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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1888)
- SUB TO " DEMOCRAT, ADVANCE; $2 50, AT. END OF YEAR. $2 IN Isud every Friday by BTITE3 &a 3SJ TJ-rXIlSTQ. Advertising rates mule known on up j,U tuon. TUS COW EHASD. TO DELICIOUS BISCUITS a O DA Dvight's Cow-Brand Soda-Saleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. ' B rar that tbsrs ia a pictur. of a CVw oa your pseksg and you wUl kave tbe best SPRINGFIELD . SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. A Ibany Yard and Otllee oa RavMroad St., between 4th aad StbJSIrees Having lninber not excelled In quality, and facilities not snrpvwed for the prompt and satisfactory filling or orders, I respactfullylaolielt a share of the trade. A. FURNITURE. j on want the beat and moat durable furnito'Hhat manufactured In theoitj go lo Thomas Brink. B keeps almost ever thing in the line of JULIUS Manufacturer -AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST, Plug annSruok tog Tobaccos, Meenchauu and Briar Pi pes, '.end afali line of Smokers' Art!. Also dealer - CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Conrad Meyer. PROPrtllfilVU OK- STAR BAKERY, Cnraer Broiiilbin and First StV '-DEALER IN- Caaaed Frail. las ware, Dried Fruits, Tanaeea. ft agar, Coffee. Ete Caaae Jf eats, Qaeeniware, Vegetables, Cigar, Npires, Tea. Etc. In frt erjrytiiin is kept In a gen ral variety and grory store. High" market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. H. J. Misthosi, Pri. H. Fas, Vi3, Fro i. B. 8 Coos, c O b. Mim Ti TheOregon Land, Company Or4inlz-yl Itr tha purp hm o( baying and selling red eiu advertising -Jia Will vnetta Valley In all of the leading new.ipen of the United State. Employing Kaatern aapnt tfl direct boms eeeker to the Willam ette VJler, and h ne scents In all the principal towns o( Marion, Polk, Unn, Benton, Clackamas and Yamnill eonntiea to aid in locating ImmiirranU. Oiflce in tbe Tats liuU'llnjr one door et of Stew art A Sox's. - HOD30X DICKIXSOX, Hana?r. Ill 5. 8. HYMN, next ettt oft). K, Young's, Albsny, O Catting anl Fitting a Specialty. STAMP1NC OUTFITS, ANO STAMPS INC DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING We-Jnewfays and Thursdays of each W9ek, and pointing done to oider on plaques and other material, Wliie'iiort'i( of IrUv.-t ratttrisl on sasad. .. ' ' " s FRANCIS PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR OF ,; . Albany Soda Works Aui Jdsiiii'iofurBrnoF , 01JIJ3 , CaSKuTIOUEiT, '.f pripir-tl it i"ll ac wi,.i. 1 iy frti n pur at PurtUinJ ,!!. .i iltniri '.Vt nist k4 s fuP 1 f .f Huts and Tropica Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO: A. F. riEfsRlLl, DB -A. E !R , ALBANY - - - 0REC0N. ' Sell exchange oa Na York, Sn Prancisco and Portland. ' But notM. Sta'e. eioutf snd e'Xy warmnU. Re eeire depoeiti eiibject to eheck. Intermt allowed on time depoiitt. Collections will recelre prompt attention. rrreipondenc solicited. Fire and marine ineuranos placed in', reliable com wro 6 p. m. Linn nnty Bank, - COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Successors to Cowan t- Cuslck AL.DANY - - - OREGON. . TRANSACTS a general banking busl"e." DftAW810rtlaPr3on Njw Turk, Sao Tran fao and Psrtland, Oregon. tO AN 110 ' ST on apprefed security. ' , t'r,EITEdposiU aabjee-to check. 0X3 entrnitel to, we will receie"prom YOJU. AAlV. MAKE or WHOLESOME BREAD USE Soda ntsd. THK COW BRAKSt SAW Wheeler. furpltare that 1 kept In flrst-clsss store JOSEPH, oi Cigars, MCALISTER & W0Q0WAR0. Homeopathic Physicians & Surgeonr ObstetrloM, Treatment of Cbronlo Dis eases of woman and children a spsclsltj. All cslls promptlj attended daj and night. Cfilce in the Flinn Block. MaaHwHMMiiaaii mi iv-HWHwanHBaH First National Bank "OF ALD4H1, OltEGO.f. Praldent... Vice President . u rusn . B. K, YOI NG OKO. E. CHMBKKLAIN , JAff. V. WWELL Cahier .. AastCaebiM... TRANSACTS A CEXERAL banking tusineM. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to ehsck. 