;".""nM,ta: Wm. Foflmillef, r. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Prcapt Attention-First-class Hearsa VAfUr business hoar call at resldenos corner ruia and Baker atreets, nvraiiu, r.i riiicnvu Hit Wlil IJ III wnu V'Miri -sVIA- SauUism Pacific Company's Line tmx ar. satin Bcri. u bttwMO Alb.iyeil FvaaaUeU hour 04Uoaau axraaaa hum bail ott-Ji Nona 4.00 F. a. I Uin Portland Arrive I 10:') a fctri I Ueve Albany Un T:U6 4 u T.40 4 M I Arrive to y.nolrx Lv 4:30 r a tiAfc ruiumt taaiis bailt i.axoapt Sunday). 8:00 4 H Lea. PurUaud Am S.46 r a UWfl I Ura Albany Leave 1 11:35 A a t:4lra ArrlTe Eucene U W 4 a local. rAasasaaa tsaix. daii.t, axcarr Sunday. I LeaTe Albany ' Arrive 4:44 4 a I : I ra Irnn Lebanon " Lot 6;uo a a U Mlra I Leave AltMny ,. Arrive 2:44 lJSrM Arrive Lebanon Leave 1:00 r a PULUiAM EUFf T SLEEPERS. j rourist Sleeping Oars r Aecsaataaaatisa Seeead-Clata laaeea get. tllMMU Express Tralas. Waal Sits avtvlel.a. . BKTWKXX rttkXB AS CVALLIS. vaaia bailt (ex jept 8ualay.) a a Portland Cervalhs Amn I M4 r a Utn 1 1 a ! Arrive axraaas tsaims saavv (oasip: Sunday. Portland MoMinavill. Arriv.l Leave 9:00 A MM Arri" .4S 4 a At ATanr and Corrallia eobnact wilin traius ol vreg Pactfla Kailroad For tull tuforaiAtioa rrjinj rat, aiAps, eve., oa Company'. Agent. at. KOBHLXB, . F. JlOnERS, Maaaiar Vtf; i. .it A t WE YAQUINA KOUTE. Oregon Pacific Hailroad, ' jton Development Cone paoy 'a tilevAiu nip xiaei. . .' '225 L1ILES SHORTEi.. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. , Flrat-olaaa through paaattuxer aud freight line from Portland and all point la the wuumeue vauey to ai iroui ran Jraaoleoo, Ual. f illametto Mm Lina of Stealers. The - Wm. M. Huag," The 8, But ataa Tt4A TKpafaa ailalnfa'1 MM lit aUerVil J a All af w v a a e-a w " - for both paaaenger aud freight traillo be tween Uorvaiiia ana rortiaua ana in.er- medlate poiau. leaving Coin pan v't whail. Corrallia. and Metara. ' rluiuaaa Jk t'o'i wharf, Noe. 200 and )1 Frout r-oit land, three times a wk aa tollowa : Noma botau. Laare Corvallia. afjn.lart, Wadueadats sod Frl days at S a. at. Albaay, W:4J a. m. Arrive, at Saiao. I p, . trjave iMiem A ueauat , i nonniay auu ay at e a. m. Arnre aa rvruaau p. u. Leave Portland V jodays. Wedaeedaye and Frid- day. at 6a. n. Arrive at aaie. at7 14 V m- Lc I BaAata Toaaoay. rnurajsy anj SAUiroay . p, ui ArnTS at Corvallis at A ) p, m. Boats make oloae connection at A loan arith trains of the Oregon Pacitiu Kaiiruetd T1ME8CHIC3ULK (except Sau-laya) La. re Albany. 1.-00 P. a, . Lnn YaqaiDa, 8:45 4,H- Min warrant, 1 : w r, a . I uwtv. irvaiiu, iu:aj a,m Arrive Yequina, UM r. a I Arrive Albany, U.IU a. a. I O. A C. traiaa oonoejt at Alhany and Corvallis. The aoove trains cjunect at Yaqnina with the Ureg'tu Ltoveiopmant uoupanya uine or tAiii:iipa ixjuveen Taquina anj aa f rau.:inc. tiiAMiu, ri) sas rsavcieoo. rua tas' tsA WtlbumeUe Valley, Nor. let S a m. Nv. C:h. Willamette Valley, Not. li b 4 u ui. " Nut-; 1Mb rVillameUe Valley. Sjr. U.h 10 a ni Nor. Soth. The Company Mryea the rightj to enange aaiuag Jim wanout nonce. N. IS. PAM6ngera from For. land and Willamette Valley poiat can tnaic rom oonnectiu with the trains of the Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallia. and ii dea- Uned U San Krancisr ahould arrange to trnve at Yaquina the evening Dtr r Atf or sailing. rSaaseager aatl Frlfct Bates at way a i Lawrii. "Forlnf wnutioa apply to O J Biaart, Freight sa l Ticket A rent, Albany, or to C U Uaswell, it , U. F. M P. Agiv, Oragoa Ueretopinebt Co., 04 Montgomery Baa raae, vat, -" V. V. HVUIla., A. U. F. ai 1 P. A (ttt, . ' O.-iof l It) a R0. 0-rral. 1 Hevere House: ' - v ALBANY, - - , - - OREGON finiO TIPPTPrPD T)OAT)D11?TAT I Ijll'l'ljl. I Ivvl lllUlUit. Fitted up In first-lass syle. . Table s a polled with the be -it in the market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample room for commercial travelers, ATFree Caiekt aa I fraas tie tfjtet. X Andrews & Ilackteinan, W.LDOUGLAS; S'-ii If I fk A-A ounr onun WARRANTTO WSrST TANNER 6 Q ''&mmtP SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON - - OREGON First National Bank OF ALDAN 1 , OREUOK. PYaeld.nt...WM, Vioe Proskient , Oaahiar Aw'tCaabler... . C FulVN . H. E. YOI NO .UiiO. . C'HAUBKiiLAlN JAH. F. fOWELL TKAKSACT8 A GENERAL banking boataea. ACCOUNTS KEPT lubjaet to theck. SIGHT EXCHAKOK and telesraphlo tnnrler, ol on Maw York, San Franciaco, Chicago and Vol Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on brorabl Urra, ' piaacroEA. J. . TOTHS, f GlO. E CHAaiKLAIll rrr;i k. blaj, l. flim,j 13 o, o. n, OLAciiounn, Attorney at Law . Offlce,;Odd:Fellw'e Temple, ALEAHY, - m-' - OREGON. do.j.lT hill, Physician and Surgeon, - -- ''.,'"ir,Po.lt' FINE HORSES. We have just brought from Eastern Oregon, a lot of fine work boiaea wbiob we will toll on terma to bui the timet'. Anion- tbctu ere some promising young drircia Irotn Oneco, Mason Chief sad EJward Everett. Also Home choice heavy a ares. Anyone wishing to put chase a borso will do well to look tfceai over. We wiil take pleacnre in hiw- to all intending purchaser. I Tallman, Or. The BUYERS' GUIDE la issued March and Sept , anca year, it la an enoy. lolopedla of uaeful lnlor. ' mation for all wbo pur. chase the luxuries or the necessities of life, we ean clothe you and furnish you with all tho noocssary and nnneooasary appliances to rido, walk, danoe, sleep, oat, llsh, hunt, work, so to church, or stay at home, and In various sites, sty lea