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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1888)
Mm OUR niNDOSTAN LETTER. Kandy, Cbyiom, Oct. i6ih, i8S3 "Indeed yeu mutt see ft planter home ind a cacao estate before jro leave Ceylon," said ouf genlat hot one bright morning In the golden October days. But U it not a long, fatiguing drive," we asked. "Oh I no, deligh'.ful, and you will enjoy It," ex claimed hit cheerful little wlfe,whoae busy bee dainty little touches here and there beautified her home, a the looked well to the way of her household, and were a si lent rebuke to the reit of the Idlers loung Ing In the great bamboo, easy chairs, with which every verandah both In India and Ceylon Is provided ; there are atso little tables for tea and palm leaf fans of pretty and odd devices. As the beauty of the little city of Kandy nestled In the lap of the lovely, green mountains of Ceylon, was growing quite familiar after a month s so journ we hailed with pleasure the prospect of an outing arranged for the next day to Palla-kellle, the largest cacao (chocolate) estate In the Island of Ceylon, and a moot charming drive It provcd.past the beautiful ornamental lake made by the Kandyan kings nearly a hundred years ago, quite neianhe celebrated Buddhist temple known as the "Dalada Mallgawa," cr Temple of the Tooth," (In which Is enshrined this al leged relic of Buddha,) past pretty pictur esque bungalows, so shrouded in beautiful trees and shrubs, and curtained In clinging green and blooming vines as to be scarcely discernible In the distance i through small native villages where we saw natives drying wild coffee. Along a tree embowered smooth road over which we bowled at a good rate of speed, the sunbeams sifting softly down turning Into vlvld.goiden-green the lovely foliage of this tropical forest,and lighting up the dusky faces of the coach man and syce In neat, white 11 r cries with only a dash of brightness In the red turbans and cammcrbuno, (sashes.) Now there are glimpses of the tall mountain peaks, the river Mahavelt ganga winding In and out like a sliver thread among tne varied shades of the woodland : now and then fleeting glance are obtained of tea plantations. Soon a beautiful view Is before us ; far away andbclew us flows the shining riven along the banks grow many varieties of lovely, tropical trees of rich and brilliant foliage, bey and the green hills crested with Australian gum trees and sheltered by the purple blue mountains, overhead floated pear-grey clouds.near us were pret ty tenaced rice fields, their soft, delicate green resembling our young wheat field at home ; the gsy "Tamil" costumes worn by the native women and children lent an added picturesqueness to the scene, a they merrily pursued their task of weeding the tender, young rice. Great grey bowlders frowned down on us from one side, partly screened by scraggy shrubs, and dotted by moss and lichen. In many places we saw numerous coolies busily engaged in clear ing and burning the brush and timber from steep hills, preparatory to converting them Into thriving tea plantations. Many of the former great coffee estates in this part of the Island have failed, owing to a virulent attack of leaf fungus, (Hemilia vastatrix,) and are now being utilised as tea and cacao estates. We are soon at the river, in whose cool depths many natives are bathing, laughing and splashing about We are speedily ferried over In a very prim itive ferry boat by native boatmen and . Landed on a splendid cacao estate of 1300 acres In a flourishing state of cultivation, mnd are J riven through wilderness of cacao trees, the ruby-colored corrugated fruit grows along the body and branches of the small treesnd is about the size and shape of a nutmeg melon, only more slen der, and grow with the large end to the stem and is very pretty among the dark green velvet-looking leaves. The cacao of ; this and the Kondetale estate adjoining are said at present to "tcp the London market" My readers must not confound the product of the cacao tree with that of the coconut palmas many persons at first do,) tor they are entirely different Grow- Ing among the cacao trees are many coffee bushes, some with small, white flowers; ' other are full of red and green berries ; both Arabian and Liberian coffee giow here side by side. Next we drive through - a small forest of beautif ul Cera Or Brazilian rubber trees with graceful drooping branch es and pale, delicate, green !eaves,so lovely . and attractive I could not resist the temp- tation of plucking a coveted cluster and triumphantly displaying my prize, causing dire consternation among the occupants of our carriage as the thick, milky liquid fell from the broken stem spoiling whatever It touched. In some places the branches on cither side meet and form a gren leafy canopy, through which the sunlight trem ble with subdued