8IOHT EXCHANGE sad teJmrraphis IrxrulcT, aol on Xew Tors, 8ao Francisco, Csicago sod Pot Onvnn. CULL.ECTI05S MADE on favorabls terns. SISBCTOSS. , E. Torsa, ' flso. E Chasssssk L K. BbAis, L. Fuss,) Wauiss E.Ti-ssskb, Red CrownMills ISOM, LAXNIXO & CO., PROPR'3 SEW PHOCSHtt PLOOB HUFEBIOB POB PAMfMCS A!fO hAllKA USB. BEST STORAGE i'riCILlTlES. Highest Price in Caib fo Wheat A. J. ROSSITER, V. S. Graiaitj of Oatario Tjriiir Colleger 'f Ispropsr-l do tret lUmm of all do nestle an'mils onscuntift? principles. Kexldenoe and offlce tsro daor east of Optra Home. Albany. HARVESTING SUPPLIES, i" before you start your inower, Silndsr or ihresbinjr outfit oons Ut our tire an l net vour xiinllns We kfflp almost anything ytti will nsd. and at prices yon will be s,tifid with. HTKWAttT Si THRESHERS AND ENGINES. The r;letrtu I eiius, snof "torn and saw mills irnnufn'suirAd by Ku-eell ife Co. of MaHsillon, Ohio, are now sol J by us. Thsy are fst taking the ed in Valley and iuvariauiy gvo satisfsction, 8twa.t A f ox. DR. J.L.HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor, First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. L, W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Stnrjio corner Second and Ferry Streela Bear Opera Houoa, (irouna floor. Children's pictures a specialty. FOSHAY & MASON, ' wfOLSlAS ASS EST Alb- - Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden'a publications, s?bicn we sen at sotj;ead4d. publisher's priees wita I 1 , I MILL Choox Coi n rv, Lsst week Henry Urime aud family, while rsturniop. from Ths DaIUs wrre trsvsliog up Irout Creek when Mrs. 0 rimes was thrown from the wsgoo aud sus tiOfd iujurio from which it n thought she wouid not reoover, but shs so far reoov ered as to be all to travel and wu brought to her homo uear t'rtnovilU last. Saturday. s. a . . . . ... Airs u nines is In quite a erttiual oonditiun ....Mr J A Douthitwaa married on October 23th. 1S38, to Mits Vios Duubsin, at th home of the bridu's pareott on Hay Creek, JoJge Summer ufUoiatiuji at the oeremony .... About 12 o'clock on Friday night of Isst wek a barn hslnujiing to Mr f'imllsy, who livrs ou Uj.p-r DMohutea, about 30 miles from rYineviiis, was dmrtropsd by firs. Tbs bsrn was 8.1 led with a large smount of hay, ana ins lots is esumsted st too, fully cor red by lusursnrs in the Nurthwsstara lus. Co. . . .Several hsnds of hwn are now wend Mg their wsy down the Upper Desohutss nvsr toward winter ran go quarter. With but few exceptions the flocks sre in bocmI con dition for wintering l'riuevtlle papers. b.MAt.L-PuX IM 1'UKTL AMI. SoillC lime ago the Democrat said conalderable of this disease prevailed In l'ortland. The papers have covered up the fact until It has gone to far that they are obliged to give the facts. Three have died and seven are in the peat house.and no doubt many have been exposed. It will thus be seen that l'ortland Is in a muchlworse condition than McMlnnville was, and it Is In order for Snerldan and Lafayette to quarantine sliut the city and shoot every 1'ort lander uown wtio comes near them, and no doubt Lafayette would If l'ortland had ever taken its county scat from It. As Old Stray. A county official has received the following peculiar notice In forming him of an ettray cow In a manner tetake his breath away. As he has noth ing to do with that branch of the workings of the county government he has turned it over to us, and we publish it after suppress ing the name of the offender, a well known gentleman residing In the "Forks : "Old - has a stray cow In his posses slon that he says does not belong to him, and one of his boys said he was astray, lie will not advertlae her. lie converts the cow to his own use. He has had her four years, trying to keep this Smuggled." Dien. Mrs. Duval, formerly Mies In gram, whose parents reside at or near Kocburg, died at the boarding house of Mr. East last Friday about 4 o'clock She took sick about a month ago at the residence of Mr. Spencer where she re mained until about ten days ago when she was removed to Mrs. Eaat's. Her sinter and her slater's husband took care