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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1888)
Vm. Foitmillef, I FUNERAL 1)1 RECTO re Prompt Attention-First-class Hearss jasTAfter business hours call at resldenoe corner Fifth and Baker atrejts, QYRLW U CUIFM1A Southern Pacifl3 Company's Lina. TBI MT. lllltlKtnt. nt katt mi Albvty atl t FruoW.n, 15 hjur OAuroasiA stress ikviks baily tkNi-Ji North 4.00 r. M. I Lea Portland Arrive I 10:49 A a Kim I Lmn Altxtay Un 1 7:Ub A a T:Q A a I Arrive & Ut d:30 f M Iital rAt tsairs daiut (steepl Sauday). S UOA a " Lesv Pirrtiand ArriptilfrM UWrilUn Albnv Leave I U:X a a itiiri 1 Arn Kuirvn toav 1 H) A M uocai. rAStsxasa tsaixs sailt, Bxcarr scxpay. I Lot AUwnj Arrine I 6; 15 AM g:SS ra I Arrtv Lebanon Lca I :W a a U:te)ra Leave Aiken rmj im IM a Arrive Lehsuon Lesv t:t r a PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars er aeesatiaesaliea al serena-Class rassea cer. attacked la KxpressTralaa. West IH sVlvUUa. BETWKK.1 rKTLAB AND C'OKV ALUS, TtAiS BAlkT (ax.-apl SundAy.) a a it' r a Las Arrive Arrive Uava 0 15 r a CorvHUs l.aa -a axrssts tcaiss bailv (axej. Sunday. 4 W)r a I Lesve PurUand Arrive :0U A a KM ra I Arrj-e - McMinnvill LaT 6.45 am AtA'juir ni ConrailU connect wlto truuf ol vmw Pacific tuilrosd for (all Mor-iUien reA-Jinj rste. nwe, ate, oa Camiwayt Agent. . KOiHLKR, . P. ROC.EK3, IE YAQUINA UOUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, on Development Coucpany'a Kleuui amp iine 225 f.llLES SilOxlic.i. 20 HOURS LESS TI7.1E than by any other rouu. First cla tixt maa pAi-MJiirfer and freight l.nefrotn Portland aod all poinu in tne WtiUmette valief to ami from an Franclaoo, Cal. Willamatia Riyer Lina of Steamers. Th-Vin. J.f. Uoax " The N. S. Boot- e." Tna "Three butera" are in aervice for both passenger and freight tratllo be- tween Cor vail la and Portiaud and mutlatA tmuiiLb. iMvinir Coinoan v'i wharf. Corvallis, aud Metara. Hulinaa A Co'a wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., 1-oit- land, three iiineji a WMt aa luitowa ; NORTH BoL'NO. Leave CurvaHia, Moil , WeU. and Friday, li:oJ A, U. Leave Albau. Atouday, Wed. and Friday, tX:Ul .Soon Arrive PorUaud, lue., Tbu. and JwturiUy, 6:30 P. M. SOUTH BOLNU. Leave Fort land. Moo., Wed. aad Friday, 8:00 A, M. Leave Albany, Tile., X&ura. anJ tuiuriy, p. m. Arrive Uorailia, Tue., I too. aud baiunUy, 4:io r. M. Rrvata make close conueuli'tu at ulban erlth trains of the Oregon ia:itio Kailroad T1M8 S 'HEDt'LK. (e..-ept J'iiai.) Lete Albany, 1:00 r. M,. Leave raquina, 0 4Ja,. Leave C trvallu. I: W f. M . I Leave O.rvnUu.liCii A.M. Arrive Taquina, b M t. M I Arrive Albany, 11:10 a. , O. C. traiaa conoe-t at Albany and Corvallis. The aoove trains connect at Yaqnina with the Oreou Doveiopment CoaiDanv'e Liuo of 3ie4iubty. between YTaquina an 1 San X'ranciaca. . HAILIXU UITE1 . si basils, rsoa aa vsasioiso. raoa taiiciia Willamelt Valley, Nov. laita. Nov. 0ib. WillsmeUe VaIIbv, Nor. U'.h 4 m. Nor. U(U. Ulamotta Valley, No. 4ih Watu No. 3fth. The Company .rve h right t change ai:io dtea without notice. N. H. Paura from P r.Knd and vVillamecte V' lov point can make r;lo4 eonoe:tia wita ibe iraini of the Yaquina roate as A.ihao or Corvallis, and if dt--tiual I 1n r'fancw ) ahould arrani t irrive at Yaquiua the evnin bof r? Ute of aallia. riauBf,cr aad r.rlabt Bate a always Lawrat. Foriofornutio apply Cn C J Stuart, Freight and Ticket Az"it. Albany, o- to O II Hall, Jr., O. F. A P. Agt , OreKo betopuieut Co., 04 Uon!-'.iiue'7 Sail t raaoiac-o , Cal. 4'. . M4t.ta, A. U. F. and P. Arent Orwt Pv:i4a RCi. OrraliU. O Andrnvfi & flack i fin iin, winnuGi as S3.00.J o 1 1 n r- vtv OIIUL y laafl 1 1 mm -XV WARRANTED. TO Wtnffp "wrmAatN w m - SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON - OREGON Notice for Publication. iM.d oir.o at o-K'.n n,t . o . Oct. 17th, 1388 X.r:e' harphy g'-n th -t th fo 1 g i a iiKl " ler h t fi e I if'',;H ( f hia ioipi- in to mate tJ t'Uiii in fu') ri. of I. rr, and 'li i m pi.tof w ill b- m da hi f re the Jaf'g" r fcia a'wenc b -'ore tie Counly Crik ( Vt n count'(Ht Alrnnv,').. Kim. mi x TafMlay. necentbsr IHIli, IH144. viz: Marimi Loli, l-i.aUitd lCnr N. TK)32 for the K K ..I S c. IM, T 13. S R J . He tiant tlitt fo t'.H ini' witn--a to prove l;U coutiMMJ r-iil n;i Dui, aod cultivaiiou o', aid iaiid, v. 7. : Tli-n a Ar nold, i.( Sautium. Wiilia.n I'mdip., Craw-lord-vi'le, J N WriuM. imrt II K C-d , of Sweet Home, ail of Linn e ti, On "i'. W. T. P.CRNItY, ' '-" lUfiiU'er. Estray Notice. , Notiufc M.herebv jji-niljtii or afout the 25:1. f Jane, I8S8. one aorrcl niai e o the age of teve n yearn or thereabout, and marked with a white forehead 'and whites bind lege with light mare and tail, atrajed- ppon my prjclosed land 3 mila north wm ott Miller's Station in Litin county Sti'o of OieROD, at d row lemaina there upon. Said animal bii g hieachy and cuid only he kept rut oi griii -fierd by yoking. . Dated tbi 17th day of October, 1SS8. , - Hubert Miller. Palace Meat Market. J, 7, PIPE, PROPEIETOfi. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, Gil. will kep' constantly on- band bear, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc.. the best meats and Lrgest variety in the city. Casli paid for all klndaof fat stock. till - 1 Bw I f If m -4 Hew and Second Hand Store Ine Increased demands of our business we have Leon compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found next door to 8, K, Young, wheri wo wtlt be pleased to swi our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, docks, aarpeta, pleturos, fruit ra, tituka, books, roller skates, saddles, saw, planes, eto and a thousand dlf- ?"nl n,d v? tic,Lr yo,u r, n d0 baltui nWslJinf.lin Franehoo than you can da with u on a purchase or exchange aattiICD La UUI I UCD 123 First Street, Albany, Or. the BXIYEKS QtTIDE la iaaued March and Bopt., each year. It la an ency- olopedia or ueetul lnror 'mation for aU who pur oliaae tho luxurioa or tho neooaaitiea of life. We can olotho you and furnith you with all the neooasary and unneeeasary appllnnoea to ride, walk, dance, Bleep, eat, ilsh, hunt, work, so to church, or atay at homo, and In varioue etiea, atylea and Qu&ntitioa. Juat fleure out what la required to do all these thine CGIf.FOftTlBLT. and you oon make a fair estimate of the value of the I1U YER3" OU1DE, whioh will be aent upon receipt of 10 centa to pay pottage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-U4 Miohigan Avenue, Chicago, 11L. PATENTS buiued, and all other bnnliioae In the C. 8. Pataa Itli-e attendeded to tr moderate teae. Ourottloe iaomweit the U.S. Patent Offlce, and " ean obuin PaleuU tuea Uwe than thuee reuiole mm naahlnirton. end uiudia ordrawln. We a tu natrul ability free of charge aud weiuake e charge uulrae we oouun iaieiii. We refer here, to the PneUnaaW, the Btiol. of Mone Unier llv. and to olflclala o4 the U. M. Patent I Otilua. - Pur cln ular, advice, terms, and eiereucee o actual clieiila In yuurowo dute ur oouuty, address C, A. SiOW &CO9 Ufl,uw IWnt VlUOVg iMIIIIrUtt W 8AI MAY. G. ENXKRS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General' Mb rchandise. HARRISBURG - - - OREGON I Will bay Grain, Woo! and all kinds roluce. m. Tie flrfelett VWVWCCTS LITTLE v"" UTUMVV aBwa.aa DEirAItB Or IJtlTATlOyS. ALWAYS ask inn Tib. riEKcirs tjellets, ob LITTLE SVQAn-COATSD TILLS, nelna- entirely veyetable, they op. erute without Uifturbancv to toe gli-ra, Uu-t, or occupation, l'ut up In plus vial, li.-ruu ti calljr etnlod. Always freeh and rvlutWf. At a laxative, alterative, or purgative. tiHiw little Tclic-u give the luoat perfect autisfacitou. SICK HEtDiGHE. nillooa Headache, IHcxlueea, Conatlpav lion, I ii d lareat Ion. Uilloaa Attack a, and all oVrani.Tmcnt of tho etonw acb and Ijowela, are prompt ly relieved and HTUaiit'iiily ctiml bv tho into of Ir. Plerre'e Pleasant Purgative Felleta. In explanation of the rvmediul power of tbese i'clli-t over so rvnt a varv-ty of diapasua. It may truthfully be said that their action tiixm the tytofn bt unir.-rnal. not a eland or titutoe ewrapinir their lutnutivo intluenve. Hii by druirirLsot.Sjctmts a viol. Mnnufaetured at tho riH'tiik-ui Laboratory of Would' ll'aaAttT Usuical AsisuciATioN, Uugulu, N. Y. era of Ir. Mige'a Calarrla Krmedr, for a cwm of hnniio NumU Catarrh which they cannot cure. 8T.HPTOWS OP CATARtinDull. heavy hoa.liu-lw. ouetnii-tion of the nasal p.sarrs, 'liachnrgta falling from tho l.ind Into tin? thront, aomr-tinu'S profuse, watTy, and acrid, nt others, thick, t'tmcioim, mucona. purulent. lloouy anI putrid; too eyrs are wink. waU-ry. and lnltamed: there is riitirme: in tho ears, dcnfnf, haekina; or couifliinif to clear the throat, expectoration of oII usive matter, totretlier with Beat Injm ulcert; tlie voi-o is cluinffi-l and ha a nanal twanir: the breath is offensive; smell and tusto nro im paired; thero is a acnimtion of fluzinee. a ;ih uicriUil ilcnrcBHion. a backinir couirh and iren- eral ih'liiiity. Only a few of the alovc-nnnx-d eyniotoiim are likely to lm present lit any one caw. ThoiiMtn-U of coses anouully, without munlfcatiuir half of the above symptoms, rtv suit in consumption, and end in the eriive. No disease la ft common, more deceptive nud durx roiiH. or ls understood by ph; tlcinrm. i.y ils inii'i, sooiiunir, una neaouif pro rxiin. Dr. intirc's Catarrh ltemely cunn tho worxt eiwesof Catarrh, "rold In the head." Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. doiu uy aruggiata everywuere; Ml ecu La. Untold Agony from Catarrh." Prof. W. nArssrit, the famous mesmerlr,t. of lthnca, JV. writes: "Some ten years ouo I suffered untold agony from chronic misul catarrh. My family physician gave mo up us incurable, and aaid I must die. My cno wns tuch a tjad one, that every day, towards sun V't, my voice would become so bourse 1 coo id tartly speaa aoove a wnisper. in me morning my couKbing and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. liy the uso of Lr. Cairo's Cutarrb Itemedy, in three months, I was a well man, and tue cure nag been permanent." Constantly Hawking and Spitting." Thomas J. Krsnma. Kn.. tsot Pine Street. St. LniU. Ho writes: " 1 wus a great sufferer from catarrh for three years. At times I could banlly breathe, and was constantly hawking and splttlntr, and for the Iiutt eight mouths could not breathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing could be done for me. Luck ily, I was advi-d to try Lr. luge's Cntnrrh lu-medy. and I am now a well man. I believe It to Iw tho only sure remedy for catarrh now insniifncturcd, and one boa only to give it a fair trinl to experience astounding rttulta and -. pcrniancut cure." Three Bottle Cure Catarrh. Eli IIobbinb, Jiunmn P. 0 Columbia Cn Pa., says: "My aauirbter had catarrh when she wus nve years old. very badly. I raw Dr. fcage's Catarrh Itemedy advertised, and pro cured a bottlo for hur, and soon saw tlmt it helped her; a third bottlo etfec-ted a perma nent cure. She is now t-igbtbea years old und sound and hearty," N'Ouics for Publication. - li i dOlncf tt Oreion CiM ,0 , i - Sept. 21st, 18S8. j Noti :t ia hereby uiv,n that the followu g bitiiied tier nn tiled notice of hn inteiltn n to m:ik- pro f in aiipiw-rt ot his is aim, ' and that raid pioof ill h made lef ore flie Couu fy .lu'ii or ij l.ii aim. nc thn the County l'iirkof I .in n count), '(begun, at Albany, Oregon, on Tueoday, November 171b, IK4W, V'Z Jm"S H. lrai.tree, il.