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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1888)
0m Ullt tWMMt , The English and Canadian press almost universally rejoice over the election ot Harrison. In Philadelphia where protection has heretofore ruled supreme, the democrats cut the republican majority down more than 13,000. Dlalne carried Marlon count, Indiana (Harrison's home,) fourears ago by 3i6 majority, but Cleveland carries It this year by 378, makln j a gain ol over 600. Already there Is considerable talk In this own as to who will take charge o! he post office after "March th. C W, Watts is spoken of more than any one else. Baker, republican,who through the lav ish use of money sent out by the manu. facturers of Pennsylvania, defeated Mer rison for Congress two years ago, in the iSth Illinois Congressional district, was in turn defeated by Fordain, democrat, at the late election. It is one of the little bright spots left. Shakespeare must have had the ordinary office-seeker under the coming adminis tration in view when he wrote : "The man that hath not music in himself, nor Is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratazems and skx'ls. Let no man trust him." At the great steel works in Cleveland.a Urge electric-magnet Is used, suspended from a crane, to pick up iron or steel bars and billets. It will take up 800 pounds,and, as soon as the electric current Is turned off after mdving.drop it In the proper place, thus doing the work cf a gang of men. It Is said there are at least twenty re publicans In Albany who expect to hold office under Harrison. They do say that Capt. Humphrey has his eye on the office of U. S. District Attorney now held by the scholarly and able Judge McArthur. Po litical service it is said will be the chief strength of an applicant's c!aim for po&ion and this gives the Captain a dead thing. Among republicans and democrats alike there seems to be no doubt that all demo cratlc office holders high and low will be removed after March 4th. Mr. Harrison Is known to be intensely partisan, and will have none but republicans under him. If his desire is to have men of honesty and "competency, he will hare much trouble in filling the offices in the South, as his party Is made up mainly In that region of carpet baggers. The Field and Farm has this univers warning: Beware of the Eastern fruit tree peddler who is abroad in the land again, and acts as If he had come to stay all winter, Hia greatest fault Is that he is always re commending some new variety of remark" able growth, hardiness and productiveness and demands fabulous prices. I Ie Is armed with a long list of testimonials from parties one never saw not heard of to substantiate what he tells you, and, if you will take the trouble to Inquire, the chances are you will find your home nurseryman has all the new and choice varieties of fruits they have in the EaL The negroes are progressing. A dental school for their race has been established in Nashville. Tenn. It is the first institu tion of the kind in the world. A few years ago negro dentists would have starved, but there Is now a good prospect for fortunes for them. When a negro was a slave he had the best teeth In the world. As soon as he became a citizen his teeth began to decay. This is not so much the result of the imposition of suffrage on our brother In black as of his change in diet and habits. So long as he went to bed at dark and lived on corn bread and fat meat he was all right When he began to Indulge in whhlcy and sweetmeats his teeth and his character both commenced to decay ITS fcFMXf . Now that the smoke ot battle hai passed away, it becomes more easy to measure the extent of the victory ot the republicans and the defeat of the democrats In the late political contest,and to determine the effect upon the politics of the immediate future As to the extent of the victory, it is due to truth to say that it is far from overwhelm ng. In fact,ln many respects,thls victory of the republicans Is less weighty than the victory obtained by the democrats In 1884. The republicans have carried the following states : California. Colorado, Illliiols, In diana, Iowa, Kansas, Malne,Massachusctts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshlre.New York, OhIo,Orcgon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island.Vcrmont and Wisconsin, with an aggregate ot 233 elec toral votcs,which Is 14 more than Cleveland received In But as a material offset to this, republicans, when the final count Is made, will find themselves with a less pop ular vote than Mr. Cleveland has, defeated though he Is. Of course republicans will use the means at hand to the best possible advantage to perpetuate themselves In pow er, and to this end thev will admit three or four new states, certainly republican, so as to Increase their power In the electoral college preparatory to winning the next presidency. There Is no disguising the fact that