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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1888)
cy... . t FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1883. BUTE 3 & Kditsrs aait SUTTINO. Proprietor. rsEor. xtrrrttu, Lsrat Ediur. Round Housa ox Fire. Just before twelve Sunday night the watchman at the round houe discovered the roo! o the house to be on fire, the same having caught from an engine that was placed In there In the evening. He gave an alarm and sent ome one down street, a Chinaman running through the streets yelling "quick, quick, quick!" Night watch Jones was notified and as well the chief engineer; but. It was . understood that it was a building 'beyond the round house, and the city's hose would not reach the place anyway from the near est water, so no alarm wa given on the bell. People living in the vicinity took buckets, and with a smaM hose the flames wcrs ex tinguished after quite a hard fight, and some damage had been dene to the roof. Those Two Ciunamkx. Deputy Sher iff John T. Ward, of Portland, arrived In the city Tuesday and nest morning took the two Celestials arrested by Deputy Sheriff Smith to Tortlanu. When arrest, ed the Chinamen claimed that they had gotten on at Salem ; but the conductor of the freight train said they boarded the train at the car shops in a suspicious war. After they were taken out of the caboose two revolvers were found that they had concealed. Mr. Ward says they are the Chinamen wanted and were mixed up in the murder. They had $ioo on their per sons together. Our Dignified Ex's. An exchange ays the OrtgoHia is saturated with small pox lies, but not until it had called the edi tor of the Ex, a dirty, Irresponsible fellow. The Salem Safema calls the Oregouiam the buzzard, the two Pendleton papers are using choice epithets, the Koseburg papers choicer and the Walla Walla papers choic est, and that Is the way it seems to go with newspapers ju st the same as ii does with business men, only the latter use their ton gues instead of printers ink. Fatherless. No Institution In Oregon has quite as much fun poked at it as the Narrow Guage railroad. The following Is from an Astoria paper: "They've got a little fatherless and motherless concern up the country called a railroad. It Is a nar row gauge, and trips that they undertake are attended with misfortune; when the cars don't upset or jump the track they get through with about as much certainty and Eromptness as dues the mall to this city, rought down on the "Black Mariah." Foot Prints. A traveling man stopped In town a day or two this week, and done up the windows of several of our business houses In grand style, painting them in Colors. Grant's Pass Conner. Such a man was here a few months ago and paint ed the town red in more ways than one. Lafayette Re fitter. He also left his Cheap jonn out naming marks in Albany recent' Died. Mr. Bard well, father of A. Bard' well, died at the home of his son last Satur day at the advanced age of 8y years, and was buried on. Monday. Mr. Bard well came to Linn county with his wife in 1S77 from Iowa, and was quite a remarkable old gentleman. A R. R. Order. The Democrat Is in formed that the management of the South . ern Pacific at Portland have been Instruct from headquarters not to hire any more brakemen of inexperienced years; but to - pet older hands as much as possible. This Is owing to the large number of fatal ac cidents resulting recently to young men, almost boys, on freight trains. Good Bye Cows. The majority in favor of restraining the cowsfiom running at large was emphatic enough yesterday for our council to act with the confi dence that they are backed by the people. Out or Joint. Last Tuesday In going along the street this side of the O. & C de pot Capt N B. Humphrey stepped on a plank, displaced by the cows, and stumbled off the sidewalk, dislocating his left arm at the shoulder Dr. Maston, assisted by two of Albany's most muscular gentlemen re duced the dislocation and Capt now carries the arm in a sling. Election of Officers, At the regular meeting of Safety Lodge, No. A O U W, held Monday evening the following officers were elected : R B Vunk, M W ; J A Ilyman, Foreman ; A D Barker, Over seer ; T J Stites, Recorder E A Parker, Financier 5 Al Savior, Receiver ; John Chiswell. Guide ; M Cowan, I W ; W E Tut City Charter, A special meet Ing of the city council was held last Tucs day to consider proposed amendments to the city charter, -preparatory to the pre sentatton of the same to the next state leg Islature. Thev will be renartcd by the committee to the next meeting of the coun ell. The amendments proposed provide for the extension of the city limits to that they will take In Hacklcman's third addl tion, running beyond