glow. , Now ouf way is broidered. by lovely Sa pan trees, the fine green foliage reminding ine of our locust trees ; the Sapan is cult! vated here for the dye It produces,' similar to that of logwood. Here we taw the va nilla beans growing and clambering In rank luxuriance over great trellises, from which hung In tangled confusion the long.slender, glossy, dark green pods, whose extract is so ' highly prized. The storehouses next claim our attention, long, low, white buildings erected in a sheltered little glen,w!th huge sheds, under which are the large wagons and numerous carts used on the estate, and the neat and extensive dying grounds give evidence of thrift and wise control. Near are comfortable looking native huts for the coclies, 500 of whom are employed en this estate. Arriving at the pretty, cozy bun galow, built on a great green knoll, beauti " fied by flowering shrubs and palms, and shaded by lovely tropical trees. We were thsnkful to resjt on the w' vetandah, festooned in blossoming vines and rendered comfortable and attractive by cushioned bamboo easy chair, rare potted plants and book ; In a little nook under a pretty stain ed window stood a quaint rustic table, the sides and legs were fdrmed of knotted coffee shrubs, the top of dark, rich veined . 1 11 1 t . ... AiDizztan jvooa, ana ornamented with an odd delicate China tea set, delicious hot buns, fresh sweet butter, golden honey and fragrant Ceylon tea ; gladly we all partook of the "cup that cheers but not enebrlates," yet I have a faint remembrance of the gen tlemen o! our party all disappearing with our smiling host behind a Japanese screen In the pretty wainscoted dining-room, (ostensibly for a drink of water,) but the smothered popping, fizzing, gurgling and c'Jnking sound that soon Issutd therefrom reminded me of the inevitabUaIndian peg." Throughout this Eastern world the genial planters are noted for their frank, graceful hospitality. The dainty drawing-room with Its dark, rich, highly polished floor, covered here and there by beautiful orten tal rugi; relieved now and then by a tiger or leopard skin, pretty foreign little tablet, pictures, books, flowers and the thousand and one rare and lovely curios, with which every tiouse here Is decorated, was very handsome and attractive. From the ver andah we had a most charming panorama of mountain, hill and valley clothed In all I the rich and varied hues of green, russet and golden brown here and there flamed out a brilliant glow from the wild cotton trees. lust below us down a winding foot path bordered with lovely' flowers was a fine tennis court, surrounded by beautiful tropical shrubs and flowers.a wilderness of rare beauty and perfume ; there too was a very -pretty quaint little summer house, (where the tennis players hi.d their after noon tea,) with its red tiled roof and sides screened by passion flowers and covoloulus ; two of Its great stone pillars are solid old monoliths beautifully and curiously carved in the ancient BuddhUt style 5 they are over 400 years old and originally belonged to the bith house connected with the grand Palace of a Kandyan king, but lon since destroyed. Connected with this estate and under cultivation are ono hundred acre of tobacco which has proved qu'te a success, By the lengenthing shadows creeping across our path we are warned it Is time to turn our faces Kandy-ward.and we bid our pleas ant host good bye as the falr.meUow after noon waned into eve-tide and the crimson rays of the setting sun kissed the fleecy billows of cloudfleld into a glowing salmon pink, and the vast expanse of earth and sky were bathed In a tender rosy mist that deepened until the somber mountains and the sreen slopes of- the hillside seemed turned to molten go!d and the jagged sur face of the grey cliffs were softened into a perfect harmony of lovely tints and shades. Our homeward drive was lighted by the pale, silent stars and the flash cf the glow worms that everywhere brightened the for est depths which was noisily alire with In sect life. This lovely, sea girt Isle of Celon is mountainous, with plains bordering on the sea and has a charming variety of temper ature. The beautiful city of Colombo is the capital, has a population of 1 33,000, Kandy is called the "mountain capltal,"and ha a population of 21,000, principally na tives. The highest elevation of Ceylon Is 8,369 "-ct Above sea level. The tempera ture of Kandy varies from 65 to 8o, and her citizens are the most delightfully hos pitable we have met on a fore'gn shorc.The Government of Ceylon Is administered by a Governor, (who is rx officio Commander-in-chief and Vice Admiral,) appointed by Queen Victoria. Sir Arthur Gordon Is at present the popular Governor, his wife, Lady Gordon, 1 much beloved for her gen tle goodness, both she and her fair young daughter are charming.and have been most I sincerely hospitable to