of her a little while while she was at Mr Spencer's but they left and went to the front on the O. P. It was a sad matter to thus be left among strangers to die. Fast Tims The Valley litter J pub lished at Ashland says a: the late city elec tion in that town there were y votes cat and that they were counted In leas than two hours. Not knowing how many candidates there were it would be difficult to make comparisons, but we believe that the election board of West Albany precinct has made the best time. At the election for President last Tuesday there were 4J3 votes cast and they were can vasaed and the tallies footed np in 39 minutes. Every tick et was handled once by each Judge, one taking the ticket from the bon and unfold ing, another "calling" and the other "string Ing." Who can beat it A Good Place. A hotel waiter In Cin cinnati who stole from a guest, hid the money in his "turn down collar. He was suspected of the theft, and while being conducted to the station house, the officer noticed a greenback protruding from the novel hiding place. A better place to put your money is at Conn Brothers' grocery store, wnere everyimng is above board and splendid goods and bargains are offered In groceries ana crockery ware. Dose for Him Harrison's cabinet has already been made up for him, and all he will have to do will be to take his seat in the big chair, and there will be plenty willing to attend to the appointing part. In this connection petitions for the Albany P. O. may be looked for any time, and now no doubt Col Van Cleve will be willing to remain at the Bay and attend to the ardu ous duties of collecting customs. City Election. City election now in just about one month. A Marshal, Treas urer and three Councihnen will be elected. Those Councilmen whose terms will ex pire are W F Read. First Ward ; John Hoffman, Second Ward ; Virgil Parker, Third Ward. Who vould the people like to have fill these positions next year, is more of a question to consider than who wants to fill them. That New Town South Mehama is the newest town on the O. P., and it Is booming says the Journal. It already has a hotel, and arrangements are under headt way for other new enterprises. ' Track laying reached there Saturday and. gwre new Impetus-to the building of tte town. Mill City is also pushing along., keeping up with the line of progress.. Tas mills ore running io their full capacity, and everjr . thing there is moving along like clock work. Revetment Work. II. M. Stone, o Oakville, has the contract from the govern mentor doing the revetment work on the Willamette at Corvallis. He has a force of fifteen men at work pushing the Improve ments along. There are two pile drivers kept steadily at the driving of piles which are put down at the rate of 50 per day ; and there are 700 in number to drive. ; - Leap Year Party. The ladies' o f Lnwson will giye a leap year party at Low son Dancing Academy, Friday evening. Nov. 16th. Tickets including lunch, 50 ' cents, uood music and a good time in sured, everybody inylted. By order of committee. - Bragging. ''Great gnns," exclaimed an astonished Tacoma man yesterday ' who wss in Astoria for the first time in bis life, and aw in the bay eight wheat ships and two steamships, while every dock waa lined with steamers, ships, schooners and baigea. I al ways thought Tacoma was more of a seaport than Astoria bnt I've been living there for five years and I never yet saw as ranch ac tivity along the water front there as there is -in Astoria to-day. Pioneer. - 5 - - - New Town. Mr. Henry Lyons, of the vicinity of Mehama, - was ; In the city and filed in the clerk's office the plats for a new. town, one mile south of Mehama, ott the Oregon Pacific, in this county. It i to be called Lyonsviile. It's location should make It a thriving place. J A Archibald, agent Singer Manufactur- "g uo., opposiw uaa 1 euows lempie, al bsny, s , .... . ...... . ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Another Pioneer ConkJ On Friday at 3 p. in. Nov. 9th, 18SS, Mr. Thomas Urn- phrey, one of Linn county's old and re speclcd pioneers, died at hi home in this city, need ?3 years and 6 months. Mr, Umphrey came to Linn county In 83, took up a clulm a few miles from this city and has resided on Ids farm and in Albany since then, on good terms with everybody around him. He was a man highly e teemed by all who knew him. Mrs Umph rey survives her husband at the age of-79 Of nine children five have paused away, there being now alive Mr Ab Umphrey, Mrs Moses Parker and Mrs Bas Cooper,in this county, and Mrs Allen Parker, of Va qulna Bay, all of matured years. Mr Urn phrey by industry and care accumulated 1 good property. , " T.'ie Coin's. Bud Cole, of Miller'l Sta tion, was tried before Justice Brink, and a jury Friday forenoon fer asuault on John Ralney committed on Monday. The jury returned a .verdict of. guilty and the defen dant was fined $10 and costs, amounting to about $50 in all. Tneaffslr from beginning to end was a very unpleasant butiness,and the Democrat hopes for the good of tke community, it will not lie repeated. , Otis ana ucar Cole, arrested lor assault on John Cox, were taken before Justice Hum purer, plead guilty and were lined sio apiece and costs, Otis and Oscar Cole at 3 o'clock were again arrested, on com- mint 01 Abe Miller, and will be examined londay before . lustke Humphrey, tha charge being asault. They say wifl stans) a iriai. :, -i Lebanon. Mr. I lindman and wife ar rived home from a vlit to Prlnevllle last Friday.... The infant son of Mr and Mr Taylor Evans died Tuesday, Nov. 6ih,of inflammation of the bowels. The funeral took place Wednesday at the Masonic cem etery ....Mr Jacob Arn has bought Mr. Jake Roland's stock of harness and sad dles and has moved it into Mr C B Mon tague'a building, formerly occupied by NecblerK Roberts. ...Last Tuesday ! the son of Mr Wm Cteavlnger got his arm broken between the elbow and wrist. He was playing on the box cars at the depot. and was coming 'down off one when his foot slipped and he fell, resulting in the above accident. Exfrtu. Some Ink K -.. The Democrat won't be msn. It in't on the jubilate Itself over the election 5 but it ha three ink kegs In the way in its pre room, and they do say they make better bonfires than any thing I.e. There I nothing like taking things philosophically In thi world, and If the kegs are miiaedonThuredav evening there will be no arrests. The indications from the preparations being made are that a large amount of smoke wlM be wanted on that occatlon. Postponed. Friday afternoon after the funeral services of Mrs. Duval had been preached, and arrangements were being made to start fer the cemetery a despatch was received from the deceased's husband, with whom, we understand the had not been living, asking that the body be kept until he could reach here, which was done, Mr Duval arriving on the morning train, when he was allowed to see the face of hi wife again, and the burial took place at 11 o'clock. As Eating Cointer. A new feature at the Depot hotel Is to be an eating count er In the present gentlemans walling room. It is to be principally for the bene fit of Immigrants of whom a large number are passing through the city, they only warning oinerent articles to take to the cars for their families. II. BRYANT, ? That Is a sign In a second story window in the Flinn Block, and an expressive one for one of the greatest legal rustlers in the Vallev, one whose name goes on record in the Cierk's office probably more times than any other In the county. Over. It'j a big relief to have election over anyway, we predict the best winter trade in the hlatory of Albany, and that immigration to Oregon will be very active this winter, many being anxious to flee from the terriblr cold blast and "blasted' cyclones of the East to our mild and com fortable climate. . inow. rsow that election Is ove we must keep our eyes on Astoria, must not wink at woolen mill propositions, must mkr,fime arrangement for cleaning our street of so much .nud, and must "boom" our businesses generally through the aid of printers ink. Very Si;cx;estivic. In a store window In Albany may be seen the word "Harri son" made out of plugs of tobacco. Quite an idea, f - Married On the 4th Inst., at the resi dence of Hiram Pierce, Crawfordsville, by Rev, Yost, Mr. George Siavens and Miss Martha Pierce, all of this county. 