Hub Bryants proper ty, through the Hackleman property to the ronJ In front of the Nickerson farm, thence west to the present city limits. Providing for the Increase of the limit of Indebted ness from $2000 to $5000 and the Icvlng ot a tax not exceeding a mum, now 5 mills. Providing for the punishment for the use of obcene, abusive and profane language. Providing for the retraining ot cattle, mules, jacks, etc. from rnnning at large, tjlving the city power to buy land for a public park. Providing for taking up teams lett standing a certain length ot lime, and for prevention of cruelty to animals. Providing for connection w ith main sewers when within three blocks, now two, so far as practicable, Providing for power of council to revoke licenses on party being found guilty. These amendments will be seen to be In kceplnc with the growing condition ot the city, ami are ail reasonable to the extent of the change proposed. Harrisuvru's Election. About a year ago the saloon license, at Ilarrloburg Vwas raised to $1000. It proved a local op tion measure. I he saloons stopped ; but the drug stores kept running. As a result, though, during the last year it has not cost a cent to run the city. There have been no drunks and the Marshal has had nothing to do. But the sidewalks have become dilap idated and prominent cltlcn refuse to consent to the levying of a tax, and as a re sult there has been a slight reaction. Mon day at the city election the issue in the choice of the Councilmen was low or high license. The low license ticket was elect ed as follows : Dr W V Mendenall. Tohn Bennett, Theo. Roach. Wra, Roach. las. Sabln and J L Fuller. The remainder of those elected were J P Schooling, Mayor ; L Douglas, Marshal, nr-d Geo isom. Re corder, there being no issue except as to the councilmen. As a result two saloonswlll immediately be opened in the city and a revenue of $600 be rained. Thut Is the way the matter stands at HarrUburg. The Marshal will now have business, and the Recorder's Court will be opened. From Lyonsville Mr. Henry Lyons, of .Lyonsville, the new town which he has just established this side of the Mchama bridge on the Oregon Pacific, was in the city Tnesday. He Inf Jims J ui that hs had already sold twenty -one lots in Lyonsville, all of the purchasers of which declare their intention of building at an early date, so that the prospect of quite a thriving village there Is good. Work on the rod is being pushed, and Mr Lvons thinks Ureltenbush will be reached this winter. Loose Latciistrinos. Those of hos pitable people who believe there is a social side to one's nature. Thote of merchants who tell the public through the papers to call on them. Those of the minister when the young man calls with a marriage fee ; 1 hose ot the miser only when the debtor calls to liquidate. There are several in Al bany. Those of any gate when an Albany cow attacks it. Now for the Post Office. We "are informed that two petitions are now in cir culation in this city for appointment as postmaster. One asks for the appointment of Mr. C. W. Watts to begin as soon as the change can be made after the inauguration of Harrison. The other petition anks for the appointment of Mr. Frank L. Kenton whenever a vacancy shall occur. We un derstand Mr. Kenton his friends do not want any change until Mr, Thompson ferves his term out. A Fear fcl Fight. Sunday four Chinamen were killed in Portland In a Chinese pistol and knife fight. About a dozen engaged in it and forty or fifty shots were fired. It arose from a gambling mat ter and seems to have been headed by the highbinders. It was reported that "Sulli van," the Seattle gambler who has been In this city recently was one of the killed, but this is uncertain. .Mr. Seals, the drummer who came up last night, says he was pres ent immediately afterwards with about to,- 000 other people, and that the scene was an animated one. KEBPJPOSTEO VUst, ?5,cnls. , New fall gooda at Read's, Sea those new jorsies at W. F, Read's. New ribboa all shads and styles at Read's AbUliaa of boys kilt suits' at W. F Read'. Fine Mae of bread kneading pane at Q W Sonth's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell& SUnard's, A large itook of lifting forcb pumps at Q W Smith's. Gooda at cost at M. J. Monttith'a, at the old Young store. Uo to A. R Mcllwain Vand ask to tee those $U suits for men. In a ol m sea every man ia pilot. In dry goods V. F. Read is leader. If you waut to save from 10 to S3 per oeut oy your goods 01 w. r. Head. Six shaves for a dollar and a ok an towel to svory oustomer, at Tboa. Jones. liay your tickets through to tho E nt W L Jester and save far to Portland. A complete liu of heating and parlor stoves at G W Smith's, no better in tho valley. The cheapest plaoe to