-mentead En'.rv No. 4871. f -ru." S2 of S W, N W of E d S K f N VV f Urc. 25, Tp. 10 8 II 2 W. lie nameit ih folioviug wit'jes(S to prove Inn coinuiu' iiH reiilenCH upon, and cuit'va lion i l, eui I 'and, viz : Otto Seifling, A. .Sunimrra, Join, li ptrmih and John Holt, all of Sjio l. () , Linn comity, Oregon,. W, T. Bt'HSEV, Register. New Wash House. Lee Chiiisnntn, who lived in this town for many year a i l w.ts so weil Hed v every, body ha returned mid will open npa new wash houae tho first of September, one door south of the Revere IIousb. Iue doi sjgood work aud w-oita everybody to get their wanhing done by him. -1 Admiuistrator's Notice. Notion i hertby given that the oodersico edhav been appointed AdminiKtratois with the will auntjod of the estate of Martm Werts. late of Linn county, Oregon. AH per sons haviuif claims against Baid estate are hereby not i lied to preoentthein to the under signed at Tmiitrut, Oregon, duly veiified, within six inoi-thx fiom thedateef thin notice. ,Ditd tlii 26'li day of October, -1888. ' ' - Mhy Werts, L. t Smith, ; ' :' Alniintitor with tho will anuexetl of th estate of Martin Wert, deceased. S500B I, a2 '.I'W' i.i t.iAn:t "J l v. .'' 1 M v ra 1 an rmi r- at . .r mi n k k , Fop Hcjlntlotv. NEW CURRENjrFtlSTIMONY. T Year. CMr.;l. to., fay . . 1 w il"""! i" ' ' vtr lire x te an. a -.vt r ' . a:i.tttiUii atHere t . i , ' .'.vjjk. fit re. lUtt, tea tiiu f Ci.v.ioa A. Dor I "'I failed. V a 4 1. wmIi lU' 4.I..I .4.x. will, . It t-v ' HI.. V . 'M. i'.i i vtrt , t -,r tmn. .1 bt. Si! aail w r n4 H y m el p4la. UrtJ l ii.A ira t-d-rldilen. Siv.f fMn. WW., My . ' a BMtns ItM M ta.ia wilt S.i.l a; ttn'att wlilirt, U.t. 0a t .;. C.laas ttl. WWi No Itrtorn. t'Im. HI . ." . I w Kii-lwM a la l! b I , lit.. ah. it r. . ' ' , -xtirXiM. : Lamrnes. V'ZTt '"im.. tvi. In i,'' w . . it V ,,4Ct . . t.; 4 wvaral aivttwael bi. 4vuv OU. .. AT paOQItTI . M 1 PI ' t :;;..,:LC3 a voc:LEBC3..Ciiit:niora. ad. Referee's Sale. State ol Oregon, I. Inn viuntv. I KM. NtiTICK la hereby given that by virtue of a decree of partition and order of sale enteretl In the Circuit court Ol ice state of Oregon for Multnomah county on the loth day or June itui7,anu an aiuenuatory decree thereto entered lit eald Court on the lUHb da v of SepletuUr, 1SW7, In the ..i "i. . . . " .... .i . i..ii..M i t . t partiiinn suit ot auimiui uiiu, . al. whereby it wa ardered that tna .ollowinir real eatale. to-wit : lie ginning at a point eleven chalna and mIx links north and aeven chalngand elghfy llnka wt.t of the aouthwnal cornel ofrfoc- Uon nineteen InTnwnahlp twelve aouth of range 4, weat. Willamette meridian, ana rnunlng thence east nny-lgbl chalna and sixty. lour llnaa ; tneura norm tvu coama thenoe eaat eluht chalna and fifty llnka thence aouth len chalna ; tUenctt foulh two detrreea aud thirty tutnulea wet. twenty two chalna and aUty llnka ; thence aouth eighteen degrees and thirty minutes eaxt, twenty chalna ant nlnetj aix unta thence went sixty -alx chains and eighty seven llnka ; thence north live degrees and thirty inlnutee.eaat twenty chalna and nine llnka ; thenc north ten degree aud thlrtv minutes, weat. eleveu cualu and aeventv llnka and thence north twenty aix degrt-ea weal twelve chain aud thirty llnka to the nlaoe of beginning, contain Ing two huudred and seventy .three acrca, kltuateI In IJuti county, Oregon, ami tng a part of Section uineiteen, twenty, twenty niue and thirty In aa HI lownabtp in connection with the other real propvtty belonging to the estate of Jon o suiitu. oe ceaaed. tie sold at publlo auction accoru Idl' to law to the biubeat bidder. Now, therefore, by virtue of ld decree aod amendment thereto. 1, ine unucr aigned who was duly apr olnted by t Court, a referee to sell said real property will on ftalardav Ike I7ia stay ef Reveeaber, I ft. at the Court House door of Liun county Oregor.ln the city of Allwny, at 10 o'clock a. in, of said day, aell the above fully de scribed real elato at public auction to the highest bidder. C II. IlAKrKTY, Iteferee. Call en M J M oatvtth for big bargaias. Notice to Tax-Payers, otire la Lrttbv tlv.n. Itat I. cr my Deputy, will meet the taxpayers of IJnn t innty, Oregon, at 9 o'clock a. m. and re main until 4 o'clock p. ro. at their reapee t.vj ptaoea of voting in the several pre nncta. at the following tlfnea and places for the purpose of collecting the taxe for Hock Creek, Monday, Nov. 12tb, lb8 Fox Valley, Tuesday, .Nov. 1510. Kcio, Vedneitday. Nev. 14th. KraPkliii Bmte, Tbnnday, Nov. 16th. Santiatn, Friday, Nov. 10th. lbanon, Saturday, Nov. 17th. Waterloo. Monday, itov. linn. Liberty, Tuesday. Nov. 20th. sweet Home, Wednesday. Nor. 21st. lirush Creek. Thursday, Nev.2.'nd. CrawfordavilU, Friday, Nev, 2trd. Brownsville. Saturday, Nev. 4tb. Center, Monday, Nov. 20th. Pr!sana. Tnadsy, Nov. '7ih. Syracuse, Wednesday, Nov. 2Stb. Ilarrlaburg, Thuraday, Nov. i'Jtb. IIaley, Friday, Nov. 80th. Kbedd, Saturday, Pec 1st, Kat Albany. Tueaday, Dec. 4ib. West Albany, Wednesday, Cth. Prompt payment will be rtquired. Pay your laxea and nave costs, JeBN HXAxIMO., . iKberlfTand Tix Collector, Dated. Oct 22nd, lbh. fftnZ.T ' . a t - 1 lAi'wun ui . rs Ely's Cream Balm Cleanfles tho ITasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. TJoalsthe Sotgh. Bestores the Souses of Tosto, Bmoll and Hearing. A particle te applied lata each aeetrll aa4 la areeeble. Price ftOc at lyracarlste or by snail. KLY BltOTILEBSyM Warren BUiew York,. D, R. H, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law Office, OddJFellow'g Temple. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. . 1888,1880. rirst Term etpeaa aepteutfeer lltli, 1SHS. A lull corpa of InHtructor. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, ; COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of atudy arranged u meet ttr need of all gradea of Mtudeuts. . Sfec'uU inducements offered to students . 