1 Married. At the residence of the bride's father near HunUvllle, W. T Mr. Sherman Hunt and Miss Ella Skees. Cer emony by Prof W S Walker, of Washing ton hem in jarj . Surveyino. Mr. E. T.T. Fhiier U n pared to do survevina; of all kind at ea sonab'o rates.' lie has complete copies of field notes ami to nihip plats In the coun ty. Adress Miller's Station, Linn county Sao Francifoo, Cal., April 2ud. For several weis my wife suffered severe ly with kidney nfXcotion of a very sggravst ttd chsrarW, whiisli seemed to defy all the uaunl rntcliet. I finally trim!, the Oregon Kidney Tea. The effect Wss an ; immediate I improvement, and she baa now entirely re covered her health. H. Or Price, Salesman at Cutting Co. CURE FOB SICK. HEADACHE. Do you want s remedy for B'lioumess, Pitnploi on th face, and a sure surs for tick headache, ask Dr. Gu'aa and Bon, th Dnigrgi.U, lor Dr.'t Live Pilla, try s dose, samples free full bex 5 cent, ': FOB PILES. Itchmg Pilei are known by moisture Ilk IfT jtpir iou. producing s Terr disagreeable Itching after ing warm. This form ss well ss Blind, bleeding sad protruding Filea, yield at once to the application Pr. Boeanko't Pits remedy, w.ilch acts directly ui of the puts affected, absorbing the tumors, sllSTing tbs upoa Intents itching snd effecting s permanent cure. 60 cents. Add real The Dr Boeanko Vasicine Co , Plqu O. Bold by Dr, Guiat and Bon. -" Bicycle for'Sale A No. 1, second-band 43 inch Sail Bear ing Columbia in good repair for sale at a bar gain. Euquire of - Brownell & Stakasd. ' Thompson k Overman keep ths bast bar-cesses. KEAL ESTaTe, BALtrt. S As recorded In the Recorder's office for Linn county, Oregon s W R Kirk to J B Moore, 1 lots, N . Urownsvillo... ...;,.,,..,.... C . I r I J . ........... .r . J juei onony 10 cugene uim, 73 acres, . ' w ... 3000 A v amlth to D Meyers, 7Soo ft, . scio and Interest in Co acres... 983.40 ff last. S asT a.' jviiii 1.11111 100 ai uaotard, 1 lot, Lebanon .. . . . .... . J W ScanlandtoSerepta Hansard, 1 Lebanon. , Sarn'l King to W V C R R, 860 feet A Hacklemanto F A Burkhart, 1 let, block 15 IPs and, A E B Purdom to Marth Llnesatrlp 22 ''!" wW.-' 'JM'iEA S L Young to All Marshall, 3.67 acre, it w a :: 2$ti 150 1 300 J M J Loveil to D A Smith, et ai, 1 too as 300 acre ior A.ings fratrle burring ground J M Ralston to Mary J Burtenshaw, 3 'oi, -Danon.... 0 W Morrow to EllxaLeth lllyeu,39 UCrrmxA ( tiL lvta Ki-t Jas Criord to Wm-L and Geo" P , . 1 htr' I IOO letter, 4 lots, block 3, Hataey. . J W Bell to Margaret A Ball, piece land, 11 w j Wm Cyrus. Referee to O W Rich. aoo ardson. Co acres. 10K1 550 Wm Cyrus, Referee to P Wallace, 180 acres, 10 E 1 M II Titus to Frank Thayer,8o acres oE 1 -Mo 500 2600 T Davenport to Carrie M Ogle, aoo acre, iiwi. J L Martin to M H Bltreu,i lot,S lo IS 7 jas 1- Marks, et al to Menj Marks, In terest In .Goacres, 13 E 1 Benj Marks to John R Orchard,i6o acres, 13 E 1..... Mining claims, Duncan Rankin, 600 Uuaru PUt 3, San Ham Una t'eaaty. The following is the official vote of Linn county, a canvassed this afternoon, in the County Clerk i's office s Cleve. llarri. Flske llarri. son. 335 JiS 190 s 5 103 75 3' 3 37 I3 32 47 57 2 IS 6 21 61 34 land. W Albany. ....... ...174 13 18 9 10 Albany.... , 214 i-eoanon.... 214 Halsey 67 as r lyracuse 45 Sfiedd 70 3 4 5 3 8 7 6 3 Iiarrlsburg..........i44 Sclo 130 i ran kiln Butte 114 Santlam 63 Brownsville US Center 29 Crawfordsyille 2 Waterloo 30 Fox Valley 19 Rock Creek 23 Brush Creek as Liberty iS 1 6 5 Sweet Home 6) Orleans 13 1642 1C03 12S 10 ballot were cast for two St.