buy men's under wear iu t.'ie state is at A. B. Moll wain's. W. F. Read ean and will sell dry coods cheaper than any house in Albaov. Call and see for yourself. . AH tho latest novelties in tnilliuerv eoods t E and C Howard's. Call and see them. No trouble to show goods. The lino of PaciHo and Roval Arssnds at 0 W Smith's is a largo one. these ar among the best cook stoves mad. Seo them. Dr. M. II. Ellis, uhvsioiau and surireon Ail-any, Oregon. Calls road in eity or country. Goods not sold for less than cost, toods not given away. Hut good honest goods sold at rtaaooable pro tit at W. F. Read s. Julius Gradwot.1 is now making a soeeial- ty of crockery, fancy goods and silyer ware, of which ho carries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1S47 Roger Bros, bis stock of crockery is the best in the market and his line of dolls and children s play things gsner ally is complete. His prices are tho lowest on the coast. CITY CONVENTION. The democratic city convention was held Saturday evening. It took just ten min utes to transact all of llio business ot the convention. Hon J K Weatherford was chosen chair man, DVS RelJ secretary and J J Du bruille and George E Chamberlain tellers On motion of J L Cowan ratification of the ward nominations, nominations of mar shal and treasurer was made the order of business. The ward nominations, for councilmen and member of central committee, were ratified. I N Hoffman was nominated for mar- shal unanimously and Wm A Humphrey tor treasurer In the same wav. , CITY ELECTION. The vote Monday was not a full one, though on Increase was shown In the Sec ond and Third wards over 1887 and a de crease In the First ward. Considerable In terest was taken, though and some "pull ing" done. Following was the vote r For Marshal. John N Hoffman, First ward. 5 Second ward .103 Third ward 9 ' 2S Geo W Burkhart, First ward..... 78 Second ward ...-79 Third ward 56 "ai3 IFIIadley, First ward Second ward.,.. Third ward .......7 o ... . II Hoffman's plurality, 3S. For Treasurer. W A Humphrey, First ward 45 second ward . 104 Third ward 6 E DCusick, First ward 87 Second ward.... 73 Third ward t 339 II Filndt, First ward Hecond ward . . . . . Third ward.. 7 Humphrey's plurality, 6. For ocncilmin. nt ward, F M French 7 MSternburg.. 58 K A McAllister o French's majority, 13. Second ward, C G Burkhart. 103 7 run- Around autl About Tangent. Miss Al'le Parkinson has gone to Iowa to spend the winter, where It Is cold en ough to freeze the love of any one In love. A. W. ..loses has accepted a position as assistant teacher at the Klamath reserva tion and has started on his mission. Mr. McMullon has opened his store In Tangent. J. B. Jenks' fine residence Is near comple tion. The uublic school at this place 1 full and overflow much so that it requires an assistant teacher. Mace Is gone for a time Indefinite and Trixie weeps. Mr. A. Barnes has bought a fine horse and buggy, and Mrs. B. it nappy. Some curious things Parties going to law, not knowing how they are going to come out Country merchants wlicn asked to subscribe for a home paper rep'y, "Oh I want to take one from the metropolis, or I am taking one from there." Young men speaking of their father as the old man or my old man. Men swearing, as no man was ever born with a swearing constitution. Any person doing as they would like to be done by. Any man that would marry any woman that he would see visiting any of these hell dens, called saloons. P. W. Ryan has some fine second growth tobacco in full bloom, five feet high. J.J. Beard has made some Improvement In the P. O. at this place. Mrs. P. A. Moses returned the first of the week from an extended yislt with her son, who lives In Alsca Valley, Benton Co. L Vlercck.... J F I tail Burkhart's plurality, 38. - Third ward, J II Campbell L W Deyoc W E Kellcy ueyoe e plurality, 1 Shall the cows be restrained from nlng at large : Yes, First ward 75 Second ward... 07 Third ward 54 No, First ward so Second ward......... 53 Third ward 77 Majority for yes, 60. County Court Prwwdlnx. Ia matter with John Shea vouchers ap prove! sad bandsmen discharged A license vas granted Peter Riley to sell liquor in Franklin Butts precinct for six mooths. a County clerks wsro instructed to write to J W Sut'on ia reference to bridges oollsrail toa erk . J B Fits water, keeping poor ..$10 00 Andrews k MeckUmao, tudse....... L Tyoer, lumber N II Alien, electric lights. . . if Harwell, salary. Stites k Nottiog, printing J no nmallmon, wood Coahow Cable, lumber loo J lavi, poor. L al t:u 8 00 4 05 23 00 83 33 33 00 18 00 0 08 12 25 09 10 35 83 45 33 80 173 30 3 00 15 00 O W Whealer, lumber 13 W Burkhart & Itoyoe, printing 4 33 Jno Usher, janitor 5 00 Marion county, repairing Manama- bridge 31 81 Carl, salary and postage. . . . Will Bros, key K E Montague, fees. ............ Daniel Hart, keeping poor J 00 Smallmoo, fses Dr J S Courtney, medical -Id . . . JameeUKeedet.aia poor -, CHICKEN BRWTIA Yesterday Chief Marshal DsaiibUi of the Bristle led Into Judge Davenport's Coutt a man that looked as if he had fallen among ths rbillstiuss or been ran through a oorn-sheller If is lienor looked him over head to foot and in a voice that mads tho benches groan La wanted to know of tbo terror stricken pris oner, when tho eyclona stiuck him and which ona of tho boys ho was. May it please your honor said the culprit as bo brushed a blus tailed fly from his marble brow and .wiped his noss on tho sleeys of bis eoat, I was hooper-up for Harrison, I am known your Honor as tho silver plated tongued orator of tho foothills 1 but in an Til hour 1 mads a wbeeiborrow bet with one of tho onsmies of tho tribe of Benjamin, and yssterday your Honor, tho stipulations of that cussed bet was carried out. Tho ouo that lost your Honor was to wheel tho other frein the foot of Yamhill avenue to ths bead of Tiger street. What has that got to do with your bolag brought before me, your frame bearing tho ear marks of a steamboat explosion Al bany saloon, now asked tho Judge in a voice of thunder. Most noble Judge replied the campaign howler, I won that bet and it was the proudest mornsnt of my life when I step ed gaily into the wheelbarrow and ordered tho champion of democracy to proceed with tho show. Ths start was made your Honor amidst the plaudits of the tnnltidtndo. At every saloon on the routs we stoppsd to re fresh ourselves on a kind of drink called by tbo simple untutored child of tho forest, fire water j but known to the pale face by the olaasio asms of tangle foot, I have a faiot rocolleetion your Honor of reaching ths bsad of Tiger street theo all was a blank till this morning wbsn your Chief Marsha, dag us out of an ash barrel in a back alley, my cost was ripped op the back, my boots were gone, my raven locks filled with ashes and oa the bosom of mr pants was a plaooaid, bearing in Asm ing fetters tho words "disd of high protective traiff." The Judge seemed to hesi tate for a moment before paasing scntenoe on this oaee proud leader of tho hosts of Baa jsmlo and Levi. Then as a wave of pity in terlined with ooeUmpt ewept over his oold immovable face he told the wretched pris oner at the bar that be know that tbo relent less bands of fate bad been laid heavily open bis delicate frame 1 but justice demands that your sslfconfeesed crime should be eat down on. and let me tell you pilgrim stranger that of ait crimes In tbo eye of his Court that of - . l - II ft - t ... . 1.! 1 wswiusmiw octis mo moss acinous ana deprsvtd, I shall give yoa sixty days on tho Island, and when your term expires quit politics, weave gin tats or start a pool ties factory, yon ate of too trusting and confiding a nature for a politician. As the Marshal led tho prisoner from the Court, a tear was seen to trinkle down the cheek of the Judge, and tho bald spot 00 bis bead shown like a bil liard ball in tbo gaslight. The friends of Judge Miller, of Lsbaam, are very mock elated over tbo report that Le baa been offered tho Stato portfolio ia Presi dent elect Harrison's cabinet. The Rev, Martin, of the M E Church Hontb, preached aa exoellent sermon at Fere Uidgo last Sabbath evening. Toe Mt. Piagab school under tbo leader ship of Prof. Sam Paul is progressing finely. Prof. Paul has captured the hearts of his pupils, and tbo patrons of the school speak in glowing terms of his msoagement of Chicken Kris lie's Academy. Mr. I. M. Hassler's little son. I..!. has been quite sick with typhoid fever ; bat is now toiler. D Boon Deakiaa, Chief Marshal of the Bristle snd the Hon. Judfce Daven o t, were at saoe iieet oa inursoay. School will eommete 1 at tie Dtnny school house on Monday next Prof Newbcr y, of roiK county wut wiaa ine btreh. Erick D?sr. Kelley, O W. Will co TO Tacoma.-Mr W E Turrell, for a great many years bookkeeper for S E Young, has made arrangements to go into business with his brother, George Tur ret!. Pt Tacoma, the first ot next year, They will transform Mr George Tun-ell's reUil boot and shoe trade into a wholesale house, and, we understand, expect to run quite an extensive business. Two Fingers Ofp, Monday while cutting hay in a cutting machine, Henry, son of Capt. Phillips, residing across the river, caught his left hand in the knives of the machine, manzlinir the fingers in a fearful manner as well as cutting some on his ritrht hand in his efforts to get his left hand out. Dr. Ellis dressed the hands, amputating the two middle fingers of the left hand, and young Phillips is now re ported at doing well. Another Steamer. The Oregon