Stlh The CoaipAQV .Merrw .he right to change sailing dttea without notice. ... N. u. PAsaengera from Pur.iand and Willamette Va ley point can make :lose connection with the train of tho Yaqaina route at Aibtny or Uorvallia, and II tles tine ltoSAn Francis 'a.bould arrange to rriveat Yaquina the eveain befjr t'Ato of sailing. i luaeaacr aad r.clskt Kate always tee &4weat. K or Infjr.n vti o i apply ! U J Stuirt, Freight an I fiekat Aeii. Alauy, vfUtill 4r., O. F. A P. Ayt Orog-oa Usr.lup uebt Co., J Montfoioory Sm rra :, Ud. . V. . V. M .-.. . " i ."J C . F-.n 1 K A'lt,tr ' " -,:t t H it. C.rllU Revere -House s ALBANY, CHAS. PFEIFFER - OREGON PHOPRIETOR. FiUei ud In firei-clasa style. Tables aipp!led with the bet In the market. Nice sleeping apartmontt, Warn pie rooms for commercial travelers, ' ; ' ' tftre- G.te)it ail ft.-n inf V tel.l JOHN BHIGGS, -BILOEIST, ; mm KJ - ( biii Roses a Spfxialtt. Cemetery lot pUnte I .sal atutudaJ U Andrews & Hackleraan, SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON - - OREGON F03HAY & MASON, VDUIAM ASS ABtAIV- Ornggistsand Booksellers, Agents for John 11. Alden's publications, which we soli at p-ibllher's prices witi postagealJd. 4LBANT, UREGOH. I NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, (vi Yaquiui to San Francisco.) Of wheat, o its. hopi and wool I am pre pared to take Mariun on all cereals, bops, wool or any cooigo meets of goods to and from San Francisco. For farther jiartic elsrs, d-!rcss W.LD0UGLASj-7if shoe j rJJA Wm. Fortmiiler, -sV - l FUN E UAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attontion-First-clasa Beam cVAftor buslnosn hours call at roaideno corner Fifth and ISaker atreets. The BUYERS' GUIDE Is issued March and Bept., l each year. It is an euoy. jolopedi of usoful infor. ' mation for all who pur- -ohoao the luxuries or tho nooesaitios of Me. We can clothe you and furnish you with all tho noooaaary and unnecessary eppliauooa to ride, walk, danoe, sloep, eat, fish, hunt, work, ro to churoh, or stay at homo, and in various eisoa, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is requirod to do all those things COfcFORTABLT, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' OUIDE, whioh will bo sont upon reoeipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Ul-114 Michigan Avouuo, Chicago, 111. PATENTS bulnxl, and ll otliar bualneas la Ih. U. 8, Pateu o attcmleuwi u ivr numerate teoa. Ouroituw Isonpoalt the U. B. Patent Ofnc. and can obulo Patents km thus thmu those remote font Washington. Hvnd modi, ordraalnr. W. adv to ratent ability Ire. of charg. and w.tuak e charts uulraa w-iooiaiapatank .... W. iWur bvre, to tb PutnasUr, ts Sa4. ol Moimv Or. lor iHv. andU oiUcial. ol tbst . a l'atal Utfioa. KorciixuUr, advtca. tarais, and tknttam c actual etlsuw la jrourosrn stal. or coutity, auttms C. A. SNOW & CO., Q)paiva nwn urno-, -uniniwn, v SAM MAY. C. SKNDCR MAY to SENDERS. Sealers in General Ebrcmdise. HARRISB'JRG - ORECCN I Will bay Grain, Wool and all kinds 3 AUG h-aW ItEITABB Or IMITATIONS, JLZJTATS ASK 2XIt DS. riEBCCS TSLLET8, OB LITTLE BVXIAJt-COATEO TILLS. nclBsr entlrelr wctreUtble. thev en- truia wiihout Oturunnra to the aysfeto, diet, or occupation. Tut up in rlass vlni.. hrmu-ti-cally Kaiod. Always frveu and rc-lintiK As a laxative, alterative, or purgative, thf-so little 1'cUl'U give the tuoct pcrfout attSi'acaoa. Rlllone Ileadarbe. Ulszluese, :oiitlp tlau. . ludigestlon. Ullloaa Attack e,nnd ail tk-runjn'tnenta cf tho atora ach miJ bowels, are prompt ly n-licvod ami pcrruancmly inml br tho ltm of Itr. l'lrrrc'a IMca.ant I'arfsatlve Pellets. In explanation of the n-iimlnil power of tbtfe I'cllit ovrr so wat m vari-ty of diaf-njun, it may trtiUifully be auld that tiielr actioa uko tlio Ljstcin ta tinlv-rrul. tut a irland fir li-ic r ainnr their ninutiro liilluc.-xt. . rW.1.1 l.y clriiK-ris.2j cents a vbtl. Mitou'iic-tuml at the Cliemi iil itbonitory of tVottl.o's Uixi'OaAUT MlOJlt al AstiociATiox, UuOitlo, N. y. Is offered by tha msnuf.K-tur-en of .Dr. Nage'a Catarrh Heruedy," lur a: cas of hrotiio Nasal Catarrh which they cannot auto. ST7IPTOTIS OF CATAnnil-DuIl, heavy kea'lu-ho, cbstmrtion of ll.o nasal rxiMuires, tliac-harges fsiiing from tho htad Into tho tliroot, aoin-tiim-4 profuse, wnUry, and nrril, tit otltcrs. thick, teimcinua, mui-ouj, purulent, bloody and putrid; the cy-.i ar wtk, watery, and inllunifd; tlu-ro la riniiins; in the -aig. tleafoesa, Uacklna; or cougliina to clear tlio tbrout, expectoration of oli t.tve matter, tngether with seal from ulcer j the voice in chunked and has a noaal twans ; the breath is offuMive; smell and tnte cro Im paired; thtro It a senna t ion of dizzlnt-f. tritb tuenlMl il-presR ion, a hackimr couifli and kc:i eral deliiiity. Only a few of tho abovc-nniiied symptoms are likely to bo present in any one case. '1'liouxanria of cases aim daily, without manifesting half of tho eliore symptom, re sult in consumption, and end in the tr.:o. No diseano Is so common, more deceptive end dangerous, or ks understood by phyaicinns. Uy its mild, soothintr, and