and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all those things COfflFORTABLY, and you can make a fair eatimnte of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, whioh will be aent upon receipt of 10 oenta to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avonuo, Chioago.lU. PATENTS b'.Ainod, and all other buxlaeta fa the U. 8. ratea ftica attciiuladad to lur aaodarata tvea. Our offioa la oppoail the U.S. I'aUitl Offlc. and can obuin I'Henta lea. time than thus raiuute rni Waahiiigton. Sand modi, ordraainr. W. av to jialcnt ability Ira ui charga ;ai4l we make charga unlvas we nuiain palvnl. ne rcifr nrro, 10 ine nxintaawr, me supk of Xonoy Ortler ly. and to officials ol the If. a Patent I Otttoo. Furdnular, advica, lerni. and efBrenees o actual client in your own SlaU or oouuty, ddree C A. SNOW &CO., !hj4i-i44? ateua viuvV nMUiuHJBt MM SAM MAY. O. SlNDEUt MAY iv SENDERS. - Dealers in General Mtrcnandise, HARRISBURQ ' - - ORECOH Will boy Grain, Wool and all kind: roilncd. The treatment of many thousands of eases Of those chronlo weakneews and tilstrrenlng allmnnta tMniltip 4a fMin.lM t t ka Inv.h.' Hotel and burirlcal lnatituos. Iluffaln. N. Y has aSnnled a vast ezpcrinc in nicely adapt Ing and- thoroUKhly u-atinar retnedlcs for ths cure or woman a pcuiiar uiaJauica. Ir. fleree'a lavorlte rreserlptloa la the outArrowth. or reaolt, of this im-at and valuable eipertuace. Tbousanla of testlmo niala, received from paticnu and from fbysU ciana wbo have tested It in the more arirra- aieu aim ouaxmate cases wnicn naa txtilll tbfir skill, prove It to be the nxist womii-rful remedy ever derlsed for the relic and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended u a "cure-all, but as a moat perfect bpeciflo for woman a prcuimr uimenu. Aa a powerful. Invigorating tonle. It Imparts stremrtb to the wiioto system, and to the womb and it apiK-adaifra in particular. Tor orerworked. worn -out," run-down." debilitated fachert, mllllruTt, aresmnakera, seamstnwe, "aliop-arirlii," kouao. keppera, nursinir mot bora, and ft-ble nrora rnerally. Dr. Ilerc,s Favorite I'reacriptioa the grvmUmt earthly boon, bring tmcqualed as an aipetizino; cordial and rt-autratlre tonic. As a soothing and strengtbeuinc nervine, "Favorite Prescriptlou " ia use. 3ualed and is invaluable in auaylnir and sub uing nervous ezciubility, trriublllty, ex. bauatlon. proatraUon. byateria. stmama and other diAtreaeinB;. nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and orirnnto disease of tbe womb. It Induces refrcblng steep and relieves mental anxiety and do Spoti'loncr. . Dr. JPleree'e Farorlte Prescription Is a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by sn experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate enranization. It is. purely vegetable In its composition and perfectly harmless In Its effects in any condition of tbe system. For mornintr sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arisintr, weak stomach, indigestion, dys pepsia snd kindred symptoms, its use. In small oows. will prove very beneficial, Favorite Prescription Is a post five care for the most complicated and ob stinate cases of loucorrhea. excessive1 flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, " female weakness,'! anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, cbronio congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of thn nomination, pain and tenderness in ovaries, I accompanied with "internal heat." J . as.a regniator and promoter of func tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Fre scriptton"is a perfectly safe remedial ageot, and can produce only Kood results. It is equally cmoacious and valuable in its effects when taken for those disorders and derange ments incident to that later and most critical period, known as " The Change of Life." f avorite Prescription. when taken In connection with tbe use of Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and smell laiatlve doses of Dr. Heroe s Purgative Pellets iLittle Liver Pills), cures Liver. Kidney and Illadder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and Scrofulous humors from the system. Favorite Prescription Is the only medicine for women, sold by druirgtet, under a positive guarantee, from tbe manu facturers, that it will irlvo satisfaction In every case, or money will bo refunded. This guaran. oaIit"?!n1 Printed on the botUe-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Large bottles Otf doses) $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00. For litrfre. illustrated Treatise on Diseases of women (100 pages, paper-covered), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Meilical Association, ' 6C3 Mala St, BITTAIX), N. Y. Notice for Publicat ion. Itnd Office it Oregon Citv, Or. Oct. 17ttt, 188S. Notie j i hereby given th.f the fo l owicg iamel sut ler has file I itotite of bis ioten ion to make final proof i i support of his claim, and (bat aid pioof will be made be fore the Jo1 go or in bis abeenca before the County C eik ( Linn cou-ity,-tt Albany,Ore. gon, on t Taesday, December 188), viz : Marion Loach, Hon.eatead Entry No. 6032 for the S K of Sec. 28, Tp 13, S R 1 w. lie names the following witueses to proye bis continuous resideuce upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : Thsmas Ar nold, of Santiam, Wiliia-u Phillip, of Craw fordsville, J N Wright and II E Csdj , of Sweet liome, ail of Lion eom.ty, Oregon, W. T. Bcrney, Itegiaitr, Administrator's Notice, Notico is hereby given that the undersign ad have been annointflil Admin!. trafnra n.