Pa cific's new steamer, the Yaquina Bay, has arrived in San Francisco and will be im mediately put to work. It is needed badly, at. we are Informed, there Is freight re maining on the wharf at Yaquina City that ' has been there a month or more awaiting shipment, Shoes, Shoes,. Shoes. In this line w have always shown the very best goods to be found in the markets of America, the knife will be put to goods In this depart- mentas they must go. Call and see for yourself. Monteith Si Seitenbacii. His Will. The will of the late W, R. Cannon has just been probated. Mr. Can non left property valued at about $5000. He left his property, real and personal, to his wife, Mrs. Jos. Tyler and Mrs. S. G Dor- ri, in thre? equal shares, Mrs. Cannon, though, receiving only a life interest in the home residence near the Democrat ollice. His gold watch was bequeathed to hi grand son, Albert Dorris. Mrs. Belle lylerwas made executrix of the estate. Ihe will was made on Sept. 17, 1S88. G. A. R. Election. The annual G. A. R. election of McPherson Post was held Saturday evening with the following re suit : E F Sox, Commander ; D L Cros .en.S VC ; Geo Sly J V C : R Koldeway, Surgeon ; L. II Montanye, Chaplain ; R t Mis A Murray, aid poor Mrs 0 Houck, keeping poor S W Crowder, gravel. G W Simpson, mdso A J Fox, repairing wheelbarrow. . . . . J Pennington, wildcat and eoazar scalps G P Terrell, sorapnr and nails in a aimer, medicine Train & Wbitney, printing. Tangent. According to previous announcement many of the citizens of Tangent and vicin ity and several friends from a distance met in the church house In this place last Fri day afternoon to consider the feasibility of locating and building at this point a Dis-. trict High School for the Willamette Dis trict. As best we could gather from the speakers, it is the custom of the church to build in each Presiding Elder's District In each Conference a High tchool both to furnish local opportunities for advanced education and also to prepare those who may desire to enter College classes for ultl- 1 mate graduation. This Is one of several A Meyer, fees, Examining Barney Brassier, iuaaue, Inqaett Frank Leathers, State vs Otis Cole State vs A J Houston . . . Stat vs K Breasler State vs K Haines State vs II Cole Caroline King, aid pcor, II A McCartney, aid Mrs Adams J J Dorrir, keeping poor J J Dorris, examining teachers T J Stilts, examining teachers Usee Bros, aid for poor 13 89 14 00 23 00 61 GO C 2 20 8 S3 12 23 46 10 8 00 13 50 18 40 22 SO 22 50 100 IN HKMOrtlAX. Vunk, O of D ; I) II Jones, O of G ; W C "u""" " " Cussell, Quartermaster and representative l"V'" !1 J""rZTJu v. to dePartment , D B Allen, rep. to dep. ; P JS. SlS. 1 1 f n A n II 1 n V. 1 1 1 " ' I I J - 1 mucn nccucu mi many points in ine ouiic. i w Mills, etc. Pendleton has failed to Thj meeting was addressed by quite a I ,! i number and the subject of higher educa-l toin full v ventilated and a committee was Wanted. A respectable family desire to take three boarders. Good lodging furnished if desired. Inquire at thU office Scio Election. The election at Sob Monday was very exciting. Is.oe High or Low license. Hon Wm Cyrus, high license, was eleoted Mayor over Al Johnson by 1. E Goin and H Shelton, low license, were elect ed to tho Council, and Jack Bilyen, low li ceuso, Marshal. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will setl a good grade of Brussels rarnet for 60 cents: a heavy three piy car oet for 7 cents, and two ply carpets frorr An cents to co cents. Carries u. large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades, A. B. McIlwaim rais'e the subsidy for the Hunt railroad, and what has become of its woolen nii:i. By the way a city generally builds a woolen mill on paper about a dozen times before it actually gets one. Oregon would be full of woolen mills if every city that has talked up ine sunjeci were to get one. Our Firemex. At a meeting of Linn Engine company No. 3 held last Monday W E Gillett was nominated for chief en gineer and E LThompson, of the II & L Co for assistant chief. Follow the Crowd. Watch the foot prints on the side walk. Where do they go? Up and down First street until the first store west of the Revere house is reached. That is Conn Bros., first-class groceries, good produce and a full line of crockery ware, as well at tome holiday good! Call on them for bargains. One Any way. Astoria is blessed In one thing. The tramps can't get there Al bany Democrat. IIaz!Itt,the pilgrim,who passed through here a. few days ago and at present is on the trail between Gray's har bor and Olympla, will no doubt contradict the above statement as soon as he hears of it. Pioneer, . , , No Use for It. The Democrat office is In receipt of a fine map showing the lo cation of