'from abroad, " Tuition ranges from $5.60 to' $1?,59 Board in private fainj'ie at ow rates Rooms tor aelf-boardlng at hiiihII ex' ense. A careful supervision ezercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and full particulars address the President. , BEY. ELBEKT W. COSiDIT. Albany, Oregon "Jim WcstMI," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand, Also full line of. JAPANESE GOODS. OREBOH PAOT COJTEA CTQB, .' - ; for this section. j Laborers furnished on short notice fo any purpose. - J Opposite S E Young's, Albany, aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI mi II i ai t S1U t. HEAD. ry uiutvurei V , YTjiOUHTY i?h7" FFI01AL . and rAPEE. TEMPKItANCK COLUMN. - Kdlted ky Albany W, 0. TV U. The National Convention of the Wo man's Chi Utlan Temperance Union will be held In nun v rancltco In leity. The many friends ol Mrs Mary R Keete will be glad to learn that the Is again on duty. She Is now working lit Washington territory. The following was one of the resolutions paused at the late convention : " Resolved "That we memorallze Congress In its leg Ulatlon regulating commerce to prohibit the exportation of intoxicating liquors to mncaanu outer uncivil countrlet.and that they co operate with other nations In their effort to save all helpless people from the trailic lit llrearms and strong drink." ine neria says oi mih willard s an ii, B a a . a .... . nualaddrets before the Convention : "Mist Wlllard's opening addrett was a matter piece ot its kind. Ariincr lieecher nor Talmage ever held an audience more com plctely or played on Us finer feelings with more effect. Her facts were like red hot shot, her st at Nile were appalling, and her appeal to the women ol the country to a slat in hunting the devil from our Ameri can house wa-.meaured by the standard of art a represented on the platform a pungent and marvelotisly effective bit of oratory." The Supreme Court of the I'niled State In it recent decision based upon the four teenth amendment ha declared that "the public health, the public morals and the public safety ! endangered by the general use of intoxicating drinks, and that it ia a fact ettablikhed by statistic accestable to every one, that the dltordcr.pauperttm and crime pervalent in thU country are In tome degree at leaat traceable to this civil." And It further states in an opinion from which there can be no appeal that 'the people of a State have a right, under the fourteenth amendment to the absolute ly prohibit the manufacture and tale of in tox kating liquor for ether than medical scientitic and manufacturing purpose Here, then seem to be outlived the legal reraeay lor tin giant evil, for the suppres ion of intoxicating liquor in a word "pro hibition." Under this ruling It I now In me power ol any .Vre te make it impost! Die to obtain intoxicating liquor a a bev erage. Yhe Kev. Joseph Cook when Introduced to the National Convention made a short tpcech characteristic of himself. From the many beautiful things we select this : "In Hindooatan there I a bun van tree cover. Ing a vat area, here U a bunyan tree cov ering a nation. A regiment could have encamped under that bunyan tree in Hin dooatan and I hepe nallons'will encamp un der thU bunyan tree. Look at It, social purily, Sabbath aWrvance, a variety of schemes ef an educational character' be tides a grand temperance , cause. '.Strike for your altar and your sires' i an old motta. Nearly every great reform in hi, torv hat been carried by keeping ttep to It muftlc. Let u atrike home, fiw we are going home, tied I good and God i great and every referm that doe Hi will I (iod't hope and I am thankful thl Conven tion will hard." Next Hotter, Wahiiixotox.Xov. 8. Secretary McPherton of the republican congrclonal campaign committee thl afternoon: "I cannot imagine what bati there is for the claim made In New York that the democrat will retain control of the house . All Inf or format Ion obtain able this morning Juatifle me In expressing Ibc.'opinion that the next house will contUt of 173 republican and 15 democrat. Bold Robbery. Dow.vir.vti.LE, Cal., Nav. 8. The down stage wa held up to-day at Ditch hill by a mauled highwayman. Jut a the stage ar rived at the top'of the hill, the robber ap peared in the road with a gun drawn on the ttagcdrlvcr, whom he ordered to throw the mail bags and express box off the stage. After throwing them off, he wa ordered to drive on. The ex pre box, containing bullion and coin amounting to about $4500 was found rifled of It content. The mail bag were not found. A poe I on the track of the robber. The World's Itraaon. New York, Nov 7. The World further ay editorially, referring to the result: "The cheif reason for this disaster I the want of adequate preparation for meeting the main issue. Lteven months were not time enough in which to enlighten the matt of thinking voter, educated for a full gen eration in the belief that taxes promote pros perity, and that a tariff regulate wages, Appreciating the enormou power of resist ance In this inertia of ignorance, the World, questioned last June whether the president had not. in precipitating this lue to near to the beginning of an active campaign, done 'the right thing st the wreng time.' We commend his courage, but doupted hi uitcretiosi. A Terrible Disaster, Kan-sah Cn V, Nov. 9. A Journal special from Pittsburg, Kansas, say: The most dreadful dinatter in the history of Kanta occu.ed at 5 o'clock this evening. When the men were preparing to leave off their work at shaft No. 3, at Frontenac, a suburb of Pittsburg, a terrible explosion wa heard that shook the earth for a great distance and completely shattered the shaft. On investigation it was found that 160 men were in the mine tX the time af the explo sion, being 113 feet below the surface. It is almost certain that all are dead. At this writing the only two exception, two men who were in the carcoming up, and being near the top of the', managed to es cape. . , Hnew Ktorm. V ATCniox,Lon., Nov. 9. The most phe nomenal snowstorm that ever occurred in Northern Kansas bean this morning,, and has continued furiously all day.