-iiti the will annexed of the estate of Martin Werts, late of Linn county, Oregon. All per sons having claims against said estate are herebv notified to rtresent them ta th nnrlar. signed at Tangent, Oregon, duly verified, wuoin six moDtns irom tne aate ot thiu notice. Dated this 2Gth day of October, 1888. Mary Wekts, - L. F.Smith, Administrators with the will annexed of the estate Of Martin Werta, deceased. Palace Meat Market. J. T, PIPE, PEOPEIETOS. ' Fir.ST ST. - - ALBANY. C,l, a3? WfA krep constantly on hand beaf, MAAK REMedy."aISS . B-PKCI-TIO 3TOX TOOTHACHE AND HEADACHE. 0ol. A. 0. ALTOHD. 11 W. Salllsere M.,wrl'..r "SaSand tarrlkiy wit. alMrat.4 taetk. St. iacok. Oil rarW aw auaoat la.taataBMa.ly." ' Ur. JOBS OtmOM, Shrraaa. XraUeky, wrltait "SI, Jaaoa. OU eara. a. at taethuk. la tea IU. C.raw4ltt.ay.an.H ' ktr. VAt ITKlHBACHl 1441 U rt.,S.wTorlt City, vrlt.ai "Hy wlf B"re4 with tooikauh. Mxtitlus fare bw railtt Sh. trli S'.. ieU Oil a&4 u ar4 ateaee.n air. WCSLCT FOWt, eciiin. Waya. Co., !1., wrltM: "Ky wll. aad I har. ai St. Jae Clt Ut ka4ah. aad loathach. always with tt .let," Mr. HENRY lAMTCt. Jr!TAmng.wea. H. If. . wriU.1 "Wu aaarty ry with tMthaclM, Trial St. Jmj'j. OU. Ta.palBUnau.H . Kr. SK0R0S W. RARH1J. U;rr.1owa. M., wrlU.t Tor toethaeh. trM it Jacot . Oil. It ga. intaa lasMB. nUaT. Oonalir It a vesdwfttl rwawly." THE CHARLES A. VCCELEH CD., 14UIMOUU MU. Administratrix Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hsreby&lven that the duly an pointed and actinic Admlnintratrlx of the estate of I'M ward Murray, deceased, by and under an order or the County court for Linn county, btate of Oregon, In pro bate duly made ami entered of record In ald Court ou the 6th day of November, 1888, win on - the tlad day af Deceeaber, lasa. at the hour of one o'ebek In the afte moon ofaatd day, nt the Couit Ueuae doer In the olty of Albany, Lur county, Oregon , oner for sate at puuno suction to tue uign et bidder all the rlirht tltlo and interest of Edward Murray, deceased, at the time of his death, in and to the following de acribed prtnla. belonslng to said estate to-wit: The west of Lot 4 and the north M of the eaat 14 of Lot 4 In Block No. 11 in the city oC Albany, Linn coun ty, State of Oregon, aa shown by the map ol aatd eity, together with the tenement aad hereditaments thereunto belonging, Terma of sale. Oue half of purchase price to be raah In band and the remain ing one half on a credit of twelve months bearing Interest from the day of sale at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and to be secured by mortfcajoon the prem This Nor. 6th, im. Amsir Mcrray, Administratrix of said estate. Holies for Publication. Ltod Office at Orejon City, Or, ) Sept. 21st, im i Notice Is hereby givso that the follow iog Dimel settler has hied notice of his intention to in ike proof ia support of his claim, and that said proof will be mad before the Coau ty Judge or ia bis absence then the County Clerk of Lion county, Uregun, at Albany Uregoo, on Tae.day, .eve saber lilts. IS, vis: James 11. Crabtree, llomeetsait Kotr No. 4371. for the NJ4 of 8 W, N W of 8 I and S K of N V of tea 25. 1 p. 10 8 It 2 W lis names tb follnring witoesaes to prove bis continuous reotdeoce epon, sod cnlt'vs tion of. said Ian 1. vis : Otto 8erfling. A. Summer., John li Smith and John Holt, all of boio t. ()., Lton county, Oregon. W. T. Bi Rjikt, Register, Call on M J Mooteith fjr big bargains. COLD IN HEAP. Try tho Cure Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al lays InflarnrnftUoru Ilea la tho Sores. Restores the Bensos of Taste, fimcil and Hcariug. A partlclo is applied late each aeatrit aad Is aarvrable. fries SOe, at Iracgtta mr fcy sea II. tLY UUOTUKlUie Warren bt. Jcw York. 0. C CBCBBT. C.R.rVKRta ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, HacMnists, MillnTigiitH, and Iror founders. f VTE are now completely prepared lo handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and saw Miu Machinery, and all kinds iron ana itrass castings. PATTEB.Vg HiDK OS SUOKT XOTICE. Special attention given to repairing kinds of machinery. When I say Crnts I do not mean merely to top them for a time, and then havo them re turn again. I hbaN A KADlCAXi CUltK. 1 have made the disease of FITS, EPHjEFSY or FAIXIIIO SIClXITXaSS, A llfo-long study. I wakbakt my remedy to Curb the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving acure. bend at once for a treatise and a FREE 1SQTTLS of my Infallible Kkmzdt. Give Express and Post Onlce. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and It will core you. Address H.O. ROOT, WI.C, l83PEARl8r,MMrY08K "Jiia Wcstftill," CHINESE. MERCHANT. Fall line of Chinese goods of all kinds on ; i wand, Also fall line or , JAPANESE C00D3. mm pacifio - d'omi ctoe, j ."' - ; for this section. , , i Laborers furnished on short notice fo any purpose. v,-f. -: , : - 1 -v" Opposite -S-'E , Young's", Albany, G. E.. 0LAC.Cn An, Successor to E. V. Langdon, '." DEALER IN ' "-'-.