consular offices throughout tho world. Just at present democratic editors have r.o use for such a map. Any of our republican contemporaries who want a consulship can have the map. A Question. A real good lady asks a Democrat man why that now the cows have been thoroughly agitated, it will not be a good idea to do something 10 restrain the boys from running at large, at least at night. appointed to select location and sol.cit sub scriptions. The friends of Corvallis Agri cultural College seem to express no sur prise or joy at the decision of the Supreme Court of which Judge Bean's decision was set aside. As Observer. Christmas Coming While hunting for holiday presents do not fail to call at Will & Starks and examine their fine stock of goods.conilstlng of gold and silver watches, chains, fobs, earrings, breastpins and jew elry generally. Also silver plated ware, clocks, etc. There are no more suitable presents lr the market. 11 Superior.. That is the name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. Fine Stock. E. L. Power, next doorP p the Democrat office, has just receive fine stock of saddles, blankets, whips, etc., and has a first-class stock of hand made harnesses on hand. Call on him for bar gains, ; Winter wraps, are not reserved in the creat tale. This will be the greatett oppor- unity ever odd rod to bay a atylith wrip at low prioe. MONTEITH SEITENBACII. Monteith & Seiteobacb's great closing ssle will enable sll to buy any line of goods fully 50 percent, less than any other store-in the valley. Born.-On Nov. 39th, i888j in Soda ville, to the wife of Mayor Ralph Fisher a daughter. Pine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Doyoe and Rob- iioi'Q. 8p 3 sial bargain SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT3DE- yos ?jnoDsorj Hall of Safety Lodge, No. 13, A.O. U. W. Albany, Or., Dec. 3rd, 1888. Again has man's last enemy, death, en tercd ths portals of our lodge room and stricken down in the very summer of life our late Brother Fred Mueller. Again ha the grim monster entered the harvest field of our beloved order and gathered In his choice theaf. Again we are called to part 1th one who now lies tllent in the crave, tad memorial of the frailty of human life. Brother Fred the true Work man, needs no labored epitaph, no prosy memorial of his worth at a Workman, citizen, husband or neighbor. A mere re cital of the facta of hit life and history will show to others that in all the relations of life, as a man, a neighbor, a citizen, Workman, he was above reproach. Resolved. That we earnestly sympathize with the bereaved wife, ton and friends of our departed Brother, that a copy of thla preamble and resolutions be forwarded by the Recorder under the teal ot the Lodge to the wife of the. deceased brother, and copies to the papers of this city for publics tion. Resolved, That the Lodge room and charter of this Lodge be draped In mourn ing lor tne period ot thirty days. Fraternally submitted, T. J. Stites, J ' . W, F. Read, C. G. Burkhart, Weather. Summary of Meteorology for Nor., 1SSS, from observations taken at Albany.linn Co, Oregon, by John Briggs,voL observer for the Signal Seryioe, U S. Army. Highest barometer on the 27 lb, 30. 13. " Lowest barometerott the 12th, 29.62. Man bsfwatUr for tho month, S9.8& If igheat daily average of bar. 30.17. lowest daily average of bar. 29.62. Highest temperature on the 1 ltb. CO. Lowest temperature on tho 24th, 30, Mean for the month 45.24. Highest daily range of tber. on the 11, 18. Lowest daily range of ther. on the 27th. 0. Mean tetnperatare at 7 a. m. daily 42.7. Mean temperature at 2p. ta, daily 49 3. Mesa tempeiatnro at On. at. daily 43.1. rrevautng directions ot wind, o. Maxima nt velocity force, 3. Total rainfall or melted snow, 4.13 inches. Depth of snow at end of month, 0. Number of days on which .01 inch or more rain fell, 13. Number of days of cloudiness average 8 scale of 10, 22. Of 09 observations 19 were clear, 22 cloudy, 8 fair, 20 foggy, 14 rain, 1 hazy, 14 overeaat, 1 misty. Frost on the morning, of 15th. 24th and 20th. Temperatnre,tt4l on axersge of 10 years. Rainfall-0.1 9 on average of 10 years. Resolutions by Linn Conaty Boalaeta Coancl P.ofH. flOMEAVO ABROAD . , If OK DAY. Ju dge Blackburn was in Salsa Saturday. LuclsnB. Fnllrrton died suddenly of httr disease at Salem Saturday. Mcodvwill be in Salem. IsAlbanvbict enoogn tor mm. $100,000 wSilh of posltgs sfarof s will be soil at Portland this yetr. J O Crawford returned from Hsrrisburs on Saturday, having "took." a great many people there dating tne last isw weeks. The Boston Quintette Club is to eihiblt In this city on Deo. 10th, enough having agreed to take tickets to Insure big house, This win be a rare treat Twsaty.four school teachers