-eeter, Union Labor, elector and 11 for Dr Hen- drex, as follows 1 Ilalsey, 1 ; Shedd, 2 ; Sclo, 1 ; Harrisburg, 6. The total vote for the electors, was as fellows: Effinger, 1643 ; Biiyeu, 1633 ;Sklpworth, 1641 ; Ful ton, 1603 ; McLean, 1603 ; Kappus, 1604 ; Mr Bilyeu was scratched 3 In East Al bany, 4 In Harrisburg and 2 in Sclo, and Skip worth 1 In Harrisburg. Tkaaksgiving Proelamatloa. The year now drawing to a close has been one of unexampled peace, plenty and prosberity within the borders of our state. It W now proper that public ac knowledgement should be made to the Great Ruler of the universe for his innum erable blessings. I do therefore designate Thursday, the 29th day of November, as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God, to be observed by me wnoie people ot tne commonwealth, in token of their grati tude for His great mercies. In witness whereof 1 nave herewith set my hand and caused the teal of the state of Oregon to be affixed, this the 7th day of .November, A. loss. Sylvester Pennoyer, Governor. George W. McBride, Secretary. Dlda't Figure oa It. Ten republicans in Orleans precinct went across the river and voted at Corvallis last Tuesday and a gang of democrats of Corval lis voted In Orleans precinct. Had these voted in their own precinct the democratic majority In the county wouid not exceed a dozen votes. Herald. As there were only thii teen democratic vote cant In Orleans precinct and these were cast by residents of the precinct it will be seen on the face of it what a gang voted from Corvallis in that precinct. Take the whole thirteen from thirty-nine and it would leave at least two dozen ma jority. , While on the subject there were about fifty democrats in Sclo who didn't vote at all. ; That Sewer. : -.'. Editor Democrat: ' Latt sprinrr with others was notified to connect my prem ises with the sewer on Calipooia street Not understanding how water, slop, etc, could be made to run up hill, I reluctantly declined to do as directed. What does the council propose to do with the rainbow shaped sewer? It is a nuisance now.' ' ' ' ' - Citizen. A Sound Legal Opinion. E Balrtortdge Mundty, Etq., County Atty Clay Co., Tx.. aaya: "fJave used Eleotrio Bittern with rao-t happy results. My brother also waa very low with MaU rla. fever aud Jaundloo, but waa cored by timely uaa of ibis medicine. Am aa'.Ufied Eleotrio Bitten aaved his life." Mr D I Wllooason, of Horse Cave, Ky,, adds a Ilka testimony, saying : He posi tively believes he would have dled.had it not been for Electric Bitters, This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure 11 Malaria Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands anequaled. Price 6O0. and 1. at Foshay & Mason's, Boots and Shoes. Call at A. B. Me twain' and see the ladles kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.50 A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. All kinds of woolen dress good are 25 per oent cheaper than they were a year ago. Oar stsck is sll fretb, consequently we can give very .low prices. - W. F. Bsab. 1 IF yon want a elsaa and fine smoke ask for j , vscU at aJMJ asiswuw wt uvv sskws. 'fj'"1 For sale by most cigar dealers and atf T lAxa.w.h'as llAtVia VM1A DVlir.ATi lstrhrtw M (tOWR ill- 11 n x.- a 1(5, 1888. A WUKCKKD I.I KB. He wa lying on the damp ground near the Democrat office with his head resting on a sharp edged stick of wood asleep. Be ing awakened he said lie was "full" and wanted to sleep it off. He pleaded that the police should not be notified, and shud dered at the thought of the lockup. There were still remaining evidence of good breeding and bright intellectuality, but row, alas, he was but the sad picture of a wrecked human life. He pleaded that the officer should not be Informed as he would disturb no one. He wanted to sleep off the effects of the flowing bewl to wltose seduc tive influence he had yielded, he ald. Be ing warned that if a policeman should pass that way he wouid inevitably be taken to the calaboose, this wreck of a former man hood, in the most pitiful manner, asked where he should go. He said he had no money and the cold uncharitable world was about to ref ue htm the 'narrow place be tween the sidewalk and a pile of wood on which he might forget his wretchness in weary sleeep. He had been well educated. He had followed telegraphing for nearly a score of years, but the tempter came, and In a moment of weakness he yielded and wa ruined. 