-j DHUG3, r.iEDicsriHG ) TRADE gOUBTY ffioial ana APEE, III TE LEGRAFHIC NEW.3 Exrluslon. wasiiinuton, Nov. i6-The collcctor of customs of San FrsncUco reports to the treasury department the arrival of a vessel wiin a numocr oi Chinese from Seattle. The vessel touched at Victoria, and the collcctor Inquires if that fact makes their landing at han rranclsco unlawful undr the terms of the Chinese exclusion set. 1 he treasury department declines to Issue an v instruction in the matter, and leaves it a -a r entirely to the discretion of the collector. .Too Unch Liquor. WALHNOPoai),Conn., Nov. 16 Solon G. Jenkins, formerly a 'prosperous mer. chant.but who hss cone to the dors through drink, Inst night shot and killed his father- in law, Stephen Anthony, a;ed 6o years. no inrcaceneu an tne rest oi the family ..1.1. I ..L . wiin ucatn. lie wee locked un Angrv citizens threaten to lynch him. Cola Wave. bT. PaI'I, Mlnnn Nov. 16. Acold wave passed over the Northwest to-day and left tno louowing records ol Its inicnalty : Uu luth, ii above ; 8t l'aul, 16 ; Moon-head,! Dlsmarck, u ; Fort Uunlcr.Mont, a ; Win nipeg, xcro. Daughter of Noah Webster. Dki!m;eiokt, Conn, Nov. 16. Eliza Webster lones.wldowof the late Kev.llcn ry Jones, and daughter of Noah Webster, died this morning, aged S years. Weat Will Go East, Ottawa, Ont, Nov. 1 6,-Lord Sackvllle and the Mhses Wct have abrndoned their proposed trip to Ottawa. The governor general has received a dispatch that they wm sail irom .ew i ork lor t rancc at an early day. Aerldeatty Killed. La Grandk, Or., Nov. i0. John Wells uir.er oiu.ii. wens ol cast Portland, an tSl.aT.aS e, a aa oia pioneer oi tin. city and vaiier, was thrown from a wagon and kitted to-day lie was bringing a load o! wood down the mountain to town, with a four-horse team when the wheel horses became entangled in tne narnet oi the leaders and the road being f rhxen.the wagon went off the grids turning over una injuring Mr. Wells so that he died in about one hour. Mired tilrla. Sax Fascisco,Nov. i6.A local pipe ays II, Goodman, general paisengen snd ticket agent of the Southern Peclfic rail way, has forwarded a touriat sleeping ca to Portland to bring a paat of thirty-! cnguan women to tnis cuy. 1 hey win ar. rive her to-morrow. The v come on their long journey via Quebec, Montreal and the Northern Pacific road to Portland. Thce women were sent out here by M rs. Parker to act as domcatics In the homes of California, Held. Salem, Or, Nov. 15 WUIard McCune deputy marshal of Sheridan, Yamkill coun ty, who killed James Be w ley during ihe sinal!pox quarantine !at October, and who was rearrested a day or two ago, wa given a nearing before Justice Harding of .South rsc.Minnvuie precinct yesterday, and was bound over to await the action of the grand jury, upon waiving examination. 1 ne com muolt y is divided upon the question of his guilt or Innocence At Sheridan and other .mail towns that enforced the quarantine agalnat McMlnnville during the smallpox scare, his action in killing liewlev is con sidered juftiinab'f, while the conrary opin ion is nrid at Jlc.Mlnnviiie, where liewlev lived. Ifesd Letter', Washixotox.Nov. 15. The supcrlntcn. dent of the dead leitler ofTice,in hi annua) reojit, says he received durlne the year. 0,213,876 pieces of original dead mall mat ter, an Increase 01 001,543 pieccr over last year, Of the number of piece, located during the year, 749,513 were restored to tne owners without opening. In those opened were found money, po.tal notes and negotiable paper aggregating in valuc,$f,-4S-M57.5". Five WitacHaes Lynched. St. Lot is Nov- 15. A special to Ihe Pod Dispatch this morning from Chrlstaln county, the home of the famous Bald Anobber king. Dave Walker, is to the ef fact that five of the witnessess who testified against him In his trial for murder have been lynched bv ex Bald Knobbers, Cslifornla. Sax Framcimto, Nov. 14. According to a table compiled by the Chronicle from un official returns from all the counties in the state the vote stands as follows: Harrison "5499 Cleveland 1 16,391, Fisk, 53'ACurtls 1 237: lieattv ao3,7i3,Searlcs lOJ.tiJi.Works 104 10, suiiivan 103,685. Cheated the Callows, Los Angeles, Nov. ia Frits Ansch- lag, the Gardner Grove murderer, senten ced to hang Friday next took poison late to nignt. ihe dying man s struggles were frightful. Ills clinched teeth had to be pried open with a screwdriver to admit the atom acn pump, but all e (Torts to save him were in vain, snd he breathed his last at half after 12. Fleeted After All. Indianapolis, Ind Nov. 14. A bril liant societj wedding occured to-night In the marriage of Miss Fann Belle Vajcan to Hon. Charles S. Voorheee.son of Senator Voorhees, and present delegate to congress from Washington terrritory. DR. BO-SA1V-KO in his new discovery for Consumption, suc ceeded in producing a medicine wbioh i 1 ac knowledged by all to be simply marvelous. It is exceedingly pleasant to the tuts, per fectly harmless, and does not sicken. In all cases of cases of Consumption. Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croo;, Bronchitis, snd Pains in tbe Chest, it has given nniversal satisfaction. Dr liosanlto's Cough and Long Syrup is told at 50 cents by Dr Units & Son - FOR PILES. Itching Filet are known by mol.-.ara like yp pir lou producing a very dlaairreeable itching after in? warm. 