wsro eiaiuin- edat Haletn last week with the following re suit 1 Nine first, nine seeand and sis third grsdo certificates, all passing. TUESDAY. Wheat di opptd to 75 cents at Salem res terday. Hurrah, the bustle is coine. Kins Fash ion has decreed it. J II Burkhatt left last evening for San Jote, and may locate there. Wood burn new hat's paper, the Independ out. It is two weeks old. Mr E N Smith. O. P. agent, who raoently went East on a trio bas returned with hie family to this oity. Sunday evening Frank Gorman stabbed Bill Uiatt in a saloon at Salem, in the neck. jnst missing the jugular vein. Wm Maek and Jack Hodges are opeoing a IS cent barber shop in the Cnslck block, and expect to begin botiness Friday. A gentlemen in from the front wears a very black eye. He is the foreman of a gang of Italians, which aooounts for it. Frof W H Lsebas been tendered the nreo- Ideney of the Presbyterian eolloge at Del Norte, Col, and will probably accept the same. Bradeo and Underwood will continue their big debate at Eugene, It begins to look to us as if it wsro swt of a lilppodromiog af We understand. that the colored vote Yes terday went solid for Mrs Cheadlo for mar shall, tbst rustling lady getting one In the first ward. Mr O W Smith's brick addition to his store Is spproaobing completion. Mr Smith has one of ths most eomplete stove and tin ware stores ta tne valley. Mr M D Ballard, f resident ef the Seattle Hardware Company, ia in the city on his way homo from California, where he bad been to attend the funeral of a sitter. TV. C. Chamberlain and family, and Mrs. Cbambeilaio, of Albany. New York, brother and mother or Mrs. W. If. St. John, arrived in this eity to-day soon aod will make Al bany their future homo. Sloan 8c East's mule deer now grazes se renely ia the backyard of J, B. Stewartson. The young men who bought the deer for their market, were too tender hearted to despatch the big eyed fellow. At Salem yesterday Goo Williams was sleeted Msyor, L E Conn. Recorder. E J afford. Treasurer, aod 8 Farrar, E Hirecb, Geo Collins, A E Strong .and A N Bush, Councilman. All republicans but A K Bush. AD ui 740 bauota were cast. WEDXEHDAT. H.Eteert, practical watchmaker and ew ei. Thompson k Overman keep the best har nesses. Soacial bargains in flooring and rustio C. J.Diibo & Co's, Foot Lyon Street, 7 O-Vi cares rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Fosbay k Maaom, Agents. J A Archibald, aaent Singer Maau factor iog Co., opposite Odd Fellow Temple, Al bany, Holiday goods at French's. Oregon City's new btidge is finished. Bargain in silverware at French's. Circuit coutt is in session at Dallas this week, Adams plurality in Washington Territory is 7371. Low prlees prevail at 'Ths C rnar Jewel ry Store. A cap social was given by the W R C last night The best ooofoctioaary in the city at Fran cis Ffeifler'a Corvallis is to lays a big military ball on Christmas eve. Work has been entirely suspended in tho Santiam mines. Gold and silver watches. Big bargains in them at French's. The grand jury of Clackamas oounty say that county is $05,000 in debt. The largest stock of nuts and candies la the Valley at F II Pfetffer's. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by BrowneU Si SUnard. Every Chinaman is said to carry a revolv er, a watch and a police whistle. Two Salem young men will open a skating nnk ia the armory to-morrow eveaiog. A fine stock of artists materials at Dr Guise k Son's. No better ia the Valley. Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, is to be found at French's "The Comer Jewelry 'Store.'' 1'rictM low. Making a specialty of candies, nuts, etc. Francis l'feiffor can do better than anywhere also. Remember this in getting your holiday confectionary. - Mr W W MoGee, of Sweet Home, is in the eity. Trayel, bo says, continues over tho mountain wagon road, oa which theie is now no snow. Having decided to retire from business la Albany, we will offer oar . OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF GENERAL . MERCHANDISE CONSISTING OF Dry Goods,Fancy Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Furn ishing Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Etc, AT COST WITHOUT RESERVE I For the Next 40 Bays Only. s s The entire stock must be closed within six weeks -AND- Tie Knife Will Be Put to Prices ! WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. Whereas, It is with great regret that we learn that the title to what Is known as the Agricultural farm at Corvallis, on which is erected the College building, is in doubt ; and has (by our Supreme Court) been decided not to be the property of the State of Oregon,consequently all Improve ments made or to be made thereon, at the expense of the funds set apart for the malntalnance of the