- Trains are all delayed, and telegraph wires are . pros trated in all direction, with the exception of one line to Kansa- . uy. In Atchison over 200 telephone liix-a are broken and so tangled up wilh electric light wires that the electric light work have been suspend ed to prevent accidents. The snowstorm is the heaviest that has occurred at any season of the year since 1878. The extent of the damage cannot be ascertained, owing to the suspension ot teiegrapnic- communication. - A Battle. i h., Cairo, Nov. 9 Seventy thousand lot lowers of the mahdi attacked the town of Wadai, west of Darfoor. The garrison re pulsed the assailants and killed 3ooo,but the mahdi s forces attacked and captured the town. The sultana of Wadai has fled to Chiiri. . - ' Horrible. ' , London.Nov, 9. The murder fiend adds another to his list of victims. At 11 o'clock this morninfi the body of a woman cut in two pieces was discovered in a house on Dorset street Spitsfields. The police are endeavoring to track the ; murderer wilh bloodhounds, j.. - . , 4 . Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. .Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents ; a heavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, an4 two ply carpets from 40 cents to 50 cents, Carries -u large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. B. McItWAiN Children Cry for County Court. Contract tor keeping oouuty poor w as let to J J Davis at $2.75 first ysar with prefer ence st $2.50 second vear. . . Fees of Judges and Clerks of election, aud witnesses btfors grand jury and in criminal trials wsre allowed, Th bills of Dau Smith, building brido Stites Nutting, $20.00, and Train & Whit ney, $27.00, were continued. Ordered that clerk burrow $Z.jOv to pay current expense of the oouoty. Warrauts were ordertd drawn for th fol lowing. Stat sgt Geo Mealy . , , . , State agt John Kickey ,, Htate sgt John Ureen HUt agt J W Cross t35.(K) 22.80 Vl.20 17.75 State agt diss Wilson . , 28.80 71.40 8Ut Sgt Jas 1' Ktats agt John Cutter 2740 25.10 15.35 Stats agt Wilson & Kerus. Htate agt dolman 5c Harris Stats agt Porter H llur r. . . 37.20 45,20 G0.05 10.20 HUt agt James liannon . . . . State agt J W Orewtler.... Helief of Mrs Adams, fturkhart k lloyoe, printing 21.00 23 m 3H.50 J L Hill, 1 umbei II 0 Moran, road material J A Crawford, water rent, 13-83 Monteith Keitenhacb, muse LM Curl, salary, eto... I'scillo liridgaCo., repaiiiug Mcbama 1.00 51.00 bridge., 60.0 KK Montague, postage 2.50 Mary F Davis, aid for poor 8.40 P W Spink, lumber , 43 33 K K Montague, Clerk's lees 1223 67 It Farwell, salary 83.33 John Hmallmuti, work, Court House yard Mrs C Houok, kotrding Cjaeley I'nter Hume, aid poor Ivl Douglas, aid poor , . Dan'l Hart, aid poor M E Dorris, aid poor J II Lame, lumber J L Miller, rebate on tax Mrs C King, keeping minor......... Andrews St Hacbkleman, inilse J 1) Fitswater, Kor Alfred Wheeler, lumber N H Alieo, 13.00 10.00 18.00 I5.&0 41.05 18.00 183.28 30.17 10.00 8.00 8.00 48.82 25 00 Nt John. 230 00 50 00 J J Whitney... John 8nisilinon. OF Crawford.. I.KIilain 445 d 8 00 0 00 3 00 W Flleed. FC Sloper 19 W TUK MAN AltOL'T TOWN Without keeping his ears very wide open the Man About Town hat heard of the fol lowing candidates for Marshal : John Hoff man. A W McClaln, t) W Warren. M Mcllhenny.Geo tlurkhartand the pretent ccupant. 8 a 1 he remarkably bright business pros peett for the coming winter should make our cllUen generally broaden their court tenance. It pay to take thing cool i thl world, like the cow when opening front gate, aod not get excited over tittle matter tike the result of a prctidcntisl content, a two strange cat do in the nclgl borhood ot a saucer of milk. t 8 This reminds ut that Albany should buzz ltd winter with mere sociability. That what make a city worth living tn, and it what attracts the newcomer. It pay a a money Investment f but more at a means 01 making life 50 per cent better. Gambling. II At. kev, Oregon. Editors litmatrttt : While looking through the column of the Democrat 1 notice an liem mention, ing the arrett and conviction of Orson Roe, of Halaey. In commenting on the same the Dkmk kaT say : "Probably a juat punishment ; though it doc look a little tough for an amateur to be taken in for betting ten cents on a game of card, while Albany, for instance, I full of pro fessional who play swindling games as a business unharmed." The above i perhaps true, but does not In the least make Rose's cae any better. Rote, Gutliford and Warmoth, the three convicted of gambling in llalsey, have not only bet ten cent on a game of cards but dollar upon dollar. Rose claims to be about $150 ahead, while Gul'iford seem to be an older hand at gambling at he i near ly $100 ahead. All these men have fam ilies and It I a great shame that they have not enough respect for their family at least, to cease their tow degraded business. They are alto men wno should be an ornament to society. One of them was heard to make remark, "It Is just as honest to win money gambling as to wrk for it" Does he not know the man who work for hit money gives value received for every dol lar he gets ? What does the gambler give for the dollar he wins. It is simply an other method of stealing, llalsey has the well earned reputation of being one of the most quiet, law-abiding towns in the State and it ha been to ; but in the last two years or so this gambling butinett has been carried on by men that should know bet ter. We earnestly hope they may see how little, ye how degrading it U, to win mon ey that does not belong to them. Hoping I have not taken up too much space in your valuable paper, I subscribe myself . JUSTICE. Letter List. Following is tb list of letters remaining In th Post Qffloe, Albany, Una county, Oregon, Nov. 7th, USS, Persons oalling for these letters must give tb date on which thev were advertised : . Allen, W W Anderson, John P J beach, Ellen Hackens, i L Cotbron, J Carey, II K Kiunilng, Hattle ' Ueailen, Rev J O HoeHo, Mies KIU liUKhea, KK Jennings. Mrs Mamie IxKkeo, Bernard Miller, Mlsi fiaura Miller, Mrs Mary Mendeiihall, Mrs W F