1 le wa once a bright, lovable boy on whom a devoted mother bestowed her best care and deepest love. But now he is even lower than the prodigal son. He has not honest courage enough left to return to hi father. He is irrevoc ably fixed in hi downward course and will ere long fill a drunkard's grave. Ah what a sad sight to see the human wreck. Young man, it I a leon for you. He was born as you were born. HI parent doted on him just as de votedly as yours do on you. He is but an example of what you are almost sure to be come if you yield to theseductire infinence of the tempter that destroy his ylctlms by the thousands upon thousands yearly. CUBlOVf FACTS. One pound of seed will yield about 10 000 asparagus stalks. The oldest and largest tree in the world is a chestnut near the foot of Mount Etna, The circumference of the main trunk i 213 feet. An Orlando (Fla.) man has a couple of tame sand-hill cranes which he finds more serviceable than watchdogs in warning him against tramp or burglars. The crane utter a shrill note at the approach of any stranger. It Is estimated that there are 3,000,000 men in America who get shaved three times a week. That meant an expendi ture of thirty cents a week, or $15.60 a year for each man, or for the 300,000, $1 f ,600 000 annually. An owl killed itself and a whole green house full of costly foliage plants one night by falling into the stovepipe, thus shutting off the draft and causing the es cape in the room of coal gas, which is fatal to vegetation as well as to animal life. Speaking of Alaska in a recent lecture in Washington, ProL J. W. Chlckering said that the great obstacle to enjoying a summer there is the vast number of large and bloodthirsty mosquitoes. Dogs are killed by them, and men preserve their live onlr bv coverlne their faces with thick cloths and wearing gloves. Trained fleas are exhibited from time to time. Whether trained or untrained, they are extremelty Interesting insects simply from an athletic point of view. A healthy flea will cover aoo timet i's own length at one jump. They are plucky fighters, and will sUnd on their hind legs and strike at one another until they lote legs, antenux and life. A single flta has been known to draw a silver cannon twenty-four time its own weiffht, and to show no fear at the discharge of gunpowder from the cannon. Mr. Palmer, a Pittsburg natural gas ex pert, bas made the calculation that each day 00,000,000 cubic feet of natural gas are drawn from the bowe's of the earth for use In that city. This amount weighs over 12,000,000 pound, of which 8,000,000 pounds is carbon. Mr. Palmer is of the oninlon that, with the withdrawal of so much material, something will jjive way Already, since the development of natural gas in western Pennsylvania, thee have been several "shakes." . Prof. Morse, of Salem, Mass, has de vised a simple stove for warming rooms bv means of solar heal It consists of a . shallow box, having a bottom of corrugated Iron and a glass top. This device is placed outside the building, so that the sun can shine directly into it ' The rayt pass through the glass and are absorbed by the metal, heating it to a high temperature and warming the air of the box. , The air, which on sunny days rise to a temperature of 900 F.. it conveved into the room which is to be heated. , A slow, old, broken-down horse will con sume about the same amount of fKd as the strong, fast-walking honse, but will do not more than one-half the work. A scrub cow'whlch gives small messes of blue milk will cost her owner as much as a first-class cuw which will return a good profit every year, It is such stock at this that eat up the profits of the farm and cause many fail ures in farming. , t ' '? y. ' Breakfast should not be a heavy meal and moderation should be especially ob served in regard to partaking of hot