us, strangers in a strange land. M. A. P. I'm jolt j and fat, though ' , 1 nrorin't lay tbat j for a glance at my aixe and look , in my fry, and yon plainly ean we there' ttu flies upon me. I'm a little hit nbor. both ot breath and of I. air, but from shoulders to knee yon can see I'm all there. I mile and I laugh, I joke and I oh iff; 1 refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where roy hapjd uhn lit, an I'll up and oottfjaa what yon could gucaa. A good thing to eat 1 always a treat, which will make you as sweot aa our an jar rurl iaMt,m.ikea you feci so content with the uitimv Tjtil tht you're bound to feel g)d't and you couMu't gi titd though a man just n thin as a rati or a iu ww t pull at your nose or tread 00 your tee. If you're fit or your'e lean, if yout'e pleasant or mean, just give W. &T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of coo tentment until you'll wish yon were fat to enjoy more of that For the feeling's Immense and you'll slow jour good sense by buying viinnu end crockery J f . Holiday Goods. Santa Clans Headauarters. 1 1 1 ' (i wax ftsrlendidst5ck of PlushlGoods, Toilet Oases, Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor surpassed In Ihi Valley. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the Following Departments : ItOV flnflnC In thi .li,rtmnt mv stscfc it nn'istillr Ursre end complete. Dm anna in 11 tha leadinff atvlis : caod shada (or Fall and (Winter god elected from the best Eastern sod Fijn importation. The latest novsl- jties in trimmtogs and button, shawW, blanke!,,s'oi9 extr4 jqx Tames ia white blankets, table linens, towel, etc. C1?TJ Mr 6-tUrtJ fuilitiji fif tSiw carpets ns enabled me to make iarge purchases in this department. lean show ,fine line of Ingram at low prices, soma choice pattern In Uuoy irus,n sna lapeainea. win I making carpets ft leading branch ciroj basin. BftftTC ft tin CWnrC I ..rr ih larest Hoe of Boots and Shoes in the city iBUViannvwuvku ; 1 7 , , . ... . j and have paid'snecial attention to gc ttitg the gocdr bfst suittd to .bis trad . - . - . I At t . - 1 I . and I can show ft fine line of j ocki. 1 keep in siou ine test ids sea 10 iu. country, sod hate endes voted to get ft line of tow piite goods thst I cn gaar antee togiye estisfactioo. At.y thing in Boots, Shoes or Bubben for men, wo- men;sni children cJ be round in tbu department. 11 11 id ici s saw wr ct itself. ngnrCDlceT m oiin? anMial attntion to keeuinz full Hoj of Stable Fancy Oroceriea, uncolored ttaa.roasted and ground coffees, canned fruits, th latest specialties in breakfast goca tfcn,can ll be found in this department. Pure, fresh goods and good va'.ut lor rxsctty is try aim. I t oold eaHciallj call the atteniico of p -ties laying in tbfcirjFall applies to my Urge stock f To the People of Sclo aad V ir laity. Owing to the difficulty of getting saitall rooms arraogsd in Scio wa have dacidsd not to work thers for tha praeiit;bat if yon will com to our gallery in Albany, wh.ra wa are well prepared and bava U unest 01 Moses od b stares, w will maka it to your advan tage to have pictures taken hare, and win make it satisfactory for yonr trouble and as. psosa in eomiog. We are making Hie sum portraits finished in crayon. 1'rioea lower than aver beard of. Bring any picture yon wuh copied. w guarantee aatuiseuoa. 1'kase call aad see as. Vary Respect f ally, OuwroKD tc Littles. Look Here! We ar; c osing out our stock of boots and shoes, and to show you that we mean wha we say quote you a few of our prices Ladies' best French kid button shoes a' $4-35. regular price, $c.50, none better In town ; ladies' extra quality French kid, but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies good French lid, button, at $3, regular price, $4 ; ladies' bright Dongola. lJ 75. regular price, $3.50; ladies' bright Dongola, button, neat and good, $2, regu lar price $3; ladies' American kid. $2. reg ular price, $3; ladles American kid, $1 .25, regular price, $2; child's oil grain button school shoes from $1 to $1.20; a few pairs ot ladies rubbers, 30 cent to 40 cents men's rubbers, 50 cents; also a large as sortmen. of men's boots. Come and see. BaowsELL Si Staxard. Removal. Misses E.- Si C. Howard have moved their millinery store into rooms in the Pcarce block over J. J. Dubruiltes harness shop, where they invite old and new customers 10 call on them. Nir raUeos, currents, citros, lemons sr.d orsngts received at Wllca t Thotnpsoo'f wide Indigo Prints A large invoice of the above goods has been received, and will be sold at reduced fruet. The v are de sirable patterns and are a bargain. Samuel E. Yocxg. &f. P reach k3p 1 retires 1 time. Drcss Shoes. A fine job lotif meg's shoes, 100. pairs, all different, No 7V best In the city, at G VV Simpson's. They ranee in price for from to aoout nan 01 the regular price. No such bargains anywhere. V Wast, Your butter and egg and will pay you either cash or trade for It. Browvell & Stanard. Weatferral .Cares, O ilylC., WnUii1 i J Retail uruggtsu, ol Home, Ga., say j W hav bceo selhusr Dr King' Xew Discovery. Elec tric BiUers and Backlen'a Arnica for two year. Have never baodled remedies thst sell well, or give inch universal sst taction. 