Owenbv, Mia Harsh i Preston, Mrs W O Park, James 0 Swift, Jas A Stack, John Hluan ami Kurort Tamer, John Walton. John f! Andonoo, Harvey - Applegate, Orlsiid Hanson. Evs It Emellne Cornell, P H Diniliniror, W 116 Ford. David Gavin, Win House, John Hofer, Frits Ijanif ion, H M Johnson, Andrew W Miliar, Fredrivk Miller, Frank . NlmehUk, Frank 1 . Perclval, R"bt M Potter, Willie HiivU Parkinson, Jas T Snyder, Miss Oor H.lchi, William rihsH, Dan Tayor, "forletoo ' Waitoii, Mis Lola Witzell. UAX Wright, KdwardT Williams, Hemy . . B. THOMPSON, P.M. j. P. Wallace, Physician Mid Surgeon, Al bany, Or . F. M. French keep railroad time. Do yon feel dragging sensations In tbe baeltand loins,: are you troubled with wakefulness, falntness at the pit of the stomach? Are you netvous or Irritable ? It so we would advise you to try Oregon Kidney Tea, (purely vegetable.) It never fails to effect a permanent cure of kidney and urinary complaints. Sold by Foshay and Mason. Base ball players, athlets, and a who take ny vigorous f zeroise should know that Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic ia thorough good bracer. It produoon Slew vitality, strengthens the muscles nod en ables them to perform twioe the TJUua amount ot work without becomia fatigu ed. Sold by Foshay fc Mason. Farmers, if you want the ltai harness all hand mtde, goto EX. rower, next to Dem ocrat office. 7 O.ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia toothache. Foshay k Mason, Agents. aud 1 pitcher's Cnstorta. IIOMX AND ABROAD, " TllimDAV. Harrison's plurality in Os gun is about 8,- 000. '-Jim VVeslfsll' ssy be won three hat on Ilalliaon. , Jos Watson, Jr. returned from a three weeks visit at the Bay to-day. Alteu is elected delegite to Congress from Washington Territory by about 5,000 mt- ority. ' -: ., : , Bev I'.raum and family left last bight for Stockton, Cal, where he has a good position offered him. After all Linn county is not qnite Bepub- hcao, not even by tho help of a largo outside Vote. 30 Is a pretty close call though. The official vote of Marion county rerued s follows 1 Harrison, TZM i Cleveland, 1507 I Fisk, 32'J. Harmon's pluralty, GG8. The smoke is blowing over, and we wi!l settle down to bnsines new in a dsy or two. The DKMocnAT proposts to do some lively rustling for newt and to make tna imii.y a paper people will want to read anyway. Mr. B. Burtenshaw, ana of the guards at the penitentiary, was in the city to day. He informed ut that warm spring Johaoy was working around the penitentiary, sawing wood, eto., and will probably remain there. lis has been a trusty for a long tune, and stems to have been a very fsithful prisoner. Ttii afternoon a horse being ridden on Broadatbin street, by Walter Eiuit just north of the IlKUiM.itAT o'fioe, fell through tb coy sring of the lateral ditch, and it was difficult to tll whioh would come out on top Walter or the horse. Tbi ditch is sort f a nuis- snco as constructed now. A KsnsAs man. anon being ronsed from bit bed at 6 a. m. to split some kindlings. indulged in heathen langauage, aud wished something would coins along and convert everything combustible into kindling wood. Next day acyclone came bowling and knock i hi bouse into kindlings, and yet be w: not satisfied. It ia impossible to iieii torn men. fRID-VY. Ilarriaoua plurality in I ml Una is about 4.000. Mr K Cume, of Brownsville, has been io the city to-dsy. Albany Kngine Co. No. 1 will give a Cnristtnas ball, arrangements for wbich will be made hereafter. An electric painter is putting signs on store windows at a remaikably rtpl rate, tor a smalt consideration. The "Three Sisters" and "Hentley" have begun busiuess oa the river and the "W, M II. will start next week. Judging from the nsme several new ptp era have been started in Walla Walla. They are the "Kvening Blackmail," "Daily Pre- Mr L Senders ha juat shipped to San F ranciacoaixteen fin bead of horse, and will continue to gather good animals to for the California market. The despatch recently have contained nothiog bat politic. It is anticipated now that there will be torn more train wrecks, wkeat markets, etc. The official vote in Linn county give Cleveland 1042, Harrison 1003, a majority of 39, according to all rule of reckoning, sot much even then t boast of. The Masonic lmge' building committee have called a meeting and propore to make arrangement to erect a brick block on their lot on rirst Street, in tbe Spring. T W Bryant, friend of W Kearos. ar rivad from Albany testerday morning with his family, with the intention of going into butlnes ia this viciaity. Athlsnd Itrrrt( Mr Hammer has accepted a position at clerk with W F Bead. He certainly ought to be aUe to drive tbe prices dowo, so that remarkable bargains will j robably be given st Mr Head's. Mack Monteith arrived in the city last night from llwace, W.T., where be has been book-keeper for the Aberdeen l acking Co. and will remain in tbe city until after the holidays. A fight 00 tbe streets r-f Seattle took place vetterday between Alfred Holmao, the well known newspaper man, and 8 II Piles, a well known republican politician. It grew out of Mr Holman hsvitg editorially called Piles a traitor to his party. Just before the election an independent exchange! estimated on the election in Ore gon. Its figure on the State wer 2313 plu rality fir Harrison. It thought IJnn coun ty would go about 300 for Cleyeiand. Its gueaaiog was not remarkably close. 