healing pro;K.i-ties, Dr. fe?' C'utarrh Jtemeily . cun tho worrt oim- r? Catarrli, eolU In the liead," Coryza, aud Catarrhal Headaclic. bold by druggist everywhere; bo ecu la, Tntold Agony from Cafarrb Prof. TT. Hirswrn, the famous meamcrlst, of Ithaca, K. wriu-s : Home ten years o;;o I suffered untold agony front chronic nueul catarrh. My family physician gave mo up as Incurable, aud said I must die. My cunts wus such a bad one, that every day, toward sun set, ray voica, would become eo hoarse 1 could barely speak above a whimper, lu the mornintr my coujrhinir and clearing of my throat would shnofit fttranglo mo. By the use of Br. Sugc's Catarrh ltcmcdy, in three months, I was a v. til man, aud the cure has been periuancut." "Constantly Hawking and Spilling." ' Thomas J ItrsniNO, rjto toot pine Street, St. Loulg, Ho writes a "I was a preat euflcrer from catarrh for tbreo years. At timet I could hardly lircuthc, and was constantly hawking end tpiuinp, and Xor the Iat ciirnt motiths could not breathe through; tho. iiosti ilti, : I tboujrht nothimr could be done for inc. Luck ily, 1 was advised to try Br. uc's Catiirrb lu medy. and I am now a well man.' I behave it to be the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and ono bas only to (rivo it a fair triii! to experience Astounding rceulu Knd a pcnxittncnt cure." ' - - Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. , , Eli ROBmi8,' ttunyan P. O ColumhUx 'Co Pasays: ily dautrhter bad entarrb when she was Ave years old, very badly; ,1 ta'.r Br; batrc's Catarrh Kcmedy ail vert iw J, cn io curcd a bottle for her, and noon iiw thi:t it helped her; a third bottle effected a perma nent cure. Bbe is now eighteen years old end sound and hearty," Notice for Publicat ion. J ; ' : ' ' " t i Land OiEca st Oregon Citv. 0'. Oct. 17th. 138S. Notiei i hereby given that the fo lowire earned settler bss tiled notice cf his iuten- tlou to make final proof in vopport of bis claim, and (hat said Dioof will bj madn be fore tho J udge or in bis absence before the County Cleik of Lion couuty,t Albany, Ore. goo. on Tuesday, December 18fli, 1881, viz : liar ion L"cl, llnmestrad Entry No, 5032 for the S I! of Sec. 28. To 13. S R 1 w. Ho names the following wttntses to prove bis continuous residence npon, and coltivarion o', said land, viz : Thrmss Ar nold, of Sauliain, William rhillipo, cf Ciaw tor.Uvi!le, J N WriRht and II E Cad , of sweet uome, an or Liinn county, Urcgnn. W. T. Bunxty, ltciiicr. Administrator's Notice. Ncticn U hereby eiven that the nndersian sd hay) been appointed Administrator with the will amuxeil of tho estate of Martin Werts, late of Lion county, Oregon. All ptr aoua navtog cJBims aguintc cnut estate are hereby notified to preftecd them to the under signed at 1 anient, Oregon, duly veriiied, witnin six months tiom the date of this notice. Bated this ZUlh day of October, 1883. Maby Webts, ' L. F. Smith, Administrators with the will snnexed of tbe estate of Martin Werts, deceased. wm aaoniniiiM iiimMiMiriin oert e tV, of S 13, Yo-i3 i'j, Alb a t, O Oattias anl Fitting a Specialty, STAMPl HC OUTFITS, AHD STAMjf : IHQ DONE TO OIjOEk. LESSONS IN PAINTING Wednesdays aul Thur3days of each ws6K, and ptlutmdoua tooidar on plaques aud other rmtenal. a r -a P -wX' . rtuif $500 l J 1 SAM a MAfKt mr : a. r, ; :-V;t.f ft O XT 33 C3 9 Lumbago, Backache, Head ' ache, Toothache, Elenralgia, Gcr2 Throat.Swcllings, Frost bites, Sprains, : Sciatica, Cruises, Burns, Scalds, Promptly and 1'rrtiianontly without Itoturn of t'n I u. For Stablemen .0 Stockmen, . IHKliliHATmT ItKMH.V KNOWS roS llUIIStt ! ANU t'ATfl.S HKHA-'KS. Fo'd by PrHitjiH and 1 VnJr- .'arytr.W. " ha t barle A. Vuttficr Co., UmI1om Mil. Administratriz Salo of ' Heal Estate. Notice Is berebr clven that the duly ep pointed and aotinir Admlnlntrstrlx of the estate of Kdwatd Murray, deceased, by and under an order of the County court for Linn county, State of Oregon, In pro bate duly made and entered of record In asld Court on the 5th day of November, 18, will on the ad day ef December, HOP. at the hour of one o'clock In the art moon of said day, at the Couit llcuse doar it the city of Albany, Lnr county, Oregon , offer for sale at nubile auction to the high- et bidder all the rlubt title aud Interest or Edward Murray, deceased, at the time ef hi death. In and to the following de scribed premise, belonging to aald estate to- It: The west U of Lot 4 and tie north X of the east if of Lot 4 In Block No. 1 1 In the oil v o,' Albany. Linn coun ty, State of Oregon, as shown by I he map oi said rltr. toiraber with the tenemrn's and hertdltaoueota ttereonto belonging. Terms of sale. .One half of pu rebate fir Ice to be cash In hand and the remain Dir ona-hakfon a credit of twelve months bearine: Interest from the day of aale at tbe rale of ten par cent per annum, and to be sec u rod by mortgage on the rroop uea. Thl Nov. 5th, ADM Mt'BRAT, ' AdmlnUlrtlrlz of aald ettate. CJ1 on M J Moateith fjr big bargaios. m 1 11 iiip COLD IN HEAD. Try tha Cure Ely'sCreamBalm Cloansos tho Nasal Paiwaeos. Al- IflVS Tnflftmmntirm- HeaUtho SOTOA. Restores tho Senses of Tasto, Emcll anaiioanng. A pattlet I pp!l4 iaefe Mril mm4 la Bsreeable. PrieattOvu as Draaatot r fe SMll. ELY HHfiTllKHH tAW.rrwhi-TNeW Torit. 