'J iiu rorm as well as Blind. U eedirr and protruding; Files, yield at once to the 01 nppilcation of Ur. Bosanko's Pile remedy, w.ilch acta directl the pans affected, absorbing ths tumors, allayine the directly upon yii Intense itchlns snd effecting a permsueDt onre. 60 cants. Address Tbe Ur Boeanko VwUciue Co . Piqn O. Sold by Dr, G'Uss snd Son. k good digestion waits on appetite anj a gnod appetite is one of tbe surest sign of psrfect health. If j nil are 'low eplntij Irritable, billons, or have an irregular ap- etlte, then we advise yso by all means t" take Dr, Henley's Dandelion Tonio, it will make a new man of you. Sold by FosbayA Mason, Statistics Shaw that seventy per cento the people of tbe United States ai e suffer log from disease of tbe kidney and urin ary organs. A simple pain in the back, it neglected, often runs into that terrible scourge, Brlgbt's disease, which carries off so many of oor prominent men. If you are afflicted with any urinary or kid ney trouble, no matter how slight, do not pntit offnutiltoo late, but procure a package of Oregon Kidney Tea and take according to dir.tin. It will cure you. TUB MAN ABOUT TOWN aWaSavaTaaWaSSS The Man About Town suggests that the Alban boy lay aside I1I1 Un horn. The business ! over and the nolne Is getting tiresome. 1 ' II II You thke people of small calibre and you will always observe that they are Instantly hocked when they tee the name of a fall en woman in print. The number, though, Is few. We do not suppose there is more than one In Albany. Those same people will laud to the skies men whose charac ters do not compare with that of the wo man, they will heap honors on him and confer with him In great matters of public concern and push him forward. This is not right. The same conduct that con demns a woman should condemn a man and to far a the Man About Town Is con cerned he has more respect for the woman who openly shows her colors than lor the man who ttieakingly covers up his. II IT Fame is generally said to strike the man who least expects It. This being the case several in Albany will never get struck. y 11 A man without opposition is a man without opinions, has been said, so there Is very little credit In going through life wit hout having stirred up a few hornets nest. At the same time a man doetn t r.eed so much opinion that he will always be In strife. A drunken man 1 always tiuarrcllintf : but it is not on account of opinion. TEMPERANCE COLUMN. Kdlted by Albany W, 0. T. U From the report of Mrs. T. B. Caase President of the Women's Temperance Publication Association we make the fol lowing extract : The cash receipts for the year, fiom October i, 187 to uctoocr 1st, 1 SSS, amounted to $129,74045. Expendi tures for the same period, $126,1 28.98. The receipts for the year previous were $87, 044.72, making an Increase over last year of $43,6o.73. or about 49 per cent. The amount paid for presses, machinery, and tvpf durlne the year was $7,191.33. Total amount of property on hand, $24,062.82 Stock to the amount of $11,155.50 has been told during the year, and is Included in the total receipts at given above. The mot thrilling report read at the National Convention was that of Mrs. A F. Newman. Superintendent of work among Mormon women. The ladiesof the Union intend giving a social in the Hall on Thanksgiving even lrg. A fine program will be rendered, Due notice will be given and the program published. KEAL KsTaTs, KALE. At recorded In the Recorder's office for Linn county, Oregon : Jeff Myers, Adrn'r to Spruce Hall, too acies, tow 1 $575.00 Goe II Warren to Geo and Lincoln Overton, 2 parcel of land, 14 w 3 Geo L Chamberlain to E W Lang don, 3 lou, block 11 E A.Albany O II Irvine to J R Wyatt, 336 acres, S w 3 J R Wyatl to O II Irvine, 336 acres 15 w 3 Ellis Knox to E Tliimon and W W Rowell, 333.87, acres, 10 w 3 J W Ball to Margaret A Ball, piece land, 11 w 3 A llacklcman to Mary K Mcllargue 2 lots bl. 35 IPs 2nd A Stephen B Cogle to Philar.dcr llacit 10 ic.o 500 1S00 7S 90 acres, 12 w 2 M Achesan to J W Morgan, 35 fect by 131 roda, 12 w 4 Mining claim, Ioyd Magruder and lames Bovcc. Sanlljin dUtrict.. Jerry Hay to John Young, 1 acre, 15 w4 60 KEEP POSTED vVh.st,76 cents. New fall goods at Head's. See those new jertics at W". F. Head's. New ribbon ail shades an I sty'et at Read's Afullliniof U., kilt suits at W. F Read's. Fins line of bread kneading pane at ii W Smith's. Anotheelotof Hull cheese at Brownell & SunardV. A large stock of lifting fores pumjt st O W Smith's. Unoda st cost at M. J. Montcith's, at tbe old ooog store. uo to A. is. Mel I wain t and ask to see those $6 suits for men. In a calm sea every man it pilot. It good '.V. F. Read ia leader. If you want to save from 10 to 23 per cent nyyour goods cl Y. r. Head. Sis shaves for a dollar and a elt an towel to every customer, at Tbos. Jones. Bargains in general merchandise at M J Monteith's at tho old Young store. Bay your tickets tbrorgb to tbe East oi W L Jester and aava fare to Portland. A com pie to line of heating and parlor stoves .l 1 ur 11 .... r .1 st u w omiiire, no oeiier in tne vauey. The ch-apest place to bay men's under wear m the state is at A. B. Mcl I wain's. Those small mixed pickles at F L Ken- tons are very nice. Try them. Ouly SO cents per gallon. W. F. Read can and will aell dry goods cheaper than any house in Albany. Call and see for yourself. Atl the latest novelties in millinery goods st k. aca V Howard . wall aod tee them, VAT a a a a ' ao trouble to show goods. 1 he line of Pacino and Royal Arganda at O W Smiths is a large one. These are among tne Dctr. coos atovet made. See them. .- rx A a ft V4. t a, ur. ai. 11. tins, pnysieian ana surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city or country, . Goods not sold for lets than cost, fiooda not given away. But good honest goods sold at reasonable proat at w. r it4 s. Julius Gradwohl it now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver warr of which hs oarries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery it the best in tbe market sod his tine of dolls snd children s play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowett on tbe coast. . CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE, Do you want a remedy for B'lioumesa. Ptmnles on the face, and a sure cure for sick headache, ask Dr. uu'M ana non, ins urui;giiu, lor ur.Uet.nl's Live Pills, try a doae, aamplea free full box 25 cant, Letter List. 