food. Liberal use of hot tea and coffee is apt to produce discomfort throughout . the day Ice cold radishes, oatmeal, crackers .and milk, a slice of cold lamb, cold asparagus and fresh fruit are suggestive of breakfas arrangements which are luxurious wlthou being expensive. V ? Curious and ingenious are some of the Chinese contrivances for catching fish. In Swatow is used a shallow boat, on one side of which is a narrow plank painted white ; which in the moonlight the fish mistake for water and jump over it into the boat. At Ningpo cormorants are systematically trained to fish ; while at Ichang a wild anim al such as the otter is trained tofrlgh- rat II tl I . i W. F: FIRST ST - The Leading Cash; Dry ,'trw BTJX- C.M.HENUERSONACXyS ) -r 11 1 11 11 1 m ii 111 1 1 r " ir"ii Miin iifliflSr-"-- awartsWiri'ii7!-'-" ar t't'i aVKslc and Ion give my cajtom n betterbsr gatos. than ever waa offered in AUany; Our atocU is complete srd 1 1 hi oe add all tbe new novelties aa'faatas tbe; "Would call especial attention to tbe following line ' "' Dress Goods,Plushcs,Vchrcts,Uosiery Jcrsics, Gents' Famishing Goods, Blankets, Boots, and Shoes. Allltfek is a tbciough inspection cf s o :k. PBODUCEiTAKErii .fi EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mail ordera protEptljJttendeJ to. rt, . Faawttes many Important Advantage over all other prepared Foods. .. - - BABIES CRY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Makaa Plump, Laughing, Healthy Babies. Regulates tne o torn wen ana ewmm Bold by Druggists. 5c, 50e., If 1.00. WELLS, RiCHIRDSOW I CO., utttmaToii.rr. Babv Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed on fine piste paper by patent photo process, sent free to Mother of any Baby bom within a year. Krery Mother wants these picture ; send at once. tiivsB&by'a name and age. - w- WELLS, RICHARDSON &C04 Propt., Btri!ngtoa,Vt I ff il .1HIV O. 0 OHBRRT. O.B.rVRKKS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, SacWn!st8v Mwriglits, and Iroi - Founaers. w E are now completely prepared handle all kinds of heavy work. We will murmfantnrA Steam Enirlnes. Grist .and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron end Brass Castings. ; ' FATTERS9 MiDK OJf SHWBT HOT1CE. Special attention tiven to repairing i Irttifli of rnseMnery. WHAT OREGON OFFER To th Farmer, and every ton of toll ; Over s I Kty,ntin!n sores pt tbe richest kind of soil. To the Bloeaman-. valfojrs,rsngS lr any kind ef herd In s most delightful climate, not described fer word, To th brave Prospector, and tbs Miner bold : A mineral chain A mountain,! all ot allrsr ore ami got To the Artiflt, A othora and Solontifle men i i Pnr..Hnif uhjeiltrr trwrir caovas, lrrh ands To th 8MTtinien, who from ear are free : Every fame that, .wiran, runs, or climbs s tr fa th Ifcwtor and the Lawyer; t,e they ma fl doubtful, though, for tbs sir is rery pure. To lb Capitalist., who w'we mveement seek ' Vkit us, and let -turrotmdlng apeak. In short, no placn 'net th the glorious auu Offered rach inducements, tine tbs world begun. READ, . - (ALBANY, OHECOH GoodsiHouse of Albany. 3 ,J lo ln it to lo ilm isr.?.t bal are in tbe market, ' W .F. READ, 1 i: It's Easy to Dyei WITH Superior . IN Strength. Fastness, SBRBBS J ueauiv. n Simplicity. w.rmntpd In color more roods than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant snd durable colors. Ask for the ltiamotut, and take no other. - 36 colors; io cents each. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO.. Burlington. t For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Brooxe, Copper, Only 10 Cents. When I say CURS I do not mean merely to stop them tor a time, and then have them re turn again. I mean A RADICAL CL'iLK X have made the (Uease ot .- to FALMITG SICinTECS, A life-long study. I wakrant my remedy to Ctnus the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now rereivin c a cure. Send at once for a tre rtise and a r'BEE 1 '.ottlb of ray Infaixiblb 13:meit. Owe txpress and Post Otlice. It costs yon noiiim tor a trial, nd it will eur i you. AJur 1.3