0. 0 CHBBBT. O.B.rVKIKS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEERY & PARKKS, HacMsists, Killwriglits, and Iroi FomJers. W E are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will Saw Mill Macbinery,and all kind "f Iron ana Brans casiinga. PATTEBS M4DR OX XfJOKT HOTICC Special ' attention riven to it ralrli ir Kioa 01 machinery. t a c a "When X say Ctms I do not mean merely to a stop them for a time, and then have them re luiu again, a Ban a ikjiiiLU wit n. . I have made the disease of FITS, EPTTiKPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I WAfcRAXT my remedy to Curb the worst eases. Because others have ; Iaiied it no reaaonfor not now receiving scare. bend at once for a treaties and a Free Bottlm ot my lityALiiBLB kkmbot. uive express and Post Office. It costs yon nothing tor a trial, and it will cure you. Address . H. C. ROOT. M .C, I S3 Peail 8t, Km YOIX Assignee's Notice. a tne rustier or tno assignment o JL Jamos P. 8 Insolvent debt er. Tbe undersigned having been duly appointed Assignoo of the above named Insolvent debtor under and by virtue of an act of the legislative assembly of tho State of Oregon entitled "an act to secure to creditors a just division ot the estates of debtors who convey to AsHlguees for the benefit of creditors, approved Octoboi' 18th, 1878 and a wend men is thereto an proved February' 21th, 1885" All person naving claims 1 agatnts una estato are hereby nctlflodto present tbe same to me at ilarrlsburg Jn Linn county, Oregon, ouiy veriaea as uy law required wiilitn three months from tbe date b.reof. Dated this tho luth day of November, IOOO. , . ........ tirst National ; Bank" Uf albani, oitEiuofs. PrealJent... Vice Pre)dout ., Caahiar........., Au'lCaabier..., .......... L. FLITfN .,.. 8. E, YOI WG ..UKO. E. C'HAMUIiltLAIN ..J A 8. V. POWELL TrInSACTS A GENERAL- bonking busioees. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to shack. BIOIIT EXCHANGE and telegraphic tnui-fcr, ol on Nr York, San Francisco, Chicago and P01 Orefun. COLLECTIONS HADE on favorable terms. I WRSCTOM. ' . ; ' Jl R. Torso, ' Ono. E CnsasKaTats3! L E Blaih, L. FujihJ . i r , VAVthU E TURKKLb, do. Qmmimbn Physician an A S urge on. Office opposite the Democrat Office. Is rin filf! In Philadelphia r 4 ; t ill; i jju aiuvvjuiit.'r Jl.tlvur- K Vim AYl.t cjHm our eiiUioflzed asencs a e ' U : LJ U t i&tmmL. 10UNTY Ifficial and 'ITT TKMPKHANOK COLUItN. Killlsd y Albany W, 0. T, U The Albany Union Is to be cougralulst ed upon the liberal spirit of lit members. The receipts of the Thanksgiving social, ($89.00). prove their gencrosttv, beyond question. To the public who gave con tributlonsat the door, the ladies tender hearty thanks j to the ever polite and oblig ing editors, they are very grateful, and to the friends who furnlahcd the program I they offer sincere thanks. The occasion was certainly a very pleasant one and will long be remembered. t The Empress of Japan has established a college for women, to be superintended by a commute of foreign ladles. Two of these are Americans, two English and lhe other two French and German respectively. It Is stated that wine grapes of Califor ula arc not in such demand as heretofore, They have sold this season as low as $6.00 per ton, white table grapes have been In demand at the highest figure of $25 pe ton. Surely this argues well for the tern perance work that ha been done In that State. The President of the State Union of Texas, recently organised a Union In the city of Mexico. So the good work goes on, ..- The I'undiu Ramabl tuts raised In the her United States for the establishing of school In India, $18,3 J .;. This does not Include the Pacific Coast contribution, as that has not yet been reported. About $1 J, 000 morels needed for the general fund The State President of West Va., thu accounts tor the defeat of the Prohibitory Amendment : "The Republicans stoned the Amendment, the liquor men furnished the stooes,ana the Democrats stood by con senting to its death. Mrs. UUhop Klmpson, so long a resident of Philadelphia and so active in its philan thropies. Is still at the lore In the best work of the great church her husband did so much to build. Not long ago a gentleman who had given her the ground for a Child. ren's Orphanage of the M E Church told her that if In four weeks she would bring to the bank at 9 a. 111. a check tor $10,000 towards the new building, he would give her one lor $20,000. l he lndonltabic wo man set at workdvanced as she Is In years and by the help of the M E Churches to which she went with personal appeal, se cured the sum and was promptly on hand at the designated time and place, where upon Colonel Dennett gave her $$,000 more than he had The Raleigh (N O Cirit ia AJtvtaf, In el vlrifif examples of total abstinence from intoxicants.rclatcs the following ef General Robert L Lee : "Jut as he was