'Following it the list of letters remaining In the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Nov. 15th, 1888, Persons calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised . Banks, Mrs ME Brooks, BE Clark, S A . r Eastman, Ray Harding, Mrs Hannah L Kenp, Van W : Least, Mr McAUster, Miss Mollio Peterson, Oust Rubarts, Oren Hnerrv. Jossia ' Baker, Jai H Bonner, Miss Annie Dubanham, F W : Horndsench, Miss Tlllie Jones, Mrs Addle M ; Large, DM Lenluy, John Nelson, Sliss Nora Roberts, JB Rayburn, V W Trine, Z M Tunney, Amos 'lay lor, Mr (Jyntha Thompson, A T R. THOMPSON, P. M, When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria, " When she was a Child, she cried for Castaria, When eho beoaine Mias, she clung to Costoria, When she had children, she gave them Castoria. HOME AND A0KOAD, SATt'HUAV. Ajltn'plurality for delegate in W. T. is 887. Salem is trying the chain gang blank with its prisoners. The residence of J L Parrish wss burned at Halem yesterday. Loss, $5,000. Crw ford's orchestra furoishet music for a ball at llalnoy this evening. One of tho finest prooerv windows ever seen in Alhany is that of Krownell 61 Htan- ard. es it. D, Howard, a well known resident of 8s- em, died yesterday, lie was one of the esrly settlers there. . , "It it oold anouifh for you," that was the chestnut this morning, rather of a curious one with the westher flag indicating warmor weather. Cream tartar dissolved in a titnt of hot water and drank at intervals when cold is given at a sore curs for small pox, as well at preventive. Ao attempt was made to burn Chinaman Ie'a wash house, sear tbe Revere House yesterday morning. Another Chinaman was suspected. ' . " A large number of men in Albany make a regular business of buying lottery tickets, a more uncsrtaio speculation than betting on elections. A dispatches asyi that Abdank Absksno- ies, director ot the Eltetrtc iuM at the Paris exposition, hss exhibited betoie tbe American institute of electric engineers an invention of his ewn. whereby anybody, though not a musician, may not only play the piano, uuc forward, backward or sideways. The young Miss Schwab, of North Ha'em, who has the smallpox, is getting along nicely. She lias a most severe attack, her face, arms snd ltmbs being one mats of pustules, al though as yet her body is not broken out. Tba other members of the family were vac cinated immediately opon the development of the disease upou her, and it is thought they will not Uke it. Journal. The following curious kind of a ioke though on a sponky Democratic girl, is very good ana we give it. 1 1 is from a halem pt per 1 "George U. Burnett, has a young lady cousin in California who is a bedrock dero ocrat, and she has not failed during the pro gress ot tbe campaign to bit Uoorge over tbe htsd, metaphorically speaking, through tbe mails with ever cartoon that especially struck ber fancy so yesterdsy he wiped ont tbe wbol score by sending ber a largs bss dsos, deeply fringed with heavy crape ami wrapped np la which was a package of tntffi. ft is neediest to rental k that Ueorue wont go viaitiog in that neighborhood ior a few months st least. , ' raiDAV. , The river is fallisg . - Tkes Ksy, of I5rensvi!la is ia the eity.' It snowed ia Pendltt jo on Wednesdsy. 1 be liontoa JAwur is bow issued semi weekly. , Ameng the heaviest advertisers ia Coryal lis are ths barsars. The Saltm, SiatemvtH calls the Ortgonian tbe Burtard, a good name. Tbe Benton eousty Court House, it i thought, will be finished within a year. Mr Frank Shtd.l, of Sbedd, was in toe city yesterday for the first time for several rooatht. ' j The acboola at BattcviBe, Marion county, have ben closed on account of small pox Will Albany escape. Tbanksgiving tcrviecs will be held this tear in the M K Cborch.eo I the sermoa will be preacbsl by Kev Webb. ; Tom McNary is bete again, walking tbe same old rail fence, aa of old. Tom has been op ia the Cascade tunnel. For tbe fir.t time this ear the price r.f wheat at Albany ami Salem is (be same, owing to the ranking of the Oregon . Pacific boats. And now that it is r.iifie I. things will settle down to business. Wteh tbe Demo crat to sicertaia where to bay gvwU "The Puasibdites of the Broom" wss the subject of au Lwaco girl's esy,a short time unce. She waa togaged the next day. Mrs. O. B. Haiiiht and daughter are in iMuene where tney wr.l remain a month or two, obtaining treatment for tbe little girl. Caas Homphrey, President of the Mult nomah T pographicai Union, and Frank Baker, Stats i-noter. came n on tbe train last night. I A special train on the O P was to arrive at 4: 0 with a load of passenger fiotn tberteam- er wuiamette alley, which reacbefl the lit) this roorniD j. 1 Young J.onway. who robbed the n ails at Spicer, sod who ran awav on being hailed, has given h'in.rif op at Omaha and sill bo brought to l'uvtUtiil for tdaL ; - Mr W (j l4m, of HaUey, is nuVing ar rangement to Uiove his .ash ai d door fac tory to 1ebanon where he will be associated with Mr Klepper and D Ambler, The editor of the Vttco .V fast week apologised for the 1i sppearauce f his paper by sayitie: Tbe devil hat been too sick 10 work ana ins naianos 01 the force 11 as sick as the devel. t The Democrat is being crowded with ads The merchants appreciate a paper the people will read anyway. They like fresh local newt as well as fresh telegrapnio news, which they go to tbe Vrtgonia for anyway. Tbe greatest national debt among the na tions of the globe is borne by France. It is about tJ,2o0. 