Agricultural College and experimental station are liable to be lost, therefore be It Resolved, That In tho Judgment of this Council no more of the funds belonging to the Agricultural College or of the appro priations by the Hatch bin, ought to be ex pended In improving said farm while the title to the same Is In doubt j and we spec- tally call the attention ot our Legislature to this subject, and that such steps be taken to provide the State with an Agri cultural College that shall be free from all such embarrassments. This resoultion was adopted at Oak Plain Grange, Shedd, Or,, Dec, 1st, and ordered published. Katb Pricp, ? A. Secretary, Why is it that when you hear a person on I XOIS IS O, genuine VIOSIUK UUU OttaO OA. loao wwa crutches, particularly a youth, coming into ,, ai.i. js your front door, you instinctively look for a knOWtt firm Cl SeitOnbaCh & HOnt6ltn, and pUr request for money. On Saturday evening Deo 15. MoPberson nTiaeorS Tsrill TArA?TTA ft rtAt. RAtHnf? of 25 TlBT CQXlt Posl (assisted by the W It C will present tho p- .. .. on sroods bouerht. Early callers will securo tne advantage of the large and unbroken stock to Auction. Auction every afternoon at M. J. Monteith's, at S. E. Young's old store. Goods at your on price. Must be sold. All kinds of woolen dress goods are 23 per cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Oa r stock is all f resb, consequently we can gl re yery low prices. : w . I! . a ead. West Virginia. Charleston, W. Va., Dec. 3. The re count in this country was completed to-day - T he recount shows that Alderssn (dem.Jfor congress from the Third district, gained 25 in the city , whicn elects mm djt 17. Fleming (dem.) for. governor gained 28. This will, it is believed, give tne emocrar the governor also. Masqrerade Ball. At the opera house Friday evening, Dec 21, under the man agement of WW Crawford who will use every effort to make this the most enjoy able ball of the season. Crawford k Lit tler will make a flash light picture of the masqueraders as well as of all present. If yourare fond of sweet music come and listen to Crawford's orchestra. Tickets, $1.50. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. '. Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the County Treasurer's office of I.inn county, Oregon, to reduce all outstanding warrants, interest on au warrants cease from this date. - Datsd December 6th, 1S88. H. Farwell, ; County Treasurer. 125,000 Worth of Irled Fruit Wanted. And I must have It Having made con tracts with merchants in Eastern Oregon Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby saving commission and adding the same to the price of your fruit. No offer made on fruits unloaded and placed in any other house In my line In the city. If you be leve in the doctrine ox buying In the cheap est and selling in the highest market and have no conscientious scruples about party or religion, you must come to see me or be untrue to yourself and family. To satisfy yourself, call and get my prices. xours respecttuiiy, P. Cohen, j Albany, Or. Surveying. Mr. E. T. T. Fisher Is pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at tea sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun- Adress Miller s btation, Linn county PAINTS, OILS AND Tin HARE MIB IIA0D' BRUSHES AT DEYOE 0E OF ALL KINDS AT ets"ir ' n rt w & ROBSOIPS. -UiSiUis a iiyaidJ lh drama "The Confederate Spy." A strong east is said to have been made for the play. Avery 6ne thing is tho New Mikado Si phon oil ean, for aale by Conu Bros. - Alt yon haw f a An ia nnmn ana the oil eomftS. and a lamp is as easily emptied if desired. Noth- J BQleCt frOma like it. Minneapolis is crowing Veoause Brad street's records show that oyer 125 different axtioles are manufactured la that city, while only fifty different ar tides are manufactured InStPaul. The citizens of Albany and vtousity are in vited to oall at F. M. French's, "The Corner Jewelry Store" and see his stock of Christ mas presents, and examine prices, which will be found very low. Tho wife of Mr Bardwtll, whose death is mentioned elsewhere, who proceeded her hus band two or three years, once sat on tho knee of George Washington, and the wotdenc is one the family very justly refers to with pride. . . , An exohange says that some merchants would lika to advertise their gcods if it did not cost anything. This baa become an ad vertising age, and the belief is rapidly ex tending that liberal advertisers set mere trade, and, henoe, can sell cheaper than such as do not advertise. Some of the shrewdest business men advertise most when trade eems to bo getting dullest. MONTEITH' & SEMBACH, Albany, Or. bV SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOif & ROBSOE ' V'" iilfTilil"- r ir- n i r. 1 1