starting to the Mexican war a lady ef Virginia gave him bottle 01 tine old whUkey, stating that he would no doubt need It, and would not be able to find any In that country. The General aald.yeara afterward, In reference to this bottle : 'I carried that bottle ail through the war without having had the slightest Oceanian to ue It, and on my re turn home I sent It back torn r good friend that she might be convinced that I could get on without liquor.' On another occas ion the General invited some friends to I drink with him. The demijohn was brought out, the glasae were filled not with oKI Cognacr or 'Bourbon but with fresh but terml.k, which a lady, know ing bis taste, had sent him." A H ratal Cam. New York, Noy. 20. In the football game to-day the University of Pennsylva nia team defeated the Wesleyans 18 to 16. The game was a very exciting one, and bruises and bangs were well uMiibuted, Wagenhaurst ot the PennsylvanUs was knocked sensclcst ; Gardner of the Wes leyans was seriously injured ; Crane of the Wesleyans was cut about the mouth, and Manchester of the Weslcvans was so badlv hurt that he qnit the held . . . . . . Another Ibor Organ but lion. PiTThuyao, Noy. 29. Johh Jarrctt, Charles Tychman and other prominent la bor men are preparing to form a gigantic national labor organization. It is to deal with political queatlons,but they say it will be non-partisan. It will not be in oppoti tlon to the Knights'. j ; Horrible Murder. St. Louis,Nov. 29. Details of a horrible outrage, murder and suicide from Ne vada, Mo.,to-dir. The outrage and murder were committed about eight miles south ot Nevada' Yesterday Miss Wrsy, accompan ied by George Corbc, who taught the dis trict school and boarded with Mrs. Wray, to the citv. Corbc returned last nisht atone, and said the girl had been dragged from the buggy and murdered by two un known men. i r-.e body was found tn. a clump of bushes near the rondide, the young woman's threat having been cut from car lo ear. Corbc was placed under guard nnd during the night committed sui cide by taking poison, thus escaping lynch ing. 1 he coroner s inquest developed tne fad that the girl had been outraged and then murdered. Beats Oregon. Rochester, V, Y., Nov. 29. It was re ported In this city to night that at a little hamlet near Oiean, on the line of the Buf falo, New York & Philadelphia rai!way,up wards of seventy tramps made their appear ance at an early hour this morning and be gan to invade the town and ransack dwel lings.1 Forty men with shot guns attacked the loafers, and the tramps soon had the shotguns. Further assistance was asked from surrounding towns, No more particu lars could be learned. ' New Organization. Indianai'olis.Nov. s8. A meeting was held to night at the Hendricks Club rooms by some three score democratic G. A. R, veterans,at which an organization was per fected known nsuThe Democratic Soldiers' and Sailors's Veteran Association of Indl ana." This organization is the result of what has been termed a revolt against the u. a, tt.. 'lhe object ot the new organ! zation is set forth in the following pream hie to their constitution and by-laws : The purpose of this association shall be to in eulate true principles of patriotism, love of country and to foster and maintain true democratic principles in the administration ot the goyernmenLboth state and national. and secure a pure, simple and efficient ad ministration of the same.and to resist with all our might any and every encroachment upon the constitutional rights and liberties ot tne people. - A School Panic. . St. Louis, Nov. 28. A panic otiured a the Blair school to-day,and nothing but the great presence of mind of the crops of teachers prevented a great loss of life. The steam heating apparatus got out of order, and the rattling in coils, coupled with the escaping steam, alarmed the children, who, fearing an explosion, started for the - door, Miss Bettina Krebs, the teacher In charge got to the door first and prevented a stam pede, gcarcely had order been restored, however.when the noise in the steam pipes' was repeated with Increpsrd vio lence, and before Miss Krebs could reach the door the second time the terror stricken children had gained the hall. The faithful teacher was borne to the floor trampled upon, sustai u I i jng serious Injuries. ; , IlEAti FJSTATa. BALES. As recorded In the Recorder's office for Linn county, Oregon ! T Clark toE E Pennington, 2 lots, block 31 IPs and A, Albany. ..$ 500 W Klnxcr to Henry Ktnzer, i-u of 380 acres, 1 1 w J 250 RUcy Curl to J A Winters, 70x76 ft N Urownsvllle..... 150 II Curl to Viola Tharp, 20x00 ft N Urownsvllle.... 185 Mary Ucard to Arthur Heard, 5 lot !"" D" ohn and J J Heard by IJ S Smith, Sheriff, to II llryant,320 4 acres ntarTnugcnt 50 F P DeVaney to r W DcVaney, lit U acres. 10 w 2 30 20 I F P UeVaney to Rob't L DcVaney, 1 1 ij acres, 10 w 3.. Daniel Williams to J L Chapman and I W Drown. 