this will give them a great advan tage so far as that phase of the matter is concerned. But that party has a drawback that overbalances all this seeming advan tage. We refer to the distribution of the offices. This has become a burdcn.a.curse to the party In power. A hungrier set of office seekers, (and their name Is Legion,) never approached the gates of the Capitol at Washington than that which will set out on its pilgrimage after the fourth of March. Harrison will be ut'.erly powerless to satiate the voracious appetite of this greedy horde. His party vtlll soon be full of kickers and recalcitrants. An imperious demand will go up from this army of office1 hunters to the president asking that every democratic official In the land be removed from office to make place for these "workers" in the president's party. These are the men, and these only, who made it possible to elect Harrison. They are practical fellows, and work only for pay. They have no concep tion of the idea of laboring In politics to subserve the public weal, hence they will feel that all their labor has been In vain If they do not gel the offices. Here the trou bles which will ultimately swamp the president will.begln. Should the president refuse to accede to this demand for the of Gees, but decide to follow the precedent set by President Cleveland of allowing faithful officials to serve out their appointed terms notwithstanding their politics, he will soon find his party filled with howling kickers. This will create a party weakness that will lead to defeat in the next presidential con test. Should Harrison accede to the loud demands of this army of place-hunters be will stir up and cherish Into active hostlti ty to his administration a larger army of mugwumps than have ever waged political warfare in the history of the country. This, too, would threaten his perpetuation of power. There are many matters of legis latlon and diplomacy the settlement of which will prove stumbling blocks and pit falls to 1 Iarrlson and his party. The tariff and surplus question will, like Banquo's ghost,down at no party's bidding. It is be lieyed the two political parties In the Senate will be equally balanced which wlilofcoune necessitate a material change In the Senate tariff bill to secure its passage. Then there will be the fisheries question which will be troublesome. But the greatest danger will evidently grow out of the rivalry and bit ter feeline existinz between Blaine and Quay over the distribution' of the spoils, There is fun ahead, but we hope the occa slon will not unearth another Guiteau. 'Ql li I I .JIb raw DEALER IN- ; Choice Family GROCERIES. ' ' t -....- Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. All goods sold at tho lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter anil Eggs-Men Exchange foi Goods, Subscriptions received for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. HEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY, OR. A Waning. The mode of death's approach are vir oas, and statistic show conclusive! tba more persona die from dlaeasee o the Tbrott and Lung than any other. It la probable tbat every one, without exception, receive Teat numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system tnd where these- germs fall upon suitable soil tbey start Into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by slight ticking sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs producing Ceu anmption and to tbe h'ad, causing Ca tarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if 1 lowed to proceed will in time cause death. At tbs onset yon must av4 with promptness ; allowing a cold to go with out attention Is dangerous and may lose yon yonr lire. As oon as yon feet tbat something is wrong with yonr Throat, Looks or Nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boa cbee'n German Syrup, It will give you mmediate relief. Te the People of 8cio and Vicinity. Owing to tb difficulty of getting suitable rooms arranged in 8c io we have decided not to work there for tbe present; bat if yon will oome to our gallery iu Albany, where we are Well prepared and have the finest of leases ud hxtores, we will make it to yonr advan tag to bs pictures taken here, and will make it satisfactory for yonr trouble and ex. peose in comiog. W are making life size portraits finished in crayon. Prices lower than ever beard of. Bring any pictures you wish copied. We guarantee satisfaction. Please call and see as. .'';."" Very Respect folly, i; " CaAwroRD & Littler. AJ'lcaMlnz Srnse Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the ose of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to effec tually cleanse the system when costive . or bilioaa. - For sale in 60c. and $1 bottles by all leading drturgiatt. . .,..,;., Consumption Sorely Cured, To ihs) Editor Please inform your readers tbat I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I hal be .glad to end