000.000. Russia comes next with about 93.600,000,000: then England. with $3,560,000,000: Austro-Hungary, with 12,487,000,000; Italy, with $2,15.000,000; Spain, with fl "07,500.000: Prussia, with $1,000,000,000. r "Yea, brethren," ssjs the preacher, in his .funeral sermon, "our deceased brother was out down in a tingle night; tore from tbe arms of his loving wife, who is thut left a disconsolate window at the early age of 24 years.'' "Twenty-two, if you please," aoba the widow, in the front pew, emerging Irom ber handkerchief foi an instant. TH us. spa v. Salem ia to have an ice factory. Mr John Rogers is home from King's Val ley. ,. . .Mr Chat Johnton, of Soio, was in the city yesterday. j Dr C H Itaflity, of East Portland, has been in tbe ct'y to dsy. r If Albany escapes without a eats of small pox it will be a remarkable thing. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brownell & Stanard. A roal live Chinese lawyer bat been in the city to-day, the guest of "Jim Westfall." New raisens, currents, citron, lemons snd oranges received at Wallace sc. Thompson s. The Drain Echo says Thomas Leoins, of Elk ton, wat killed by his father Wednesday. A fine stock of new walouts, almouda, Brszill's, Poacau's and Filbut'a at Wallace & Thompson's. Ij Two tales took place at tho court house to day, being those pt the smith estate, of Uak ville, aod the Coatollo estate at Halsey. Rev C 0 PoliErrol Salem, will preaab at tne .vangeuoai fnuren on oaooatn morning. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present. '- K. The only democrat elected in Napa county, Col., is named Wiliiam Shakespeare. - Who saya there is nothing in a name. It certainly saved William s bacon. . ; The great, debate between Clark Braden and B. F. Underwood takes place at Silver ton, beginning on Wednesday, Nov. 21ut, and contmaiag eight dayt. . v ; Fred Blumberg, wife and ton. left last night for California, whero they will spend several months lor the beneht of tbe little boys health. ,," , Mr Giis Thompson, three miles from 80 daville, is reported ss having taken the small pox, which he caught by attending his son in Portland, he having died there recently of tbe disease. If the government had as small a surplus at newspaper men, and capitalists when the tax-collctor is around, there wouldn't be much to'quarrel about politically oow-a-days. A Skeptioand a Christian at Lei anon have keen having a long siege through the paper of that city on different subjects 5 but ,(v-,? to be converted to the for Infants "Caatoria Is so well adapted tochndren fiat I f recomineod it as superior to any prescription I Wows to me." ILA. Aacnxit.M. D I 44 a. vAaorapfc, ihvouju, a, 1. - The most contemptible people in the world are those wbo are eyerhwtiriizlv ctllinc other tieople contemptible, snd we advise the er- aU man to remember tbs"thln gauze.'Torter referred to ones before airing himself too much. Many neople will remercber the Davis Brothers, wbo performed some daring feats of tight-rops walking in Pendleton, The sum of 1175 lies in the Pendleton National Bank awaiting tbe disposal of th gentlemen. They watered f 100 against $75 wH!e in this place on Harrison's election, which explains tbe sboye.-Pendleton i. O. Hecbenger. a German brewer of Han Jose. Cal., undertook on a S20U waiter to carry ao eight gallon keg of beer, weighing 103 pounds irom anta Clara and Market atreets to the A urn Rock House, s distance of seven miles. Considerable betting was done, and Hecbcn- ?er walked briskly and without apparent atigue nntil neir the six-mile post, when he threw down his burden, saying that he bad a wife and children to support and that be did not propose to kill himself. Lumps as large as a man's fist rose on Hecbenger s seek where tbe keg had rested. Tbe time occupied in trayersing tbe distance wat one hour and thirty-five minutes. On a previous occasion Hecbenger carried a similar keg five mnes on tne same roaa witoous oistress. Caarch Vlreelery. 1 I V. P. Chckch. Preach Leg every Sabbath, morning and evening by Rev. P G. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 T. M Prayer meeting every Wednessday evening, -'' EvASOEUCAt CstntcB. Preaching on Sab Wth at 11,00 a. at., aad It. m. Sabbath School 10.-00. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening 1-20. Rev. Fuher, pastor. Alt are Invited. . VL E. Cacaco, Sooth. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. m. and 7 o'clock r. M. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock A.ps. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening's at 7 o'clock. Rev. D. II. Cotnans, Pastor. i M. E.CHCRCU, Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in tbe eveni ag before sermon. : Sabbath School at 2.30 T at. Prayer meeting every Thurs day sreniaj. Rev. U ?, Vabbtpator. PitastirgKiAS CncscM. Svice ever 8abbatb morning and evening in Chure oor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday Schoo immediately after the morning service Prayer meeting svery Wednesday evening Rev K It Prichard, pastor. First Bawist Chcroi. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve'g.at Cbnrcb 00 Stb Street. Sabbath School imaiediately after morning services. Prayer meeting eye- Tbnrsdy evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Trumbeil, pastor. Catholic CupsciL -Strviee every Sun day at 1030 A M. and 7 P. M. Last Sunday of tbe month service at Eugene City. Rev. Louis Metayer, Rector. GersIaS. At Collet chapel, B. Braun, Pastor. p. in. Eed CrownMills IS0M, LAXX1XU & Id., lIit)itVS. sew rsocavM rutuajtcraiiiott sua vamimks ASO BAKERS CSS, BEST STORAGE -TciLlTlES. Hi?he3t Price in Cash fo Wheat A. J. ROSSITER.V. S. S:aiai!i) or Oiiirii 7a!;3riii? College, Isprj,)trl to trif. din 4 of all da tnestio aii!uitU on s.'i oUd: principle.. Resldenooand ofllee two doors east ol Opera Uou. Altutny. Administratrix Notic9, Notice is hvrcby given that the uuderoign sd has been by the County Court for Linn county, Oregon, duly appoint-d Administra trix of the estate of Ueorge B. McKiotiey. deceaaol, late of Linn county, Oregon. All persona having claims againat aatd estate are hereby notified to present them properly verified to the nndersioged at her rciidrrce near Lebanon, within aix months from this dste. This 10th day of September, 1S58 Exilt McKixset, Administratrix of said estate. J. K. Weatherford, Attorney for Administratrix Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oretron City, Or., October 13th, 1888. ' J Notice is hereby given that the follow log named seeder has died notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge, or in his absence before tue County Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, on - Mendar, Deo. 17th, 1888, vis : Leonard Edgar, Homestead Entry No. 4593 for the SlA of S E I and Lots 1 and 2. of Sec 4, Tp, 10, 8 K 1 E. lis names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation or, said land, viz: A J.Sheiion, John Bryant, C. W. Richardson and John Bi.yeu, all of Jordan, Linn county. Or, W, T. Bchmt, . " , JRegister, A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts gently on the'. Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System when Costive or Bilious, Disponing Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without weakening or irritating the or gans on -which it acts. '-'..' For Sale in SOcand Sl.CO Rottlea ly all X.eading tn-uggista. MANVrACtURED CUT BT TIIS 0ALIF0SKI1 HG SYSUP CO. - Sas Francisco, Cal. , 7" feft 1 v --r i?i --. 1 1 1 and Children. Caatoria eures Colie. Cesstrpatlon, goo Poiach, DiarrhCBa, .d"2nv.. d g -wunout lajunous inwgiCTWon. Tub CssTAca ConrAirr, 77 Murray Street, ft. T, ALBANY SAW AfiD PLAK IIIG -HILLS. All kin da of rough, dressed and seas.. , lumber, latht pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only be st Calapooia timber- Price and terras made satisfactory. ROBINSON 4 WEST. 1. c. rowKi.iv. w. n. kiltxu 1-OWELli & BILYIiU, tTTOKNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in thanfery, ALBANY. - - OBEGOJf. Collections promptly mads on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. arOfiice In Foster's Brlck.te, 14nl9tf. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AHD Notary FuMic- ALBANY, OEGON. J. WfilTKEY, SS-i ittornej M Counsellor it La? Notary Public AlBAlif, OREGON, Will pracl'ss 13 all or tbe Conrts 4lsSUte. All bAAiness Intrusted to him will be promptly a itended to. . OF PURE COD UVER OIL &m HYPOPHOSPH1TE3 Almost as Palatable as Milk. Bo dt.galaed that It cava a taksa, dlfraaf elt avad asaioailatesl by the) ssaawS aau.ttlT. etomaett, wben tsta plalat mil tea tolerate! eusd bjr U cosav? blnatlQB rth oil nllh She kypop&aavt phi tea is tnaeia mora afBcaetems. Keairaxlle aa s -Stilt prsdgeer. Perseus gala npldir vbSe tallzg K SCOTTS OITJLEION is acknowledged by PbysiciauB to be tbe Finest and Best prepa ration in the wjrld for the relief and core of CONSUMPTION, CCROFULs. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. 2 oe great remedy for ConsvmptUax, mil Wasting in Children. Sold by aU DmggiMtB. mMM iai'iiij; I OB tsALt BY D OSUAY A M.AtON I.. W. OLARK, Portr-t.it Photographer. Stnoio corner Stcond aud Ferry Streets near Opera Hou Ground floir. Children'' pictures a specialty, ALBANY COIiLEGTATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 1880. First Terns Opeas Septeawber 11th, 1SSA. A tull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL Alia NORMAL CLASSES. , ... Courses of tudy arranged to meet tbf need of all grades of students. Sffd'(ti inducements oij'ertd to students - from abroad. Tuliion ranges from $5,50 to 13.59. Board in private faini'ies at low rates. Room, lor elf-boarcling at small expense. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opsns September 7th. For circulars and full particulars address the President. BEV. ELBERT H. COXD1T. Albany, Oregon Jos. Webber v Announces to bis patrons and friends that he is now located in his new shop in tbs Fo shay & Mason Block and with able workmen will attend to his customers at as reasonable prices aa any other shop.- Aa be has three ath-rooms running at all hours there will be '.waiting for baths. ;. HARVESTING SUPPLIES, ' Before you start your mower, binder or threshing outfit come to our store and get your suplies. We keep almost anything yeu will need, and at prices you will be satisfied with. . THRESHERS AND ENGINES. The celebrated engines, separators and saw mills manufactured by Russell A Co. of MassillOQ, Ohio, are now soli by ui. Tbey are fast taking tie lead in tas Valley and invariably giro satisfaction. Sis 9vabt & Koic. FC r- r- r. s J . ta hJ-4kctw. wmrm m s in I & Law U w liu Kkw Yoi!K. N. Y.