160 acres.10 w 1 David Moih-rn to Z P Thompson, 80 acres, iiw 1.... Coo 1500 F M Smith to Fred Rcrsc.a.q acres 11 w t J W Watson ct si to Flnlcy McHoc, 5.31 acres, N Urownsvllle 1200 5 Michael f uller to Mary A ixitus,io rods by to feet, I JnrrUburg..,. J R Wyatt to Llllle E VVyatt, 330 acres, 15 w 3.... A Savage to Win Weddle, 120 acres if w 1 H M Donaca to Martha A Donaca, 1 lot In Lebanon Oregon to II F Ellis, 40 acres, 9 E 2 TIIK SUN aTjOI'T TOWN - 45oo 600 100 50 City elections In Albany are very mild affairs, and generally good naturcd ones. Very little mud ts slung and the newspa pers keep their hands out of the matter, owing too time Immemorial decree. One peculiar tlilntr about them Is that you can't most alwars sometimes tell who will be elected. an According to the almanac winter has be gun ; butour winter days If set down back East In the midst of one of Ihelr ravaging snow storms or blusard would cause a panic, 't . . v would think there was a fire raging. n 3 Mud Is not indigenous to Albany. Every city In the State Is muddy. Corvallls Is the muddiest, then Eugene, thtn Salem, then Roscburg, then Albany, we judge basing our verdict on the degree of cmphatls our exchanges a In announcing the fact. The truth ue we can't help having some mud. A scraper on First Street '.hough occasion ally does Improve matters considerably for several weeks. DKMOlitATfe I'itiMAUlft. The democratic primaries were held lat Friday at the regular places, as follows First ward. J J Dorr!, chairman -.Oliver Dunhncll, secretary. Mr M Sternberg , ancrT J was nominated for councilman, Stltes was recommended for the central committee. Second ward.- Julius Gradwohl, chair man;!; U Kawiings, secretary. .Mr i v Hurkhart wau nominated for councilman. For central committee, John Clclan, Third ward. I K Weathcrford, chair man: CJ A Archibald, secretary. 1 II Campbell was nominated tor councilman. ror central committee, c. J Lanntng. Itepabliraa Coaveatioa. The Republican Convention for the lust nomination of city officers was held Frld ay at the Court 1 louse. O II Irvine, Chairman. FM Rcdrtcld and J R Wyal t,Secrctarlcs. W C Cassell, Chas Montcilh, E F ox and W II Huston, tellers. For Marshal I) L Crosscn, A J Hunt, Geo W Durkhart and Robert Mcllhcny were nominated. Dal lots ist, Crotsen, 33 ; Durkhart, 46; Hunt, 24 ; Mcllhcny, 9. 2nd. Crosen, 35; Burkhart, 59 ; Hunt, 33; Mcllhenr, 1 3rd. Crosscn, 39 ; Durkhart, 74 ; Hunt, 9 ; Cap Humphrey, 3. Durkhart was de clared nominated. For City Treasurer, E I) Cuslck and F L Kenton were named. uallot Cuslrk, 67 ; Kenton, Kt ; scat terlng, 3. Cusick was declared nominated. The ward nominations were ratified and the Convention adjourned. Miles of U. IL tit & ama a w AKHINCTO.V, ?ov, 30,-1 nc anual re port of theintcr state commerce commis sion is now In type, From it the following s taken: r rom the best Information now available. the railroad tnilenge of the country, on the join 01 June, 1B3S, is estimated at 152,751 of which 2312 miles has been completed and brought into operation within the six months preceulnn that day. Tht Vote of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Nov. 30. The official can vass shows a total vote for president of 354,064 an increase of 34,776 over 18S4. Harrison s plurality Is 21.271. limine s plurality In 1S84 was 14,680. Fiske receiv ed 14,227 votes, a gain of 6621 over 1SS4. The labar vote was 8552, as against 18,518 in 1&S4. A Seattle Fire. Skattlk, Nov. 30. The most extensive fire Seattle has experienced for two years broke out at midnight last night in the rear of the Frucnthal and Pest bui!dlngs,on the west side of Front street, between Union and University afreets, nnd in an hour the whole structure was In ashes. An estimate of the losses gives the total at $ci.6so,upon which the insurance was only $i2,ooo.Thc lowness of the insurance is accounted for by the high rate in that locality. DR, BO-NAN-UO in his new disoovery for Consumption, tne ceeded in producing a medicine which u ac knowledged by all to be simply inarvelonr. It is exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per fectly harmless, and does not sicken. In all coses of cares of Consumption. Coughs, Colds Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pains in the Chest, it hss given universal nstisfaction. Dr liosankn's Cough and Lung Syrup is sold at 50 cents by Dr Guiss U Son. Letter List Following is ths list of letters remaining In tbe Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Nov. S9U, 1833. Parsons calling for those letters must give that date on which they wars advertised : . . Brady and KlmsoUo Berryhill. H J Cherry, P L Dyer, Eva Hoiiuan, K Miller, Mrs Alllo Nugent, Wm Ra'ston, Andrew Btewart, Mrs A R Brownlle, JO t;ohn, J u . Davis, Elijah " , Kddy, John Miller, Mr MoCiure, J K Patner, Prior . Hmlih, Sirs Addlo O . Himpson, Mrs H -. Winstou, W C S ht, Edward - E. THOMPSON. P. K Sherman, Mrs L I. Writ When Uuby was sick, we gave her Caatorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Caatorla, . When she had Children, she gave them Caatorla. Try eo r mince met in glass, i t floe, Wae& Tno ins, THURSDAY. Dales, flgr, et, at Pfeiffsr's. Frttsh ohitDtit at Frt nit ?UKt't. Marshal Dumi, of Corvallls ia la the city Several severe cases of jim jtms have been reported in the city. , Hon F0 Hansard, of Lebanon precinct was in tho city to-dy, Chits Melzaar, the rustling real estate man was in Astoria a day or two ago. Mr A fi Hiausson, associate editor of the Oregonian, has been in tbe city to-day. II lfl Janeway. the Bntcer mail robber has been brought back to i'ortUnd and will be tried Uo. 14. The O H & N is said t.. b building two new boats for tho Upper 'Willamette trsllio. Tbe rnoro the bettor. 