8ATCRUAY. There were two Cre alarms io Salem jester, day. The tax collector sUrt on bis tour next Monday. A 30 foot front in Eugene sold on Mcndsy for $4000. Some fine Iowa cnestuuts just received at Wallace k Thompson's. Hon J K Weatherford haa been in Ejgene thia week attending circuit court. Bay your tickets through to the East ot W L Jester aod save fare to Portland. That $2500 borrowed by the county on Thuraday was allyone Yesterday morning. The small pox scare in Portland is exten tive enough for tbe High School to be closed. Tbe total vote in tbe two Dalles precincts wss 080. in Ptndleton it was a lew over 1000. "Election passed off quietly" in evry city aud town in Oregon according to our ex changes. Those small mixed pickles at F L Ken tons are very nice. Try them. Ooly 50 cents per gallon. . DrBicb, of the O P, now goes around with a broken rib, the result of a friendly sou file with Conductor Kennedy. All the latest uovelties in tnillitiery' goods at K aid C Howard'. Call aod see tbero, No trouble to show goods. ' Oscar Marshall returned last night from Washington Territory, where he has been trsveling for an iuturauta company. A Chicago woman has just been taken to the asylum from the use of cigarette. Sev Albioy boys srn paving the way for a trip to Salem. Two Portland men bet their musttchesa the eleotion, and tbe democrat, Tom Colbert, who had a very tiue one, has had it cut off already. County Superintendent Cuil has just re ceived 123 new registers, whioh he is sending to the iliU'urt-ut teachers thruogh the county. Itts on a new plan and will prove a splendid thlug for teachers. ,. - Salem propose to have street cars running by the lime the state legislature meet'. Why not IB-agitate a street car line here. The plaut would be one that would pay well iu time. MrO L Rlackman hi taken time by the forelock and already hat 011 bi counteru at liueastockof holiday good as have ivcr been brought to Albauy. The number l new things is uncommonly Urge; : Th boat dot U S engineers, eonsiating of Col Headeli, Msj Joner, Moj Handhury aud Capt Yonng, went to Yaquiua Bay to-day to investigate the needs of the Bay in leference to the improvements being made, v Julius Gradwobl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver ware, of whioh he carries a Urge and select stock. II is silver ware is 1S47 linger Brot, his stock of crockery is the best in the market and his line of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast, ' "When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. You may wish to marry a wife without a falling, but : what if the lady, after you find her, happens to be in want of a hus band of the same character? , Children Cryfot row 11 1 lii-m-iemiiar 1 -;r ' - - -ir a.kAA.a.a.a.ta.ilMr.1 -r utrt v:vj Infants ' ''Caetorl, la so well adapted to children that f recommend It a superior to any prescription kaowntome." 1LA. Aacaxa, LP.. tU So. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, K. Y. r Executor's Sale of Real Estate, TVJOTICK In hereby given that tbe un ill e'ermgned, tbe duly appointed aud acting Kxecutor of the lant will and testa' ment of Mary Jane Coetollo, deceased, by virtue of an order of the Oiinty 1'ooit for Linn county, State of Oregon, ' 1 probate duly made on tbe CUi day 01 October, 1838, and entered of record, will on t!v I7lh dar r ftevi-ruirrr, !.;, at tho bour of one o'clock hi lb Afternoon of mm day at the Court llotiwa oorin the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell public auction to tbe big bent bidder ail the right title and interest vt Mary Jane CoHUtho, deceased, at the time of her death, In and to tbe following dewri!d real etdate belonging to ald entate, to wit: Tbe N K 'A of the N K A f Hec 2, con talning80 acres, also tbe 8 K 14 of Hm 20 coutalnlng 1U0 ar-rcs ; also tbe 8 K X of Sec 21, containing 100 acres; alo tbe N K 14 o( the HK14 of tbe 8 W of Kee 20, con- Ulning 40 acres: also the beginning ala point g7-80 llnka west and 13.87 links south of tte quarter section stake between Sec tions 24 and 23, In Tp 14,8 Jt& claim No 00; thenoe north 1W eat 44i llnka; tbence sortd 82K west 000 links ; thence south Ti" west 444 linka; thence aouth ti'Z'A" east 000 links to tbe place of begin rjing.conUInlng 4 acrea.ana in an u acres and lying and being in Township 14, 8 K w. . Also Winning at a point 23 chs est of tbe W corner ol isomti onepara a do nation land claim, Ix-lng claim No 41, Not No 2183, in Tp H, 11 4 w ; tbenco nortfc 40 cha ; tbence eat7,30 cbs ; tbence south 40 chs ; tbence west 7.30 chains to the place of beginning, containing 20,44 acres, all in See 0,rp 14. 8 K 4 W.Linn county, Oregon. Alto ueirtnninir at a noint o cnain soutn of lbs N K corner ef cialm No 41, Not No1 2183. In Tp 14 8 K 4 W ; rnnsl g 1 hence south &4 cha ; tbence went 30.54 chs thenco north 40 chs ; thence west 8.15 cbs; tbence north 13 8S cbs ; thence east 44 38 chains to tae place of beginning, contain 'ng zob acre, being parts or section 4, 1 p. 14, 1 it 4 una oouuty, uregon. save and except 200 acre ff the we a', end of said tract willed to Martin Cuiamlngs, Jieginning at a point v.m chains north or the southeast corner of the nortbeaat J of Heo 4, Tp 14, 8 U 4 W ; tbence north cbs to the northeast corner of Win. Cbria lians donation land claim ; tbence went 62.76 chs ; tbence south 28 00 chs ; tbenee east 63.23 chains to tbe place of beginning, containing 152.70 acres. Also beginning at tbe northeast corner of Win. Cbaattins donation land claim ; tbeace east 130 rods to tbe line of Caleb Gray'r Und cla.m ; thence south 01 rods ; tbence west 130 rod ; tbence north 01 J rods to tbe place ef beiiiuning, containing 50 acres. Also beginnings! a sUke on the south line of the donation Uud claim of BaudaU Yar- broogh 50 .80 chains west of the corner ia tbe angle of said claim, it beiog claim 37 and Not 21S7,ii Tp 14, S B 4 Lioncouuty, Oregon; rouuiug tbence uoith 17.21 chs to a slough ; theuce iu a south wettcly direc tion op said slough, following tlie mranuela of the same to the south liue of taid claim ; thence N 81" 30' K 180 cha to tbe place of beginning, cunUibiug 18 acrts. iit-giiiuitig at a point U-anug N Gl 30' W 5.20 chains Irom tbe S K corner of ti.e N K) of Seo 8, in Tp 14, S B 4 Wr ; thence eaat 100 rods ; tbeocc south 40 chains : thenoe west 100 rods; theuce kortb 40 chains to the place of begiotitng, bring J.arU of