1 here have been some wooderf a care ellccted Ly these medicine in this city, several cases 01 pronon need coDsnm p . : 1. 1 1 , .... ... wuu una entirely carta Oy as tI I few botth of Dr King'- New Discovery, taken in connection wuh Electria RiM. We gaaraotee tbem always. Sold by Foshay Or 111 MWJi An Explanation. ' r , What Ss this wnervou trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember a few year ago the " ' " vunipurauvcijr unknown to-day it is a common as an v word Ir the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past, go it is with nervous diseases, as they and malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called biliousness, and ail are caustd by troubles that arise from a diseased condi tion of the liver, which in performing its function finding it cannot dispose of the Diie mrougn me ordinary channel I com rteiiea to nasn it nft thrnncrh k causing nervous troubles, malaria, bilious fever, etc.. --You who a;? suffering can well appreciate a cure. Wc recommend Greens August Flower. Its cures are marvelous. Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. (Bilflll For Fall and Winter H, EWERT has a splendid assortment good for lbs Holidays, consisting of a nice selection of BOLD ASD SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Headed Oanes. Kew assortment all kinds of Jewelry REAL ROGER DROTHER8 SILVER PLATED WARE. Also Spc' :!, Clocks, etc, 1 Uu 33 o CO CO CO o m P D m u co O rj CO CO en FAULTLESS! 1 ture's own remedies, 'The' " JS A9-Nature is faultless end so t that noble diheovery, eontainloa only Ha idln. Th" It is a benefit to the human racfk KEEP UP YOUTH, HEALTH, VIQORby the useof Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Quick and Complau Cere of all DUeaaee of tha 81un, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatism aad Malaria, relieve bouaupsuoa, uyipepaia ana otuouaaeas.aad puu freeh enerByjnto the syatem by making New, Itlch Blood. Take it in time, rieht now. as it cannot be beat as iHtvmuiiv JSURSERy. J. F. Backensto is the ac credited agentof Vancouyer Nurser. Ap ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees at a -a -, Oregon. Baeklee' Arnica Halve i no best aalve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Kbeum, Fever oonjB, jieiier, snapped uanas, Ohtlblams, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and nol iivniy cures rues, or no nnv rcnuimii Ti iaguaranteed to give perfect Batlsfaction, yi uuiuby xeiuouea. xrice cents box. For sale by Foshay A Mason, per Consumption Sorely Cared, JiHTOK. 1 IflUKfl inform vsn 1. . T f ... . J the above named disease. Itv t foi use thousand or hopeless case have been yermanfentiy curea. i h!l be glad to snnd tiro bottles of my remedy free to any of jour readers who have consumption if thy will send me their express and post office address. EespeotfaJIy. T. A. Sloccm, M, C 1S1 Pearl St., N. Y. told and used everywhere. Si a bottle. 6 for li TAKE IT NOW. FOR SALE. 2Jmnai tra?ta an Some near town. thrss on easy erms II, BT. v WILL BROS, Dealers In all the latest improved Pianos Organs, Sewing Machine, Guns. Also a full line of warranto! llazors, Butcher and rocket Knives. The best -kind of sewing Machine oil, needles and extras, for all machines. Ail repairing neatlj and reasonably done. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The nnddralarneJ is Drerjara 1 in A ft. Tall kinds of work in his line in flrst-olasa r. der and with promptness. Address P. O box 67 or call at corner of 9th and Mania treats, I. N, Sann, STOCKMEN AND FARMERS . EBAT) I hereby certify tbat Dr. I. N. Woodle naa auoeeMiruiij operated on my rklaliog BOrae, MaVAU UAXS.: For farther reference In retrard to rldir- Ing inquire of Wm. PeUrsoo, Dare Pe toraon, Lebanon i John IJardman. alfred Wolverton. Albanj ; Sain tiaioes, Hcio j Wm. Foster, Frioeville. I practlos vter inary melicln In Albany and country surreundlng. Offlce and rmldonoe corner 6ih and Washington St. I. N. WOODLE. Veterinary Burgeon. A. J. ROSSITER, V. S. Braiuata of Ontario T353rhir Collegs, Isproasril to trjstdl leasts of all do meatie an'mtls oascisntlfl) principles. Residence and office two doors east of Opera House, Albany. -AT- FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 l am bttte'prepaied than ever (to meet their wants. In all de paitments I am ptepsred to meet fb.3 , Growing Demands of iinn County, L E. BLAIN'S.' -AND THE- Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoes City of Albany, And ask a thorough inspection of my stock. Samuel E. Young. DR. C. WATSON MASTOri Physician and surgeon. OVERCOATS, Pine Assortment, Office opposite the Democrat Office. G. L. BLACKfslAN, Successor to E. W. La f Jon. DEALER2I2J ORUQ8, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, ETC. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing.' AH work niaranLxw! ' VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successors to ITenry'8eesen.)' Wanted. Four eood. reliable men to sell the Im- S roved Singer. Team and wasrnn luru hd, Address, The Winger M'fg Co. J. A. ABCHia ld, Agent, Albany, Or. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office or. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. Pea Jae!e(sChinchilIa Astrachan Pull Lino of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEN OVER SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets. HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Ltst but not least large stock of CLOTNINC AND FURNISHINGS JLmIEm IFlTmJJL 1ST BARGAINS ! First-class goods at bottom prices is wat the public wants. These I have atjmj store in this city. Bought at Bankrupt sales I can avlluj stock of L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. 6tnalo corner Second aud Ferry Street near Opera Hoaa. Ground floor. Children's pictures a specialty, 1 D Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby riven that the under signed ha been duly appointed by the Conn ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, administra tor of the estate of James Shields, deceased, all person having claim against said estate ar. hereby notified to present tbe cam. duly veriftal to the undersigned at hia office in Albany, Oregon, within six month from the date ot tbu notice. ' Dated this 27th day of October, 1883, II. Bryant. Administrator of the estate of James Shields, deceased Administrator's Notice. Notioe is hereby given, that the and signed ha been by the Couutv Conrt ' Linn county , Oregon, appointed Administ -tor of th estate o(G. W. Warraoth, Sr., la e oi una county, Oregon, deceased. All per son th-vt hav claim against said estate ar hereby notified to present them duly verified w ma undersigned at Halaey, Linn county, uregon, witnin six month Irorn this date. Thi the 20th day of November, 18S3 I. N. Warm oth, J. K. Weatherfod, Administrator. Att'y for Administrator, HoticB of Final Settlement, Notice U hereby riven that the nnrfar. signed, the Administrator of the natal nf esamnei it Uuncan, deceased, has this day Sled his final account la the County Court for Linn county. Oregon, and thn aniri Conrt haa fixe J the 7ib day of January. 1888, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock, a m, of saia asy to near ou octiona ta thi sum and for the aettlemeut of the estate. i nis tne aum aay or November, 1883, - ti. M. PsNsisaroN, T.J. Surxs, Administrator, Attorney for Administrator. x S y - ' - nouicr i nan ine tneaptn rirtlsn(l, Oregon. lUtlfd r)l!lHluli,lir)v;nu; itopuUrlty, uli.t &horthant!i Common School ani Ptnmanthlp Depart ments. Btudeiiis ad mi il orl at any time. Cat& lnyiiB rikI si;eiiiiPtia ot i.enmjnfiip sent free.. -DEALER IN- Choice Family 4 GROOBHIES. Corii'cctioDcry, Cigars ant! Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices '.and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods Subscriptions received for all the leading j NEWSPAPERS AND IV1A KEAS TEE FOSTCITICE, ALB.VIY.IC3. General Merchanise consibting of dress goods, gentsurnishiog goods, clothing, etc, AT COST. Cash or goods will be iiaid,forJH kinds of country prod ace. GW SIMPSON, Albaoji Oregci. GHAS. H. D0D0 & CO., IMPORTERS OP pardware, Iron, 5tee AND FARM MACHINERY. FEONT, mSI AHD TOTE STEEETS, F0UTLA1ID, OEESClt. Sold Agents for Oregon and Wasnlngton for ' . DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. liilo, Double, or Trlpple Furrow. Tbey are so simple and come so near absolute perfec tion, tbat tbose who have used them or seen them work ean not say enough In their praise. We furnish them with or without seat attachment.; Seat attachments are extra. DEEIBE T0"WEIo LIPT SUXKTZ PLOWS. 4 BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DttlLL. Guvkoyo Hoe Press Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders. Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior Grain Drills, Superior Seeders. CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. ilio latest improved implement for sowing; summer fallow. Tbe most complete and successful tool lor this purpose In use. Wo also have a full line of Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons, Mountain "Wagons, Platform and other Spring Vehicles. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Iiwreuce & Chapln's Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Sclentlfli Feed Mis, , . Paclflo Fanning Mills, IIAISII T3A.TZT1 'WIIIE. ETC, ETG : SJ-SEND FOR SPECIAI. CIBCCJLABS AND PRICK USTS. E Thrall, Agent, Albany, Or.