13 It Skipworth, formerly of this city, his moyed from Pendleton to Engine where he has opened a law oflice and rill reside in tbe future. We understand M J Montetth has acoepl e l a position as traveling tourist for a whole sale honse. Also Mr Paisley, of Cherry Patkes & Psisley. 8 8 Train, A B Woodio, Tit Kelley atd Richsid Foxretnrned ijstoigttfrom beyond ox Valley, where tbey have been building eottsg-! on their ranches recently taken up. Polk county has two very bad young men named At and Willis Jordan. Tbey have been into any number of sorapes and count on being arrested every mouth or two. Tbey have just besn held tn salem lor assaulting a man with a daugerous weapon. Three serious railroad eoetdent. two at least fstl, witbia a week, is a bad record. All were brekemoo. Men who stand at the brakos during the rainy, slippery weather ot winter are entitled to the sympathy of the pablio. It is a risky life. FRIDAY. Tti'ro will be an cclipue of the sun on New Year's day. A Portland Cliioaman has just been seat to tbe insane asylum. Several weddings in Albany are "approx imately contingent." The more the better, Mr M N Keck and family have moved to l enosylvania, their farmer bom, to reside. The litthts went out last evening, caused by tbe breaking of a bolt at tbe esotral sta tion. 15,000 pounds of turkeys were shipped from Uaklaod. Ur, during the last week or two. Ottlr a small burtion of vaccinations in this city aie sail to have taken. What is tbe . . . .... . nuiltr. Mr J II Durkhart will leave to-night for San Jose, Cal., to look after some pioperty interests he bas there. Poor Salem, A Stinit. tie bilk, ia in that city, and talks of opoting a red etttte of fice there. He was i it 4 iven on: of Mo- Minnville. Lik-htuing recently struck a Pine tree on the farm of w r Sjsoo. of Wobater county. (if.., and killed twenty bgs that hvl taken shelter under it. There was a I.rse gstherius of young peo ple at Crawford's Thanksgiving bail at tbe Opera House last evening, and a plosaaot time is reported. Theelectrio light statiou presented a coo fused appearance this morning as a result of tbe havoe msde by tbe broken belt last night. Considerable carnage wsa done. Tbe collection taken up at the M E Church. yesterday, alter tho Ibanksgivin service a. amounted f 1 4 . 6. This goes to tbe Ladies Aid Society, of which Mrs John Althouse is Treasurer. Seattle is apparently larger tUan any three cities on Paget sound. At the last election there were mora votoe polled at Seattle tbsn in tbe three cities, Tscoma, Port Towasend and Olympia. Geo L Sutherland, of Scio, who went East recently to study dentistry, bAS returned acd is being examined for a teacher's cvrtirJ cat, aud ill pull ideas from young Amci it a i-arce nusnutita 01 potatoes are Ming shipped from Albany to Ssn Francisco. Tbe price here is 20 to 23 cents. 1 here CO to cents ; but it iakes a boot 40 cents to gettbem there, there s tbe rub. There is now a postofUce for every 1000 men, women and child'eo in the United States. If the expensts of carrying tbe mails were paid direci from tbe pocket of tbe people, pro rata, each cttiaen would pay an average of eighty-live cents a year for having hi mail csrrie . Jokes on surplus matters are now very fre quent. Here is one s "What do you mean by such conduct, you young rascal," aaid a stern parent tn Tommy, who had just been captured in flagrante deUHo at the jam pot. 1'aps, please, sir, sobbed tommy, "1 was only reducing the surplus. SATURDAY. Nioe tramps were lodged in tbe caliboose last night. For a few moments lait evening it rained Rev J W Webb, of Sj'aletn. brs moved to California to reside. Western Kaosas is Icing depopulated, most of the people there coiniog t tbe coast. Mr Jason Wtieelcr has moved from bis farm to his new residence in the Third ward, where be will reside. The snow was ten inches deep at Big Meadows last week. It is now nearly or all gone. I'ruteville Alrw. J C Cox, of Eugene lit rental Glass Bros glass fAotory at Crawfordtville. and will make that place his borne. Mr J A Beard hss purchased his partners interest in the drug store st Libaoon and will run tbe buMoets alone. Tbe Bradcn Underwood debate closed at Silvertott Thursday evening. We are not informed as to who whipped. A marriage license was to day issued J W Salisbury, aged 46, of Umatilla county, and Ibel Uwino, ned 19, of Marion coun- tv.Slem Journal. A pleasant social parts waa given last evening at tho residence of Mrs itridgeford. by tho Vineyard Laborers, of tbo Baptist cbnrcn. Waiter Miller, of Ihanon,'who had a can uf powder explode in his ftce aboat a week ago, will not loso hit eyesight, aa at first feared. Mr John Foster and tister, Miss Florence, came over the Ciscvla mountains recently 10 a single buggy. 