Sectitns 8 and 9 io Tp 14 S IU W, Liuu souoty,Oregou,cou taiiaog 100 acre. uegioning at a point 10 chain north and 33 chains east of the S W comer of Claim No04 inTpl4 S B3 linn county, Oregon, tbence running east 8-31 chs ; thence south 10 chs ; thence east 2 82 cbs ; thence nortn 81 east 18.57 cha ; tbence north 34 chs to tbe river; tbence south 54 west 13 90 chs meaudcriug the river ; tbence S 73 W 3 chs; thence south S 76 W 10 cha ; thence S 70 W 0 chs ; thence S S0 W 3 35 chs : theuce S.20 W 4.78 ch ; thence eat 5.03 chs j theuce south 8.93 chs to the place of begin ning, cotiUiniug 75 2-100 acres. Brginmog 15 chs north anu ,0 chs east of the I corner in west boundary of Sec 5, 1'p 14 S B 4 W ud running, thence eoath 28 28 ehs; thence west 28.28 chs ; thence north 28 28 chs ; thence east 28.2S cbs, to the place of begiouing, containing SO acres. tsegiuutug 20.40 chs north of a quarter section post in Seo 6. Tp 14, S R 4 W ; thence south 34.43 chs; thence west 52.10 chs ; taence north 15.28 chs ; thence north 15 28 chs ; thence 7.50 chs : thence north 19. 17 chs ; thence east 44 CO cbs to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres. Beginning 00 rods north of the quarter stake in the west line of Soo 5, Tp 14, S B 4 w : tbence east 2 SO rods ; tbence south 160 rods ; tbenco west 2S0 rods : theuce north 100 roils to the place of beginning, aud be- ? 'inning at tbe southwest corner of a 5 acre ot of land owned by Caleb Gray in Sec. 1, Tp 15, 8 It 5 w ; thcoco west 80 rods ; thence north 40 rods ; thence cast SO rods ; tbence south 40 rods to the ilace of beginning, con taining 300 acres. - Together with the tenements and bered itairufBts tbeieunto belonging. Tbe same to be sold in tracts to suit, or as a whole. Terms or sale One-half of tbe purchase price to be paid down and one-half on nine months time wilh Interest thereon at the rate of ten par eent per annum, tbe ueierrea payment to oe secured by mort gage on the premises sold. This Oih day of Oct, 1888, - , v Samuel Nixon, Executor of tbe last will and. testa. ' ment of Mary Jane Costello, deceased, 1 A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and : of Ease . and Comfort , Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acta gently on the Kidneys, Liver 3 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System when -Costive or Bilious, Dispelling ; Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITTJAIj CONSTIPATION , without weakening or irritating tho or gans on which it acts. , ..... For Sale In 60e and Sl.OO Bottles by all Leading Druggists. MANUFACTURED OSLT BT TUB ' : OALirOENIA TIG STETIP CO. ' Saw F&ascisco, Cau, Ixiuibvills, Kv., New York. K. T. TE H ?f on flI! Phlladeltihla '' Awney of M.wsrs. Ha W. AYEri at fet.0ur authorized aiseuka Pitcher's Caotoria- for Infants and Children. I Caatorla entrs Colirt, CotirtlTxttlnn, I t""' tnab, plarrhma, ttMlon. I Zl' glTC Md V10"" Witoou Injurious medJcaUon. Tub CxwTAfa CoarAirr, 77 Murray fltreet, N. Y. eaBtaMgaMara?v -Mfjmm.r.mM j.saya ALBAfiY SAW AKD PLAN INC HULLS. f Allkinda ci rough, dressed and ceas. lamber,Utht pickets kept constantly cn hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. KOBINSON & WEST. I. O. POWELL. W. B. KILYXU POWELL, & BI17KISU, tTTOKNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors ia Chancery, ALBANY. ... OKI.GOM. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. arOfflee In FoKter's Brick.-aBa. 14nl9tf. T. J. STITES. AT TO 1 IN E Y AT LAW -AND Notary Puhlic ALBANY, OEGON. tin J. WHITNEY, ittomey Ind rsnnsellop At Lai eiND Notary Public. mm, OREGON. Will piacl3 13 all of the Conns Uj Is Htate. All b tineas Intrusted to him trill be promptly aUended to. OF PUHESOD UVERCIL HYPOPHOSPHXTES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So dfsgntaecl that It can b taken, digested, aad auwliDtlated by the met eensitiTe ilo.nsch, xvtiea the plain tl raannt be tolerate! f nd bjr tbe cost. . btnation of tite oil teltl tbe bjrpeptta. ' phltes 1 macU wore rfUtwcioas. Eemxrialtle &s t Ct-h prodarfr. ftrum gsia rapidly vhlk tiklcg tt SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowleGgedby Physiciatis to be tbe F La est and Best prepa ration in tie trorld for tbe relief and core of CCKSUUPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, VASTINO DISEASES. EMACIATiON, COLDS end CHRONIC COUCHS. 7'Ae, great rrmrdy for Consumption, ond" Wasiin j in ChU lre. Soil by all DrwggitU- GRAND Excursion East f - VIA- NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rate ever made from the Pacific Coast to the East, $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points in Oregon and Washington Territory to COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO." : Tickets foi aale- September 3, 4 and 5. Good to return toJOclofcer 81st. Join tho G. A. R. sptcial train carryin Oregon and Washington Territory Department to the 22ND NATIONAL EHCAPMENT, G.A.R which taeetsin Coluinl)us, September 12th, 1888. Tblsrate is open for everybody. Not nectssary to be a Q, A. U, in order to get this cheap ticket. Parties desiring to do so can have use of free berths in tourist Bleeping cars For further Information call on or address " A, D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass, ArL N. P. R. R., No, 2 r asnington St., Portland, Or. 'itrjitswviv. tviiiiAn, Jr -8 ' ' ' FOR SALE BY FOSUATf A MAON ALBANY, - ' - OREGON; CHAS; PFEIFFER PROPPJETOR. Fitted ud In firsi-olass style. Tables supplied with the best in the market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers, -B"Free Caea te aad frsoa tae tf tel.'Sa Nw Wash House. H. Jo .Chinaman has bought J th wash house of Gee Lse near Schmeer'sjjstable and has moved it to First Struet, 3 doors west of Mrs. Murraj'e hotel ?hae be is prepared to do all kir-ds of laundry work ia tirst-clas style. , in' in I 1 "Vll'tL'SMiUT'"lS' Wlii'SBBl. t mi wi m r f af '5ar--T 1 mm Revere I