two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if tby will send me their express and post ofiloe address, KespectfaHy. T. A. Blocvh, M, C lfcl Pearl St, N. Y. MICE TO SHIPPERS, (via Yaqaio!to Sao Francisco.) Of wheat, oats, hops and wooL I am pre- pared to take Marine Insararce on all oeraU. hop, wool or any consignments of goods to an 1 from Sao Francisco. For farther partic ulars, address Ala Harris, Atrt California Ins. Co-, Ysqaioa, Or, E3tray Notice. Notice is hereby given tbat ou or about the 23th of Jane, 1SSS. one sorrel mare of tbe age of seven years or thereabout, and marked with a white forehead and whits hind legs with light msce and tail, strayed vpon my enclosed land 3 miles northwest of Miller s Station in Linn county, State of Oregon, and now remains there upon. Said animal being bieachy and could only be kept ont o! grain Held by yokinfr. Dated (his 17th day of October, 1888. IJctbebt Miller. eagjo vjoomari eqj ejjsoddo 00500 uooSjng put? trepj.s&hg rioisyii riQSivro 'ua G. L. BLACKf.lAFJ, Successor to B. W. Lang-don. DEALER IN . DRUGS, MEDICINES ' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAP3 COMBS. and everything kept In a first clsss Drag Store. Also a fins ntoclc of pianos ud vignun, . ... ALBANY. OREGON STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAD -' ' r.. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Woodin & Willard having sold their f nrn iture business nity desire to have all in debt to thl 11 and settle immediate, ly, as it is n io close all accounts by the Ut of De Prompt attention to tbii notice will greatly oblige them. PAINTS, OILS AND P.TK3HC3 AT DEyOE I hereby certify that Dr. X. N. Woodle nas successfully operated on my ridaling norse, isa.Au IXA.XS. For further reference in regard to ridg Iocs inonir of Wm. Peterson. Divs Pa terson, Lebanon J Jobn Hard man, Alfred woivenon, Aioauy 5 earn uaines, Nolo Tr Tf . T-4 111. . r .1 . ' , . rr iu. lumri . j. iiueviuv. x junvuco Yter inary medicine in Albany and country aurroundlng. Office and residence corner Wasblngton Sts. I.N. WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Administrator's lMotice, Notice is hereby givtn that the under signed has been dnly appointed by the Coun ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, administra tor of tbe estate of James Bbields, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tbe same duly verified to the undersigned at bis office in Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 27th day of October, 1883 H. Bkyant; Administrator of the estate of James Shields, deceased. THE PLACE. 3y all means call on Parker Brothers, Stettssort to Join Fez, 'or your Groceries, Produce, Bated Goods, Etc., Etc, Their goods are the best and their price reasonable. Jos. Webber Announces to bis patrons and frieoJs that La lrmA in Ilia m shnn in the Ytf bay it Mason Block and with workmen will atUnd to nis customers at as reasooaois prices as any other shop. Ashe has three ata-roomt r noiog at all hours there.will be wattiog t&: baths. C. J, DILLON Sl CO., DEALERS!! LUMBER, FLOORING. RUSTIC, i ETC. General Jot) Work, Dressing and Sawing Lnmcer, Hepairing, Etc,. Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special ad vang to purchaser. 0 rastle flooring", i'artory at foot of Lys)itrl Administratrix Sale Real Estate. of Notice Is hereby given that the duly ap pointee aud acting Administratrix of the estate of Kd ward Murray, deceased, by and under an crdr of the County Court for Linn county, State of Oregon, in pro bate duly made and entered of record in asld Court 00 tbe 6th day of November, Ifm, will on the t1s4 4mr ef Deeesaber, lass, at the honr of one o'clock In tbe afUrnoon of said dr, at tha Couit licnse doer la tbe city of Albany, L'np county, Oregon , offer for sale at public auction to the high et bidder all tb right title and interest of Edward Hurray, deceased, at tbs time cf his death, in and to the following de scribed premises, belonging to ssld estate to-witt The west J of Lot 4 and the north H of the east of Lot 4 in Block No, 11 in the city ov Albany, Linn coun ty, State of Oregon, as shown by I he map ot aaid city, together with tbe tenements aad hereditaments thereunto belonging. Terms of sale. One half of purchase f trice to be eash In band and tbe remain ng one-half on a credit, of twelve months bearing Interest from tb day of sale at tbe rate of ten per cent per annum, and to be secured by mortgage on tbe pretn- Tbls Nor. 5th, 1888. Asvik Mbsjuy, Administratrix of said estaie. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that tbe undersign 4 has been by the County Court for Lion county, Oregon, duly appointed Administra trix of tbe estate of George B. McKiouey, deceased, lata of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them properly verified to the nndersioged at her residence near Lebanon, within six . months from this date. This 10th day of September, 1888 Emily McKixkey, . . Administratrix of said estate. , J. K. WlATHEEFORD, Attorney for Administratrix Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or., 1 October 13th, 1888. Notice is hereby given that tbe follow lug named settler bas filed notloe of bis Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge, or in his absence before tte County Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, on Meadar, Dee. 17th, 1888, lz : Leonard Edgar, Homestead Entry No. 4503 for tbe 8 of 8 E 1 and Lots 1 and 2, of Bee. 4, Tp, 10, S It 1 E. He names tbe following witnesses to prove bis contlnuona residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz : A. J. Khelton, Jobn Bryant, O, W. Richardson and Jobn BLyeu, all of Jordan, Linn county, Or, W, T. Bus. bt, Register, Pine line of . Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Doyoo and Rob- Notice of Settlement. ' In the County Court of Linnconnty, Oregon, in the matter of the estate of William Bobnett, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may conern, tbat the undersigned Administrator of said estate has tiled in said Court bis final account in aaid matter and that said Court has made an order directing, notice thereof to be giyen as required by law in such cases, nd has appointed Monday (he 3rd day ot December 1888, at the boar of one 1 o'clock p. m. of said day for the hearing of objections to said final ao coont and the settlement thereof. Dated this 1st day of Noy ember, 1888. ' , , v.;-,-' D. F.EoBNirr, Administrator. Till V7AHE AHD JIMiD 17A0E OF ALL 1111100 AT J. K. WEATHERFORD, (XOTAAY rUBUC.) kTTOKNEY AT LAW, A LB AST, e)EEia. ,L r&ACTICS IS ALL THX COURTS OF TBI late. spsctaJ i lesUos sues U eoUeeUoae as4 rebate matter. mi : FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. . In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the ' ' , . ; .-..': Following Departments : DRY COQDS In this department my stock g unusually large and complete Drasa goods la all the leading; atylts : good sheds for Fall and Winter r ea elected from tbe best Eastern tad Forego importations. The latent norel tieaio trimmings and buttons, shawls, blaokeU, .soma eitra grid values in whits blankets, table linens, towels, etc. CIRPETS Mr oUrgod faoiUtisi for sHiwiaz carpets tin enSblnia make iargs purchases la this department. lean sbosr fine lino of Itgr tl low prices, soms choice pattern? la Uvlj JiraisbU end 1 apes tries. 1 am makiog carpets s leading branch ot my business. BOOTS AND SHOES I "rrv tbe larest line of Boots sod Shoes io tbe city and have psid special attention to' getting tbe good best suited Jo Ibis trad and I cao slow s, fine line of goods. I keep in stotl tbe best makes in tbe country, end bate endeavored to get a line of Vow ptice goods tbst I can guar- f . . . . . a s a nr- it m sOtee to Kire latisiaclloo. Anything in uoots, onoes or xtupoers lor men, wo men sni children can be Touod io tbts department, it is 10 uct a sooe store ot Itself. . renrCOICeT e.m rlln a ntelalttention Lokeaoioir full Hot of Step Fanev Groceries, unoolored teas, roasted and ground coffees, canned fruits, tbe ' ...r. . . . m a eae a 3 t sL f- J a latest specialties to break rest rocv, etc., can en oe iouoa m sow aT"rkUJOUV' Pure, fresh goods sod good value for money Is mj aim. I could especially call tbe atteotico of pa -ties laying in their Fall supplies to my large stock rf For Fall and Winter -AT- FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! 1 atn better'prepared tban ever to meet their wants. pattments I em ptepared to meet tbe In all de- Growing Demands of Linn County, .-AND TUB- ' f t City of Albany, And ask a thorough inspection of my stock.' Samuel E. Young. L.E. BLAIN IS Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoe OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea Jackcts-Chincbilla, Astrachan Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEN OVER SHIRT & Big Stock Cardigan Jackets, HEAVY f.lEBIf.0 AFJD ALL WOOL UfiDERWEAB. l!nlr PI ..J 11 ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Last bat not least a Urge Block of CLOTKiNC AND FUf.NISKIXCS 0, K. Paint Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing:. All worknarantaetl. YASSALLO & THOMPSON. ' (3accessorto,Hsiiry 8aesss.) BIKOERS AND MOWERS. Farmers, remember tbat we this year have tbe Osborne Hteel Frame Binders and Mowers, the strongest, llgbest rnn nine?, and beat made maohloe In the market. We can give yon just as sand tertiss as anyone, and probably a little tetter ; at any rate oome and see us be fore yon boy. 8TKWABT ASox. ROOMS TO RENT. Far Dished and Dnfuraished rooms to rent, Inqoire at eoroer of 7th and Dakar streets. II. Basirn. New and Second Hand Store Owing to the increased demands of onr business we have teen 00m polled to more Into a larger etore and we can now be fonnd next door to K, 12, Young, when we will be pleased to see oar patrons, li yon teed any stores, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit ars, tienks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, planes, eto and thousand dif ferent s,nd ose I a tides yon can not do bettor his aid) of 3a Fraaol 100 than yon can de with n on purchase or ezohange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. ) ( Fine Horses, We have just brought from Eastern Oregon, a lot of fine work borses.wbicb we will sell on terms to suit tbe times Among them aresom pronnniog youug drirets from Oneoo, Mason Chief and Edward Everett. Also Boms choice heary a ares. " Anyone wishing to par chase a horse will do well to look ttem over. We wiil lake pleasure in show to all intendinp; purchasers. ' ... Tallman, Or. WILL BROS, Dealers in all tbe latest improved FUnos Organs, Sewing Machines, Qans. Also a full line of warranted Razors. Batcher and docket Kniyes, The . best kind of sewing machine oil, needles and extras, for all machines. All repairing neatly and reasonably done. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The undersigned Is prepared to do all klnda of work in his line In first-class or, der and with promptness. Address P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple treets, , . ... '' I'm jolly and fat, though -1 needn't say tbat j for a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can aee there's no flies opon me. Tm a little bit short both ot breath and of I. air, but from shoulders to knees yon can see Tin all there. I mile and I laugh, I juke and I cbsff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll opknd coofass what you never oould guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make yon as sweet as oar sugar eared meat,makes 70a feel so content with the money spent hat you're bound to feel glad ; and yon couldn't get mad though a man just a thin as (a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fit or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or meanjunt give W. & T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentmeut until you'll . wish yon were fat' to enjoy more of that For the feeliog's" immense and you'll etow your good sense by buying grooeriee,pro visions and crockery of W t T 1 Wallace & Thompson's Fat Mao, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. SECURE PRICES. IfO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT BARGAINS ! First-class goods at bottom prices is wsat the public wants. These I have at my store in this city. Bought at Bankrupt sales X can sell my stock ef General Merchandise consisting cf dress goods, gentsfarniehinggoods, clothing, eto., ' ; AT: 66ST. C :Srv? ; g cent counters all contain many articles worth (examining Cash or goods will he j-aid forfall kinds of country produce. GHAS. H. DODD & GO., IMPORTERS hardware, Iron, teel7 AND FARM MACHINERY. FRONT, riEST AND VINE STREETS, PORTLAND, 02E50N. Sola Agents for Oregon and Washington for . DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. .Vlncl. Double, or Trlppte Furrow. They are so slmplo and oome so near absolute perfec tion, tbat those who have used itaem or seen them work ean not say enooali ia their praise. We furouh them with or without seat attachment. Beat attachments are extra. ODEEIiE POWER LIPT QTttEZTZ PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DHILL. Buckeye Hoe Press Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow. Superior Grain Drills, Superior Seeders. - e CORBIN'SDISC HARROW AND SEEDER. The latest Improved Implement for sowing- summer fallow. . The most complete and successful tool for thU purpose In use, Te also have a full line of Baggies, Carriages, Phaetons, Mountain Wasona. Platform and other Spring Vehicle. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. .awrcnoe A Chapln'a Bprlng-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Scientific Feed Mills. Pacific Fanning Mills, . 1IAISII BAKU WIBE, ITTCn ETC. 2J-SEXD FOB 8PECLAX CIRCULARS AND PRICK LISTS. 0 1 $f$W I Pi jaililil mm. Geo, D. Barton has Just arrived from Iowa with a lot of finely bred Holstcln cattle whioh he offers at leas tban J the price the same class ot cattle have CTr been sold for In Orecoi. These cattle are now on the fam of James JSlkins one half mile south of Albany, where he will take pleannre in showing them to viftllors, Mr. Barton wiil receiveorders for pare bred ana high grade heifers and cows to be delivered this fall or early in the spring at the lowest nosslble prices, Address KK GEO D. BARTON, V O. box 168, Albany Or. City Drug Store -A. full stock of- Drugs, Perfumery, ' Patent Medicines, Toilet Soap, Paints, Brushos, Oils. Stationery, Varnishes, Tablets, School Books, etc. etc. Choice Cijrs. Preaorirtious sad family receipts carefullj 7repared. , "Whlie'in town call in and see ns. - dr. cuiss & son g. r sirjpoorj, SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IL1 PLEMCNTG AT DZ- l C-& S J W k Rather than ths Cheapest OTty -.COLLEGE. f. urvlstnUe vrergi awl ioMimens ot rVVr' osnt fe. 47A. HlUfeec'V I. F.Ai.-.-vSlJrju.