1 bey encountered very little suow on the summit. I rineville ivetes Making a specialty of ctndios, nnts, etc.. Francis PfeitTer can do better than anywhere elso. ltememher this in getting your holidsy confectionary. Dandruff ia probalh one of the most dif ficult diseases of the scalp to cure, but Du- tard a Specific nover fa:ls to remove it perm aoently. Soreness after shaving is instant ly relieved by its use. How is your appetite ? Are you nervous or irritable T Are you subject to billiousness ? Dr llonley s Dandelion Tonio works wonders. It mtke8 the weak and sickly strong, builds up thi whole system and puts uew life and engery in you. : For weak and delicate women nothing bauds up tho entire system more thoroughly and effectually than Oregon Kidney Tea. It is especially adapted to diseases peculiar to the sex, is pleasant to take and in every in ataoco proves of great value. Oregon Kid ney Tea is composed of herbs found in Ore gon, is put op in nei1, tin boxes, aud can be prepared fresh by simply steeping in hot wa ter. It contains no mineral substance what ever, is pleasant to take and neyer fails to cure kidney or urinary troubles. Flighland, Clackamas connty,0r.,March 20. I have suffered with a disease of the kid neys for 6 or 7 years and for the last two months have been laid up with a pain-in my baek. A friend sent me a sample of the Ore gon Kidney Tea, and having used it one week I can do a good day's work. I have derived more benefit (rom it than from all the medicines I have ever taken. r J. Q. Nkwbill. CURB FOR. SICK IIEADACIIE. Do yoa want a remedy for B'Houmess, Pimples on the face, and a sure cure tor sick heaaacne, ant ur, Oil'., and Son, th Druggists, for's Live Pills, try a dose, samples free full box 25 eent, If you want a clean and fine smoke ssk for J. Joseph's home msde white labor cigars. For sale by most oigar dealers and at Joseph's factory. " " ; for Infants ond Children ' 'Caatorla Is so well adapted to children that I Casterl etrrea Colle, ConfMpaUon, I recommend It a miperior to any prescription I g?ur gtomach, jMarrhrea, i-r.'"". 1U Bo, Oxford St, Brooklyn, V . T. sTharck ttlreetory. U. P.Cucrch. Prcachingevery Sabbath. morning anL evening by Bev. f G. Ir vine, V. V. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. U Prayer meeting every Wednessday evening. Evaxoei.ical CaoucH. Proachbg on S&b. Vath at 11.00 a. !., and 7 v. st. Sabbath School 10:00. Prayer mooting every Wed nesday evening 70, llcv. 1'uher, pastor. All are Invited, M. K. CiiCRCH.SooTii. PreacLing every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock P. t. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock M. Prayer meeting Wedaesda'i evening's at 7 o'clock. IlfeV, V. II. Comaon, Pastor. hi. E. Chckoii. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in the event ag before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.30 p if. Prayer meeting every Tbure- day e rerun j. use. It. r. Webb, pastor. PaassTTKRiAsr Circiu.ii. S-vic ever Sabbath morning and evening in Churo cor. firoatlalbin and Fifth St. Sunday Schoo immediately after tbe morning service rray er meeting every Wednesday evtning Rev E It Pricbard, pastor. Fiiurr BAfTifTCuoia.-u. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve'g,at Church on 6tb Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting eyee- Tbursdy evening at .70 o'clock, llev. Trumbell, pastor. Catholic Cuvucu. Service every Son- day at 10:30 a. at. and 7 r. u. Lest Sunday of tbe month service at Eugene City. Uev. Ioun Metayer, llector. GtuuAS. At Collece chapel, 2 p.m. J B. Braun. Pastor. C. J, DILLON & CO., DEALERS IS LUMBER, FLOORIKC, BUSTIC, ETC. General JoIj Work, Dressing ana Sawing Lumber. Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring:, Factor stt tout of Lyon Street. New and Second Hand Store tne incrravod demands of, oar busines we bave been compelled to move Into a larger store and wo can now be found next door to H. E. Young, when we will be pleased to soo onr patrons. If I youceeiaoy atovea, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit lara, titnks, baolcs, roller skates, vaddlet, saws, planes, etc and a thousand dif ferent ind oi a tides you can not do better bis 1 1 f Fraud ijo than yoa can dc -a lib u oa a purchase or exchang L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. Notice for Publication, . Land Office at Oregon City. Or., October 13th, 18SS. J Notice la hereby Riven that the follow Ing named eouler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hi c!itu, and that said proof will be made beroro the Judge, or in ms a use nee before the County Clerk of Liun county, at Albany, Oregon, on H.aday. Pee. I'lfe, IS, via: Leonard Kdaar, Hometoad Entry No. 4193 for the S M of S E and Ixta 1 and 2. of Siw. 4, 1 p. 10, S li 1 E. He natnes tbe followlnK witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and culti vation of. aald land, vis: A J. tShelton, John Bryant, C. W. Richardson and John Ul.yeu, all of Jordan, county, or, W, T. BU!KY, Register, r n I A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as ii acts gently on tho Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System when Cot tive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and pennanenlly curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION" without weakening or irritating the or gans on which it acts. For Sale In BOe and Sl.OO Bottles by all Leading Druggists. ' VAXVrACTCACD Offlt ST THS CALirOEHIA HQ STEUP CO. Sag FUAKCISCO, CAh, toinsvnJi, Kt., Ksw York. N. Y. ALBANY CQLLHPJATB IHSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888,1889. First Terns Opens September 11th, 1X88. A full corps of instructors, - CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AMD NORMAL CLASSES. gCouraes of study arranged to meet tbr need or ail grades or students, . Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from 5,60 to $12,59. Board in private faiullles at low rates. Rooms lor self-boarding at small expense A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term open September 7th. For circulars and fill 1 t.v JmL f s r .-. particulars address the President. . " REV, E1BEST H. COSH IT. I Without lnjurioua medlcatioo. The CorrAva CovrAKV, 77 Murray Street, K. Y. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC LULLS. All kinds cf rough, dressed and eas lamber,lathfcAA pickets kept constantly cn hand- Bills sawed to order cn shortest notice Use only be st Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. I. 0. POWELL. sr. It. UlLTlO POWELL & BILYETJ, wTTOItNEYSw AT JLAW, And Solicitors in Cbanery ALIIANY. - - ORlOOl, Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable term. flrOfflco In Porter's BrickVa 14nl9tf. T. J. STITES. ATTOllNEY AT LAW -AND ? Notary Public ALBANY, OEGON. ft J. WHITNEY. itlcirey And Connsellcp It Lat Notarw Pablic. ALBA!.?, OREGON, Will pr&a!oo 13 nil of tbo Conrt .bis State. All baainesa Intrusted to him srill be promptly attended to. OF PURE COD UVEB OIL akp HYPOPHOSPHITE3 Almost as Palatable as Milk. to disgwl Stuat it esvts be taJiea, diaied, aad aaataaltaaca try aaaas aaatUva atonaacls svtun tla plMim U ran not bm to!armtd and by sit es4ss biBotloa of the ell wltb tha by pop He, pblte U nsteat severe efueavctosta. Eomraaale as a -fiesa prtdater. pemas gala rapidly waSe taUBg tt SCOTT'S EMULSION ia acknowledged by physicians to be the Finest and Best prepay a? 1 a.1 1 J A IV. at J I ration in the world for tho relief and cure of CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES. EMACIATION. COLDS nnd CHRONIC COUGHS. . Tht ore of rtmedy for CoruvmpVan, ond Wasting li Children. Soil by all Druggists. D, R. U BLACKBURN. Attorney at Law Office, Odd FellowVTcmple, ALBANY," - - - ORECOH. Hotica of Appointment of Admin- - istrator, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the County Court for Liun conn ty, Oregnu, duly appointed and qualified as Antcinistraior ox tne eatata ot r. iv. vjaioc. deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. All pert ons having claims against said estate are hereby required to preseat tbem to tie un dersigned at Scio, Oregon, within six tnontba from thir date, properly verified as required by law. This tbe 19;h day of .November, ISS3. J. H. Pef.ry, J. K Wratherfoed, Adruiuisirator. Attorney fur Adtnieifrtrstor. H. F. MERRILL, ALBAHY, - - - ORECON. Sell excituz: oa Nr York, Saa Francisco and Portland. Day nllo S'.t'e, etu-tty and c'ty warrants Re- ofive djpoiiu sabje.t tj chock. Interest allowed on time deposits. . QCoilectiont will recoive promt attention. Correspnndenc. solldteJ. Fire and uuriiM insunnc j jilace 1 in rallablo com rill, . . ; ' .. 4 hn Lino 'unty Dank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., tttccesaors to Cowan A Cusick.) ALBANY - - OREGON. TRAX8ACT3 a general banking business. DlVWitJ It oavrrSot Sjw T,wk Fran huoanl Portland, Oregon LOAN MOnE Yon approyod security. , RECKlVKdoiWilti suhjoo to chck, 0 iUW. J HO lit r.r,i it j I ti at will race ve romu jj:iUjn. Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPE, PE0PU1ET0L FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. C3. Will keep constantly on band beaf, mutton, pork, veal, saut-age, eto tbe best meats and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all kindof fat stock. Jiia Wcstfall," CHWESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on band, Also full line of OKESOH PAGIFI3 CONTRA OTOE, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice fo any purpose. Opposite S E Your g's, Albany, BIi: 6 baselven univer sal aatlstactioB in the cm s of Gonorrhoea and Gli t. I prescribe Hand feel sale la recouunesd ius it to all sufferers. Mf deal? by C Ciaoini;!,!. "3 -J. STOXEK, H.D., Deestur, 111. - af riira. a.. i . PBICE,Sl.eO. Trill!. .rk S HCvl SJ1LS 3L r OniMlu X I ' tO DATS.X 1 OcarutMd bo ISkl j tmatrntsttlmun., I V mmI i I old by Dru Tg.s .3. - . ... 'V--